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a thin, sallow, dyspeptic looking man ?.If so, you hâve probably concluded that he needed a tonic and some good, healthy, invigorating exercise.Businesses, like. men,grow horribly thin unless properly cared for.Advertising is the exercise and tonic for business, and Tee-Dee Want Ads. are the best result-producing advertising known at such a small cost.^e have sliown yot) thc disease and cure, but, Mr. lyierchant, you must do the rest. Have You Ever Seen Following e«eH elneelfieatlon below Is the annotinsemeiit of o profjrasslvo' fell· «ble concern» which, le prepared to',offer special facilities to the "Mall Order Trade." Particularly to farmer» and those Who reside some, dlotance from the convenience» of the city stores. Owlna to tho extension of the rural free delivery service throughout this section, It Is do longer necessary to "come to town" to do your »hopping.«Imply make your selection from the flood» listed below' or write for Information, which will be fllady mailed and then send your order by mall. The eohoern« listed on this page are «elected as repreaentatlvo and may be classed aa headquarter« In tholr particular line.. When writing for catalogue« or Information always mention The Tlmes-Dlepatoh. ROOF PAINTS. BAY. PARTNER, DID YOUR ROOF leak that last big rain? If su, It tired« a corti or Roof Paint; wo have tho paint, no trouble to apply Hi let us ligure with you and show you how to paint It for a little roney; our Roof Paint slays on roof, VAUOHAN'S, (102 East Broad. SIAHO.N'S FRUIT .IARS, PINTS, QUARTS nnd halt gallons; rock bottom palees; also caps nnd rubbers. ELBA HARD¬ WARE CO. TIN AND PAPER ROOFING. HOOFING PAPER. G,??. A ROM,. BEST Roll Tin, »-.25 roll. Tired Wheels, ready for Buggy, $8,50 tòri four wheels. Rich¬ mond's .greatest bargain house. 'Phone, /write or como to see us. HARRIS HARD¬ WARE CO,. 4-3 Haat-JSroad Street. PA'. NTS AND FLOOR STAINS. ELBA HARDWARE- CO., 422 WEST Broad, corner Henry. Everything In the Paint lino, Floor Stains, Floor Wax und Varnishes. Prices to Htilt the punie. SUMMER GOODS AT COST. ' LAWN SWINGS, HAMMOCKS, CjtO- qiiot, Rubber Itone, Lawn Mower«, Buse- Biil) GoodH. Bicycle« and Sundries. Want to close all these out at cost. See ua for bargains. HARRIS HARDWARE CC. SUMMER COMPLAINT. I'RAYSER'S DIARRHOEA CORDIAL. A permanent and -speedy euro for all forma of Bowel Affections, i.ecent or Chronic. No family should be without during tho Bummer month«. Warranted to cure any ense of Bowel Complaint. It uuletH tho Nervous System, «tops tho Loose Pus."agea, relieves all Pain and Griping, and leave« tho Bowels In a natural nnd healthful condition. 23c. u bottle J. XV. FRAYSER, 1S01 Main Btreet. WINES AND LIQUORS. WHY NOT ORDER STRAIGHT GOODS. Thoy.nre first-class and coni no moro than «econds. I hnvo boon nupplying my trndo with straight whiskies direct trom distillery for tho pnst 12 years, Thtee-year-old Strnlght Kentucky Ryes and Bourbons low os I2.Í0 per gallon, cannot be equaled at the price. Gibson nnd Montlcello (Spring 1S99). $4 por gal¬ loni O verholt and Cnlvcrt f Spring 1000), 13,50 per gallan; Meilwood, Atherton and Maysvlllo Club (Spring 1900), $3 per gal¬ lon: Carroll (Sbrini- IMI), S2.B0 p¿>r gal¬ lon: Jessamine County Ryc (1001), $2.55 per gallon: Straight Holland Gins, $2, $2.60 and $3 per gallon; Valley of Virginia Claret, 6-nunrt bottles, $1.75: Imported Claret. 0-nunrt holt Ics. $2.50: 5-ycar Old .Straight Mnlt (Medicinal), $3,50:' 3-year Old Corn Whiskey, $2.00 per gallon. No chnrgo for Jugs and packing on goods at Í2.00 per gallon or over. Express prepaid nn goods over $3.00 per gallon. Remit by certified check, registered letter, ex¬ press or money order. P. O. KELLY, Box 89. Richmond- Vr. SCREEN DOORS. REDUCED PtUCES ON ALL SCREEN Door« and Windows, Hammocks. Water Coolers. Ice Cream Freezer« and Lawn Mower«. ELBA HARDWARE CO., .422 West Broad, corner Henry. G UtÂË. SPRINKLING AND BUILDERS' LIME, Cement and Piaster.' ELBA HARD¬ WARE CO.. 423 West Broad. DUSTLESS OIL. WAX FLOOR OIL. 2ÖC. PER GALLON, Varnish Floor Stain«, 10c. to 40c a can. 'Phono 1089.' HARRIS: 98C. RAZORS. A SMOOTH FACE IS RATHER TO BE chosen than many whiskers; 98 cents will buy ? fine hollow ground warranted $1.50 Razor this week. Wo mall these anywhere. HARRIS HARDWARE CO. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.ONE 50 H. P. LOCOMOTIVE Type Boiler, two 40 H. P. Return Tubu¬ lar Boilers, one 25 H. p. Vertical Boiler, one H. P. Altmnn-Taylor Engine (mounted on wheels), ono 16 H. P. Friek Engine, (mounted on wheels), one 12 H. P. Horse Guide Traction Engine; also smaller sizes of Boilers nnd Engines and Shnfllrig. Belting. Hangers,'Pulleys, etc. 'RICHMOND BELTING & MACHIN¬ ERY CO., Byrd Street, between Sixth and Seventh, Richmond, Va. PULASKI BLUE GRASS FARM. TIIE executors of S. W. Miller will offer at public sale August Hist a line tract ni¬ bble grass land, lying on Back Creek, containing ·330 iteres. three-fourths cleared and In grass. The lund Is well ..Watered ap.d .has..good, dwciiin.g-.und all .nc'eOHStiry* outbuildings. ??\' ??p??????????.-1 portunlty to purchase ii'flnef grain and t stock farm. Fur information,' address ?G????? C. WYSOR, Dublin. Vu.; A. ?,. JORDAN. DR. J, S. MILLER, Pu- láskl, Vs., executors. LARGE DOUBLE SODA AND. M1NE- rnl Water Fountain, with twenty syrups, I wo. soda and 'four mineral water draught tubes; 2 30-ga)lon fountains, 27 glasses, 27 holders, connection plsx-.s, etc.; everything complete; a bargain, cheap for cash or on timo. Seo It nf No.·. S18 North- Monroe Street, corner Brook Avenue, City. ORRIS. THE PERFUMED ROOT, USED ¡n making all the face, tooth nnd -per-, fumed powders; J2.000.000-worth imported every your; sells for IOc. a pound:· won¬ derfully productive; hardy. Interesting, flowering plant for Held or garden, .pro¬ ducing $1,000 an acre each year; $10 will start you; U. S. government advises Its cultivation; full Instructions freo how to grow It. Write'to GRANITE HILL FARM, Louisa,' Vn. TIMBER FOR SALE-THIRTY-FIVE million feet of pine, cypress, oak tuid gum timber, on deep water, near Wil¬ mington, conveniently located. If m- ..terested, uddress B. F. KEITH, Wil¬ mington, N. C. ENGLISH SETTERS-FOUR GYP PUPS, sire Mohawk, .owned by John D. Watson, Charlottesvllle,' Va.; both sire and dam thoroughbred, direct from champions Gladstone,' Count Noble, Roderego, An¬ tonio Clncinnatus: price, $15 ouch: If taken before September 1st. Address ROBT. E. CREE, Crozet, Va. FOR SALE. ONE LARGE STEEL range, with hot water connection, ,ln god order, suitable for restaurant or hoarding house; cheap for /cash. Apply .Monday between 2 and G o'clock, 210U ¦East Franklin Street, WILL TRADE 8-P1ECE ROÍSEWOOD Parlor Suit for Surrey or Buggy. l'Or sale, eight-light combination Chande¬ lier, oxodlzcd copper: ulso side lights; cejst $30. Address L. 201, caro this ofllfin. FOR SALE, 510 FEET WIRE CABLE:.!!) wires to strand, 7 strands to cable, 1 l-S inches diameter. $75. F. O. .B., Mayo-: dan. N. C. PIEDMONT LAND Ä- MAN¬ UFACTURING CO., Miiyodnn, N. O. for sÂl~ë^hô~rse ??Ga ? ?? a>í ? Harness of the lato Dr. William Tl., Lvne; ¡ill In good order. Can ho soon, at SUTHERLAND'S STABLES, No. 3 N. Cherry Stroet. WANTED, PURCHASER FOR GOOD retnll Hardware Business; nice, cl<vnn ntock, anel well-located. Owner de-sues to- cngugvj ut onco In oilier business, nnd early purchaser will 'secure a t'iir- galu. Address K, 203, caro this office. DRUG STO «13 FOR BALH-DOÏNG cash business; no opposition; will in¬ ventory, $2,000; fresh stock; write for tormn. F, 202, care this office.· JÜRGENS' WILL SELL YOU A "FOR·· tune" or "Mrs. Rorer1' Gas Range,-and If It does not cook, bake or broil aa uOll as any other stovo will refund your money: 410-21 E. Broad Street. SEVENTEEN-FOOT SAH." AND RXVW- boat combined, with sail, oars iiud everything complete; eusyc light running boat, in good condition; will sell ctienp to quick "buyer, JOHN J. PULLY, Pe¬ tersburg, Vn. FOR SALE-THE "FOLLOWING ????- chlnery, in gooil order: Four-side Pinner, Double Surfacer, Singlo ¡aiir- faccr, Circular Re-Saw. Hand, Mortising Machine and Wood Turning Lathe. APPGMATTOX LUMBER<& BOX CO., Petersburg, Va, Í'LIES, FLIES, FLIES; NO PEACE AT homo. Why don't you go to Vauginn's .and Invest a low dollars In window a"'1 Door Screens und eat and sloop with comfort. Big lot just received; prhies as low lowest, VAUGILVN'S, Ü02 iiast 'BwacV\_ Sixteen new unused ' "si'ncilm Desks, sume as those'recently orilored for the Richmond High School; will sell cheap. 'Phono 220, or address J, 208, care this office. fOR SALF^LOT OF STOREWX'FUR iH Including Cash Register, Seules, Coun¬ ters, Iron Safe, ^Shelving and l>vstc; cheap for cash, Address C. 207, car» «ihi* offici, v ^ FOR1 SALE. I -;-_~.-:-1 PARTY LEAVING THE CITY HAS A line, $ltfO iplano they, will soil cheap. Address G, 208, caro this· office. TRY SNOW WHITE SirwE. POLISH, easy to apply and does not rub off, price 5c at BLANKS'S. The Preschlptlon Druggist Stores ENGRAVED BRASS, CHIPPED ANI), embossed .signs, the kind that appeal, EMPIRE SIGN CO., ,209 W. Broad. DON'T FAIL TO' VISIT CRIGHTON'S Clean Sweep Sale. Sale going on all this week. Millinery at one-half wholesale prices. 113 E. flroad Street. ¡ SHOW CASES' TO BEAT THE BAND, all styles and sizes, from Î1.00 up; good u.s.nAy,. .See us heforu buying. .SHOW CASE;. GR E. Main. ,.' FOR g'ALEr-AN UPRIGHT. PIANO, use(| only one year; good make, sweet tone, splendid condition: cheap for cash. Call at 009 . Barton Avenue, Barton Height«,' AM· I GOING TO' BUCKROE BEACH July 20th with the RETAIL GROCERS? Well, 1 guess yes! FOR SALE. FIFTEEN ANGORA COATS. Apply at No. 1703 West Leigh, or Union Stock Y'ardS, R. KASTLEBÉRG, SONS. WANTED, TO SELL HANDSOM-E RUB- .ber tire Surrey and Harness; good its new. For particulars address M., P. O. Box 428. ':'.·.'"..".. WANTED. TO'>SELL A FIRST-CLASS Confectionery and Grocery Store; splen¬ did location: Tensón for selling, ill health. Address R., care Station A,, city. FOR SALE-COMPLETE COURSE IN mechanical engineering, including In¬ struction and'text-books: $25; a bargain. G. W. MITCHELL. 210 E. Franklin St., city. ,.-,_ NEW ORLEANS LINEN SUITS MADE to order:. tho "Ideal garments for hot weather. W. S. CONSTABLE & CO. FOR SALE-NO. 10 BARLOCK, TYPE- writer, used but a few month«, guar¬ iti) teed by the manufacturers.· For par¬ ticular», apply "35 E. Main Street. WANTED, TO.' SELL A RESTAURa'Ñ'Í7; good location; lino business. Address G. 207, care this ofllco. RUNABOUT FOR SALE. APPLY AT STALL .12, Old Market. ? LADIES' WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, 75o. at STEIN'S, Fifth and Broad. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CORPORATION, ESTABLISHED ísús! desire« services of un energetic budines« man lo manage branch otllco; investment $1,000 und upwards, also unquostlouuhlo reference« regarding ability and Integ- lily required; «alary $2,f>00 annually und commission. Address Box 53": .Madison, SVI«. ARE YOU 1X30KINQ FOR ,A CHANCE to be Independent? Afi exceptional op¬ portunity for a man who know« a. good 'thing when hu sees it and who hits thu brain« to push It. Fur such, an Inde¬ pendent Income· for Ufo, Small capital required; principal«, only. Address AD¬ VERTISER, Richmond Hotel, city. a~"rare SusTnesÌ OPPORTUNITY for large profits tu small and large In¬ vestors. Full particulars. Address V. E. T. & M. CO., P, O. Box lOLPotorsburg, Va,_ UNTIL AUGUST 1BTH, UNLIMITED seholnrshlps, admitting to classes at any time, will be Issued at 20 per cent, dis¬ count. Full particular« upon request, .MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE.. BLUE BOOK ON PATENTS AND LIST of Invention« wanted, free to any ad» dress. Patent« secured or fee returned. GEO. S. VASIION ? CO., 900, F St., Washington, D. WANTED. TIMBER AND MILL OWN» ers io correspond with tub with view to manufacturing their lumber under con» tract; practical and experienced all- round mill und lumberman. Address· J, R. QOODH, Munnboro, Vii_. X'AUTNER WANTED IN* MANIiFAc" luring business, established and pay¬ ing. Prollts can bu ea.slly Increased, yielding $3,000 yearly, Vow hundred tlullurs required. Investigato at once, Address H. 208, caro of·this otllce. PARTNER WANTED, MANUFACTUR- Ing business; established und'payhig prof- In; can easily be Increased, yielding ???,???. yearly; fow hundred dollar« re¬ quired; investigati, ut once. Address ?. '¿DI, cara this otllce, _ "???". ?,????? MD3E.' BROKER AND M'F'S., AGENT. Account« and correspondence soloclled. no N'T"'FA IL' To" vísiT'cRIGU'rONi Olean Sweep Sale. Sale going on all this w»ek. Millinery at. one-half wholesale ¿rices. U3 E. Broad Street. I BUSINESS CHANCES« STATE MANAGER WANTED BY AN established Ohio corporation; good sal¬ ary, ulllco expenses and commission.-, paid to men of character nnd ability; references-Inquired and given. Address MANAGER, 103 Ontario Uldg., Toledo, O. CRAB PARK. CRAB PARK (THERE 18 ONLY ONE). Tho liurd-shell erubs are boiter now Ibid .e.. either l.UOp.l) Uri·,, 1 tit-tit. but we sell them; that's Why wo nr«¡ able to have them fresh every day. HO¬ TEL LAAVRENCE.Ji'wolrth ami Main. "th e""ri q"ht~ t RaTníT. ' ItURRY UPI DON'T ???GHEAR THE train whistle·.' Got your ticket now for the RETAIL GRO.CERS' EXCURSION to Uncieron Beach July 20th. First train leaves Main street .statuiti as soon as filled, oilier follow Immediately after, not later than 8:1». CARRIAOË'r^ÂTTniALS. EVERYTHING FOR THE VEHICLE from tho Urn to the top. J, W. WHITE & SON, Jobbers, Fourteenth Hlruot, near M'aln. 8TÔREs7"s'fORE3T~~ NEW STORES FOR RENT ON E1GH- tconth, near Broad; liberal terms; good place for any kind of business. 'Pnone .1002.. SAVE MONEY. "~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK, RICHMOND, Va., is the place to deposit your money. They will take care of It Cor you, unit return the principal on demand, nnd, by agreement, will pay Interest on U If It stays ninety days. RESTAURANTS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FIHST- class dinner, come In to sec me; I will give you one for Sue, 8 to 10 different cllshns; one pound Porter House Steak, ~>c; Oysters in alt styles, and all the imaginable delicacies of the season. R. FRANCION1E, SCG-BOT E. Broad Street. ?-- SUMMER RESORT AT HOME. IF YOU CAN'T GET AWAY THIS HOT ¿season, come to HOTEL LAWRENCE ß CAFE: sit under the fans and eat, drink and keep cool nnd be happy.' GOOD ADVICE* WHY WAIT UNTIL YOU GET SICK? "Delays are dangerous and good health Is-wealth." Don't drink water from any river, cistern, or any kind of water which nils your system full of germs und causes such diseases ns typhoid, malaria and slow fevers, also indigestion, dys¬ pepsia, liver, bladder and kidney troubles, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera Infanliiin, piles und urlc-ncld, but order ut onice ¡? live-gallon carboy of the cele¬ brated Hat-rls Antl-Dyspeptlc and Llthia Water, which will keep you in good health. 'We· guarantee what wo say. J. A. MORRIS & CO.. No. 114' North Sev-, enth Street. 'Phone 48S2. '_ MONUMENTAL WORK*! JOSEPH J.« MART. GRANITE AND M'arblo Worker. 2901 Enst Leigh Street. Granito and mtirblo monuments, head¬ stones, posts, curbs, etc.; lettering u specialty. Your custom .solicited, FLY AND MOSQUITO. SAY..DON'T THESE FLIES BITE? AND only- a gentle whisper, it's nearly time for Mr. Mosquito. Now. to get rid of these Interesting, little would-be friends get some of Bruce's Screen Doors at 75c. up, and Windows, loe. up. 'Phons 1928 or call at 1711 Enst Franklin Street. "sea food. the best deviled crabs in the city (home made); clam chowder. ..the. best; sea food cooked to order. BROAD STREET CAFE, <Max Bernstein, i-To- prieto?. 402 East Broad Street. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. BEST MAIN SPRINGS, GUARANTEED,' 75c. Why pay others Î1.O0 or $1.60.. Clean¬ ing watches, 75c.; watch glasses, 15c. C. HOULGRAVE, The Reliable Jeweler. 222 East Broad, corner Third. - ...,-¦¦¦ .-j ROOFING. SJ..AG, GRANITE AND GRAVEL ROOB^ ???. guaranteed for ten-years. Refer¬ ence: American National Bank (sky¬ scraper), Mutual Assurance Bunding (skyscraper), Jofterrtm Hotel. New Richmond Hotel, Chesterfield Plate, American Tobacce. Co.. American Can Co., American Locomotive Works, Klcn- monti Cedar i.'orks, Gallego Mills. Write for price to ARMITAGE MFG. CO., Richmond. Va. SHOE REPAIRING SPECIAL. TSC. HALFSOLE MEN'S S II ? E S, ladles' iVOc; best whlt'o oak. leather. Every pair sewed; no squeaking, nu nall.s, no pegs. Genuin« Morgan & Wright's Rubber Heels, 35c. Drew's malte, sowed strong Shoes, for men and boys, S2. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 710 E. Main. 'Phono. 2067. TrUTHrTUL ADVICE. DON'T DRINK THE FILTHY, SLIMY, muddy James River water, which Is full of germ, and is tho causo of so many diseases, such as indigestion, dyspepsia, uric acid, kidney and bladder trouble», fever, liver, and all kinds ot Intestinal irritation, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera Infantimi and stomach troubles, but call by Jr A. MORRIS & CO., 114 North Seventh Street, and try a glass of.tho celebrated Harris Anti-Dyspeptic and Llthln Waler free, which they guarantee will give you good health. 'Phone 4.SS2. FURNITURE AND CHINA PACKED. FURNITURE AND CHINA PACKED and shipped with care. 'Phone 3202,. JACOB UMLAUF._______ COLD TEA. TOGO, THE BEST BLEND FOR GOLD tea on tho market; fifty cent« por pound. Copyright applied for. GEO. A. HUND¬ LEY. Geo. McD. Bluko, Manager, SEWING MACHINES. PAY NO ATTENTION TO AGENTS WHO tell you thoro Is no oflleo horn for tho Domestic and Wheeler A. Wilson Ma¬ chines. Fun supply, new styles on hand; attachments and needles furnished. GARLAND II. CLARKE A CO., 222 E. ? road Street._ FLOOR OILsT ' THIS IS TO EVERYBODY THAT LIVES In a house: Dust Is something very dis¬ agreeable. Why huvo It? Simply use Bruco's Dustless Floor Oil at 25c. gal¬ lon and be happy, 'Phone 1028, BRUCE HARDWARE CO,. 1711 Enst Franklin. PRINTING. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. SEND FOR our silent salesman portfolio and sam¬ ples. CAPITAL PRINTING CO.. P. O. Box SO, Riohmond, Ya. TRUNKS. iiirTuS TRUNKS, BAGS AND CASES. O. If. BERRY & CO.'S Great Busement Trav¬ elers' Goods Dopurtment can supply you With aU the newest things for travelers. Biggest stock In this section, Worth seeing. B. H. SPENCH, 22 NORTH f NINTH. Trunks and Traveling Bags of all kind.» repaired. 'Phon* or call; ? will send for your trunk or valise. il. w. rÔuntreej Ai uno. trunk AND BAG CO., Retall nnd Repairing, Fourteenth and Broad Streets SPRINKLING LIME. HAS THE BOI TIP OF HEALTH MAN called on you yet; eion't lei him catch you napping. 'Phono 1H2S for somo of Bruce's Slack Lime- at ¡6e. peck und have things In proper shape. BRUCE HARDWARE CO., 1711 East Franklin Street. .:_. EXCURSIONS. JO"Ín''tU E R ETA IL "fi"îtf.')( .'ERS' ASSO, .on Ihelr excursion to Hitekroo Beach .lulv -flth. Tholr aim Is to make this. Hie best excursion hey have, «vor run, a nil' every effort ha« been put rortll 10 (icron'ipllfili this. Over 2,00ri tirlzc« and premium«, valued fit $27ô.C0, will be elveii it way: absolutely free, cither by contest or 'drawing, and every put-dinner of a. ticket will bo «tire of something, Wo will give you every chance to enjoy your- tielf with music, .dnnrlng, bnntlng, bath- up, fishing, base-bal), und various con¬ tests.· Tlio (Into July -'nth, _( ""DENTÍSTRY7-" SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS. OPPO¬ SIin the postofllco.'Phonc 3'.9ß. Exam¬ inations and estimates free. TIME FOR EXCURSIONS. IF YOU AVANT ANY EXCURSION poster«, dodger« or tickets, PD5HINI SHOW PRINT the place to sav* you money. 10t South Eighth Street. F?? E,*; U PH O USTE R?? a AND MAT¬ TRESSES. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP- holstered, Hair Mattresses to order, old oneB'mndo over like new; Slip Cover« a specialty. JACOB UMLAUF. 705 W. .Main. 'Phone 3292. SHOE REPAIRING SPECIAL, DON'T LET THE COBBLER DECEIVE you' hy putting on rubber heels, and telling you they arc Morgan-Wrghlt. You can tell the genuine, for the name Is moulded In each heel. Wo put thoni on for 30c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY, 710 E. Main. 'Phone 2007. Send anywhere. ? ¦' "? ; V/ANTED Ba7j7o~PUPILS. J. A. BAG H, THE W ELL KNOW ? ???- Jolst, Will be at the urgent request ot hi« friends Immediately: thorough'train- Ing'ln music and banjo technique guar¬ anteed; terms moderate. Address J. A. PAGE, 1011 W. Main Street. STORAGE. FOR- CHEAP AND DRY STORAGE rooms apply to RICHARDSON & CHAPPELL. Storage Department, Bol- vldere Building, 601 W. Main Strcot. 'Phone SI3. CLEANEST, DRY EST. CHEAPEST storage In the city; seventy-five cents a load. OLIVER'S STORAGE WARE-I HOUSE, 00 Broad Street. 'Phone 4B8L. FLY SCREENS.! SCREENS AND AWNINGS MADE TO order; get estimate« at once. C. B. NORVELL. 211 1-2 North Sixth St., 'Phone 486._ SPECIAL NOTICE. Ï HAVE ???Ï8 DAY ADMITTED MY «on«,· S. & j. Hellstem. Into partnership In the Llv%-Stock Brokerage business, formerly conducted as Well & Hell- stern, which'business will henceforth bo conducted under the firm name and stylo 'oil ÄV'Hdlstern & Sonn. ?. HELLSTERN. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADM1NIS- », trator of the estate of Mr. Charles Well, deceased, l;.desire to notify all parties Indebted toi.aald estate that settlement should be made ?t once with the under- slgnod, and-that all claims against said estate should bo promptly presented for verification.^ MYER K1RSH, Admr. THE FIRM OF WEIL ft HELLSÏBRN? has been dissolved by the death of Mr. Charles iWSIIi All persons indebted to said firm will please settle, with the un¬ dersigned,' arid nil daini« against said firm should';bc promptly presented. ? ¦" ', .," ,. -¿-: HELLSTERN, tr !·¦ i-Sj MY ER KIRSH. v '" Admr. of Chas. Well, Dec'd. '" DENTISTRY. SOUTHERN :dental rooms, oppo- sito the prijrtofllce. "Phone. 