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Gypsies in UK

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    Gypsies, Travellers

    and the Churches in Britain

    and Ireland


    Preface by Revd John Reardon 2

    Foreword by Revd Preb Theo a!uel 2

    Introduction "

    #ethodolo$y and %i!itations "

    Cate$ories of Involve!ent &

    Responses fro! 'r$anisations and Individuals Contacted (

    Conclusions 2&

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    )ppendi*+ or$anisations and individuals contacted for infor!ation


    Churches Co!!ission for Racial Justice,

    Interchurch -ouse, "(.&/ %ower #arsh, %ondon 0l 1R% Tel+ 3/1/ 23 &&&&

    The Churches Co!!ission for Racial Justice 4CCRJ5

    is a Co!!ission of the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland 4CCBI5

    )c6nowled$e!ents+ CCRJ wishes to than6 all who provided infor!ation for this study and

    Richard olly for writin$ this report

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK



    by Revd John Reardon, General secretary of the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland

    This publication is a ti!ely resource for all who are involved in wor6 a!on$ Gypsies and

    Travellers In !any ways, such people and their co!!unities are a!on$ the least understoodand !ar$inalised in our society They are discri!inated a$ainst and they have few advocates

    willin$ to support the! in their stru$$le a$ainst pre7udice, i$norance and hostility The

    Churches Co!!ission for Racial Justice is brea6in$ new $round in publishin$ this overview

    of wor6 bein$ underta6en by Church or$anisations and church !e!bers in support of Gypsy

    and Traveller co!!unities I hope that it will help not only to put people in touch with one

    another in the concern which their wor6 represents but will also help !any others in our

    Churches to reco$nise how i!portant that wor6 is and how they could help to stren$then it


    by Revd Preb Theo Samuel, Moderator of the Churches Commission for Racial Justice

    For a considerable period of ti!e now, the Churches in 0urope have loo6ed at ways in which

    they can relate to the proble!s facin$ Ro!a Gypsy co!!unities But this has not historically

    been the attitude of the Churches There is evidence that in certain parts of 0astern 0urope,

    for instance, the Church has used the services of Ro!a co!!unities and sub7ected the! to

    virtual serfdo! 0ven now, in so!e countries, the Churches view the Ro!a co!!unities not

    as deservin$ the support of the Churches in their aspirations for 7ustice, but as people who

    need to be brou$ht into the Churches as worshippers only

    In Britain, there have been poc6ets of wor6 which the Churches have been involved in for

    so!e ti!e The Churches Co!!ission for Racial Justice 4CCRJ5 has felt that as the Ro!a

    Gypsy co!!unities fall under the purview of the Race Relations )ct of /81 and as they

    have very specific proble!s, we ou$ht to relate to these co!!unities in helpin$ the! to

    obtain their ri$hts in ter!s of enablin$ local authorities and the national $overn!ent to

    provide ade9uately for their no!adic way of life i!ilar proble!s are faced also by Irish

    Travellers, both in Britain and in Ireland, and CCRJ is concerned for the! too :ith this in

    view, we e!bar6ed upon a li!ited research pro7ect, conducted by Richard olly, and this

    report is the product of it

    This pro7ect is not purely an acade!ic one :e hope that the Churches will enable CCRJ to

    !ove forward in providin$ the type of support that the Ro!a Gypsy and Irish Traveller

    co!!unities ri$htly e*pect of it CCRJ has wor6ed hard for the ri$hts of !inority ethnic

    co!!unities who have been discri!inated a$ainst on the $rounds of race, colour and culture

    :e believe that this step of involvin$ ourselves in wor6 with our brothers and sisters in the

    Gypsy and Irish Traveller co!!unities will be 7ust as forthri$ht :e are sure that the

    Churches will continue to $ive us their support in this !atter

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    Gypsies, Travellers and the Churches in Britain and



    This report is the result of a study conducted by the Churches Co!!ission for Racial Justice

    4CCRJ5 between ;ece!ber /881 and #arch /88Gypsies and other Travellers> includes all those people variously 6nown as Ro!a,

