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Have fun with CodeIgniter Framework 23 April 2016 & Ahmad Arif

Having fun with code igniter

Jan 18, 2017



Ahmad Arif
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Page 1: Having fun with code igniter

Have fun with CodeIgniter Framework

23 April 2016

& Ahmad Arif

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About Me Pendidikan

1998-2004 SDN 1 Kertamulya, Karawang 2004-2007 SMPN 2 Rengasdengklok, Karawang 2007-2010 SMAN 1 Rengasdengklok, Karawang 2010-2014 Informatika Universitas Jenderal Achman Yani 2015-???? Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung

Minat Programming Machine Learning Artificial Intelligent

Game Technology

Entertainment Etc

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What is framework? Framework = Kerangka kerja Menyediakan struktur umum aplikasi sehingga

memudahkan pengembang dalam menyimpan kode dalam aplikasi

Menangani tugas umum– Database– Business logic– Form handling

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What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter framework aplikasi web ringan yang

ditulis dalam bahasa pemrograman PHP, dan mengadopsi pendekatan Model-View-Controller.

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Kenapa menggunakan CodeIgniter?

Feature rich Lightweight/small Open source Well-supported by an active community Excellent “by example” documentation Easy to configure (nearly zero configuration) Supports multiple databases Cleaner code High Performance

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Model-View-Controller Model – merepresentasikan data View – menyajikan data untuk interaksi dengan

user Controller – mengontrol model dan data supaya

bisa saling berinteraksi

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CodeIgniter Classes CI’s built-in classes berisi fungsi dasar yang

sering digunakan oleh aplikasi web Beberapa kelas yang sering digunakan:

– Database– Input– Loader– URI– Validation

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Database Class Mengolah queri menggunakan the Active Record /

ORM Pattern Menyediakan metode “chaining” untuk

kemudahan query $this->db->where(‘name’,$name);

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Input Class Menyediakan akses ke input pengguna dan data

lainnya:– Form fields (POST)– Cookies– Server variables


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Loader Class Membuat berbagai resource:

– Databases– Views– Helpers– Plugins


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URI Class Menyediakan akses ke bagian-bagian tertentu

dari String URI Berguna untuk membangung RESTful API $this->uri->segment(n);

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Other Classes Benchmarking Calendaring Email Encryption File uploading FTP HTML Table Image Manipulation

Language (internationalization) Output Pagination Session Trackback Unit testing XML-RPC Zip encoding

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Helpers and Plugins CodeIgniter dilengkapi dengan berbagai “helper”

yaitu fungsi yang menambahkan kenyamanan terhadap aplikasi dan memberikan kemudahan reuse code.

$this->load->helper(‘helper_name’); CodeIgniter juga memungkinkan untuk

penggunaan kustom add-on yang disebut “plugins”.


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Getting Started Tools

– Apache HTTP Server– MySQL Database– PHP– Browser– Code Editor


Notepad Notepad++ Sublime

Atom PHP Storm Etc

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Getting Started To Do List

– Installation– Controller– View– Model– RESTful API

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Controller<?php class BlogController extends CI_Controller {

public function index() { echo 'Hello World!';


public function comments() { echo 'Look at this!';

} }

<?php class BlogController extends CI_Controller {

public function page($index) { echo 'Page: !' . $index;


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<title>My Blog</title></head><body>

<h1>Welcome to my Blog!<h1></body></html>


$this->load->view(“index”);Add this code in controller

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<title>My Blog</title></head><body>

Welcome <strong><?php echo $name ?><strong></body></html>


$data = array(“name” => “Ahmad Arif”

);$this->load->view(“index”, $data);

Add this code in controller

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Model Create database and table Setting database (config/database.php)

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Modelclass Blog extends CI_Model {

$tableName = “blog”;

public function insert($title, $content){ $data = array(

“title” => $title,“content” => $content


$this->db->insert($this->tableName, $data);



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Modelclass Blog extends CI_Model {


public function update($id, $title, $content){ $data = array(

“title” => $title,“content” => $content


$this->db->where(“id”, $id);$this->db->update($this->tableName,



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class Blog extends CI_Model {


public function delete($id){ $this->db->where(“id”, $id);$this->db->delete($this->tableName);



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Modelclass Blog extends CI_Model {


public function getAll(){ return $this->db->get($this->tableName)-


public function getById($id){ $this->db->where(“id”, $id);return $this->db->get($this->tableName)-



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Using Model

class BlogController extends CI_Controller {


public function insert(){ $this->load->model(“Blog”);

$title = $this->input->post(“title”);$content = $this->input->post(“content”);

$this->Blog->insert($title, $content);}


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RESTful API Tools

– Postman– Code Editor

To Do List– Format JSON/XML– Routing– Cache setting

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Tank You