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HAMLINE CHURCH...The journey to the cross of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter Sunday begins Sunday, April 5 at 10 am with Palm/Passion Sunday. We will begin the service by

Oct 07, 2020



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Page 1: HAMLINE CHURCH...The journey to the cross of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter Sunday begins Sunday, April 5 at 10 am with Palm/Passion Sunday. We will begin the service by



Page 2: HAMLINE CHURCH...The journey to the cross of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter Sunday begins Sunday, April 5 at 10 am with Palm/Passion Sunday. We will begin the service by

IN THISISSUELetter from Pastor Mariah.... 2Lent Sermon Series............... 3 Holy Week.............................. 4Ministry of Memory................ 5 Puerto Rico Trip ....................6Capital Campaign Update.... 8MN FoodShare Month........... 9UMW Update ....................... 10 Welcome Rev Mullin............ 12New Member Info.................12Youth Update ....................... 13Announcements .................. 14


Dear Hamline Church Family,

This Lent we invite you into a rediscovery and exploration of sabbath. Sometimes, we need permission to start doing something, to keep doing something, or to stop doing something. We have been granted sabbath as a gift from God to surprise us, challenge us, correct us, and stretch us. The world is yearning for sabbath. So how do we do this? Cease work, rest our bodies and minds, embrace God, and feast on God’s goodness – this is the sabbath rhythm God has established and continually invites us to live into. Here’s how to craft your own Sabbath plan this Lent.

STEP 1: Be open and willing to change how you see, what you do, and how you do it. Be open to starting a sabbath practice whenever you can, wherever you can, however you can, and with whatever you can.

STEP 2: Commit to a Sabbath group: (see group options on next page)Utilize The Sabbath Poetry of Lent devotion guide online or in hard copy from available in the commons or church office.

STEP 3: Commit to practicing sabbath by embracing your need for rest, worship, and community. Determine a weekly time for keeping the sabbath – if possible, take a whole day. It can be any day of the week, anytime frame that works for you.

Invest in weekly worship opportunities, join a small group, and consider doing any of the practices suggested in the list of Ideas for Rest, Worship, and Community.

This Lent, let us trace the rich history of sabbath and explore how this ancient practice can help restore balance to our lives.

Blessings,Pastor Mariah

PRAYER FOR SABBATH KEEPINGCreator God, you have given me the weekly gift of sabbath. Help me to step out of this chaotic world and into sacred space and time. May I keep my intention of rest, worship, and community—seeking always to listen for your voice and to number my days rightly. Amen.

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THE SABBATH POETRY OF LENT“Sabbath observance invites us to stop. It invites us to rest. It asks us to notice that while we rest, the world continues without our help. It invites us to delight in the world’s beauty and abundance.” —Wendell Berry

Life for the typical American can be described as “busy.” In our culture of constant busyness, most of us feel like we’re never caught up. The lines between home and work have blurred as we stay tethered to our mobile devices and computers. Many people use weekends to catch up on errands and chores that don’t get done during the week. Faith leaders from a variety of traditions have taken note, urging followers to once again seek that oft-forgotten commandment from God to take a weekly Sabbath. God foresaw the depleted state humans are capable of reaching and established the Sabbath—a “sanctuary in time”—a place of communion with God.

Many Americans balk at the idea of setting aside a whole day for worship, rest, and time with those who matter most to them. Yet we crave more time to spend on what matters most—unrushed time to rest, reconnect with friends and loved ones, and deepen our relationship with God.

The gift of sabbath, though, is that it helps us recognize God showing up right next to us.

This Lent, we invite you into a rediscovery and exploration of sabbath. Sign up for Sabbath Small Group (website), join our Lenten Facebook Group Lent 2020: Sabbath Small GroupLenten devotional available as you exit worship or online at

LENT SABBATH GROUPSLenten Bread, Led by Mark Ireland on Wednesdays, 6:15pm at Hamline Church ~ FREE CHILDCARE ~Keeping the Sabbath through the practice of baking breadWhether you are a brand new or experienced baker, we will learn, discuss, and experience the joy of slowing down and centering through the process of baking bread in your own home. We will savor loaves of bread alone, break bread with others, and give bread away - all while learning about the bread of life. Listening for God Through Creation, Art, Music and Story - Led by Craig Bowron on Thursdays at 7:00pm in Craig’s homeThis group will lead with the poetry of Wendell Berry then will go on a pilgrimage to find authors/artists who are still giving voice to the heart of God.

