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Solution Architect, MongoDB c [email protected] @ctindel Chad Tindel #MongoDBWorld Hardware Provisioning
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Page 1: Hardware Provisioning

Solution Architect, MongoDB

[email protected]


Chad Tindel


Hardware Provisioning

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MongoDB is so easy for programmers….

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Even a baby can write an application!

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MongoDB is so easy to manage with MMS…

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Even a baby can manage a cluster!

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Hardware Selection for MongoDB is….

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Not so easy!

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Text Over Photo

A Cautionary Tale

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The methodology (in theory)

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Requirements – Step One

• It is impossible to properly size a MongoDB

cluster without first documenting your business


• Availability: what is your uptime requirement?

• Throughput

• Responsiveness

– what is acceptable latency?

– is higher latency during peak times acceptable?

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Requirements – Step Two

• Understand your own resources available to you

– Storage

– Memory

– Network


• Many customers limited to the options available in

AWS or presented by their own Enterprise

Virtualization team

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Continuing Requirements – Step Three

• Once you deploy initially, it is common for requirements to

change– More users added to the application

• Causes more queries and a larger working set

– New functionality changes queries patterns

• New indexes added causes a larger working set

– What started as a read-intensive application can add more and more write-heavy workloads

• More write-locking increases reader queue depth

• You must monitor and collect metrics and update your

hardware selection as necessary (scale up / Add RAM? Add

more shards?)

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Run a Proof of Concept

• Forces you to:– Do schema / index design– Understand query patterns

– Get a handle on Working Set size

• Start small on a single node– See how much performance you can get from one box

• Add replication, then add sharding– Understand how these affect performance in your use case

• POC can be done on a smaller scale to infer what will be

needed for production

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POC – Requirements to Gather

Data Sizes

– Total Number of Documents

– Average Document Size

– Size of Data on Disk

– Size of Indexes on Disk

– Expected growth

– What is your document model?

• Ingestion

– Insertions / Updates / Deletes per second, peak &


– Bulk inserts / updates? If so, how large and how often?

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POC – Requirements to Gather

• Query Patterns and Performance Expectations

– Read Response SLA

– Write Response SLA

– Range queries or single document queries?

– Sort conditions

– Is more recent data queried more frequently?

• Data Policies

– How long will you keep the data for?

– Replication Requirements

– Backup Requirements / Time to Recovery

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POC – Requirements to Gather

• Multi-datacenter Requirements

– Number and location of datacenters

– Cross DC latency

– Active / Active or Active / Passive?

– Geographical / Data locality requirements?

• Security Requirements

– Encryption over the wire (SSL) ?

– Encryption of data at rest?

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Resource Usage

• Storage


– Size

– Data & Loading Patterns

• Memory

– Working Set


– Speed

– Cores

• Network

– Latency

– Throughput

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Storage Capability

7,200 rpm SATA ~ 75-100 IOPS

15,000 rpm SAS ~ 175-210 IOPS

Amazon SSD EBS ~ 4000 PIOPS / Volume

~ 48,000 PIOPS / Instance

Intel X25-E (SLC) ~ 5,000 IOPS

Fusion IO ~ 135,000 IOPS

Violin Memory 6000 ~ 1,000,000 IOPS

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Storage Measuring

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Storage Measuring

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Memory Measuring

• Added in 2.4– workingSet option on db.serverStatus()

> db.serverStatus( { workingSet: 1 } )

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• Latency

– WriteConcern

– ReadPreference

• Throughput

– Update/Write Patterns

– Reads/Queries

• Come to love netperf

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CPU Usage

• Non-indexed Queries

• Sorting

• Aggregation

– Map/Reduce

– Framework

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Case Studies (theory applied)

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Case Study #1: A Spanish Bank

• Problem statement: want to store 6 months worth of


• 18TB of total data (3 TB/month)

• Primarily analyzing the last month’s worth of logs, so

Working Set Size is 1 month’s worth of data (3TB)

plus indexes (1TB) = 4 TB Working Set

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Case Study #1: Hardware Selection

• QA Environment– Did not want to mirror a full production cluster. Just

wanted to hold 2TB of data– 3 nodes / shard * 4 shards = 12 physical machines– 2 mongos – 3 config servers (virtual machines)

• Production Environment– 3 nodes / shard * 36 shards = 108 physical machines– 128GB/RAM * 36 = 4.6 TB RAM– 2 mongos – 3 config servers (virtual machines)

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Case Study #2: A Large Online Retailer

• Problem statement: Moving their product catalog

from SQL Server to MongoDB as part of a larger

architectural overhaul to Open Source Software

• 2 main datacenters running active/active

• On Cyber Monday they peaked at 214 requests/sec,

so let’s budget for 400 requests/sec to give some


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Case Study #2: The POC

• A POC yielded the following numbers:

– 4 million product SKUs, average JSON document size


• Need to service requests for:

– a specific product (by _id)

– Products in a specific category (i.e. “Desks” or “Hard


• Returns 72 documents, or 200 if it’s a google bot


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Case Study #2: The Math

• Want to partition (Shard) by category, and have

products that exist in multiple categories duplicated

– The average product appears in 2 categories, so we

actually need to store 8M SKU documents, not 4M

• 8M docs * 30KB/doc = 240GB of data

• 270 GB with indexes

• Working Set is 100% of all data + indexes as this is

a core functionality that must be fast at all times

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Case Study #2: Our Recommendation

• MongoDB initial recommendation was to deploy a single

Replica Set with enough RAM in each server to hold all the

data (at least 384GB RAM/server)

• 4 node Replica Set (2 nodes in each DC, 1 arbiter in a 3rd DC)– Allows for a node in each DC to go down for maintenance or system

crash while still servicing the application centers in that datacenter

• Deploy using secondary reads (NEAREST read preference)

• This avoids the complexity of sharding, setting up mongos,

config servers, worrying about orphaned documents, etc.

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Node 1


Node 2


Node 3


Node 3


Datacenter 3


Datacenter 1 Datacenter 2

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Case Study #2: Actual Provisioning

• Customer decided to deploy on their corporate

VMWare Cloud

• IT would not give them nodes any bigger than 64


• Decided to deploy 3 shards (4 nodes each + arbiter)

= 192 GB/RAM cluster wide into a staging

environment and add a fourth shard if staging

proves it would be worthwhile

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Key Takeaways

• Document your performance requirements up front

• Conduct a Proof of Concept

• Always test with a real workload

• Constantly monitor and adjust based on changing


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Solution Architect, MongoDB

Chad Tindel


Thank You