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HandBook July2014

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HandBook July2014
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  • Training HandBook

    Advanced Excel [Edition: June 2014] | [email protected]

    Program Content

    Warm-up Essential shortcuts Absolute & Relative referencing ($) ROUND(), SUMPRODUCT()

    Data Analytics Using SUBTOTAL() with Filtered

    data SUMIFS(), COUNTIFS()

    Pivot Table for multi-variable analysis Computations %, Sum, Max, Min,

    Average, Count Grouping (Clustering) Generating multiple reports Data Lookup VLOOKUP() a practical

    perspective VLOOKUP() with MATCH() INDEX() and 2 MATCH()

    Excel Modeling INDIRECT() with Cell-Range Naming

    Logical Statements IF(), Nested IFs, AND(), OR() IFERROR() ISNUMBER(), ISTEXT(), ISBLANK(),

    ISERROR() Working with Dates Date correction techniques EDATE(), EOMONTH() DAY(), MONTH(), YEAR() TODAY(), NOW() Data Cleaning I LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID() LEN() UPPER(), PROPER(), LOWER() TRIM(), SUBSTITUTE(), VALUE() Using & for concatenating or joining

    strings/cell values Data Cleaning II Find & Replace (using wildcard

    character - Asterisk * ) Go To (Special) with Ctrl+Enter trick Text-to-Columns (incl. advanced tricks) Remove Duplicates

    MIS reporting 3-D Data Consolidation Automatic row-wise Subtotal Conditional Formatting (Blanks,

    Errors, Cell Values, Duplicates, Formula-based)

    File Password & Cell Protection Select Dashboard Techniques Activate-Deactivate Gridlines Data Validation (list) Cell-Range Naming Grouping What-IF Analysis Data Tables Goal Seek with PMT() formula

    (EMI calculation) Form Controls - Spin Button &

    Scroll Bar Macros: An Overview Concept; Macros Recorder Record & Run Using Google to locate VBA

    Code snippets

    Training Pre-requisite: Paste Special Value; Basic Formulas - SUM(), MAX(), MIN(), AVERAGE(); Hide-Unhide Columns & Rows, Freeze-Unfreeze panes, Basic Sort and filter

    Copyright Excel Next 2013 | All Rights Reserved Excel Next owns legally and beneficially all of the Intellectual Property Rights in the content of this document. No reproduction, copy or transmission whatsoever of any part of this document be made without prior written permission.

  • Excel Next 2014 | CA. Rishabh Pugalia | 2



    2 ROUND()

    3 AutoFill, Paste Special

    4 Go To (Special) with Ctrl+Enter

    5 Cell Referencing ($), Sort

    6 Filter and SUBTOTAL()

    7 Grouping, Naming

    8 Data Validation

    9 Form Control Buttons

    10 Dates Concepts and Formulas

    11 VLOOKUP() with MATCH(), + INDIRECT() with Range Naming

    12 INDEX() with MATCH()

    13 Pivot Table Mathematics, %, Grouping (Manual & Automatic), Sheet Replication using Report Filter

    14 Data Tables Sensitivity Analysis

    15 Goal Seek

    16 Data Cleaning Text-to-Columns, Find and Replace, Formulas

    17 Logical Statements IF(), AND(), OR(), IFERROR() etc.

    18 Conditional Formatting

    19 3-D Data Consolidation

    20 Automatic row-wise SubTotal

    21 File and Cells Protection

    22 Macros

    23 Annexure: Developer Tab, Sparklines, Paste Special, Freeze etc.

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    1 Alt Press and release the ALT key to display the Key Tips next to each Ribbon command