    Ro!anies, Irish Travellers, ?ew Travellers, cottish Travellers and Travellin$ People ?ot

    all of the people enco!passed by these ter!s are currently travellin$ o!e !ay have lived a

    settled life for !ore than one $eneration )ll, however, have so!e connection with a culture

    of travellin$, and the discri!ination and disadvanta$e that they face in Britain and Ireland isconnected with this In the case of Ro!a refu$ees recently arrived fro! Poland and the C@ech

    and lova6 Republics 4where !ost Ro!a live a settled rather than a travellin$ life5 this

    discri!ination is also connected with public perceptions of asylu! see6ers and with pre7udice

    on the basis of s6in colour

    In Britain, so!e Travellin$ People . all those who can be accepted as >Gypsies> under the

    law . are reco$nised as an ethnic !inority and eli$ible for protection under the Race

    Relations )ct I!ple!entation of that )ct in respect of Gypsies is, however, very poorA the

    ter! >Gypsy> under the law is open to interpretationA and those who are unable or unwillin$

    to prove that they are ethnic Gypsies are in any case e*cluded fro! such protection :hile

    !any non.Gypsy Travellers suffer discri!ination on the basis of their way of life, so!eRo!ani Gypsies who suffer discri!ination as a result of ethnic stereotypin$ are e*cluded

    fro! le$al protection under the )ct because they are settled in houses and no lon$er le$ally


    CCRJ undertoo6 this study because neither the Co!!ission nor anyone else in the relevant

    national Church a$encies was aware of the full ran$e of wor6 bein$ underta6en by Churches

    or their individual !e!bers 4whether Travellers or others5 within the Travellin$

    co!!unities If CCRJ were to underta6e appropriate wor6 in support of Travellin$ People

    and lobby for necessary policy chan$es within national and local Govern!ent and within the

    Churches, it was essential to 6now what was already bein$ done and what Travellin$ People

    and their or$anisations wished to see the Churches doin$

    The Co!!ission hopes that this report !ay facilitate !ore effective networ6in$ a!on$ those

    involved in wor6 on Travellin$ People=s issues within the Churches and encoura$e !ore

    Church or$anisations to $et involved in this i!portant area of wor6 for 7ustice

    Methodology and Limitations

    Initially, officers with responsibility for social responsibility, racial 7ustice or co!!unity

    relations in the lar$er Churches in !e!bership of the Council of Churches for Britain and

    Ireland 4CCBI . of which CCRJ is a part5 were contacted in order to infor! the! of the study

    and as6 their advice in contactin$ their own Church networ6s )fter this, appropriate re$ional

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    officers or individuals within those Churches were contacted either by letter, telephone or the

    placin$ of re9uests for infor!ation in deno!inational publications

    Rates and 6inds of response varied considerably o!e responses were very full o!e

    reco!!ended contactin$ other or$anisations or individuals for infor!ation o!e e*plained

    that nothin$ was bein$ done by their Church in their area with Gypsies and Travellers . but

    this itself was a helpful response in buildin$ up a $eneral picture of the Churches= level ofinvolve!ent )l!ost all those who too6 the trouble to respond in this way were interested to

    6now of any wor6 which CCRJ heard of and to beco!e involved in Traveller issues

    CCRJ also wrote to or telephoned all Gypsy or other Traveller or$anisations whose contact

    details it could find, and then to non.Church, non.Traveller or$anisations active in wor6 with

    Travellin$ People, includin$ all Traveller 0ducation and Co!!unity -ealth depart!ents

    represented at the June, /881 conference on %and, People and Freedo! held at Peterborou$h

    and or$anised by the Rural )nti.Racis! Pro7ect of the ?ational Council for oluntary

    'r$anisations o!e of these or$anisations su$$ested further contacts which were then

    followed up ) si$nificant o!ission was County Council Gypsy %iaison 'fficers It is

    possible that so!e of these 'fficers !ay be aware of Church wor6 of which none of ourother sources is aware

    This report is by no !eans e*haustive There !ay be a very $reat deal of wor6 bein$ done

    within the Churches of which CCRJ is still not aware The study was li!ited by ti!e and by

    the i!practicability of contactin$ every sin$le local church co!!unity in Britain and Ireland

