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Healing journey Day 1 – Welcome A wholesome and healthy decision today will support every as This is your personal invitation to take 15 minutes each day to begin healing all areas o using straightforward tools, daily meditations, guided introspections and profoundly heal processes. Week 1 – ocuses on !motional healing – uncovering, e"periencing and releasing your hidden or forgotten emotions Week # – !"amines $ind talk – how to stop the fight with your mind and engage it in helping you on your own personal healing %ourney Week & – Tackles 'hysical issues – whatever your issue you will e"perience life transforming and liberating processes (ou will begin by getting agreement from your body, mind and being that all healing is al and undergo a divine e"periment to begin your own daily healing %ourney Daily Quote "No matter how deep the issue is and no matter how long you have struggled with it, the possibility ex to become absolutely free, whole, and healed.” Thought for the day A wholesome and healthy decision today will support every aspect of my life.

Healing Journey

Nov 03, 2015



Iuli Ana

Welcome message from author
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Healing journey

Day 1 WelcomeA wholesome and healthy decision today will support every as

This is your personal invitation to take 15 minutes each day to begin healing all areas of your life using straightforward tools, daily meditations, guided introspections and profoundly healing processes. Week 1 Focuses on Emotional healing uncovering, experiencing and releasing your hidden or forgotten emotions Week 2 Examines Mind talk how to stop the fight with your mind and engage it in helping you on your own personal healing journey Week 3 Tackles Physical issues whatever your issue you will experience life transforming and liberating processesYou will begin by getting agreement from your body, mind and being that all healing is allowed and undergo a divine experiment to begin your own daily healing journeyDaily Quote"No matter how deep the issue is and no matter how long you have struggled with it, the possibility exists for you to become absolutely free, whole, and healed.Thought for the dayA wholesome and healthy decision today will support every aspect of my life.

Day 2 Emotional Healing

Emotions are the gateway to profound healing.

Directly experience how to befriend, welcome and embrace your emotions. When you experience a strong emotion in the body, a discernable biochemistry is released into your bloodstream. If you repress that emotion, instead of fully feeling it, your cell receptors can over time become blocked and may eventually cause illness in these blocked areas. So many of us have learned from a young age to shut down, run from or manipulate our emotions; that its somehow socially unacceptable or weak to allow our true feelings; that we should be strong, impassive, and not cry, be afraid, get angry or in any way too emotional. Learn how to be gentle with your emotions, to encourage and embrace them and allow yourself to fully experience all your emotions.

Thought for the dayAll emotions are welcome and healthy they are the gateway to my soul!

Daily Quote

"Without a story attached, emotions are just sensations that come and go. They have no more meaning than a bunch of chemicals flooding through the body.

Day 3 Permission to Feel

We all need permission to feel our real emotions

From a young age we learn from others that there are some emotions we should not feel, that we have bad emotions that should be kept under control. We are told that we should be seen and not heard, to dry our tears, stop crying, or pull ourselves together, get a grip, be strong. We learn how to shut down and control everything! And then we can find ourselves living in a grey zone, a pseudo life lacking in meaning or purpose. Undergo a process and empty out your unspoken words, receive permission from your family, friends, life and even yourself to be allowed to feel all emotions.

Thought for the dayToday I give myself full permission to experience every feeling until it healthily releases!

Daily Quote

" For as long as we have breath in our bodies and have life in our being, emotions will come as a natural part of being human.

Day 4 Shutdowns

When you open up the whole of life opens up

Today we will be looking at releasing emotional shutdown and undergoing a liberating and life transforming process to lift off the lid we have put over our emotions. You will uncover what has caused you to shut down in specific areas and the true cost of that in your life. The Lifting the Lampshade process will guide you to access memories that have created shut down in your life and allow you to empty out any unspoken words and feelings related to those memories and take off the coat, remove the mantle, the constraint that has been keeping you small in life. Youll be left soaring as lightness, as freedom, as an expression of the true joy and potential that you really are.

Thought for the dayIm showing up in life fully, whole-heartedly and with all my being.

Daily Quote

"You cannot run from your emotions. If its peace you seek, your only effective option is to dive into them.