    2 F4 Repeats the last command or action, if possible

    3 F4 Also, used for Cell referencing ($); discussed later

    4 F2 Begins editing the active cell

    5 Ctrl ` Displays the formula in each cell instead of the resulting value [Hint: ` is back tick key above the TAB key]

    6 Ctrl C Copy the cell(s) or selective text/numbers from within the cell

    7 Ctrl V Pastes the copied cell(s)/data

    8 Ctrl X Cuts the cell(s) or selective text/numbers from within the cell

    Workbook Navigation

    9 Ctrl PgDn Moves to the next sheet

    10 Ctrl PgUp Moves to the previous sheet

    Sheet Navigation & Cell(s) Selection

    11 Ctrl Arrow key Moves to the edge of a data block; if the cell is blank, moves to the first nonblank cell

    12 Shift Arrow key Expands the selection in the direction indicated

    13 Ctrl Shift Arrow key Select from the active cell to the end of a row/column

    14 Ctrl A Selects the entire worksheet/data array depending on active cell selected

    15 Shift Spacebar Selects the entire row(s) in the selected range

    16 Ctrl Spacebar Selects the entire column(s) in the selected range

    17 Ctrl [ and F5+Enter Navigate to precedent cells and return back [*conditions apply]

    18 Ctrl BackSpace Navigate to the beginning of selected data (keeping the selection intact)

    Row/Column/Cell Editing

    19 Ctrl + OR Ctrl Shift = Insert Row/Column/Cell

    20 Ctrl - Delete Row/Column/Cell

    21 Ctrl 1 Activates "Format cells"

    22 ALT = Auto sum

  • Excel Next 2014 | CA. Rishabh Pugalia | 4

    Module A_01 : Select Formulas

    "num_digits" signifies number of decimal digits. E.g. 2 implies 52.23 and 1 implies 52.2

    0 for whole number, 1 for number with one decimal

    =ROUND(A1/50, 0) * 50 [implies nearest +50]

    Module A_01 : AUTOFILL

    AUTOFILL OPTIONS [Cell Drag-and-Drop] E.g. Fill Months, Fill Years In case, cell-dragdown option is deactivated, go to EXCEL OPTIONS > ADVANCED > activate FILL HANDLE box

    Module A_01 : PASTE SPECIAL using Shortcut [ALT, E, S]

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    Module A_01 : GO TO > SPECIAL [Shortcut: F5 or Ctrl G]

    Important Note: to fill all the selected cells with text/nos./formula.

    Module A_03: CELL REFERENCING ($)

    - Row Fixed

    Col Fixed Row Fixed Col Fixed

    Keep pressing on a cell reference / range reference to toggle between the 4 combinations of cell

    referencing (as indicated above).

    Module A_02 : SORT

    Tip: Using synthetic DUMMY Serial No. column helps (1) create blank rows in-between and (2) remember the original sequence of row items

    ALT ;

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    Module A_02 : FILTER (Text and Number)

    Using =SUBTOTAL() with Filtered data

    Formulas such as =SUM(A2:A26) always consider every

    cell in the range, regardless of whether a cells row is

    hidden by Filter, so you need to create a formula using

    the SUBTOTAL function.

    SUBTOTAL() considers filtered data ONLY while

    computing sum, max, min, average etc. unlike SUM(),

    MAX(), MIN(), AVERAGE(). [Use Alt = shortcut key]

    Trick: Multi-Filter in same sheet [INSERT TABLE]

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    Module A_04 : GROUPING

    An alternative to manually hiding columns and rows. Refer DATA > SUBTOTAL to automate Grouping

    Module A_04 : NAMING

    Name Box Select cell(s), Write Name, press NB: to activate Names List Box

    Name Manager for EDITING / DELETING names or its referred range

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    Source Box 3 options

    Source: Hard-coded text separated by Comma

    Source: Cell range containing input values

    Source: Named cell range from same/different worksheet. Refer cell/range Naming via-name Box. The prefix = (equal sign) is important here.

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    Used to change the input values (assumptions) at the click of a button. The referred Form Control buttons cannot accommodate decmial values, % or a value outside 0-30,000 range.

    NB - Refer Annexure Activating Developer tab

    Specifies how the

    button, when clicked

    upon, shall control a

    single cell

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    Module A_05 : Every VALID DATE is a NUMBER

    Use =ISNUMBER() to detect validity of Dates entered

    Use Comma Style to display the number

    Use Format Cells to change the skin of the date

    Module A_05 : DATES SKIN Changing the look or the presentation

    2 days

    40,908 days

  • Excel Next 2014 | CA. Rishabh Pugalia | 12

    Module A_05 : DATE Formulas

    Formats the date as per desired output using format_text as:

    dddd or ddd or dd

    mmmm or mmm or mm

    yyyy or yyy or yy

    [Double-quotes is MUST+

    Returns the current date as per PCs system clock

    Returns the current date and time as per PCs system clock

    Returns the date that represents the indicated number of months

    before or after the start date. E.g. 60 days vs. 2 months

    Used for computing 3 months notice period end date, retirement

    age, probation period, contract deadline, EMI installment due date

    Returns the last day of the month before or after a specified

    number of months.