    It was hoped that national and re$ional Church or$anisations would be aware of local church

    initiatives in their areas and !a6e CCRJ aware of the! uch local churches could then be

    contacted directly This, however, has !eant that church co!!unities which are not

    or$anised into re$ional or national associations and those which do not usually relate to

    Churches in !e!bership of the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland !ay not have

    been contacted This !ay include !any church co!!unities in the Pentecostal traditionwhich are the !ost active within the Ro!ani co!!unity, notably those or$anised entirely by

    Ro!ani Travellers the!selves

    Categories of


    Responses revealed a nu!ber of different types of involve!ent by Churches with Travellin$


    / 0van$elistic outreach 2 Pastoral wor6

    " Charitable relief

    & )cade!ic support throu$h publications ( Provision of land

    for sites

    Public state!ents of support by church leaders 1 ocial services

    liaison and support

    < Ca!pai$nin$

    8 )dvocacy with local $overn!ent or police /3 0ducation provision for Travellin$ People //

    Raisin$ awareness of Travellers= issues within non.Travellin$ public /2

    #ediationconciliation between Travellers and non.Travellers

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    In the ne*t section, each entry concludes with the reference nu!bers of the 6inds of Church

    activity which it !entions, if the activity has been specified in sufficient detail This does not

    always !ean that the activity referred to is carried out by the or$anisation which has provided

    the infor!ation

    esponses from !rganisations and Individuals Contacted during this "tudy

    The full list of or$anisations and individuals contacted durin$ this study is $iven above

    Those who responded are noted in that list o!e of those responses were si!ple referrals

    to other individuals or or$anisations 'thers e*pressed interest and support but did not

    6now of any wor6 bein$ done by the churches with Gypsies and Travellers )ll these

    responses are e*cluded fro! the listin$ belowA all other responses are included o!e of the

    responses are $iven verbati!A others have been paraphrased, others su!!arised o!e

    refer to wor6 which the listed or$anisation is doin$ itself, others to wor6 done by othersA

    this will be clear fro! the te*t

    ;r Tho!as )cton, Professor of Ro!ani tudies, Dniversity of Greenwich chool of ocialcience,

    Bronte -all, )very -ill Road, %ondon 08 2-BA 3/

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    one day a wee6 at the River Dnited Refor!ed Church #any of the users are Ro!a The

    Group wor6s in co.operation with the )sylu! ee6ers upport Group in ;eal 4see above5

    4", 1,

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    . In #id.Eent, the -ealth )uthority did a piece of action.centred research on the health of

    Trave fa!ilies The Council for ocial Responsibility set up a Traveller upport Group

    around wor6er, liaisin$ between ocial ervices, -ealth and 0ducation depart!ents on

    Gypsy issues 1 $roup !et at )ylesford Priory

    . In ;over, C@ech and lova6 Gypsies are bein$ supported by ;over and ;eal )sylu! ee=

    upport Groups 4see above5 which have church support #i$rant -elpline, an independenta$e

    funded by the -o!e 'ffice to $ive advice and practical aupport to asylu! see6ers arrivin$ in

    the DE throu$h the port of ;over, has an )n$lican Chairperson and has !uch church


    . In Cliftonville, on the Isle of Thanet, lan$ua$e tuition and cross.cultural counsellin$

    is bein$ $iven to asylu! see6ers, includin$ 0astern 0uropean Gypsies, by the church.based

    %ivin$ -earts pro7ect The teacher and counsellor is a church !e!ber and the pro7ect has

    been financially supported by churches in Eent, the ?ational Refu$ee #illenniu! Fund4which is ad!inistered by the Catholic :o!en=s %ea$ue5 and the Church Drban Fund

    . The Council for ocial Responsibility 4CR5 has been involved in advocacy for the ri$hts of


    . In a CR.based pro7ect in %ydd, particular wor6 was done to include Irish Traveller

    children in a holiday club and the pro7ect is tryin$ to !a6e on$oin$ provision in its )fter

    chool Club there CR liaises particularly with the Travellers 0ducation Dnit 42, ", 1,

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    The CR has found that there is an ur$ent need for church !e!bers to be aware of

    the differin$ needs of Gypsies and Travellers %ocal cler$y are attac6ed when they de!and a

