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Hadeeth (10/12/2012)

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 Hadeeth (10/12/2012)


  • 7/30/2019 Hadeeth (10/12/2012)


  • 7/30/2019 Hadeeth (10/12/2012)


    Hadeeth Linguistic: Hadeeth means a communication, piece of

    information or a story.

    Technical prospective: It is the collection of Prophets(s.a.w) deeds, statements and concessions. In addition to

    this any tradition that carry a description of the Prophet

    (s.a.w) and his physical appearance and properties.

    Singular Hadeeth

    Plural Ahadeeth

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    a) Hadeeth is often referred to Sunnah,

    especially when we are talking about thesources of Fiqh.

    b) Sunnah also means the Prophet (s.a.w) life.

    c) Sunnah is also a Fiqh rank.

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    The Importance of Hadeetha) The Prophet (s.a.w) was a walking Quran.

    b) Hadeeth is necessary for the proper

    understanding of the Qurang.c)

    Our Lord! Send amongst them a messenger of their ownwho shall recite unto them Thy revelations, and shall instructthem in the Scripture and in wisdom and shall make themgrow. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Mighty, Wise. (Surah Baqarah, 129)

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    The Collection of Hadeeth

    The protection & preservation of

    Ahadeeth came about in three ways:

    1. The Ummah acting upon the Ahadeeth.

    2. Memorising & writing.

    3. Narrating & teaching Ahadeeth.

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    Using these three methods the

    gathering, compilation, formation &writing of Ahadeeth over time can besplit into four periods:

    1) From the lifetime of the Prophet ( up untilthe first century Hijrah.

    2) From about half of the second century Hijrah.

    3) From about half of the second century Hijrah to

    the end of the fourth century Hijrah.

    4) From the start of the fifth century up until today.

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    This era extended from the lifetime of the

    Prophet (s.a.w) up until the first centuryHijrah. In this period Ahadeeth weregathered by memorisation, teaching &compilation.

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    Famous memorisers of HadeethThe Sahabah (ra)The Sahabah who had memorised more than 1000 Ahadeeth are:

    1. Abu Hurairah (ra) d.59H aged 78. He narrated 5374 Ahadeeth.

    The number of his students reaches 800.

    2. Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) d.68H aged71. He narrated 2660 Ahadeeth.

    3. Aaishah Siddeqa (ra) d.58H aged 67. She narrated 2210 Ahadeeth.

    4. Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) d.73H aged 84. He narrated 1630 Ahadeeth.

    5. Jaabir ibn Abdullah (ra) d.78H aged 94. He narrated 1560 Ahadeeth.

    6. Anas ibn Malik (ra) d.93H aged 103. He narrated 1286 Ahadeeth.

    7. Abu Saeed al-Khudree (ra) d.74H aged 84. He narrated 1170 Ahadeeth.

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    The Sahabah who had narrated between500 & 1000 Ahadeeth are:

    1. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas (ra) d.63H.

    2. Ali ibn Abi-Taalib (ra) d40H and

    3. Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) d33H.

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    The Sahabah who had narrated more than 100 butless than 500 Ahadeeth are:

    1. Abu Bakr Siddique (ra) d13H.

    2. Usman ibn Affan (ra) d36H.

    3. Umm Salamah (ra) d59H4. Abu Musa al-Asharee (ra) d52H

    5. Abu Dhar al-Ghaffaree (ra) d32H

    6. Abu Ayyoob al-Ansari (ra) d51H

    7. Ubayy ibn kaab (ra) d19H and8. Muaadh ibn Jabal (ra) d81H.

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    1. Saeed ibn al-Mussayab (ra) d105H.

    2. Urwah ibn Zubair (ra) d94H.

    3. Saalim ibn Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) d106H.

    4. Naafi (ra) d117H.

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    The written works of the first period1. Saheefa Saadiqaa: Abdullah ibn Amr al-Aas (ra) d63H. This treatise is

    composed of about 1000 Ahadeeth. All of it can be found in the Musnadof Imaam Ahmed ibn Hamble (ra).

