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GUIDELINES FOR(i) God needs (Meaning the God is neither independent nor self subsistent) (ii) He is divisible (we do not know what does he mean by divisibility of his Sky God) (iii)

Jul 28, 2020



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Page 1: GUIDELINES FOR(i) God needs (Meaning the God is neither independent nor self subsistent) (ii) He is divisible (we do not know what does he mean by divisibility of his Sky God) (iii)
Page 2: GUIDELINES FOR(i) God needs (Meaning the God is neither independent nor self subsistent) (ii) He is divisible (we do not know what does he mean by divisibility of his Sky God) (iii)



Written By


Sahih Iman Publication

Page 3: GUIDELINES FOR(i) God needs (Meaning the God is neither independent nor self subsistent) (ii) He is divisible (we do not know what does he mean by divisibility of his Sky God) (iii)


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Page 4: GUIDELINES FOR(i) God needs (Meaning the God is neither independent nor self subsistent) (ii) He is divisible (we do not know what does he mean by divisibility of his Sky God) (iii)



بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

، والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين الحمد هلل رب العالمين

This book is written as a guideline for Ahle Sunnah youth who are lured away from Sahih Iman and Sahih Islam by the preachers of different sects. They confuse Ahle Sunnah youth on the issues of Bidda', Tawassul, Isteghasa, Fateha, Milad-un-Nabi, Eisaal-e-Thawab, Zikr, etc.

We are positive that after reading this book, In-sha-Allah, Ahle Sunnah youth will be able to protect themselves from misleading Daw'a of different sects.

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Page 6: GUIDELINES FOR(i) God needs (Meaning the God is neither independent nor self subsistent) (ii) He is divisible (we do not know what does he mean by divisibility of his Sky God) (iii)



Salafis and their likeminded groups worship a Sky God who has two hands, two eyes, a face, a mouth and tongue in his mouth, two shins, legs, fingers in hands and feet, and a huge human like physical body; who is sitting on a big chair on the skies in a certain direction. They say that this huge Sky Idol has limitations on his movements as he cannot come near human beings, therefore, knows about them only by his knowledge. They call this human-like-Deity as Allah.

It is important to understand the perception of God by Salafis, Christians and Hindus and others. Salafis call their Sky God as Allah because God is translated in Arabic as Allah. Similarly, Christians in Arabic, Persian and Urdu translations of Bible, refer to their God as Allah.


Salafis believe that their God is sitting on the seventh sky, alone, separated from his Creatures. They believe that their God has a physical body and has restrictions on his movement and he cannot come close to his creatures. This is the reason, he knows about them only by his knowledge. Like we (human beings) know that there are uncountable planets in the Universe; Salafi God also knows about these planets and their inhabitants only by his knowledge.

Salafis misinterpret and wrongly quote Quranic verses and Ahadith to establish the legitimacy and existence of their Sky God. They claim that their Sky God is the real God of all creatures.

Salafi Sky God was first invented by Ibn Taymiyyah (1263 - 1328), a Kurdish scholar, the founder of Salafism or Salafi thought. The critics call him literalist, rebel, blasphemer, disbeliever, militant, deviated innovator, anthropomorphist and so on. Ad-Dhahabi a famous Salafi Scholar who was also the student of Ibn Taymiyah wrote - "He (Ibn Taymiyya) was an outstanding scholar, meticulous in his intellectual examinations, but guilty of introducing innovations in the Religion (Mubtadi)".

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The above was reported by as-Sakhawi in his book al-I`lan bi al-tawbikh. Ibn Hajar also reported the same. As-Subki and hundreds of other scholars criticized Ibn Taymiyyah for his innovative beliefs.

Ibn Battuta, the famous Moroccan historian wrote in Ar-Rihlah (1/110) as follows:

QUOTE - "When I came to Damascus there was a man called Ibn Taimiyya speaking about religious science, but there was something strange in his mind. Once he was giving the Friday Sermon and he said - [Our God descends to the first sky every night ] ينزل ربنا كل ليلة إلى سماء الدنياthen he went down two steps on the Minbar and said - كنزل هذه [Like my descending - comparing God with human beings]. The people of Damascus jumped on him and wanted to kill him." - UNQUOTE

The following is Ibn Taymiyyah's description of his Sky God.

