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Healing With the Masters TM Presents: Volume IV John Assaraf – December 17, 2009

Healing With the Masters Presents€¦ · John Assaraf Jennifer: So welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. We are honored here to finish our series for Volume IV with John

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Page 1: Healing With the Masters Presents€¦ · John Assaraf Jennifer: So welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. We are honored here to finish our series for Volume IV with John

Healing With the MastersTM Presents:




Volume IV

John Assaraf – December 17, 2009

Page 2: Healing With the Masters Presents€¦ · John Assaraf Jennifer: So welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. We are honored here to finish our series for Volume IV with John

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

Healing With the Masters The Daily Work Teleseminar Series

John Assaraf

Jennifer: So welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. We are honored here to finish our series for Volume IV with John Assaraf. John is a New York Times bestselling author, lecturer and consummate entrepreneur who has a passion for brain research and Quantum Physics. His expertise is in helping organizations and individuals achieve business and life success and has landed him on Larry King Live, seven times, no less, on the Ellen DeGeneres Show—that was probably fun—The Big Idea with Johnny Deutsch and ABS, CBS and NBC television worldwide.

In the last 20 years, he has built four multi-million dollar companies, including RE/MAX of Indiana to over 1500 sales associates who generate over $5 billion a year in sales and are paid over $120 million in commissions yearly. Well, if that isn't a testament to the Law of Attraction, I don't know what is. During the internet boom days, John developed the marketing and sales strategy that generated over $30 million in revenue within 12 months for Wall Street darling Bamboo then merged with Ipix and went on to become the world’s provider of imaging infrastructure for the internet, including managing the scaled imaging infrastructure for companies such as eBay.

Today, John is founder of OneCoach, a company committed to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs further business revenues, so they can achieve financial freedom and live extraordinary lives. His loves are family, spirituality, exercise, cooking, travel and helping entrepreneurs understand how to incorporate the psychological and strategic side of building a successful business and life.

John was recently featured in the PBS special TV show, Quest for Success, with the Dalai Lama, no less, and Richard Branson. So he definitely flies in well-known circles. And of course, John is very well known as a featured teacher in the book and movie, The Secret. His newest New York Times bestselling book, The Answer, is receiving worldwide acclaim for helping small business owners and entrepreneurs to achieve success in today’s ever changing business environment. And The Answer is just a wonderful, wonderful book. And I was saying before the show started that any entrepreneurs out there that are interested that have a spiritual bent—so if you're an entrepreneur on this show, you're an entrepreneur with a spiritual bent, I suspect. This is definitely one of those books that should be in your library. And the other book, of course one of my favorite books of all time is The Corporate Mystic by Gay Hendricks, who was on just this Tuesday.

So, welcome, John, to the show. It's such a delight having you here on Healing with the Masters. And it just feels so appropriate that you're our last speaker for this volume of the series.

Page 3: Healing With the Masters Presents€¦ · John Assaraf Jennifer: So welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. We are honored here to finish our series for Volume IV with John

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

John: Well, thanks. It's great to be here. Congratulations on having an outstanding series and making a big difference in people’s lives.

Jennifer: Thank you so much, John. Yes, speaking of making a big difference, l know you make a big difference with what you've been doing in your career through books like The Answer and The Secret. And I was wondering, before we start and dive into some of the content here and giving direction, I was wondering if you could just take a little bit of time and talk about your franchise business, OneCoach. I'm going to be going through your book, the Answer, in order and this was from page 1-28 in the prelude. Actually, it was on the prelude and on page 1-28 of the book. And so I thought I might as well just start and get you to tell us a little bit about that company and what you're doing with the folks.

John: Sure. After my last company, after we took that public, I retired for a few years. And I kept getting asked by individuals if I would help them with the growth of their companies. And I've always found that business is the road to financial freedom, if you do it the right way and the road to misery, if you don't. And so I started a company called One Coach about four years ago with the sole purpose of really giving entrepreneurs, small business owners, the real tools that they need and the real understanding of what it takes to build a highly successful business, that they could really have work for them instead of them working in or for their business. And so I started this company that really teaches two sides of business. One is the mindset part and how do you really believe and have the confidence and certainty that you could build a half a million or a million or five million-dollar company and then reap the rewards. And that is strictly a mindset issue.

And then the second part is, how do you really build a business from the ground up? So how do you take an idea, how do you take an existing business and how do you create enough interest, enough leads to make your business the pre-eminent leader in the product or service that you sell? So that people at the level that you're selling at, whether it's local, national or international, think of you first and buy from you instead of your competition. So, I took the best of what I've learned in 29 years or so of building companies. I took the best of what my dear friend and business partner, Murray Smith, has learned in building his companies. And we put it all together into a book called The Answer, Grow Any Business, Achieve Freedom and Live an Extraordinary Life. And then we took all the content and really created the all of the coaching and consulting that goes along with it to make sure people apply what they should be applying in a very organized, methodical process.

Jennifer: Yes, I think one of the things that we've talked about on this series and I want to encourage some particulars or any in these series is this stuff is not just about reading a book. It's really about taking these concepts and putting them into actual almost vigilant practice. And I think that throughout your book, you kind of talk a little bit about that.

John: Well, absolutely. You had mentioned The Secret before and The Secret was wonderful in explaining the Law of Attraction but it missed one or two things. Number one, it missed teaching people that the last six letters of the word “attraction” is action.

Page 4: Healing With the Masters Presents€¦ · John Assaraf Jennifer: So welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. We are honored here to finish our series for Volume IV with John

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

4 Copyright 2009, all rights reserved

Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

Jennifer: Yes.

John: Right. And it's not just any type of action. You've got to have the right action in the right order. And so you have to have one of three choices to find out what the right action is and what the right order is. One is you have figured out yourself. Two, you have somebody help you figure it out. Or three, you just have somebody give you the blueprint that’s already been there and done before.

Jennifer: Right.

John: And so that’s the process for me that’s always been the easiest, as I have always sought out people who’ve already done what I want to do and I’ve asked if they’ll share their blueprint with me so I can just copy it and make it better along the way. And that’s what we did with OneCoach. We just took the best of personal growth and development, and the best of business growth and development and put it into one book and one company.

