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Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with You.

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with You.

Feb 26, 2016




Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with You. Agenda for the day. Chapter 3: Learning How You Learn 2:30-3:30: Computer lab to work on group projects Activity: Team Building/Goal Setting/Multiple Intelligence and Personality Spectrum Discovery. Free-Write. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Chapter 3: Learning how you learn

Happy Star Wars Day!May the Fourth be with You.Agenda for the dayChapter 3: Learning How You Learn2:30-3:30: Computer lab to work on group projectsActivity: Team Building/Goal Setting/Multiple Intelligence and Personality Spectrum DiscoveryFree-WriteObstacles constantly present themselves. Some are fleeting, such as facing an important test in school. Some may take years to overcome, such as a major injury or the loss of a loved one. Write about an obstacle youve faced in your life. Did the experience change you for the better, or did it leave you bitter and cynical?Planner CheckPlease claim anything from the box (if you havent already)Turn in any homeworkFind a partner and do your Planner Check for the week

Chapter 3: Learning how you learnMaking the most of your abilitiesSuccessfully intelligent peoplefigure out their strengths and their weaknesses, and then find ways to capitalize on their strengths make the most of what they do well and to correct for or remedy their weaknesses find ways around what they dont do well, or make themselves good enough to get by.Robert Sternberg6

Why Explore Who You Are as a Learner?Your unique intelligence can change and developAssessments can help you learn about yourselfSelf-knowledge is an important, lifelong goal

Real Questions, Practical AnswersHow can I maximize what I do well?8What Tools Can Help You Assess How You Learn and Interact With Others?Assess Your Multiple Intelligences with Pathways to LearningAssess Your Style of Interaction with the Personality Spectrum

9Two self-assessmentsMultiple Intelligences

Learning PreferencesWhat abilities and areas of learning come most easily to youPersonality Spectrum

Personality TraitsHow you interact with information and people10SternbergsSuccessful Intelligence

Focuses on how people process and apply information to learnConcentrates on processes thinking analytically, creatively, and practically about a situation Gardners Multiple Intelligences

Focuses on how people intake information to learnConcentrates on domains - verbal, logical, bodily, visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, or naturalist11How can you discover how you learn?Multiple Intelligences

Verbal-Linguistic: Listening, reading, writing, speakingLogical-Mathematical: Math, science, patterns, sequencesBodily-Kinesthetic: Coordination, working with handsVisual-Spatial: Visual art, graphics, charts, mapsInterpersonal: Social activity, cooperative learning, teamworkIntrapersonal: Self-awareness, independenceMusical: Music, sound sensitivity, patternsNaturalistic: Interest in nature, ecosystem

12Multiple Pathways to Learning: ExampleDirections: Rate each statement. Write the number of your response (14) on the line next to the statement and total the scores for each set of six questions. 1 = rarely; 2 = sometimes; 3 = usually; 4 = always

1. ___ I enjoy physical activities.2. ___ I am uncomfortable sitting still.3. ___ I prefer to learn through doing.4. ___ When sitting I move my legs or my hands.5. ___ I enjoy working with my hands.6. ___ I like to pace when Im thinking or studying. ____ TOTAL for Bodily-Kinesthetic

13Discover your Multiple IntelligencesComplete the questions for each of the multiple intelligences in your book and total up the scores to see where your strengths are.Scoring Multiple Pathways to Learning2024Highly Developed1419Moderately DevelopedBelow 14UnderdevelopedBodily-Kinesthetic13Visual-Spatial14Verbal-Linguistic20Logical-Mathematical16Musical24Interpersonal15Intrapersonal16Naturalistic1115How can you discover how you learn?Personality Spectrum

Thinker: Analytical, problem solverGiver: Authentic, communicatorOrganizer: Responsible, detailedAdventurer: Daring, spontaneous

16Personality Spectrum: ExampleDirections: Rank order all four responses to each question from most like you (4) to least like you (1) so that you use the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 one time each. Write numbers in the boxes next to the responses.

I learn best when the material is a. well organized.b. something I can do hands-on.c. about understanding and improving the human condition.d. intellectually challenging.

17Find your strengthsComplete the exercise and map out your strengths on the brain on the next page.ScoringPlot Personality Spectrum scores on this diagram.

19How Can You Use Your Self-Knowledge?Classroom BenefitsPlay to your strengthsWork to strengthen weaker areasAsk your instructor for helpStudy BenefitsHelps you pick the right strategiesHelps you understand others you are studying withWorkplace BenefitsBetter performance and teamworkBetter career planning

20Understanding Teaching Styles Lecture, verbal focus Lecture with group discussion Small groups Visual groups Logical presentation Random presentation Conceptual presentation Detailed presentation Experience-based presentation21How Can You Identify and Manage Learning Disabilities?Identifying a Learning DisabilityManaging a Learning Disability22Thinking Successfully About How You LearnAnalytical Thinking analyze your levels of ability with the Pathways to Learning self-assessment and examine how you relate to people and the world around you with the Personality Spectrum assessment.

Creative Thinking brainstorm how to relate to instructors who teach differently than you learn.