    !ore co!passionate and sensitive approach by the local authorities to Gypsy and Traveller

    enca!p!ents, whether unofficial or $rud$in$ly per!itted These cler$y have nowhere to turn

    for advice and support, and they need that CR su$$ests that the Churches Co!!ission for

    Racial Justice or$anise a day=s wor6shop to e*plain issues causin$ !ar$inalisation a!on$Ro!anies in the present political cli!ate 4

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    a rite which is fa!iliar to re$ulars but difficult to understand for outsidersA conversely,

    pentecos worship !ay see! undi$nified to so!e Ro!ani !en 4/, 2,//,/25

    Churches Council for Industry and ocial Responsibility 4IR5

    t ?icholas -ouse, %awfords Gate, Bristol B( 'R0A 3//1 8(( 1&"3 Contact+ ;avid


    IR has an annual bud$et of "&,333 for wor6 with Travellers within the area for!e

    ad!inistered by )von County Council This wor6 is al!ost e*clusively with traditional

    Travell 4Ro!anies and Irish Travellers5 rather than with ?ew Travellers, who tend to live in

    o!erset V further south and west IR e!ploys si* part.ti!e Dnder.Fives and outh

    :or6ers to wor6 w youn$ Travellers It also networ6s with other or$anisations concerned

    with Travellers, rai Traveller issues within and outside the Churches, and acts as an

    infor!ation resource base Traveller issues It is loo6in$ into the possibility of provision of

    church land for stoppin$ sites

    up to 2< days5 alon$ with ocial Responsibility in :iltshire and Friends, Fa!ilies and

    Travellers 4see below5IR=s wor6 in Bristol has led the! to conclude that wor6 priorities for the Churches

    on Traveller issues should include+

    . an audit of what wor6 is bein$ done re$ardin$ Travellers and the

    ChurchesA . !onitorin$ of local press for reports on TravellersA

    . sharin$ $ood practiceA

    . !a6in$ $lebe lands available to TravellersA

    . pre7udice reduction wor6 throu$h provision of wor6shops and challen$in$ racist

    state!entsA . !entionin$ Travellers in anti.racist !aterial 4(, 1, //5

    Churches ?ational -ousin$ Coalition 4C?-C5

    Central Buildin$s, 'ldha! treet, #anchester #/ /JTA 3// 2" 8"2/ Contact+ Phil :ood

    C?-C wor6ed with The Children=s ociety 4see above5 on a conference brin$in$ to$ether

    Travellers and church representatives at -illfield Friary in ;orset in epte!ber, /881

    Traveller wor6er Phil :ood also wor6s with other church a$encies involved in tryin$ to find

    sites for Travellin$ fa!ilies Richard Trahair of alisbury ;iocesan Property ;ivision 4see

    %iltshire& Social Responsibility in %iltshire' is a trustee of C?-C and is wor6in$ on this

    church land and property pro7ect 4(5

    Conference of Reli$ious of Ireland 4C'RI5 Justice 'ffice,

    Tabor -ouse, #illtown Par6, ;ublin A 3/ 28 1188 Contact+ ean -ealey

    The 'ffice is wor6in$ on provision of basic education for parishes There is a $reat need to

    educate local people before proposals e!er$e for sites for Travellers Then local people can

    help for! public opinion before a site is announced This can avoid so!e of the heat in the

    debate after a site announce!ent C'RI personnel will wor6 in a parish or $roup of parishes

    to do a series of wor6shops on Traveller realities, culture, bac6$round, law and conflict


  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    The 'ffice has published a report for !e!bers of reli$ious orders concernin$

    acco!!odation for Travellers Thirty sites are planned by ;ublin Council, ei$ht on sites

    owned by reli$ious co!!unities The report is called )Place To Call (ome)

    Reli$ious co!!unities are also involved in education for Travellers and e!ploy!ent

    C'RI=s Justice Co!!ission has been reco$nised by the Irish Govern!ent as a ocial Partner,

    part of the =Fourth Pillar= of social partnership for purposes of Govern!ent consultation onpolicy The first three Pillars were 0!ployers, Trade Dnions and Far!ers C'RI and others

    successfully a$itated for the addition of a Fourth Pillar of policy consultation to include

