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Harvey 2002

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  • 8/3/2019 Harvey 2002


    Invertebrate SystematicsCSIRO Publishing

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    Published by CSIRO Publishing

    for CSIRO and the Australian Academy of Science

    w w w . p u b l i s h . c s i r o . a u / j o u r n a l s / i s

    InvertebrateSystematicsCon t i nu i ng I n v e r t e b r a t e Ta x o n o m y

    Volume 16, 2002

    CSIRO 2002

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  • 8/3/2019 Harvey 2002


    CSIRO 2002 10.1071/IS02009 1445-5226/02/040555

    Invertebrate Systematics, 2002, 16, 555570

    IS02009Shor t- rangeendemi smi nAus tr a li aM .S. Har vey

    Short-range endemism among the Australian fauna: some examples

    from non-marine environments


    Department of Terrestrial Invertebrates, Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, WA 6000, Australia.

    Email: [email protected]

    Abstract. The Australian fauna is assessed for short-range endemism at the species level, i.e. the prevalence of

    species with naturally small ranges of less than 10,000 km2. The phenomenon is found to be widespread and several

    groups are found to consist principally of short-range endemics: Gastropoda (snails and slugs, both freshwater and

    terrestrial), Oligochaeta (earthworms), Onychophora (velvet worms), Araneae (mygalomorph spiders), Schizomida

    (schizomids), Diplopoda (millipedes), Phreatoicidea (phreatoicidean crustaceans), and Decapoda (freshwater

    crayfish). The majority of taxa with high numbers of short-range endemics possess similar ecological and

    life-history characteristics, such as poor powers of dispersal and confinement to discontinuous habitats. The

    conservation of such groups is often hampered by poor taxonomic knowledge, but modern, comprehensive biotic

    surveys will be helpful in identifying short-range endemics.


    Biogeographic analyses in which the distributions oforganisms are examined and compared in detail have

    attracted considerable interest over the past 150 years.

    Indeed, detailed biogeographic observations first enabled

    Charles Darwin (Darwin 1859) and Alfred Wallace (see

    Pantin 1960) to deliberate upon the mechanisms that formed

    the morphological and behavioural differences between

    closely related but allopatric species. Distributional ranges

    of organisms are used in many facets of biology and have

    enabled researchers to explore more fully biological

    variation, life-history strategies in relation to local ecological

    conditions and geographical variation within a putative

    species. Distributional ranges of organisms are key elements

    of many guides to the worlds biota and maps in such

    publications can provide valuable clues to the correct

    identification of local forms, especially in well-studied

    groups such as flowering plants, butterflies and vertebrates.

    Evidence for small ranges among many of the more poorly

    studied taxa such as non-flowering plants and most

    invertebrates is sometimes regarded with suspicion and

    attributed to taxonomic ignorance, resulting in the dismissal

    of concerns for the well being of the taxon in question.

    Australia can be proud of its achievements in more fully

    assessing the biogeographic limits of its lesser-known fauna

    with landmark surveys of strategic species, often to gain

    further insights into other aspects of each species biology(see references in Ponder and Lunney 1999). Biological

    surveys in which a wide variety of taxa are collected for

    museum and herbaria collections represent the modern

    version of 19th

    century expeditions dispatched to all cornersof the globe by wealthy industrialised nations in search of

    unusual specimens to fill their biological institutions.

    Modern surveys, however, have different goals in mind and

    use different tools with which to analyse the resulting data.

    Such contemporary examples include McKenzie et al.

    (1991) and Burbidge etal. (2000), in which a wide variety of

    terrestrial and freshwater taxa were systematically sampled

    to determine basic biodiversity patterns to assist in the

    assessment of local values for reserve establishment.

    Many modern surveys and published taxonomic works

    feature taxa that appear to be rare. The biology of these

    organisms is often little known and their precise distribution

    and life history are poorly documented. Much detailed

    research is often needed to uncover even the most

    rudimentary aspects of the missing knowledge. However, it

    has become clear from many recent coordinated surveys and

    taxonomic revisions in Australia that some taxonomic

    groups consist entirely of species whose distributions are

    naturally small. These taxa are often referred to as

    narrow-range endemics (e.g. Ponder 1999) or short-range

    endemics, and it has become clear in the last decade that

    there are many more short-range endemics (SREs) in the

    Australian fauna than previously suspected. The advent of

    electronic databases in which locality data, and other data,

    can be interrogated has revolutionised our ability to assesssuch taxa. This paper is designed to give a basic overview of

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    556 M. S. Harvey

    some of the major non-marine faunal groups in Australia and

    assess each of them for the widespread presence of SREs. I

    have deliberately avoided a total survey of SREs and

    confined my review to those groups that predominantly

    consist of SREs. This unfortunately omits taxonomic groups

    such as beetles and mites, which comprise numerous SREs,

    but focuses attention on the lesser-known orders, which

    tend to receive less attention from biologists than their more

    abundant brethren.