3290. Exam¬ inations unit, estimates frße, BICYCLBS~ÂND AUTOMOBILES. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BICYCLES,. Tires and.sundries cheap: Try us. Bicy¬ cle repairing a specialty nnd guaranteed'. Old wheels ¡exchanged. D. W. VAUGHN, ?18 E. Main Street. SIGNS. EMPIRE SIGN CO-SIGNS THAT AP· peal. Tlio most modern shop in the Soutn, of every materlal'and description. Man- iifacturers of mirrors and gliding on glass. Wo nre the only manufacturers of engraved brass, nickel and copper signs In the South; also only manufac¬ turers of chipped, engraved and emboss¬ ed glass signs; highest cluss advertising signs a specialty. Up-to-date show cards. Visit our show rooms, 200 \Yost Brohd. next to Thompsons'. FRED. A. BUTTON, Manager. YOUR MONEY'S WORTrL A 'PIP-TOP DINNER FOR 50C. ON JULY' 2Cth at'the restaurant at Buelrroe Beach. This arrangement has been made fol¬ lile benollt of those going on the RE¬ TAIL GROCERS' ASSO. EXCURSION. Nothing has been neglected to insure both comfort and pleasure. So como, along. . EARLY BREAKFAST. IF YOU AREGCÏÏ NO AWAY ANDWANT | vour breakfast before leaving, you can get « good one at FRANCIONIE'S, 005- '007 E. Broad Street. DYSENTERY CURE* WADE'S DIARRHOEA AND DYSEN- tery Compound. Cure« dlarrhooa and dysentery, c-holern-morbus, cramp colic, bilious colic, painter«' colic, chronic diarrhoea, cholera lnfantum, and all summer complaints; oxcellent for chil¬ dren teething; pleasant and agreeable to take. Highly recommonded by physl- clans, professional nurse« and druggists. See testimonials of what those who havo used It have to say about It. Over titty year's reputation behind ovary bottle. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Alldrugglst«. FRUIT JARS. TO THE LADIES WHO ARE CONTEM- plating putting up pickles, preserves, etc This season you vo got to have Jars Now look at theso prices and .phone 1928 quick boforo thoy are ail cono. Tlio latest and best make. 1 Dint 42c. dozen; quarts, 53e, dozen: 1-2 gallon«. 73c. down, at BRUCE HARD¬ WARE CO.. 171.1 East Franklin Street. MECHANICS' TOOLS. MECHANICS' TOOLS OF EVERY DE- «crlntlon at Do propor price. 'Phono 19-8 or call on BRUCE HARDWARE CO,, 1711 East Franklin Btre,et. !" ÜPHÖLöTERINO. LEVY THE UPHOLSTERER, CAN make vour slip covers now.avoid tho rush. B4 Brook Avenu». 'Phone 1036. COUNTRY MEAL. ???Gß??? WATER GROUND MEAL voti over ate, from Green Springs, LouisaV county. GEO A HUNDLEY. 'Phono 3S0. Geo. MoD, Blake, Manager. :^old::=and" sîlv¥r~bûïïyFr7 WANTED, OLD GOLD AND' SILVER IN any condition; highest caah prlco« paid; or will givo watches, jewelry, silverware hi exchange A- M MEYER & BRO,, jeweler«. No. tH» -i'01*'1 tíu'00·' «'«h- moud, Vu. , ANTIQUES. MACHINERY. FOR ß? LE.CENTRIFUGAL. PUMPS, with pipe cnnhnctlnns: 1,000 feet. 2-Inch (Hid 1,000 feet ft-4 inch wire cable, set¬ ters, derricks, 500 feet cast Iron 4-lncli pipe, 100 cast Iron lintels, fi, 8 arid lu feet long; one double leather 12-Inch hell, .'15 rent long, nun No. r> doublet. pulley Sttirtevant blower and pipe, phnftlng. belting, pulleys anil hnngers, FRED 8TE1NMEIMER. -120 Brook Affi¬ nile; 'phone 14 4 S. '·¦ "." ?????7G7a"?1G?~??????a FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBINOj 8TJ'7AM and hot water healing see ,1. W. BAR- ?????, 020 E. Main Street. TRANSFERS. 'PHONE 1fif,i-, RAPID TRANSFER CO., ?, M. Trnlnum, Manager, for freight, furniture, pianos nnd hauling ot all ile·· sorlptlon; careful drivers; terms reason¬ able.· . ¦_ MOVING AND HAULING. ?WKLV E WAGONS-TRANSFERRI Nd. moving plnnos and furniture nt short notice; specialty In freight hauling; sat¬ isfaction guaranteed all customers. D. ROWLES, office 307 N. Second Street; residence 70*6 Munford, Street, Rich¬ mond, Vn. _ GROCERIES. IF you want to buy fat CHICK- ens or fresh Country Butter or Eggs, you can sav« money by going to H. F. WALDROP'8, 305 Brook Avenue IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY GO t/> H. F. WALDROP'-S, 303 Brook Ave- nue; he will sell you Greenback To¬ bacco nt 3c. hag or 20c. pound; other to¬ baccos crea ? in proportion, and he will slice old Country Ham nt 15c. =¦- ... "-.:' ¦¦-. .- CIDER MILLS. CIDER MILLS OF THE FAMOUS Hocking Valley make. In throe, at THE WATT PLOW CO·. Fifteenth and Franklin Streets, and 1404 E. Main StreoL t* _ VEHICLES. r THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE stock of Vehicles In Richmond at THE WATT PLOW CO.. Fifteenth and Franklin Streets, and 1104 B. Main St. -.'¦-' .¦." > WATCH REPAIRING. YOUR WATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN- ed by TVM. TOBIEN. Jr., is a guarantee that It is done properly; 20 years' experi¬ ence. Cleaning, 11.00; Main Spring·, 11.00. 408 East Broad Street. All work guaranteed. 1, =3-: ======= .'¦¦ TAILORS AND CLOTHING RENOVA- TORS. THE CHIMBORAZO TAILOR I N G," CLEANING AND PRESSING·' CO., Stage & Wiseman,.Proprietors, 2410 East Broad. Yqur patronage solicited. Goods called for and delivered same day. 'Phono 1701L. ~ RESTAURANT. GRASS WIDOWERS WILL PLEASE take notice and remernhor the best and oldest established place in the city, GUS E. DELARUE'S, 910 E. Alain Street, .'. whero you can .got a good dinner or a hot 10c. lunch, served from 11 A. M. to 11 P. M*. I also nervo dishes cooked to order' from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. DYEING AND cTËÂNTngT CLEANING, DYEING. SCOURING-' Gents suits pressed, 50c; pante pressed. 10c. ladles' suite pressed, 60c. upwards; pants scoured and pressed, 35c.; auiU scoured and pressed, $1,00; ladles' skirt· cleaned snd pressed, 60c.; ladles' skirt» scoured and pressed, 75c. dyeing at cost; old reliable dyo house. MUTUAL STEAM .JJYE1NG & CLEANING WORKS, 813 W. Broad Street. 'Phone 2274. Wagon call» and deliver» «roods. PURITAN STEAM CLEANING AND Dyeing Works, "'Phone 2310,- 2404 East Broad Stroet. E. S. JARVIS.. Proprietor. Kid gloves cleaned, 6c. per pair; suits pressed, 35c.; suits cleaned and pressed, tiOc. suits secured and pressed, 75c. ; ¡.Klrts cleaned and pressed, 35c.'; skirts scoured and pressed, 60c; skirts dyed and pressed, ?1; suits dyed and pressed, $1.75 silks cleaned. Ladles' and gents' gannente of all 3tlnd cleaned, pressed and iiyed. h MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRE8S- ed for $1.00 at M'KENNEY'S, 418-420 E. Marshall Street. Goods oalled for and delivered, 't-hone £340. " ..:-¦ .r CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. WE HAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF NEW anel Second-hand Wugone nnd' several Runabouts. RICHARDSON BROS., 613 . Brook Avenue. FOR .VINE WAGONS AND CARRIAGE8, all kinds of repair work and rubbor tiros go to P. R. PHILLIPS .& CO., 402 and 401 North Seventh. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. WANTED. TO SELL SEVERAL PAIRS of thoroughbred Plymouth Rook Pigeons. Address A. G. L., care of Currier No. 15,. city. FOR SALE. FINE CHESTNUT, SOR- rel driving horse. Apply 521 S. Laurel Street, ¦_ AWNINGS. ¡ AWNINGS AND SCREENS MADE TO ordor; estimates choorfully given, C. NORVELL, 2UV4 North Sixth Street. 'Phone 48Q._ * PAPER HANGING. AUTISTIC WALL PAPER ADDS CHEER to any room. I have the newest abades, designs and colors; prloes right. JAMES T. HILL. 60S East Main Street. COAL, WOOD AND ICE. & _ we are"1tse'lling the best 'free burning Anthracite Coal for $tl: Lump Splint, *f>; Wost Virginia Coko, 2.75; also hslf cord Sawed Pine, $!,78; Oak. $!l. TYLER ? RYAN, Linden and Gary, 'Phone 1379. WE SELL GOOD. COLD ICE," LET US havu your order. The best of attention and prompt delivery at reasonable prices is our motto. FORD & CARRINGTON. 301 Bollili Pino Street, Coal. Wood and leo Dealers. 'Phono 47110. $1.25 FOR ? A LF CORDA LLF.G ? ? ? Y Box Factory Kindling Wood, delivered; nil kinds nf fuel at prices to meet all comers, quuntlly and quality consid¬ ered; established in 180.1. J. B. LAO*. _ _.__..___ _ soiirKE^ silo the postoffice. 'Phone 8290. Exam· limitons and estimates free. PATENTS ¦ GUARANTEED. Palloni* Secured or Fee Returned. Sond model or sketch for fiv.'e opinion as to patentability. Senil fur illuslraied Guide ik*ik. Contains mi) mechanical movements and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTKL. TELLS' HOW TO OBTAIN AND SELL PATENTS, Full particulars of NEW TKADU-MARK LAW, COPY¬ RIGHTS, etc. Patents secured through us niivertl»i>d free In World's Progressi. Sample copy freo. Í3VANS, WILKENSâCO., ¡Reav, Patent' 'Attorney*»· en> F. St,, Wash- inetun, P. C, ¦m»-w-i' ***mm Voice of the People1 Tainted Money. Edltor of The Tlmen-Dlspatchi Sir,.In an editorial on "Tainted Mohey" In your Isbuo of the 18lh, you «ay, "To «it quietly by, while fortunes urn being Im¬ morally picked up all about u«, and then to «corn to have anything to do with them (or, however, high a oaune, Is both short- sighted and tooll«h." What you «ay tnle, but you do not go far enough. It fortune« havo, been thus picked up, It cither becaueo thoro ar« no sufficient laws to prevent It, or the law« are not properly enforced. Such laws .can oly bo passed' when thorn Is a sentiment behind them, ni;d can also bo enforced only when they are backed up by an educated popular sentiment. Tho universities and college« of tho country ought to bo the places whero the young men of tho country are taught sen¬ timent« of what right and moral. Will they bo thus taught, when the head« of thn&'o, Institutions, have received'largu gifla from men. who aro known to havo acquired, their wealth by questionable men 7 As you say,· President Hadley, of Yfllo, will hardly mako tiny remarks about Mr. Rockotoller, utter his Institution has ac¬ cepted a gift of a million of dollar« from ljhn. ¦»,' And to come closer home, In my vlovv, the authorities of tho University of Vir¬ ginia ought to have refuabd to accept tho Ï100.000 that Mr. Rockefeller recently gave them, ; '--' ¡ When tho educated public sentiment of tho country noi only disapproves ot tho practices of Mr. Rockefeller and of other« of his kind, but demand that law«-shall be passed to break them up, and when pushed shall bo enforced, the day will not be far distant when the-acquirement of such fortunes Mr. Rockefeller's will become an Impossibility. But this will never be done long as such men can «top tho mouths of those who should be leaders ot tho people by the gifts of large sum« of money, wlitoh they have unlawfully rwriing out of the body of tho people. S. B. WHITEHEAD. Lovlngston, Va. Annexation and Obstruction. Editor of The Timos-Dlspatch: Sir,.Your editorial in to-day's Issue, headed "The Folly of Obstruction," anent the shameful manner In .-which tho city has been provehted from annexing the terrltory_that she so badly needs and which the public wishes to tie taken' In, by one or two men hi tTi'o Council and Board of Aldermen, though couched In seemingly apologetic.tones (doubtless to· Messrs. Mills and Blair), Is »till the most virila and foroefül thing ybu have.