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• Neslisah Osmanoglu, 91. Ottoman princess who married an Egyptian prince and was twice forced into exile when both royal households were abolished. April 2. • Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, 76. He designed Porsche’s classic 911 sports car, the sleek model that evokes power, wealth and envy among aficionados. April 5. • Bingu wa Mutharika, 78. Malawi’s president who was hailed as an eco- nomic hero and decried as an autocrat.. April 5. • Thomas Kinkade, 54. Artist whose paintings of idyllic landscapes, cottages and churches have been big sellers for dealers across the U.S. April 6. • Mike Wallace, 93. Dogged CBS re- porter who took on politicians and celebrities in a 60-year career highlighted by on-air confrontations that helped make “60 Minutes” the most successful prime- time television news program ever. April 7. • Raymond Aubrac, 97. One of the last major figures of the French Resist- ance who got away from the Nazis’ grasp in a now-legendary escape. April 10. • Ahmed Ben Bella, 95. Algeria’s first president and a historic leader of its bloody independence struggle from France. April 11. • Julio Aleman, 78. Mexican television and movie actor who starred in the first telenovela ever produced in the country. April 11. • Arnold Maersk Mc-Kinney Moeller, 98. Denmark’s richest man who created the country’s largest enterprise, a ship- ping and oil conglomerate. April 16. • Dick Clark, 82. Ever-youthful televi- sion entrepreneur who helped bring rock ‘n’ roll into the mainstream on “American Bandstand,” and later produced and hosted game shows and the year-end countdown from Times Square. April 19. • Levon Helm, 71. Key member of the rock group The Band who lent his voice to classics like “The Weight” and “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.” April 19. • George Cowan, 92. Manhattan Proj- ect scientist who also helped found the Santa Fe Institute. April 20. • Charles “Chuck” Colson, 80. Special counsel to President Richard Nixon who went to prison for his role in a Watergate- related case and became a Christian evangelical helping inmates. April 21. • George Rathmann, 84. As founding CEO he helped turn Amgen Inc. from a small company with an unclear mission in a strange new field into the world’s largest biotech drugmaker. April 22. • George Vujnovich, 96. Intelligence agent who organized a World War II mis- sion to rescue more than 500 U.S. bomber crew members shot down over Nazi-occupied Serbia. April 24. • Patricia Medina, 92. Actress who became a Hollywood leading lady in the 1950s opposite Glenn Ford, Alan Ladd, Karl Malden and Fernando Lamas. April 28. • Thomas Austin “Amarillo Slim” Pre- ston Jr., 83. A poker champion whose brash style, fast talking and love of the spotlight helped broaden the professional game’s appeal. April 29. • Tomas Borge Martinez, 81. Last sur- viving founder of the Sandinista guerrilla movement that overthrew Nicaragua’s U.S.-backed right-wing dictatorship in 1979. April 30. MAY: • Junior Seau, 43. Homegrown super- star who was the fist-pumping, emotional leader of the San Diego Chargers for 13 years. May 2. Apparent suicide. • Lloyd Brevett, 80. Renowned double bassist who helped carry ska music from Jamaica to the world as a founding mem- ber of the band The Skatalites. May 3. • Adam Yauch, 47. Also known as MCA, the gravelly voiced rapper helped make the Beastie Boys one of the semi- nal groups in hip-hop. May 4. Cancer. • George Lindsey, 83. He made a TV career as a grinning service station atten- dant named Goober on “The Andy Griffith Show” and “Hee Haw.” May 6. • Dennis Fitch, 69. Airline pilot who helped save 184 people during a plane crash in Sioux City, Iowa. May 7. Brain cancer. • Maurice Sendak, 83. Children’s book author and illustrator who saw the sometimes-dark side of childhood in books like “Where the Wild Things Are.” May 8. • Vidal Sassoon, 84. Celebrity hair- stylist whose 1960s wash-and-wear cuts freed women from endless teasing and hairspray. May 9. • Baby Andrei, 9 months. Romanian baby born with virtually no intestines who confounded doctors by tenaciously cling- ing to life and captured international at- tention and offers of medical help. May 10. • Gunnar Soensteby, 94. World War II resistance fighter who earned Norway’s highest military decoration for daring raids against the Nazis. May 10. • Evelyn Bryan Johnson, 102. Known as “Mama Bird,” she was a pioneering fe- male pilot and Guinness