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%1 it IP as? 1 »®f«S>* - • $c*' re. ' 'n.r- —— ita" crop., piig '^^V.y^^WtXbMbkmi _____ _ _ '-•iBmttfo. ______ that "With a qufcfc ' thrust"!through the roof of the mouth to the brain the operator kills the bird and severs the main arteries. ^A.t that * instant he beglns-pl&klng-the featherB. They' pulheasUy theV—* minute later they come harjLibut la that one* minute consider- I _ a w 6rst of? his "task Is done. The that has carcass ij. than cooled, formed in the '^.^pl^m'^itee to five times as much Mj^MJpV^cov as another herd in the l^idetcbrnmuhity. In the same; herd' *6n 'ei ^g6pd", cow not infreqtoently,,p'ro- j^cte/as^uch profit to (he'dairy ifaVmer above the cost of/feed' "and 'pafe^'ks -eight or ten poor cows> . j,%"tn-a comparison Prhi. Otis-matfe (between two herds of 4airy. co^sVi.n. ^iscousin dairy/ districts;, "IJ^-^gSJ •found that In <>ae- herd 'the'" two" itiestf' 1 dairy cows produced *49 PPSP??/!''?' .butter per cow per atoum;^_3bi^-" faring the proauc^o'nTofthe'podtegt "cow with that, of -;t)he> best, twovin-^he. herd, fcnd,, .ayeragln^^ttf^-ttire^thgi^ yield of butter per^w^wi/lowered ® ^M^^&^^^J^^tii'Mti^^y¥ to 't bt *-****** .Madteon 8py. by wln- or If in cold storage? for weeks, or months. , The ^ngllsh method differs only- the air from the interior of the car- cass even more effectually than does the French method. . A serious onslaught has been made p'n these methods of dressing- poultry In several StateB recently, but it is not prevail but grow In favor. . _ xhe consumer'; 4ey'are simpler and better for the producer.—T. E. Orr, in bulletin Pennsylvania Department, of Agri- culture, TIMEtfiEAKS iH THE' GRANGE.' Is *wkW# bird to ma *ejh3?£ -•om*^uoflotioni-Xh«t-M«y Bf Ooful ^address ho-said; * r _ ' fflfo Qrang* Offfcer«< ' "Ainong"^the/fral_JmaiJ' organizations '• Xhedrnj^rta&i~e of utfllsiing time and there la nOHe'^Ote-ipteht-thae the tho^ extravagance of aljpjpingrit to go granger It "Came-into^existence forty- io,.-waste are weU - stated by Jennie one years ago to fill a ^vant It con- Buell of Michigan, In which the fol- tinues to lire and gain In strength and jawing- reasons for time- rnnalng to Influence ibeewtse it.meets the-social L-waste are stated: • educntlodaTjr - bdlit.Ichlx^uncl financial • " When the grange Is not called to or- needs existing throug^ut the country £ •der. onr-ajne, because spme ^officer or today. >.;Farnie.r3,Jn, / ^€^sylvaiila rely '1 * ~6«aing-person Js not present. .^a^ig^a^J^y^M.WTFr f-pfnre^ ^ Wh^TOe'stewardsdlstribnte badges, and this noriparOskir nbiisectarlan or- J, song books, etc., after the gavel has ganlzatlon never hesitates to assume ~ fallen. Instead of before. leadership for the betterment of farm "While the chorister selects songs conditions, and the.-development of after they are called for, strong ruralcitlzeasilp." .. ...... ".While the secretary shuffles his pa- .''A. correspondent, writing of grange pers.over or stpgs to - writeji^receipt work ia Pennsylvania says that the Mfer'theordeLof leading the Minutes Brange is making Very satisfactory Is reached. ~ growth in that state. Since the last When a coaimittee audits a bill or .state grange meeting twenty-one new passes upon an application for mem- granges have been organized and six toership .After reports of committees dormant ones-'reorganized and one Po- aro called. -s«W mona organized. The initiations In the When business that mlgh^bl^er- <> w granges-are fully equal, to any red to committee ls'transaejt^py"the period during the year. He - further wJULproionged dls- -«*i3j t , cnsslon. • - ' '"We are a "good deal worked up ovei When members speak upon Suestjons ^ QnesUon of representation In the. that have not been brought property national grange, and no less so at the before the grange by motion. arbitrary way in which the national When a grange stands still while the Brange authorities dictate as to where paraphernalia and decorations are t n o ° r d e r s U a U 0 0 P^njed and where - \'—r*—-T ^ry^'7~,^M n Z"- not. * That states which do not have ,1a thejdlling^ _No knife is usad^no_|jgathered and prepared for Initiation. •,_ ^ .. fileedlng Is done. The .vertebra next to the skull Is severed from the head by a strong quick jerk of the opera- -tor; this causes instant death and a looseniag-^if the feathers as in the Preach method. The head is drawn out from the neck aa inch or two, and in this space the blood drains aad farms a clot as the bird hangs .by—its-feetr - -This method shuts out m**:. Uhdikwood Typewriter Toulouse Gander, any birds exhib- poultry shows and can present a record eq?'