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Healing in the countries of the Ancient East

Healing in the countries of the ancient east

May 10, 2015



Eby Noanne
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Page 1: Healing in the countries of the ancient east

Healing in the countries of the Ancient East

Page 2: Healing in the countries of the ancient east

Healing in Ancient EgyptThe valley of the river Nile which fertile earths reached 5-10 km on both parties of the river was the most ancient centre of the Egyptian civilization. According to the archaeological data, in VI millennium BC there were the pioneer settlements which have turned subsequently to the cities-states. The real border of the country passed there where the fertile black earth came to an end and the red began. From here there was also a country self-name — "Kemet" that means «Black (earth)».During the long period in a valley of Nile there were two countries: Southern (Upper) Egypt (from last fifth threshold to the first sleeve of delta of Nile) and Northern (Lower) Egypt (actually delta of Nile). They have been united in the end of IV millennium BC.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptScientific knowledge of ancient Egyptians grew first of all from their practical experience.During an epoch of the Early kingdom Egyptians learnt to use natural floods of Nile for seasonal agricultural works, developed system of the hieroglyphic letter and mastered manufacture of a material for the letter — the papyrus which was used by mankind throughout four millennia. During this period characteristic features of Egyptian culture were generated (religious representations, a cult dead, the characteristic art style) which basically remained throughout all history of ancient Egypt, including Greek-Roman period.During an epoch of the Ancient kingdom the construction of pyramids began. The first of them — a step pyramid of Pharaoh Dzhosera — was built in Sakkara under the project of the dignitary of the Pharaoh — the architect, medic and a wise man Imhotep, who was subsequently idolised. The glory and memory of Imhotep remained till the times of intrusion of Persians and Greeks which identified him with Asclepius.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptDuring an epoch of the Middle Kingdom most ancient of the Egyptian scientific compositions — mathematical and medical papyruses have been written down.Necessity to calculate the periods of lifting and recession of water in Nile caused development of the Egyptian astronomy. The star charts which have remained on ceilings of tombs of Pharaohs XIX-XX of dynasties testify to it (XIV-XII centuries BC). Proceeding from practical needs of agriculture, Egyptians divided for the first time days at 24 o'clock (12 o'clock in the afternoon and 12 o'clock in the morning) and created the most perfect calendar of time. On the Egyptian calendar year consisted of 365 days (12 months for 30 days and 5 additional days in the end of the year). The Egyptian calendar has been accepted in Roman empire (from 45 d.C.), kept the value in medieval Europe and has been used by Kopernik in its lunar and planetary tables.The majority of the papyruses which have reached us of the medical maintenance concerns an epoch of the New Kingdom also.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptNow it is known more than ten papyri which are partially or completely devoted to healing. All of them were written down during the periods of Middle and New Kingdoms (II millennium BC). However it does not exclude possibility of their existence during an epoch of the Ancient kingdom: earlier copies of these papyruses could not remain up to now. So, George Ebers (1837—1898) considered that the papyrus named after him originally has been written between 3730 and 3710 BC, and Egyptologists suppose that Edwin Smith's papyrus could be a copy of earlier text made in the beginning of III millennium BC (supposedly by Imhotep). Imhotep was not the only known medic the Ancient Kingdom. So, the inscription in a tomb Nomarch Mechen — the dignitary of the Pharaoh of IV dynasty of Snofru (XXVIII century to and. .) – testifies that эhe was renown «healer of people of his nom». The Egyptian priest Manefon had written that the second Pharaoh of I dynasty Atotis (XXVIII century BC) was skilful medic and made the text on a papyrian roll about a structure of a body of the person.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptThe first representations about a structure of a human body Egyptians received from practice of embalming which also testified their achievements in the field of chemistry (scientists believe that the modern word "chemistry" occurred from the ancient name of Egypt — "Kemet", or "Khemet").Knowledge of ancient Egyptians in the field of a body structure were high enough for the time. Already in the middle of II millennium BC ancient Egyptians described large organs: brain, heart, vessels, kidneys, intestines, and etc. However they did not subject a muscle to their special studying that was connected, most probably, with influence of doctrines of religion.Egyptians possess the first of reached to us the brain description. It is resulted in Smith's papyrus in which brain movement in an open wound is compared to «boiling copper». Ancient Egyptians noticed that brain damage causes a disease state of other parts of a body (for example, a paralysis of extremities), and, thus, began scientific representations about a brain.They described a special role to heart and vessels in human life : «the beginning of secrets of the doctor — knowledge of a course of heart from which there are vessels to all members, for everyone doctor, any priest of goddess Sohmet, any exorcist, concerning a head, a nape, hands, a palm, feet, — everywhere concerns hearts: from it vessels to each member are directed...» — it is told in the papyrus of Ebers. Thus, ancient Egyptians in the middle of II millennium BC owned art of definition of illnesses on a pulsation of vessels, i.e. pulse which they observed in various points of a body.