world record holder. May 10. • Carroll Shelby, 89. Legendary car designer and champion auto racer who built the Shelby Cobra sports car and in- jected testosterone into Ford’s Mustang and Chrysler’s Viper. May 10. • Donald “Duck” Dunn, 70. Bassist who helped create the gritty Memphis soul sound at Stax Records in the 1960s as part of the legendary group Booker T. and the MGs. May 13. • Jim Abdnor, 89. Former Republican U.S. senator who ousted George McGov- ern from the Senate only to lose his seat after one term. May 16. • Chuck Brown, 75. Widely acclaimed as the “Godfather of go-go” for styling a unique mix of funk, soul and Latin party sounds. May 16. • Mary Richardson Kennedy, 52. Es- tranged wife of Robert Kennedy Jr.; her life’s highlights and troubled moments played out publicly because of the fa- mous political family she married into. May 16. Apparent suicide. • Doug Dillard, 75. Banjo player who helped shape rock ‘n’ roll and introduce the nation to bluegrass music during a run on “The Andy Griffith Show.” May 16. • Donna Summer, 63. Disco queen whose pulsing anthems such as “Last Dance,” ‘’Love to Love You Baby” and “Bad Girls” became the soundtrack for a glittery age of drugs, dance and flashy clothes. May 17. • Warda, 72. Algerian singer known by just one name whose sultry voice and range helped make her one of the giants of Arab song. May 17. • Frank Edward “Ed” Ray, 91. Califor- nia school bus driver who was hailed as a hero for helping 26 students escape after three kidnappers buried them un- derground in 1976. May 17. • Katie Beckett, 34. Her struggles with disease and bureaucracy brought land- mark changes to the federal-state Medi- caid program allowing children with disabilities to live at home. May 18. • Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, 60. Libyan intelligence officer who was the only per- son ever convicted in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing. May 20. • Robin Gibb, 62. One of the three Bee Gees whose falsetto harmonies powered such hits as “Stayin’ Alive” and “Night Fever” and defined the flashy disco era. May 20. • Eugene Polley, 96. Inventor of the first wireless TV remote control. May 20. • Eddie Blazonczyk, 70. Grammy Award-winning polka great who earned the nickname “Polka King” after starting his own band and label. May 21. • Wesley Brown, 85. First African- American to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy. May 22. • Klaas Carel Faber, 90. Dutch native who fled to Germany after being con- victed in the Netherlands of Nazi war crimes and subsequently lived in freedom despite attempts to try or extradite him. May 24. • Johnny Tapia, 45. Five-time boxing champion whose turbulent career was marked by cocaine addiction, alcohol, de- pression and run-ins with the law. May 27. • Doc Watson, 89. Grammy-award winning folk musician whose lightning- fast style of flatpicking influenced gui- tarists around the world. May 29. JUNE: • Kathryn Joosten, 72. Character ac- tress best known as Karen McCluskey on “Desperate Housewives” and the presi- dent’s secretary on “The West Wing.” June 2. • Adolfo Calero, 80. He led the largest force of U.S.-backed rebels against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government in the 1980s and found himself entangled in the Iran-Contra scandal. June 2. • Richard Dawson, 79. Wisecracking British entertainer who was among the schemers in the 1960s TV comedy “Hogan’s Heroes” and later the contest- ant-kissing host of the game show “Fam- ily Feud.” June 2. • Herb Reed, 83. Last surviving origi- nal member of 1950s vocal group the Platters who sang on hits like “Only You” and “The Great Pretender.” June 4. • Ray Bradbury, 91. Science fiction- fantasy master who transformed his childhood dreams and Cold War fears into telepathic Martians, lovesick sea monsters, and the high-tech, book-burn- ing future of “Fahrenheit 451.” May 5. • Bob Welch, 65. Former member of Fleetwood Mac who went on to write songs and record several hits during a solo career. June 7. Self-inflicted gunshot wound. • Ann Rutherford, 94. Actress who played the sweetheart in the long-running Andy Hardy series and Scarlett O’Hara’s youngest sister in “Gone With the Wind.” June 11. • Henry Hill, 69. Associate in New York’s Lucchese crime family, a mobster and FBI informant whose life was the basis for the Martin Scorsese film “Good- fellas.” June 12. • William S. Knowles, 95. Chemist who shared the Nobel Prize for discover- ies that led to a treatment