Day 5 Forgiveness I

Forgiveness of others: True forgiveness is deeply healing.

When you hold on to your story of victimhood, blame or resentment it makes healing more difficult. As Nelson Mandela said, Holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. When you withhold forgiveness it blocks you and creates friction in your life. Todays process is a forgiveness introspection where you release your story of blame, hurt, victimhood and allow forgiveness of others who have hurt you in the past. When you truly forgive it opens the door to profound healing in all areas of life.

Thought for the dayWith forgiveness I let go of the past, and today I take responsibility for my own actions.

Daily Quote

"Forgiveness releases you completely from your story of pain and allows you to move forward in freedom in your life.

Day 6 Forgiveness II

Self-forgiveness: Receiving forgiveness is healing and liberating

When we truly forgive others in our lives it is profoundly healing then, inevitably at some point, the flashlight has to be pointed back on ourselves. When we run out of people or circumstances to blame, when we stop our story of victimhood and outward projection, all that is left is to inquire into the hurts that we ourselves have perpetrated and to forgive them, or ask for forgiveness. This self-forgiveness process allows you to give up your self-blame and self-judgement games and allows forgiveness of a younger you for past behaviours, words and actions.

Thought for the dayBy embracing, accepting and forgiving myself fully, deep self-love remains..

Daily QuoteSo often we make the mistake of believing we are forgiving the other person for their sake, but the truth is, whenever we forgive, we release the consciousness of the whole story that weve been holding onto and nursing, and when its gone, we are the ones who are freed.

Day 7 Being Present

Present-moment awareness: The doorway to peace of mind.

When you surrender to the instant of the present moment, bringing all your senses to the experience of everything right here, right now, you will experience resting in a vast awareness untouched by external activity. Todays Present-moment Awareness guided introspection will bring you to the profound experience of just this instant. You will take time to be fully present, freshly and newly experiencing each present moment and opening to the vast still, expansive nature of your own true essence..

Thought for the day

Resting in the here and now opens me into the presence of grace...

Daily Quote

Even in the most pressured and hectic circumstances, if you are willing to give all of yourself to the moment, miracles can happen.

Day 8 Clearing Beliefs I

Clearing unhealthy beliefs: Releasing the anchors of the past..

As you believe, so shall it seem. From the earliest of ages we all adopt beliefs, from parents, authority figures, teachers, siblings and from our own direct experiences. Some of these beliefs are healthy, and some are not. All beliefs act as a filter to our own self-image and to our perception of life. Some beliefs are so unsupportive that they cause us to unconsciously self-sabotage or automatically behave in unhealthy and counterproductive ways. Todays Belief Busting process takes you to the root core of some of your unhealthy beliefs and clears them at the deepest level, allowing you to release old restrictions and live from a fresh new perspective, unhindered by those old binding energies.

Thought for the day

With the innocence of a child the possibilities are infinite.

Daily Quote

Openly challenge some old beliefs - find out what is untrue or unreal about them. If theyve not been serving you, try out some refreshing new ones for a change.

Day 9 Clearing Beliefs II

Clearing unhealthy beliefs: Living from clarity and all possibility...

Today your invitation is to dive in even deeper and to really go after your remaining limiting beliefs, to sweep yourself clean from the old binds, limitations and restrictions. And following a meditation that will allow your mind to come to rest, your body and being to relax, you will be guided through a campfire process where you can let go of old hurts and grievances. Then you will undergo a spring cleaning process that will leave you feeling pristine, fresh and energised..

Thought for the day

I celebrate the freedom to create new beliefs that support every aspect of my life.

Daily Quote

To manifest abundance you must already be soaking in the very presence you wish to create. If you bring scarcity beliefs into it, you will tend to manifest what you are focusing on.

Day 10 Freedom From Labels

From our moment of birth we are defined by the labels that family, friends, and society impose on us good/bad, placid/troublesome, confident/insecure, worthy/unworthy, smart/dumb, and so on. Then as life progresses we add some of our own good/bad student, winning/losing sportsperson, loving/indifferent wife or husband, caring/stressed out mother, father, carer, worker, breadwinner the list is endless! The Labels Process enables you to let all the negative ways you have identified yourself or been labelled come pouring out, releasing and leaving you resting in the vast expansive knowledge of who you really are.