    Travellers, wo!en and other socially !ar$inalised or e*cluded $roups 4ee also Crosscare

    andParish of the Travellin$ People*'+, (,//, /25

    Coventry ;ioceseCoventry and :arwic6shire 0cu!enical Council ocial Responsibility


    Pelha! %ee -ouse, 1 Priory Row, Coventry C / (0A 3/23"

    221(81 ocial Responsibility 'fficer+ Revd 0li@abeth Cowley

    The office has been doin$ so!e wor6 in relation to Travellers in the recent past, includin$!onitorin$ the Coventry City Council=s policy towards Travellers ?ow the wor6 has beco!e

    ecu!enical, they have set up a ocial Responsibility Foru! and are in the process of settin$

    priorities for /88

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    with sites where people can either stop te!porarily or settle for a whileA prayer, especi,

    healin$A understandin$A respect for their cultureA Christian baptis! and dedication for babies

    !arried by a Christian !inister or priest 4very co!plicated for people who !ove about re$

    fellowship in worshipA people to be independent witnesses at evictions

    There is a $reat need to counter pre7udice in church con$re$ations+ often con$re$ation

    !ay include the far!ers and landowners who have been co!plainin$ at presence ofTravellers in the parish tyles of worship can be proble!atic+ !uch worship r the printed

    word 4a $reat difficulty for people who have had little school education5 and which is fa!iliar

    to re$ulars but difficult to understand for outsidersA conversely, per worship !ay see!

    undi$nified to so!e Ro!ani !en 4/, 2,//,/25

    Churches Council for Industry and ocial Responsibility 4IR5

    t ?icholas -ouse, %awfords Gate, Bristol B( 'R0A 3//1 8(( 1&"3 Contact+ ;avid #a$$

    IR has an annual bud$et of "&,333 for wor6 with Travellers within the area ad!inistered

    by )von County Council This wor6 is al!ost e*clusively with traditional T 4Ro!anies and

    Irish Travellers5 rather than with ?ew Travellers, who tend to live in o!l further south and

    west IR e!ploys si* part.ti!e Dnder.Fives and outh :or6ers to w youn$ Travellers Italso networ6s with other or$anisations concerned with Travelle Traveller issues within and

    outside the Churches, and acts as an infor!ation resource Traveller issues It is loo6in$ into

    the possibility of provision of church land for stoppin$

    Crosseare 4;ublin )rchdiocese ocial ervices5

    The Red -ouse, Clonliffe Colle$e, ;ublin "A 3/

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    provision, the reli$ious con$re$ations have betrayed the co!!unities which supported the!

    and to which they have !inistered o!e of the orders concerned are involi !edical or

    residential care, education or social services 'ften, the local co!!unity has sup the wor6

    throu$h fundraisin$ . in so!e cases, for periods of over a hundred years ?ow the

    co!!unities are e*pressin$ the view that it is ti!e for the reli$ious orders to pay the! ba

    resistin$ Traveller site provision Crosscare is wor6in$ with the Conference of Reli$ious of h4see above5 on basic education for parishes where Traveller sites are to be set up, to help

    ove7 stereotypin$ and reduce pre7udice

    Pat Brady and Fran6 #urphy, fro! the Parish of the Travellin$ People 4see below5, to the

    ?ational Conference of Bishops in ;ece!ber /88, briefin$ the! on the situati Travellers

    The bishops are supportive and wish to issue a state!ent in support of Trav -owever, they do

    not want it to co!e in the for! of a >top.down> pronounce!ent, so befor issue one, #ar$aret

    Byrnes of the bishops= Council for ocial :elfare is $oin$ to each part country to conduct a

    listenin$ survey a!on$ Travellin$ People to ascertain their need opinions This survey should

    be co!pleted by autu!n /88< and a bishops= state!ent afterwards, based on what it reveals