    It is difficult to define a short-range endemic, especially as

    most species have discontinuous ranges. I have here adopted

    a conservative approach and used a benchmark of

    10,000 km2 as the maximum range for a short-range

    endemic, equating to a grid of 100 km 100 km. The actualarea of occupancy of an SRE may be far less, but, as a result

    of inadequate surveying, it is virtually impossible to estimate

    such areas for most animal taxa in Australia today (but see

    Hansen and Richardson 2002).


    A review of the relevant literature on the Australian fauna

    indicates that short-range endemism within the bulk of a

    single major taxonomic unit is rare among the Australian

    fauna. Despite the occasional presence of short-range

    endemic species, there appear to be few SREs within the

    non-marine fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals(Appendix 1). Exceptions include sporadic examples of

    species isolated in refugial habitats such as mountaintops,

    rainforest isolates or mound springs (Larson 2001).

    Similarly, there appear to be few insect or mite groups that

    exhibit extensive short-range endemism, despite the

    occurrence of numerous species that are restricted in their

    distribution either through geological and climatic variables

    (e.g. Yeates et al. 2002) or through ecological constraints

    (e.g. Yen 2002).

    Marine habitats seem to be devoid of higher taxa that are

    SREs, but the presence of SREs, especially in estuarine and

    coral-reef habitats, is widespread (e.g. Hooper and Kennedy

    2002; OHara 2002). The largely continuous habitat and the

    widespread presence of planktonic larval forms among the

    majority of marine animals may prevent the evolution of

    SREs. However, in some sessile marine invertebrates, such

    as the colonial ascidians studied by Davis etal. (1999), there

    may be reduced gene flow between populations as a result of

    limited dispersal by the larval stage. For the purposes of this

    paper, I have excluded any further consideration of the

    marine environment.

    Ecosystemsthatmayinduce short range endemism

    Terrestrial ecosystems in Australia represent a wide array of

    environments that were categorised into a nationalframework of 80 bioregions by Thackway and Cresswell

    (1995). Among the terrestrial fauna, there are numerous

    regions that possess short-range endemics. Mountainous

    terrains often harbour a variety of SREs largely owing to

    their topographic relief, which provides refugial habitats that

    are absent from the surrounding landscape (see Yeates etal.

    2002). The widespread aridification and forest contraction

    prevalent during the Miocene through to the Pleistocene

    (Hill 1994) resulted in the fragmentation of populations.

    These refugia are important on a regional scale because

    numerous isolated and restricted species are found in such

    areas. Hopperetal. (1996) discussed some of the processes

    that may lead to the extreme diversification of the semi-arid

    Australian biota.

    Some freshwater habitats in Australia have a high

    proportion of SREs and many are restricted to individual

    river systems or drainage basins. Permanent freshwaterecosystems provide stable environments for a wide variety of

    taxa including many relictual lineages of Gondwanan

    affinities. Despite the wide array of new taxa being found in

    Australian freshwater ecosystems, the Australian

    limnological fauna is much better known than most

    terrestrial ecosystems, and it is possible to assess the

    distributions of many different faunal groups.

    Caves and other subterranean cavities provide suitable

    habitat for a wide variety of animals, both terrestrial and

    aquatic. These species are invariably evolved from an

    epigean ancestor and many cavernous environments contain

    relictual species whose nearest relatives nowadays exist indistant locales (Humphreys 1993, 1999). The aridification

    processes endured by Australia during the Tertiary led to a

    widespread contraction of the rainforests that once covered

    the country. In some areas with suitable geological

    conditions, the voids represented the sole place for some taxa

    to survive. The recent discovery of a high diversity of

    obligate stygal invertebrates existing in groundwater calcrete

    aquifers within the Australian arid zone (Humphreys 2001)

    highlights the largely untapped biodiversity that still awaits

    discovery. Most of the species thus far recorded in these

    habitats qualify as SREs because each aquifer comprises a

    discrete fauna. However, the higher taxonomic groups to

    which they belong also contain many widespread species and

    they have thus been omitted from the discussion below.

    Taxonomic survey

    Phylum MOLLUSCA



    Molluscs are one of the most diverse group of living

    organisms, second only to arthropods in diversity. The highly

    endemic gastropod fauna of Australia has radiated widely

    both in freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems (Beesley et al.1998).