.a" the gander wh"se For eight hlng first premium at Madison PRIZE GANDER, flauarp Garden, New York, every! When members are allowed to wan- ** m ! m * granges in them all told as der in discussion la the lecture hour. w e h a v e organized since the 1st of When matters foreign to the time or January shaU go to the next national place are Introduced and delay the meeting and have as much to closing past the time fixed. « a f a s T . w « 8 l »" 18 un-American and uu- fair. If the Order is to continue to grow . v la this state there must be Justice done. Tnt MICHIGAN WAY. If the strong states will stand together in the matter It can be done peaceably. | Grange Deputies In Michigan and How The fact is it must be done, and the J They Are Compensated. sooner those who stand in the way . The compensation of the grange dep- become convinced of that fact the beb ' Uttes in Michigan is figured on a lib- ter." eral basis. Each grange pays the or- ganizlhg deputy $20, of which $15 goes fJR /V YORK GRANGES. ' for the charter. Then by application of a series of bounties, offered by the S o m o N e W 8y Notes of the Work In the state graage, If the organizing deputy Empire State, reports five granges he receives $22 for T h e r e n r e e l h t J u v e n i l e ^ each and In like Increased proportion t h e s t a t e T h e r e „„_,„„ b e m o r e for ten granges he wUl get $26 each. ( J p a f a , r s m ln< r e a s l l l n n u m . ^t,!™!! tL^" .^,1 l 1 ?.!* ber everj" year ln New York state Jefferson and Lewis county Pompnns I For Speed Safety, Surety A Solid Roadbed is essential Visibility a*d Speed in the Underwood (Tabulator) Typewriter are supported by perfectly balanced construc- tion. _______ Underwood Typewriter Company. 51 State Street. Albany. N. Y. W. P. Darrow, Local Agent, Chatham. Storo. O. W. PHKT.VS ManrSt Bhavin^Hair Cutting; £IJuu»vi'f a pooing. Pirstclasa work, Ladiaa mndVi Children a Specialty. ""^ , , J- P, WELCH ' ~ j w^, t ^ S h e e t & o n and-Coppe '^fl Ware, Stoves ana Hardware of'^lMl kinds. Store opposite B. &. A . B; g S . ^ crossing. DE. W. B. PAEK New York Dentist, Saturdays and b y " ? appointment. Examinations and esti- mates free. Office with &-$~&~E. N'.'f Fark, General Insurance Ajrenti 'Mi-' ^ sonic Building, Chatham. M" ' any deputy whp will organize uud in- struct 'twenty-five granges during the _ n v p e a o Q a s l . h o i a r s U l p l n $1.00 B o t w f ?EW Y B ORK Y °" D $1-00 year. And to order to Increase their C a n t o n A g r l c u l t t l r a l 8 c U o o l * Y O R K efforts to get the full twenty-five the In the thirty-five subordinate granges deputies are given a repetition of the o f 0 8 w e g 0 c o n n t t h e l e c t u r e r . s o f f l o e prizes fdr the secoad ten granges. So to t w e _ t y ._ e v e n te h e W b y a w o m a n that for twenty granges they would M ^ n o m e ce^t^ a t receive J^O,. and for twenty-five j^aajetown, N. T., WalkUl grange won granges, which would entitle them to m fir8t prl _ ei m f o r the best decorat- tte .^dprlze ot $>oa they wotUd __ fioat Wawayan( i a t h e second, $40; receive $m_ The-deputy must get hi t h e t h l r d > ,30. his charter TOt a sufficient number to o l d N e w & the title of vwsant taking the $5 of the money ! a B e w D y Harry from the charter members for bis own M D o t y f o r m e r i y a member of the **^* c ^- P i t i e s a safeguard Chatham (N. T.) grange, now editor of Ag ^stavChaxter membership so small ft U v e w e e U y m Connecticut It has M to toake^em-weaklings. I t Is eatl- xnkted that^the charter-list should not D«'* les»,-than twentyifive. in order to "warrant the taking of the five dollar fee. This liberal payment of the depu- ties will account largely for the mark- ed Increase In the number of granges In Michigan during-tho past few years. A Worthy Exhibit. There have been numerous grange exhibits at county fairs this season, and It Is a good sign. Perhaps one of the most interesting of these was at the Hudson fair, Columbia- county, *wjhen lilndenwald, grange _pf_ Kinder- Tiook