for Parkinson’s disease and other medicines. June 13. • Crown Prince Nayef, late 70s. Inte- rior minister who headed Saudi Arabia’s fierce crackdown crushing al-Qaida’s branch in the country after the 9/11 at- tacks and rose to become next in line to the throne. June 16. • Rodney King, 47. Black motorist whose 1991 videotaped beating by Los Angeles police officers was the spark for one of the most destructive U.S. race riots. June 17. Accidentally drowned. • Richard Adler, 90. Composer-lyricist who won Tony Awards for such Broadway musicals as “The Pajama Game” and “Damn Yankees” and who produced President John F. Kennedy’s birthday cel- ebration featuring a breathy Marilyn Mon- roe. June 21. • Barry Becher, 71. Infomercial pio- neer best known for introducing American TV viewers to Ginsu knives, the miracle kitchen tool that sliced through tin cans and chopped wood. June 22. • George Randolph Hearst Jr., 84. Board chairman of Hearst Corp., oldest grandson of media titan William Ran- dolph Hearst. June 25. • Nora Ephron, 71. Essayist, author and filmmaker who thrived in the male- dominated worlds of movies and journal- ism and was loved, respected and feared for her wit. June 26. Leukemia • Doris Singleton, 92. Actress who played Lucy and Ricky Ricardo’s neigh- bor on “I Love Lucy.” June 26. • Don Grady, 68. One of television’s most beloved big brothers as Robbie Douglas on the 1960s hit “My Three Sons.” June 27. • Norman Sas, 87. Mechanical engi- neer who created electric football, a tabletop game with a vibrating metal field and unpredictable plastic players that captivated children and grown-ups. June 28. • Doris Sams, 85. Pitcher and out- fielder from Knoxville who helped inspire the movie “A League of Their Own.” June 28. • Yitzhak Shamir, 96. Former Israeli prime minister who maintained that Israel should hold on to territory and never trust an Arab regime. June 30. JULY: • Andy Griffith, 86. He made home- spun Southern wisdom his trademark as a wise sheriff in “The Andy Griffith Show” and a rumpled defense lawyer in “Mat- lock.” July 3. • Ernest Borgnine, 95. Beefy screen star known for blustery, often villainous roles, but who won the best-actor Oscar for playing against type as a lovesick butcher in “Marty” in 1955. July 8. • Eugenio de Araujo Sales, 91. Rio de Janeiro’s former archbishop who pro- vided shelter to thousands opposed to the military regimes that once ruled Brazil, Argentina and Chile. July 9. • Marion Cunningham, 90. Home- cooking champion whose legacy can be found in the food-spattered pages of “Fannie Farmer” cookbooks in kitchens across America. July 11. • Donald J. Sobol, 87. Author of the popular “Encyclopedia Brown” series of children’s mysteries. July 11. • Dara Singh, 84. Bollywood action hero best known for his TV portrayal of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman. July 12. • Celeste Holm, 95. Versatile actress who soared to Broadway fame in “Okla- homa!” and won an Oscar for her por- trayal of a lonely secretary in “Gentleman’s Agreement.” July 15. • Stephen R. Covey, 79. Author of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and three other books that have all sold more than a million copies. July 16. Complications from a bicycle acci- dent. • Jon Lord, 71. British rocker and key- boardist whose driving tones helped turn Deep Purple and Whitesnake into two of the most popular hard rock acts in a gen- eration. July 16. • Kitty Wells, 92. Singer whose hits such as “Making Believe” and “It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels” made her the first female superstar of country music. July 16. • William Raspberry, 76. He became the second black columnist to win a Pulitzer Prize for his widely read syndi- cated commentaries in The Washington Post. July 17. • Forrest McCartney, 81. Retired Air Force lieutenant general and former di- rector of Kennedy Space Center who was crucial in getting NASA’s shuttles fly- ing again after the Challenger tragedy. July 17. • Rajesh Khanna, 69. His success as a romantic lead in scores of Indian movies made him Bollywood’s first super- star. July 18. • Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, 102. He was revered by Jews worldwide as the top rabbinic authority of this genera- tion for his scholarship and rulings on complex elements of Jewish law. July 18. • Oswaldo Paya, 60. Cuban activist who spent decades speaking out against the communist government of Fidel and Raul Castro and became one of the most powerful voices