Jennifer: Wow, that’s really cool. So you’re taking a proven system and helping entrepreneurs and small business owners to apply that proven system. And I think it’s relevant that your company is called OneCoach because that’s a coaching model. I mean, a coaching model is really important because you have people to answer to. You have a process to go through where you can ask questions and that kind of thing. And I think for anyone, anyone at all, I strongly recommend a coaching model because it’s really hard to do the stuff completely by yourself.

John: Well, if you ask me what business I’m in, I tell them in the transportation business. And they go, “What?” I help people get from where they are to where they want to be faster.

Jennifer: Perfect.

John: That’s the transportation business. And the other thing, when I started OneCoach, one of the things that was very evident to me when I was running my one company with 1500 sales people and about 600 staff, I realized that information wasn’t where the power was. And the reason I say that is because I used to hire seminar teachers and consultants and individuals to come and get our team pumped up and get the right strategies, the right packages, the right blueprints and the right forms. And everything was pumped up. And then after two to three weeks they would stop doing the things that they should be doing.

Jennifer: Right.

John: And when you ask them “Why did you stop?” the answer consistently was, “I don’t know.” And so I did a lot of research as to why people stop. And I did a lot of research on human behavior and found a few models that have really over-ridden the traditional methodology of gathering information that you don’t apply. And Dean Ornish was one of the gentlemen that did it first with dieting and putting people on a proper eating program and exercise program that over a period of a year, two, three years that became their new norm. And so they needed the right information and they needed it in the right order. But then they had to have some form of accountability to change their behavior long-term versus using what everybody is going to use January 1st and the end of the year

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

is here is will-power and persistence. And that only accounts for 4 to 6% of our long-term behaviors and actions.

Jennifer: Wow. That is astounding. So, 4 to 6% is all we have to—

John: Yes. That’s why I get a lot of publicity right around New Year’s because I write articles and I just tweak for The Times, and the time I have New Year’s resolutions are a total waste of time. There are millions upon millions upon millions people make them and then millions of people within a week or two or three have already forgotten about their New Year’s resolutions.

Jennifer So how do we keep them?

John: Ah, great question. This goes back again to the latest brain research and the latest brain research now we’re able to actually see inside the human brain as we’re thinking, as we’re doing exercise and neurological exercises. And what they have found in the last few years is that there’s a part of brain that gathers information but it’s not the same part of the brain that actually gets you to do what you should be doing. And so we haven’t been taught in school or through any of the books until The Answer on how do you impress a new habit into the subconscious which is responsible for 96% of our behaviors. How do you take a new affirmation or a new belief and eliminate an old one and put a new one in? What is a belief? Where is it? If beliefs are driving our behaviors, which they are, then if we don’t like the results that we’re achieving in some areas of our life that means that the behavior that’s gotten those results must change. But since behavior is hard to change long-term, we need to have a different process. And that’s by working on something called the implicit memory system. And that is really a magic pill. When you learn how to do that, it changes everything.

Jennifer: So, what is that? Can you give us a little hint about what is this implicit memory system and maybe a few little techniques we can use to start working within that framework?

John: Sure, absolutely. If we think about why does somebody earn the amount of money they earn? Why does somebody weigh the amount that they weigh? Why is somebody involved in any relationship that they're in good, bad or indifferent? It's because of either, A, their genetic predisposition, which accounts for about 50% of our propensities and thought patterns. But the other 50% we learn. So we learn from our parents, our teachers, television, books, our own experiences, our rabbis, our ministers. We learn the rest of what our beliefs are. And once we repeat these lessons over and over again, they become fixed in the subconscious mind. And by the time we're in our mid-teens to our mid-20s when our brain gets much more fully developed, that’s when we have already gotten most of the habits of thought and most of the habits of behavior that are going to really guide our life.

And so the first key for adults is we have to help adults unlearn what they know. And, specifically, unlearn the habits that are causing the results. And so we think about how did we develop thought patterns and how did we develop beliefs and how did we develop habits to begin with? We can say, well, since we know that the brain is plastic, basically plasticity, not plastic, but the brain has got the ability to create new software. If we took an affirmation, a properly written affirmation,

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

and impressed it through repetition and emotion and the right language patterns into the brain over the course of 30, 60, 90 days, we would start to have a new belief system. If at the same time, we actually were held accountable to new behaviors for 30, 60, 90, 180 days, we would start to develop a new habitual pattern. And if, number three, we were able to learn how to visualize the new belief, how to visualize the new habit, how to visualize the new outcome that we're looking to achieve, now we're starting to create an image in the implicit subconscious mind of every human that is doing this. And now what the brain does is t starts to look for things that match in the physical world with the internal new software that we have created.

Jennifer: Wow!

John: And so when we look, it's not your eyes that see, it's your brain that sees. And it looks for patterns and images that resonate or match the internal map of reality.

Jennifer: Wow! This is interesting and you kind of used the story that you did in The Secret, you used in your book a little bit, I think, as an example with the vision board in your house. Is that true?

John: I'm actually sitting in my home office right now, on my massage chair, looking at that board and the picture of the house that was in The Secret.

Jennifer: That's so cool

John: And I'm sitting in that house right now.

Jennifer: That's so cool. Okay. So just to refresh everyone of that story. You had your IPO. You have the wherewithal to retire and you move your family to San Diego. Your furniture had been in storage for about five years, so everything was in a sealed box. And so many of these sealed boxes were at that time new to your six-year-old son, Keenan. And Keenan asked you to open a particular box of vision boards that you had made when you were the head of RE/MAX in Indiana. And so on that board, glued to the board was a picture of a house. And it wasn't just any house; it was the picture of the very house you had just moved into that you had put on that board five years before that you had found from an old copy of Dreamhouse Magazine that you had posted up on the vision board. And from that, it looks like you got this burning occupation to find out how did that house, the house that you're living in, get inside that cardboard box before you moved into it. So, tell me, what did you find? I mean, you kind of talked a little bit about it—studying quantum physics, neuroscience and especially the RAS, the reticular activating system of the non-conscious brain.