exhibited 101 varieties of fruits. vegetables, grains, flowers, nuts -and canned "fruits. They exhibited 60 va- aeaabhW-eight first premiums at rletles of ^.apples, 18 of grapes,' 12 of lAmerlca/s .greatest poultry show I .Be?. pears r 2T 8f vegetables, 17 of flowers 17 of-canned frultsr-Thls grange won the first prize o f $40. German- town range exhibited 134 varieties, of which 64 were apples, 28 of. pears and of grapes, and, won $30. Claverack Fowl' Club of America, and Is , grange exhibited 67 varieties," amoug which were J9 varieties of cucumbers, 14 of beets and 19 of beans. Living-, •ban grange bad 37 varieties. These two granges were awarded $10 each. Just been published by J. W. Darrow of Chatham. N. T. George P. Hampton of New York, who as a member of the grange did so much to bring about denatured al- cohol legislation. Is have a large exhibit of appliances^For using dena- tured alcohol at the meeting of the national grange In Washington ln No- vember. Recently a man went through the town of Farmington, N Y_ selling Hed Wave wheat for seed at $3 a bushel, taking orders for about fifty bushels. At a meeting of Farmlngfon grange it was brought out that th« same wheat could be bought of a hear by dealer for $1.75. Many farmers not members of the Order were victimized. YORK Steamers leave (KXJLD WHARF, foot ot Schuyler St., daily and ounaay S P. M. Service and accommodations the best. CUISINE UNSUfiPASSED. For tickets and staterooms apply at Wharf. Fpr a free copy of our official organ, ••The Tounit'l" Magazine" whieh con- tains over 300 deiigntfiu tonr? from $4 np-nards, write J. P. McCaan, G. Jf. Agent, 1328 Broadway, New York. BOEIGHT LUMBEE' 00 Chatham, N. Y , ( nea r B. & A."depot) dealers in all kinds of lumber and tim- ber, lime,, cement, sash, blinds, doors, and everything usually found in this line of business. Before erecting your building call for estimate. BanKing by Mail is now carried on as easily as in person. W E ESPE- CIALLY SOLICIT de- posits from those having funds awaiting invest- ment ON ALL SUCH we al- low interest, from date of deposit, the RATE de- pending on the length of time money is with us. INTEKESi is also allowed on JDEPOSITS subject to check WE WELCOME SMALL ACCOUNTS. BERKSHIRE LOAN & TRUST CO., PTTTSFIELD, - - MASS. 24 North Street TLiril :m W»r.r». r a*a>h* Delegates to Pomona. In one of the Pomona grange meet- ings held recently ln New York state a resolution was adopted making the Pomona meeting a delegated body- that Is, delegates were to be elected by the subordinate granges ln propor- tion to their membership. There was •ome doub^t about the constitutionali- ty of this proceeding, and the state master was consulted. He advised that the Pomona Is not a delegated body and cannot be made such with- out amending the constitution. This to other Neighbor*' Night In the ^Grange." Where granges "are conveniently^ lo- _ cated «ne to another It may' be well m ay be of Interest for^them-to exchange programmes oc- granges m the state. c *uabitally -^that- la, a prc^ramme pre-1 pared At one grange mayi be given at _ l ^^^dfor^n^' » 18 ™* 1 0 t b I O k I o n * O V e r » change >be made of mutual ..Interest. „, M „„ o ° _JL_ OccasIo.nal„ debates be«weeri : ieIgbbor- Z?£L S^JrrZ ^ tag granges are also tateres'ring and J^J^J" D E C M E D W X A A * X ^ ^ UNDERTAKING K=pt Aa«isiim» ill Cain Night ot Day.' CHATHAM, N . Y s BOTH "PHONES v-'A,.^ ....... U .S. MAIL FOR BANKING An absolutely safe and convenient method of laying aside a portion of your earnings regularly and making it earn for you. Put your money in our strong Savings Bank. We have paid PER CENT. INTEREST from January i, 1908, on amounts from one dollar to $3,000.00. Better than stocks or Bonds. Albany City Savings Institution IOO STATE STREET, ALBANY, N. Y. Write for our Booklet"TJ.S.MaiI for Banking,''explainseverythiD It Is a Fact.. • and people are beginning to realize it, that we sell Belter Furniiure for LessfHoneu than the average city store. W e represent the same High Grade Manufacturers and can buy for cash aa cheap aa any fixat. If You Need New Furniture It will pay you to see what we have and get our prices. We have a few after-the- Holiday Bargains that" will pay you to piekxrp. Remember", we tiave everyffiing in Comfortables, Mattresses, etc. : : t ; HAMM FURNITURE CO. •II I