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    Short-range endemism in Australia 557

    Freshwater molluscan radiations in Australia have been

    well documented, particularly those of the hydrobiids in

    south-eastern and south-western Australia (e.g. Ponderetal.

    1993; Milleretal. 1999; Clark and Richardson 2002; Ponder

    and Colgan 2002). Numerous species in several genera have

    been detected and most species are SREs; some are even

    restricted to individual streams. A single radiation in

    Tasmania and eastern Victoria has generated at least 43

    species ofBeddomeia, 12 species ofPhrantela, three species

    ofNanocochlea and four species ofVictodrobia (Ponderet

    al. 1993). Further specimens representing unnamed species

    were also available to the authors, but were not described or

    formally named because of the enormous workload such a

    complete study would entail.

    Similarly, many species of terrestrial molluscs possess

    extremely restricted ranges. The number of SREs in theAustralian fauna is large and many families consist entirely

    of SREs. Among the best-known studies are those of the late

    Alan Solem (see citations in Solem 1997), who recognised a

    vast array of species with highly restricted ranges. These

    restricted elements were particularly obvious in the drier

    regions of northern and western Australia, but similar

    patterns are found in land snails from the wetter regions of

    eastern Australia (see citations in Smith 1992).

    Phylum ANNELIDA



    Although many earthworms are virtually cosmopolitan

    through anthropogenic dispersal, the terrestrial earthworm

    fauna of Australia contains numerous endemic elements

    showing strong Gondwanan links (Lee 1994). Recent

    revisions of many genera, in particular of the family

    Megascolecidae (e.g. Jamieson 1971, 1974, 1994, and

    citations within; Blakemore 1998), suggest that most native

    earthworm genera consist entirely of SREs, but that much

    detailed fieldwork and mapping is necessary to elucidate the

    fauna fully.




    Velvet worms, or onychophorans, are primitive soft-bodied

    relatives of arthropods. The Australian fauna consists solely

    of the Peripatopsidae, which also occurs in New Guinea,

    New Zealand, South America and southern Africa (Reid


    Prior to 1985 only six species were known from Australia

    (Tait et al. 1990). Subsequent revisionary treatments

    (Ruhberg 1985; Reid 1996, 2000a, 2000b; Tait and Norman

    2001) have added nearly 70 new species, and additional,undescribed species are known (A.L. Reid, personal

    communication). Each of the 32 named Australian

    peripatopsid genera occur in clearly proscribed ranges with

    very few disjunctions. The most notable break is exhibited

    by members of the genusNodocapitus Reid, which occur in

    northern New South Wales, south-eastern Queensland

    (N. barryi Reid andN. inornatus Reid) and in mid-eastern

    Queensland (N. formosus Reid). Named Australian

    onychophorans are usually restricted to a discrete area with

    very few being known from more than 200 km2. The most

    widely distributed species appears to be Occiperipatoides

    gilesii (Spencer), which occurs throughout the Darling

    Range on the eastern outskirts of Perth, Western Australia,

    with occasional outlying populations on the low-lying Swan

    Coastal Plain.

    Onychophoran species tend to inhabit permanently moist

    habitats, usually in native forests, and are most commonlyfound in or under rotting logs. High molecular and

    chromosomal divergence occurs within and between

    populations usually with concordant morphological

    divergence (Reidetal. 1995). Three species ofCephalofovea

    that were found within the same log have been shown to have

    8186% fixed gene differences (Reidetal. 1995).

    Reidetal. (1995) and Gleeson etal. (1998) suggest that

    the high levels of genetic divergence within the Australasian

    Peripatopsidae is the result of ancient radiations within the

    Australasian fauna, with some lineages pre-dating the

    separation of New Zealand and Australia.

    Onychophorans thus exhibit one of the most extremeforms of short-range endemism, with some species restricted

    to single localities and with high genetic differentiation that

    indicates poor mobility and a strong reliance upon

    permanently moist habitat for survival.





    The ability of many spiders to balloon has perpetuated

    notions that spiders are poor candidates for any serious

    biogeographic treatment (Platnick 1981). Indeed, many

    spider families and genera contain species that are widely

    distributed across the Australian landscape, indicating an

    ability to disperse that precludes them from short-range

    endemic patterns. This can be confirmed from examination

    of distributional data presented in recently published

    taxonomic revisions (e.g. Baehr and Baehr 1987, 1998;

    Forsteretal. 1987; Platnick and Forster 1989; Forsteretal.