-iald.1 Now, Mr. Editor, I would not tie dis¬ courteous to any momber of our, city government, and there la personal feeling in what I «ay. But X submll that what concerns tho welfaro and pros¬ perity of tho city Is matter of. interest, or should be. to every citizen, and tho acts of our colludimeli and uldermen uro legltlmato subjects for erIUclBm. Granllng this, thero aro many .people In Richmond who would like to know why Messrs. Mills and Blair aro working, «o strenuously fo keep tho .''public (by Whom they hold their Jobs) from having what they have so strongly declured they wanted.I. p., liberal annexation. And does Mr. Mills dominate the entire Coun¬ cil? Can no needed Improvement go through when he oppose« It! By what virtue does Mr. MIUb arrogate' to himself the privilege of killing moasures înè'ed'od and long desired by the city? "Mr. Mills and Mr. Blair! It does scorn to some of us that every move made hero for pro¬ gresa Is at ottco taken In charge of and killed outright or bulqhorcd and emascu¬ lated, and by whom? By either Mr. Mills or Mr,' Blair, possibly by both (their combined efforts arc supreme). It la sad augury for tho future of Richmond that ono or two .gentlemen have taken tho old town in charge and have decided Just what and what is not good for It; Tho people Want llboral annexation. Nobody In town knows this bolter than Messrs. Mills and .Blah·. The peoplo elected Messrs. Mills and Blair to the positions they hold, I ask,. then, what reason can they give for scheming in every posslblo manner to keep tho people from having what they,know thu people wunl? When thóy purauo such a course Ihey should not complain peo¬ plo say things. But, then, perhaps they don't complain, Wo used to know Mr. Siili« when ho lived along the banks ? G the Rappahan- nock, and though an hitcHlgcnt young man, ho wa« hi no wise above the usual. Sine« his coming to Richmond I fain would ask: "Upon what nient doth this our Caesar feed" that ho wotlld rule tho dly? As «toted before, we mean no disre¬ spect to either of. the gentlemen alluded to, hut soino of us" would llko to know «Imply If those two city father« (and mother«, too) are to bo allowed to com¬ pletely domlnuto and drag their way In overy matter of Interest to the pity? Are all tho other councilman and alder¬ men mico, or aro there, a fow real mou and patriotic, men In the bunch? ANNEXATION. Richmond, Vn. A Negro's View of Italians. Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch; Sir,.A few Sundays ago there ap¬ peared «i conuiiunlcHtlon from »someone signing "Amigo dogli (liillanl." This was n well written, panegyrical, efflores¬ cent, poetical and Imaginative article, which, an essay, was interesting rend¬ ing. Tho writer «ays thn.Mhn ¿issubhIiih- tlon of tho chief of police of New Or¬ leans ? well worn subject. So It I«, but ? showed the hand of the Mafia, II nlso «bowed the cowardly treachery Inherent In Latin race«, Doe« ho think that the widowed mother of the young deputy «liBi'lff of Fairfax county, mur¬ dered by an Italian because ho was try¬ ing to arrest the Italian for Insulting young school girls by using Improper language toward them, thinks that Hal- Inns make useful citizens? Ho tri«·« In his nrtlclo to mako little of these things, hut It Is things like those that causo what Is known uh the negro problem, nnd allow mo tu «ay In defence of our negro citizen«, that as a ruce. twachery not prodonjtnnnt to the extent that It «mone Bailan», and îiegrocB have no Mufln. which our "friend of the Ital¬ ians" tries to have us overlook. My Utter Inspired by a letter to you by one Eliot Norton, of Now York, which renili' an advertisement of «omo Im¬ migration .soeietv. l firmly nwd, con¬ scientiously believe Unit any heavy Im¬ migratimi of Italia na or und kindred Latin raen will coiiKtItuto a «vriotis men¬ ace of our country of Ihe Bouth, "Aii-lco degli Italian!" does not refuto a slnele one of my sliitemcnt». I asked him to toll me how many Italian« In Richmond wero engaged In useful trade«, such as machinist a. carpenter«, inaeon«, brlck- lavora. and he talks about the beautiful blu« skies of Sritttliern Italy, she! Ihn Ilnlln.n's love of nature. Thn sanie might «pply to any tramp whose lov* Of nature, leads hltn to spend his' Mm« communing ¦wilt nature, shunning work altd begglne for food. I spoke nf the Mit fin und Black Hand societies, whose mission It Is to tmirrier those who have Incurred their enmity and Mr. Amico, says the pollen of Italy nro doing nil |n their, power to put It dnwn, but that It Is secret, while In some Southern commilnitlen tho lawlessness Is mntlo no secret of, nnd therefore that much inore demoralizing. Perhaps so, bul to my mind the shooting s'critpes In the South, whero the men tight each other fuce^ to fnco and In Hie open, nr« f/ir preferable to stabbing a mali In the hack, whero ho tins not one chance In a 'hundred. It Is nil well enough to talk about assimilating foreigners, but as a mutter of fact, tho inferior rncês have a most demoralizing effect upon the morals of »1. "community. Witness the dlfferene-e In Hie behavior of girls and women in the South, and those In the cities of the North and Wosf, which arc thronged with foreigners, We don't see drunken women stsggerlng along the street, here, nor women speak¬ ing to men on the street, ns you will see In Chicago, I'lillndelphln, Npw York, Asftp Mr. "Amico degli Italiani" speak¬ ing of Northerners considering them¬ selves "the grent. ? am," &c, ot course, you will Und a certain number of fools everywhere, but ns a rule those sottlerl "hero nrn modest nnd kindly ppople, a most useful class of citizens; and ono wo ought to encourage to come here In largor numbers. In many respects wo have much to lenrn from them, and we are not going to make nny great progress by "thinking we know It all. but in the ense of Italian immigration the facts aro- against the oncourag¿ment of such Immigration., 1" was in one of the coun¬ ties along upper James River not long ago, and the people there scoffed _nt the, idea of bringing Italians to settle there, nnd salti. If they came they would find a wn.y to/drive' them out. In con¬ clusion, I don't think our people the kind who will submit to having some¬ thing forced upon them that they don't .want, and the admitted determination of the Italian Government to colonize the South with their natives, will, ? hope, strike many a. snng bcfoçc It becomes an accomplished fact. ' Respectfully. JUVENIS. BULLET EXTRACTED. Dockery Doing Well and Bail Will Be Insisted On. * (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) RALEIGH, N. C, July 22..-Physicians, to-day extracted one bullet, from John Dockery, who was shot more than a month ago by Polldema'n Isaac Rogers,' because he "believed Dockery had betrayed, his sevehteon-year-old daughter. * The bullet was from the wound In the shoulder and was found Just tinker .the skin in front, where it had lodged after crashing through':' the shoulder from the rear and scatter-' Ing. the. '¿boulder' bones. It Is thought probable that It he recovers' he will to a considerable extent lose the uso of tho arm. The bullet In tho most serious wound, thnt In the hack, which passed dnhgerously near the spine' -and, pene¬ trated the lungs, has not bconNloctited, and ho Is still too weak to stand an oper¬ ation. The patient Is doing very well, but. Is not consltjerod out of danger. The question of the preliminari· lietir- Ing of Rogers, who has been Iii jail.'since. tho shooting, will come up' again Mon¬ day, and his counsel announce their -pur¬ pose to Insist on ball. Until now Dock- ory's condition hns been so precarious thnt the question of ball'could not be pressed. In the event ball." Is allowed there will bo no extensive preliminary bearing, examination being waived. MASHED TO DEATH. Boy Caught By Falling Tree and Instantly Killed. (Special to The' Times-Dispatch.) DURHAM.1 N. C, July 22.Harvey Scoggins was killed by being caught be¬ tween a falling tree and a-corn crib at the home of his uncle, about one mllo oast of Durham, ynsterdny morning. Young Scoggins's uncle, Mr. N. M;--Mar¬ shall,, was cutting down some tall pines hear tho cflb. One beguh leaning toward the crib, and Scoggins was scat, up the tree to put a chain around the top in or¬ der that the men on the ground might pull' it the other way. This lie did and came' down. Then It was found that the chain would have to be about five foot higher. Then R -waa that Scoggins, together with his con(in, Aiolà Marshall, again went up the tree. While up there a great puff of wind h'eW the Iree down, in spite-of thu efforts of the men, catching'tho body or IHtarvoy Scoggins between It and the corn- crib, killing him InBtlintiy. Viola Marshall Saved herself by jumping. No blame is attached to any one on account ot the untimely accident. Young Scoggins llvoü with hie grand¬ mother near the Marshall home. e- Funeral of Mr. Tompkins. The funeral of Mr. E. G. Tompkins, who died at the home of his daughter In Ash- land, Friday, win take place there at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The body will ho brought to Richmond, ranching Elba Sta¬ tion at 4:25. Interment will be In Holly¬ wood. The pnll-bourers will b«; Activo-R. A. Puyne, E. A. Evans, E. I.. C Scott, 8. E- Bates, Gordon Wallace, Carter White, William Mussle and W. 8. Gill. Honorary.J, B. Winston, Dr. J. S. Well- ford Theodore Ellyson. Mann S. Quarles, William'M·. Hill. E. A. Batighman. O, J.,' Saudi«, J. M. Miller, Jr., John'B. Purcell, J. C Joplln anel F ?, Sutton. Small Fire at the Forbes Plant Yesterday morning shortly after 10:15 o'clock fire broke out in the smoke-house of tho provision store of W. S. Foglie* and Company, corner of Tenth and Byrd .StreetH, and It might have proved a «e- rjnus blaze had not engines Nos. 3, 4 and 7, with truck No. 1, promptly responded to the alarm und ciuenehed the fiamos. The fire originated from a piece of amok- lug inMit. Little or no damage was done. Insurance on the amoke-lrouse amounts to fl.Tui. and on the contents thereof »1,000. Fertilizer Bulletin Issued. Commissioner of Agriculture G. \y. Kölner is nt present sending out to Vir¬ ginia fanners Fertiliser Bulletin No. 25, which Is "the second one be has Issued this year. Four ot these bulletins are Issued each year, In addition to ihn an¬ nual report, and may bo obtained from Commissioner Kölner by any farmer In the State who sends his' address on a pontili. Stamping Out Disease. There are now but three oases of small- .pox at the hospital, and those are of a mild type. No cases are reported In Manchester. El·. AV. T. Oppeiilliniev states that the loi'til sanitation and disinfection aro so thorough that In »11 probability no fen-, oral vaccinatimi order will be Issued. ___ Death Due to Daring. George Rlc«·· who wus drowned In Hie fanal Friday afternoon, brought about hi""it·«t h by Id» own voulut ísomern·**. lie uttf-mpted to make a long swim, which proved too ran* for his power», aod hi« «la riti«- in.ulled la hie di-ath·