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptAncient Egyptians connected the reasons of illnesses as with the natural phenomena (unhealthy food, intestinal parasites, weather changes), and with supernatural representations (for example, installation of an evil ghost of the diseased who has died in a body). Under the certificate of Herodotus, they have been convinced that «all human illnesses occur from food». That is why «they clear the stomach every month three days on end, accepting purgatives, and keep health by emetic and enema » (the enema invention attribute to Egyptians).The most extensive information on internal illnesses and medicinal doctoring in ancient Egypt is contained in the big medical papyrus of Ebers (XVI century BC), which was found out in 1872 in Thebes and named by name the scientist studying him. Stuck together of 108 sheets, it reaches of 20,5 m length and quite justifies the name «Book of preparation of medicines for all parts of a body». The papyrus contains about 900 recipes of medicines for treatment of digestive organs, respiratory tracts, an ear, a throat and a nose, burns and bleedings, eye illnesses, skin, parasitic and many other diseases.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptVarious plants (an onion, a poppy, dates, a lotus, a pomegranate, by an aloe, grapes, the papyrus), mineral substances (antimony, sulphur, iron, lead, soda, alabaster, clay, saltpeter) and parts of a body of many animals were widely used in that recipes. Thus, the medicine for exile of helminths («killing of worms») contained among other components: stones of dates, sweet beer — 25 parts. The recipe came to an end with words: «To weld, mix, drink — it leaves immediately». The bull liver and honey were included in a recipe of a medicine for blindness. Some recipes were extremely difficult and included up to 37 components. Milk, honey, beer were a basis for preparation of medicines. Many components are not identified till now that considerably complicates their studying.The majority of recipes in the papyrus of Ebers is accompanied by references to magic spells and plots which as Egyptians believed, frightened off evil ghosts. In the same purposes in structure of medicines often included unpleasant substances on taste: parts of a tail of the mouse, allocation from ears of a pig, excrement and urine of animals etc. Reception of similar medicines was accompanied by frightening plots and spells.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptThe separate section of the papyrus of Ebers is devoted to cosmetics. Recipes of medicines for smoothing of wrinkles, removals of birthmarks, discolorations of a skin, hair-dyeing and eyebrows, strengthening of growth of hair and even for squint correction were summed up in it. For protection of eyes against the scorching sun and some infectious illnesses Egyptians (both women, and men) covered eyelids with green paste containing salts of antimony and a powder of malachite, thus the amygdaloid form was given to eyes. Egyptians wore wigs which were put on over close-cut hair (that promoted the pediculosis prevention). The wig consisted of set of tightly bound plaits and replaced a headdress protecting from the scorching sun. The prescription of these traditions gives the grounds to consider ancient Egypt the cosmetics native land.In ancient Egypt some have been extended heavy infectious (a smallpox, a malaria, a plague) and parasitic diseases. Descriptions of historians testify to it: variolous pustules on a face skin of Ramses II, the bacillae of plague which have been found out at inspection of mummies, and other indisputable proofs.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptMost ancient of the texts which have reached us about a structure of a human body and operative treatment (surgery) — Edvin Smith's surgical papyrus dated on XVI century BC – has been made in ancient Egypt In 1930 the American Egyptologist J. .Breasted for the first time published Нthis Hieratic text, its transliteration in hieroglyphs and translation into English with extensive comments in the form of separate volume.The treatise text is located on a papyri tape in length of 4,68 m and in the width about 33 cm. It consists of 17 columns in which 48 cases of traumatic damages of bones of a skull, a brain, cervical vertebras, clavicles, a forearm, a thorax and a spine column, and also ways of their treatment are described at total absence of elements of magic and mysticism.Medical ethics of Egypt of that time demanded, that healer, examining the patient, openly informed it on a prospective outcome of treatment in one of three phrases: 1) «it is illness which I can cure»; 2) «it is illness which I, maybe, can cure»; 3) «it is illness which I cannot cure».

