Top Banner 1 Guider’s Link 2014 Vol. 3 WAGGGS 35TH WORLD CONFERENCE Page 6 FREE BEING ME Page 24 THE YEAR-LONG OUTDOORS SPIRIT Page 26
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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Guider’s Link2014 Vol. 3




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Chief Commissioner Message 3Noticeboard 435th WAGGS World Conference 6Chief Commissioner's Award 2015 10Cygnet Section 12Brigín Section 14Guide Section 16Ranger Section 18Training 20Members' Council 21Safeguarding 22Free Being Me 24Outdoors 26International 30Communications 36Around Ireland 36Contacts 47

Don't forget to send your photos and articles for the Guiders Link to: [email protected].

Closing date for the next issue is Wednesday 1st October 2014.

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Welcome back to the start of another Guiding year.

In July, as part of the CIGA Delegation, I was honoured to have the opportunity to represent CGI at the 35th World Conference in Hong Kong. It was inspiring to see the dedication of the WAGGGS members from around the world and their practical application of the Guiding Spirit.

Since the last edition of Guiders Link, I have visited a number of Units and Regions. I enjoyed seeing all the happy faces taking part in TOE Camp. Once again, over the summer months, I was delighted to meet the Chief Commissioner Award participants and hear about their challenges, adventures and their sense of achievement at getting to the interview stage of the award.

We can all probably agree the summer has gone by too quickly. However, it is with great excitement

that we look forward to the challenges of a new Guiding year.

The Guiding year can bring the enjoyment of seeing how much the girls have changed over the summer and the introduction of new members to our Guiding family. I know the girls will appreciate the work you have done, throughout the summer, on plans for the coming year. Special nights, day trips, camps both at home and abroad, giving the girls experiences they will never forget.

Whatever your plans for 2014-2015 the next few weeks will be busy and, if taking on a new role, it may even be a little daunting. But there is no

need to be worried as there are many supports and resources available to you through your Region, the National Office and on the CGI web site. In addition to the CHOICES Programme, there are many other WAGGGS programmes to help with ideas for planning your weekly meetings and the 'Free Being Me’ programme will be rolled out over the coming months.

I hope you all have a wonderful year of Guiding, make new friends, learn new skills and have lots of adventures.

Yours in Guiding, Cecilia Browne


“All girls and young women in CGI are empowered to recognise the contribution they make to society and are inspired to make a difference in the world”

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NEB 13th September 2014

Chief Commissioner Award Ceremony 27th September 2014

Brigín Patrol Leader Training 4th October 2014

Free Being Me Training 10th-12th October 2014

Cygnet Leader Day 18th October 2014

NEB 8th November 2014

Ranger Weekend 14th-16th November 2014

Intermediate Training Weekend 14th-16th November 2014

Guide Weekend 21st-23rd November 2014

Brigín Day 22nd November 2014

NEB 17th January 2015

Members' Council Residential 7th-8th February 2015

EVENT & TRANSPORT FEES Just a reminder of fees for National events.


Cost per Girl Cost per Adult

Day Events (including All Sections Day)Event €10 €0

Transport €12 €12

Ranger Day EventEvent €30 €10

Transport €12 €12

Weekend Events (Children)Event €50 €20

Transport €12 €12

Weekend Training Courses (Adults)Event €n/a €50

Transport €n/a Participant's own responsibility

The closing date for Regions to submit registration for the forthcoming Guiding year is Friday 28th November.


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NEWS FROM THE NEB• All Registration is to be submitted to the National Office no later

than Friday 28th November 2014.

• The CGI Insurance has been renewed and details are enclosed with this edition.

• Travel Insurance has been put in place for our members to avail of directly with BHP. Further information is included in the International section.

• PR material is available directly from the National Office, please give two weeks’ notice for large orders.

• The Development Officers contracts came to an end in June.

• Following feedback from National Council, we have set up an email address for you to send in your queries in relation to the Scout Shop. These queries will be discussed by the National Officers at their regular review meetings with the management of the Scout Shop. The email address is [email protected].

International Day of Democracy 15th September 2014

International Day of Peace 21st September 2014

International Day of the Girl 11th October 2014

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

25th November 2014

World AIDS Day 1st December 2014

Child Protection Awareness Training (SW Region) 20th September 2014

Introduction to Guider Course (Eastern Region) 29th September 2014

Guider Course (Eastern Region) 11th-12th October 2014

Guider Course (Northern Region) 11th-12th October2014

Guider Course (South-Eastern Region) 18th-19th October 2014

Area Team/Unit Leader Day (Northern Region) 2nd November 2014

Unit Leader Training (Eastern Region) 8th November 2014

Our guidelines state that Guiders should not contact girls through chat rooms or social networking sites and they should not give young people access to their personal social network account/page/blog. It is not recommended for Guiders to have Guides as friends on Facebook.


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CGI, as part of CIGA, attended the 35th WAGGGS World Conference in Hong Kong. International Commissioner, Yvonne Browne, reports on this global Guiding event.

5th July-10th July 2014

Attendees: Chief Commissioner Cecilia Browne; International Commissioner Yvonne Browne

In July 2014, we left the grey clouds of Dublin for the sunny, very hot and humid Hong Kong

to participate in the 35th WAGGGS World Conference.

On the first day, it was with great pride that we sat in the conference hall of the Regal Airport Hotel along with 108 Member Organisations (MO’s) who had traveled the globe to come together in Hong Kong to take part in this special occasion.

It is difficult to give a day by day account of the conference as so much happened in relatively little time.

Opening Ceremony

The official Opening Ceremony took place in the hotel and the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association treated all attendees to a spectacular show which included traditional dancing, dragon costumes and performances from local musicians. It was also accompanied with a very interesting menu of food for the evening.

During the business section of the

conference the following took place.

WAGGGS welcomed the following Member Organisations into full membership of WAGGGS:

• Armenia• Cameroon• Cook Islands• Guinea• Republic of Mongolia Myanmar received Associate Membership.

Everyone was extremely happy and proud to welcome them to WAGGGS.

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Triennial review

Fiona Harnett, Treasurer of the World Board introduced the triennial review for financial performance in WAGGGS. WAGGGS' financial position is very strong and the trajectory of fund development is upwards. The World Association are investing in the organisation and the wider movement to take both to the next level. That all adds up to a very positive outlook for the next triennium and beyond.

Mary McPail, Chief Executive introduced “connect. grow. impact” the theme in which delegates were asked to imagine a world full of confident, connected girls and young women, active citizens and committed to making the world a better place. Imagine the difference they would make to their own lives, to their communities and to our future.

In order to reach that 1 billion, we will have to “Imagine More for Girls – for ALL GIRLS.”

Membership Strategy Session

World Board member Teruko Wada and Sally Elkes, Membership Director, presented the work done so far to reach Vision 2020 and imagining more – “what if all the people in the room could

represent all of the 900 million girls aged below 15! This may sound like an ambitious dream, they said but the good news is that we are on the right track – we have had 4.1% growth over the last triennium, with Tonga, Maldives and GSUSA being the forerunners."

World Centres

A presentation was given on the World Centres and we were shown a new promotional video of Our Cabana. It certainly awakened a sense of nostalgia in many delegates who reminisced fondly of their experiences at World Conferences!

World Board Nominees

14 candidates ran for 6 seats on the WAGGGS World Board. From

El Salvador to Burundi, attendees heard inspirational stories from many candidates about how they have started off within the Guiding movement very young and have gone a long way to where they are now – committed, powerful and inspirational women – ready to render their services to achieve WAGGGS Vision.

Election of the World Board

The results were:

• Ana Maria Mideros (Peru)• Anne Guyaz (Switzerland)• Connie Matsui (USA)• Haifa Ourir (Tunisia)• Nadine Kaze (Burundi)• Natasha Hendrick (Australia)


• Heidi Jokinen (Finland)• Lara Tonna (Malta)

It was with great delight that we were informed that Nicola Grindstead would be chair of the World Board for the next triennium. Connie Matsui and Natasha Hendrick were elected as vice chairs. We wish them the best of luck over the next few years.

World Market Evening

A whole floor of the Regal Hotel 7

"Connect. Grow. Impact - imagine a world full of confident, connected girls and young women, active citizens and committed to making the world a better place."

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was quickly transformed with country colours, music, food and handicraft goods from all the 108 member organizations. CIGA had a display of Irish food & drink along with other souvenirs. All the MOs represented their countries very creatively, engaging the delegates in different activities such as games and songs. It was a lovely evening enjoyed by all! Ireland in the past has donated its money on the night to other MO’s that may be struggling to pay fees.

Special Interest Group Workshops/Round Table discussions

Throughout the conference there were different meetings of special interest groups where we had the opportunity to meet with different MO’s to learn from and share ideas.