of dissent against their half-century rule. July 22. Car crash. • Sally Ride, 61. She blazed trails into orbit as the first American woman in space. July 23. Pancreatic cancer. • Sherman Hemsley, 74. Actor who made the irascible, bigoted George Jef- ferson of “The Jeffersons” one of TV’s most memorable characters and a sym- bol for urban upward mobility. July 24. • John Atta Mills, 68. He was elected president in the closest vote in Ghana’s history and then led the West African country amid newfound oil wealth. July 24. • Chad Everett, 75. Star of the 1970s TV series “Medical Center” who went on to appear in such films and TV shows as “Mulholland Drive” and “Melrose Place.” July 24. • Suzy Gershman, 64. Her “Born to Shop” travel guides have helped readers find where to browse and buy from Paris to Hong Kong. July 25. • Gore Vidal, 86. Author, playwright, politician and commentator whose nov- els, essays, plays and opinions were stamped by his immodest wit and uncon- ventional wisdom. July 31. AUGUST: • John Keegan, 78. British academic whose studies of men at war are counted among the classic works of military his- tory. Aug. 2. • Martin Fleischmann, 85. British chemist who stunned the world by an- nouncing that he had achieved nuclear fusion in a glass bottle. Aug. 3. • Chavela Vargas, 93. She defied gender stereotypes to become one of the most legendary singers in Mexico. Aug. 5. • Ignacy Skowron, 97. Last known Polish survivor of the opening battle of World War II. Aug. 5. • Mark O’Donnell, 58. Tony Award- winning writer behind such quirky and clever Broadway shows as “Hairspray and “Cry-Baby.” Aug. 6. • Bernard Lovell, 98. Pioneering British physicist and astronomer who de- veloped one of the world’s largest radio telescopes exploring particles in the uni- verse. Aug. 6. • Judith Crist, 90. Blunt, popular film critic for the “Today” show, TV Guide and the New York Herald Tribune whose re- views were at times so harsh that director Otto Preminger labeled her “Judas Crist.” Aug. 7. • Carlo Rambaldi, 86. Special-effects master and three-time Oscar winner known as the father of “E.T.: The Extra- Terrestrial.” Aug. 10. • Joe Kubert, 85. Groundbreaking comic artist and educator best known for co-creating DC Comics’ iconic Sgt. Rock character. Aug. 12. • Gregory Powell, 79. He was con- victed of killing a Los Angeles police offi- cer during an infamous kidnapping that inspired the true-crime book and movie “The Onion Field.” Aug. 12. • Johnny Pesky, 92. Player who spent most of his 60-plus years in pro baseball with the Boston Red Sox and was beloved by the team’s fans. Aug. 13. • Nellie Gray, 88. Founder and chief organizer of an annual anti-abortion march in Washington and a leader in ef- forts to overturn the Supreme Court deci- sion legalizing abortion. Aug. 13. • Ron Palillo, 63. Actor best known as the nerdy high school student Arnold Hor- shack on the 1970s sitcom “Welcome Back, Kotter.” Aug. 14. • Svetozar Gligoric, 89. Legendary Serbian and Yugoslav chess grandmas- ter who was the national champion 12 times and one of the world’s top players in the 20th century. Aug. 14. • Tony Scott, 68. Director of such Hol- lywood blockbusters as “Top Gun,” ‘’Days of Thunder” and “Beverly Hills Cop II.” Aug. 19. Died after jumping from a bridge. • George Hickman, 88. One of the original Tuskegee airmen and a longtime usher at University of Washington and Seattle Seahawks games. Aug. 19. • Phyllis Diller, 95. Housewife-turned- humorist who aimed some of her Wishing Our Friends & Customers Happy Holidays M.T. & R.C. Smith Insurance 204 W. 4th St. • Yankton, SD • (605) 665-3611 See Us for All Your Insurance Needs Serving the Area since 1949 Don’t Gamble. Insure with... z D Avera Medical Group Ear, Nose & Throat Yankton is pleased to welcome Board Certified Otolaryngologist David V. Wagner, M.D., FACS to their medical staff. Dr. Wagner joins Matt Rumsey, AuD, CCC-A in providing top quality care to the Yankton region. YANKTON’S EAR, NOSE & THROAT EXPERTS Call (605) 665-6820 for an appointment. Schedule appointments before the end of the year to take full advantage of your insurance benefits. Dr. David V. Wagner Matt Rumsey 605-665-4839 INSURANCE CLAIM SPECIALISTS MEMBER Greater Sioux Region Better Business Bureau FloorTec PROFESSIONAL Cleaning Services Season’s Greetings Season’s Greetings Yankton PRESS & DAKOTAN n MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2012 PAGE 13 Deaths From Page 10 DEATHS | PAGE 14 Whitney Houston (Image: MCT)