(i) God needs (Meaning the God is neither independent nor self subsistent) (ii) He is divisible (we do not know what does he mean by divisibility of his Sky God) (iii) He settles in a place (Meaning, he is comfortable sitting in his place). (iv) He has six directions - up - down - left - right - front - back. (Meaning, the Sky God has a physical body). The Sky God is sitting above the skies and his face is towards Arsh. (v) He has limitations; no one but he knows about it. Even his place (dwelling) has a limitation which is on the seventh sky. Thus the Sky God has two limitations of movements (it is strange belief). (vi) He has a size (of his body). (vii) He must be creating continuously. He can choose what to create but he cannot choose whether to create or not. (Meaning, he is helpless, has no choice but to create continuously). (viii) He is not mixed with his creation but is sitting alone separated from his creatures on the sky. (ix) He has two real eyes, two real hands, a real (human like) face and other limbs. His face and other limbs are known to him only.

Ibn Taymiyyah is held in high regard by Salafis, Deobandis and their likeminded groups who call him 'Shaikh-ul-Islam' and say 'رحمتہ هللا عليہ ' with his name.

When someone tries to explain them their misconceptions about God, they create a hue and cry and say this is 'Kalam' (use of mind / philosophy / Shirk / Biddah). They behave like Christians who believe in Trinity. When someone questions Christians how it is possible that there are three distinct Gods, the Father God, the Son of God and the Holy Ghost; and then all the three are one? They shout back and ask the person not to mix reasoning in religious beliefs.

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Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi at-Tamimi, who is the Imam of Salafism, attributed Shirk towards Adam (عليه السالم). He said : Ibn Abi Hatim reports with a Sahih chain from Qatadah that he said : They (Adam and Hawwa - السال م عليہم ) did "Shirk" in obedience (to Allah), but not in worship [Ibn Abdul Wahab in Kitab at-Tawheed, Page No.48].

However, in English translation of Kitab at-Tawhid it says in Footnote : The above quoted Hadith is said to be "weak". Ibn Kathir and Al-Bani ranked it weak "Da'if" (Publisher) [Page No. 157]

One of the most famous Salafi Scholar of recent times Al-Bani (1914-1999) declared Sahabah, including Khulfa-e-Rashideen, Members of Prophet's ( صلى هللا عليه و آله) ,family, Muhajireen and Ansars (وسلم عنہم اجمعين یضئ هللا تعالر ) all as Bid'atees.

Al-Bani declared the practice of 20 rak'a of taraweeh in the month of Ramadan to be a reprehensible innovation (bid'ah)! What concerns here is not the actual number of rak'a, but the consideration that he has declared a known practice of Sahaba as bid'ah! To any sincere person the implication of his claim is clear; he is declaring all of them as Bida’tees.

Al-Bani's declaration is supported by all prominent Salafi Scholars in the world but they stop short of calling Sahabah as innovators openly for fear of Muslim anger in the world. They put forward all kinds of arguments and logic to convince their followers and sow the seed of suspicion among people that Sahabah were innovators.

Salafis consider Al-Bani as their undisputed scholar and Imam. He is held in highest regard and all his actions, declarations and Ahadith / Fiqh rulings are supported and defended by all Salafi scholars in the world. We have not come across any Salafi scholar, Mufti or preacher (Da'ee) in the world who has ever criticized Al-Bani for anything whatsoever.

We have provided below some of beliefs of Al-Bani which are endorsed by all Salafi scholars and their followers.

(i)Al-Bani declared Imam Bukhari as 'Mushrik' (Nauzubillahi) for translating 'Wajhu' as 'dominion and sovereignty (mulk) in verse كل شيء Everything will perish save His countenance (Al-Qasas - 88) in) هالك إلا وجهه the 'Book of Tafsir in Sahih Bukhari. He wrote : "No true believer would

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say such a thing" and "We should consider Bukhari innocent of that statement". (Look how intelligently he is branding Imam Bukhari as Mushrik (Astghfiruallah). (Reference - Introduction to al-San'ani's Raf al-Astar - page 24-25).

(ii) Al-Bani removed over five thousand (5000) Ahadith from various authentic books of Ahadith claiming them to be concocted and weak. He also removed 83 chapters and 329 Ahadith from one single Hadith book, Adab

Al-Mufred, written by Imam Bukhari. He did the same thing with many other important Ahadith books.

Imam Bukhari and his works are accepted by entire Muslim Umma as most

authentic. He is the undisputed Imam in Hadith Narration. Can any Muslim in the world believe that Imam Bukhari will write 83 spurious and concocted Hadith Chapters in his book? By accusing Imam Bukhari to have included 83 Chapters of wrong Ahadith means, Al-Bani has branded him as untrustworthy and unworthy to be a Hadith scholar, let alone be an Imam of Hadith (استغفر هللا). All Salafi Scholars support Al-Bani in this context.