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Healing in Ancient EgyptWhen treatment was represented possible, the author of the papyrus makes accurate recommendations to healer as he should operate.At the same time apparently hopeless cases of traumatic damages which have only theoretical value for the doctor were described in Smith's papyrus . Among them the most ancient description of a paralysis of top and bottom extremities with an alalia and hearing which the author of the papyrus explains by brain damage: as a result of tragical fall of the person from the big height the head entered into shoulders, the backbone is broken in three places, vertebras are pressed one into another.At treatment of crises ancient Egyptians applied wooden splints and hard bandaging of the defective extremity by the linen fabric impregnated with pitch.

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Healing in Ancient EgyptThe great value was given to observance of traditionally established hygienic requirements and the prevention of illnesses intimately connected with them. Traditions and customs ordered neatness in a life and moderation in food: «Egyptians... Drink only from copper vessels which clean daily... The Dress they carry linen, always fresh-washed, and it makes for them a subject of the big care. Cut off themselves for the sake of cleanliness, preferring to be tidy rather than beautiful. Priests every other day cut hair on all their body for not to have on itself neither the louse, nor any another nasty insects during service to gods. Clothes of priests are only linen, and footwear is from the papyrus... They wash twice a day and two times at night» (Herodotus).Not casually Greeks considered Egyptians as "inventors" of medicine, and in particular precautionary medicine.

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Healing in Ancient IndiaThe civilization of India began to develop in III millennium BC within Hindustan subcontinent. It was long before the Hindu-Iranian (Aryan) tribes migrated to the country. In the history of doctoring of ancient India three stages divided both in time, and in space are accurately traced:1) the period of Harrappan civilization (III-II millennium BC, a valley of the river Indus) when in territory of the modern Pakistan the slaveholding cities-states first in the history of ancient India were generated; 2) the period (the end of II - the middle of I millennium BC, a valley of the ведийскийriver Ganges) when with arrival the civilisation centre moved to east part of ариевsubcontinent and drawing up of “sacred texts” (a Sanskrit — Vedas), transferred during, the long period in oral tradition began;3) the classical period (second half of I millennia BC — the beginning of I millennium AD, Hindustan subcontinent) — time of the highest blossoming of traditional culture of ancient India. It is characterized by high development of agriculture, crafts and trade, lifting of original culture, the statement and Buddhism distribution — the first of three world religions, successes in various fields of knowledge, the literature and art, wide development trading and a cultural contact of India with the countries of the ancient world that brought to it glory of “Country of wise men».

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Healing in Ancient India

The basic sources are: ancient literary monuments (religious-philosophical compositions — Vedas, I millenium BC); «Instructions of Manu», II century BC; samhitas of the medics Charaka («Čaraka-samhita») and Sushruta («Sušhruta-samhita»), the first centuries of our era), the archeology and ethnography data, real monuments, the national epos. About ancient India known historians, philosophers and travelers of an antiquity wrote: the Greek historians of Herodotus, Strabo and Diodorus, participants of campaigns of Alexander the Great, ambassador of Selevkids at court of king Chandragupta — Megasfen, the Chinese historian Syma Tsjan, pilgrim Fa Sjan and others.

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Healing in Ancient IndiaData on doctoring of Vedic period are rather limited. Instructions on medical knowledge remained in "Rigveda“ and "Atharvaveda" which were written down only in the middle of I millennium BC (apprx. 500 BC).Three illnesses are mentioned in "Rigveda" : the leprosy, a consumption, a bleeding, and is told once about doctor in following words: «Our desires are various, the moving man thirsts fire wood, doctor - illnesses, and a priest — sacrificial libations». Some sections of "Rigveda" contain texts about ceremonies of magic doctoring — in Vedic period medical knowledge was intimately intertwined with religious beliefs and magic representations.The main medical deities of Vedic period were: twins of Ashvins — gods-keepers, Rudra — the lord of medicinal grasses and the patron of hunters, and also the higher deities: Agni — god of fire and reviving life, Indra — a symbol of a celestial thunder and the bearer of a rain and Surja — god of the sun.At the end of Vedic period the Indian society was definitively subdivided into four basic estates (Varnas): brahmen (knowing sacred doctrines, i.e. a priest), ksatriya (allocated with power, i.e. the military nobility and members of imperial sorts), vaisya (mainly farmers and cattlemen) and sudra (poor men deprived of civil rights). Each of Varnas consisted of set of castes (Portug. casto — pure; on a Sanskrit jati — group of people of one origin). Besides, out of Varnas and as though out of the law there was a fifth, lowest estate — pariahs (untouchable), used on the most unpleasant and humiliating works.This social structure of ancient India based mainly on division of functions, was considered as the initial, firm, established divine will of Brahma — greatest of ancient gods. Sudras and pariahs practically had no rights. They were not authorized to listen and repeat Vedas. Representatives of three higher Varnas were engaged in doctoring and studying of Vedas only.