It was with great pride that CIGA had the opportunity to be involved with the facilitating of the round tables at the Free Being Me session at the Conference.

• Environmental Youth Learning• Nordic Meeting• GOLD-Girl Guiding UK

overseas project• Federations • New International

Commissioners• 5th World Centre • Quota• WLDP workshop• Youth Learning Session• Informal platform for Chief

Executives• Outcomes from Gender Equality

and Men Event • Twinning Session• Volunteerism• Spirituality• Diversity• WAGGGGS International

Experience• Free Being Me• Thematic i-lead

• Achieving Vision 2020• Youth Learning• Stop the Violence Campaign

Key Note Speakers

There were some very special guests and key note speakers during the conference; HRH Princess Benedicte of Denmark, Princess Mabel Van Oranje. Princess Van Oranje gave an inspiring speech about her work with the organisation ’Girls Not Brides’ and informed the conference that the marriage of young girls is still a significant issue across the globe affecting health, wellbeing and education.

Princess Van Oranje believes that we can end child marriage in one generation and acknowledged the work WAGGGS does and that the empowerment can make a major difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

Dr. Linda Scott spoke on the importance of women as global citizens through financial independence and literacy and encouraged delegates to sign the Doublex Petition (

The petition calls on the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, in the

articulation of the Post-2015 Development Framework, to emphasise women's economic empowerment, particularly with regard to increasing women's access to financial services, improving their financial capability, and increasing their access to skilled jobs including leadership positions in the financial sector.

Baroness Amos

Valerie Ann Amos, Baroness Amos, is the eighth and current UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator. She started her speech by saying that she has never been a Girl Guide but her sisters were and she always wanted to follow. She shared her personal journey to leadership and how this has shaped here into the woman she is today.


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Baroness Amos added her tips for leadership, saying 'You need to be excited, brave, clear and take risks. Understanding as much as you can but also try to broaden your thinking.'

Ana Maria Chavez

Ana Maria Chavez, CEO of Girl Scouts USA, said “We should stay

united because there is still a lot of work to be done and WAGGGS has the capacity to make the change and empower girls and young women”.

Reflection on the Conference

One of the highlights of the conference for me personally was being invited to participate in a

networking session in the American Club in Hong Kong, the event titled “Investing in girls and Young Women” provided an opportunity to meet with and network with current and potential WAGGGS funders, to explain the role WAGGGS plays in the lives of Young Women today.

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Do you have Guides aged 12 or over by 31st August 2014?

Have they completed, or will have completed, their Bronze Award

by the 30th September 2014?

Are they up for a challenge?


Make sure to apply, directly to the National Office, for their CCA pack by 17th October 2014, please send one application per company. The application form is available online or can be posted out upon request from the National Office.

Cost is only €10 per participant.

Closing date for completed projects to be submitted is 15th May 2015.

No late entries will be accepted.

Successful candidates will be awarded their certificate and pins at the Award Ceremony to take place during Autumn 2015.

This year, upon successful completion of all sections, the award will be presented at bronze, silver and gold levels, previously there were just silver and gold.

Please note, the challenges involved in the award can change each year so please ensure to follow the new booklet supplied upon application.

For more information on the requirements, rules and what is involved in the award, check out the Guide Section on the CGI Website, you will need your members login.

A Frequently Asked Questions page about the Chief Commissioner’s Award will be available on the CGI website and circulated with the award booklet upon application.

If you have any questions regarding the Chief Commissioner’s Award or would like to link up with another group who have previously taken part to find out about their experience, please get in touch and we will try to help you out.

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Hello Everyone,

I hope you have enjoyed your summer and took

advantage of some of the lovely weather we had this year. This edition of the Guiders Link is all about Autumn - it’s a great time to get the Cygnets out and about and see the changes in the season. I hope that you are ready for another fun and exciting Guiding year. Don’t forget to send in your photos of things you get up to, into the office for the Guiders Link.

Yours in Guiding, Erica Tyndall.



Use a large piece of cardboard or a large, unfolded box. Cut one or two leaf shapes out of the cardboard. Paint the cardboard orange, red and yellow. When dry have the Cygnets throw bean bags through the leaf shaped holes.

Be sure to save for next year!


Have a leaf race! This is a quick and fun game. Here the Cygnets blow a leaf across a table with a straw. The first one across is the winner.


Autumn is a great time to get out with the Cygnets and see the real change in the season. Go for a walk and see what you can find. If you are near a local park you can always

try a scavenger hunt and see what the girls can collect. Things like; different coloured leaves, pine cones, acorns, chestnuts, piece of bark etc.



Date: 18th October 2014 Venue: Harrington St. Dublin Cost: €5 Registration closing Date: 29th September

Max. 5 Leaders per unit

The theme of the day is a SWAP Shop day of crafts, games and themed ideas for meetings. A chance to meet other Cygnet Leaders and get ideas on what they do and what works well. We will also have ideas for day trips and places to visit and lots more.


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I am currently looking for leaders to get involved and help before and during National Events. Also to help with other areas such as developing the Cygnet Programme etc. This group forms the Cygnet Support Team and it’s really important for the successful running of events. I know everyone is very busy but it isn’t a weekly commitment, corresponding via e-mail on ideas and events etc.

and meeting a few times a year. If you are interested or want to find out more about this and what is involved, please contact me [email protected]

I would love to hear from you.



• Birdseed• Water• Gelatine• String• Wax paper/ Grease-proof paper• Cookie cutters or Jam-Jar lids• Straw / Cocktail stick

How to do it

1. In a pan mix together the packet of gelatine with ¼ cup or 4 tablespoons of water and bring to a simmer until the gelatine is dissolved and then allow it to cool.

2. Stir in birdseed about ¾ of a cup and a little more if needed until all the liquid in the pan has been absorbed.

3. Now for the fun part, lay out your cookie cutter shapes or jar lids. Spoon in enough mix to fill the shape.

4. Using a straw or cocktail stick create a small hole at the top of the feeder before it sets, to feed the string through to allow it to hang.

5. This is a great alternative to the traditional peanut butter pine cone feeder as it is nut free for any girls with allergies. But the traditional one is equally as fun to make; get a pinecone, cover in peanut butter and then roll in birdseed. Tie a string from the top

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What you need

• Cotton wool balls• Petroleum jelly(Vaseline)• Bowls

What you do

1. Players place a dab of petroleum jelly on their noses and put their hands behind their backs.

2. When the whistle blows, the players must transfer cotton balls one at a time from one bowl to another, using their “sticky” noses.

The challenge is for each player to transfer five cotton balls from the first to the second bowl without using her hands.

Pasta Run

What you need

• Pieces of penne pasta (uncooked)• Pieces of spaghetti (uncooked)• Bowls• Tables

What you do

1. When the whistle blows, players grab a long piece of spaghetti and place it in their mouths.

2. Players must pick up a piece of penne pasta on their spaghetti and run down the hall and put it into their bowl. If they drop the pasta on the way they must go back & get another one.

The challenge is they do this with their hands behind their backs!

Hi all,

Welcome back for a new Guiding year.

I hope you all had a lovely

summer and I look forward to reading about all your camps in the Around Ireland section of the Guiders Link.

I especially look forward to meeting some of you at our Brigini Patrol Leader Training on 4th October and don't forget to book for the BrigÍn Day on Saturday 22nd November − places are limited so book soon!

Yours in Guiding, Suzanne Stuart.

BrigÍn Day is taking place on 22nd November at Harrington Street.

Closing date for registration is 10th October, so book now to avoid disappointment!


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CRAFTSSnack Butterfly

For your snack, you will need

• a medium zipper-lock bag per girl• healthy snacks (grapes, crackers, nuts or dried fruit)• wooden clothes pegs (Coloured plastic pins are• an option if you don’t want to use paints.)• googly eyes• chenille pipe cleaners • craft paints and brushes

Design your butterfly bodies with paint, googly eyes and chenille stem antennae. Fill your zipper-lock bag with two different snack foods. Pinch the centre of the bag together, dividing the two snacks evenly, and attach the clothes peg to hold it. This will create wings on each side, containing the different snacks.

Clothespeg Caterpillars

What You Need

• Wooden clothes pegs• Pompoms in various sizes and colours• Craft feathers• Googly eyes• Craft glue• Craft paint• Foam strips

What You Do

1. Glue a large pompom to the top front of a clothes peg to form the caterpillar’s head.

2. Glue decreasing sizes of pompoms along the clothes peg behind the head to form the body.

3. Glue googly eyes, a tiny pompom nose and a feather to the face and head.4. Attach your caterpillar to your Neckerchief

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Looking for a new icebreaker game to get the Guiding year off to a bang!

