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HE IS RISEN! EASTER. HE IS RISEN! ... use to help pay for our activities at Divine Infant during the year. Bakers, please use your

Aug 11, 2020



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Page 1: HE IS RISEN! EASTER. HE IS RISEN! ... use to help pay for our activities at Divine Infant during the year. Bakers, please use your





Page 2: HE IS RISEN! EASTER. HE IS RISEN! ... use to help pay for our activities at Divine Infant during the year. Bakers, please use your

WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT THIS EASTER? Is there anything different about how you are experiencing Easter this year? It is my sincere prayer that you can answer that question with a big “Yes!” Lent is supposed to be a time of transformation. We should be different than when we started. If we used the three Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we are different. Prayer has made us more aware of God and his love and interest in each of us. If I have given up something I have too much of, like food, TV, or the internet, I will be a little more needless. This is the key to happiness and holiness. We do not really need anything but love. And love is about giving and not getting. For example, if I have made a sacrifice to give to the poor, I have learned the secret of love is giving, not something we get. The paradox is that, in order to get, we have to give. Lent also was a time to face our losses in life. Something in our life we lose is a kind of dying. It could be a loss of health in us, or in someone we love. It could be losing a job, or maybe a relationship. Whether it is a death, or a broken relationship, we experience the cross. It hurts. Like Jesus in Gethsemane we want God to take it away. But like Jesus we pray, “Your will be done.” It is not that God wants us to suffer, but he does want us to face what cannot be avoided. Jesus could have gone into hiding for the rest of his life. But he knew he had to face his enemies, even though it meant his suffering and death. We need to face our neces-sary losses. Easter is about new life and joy. Jesus rose for the dead. So must we. Restored health after illness; the healing of a broken relationship, or the beginning of a new one; or finding a new job after losing one, are all signs of Easter joy. Today we need to make our dying one with Jesus, so we can also raise with him to Easter joy. We celebrate the dying and the rising of Jesus and our own dying and rising. This is the meaning of “Paschal Mystery.” May your Easter be joy filled!


About half the people who come to church on Easter are special. What makes you unique is that you do not come to Mass on most Sundays. You may come occasionally, or only for Christmas and Easter. I have been praying both for you and about you. I believe Jesus wants me to send a special message to you. He wants to see you in church regularly, and not just on special occasions. He wants me to remind you why the Catholic Church still teaches that is a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday, unless illness or an extreme cir-cumstance prevents it. In the Gospel Jesus says, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” (John 6: 53). Not having divine life is the definition of mortal sin. It is like anorexia. If you do not eat, you die! Those who do not regularly feed on the Eucharist are dying of spiritual anorexia! I suggest you take a Bible and read the whole Bread of Life dis-course in John, Chapter 6, verses 22-59. I want you to know we miss you in church. I can member when we had double the attendance we now have. Perhaps our Lord is asking you to rethink your attitude about coming to church. If you have been hurt or offended by something that happened to you, I sincerely apologize. I ask your forgiveness and return to God’s family. Like any family we are not perfect. Your presence will make us better. And know Jesus wants to see you here every week! God bless your Easter!


While I am reminding our special Catholics of the importance of Mass every Sunday, I also want to remind everyone about the Easter Duty. This means that every Catholic is obligated to receive Communion between the beginning of Lent and the end of the Easter Season. This year this means between February 14 and May 27. If an individual is aware of serious sin, there is also an obligation to confess that sin in the sacrament of Penance. Being home bound does not excuse anyone from the Easter Duty. If you are aware of someone who can-not come to church, please notify us so we can go to them. Please get the word out to the homebound and their families.


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EARLY BULLETIN SCHEDULE Articles for the April 15th bulletin must be in the office by Monday, April 9th.

This is also a good time for me to remind you, that if someone has a serious illness, let a priest know so we can go to them and give them the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, so they can regain their health. If someone’s condition becomes worse, and they are in danger of death, the priest should be called again to minister the rites of the dying. This means a good sacramental confession; an Apostolic Blessing, the re-newal of baptism promises, and Viaticum or Communion for the journey to heaven. Far too often people do not bother with these very important rites. Dying people are deprived of what they have a right to receive. Some are afraid they may upset the dying person. In my 49 years as a priest I have never encountered any-one afraid to receive my ministry, but only family members who falsely assume their loved ones are afraid.