Practical Thinking utilize practical study strategies relating to your own Personality Spectrum and Multiple Intelligence dimensions.23no two selves, no two consciousnesses, no two minds are exactly alike. Each of us is therefore situated to make a unique contribution to the world.Howard Gardner, Psychologist and Educator24AssignmentWrite on this card:Your nameYour Multiple Intelligence (MI) and Personality Spectrum (PS) strengths (i.e. the MI and PS you scored highest in, NOT The number. If you tied, write down the group you joined in the last activity)

What ONE THING do you want to have on you/with you at the end of the world.

Break into groups: as large or small as youd like.Dec 2012A virus breaks out of a super-clean research center and infects the populationAfter death, corpses reanimate within 36hrs. Martial law declared: No non-government/military are allowed gasoline or vehicles. Orders are to shoot law-breakers on sight.zombies can be killed by destroying the brains.Virus spread through oral contact (by zombie or infected)

Your goal: SurvivalThere is a safe zone at the Ferry building in San Francisco. 90% sure due to radio announcements. If you walked straight through, it would take you 29hrs to get there. There MAY be teams working through communities to locate and retrieve survivors but youre not 100% sureYou may use the items you chose, and anything you can physically carry (you are on foot)

Turn in a final list of supplies & team members that arrived safely in SF, as well as a short account of your journey there (1 list per group) . Deliverable:Government helps you out!Each PERSON is issued a packet of emergency suppliesOne canteenWater purification tabletsDuct tapeMatches Pocket knifeSmall first aid kitFlashlightCan opener5 MREs (meals ready to eat)Roll of toilet paperBattery operated radio for emergency broadcasts

The Quest Begins!!Use CURRENT TIME/CURRENT DAY as startTrack what you do, and how far you get @ checkpointsExtra item! Each of you can bring 1 (one) extra item based on your communication preference:

Thinkers 1 tool that youve used beforeOrganizers 1 map (to SF OR of your choice)Givers 1 medical supply youve used beforeAdventurers 1 piece of sporting equipment that youve used before

Nothing ever goes as planned12345End Game

STOP!All cell phone towers and major services go down. You have no access to cell phones. No powerNo waterNo sewerNo gasNo police/fire/rescue quad, etc

Nothing ever goes as planned

ZOMBIE ATTACKIf you are OUTSIDE: 2 party members are killed, 1 party member is infected (bitten)

If you are INSIDE a building- 2 party members are bitten. One will die within the day (will raise from the dead w/in 36hrs). One may live for quite some time.

Nothing ever goes as planned

Gang of Bandits attackAnother gang on their way to SF attacks you!If you are OUTSIDE: Loose 3 supplies OR 1 person (killed, not captured).

If you are INSIDE:3 people with no suppliesjoin your group. 1 is injured (not infected)

Nothing ever goes as planned

Helicopter Rescue!

A helicopter passes overhead.

If you are OUTSIDE, NOT UNDER A SHELTER: The spotter identifies your group. They can only take 3 passengers.

OUTSIDE UNDER A SHELTER: Helicopter doesnt see you.

INSIDE: Only sees you if you had somehow marked the roof/put out a signal for rescue

Nothing ever goes as plannedRain!A light rain begins, which may become a thunderstorm/full on winter storm.

If you are INSIDE: Part of the roof collapses

If you are OUTSIDE: it rains on you/your group unless you find shelter, slowing travel and increasing chances of illness.

Nothing ever goes as planned

NightfallNight has fallen.

If you are OUTSIDE: your group can press on if you have NO CHILDREN with you. If you have children you must find a place to stop for the night.

If you are INSIDE, your building becomes surrounded by Zombies. If there are glass doors/ windows that you have not blocked, they are broken and 1 party member dies/becomes infected for each opening you left uncovered. Nothing ever goes as planned

Report InGame over: youve arrived at San Francisco (wherever you were, you were finally rescued) or at least survived the first wave.

Report in:Where are you?Who is with you?What supplies do you have left?What happened to you on your trip?

Turn in one sheet per group with the above in formation, titled Survival, and with all group member names.

Debrief: Personality SpectrumGet into your Personality Spectrum groups

Personality Spectrum what role did your members take? Leader? Care-giver? Problem-solver? Why do you think that is? Did one person dominate your group? What Personality Spectrum did that person come from? Did you display your groups qualities (pg 78)

Turn in one sheet per group, titled PS Post-Zombie, and with all group member names.

Debrief: Multiple IntelligencesGet into your Multiple Intelligences (highest score on pg 72) groups

MI How did you use your MI in your zombie attack group? Review page 74 and give one example for each bullet pointed ability/skill.

Turn in one sheet per group, titled MI Post-Zombie, and with all group member names.

HomeworkPlanner Week 3 and Reflection JournalPortfolio Activity 3Journal Entry (pg 92): Connect your strengthsFeel free to be creative with this assignment. I was going to take your pictures to allow you to put it in the center, but I forgot my camera and we ran out of time.

I have an example of this on the next slide, working with what I had available on the computer, but please feel free to be as expressive and as creative as you wish.Melissa Gunby

Personality SpectrumIntelligencesValuesInterestsPersonal DiversityHigherlowerhigherlowerVerbalmusical


NaturalisticBodily Kinestheticteachingreadingwritingknitting

familycreativityfriendsSingle with no kidsLiving with parents