John: Right. Very few people think about thoughts. And very few people think about what do thoughts do other than they’re in my head? Well, when I moved into this home, I'd lived in Indiana when I cut out the picture. I'd moved to Vancouver, then LA then to San Diego then to this house. And when I moved into this house and the house that I bought was the house that I cut out in the picture years earlier, I had to find some answers. And so I looked to the latest in quantum physics, to people who study the very small particles of our universe and how that operates, the level of the subatomic, the level of the atomic. And all of the research points, number one, to our intentions or our focus actually causes the

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

energy field, the intelligent energy field that everything is made up of, to transform from energy to particles, so from nothing into something.

It's only nothing because we can't see it with our eyes. But right now, most people can’t hear any music but music is all around us. The music, the radio waves, are all around us. TV waves are all around us. Microwaves are all around us.

Jennifer: They're in the air.

John: They're in the air. That's right. And so the first thing to understand is just because we can't see it or can hear it or can't explain it, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work. Very few people know how the lights go on in their house but they're more than willing to turn on the switch.

Jennifer: That's right.

John: Right. And so when I started to do the research, it all came down to—I was very, very clear on what it is I wanted to achieve in every area of my life. It was written down. I had images that correlated with the writing. And then I had a strategic plan that I had helped create on how I was going to earn the amount of income or money that I needed to earn to live the lifestyle that I wanted. And that stemmed from—

Jennifer: John, sorry to interrupt for just a minute there. Strategic plan, as a former marketer, I think there’s something interesting about strategic plan, which is it's not a bunch of tactics. A strategic plan is kind of the overarching what. Would you say that's true?

John: Absolutely. When we teach business owners, we teach them that in business there are seven channels of distribution, there are 20 marketing and sales strategies and there are 77 or so tactics within those strategies. And so, a strategic plan is the overarching methodology by which you're going to achieve those goals. And then, what you do is you come up with these strategies and the tactics for that. And so, for me, if I said to myself for example that I am so grateful and happy for the fact that I now weigh 205 pounds by X date. All right, that's my goal. And then I would always say, okay, great. Here is my plan for achieving it. So, I will eat this way. I will meditate. I will visualize. I will go to the gym this number of times per week. And then here’s what I'm going to do: I have each one of these different strategies so that I can really achieve that goal.

Jennifer: So that's the action part in attraction?

John: You got it. If people sit around their homes, hoping and praying and looking at their vision boards and looking at their goals, I can promise them one thing and one thing alone will happen. They will take away your furniture.

Jennifer: You'll be sitting on the floor visualizing.

John: And then you'll be out of the house. And so we have to understand that there's a correlation and a combination. Okay, it's a new formula that we're finally able to really put some meat around the bone. And the formula is this: T + F + A = R.

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

T is your thoughts plus your feelings around your thoughts plus your actions equal your results. If there is a result that you're not content with in your life right now, then something that preceded the result must be changed.

Jennifer: So, one of the formulas. Your thoughts, your feelings or your actions preceding the results need to change.

John: You got it. So, if somebody says, "John, I've got my goals written down. I've got my vision written down. I've go everything perfectly laid out.” I say great. Now, are you feeling and acting as if you already own that? Because we have to make it more real in our mind before the universe starts to really bring forth its glory and generosity. The universe responds to emotion not to words.

Jennifer: And that's kind of what the whole Secret was really about, was that part of it.

John: Correct.

Jennifer: Which was just also for many, many people in the world was actually new information. But the pendulum is now swinging in the other direction, which is using it in concert.

John: Right. It’s not one or the other, it's in concert.

Jennifer: Okay. So, let's dive a little bit deeper into the divisions of the brain that you talk about in your book and some of the science behind this. So you say the human body is designed to treat the brain like as a king. And then you go into talking about the neuroscientists and what they've discovered and then you go into talking about the divisions of the brain. So could you give us a little overview of that?

John: Well, the simple way to look at it is to think of it as a car or a computer. And so, for example, the hardware on a computer is your body. The brain would be the operating system and the software would be the neuro-networks or your beliefs and habits. And so, when we think from a scientific perspective, there are different parts of the brain that do different things. So we've got, for example, our conscious mind which is responsible for setting goals. It's responsible for will power. It's responsible for perception. It's responsible for a part of intuition. They’re certain functions of the conscious mind.

And then there is the subconscious mind, which represents about 83% of the mass of the brain.

Jennifer: Eighty-three percent of the mass of the brain is the unconscious mind?

John: Yes.

Jennifer: Wow!

John: Seventeen percent is the conscious mind and it's only responsible for 2-4% of our thought patterns and behaviors. And so we think that if we make a decision using the conscious mind, it's going to happen. But the subconscious mind is really where all the power is. And so what we have to understand, first and foremost, is it's ours. This is my brain; yours is your brain. And you have to learn

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

how to use it no differently than you use any computer or any car or any other tool that you've got.

Jennifer: So we're looking at the learning curve for working with the software.

John: That's right. And so there are some people that they're blessed from genetics that they are what we call unconsciously competent. They're just good and they don't even know it.

Jennifer: Right.

John: Well, they know they're good, but they don't know why.

Jennifer: Right.

John: Right. And so most of us are either unconsciously incompetent or consciously incompetent. So a good place to be is consciously incompetent. That's when we know that we don't know.

Jennifer: Consciously incompetent—knowing that we don't know. That’s cool, okay.

John: Right. And so what we want to do is go from conscious incompetence to conscious competence. And when we go from conscious incompetence to conscious competence, now we are moving towards excellence and mastery. If you watched any musician, any opera singer at the highest level, any athlete or anybody who is at the top of their game, they are what we call unconsciously competent. And that's because they practiced and rehearsed something so many times that it's now fixed in their subconscious mind. And the subconscious mind requires no thought.

Jennifer: I see.

John: Which it does. It's on autopilot. It's what gives you and I life right now. It's what is digesting food. It’s what allows every blood cell to travel through 65,000 miles of blood cells every second without you and I thinking about it.