HAPPY EASTER! In conclusion I want to thank all of you who are members of Divine Infant Jesus Parish. You are very good people. Our new pastor, Father Marcin Szczypula, who will begin in July is excited to get his number one choice of pastorates. I know of another priest who wanted to come here, as his number one choice, but was asked to go elsewhere. This speaks to me of your goodness. Let me also thank you for your generous Easter offering, and for all you do to help DI be the great parish it is. I thank all who have come to our Town Hall meetings as part of Renew My Church. I will write more about this in future bulletins. God bless your Easter with joy and hope!

Easter Peace and love, Father Mike Ahlstrom Parish Administrator


The annual Pro-Life bake sale will be held af-ter all the Masses next weekend, the weekend of April 7-8. The money we make at the sale we use to help pay for our activities at Divine Infant during the year. Bakers, please use your magic and bring us your creations. Without your help we would not be able to do what we do here in the parish. We will be available on Saturday, April 7 from 3 until all are served after 5pm Mass and Sunday, April 8, from 7:15 until all are served after 11:30 Mass. If you want to help us set up or sell, contact Pat Meyers at 865-0374 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for helping us stand up for life.

TAKE NOTICE Please note that the parish

office will be closed on Monday, April 2nd. HAPPY EASTER!

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Divine Infant School will be closed for Spring Break from Friday, March 30th until Monday April 9th.

DISCOVERY CLUB Discovery Club, Divine Infant’s Before and After School Program, is in need of gently used books, Barbies, doll houses, cars, trains, craft supplies, etc. Dona-tions can be labeled Discovery Club and dropped off at the school office or at Discovery Club between the hours of 2:15 pm and 5:15 pm. Monday through Fri-day. If pick up is needed, please call Toni at the rectory (708-865-8071) to leave your information. I will call you and make arrangements at your convenience. Nancy Steker

4th grade interviewed 8th graders for a news report about a school event of their choice. Any good news report includes a quote or two from someone who was at the event. This was also a great opportunity for our 4th graders to meet and talk to another schoolmate they would not normally spend time with.

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From 1931 to 1938 Our Lord revealed the secrets of His great mercy to St. Faustina. He designated the first Sunday after Easter as the Feast of the Di-vine Mercy of God. In preparation of this Feast, He asked that a Novena be started on Good Friday, a Novena which asks for prayers each of the nine days for a different group of souls in order to im-merse them in the sea of God’s Mercy! Our Lord thus instructed Sister Faustina: “My daughter, speak to the whole world of My incomprehensible Mercy. I desire that the Feast be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, especially for poor sinners. The very depths of My Mercy will be opened on that day. I will pour out a sea of graces upon those souls that will ap-proach the font of My Mercy. Those who go to con-fession and receive Holy Communion on Mercy Sun-day, the first Sunday after Easter, will obtain com-plete remission of sins and punishment. Let no soul fear to come to Me, even though its sins be as scar-let. Tell ailing mankind to draw close to My Merciful Heart and I will fill it with peace. Mankind will not find peace until it turns with confidence to My Mercy.” Here at Divine Infant we will continue to pray the Divine Mercy Novena until it ends on the Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday (April 7). We pray the Rosary in Church at 7:20am Monday through Satur-day all year long, followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Starting on Good Friday we are praying the Novena with the Chaplet (the Chaplet usually starts between 7:40am and 7:45am and, with the novena, lasts about 10 minutes). On Easter, we will pray the Rosary after the 9:30 Mass in the Crying Room followed by the Novena and the Chaplet. All are invited to join us for these powerful prayers. There are some pamphlets with information about Divine Mercy and the Chaplet as well as prayer cards with the Divine Mercy Image in the Church vestibule. Feel free to take what you need. You can say the prayers at home if you wish.


Easter, 2018 Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Risen Lord Jesus, The news today seems to be dominated by death-dealing forces and foreclosed possibilities. This past year has brought us a plague of gun-violence, streams of helpless refugees in different parts of the world, struggles in our own nation around questions of immigration and racism, countless victims of natu-ral disasters, and large numbers of people who are—in the words of Pope Francis—”discarded.” There seems to be scant room for hope and opti-mism. Yet, we know by our own experience as believers and our common bonds of faith that this is not the full story of reality. There, indeed, is other news, the good news of our Easter faith. Christ has conquered all death and evil. Christ is risen! When we profess our faith in the risen Lord, we do not deny the pain and suffering at work in our world. The risen Christ himself bears his wounds of his suffering, but he is risen. He has conquered sin and death, and our victory is certain. We hold a great hope in him who leads forward. But, it does not end there, for as St. Paul tells us, all of that we celebrate in these days has taken place so that we “might live no longer for ourselves but for him who died for our sakes and was raised.” In the Archdiocese of Chicago, our commitment to Renew My Church means that we take our Easter faith seriously to the point that it becomes the source of new energy for communities and individu-als who share our faith with the world and bring it hope the world cannot take away. May our faith in the Risen Lord be alive in our hearts, and may we share the gift widely and gener-ously with others. Sincerely yours in Christ, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago

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DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY HOLY HOUR Next Sunday, April 8th at 3:00pm, Deacon Jim Sinacore will hold a Divine Mercy Holy Hour with Solemn Exposi-tion of the Blessed Sacrament at St. John Vianney Parish, 46 N. Wolf Road, Northlake, IL 60164. Confessions will Begin at 2:30pm. All are welcome. If you have questions call (708) 343-2263.