What I bring to Guides? What you need

• Balloons (one of each girl and leader)• Pieces of paper for each girl and leader • Pens • Notice board or large sheet of card• Pins or glue


1. Each girl writes what they feel they bring to Guides as an individual or what their expectations are of the next Guiding year.

2. Each piece of paper is then put in a balloon, blow up the balloon and gather them in one area.

3. In patrols the girls then take turns in getting a balloon bursting it and reading out what is written on the page before putting on the notice board.

4. The notice board or poster should be displayed throughout the year where the girls feel they can add to it as the year progresses.


Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone had a lovely summer and are relaxed and refreshed for the next

Guiding year. Don’t forget to book your place on this year’s Guide weekend, looking forward to seeing lots of you there.

Yours in Guiding, Geraldine Conway.

National Guide Weekend When? 21-23 November 2014

Where? Larch Hill

Full payment and Event Booking Form to be with the National Office no later than Friday 24th October

NATIONAL EVENT Thank you Karla O'Toole from St. Francis Unit, Cavan for creating a booklet of badges that she has designed herself for the Guide section, the programme team will be looking at these ideas for badges. If any Guides would like to design a badge like Karla has done please forward them on it would be great to get what you would like into the programme and badges.

Karla O'Toole has designed some lovely Guide badges

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Halloween bowling

What you need

• 6 rolls of toilet paper • Pumpkin • Black marker per patrol


Each patrol draws ghost faces on each toilet roll before stacking them up on top of each other three, two, one. Then roll the pumpkin down to knock them over.

Campfire Halloween song

To the tune 'The Twelve Days of Christmas':

On the 12th Day of Halloween, my Guide Leader gave to me, 12 Bats a-flying 11 Bears a-howling 10 Ghouls a-groaning 9 Ghosts a-booing 8 Wolves a-howling 7 Pumpkins glowing 6 Bobcats screeching 5 Scary spooks 4 Skeletons 3 Black Cats 2 girl guides and a guide leader in a dead tree

Halloween Fashion Show

Why not have a Halloween themed recycling fashion show in you unit? Each patrol dresses up a member of their patrol in a Halloween costume made completely from recyclable materials. You have 45 minutes to create your look and at the end of your meeting have a cat walk to show off all the creations. Don’t forget to email your pictures to win a prize for your Company!

Support Team and Programme Development

If there are any leaders who wish to get involved with the Guide Support Team or help in the development of the CHOICES Guide Programme, please contact me on [email protected]


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Make A Wish Bracelet

Make this wish bracelet and all your wishes will come true, or so it is believed. It makes a great craft for camp or for a special friend.

What you'll need

• Hemp• Seed Beads


Take three pieces of hemp long enough to fit around your wrist and tie, around 10 inches.

Braid about half of your wrist length. Then, while braiding, put beads on every other string you pick up.

Once the beads are on, braid the rest of the way down and tie a knot. Before tying the bracelet on your wrist, make a wish!

Then TIE the bracelet on your wrist. NEVER take it off. When it falls off on its own, your wish will come true!

RANGERSHi everyone,

As this is the start of my term as National Ranger Commissioner

I am looking forward to putting together an exciting programme with the Rangers input and look forward to meeting you all at the Ranger events.

Yours in Guiding, Patricia Derwin.

The National Ranger weekend will take place from Friday 14th – Sunday 16th November at Share Centre, Smiths Strand, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh. It will be a fun filled weekend so come

along and share some great new experiences with other Rangers. Please note that places are limited so please return your booking form to National Office no later than Friday 17th October, 2014.


Transport over €12 can be reclaimed

Application closing date: Friday 17th October

Rangers: €50 each / Leaders: €20 each

NATIONAL RANGER WEEKENDFriday 14th - 16th November

Share Centre, Smiths Strand, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh

Our Ranger Programme The Programme for Rangers if called ‘Get With It’ and is based on choices which are made by the Ranger. The programme consists of modules in each of the following elements.

• Creativity• Health• Out of doors• International• Communications• Environment• Special Projects








14 - 19 Years

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The Ranger International trip will take place from Friday 27th March – Friday 3rd April, 2015.This will be a comprehensive programme of events and will take in France and Holland.

The proposed programme will take in an overnight stay in Paris with a trip to Disneyland. We will then take a trip to Valkenburg, Holland and visit theme parks in Germany and Belgium. The programme is still being compiled and there will be more information on application of participation.

Cost: €650 approx.

Transport: Overland travel by coach

Time: 27th March – 3rd April, 2015

Venue: France/Holland

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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the new Guiding year. I encourage you all to make a New Guiding Year's resolution and

attend one course/training event this year that you haven't done before - you won't regret it! I hope you all have a great year!

Regards, Mandy Bradley.

Calling all Guiders!If you're a Guider who has completed their Basic Training/Guider Course and have been working in a unit/company for at least three years – this course is for you! This course will give you an opportunity for personal development in both Guides and your own life. Communications, Teamwork, IT and Leadership are

just a few of the topics that will be included.

Come along and meet other Guiders and share your knowledge and experience.


Cost: €50Closing Date: October 10th


Springfield Hotel, DublinNovember 14-16

All our upcoming trainings are listed on Page 5 of this issue!



More and more we are being asked to do things electronically. In this space, I’ll try and give some tips. If there’s anything you’d like me to cover in future, send me an email to: [email protected].

Email: Most email programmes should have a help button/section that can help you do specific tasks. Hopefully you will find the following useful!

Replying: Click the message, click the Reply button, type your reply, and click the Send button. If you are replying to more than one person, click 'Reply All'.

Forwarding: Click 'Forward' to send an email to a completely

new recipient.

Create a message: 1. Click the New Email button or press [Ctrl+N] 2. Enter the e-mail address(es) in the To: box, or click the To… button to use the address book 3. If necessary, click the 'CC' box to add extra addresses (others can see these, but not in the 'BCC' box) 4. Enter the subject of the message in the Subject box 5. Enter the text of your message in the text box 6. Click the Send button.

Attaching a File: Create a New Message (as above), click the Attach File button (looks like a paperclip), select the file you want to attach (you may have to browse for it on your pc), and click Insert. Double click an attachment to open it.

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MEMBERS COUNCILFrom now on, Guider's Link will feature a section by our Members' Council. To kick things off, here's what they thought of this year's National Council.

I loved the Dove campaign

because I learned something new, the people were nice

and it was very fun

The food wasn’t as nice

as I expected it to be. I quite liked the Free Being

Me campaign as it broadened my spectrum on self


I really liked the activities we did to

promote self-esteem and good body image

I didn’t really dislike

anything I was just very bored at some of the stuff I

didn’t understand

I loved the Dove project and

the guest speaker was very inspiring

I loved the Dove campaign

because I learned something new, the people were nice and

it was very fun

I liked meeting other

Guides and discussing the problems young women face like self-esteem issues and

mental health

The first Residential Members' Council meeting takes place on 7th-8th February 2015!


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Funded by the Department of Children and Youth

Affairs and the National Lottery




(Faces out when opened)


Cygnet Guides, Brigíní Guides,

Guides, Ranger Guides


Designated Safeguarding


Reporting Officers†



If an allegation is brought to you by a child, a parent,

or another Guider ...

If there is an allegation or suspicion of abuse by someone involved

in Guiding, including yourself, you must:

1. Inform your Designated Regional Reporting Officer of your concerns

2. Record all details as you know them. Sign, date and keep these.


Guiders are reminded that during the lifespan of this leaflet there

may be changes in policy, legislation or legal requirements which

may affect the accuracy of the information printed.

CGI National Office

12 Clanwilliam Terrace

Grand Canal Quay

Dublin 2

BT12 7LU

Tel: 01 661 9566

Fax: 01 676 5691

E: [email protected]

Designated Regional

Reporting Officer contacts:

This document can be accessed at


Charity Number: CHY 7968


† Where a Designated Regional Reporting Officer makes a referral to an outside agency they

must also inform the Designated Safeguarding Officer.



Designated Safeguarding

Officer/ Regional

Reporting Officers

* Guiders are all registered Guiders regardless of rank




Funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery


If an allegation is brought to you by a child, a parent, or another Guider ...

If there is an allegation or suspicion of abuse by someone involved in Guiding, including yourself, you must:

1. Inform your Designated Regional Reporting Officer of your concerns

2. Record all details as you know them. Sign, date and keep these.


Guiders are reminded that during the lifespan of this leaflet there may be changes in policy, legislation or legal requirements which may affect the accuracy of the information printed.


† Where a Designated Regional Reporting Officer makes a referral to an outside agency they must also inform the Designated Safeguarding Officer.