HAMM FURNITURE CO. - cows produced *49 PPSP??/!''?' .butter per cow per atoum;^_3bi^-"

Apr 07, 2019



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Page 1: HAMM FURNITURE CO. - cows produced *49 PPSP??/!''?' .butter per cow per atoum;^_3bi^-"


i t

IP as?1

» ® f « S > * - • $c*'


' 'n.r- ——

ita" crop.,


'^^V.y^^WtXbMbkmi _____ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ that

"With a qufcfc ' thrust"!through the roof of the mouth to the brain the operator kills the bird and severs the main arteries. ^A.t that * instant he beglns-pl&klng-the featherB. They' pulheasUy theV—* minute later they come harjLibut la that one* minute

consider- I _ a w6rst of? his "task Is done. The that has • carcass ij. than cooled, formed in the

'^.^pl^m'^itee to five times as much Mj^MJpV^cov as another herd in the l^idetcbrnmuhity. In the same; herd' *6n'ei g6pd", cow not infreqtoently,,p'ro-j ^ c t e / a s ^ u c h profit to (he'dairy ifaVmer above the cost of/feed' "and 'pafe 'ks -eight or ten poor cows> . j,%"tn-a comparison Prhi. Otis-matfe (between two herds of 4airy. co^sVi.n. ^iscousin dairy/ districts;, "IJ^-^gSJ •found that In <>ae- herd 'the'" two" itiestf'1

dairy cows produced *49 PPSP??/!''?' .butter per cow per atoum;^_3bi^-" faring the proauc^o'nTofthe'podtegt "cow with that, of -;t)he> best, twovin-^he. herd, fcnd,, .ayeragln^^ttf^-ttire^thgi^ yield of butter pe r^w^wi / lowered


^M^^&^^^J^^tii'Mti^^y¥to'tbt*-****** .Madteon 8py. by wln-

or If in cold storage? for weeks, or months. ,

The ^ngllsh method differs only-

the air from the interior of the car­cass even more effectually than does the French method. . A serious onslaught has been made p'n these methods of dressing- poultry In several StateB recently, but it is

not prevail but grow In favor.