    1990; Gray 1994; Harvey 1995; Platnick 2000; Huber 2001).

    Nevertheless, members of some mygalomorph taxa exhibit

    patterns of short-range endemism, although not quite on the

    scale found in other invertebrate orders. Raven (e.g. Raven1982, 1984a, 1994) has shown that some mygalomorph

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    558 M. S. Harvey

    genera consist solely of short-range endemic species, with

    many restricted to habitat isolates such as rainforest patches.



    The arachnid order Schizomida consists of some 200 species

    in 37 genera (Harvey 2002). These small, fast-moving

    animals are primarily restricted to tropical and sub-tropical

    forests where they occur in leaf litter, under stones and logs

    or within caves. Since the late 1980s, 46 schizomid species

    have been described from northern Australia in seven genera

    (Harvey 1988, 1992, 2000a, 2000b, 2001; Harvey and

    Humphreys 1995). Several are known from cave ecosystems

    or their entrances, whereas the remainder are found in closed

    forests or nearby habitats. Although most species have beenfound at single localities, this does not appear to represent a

    collecting artefact because highly localised species are

    replaced in nearby suitable habitats by different species.

    Several species occur over more than 100 km2.

    Brignolizomuswoodwardi (Harvey) has been recorded from

    several localities in south-eastern Queensland over an area of

    c. 1000 km2 but the acquisition of some recently collected

    specimens, courtesy of Mr Michael Rix, indicates that the

    genusBrignolizomus represents a complex array of putative

    species with much smaller ranges. On the other side of the

    country, the highly troglobitic Draculoides vinei (Harvey)

    from Cape Range peninsula in Western Australia, occurs ina network of caves and other subterranean voids situated in

    limestone formations. The schizomid occurs over a total

    surface area of some 100 km2 but allozyme data suggests that

    the populations are not panmictic and that the levels of

    genetic divergence may represent total or incipient

    speciation (Adams and Humphreys 1993). Three other

    congeneric species plus two species ofBamazomus occur in

    coastal limestone on the periphery of the range ofD. vinei

    each from highly restricted isolated areas (Harvey 2001). A

    seventh species has been found recently in coastal limestone,

    but females are required to determine its systematic position.

    The rainforest-dwelling genus Notozomus from

    north-eastern Queensland was recently shown to be highly

    diverse at the species level (Harvey 2000b), with no

    sympatry between congeneric species. Such patterns are

    similar to those found in other invertebrate taxa occurring in

    the wet tropics (e.g. Hill 1984; Raven 1984b; Baehr 1995;

    Monteith 1997) and presumably result from similar

    vicariance events in the formation of the forests (Joseph etal.

    1995; Stuart-Fox etal. 2001). Only twoNotozomus species

    possess ranges greater than 50 km2.Notozomusrentzi occurs

    on the Atherton tableland south-west of Cairns and N.

    ingham occurs on Hinchinbrook Island and at three sites on

    the mainland, although Harvey (2000b) was unable to

    confirm whether the males from Hinchinbrook Island andthe females from the Ingham region were conspecific. Some

    rainforest zones within the Wet Tropics (Monteith 1997)

    currently lack records of schizomids (Hann Tableland, Lamb

    Range, Walsh/Hugh Nelson Range and Mt Elliott; see

    Table 1) and it can be predicted that species ofNotozomuswill eventually be found there as well. The peculiar N.

    curiosus Harvey, which was not confidently assigned to the

    genus Notozomus by Harvey (2000b), occurs at Mission

    Beach, a coastal site in the Wet Tropics region that lies

    outside of the mountain rainforest zones identified by

    Monteith (1997). Only one other schizomid occurs in the

    area,Julatenniuslawrencei Harvey from Julatten in Carbine

    Tableland. Few other animal groups are known to exhibit

    such extreme isolation and speciation in the tropical

    rainforests of Queensland, despite the considerable recent

    attention given to the invertebrate and vertebrate fauna of the


    The vast majority of known Australian schizomid speciesare indisputably SREs, with most known from single

    localities. Those species with ranges greater than 50 km2

    have somewhat doubtful identities, with insufficient material

    available of Brignolizomus woodwardi and Notozomus

    ingham to resolve the species-level taxonomy and

    Draculoides vinei populations showing marked genetic




    Millipedes are one of the most poorly understood andlittle-studied groups in the terrestrial fauna in Australia. This

    Table 1. Species ofNotozomus within the Wet Tropics of

    northern Queensland assigned to mountain rainforest zones

    (Monteith 1997)

    Only two species (denoted with asterisks) are found in more than onezone.Notozomus curiosus Harvey from Mission Beach is not found in

    a mountain rainforest zone and may be misplaced in the genus.