Cygnet Guides, Brigíní Guides,Guides, Ranger Guides


Outside Agencies

Designated Safeguarding Officer/Regional

Reporting Officers†

Guiders/Adult Helpers*

Designated Safeguarding Officer/ Regional

Reporting Officers

* Guiders are all registered Guiders regardless of rank

CGI Northern Region OfficeSt. Francis De SaleBeechmount DriveBelfastBT12 7LU

Tel: 048 9031 3639Fax: 048 9031 3639 E: [email protected]

Designated Regional Reporting Officer contacts:

This document can be accessed at


Charity Number: CHY 7968



Funded by the Department of Children and Youth

Affairs and the National Lottery

Please note that during the lifespan of this leaflet there may be

changes in policy, legislation or legal requirements which may

affect the accuracy of the information printed.

CGI National Office12 Clanwilliam TerraceGrand Canal QuayDublin 2

Tel: 01 661 9566Fax: 01 676 5691E: [email protected]

CGI Northern Region OfficeSt. Francis De SaleBeechmount DriveBelfast

BT12 7LU

Tel: 048 9031 3639Fax: 048 9031 3639E: [email protected]

Designated Regional Reporting Officer contacts: document can be accessed at www.girlguidesireland.ieCharity Number: CHY 7968

We have updated our Safeguarding Guidance leaflets to give you the best information about how we deal with child safeguarding issues, should they arise.

Our previous, standalone safeguarding leaflet has been expanded into three separate leaflets to best suit your needs, wherever you are:

• A leaflet for members in the Republic of Ireland

• A leaflet for members in Northern Ireland

• A new leaflet aimed at parents and guardians of our young members explaining how we protect their children.

As a youth organisation, this is an extremely important document for us. We encourage you to request your copies now from the National Office.

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I was delighted to attend the award ceremony of the IGG Chief Commissioner’s Award

at Poulnabrone Dolmen in the Burren during August.

Four teams took part in the IGG CCA, three from IGG and one from CGI.

It was with great pleasure that I had the opportunity to congratulate CGI Rangers Mairead Donnelly and Ciara Doyle from South East Region on their successful participation and completion of the Award.

The challenge involved a 60km hike carrying all their own camping equipment, surviving on €3.50 a day for food and carrying out service projects along the way. The girls also had to keep a log book and complete projects

based on the area in which the award was being completed. As the location of the challenge was kept top secret no preparation could be done in advance.

This event is for members aged 16 upwards and CGI were delighted to have been given the opportunity to take part again

this year.

Thanks also must be extended to the IGG Chief Commissioner’s Award Team for the invitation and for the hard work that went into supporting the girls over the duration of the week.

Cecilia Browne, Chief Commissioner

Guides... choose Songs

Guides... choose games

Available from the National Office

• €3 each• €5 for both

Don't be stuck for ideas! Our 'Guides ... Choose Games and Songs' booklets are just for you!

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24 Guiders Link Vol. 3

Imagine a world free from appearance related anxiety. A world where people can define beauty for themselves.

WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) and DOVE have joined together to produce the Free Being Me programme.

This is a groundbreaking new programme for 7-10 year old and 11-14 year olds which unmasks society’s beauty myths – exposing air brushing and challenging unhealthy body talk.

Through a series of fun, interactive and thought provoking activities it challenges young women to stand up and take action to stop unhealthy body ideals affecting the next generation of girls.

A survey carried out by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs on young people’s body image asked “Are you satisfied with your body image?” Findings showed only 38% of girl participants were “fairly satisfied” and a

shocking 21% were “dissatisfied”.

With the Free Being Me Programme, the girls and young people learn that body confidence and self-esteem come from valuing their bodies, standing up to social pressures, and supporting others to be more body

confident. By working together, leading others and speaking out, participants

will be empowered to make a difference in their local and global communities.

The girls who have taken part in the Free Being Me activities set out in the programme and do the Take Action project will earn the Free Being Me badge.

Find out more about the Free Being me programme • [email protected] • #FreebeingmeCIGA • @freebeingmeciga •

Free Being Me

Free Being Me | Activity guide for Leaders and Volunteers page 6

What is Free Being Me?

Unique and funFree Being Me is a one-of-a-kind programme! Through fun and interactive activities, Free Being Me shows young people that body confidence and self-esteem comes from valuing their bodies, standing up to social pressures, and supporting others to become more body confident! Participants taking part in Free Being Me will learn leadership skills and feel empowered to make a difference in their local and global communities.

Especially for Girl Guides and Girl ScoutsTo ensure that Free Being Me is loved by leaders and participants, and has the greatest impact on the body confidence and self-esteem of young people around the world, it has been co-created by the World Association, the Dove Self-Esteem Project and body confidence experts especially for the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Movement.

It uses non-formal educational methods and reflects the World Association’s values of respect for self and others, taking responsibility for yourself, working with others and making a difference to your community.See page 19 for more information on how Free Being Me uses the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Method.

Based on world-leading research and expertise We have worked closely with world-leading experts in body confidence education to ensure that Free Being Me has a real and lasting impact on girls’ body confidence. This includes working with The Body Project Collaborative, a team of researchers and psychologists led by Dr Eric Stice, Professor Carolyn Becker and leading body image researcher Dr Phillippa Diedrichs, representing the Global Advisory Board of the Dove Self-Esteem Project. Free Being Me is grounded in more than decade of research and on-the-ground experience of improving girls’ body confidence in a fun and interactive way.

Based on the World Association’s expert knowledge of how young people develop, as well as body confidence research, we have developed two versions of the

programme: one for 7-10 year olds and one for 11-14 year olds. Read more about how the two versions are different on page 13. The two programmes work together to build on young people’s body confidence as they progress through Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting.

Activities that make a lasting differenceStudies by The Body Project and other leading researchers have shown taking part in activities like those in Free Being Me has a lasting impact on girls’ well-being. In fact, one study found that up to three years later:

60 % of girls have significantly improved body confidence.

78 % of girls feel more confident and capable at school.

71 % of girls have better relationships with their peers.

53 % of girls get on better with their families.

Skills-basedThroughout Free Being Me, girls and boys develop the skills they need to resist pressures to conform to society’s pressures around appearance, and to come up with creative ways to promote body confidence messages in their community. At the start of each session is a planner which shows the skills participants will develop in that session’s activities.

A badge programmeTo earn the Free Being Me badge, each member of your group should:

Complete the five-session programme, including the ‘Personal Challenge’ activities in-between sessions.

Plan and run a Take Action project to make a real difference to others, by reaching out to at least two other girls or boys with an activity lasting an hour (or more!) that passes on the body confidence messages and skills learned.

To buy your badges, go to

4 An Effectiveness Trial of a Selected Dissonance-Based Eating Disorder Prevention Program for Female High School Students: Long-Term Effects , 2011, Eric Stice, Paul Rohde, Heather Shaw, and Jeff Gau

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CIGA are proud to announce Ireland’s first of many training weekends for the Free Being Me Programme.

• When: 10th-12th October 2014• Where: Larch Hill, Scout and Guide Centre, Co.

Dublin• For who: Open to all I.G.G. and C.G.I. Leaders and

Rangers aged 16 + years • Cost: €32 To secure a place at this Free Being Me Ireland training, email [email protected], with Free Being Me programme in the subject line by the 26th September 2014. Apply early as places are limited.

The email should include the following information, your name, address, mobile ph no, Association-CGI or IGG, under or over 18yrs. Once your place is secured, you will be emailed contact details relating to the method of payment.

This event will involve training on the Free Being Me programme, including participating in some of the activities as well as discussing issues that may arise. This Free Being Me Ireland training will be facilitated by a WAGGGS trainer and members of the Free Being Me Ireland committee.

After the weekend, participants will be prepared to comfortably present the programme to other leaders and help tackle body issues amongst young girls within their associations. The programme is divided into two

sections for 7-10 year olds and for 11-14 year olds. Upon completion of this training, participants will be asked to assist in facilitating other Free Being Me Ireland Training events.

We look forward to sharing this exciting programme with you!

Helen, Nicola, Hannah and Marg - The Free Being Me Committee

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How can we keep the outdoor theme going through Guides in the changing seasons, here are a few ideas.

Hikes – mountains, lakes, sea or park

Bivvy out – It's still not too late!

Indoor camps – now is the time to start looking at your sleepovers and weekend camps, theme your sleepover to the time of the year e.g. Thanksgiving or Christmas or harvest. But make sure even though you are indoors you get out and about.

Leaf collecting – always a favorite with our members regardless of age, Follow a Tree Trail or go to a park where you can collect leaves and then make the most amazing pictures and mosaics out of them.

Hibernation – great time to talk to the girls about hibernation and which animals do and don’t hibernate.

Treasure Map – challenge your Guides to make a map of their local area using directions by compass.

Bird watching - instead of watching the birds arrive from foreign lands watch them depart.

Orienteering – keep in touch with your local orienteering club and see

do they run any free events. Check out the website they list events in all areas of Ireland both North and South

Living outdoors – take a look at different cultures and see which cultures live out doors all year around, look at how they protect themselves from the cold and what they live on for the winter.