    2. Saheefa Saheeh: Hummam ibn Munabbah (ra) d101H. This collectioncontains 138 narration and is a part of the Ahadeeth narrated from AbuHurairah (ra), most of its narration are in Bukhari & Muslim.

    3. Saheefa Basheer ibn Naheek

    4. Musnad Abu Hurairah (ra)

    5. Saheefa Ali (ra)

    6. The final sermon of the Prophet (s.a.w)

    7. Saheefa Jaabir (ra)

    8. Narrations ofAaisha (ra)9. Ahadeeth of ibn Abbas (ra)

    10. The Saheefa of Anas ibn Malik (ra)

    If research were to continue the number of examples would be too great.

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    The second period started from about half

    of the second century Hijrah. During thistime a major group of the Taabieen

    compiled earlier works into book form.

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    Compilers of Hadeeth

    1. Muhammad ibn Shihaab az-Zuhree (ra) d124H.

    2. Abdul Maalik ibn Juraij (ra) d150H in Makkah.

    3. Imam al-Awzaaee (ra) d157H in Syria.4. Muammar ibn Raashid (ra) d153H in Yemen.

    5. Imam Sufyaan ath-Thawree (ra) d161H in Koofa.

    6. Imam Hammad ibn Salamah (ra) d167H in Basra.

    7. Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak (ra) d181H in Khurasaan and

    8. Malik ibn Anas (ra) b.93H/d179H.

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    The written works of the second period:

    1. Muwatta Imaam Malik: it was written between 130H

    and 141H. It has approximately 1720 Ahadeeth.

    2. Jaami Sufaay ath-Thawree (ra)

    3. Jaami Abdullah ibn Muabarak (ra)4. Jaami Imam al-Awzaaee (ra)

    During this time the Ahadeeth, Athaar of the Sahabah

    and verdicts of the Taabieen were gathered.

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    The third period extended from about half

    of the second century Hijrah to the end ofthe fourth century Hijrah.

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    Specificity of this Period1. Ahadeeth, Athaar of the Companions and statements of

    the Tabieen were categorised and a distinction made

    between them.

    2. Narrations that were accepted were gatheredseparately and the books of the second century were

    checked and authenticated.

    3. During this period not only were the narrations

    gathered but to preserve Ahaadeeth, the scholarsformulated sciences, (more than 10023) on which

    thousands of books have been written.

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    1. Asma ar-Rijaal: In this science the condition, births, deaths, teachers and

    students of narrators were gathered in detail and from these details judgments

    on the position of the narrators, as to whether they were truthful, trustworthy or

    unreliable, were made.

    2. Ilm Masatalah al-Hadeeth (Usool of Hadeeth): The standard and rules of

    Ahadeeth, their authenticity and weakness were established.

    3. Ilm Ghareeb al-Hadeeth: The meaning of difficult words (in Arabic) have been

    investigated and researched.

    4. Ilm Takhreej al-Hadeeth: Where a particular Hadeeth pertaining to a particularscience can be found from the well known books of Tafseer and Fiqh.

    5. Ilm al-Hadeeth al-Mawdooah: Written books in which they separated the

    Mawdoo (fabricated, forged) narrations from the authentic ones.

    6. Ilm Naaskh wal-Mansookh.

    7. Ilm at-Tawfeeq Bayn al-Hadeeth.8. Ilm Mukhtalif wal-Maatalaf.

    9. Ilm Atraaf al-Hadeeth

    10. Fiqh alHadeeth

    Apart from these books, many others have been written concerning other

    subjects and topics, such as on the issue of wealth

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    Compilers of Hadeeth in the Third Period

    1. Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (ra): b.164H d.241H. His most important work is

    Musnad Ahmad; it is the composition of 30,000 Ahadeeth in 24 volumes.