Have You Ever Seen cost.^e Want 1 - Chronicling America

Mar 18, 2022



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Page 1: Have You Ever Seen cost.^e Want 1 - Chronicling America

a thin, sallow, dyspeptic looking man ?.If so, you hâve probably concluded that he needed a tonic and some good,healthy, invigorating exercise.Businesses, like. men,grow horribly thin unless properly cared for.Advertisingis the exercise and tonic for business, and Tee-Dee Want Ads. are the best result-producing advertising known atsuch a small cost.^e have sliown yot) thc disease and cure, but, Mr. lyierchant, you must do the rest.Have You Ever Seen

Following e«eH elneelfieatlon below Is the annotinsemeiit of o profjrasslvo' fell·«ble concern» which, le prepared to',offer special facilities to the "Mall Order Trade."Particularly to farmer» and those Who reside some, dlotance from the convenience»of the city stores. Owlna to tho extension of the rural free delivery servicethroughout this section, It Is do longer necessary to "come to town" to do your»hopping.«Imply make your selection from the flood» listed below' or write forInformation, which will be fllady mailed and then send your order by mall. Theeohoern« listed on this page are «elected as repreaentatlvo and may be classed aa

headquarter« In tholr particular line.. When writing for catalogue« or Informationalways mention The Tlmes-Dlepatoh.

ROOF PAINTS.BAY. PARTNER, DID YOUR ROOFleak that last big rain? If su, It tired« a

corti or Roof Paint; wo have tho paint, notrouble to apply Hi let us ligure with youand show you how to paint It for a littleroney; our Roof Paint slays on roof,VAUOHAN'S, (102 East Broad.

SIAHO.N'S FRUIT .IARS, PINTS, QUARTSnnd halt gallons; rock bottom palees;

also caps nnd rubbers. ELBA HARD¬WARE CO.


HOOFING PAPER. G,??. A ROM,. BESTRoll Tin, »-.25 roll. Tired Wheels, ready

for Buggy, $8,50 tòri four wheels. Rich¬mond's .greatest bargain house. 'Phone,/write or como to see us. HARRIS HARD¬WARE CO,. 4-3 Haat-JSroad Street.


ELBA HARDWARE- CO., 422 WESTBroad, corner Henry. Everything In

the Paint lino, Floor Stains, Floor Waxund Varnishes. Prices to Htilt the punie.


LAWN SWINGS, HAMMOCKS, CjtO-qiiot, Rubber Itone, Lawn Mower«, Buse-

Biil) GoodH. Bicycle« and Sundries. Wantto close all these out at cost. See ua forbargains. HARRIS HARDWARE CC.


I'RAYSER'S DIARRHOEA CORDIAL. Apermanent and -speedy euro for all

forma of Bowel Affections, i.ecent orChronic. No family should be withoutduring tho Bummer month«. Warrantedto cure any ense of Bowel Complaint.It uuletH tho Nervous System, «tops thoLoose Pus."agea, relieves all Pain andGriping, and leave« tho Bowels In anatural nnd healthful condition. 23c.u bottle J. XV. FRAYSER, 1S01 MainBtreet.


WHY NOT ORDER STRAIGHT GOODS.Thoy.nre first-class and coni no morothan «econds. I hnvo boon nupplyingmy trndo with straight whiskies directtrom distillery for tho pnst 12 years,Thtee-year-old Strnlght Kentucky Ryesand Bourbons a« low os I2.Í0 per gallon,cannot be equaled at the price. Gibsonnnd Montlcello (Spring 1S99). $4 por gal¬loni Overholt and Cnlvcrt fSpring 1000),13,50 per gallan; Meilwood, Atherton andMaysvlllo Club (Spring 1900), $3 per gal¬lon: Carroll (Sbrini- IMI), S2.B0 p¿>r gal¬

lon: Jessamine County Ryc (1001), $2.55 pergallon: Straight Holland Gins, $2, $2.60and $3 per gallon; Valley of VirginiaClaret, 6-nunrt bottles, $1.75: ImportedClaret. 0-nunrt holt Ics. $2.50: 5-ycar Old.Straight Mnlt (Medicinal), $3,50:' 3-yearOld Corn Whiskey, $2.00 per gallon. Nochnrgo for Jugs and packing on goods atÍ2.00 per gallon or over. Express prepaid

nn goods over $3.00 per gallon. Remitby certified check, registered letter, ex¬press or money order. P. O. KELLY,Box 89. Richmond- Vr.


REDUCED PtUCES ON ALL SCREENDoor« and Windows, Hammocks. Water

Coolers. Ice Cream Freezer« and LawnMower«. ELBA HARDWARE CO., .422West Broad, corner Henry.


WARE CO.. 423 West Broad.


WAX FLOOR OIL. 2ÖC. PER GALLON,Varnish Floor Stain«, 10c. to 40c a can.

'Phono 1089.' HARRIS:


A SMOOTH FACE IS RATHER TO BEchosen than many whiskers; 98 cents

will buy ? fine hollow ground warranted$1.50 Razor this week. Wo mall theseanywhere. HARRIS HARDWARE CO.

FOR SALE.FOR SALE.ONE 50 H. P. LOCOMOTIVEType Boiler, two 40 H. P. Return Tubu¬lar Boilers, one 25 H. p. Vertical Boiler,one 1« H. P. Altmnn-Taylor Engine(mounted on wheels), ono 16 H. P. FriekEngine, (mounted on wheels), one 12 H.P. Horse Guide Traction Engine; alsosmaller sizes of Boilers nnd Engines andShnfllrig. Belting. Hangers,'Pulleys, etc.

'RICHMOND BELTING & MACHIN¬ERY CO., Byrd Street, between Sixthand Seventh, Richmond, Va.

PULASKI BLUE GRASS FARM. TIIEexecutors of S. W. Miller will offer atpublic sale August Hist a line tract ni¬bble grass land, lying on Back Creek,containing ·330 iteres. three-fourthscleared and In grass. The lund Is well..Watered ap.d .has..good, dwciiin.g-.und'eOHStiry* outbuildings. ??\' ??p??????????.-1portunlty to purchase ii'flnef grain and

t stock farm. Fur information,' address?G????? C. WYSOR, Dublin. Vu.; A.?,. JORDAN. DR. J, S. MILLER, Pu-láskl, Vs., executors.

LARGE DOUBLE SODA AND. M1NE-rnl Water Fountain, with twenty syrups,

I wo. soda and 'four mineral waterdraught tubes; 2 30-ga)lon fountains, 27glasses, 27 holders, connection plsx-.s,etc.; everything complete; a bargain,cheap for cash or on timo. Seo It nfNo.·. S18 North- Monroe Street, cornerBrook Avenue, City.

ORRIS. THE PERFUMED ROOT, USED¡n making all the face, tooth nnd -per-,fumed powders; J2.000.000-worth importedevery your; sells for IOc. a pound:· won¬derfully productive; hardy. Interesting,flowering plant for Held or garden, .pro¬ducing $1,000 an acre each year; $10 willstart you; U. S. government advises Itscultivation; full Instructions freo howto grow It. Write'to GRANITE HILLFARM, Louisa,' Vn.

TIMBER FOR SALE-THIRTY-FIVEmillion feet of pine, cypress, oak tuidgum timber, on deep water, near Wil¬mington, conveniently located. If m-

..terested, uddress B. F. KEITH, Wil¬mington, N. C.

ENGLISH SETTERS-FOUR GYP PUPS,sire Mohawk, .owned by John D. Watson,Charlottesvllle,' Va.; both sire and damthoroughbred, direct from championsGladstone,' Count Noble, Roderego, An¬tonio Clncinnatus: price, $15 ouch: Iftaken before September 1st. AddressROBT. E. CREE, Crozet, Va.

FOR SALE. ONE LARGE STEELrange, with hot water connection, ,lngod order, suitable for restaurant orhoarding house; cheap for /cash. Apply.Monday between 2 and G o'clock, 210U¦East Franklin Street,WILL TRADE 8-P1ECE ROÍSEWOOD

Parlor Suit for Surrey or Buggy. l'Orsale, eight-light combination Chande¬lier, oxodlzcd copper: ulso side lights;cejst $30. Address L. 201, caro this ofllfin.

FOR SALE, 510 FEET WIRE CABLE:.!!)wires to strand, 7 strands to cable, 1 l-Sinches diameter. $75. F. O. .B., Mayo-:dan. N. C. PIEDMONT LAND Ä- MAN¬UFACTURING CO., Miiyodnn, N. O.

for sÂl~ë^hô~rse ??Ga??? a>í?Harness of the lato Dr. William Tl.,Lvne; ¡ill In good order. Can ho soon, atSUTHERLAND'S STABLES, No. 3 N.Cherry Stroet.

WANTED, PURCHASER FOR GOODretnll Hardware Business; nice, cl<vnnntock, anel well-located. Owner de-suesto- cngugvj ut onco In oilier business,nnd early purchaser will 'secure a t'iir-galu. Address K, 203, caro this office.

DRUG STO«13 FOR BALH-DOÏNGcash business; no opposition; will in¬ventory, $2,000; fresh stock; write fortormn. F, 202, care this office.·

JÜRGENS' WILL SELL YOU A "FOR··tune" or "Mrs. Rorer1' Gas Range,-andIf It does not cook, bake or broil aa uOllas any other stovo will refund yourmoney: 410-21 E. Broad Street.

SEVENTEEN-FOOT SAH." AND RXVW-boat combined, with sail, oars iiudeverything complete; eusyc light runningboat, in good condition; will sell ctienpto quick "buyer, JOHN J. PULLY, Pe¬tersburg, Vn.

FOR SALE-THE "FOLLOWING ????-chlnery, in gooil order: Four-sidePinner, Double Surfacer, Singlo ¡aiir-faccr, Circular Re-Saw. Hand,Mortising Machine and Wood TurningLathe. APPGMATTOX LUMBER<&BOX CO., Petersburg, Va,

Í'LIES, FLIES, FLIES; NO PEACE AThomo. Why don't you go to Vauginn's.and Invest a low dollars In window a"'1Door Screens und eat and sloop withcomfort. Big lot just received; prhies aslow a» lowest, VAUGILVN'S, Ü02 iiast'BwacV\_Sixteen new unused

' "si'ncilmDesks, sume as those'recently oriloredfor the Richmond High School; willsell cheap. 'Phono 220, or address J, 208,care this office.

fOR SALF^LOT OF STOREWX'FUR iHIncluding Cash Register, Seules, Coun¬ters, Iron Safe, ^Shelving and l>vstc;cheap for cash, Address C. 207, car»«ihi* offici, v^

FOR1 SALE. I-;-_~.-:-1

PARTY LEAVING THE CITY HAS Aline, $ltfO iplano they, will soil cheap.Address G, 208, caro this· office.

TRY SNOW WHITE SirwE. POLISH,easy to apply and does not rub off, price5c at BLANKS'S. The PreschlptlonDruggist Stores

ENGRAVED BRASS, CHIPPED ANI),embossed .signs, the kind that appeal,EMPIRE SIGN CO., ,209 W. Broad.

DON'T FAIL TO' VISIT CRIGHTON'SClean Sweep Sale. Sale going on all thisweek. Millinery at one-half wholesaleprices. 113 E. flroad Street. ¡

SHOW CASES' TO BEAT THE BAND,all styles and sizes, from Î1.00 up; goodu.s.nAy,. .See us heforu buying. .SHOWCASE;. GR E. Main. ,.'

FOR g'ALEr-AN UPRIGHT. PIANO,use(| only one year; good make, sweettone, splendid condition: cheap for cash.Call at 009 . Barton Avenue, BartonHeight«,'

AM· I GOING TO' BUCKROE BEACHJuly 20th with the RETAIL GROCERS?Well, 1 guess yes!

