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Health benefits of fermented food Shumailah Nayab AP402818 Submitted by Dr. Farrakh Mehboob
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Page 1: health benifits of Fermented food

Health benefits of fermented food

Shumailah NayabAP402818

Submitted byDr. Farrakh Mehboob

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• Fermentation is the conversionof carbohydrates to alcohols and carbon dioxide or organic acids using  yeasts, bacteria under anaerobic conditions.

• Fermentation in simple terms is the chemical conversion of sugars into ethanol.

• The science of fermentation is also known as zymology.

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• History of use of fermented food is as ancient as human history

• 7000 years ago people drank wine in Babylon.

• 5000 years ago in Egypt• 4000 years ago in Mexico• 3000 years ago in Sudan (1)

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Microorganisms in fermentation

• Bacteria: Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Propionobactrium, Bravibactrium, Bacillus, Micrococcus, and Staphylococcus (lactic acid from

carbohydrates)• Yeast: Saccharomyces, Candida,

Torulopsis, and Hansenula (production of vinegar, wine and bear )

• Moulds: . Aspergillus, Pencillium, Rhizopus, Mucor, Monascus, Actinomucorare (enzyme production & flavor

enhancement) (2)

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Fermented products




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• Flavor• Aroma• Change in texture • Preservation • Decrease in cooking time and fuel requirements

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Health benefits …Kimchi: vitamin A,thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), calcium, and iron anti cancerWorld's Healthiest Foods

Sauerkraut: Vitamin C, K & B, Iron, Potassium, copper, manganese, Good for stomach, anti cancer

Coffee: Anti cancer, help in treatment of Diabetes type II

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Chocolate: Improve circulatory system, rich source of flavonoids, decrease cholesterol level

Cheese: Prevent tooth decay, tryptophan improve sleep & relieve tension

Yogurt protein, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B6, B12,Prevent osteoporosis, reduce the risk of High blood pressure, decrease gastrointestinal infections

Kefir Detoxification, improve immune system, digestion, against allergies, build bone density,

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Pickles: Cancer reduction, antibiotic production, cancer reduction , improve mental health, gene transfer

Vinegar: Detoxification, help in weight loss, skin problems, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, ease arthritis.

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Removal Of Antinutrents:

• Antinutrents: These are chelating compounds (phytic acid) of metal ions present in bran and seed of every crop, they make strong bond with protein, Ca and other inorganic ions and make indigestible compounds. This deficiency cause cavity, bone lose and osteoporosis.

• Aspergillus oryzae produce phytase enzyme which convert it into inositol a sugar and digestible.(3)

• Soya beans have phytic acid but soya sauce is antinutrent free. (4)

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Nutritional Quality:

• LAB convert carbohydrates into easily digestable compounds by the production of enzymes.(5)

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Probiotic Effect:

• Probiotics are friendly microbes of our gut.

• They play important function in our

• gastrointestinal tract.

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Treatment of diarrhea:

• Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and LAB are used with ORS to treat acute diarrhea and infection caused by rotavirus .

• High dosage of antibiotic kill the natural microbiota of GIT, Clostridium difficile is part of it but it produce mycotoxins which cause colitis .

• Intake of Lactobacillus GG part of natural microbiota show remarkable effect (6).

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Anticancer Effect:

• Fermentation bacteria produce short chain fatty acids and protect gut and breast cancer.

• production of antimutagenic organic acid and normalize the intestinal permeability (7).

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Production of short chain fatty acid

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Omega -3

• Omega 3 present in salmon and other fermented foods also help in gene expression, signal transduction, inhibit the cell growth and differentiation.

• Omega-3 increase the cell apoptosis (8).

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Action of Omega-3

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Antibiotic Production:

• Fermentation- acidic environment • Low pH• Membrane potential• Metabolic function• Reduce active transport (9)• Production of hydrogen per oxide, ethanol and 2,3-

Butanediol have growth inhibiting role(10).• Propionibacterium shermanii is used to inhibit the

growth yeast and moulds in cottage cheese industry (11).

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Immunoactive Effect:

• Increased the production of IgA • Local immune response:

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Systematic immune response:

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1. Dirar, H., (1993), The Indigenous Fermented Foods of the Sudan: A Study in African Food and Nutrition, CAB International, UK

2. Stanton, R.W., (1985 ), Food Fermentation in the Tropics, in "Microbiology of Fermented Foods", edited by Wood, B.J.B., Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, UK.

3. Wang HL, Swain, EW.,&Hesseltine, C. W. (1980). Phytase of molds used in oriental food fermentation. Journal of Food Science, 45, 1262-1266.

4. Sudarmadji, S., &Markakis, P. (1977). The phytate and phytase of soybean tempeh.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 28, 381-383.

5. Nout MJR. Rich nutrition from the poorest - Cereal fermentations in Africa and Asia. Food Microbiology. 2009; 26(7):685-692.

6. Guandalini, S., Pensabene, L., Zikri, M. A., Dias, J. A. et al.,LactobacillusGGadministered in oral rehydration solution to children with acute diarrhoea: a multicenter European trial.J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 2000, 30, 54–60.

7. Slavin JL. Mechanisms for the impact of whole grain foods on cancer risk. J Am CollNutr. 2000;19(3 Suppl):300S-307S.

8. Hardman WE. (n-3) fatty acids and cancer therapy.J Nutr. 2004;134(12 Suppl):3427S-3430S.

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9. R.P. Ross, S. Morgan, C. Hill, Int. J. Food Microbiol., 2002, 79, 3-16.10. A.M. Daeschel, Food Technol., 1989, 43, 164-16611. S. Codon, FEMS Microbiol. Rev., 1987, 269-280.12. - Wikipedia for table

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