Jennifer: Right. If we had to think about that most of our lives—

John: Right. And so, what we have discovered is we can actually take a conscious thought—a goal, a dream, a vision for a new body, a vision for a new relationship, a vision for more money—and we can through affirmations, visualizations, meditation, neuro-technology—I just started a new company called i-Grasshopper that's created these new downloadable software programs for people’s computers or if they have iPhones for, I think it's $1.99 each on iPhone, I think $9.95 for the video component. And it will help people reprogram their subconscious mind in seven minutes a day utilizing some of the latest technology.



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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

Jennifer: Okay, cool. Okay, now we're consciously competent, which means we have practiced. We've created new neuropathways and we are now doing things that are just happening in the background now.

John: Absolutely. What we want to do is find out what is the right belief that I need to have in order to be at my ideal weight. What is the right belief that I need to have in order to double, triple, quadruple, 5X, 10X my income or revenue? What is the new belief that will connect me more to God? What is the new belief that can help me have a killer relationship with my significant other, children, family members. So, if we start with the belief that supports a grander vision or a different vision of what we have right now, then what we're is doing is we're wiring up our brain to focus on that new vision. And when we do that for a week, for three weeks, for seven weeks, for 10 weeks, for 30 weeks, for 50 weeks we start to change from the inside out. And now, our brain starts to look for things that match with its new image, its new expectation point, its new belief. But we don't see what there is to see. All we do is see what we are conditioned to see.

Jennifer: Right. And so we are conditioned to see the evidence that's right in front of us. And there's a lot more going on there.

John: We’re going to see exactly what we're wired to see.

Jennifer: Right.

John: I was on a call this morning. We had a call, it's one of the calls we have for OneCoach every quarter for my company. And today was all about on track to start 2010 strong and to finish strong. And I was suggesting to individuals that any goal that we set, that we impress into the subconscious mind is what the universe will conspire with us to do. And that’s what we will start moving towards and that's where we're going to resonate and vibrate at that frequency. And so we've got to really understand that the thoughts that we have are very, very powerful. And no differently than taking the sun and thinking about the sun when you're sitting on the beach, it warms up the area beautifully. But if you take a magnifying glass and you focus the sun’s rays, you could burn a leaf or a piece of paper. If you take that same sun and focus that energy even more, you end up with a laser that can cut through steel.

Our thoughts are just as potent. Actually, they're more potent. There's nothing more potent than the power of thought focused in the right direction.

Jennifer: Okay. And so that is the creative force of the universe and the creative force of our lives. But what I think is really interesting that you said is the question that you asked was: what is the right belief for accomplishing X, Y or Z—weight loss, success, abundance. What is the right belief? And by asking that question, you're kind of getting that magnifying glass out and focusing that ray of sun.

John: That's right. See, we have learned that we have the power of choice. And the power of choice means the power of choice. I can choose what I want me to think. I can choose what I want me to think about me. I can choose what I want me to think about you. And my suggestion that has worked for me very well and for people around the world that I've shared it with is that when we choose the right beliefs then the entire universe changes with that belief change.

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Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

Jennifer: And so that's not necessarily a completely easy task—changing our beliefs.

John: Well, that would be like saying, running a marathon is not easy.

Jennifer: That's right and it isn't, but it's doable.

John: And you have to put work into it to enjoy the rewards.

Jennifer: Right.

John: And here’s my question that I always ask people. I say, here you are with all of these goals and grandeur or if you have goals you want to exchange your life for. And my question for you is are you interested or are you committed? And here’s the difference. If you're interested, you're going to do what's convenient. If you're committed, you're going to do whatever it takes.

Jennifer: Yes. Whatever it takes in this context is not about doing. It's more about understanding your beliefs. It's the equation. It's about understanding what your thoughts are. What is the right belief that will help me to accomplish X, Y, Z? Applying the feelings as if it's already been accomplished. And then, also, the actions and that is what then contributes to this result. And that's your level of commitment. That's where the commitment comes in into that equation. Is that right?

John: Yes. And a lot of people have got these lofty goals and dreams, but they're not prepared to pay the price to upgrade their knowledge, upgrade their skill and then to put the effort in to get it done.

Jennifer: Yes. It’s pretty amazing—sorry, go ahead, John.

John: The Quakers have a wonderful saying. They say, “When you pray, move your feet.”

Jennifer: Yes. They talk about that in religious science too. That is really cool. I know I'm amazed at how many emails I get from people that tell me that they want to do something like what I've been doing for the last two years. What they don't realize is that I spent almost $10,000 working with coaches who taught me the business model that is allowing me to make the accomplishments that I've made. I just didn't come up with this out of nowhere. I'm applying some of the business strategies that I know from corporate America and my healing skills, so that was skills that I had. But the model itself, I learned and I paid a pretty good penny to some people to teach it to me.

John: You paid a pretty good penny, but let's put it into perspective. What have been the returns?

Jennifer: Lots and lots of—about a thousand to one pennies.

John: You know what they say? They say that price is only an issue when value is a mystery.

Jennifer: Ah, that's great. The price is an issue when value—

John: Is a mystery.

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Jennifer: Yes.

John: Let me give you an example. Let's say you wanted to buy a car. And the car that you wanted was $15,000 at one dealership and it was $16,500 at another dealership. But the other dealership said, “By the way, whenever you need any work on your car, we'll pick it up and leave you a car at your house. We'll fill it up with gas and we'll wash your car once a week for the life of your car.” Which one are you buying?

Jennifer: The one that gave me that one.

John: Right. So, the same car with different value associated with it is worth more.

Jennifer: Right.

John: Right. And so, again, it's all about perception.

Jennifer: Indeed. And so is business in many ways, isn't it? Our perception on our life and the perception of the customer to our products, all of it is related, isn't it?

John: Absolutely.

Jennifer: Okay. So, neuro-reconditioning—can we talk a little bit more about this two-step process on page 52. I think we talked a little bit about it, but I’m wondering if you could give us a succinct process for this two-step process.

John: Refresh my memory on which two-step process you're referring to.

Jennifer: No problem.

John: I'm not familiar with the pages.

Jennifer: Okay.

John: But I can open up the book and follow with you, if you like.