    Crosscare published a report, in June, /88, called #ccommodatin$ Travellin$ People report

    offered a constructive criti9ue of central $overn!ent and local authority efforts to pi forTravellin$ People=s acco!!odation needs It pointed out that $ood site provision and

    relations between Travellers and settled people have been possible where there has been

    consultation with Travellin$ People and ade9uate efforts !ade to address the fears of settled

    people It showed that settled opposition to Traveller site provision had occurred at all

    proposed sites in ;ublin since /8

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    The Bruderhof co!!unity protested about theplanned eviction of a local Gypsy fa!ily by

    the parish council in ;ece!ber, /881 %eaflets were distributed to all ho!es in the villa$e

    shortly before Christ!as as6in$ for a !ore co!passionate attitude towards the Gypsies This

    stirred up $reat controversy and ani!osity towards the Bruderhof co!!unity, after which

    co!!unity !e!bers had conversations with several villa$ers to help increase understandin$

    The incident was to be $iven covera$e in the co!!unity=s periodical, The Plou$h* +.,

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    and o= Church or$anisations to find wooded $lebe 4Church.owned5 land suitable for use in

    this pro7ect

    Gloucester ;iocese 'fficer for ocial Responsibility Revd Canon )drian B lade, " 0ven a!on$

    Christians clearly co!!itted to racial 7ustice, there can be ne$ative stereotypes of Gypsies

    and a failure to reco$nise the e*istence of Gypsies as a distinctive People which e*periences

    discri!ination on the $rounds of race ?ew Travellers are often still further !ar$inalised,

    sufferin$ discri!ination because of their no!adic way of life without the support of

    le$islation protectin$ the! on the $rounds of ethnicity It is evident that !any Christians do

    not see ?ew Travellers as worthy of their solidarity o!e respondents reported that their

    efforts in support of Gypsies and Travellers were bein$ resisted and even thwarted by

    hostility not only fro! the settled co!!unity in $eneral but also fro! within Church

    structures and con$re$ations

    Gypsies and Travellers are not as6in$ for anythin$ !ore than >e9uality of re$ard> with settled

    people uch e9uality of re$ard needs to include respect for people=s freedo! to lead a

    no!adic way of life The Churches are natural allies of Gypsies and Travellers Christians

    often thin6 of the!selves as >pil$ri!s>, people on the move towards a >pro!ised land>

    offered by God Christians loo6 to )braha! as a forefather in faith, wanderin$ throu$h the

    pro!ised land of Canaan and sufferin$ fro! the ani!osity of the settled people of that land

    Christians aspire to follow Jesus of ?a@areth, who !oved around fro! place to place with

    >nowhere to lay his head> Those who! the Bible portrays as God=s Chosen People, and the

    on of God -i!self, were Travellers

    u$$estions for the Road )head

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    ) nu!ber of definite su$$estions have been !ade by various persons durin$ the course of

    this study concernin$ what Churches in Britain and Ireland !i$ht !ost usefully do in support

    of Gypsies and Travellers

    / There could be a net"or6 of Church or$anisations and individuals involved in wor6 with

    Gypsies and Travellers This would enable those Church !e!bers involved to find help and

    support when they need it2 ) ;irectory of Traveller.Friendly churches and Church or$anisations would be helpful for

    Gypsies and Travellers the!selves, especially when loo6in$ for stoppin$ sites, advocacy, or


    " )t national level, the Churches could be involved with other or$anisations in the

    developin$ >platfor!> for refor! of the law concernin$ Travellin$ People, especially the

    plannin$ laws which affect site availability 4This process is bein$ co.ordinated by Telephone

    %e$al )dvice ervice for Travellers with the involve!ent of the Co!!ission for Racial


    & )t a local level, church con$re$ations and !inisters could very helpfully involve

    the!selves in !ediation between Travellin$ People and the settled co!!unity . perhaps in

    con7unction with Gypsy %iaison 'fficers fro! the %ocal )uthority( Throu$h production and distribution of educational !aterials, throu$h church.based local

    wor6shops and other events, and throu$h public state!ents of support for Gyspies and

    Travellers by pro!inent Church leaders, the Churches could wor6 towards reduction of

    pre7udice a$ainst Gypsies and Travellers This could include disse!ination of accurate

    infor!ation about 4/5 Gypsy history and culture, 425 the reality of the worsenin$, pre.