    Used for computations such as 5th

    of next month, end of current


    Returns TRUE if the value is a number. Used to detect validity of Dates as every valid date is a number

    N.B.: Refer Text-to-Columns for Date format correction technique *Confession Box+

    Compiles the three components Year, Month, Day in a date value

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    Module B_01 : VLookup & HLookup - Concepts, Issues & Applications

    lookup_value Code/Number/Name that you want to look for in a database (clue)

    table_array Database in which you are looking for a particular Code/Number/Name

    col_index_num Column number of database in which value corresponding to the lookup_value is to be


    range_lookup True (Approx. match) vs. False (Exact match)

    Quick Notes:

    In most cases, whenever you select a database (table_array), press and , (comma) in sequence,

    to fix the selected databases relative position

    VLOOKUP() looks at the first column (left most) of database for the lookup value. In other words,

    "lookup_value" should be in the first column in the selected "table_array"

    When range_lookup is FALSE (0): VLOOKUP will search for an exact match. If VLOOKUP cant find an

    exact match, the function returns #N/A. Generally used where lookup_value exists once in the database

    When range_lookup is TRUE (1) or omitted: an approximate match is returned. The database must be

    sorted in ascending order with respect to lookup value range. Generally used with Slabs >= (e.g.

    debtors ageing, commission slab, PASS-FAIL-DISTINCTION critera) [SLABS >= ASCENDING ORDER]

    Primary reasons for #N/A in VLOOKUP:

    and , (comma) not used in database (table_array)

    "lookup_value" is not in the first column (left most) in the selected "table_array"

    "lookup_value" is in a different format than the one stored in the first column in the selected

    "table_array". E.g. Code no. 66135 is stored as text (Text vs. Number or Number vs. Text) Refer Text-

    to-Columns (Step 3 of 3 - General) also refer =VALUE()

    Using TRUE range lookup without sorting the look-up values in ascending order [for Slab >=]

    Common link is placed horizontally in the table_array


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    Module B_02 : 2-way Lookup VLOOKUP with MATCH (VM)

    [MATCH helps count the position number in a one-dimensional data range]

    Important Note: Using =INDIRECT() with Naming for 3-D Lookup. E.g. APAC (Sr.) and APACH (Jr.)

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    Module B_03 : Reverse 2-way Lookup INDEX with MATCH (IMM)

    INDEX() uses row & column no. (position co-ordinates) reference to choose a value from an array (Chess-board)

    IMM vs VM: Both VM and IMM approaches are useful for pulling data from any 2x2 data matrix. However, IMM is useful for reverse Lookup. Unlike VM, IMM doesnt require the common link values to be in the left-most column of the database.

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    Module B_04 : Pivot Table Applications with % Computation, Grouping

    1. To Create Pivot-table: Select entire data set (that must have proper column headings)

    2. Insert Pivot Table Create Pivot Table box Press OK

    3. In previous versions of Excel, you could drag items from the field list directly into the appropriate grid

    area of the pivot table. This feature is still available, but its turned off by default. 2-steps to enable this

    feature are as follows:

    1 2

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    For toggling between Sum, Max, Min,

    Average, Count etc.: DOUBLE-CLICK on the

    Row Fields / Column Fields heading (layout

    in the Left-side) Field Settings

    Summarize by tab

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    For displaying % values: DOUBLE-CLICK on

    the Row Fields / Column Fields heading

    (layout in the Left-side) Field Settings

    Show Values as tab

    For GROUPING dates, numbers

    (date of joining, salary, amount balance

    etc.) placed in Row Fields / Column

    Fields: RIGHT-CLICK on the Row Fields /

    Column Fields heading (layout in the

    Left-side) and select Group

    E.g. Age Pools: 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 and

    so on

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    If or

    (Master Filter) is activated, individual

    sheets with details of each field item can

    be generated/replicated.