FOR SALE. FIFTEEN ANGORA COATS.Apply at No. 1703 West Leigh, or UnionStock Y'ardS, R. KASTLEBÉRG, SONS.

WANTED, TO SELL HANDSOM-E RUB-.ber tire Surrey and Harness; good itsnew. For particulars address M., P. O.Box 428. ':'.·.'".."..

WANTED. TO'>SELL A FIRST-CLASSConfectionery and Grocery Store; splen¬did location: Tensón for selling, illhealth. Address R., care Station A,, city.

FOR SALE-COMPLETE COURSE INmechanical engineering, including In¬struction and'text-books: $25; a bargain.G. W. MITCHELL. 210 E. Franklin St.,city. ,.-,_NEW ORLEANS LINEN SUITS MADE

to order:. tho "Ideal garments for hotweather. W. S. CONSTABLE & CO.

FOR SALE-NO. 10 BARLOCK, TYPE-writer, used but a few month«, guar¬iti) teed by the manufacturers.· For par¬ticular», apply "35 E. Main Street.

WANTED, TO.' SELL A RESTAURa'Ñ'Í7;good location; lino business. Address G.207, care this ofllco.



BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESCORPORATION, ESTABLISHED ísús!desire« services of un energetic budines«man lo manage branch otllco; investment$1,000 und upwards, also unquostlouuhloreference« regarding ability and Integ-lily required; «alary $2,f>00 annually undcommission. Address Box 53": .Madison,SVI«.

ARE YOU 1X30KINQ FOR ,A CHANCEto be Independent? Afi exceptional op¬portunity for a man who know« a. good'thing when hu sees it and who hits thubrain« to push It. Fur such, an Inde¬pendent Income· for Ufo, Small capitalrequired; principal«, only. Address AD¬VERTISER, Richmond Hotel, city.

a~"rare SusTnesÌ OPPORTUNITYfor large profits tu small and large In¬vestors. Full particulars. Address V. E.T. & M. CO., P, O. Box lOLPotorsburg,Va,_

UNTIL AUGUST 1BTH, UNLIMITEDseholnrshlps, admitting to classes at anytime, will be Issued at 20 per cent, dis¬count. Full particular« upon request,.MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE..

BLUE BOOK ON PATENTS AND LISTof Invention« wanted, free to any ad»dress. Patent« secured or fee returned.GEO. S. VASIION ? CO., 900, F St.,Washington, D. O·

WANTED. TIMBER AND MILL OWN»ers io correspond with tub with view tomanufacturing their lumber under con»tract; practical and experienced all-round mill und lumberman. Address· J,R. QOODH, Munnboro, Vii_.

X'AUTNER WANTED IN* MANIiFAc"luring business, established and pay¬ing. Prollts can bu ea.slly Increased,yielding $3,000 yearly, Vow hundredtlullurs required. Investigato at once,Address H. 208, caro of·this otllce.

PARTNER WANTED, MANUFACTUR-Ing business; established und'payhig prof-In; can easily be Increased, yielding???,???. yearly; fow hundred dollar« re¬quired; investigati, ut once. Address ?.'¿DI, cara this otllce,

_ "???". ?,?????MD3E.' BROKER AND M'F'S., AGENT.Account« and correspondence soloclled.

noN'T"'FA IL' To" vísiT'cRIGU'rONiOlean Sweep Sale. Sale going on all thisw»ek. Millinery at. one-half wholesale¿rices. U3 E. Broad Street.


BUSINESS CHANCES«STATE MANAGER WANTED BY ANestablished Ohio corporation; good sal¬ary, ulllco expenses and commission.-,paid to men of character nnd ability;references-Inquired and given. AddressMANAGER, 103 Ontario Uldg., Toledo,O.


CRAB PARK (THERE 18 ONLY ONE).Tho liurd-shell erubs are boiter nowIbid .e.. either l.UOp.l) Uri·,, 1 tit-tit.but we sell them; that's Why wo nr«¡able to have them fresh every day. HO¬TEL LAAVRENCE.Ji'wolrth ami Main.

"th e""riq"ht~tRaTníT. '

ItURRY UPI DON'T ???GHEAR THEtrain whistle·.' Got your ticket now forthe RETAIL GRO.CERS' EXCURSIONto Uncieron Beach July 20th. First trainleaves Main street .statuiti as soon asfilled, oilier follow Immediately after,not later than 8:1».

CARRIAOË'r^ÂTTniALS.EVERYTHING FOR THE VEHICLEfrom tho Urn to the top. J, W. WHITE& SON, Jobbers, Fourteenth Hlruot, nearM'aln.

8TÔREs7"s'fORE3T~~NEW STORES FOR RENT ON E1GH-tconth, near Broad; liberal terms; goodplace for any kind of business. 'Pnone.1002..


FIRST NATIONAL BANK, RICHMOND,Va., is the place to deposit your money.They will take care of It Cor you, unitreturn the principal on demand, nnd,by agreement, will pay Interest on U IfIt stays ninety days.


IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FIHST-class dinner, come In to sec me; I willgive you one for Sue, 8 to 10 differentcllshns; one pound Porter House Steak,~>c; Oysters in alt styles, and all theimaginable delicacies of the season. R.FRANCION1E, SCG-BOT E. Broad Street.


IF YOU CAN'T GET AWAY THIS HOT¿season, come to HOTEL LAWRENCEß CAFE: sit under the fans and eat,drink and keep cool nnd be happy.'

GOOD ADVICE*WHY WAIT UNTIL YOU GET SICK?"Delays are dangerous and good healthIs-wealth." Don't drink water from anyriver, cistern, or any kind of waterwhich nils your system full of germs undcauses such diseases ns typhoid, malariaand slow fevers, also indigestion, dys¬pepsia, liver, bladder and kidneytroubles, dysentery, diarrhoea, choleraInfanliiin, piles und urlc-ncld, but orderut onice ¡? live-gallon carboy of the cele¬brated Hat-rls Antl-Dyspeptlc and LlthiaWater, which will keep you in goodhealth. 'We· guarantee what wo say. J.A. MORRIS & CO.. No. 114' North Sev-,enth Street. 'Phone 48S2. '_

MONUMENTAL WORK*!JOSEPH J.« MART. GRANITE ANDM'arblo Worker. 2901 Enst Leigh Street.Granito and mtirblo monuments, head¬stones, posts, curbs, etc.; lettering u

specialty. Your custom .solicited,


SAY..DON'T THESE FLIES BITE? ANDonly- a gentle whisper, it's nearly timefor Mr. Mosquito. Now. to get rid ofthese Interesting, little would-be friendsget some of Bruce's Screen Doors at75c. up, and Windows, loe. up. 'Phons1928 or call at 1711 Enst Franklin Street.

"sea food.

the best deviled crabs in thecity (home made); clam chowder.; sea food cooked to order. BROADSTREET CAFE, <Max Bernstein, i-To-prieto?. 402 East Broad Street.


BEST MAIN SPRINGS, GUARANTEED,'75c. Why pay others Î1.O0 or $1.60.. Clean¬ing watches, 75c.; watch glasses, 15c.C. HOULGRAVE, The Reliable Jeweler.222 East Broad, corner Third.

- ...,-¦¦¦ .-jROOFING.

SJ..AG, GRANITE AND GRAVEL ROOB^???. guaranteed for ten-years. Refer¬ence: American National Bank (sky¬scraper), Mutual Assurance Bunding(skyscraper), Jofterrtm Hotel. NewRichmond Hotel, Chesterfield Plate,American Tobacce. Co.. American CanCo., American Locomotive Works, Klcn-monti Cedar i.'orks, Gallego Mills. Writefor price to ARMITAGE MFG. CO.,Richmond. Va.


TSC. HALFSOLE MEN'S S II ? E S,ladles' iVOc; best whlt'o oak. leather.Every pair sewed; no squeaking, nunall.s, no pegs. Genuin« Morgan &Wright's Rubber Heels, 35c. Drew'smalte, sowed strong Shoes, for men andboys, S2. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOEFACTORY, 710 E. Main. 'Phono. 2067.


DON'T DRINK THE FILTHY, SLIMY,muddy James River water, which Is fullof germ, and is tho causo of so manydiseases, such as indigestion, dyspepsia,uric acid, kidney and bladder trouble»,fever, liver, and all kinds ot Intestinalirritation, dysentery, diarrhoea, choleraInfantimi and stomach troubles, butcall by Jr A. MORRIS & CO., 114 NorthSeventh Street, and try a glass of.thocelebrated Harris Anti-Dyspeptic andLlthln Waler free, which they guaranteewill give you good health. 'Phone 4.SS2.


FURNITURE AND CHINA PACKEDand shipped with care. 'Phone 3202,.JACOB UMLAUF._______


TOGO, THE BEST BLEND FOR GOLDtea on tho market; fifty cent« por pound.Copyright applied for. GEO. A. HUND¬LEY. Geo. McD. Bluko, Manager,


tell you thoro Is no oflleo horn for thoDomestic and Wheeler A. Wilson Ma¬chines. Fun supply, new styles on hand;attachments and needles furnished.GARLAND II. CLARKE A CO., 222 E.?road Street._


THIS IS TO EVERYBODY THAT LIVESIn a house: Dust Is something very dis¬agreeable. Why huvo It? Simply useBruco's Dustless Floor Oil at 25c. gal¬lon and be happy, 'Phone 1028, BRUCEHARDWARE CO,. 1711 Enst Franklin.

PRINTING.WE SAVE YOU MONEY. SEND FORour silent salesman portfolio and sam¬ples. CAPITAL PRINTING CO.. P. O.Box SO, Riohmond, Ya.


BERRY & CO.'S Great Busement Trav¬elers' Goods Dopurtment can supply youWith aU the newest things for travelers.Biggest stock In this section, Worthseeing.

B. H. SPENCH, 22 NORTH f NINTH.Trunks and Traveling Bags of all kind.»repaired. 'Phon* or call; ? will send foryour trunk or valise.

il. w. rÔuntreej Ai uno. trunkAND BAG CO., Retall nnd Repairing,Fourteenth and Broad Streets


HAS THE BOI TIP OF HEALTH MANcalled on you yet; eion't lei him catchyou napping. 'Phono 1H2S for somo ofBruce's Slack Lime- at ¡6e. peck undhave things In proper shape. BRUCEHARDWARE CO., 1711 East FranklinStreet.

.:_. EXCURSIONS.JO"Ín''tU E RETA IL "fi"îtf.')( .'ERS' ASSO,.on Ihelr excursion to Hitekroo Beach.lulv -flth. Tholr aim Is to make this.Hie best excursion hey have, «vor run,a nil' every effort ha« been put rortll 10(icron'ipllfili this. Over 2,00ri tirlzc« andpremium«, valued fit $27ô.C0, will be elveiiitway: absolutely free, cither by contestor 'drawing, and every put-dinner of a.ticket will bo «tire of something, Wowill give you every chance to enjoy your-tielf with music, .dnnrlng, bnntlng, bath-up, fishing, base-bal), und various con¬tests.· Tlio (Into a« July -'nth,


""DENTÍSTRY7-"SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS. OPPO¬SIin the postofllco.'Phonc 3'.9ß. Exam¬inations and estimates free.


IF YOU AVANT ANY EXCURSIONposter«, dodger« or tickets, PD5HINISHOW PRINT 1« the place to sav* youmoney. 10t South Eighth Street.F?? E,*;UPHOUSTER?? a AND MAT¬


FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP-holstered, Hair Mattresses to order, oldoneB'mndo over like new; Slip Cover« a

specialty. JACOB UMLAUF. 705 W..Main. 'Phone 3292.

SHOE REPAIRING SPECIAL,DON'T LET THE COBBLER DECEIVEyou' hy putting on rubber heels, andtelling you they arc Morgan-Wrghlt.You can tell the genuine, for the nameIs moulded In each heel. Wo put thonion for 30c. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOEFACTORY, 710 E. Main. 'Phone 2007.Send anywhere. ?

¦' "? ; V/ANTED Ba7j7o~PUPILS.J. A. BAG H, THE WELL KNOW? ???-

Jolst, Will be at the urgent request othi« friends Immediately: thorough'train-Ing'ln music and banjo technique guar¬anteed; terms moderate. Address J. A.PAGE, 1011 W. Main Street.