We want to be sure to give you an update on our local pregnancy care center. The new location for the Women’s Care Center in LaGrange, located at 136 N LaGrange Road, is scheduled to open on Monday, April 30. If anyone would like to send a donation, they can do so by sending it to: Women’s Care Center P.O. Box 567 La Grange, IL 60525

JELLY BEAN PRAYER Red is for the blood He gave.

Green is for the grass He made. Yellow is for the sun so bright. Orange is for the edge of night. Black is for the sins we made. White is for the grace He gave. Purple is for His hour of sorrow. Pink is for our new tomorrow.

A bag full of jellybeans,

Colorful and sweet Is a prayer, is a promise,

Is an Easter treat!

PROCLAIM THE RISEN CHRIST On Easter morning everything--the spring weather, the flowers, birds and butterflies, the peo-ple around us in their finery, the beautiful liturgy and music--everything seems to bear witness that Jesus Christ is risen today! Like the eyewitness accounts in today's scriptures, the glorious and joyful life all around us helps us to believe the good news of the R e s u r r e c t i o n a n d s i n g " A l l e l u i a ! " In the scriptures today we hear from Peter and Paul and John. All three speak with conviction about wit-nessing the resurrected Christ. John's Gospel ac-count includes Mary of Magdala, who also was privi-leged to witness the Resurrection and tell others the good news. On this glorious Easter Sunday can we ourselves give eyewitness accounts that Jesus Christ is risen today, alive and active in our lives? Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

COLLEGE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP The Knights of Columbus will be holding a social for all members of Divine Infant Parish to watch the NCAA Championship game on Monday, April 2nd in Langan Hall. Pizza and snacks will be served. The cost of the event will be $10.00 per per-son. This will be a BYOB event. Come join the ex-citement!

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LITURGY FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, March 31—Holy Saturday 8:00 pm Claudia Schulte; Helen & George Maczak; Dolores & Ben Sniegowski; Katie Onischuk; People of the Parish SUNDAY, April 1—Easter Sunday 7:30 Thomas Smith; Wilda Gordon; Jerry J. & Donna Dean Russ; Nancy Johnston 9:30 Lou, Val & Joe Greco; Thomas Kovarik;

Thomas Sullivan, Sr.; Anne & Henry Zahumensky; Richard McKenna; Mary Charney; Greg Jonesku; Bob Breneisen; Patricia Larkin

11:30 Jane Ulsafer-VanLanen; Jerry Spahn; Chris Onischuk & Linda Butzen; Gloria Onischuk

MONDAY, April 2 8:00 Jim Wilkin; David Kaiser TUESDAY, April 3 8:00 Mary McLeod; Virginia Wilkin WEDNESDAY, April 4 8:00 Walter & Mary Wanick; Elmer F. Wujek THURSDAY, April 5 8:00 Thomas Smith; Thomas W. Parker FRIDAY, April 6 8:00 Laddie Wujek; Wade Choudoir; Rachel Karlson;

Harry Chabot; Marjorie Barreca SATURDAY, April 7 8:00 All the faithful departed 5:00 pm Concetta Perno; Thomas W. Parker; Holy

souls in purgatory; Michael & Gloria Bruno; Claudia Schulte; Betty Fedler; Marge Mitchell; Martha Schroth; Jeanne Houha- Berg; Dee Mulvihill

SUNDAY, April 8 7:30 Thomas Smith; People of the Parish 9:30 Mary Fox; Nancy Johnston; Bob Feehan;

Marilyn Tredore 11:30 Fr. Fred Tomzik; Roger & Anna Pona; Irma



Alva Vosicky


Because of government regulations, hospitals and nursing homes are no longer allowed to notify us if you are admitted to either facility. If you or a family member would like to be visited in the hospital or nursing home, please call the rectory at 865-8071. If you or a family member are sick or homebound and would like to be added to our prayer list, visited, receive Holy Communion or be anointed, please call the rectory at 865-8071.

