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HCI in Trusting Autonomous Vehicles Nichole Mackey

HCI in Trusting Autonomous Vehicles

Dec 12, 2021



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Page 1: HCI in Trusting Autonomous Vehicles

HCI in Trusting Autonomous Vehicles

Nichole Mackey

Page 2: HCI in Trusting Autonomous Vehicles


● Levels of autonomy

● Issues with autonomous vehicles

● Potential of autonomous vehicles

● Research to instill trust

● Current use cases

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Driving Levels of Autonomy

● Level zero: No automation

● Level one: Driver assistance

○ Adapted cruise control

○ Assisted braking

● Level two: Partial automation

○ Example: Tesla Autopilot

References: [5] [8]

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Driving Levels of Autonomy

● Level Three: Conditional Automation

○ Vehicle begins monitoring environment

● Level Four: High Automation

○ Vehicle handles most normal driving tasks

● Level Five: Complete Automation

References: [5] [8]

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Main Issues

● Safety

● User Trust

● Acceptance

● Legal Issues and Hacking

● Communication

● Ethics

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Tesla Autopilot Incidents ● Tesla X:

○ 2016, failed to stop for tractor trailer

○ June 2018, Mountainview, CA Accident

● Tesla S:

○ May 2018: Utah Accident

○ October 2018 Florida Accident

Reference: [3]

Photo: South Jordan Police Department/AP

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Uber Accident

● Where: Tempe, Arizona

● When: March 2018

● What: Pedestrian killed in accident

Photo: Mark Henle, The Arizona Republic

Reference: [1]

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“Trust” Statistics

2017 Road Safety Authority Statistics:

● 4,000 drivers surveyed

○ Safety

■ 27% feel unsafe

■ 24% feel very unsafe

■ < 25% feel safe or very safe

○ Appealing

■ 23% unappealing

■ 45% very unappealing

■ < 20% appealing or very appealing

References: [12] and [15]

2018 AAA Statistics:

● Survey from American Automobile


○ Overall: 73% afraid to ride

○ Generation Breakdown:

■ Gen X: 68% unsafe

■ Millennials: 64% unsafe

■ Baby Boomers: 71% unsafe

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Why Pursue Autonomous Cars?

● Safety

● Time and fuel efficiency

● Overall mobility

● Success cases

References: [6] [13]

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Stanford Study: Experiment (2014)

● 64 participants

● STISM driving simulator

● Procedure:

○ Automatic braking to avoid collisions

○ How, Why, How + Why

Overview of driving simulation setup

Image from article: “Why did my car just do that? Explaining semi-autonomous driving actions to improve driver understanding, trust, and performance”

Reference: [10]

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Stanford Study: Results

● Most positive with just “why”● Least positive “how + why”

● Drove worse with just “how”● Safest driving “how + why”

● Greater acceptance with info about environment

Graphs from article: “Why did my car just do that? Explaining semi-autonomous driving actions to improve driver understanding, trust, and performance”

Reference: [10]

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“Humanizing” the Car

● Northwestern University, 2014 study

○ Monitored heart rate

○ Nameless vs. named

● Stanford’s Center for Automotive Research study

○ Visual barrier for passengers

● Too much trust is bad

Reference: [9]

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Land Rover “Intelligent Pods”

Reference: [7]

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Ghost Driving

Image source:

Reference: [9]

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See What the Car Sees

Image Source:

For comfort, some AVs feature screens that show passengers what the vehicle is sensing

Reference: [9]

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Safety is Key Selling Point

● > 30,000 Americans die in traffic accidents/year

● 2013: 543 fatal crashes in the U.S. where drivers were ill at time of crash

● Sacrifice comfort for safety

Reference: [6]

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Domino’s Delivery and Ford

Image Source: [2] [14]

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DoorDash and GM

● To be launched in March 2019

● Look at grocery delivery

● Expand to offer rides

Image Source: [4] [17]

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Walmart Grocery Delivery

● Udelv vans in Arizona

● Other pilot programs

○ Ford

○ Waymo

● 2019 goal: reach 40% U.S.


Image Source:

Reference: [16]

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Would you trust a self driving car?