    Mountain rainforest zones Species of Notozomus

    1 Mt Finnigan N. daviesae, N. wudjl

    2 Thornton Peak N. aterpes

    3 Windsor Tableland N. majesticus

    4 Carbine Tableland N. monteithi

    5 Hann Tableland

    6 Black Mtn N. maurophila

    7 Lamb Range

    8/9 Walsh/Hugh Nelson Range

    10 Atherton Tableland N. rentzi*

    11 Mt Bellenden Ker N. ker, N. rentzi*12/13 Malbon Thompson Range N. elongatus

    14 Walter Hill Range N. raveni

    15 Kirrima/Cardwell Range N. ingham*

    16 Seaview Range N. ingham*

    17 Hinchinbrook Island N. ingham*

    18 Paluma/Bluewater Range N. spec

    19 Mt Elliott

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    Short-range endemism in Australia 559

    is despite their high levels of diversity at the ordinal level

    (Harvey and Yen 1989; Black 1997) and their abundance in

    soil and leaf litter habitats. The bulk of the published

    taxonomic studies have been based on limited opportunistic

    collections. Few monographic treatments of proscribed taxa

    based on a wide range of specimens have been published,

    making biogeographic conclusions somewhat difficult.

    Mesibov (1994, 1997, 1999) reported upon the distributions

    of selected Tasmanian species, noting their highly restricted

    and often disjunct distributions.

    Shear and Mesibov (1997) presented a review of the

    Australian members of the chordeumatidan family,

    Metopidiotrichidae, which was found to consist of 18 species

    in five genera distributed in eastern and south-western

    Australia. Most species were found to possess short ranges

    with the most widespread, Australeumajeekeli Golovatch,ranging over most of eastern Tasmania.

    Humphreys and Shear (1993) and Shear and Humphreys

    (1996) studied the genus Stygiochiropus Humphreys &

    Shear, which consists of four species from the caves and

    other subterranean voids of Cape Range peninsula, Western

    Australia. Three species are known only from single caves,

    S. isolatus Humphreys & Shear from cave C-222,

    S. sympatricus Humphreys & Shear from cave C-111, and

    S. peculiaris Shear & Humphreys from Camerons Cave

    (C-452) near Exmouth, whereas S. communis Humphreys &

    Shear is widespread throughout the peninsula, occupying

    some 400 km2

    , but is sympatric with S.sympatricus in caveC-111. The genetic structuring determined by allozyme

    electrophoresis divided S. communis into three subregions

    that largely correlate with the deep gorges that intersect the

    Tulki limestone of the region (Humphreys and Shear 1993).

    Recent research (M. S. Harvey and P. L. J. West,

    unpublished data) into the paradoxosomatid genus,

    Antichiropus Attems, has shown a bewildering array of taxa,

    most of which possess extremely short ranges. Attems

    (1911), Jeekel (1982) and Shear (1992) described nine

    species from south-western Australia and South Australia,

    but these studies do little justice to the huge array of species

    found during surveys of terrestrial invertebrates in the

    region. To date, 90 species ofAntichiropus have been found

    of which 81 are unnamed; however, this figure will surely

    climb higher because every field season (winter), additional

    species are found that have not been previously collected.

    Only two species possess ranges greater than 10,000 km2.

    Antichiropusvariabilis Attems is a very common species on

    the Darling Range east of Perth with several isolated

    occurrences on the Swan Coastal Plain and specimens from

    as far south as Manjimup and Forest Grove. The main core

    of the distribution occupies c. 15,000 km2, but this is doubled

    when the outlying populations are considered. Antichiropus

    sp. PM1 occurs throughout the length of the northern portion

    of the wheat belt with a total area of occupancy of28,000 km2. The remaining species are known from single

    sites or have ranges up to c. 5000 km2. The factors that

    govern such wide-scale speciation within such a small area

    are poorly understood, but the lack of mobility of both

    juvenile and adult millipedes must be an overriding factor. In

    addition, the extremely seasonal life cycle ofAntichiropus

    millipedes suggests that dispersal is limited, as they are only

    ever active on the surface of soil and litter during winter after

    suitable rain has moistened the surrounding environment

    this allows males and females to emerge to the surface and

    begin mating. Males die off soon after mating and females

    burrow down into the soil to lay their eggs. On hatching, the

    juvenile millipedes remain within soil and leaf litter habitats

    until the next winter. It is also possible that different species

    ofAntichiropus millipedes are restricted to particular soil

    types but these data have not yet been collected or tested.