    DOUBLE-CLICK on any value in the Values field *main action area+ to generate the said numbers

    details in a separate sheet

    For generating a quick Chart based on Pivot Table report: Select entire Pivot Table report Press

    for generating default chart

    One minor drawback: Unlike a formula-based

    summary report, a pivot table does not update

    automatically when you change information in

    the source data.

    However, Refresh button helps update

    the chosen Pivot Table instance with the latest

    data. Use to refresh all Pivot

    tables in a Workbook

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    Module B_05 : SUMIFS - helps add the cells as specified by single/multiple criteria

    sum_range Range of data from where values (number) to be added shall be pulled single column

    criteria Parameter single cell reference or as user-defined in double-quotes. E.g. Metro

    criteria_range Range of data where criteria selected (as above) resides single column

    Be consistent in selecting all Range. Keeping Start row and end row same for all range selection will give

    the most accurate result. E.g. Either A1:A100 & C1:C100 Or E.g. A:A & C:C. Also, use to lock data


    =COUNTIFS() is very similar to =SUMIFS() except that it does not have Sum_Range

    Pair 1

    Pair 2

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    Module B_05 : COUNTIFS - helps count the cells as specified by single/multiple criteria

    Used for 2-way list-reconciliation & duplicate count

    Pair 1

    Pair 2

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    Module C_01 : What IF Analysis Data Tables

    Step 1: Set the layout with up to 2 variables

    Step 2: At the intersection of the 2-variables (top-left of the table), point the cell to the cell containing formula for effect value. E.g. C14 refers to Profit

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    Step 3: Choose the table area

    Step 4: Go to Data Table

    Step 4: Go to Data Table

    VC Vertical data (Say Prices) Column Input Cell ($C$6)

    HR Horizontal data (say Qty Sold) Row Input Cell ($C$7)

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    Generated Output 2-variable sensitivity analysis

    Other techniques that can be applied:

    Form Control Buttons (Developer > Insert > Form Controls)

    Conditional Formatting (Loss = Red, Profit = Green)

    =INDIRECT() with cell naming + Data validation drop-down list

    INDIRECT Redirection

    Use INDIRECT when you want to change the reference to a cell within a formula without changing the formula itself.

    Named Cell/Range can be used as an input for INDIRECT

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    Module C_01 : What IF Analysis Goal Seek (Back-Calculation)

    Set Cell > Goal cell whose output value has been pre-decided

    To Value > Goal value (pre-decided)

    By changing cell > One variable that has to be changed to arrive at or seek the Goal value. Must be a cell with a value and not a formula in it.

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    Module C_01 : What IF Analysis Goal Seek (Back-Calculation) contd



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    Module C_02 : Text to Columns Applications, Tricks

    Module C_02 : Text to Columns Delimited

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    Module C_02 : Text to Columns Delimited [For correcting Date formats]

    For Correcting Dates Apply Confession Box. Choose the mistake E.g. DMY 29.10.2009

    Text-to-Columns is also used to rectify Numbers with Trailing (-) sign. E.g. From 212- to -212 OR 212Cr

    to 212- to -212

    Date Confession-Box

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    Module C_02 : Text to Columns Delimited/Fixed width [For retaining prefix Zeroes]

    For keeping intact a number string with Zeroes at the beginning (prefix): In Step 3 of 3, select the

    relevant Column under Data preview section Column will blacken out Choose Text radio

    button to store the output column in text form

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    Module C_02 : Joining data strings using CONCATENATE, &

    Both of the above approaches provide SAME output

    Any external text, number, symbol must be enclosed in a pair of double quotations. E.g.

    =TEXT() may be used if combining Dates. E.g. dd-mmm-yy

    Module C_02 : Find and Replace [CTRL + H]

    Using wildcard characters Asterisk ( * ) : Any number of characters. [Neutraliser: Tilde ~]

    Try Ctrl+H in MS Word Find & Replace More Options (Paragraph Mark, Digits, Letters)

  • Excel Next 2014 | CA. Rishabh Pugalia | 32

    Module C_02 : TEXT FORMULAS

    Returns the leftmost characters from a text value

    No. of characters to be extracted (num_chars) must be specified

    E.g. Excel =LEFT( ___ , 2) = Ex

    Returns the rightmost characters from a text value

    No. of characters to be extracted (num_chars) must be specified

    E.g. Excel =RIGHT( ___ , 2) = el

    Returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify (start_num)