    2. Imaam Muhammad Ibn Ismaaeel Bukhaari (ra): b.194H d.246H Saheeh

    al-Bukhaaree is the most important work of Imaam Bukhaaree. Its full

    name is Al-Jaami as-Saheeh al-Musnad al-Mukhtasar man Amoor

    Rasoolullaah sal-Allaahu alayhe wa Alihi wa sallam wa Ayameh

    3. Imaam Muslim Ibn Hajaaj al-Qushairee (ra) b.202H d.261H

    4. Abu Daawood Ishaat Ibn Sulaimaan as-Sijastaanee (ra) b.204H d.275H

    5. Imaam Abu Eesaa at-Tirmidhee (ra) b.209H d.279H

    6. Imaam Ahmad Ibn Shuayb an-Nasaaee (ra) d.303H7. Imaam Muhammad Ibn Yazeed Ibn Maajah al-Qazdiaanee (ra) d.273H

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    Sahee Sittah

    (The 6 Authentic Books)

    Bukhaaree, Muslim and Tirmidhee are called

    Jaami, i.e. they contain Ahadeeth on Aqaid,

    Worship, Manners, Information and other issues.

    Abu Daawood, an-Nasaaee and Ibn Maajah are

    called Sunan i.e. they contain Ahadeethpertaining to life.

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    Specific terminology for naming books of Hadeeth:

    1. Sahih: The book only contains Sahih Ahadeeth. Eg Sahih Bukhari.

    2. Sunan: The book is ordered in the ordering of the books of Fiqh

    (it begins with Taharahpurity and then Prayer, Fasting,Charity).

    3. Al-Jami: The book contains eight specific chapters in its index.Those include Seerah and Tafseer.

    4. Musnad: The book is indexed by the Sahabah (i.e. one chapter forAhadeeth narrated by Aysha, then one for Ahadeeth narrated byOmar and so forth).

    5. Mustadrak: A continuation of a work by a previous scholar. Anexample would be a scholar who would try to collect all the SahihHadeeth on Seerah. And then a later scholar would write a bookthat would append Ahadeeth he believes the original authoromitted or did not know about.

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    Tabaqaat of Books of Hadeeth

    On the basis and in terms of Hadeeth andthe reliability of its narrations,

    1. Muwatta Imaam Maalik, Saheeh al-Bukhaari and

    Saheeh Muslim have a high ranking position.2. Abu Daawood, at-Tirmidhee and an-Nasaaee. The

    reliability of narrators in these books does not reachthe level of the first category but they are consideredand confided in. This category also contains MusnadAhmad.

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    3. Ad-Daarimee (d.225H), Ibn Maajah, Baihaqee, Daraqutnee (d.385H), the books

    of at-Tabaraanee (d.360H), writings of at-Tahaawee (d.321H), Musnad Imaam

    ash-Shaafiee and Mustadarak Haakim (d.405H).

    These books contain all types of Hadeeth, authentic and weak.

    3. Writings of Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree (d.310H),

    the books of Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d.463H),

    Abu Nuaym (d.403H),Ibn Asaakir (d.571H),

    ad-Daylaamee (d.509H)

    the author of Firdaus,

    Kaamil of Ibn Adiyy (d.365H),

    the writings of Ibn Maroodiyyah (d.410H),

    Waaqidee (d.207H) and

    books by other authors are in this category.

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    The fourth period extends from the start of

    the fifth century up until today.

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    The works done in this time are:

    1. Explanations, footnotes and translations of important

    books of Hadeeth into other languages.

    2. More books on the sciences that have been mentioned

    and explanations and summaries of them.

    3. The people of knowledge, due to their keenness and

    necessity for them, compiled books of Hadeeth taken

    from those books written or compiled in the 3rdCentury.

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    From them are:1. Mishkaat al-Masabeeh of Walee-ud-Deen Khateeb: In it are

    narrations compiled on creed, worship,

    dealings/transactions and manners.

    2. Riyadh us-Saaliheen of Imaam Abu Zakariyyah Yahyaa Ibn

    Sharf an- Nawawee: the explainer of Saheeh Muslim. Thishas hadeeth compiled on akhlaaq and adaab in general. And

    according to each subject the start of each chapter is began

    by a using corresponding verse from the Quraan. This is an

    important feature of this book and this is also the manner inwhich Saheeh al-Bukhaaree was compiled.