Thought for the day

I rest in the truth of who Ireallyam.

Daily Quote

"When the strings of attachment loosen, dissolve and float away you are left soaring in freedom on the wings of grace.

Day 11 Releasing Vows

Releasing Unhealthy Vows: Neutralising the effects of restrictive promises...

As children, when something unexpected, hurtful, embarrassing even traumatic happens we often say internally Ill never do that again or No one will hurt me like that again and we make an internal vow which creates shut down. And sometimes, under pressure or duress we make promises to others that can become inappropriate over time. These often innocent-seeming vows can have a huge impact on our adult life, unconsciously distorting our behaviours and reactions. In the Vow Change Process you will explore and identify the vows and promises that have caused you to shut down parts of yourself and unconsciously deny positive aspects of your life, and in releasing them with a sweep clean process, you will allow yourself to open up to life, love and freedom once more.

Thought for the day

I let go of any old patterns I am free!

Daily Quote

Its time to clear out your patterns of shutdown and finish with your stories of limitation.

Day 12 Embracing Fears

When we embrace our fears they release their grip on us..

Many of us have deep rooted and often inexplicable anxieties or fears which create friction, helplessness and even paralysis in our lives. They prevent us from fully achieving our true potential and leave us feeling unsuccessful, incompetent or like failures. Here Brandon shares her own story of losing everything in life and the fears that she ultimately met in order to move forward healthily. During a campfire process you will be able to express and welcome your own fears the ones you recognise and the ones that have remained hidden and allow yourself to move ahead with confidence, soaring unhindered in life.

Thought for the day

With courage, I welcome and befriend all fears in the heart of them I find ultimate freedom!

Daily Quote

As long as fears and negative beliefs are with you, they will sabotage you and counter-productively affect the wholesome goals you set. You have to be willing to get deeply real, roll up your sleeves and face your fears.

Day 13 Releasing Fears.

When we befriend our fears we set ourselves free.

Having unearthed many of your fears, some of which may be operating at a subterranean level, its time to truly release your worst fears and allow yourself to open as the divine potential you really are. The Worst/Best process will guide you to uncover the core fear that is driving all the other fears and creating your restrictive or unhealthy habits or patterns of behaviour. You will be left feeling light, free, creative and open to welcoming the best of everything into your life feeling inspired to live a life of expansive possibility consciousness.

Thought for the day

Meeting my fears and opening into freedom allows new and conscious choices in my life.

Daily Quote

"True courage is the willingness to fully experience whatever you are feeling in the moment. You can attempt to run from your emotions, but eventually they will catch up with you. They will hunt you down, until finally you give up the chase.

Day 14 Embracing Thoughts.

Welcoming the stillness in the heart of mind-talk..

In every moment you have the choice to follow your thoughts, or to let them be none of your business. You can choose between believing and investing yourself in a story that creates drama, stress and agitation, or stillness and peace of mind. Instead of battling your mind, you can will learn how to befriend your it learn to love, tenderly embrace it and be grateful for all it has done to keep you safe. When you take a moment to welcome all your thoughts into awareness you begin to notice how thoughts can come and go like clouds in the sky while who you really are remains untouched. Let habitual thoughts be none of your business!

Thought for the day

All thoughts are welcome they come and go like clouds in the sky..

Daily Quote

Let all your thoughts be none of your business. Attach no meaning to them. Let them come and let them go, and then discover what remains untouched by any thoughts.

Day 15 Power of Relaxation.

Relaxation: A necessary part of healing..

Today the invitation is to experience the healing power of relaxation and begin your Physical Healing Journey. When you allow your body and being to relax, you are opening the door for natural healing to begin. When you deeply relax you begin your invitation to your body to unleash its profound healing capacities. During this meditation and guided introspection you will be guided to relax, soften and become aware of unnoticed tensions, softening your body, relaxing your mind and inviting your individual cells to open to a new healing possibility.

Thought for the day

My daily tasks are more easily accomplished from relaxation.

Daily Quote

Be still. Stop all activity and be silent. If life has been frenetic and activity-filled of late, this is your invitation to stop.