    No. of characters to be extracted (num_chars) must be specified

    E.g. AKCPH1666N =MID( ___ , 4 , 1) = P

    Helps replace specific text in a text string

    E.g. =SUBSTITUTE( ___ , , )

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    Module C_02 : Select Formulas

    Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value

    Example: Converts the man eats or THE MAN EATS to The Man Eats

    Converts text to uppercase

    Example: Converts the man eats or The Man Eats to THE MAN EATS

    Converts text to lowercase

    Example: Converts The Man Eats or THE MAN EATS to the man eats

    Removes excess spaces from text

    Returns the number of characters in a text string

    Converts a number stored as text to a number


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    Module C_03 : LOGICAL FORMULAS

    TRUE if ALL conditions/questions are satisfied

    Can act as logical_test of IF() statement

    TRUE if ANY ONE condition/question is satisfied

    Can act as logical_test of IF() statement

    Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula

    Returns TRUE if cell is blank

    Returns TRUE if the value is an error

    Returns TRUE if the value is a text

    Returns TRUE if the value is a number

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    Module C_04 : Conditional Formatting

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    Write a formula such that answer should either be TRUE or FALSE. E.g. = $B10>100000.

    Cell Reference B10 vs $B10 or B$10

    Starting point of range selection in line with formula cell selection. E.g. C8, B8

    Highlighting Duplicates


    Conditional formatting

  • Excel Next 2014 | CA. Rishabh Pugalia | 37

    Module C_05 : 3-Dimensional Data Consolidation

    Techniques usable on Consolidated Data: (1) Text-to-Columns to extract sheet name using (single apostrophe as delimiter) (2) Ctrl G (Special - Visible Cells) to color subtotal rows Alt ; (3) ALT = for Grand Total

    Module C_05 : Formula Auditing Techniques

    Ctrl + to Show Formulas. Note: BackTick key is above key

    Settings for LABELS and

    cross-sheet LINKING

    SOURCE of data in a

    common bucket

  • Excel Next 2014 | CA. Rishabh Pugalia | 38

    Module C_06 : Subtotal

    SORT the data set with respect to the column

    heading on whose basis the Subtotal shall be

    generated. E.g. Supplier Name

    For removing Subtotal, select entire data set

    and use Remove All button (bottom-left) from

    the Subtotal main box

    Use - Visible Cells to highlight

    subtotal rows [ Shortcut ALT ; ]

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    In a subtotal report, the top-left level tabs - [1] [2] [3] may be used for different views

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    1) File Protection [v. 2007 - Office Button -> Prepare -> Encrypt Document]

    2) File Protection [v. 2010 File -> Info -> Button -> Protect Document -> Encrypt with Password]

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    Module C_07 : SECURITY CELL(S) PROTECTION [2-steps process]

    Step 1: IDENTIFY the cell(s) to be protected/hidden

    Note: By default, ALL cells are "Locked" (identified for protection). Ensure that ALL cells in the sheet are

    "Unlocked" and only chosen ones are "Locked". Else ALL cells will be locked and no changes can be made.

    Step 2: ACTIVATE protection after defining user access privileges

    Access privileges

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    Developer tab & Macros (VBA)

    Files that can store macros- .XLS (97-2003 format) or .XLSM (Macro-enabled workbook)

    A Macros once run, cannot be undone by Ctrl+Z

    VBA Code to *Google Search+ -> Sub ________() End Sub

    Press [Alt+F11] to toggle between Excel and the VB Editor window

    PROJECT EXPLORER > MS Excel Objects > Modules

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    Multiplies corresponding cells in two or more ranges and returns the sum of those products. The array arguments must have the same dimensions. E.g. A1:A5 and B1:B5 or B2:B6

    Used for computing weighted average along with =SUM()


    Use INDIRECT when you want to change the reference to a cell within a formula without changing the formula itself.

    Named Cell/Range can be used as an input for INDIRECT

    New in 2010: Sparklines (Chart in a cell)

    Module A_04 : Activating Developer tab in version 2007

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    Module A_04 : Activating Developer tab in version 2010

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    Module A_04 : FREEZE PANES

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    Module A_01 : Press to display KeyTips

    Right-click on Print Preview