Engaging with the Enneagram.- Led by Beth Beaty on Sunday after church ~ FREE CHILDCARE ~This group will learn about the sacred wisdom of the Enneagram and how your type relates to God, the world, and to the ritual of Sabbath Crafting, Coloring, and Checking-In - Led by Amy Ireland, Deb Gewecke, and Jean Thilmany on Wednesdays, 6:15pm at Hamline Church in the Community RoomThis group will bring crafts from home and engage with coloring pages on the theme of Lent. Yoga for the Soul - Led by Stephanie Hammerly (March 16 - April 6) and Terri Sheffelbine (March 9), Mondays, 7:00pm at Hamline Church ParlorCome and learn how to integrate yoga into your spiritual life Sabbath Devotionals Using Scripture and Wendell Berry Poems - Led by Heather Grantham on Tuesdays at 10:30am at Hamline Church in Room 7This group will take part in the Sabbath Devotional based on the Lenten Sermon theme of Sabbath. We will study, pray, and check in together.

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HOLY WEEK SERVICES:The journey to the cross of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter Sunday begins Sunday, April 5 at 10 am with Palm/Passion Sunday. We will begin the service by processing into the sanctuary during the opening song with palm branches.

Maundy Thursday, Thursday April 6:00 pm Potluck Meal and Tenebrae ServiceMaundy Thursday begins the Three Days remembering the new commandment that Christ gave us in word and deed as he taught us how to love one another, washing our feet as a servant. We also celebrate the Lord’s Supper, remembering the meal Christ shared with his disciples before his death. The service begins with a potluck meal in the Community Room and then concludes with a Tenebrae service in the sanctuary.

The word “tenebrae” comes from the Latin meaning “darkness.” The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Good Friday service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus’ burial.

Easter Sunday Celebration Sunday, April 12, at 10 am, join us for an inspiring worship celebrating the joy of the resurrection complete with beautiful music, a message for kids, and Holy Communion. Children are welcome to worship with their families and childcare will also be available for younger children.

Easter Egg Hunt, April 12 after worship After the service, children hunt for Easter eggs on the lawn. Children will be grouped by age and there are eggs for all. Bags will be provided. Following the service and the Egg Hunt, everyone is invited for coffee, Hot Cross Buns from the bread oven, and refreshments in the Community Room. Easter Giving Opportunity - UMCOR Sunday One of the ways we live out our faith is to seek to bring opportunities of resurrection to the lives of others in need of hope. As United Methodists, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is one of the most important ways that we share our resurrection faith.

This year our Easter collection will enable UMCOR to respond to disasters around the world by covering its operational and administrative costs. Unlike other mission programs, UMCOR receives no additional funding for overhead. By giving to UMCOR Sunday, you enable UMCOR to keep the promise that 100% of designated gifts will go to support the designated projects. More information Offering envelopes will be available on Easter Sunday.


HOLY WEEK AT HAMLINE CHURCH At Hamline Church, we believe that the joy of Easter will have the greatest impact when you travel with Jesus through all of Holy Week.

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CHANGE IS INEVITABLE“Embrace change: It is the only constant in life.”

The burning of the Johnstone church on December 26, 1925

caused a big change, one that could hardly be overlooked. Yet

the Hamline congregation recovered quickly enough to be able

to dedicate our current sanctuary on Palm Sunday, 1928. The first

shows the chancel area as it was in 1928, with the second in 2018

after color photography became common. More than a dozen

changes show up, some big, some small.

Take the test: how many can you find?

A list can be found on page 13.


By Mary Bakeman


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Our original plan for our trip to Puerto Rico was to continue

doing construction work on homes damaged over two years

ago by Hurricane Maria. Then the earthquakes hit. Rehace, the

local Puerto Rican Methodist relief group we work through, told

us they were no longer able to host our group. We still had

our plane tickets, though - and after much consideration, and

ongoing conversations with Rehace, we decided to make the

trip, provide our own housing, meals and transportation, and to

join Rehace in its new earthquake relief efforts.