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Healing in Ancient IndiaDoctoring art (in Sanskrit - Ayurveda — the doctrine of long life) was highly appreciated in ancient India. Buddhist legends and texts kept glory about wonderful healers of Civaka (VI-V centuries BC), Charaka and Sushruta (the first centuries of our era).The basic directions of traditional Old Indian medicine of the classical period are reflected in two outstanding monuments ancient ayrvedic writings: "Charaka-samhita" (it is dated I-II centuries AD) and "Sushruta-samhita" (is dated IV century AD).Earlier "Charaka-samhita" is devoted to treatment of internal illnesses and contains data of more than 600 medical products of a vegetative, animal and mineral origin. On their application it is informed in eight sections: treatment of wounds; treatment of illnesses of area of a head; treatment of illnesses of all organism; treatment of mental diseases; treatment of children's illnesses; antidotes; elixirs against senile ageing; the means raising sexual activity."Sushruta-samhita" basically is devoted to operative treatment; in it is described more than 300 operations, over 120 surgical tools and not less than 650 medical recipes.

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Healing in Ancient IndiaKnowledge of Indian medics about a structure of a body of the person was the fullest in the ancient world. Despite imperfection of a research technique which was based on a maceration of a dead body in running water, ancient Indians distinguished: 7 membranes, 500 muscles, 900 sheaves, 90 sinews, 300 bones (teeth and cartilages here enter) which are subdivided into flat, round and long, 107 joints, 40 main vessels and 700 their branchings (for blood, slime and air), 24 nerves, 9 sense organs and 3 substances (a prana, slime and bile). Some zones of a body (a palm, soles, testicles, inguinal areas and etc.) were allocated as "especially important" (Sanskrit — marman). Their damage was considered life-threatening. Knowledge of the Indian doctors in the field of a structure of a body of the person were a major landmark in the history of anatomy and played an essential role in formation of Indian surgery.

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Healing in Ancient IndiaOrganism ability to live was considered through interaction of three substances: air, fire and water (which carriers in an organism the prana, bile and slime were considered). Health was understood as result of the balance parity of three substances, the correct fulfillment of vital departures of a body, a normal state of sense organs and clearness of mind, and illness — as infringement of these proper correlations and the negative influence on the person of five elements (influence of seasons, a climate, indigestible food, unhealthy water and etc.). Sushruta divided all illnesses on natural, connected with the nature, and supernatural, sent by gods (for example, a leprosy, venereal and other infectious illnesses to understand which reasons at that time it was still impossible).Diagnostics of illnesses was based on the detailed poll of the patient and research of warmth of a body, skin color and language, selections, noise in lungs, voices and it is etc. It is interesting that neither Sushruta, nor Charaka inform nothing on pulse research. At the same time Sushruta describes not known even to ancient Greeks sugar diabetes which it defined to taste of urine.In the treatise of Sushruta three stages of the inflammation are described: in the first period — insignificant pains; in the second — shooting pains, a swelling, feeling of a prelum, local heat, a redness and function infringement; in the third — reduction of a swelling and pus formation. For treatment of an inflammation of Sushruta offered local medical products and surgical methods.Treatment tactics in ancient India as well as in other countries of the ancient world, it was defined first of all by a curability or incurability of disease. At the favorable forecast doctor considered features of illness, a season, age, temperament, forces and mind of the patient. Treatment went on an equilibration of the broken parity of liquids (substances) that was reached, first, a diet, secondly — medicinal therapy (emetic, laxative, sudorific and etc.), and thirdly — surgical methods of treatment in what ancient Indians reached high perfection.