Happy Holidays - Yankton Press &… · • Evelyn Bryan Johnson, 102. Known as “Mama Bird,” she was a pioneering

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Page 1: Happy Holidays - Yankton Press &… · • Evelyn Bryan Johnson, 102. Known as “Mama Bird,” she was a pioneering

• Neslisah Osmanoglu, 91. Ottomanprincess who married an Egyptian princeand was twice forced into exile whenboth royal households were abolished.April 2.

• Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, 76.He designed Porsche’s classic 911 sportscar, the sleek model that evokes power,wealth and envy among aficionados. April5.

• Bingu wa Mutharika, 78. Malawi’spresident who was hailed as an eco-nomic hero and decried as an autocrat..April 5.

• Thomas Kinkade, 54. Artist whosepaintings of idyllic landscapes, cottagesand churches have been big sellers fordealers across the U.S. April 6.

• Mike Wallace, 93. Dogged CBS re-porter who took on politicians andcelebrities in a 60-year career highlightedby on-air confrontations that helped make“60 Minutes” the most successful prime-time television news program ever. April7.

• Raymond Aubrac, 97. One of thelast major figures of the French Resist-ance who got away from the Nazis’ graspin a now-legendary escape. April 10.

• Ahmed Ben Bella, 95. Algeria’s firstpresident and a historic leader of itsbloody independence struggle fromFrance. April 11.

• Julio Aleman, 78. Mexican televisionand movie actor who starred in the firsttelenovela ever produced in the country.April 11.

• Arnold Maersk Mc-Kinney Moeller,98. Denmark’s richest man who createdthe country’s largest enterprise, a ship-ping and oil conglomerate. April 16.

• Dick Clark, 82. Ever-youthful televi-sion entrepreneur who helped bring rock‘n’ roll into the mainstream on “AmericanBandstand,” and later produced andhosted game shows and the year-endcountdown from Times Square. April 19.

• Levon Helm, 71. Key member of therock group The Band who lent his voiceto classics like “The Weight” and “TheNight They Drove Old Dixie Down.” April19.

• George Cowan, 92. Manhattan Proj-ect scientist who also helped found theSanta Fe Institute. April 20.

• Charles “Chuck” Colson, 80. Specialcounsel to President Richard Nixon whowent to prison for his role in a Watergate-related case and became a Christianevangelical helping inmates. April 21.

• George Rathmann, 84. As foundingCEO he helped turn Amgen Inc. from asmall company with an unclear mission ina strange new field into the world’slargest biotech drugmaker. April 22.

• George Vujnovich, 96. Intelligenceagent who organized a World War II mis-sion to rescue more than 500 U.S.bomber crew members shot down overNazi-occupied Serbia. April 24.

• Patricia Medina, 92. Actress whobecame a Hollywood leading lady in the1950s opposite Glenn Ford, Alan Ladd,Karl Malden and Fernando Lamas. April28.

• Thomas Austin “Amarillo Slim” Pre-ston Jr., 83. A poker champion whosebrash style, fast talking and love of thespotlight helped broaden the professionalgame’s appeal. April 29.

• Tomas Borge Martinez, 81. Last sur-viving founder of the Sandinista guerrillamovement that overthrew Nicaragua’sU.S.-backed right-wing dictatorship in1979. April 30.

MAY: • Junior Seau, 43. Homegrown super-

star who was the fist-pumping, emotionalleader of the San Diego Chargers for 13years. May 2. Apparent suicide.

• Lloyd Brevett, 80. Renowned doublebassist who helped carry ska music fromJamaica to the world as a founding mem-ber of the band The Skatalites. May 3.

• Adam Yauch, 47. Also known asMCA, the gravelly voiced rapper helpedmake the Beastie Boys one of the semi-nal groups in hip-hop. May 4. Cancer.

• George Lindsey, 83. He made a TVcareer as a grinning service station atten-dant named Goober on “The Andy GriffithShow” and “Hee Haw.” May 6.

• Dennis Fitch, 69. Airline pilot whohelped save 184 people during a planecrash in Sioux City, Iowa. May 7. Braincancer.

• Maurice Sendak, 83. Children’sbook author and illustrator who saw thesometimes-dark side of childhood inbooks like “Where the Wild Things Are.”May 8.

• Vidal Sassoon, 84. Celebrity hair-stylist whose 1960s wash-and-wear cutsfreed women from endless teasing andhairspray. May 9.

• Baby Andrei, 9 months. Romanianbaby born with virtually no intestines whoconfounded doctors by tenaciously cling-ing to life and captured international at-tention and offers of medical help. May10.