With this change in plans, we also had to change our mind-

set. As a group of “do-ers,” (who expected to be doing manual

labor!) it was at first difficult for many of us to switch gears to a

slower pace. On our first day, we drove 90 minutes to Guyanilla,

a small town at the epicenter of the earthquakes. There, we

met Puerto Rican Methodists from across the island, watched

VBS-style entertainment for the children, listened to speakers,

prayed, and were generously served Puerto Rican favorites –

sandwiches of white bread, ham & cheese - and lots of mayo!

- along with very sweet, fruity tea and juice. No one appeared

to be in a hurry, and we wondered how our presence was at all


Eventually, the entire group of Methodists headed out in a long

caravan of vehicles with blinkers on to four different camps set

up for people displaced by the earthquake. We learned that

some people living in the camps still had standing homes – but

were so afraid of the earthquakes they preferred to stay in the

camps. At each camp, we had around 75 Methodists delivering

30 or so backpacks filled with school supplies. Needless to say,

we do-ers felt our presence was really not necessary!

Of course, that is when the Holy Spirit got to work, teaching

us the lessons God had sent us to learn. The Bishop of the

Methodist Church in Puerto Rico asked us to simply walk

through the tents where people were living, and talk and pray

with folks. Like Moses, we protested (to ourselves): We aren’t

qualified! We don’t even speak Spanish! This isn’t what we

signed up for! Still, we went - and found people willing to

translate, people who were happy to see us, people who were

grateful for our mere presence, and people who provided

hospitality to us.


Contact:AMY IRELANDDirector of Children’s andFamily [email protected]

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Over and over again - much to our own embarrassment - we

were thanked for being present, for taking the time to physically

travel to Puerto Rico, and simply bearing witness to the situation

there. Not once did anyone ask us for money, or any kind of

handouts. In fact, when I told a family that I wished there was

more I could do to help, the father simply replied, “Just being

here, and taking the time to sit down with us and talk with us

- that is enough.” That’s when I truly understood that the Holy

Spirit had called us into the Ministry of Presence.

For those of us who are parents and caregivers, being truly

present with our children can often be – and is for me - the

most difficult task of the day. We are constantly interrupted in

our work (both paid, and unpaid), not to mention our leisure

(what little there may be!) by children needing and desiring

our physical and emotional care. Now I understand in a new

way that our presence - both to our own children and to other

people - is the most valuable thing we can provide.

My hope is that Hamline Church can take the lessons we learned

in Puerto Rico to heart, and learn how to become more present

to one another, to the homebound, our youth, and our children.

Please, give the gift of your presence during the Sunday

School hour, during our Lenten small groups, during our Easter

preparations, and during Camp VBS. Your initial reaction may

be like ours in Puerto Rico – we can’t Lord! - but know that the

Holy Spirit will guide you and you will know what to say, and

how to connect - even if you don’t speak the language!

SAVE THE DATE!Join the Puerto Rico Mission Trip team for a presentation on their trip after worship on Sunday, April 26

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Contact:AMY PERNADirector of Finance & [email protected]


Greetings to you! Capital projects continue to slowly bubble away as we gather estimates and plan for summer & fall projects. As the weather warms up the projects will start to become more visible and exciting!

We recently received a second bid for the Eastside Greenway. Unfortunately, funding though the Capital Region Watershed District isn’t as substantial as we had hoped it would be for reasons that are outside of our control. The planning team and Hamline staff are in discussions with Outdoor Lab about how best to bring the project closer to our budget and move things forward. Right now, the largest piece of the overall cost is removing 6,200 square feet of asphalt that is a whopping 10 inches deep. As it is now, the asphalt is angled toward our sanctuary, causing some of the water issues that we see on the east side. Removing it and grading away from the building will be a huge improvement make a lasting impact. We are still planning for a mid to late-April start time, beginning with demolition. Please see the image below for the most recent plans and plantings. We can’t wait to have this beautiful space in use!

Other projects that are in the hopper are the Education Wing window replacements and Bread Oven patio. I will be sending out RFPs in the next month for those – so stay tuned!

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March is Minnesota FoodShare Month. At Hamline Church United Methodist, we have given food to for many years to a food shelf now operated by Keystone Community Services. Our monthly “Food Shelf Sunday” is the first Sunday of each month. Children collect food as they gather for the children’s message. It is a great way for children to learn the value of giving and sharing.

FoodShare Month starts March 1 and continues through April 12. FoodShare Month began in 1982 with a campaign advanced by congregations to restock food shelves in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area. The effort was so successful, and the need was so evident, the March Campaign became a statewide program just one year later.

The largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state, the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign brings together various community organizations, businesses and faith communities to help stock nearly 300 food shelves statewide. During the 2019 March Campaign, more than $8 million dollars and over 5.1 million pounds of food shelf items were raised by Minnesota food shelves and Minnesota FoodShare. Hamline Church was part of that impressive effort! The need continues to be great, so please give as you are able.

Nonperishable foods needed include soups, meal mixes, baking supplies, rice, beans, noodles, peanut butter, jelly, canned fish and meats, vegetables and much more. Make sure food is still good to eat and check expiration dates. Unopened personal care products can also be donated, as can cash and checks. Talk to Bob and Jacqui Sellers about donations.Food we donate goes to the food shelf at 1916 University Ave. in St. Paul, which serves our neighbors.

Other donations to consider include foods that people from a wide range of cultures can enjoy. Various types of rice are always needed. Or consider donating with your children and looking for foods other children can prepare themselves and eat as health after-school snacks.

Learn more about Minnesota FoodShare Month at more about Keystone & the many services it provides at

Minnesota FoodShare envisions a future where all Minnesotans have access to healthy food, and no one struggles with food insecurity. The March Campaign addresses these issues directly and we invite you to join our efforts and advocate for long-term solutions to food insecurity and poverty in our communities.

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A bleak January is always warmed up by our annual UMW Sunday.

This year’s theme was Radical Discipleship, with a focus on the

gospel of Mark. We welcomed guest speaker Becky Boland from

Hennepin Avenue UMC, enjoyed a delicious soup and bread

luncheon prepared by Chef Erik and launched the Emma Norton

Services personal care and paper products drive.

We also presented our annual mission service award to JoAnn “Jo”

Barte. She is a lifelong Methodist, originally from Jordan, Minnesota,

where she and her family attended Immanuel UMC. While in nursing

school in St Paul, she joined Central Park UMC. There she married

her husband Dave.

After just a few months of marriage, Jo and Dave joined what

is now the Peace Corps and traveled the world for the next 2+

years. Upon return to the United States, the family settled down in

Minneapolis and joined Trinity UMC. Jo was a member of Trinity for

36 years until she joined Hamline Church in 2011.

As a member of Trinity UMC, Jo served on nearly every committee.

Jo was a young member of UMW, and she and her new friends

took delight in shaking up the annual events from the way the “old

fogies” had previously operated. Over the years at Trinity, Jo and

Dave made lifelong friends in church camping trips and later with a

volunteer and social group called Trinity Two-somes.

Trinity UMC was a site for a Meals on Wheels prep kitchen, and

Jo delivered meals for years. Jo was instrumental in creating and

supporting Trinity’s sponsorship of an immigrant Vietnamese family,

aiding with housing and clothing. This program was very new and

groundbreaking in the late 1970s. Later, she volunteered teaching

English at night to new folks in the neighborhood.

Jo taught Sunday school when her five kids were young and

contributed dozens upon dozens of homemade cookies for coffee

hour. Jo served on SPRC, Worship Committee and volunteered

in the church office. Jo created several lovely banners for the

sanctuary and her embroidery was featured on the communion rail

for decades. Jo sang in the choir and still managed to get her five

kids to church every Sunday on time–solo! as Dave directed the

choir at another Methodist church in St Paul. Jo collaborated on

countless UMW meals and food related events in Trinity’s Fellowship




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Hall with her good friend Lois Carlson, and made crafts and jellies

for the annual UMW Christmas Bazaar.

As Trinity’s congregation began to decline, Jo started volunteering

at the Hamline Dining Hall at the State Fair. Jo then joined Hamline

Church a few years later. Jo has volunteered at the Dining Hall

nearly every year since. Jo continues to be an active member of

UMW, this time as part of the Hamline Church Women/United

Methodist Women. She also serves on Member Care. She helps

with UMW Sunday and a regular at our cookie walk along with her

granddaughter Ellie.

She’s a great friend to many and always willing to lend a hand.

One reason Jo is honored this year is because she has always set

a strong example of volunteerism for her family, and passing along

the need for church participation to her family. Her daughter Heidi

has also served on church committees and chaired our church

council. At a time when many younger people drop away from the

church, JoAnn Barte sets a great example.

Jane McClure and Jean Thilmany, co-chairs, HCW/UMW


Saturday, April 18 from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Drop in and shop for fine jewelry, cards, baked goods, jam and

jelly, handmade items of all types, vintage goods including vintage

linens, used books and more. Buy a breakfast treat or some lunch.

Many items are suitable for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and

graduation gifts.

The market, which took a break in 2019 due to community room

reconstruction, is back and better than before. One feature this year

is craft supplies by the bag. We’ll offer discounts for anyone with a

school ID, so stock up for your classroom. We’ll also have Grandma’s


Forms for the market are available in the commons on the credenza

or online by email [email protected]. Or call Jane McClure

with questions, at 651-646-3473. Please don’t call the office. The

sale is organized by Hamline Church Women/United Methodist

Women. Proceeds go toward mission giving and our other projects.



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Rev. Susan Mullin is an ordained deacon in The United Methodist Church. She is called to lead churches and communities in climate justice ministries. Rev. Mullin was appointed this fall to serve as a Senior Faith Leader Fellow at Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light ( In this primary appointment, she facilitates climate conversations and Be the Spark leadership development workshops. She also recruits and supports Climate Justice Congregations in their efforts to deepen their response to climate change. In her secondary appointment with Hamline Church, Rev. Mullin meets with the EarthKeepers team, helping with current projects and strategic planning. She will also support connections between the church and Hamline University on environmental justice related initiatives.

In her most recent appointment, Rev. Mullin was the Minister of Faith Formation and Community Outreach at Faith UMC in St. Anthony Village. She also served as a consultant to the Board of Global Ministries, helping to create the EarthKeepers movement within the UMC. Prior to becoming a United Methodist clergywoman, she was a Professional Geologist consulting with clients on groundwater contamination issues.

Rev. Mullin is married to Mike, and they have two grown children, Ben and Cassia. They are expecting their first grandchild in July! Mike and Susan are excited to call Hamline their new church home.



Contact:HEATHER GRANTHAMDirector of Spiritual [email protected]

Are you interested in going deeper with your spiritual journey here at Hamline Church? Please consider joining us for any/all of the upcoming ways to get connected:

• Newcomer Meet and Greet | March 15 at 11:30am in the Parlor (just down the hall from coffee hour).

• Membership Inquiry Class | Sunday, April 19 at 11:30am in the Parlor. This will be an opportunity to learn about what membership entails and answer your questions about the church. Refreshments and childcare will be provided.

• New Member Welcome Dinner | Date TBD: This is a laid back dinner to get to know one another better and other members of the Hamline Church Community. We will have dinner at the house of one of our members with other folks from the church.

• New Member Ceremony | Sunday, April 26: The ceremony for welcoming members into the church will take place during the worship service.

Please contact Heather ([email protected]) with any questions. If you are interested in joining, but have conflicts with the above date please let Heather know and she will work with you to find an alternative time to meet with us.

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Contact:WALKER [email protected]

In January, our youth and families packed 200 lunches to be handed out at SafeZone, a drop-in shelter by Face to Face. The Saint Paul non-profit supports youth and young people in a variety of ways including food, health screenings, mental health services, and assistance navigating the complex systems of insurance, housing, WIC, and more. This service project was one of the first steps to what we hope will be a lasting relationship between Hamline Church and Face to Face.