Loving God, give strength to all who struggle with illness. Grant them courage when they are afraid and comfort when they are in pain.

Charles Anderson Dorothy Asher

Ed Backer Irene Bendinelli Jerry Benesh

Bill Beuck Arlene Buszkiewicz Carl Celestino, Sr. Margaret Cullen Donald Doucet Donna Huber Ron Huefner

Arlene Kalisiak Joseph R. Lentino Jean Lidzbienski Rena Lizzadro

Judy Lungo

John Lytle Gordon Macpherson

Johnny Mulligan Janine Nywood Dan Onischuk Tammi Patzelt

Frank Pedota, Sr. Dave Peloza Lisa Peloza Kathy Reed

Michael Scherer Thomas Sloan Paul Sodayko Edward Valle Jacob Vincent Bridget Walsh John Williams

NEXT WEEKEND’S MINISTERS CELEBRANT COMM. MINISTERS MUSIC LECTORS SERVERS SAT. 8:00 S. Kill R. Raysa C. Nortier R. Klemp M. Klincewicz P. Cullum A. Cullum SUN. 7:30 C. Celestino W. Rogalski D. Bermudez V. Kulisek J. Norton A. Perry A. Israel SUN. 9:30 P. Meyers Adult Teens J. Stiso R. Meyers Choir J. Chi S. Houston SUN. 11:30 R. Eisenhart L. Ibarra M. Bamford A. Garbacz C. Schukies J. Blumhagen D. Hernandez

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PROTECTING CHILDREN At Divine Infant Jesus Parish and School, the

protection of our children is of utmost importance, and we comply fully with the policies of the Archdiocese of Chi-cago and the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young Peo-ple. To learn more, go to our website infant and click on the tab “Protecting Children at D.I.” or visit and click on the button “Protecting Chil-dren.” If you do not have internet access and would like to learn more, please contact the rectory or call the Office for Protection of Children and Youth at 312 534-5254.


If you would like to receive parish mailings—Christmas and Easter letters, statement of annual contributions, and yearly report—by email, please send an email to the parish at [email protected]. In the subject line write “Parish Email,” and then in the body of the email write your name, street ad-dress and envelope number if you know it. This will help save the parish money in printing and postage.

Thank you!

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31


Divine Infant Jesus Parish depends on your gen-erosity in order to carry out its ministry of proclaim-ing the Good News of Jesus Christ and teaching and healing in his name. We do not charge for anything. We rely solely on your Sunday and Holy Day dona-tions. To make it easier for you to give your gifts to Divine Infant, we work with When you sign up with, you can make all your Sunday, Holy Day, second collection, and every other donation that you make to the parish. Then you never have to use a parish envelope or put any-thing in the collection basket ever again! Please visit to create your personal and secure donations account. Thank you for your generosity!

WELCOME... We are happy you have chosen to be with us. We hope your experience is warm and welcoming whether you are here to celebrate the Eucharist or spend time in quiet prayer. If you wish to learn more about Divine Infant and/or become a new member of our parish—please call the rectory (708) 865-8071. Welcome to Divine Infant. We look forward to seeing you again!

SUNDAY, APRIL 1—EASTER SUNDAY Masses are at 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 am MONDAY, APRIL 2 No RE Classes LH—Final Four Party TUESDAY, APRIL 3 CR—7:00 pm Finance Meeting WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 CH—4:00 pm Music Dept. SATURDAY, APRIL 7 LH—Pro-Life Bake Sale SUNDAY, APRIL 8 LH—Pro-Life Bake Sale MONDAY, APRIL 9 School Resumes RE—Classes LH—6:30 pm Athletic Board CR—7:00 pm Liturgy Meeting TUESDAY, APRIL 10 CH—3:00 pm Chimes PR—7:00 pm School Board CR—7:30 pm PPC

SUNDAY OFFERING March 18, 2018

————-———————————————— This week’s collection $8,911

When you are away for a weekend, we hope you will remember your offering to Divine Infant.

Thank you.

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BLOOD DRIVE The annual spring West Towns Blood Drive will take place on Saturday, April 14. Hosted by the Westchester Blood Program and LifeSource Blood

Services, it will run from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Westchester Commu-nity Center, Bond and Westchester Blvd. The WBP, still the most prolific community blood-collection group in northern Illinois, received 109 units of blood for Chicago area

hospitals at its Jan. 20 drive. Since its founding in 1974, it has received more than 26,000 units, more than enough to serve 80,000 patients. WBP’s last two drives of the year are scheduled for July 14 at Divine Providence School and Oct. 13 at the Community Center. The organization has a new chairman: Michael Vitek has succeeded Carl Panek, who retired after 33 years as chair and 36 years with the WBP.