• Gunnar Soensteby, 94. World War IIresistance fighter who earned Norway’shighest military decoration for daringraids against the Nazis. May 10.

• Evelyn Bryan Johnson, 102. Knownas “Mama Bird,” she was a pioneering fe-male pilot and Guinness world recordholder. May 10.

• Carroll Shelby, 89. Legendary cardesigner and champion auto racer whobuilt the Shelby Cobra sports car and in-jected testosterone into Ford’s Mustangand Chrysler’s Viper. May 10.

• Donald “Duck” Dunn, 70. Bassistwho helped create the gritty Memphissoul sound at Stax Records in the 1960sas part of the legendary group Booker T.and the MGs. May 13.

• Jim Abdnor, 89. Former RepublicanU.S. senator who ousted George McGov-ern from the Senate only to lose his seatafter one term. May 16.

• Chuck Brown, 75. Widely acclaimedas the “Godfather of go-go” for styling aunique mix of funk, soul and Latin partysounds. May 16.

• Mary Richardson Kennedy, 52. Es-tranged wife of Robert Kennedy Jr.; herlife’s highlights and troubled momentsplayed out publicly because of the fa-mous political family she married into.May 16. Apparent suicide.

• Doug Dillard, 75. Banjo player whohelped shape rock ‘n’ roll and introducethe nation to bluegrass music during arun on “The Andy Griffith Show.” May 16.

• Donna Summer, 63. Disco queenwhose pulsing anthems such as “LastDance,” ‘’Love to Love You Baby” and“Bad Girls” became the soundtrack for aglittery age of drugs, dance and flashyclothes. May 17.

• Warda, 72. Algerian singer knownby just one name whose sultry voice andrange helped make her one of the giantsof Arab song. May 17.

• Frank Edward “Ed” Ray, 91. Califor-nia school bus driver who was hailed asa hero for helping 26 students escapeafter three kidnappers buried them un-derground in 1976. May 17.

• Katie Beckett, 34. Her struggles with

disease and bureaucracy brought land-mark changes to the federal-state Medi-caid program allowing children withdisabilities to live at home. May 18.

• Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, 60. Libyanintelligence officer who was the only per-son ever convicted in the 1988 Lockerbiebombing. May 20.

• Robin Gibb, 62. One of the threeBee Gees whose falsetto harmoniespowered such hits as “Stayin’ Alive” and“Night Fever” and defined the flashydisco era. May 20.

• Eugene Polley, 96. Inventor of thefirst wireless TV remote control. May 20.

• Eddie Blazonczyk, 70. GrammyAward-winning polka great who earnedthe nickname “Polka King” after startinghis own band and label. May 21.

• Wesley Brown, 85. First African-American to graduate from the U.S.Naval Academy. May 22.

• Klaas Carel Faber, 90. Dutch nativewho fled to Germany after being con-victed in the Netherlands of Nazi warcrimes and subsequently lived in freedomdespite attempts to try or extradite him.May 24.

• Johnny Tapia, 45. Five-time boxingchampion whose turbulent career wasmarked by cocaine addiction, alcohol, de-pression and run-ins with the law. May27.

• Doc Watson, 89. Grammy-awardwinning folk musician whose lightning-fast style of flatpicking influenced gui-tarists around the world. May 29.

JUNE: • Kathryn Joosten, 72. Character ac-

tress best known as Karen McCluskey on“Desperate Housewives” and the presi-dent’s secretary on “The West Wing.”June 2.

• Adolfo Calero, 80. He led the largestforce of U.S.-backed rebels againstNicaragua’s Sandinista government inthe 1980s and found himself entangled inthe Iran-Contra scandal. June 2.

• Richard Dawson, 79. WisecrackingBritish entertainer who was among theschemers in the 1960s TV comedy“Hogan’s Heroes” and later the contest-

ant-kissing host of the game show “Fam-ily Feud.” June 2.

• Herb Reed, 83. Last surviving origi-nal member of 1950s vocal group thePlatters who sang on hits like “Only You”and “The Great Pretender.” June 4.

• Ray Bradbury, 91. Science fiction-fantasy master who transformed hischildhood dreams and Cold War fearsinto telepathic Martians, lovesick seamonsters, and the high-tech, book-burn-ing future of “Fahrenheit 451.” May 5.

• Bob Welch, 65. Former member ofFleetwood Mac who went on to writesongs and record several hits during asolo career. June 7. Self-inflicted gunshotwound.