Hello everyone

Welcome to Autumn, another fantastic

season for us all to get out and about.

I hope you are all taking advantage of the beautiful autumn and early winter days. Just because the summer is over doesn’t mean we can't be enjoying the outdoors. Autumn is fantastic weather for hiking as you have the milder days and that fantastic autumn crispness. So get out there and enjoy the colours of Autumn and get those hikes in. Is anyone camping late this year, braving the elements? If so, let us know as we would like to feature a few ideas for autumn /winter camping. Wouldn’t a camp in the snow be fantastic?

It’s great to see all the camps that took place in the Around Ireland section. If you haven’t sent in your report and pictures it’s never too late, we want to see where you went and what fun was had. In our next edition we will be featuring a review of all the various campsites that were visited by you all during 2014. The reviews will be a useful tool for anyone looking for a campsite for 2015. So watch out for my questionnaire, it will be coming at you soon.

Yours in Guiding, Emily McCann.


Expand on the voluntary living outdoors to homeless people who have to spend harsh winters out of door. Think how chilly it can be camping and how we have all the essentials, ask the girls to imagine how it must be to be homeless with none of those comforts, look at the work of Focus Ireland and the Simon Community and bring your challenge back to taking part in the Four Peaks Challenge for Focus Ireland – Climbing the four highest peaks in Ireland in the one weekend.

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Now is the time to be planning your Earth Hour 2015 activity, why not work a weekend camp or sleepover around this time and date it for 28th March 2015.

As Girl Guides following in the foot steps of our founders we have a responsibility to the world we live in and to help to make it a better place for the future generations. So why not introduce Earth Hour to your Cygnets, Brigini, Guides and Rangers. The following is some information on Earth Hour.

1. What is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is a worldwide grassroots movement uniting people to protect the planet, and is organised by WWF. Engaging a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues, Earth Hour was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide, and the one-hour

event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement.

2. What does Earth Hour ask people to do?

The first thing anyone can do to get involved is to turn off their lights on Saturday. But there’s much, much more. But our full ambition is for people to take action beyond the

hour. Whether it’s supporting a crowd funding or crowdsourcing campaign on or getting involved in Earth Hour campaigns in their own country, or starting the movement in their own community. The vision is always to do more, so make the light switch the beginning of your journey.

If you visit the Earth Hour site and other sites you will come up with plenty of activities for climate change. Why not devise a badge for your Compnay to carry out or set them an Earth Hour challenge …challenge them to find out about Earth hour etc. There’s a great Earth Hour badge availabe on that you could give to your girls if they complete your challenge.

Send the criteria for your badge or challenge to [email protected] and we will publish it and there could even be a prize!



If you plan on burning candles during Earth Hour, make sure you use 100% beeswax candles or soy candles, which are gentler on our planet - smoke free, non-toxic and non-allergenic. They are also made of natural products, not petroleum-based materials, so they are effectively carbon neutral (the CO2 they emit has already been taken from the atmosphere to produce the wax).


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When you’re out and about with your girls make sure you add in a few games, not only are they great energy releasers but all games are also great for team building.

Grabbing a few friends, going outside, playing a game and mucking in is the best way for children to build their physical strength and confidence, creating memories for life. But so many traditional games are played less and less over the generations, making way for more modern kids’ activities. It’s time to bring back some of our forgotten favourites.


What you need

• Four players or more• Outside space, pitch size

depends on the number and the ability of the players but about 7 meters in length and 5 meters in width should be plenty (the game can be played indoors, but outside is much better) in a forest or sand dunes even better!

• String or chalk• Two flags (you could make your

own from t-shirts)

Capture the Flag rules

• Split the children into two teams of equal sizes.

• Mark out a large rectangular pitch with either string or chalk then place a flag (or a stick) at each end of the pitch. Or define the playing area.

• Each team has a side of the pitch that they need to stay in. This is their territory.

• The objective of the game is to steal the flag of the other group without being touched by any opposing players. To capture the flag a player must enter the opponents’ territory, dodge the opposition through ducking, diving and nifty footwork to claim the flag and bring it back to their territory without being captured (tagged).

• If a player is tagged, they must stand still like a statue in the place where they were caught until a teammate frees them by touching them.

• The winning group is the team who gets the flag first, regardless of the number of children who have been caught.

What’s so good about playing Capture the Flag?

This classic game is great for building

physical strength and stamina. There is a lot of running involved, and children will develop their suppleness and agility through dodging the other team. Not to mention encouraging teamwork, as the girls will have to learn to strategise and work together in order to claim the other team’s flag.


A good game for indoors or use your imagination and turn it into an outdoor game that would be great fun in a forest.

What you need:

Six or more children; blindfolds; items or sheets of paper for use as obstacles, a start and a finish line

How to play

1. Group the children into two teams.

2. Get the ‘leader’ of the team to stand at the finish line and the rest of the team to line up at the start line.

3. Place ‘obstacles’ throughout the area in between the start and finish line. This area is now a ‘swamp’, and the obstacles are ‘quicksand’.

4. In each team, the first person starting the game puts on a blindfold. The leader at the finish line must talk them through the swamp.

5. If players hit any quicksand they must go back to end of the team line at the start, and the next person in the line starts their turn.

6. Each time a player reaches the finishing line they become the ‘leader’ for the next player.

7. The first team to direct all their players across the swamp wins.


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Calling all Cygnets, BrigÍnÍ, Guides, Rangers and Guiders

This is CGI’s National out and about day, on the 12th April we want to see all of our members out and about, whether you hike the highest mountain and walk the shortest park walk, we want you all out and about.

Watch out for booklet that will come your way with suggestions for activities and hikes

Organise as a Company, as a unit, as a region, link with other company’s, use it as a PR event.

Which ever you decide we want CGI out and about and visible on the 12th April 2015.

Use it as an opportunity to challenge your Company or unit to do something new or exciting

There will be a badge available for all participants on return of the completed event form.

So watch out for your All Sections Outdoor Day pack in January but make sure you save the date.


DAY1 2 t h A p r i l 2 0 1 5

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I hope you've all had an enjoyable summer and are well refreshed for the coming

year. This summer has been busy for many of our members with Unit trips at home and abroad, CGI attended the WAGGGS World Conference and the selection for the upcoming Service project in Sangam also took place.

In the coming months CGI & IGG will be delivering the Free Being Me Training to leaders accross the country I hope many of you take the opportunity to be part of such an important campaign for Girls and Young Women.

There are also plenty of camps that I encourage you to consider taking part in either in 2015 or 2016.

To contact me please use [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you.


CGI Units can now avail of competitive travel insurance rates through an agreement with BHP Insurance Brokers.

CGI has recently approved a proposal from BHP Insurance Brokers Ltd. to establish a Travel Insurance facility which will be available to all members of the Catholic Guides of Ireland.

Members of CGI can purchase their Travel Insurance directly through the BHP website by visiting the following address -

Simply click the Travel Icon and follow the easy to follow steps. This is an exclusive facility which we have established in partnership with AIG Europe Limited.

Premiums are charged based on

the destination and duration of the trip but would start from as low as €10.36 based on a single person traveling within Europe for a period not exceeding 7 days.

This facility has been set up for CGI Units to use directly with BHP and does not form part of the CGI Annual Insurance. Any questions should be addressed to the dedicated contact point in BHP, Fiona Morris – Tel: 01 629 9908 and not to the CGI National Office.

Units travelling abroad must ensure they have correct Travel Insurance in place.






CGI National Of�ce

12 Clanwilliam Terrace

Grand Canal Quay

Dublin 2

Tel: 01 661 9566

Fax: 01 676 5691

E: [email protected]

CGI Northern Region Of�ce

St. Francis De Sale

Beechmount Drive

Belfast BT12 7LU

Tel: 028 9031 3639

Fax: 028 9031 3639

E: [email protected]

This publication is funded by the Department of

Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery.






CGI National Of�ce

12 Clanwilliam Terrace

Grand Canal Quay

Dublin 2

Tel: 01 661 9566

Fax: 01 676 5691

E: [email protected]

CGI Northern Region Of�ce

St. Francis De Sale

Beechmount Drive

Belfast BT12 7LU

Tel: 028 9031 3639

Fax: 028 9031 3639

E: [email protected]

This publication is funded by the Department of

Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery.

The International Handbook is available now from the National Office

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BACKGROUNDThis event will cover a range of flexible and focussed subjects giving participants the valuable opportunity to network within and between areas of work. The content will consist of stimulating topics of great relevance to Scouting and Guiding including innovation and new methods of working.

The event is organised over 6 days. The Academy will consist of different modules allowing participants to choose their own learning experience.