    Similar biogeographic studies on other Australianmillipede genera will undoubtedly detect comparable results

    showing widespread allopatric speciation and extremely

    short ranges, especially in areas where soil and vegetation

    types vary considerably across the landscape. For example,

    Main etal. (2002) have documented the distribution of the

    sole Western Australian member of the order

    Sphaerotheriida, Cynotelopus notabilis Jeekel, which is

    restricted to tall forests in the high-rainfall zone along the

    south coast of Western Australia. Undoubtedly, other

    sphaerotheriids in eastern Australia will possess similar

    small ranges in suitable habitats.





    Members of the freshwater isopod group Phreatoicidea occur

    only in permanent fresh waters such as lakes and springs,

    although some are semi-terrestrial and inhabit permanently

    moist habitats under stones (see Wilson and Keable 2002).

    Phreatoicideans are an ancient group and a freshwater species

    is known from the Triassic (Wilson and Johnson 1999). Three

    families are found in Australia, Phreatoicidae,

    Amphisopodidae and Hypsimetodidae, and most species

    have highly restricted distributions and are constrained by

    their narrow habitat requirements (Wilson and Johnson

    1999). Wilson and Johnson (1999) summarised the known

    distribution of the Australian phreatoicideans based on a

    taxonomic inventory and some literature records. The vast

    majority of genera were found to be highly restricted and

    often allopatrically distributed. Furthermore, apart from the

    records ofEophreatoicus from Arnhem Land in the Northern

    Territory, all species are restricted to land units that have been

    above sea level since the middle Cretaceous, indicating thattheir dispersal capabilities are poor.

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    560 M. S. Harvey




    The freshwater crayfish of Australia are arguably the

    best-known non-insect group occurring in Australian

    freshwater ecosystems, with 115 named species in nine

    genera (Crandall et al. 1999). Eight of these genera are

    endemic to Australia and only Cherax extends further afield

    into southern New Guinea and associated islands. The other

    Australian genera are Engaewa, endemic to south-western

    Australia, Parastacoides and Astacopsis endemic to

    Tasmania, Engaeus, Geocherax andGramastacus found in

    south-eastern Australia andTenuibranchiurus restricted to a

    small area of south-eastern Queensland and north-easternNew South Wales.Euastacus is found throughout mainland

    eastern Australia and Cherax is widespread throughout

    eastern and south-western Australia (Crandall etal. 1999).

    Crandall etal. (1999) utilised DNA sequence data of the 16S

    region to propose a phylogeny for the Australasian

    Parastacidae and presented unrooted trees showing three

    major clades, one consisting of Engaewa, the second

    containing Cherax, Gramastacus, Engaeus, Geocherax and

    Tenuibranchiurus and the third containing Astacopsis,

    Euastacus, Paranephrops (from New Zealand) and


    The species-level taxonomy of various genera within theParastacidae has been the subject of numerous recent studies

    (see references in Crandall et al. 1999) that have greatly

    enhanced the initial efforts of earlier authors (e.g. Clark

    1936; Riek 1969, 1972). Some studies have been conducted

    utilising only morphological characters, but Austin (1996),

    Avery and Austin (1997), Hansen et al. 2001 and Austin and

    Ryan (2002) have warned of the danger in relying

    exclusively on morphological data in the recognition of

    parastacid species, especially because morphological

    plasticity has resulted in differing phenotypes in different

    ecological settings. Nevertheless, these studies indicate that

    the Australian freshwater crayfish fauna largely consists of a

    range of short-range endemic species.

    Of the 124 recognised species, only 24 (19%) have ranges

    greater than 10,000 km2 (Table 2). Of these species, 16

    belong to the genera Cherax orEuastacus and are generally

    larger, more mobile species with relatively broad ecological

    preferences and life history traits. The remaining 101 species

    (81%) possess narrow ranges of less than 10,000 km2

    (Table 2). Four genera,Engaewa, Geocherax,Parastacoides

    andTenuibranchiurus, consist entirely of SREs, whereas two

    others, Engaeus andEuastacus, have a preponderance of

    SREs with 89% and 83% respectively. Horwitz and Adams

    (2000) found that all species ofEngaewa from coastal creek

    systems of south-western Australia were highly restricted indistribution, with the greatest area of occupancy of any

    species being only a few hundred square kilometres. Three of

    these species were highly localised withE. reducta Riek and

    E. walpolea Horwitz & Adams occurring in areas of less

    than 100 km2 andE. pseudoreducta Horwitz & Adams

    known from only a single swampy headwater that is severely

    modified from habitat loss and degradation.