STORAGE.FOR- CHEAP AND DRY STORAGErooms apply to RICHARDSON &CHAPPELL. Storage Department, Bol-vldere Building, 601 W. Main Strcot.'Phone SI3.

CLEANEST, DRY EST. CHEAPESTstorage In the city; seventy-five cents aload. OLIVER'S STORAGE WARE-IHOUSE, 00 Broad Street. 'Phone 4B8L.


SCREENS AND AWNINGS MADE TOorder; get estimate« at once. C. B.NORVELL. 211 1-2 North Sixth St.,'Phone 486._


Ï HAVE ???Ï8 DAY ADMITTED MY«on«,· S. & j. Hellstem. Into partnershipIn the Llv%-Stock Brokerage business,formerly conducted as Well & Hell-stern, which'business will henceforth boconducted under the firm name andstylo 'oil ÄV'Hdlstern & Sonn.


», trator of the estate of Mr. Charles Well,deceased, l;.desire to notify all partiesIndebted toi.aald estate that settlementshould be made ?t once with the under-slgnod, and-that all claims against saidestate should bo promptly presented forverification.^ MYER K1RSH, Admr.

THE FIRM OF WEIL ft HELLSÏBRN?has been dissolved by the death of Mr.Charles iWSIIi All persons indebted tosaid firm will please settle, with the un¬dersigned,' arid nil daini« against saidfirm should';bc promptly presented.

? ¦" ', .," ,. -¿-: HELLSTERN,tr !·¦ i-Sj MY ER KIRSH.

v '" Admr. of Chas. Well, Dec'd.'"

DENTISTRY.SOUTHERN :dental rooms, oppo-sito the prijrtofllce. "Phone. 3290. Exam¬inations unit, estimates frße,BICYCLBS~ÂND AUTOMOBILES.

NEW AND SECOND-HAND BICYCLES,.Tires and.sundries cheap: Try us. Bicy¬cle repairing a specialty nnd guaranteed'.Old wheels ¡exchanged. D. W. VAUGHN,?18 E. Main Street.


EMPIRE SIGN CO-SIGNS THAT AP·peal. Tlio most modern shop in the Soutn,of every materlal'and description. Man-iifacturers of mirrors and gliding onglass. Wo nre the only manufacturersof engraved brass, nickel and coppersigns In the South; also only manufac¬turers of chipped, engraved and emboss¬ed glass signs; highest cluss advertisingsigns a specialty. Up-to-date showcards. Visit our show rooms, 200 \YostBrohd. next to Thompsons'. FRED. A.BUTTON, Manager.


A 'PIP-TOP DINNER FOR 50C. ON JULY'2Cth at'the restaurant at Buelrroe Beach.This arrangement has been made fol¬lile benollt of those going on the RE¬TAIL GROCERS' ASSO. EXCURSION.Nothing has been neglected to insureboth comfort and pleasure. So como,along..


IF YOU AREGCÏÏNO AWAY ANDWANT |vour breakfast before leaving, you canget « good one at FRANCIONIE'S, 005-'007 E. Broad Street.

DYSENTERY CURE*WADE'S DIARRHOEA AND DYSEN-tery Compound. Cure« dlarrhooa anddysentery, c-holern-morbus, cramp colic,bilious colic, painter«' colic, chronicdiarrhoea, cholera lnfantum, and allsummer complaints; oxcellent for chil¬dren teething; pleasant and agreeable totake. Highly recommonded by physl-clans, professional nurse« and druggists.See testimonials of what those who havoused It have to say about It. Over tittyyear's reputation behind ovary bottle.Price, 25 cents per bottle. Alldrugglst«.


TO THE LADIES WHO ARE CONTEM-plating putting up pickles, preserves,etc This season you vo got to haveJars Now look at theso prices 1928 quick boforo thoy are ailcono. Tlio latest and best make. 1Dint 42c. dozen; quarts, 53e, dozen: 1-2gallon«. 73c. down, at BRUCE HARD¬WARE CO.. 171.1 East Franklin Street.


MECHANICS' TOOLS OF EVERY DE-«crlntlon at Do propor price. 'Phono19-8 or call on BRUCE HARDWARECO,, 1711 East Franklin Btre,et.

!" ÜPHÖLöTERINO.LEVY THE UPHOLSTERER, CANmake vour slip covers now.avoid thorush. B4 Brook Avenu». 'Phone 1036.


???Gß??? WATER GROUND MEALvoti over ate, from Green Springs,LouisaV county. GEO A HUNDLEY.'Phono 3S0. Geo. MoD, Blake, Manager.

:^old::=and" sîlv¥r~bûïïyFr7WANTED, OLD GOLD AND' SILVER INany condition; highest caah prlco« paid;or will givo watches, jewelry, silverwarehi exchange A- M MEYER & BRO,,jeweler«. No. tH» -i'01*'1 tíu'00·' «'«h-moud, Vu. ,


MACHINERY.FOR ß?LE.CENTRIFUGAL. PUMPS,with pipe cnnhnctlnns: 1,000 feet. 2-Inch(Hid 1,000 feet ft-4 inch wire cable, set¬ters, derricks, 500 feet cast Iron 4-lnclipipe, 100 cast Iron lintels, fi, 8 arid lufeet long; one double leather 12-Inchhell, .'15 rent long, nun No. r> doublet.pulley Sttirtevant blower and pipe,phnftlng. belting, pulleys anil hnngers,FRED 8TE1NMEIMER. -120 Brook Affi¬nile; 'phone 14 4 S. '·¦

"." ?????7G7a"?1G?~??????aFOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBINOj 8TJ'7AMand hot water healing see ,1. W. BAR-?????, 020 E. Main Street.

TRANSFERS.'PHONE 1fif,i-, RAPID TRANSFER CO.,?, M. Trnlnum, Manager, for freight,furniture, pianos nnd hauling ot all ile··sorlptlon; careful drivers; terms reason¬able.·. ¦_


?WKLV E WAGONS-TRANSFERRI Nd.moving plnnos and furniture nt shortnotice; specialty In freight hauling; sat¬isfaction guaranteed all customers. D.ROWLES, office 307 N. Second Street;residence 70*6 Munford, Street, Rich¬mond, Vn.



IF you want to buy fat CHICK-ens or fresh Country Butter or Eggs,you can sav« money by going to H. F.WALDROP'8, 305 Brook Avenue

IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY GOt/> H. F. WALDROP'-S, 303 Brook Ave-nue; he will sell you Greenback To¬bacco nt 3c. hag or 20c. pound; other to¬baccos crea ? in proportion, and he willslice old Country Ham nt 15c.

=¦-..."-.:' ¦¦-. .-


CIDER MILLS OF THE FAMOUSHocking Valley make. In throe,at THE WATT PLOW CO·. Fifteenthand Franklin Streets, and 1404 E. MainStreoL t* _


THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETEstock of Vehicles In Richmond at THEWATT PLOW CO.. Fifteenth andFranklin Streets, and 1104 B. Main St.

-.'¦-'.¦." >WATCH REPAIRING.

YOUR WATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN-ed by TVM. TOBIEN. Jr., is a guaranteethat It is done properly; 20 years' experi¬ence. Cleaning, 11.00; Main Spring·,11.00. 408 East Broad Street. All workguaranteed.

1, =3-: ======= .'¦¦TAILORS AND CLOTHING RENOVA-


THE CHIMBORAZO TAILOR I N G,"CLEANING AND PRESSING·' CO.,Stage & Wiseman,.Proprietors, 2410 EastBroad. Yqur patronage solicited. Goodscalled for and delivered same day.'Phono 1701L. ~


GRASS WIDOWERS WILL PLEASEtake notice and remernhor the best andoldest established place in the city, GUSE. DELARUE'S, 910 E. Alain Street,

.'. whero you can .got a good dinner or ahot 10c. lunch, served from 11 A. M. to11 P. M*. I also nervo dishes cooked toorder' from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M.

DYEING AND cTËÂNTngTCLEANING, DYEING. SCOURING-'Gents suits pressed, 50c; pante pressed.10c. ladles' suite pressed, 60c. upwards;pants scoured and pressed, 35c.; auiUscoured and pressed, $1,00; ladles' skirt·cleaned snd pressed, 60c.; ladles' skirt»scoured and pressed, 75c. dyeing at cost;old reliable dyo house. MUTUALSTEAM .JJYE1NG & CLEANINGWORKS, 813 W. Broad Street. 'Phone2274. Wagon call» and deliver» «roods.

PURITAN STEAM CLEANING ANDDyeing Works, "'Phone 2310,- 2404 EastBroad Stroet. E. S. JARVIS.. Proprietor.Kid gloves cleaned, 6c. per pair; suitspressed, 35c.; suits cleaned and pressed,tiOc. suits secured and pressed, 75c. ;¡.Klrts cleaned and pressed, 35c.'; skirtsscoured and pressed, 60c; skirts dyedand pressed, ?1; suits dyed and pressed,$1.75 silks cleaned. Ladles' and gents'gannente of all 3tlnd cleaned, pressedand iiyed. h

MEN'S SUITS CLEANED AND PRE8S-ed for $1.00 at M'KENNEY'S, 418-420 E.Marshall Street. Goods oalled for anddelivered, 't-hone £340.

" ..:-¦ .r


anel Second-hand Wugone nnd' severalRunabouts. RICHARDSON BROS., 613

. Brook Avenue.

FOR .VINE WAGONS AND CARRIAGE8,all kinds of repair work and rubbor tirosgo to P. R. PHILLIPS .& CO., 402 and401 North Seventh.


WANTED. TO SELL SEVERAL PAIRSof thoroughbred Plymouth Rook Pigeons.Address A. G. L., care of Currier No. 15,.city.

FOR SALE. FINE CHESTNUT, SOR-rel driving horse. Apply 521 S. LaurelStreet, ¦_

AWNINGS. ¡AWNINGS AND SCREENS MADE TOordor; estimates choorfully given, C.B· NORVELL, 2UV4 North Sixth Street.'Phone 48Q._*


to any room. I have the newest abades,designs and colors; prloes right. JAMEST. HILL. 60S East Main Street.


we are"1tse'lling the best 'freeburning Anthracite Coal for $tl: LumpSplint, *f>; Wost Virginia Coko, 2.75; alsohslf cord Sawed Pine, $!,78; Oak. $!l.TYLER ? RYAN, Linden and Gary,'Phone 1379.

WE SELL GOOD. COLD ICE," LET UShavu your order. The best of attentionand prompt delivery at reasonable pricesis our motto. FORD & CARRINGTON.301 Bollili Pino Street, Coal. Wood andleo Dealers. 'Phono 47110.

$1.25 FOR ?A LF CORDALLF.G???YBox Factory Kindling Wood, delivered;nil kinds nf fuel at prices to meet allcomers, quuntlly and quality consid¬ered; established in 180.1. J. B. LAO*._ _.__..___ _

soiirKE^silo the postoffice. 'Phone 8290. Exam·limitons and estimates free.

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Voice ofthe People1

Tainted Money.Edltor of The Tlmen-DlspatchiSir,.In an editorial on "Tainted Mohey"

In your Isbuo of the 18lh, you «ay, "To «itquietly by, while fortunes urn being Im¬morally picked up all about u«, and thento «corn to have anything to do with them(or, however, high a oaune, Is both short-sighted and tooll«h." What you «ay I«tnle, but you do not go far enough. Itfortune« havo, been thus picked up, It 1«cither becaueo thoro ar« no sufficient lawsto prevent It, or the law« are not properlyenforced. Such laws .can oly bo passed'when thorn Is a sentiment behind them,ni;d can also bo enforced only when theyare backed up by an educated popularsentiment.Tho universities and college« of tho

country ought to bo the places whero theyoung men of tho country are taught sen¬timent« of what I« right and moral. Willthey bo thus taught, when the head« ofthn&'o, Institutions, have received'largugifla from men. who aro known to havoacquired, their wealth by questionablemen p« 7As you say,· President Hadley, of Yfllo,

will hardly mako tiny remarks about Mr.Rockotoller, utter his Institution has ac¬

cepted a gift of a million of dollar« fromljhn. ¦»,'And to come closer home, In my vlovv,

the authorities of tho University of Vir¬ginia ought to have refuabd to accept thoÏ100.000 that Mr. Rockefeller recently gave

them, ; '--' ¡

When tho educated public sentiment oftho country noi only disapproves ot thopractices of Mr. Rockefeller and of other«of his kind, but demand that law«-shallbe passed to break them up, and whenpushed shall bo enforced, the day will notbe far distant when the-acquirement ofsuch fortunes a« Mr. Rockefeller's willbecome an Impossibility.But this will never be done a« long as

such men can «top tho mouths of thosewho should be leaders ot tho people by thegifts of large sum« of money, wlitoh theyhave unlawfully rwriing out of the bodyof tho people.