AIMTo provide an innovative, high quality, modular, learning and development event that addresses a range of transversal topics currently facing associations across Europe.

This is a great training opportunity for anyone newly involved at regional/national level. You will gain practical skills in many key areas of work.

DATES4th-9th November 2014


Cost: €50 (includes flights accommodation & meals)

PARTICIPANT PROFILEThe Academy is open for everyone who holds a position or who has the potential and are preparing to hold a position, at national level in Member Organizations (MOs).

Please note that applications will be screened according to the criteria set by the organisers of the project, selection interviews will take place if required.

APPLICATIONSIf you would like to be considered for this event please contact Yvonne for application form at [email protected] closing date for applications is 19th September 2014.

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3rd-14th August 2016

Roverway is a European Guiding and Scouting event for young people aged between 16 and 22. The event will take place in France between 3–14 August 2016. CGI is planning to send a contingent of young adults to Roverway in France in 2016.

It is anticipated that the Contingent will number around 30, including participants, International Service

Team members and Contingent Team.

We will be recruiting one Contingent Leader and a Deputy Contingent Leader.

To be a contingent leader you do not need to have your own girls taking part in the trip.

Participants are aged 16-22 and leaders over 22 are encouraged to apply for a position on the International



(International Service Team)


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Service Team.

CGI are looking to appoint a highly motivated and inspired

Contingent Leader to lead the CGI Contingent. The role will be challenging and demanding, however, it will be hugely rewarding.

The cost for the trip will be approx €350 (depending on flight costs etc).

If you are interested in the position or have any questions in relation to the event, please contact Yvonne at [email protected].

Further information on Roverway is available on

The Roverway Facebook page.

Please find an outline on what the role involves below:


The Contingent Leader will work in partnership with the International Commissioner to deliver this life changing experience for young people from all parts of the country.

Responsible to: International Commissioner

Responsible for: Contingent

Job Summary: To be responsible for the strategic direction, policies and leadership of the CGI contingent.

Main Tasks

To lead the CGI Contingent by establishing, implementing and monitoring appropriate policies and procedures.

Communication with participants

Manage and support International Service Team members

Liaise with National Office/ International Commissioner (as required)

Organise and run selection process for the event, with assistance from International Commissioner/Team (due to take place around Sept 2015)

To organise travel arrangements for Contingent in consultation with International Commissioner.

To organise with Contingent Management Team briefing and preparation weekend for contingent.

To provide pro-active support to participants and International Service Team members.

To actively promote Roverway 2016 as an International opportunity for young adults.

To communicate effectively and appropriately with participants and the wider organisation.

Leading the Contingent during their time in France

To set, maintain and review the Contingent budget(s)

To report as agreed to the International Commissioner.

External Tasks

Liaise with the Organising Committee in France.

Liaise with IGG and Scouting Ireland contingents (as required)

Knowledge required

Knowledge and understanding of the needs and wants of young adults (aged 16 to 25)

Knowledge of CGI’s National structure

Must hold valid Outdoor Camp warrant.

• Able to use modern technology, especially email, to carry out a range of tasks

• Experience required• Previous experience of the effective management

of young people and volunteers.• Previous experience of leading Guides/Rangers on

an International experience. • Experience of International Travel either with

Guiding or personally.

Application form is available upon request from [email protected]

Forms should be filled in and returned by 24th October.

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Are you interested in attending an event based in Our Chalet, Switzerland 18th-26th April 2015

What is WAGGGS’ Helen Storrow Seminar?

Is an event that has been offering leadership development opportunities for young women since 1986. The seminar is held at Our Chalet, WAGGGS’ World Centre in Switzerland, and addresses the most relevant issues in the contemporary society. The seminar will focus on the environmental issues of today and explore ways to raise awareness and use practical skills to create change.

Summary of the project

Based on the principle “together we can save our planet”, the project will address the active role of women in society, youth involvement and contribution to the achievement of the MDGs 7: “Ensure environmental sustainability”. The aim of the project is to empower youth leaders and workers, and in particular young women, to educate, speak out, act and motivate

others to take action for a greener planet. The main objectives are to foster the leadership skills of youth leaders, to educate them in areas related to global environment and to initiate local, regional and national projects on Global Environmental Challenges.

Learning outcomes

• give participants the opportunity to develop practical leadership skills, which they can directly apply in their Member Organisations or community

• offer participants the opportunity to learn about current environmental issues, as well as share best practices and explore ways they can grow as agents of change

• incorporate the unique natural environment of the Swiss Alps into the learning process

• give participants the chance to share best practices and to network for the success of future projects






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Upcoming Camps

Guiding Mosaic 2016

Alberta, Canada 9th-17th July 2016

Flame 2016 Foxlease, England

23rd-29th July 2016

Essex Jamboree 2016

Essex, England 30th July-6th August 2016

Pinakarri Austria 1st-11th August 2016

Roverway 2016

France 3rd-14th August 2016

Discover your World Centres

Have you had your first World Centre experience yet? Have you felt that magical sensation of being part of something inspiring, supportive and powerful, an international experience that enables you to grow and lead, to discover your potential and change the world?

The World Centres are located across the globe, from riverside to mountain top. Wherever they are, the World Centre experience remains the same. That’s what keeps Girl Guides coming back time after time, that unique combination of self development, learning and adventure, of leaving with more than you arrived with, including friendships from around the world, knowledge to make a difference and the skills to lead the way.

You can visit for the day or stay for a week, or even volunteer for a month! However you chose to visit your World Centres, your experience won’t finish at the end of your stay. And once you’ve been to one, you’ll want to see them all!

So to find out about the many opportunities at your World Centres please visit their websites below.


The main venue of the project will be in the WAGGGS World Centre Our Chalet Switzerland. Participants from countries from around the world will meet and work together to develop their international leadership and advocacy skills, develop follow-up advocacy and community projects.

Upon applying Participants commit to undertaking the following:

Pre Task: Prior to the event in April all young leaders participating in the project will be asked to participate in a pre task.

Attend the High profile training event on “Young Women Leading for a Greener Future”:

Post Tasks: Upon returning to Ireland you will be expected to report back on your experience & carry out an environmental project/activity as decided upon at the event.

Participants and selection criteria

The organisers have set selection criteria to be respected so please consider these when making your application.

Participants are between 18-25 years

Participants speak English and can work and communicate in one of these languages

Participants have understanding of what leadership is and have already had leadership experience

Participants will be interested in the MDGs in particular MDG 7 Ensure environmental sustainability

Participants are available to commit towards the implementation of all the project activities

Participants can have frequent access to Internet communication tools (i.e. email, access to WAGGGS website)

Deadline for application and contact

Deadline for application forms is 31st October 2014

Please request application form from

Yvonne Browne: [email protected]

Please note that applications will be screened according to the criteria set by the organisers of the project, selection interviews will take place if required.

Participation fees €100 non refundable fee to be paid upon acceptance by 1st December 2014

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Hi all

Hope everyone had a fantastic summer as it’s my first year in the communications

position. I am looking forward to seeing all our Guiding adventures of

the summer.

2015 is going to be a great Guiding year, we have a lot of events taking place so I am full of excitement to be part of them all.

Yours in Guiding, Trisha Murphy




Another successful year of trips for Gorey Guides

Gorey Guides finished up another successful Guiding year with a range of trips. The Cygents headed off to Wells House on a Fairy trail, while the BrigÍni had another great camp in Carne along with the Kilmuckridge and Carnew Units. The Guides and Rangers had a brilliant day at Curracloe beach with the guys from The Surf Shack who not only taught them to

surf on water but also on sand.

Many thanks to all the Guiders who make not only these trips possible but our weekly meetings. See you all in September.

Karen McCann, Unit Leader.

36 Guiders Link Vol. 3

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Clonard Summer Camp '14 - Gilwell Park

Well another year has passed and its summer camp time again, definitely the highlight of the year, so we have had the meetings

and the pre camp, have packed the boxes and its Friday evening in Rosslare harbour and once again we are gathered on the steps. Great excitement for our Guiders, Rangers and Guides. Lovely to see all the smiles and happiness for summer camp.

So off we headed on the Ferry and then by coach onto Gilwell Park, just outside of London. It was a tad damp when we arrived but soon cleared up and our tented village for the next 10 days became a reality. Apart from a couple of massive thunder and lighting storms we had a brilliant week weather wise and all came home looking tanned and healthy.

But what did we get up to, well the activities on the site ranged from high all aboard, leap of faith, kayaking in the bomb hole, aero ball, archery to the amazing 3G swing so plenty to keep everyone entertained. We also used the swimming pool on site daily and believe us with the heat it was welcome, even the most reluctant of swimmers had a dip in the pool.