    Gramastacus, with the sole species, G. insolitus Riek,occurs in permanent swamps and creeks in western Victoria

    and south-eastern South Australia (Zeidler and Adams

    1990). Although the eastern and western populations were

    electrophoretically distinct, there were insufficient

    differences in the allozyme data to reject a hypothesis of

    more than one species. Gramastacusinsolitus occurs over a

    total area of some 25,000 km2, but the area of occupancy is

    somewhat discontinuous, which is greatly exacerbated by

    recent land clearing and the draining of swamps and other

    permanent wetlands for agricultural purposes.

    The western Tasmanian genusParastacoides has been the

    subject of several studies regarding its internal composition.

    In the most recent study, Hansen etal. (2001) used allozyme

    electrophoretic data and detected between 11 and 19 species,

    most of which are morphologically cryptic and have highly

    restricted distributions. Indeed, of the 14 species

    subsequently recognised in the paper, only six have

    distributions greater than 500 km2, with the remainder

    occupying much smaller areas. In contrast, the other

    endemic Tasmanian genus,Astacopsis, has not been shown

    to possess similar cryptic speciation patterns and small

    distributions (Hamr 1992). Indeed Hamr (1992) found only

    three species that were mostly parapatrically distributed,

    with A. franklinii (Gray) in the eastern half of Tasmania,

    A. tricornis Clark in western Tasmania andA.gouldi Clarkacross the north.

    Table 2. Genera of Australian Parastacidae with numbers of

    short-range endemic species (SRE)

    Genus No. of species

    No. ofwidespread


    No. of SRE(

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    Short-range endemism in Australia 561

    Few of the 42 species ofEuastacus currently recognised

    (Morgan 1986, 1988, 1989, 1997; Short and Davie 1993)

    have large ranges. The most widely distributed species,

    E. armatus, is found throughout the MurrayDarling system,

    E.spinifer occurs along a large portion of eastern New South

    Wales andE. yarraensis occurs throughout south-central

    Victoria. The remaining species are extremely localised

    SREs and often restricted to single mountain ranges in the

    wet tropics.

    Horwitz (1990) and Horwitz etal. (1990) recognised 34

    species of Engaeus from south-eastern Australia and

    Tasmania. Several species were found to be relatively

    widespread but 25 species were found to be highly restricted.

    The SREs mostly occur in eastern Victoria and northern

    Tasmania. Members of the genus Cherax are widespread

    throughout eastern, northern and south-western Australia(Austin 1996; Austin and Knott 1996), and a further 13

    species have been recognised from New Guinea (Crandall

    et al. 1999). Of the 22 named Australian species recognised

    by Austin (1996), Austin and Knott (1996) and Austin and

    Ryan (2002), nine appear to be relatively widespread with 13

    potentially representing SREs, with one from south-western

    Australia and the other three from eastern or northern


    The factors that govern this high level of short-range

    endemism among parastacids include poor powers of

    dispersal, long life cycles, slow maturation rates and their

    persistence from the Cretaceous as evidenced by thepresence of confamilial genera in other parts of Gondwana

    (New Zealand, Madagascar and South America; Crandall

    et al. 1999). Indeed the phylogenetic placement of the New

    Zealand genusParanephrops within a clade that consists of

    three Australian genera (Crandall etal. 1999) suggests that

    the major radiation of the parastacid fauna occurred prior to

    the break up of Gondwana during the Cretaceous, because

    long-distance oceanic dispersal in these freshwater creatures

    is impossible.


    Short-range endemism occurs within many different animal

    groups in Australia, but there appear to be few groups in

    which short-range endemism is the norm. Generally

    speaking, most vertebrates appear to be too vagile to initiate

    SREs (as here defined) or to maintain divergence between

    fragmented populations that may eventually lead to

    short-range endemism. Some fish, frogs and reptiles possess

    naturally small ranges (see Cogger 1994; Allen etal. 2002),

    but the vast majority of vertebrates do not conform to the

    definition of an SRE applied here. Of the groups surveyed to

    date, only certain invertebrate groups appear to possess

    widespread and uniform short-range endemism. These

    include freshwater and terrestrial molluscs, onychophorans,

    millipedes, certain arachnids such as mygalomorph spidersand schizomids and some crustaceans such as freshwater

    isopods and decapods. Short-range endemism occurs in

    other groups, but is not uniform throughout the taxon.

    Evidence for short-range endemism in many groups may be

    lacking owing to the paucity of reliable taxonomic

    treatments and insufficient sampling to determine correct

    identities and range sizes of individual species.