Over the coming months we have a number of exciting events:• Confirmation Retreat March 6-7 • Meal at Simpson Shelter March 22• Movie April 5 after worship• ReYouNite Retreat and Lock In April 17-18

REYOUNITE is an intentionally inclusive and LGBTQ+ affirming retreat for youth of all orientations and identities in grades 7-12 hosted at Lake Harriet UMC. This even will be filled with music, worship, a lot of fun, and conversation at the intersection of spirituality, sexuality, and identity. This year’s featured speaker is J.J. Warren, a seminary student in Boston who went viral after an impassioned speech at the 2019 special session of general conference. The weekend will focus on how youth and young people can direct the future of the church to become fully welcoming and inclusive.


1. Decorative sanctuary lights.

2. Altar rail gate closed/open.

3. Pipe room with organ loft built on lectern side (see

photo of crew on page __).

4. Organ console appears only in the later picture.

5. Paraments on pulpit, lectern, communion table & chancel


6. Organ pipes on back chancel wall.

7. Commemorative plaque for Rev. Zentz, who led the

construction of the building to the left of pulpit. (Another

for Rev. and Mrs. Innis is below the pulpit, hidden by the

baptismal font.)

8. Baptismal font in later photo only.

9. Handrails by chancel steps.

10. Lights and mics installed on pulpit and lectern.

11. Choir pews moved to face the congregation.

12. Piano on chancel platform.

13. Flag near pulpit.

14. Cross and candlesticks on communion table.

15. Kneeling pads along communion rail.

YOUTH MISSION TRIPAugust 1 - 9This year’s summer youth mission trip will be to Henderson Settlement, Appalachia. The Henderson Settlement has a nearly 100 year history of serving southeastern Kentucky through a variety of ministries with volunteer teams providing home repair, improvement projects, and new home construction.

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THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF EARTH DAY IS COMING UP IN APRIL! There are many opportunities to participate in celebrating Earth Day.• The Hamline EarthKeepers are leading worship on Sunday, April 19; Rev Susan Mullin preaching.

• All are invited to support the Youth Climate Strike at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, April 22 at the state capitol, and then

join an interfaith prayer gathering at 3:00 pm.

• The Hamline EarthKeepers will be sponsoring a local carbon-offset opportunity. Watch for more information about

how you can “offset” your spring break travels by supporting tree planting at Hamline Elementary School.

Questions? Contact [email protected].

PRIORITIZE CLIMATE 2020April 22, 2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. 50 years since 20 million Americans (10% of the

population) first took to the streets to demand that we reverse our policies of polluting the world and begin to actively

care for the planet that is our home. Some giant steps have been taken in the last 50 years. The Clean Water Act, the

Clean Air Act, and the EPA are all results of these demands. But as we all know, there is still much to be done and we are

running out of time.

This anniversary year, coinciding with an election year, offers a significant opportunity to speak out loud and long for the

care of creation. It is an opportunity to be part of a world-wide movement demanding radical action to address climate

change. Hamline Earthkeepers are joining Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL) and other environmental justice

organizations to ensure that climate is a priority for our local and national policy makers in this election year. We are

beginning with our precinct caucuses, where we will push to make climate justice a central part of our parties’ platforms.

From there we anticipate opportunities to engage in marches, rallies, prayer vigils, phone calls and letter writing

campaigns. The plans are still in the works. Mark your calendars now to participate in the Climate Strike on April 22. We

will keep you informed and we hope that many of you will join us!

FICTION & FELLOWSHIP 2020Fiction and Fellowship is winding up its 20th year celebration. We meet in the Green Room at church at 4:30pm on the

2nd Sunday. Everyone is invited whether or not having read, not finished, or not even read the session’s title.

• March 8 - Dodsworth by Sinclair Lewis [1930]

• April 12 - work of Bob Dylan [2016]

Regarding Bob Dylan, we might each select a couple of his songs and bring copies of lyrics to discuss as poetry.