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Healing in Ancient IndiaKnown words of Sushruta testify many-sided nature of skills and knowledge of Indian healer : «Medic who is familiar with curative properties roots and grasses — the person; familiar with properties of a knife and fire – a demon; knowing force of prayers — the prophet; familiar with properties of mercury — god!» The best simples were delivered from the Himalayas. In preparation of medicines, poisons and antidotes (from snake stings) were engaged only doctors: «There are no healing for bitten if he did not address the Indian doctor, — Indians cured those who has been bitten» - wrote Herodotus.curative properties of the Indian plants were glorified widely outside of ancient India; by sea and overland trading ways they were delivered to Parfia, the countries of the Mediterranean and Central Asia, pools of the Caspian and Black seas, Southern Siberia, China. The basic subjects of export were spikenard, musk, a sandal-wood tree, cinnamon, aloe and other plants and aromas. In the Middle Ages experience of the Indian medicine has been borrowed by the Tibetan doctors to what the known treatise of the Hindo-Tibetan medicine of "Chzhud-shi" (VIII—IX AD).Obstetric aid in ancient India was considered as independent area of doctoring. In the treatise of Sushruty councils explicitly are stated pregnant women about observance of cleanliness and the correct way of life, deviations from a normal current of sorts, ugliness of a foetus, Cesarean section (applied after death of the woman for rescue of the baby).

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Healing in Ancient IndiaArt of operative treatment (surgery) in ancient India was the highest in the ancient world. Sushruta considered surgery «as the first and best of all medical sciences, precious product of the sky (according to a legend twins Ashvins were the first surgeons) a glory reliable source». Without having the knowledge about antiseptics and an aseptic, Indian doctors, following customs of the country maintained state of cleanliness during operations. Surgical tools were produced by skilled smiths from a steel which could easily cut hair. They were stored in special wooden boxes.Surgeons of ancient India made amputations of extremities, a laparotomy, a lithotomy, a herniotomy, plastic operations. They «were able to restore noses, ears and lips lost or crippled in fight or on a court sentence. The Indian surgery advanced in this area European up to XVIII century when surgeons of the East Indian company did not consider for humiliating to study from Indians a rhinoplasty art», wrote A.Bashem.

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Healing in Ancient IndiaAt the times of Ashoka (268-231 BC) — the most outstanding governor of ancient India – at Buddhist temples built almshouses and premises for patients, which in India appeared for some centuries earlier, than in Europe. Ashoka encouraged also cultivation of simples, a construction of wells, gardening of roads.A bit later, in Guptas empire (IV—VI centuries AD) — the Golden Age of the Indian history — in the country began construct special houses for cripples, widows, orphans. The medicine of ancient India has been intimately bound with religious-philosophical doctrines, among which the special place is occupied with yoga. It united in herself religious philosophy, the morally-ethical doctrine and system of exercises-poses (asana). The Great attention in yoga is given to cleanliness of a body and an original way of life. The yoga doctrine consists of two levels: hatha-yoga (physical yoga) and the rajah-yoga (mastering by spirit). In the modern India scientific research institutes continue the studying of this ancient empirical system.

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Healing in Ancient ChinaThe basic theoretical positions of ancient Chinese medicine passed test by time and in the basic lines remain within three millennia.Knowledge of a structure of a human body started to collect in China in an extreme antiquity, long before an interdiction for opening of bodies died (about II century BC) which is connected with the statement of Confucianism as official religion. This is testified by the remained anatomic tables of later period (VI-VII centuries).Representations about illnesses and their treatment in ancient China had a physiophilosophical basis. Health was understood as result of balance there began the yin and yang and five elements Wu Xing, and illness — as infringement of their correct interaction. Various parities of these infringements united in some syndromes which were subdivided on two groups: a surplus syndrome — yang and a lack syndrome — yin. The variety of diseases spoke in width of interaction of an organism with world around and the nature, features of the organism (in the treatise «Nej a jing» are described five temperaments; it coincides chronologically with the period of formation of similar representations in ancient Greece), the long stay in one of emotional conditions (anger, pleasure, grief, reflexion, affliction, fear and fear) and other natural reasons.Diagnostics art in ancient China was based on following methods of inspection of the patient: survey of a skin, an eye, mucous and language; definition of the general condition and mood of the patient; auscultation of the sounds arising in a body of the person, definition of its smells; the detailed poll of the patient; pulse research; pressure upon active sites. According to the legend, these methods have been entered legendary , living in XI century BC and врачевателемknown Vjan Tsjue under a pseudonym (Small magpie); its original name — Tsin Juezhen. Historical chronicles of the Hansky dynasty narrate about wonderful healings which were carried out by Bjan Tsjue and its pupils, skillfully applying acupuncture and cauterization, massage and local medical products.