Jennifer: No, that's fine. It's the two-step process to retraining the conscious brain. Use conscious faculties, choose the thoughts you want to have as beliefs and systematically impress these thoughts. That's the part I was interested in, the systematically impressing the thoughts.

John: If you think about what did your parents try to do when you were a kid? They tried to give you the information that’s helped them in their lives and it was all based on their experience and their beliefs. And so at a certain point in your life, you really didn’t have any beliefs about how much money you’re going to make. You didn’t have any beliefs about what kind of significant other relationships you’ll have. You observed it and you were in an environment that fed that information to you. And your brain assimilated that information and then it gets you to live your help the way you are right now. And that’s why if you looked at some of your propensities, you’re exactly like or exactly opposite one or both of your parents.

Jennifer: Right.

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John: And so when we are looking at achieving success, one of the things that we now know to be absolutely true that we can choose everything that we want to achieve. And in choosing, there comes the second part of it and we talked about this a little bit earlier that impressing that vision, that choice into the subconscious mind. Again, there’s the conscious mind that’s responsible for six intellectual conscious functions and the subconscious that’s responsible for three. The three though that it’s responsible for makes everything happen in your life. And so we can, as I’ve mentioned before, use affirmations. That’s information that we choose we want to absorb and connect with in our life. We choose the behaviors that we want to achieve. And so we can choose the behaviors and then we can visualize ourselves doing that behavior and seeing the result of that behavior. And that is how we start to use the brain a lot better is by taking control of the most sophisticated and incredible tool that we know in this cosmos anyway.

Jennifer: Yes. There’s a really cool story that was in The Secret as well that you talk about in the book which is that the natives couldn’t see Magellan’s sailing vessels because they couldn’t believe them. And I just think that that one blew my mind and just was such a perfect illustration of what we’re talking about here.

John: Well, let me help people understand a little bit about the way sight works. It’s not your eyes that see what’s in front of you. What happens is when any materialistic object it emits, it is made up of—I want to use frozen light or light that’s at a certain frequency. And it emits that frequency and our eyes allow the light to go in through the retina and the cornea and then that signal is transferred into the brain. It’s either something you are familiar with or something that you’re not. So if you are familiar with the image, the brain accepts it and makes you aware of it. If you’re not, for the most part, it deletes it or distorts it if it’s not something that puts your life in absolute danger. And so when we talk about it’s that brain that sees, our brain is consistently getting stimuli from the physical world through our physical senses—hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching. And that information is sent to the central processing part of our being and that’s our brain and it deciphers in a millionth of seconds whether it’s important, whether it’s not, whether it’s dangerous, whether it’s not, whether it’s useful to us or it isn’t. And so one of the reasons having a positive attitude is so conducive to success is because when we are constantly thinking about negative things—the economy, the misery with my significant other, I really don’t like how I look and feel, there’s not enough money in the bank—what we’re doing is we’re reinforcing a neurological message in our brain that the brain now looks for something that matches up with all of the negative self talk as feelings and behaviors.

Jennifer: Wow. So we’re literally creating the vision in front of us of what our thoughts are creating.

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John: Absolutely. Every second there’s 400 billion bits of information coming in through our consciousness but we’re only aware of 2,000. And so the reason for setting your goals for what you want to achieve very specifically and precisely is because our brain is looking for literal matches to that which we have internally.

Jennifer: Right. So our brain is looking for the match.

John: That’s right. So if you are not happy with the way you look and you keep focusing on not looking the way you really want to, you’re going to recreate that because the part of the brain called the subconscious part of the brain doesn’t know the difference between something that you imagine or something that’s real.

Jennifer: Oh, yes.

John: Right. And so what we really, really to understand is we’ve got this incredible, powerful tool at our disposal, yet most people have not been given the user’s manual on how to really use this tool properly. Imagine if you had an arm that you couldn’t use because you just didn’t know how to use it. You didn’t know how to send a signal to that arm and it would be a huge effort to start to use that arm if you hadn’t used it in a while. And the reason I use that is because even today, what they’re doing is they’re showing patients with paralysis how to rewire their brains to get mobility in the areas that in some cases have been paralyzed for years. They are able to get people who have been in or have had any type of a phantom injury or phantom limbs from either an injury or an amputation but still feel the pain in the part of the body that has been amputated even though it’s not there. And using some of the tricks in neuroscience, we’re able to help people in ways that we never knew possible up until now.

Jennifer: There was actually an episode on House recently which was fascinating. His neighbor had had excruciating pain. He lost his arm to a grenade and he was still holding the grenade and he can’t let go. And so he did a visualization with mirrors in a box that made it look like he had a hand and say, okay, now, release your hand and the pain was gone. I mean that was a television show but it was based on science.

John: Again, that’s where I’ve gone to really get some of the answers of how do you perform at a higher level. How do we rewire our brain to let go of what Dr. Daniel Amen, a friend of mine said are the ANTS, the automatic negative thoughts? How do we create mort APTS or automatic positive thoughts? How do we let go of some of the beliefs that we have about ourselves that are holding us back from our true beauty and greatness. I’m not talking about this from an egotistical perspective but it’s from a humble understanding that the power that created us is within us. It’s not separate from us. It’s within us and we could trigger that genius any second we proclaim it.

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Jennifer: So let’s talk about some of the laws that you talk about. Obviously, there’s the law of attraction which you were talking about. There’s the law of gestation. The law of action. There’s the law of compensation. Can you maybe walk us through a couple of those laws?

John: Sure. Which one would you like?

Jennifer: Let’s talk about the law of gestation.

John: That’s actually a great law because it works in correlation with the law of attraction. And if we go to nature where we can learn a lot, nature has been around for a long, long time, a lot longer than any of us have been here. And if we look at a seed in nature, every seed has a gestation or incubation period or a waiting period before it manifests from seed to whatever it’s supposed to grow into. So if you planted a carrot seed, it would take about 70 or so days that’s for gestation or incubation period for it to go from carrot seed to carrot. If you had a sheep embryo, it takes about 165, 166 days for a sheep embryo. A human embryo, about 285 days. That’s how much time it takes for it to go from seed to the materialistic physical part. Well, if that’s the way nature works and we fit within nature, is it possible that our thoughts are the seeds? Is it possible that we have the ability to choose any thought we want and as we focus on that thought we increase the amplitude of the vibration of the seed in the thought. That’s where the emotions come in. If you think about the law of attraction for a moment and you think about seeds, if I brought an acorn in front of everybody who’s on this call right now, and I asked you, where is the oak tree? What would you say?