. _ xhe consumer'; 4ey'are simpler and better for the producer.—T. E. Orr, in bulletin Pennsylvania Department, of Agri­culture,

TIMEtfiEAKS iH THE' GRANGE.' Is *wkW# bird to ma*ejh3?£

-•om*^uoflotioni-Xh«t-M«y Bf Ooful ^address ho-said; * r

— _ ' fflfo Qrang* Offfcer«< ' "Ainong"^the/fral_JmaiJ' organizations '• Xhedrnj^rta&i~e of utfllsiing time and there la nOHe'^Ote-ipteht-thae the tho^ extravagance of aljpjpingrit to go granger It "Came-into^existence forty-io,.-waste are weU -stated by Jennie one years ago to fill a ^vant It con-Buell of Michigan, In which the fol- tinues to lire and gain In strength and jawing- reasons for time- rnnalng to Influence ibeewtse it.meets the-social

L-waste are stated: • educntlodaTjr - bdlit.Ichlx^uncl financial • " When the grange Is not called to or- needs existing throug^ut the country £ •der. onr-ajne, because spme ^officer or today. >.;Farnie.r3,Jn,/^€^sylvaiila rely '1 *

~6«aing-person Js not present. . j a . p m ^ a ^ i g ^ a ^ J ^ y ^ M . W T F r f-pfnre^ ^ • Wh^TOe'stewardsdlstribnte badges, and this noriparOskir nbiisectarlan or- J,

song books, etc., after the gavel has ganlzatlon never hesitates to assume ~ fallen. Instead of before. leadership for the betterment of farm

"While the chorister selects songs conditions, and the.-development of after they are called for, strong ruralcitlzeasilp." .. ...... ".While the secretary shuffles his pa- .' 'A. correspondent, writing of grange

pers.over or stpgs to- writeji^receipt work i a Pennsylvania says that the Mfer'theordeLof leading the Minutes Brange is making Very satisfactory Is reached. ~ growth in that state. Since the last

When a coaimittee audits a bill or .state grange meeting twenty-one new passes upon an application for mem- granges have been organized and six toership .After reports of committees dormant ones-'reorganized and one Po-aro called. -s«W mona organized. The initiations In the

When business that m l g h ^ b l ^ e r - <>w granges-are fully equal, to any red to committee ls'transaejt^py"the period during the year. He - further

wJULproionged dls- -«*i3j t , cnsslon. • - ' '"We are a "good deal worked up ovei

When members speak upon Suestjons ^ QnesUon of representation In the. that have not been brought property national grange, and no less so at the before the grange by motion. arbitrary way in which the national

When a grange stands still while the Brange authorities dictate as to where paraphernalia and decorations are t n o ° r d e r s U a U 0 0 P^njed and where

- \'—r*—-—T ^ry^'7~,^MnZ"- not. * That states which do not have ,1a thejdlling^ _No knife is usad^no_|jgathered and prepared for Initiation. •,_ ^ .. — fileedlng Is done. The .vertebra next to the skull Is severed from the head by a strong quick jerk of the opera-

-tor; this causes instant death and a looseniag-^if the feathers as in the Preach method. The head is drawn out from the neck aa inch or two, and in this space the blood drains aad farms a clot as the bird hangs .by—its-feetr - -This method shuts out




Toulouse Gander, any birds exhib-

poultry shows and can present a record eq?'.a"

the gander wh"se

For eight

hlng first premium at Madison

PRIZE GANDER, flauarp Garden, New York, every!