    The majority of taxa with high proportions of SREs

    possess similar ecological and life-history characteristics,

    notably poor powers of dispersal, confinement to

    discontinuous habitats, slow growth and low fecundity.

    Many appear to be Gondwanan relicts (see Hopper etal.

    1996) that have persisted from a time when the environment

    was more uniformly mesic (Hill 1994) and when moist

    habitats were more evenly distributed throughout the

    landscape. The aridification of Australia, which commenced

    during the Miocene, led to a major contraction of suitablehabitat for many taxa. This habitat only persists in large areas

    along the eastern seaboard and in the south-west of this

    country, and elsewhere has been replaced by xeric vegetation

    types. The available water in such areas has also diminished

    with less reliable rainfall, higher run-off and evaporation. It

    is no coincidence that the majority of Australian freshwater

    fish species with highly restricted distributions (Allen etal.

    2002) occur in the central drainage systems that are disjunct

    from other river systems, allowing the formation of distinct

    fish populations that have diverged sufficiently over time to

    form different species.


    Comprehensive systematic reviews of Australian faunal

    groups often reveal the presence of short-range endemic

    species. This systematic research sometimes leads to the

    declaration of the species as threatened or endangered under

    state or federal legislation. Although the listing of some

    invertebrate species represent authentic examples of taxa in

    peril, others are based on insufficient sampling effort and,

    occasionally, doubtful taxonomic judgement. The Otway

    stonefly, Eusthenia nothofagi Zwick (Plecoptera:

    Eustheniidae), was listed as presumed extinct in 1993 by

    the Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural

    Resources (CNR) owing to the lack of recently collected

    specimens available to specialists. A subsequent survey of

    numerous potential habitats in the Otway Ranges by Doeg

    and Reed (1995) demonstrated that E. nothofagi was

    widespread throughout the forested regions of the Otway

    Ranges in a wide variety of stream types. Similarly, the

    Dandenong amphipod, Austrogammarus australis (Sayce)

    was listed as presumed extinct by the CNR in 1993 because

    the most recent collection was in 1911 and a subsequent

    search for the species at the heavily modified type locality

    was unsuccessful. Detailed searches by Doeg (1997)

    throughout the Dandenong Ranges foundA. australis at nine

    sites, particularly in the headwaters of streams with relativelylow disturbance. The implications of these studies are

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    562 M. S. Harvey

    profound. Although the listing of species under state or

    federal endangered species programs is laudable, several

    important criteria need to be met prior to listing, including

    recent and comprehensive surveys in suitable habitats, as

    advocated by Mawson and Majer (1999).

    Generally speaking, invertebrates do not feature highly in

    nature conservation, especially during the process of reserve

    selection (e.g. Ferrieretal. 1999; McKenzie etal. 2000). The

    selection of terrestrial habitats for inclusion in nature reserve

    systems is largely governed by factors such as vegetation

    type and percentage of intact vegetation (Ferrier 2002),

    which remain important and easily measured parameters.

    Nevertheless, such measures are poor indicators of

    invertebrate assemblages, which generally have high

    geographical turnover in species composition (see Ferrieret

    al. 1999). The inclusion of SREs in conservation planning,both within formal networks of parks and reserves and in

    conservation-worthy habitats on private or leasehold land,

    may give slightly different prominence to some regions over

    others. There is little evidence that SREs, particularly

    invertebrate examples, are playing any significant role in

    conservation planning, but notable exceptions have become

    apparent, especially using well-known iconic species such as

    butterflies (New and Sands 2002). Human-induced changes

    in the abundance and geographic range of species are

    actively creating SREs. It is from this pool of species that

    most threatened species are selected for listing by state,

    national and international authorities. Particular attentionmust be given to the taxa listed above in conservation

    planning, because habitat loss and degradation will further

    worsen their prospects for long-term survival. The

    conservation of hot-spots displaying high concordance of

    SREs will ensure that the maximum number of such taxa is

    preserved, along with the underlying ecological processes

    that initially assisted in the formation or retention of the

    species (see review by Moritz 2002).


    I am extremely grateful to Bill Humphreys, David Yeates and

    Bob Mesibov for their comments on the manuscript, and toBarry Hutchins for assistance with the list of freshwater fish

    orders. I also wish to thank Robin Wilson, Elizabeth James

    and the participants of the Short-Range Endemism in the

    Australian Biota symposium held as part of the joint

    meeting in Melbourne of the Society of Australian

    Systematic Biologists and the Australasian Evolution

    Society during July 2001, of which this paper formed a part.


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