Jennifer: Where is the oak tree? I guess it’s found within the essence of the acorn.

John: So if I opened up the acorn, would the oak tree be there?

Jennifer: No.

John: No. The seed has the potential of an oak tree. And if we go back to one of the greatest laws of all is the law that everything is energy. What do we know about energy? We know that it emits a frequency and it’s vibrating at different frequencies. Everything in the universe vibrates. Nothing rests. No exception. So if we know that everything vibrates and everything has a frequency, is it possible that when we plant the acorn underneath the ground, because of the law of attraction or as I prefer to call it, the call of resonance, it’s vibrating at a certain frequency that will attract the water and the nutrients that it needs under the soil which gives it food. And what do we use food for? We use food for energy as humans. Well, guess what? So do plants. And so if the water and the nutrients are additional food that increases the amplitude of the vibration of the seed and as that happens it grows a root or two or three and it sprouts out of the ground well as the root is growing underneath the soil unbeknownst to us or

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to our visual awareness, we’re also allowing the sun with its energy to do what? To provide food for this planet in a process called photosynthesis. And as the sun is giving the plant more food, it grows into the most beautiful big oak tree. And so the answer is the oak tree is in the universe. That’s number one. And if we put the seed in the right location, then guess what happens? It starts to manifest and it starts to grow and it has an incubation or gestation period before it materializes into physical form. That’s how the universe works and that’s how we work.

Jennifer: So our thoughts are the seeds that are a manifestation found in the universe right now waiting for the nutrition and the water, the virtual water, meaning our process of applying feelings to that and our process of applying action to that. Is that right? It’s actually that formula.

John: And here’s where he problem lies. Most people are digging up their seeds because it’s not happening fast enough and they’re wondering what’s going on so they plant their seeds and they question whether the universe is working fast enough for them. And we live in an orderly, perfect universe that works on time every time, no exceptions.

Jennifer: I think that there is sometimes what I call grace that comes into the equation that does create speed. But I think most of the time we are given the pace that is absolutely perfect for our sole evolution, for the process that we’re going through. There are so many things that we learned in that gap. I’ve heard it called God’s area of preparation, the gap between when the seed is planted and the oak tree comes to fruition. When our thought is planted, when our dream is planted and it comes to fruition, there’s God’s area of preparation. And I think most of the time we have to reach a vibrational resonance that matches that eventual dream that’s found within that gap. If we could just give ourselves a break. Right, John? Like just let it go and allow it to—you’re not pawned at the earth when you plant a seed to say, are you ready yet? Are you coming up yet?

John: Most people are very impatient. We are living in a fast-food thinking society. And guess what? The universe is perfect. There are no accidents in this universe. There may be lots of things that are not to our taste but there are no accidents.

Jennifer: Right. Okay, I’ve got a good question here. What happens if a ten-year drought comes along?

John: Well, it’s a great question because one of the things that—I’ll never forget Jim Rowan who passed away last week. He talked about the seasons, right? And so in some areas of your life you might be in deep winter right now, whereas in other areas of your life, you might be in full summer. And so in each area of our life—in our health, wealth, relationships, career, business, monetary charity—we’re in different seasons based on what we were sowing a while ago.

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Jennifer: Yes. And so even though there was a time in our life that was actually really great and then it’s changed and we’re maybe into a bit of a winter moment from a season perceptive. Winter isn’t bad or evil; it’s just winter, right? So it’s a time of gestation that’s a time of preparing for the next. And if we can change our thoughts in those moments and our perception of that moment is not being bad but something that’s just simply a moment of gestation, a moment of shifting, then we can get—and it’s a full circle here. It gets back to what you’re talking about vision—that you can start seeing the things within that winter that are serving you in this moment that are helping you grow and evolve and expand. And you can see them now because you’ve got a new angle of perception so to speak. Is that true?

John: Yes. And Wayne Dyer said it beautifully, “if you change the way you look at something, the thing that you look at changes”.

Jennifer: Yes. It’s the observer effect in quantum physics, isn’t it?

John: Absolutely. It’s really all a matter of choices though. If we look at our current circumstance and we don’t like what we see, just make a decision to change your thoughts and your feelings and your strategies and you won’t achieve the same result in a week or two or three or four.

Just It’s that famous Einstein quote.

John: Yes. I’ve got a beautiful piece of Einstein—not a piece of Einstein. I’ve got one of these cardboard Einstein figures here in my bedroom and I’ve got some of his materials here on my walls.

Jennifer: Yes, so that the same behavior that created it—

John: The thing to realize is your circumstances may not be congenial right now, but you can change them in a second by changing your thoughts.

Jennifer: Yes. So you can look at yourself—I know you’re a big fan of affirmations and vision boards. I want to ask you about affirmations first though. How do you respond to yourself when you read an affirmation and you start getting thoughts like, well, this just doesn’t feel right; this is unnatural; this feels phony. What do you do with that?

John: That’s a great, great question. Let me ask everybody to think about this for a moment. If I gave you a million dollars right now and I said I’m going to give you a script for a part in a movie for Hollywood and we’re going to be filming in 90 days. What you would do to get that million dollars because you have to perform that role expertly. What would you do?

Jennifer: For the next 90 days?

John: Yes.

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Jennifer: I would learn the script.

John: And in learning the script, what do you think would happen to you after a week or two or three or four? Let’s say I ask you to play a male golfer with short hair that has a bit of a lisp. Would it be uncomfortable to do that today?

Jennifer: Absolutely. There’s no way I could do that today. And I’d feel awkward and uncomfortable.

John: And what would happen if you did it maybe a hundred times in the next 30 days?

Jennifer: I’d probably be pretty good at it.