• Ann Rutherford, 94. Actress whoplayed the sweetheart in the long-runningAndy Hardy series and Scarlett O’Hara’syoungest sister in “Gone With the Wind.”June 11.

• Henry Hill, 69. Associate in NewYork’s Lucchese crime family, a mobsterand FBI informant whose life was thebasis for the Martin Scorsese film “Good-fellas.” June 12.

• William S. Knowles, 95. Chemistwho shared the Nobel Prize for discover-ies that led to a treatment for Parkinson’sdisease and other medicines. June 13.

• Crown Prince Nayef, late 70s. Inte-rior minister who headed Saudi Arabia’sfierce crackdown crushing al-Qaida’sbranch in the country after the 9/11 at-tacks and rose to become next in line tothe throne. June 16.

• Rodney King, 47. Black motoristwhose 1991 videotaped beating by LosAngeles police officers was the spark forone of the most destructive U.S. raceriots. June 17. Accidentally drowned.

• Richard Adler, 90. Composer-lyricistwho won Tony Awards for such Broadwaymusicals as “The Pajama Game” and“Damn Yankees” and who producedPresident John F. Kennedy’s birthday cel-ebration featuring a breathy Marilyn Mon-roe. June 21.

• Barry Becher, 71. Infomercial pio-neer best known for introducing AmericanTV viewers to Ginsu knives, the miraclekitchen tool that sliced through tin cansand chopped wood. June 22.

• George Randolph Hearst Jr., 84.Board chairman of Hearst Corp., oldestgrandson of media titan William Ran-dolph Hearst. June 25.

• Nora Ephron, 71. Essayist, authorand filmmaker who thrived in the male-dominated worlds of movies and journal-ism and was loved, respected and fearedfor her wit. June 26. Leukemia

• Doris Singleton, 92. Actress whoplayed Lucy and Ricky Ricardo’s neigh-bor on “I Love Lucy.” June 26.

• Don Grady, 68. One of television’smost beloved big brothers as RobbieDouglas on the 1960s hit “My ThreeSons.” June 27.

• Norman Sas, 87. Mechanical engi-neer who created electric football, atabletop game with a vibrating metal fieldand unpredictable plastic players thatcaptivated children and grown-ups. June28.

• Doris Sams, 85. Pitcher and out-fielder from Knoxville who helped inspirethe movie “A League of Their Own.” June28.

• Yitzhak Shamir, 96. Former Israeliprime minister who maintained that Israelshould hold on to territory and never trustan Arab regime. June 30.

JULY: • Andy Griffith, 86. He made home-

spun Southern wisdom his trademark asa wise sheriff in “The Andy Griffith Show”and a rumpled defense lawyer in “Mat-lock.” July 3.

• Ernest Borgnine, 95. Beefy screenstar known for blustery, often villainousroles, but who won the best-actor Oscarfor playing against type as a lovesickbutcher in “Marty” in 1955. July 8.

• Eugenio de Araujo Sales, 91. Rio deJaneiro’s former archbishop who pro-vided shelter to thousands opposed tothe military regimes that once ruledBrazil, Argentina and Chile. July 9.

• Marion Cunningham, 90. Home-

cooking champion whose legacy can befound in the food-spattered pages of“Fannie Farmer” cookbooks in kitchensacross America. July 11.

• Donald J. Sobol, 87. Author of thepopular “Encyclopedia Brown” series ofchildren’s mysteries. July 11.

• Dara Singh, 84. Bollywood actionhero best known for his TV portrayal ofthe Hindu monkey god Hanuman. July12.

• Celeste Holm, 95. Versatile actresswho soared to Broadway fame in “Okla-homa!” and won an Oscar for her por-trayal of a lonely secretary in“Gentleman’s Agreement.” July 15.

• Stephen R. Covey, 79. Author of“The Seven Habits of Highly EffectivePeople” and three other books that haveall sold more than a million copies. July16. Complications from a bicycle acci-dent.

• Jon Lord, 71. British rocker and key-boardist whose driving tones helped turnDeep Purple and Whitesnake into two ofthe most popular hard rock acts in a gen-eration. July 16.

• Kitty Wells, 92. Singer whose hitssuch as “Making Believe” and “It Wasn’tGod Who Made Honky Tonk Angels”made her the first female superstar ofcountry music. July 16.

• William Raspberry, 76. He becamethe second black columnist to win aPulitzer Prize for his widely read syndi-cated commentaries in The WashingtonPost. July 17.