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References [1] Bomey, Nathan. “Uber Self-Driving Car Crash: Vehicle Detected Arizona Pedestrian 6 Seconds before Accident.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 24 May 2018,

[2] Buss, Dale. “Domino's Must Lead In Autonomous Delivery Just As It Now Does in Pizza Sales, Departing CEO Says.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 27 June 2018, 1:07pm,

[3] Cava, Marco della. “Tesla Model S Was on Autopilot, Utah Driver Tells Police.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 14 May 2018,

[4] Colias, Mike, and Josh Beckerman. “GM, DoorDash to Test Autonomous Food Deliveries.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones &amp; Company, 4 Jan. 2019, 5:02am,

[5] Harner, Isabel. “The 5 Autonomous Driving Levels Explained.” IoT For All, IoT For All, 23 Oct. 2017,

[6] Hirschauge, Orr. “From Autonomous Vehicles to Safer Cars: Selected Challenges for the Software Engineering.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 18 Aug. 2015, pp. 180–189., doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33675-1_16.

[7] Holley, Peter. “How Do You Get People to Trust Autonomous Vehicles? This Company Is Giving Them 'Virtual Eyes.'.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 29 Aug. 2018,

[8] Hughes, Justin. “Car Autonomy Levels Explained.” The Drive, Time Inc. , 3 Nov. 2017,

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References [9] Hutson, Matthew. “People Don't Trust Driverless Cars. Researchers Are Trying to Change That.” Science , American Association for the Advancement of Science, 14 Dec. 2017, 9:00am,

[10] Koo, Jeamin, et al. “Why Did My Car Just Do That? Explaining Semi-Autonomous Driving Actions to Improve Driver Understanding, Trust, and Performance.” International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), vol. 9, no. 4, 30 Apr. 2014, pp. 269–275., doi:10.1007/s12008-014-0227-2.

[11] Large, D.R., 2017. A longitudinal simulator study to explore drivers' behaviour during highly-automated driving. IN: Stanton, N.A. (ed.) Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation. Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation, New York: Springer, pp. 583-594.

[12] Morris, Andrew. “Can We Trust Autonomous Vehicles?” RSA, May 2018,

[13] Pettersson, Ingrid, and I.C. Marianne Karlsson. “Setting the Stage for Autonomous Cars: a Pilot Study of Future Autonomous Driving Experiences.” IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 9, no. 7, 16 Dec. 2014, pp. 694–701., doi:10.1049/iet-its.2014.0168.

[14] Singh, Prashant. “Amazing Video of Self-Driving Car Delivering a Pizza!” The Financial Express, The Financial Express, 21 Jan. 2019, 6:54pm,

[15] Snow, Jackie. “Americans Really Don't Trust Self-Driving Cars.” MIT Technology Review, MIT Technology Review, 22 May 2018,

[16] Thomas, Lauren. “Walmart Taps Udelv for Latest Driverless Car Tests to Deliver Groceries.” CNBC, CNBC, 8 Jan. 2019, 1:30pm,

[17] Valdes-Dapena, Peter. “GM and DoorDash to Deliver Food in Automated Cars.” CNN, Cable News Network, 4 Jan. 2019, 6:16pm,

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Swedish Study A

● Study A: drawing future experiences

● 9 participants

○ 6 men, 3 women

● Copenhagen shopping mall

● Study:

○ Select car and cityscape

Reference: [13]

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Swedish Study A: Results

● Social implications

○ Engage with passengers

● Everyday life

○ More time + freedom

● Efficient resource use

○ Sharing cars with others

● Trusting Image from:

Reference: [13]

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Swedish Study B

● Study B: setting the stage for future experiences

● 9 participants

○ 7 men, 2 women all with driving experience

● Parking lot in Gothenburg, Sweden

● Car drawn with chalk and chairs

○ Built upon each participant

Reference: [13]

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Swedish Study B: Results

● Extended living room

● Morphing old and new

○ Movable steering wheel, reclining seats

○ Display is same

● Trust:

○ Fear of regaining control

Image from:

Reference: [13]

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Nottingham University: Driver Posture

Graphic Source: [11] [12]

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Nottingham University: Simulated Driving Study (2017)

● 6 participants, 29-55 years old

● 5- 30 minute simulated sessions

● 2 driving situations

● Looking at passenger tasks

Driving simulator in motorway scenario

References: [11] [12]

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Nottingham University: Health Status Bar

● Green: able to handle

● Amber: slight constraint

● Red: major constraint

● Steering wheel: driver control

Location of the health bar in the simulator [11] [12]