When members are allowed to wan- ** m ! m * granges in them all told as der in discussion la the lecture hour. w e h a v e organized since the 1st of

When matters foreign to the time or January shaU go to the next national place are Introduced and delay the meeting and have as much to closing past the time fixed. « a f a s

T . w « 8 l » " 1 8 un-American and uu-fair. If the Order is to continue to grow

. v la this state there must be Justice done. T n t MICHIGAN W A Y . If the strong states will stand together

in the matter It can be done peaceably. | Grange Deputies In Michigan and How The fact is it must be done, and the J

They Are Compensated. sooner those who stand in the way . The compensation of the grange dep- become convinced of that fact the beb '

Uttes in Michigan is figured on a lib- ter." eral basis. Each grange pays the or-ganizlhg deputy $20, of which $15 goes fJR/V YORK GRANGES. ' for the charter. Then by application of a series of bounties, offered by the S o m o N e W 8 y Notes of the Work In the state graage, If the organizing deputy Empire State, reports five granges he receives $22 for T h e r e n r e e l h t J u v e n i l e ^ each and In like Increased proportion t h e s t a t e T h e r e „ „ _ , „ „ b e m o r e

for ten granges he wUl get $26 each. ( J p a f a , r s m l n < r e a s l l l n n u m .

^t,!™!! tL^" .^,1 l1?.!* ber everj" year ln New York state Jefferson and Lewis county Pompnns I

For Speed Safety, Surety

A Solid Roadbed is essential Visibility a*d Speed

in the Underwood (Tabulator) Typewriter are supported by perfectly balanced construc­tion. _______

Underwood Typewriter Company.

51 S t a t e S t r e e t . A l b a n y . N . Y .

W . P. Darrow, Local Agent, Chatham.



ManrSt Bhavin^Hair Cutting; £IJuu»vi'fa pooing. Pirstclasa work, Ladiaa mndVi Children a Specialty. " " ^

„ , , J- P, WELCH ' ~ j w^, t ^ S h e e t & o n and-Coppe' fl Ware, Stoves ana Hardware o f '^ lMl kinds. Store opposite B. &. A. B; g S . ^ crossing.

DE. W. B. PAEK New York Dentist, Saturdays and b y " ? appointment. Examinations and esti-mates free. Office with &-$~&~E. N'.'f Fark, General Insurance Ajrenti 'Mi-' ^ sonic Building, Chatham. M" '

any deputy whp will organize uud in-struct 'twenty-five granges during the _ n v p e a o Q a s l . h o i a r s U l p l n $1.00 B o t w f ? E W Y B O R K Y ° " D $1-00 year. And to order to Increase their C a n t o n A g r l c u l t t l r a l 8 c U o o l * Y O R K

efforts to get the full twenty-five the In the thirty-five subordinate granges deputies are given a repetition of the o f 0 8 w e g 0 c o n n t t h e l e c t u r e r . s o f f l o e

prizes fdr the secoad ten granges. So to t w e _ t y . _ e v e n te h e W b y a w o m a n

that for twenty granges they would M ^ n o m e „ c e ^ t ^ a t

receive J^O,. and for twenty-five j^aajetown, N. T., WalkUl grange won granges, which would entitle them to m fir8t p r l _ e i m f o r the best decorat-tte . ^ d p r l z e ot $>oa they wotUd __ fioat W a w a y a n ( i a t h e second, $40; receive $m_The-deputy must get hi t h e t h l r d > ,30. his charter TOt a sufficient number to o l d N e w & the title of vwsant taking the $5 of the money ! a B e w D y Harry from the charter members for bis own M D o t y f o r m e r i y a member of the * * ^ * c ^ - P i t i e s a safeguard Chatham (N. T.) grange, now editor of Ag^stavChaxter membership so small ft U v e w e e U y m Connecticut It has M to toake^em-weaklings. I t Is eatl-xnkted that^the charter-list should not D « ' * les»,-than twentyifive. in order to "warrant the taking of the five dollar fee. This liberal payment of the depu­ties will account largely for the mark­ed Increase In the number of granges In Michigan during-tho past few years.