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Healing in Ancient ChinaOne of the greatest achievements of philosophical thought of ancient China is representation about the blood circular motion, stated already in the most ancient medical treatise of China — «Nej jing»: «Vessels are communicated among themselves in a circle. In it there is no beginning and there is no end... Blood in vessels circulates continuously... And heart manages over blood». «Without pulse blood distribution in the big and small vessels is impossible... Pulse causes circulation of blood and «pneuma»... You will look forward, you will look back — all goes from pulse. Pulse is the internal essence of hundred parts of a body, the most thin expression of internal spirit...»Medics of ancient China came to these conclusions by empirical way (in Europe scientifically well-founded theory of blood circulation has been formulated in 1628 by William Harvey). Surveying the patient, they studied pulse not less than in nine points and distinguished to 28 kinds of pulse; from them ten were considered as the cores: superficial, deep, rare, frequent, thin, excessive, free, viscous, strained, gradual.

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Healing in Ancient ChinaThe ancient method of pulse diagnostics was constantly improved by many generations of Chinese medics and in due course turned to the harmonious doctrine about pulse which was diagnostics top in ancient China. In the fullest it is formulated in work of the well-known Chinese doctor of III century Van Shuhe — «Mo jing» («The Treatise about pulse», 280).Outside of ancient China the doctrine about pulse extended rather late. Ancient Indian treatises of Charaka (I-II centuries) and Sushruta (IV century) did not mention pulse. This fact reveals rather late establishment of the mutual contacts between China and India (trading — from II century BC, Buddhism distribution to China — from I century AD). The method of pulse diagnostics got at the Middle Ages to territory of Central Asia: the theoretical substantiation of research of pulse in «Canon» of outstanding doctor of medieval East Avicenna (980-1037) was in many respects similar to positions of ancient Chinese medicine.

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Healing in Ancient ChinaProminent feature of traditional Chinese medicine is acupuncture. Empirical roots of this method are in an extreme antiquity when it has been noticed that pricks, cuts or wounds in certain points of a body lead to healing of some illnesses. For example, compression of a central pole of an upper lip allows to deduce the patient from a faint condition, and introduction of needles at the basis of the first and second fingers from the back party of a hand cures of a sleeplessness. So, on the basis of the long supervision philosophers of ancient China came to a conclusion about existence of "vital points» which irritation promotes regulation of vital processes. They believed that through the apertures done in «vital points», the broken balance the Yin-Yang is restored, therefore illness disappears. Historical chronicles inform on separate cases of successful application of acupuncture by doctors Bjang Tsjue (XI century BC), Foo Ven (I-II centuries BC), Hua Tuo (II century AD) and others.The first detailed statement of the theory and practice of this method is resulted in the treatise «Nej jing», especially in its second part «Lin Shu», where «vital points», channels along which they are located, collaterals, needles and methods of their introduction, the indication and contra-indication for acupuncture and cauterisation application are described.In III century AD doctor Huanfu Mi (215-282) regularly generalized achievements in acupuncture of previous 4-5 centuries and made extensive compilative work «Classical canon on acupuncture and cauterisation» (265) which remained the main source of knowledge in this area up to XI century and was known outside of China, since V century.

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Healing in Ancient ChinaThe first needles for an acupuncture were stone. They had the most thin aperture (like a syringe needle) on which as believed Yang flows. Subsequently needles began to produce not only from silicon or a jasper, but also from a bone, a bamboo, and later and from metals: bronze, silver, gold, platinum and stainless steel. With development of this method specialization of needles I their division into kinds was outlined.In the treatise «Nej jing» is described nine versions of needles: a needle with a tip for superficial puncture, the rounded off needle for massage, a stupid needle for a percussion and pressure, a sharp trihedral needle for a venous puncture, saber-shaped needle for pus removal, a sharp round needle for fast introduction, a threadlike needle (used most often), the long needle for piercing of thick muscles, the big needle for treatment of joints.A rich variety of needles speaks about width of a method of acupuncture in the ancient time: it was used for treatment and the prevention of illnesses, for anesthesia during operations, and also in a combination to massage and a cauterization method, i.e. thermal influence on «vital points» by means of the lighted cigarettes filled with dry leaves of simples.Most often for these purposes the plant moxa (wormwood, Artemisia vulgaris) was used. It was considered that efficiency of a moxa increases in the course of time storages. So, for treatment by cauterization of illness which arose seven years ago, it was recommended a, collected three years моксago.In ancient China there were some methods of cauterization. Direct cauterization was spent at direct affinity of a burning cigarette from a body. At a method of indirect cauterization the cigarette was on some distance from an influence point, and between a cigarette and a body medicinal substances could be located. Cauterization by warm needles combined both acupuncture, and cauterization: the cigarette twisted round a needle and was lighted, when the needle was in fabrics; thus the combined effect (action of a needle and a decaying simple) was reached.