• Forrest McCartney, 81. Retired AirForce lieutenant general and former di-rector of Kennedy Space Center whowas crucial in getting NASA’s shuttles fly-ing again after the Challenger tragedy.July 17.

• Rajesh Khanna, 69. His success asa romantic lead in scores of Indianmovies made him Bollywood’s first super-star. July 18.

• Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, 102.He was revered by Jews worldwide asthe top rabbinic authority of this genera-tion for his scholarship and rulings oncomplex elements of Jewish law. July 18.

• Oswaldo Paya, 60. Cuban activistwho spent decades speaking out againstthe communist government of Fidel andRaul Castro and became one of the mostpowerful voices of dissent against theirhalf-century rule. July 22. Car crash.

• Sally Ride, 61. She blazed trails intoorbit as the first American woman inspace. July 23. Pancreatic cancer.

• Sherman Hemsley, 74. Actor whomade the irascible, bigoted George Jef-ferson of “The Jeffersons” one of TV’smost memorable characters and a sym-bol for urban upward mobility. July 24.

• John Atta Mills, 68. He was electedpresident in the closest vote in Ghana’shistory and then led the West Africancountry amid newfound oil wealth. July24.

• Chad Everett, 75. Star of the 1970sTV series “Medical Center” who went onto appear in such films and TV shows as“Mulholland Drive” and “Melrose Place.”July 24.

• Suzy Gershman, 64. Her “Born toShop” travel guides have helped readersfind where to browse and buy from Paristo Hong Kong. July 25.

• Gore Vidal, 86. Author, playwright,

politician and commentator whose nov-els, essays, plays and opinions werestamped by his immodest wit and uncon-ventional wisdom. July 31.

AUGUST: • John Keegan, 78. British academic

whose studies of men at war are countedamong the classic works of military his-tory. Aug. 2.

• Martin Fleischmann, 85. Britishchemist who stunned the world by an-nouncing that he had achieved nuclearfusion in a glass bottle. Aug. 3.

• Chavela Vargas, 93. She defiedgender stereotypes to become one of themost legendary singers in Mexico. Aug.5.

• Ignacy Skowron, 97. Last knownPolish survivor of the opening battle ofWorld War II. Aug. 5.

• Mark O’Donnell, 58. Tony Award-winning writer behind such quirky andclever Broadway shows as “Hairsprayand “Cry-Baby.” Aug. 6.

• Bernard Lovell, 98. PioneeringBritish physicist and astronomer who de-veloped one of the world’s largest radiotelescopes exploring particles in the uni-verse. Aug. 6.

• Judith Crist, 90. Blunt, popular filmcritic for the “Today” show, TV Guide andthe New York Herald Tribune whose re-views were at times so harsh that directorOtto Preminger labeled her “Judas Crist.”Aug. 7.

• Carlo Rambaldi, 86. Special-effectsmaster and three-time Oscar winnerknown as the father of “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.” Aug. 10.

• Joe Kubert, 85. Groundbreakingcomic artist and educator best known forco-creating DC Comics’ iconic Sgt. Rockcharacter. Aug. 12.

• Gregory Powell, 79. He was con-victed of killing a Los Angeles police offi-cer during an infamous kidnapping thatinspired the true-crime book and movie“The Onion Field.” Aug. 12.

• Johnny Pesky, 92. Player who spentmost of his 60-plus years in pro baseballwith the Boston Red Sox and wasbeloved by the team’s fans. Aug. 13.

• Nellie Gray, 88. Founder and chieforganizer of an annual anti-abortionmarch in Washington and a leader in ef-forts to overturn the Supreme Court deci-sion legalizing abortion. Aug. 13.

• Ron Palillo, 63. Actor best known asthe nerdy high school student Arnold Hor-shack on the 1970s sitcom “WelcomeBack, Kotter.” Aug. 14.

• Svetozar Gligoric, 89. LegendarySerbian and Yugoslav chess grandmas-ter who was the national champion 12times and one of the world’s top playersin the 20th century. Aug. 14.

• Tony Scott, 68. Director of such Hol-lywood blockbusters as “Top Gun,” ‘’Daysof Thunder” and “Beverly Hills Cop II.”Aug. 19. Died after jumping from abridge.

• George Hickman, 88. One of theoriginal Tuskegee airmen and a longtimeusher at University of Washington andSeattle Seahawks games. Aug. 19.

• Phyllis Diller, 95. Housewife-turned-humorist who aimed some of her

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Whitney Houston(Image: MCT)