John: And about 100 days later when you had to perform or 90 days later when you had to really perform and you practiced it five or six or 700 times, do you think that it would already have become normal and natural for you?

Jennifer: Yes, it would become a normal part of being.

John: That’s exactly how affirmations work, everybody. So at first your brain will negate them. It will say things like, no, you’re not. You’re not earning that much money. You’re not lean and healthy and happy right now. But we have to move from ignorance to understanding and ignorance just means not knowing. See, whenever you try to impress something new into the brain, there’s a part of the brain that’s going to analyze that and compare it to reality as it knows it right now. And its responsibility is to let you know where the variances are, where the danger zones are, where the areas that don’t match up are. And your responsibility is not to let your brain control you.

Jennifer: Or stop you.

John: Or stop you. And so if we know that through repetition and emotion, we can override any of the negative thoughts we have, any of the negative associations we have, any of the negative beliefs that we have and we know that the formula of at least 30 days of 7-15 minutes a day. Are you interested or are you committed to making that shift?

Jennifer: That creates habit.

John: There you go.

Jennifer: Okay. So 7-15 minutes a day for the next 30 days. So everyone on the call, here we are. We’re finishing. This is the last show of the series and we’re going to be starting the new show in a little over 60 days. So we’ve got 60 days to create some new habits. This would be a fun little experiment. So what can we do? Can we set something up for them, John, for the next 60 days and then we can maybe report back in the spring series?

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John: Absolutely. The first thing to do is to get absolutely clear about what it is they want in each area of their life, specifically and by when?

Jennifer: Specifically and by when in each aspect. Do you have categories of aspects of your life?

John: Sure.

Jennifer: Okay, what are those?

John: Health is number one. So you’ve got your physical health, your emotional health and your spiritual health. Then we’ve got our career or business. And then our business, we have financial and non-financial goals that we want to achieve in our career. We have relationships with significant other, family, friends.

Jennifer: Partner, family, friends. Okay.

John: Uh-huh. We’ve got health. Actually we’ve already talked about health—physical, spiritual and emotional. We’ve got spiritual goals. And so what do we got? We’ve got health—

Jennifer: We’ve got health—

John: And financial goals now—

Jennifer: And then financial.

John: Right, and financial. So how much money do you want to earn? How much money do you want to give to the charities of your choice? What is the net worth financially that you would like to have by what date?

Jennifer: Net worth by what date. Okay.

John: Yes. And so that’s the first part is to get absolutely clear on every one of those. And by the way, if anybody wants to invest ten bucks or so pick up Having It All which is my book on Amazon that has all of the forms and everything in there about this, but regardless of that.

Jennifer: Okay. Having It All—you guys can get that on Amazon. Having it All, by John Assaraf.

John: And so you come up with here’s what I want to achieve; now I ask, what beliefs do you have to have that you can recite every day that will help you feel like you can achieve it and you deserve it? So let me give you a very, very easy way to create affirmations. “I am so grateful for the fact that. . .” and then you fill in the blank. I now weigh [fill in the blank]. I’m so grateful for the fact that I am now earning [fill in the blank]. I am so grateful for the fact that I totally feel one with God. I am so grateful for the fact that my relationship with Mary, Joe, Sam, Harry is outstanding and beautiful and loving and caring and kind. I am so grateful for

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the fact that my emotional being is solid and wonderful. And you just start with a whole bunch of affirmations that you can write out or you can get on i-Grasshopper that are already done, already written out and already in format that works.

Jennifer: Cool. You can get them for a really decent—like a $1.99 on iPhone.

John: Yes, if you have an iPhone it’s $1.99 for seven-minute visual and auditory affirmations that are already written out with brain training technology, with the right images. Take a look at, at least the visuals; you’ll love them. So if every day you sat with your goals, you sat with your affirmations and you repeated them with feeling, okay, with your eyes closed and then you visualize your life the way you really want it to be and you created a mental movie of what it’s like and you did that every day for 30 days, then every day for another 30 days and every day for another 30 days, I guarantee you, your life will not be the same.

Jennifer: It’s interesting, John, because this is pretty much what I did a year a half ago and there’s nothing in my life that is the same. It’s all been expanded—

John: There’s a process and a formula, right?

Jennifer: Uh-huh. It’s really cool. Okay, so here’s what we’ve got. Get clear on these different categories: Health, meaning physical health, emotional health, spiritual health; your career and business. So I’m looking at your career and business from a financial and a non-financial perspective. Relationships—relationships with partners, with family, with friends. Your spiritual goals and also finally your financial goals which is a little bit different than just a business goal. Is that true?

John: Correct.

Jennifer: Okay. And then you get clear on those in part by creating these affirmations. Is that right?

John: You’re correct.

Jennifer: Okay. So then we’ve got the affirmations. And the affirmations go something like this: “I am so grateful for the fact that. . .” and then we name the affirmation knowing—

John: In present tense.

Jennifer: I’m sorry?

John: In present tense.

Jennifer: In present tense. It’s an “I am,” in present tense statement.

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John: Correct. You can also do “You are.” You can get somebody else read it to you. You can record it by saying something like, ‘Heather, you are so boom or you are so grateful for.

Jennifer: Yes, that’s cool. So you can record it for yourself and play it back to yourself.

John: You got it.

Jennifer: Okay. So I am so grateful for the fact that I am or I have or—it’s all in present tense. You can also say you are and say it to yourself or record it and read it to yourself that way. Then the next step—also the caveat here with the affirmation is when you first start saying it, you may have a moment of this is awkward or phony or unnatural and you just go with it, right?

John: Perfect. You’re exactly right.

Jennifer: Okay. Then we visualize and then we see the life that we’re living with this affirmation and feel the feelings of it. Is that right?

John: Correct. And the reason for that is we now know that the heart emits a frequency that’s 60-80 times more powerful than the brain. And so when we have the thoughts and we get emotional with it, we have something known as a coherence pattern that’s created which is much more powerful than just having visions on our own.

Jennifer: We just talked to Gregg Braden about that last week. So that’s perfect. Thank you for saying that again. That’s really good. So it’s about the coherence energy in the heart. And that’s what we’re creating when we’re creating that feeling sense of the visualization.