We went off-site on several occasions and we took in Thorpe Park on the Tuesday so that was a great fun filled day. On Thursday we hit the Underground and London. Trying to fulfil everyone’s wishes we did a trip on a double decker red London bus, the underground and then Ripley’s World of Adventure, would well recommend this activity to anyone visiting London. We then went out to visit Pax Lodge and it was great for the girls to have the opportunity to visit a World Centre. Some of them had previously been in Switzerland so

could mark this off as there second world centre and for those going to India next year it was great excitement. It was a great occasion for Nicola and Aideen as it meant that as friends they have together visited there 4th World Centre. They also met friends who they had met in Mexico last year and Nicola met friends from Roverway. We may be 10 million strong but isn’t it a small world sometimes. So after the girls and guiders raided the shop we headed back to Buckingham Palace and then of course Big Ben, because apparently it’s not London if you don’t do Big Ben.

Friday morning seen us heading to a market and some shopping, again an essential part of camp, we had planned wet games for the afternoon but mother nature provided the wet for us and gave a us a great show of her strength with rain wind thunder and lightening, but it didn’t phase us. Curious vision of the week, an ice cream umbrella approaching across the field with guiders underneath it. We are a resourceful lot.

So a brilliant week overall, camping is great at any time but when the weather is good it’s the business. Fantastic Guiders, Rangers and Guides and many thanks to them all for making it a great camp. Thanks to all the Guiders, to Nicola T, Aideen, Brigid, Lynda, Geraldine, Nicola M, Phil and Rachel. Camp wouldn’t happen without you and our girls are very lucky to have such wonderful guiders in the lives.

So the big question where are we going next year?

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38 Guiders Link Vol. 3

Clonee Guides trip to Porthcawl, South Wales!

We set off on our adventure and first international trip on Wednesday 16th April 2014. Twelve Guides and three leaders from Clonee Guides were ready to go! We met at 1pm in Dublin airport and after we had said our goodbyes, we went through security and went on our way! We arrived in Bristol airport just after 4.30pm and from there we got a coach to Sarn in Wales taking in the beautiful sights of Bristol, Cardiff and the Wales countryside. We arrived to the activity centre lodge at about 8.30pm and quickly settled into our rooms and headed for dinner. We were very appreciative of the hot meal that was waiting for us! We went to bed tired from travelling but eager for the activities to start the next day.

We were up and dressed early the next day, had our breakfast, took our packed lunch and rain gear and headed off in our mini bus to the activity centre for day one of the activities. When we arrived at the activity centre we were split into two groups. The first group headed to the beach for a morning of sea kayaking and surfing while the other group stayed and did some rock wall climbing, high ropes and zip lining! We swapped over after lunch then so that all the girls had the chance to experience each activity. As we headed back to the adventure centre that evening the girls were wiped out but dinner and some showers woke them up again and we had a birthday to celebrate. We secretly organised the main dining hall as party central putting up decorations and arranging a cake. We surprised Aimee who celebrated her 13th birthday in style surrounded by

a bunch of Guides! After lots of cake and party games we headed out on a night hike and discussed the many things that had been discovered in the bike trails over the years.

Next day, we set off again heading in our mini bus to the activity centre. We left a little earlier and our driver took us on the scenic route to show us the old mining villages, steel works factories and the beautiful Rhonda valley. He also pointed out the villages were Anthony Hopkins, Richard Burton and Ruth Jones had come from! Today at the activity centre we started with archery. The girls got to practice their aim eventually trying to shoot and burst a balloon on a target board. As the day went on the girls were considered skilled enough to try this blindfolded with another Guides giving instruction and direction and I am pleased to say that there were some success stories!

Following the archery we went onto the quad bike track which was a highlight for many on our trip. It was tough pulling the girls off the bikes at the end of the day and emm ... some of the leaders too!

After our day of activities we headed back to the activity centre where the girls had some free time to explore the grounds which had beautiful views, a playground and some interesting characters which were perfect for picture poses!

That evening we stayed in and watched ‘Matilda’ in the main dining hall. It was a nice end to a busy couple of days.


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Quicker than anticipated Saturday, our last day was upon us but the fun was not over yet! We were brought by bus to Bridgend Sarn where we went to the cinema to see Muppets Most Wanted then stopped in at Ed’s diner for some burgers and chips. The girls then hit the shops in the nearby outlet mall and were delighted to discover some bargains. Bags officially full to the brim we got our bus back to the airport. We sat quietly in Bristol Airport, tired and thinking of the busy few days we’d had.

We got into Dublin airport about 10.30pm, happy to be home but full of happy memories. We weren’t long through the gate when I already heard that question: When will the next one be? Well ... watch this space!

Fiona Gaule

The girls had some free time to explore the grounds which had beautiful views, a playground and some interesting characters which were perfect for picture poses!

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40 Guiders Link Vol. 3

BuÍon Naomh Brendán celebrates its own gold medal winner

I want to tell you of an amazing achievement of one of our members - Claire Adams. Claire is part of Buíon Naomh Brendán Unit in Coolock, who, along with

Catherine and KellyAnne, runs our Cygnet section.

Claire has been with us since she was an 11 year old, first in Guides, then moving onto Rangers, then taking the brave decision to train to be a Guider. And it was not a decision lightly taken for Claire has Cerebral Palsy, so things that you and I take for granted can be difficult for Claire. However, this has never stopped her – whether it was games competitions, camps both at home and abroad, singing, dancing – she takes part in everything with great gusto. In fact she never missed a single meeting as a Guide. She also completed her Bronze and Silver Gaisce Awards with CGI.

At the age of 19 Claire took up athletics and became involved with Special Olympics Ireland and was elected as a member of the ALPS committee (Athlete Leadership Programme) in 2010. One of her proudest moments was in 2008 when she was MC at the launch of the ‘So Get into It’ programme which was held in the Chester Beatty library. Claire made a speech and then introduced Minister Mary Hanafin and Mary Davies, CEO of Special Olympics Ireland.

Claire participates in several sports – athletics, mini javelin, relay, badminton, football and bowling.

In recent years Claire has given a huge amount of time to her training as a Special Olympics athlete, competing in the 2010 Special Olympics and again this year. As part of her training Claire has taken part in the Women’s mini marathon on a number of occasions and this year was involved in promoting participation on behalf of Special Olympics Ireland. As a result of all her hard work Claire was chosen to represent the Special Olympics Eastern Region at the competition in Limerick. With the help of her coach, Claire chose three events to enter – the relay, mini javelin and 100 metre athletics.

With lots of encouragement and the good wishes of all her friends and family, she headed off to the games. And she didn’t disappoint us – Claire arrived home with three medals - two bronze and one silver. She achieved bronze in mini javelin and the 100 metres and silver in the relay.

When Claire brought her medals down to the meeting the Cygnets were fascinated by them, and the Brigins and Guides had lots of questions for Claire, there was lots of excitement as loads of photographs were taken with our star of the night.

Huge congratulations Claire, all of your Guiding friends are so very proud of you.

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Enrolment Night

On the 5th June, St. Ursula’s Unit held an enrolment and prize-giving ceremony in Mahon Community Centre. Family and friends were invited to attend the evening, as part of which we enrolled 10 new Cygnets, 22 new Brigíns and 5 new Guides, bringing our total membership to nearly 60 girls. We also enrolled Anna as a leader with our company.

During the evening, some of the girls performed for

their families, based on badges they had been working on throughout the year. As well as this, we gave certificates to all our members to reward them for being a part of our company. We also gave out awards to our Junior and Senior Brigíns and Guides of the Year. It shows great dedication on the part of the girls to coming to meetings week in, week out, to wear their uniforms with pride and to commit themselves to making new friends and learning new and traditional skills in our company. What we do as leaders is rewarding but it is our young members that make Guides what it is, and so we wanted to thank them for that.


Heritage Trip around Cork city

At the end of May, St. Ursula’s Guides organised a heritage day in order to learn more about the great city that they live in. The girls went on the Cork City Bus Tour – we were taken all around Cork, learning about the history of both prominent and lesser-known areas of the city. As part of the day, we visited Shandon Bells, being allowed to ring the famous bells themselves whilst also getting spectacular views across the city. We stopped briefly in the Cork Butter Museum, before continuing on to Cork City Gaol, where we got a private tour and watched a documentary on the gaol itself. The day finished with an obligatory and very profitable visit to a traditional sweet shop. An enjoyable and informative day was had by all.

BrigÍn trip to Trabolgan

On 8th June, St. Ursula’s Brigíns and Guides went on an end of year trip to Trabolgan Outdoor Adventure Centre in East Cork. A fantastic day was had by all, with the girls taking part in three activities and also getting use of the other facilities the centre has to offer. The day involved combat laser (like paintball without the paint), zip-wire (many of our brave Brigíns and Guides jumped from a 12 metre height on a 100-metre zip-wire), and the Birds of Prey Educational Experience, as part of which we learned about owls and reptiles, with the girls getting to hold some of the animals themselves.