    $enocidal situation in Central and 0astern 0urope, and 4"5 the Churches= own teachin$s on

    respect for Gypsies and Travellers

    Churches which own suitable land could investi$ate ways of !a6in$ land available as

    stoppin$ sites for Gypsies and Travellers

    1 Those Church schools which have not already done so could develop sensitive and fle*iblead!issions policies re$ardin$ Gypsy and Traveller children and wor6 to ensure a supportive

    environ!ent within the school, which would involve tac6lin$ bullyin$ and ne$ative

    stereotypin$ of Gypsy and Traveller children

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    Baptist Re$ional )ssociations in 0n$land and :ales 4all5A responses received fro!+Q Ber6shire Baptist )ssociation

    Q Ca!brid$eshire Baptist )ssociation

    Q ;evon and Cornwall Baptist )ssociation

    Q %ondon Baptist )ssociation

    Q ?orth ;owns Baptist )ssociationQ uffol6 Baptist )ssociation Baptist Dnionof :ales

    Q Catholic )$ency for ocial Concerns

    Q Catholic Bishops= Co!!ission for Justice and Peace, ;ublin

    Q Catholic Bishops= Conference of 0n$land and :ales . Co!!ittee for Co!!unity RelationsQ Catholic Bishops= Justice and Peace Co!!ission, cotland

    Q Catholic Children=s ociety, :est!inster )rchdiocese

    Q Catholic ?ational %iaison Co!!ittee of ;iocesan Justice and Peace Groups 40n$land and :ales5

    Catholic ;iocesan Justice and Peace 'ffices in 0n$land and :ales 4all5A responses received fro!+ Q

    ?ottin$ha! ;ioceseQ The Children=s ociety

    Christians )ware Re$ional Co.ordinators 4all5

    Q Christian 'utreach to TravellersChurch of 0n$land ;iocesan Boards for ocial Responsibility 4all5A responses received fro!+

    Q Canterbury and RochesterQ Carlisle

    Q ChesterQ Chichester

    Q Coventry+ social responsibility wor6 in this diocese is conducted ecu!enically in association wi

    :arwic6shire 0cu!enical Council

    Q 0*eter


    Gloucester Q

    Guildford Q

    %ichfield Q




    ster Q?ewcas

    tle Q?orwic

    hQ '*ford


    uth Q t)lban=s

    Q alisbury+ social responsibility wor6 in this diocese is conducted ecu!enically in association with

    Church To$ether in ;orset and Churches To$ether in :iltshire

    Q heffield

  • 8/12/2019 Gypsies in UK


    Q:inchester Q

    Church ofcotland

    Q Church in :ales Board of #ission

    Q Church in :ales+ %landaff ;iocese ocial Responsibility 'ffice

    Q Churches Council for Industry and ocial Responsibility 4IR5,Bristol Q Churches ?ational -ousin$ Coalition

    Q Conference of Reli$ious of IrelandQ Crosscare 4;ublin )rchdiocese ocial ervices5

    Q Fr 0lton ;aly, Catholic Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers in 0n$land and :ales Q ;arvell Bruderhof,Robertsbrid$e, 0ast usse*

    Q 0ast )n$lia 0cu!enical Racis! )wareness Pro7ect 40)R)P5 Q 0piscopal Church ofcotland

    Q 0van$elical )lliance Q r Pat Feehan, ;erby Fellowship ofChurches of Christ

    Q Gypsies for Christ travellin$ with the Ro!ani Gospel :a$on Gypsy and Traveller0van$elical #ove!ent

    Q Revd #i6e -ens!an, DRC Chaplain, -i$hdown Prison -ope ?ow International#inistries

    Q Fr )ndrew -osie, Catholic Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers in cotland Q Revd Terry -urst,

    Ro!ani Gyspy Preacher and 0van$elist, -i$h :yco!be Independent #ethodist Churches%i$ht and %ife 4Ro!ani5 . God=s 'wn Gypsy Church Q %i$htin$ Fires

    Q Revd alde!ar Ealinin

    Revd C J %ywood, #atfield, Eent Q Bernard #ends,


    Q #ethodist Church Racial Justice Co!!ittee Q #inistry to Travellers incotland

    The #oravian Church

    Q Revd Peter ?orton, )ppleby, Cu!bria Q 'ne :orld :ee6

    Q Parish of the Travellin$ People, ;ublin Q Revd John Pescod,Fro!e, o!erset

    Q Revd )ndrew Pu$h, DRC Chaplain to Travellin$ People, Bristol Q Kua6er ocialResponsibility and 0ducation