A Worthy Exhibit. There have been numerous grange

exhibits at county fairs this season, and I t Is a good sign. Perhaps one of the most interesting of these was at the Hudson fair, Columbia- county, *wjhen lilndenwald, grange _pf_ Kinder-Tiook exhibited 101 varieties of fruits. vegetables, grains, flowers, nuts -and canned "fruits. They exhibited 60 va-

aeaabhW-eight first premiums at rletles of ^.apples, 18 of grapes,' 12 of lAmerlca/s .greatest poultry show I .Be?. pears r 2T 8f vegetables, 17 of flowers

17 of-canned frultsr-Thls grange won the first prize o f $40. German-town range exhibited 134 varieties, of which 64 were apples, 28 of. pears and

of grapes, and, won $30. Claverack Fowl' Club of America, and Is , grange exhibited 67 varieties," amoug

which were J9 varieties of cucumbers, 14 of beets and 19 of beans. Living-, •ban grange bad 37 varieties. These two granges were awarded $10 each.

Just been published by J. W. Darrow of Chatham. N. T.

George P. Hampton of New York, who as a member of the grange did so much to bring about denatured al­cohol legislation. Is have a large exhibit of appliances^For using dena­tured alcohol at the meeting of the national grange In Washington ln No­vember.

Recently a man went through the town of Farmington, N Y_ selling Hed Wave wheat for seed at $3 a bushel, taking orders for about fifty bushels. At a meeting of Farmlngfon grange it was brought out that th« same wheat could be bought of a hear by dealer for $1.75. Many farmers not members of the Order were victimized.

Y O R K Steamers leave (KXJLD WHARF, foot

ot Schuyler St., daily and ounaay S P. M. Service and accommodations the best. CUISINE UNSUfiPASSED. For tickets and staterooms apply at Wharf.

Fpr a free copy of our official organ, ••The Tounit'l" Magazine" whieh con­tains over 300 deiigntfiu tonr? from $4 np-nards, write J. P. McCaan, G. Jf. Agent, 1328 Broadway, New York.

BOEIGHT LUMBEE' 00 Chatham, N. Y , ( n e a r B. & A."depot) dealers in all kinds of lumber and tim­ber, lime,, cement, sash, blinds, doors, and everything usually found in this line of business. Before erecting your building call for estimate.

BanKing by Mail

is now carried on as easily as in person. W E ESPE­C I A L L Y SOLICIT de­posits from those having funds awaiting invest­ment

ON A L L SUCH we al­low interest, from date of deposit, the RATE de­pending on the length of time money is with us.

INTEKESi is also allowed on JDEPOSITS subject to check WE WELCOME SMALL



PTTTSFIELD, - - MASS. 24 North Street

TLiril : m W » r . r » . r a * a > h *

Delegates to Pomona. In one of the Pomona grange meet­

ings held recently ln New York state a resolution was adopted making the Pomona meeting a delegated body-that Is, delegates were to be elected by the subordinate granges ln propor­tion to their membership. There was •ome doub t about the constitutionali­ty of this proceeding, and the state master was consulted. He advised that the Pomona Is not a delegated body and cannot be made such with­out amending the constitution. This

to other

Neighbor*' Night In the Grange." Where granges "are conveniently^ lo- _

cated « n e to another It may' be well m a y be of Interest for^them-to exchange programmes oc- granges m the state. c*uabitally- that- la, a prc^ramme pre-1 pared At one grange mayi be given at _

l ^ ^ ^ d f o r ^ n ^ ' » 1 8 ™ * 1 0 t b I O k I o n * O V e r » change >be made of mutual ..Interest. „ , M „ „ o ° _JL_ OccasIo.nal„ debates be«weeri :ieIgbbor- Z?£L S^JrrZ ^ tag granges are also tateres'ring and J ^ J ^ J " D E C M E D W X A A * X ^ ^

UNDERTAKING K=pt Aa«isiim» ill Cain

Night ot Day.'

C H A T H A M , N . Y s


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