We would highly recommend a trip to Trabolgan to all other companies, Cork-based or otherwise. The staff were very professional, courteous and made sure that both the leaders and the girls had all the help they needed. The girls had a great day and can’t wait to go back again.

Reports by Sarah Slevin, St. Ursula's

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42 Guiders Link Vol. 3

South-Western Region camp at Kilcully

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Freedom of the City of Lisburn awarded to Catholic Guides of Ireland!

On April 26th 2014, the Catholic Guides of Ireland along with a number of other voluntary uniformed youth organisations was awarded the honour of the Freedom of the City of Lisburn in County Antrim. A formal ceremony was held in the Council’s chambers in the Lisburn Civic Centre at Lagan Valley Island, followed by a celebratory lunch. A parade then took place of all the uniformed youth organisations through the city to Wallace Park, culminating in a concert, at which Luke Friend and Rough Copy (both of X Factor fame) performed. The girls were presented with medals as part of the award and all had a marvellous day out. The weather was lovely too, despite being the same day as All Sections Day!

In her address the Right Worshipful

the Mayor, Councillor Margaret Tolerton said:

All too often there is negative press about young people in the media so it is refreshing and uplifting to be able to recognise the excellent work of all our uniformed youth organisations, applaud the talents of our young people and celebrate their contribution to society, both today and in the future. Today is also about the volunteers and leaders who work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to ensure that our uniformed youth organisations continue to thrive across the city.

Accepting this prestigious honour on behalf of the Association, the Northern Region Commissioner, Brenda Davison spoke saying:

It is with great pride that I represent Catholic Guiding in the Lisburn Borough today and I am delighted to accept this honour today … The work that C.G.I does to help girls and young women realise their potential in today’s society is invaluable and we hope that our organisation will continue to grow and flourish in the Borough. It is a great distinction for the voluntary uniformed youth organisations to be recognised in this way and I would like to express our gratitude to the Council for the privilege and the esteem accorded to us.

So, if you own a sheep, get ready to graze it in the City of Lisburn! A tree was also planted at the entrance to the Island Civic Centre in honour of the voluntary uniformed youth organisations, so well done to us all!

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44 Guiders Link Vol. 3

Where to get ….. EVERYTHING!

UNIFORM ITEMS Youth Adults Trail Trousers TSS TSS Sweatshirt TSS TSS / NRO Polo T-shirt TSS TSS Woggle TSS TSS Neckerchief TSS TSS Promise Pin TSS TSS Cygnet Hat TSS Cygnet Neckerchief Badge TSS Ranger Badge TSS Guider Blouse NO Guider Silk Scarf NO Guider Pin Tab TSS / NO Guider’s Name Badge NO CGI Lanyard NO NO


Youth Adults CYGNETS Road Safety Badge Miss Sparkle Badge Environment Badge Cara Badge


BRIGINS All Interest Badges PL & APL Badge Cara Badge Choices Award Badges


GUIDES All Interest Badges Service Badges PL & APL Pins Choices Award Badges


RANGERS Choices Award Pins Óisin Challenge Pin


Link Badges: Cygnet – Brigín, Brigín – Guide, Guide - Ranger TSS

Diocese Badge TSS TSS

CHOICES BOOKS Choices books are available to order from the following locations:

E / NE / SE / SW Regions National Office / The Scout Shop Northern Region Northern Region Office

Brigín Badge Book also available from National Office

CGI SOUVENIRS etc. All Available from National Office

SOUVENIRS CLOTH BADGES PINS Sporks CGI Thinking Day Badge Friendship Pin - Brigín version Shoe laces (small size only) WAGGGS World (circle - dark blue) WAGGGS Metal - Blue Colouring pencils & sharpener set WAGGGS Europe (oval - pale blue) WAGGGS Metal - Blue (small) Erasers WAGGGS - Thinking Day 2013 WAGGGS Thinking Day Pins

2013 / 2012 / 2011 Pencil (wooden rainbow nib) WAGGGS - Thinking Day 2012 Poppers - colouring crayons WAGGGS Centenary – Luxury White St Bridget's fundraising pins WAGGGS Centenary Day Mug WAGGGS Centenary - 2012 Green Rain Jackets

Youth: 5-6 & 12-14 only Adults: S / M / L / XL / XXL

WAGGGS Centenary Day Badge WAGGGS Bio-diversity Cygnet Bag WAGGGS End Poverty (GAT) – Silver Campfire Book & CD WAGGGS End Poverty (GAT) – Gold Hoodies

Youth: 9-11 / 12-13 / 14-15 Adults: S / L / XL (Youth 14-15 same size as adult Med)

Guides Choose Games Book Guides Choose Songs Book

CGI souvenir stock changes from time to time, so the items on this list may not always be available. Keep an eye on the Shop section on the website for details

TSS - The Scout Shop NO - National Office NRO - Northern Region Office


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Event Booking Form - Page 1 of 2


Name of Event: (e.g. Guide Weekend) Event Date:

Unit Name: Unit No.: Region: E Region NE Region N Region SE Region SW Region






CT Name:






Tel/Mob: Tel/Mob:

Email: Email:





Name: RA






Tel/Mob: Tel/Mob:


Transport Costs - €12 per person travelling on the bus, including ALL Guiders/Adults

1. We will arrange our own transport and will not be availing of the subsidy (This would be to your advantage if you can get a bus which will costs you less than €12 per person)


We wish to avail of the subsidised transport and enclose €12 per person travelling on the bus Furthermore: a.) We will book our own bus and supply CGI with an invoice in advance of the event

(if you are booking your own bus please get the lowest price possible) b.) We would like CGI to arrange our transport (please provide pick up details below)

Total numbers travelling on the bus (inc. adults)

Details of pick up/drop off location for bus:

All fees for those travelling on the bus must be paid at the time of booking


Section Children Guiders / Adults

Total People

Cygnet Brigin Guide

Ranger Total


No. of people

Fee p.p. €

Total Fees €

Event - Children Event - Adults Transport - ALL

Total Fees Due (for GBP rates, refer to


Bookings are not valid until payment and completed booking form has been received by the National Office. Please supply names of all participants on the next page and return with your booking form

Other Information: (e.g. 1 Guider is driving to the event and will not be on the bus)

BOOKING NOTES: • Bookings are made against the person named in the contact details below. If you are booking for multiple

sections and each section person is to receive direct correspondence please list each person below, or supply a separate booking form for each section. Otherwise all correspondence will be sent to 1 person only.

• Only 1 booking can be made against an individual (i.e. if you are working with a 2nd Unit we cannot place a 2nd booking against your name, it should be booked against another person)

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Event Booking Form - Page 2 of 2



(e.g. Guide Weekend) Event Date:

Unit Name: Unit No.: Region: E Region NE Region N Region SE Region SW Region

Guiders/Adults: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Cygnets / Brigíns / Guides / Rangers 1 31 2 32 3 33 4 34 5 35 6 36 7 37 8 38 9 39 10 40 11 41 12 42 13 43 14 44 15 45 16 46 17 47 18 48 19 49 20 50 21 51 22 52 23 53 24 54 25 55 26 56 27 57 28 58 29 59 30 60

A soft copy version of this form is available on the CGI website:

• All participants must be registered members of CGI • Participants will be checked against registration records • Please supply names as per registration form • Please state if a child has moved up a section since registration • Please state if a child is registered with a different Unit

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NEBChief Commissioner [email protected]. Chief Commissioner [email protected] National Treasurer [email protected] National Secretary [email protected] [email protected]íní brigíní Guides [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Region [email protected] Region [email protected] Region [email protected] Region [email protected]

Child ProtectionEastern Region Catherine Monaghan Anne Murphy Clare O’Brien

086 2710931 086 2710951 086 2710953

South-Western Region Marion Gleeson Maria Dowling

086 2710941 086 2710950

South-Eastern Region Barbara Ryan Aideen Moran

086 2710958 086 2710952

Northern Region Josephine Higgins Martha Mc Grath Sarah Mc Manus Carol Ewings Maire Mc Grath

07581644947 07581644899 07581645481 07581644860 07581639739

StaffNicola Toughey National Office Coordinator [email protected] Hosback Finance Officer [email protected] Yvonne Nulty Administrative Assistant [email protected] Geoghegan Communications Administrator [email protected]

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Funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the National Lottery.

CGI National Office12 Clanwilliam Terrace, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2Tel: (01) 661 9566 • Fax: (01) 676 5691Email: [email protected]

CGI Northern Region OfficeSt. Francis De Sale, Beechmount Drive, Belfast BT12 7LUTel: 048 9031 3639 • Fax: 048 9031 3639Email: [email protected]

Charity Number: CHY 7958