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    3. Muntaqa al-Akhbaar of the Mujaddid of the Deen AbulBarakaat Abdus- Salaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.652H). He was thegrandfather of Shaykh- ul-Islaam Taqee-ud-Deen Ahmad IbnTaymiyyah (d.728H). Qaadhi ash-Shawkaanee authored anexplanation of this book, in 8 volumes, called Nayl al-Awtaar.

    4. Buloogh al-Maraam of Ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee (d.852H), theexplainer of Bukhaaree. It is composed mainly of hadeethpertaining to worship and transactions. An explanation of itwas done by Muhammad IsmaaeelSanaanee (d.1182H)called Subl as-Salaam Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam and another

    by the name of Masak al-Khataam Sharh Buloogh al-Maraam, in Faarsee (Persian), by Shaykh Nawaab SiddeequeHasan Khaan al-Bhopaalee (d.1307H). It has been translatedinto Urdu.

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  • 7/30/2019 Hadeeth (10/12/2012)


    There are eight ways in which Hadeeth can be transmitted from

    one person to another:

    1. Listening: The recipient of the Hadeeth listened to the

    transmitter of the Hadeeth and memorized it from


    2. Presenting: The recipient of the Hadeeth retold it in the


    3. Permission: The transmitter of the Hadeeth has given

    the recipient permission to narrate Ahadeeth from him.4. Handing down: A book of Hadeeth was given by the

    transmitter to the recipient and he was allowed to

    narrate from it.

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    5. Written: A written message was sent from thetransmitter to the recipient that contained the Hadeeth.

    6. Made known: To inform about Ahadeeth. This meansthat the informer informs someone that he has the

    permission to transmit a certain book of Hadeeth on acertain scholars authority. Some scholars permit thiswhile others reject it.

    7. Bequest: The transmitter stated the Hadeeth in hisbequest to the recipient.

    8. Found: The recipient came upon a work by thetransmitter that contained this Hadeeth.

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    Hadathana and Akhbarana

    Hadathana: denotes that the teacher read to the student

    and the student is reporting that.

    Akhbarana: means that the student himself read it to the

    teacher and was approved of the way he memorized it.

    An folan: means this Hadeeth was reported by so and so.

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    Authentication of Hadith:

    Why Authenticate Hadeeth?

    Why go through all the different ranks and levels and

    scrutiny of each narrator?

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    Hadeeth Ranking:

    The scholars of Hadeeth themselves are ranked as Motadel (moderate) such as Al-Zhahabi,

    Motashaddid (strict) such as Ibn Al-Jawzi and Ad-Daraqutani

    and Mutasahil (Lenient) such as Al-Hakim.

    Chain of narration is examined for two things:

    frequency of narration and

    continuity to the prophet.

    In addition to this, each narrator in the chain is evaluated

    for his honesty and strength of memory.

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    Criteria for qualifying a Hadeeth as Sahih:

    1. No contradictions with Quran or other well established SahihHadeeth.

    2. Continuity of the chain of narrators.

    3. No defects. And there has been many works on theDefects of Hadeeth by prominent scholars like Tirmizi andDaraqutani.

    4. Every narrator in the chain had to be Adil (righteous),truthful and of strong memory.

    If a Sahih Hadeeth fails some of these conditions, it isdegraded into the rank of Hassan. Some flaws thoughwould bring the Hadeeth down to the rank of Daeef.

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    Terminology of the scholars of Hadeeth:

    Hujjahof Hadeeth is a scholar who has memorizes atleast 300,000 Ahadeeth.

    Hafiz is one who memorizes 100,000.

    Hakim is one who memorizes all of the known Ahadeeth.

  • 7/30/2019 Hadeeth (10/12/2012)


    How Hadeeth came to Indo-Pak

    Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawee Ibn

    Saif Turki (d.1052H) spread the teachings of

    Hadeeth in India.After him it was spread by Shah Waleeullaah

    Dehlawee (d.1176H) and by his offspring and

    students. After this translation startedexplanations, printing and distribution and this

    is continuous up until today.