S. B. WHITEHEAD.Lovlngston, Va.

Annexation and Obstruction.Editor of The Timos-Dlspatch:Sir,.Your editorial in to-day's Issue,

headed "The Folly of Obstruction," anentthe shameful manner In .-which tho cityhas been provehted from annexing theterrltory_that she so badly needs andwhich the public wishes to tie taken' In,by one or two men hi tTi'o Council andBoard of Aldermen, though couched Inseemingly apologetic.tones (doubtless to·Messrs. Mills and Blair), Is »till the mostvirila and foroefül thing ybu have.-iald.1Now, Mr. Editor, I would not tie dis¬

courteous to any momber of our, citygovernment, and there la nò personalfeeling in what I «ay. But X submllthat what concerns tho welfaro and pros¬perity of tho city Is matter of. interest,or should be. to every citizen, and thoacts of our colludimeli and uldermen urolegltlmato subjects for erIUclBm.Granllng this, thero aro many .people

In Richmond who would like to knowwhy Messrs. Mills and Blair aro working,«o strenuously fo keep tho .''public (byWhom they hold their Jobs) from havingwhat they have so strongly declured theywanted.I. p., liberal annexation. Anddoes Mr. Mills dominate the entire Coun¬cil? Can no needed Improvement gothrough when he oppose« It! By whatvirtue does Mr. MIUb arrogate' to himselfthe privilege of killing moasures înè'ed'odand long desired by the city? "Mr. Millsand Mr. Blair! It does scorn to some ofus that every move made hero for pro¬gresa Is at ottco taken In charge of andkilled outright or bulqhorcd and emascu¬

lated, and by whom? By either Mr. Millsor Mr,' Blair, possibly by both (theircombined efforts arc supreme).It la a· sad augury for tho future of

Richmond that ono or two .gentlemenhave taken tho old town in charge andhave decided Just what and what is notgood for It; Tho people Want llboralannexation. Nobody In town knows thisbolter than Messrs. Mills and .Blah·. Thepeoplo elected Messrs. Mills and Blair tothe positions they hold, I ask,. then,what reason can they give for schemingin every posslblo manner to keep thopeople from having what they,know thupeople wunl? When thóy purauo such a

course Ihey should not complain lì peo¬plo say things. But, then, perhaps theydon't complain,Wo used to know Mr. Siili« when ho

lived along the banks ? G the Rappahan-nock, and though an hitcHlgcnt youngman, ho wa« hi no wise above the usual.Sine« his coming to Richmond I fainwould ask: "Upon what nient doth thisour Caesar feed" that ho wotlld rule thodly?As «toted before, we mean no disre¬

spect to either of. the gentlemen alludedto, hut soino of us" would llko to know«Imply If those two city father« (andmother«, too) are to bo allowed to com¬

pletely domlnuto and drag their wayIn overy matter of Interest to the pity?Are all tho other councilman and alder¬

men mico, or aro there, a fow real mouand patriotic, men In the bunch?

ANNEXATION.Richmond, Vn.

A Negro's View of Italians.Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatch;Sir,.A few Sundays ago there ap¬

peared «i conuiiunlcHtlon from »someonesigning "Amigo dogli (liillanl." Thiswas n well written, panegyrical, efflores¬cent, poetical and Imaginative article,which, a« an essay, was interesting rend¬ing. Tho writer «ays thn.Mhn ¿issubhIiih-tlon of tho chief of police of New Or¬leans ?« ? well worn subject. So It I«,but ? showed the hand of the Mafia,II nlso «bowed the cowardly treacheryInherent In Latin race«, Doe« ho thinkthat the widowed mother of the youngdeputy «liBi'lff of Fairfax county, mur¬dered by an Italian because ho was try¬ing to arrest the Italian for Insultingyoung school girls by using Improperlanguage toward them, thinks that Hal-Inns make useful citizens? Ho tri«·« Inhis nrtlclo to mako little of these things,hut It Is things like those that causo whatIs known uh the negro problem, nndallow mo tu «ay In defence of our negrocitizen«, that as a ruce. twachery I«not prodonjtnnnt to the extent that It I««mone Bailan», and îiegrocB have no

Mufln. which our "friend of the Ital¬ians" tries to have us overlook.My Utter 1« Inspired by a letter to you

by one Eliot Norton, of Now York, whichI« renili' an advertisement of «omo Im¬migration .soeietv. l firmly nwd, con¬

scientiously believe Unit any heavy Im¬migratimi of Italia na or und kindredLatin raen will coiiKtItuto a «vriotis men¬ace of our country of Ihe Bouth, "Aii-lcodegli Italian!" does not refuto a slneleone of my sliitemcnt». I asked him totoll me how many Italian« In Richmondwero engaged In useful trade«, such as

machinist a. carpenter«, inaeon«, brlck-lavora. and he talks about the beautiful

blu« skies of Sritttliern Italy, she! IhnIlnlln.n's love of nature. Thn sanie might«pply to any tramp whose lov* Of nature,leads hltn to spend his' Mm« communing¦wilt nature, shunning work altd begglnefor food.

I spoke nf the Mit fin und Black Handsocieties, whose mission It Is to tmirrierthose who have Incurred their enmityand Mr. Amico, says the pollen of Italynro doing nil |n their, power to put It

dnwn, but that It Is secret, while In someSouthern commilnitlen tho lawlessnessIs mntlo no secret of, nnd therefore I«that much inore demoralizing. Perhapsso, bul to my mind the shooting s'critpesIn the South, whero the men tight eachother fuce^ to fnco and In Hie open, nr«f/ir preferable to stabbing a mali In thehack, whero ho tins not one chance Ina 'hundred. It Is nil well enough to talkabout assimilating foreigners, but as amutter of fact, tho inferior rncês havea most demoralizing effect upon themorals of »1. "community.Witness the dlfferene-e In Hie behavior

of girls and women in the South, andthose In the cities of the North and Wosf,which arc thronged with foreigners, Wedon't see drunken women stsggerlngalong the street, here, nor women speak¬ing to men on the street, ns you willsee In Chicago, I'lillndelphln, Npw York,

Asftp Mr. "Amico degli Italiani" speak¬ing of Northerners considering them¬selves "the grent. ? am," &c, ot course,you will Und a certain number of foolseverywhere, but ns a rule those sottlerl"hero nrn modest nnd kindly ppople, amost useful class of citizens; and onowo ought to encourage to come here Inlargor numbers. In many respects wohave much to lenrn from them, and weare not going to make nny great progressby "thinking we know It all. but in theense of Italian immigration the factsaro- against the oncourag¿ment of suchImmigration., 1" was in one of the coun¬ties along upper James River not longago, and the people there scoffed _ntthe, idea of bringing Italians to settlethere, nnd salti. If they came they wouldfind a wn.y to/drive' them out. In con¬clusion, I don't think our people thekind who will submit to having some¬

thing forced upon them that they don't.want, and the admitted determination ofthe Italian Government to colonize theSouth with their natives, will, ? hope,strike many a. snng bcfoçc It becomes an

accomplished fact. '



Dockery Doing Well and BailWill Be Insisted On.


(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)RALEIGH, N. C, July 22..-Physicians,

to-day extracted one bullet, from JohnDockery, who was shot more than a monthago by Polldema'n Isaac Rogers,' becausehe "believed Dockery had betrayed, hissevehteon-year-old daughter. * The bulletwas from the wound In the shoulder andwas found Just tinker .the skin in front,where it had lodged after crashing through':'the shoulder from the rear and scatter-'Ing. the. '¿boulder' bones. It Is thoughtprobable that It he recovers' he will toa considerable extent lose the uso of thoarm. The bullet In tho most seriouswound, thnt In the hack, which passeddnhgerously near the spine' -and, pene¬trated the lungs, has not bconNloctited,and ho Is still too weak to stand an oper¬ation. The patient Is doing very well,but. Is not consltjerod out of danger.The question of the preliminari· lietir-

Ing of Rogers, who has been Iii jail.'since.tho shooting, will come up' again Mon¬day, and his counsel announce their -pur¬pose to Insist on ball. Until now Dock-ory's condition hns been so precariousthnt the question of ball'could not bepressed. In the event ball." Is allowedthere will bo no extensive preliminarybearing, examination being waived.


Boy Caught By Falling Tree and

Instantly Killed.(Special to The' Times-Dispatch.)

DURHAM.1 N. C, July 22.HarveyScoggins was killed by being caught be¬tween a falling tree and a-corn crib at thehome of his uncle, about one mllo oastof Durham, ynsterdny morning.Young Scoggins's uncle, Mr. N. M;--Mar¬

shall,, was cutting down some tall pineshear tho cflb. One beguh leaning towardthe crib, and Scoggins was scat, up thetree to put a chain around the top in or¬der that the men on the ground might pull'it the other way. This lie did and came'down. Then It was found that the chainwould have to be about five foot higher.Then R -waa that Scoggins, together withhis con(in, Aiolà Marshall, again went upthe tree. While up there a great puff ofwind h'eW the Iree down, in spite-of thuefforts of the men, catching'tho body orIHtarvoy Scoggins between It and the corn-crib, killing him InBtlintiy. Viola MarshallSaved herself by jumping. No blame isattached to any one on account ot theuntimely accident.Young Scoggins llvoü with hie grand¬

mother near the Marshall home.e-

Funeral of Mr. Tompkins.The funeral of Mr. E. G. Tompkins, who

died at the home of his daughter In Ash-land, Friday, win take place there at 3o'clock this afternoon. The body will hobrought to Richmond, ranching Elba Sta¬tion at 4:25. Interment will be In Holly¬wood. The pnll-bourers will b«;Activo-R. A. Puyne, E. A. Evans, E. I..C Scott, 8. E- Bates, Gordon Wallace,Carter White, William Mussle and W. 8.Gill.Honorary.J, B. Winston, Dr. J. S. Well-

ford Theodore Ellyson. Mann S. Quarles,William'M·. Hill. E. A. Batighman. O, J.,'Saudi«, J. M. Miller, Jr., John'B. Purcell,J. C Joplln anel F ?, Sutton.

Small Fire at the Forbes PlantYesterday morning shortly after 10:15

o'clock fire broke out in the smoke-houseof tho provision store of W. S. Foglie*and Company, corner of Tenth and Byrd.StreetH, and It might have proved a «e-

rjnus blaze had not engines Nos. 3, 4 and7, with truck No. 1, promptly respondedto the alarm und ciuenehed the fiamos.The fire originated from a piece of amok-lug inMit. Little or no damage was done.Insurance on the amoke-lrouse amountsto fl.Tui. and on the contents thereof»1,000.

Fertilizer Bulletin Issued.Commissioner of Agriculture G. \y.

Kölner is nt present sending out to Vir¬ginia fanners Fertiliser Bulletin No. 25,which Is "the second one be has Issuedthis year. Four ot these bulletins are

Issued each year, In addition to ihn an¬

nual report, and may bo obtained fromCommissioner Kölner by any farmer In

the State who sends his' address on a


Stamping Out Disease.There are now but three oases of small-

.pox at the hospital, and those are of a

mild type. No cases are reported InManchester.

El·. AV. T. Oppeiilliniev states that the

loi'til sanitation and disinfection aro so

thorough that In »11 probability no fen-,oral vaccinatimi order will be Issued.


Death Due to Daring.George Rlc«·· who wus drowned In Hie

fanal Friday afternoon, brought abouthi""it·«t h by Id» own voulut ísomern·**.lie uttf-mpted to make a long swim, whichproved too ran* for his power», aod hi««la riti«- in.ulled la hie di-ath·