Day 16 Physical Clearing.

Every cell in your body is connected to, communicating with every other cell.

In order to begin your Physical Healing Journey its a good idea to have an internal virtual spring clean to clear the fatigue and toxicity stored at a cellular level in your body. Today Brandon will guide you through the Healing Sand Meditation, which is designed to relax you and allow every cell, every molecule in your body to open to be cleansed, swept clean. It will leave you feeling energised and vibrant, and your body open to cooperating deeply with your healing on all levels of being.

Thought for the day

I support my internal healing with clean, vibrant food and lots of water, so the toxins can be flushed out of my cells..

Daily Quote

And I deeply pray that everyone discovers that they can strip away anything that might be holding them back on every level, and can begin living life from the real essence of their own soul.

Day 17 Chakra Clearing.

Every cell in your body is connected to, communicating with every other cell.

In order to begin your Physical Healing Journey its a good idea to have an internal virtual spring clean to clear the fatigue and toxicity stored at a cellular level in your body. Today Brandon will guide you through the Healing Sand Meditation, which is designed to relax you and allow every cell, every molecule in your body to open to be cleansed, swept clean. It will leave you feeling energised and vibrant, and your body open to cooperating deeply with your healing on all levels of being.

Thought for the day

I support my internal healing with clean, vibrant food and lots of water, so the toxins can be flushed out of my cells..

Daily Quote

And I deeply pray that everyone discovers that they can strip away anything that might be holding them back on every level, and can begin living life from the real essence of their own soul.

Day 18 Cellular Clearing

Clearing cell receptors: Allowing healthy cellular cooperation

When you repress or avoid your emotions, you create a chemical shutdown that can block the cell receptors in your body. If you open and clear these blocks it once more allows your cells to communicate and cooperate healthily. This Spiritual Shower process allows the entire body to be bathed in a healing light, dissolving the coating barriers sheathing your cells, allowing energies to flow freely and leaving your cells open, permeable and free to heal.

Thought for the day

My attention is focused on the light energy that I am.

Daily Quote

Once you learn what the disease or physical block has to teach you and finally let go of the emotional issues stored in the cells, then, and only then, can real healing begin on all levels - emotional, spiritual and physical.

Day 19 DNA CleansingYour DNA is a blueprint that can be expressed in a multitude of ways.

The genes in your DNA are capable of expressing (turning on) or not expressing (turning off). Their expression is directly affected by your old conditioning, your old emotional baggage. This Spiritual Shower process is designed to allow the genes in your DNA to be washed clean leaving them free to be fully expressed and light up. Let yourself be bathed in a healing, soothing light and invoke the full power of the universe to create a consciousness of all possibilities..

Thought for the day

I can change and heal any aspect of my life.

Daily Quote

"When you strip away the limitations and the shut downs, you reveal the natural, shining potential, the boundless joy and all-embracing love that is at your core."

Day 20 etheric Clearing.

, vibrant food and lots of water, so the toxins can be flushed out of my cells.. Every cell in your body is connected to, communicating with every other cell.

In order to begin your Physical Healing Journey its a good idea to have an internal virtual spring clean to clear the fatigue and toxicity stored at a cellular level in your body. Today Brandon will guide you through the Healing Sand Meditation, which is designed to relax you and allow every cell, every molecule in your body to open to be cleansed, swept clean. It will leave you feeling energised and vibrant, and your body open to cooperating deeply with your healing on all levels of being.

Thought for the day

I support my internal healing with clean

Daily Quote

And I deeply pray that everyone discovers that they can strip away anything that might be holding them back on every level, and can begin living life from the real essence of their own soul.

Day 21 Celebration.

Well done! Youve made it!

Today is all about integrating your three-week transformation, celebrating how far youve come on your Journey, expressing gratitude to your body, your mind, your being and committing to look after yourself in the future as you continue on your healing Journey.

Integration process will leave you feeling energised and fully committed to support yourself as you continue on your healing Journey over time.

Thought for the day

In grace and gratitude I say thank you to life, to everything!

Daily Quote

Gratitude draws Grace to itself. More is given to the one with the grateful heart.