10th Annual Friends of the Poor Benefit Automobile Raffle

Win a...2018 Buick Encore

$25 Per Ticket Proceeds will benefit the work of St. Vincent de Paul in the

Archdiocese and Divine Infant Parish Drawing is Sunday, April 22, 2018

Winner does not need to be present Tickets for the raffle can be purchased on April 7th and 8th

and April 14th and 15th after all masses.

If you are interested in attending the Benefit, the tickets are $80 per person, After April 8th, $90 per person.

To buy tickets for the raffle or the event contact

Sue Cerny (Parishioner) at 708-368-4418 or Don Smith (Parishioner) at 708-865-0258



BECAUSE THE SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED FOR SPRING BREAK, THE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4TH MEETING IS BEING RESCHEDULED: WE WILL BE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY APRIL 11TH. Doors open at 1 pm and the meeting starts at 1:30pm. A SWAP MEET will be held at our April 11th meet-ing, (no clothes please), Jewelry, etc ok……be pre-pared for some fun and laughter and friendship. Tickets will be available at our April 11th meeting, for our May 2nd Spring Luncheon at Bethlehem Woods. A $5.00 donation is requested for the lunch-eon. Members only. Membership is now open. If you have not re-newed please do so. Membership is $15.00, and as always on an annual basis. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. You must be a registered pa-rishioner at either Divine Providence or Divine Infant. If you are interested in joining, please call Marilyn, at 708-236-5757 or Kay at 708-562-3760.



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WESTCHESTER, ILLINOIS 60154 Like us on Facebook

REV. MICHAEL AHLSTROM, Administrator (ext. 203) REV. GERALD JOYCE, Pastor Emeritus (ext. 206) REV. THOMAS WINIKATES, Associate (ext. 204) REV. JAMES BEATH, Associate (ext. 208) DEACON JAMES SPONDER (ext. 306) MR. LEONARD GRAMAROSSA, School Principal SR. SUSAN MAJCEN, O.P., Director of Religious Education Website: Rectory: 1601 Newcastle Avenue, 708 865-8071 Fax number: 708-865-8032 E-mail: [email protected] School: 1640 Newcastle Avenue, 865-0122 & 865-0233 E-mail: [email protected] Office of Religious Education: 865-8086 Music Director: Mrs. Janet Reif, (ext. 302) Assc. Mus. Dir: Mrs. Judy Schindler, 383-4288 or (ext 302) Business Manager: Mr. Jerry Priore, (ext. 209) Rectory Secretary: Mrs. Toni Podock, (ext. 201) SUNDAY MASSES: 7:30, 9:30 & 11.30 SATURDAY EVENING: 5:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:00 am SATURDAY MORNING: 8:00 am HOLY DAY MASSES: 6:30, 8:00, and 7:00 pm

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: (Confession) Saturday: In the Reconciliation Room 4:00 to 4:45 pm or by

appointment. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd & 3rd Sundays of the

month at 12:45 pm. By Archdiocesan regulation and parish policy, parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation session before the Baptism of their child. These sessions will usually be held on the first Sunday afternoon of the month. Call the secretary at the rectory (865-8071) to register for the session and schedule the Baptism.

D.I.V.M. SERVICES: Communion to the sick, food shopping, necessary

transportation, emergency meals, transportation to Mass. Resource information also available. If you need help from any of these services, please let us know as much in advance as possible so the chairpersons can make arrangements and the volunteers arrange their schedules. If you are able to volunteer to help provide these services to our parishioners, we can always use more help. Please call the rectory at 865-8071.

WEDDINGS: Couples should contact the rectory and speak to a priest

shortly after the engagement, but no less than four months before the desired wedding day.

No date should be set (especially in reserving a hall) for your wedding until you have spoken to a priest. In this way, you will not be disappointed if the church has been previously reserved for another ceremony.

Please keep in mind the times that are available for weddings at Divine Infant:

SATURDAYS—1:00 pm and 3:00 pm WEEKDAYS—–Any reasonable hour

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CHURCH NAME & NUMBER— Divine Infant #9216 ADDRESS— 1601 Newcastle, Westchester, Il. 60154 PHONE— 708-865-8071 E-mail: [email protected] CONTACT PERSON— SOFTWARE— Microsoft Publisher 2003 Windows XP Professional Adobe Acrobat 6.0 PRINTER— HP Laserjet 5P NUMBER OF PAGES SENT— Cover through 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN— April 1, 2018 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS—