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Hamlet Isaxanli (Hamlet Isayev) (Also H. Issakhanly, H. Isakhanly, H. Isakhanli, H.A.Isayev, G.A.Isayev, G.A.Isaev, …due to differences in transliterations) Contact 11 Mehseti Street Baku AZ1096, Azerbaijan Phone: (994 12) 422 5253 Fax: (994 12) 4989379 E-mail: [email protected] Education 1954 1965: Elementary, secondary and high school: Gold Medal for highest achievement, Republic of Georgia 1965 1970: Combined B.S. and M.S. Program in Mathematics, Honors Diploma; Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan State University, Baku 1970 1973: PhD in Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Science of Azerbaijan and Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, and Lomonosov Moscow State University 1983: D.S. (Doctor of Science) in Mathematics, Soviet Academy of Science, V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow Professional experience 1973 1988: Senior Scientist, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku

Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

Mar 23, 2021



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Page 1: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

Hamlet Isaxanli

(Hamlet Isayev)

(Also H. Issakhanly, H. Isakhanly, H. Isakhanli, H.A.Isayev, G.A.Isayev, G.A.Isaev,

…due to differences in transliterations)

Contact 11 Mehseti Street

Baku AZ1096, Azerbaijan

Phone: (994 12) 422 5253

Fax: (994 12) 4989379

E-mail: [email protected]

Education 1954 – 1965: Elementary, secondary and high school: Gold Medal for highest achievement,

Republic of Georgia

1965 – 1970: Combined B.S. and M.S. Program in Mathematics, Honors Diploma; Department of

Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan State University, Baku

1970 – 1973: PhD in Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Science of Azerbaijan and

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, and Lomonosov Moscow State University

1983: D.S. (Doctor of Science) in Mathematics, Soviet Academy of Science, V.A. Steklov Institute

of Mathematics, Moscow

Professional experience 1973 – 1988: Senior Scientist, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan Academy of

Sciences, Baku

Page 2: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

1975 – 1976: Research Fellow, Lomonosov Moscow State University

1979 – 1981: Associate Professor, Azerbaijan State University

1979 – present: Visiting Professor and conference participant at various universities and research

centers around the world

1981- 1982: Research Fellow, Soviet Academy of Sciences, V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics,


1988 – 1990: Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Leningrad Institute for Economics and

Finance, Baku Campus

1991: Founder, Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan

1991 – 2010: President, Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan

1991 – present: Organizer of a various international symposia and conferences

1995: Founder, Khazar University Press

1995 – present: Editor of research periodicals “Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences”

(Former “Journal of Azerbaijani Studies”); Editor of “Khazar View”, a literary and scientific

magazine; Founder of “Azerbaijan Archeology” journal. Member of other editorial boards.

1997 – present : Founder, Khazar University Sport Club, with Football Club in Supreme Division

(1999-2004), Basketball Club in Supreme Division (1999 – present), Chess Club (2005), others

2005: Member, Education Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

2010: Chairman, Board of Directors and Trustees, Khazar University

2012: Founder, Eurasian Academy

2013: Board Member, Eurasia Partnership Foundation


More than 300 published works: research articles in Mathematics, Education, Humanities and Social

Sciences; monographs, textbooks and creative writings in Mathematics, Education, Language and

Translations Studies, Poetry. Editor of numerous textbooks, books, dictionaries, transactions of

conferences, journals. For example:


1. Линейнаѐ факторизациѐ полиномиальных операторных пучков. Математические

заметки. 1973. Т. 13, вып. 4. с. 551-559.

2. О полноте некоторой части собственных и присоединенных векторов

полиномиальных операторных пучков. Успехи математических наук. 1973. Т. 28,

вып. 1.с. 241-242.

3. О некоторых пучках операторов, близких к самосопрѐженным: Тезисы докладов

научной конференции аспирантов АН Азербайджанской ССР. – 1973.

4. Некоторые вопросы спектральной теории операторных пучков: автореферат

диссертации на соискание ученой степени канд. физ.-мат. наук: 01.01.01. Москва-

Баку, 1973. 19 с.

5. Некоторые вопросы спектральной теории операторных пучков: диссертациѐ на

соискание ученой степени канд. физ.-мат. наук: 01.01.01. Москва-Баку, 1973. 111 с.


6. К теории самосопрѐженных голоморфных оператор-функций. Успехи

математических наук.1974. Т. 29, вып. 3.с. 201-202.

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7. Числовой образ операторных пучков и кратнаѐ полнота по М.В. Келдышу.

Функциональный анализ и его приложениѐ. 1975. Т. 9, вып. 1. с. 31-34.


8. К многопараметрической спектральной теории. Доклады АН СССР.1976. Т. 229,

вып. 2.

9. Разделение числовой области многопараметрических спектральных задач.

Известиѐ АН Азербайджанской ССР. 1976. № 5. с. 2 -13.


10. Числоваѐ область и спектр совместных голоморфных оператор-функций многих

комплексных переменных. Успехи математических наук. 1977. Т. 32, вып. 6. с. 253-



11. Распределение корней квадратичных форм, спектр и кратнаѐ полнота корневых

векторов оператор-функций (coвм. с Н.Г. Вагабовым). Известиѐ АН Азербай-

джанской ССР.1978. № 5.


12. Вопросы теории самосопраженных многопараметрических задач.См.

«Спектральнаѐ теориѐ операторов», Труды 2-й Всесоязной летней школы. Баку:

Элм, 1979. с. 87-102.


13. Введение в общуя многопараметрическуя спектральнуя теория.

См.«Спектральнаѐ теориѐ операторов». *Сб. статей+. АН АзССР, Ин-т матема-

тики и механики; *Ред. Ф. Г. Максудов+. Баку: Элм, 1980. вып. 3. с. 142-201.

14. О корневых элементах многопараметрических спектральных задач. Доклады АН

СССР. 1980. Т. 250, № 3.

15. О совместных спектрах конечных коммутативных семейств (совм. с А.С.

Файнштейн)См. «Спектральнаѐ теориѐ операторов». *Сб. статей+. АН АзССР, Ин-

т математики и механики; *Ред. Ф. Г. Максудов+. Баку: Элм, 1980. вып. 3. с. 222-257.

16. Осциллѐционные теоремы длѐ многопараметрических спектральных задач,

свѐзанных с дифференциальными уравнениѐми второго порѐдка (Совм. с Б.П.

Аллахвердиевым).См. «Спектральнаѐ теориѐ операторов». *Сб. статей+. АН

АзССР, Ин-т математики и механики; *Ред. Ф. Г. Максудов+. Баку: Элм, 1980.вып.



17. К теории индексов дефекта многопараметрических дифференциальных

операторов типа Штурма Лиувиллѐ. Доклады АН СССР. 1981. т. 261.№ 4.

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18. Осциллѐционные теоремы длѐ многопараметрических задач с краевыми

условиѐми, зависѐщими от спектральных параметров (совм. с Б.П. Аллахвер-

диевым). Известиѐ АН Азербайджанской ССР.1981.№ 6. c. 17-23.

19. Разложение по собственным функциѐм самосопрѐженных сингулѐрных

многопараметрических дифференциальных операторов. Доклады АН

СССР.1981.Т. 260.№ 4.


20. Избранные вопросы многопараметрической спектральной теории: Автореферат

диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук,

Математической институт им. В.А. Стеклова.Москва, АН СССР.1982.35 c.

21. Избранные вопросы многопараметрической спектральной теории: Диссертациѐ

на соискание ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук, Матема-

тический институт им. В.А. Стеклова.Москва, АН СССР.1982. 298 c.


22. Генетические операторы и многопараметрические спектральные задачи.

Доклады АН СССР.1983.Т. 268.№ 4.


23. О некоторых неравенствах длѐ детерминатных операторов (совм. с А.А.

Аслановым). Материалы 5-ой республиканской конференции молодых ученых по

матeматикe и механике.Баку, 1984.Т. 1.

24. Об одном классе многопараметрических спектральных задач (совм. с М.С.

Алмамедовым). Материалы конференции по прикладной математике и меха-

нике. Баку: Элм, 1985.


25. К теории двупараметрических спектральных задач (совм. с М.С. Алмамедовым и

А.А. Аслановым). Доклады АН СССР.1985.Т. 283, № 5.с. 1033-1035.

26. О геометрии числовой области линейных операторов в конечномерных

евклидовых пространствах (совм. с А.А. Абдурахмановым). Известиѐ АН Азер-

байджанской ССР. 1985.№ 2.

27. Разрешимость несамосопрѐженных линейных операторных систем и множество

разложимости многопараметрических спектральных задач (совм. с М.С. Ал-

мамедовым). Доклады АН СССР.1985.Т. 282. № 3.с. 521-523.

28. Lectures on Multiparameter Spectral Theory. The University of Calgary, Department

of Mathematics and Statistics. Calgary, 1985.


29. Аналитические свойства границы числовой области операторов в гильбертовом

пространстве (совм. с Т.Ю. Кулиевым). Доклады АН ССР. 1986.Т. 291, № 5.

30. К теории разложений по собственным функциѐм многопараметрических

дифференциальных операторов. Всесоязнаѐ конференциѐ «Дифференциальные

уравнениѐ и их приложениѐ». Ашхабад, 1986.

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31. О квадратичной интегрируемости произведениѐ решений многопараметрических

уравнений Штурма-Лиувиллѐ. См. « Спектральнаѐ теориѐ операторов». *Сб.

статей+. АН АзССР, Ин-т математики и механики.Баку: Элм, 1986.вып. 7.

32. О конструктивном описании спектральной меры трехпараметрической

спектральной задачи (совм. с М.С. Алмамедовым и А.А. Аслановым). Доклады

АН СССР. 1986. Т. 228. с. 780-782.

33. О сингулѐрных многопараметрических дифференциальных операторах. Теоремы

разложений.Математический сборник.1986.131 (173).№ 1 (9).с. 21.

34. Спектр Тейлора и многопараметрическаѐ спектральнаѐ задача длѐ системы

операторов в фунциональных пространствах (совм. с А.С. Файнштейн). Тезисы

докладов VII Всесоязной школы по теории операторов. Ч.II. – Челѐбинск, 1986.


35. О некоторых задачах многопараметрической спектральной теории: Препринт,

Институт Физики АН АзССР. 1987.№ 322.

36. О тензорных определителѐх, свѐзанных с многопараметрическими

спектральными задачами (совм. с М.С. Алмамедовым и А.А. Аслановым).

Известиѐ высших учебных заведений «Математика», 1987.№ 11 (300).

37. Пророчество Бардена. Шахматы. Баку, октѐбрь 1987.

38. Спектр Тейлора и многопараметрическаѐ спектральнаѐ задача длѐ систем

операторов (совм. с А.С. Файнштейн). Доклады АН СССР. 1987.Т. 297, №1.

39. OntheGeometryofNumericalRangeofLinearOperators(withТ.Y.

Kuliyev).InternationalTopologicalConference , Abstracts. Baku, 1987. part II. p. 1.


40. Multiparameter Spectrums. Program Abstracts of International Conference «Operator

Theory: Advances and Applications», Alberta, Canada, August 22th–26th. University

of Calgary, 1988. p. 48.

41. Symmetric Multiparameter Problems and Deficiency Index Theory. (with P.J. Browne).

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 1988. p. 481-488.


42. Multidimensional Complex-Analytical View on the Joint Singularity of the System of

Multiparameter Operators and its Applications.“Linear Operators and

Applications”.Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Tagungsbericht, 1989.

43. Аналитико–геометрическаѐ структура многопараметрического спектра (совм. с

М.С. Алмамедовым и А.А.Аслановым. Всесоязнаѐ школа-конференциѐ

«Современные проблемы теории функций»: Тезисы докладов.Баку, 1989.

44. О спектрах многопараметрических систем операторов: Тезисы докладов. Баку:

Бакинский филиал Ленинградского финансово-экономического института имени

Н.А. Вознесенского, 1989.


45. Положительность тензорных определителей и условиѐ определенности в

многопараметрических спектральных задачах (совм. с А.А. Аслановым). Все-

Page 6: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

соязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных пространствах: Тезисы

докладов. Ульѐновск, 1990.


46. Thoughts on the National Liberation Movement. «Ulduz», January, 1991. p. 74-79.

47. AGeneralizationofLeontief’sInput-outputModel: Всесоязнаѐконференциѐ

«Негладкийанализиегоприложениекматематическойэкономике»: Тезисыдок-

ладов(withЭ.В. Караев). Баку; Элм. 1991.

48. Glimpses of Multiparameter Spectral Theory.“Ordinary and Partial Differential

Equations”, Volume III: Proceedings of the Eleventh Dundee Conference, 1990.

Longman Scientific Technical. 1991.p. 106-125.

49. In the Vicinity of the Mainstream of Multiparameter Spectral Theory: Azerbaijan-

Turkey Mathematical Symposium. Istanbul: Bogazici University. 1991.

50. The Geometrical and Analytical Properties of the Finite and Infinite Matrices and its

Applications: Azerbaijan-Turkey Mathematical Symposium. Istanbul, Bogazici

University. – 1991.

51. Об одном классе положительных операторов в пространстве ограниченных

бесконечных последовательностей: Семинар по функциональному анализу и его

приложениѐм, посвѐщенный памѐти академика З.И. Халилова (совм.c Э.В.

Караевым. Баку, 1991. с. 35.


52. On the Numerical Range of a Finite Matrix (withO.A. Avshalumova). Turkish Journal

of Mathematics. Ankara. 1992. V.16, № 1. p. 50-61.

53. Multiparameter Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics Problems: Faculty of

Science, Tabriz University, 22-25 November 1992.


54. Construction of Multidimensional Spectral Measures. “Proceedings of the 24th Annual

Iranian Mathematics Conference”. Shahid Behesti University, 28-31 March 1993,

Tehran, Iran.


55. Our Education at the Crossroads. Proceedings of the Conference: “The Educational

Reforms in the Republic of Azerbaijan” (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku, January 27-28.

Baku: Elm, 1995 (176 pages). p. 1-8.

56. The Seven Faces of Foreign Language Curriculum (p. 7-10). Proceedings of the

Conference: “Theoretical and Practical Issues of Foreign Language Education” (Editor:

Hamlet Isaxanli), Baku, May 20, 1995. Baku: Elm, 1995.(128 стр.)

57. Proceedings of the Conference: “The Problems of Azerbaijan History and its Reflection

in Modern Textbooks and Research Publications” (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku,

April 15, 1995. Baku: Khazar University, 1995 (143 pages).


Page 7: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

58. About a Historian-Writer and Some Miniatures Drawn for “Khamsa”. Khazar View.

1996. February, No 9. p. 1.

59. In Search of “Khazar” .Khazar View. 1996. No 10–12, No 14, No 19–24, No 27.

60. The Social and Political Context of Sovietization and Collectivization Period in the

Central Transcaucasia, and Isaxan Revolt. Proceedings of the Conference “Socio-

political Thought of the XX century.” (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku, May 12, 1996.

Khazar University Press, 1996 (98 pages). p. 1-16.


61. The Azerbaijani Language (Azюrbaycan Dili). Textbook for foreigners. (with Elza

Ismayilova and Firangiz Nasirova). Baku: Khazar University Press, 1997. (167 p).

62. The Signs of Lagging. Muslim Eastin the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the International

Conference “Shah Ismayil and His Epoch” (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli).Baku, September

24–26, 1997. Khazar University Press, 1997 (122 pages). p. 65-68.


63. A Multidimensional Complex - Analytical View on the Multiparameter Spectrum and

the Construction of the Spectral Measures. (with A.A. Aslanov). Khazar Journal of

Mathematics. 1998. Vol. 1, No 1. p. 3-65.

64. In Search of “Khazar”. Journal of Azerbaijani Studies. 1998. Vol. 1. No 4. p. 3-105.

65. Fragments from the History of Education and Thought. Khazar View. No 57-64. 1998.

66. On the Soviet Totalitarianism in the 20s–30s andits Effects. Journal of Azerbaijani

Studies. 1998. Vol. 1. No 3. p. 7-11.

67. On Armed Resistance to Soviet Terror in the Caucasus (1928-30’s). Proceedings of the

Scientific Conference “Soviet Totalitarianism in the Caucasus (20-30’s)” (Editor: Hamlet

Isaxanli). Baku November 6-7, 1998. Khazar University Press, 1998. (150 pages). p. 55-



68. In Light of Thinking.*A forward to the book “The Poetry of Knowledge” by Camal

Mustafayev. (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku: Khazar University Press, 1999 (326 pages).

69. Afkhami M. Claiming our Rights: A Manual for Women’s Human Rights Education in

Muslim Societies (translated from English into in Azeri by F. Nasirova). Editors:

Hamlet Isaxanli, M. Afkhami and Haleh Vaziri;. – Baku: Khazar University Press, 1999.

(135 pages).


70. While Reading Abasgulu Agha Bakikhanov. “Contemporary Problems of Azerbaijan

History” (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku: Khazar University Press, 2000. (303 pages) p.


71. About Two Paths of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani Identity. Foreword by Hamlet

Isaxanli in T. Svyatochovski: Russia and Azerbaijan: A Borderland in Transition (Editor:

Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku: Khazar University Press, 2000. (373 pages). p. VII-X.

Page 8: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

72. Contemporary Problems of Azerbaijani History: Collected papers dedicated to the 70th

anniversary of Azerbaijani historian Prof. S. Aliyarli (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku:

Khazar University Press, 2000.


73. Contrasts (in Azeri). – Baku: Khazar University Press, 2001. – 206 p. – ISBN 9952-20-02-


74. Current Trends in Education in Azerbaijan. Caspian Studies Program, Harvard

University. A discussion with Professor Hamlet Isaxanli, April 25, 2001, Summary by

Emily Van Buskirk. <http://www. hisaxanli. org/pdf/current-trends-in-education-in-


75. Впоисках «Хазара». KhazarView. No 99-101, No 103-108, 2001.

76. Negotiations on Nagorno-Karabakh. Where Do We Go From Here? Summary and

transcript from a panel discussion held on April 23, 2001 with Ambassador Carey

Cavanaugh, Professor Hamlet Isaxanli, Professor Ronald Suny, Dr. Brenda Shaffer.

Caspian Studies Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard


77. Tarix Dostiyev, Roza Arazova. Supplementary Disciplines on History (Editor: Hamlet

Isaxanli).Baku: Khazar University Press, 2001. (188 pages).


78. Minority Education Policy in Azerbaijan and Iran. Hamlet Isaxanli, Val D. Rust, Afqan

Abdullayev, Marufa Madatova, Inna Grudskaya, Younes Vahdati. Journal of

Azerbaijani Studies. 2002. Vol. 5. No 3–4. p. 3–78.

79. The Problems of the Azerbaijani Education System. Caspian Crossroads. Washington.

Vol. 6, Issue 2, Summer 2002.

80. Soviet Period Study of the Journal of “Molla Nasraddin”. (with Solmaz Rustamova-

Tohidi). Journal of Azerbaijani Studies. 2002. Vol. 5. No 1-2. p. 63-82.

81. A Man in Love With “Kitabi-Dadam Qorqud”. Compiled by H. Schmiede, Suleyman

Aliyarli, Roza Arazova. (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku: Khazar University Press, 2002.

(213 pages).

82. M.L Stein, S.F. Paterno. Introduction to Journalism: The Newswriters’ Handbook.

Translated from English into Azerbaijani. Foreword by and editor: Hamlet Isaxanli.

Baku, Khazar University Press, 2002. (304 pages).


83. Feelings Turned into Poetry. Poems. Tebriz, Iran.“Axtar”, 2003. (168 pages)

84. “< Остальное-дело математиков<”. Passage, No 4, Баку, 2003.

85. Towards the European Education Area.Materials of the International Scientific

Conference “Globalization and the Actual Problems of Education”, November 20-22,

Baku, 2003. Ministry of Education, 2003. p. 119-124.


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86. Khazar English-Azerbaijani Comprehensive Dictionary: in 6 Volumes.Hamlet Isaxanli,

Tofiq Abasquliyev, Kerim Qasimov, Nijad Mikail-zadeh, Nabat Mammadova.

Baku: Khazar University Press, 2004. V.1: A-C. –754 pages.

87. Khazar English-Azerbaijani Comprehensive Dictionary: in 6 Volumes. Hamlet Isaxanli,

Tofiq Abasquliyev, Kerim Qasimov, Nijad Mikail-zadeh, Nabat Mammadova. Baku:

Khazar University Press, 2004. V.2: D-H. 805 pages.

88. Quickly Fading Radiance. Khazar View. No 172, 2004. p. 14-18.

89. Political Leaders and Socio-Political Ideals. Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh. Khazar View.

2004. No 174, p. 8-13; No 175, p. 6-11.

90. Младший из «Большой пѐтерки»я “IRS-Наследие”,No 12.2004. А также в книге:

Азербайджанскаѐ Демократическаѐ Республика: Сборник статьей, посвѐщенный

к 90 летия ПервойРеспублики.Москва,Изд-во «Салам» 2008. p. 57-65.

91. What is Good and What is Bad? Development of Higher Education and the Qualitative

Indicators of Higher Education Institutions. Khazar View. No 166–170, 2004.


92. Azerbaijan Moving Towards European Higher Education Area – 2005. Report delivered

at the seminar organized by Council of Europe and the Ministry of Education of the

Republic of Azerbaijan, April 20, 2005, Baku. <http://www.

Bologna.pdf> (07.07.2008)

93. Azerbaijanians on America: What Do Literary Sources and Publicists Say? (in Azeri)

Khazar View. No 181-184, 2005.

94. Contrasts.Poems. Tebriz, Iran. “Axtar”, 2005. (222 pages).

95. Development of Higher Education in Azerbaijan.Conference on “Reform of the

Education System in Azerbaijan for a Sustainable Future”. Record of the visit of the

Azerbaijan Delegation to UNESCO 5-7 July 2005. Paris, July 2005. <http://>

96. An Outstanding Poet and Master of Translation – Samed Vurgun.Khazar View. No 189,

2005. p.8-13. See also: “Azerbaijan” (Journal of Writers Union), No 5, 2006, p. 26-29.

97. Organization of Student Life: Viewpoints and Experience. UNESCO-Azerbaijan: Bridge

to the Future: Proceedings of the international conference held August 24-25, 2005,

Baku. “Tahsil”, 2005. p. 136-143.

98. Poetry in Translation: The Search for Harmony and Beauty Within Limited Frames

Journal of World Literature. No 2, 2005. (p. 229-272). See also in:Poetry in Translation:

Vol 1. Baku, Khazar University Press, 2005. (p. 311-389).

99. Strengths and Weaknesses of Private Universities in a Country with a Transition

Economy: an Azerbaijani View. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on

Higher Education, Ankara, Turkey, August 26-28, 2005. <http://www. Isayev-Strengths%20and%20Weaknesses.doc>

100. This is Life As Well: Poems.Tebriz, Iran. “Axtar”, 2005.

Page 10: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

101. E. Hiebert, D.F. Ungurait, T.W. Bohn. Mass Media VI: An Introduction to Modern

Communication. Translated from English into Azeri (Editor: Hamlet Isaxanli). Baku,

Khazar University Press, 2005. (603 pages).

102. Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh and Socio-Political Ideals. Proceedings of the

Conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M.E. Rasulzadeh, January 28, 2004.

Baku, Khazar University Press, 2005. (286pages).

103. Poetry in Translation: 1st Volume. (including translations from Russian, English and

French by Hamlet Isaxanli of A. Akhmatova, A. Akhundova, E. Baratinskiy, G. Byron,

W. Blake, A. Fet, N. Gumilev, R. Herrick, V. Jukovski, G. de Nerval, F. Tutchev, S.

Yesenin). Baku, Khazar University Press, 2005. (389 pages)


104. On Education System in Transition Economy: A View From Azerbaijan. Baku, Khazar

University Press, 2006. (266 p.).

105. In Search of “Khazar” (in English, Azeri and Russian). Baku, Khazar University Press,

2006. (467 p.).

106. Capacity Development Strategies in Knowledge and Learning in a Country with a

Transition Economy: The Azerbaijani Case.“Capacity Development Strategies: Let the

Evidence Speak”. Madrid, Spain, 27-29 November, 2006.

<>. See also

107. In the Light of “Philosophy and Poetry” (Assembly of Science and Art).Khazar View,

No 217, 2006.

108. Omar Khayyam’s Rubais in Azerbaijani Turkic. Khazar View. No 208,2006. p. 8-15.

109. Sufism in Islam (Assembly of Science and Art).Khazar View.No 218,2006. p. 8-13.

110. Words and Deeds Remain From the Past.Khazar View.No 207,2006. p. 6-10. See also:

Kamal Talibzade. Nobility School. Baku: Khazar University Press, 2007. (p. 83-89).


111. «Контрасты». Книга стихотворений. В переводахАллыАхундовой.Изд-во «ИзографЪ»,

Москва, 2007.(128стр.)

112. Quatrains (Book of poems). Baku, Khazar University Press, 2007. (209 pages).

113. Perspectives on the United States. Azerbaijan. (with Anar Ahmadov). Global

Perspectives on the United States: a Nation by Nation Survey. Vol. 1. Great

Barrington: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2007. p. 31-33.


114. Khazar English-Azerbaijani Comprehensive Dictionary: in 6 Volumes. Hamlet

Isaxanli, Tofiq Abasquliyev, Kerim Qasimov, Nijad Mikail-zadeh, Nabat

Mammadova. Baku: Khazar University Press, 2008. V.2: D-H. (644 pages).

115. What is Happening in the Educational System of the Contemporary World and How

“The State Program on Reforms of the Higher Education System in the Republic of

Azerbaijan for the Period of 2008-2012” May Best be Carried Out. Baku, Khazar

University Press, 2008. (118 pages).

Page 11: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

116. The Azerbaijani Love Poetry, Vol.1. Baku, Khazar University Press, 2008. (227 pages).

117. Hamlet Isaxanli – Assembly of Science and Art. No 1-10. Baku, Khazar University

Press, 2008.(301 pages).

118. Omar Khayyam – a Great Polymath. An article in a book: Omar Khayyam and His

Quatrains (compiled by A. Polad, Editors: Hamlet Isaxanli and Rafael Huseynov),

Baku, 2008. See also:Khazar View, No 260, 2008. p. 8 - 17.

119. When a Football Passion, Musical Melody and the Poetical Senses are Intermingled.A

chapter in the book: “The Road of Life”.Baku,2008. (p. 78-87)


120. Poems(in Chinese ).Central Compilation Translation Press, Beijing, 2009. (141


121. Archaeological Poem or “Field Diary of the Archeologist”. Khazar View, No. 273.

2009 (p. 16– 17). See also: Ismayilzade G. From the Field Diary of the Archeologist

(preface). Baku, Khazar University Press, 2009.

122.History Telling the Stories. See in the book “Gachag Isakhan” byZ. Alampashali.Baku,

Khazar University Press, 2009. (p. 3– 14). <

123.The International Symposium on “Modern Development Trends and the Turkish

World” (edited and a preface by Hamlet Isaxanli) Baku, Khazar University Press, 2009.