John: You got it.

Jennifer: And then we do that exact thing that we just described five to seven minutes every day.

John: Correct.

Jennifer: Ann told me exactly how many days it is before the next series starts. It’s 82 days. So let’s start today and in 82 days, I will see all of you as the new powerful beings of light and love. You’re already powerful beings of light and love but now you’re starting to know that more and more in 82 days.

John: And I want to make sure that everybody also for everyone of your goals ask yourself a question, what can I be doing today, tomorrow, the next day, this week, next week to move towards that goal?

Jennifer: So that’s the action piece, right? Thank you so much for adding that.

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John: You must, must, must create the other part of this because, okay, God is not a cosmic bell captain.

Jennifer: I tip him big though.

John: Does God accept the big tips? The idea is also for you to plant the seeds but to take care of the soil.

Jennifer: Oh yes. Thank you for that reminder. Okay. The action is planting the seed and the action is also taking the action, watering, taking care of the soil, nurturing the soil and taking action. So the question again is: what action can I be doing to make—

John: Today, this week—yes, what action are actions. So, for example, for anybody who wants to release some weight, number one, we know that you’ve got to eat less than you’re using and then you have a release of energy. We know that every pound is 3500 calories. So you want to lose 10 pounds or release 10 pounds, that’s 35,000 calories you have to release from your body. So we know that the thinking needs to be around your new image. We know that the feeling needs to be around a new energy, a new vitality, the new looking you. And then we know that the actions you need to take is to pay attention to your diet and pay attention to your exercise. And that combination works beautifully together. And not short term. First and foremost, stop thinking short term.

Jennifer: Yes. And there’s something in the way that you’re describing. I mean it’s a very basic formula that all of us know and have read about. We’ve read a thousand times in fashion magazines—calories let in equals calories out. It’s a fundamental math equation but there’s something energizing in the way that you’re describing it within this framework. It’s different. It’s different than just that math equation. We’re an active participant in the process now and there’s something somehow empowering about it all.

John: Oh good. And remember that starving yourself does not count long term.

Jennifer: That’s right.

John: We understand how the body works. We actually want to eat more frequently to keep the metabolic rate up.

Jennifer: Right. Five meals a day with protein.

John: Right? So it’s counter intuitive.

Jennifer: Starving doesn’t count.

John: That’s right. So we think we want to release weight so we go on these diets only to gain most of the amount of weight that we’ve released back.

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Jennifer: Okay, so let me ask you a question here though, John. Okay. So we’ve got this math equation that we know is true. We’ve got tons of evidence about it. We know that there’s a metabolic thing going on here that five meals a day actually increases your metabolism which then allows you to lose more weight. So where does the ice cream diet come in from a belief perspective? Do you know what I mean? It’s like at some point in time in our evolution, we will get to a point when we can really believe that ice cream is perfect for us. It gives us all our nutrition and we’ll be at our perfect weight when we eat ice cream.

John: Well, if you eat ice cream and you eat less than the calories that you need to sustain your life, you will lose weight.

Jennifer: Okay, but is that a belief?

John: Well, it’s a belief but it’s also a physiological and biological process.

Jennifer: Okay. And there’s evidence in three dimensions but is there a way to shift that evidence and create miracles of believing—I’m kind of going into the esoteric here and away from the practical.

John: The key really is to understand there are certain laws that are part of the physical laws. And we have to understand what those are and there’s really no defying them. And so they’re irrefutable. Now, what we are studying, what we do know for sure is that the non-physical laws are different. The laws in quantum physics are vastly different than the laws in physics. And so in physical law, Sir Isaac Newton gave us some great laws of motion and propensity. We know that an object that’s forced upon it with a certain amount of pressure will continue movement with a certain amount of pressure. Well, what if you take that out of the physical world and go out of earth’s atmosphere?

Jennifer: I see. Right.

John: We’re dealing with a different space. And so the laws of our physical world does and not work in the laws of the subatomic world. And so we discovered that Albert Einstein really started to give us that understanding.

Jennifer: Okay. So thank you for indulging me in that little moment of metaphysical conversation.

John: Oh, no problem.

Jennifer: And we are actually out of time.

John: Already?

Jennifer: Yes. It’s been such a quick hour. Thank you, John, so very much. What a great finish to the series. It’s very exciting. The energy on the call feels so high. I’m kind of tapping in the audience here. They’re excited and I think you gave us

Page 24: Healing With the Masters Presents€¦ · John Assaraf Jennifer: So welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. We are honored here to finish our series for Volume IV with John

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar – Dec 17, 2009: John Assaraf

24 Copyright 2009, all rights reserved

Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, 

something so concrete that we can leave this series applying like right now, today and hanging out again in 82 days and see what shows up. So, thank you, John, for giving that. I appreciate it so much.

John: And the key really is the application of the right information in the right order yields predictable transformation.

Jennifer: Predictable transformation can work. It works for me.

John: I am goin to leave everyone with this thought. If somebody gave me the combination to evolve with $10 million in it but didn’t give you the order of the numbers. You could spend hundreds of years, if not millions of years trying all the permeations that are available. But when you’ve got the right information in the right order backed by action, then you have a predictable result and a predictable transformation.

Jennifer: Perfect. Thank you, John.

Jennifer: Thank you so very much, everyone. I hope you had a great evening and happy holidays to everybody.

Jennifer: Yes, thank you so much. And for all of us, this is the last show of the series. The series is still available to purchase if you’re interested. You have until December the 22nd. Next Tuesday will be the very last day to purchase the series. So if that’s something that’s of interest, do go ahead and purchase it. I know for many people who have purchased it, they’ve been sending me emails telling me that listening to these calls over and over again really makes a difference. And I want you to know that every master on this show brings their energy and that energy is part of the call and just by simply listening to the energy again, it can make shifts and propel you forward and propel you deeper.

John: And we know the shift happens.

Jennifer: A shift indeed happens. That’s a great ending. Shifts happen, folks.

John: Thanks so much.

Jennifer: Thank you, John. I love you all and we will see you next season. Bye now.