We’ll sort it out at our March session. See:

• May 17 - For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway [1954]

A 20th year celebratory potluck at Diane and Kent’s place probably at 5:30 pm (there is a Choir program at 4pm at

church that day)... watch church news articles for details... See SparkNotes summary at:

PARTNERSHIP WITH SAFEZONE HOMELESS SERVICES IS EVOLVINGPlans are underway for members of Hamline Church to take a tour of the SafeZone Drop In Center for Homeless Youth

located in downtown Saint Paul. The tour is scheduled on Sunday March 15 at 12:00 Noon and we can depart from

church as a group. Any folks interested in going simply need to sign up to go by contacting either Steve Bloom or

Barb Edgar. The tour of the facility will showcase all of the homeless services offered for youth ages 14 to 24 and also

highlight the many options for possible partnership opportunities for churches who want to help. After the tour the

participants will decide together on what activity might work best for a volunteer partnership activity between Hamline

Church and SafeZone. The goal is to complete the project during the month of April. If you have any questions, please contact either Steve Bloom ([email protected] ) or Barb Edgar (e [email protected] ).



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ANNUAL GATHERING OF MINNESOTA RECONCILING CHURCHES AND COMMUNITIESSaturday, March 28 from 11:30am - 2:30pm at Spirit of Hope UMC 7600 Harold Avenue Golden Valley, MN 55427

Schedule: 11:30 | Gathering and Social Time; Noon | Potluck; 1:00 – 2:30 pm | Program

Come and learn how General Conference (May 5-15) works and how we can support the UM social Justice Organizations

working for full inclusion. Speakers: Rev. Carol Zaagsma, MN Annual Conference lead delegate to General Conference

and others. Questions? Contact Barb Edgar ([email protected])

COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONSSaturday, March 28 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm at Hamline ChurchCommunity Conversations is sponsoring a two part community discussion of homelessness. Part I : “Making the Invisible

Visible” will be held in the Community Room of Hamline Church. We will learn the scope of the problem, who are the

people most impacted by it, and misconceptions and stereotypes that distort the realities of homelessness. Part II will be

in the summer of 2020 . Please register for this free event at:

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING TO HELP IMMIGRANTS BECOME CITIZENS? The International Institute of Minnesota helped 1,450 immigrants and refugees file citizenship applications last year.

Despite helping many, they have a long waiting list of others seeking assistance. To ensure that they help as many

people as possible, they’ve started hosting group processing events to serve up to 40 people in one morning! During

group processing events, volunteers work one-on-one with clients to complete their citizenship applications. After a

volunteer is done, a staff member will review the application and ensure everything has been done correctly (so no need

to stress!). Everyone deserves access to citizenship, and this is a direct way that you can support New Americans in our


Candidates need to patient and flexible and be comfortable typing and working on the computer and internet. They

need to complete an online training, and then volunteer for one (or more!) Saturday morning or weekday daytime

events. The International Institute is located just south of the fairground on Como Ave. To sign up go to: If you have questions, call the International Institute

at 651-647-0191.

WELCOMING BISHOP OLIVETO! We were blessed to welcome Bishop Oliveto to Hamline Church & Hamline

University as part of the Mahle Lectures. Bishop Oliveto preached at worship on February 23 & 26.




Page 16: HAMLINE CHURCH...The journey to the cross of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter Sunday begins Sunday, April 5 at 10 am with Palm/Passion Sunday. We will begin the service by

PastorREV. MARIAH FURNESS [email protected]

Director of Spiritual FormationHEATHER [email protected]

Deacon in Secondary AppointmentREV. SUSAN [email protected]

Director of Children’s and Family MinistryAMY SCHROEDER [email protected]

Director of MusicDAVID [email protected]

OrganistEILEEN [email protected]

Band LeaderMICAH [email protected]

Director of Youth and Family MinistryWALKER [email protected]

Director of CommunicationsBETSEY [email protected]

Director of Finance & FacilitiesAMY [email protected]

Office ManagerMAUREEN [email protected]

Wedding CoordinatorAILEENE [email protected]

Teacher in ResidenceAshley Hoefker

Student AssistantsOlivia Lee & Julia Rubio Furness

Ministry InternsHayley Elbe, Emma Close & Kayleigh Maloney

1514 Englewood AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55104

Office Hours9 am - 4 pm | Monday - Thursday651 . 645 . [email protected]



Childcare Lead TeacherNatalie Freund

Childcare SpecialistsJo Schmidt, Alex Pick & Ashley Nelson