    Q alvation )r!y Belfast

    Q alvation )r!y Captain #rs Joan #ends 4retired5 Q alvation )r!y

    %ea!in$ton pa CorpsQ alvation )r!y Territorial -ead9uarters, %ondon

    Q cottish Churches )$ency for Racial Justice 4C)RJ5 Q r Gabriel Ryan, %ondon?:2

    Jenny !ith 4Kua6er5 Bristol

    Q Joy Thrower, Ba6ewell, ;erbyshire Dnion of :elsh

    IndependentsQ Dnited Refor!ed Church, Church and ociety Co!!ittee

    Q Revd #atilda :ilson, Church of cotland Chaplain to Travellin$ People


    Q ;r Tho!as )cton, Professor of Ro!ani tudies, Dniversity of Greenwich

    Q )dvisory Council for the 0ducation of Ro!ani and other Travellers 4)C0RT5 )ssociation of Fieldwor6ers in

    Traveller 0ducation

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    Barnardos Properties and Facilities #ana$e!ent Bolton 0ducation ervice forTravellers

    Brid$e -ousin$ )ssociation, %ondon Bro!ley Gypsy Traveller Co!!unityPro7ect Buc6s GypsyTraveller Pro7ect

    Cardiff Gypsy ites Group C-)RCleveland Centre for Traveller 0ducation ;erbyshire %iaison Group

    Q ;evon Traveller 0ducation ervice Q 0alin$ Travellers Pro7ectQ 0ast )n$lian Gypsy Council 0sse* Gypsy -erita$e Centre

    Q Friends, Fa!ilies and Travellers

    Gloucester Traveller 0ducation ervice

    Gypsy and Travellers 0ducation Council, heffield

    Q Gypsy Council for 0ducation, Culture, :elfare and Civil Ri$hts Gypsy Council Trust

    Q -erefordshire Co!!unity -ealth Trust Q -ereford Travellersupport Group -ounslow Traveller upport Tea!

    ;r ;onald Eenric6

    %abour Ca!pai$n for Travellers= Ri$hts The %and Is 'urs

    %eicester Travellers= Trainin$ Pro7ect %incolnshire Traveller0ducation ervice Q %ondon Gypsy and Traveller Dnit

    Q #cGrath and Co, solicitors, Bir!in$ha! #ediation DE, BristolQ#ilton Eeynes Traveller 0ducation ervice #inority Ri$hts Group

    Q ?ational )ssociation of Gypsy :o!en

    ?ational )ssociation of -ealth :or6ers with Travellers

    Q ?ational )ssociation of Teachers of Travellers co 0sse* Traveller 0ducation ervice Q ?ational Council foroluntary 'r$anisations Rural )nti.Racis! Pro7ect

    Q ?ational Gypsy Council

    ?ational Ro!ani Ri$hts )ssociation

    Q ?orfol6 Traveller 0ducation ervice+ Travellers= Resource Base ?orth CountryTravellers= )ssociation

    ?orthern Gypsy Council Q Pavee Point, ;ublinRo!ani Guild

    Ro!ani Ri$hts )ssociation

    Q Rural ;evelop!ent Co!!ission, Bury t 0d!und=s

    Rural ;evelop!ent Co!!ission, %ondon t ;avid=s Gypsy chool, Cardiff Q ave the Children

    Fundave the Children Partnership Pro7ect, :olverha!pton Q ave the ChildrenFund in cotland

    Q cottish Gypsy Traveller )ssociation cottish Traveller0ducation Pro7ect

    Q heffield Gypsy and Travellers upport Group Q o!erset CountyCouncil

    Q outh o!erset ;istrict Council

    Q outhwar6 Traveller 0ducation Pro7ect

    Q Telephone %e$al )dvice ervice for Travellers Traveller 0ducationupport

    Traveller Tea!, 'ne top hop, %ondon ?< Travellers= chool Charity

    :ellin$borou$h Traveller 0ducation ervice or6 Travellers= Pro7ect

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