124.The Azerbaijani Love Poetry, Vol. 2 (in Azeri)– / compiled by Hamlet Isaxanli. – Baku:

Khazar University Press, 2009. – p. 227. – ISBN 978-9952-20-050-8

125.The Azerbaijani Love Poetry, Vol. 3 (in Azeri) / compiled by Hamlet Isaxanli. – Baku:

Khazar University Press, 2009. – p. 227 – ISBN 978-9952-20-051-5

126.Pilgrimage. Poems. Baku, Khazar University Press, 2009 (150 pages)


127.On Philosophy, History and Management of Quality in Education. Journal of

Azerbaijani Studies (“Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Scioences” from 2011),

V.13, No 1, pp. 62-87, No 2, pp., No 3, pp. (2010).

128.Philosophy of the Past, or How is History Written? (series of articles). Khazar View, №

292-302, 2011.

129.Poems in “Poetry of Azerbaijan. A drop in the Ocean”. Compiled and edited by Dr.

Eynulla Madatli. Leaf Publications, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2010.


130.Philosophy of the Past, or How is History Written? (series of articles). Khazar View, №

292-302, 2011.

131.The Huns of Eurasia: History, Culture and Identity. See: Assembly of Science and Art

11-20, vol. 2. Compiled and edited by Hamlet Isaxanli. Khazar University Press, 2001, p.


132.“Higher mathematic culture and the embodiment of nobility”. See: Foothold Point

(Zahid Khalilov- 100). “Qismat”, 2011; p. 184-195.

Page 12: Hamlet Isaxanli - Khazarсоязнаѐ школа по теории операторов в функциональных

133.“Religion is culture, history, and identity for me”. “Cemiyyet ve Din” (Society and

Religion) № 49, 28 December- 11 January 2012.

134.Historical memory and crimes against humanity (in Turkish). “Zaman” (Time),

Turkey. 22.02.2012.


135.Saga on Nature, Intellect and Deed (series of articles in Azerbaijani). New Baku Post,

April-October, 2012.

136. “Diversification of Post-Secondary Education in Azerbaijan.” UNESCO: International

Institute for Educational Planning, 2012.

137."History and policy of translating poetry: Azerbaijan and its neighbors,” under review

by Meta: Translators’ Journal, University of Montreal Press, (in print).

“Azerbaijani Views of America through History as Expressed in Academic, Literary and

Media Sources,” under review by Journal of American Studies, Cambridge University

Press, (in print).

Languages Azeri (native), English (good), Russian (good), Turkish (good), French (elementary).

Research Interests Mathematics, Education, Literature, History and Culture Studies, Language and Translation Studies.

Recognition and awards received 1976 – 1983: Research articles included into lists of the most outstanding scientific research in the

USSR, published annually by the National (Soviet) Academy of Science, Moscow

1994 – London Debret Encyclopedia “Who is Who in the Former Soviet Union?”

1996 – present: Co-Chair, Council of Azerbaijani University Presidents

1994 – Y. Mamedaliyev Award, in recognition of contributions to science and education, Baku,


1997 – 1999 Board Member, Eurasia Foundation Caucasus, Tbilisi, Georgia

1998 – 2002: Board Member, Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation), Azerbaijan

2000 – 2007: Association of Azerbaijani Football Federations, Executive Committee Member

2001 – Member, International Council for Scientific Development – International Academy of


2001 – present: President, Association of Azerbaijani Private Universities

2004 – “Golden Pen” Award, In recognition of contribution to Poetry and Creative Writing, Baku,


2005 – “Samad Vurghun” Award, in recognition of contributions to Education, Science, Azerbaijani

Culture and Literature, Baku, Azerbaijan

2005 – Member, Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, Russia, Moscow

2008 – First Vice-President, EURAS (Eurasian Universities Union)

2008 – Honorary Doctor of EuroUniversity, Tallinn, Estonia 2005 – Member, National Education

Council under President of Azerbaijan

2010 – Co-founder and Member, Board of Directors, Karabakh Foundation, USA

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2010 – “Jafar Jabbarly” (Cəfər Cabbarlı) Award, in recognition of contribution to publicity of

classic and modern Azerbaijani Poetry, to compile a multi voluminous “The Azerbaijani Love


2010 – National “Khazar” Award, in recognition of contribution to development of Azerbaijani

Education and to founding of the University which meets international standards

And various other awards and recognitions.