Branding Imam Bukhari in such a fashion means blowing off the important pillar of Islam from its basement. How can the building stand without its basic important structural column.

Al-Bani published "corrected" (read altered/corrupted) versions of the Ahadith books of Bukhari and Muslim to sow the seed of suspicion in the hearts of the people about these trusted Imams of Muslim Ummah.

He also published new altered/corrupted versions of the books of Ahadith like (a) Tirmidhi, (b) Nasai, (c) Ibn Maja, (d) Abu Dawood, (e) Adab al-Mufrad of Imam Bukhari, (f) Mundhiri's al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, and (g) Suyuti's al-Jami` al-Saghir.

Two volumes of all the above books have been published by Al-Bani; namely, (i) Sahih, and (ii) Da'eef.

It is a Salafi strategy to wipe out Islam from the world and establish Salafism in its place. In future, Salafis will publish only the Sahih version (read altered/corrupted version) of these books which contain all Ahadith that have been misinterpreted to support Salafi ideology. Thus real Islam will be completely hidden from future generations of Muslims in the world.

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Abul Hasan Ash-Shaykh, a Salafi Scholar and follower of Al-Bani collected 220 self-contradictions in Al-Banis works (Reference - Taraju). Meanings, Al-Bani writes something in one book, then he writes something totally different in another book contradicting his earlier statement. His self-contradictions are so widespread that his followers and his critics both do not know about the Iman on which he died.

Many other scholars have also found hundreds of contradictions in Al-Bani's works. Some scholars stated that Al-Bani does not have any Ijaza from any authentic Hadith scholar. Some scholars emphasized that he did not study under any Shaikh and is a home grown, self studied and self declared scholar, like Dr. Zakir Naik.

(iii) Al-Bani declared Imam Abu Hanifa as Kafir and compared Hanafi Fiqh as Gospel (teachings of Christianity). Read his commentary on al-Mundhiri's Mukhtasar Sahih Muslim, 3rd ed. (Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islami, 1977, p. 548). This phrase was later removed in subsequent editions of this book by Salafis out of fear of Muslim backlash.

(iv) Al-Bani ordered all Salafis to follow him (and reject all Imams of Ahadith and Fiqh en masse). (Refer Al-Bani's notes on Nu`man al-Alusi's al-Ayat al-Bayyinat p. 80 and his Silsila Da`ifa - #203).

Al-Bani declared Imam Ash'ari and Imam Matrudi (رضئ الله تعالی عنہم) and all Sufi Shuyookh of Ihsan [including Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani ( رضئ الله تعالی who is held in great honor by Muslims] as Kafirs. He also declared all (عنہgreat Islamic scholars as thieves, liars, and unbearably ignorant people.

[Reference - Read the book compiled by Shaykh Hasan Ali al-Saqqaf titled 'Qamus Shata'im al-Albani wa Alfazihi al-Munkara al-Lati Yatluquha ala Ulama' al-Umma' (Dictionary of al-Al Bani's Insults and the Heinous Words He Used Against the Scholars of Islam].

(v) Al-Bani demanded repeatedly, throughout his life, to demolish and destroy the Green dome of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and to remove Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) pious grave out of Prophet's (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) Mosque in Madina.

[Reference - his notes on al-Qasimi's al-Mash`ala al-Jawrabayn p. 38. on

the Hadith of Mu`adh].

Al-Bani wrote - "I have found no evidence for the Prophet's ( صلى هللا عليه و آله- hearing of the Salaam of those who greet him at his grave" (Reference (وسلم Tahrim Alat al-Tarab - p. 160).

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All Salafi scholars in the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who are responsible for Issuing of Islamic (Salafi) edicts (Fatawa), including Imams of Grand mosques of Makka and Madina, like Shaikh Adil al-Kalbani and other prominent scholars like Shaikh Abdulaziz Ibn Baaz (1910-1999), Ibn Uthaymeen an-Najdi - (1925-2001) have allowed several kinds of fake marriages, (Misyar, Urfa, Misyaf, Misfar, etc.) in Salafi society. (Reference, Arab News Articles dated October 13, 2010, and October 30, 2010.)


Saudi Salafis, popularly known as Najdi Wahhabis, dug over 60,000 pious graves / memorials of Sahaba and members of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) family in Arabian Peninsula and disposed of their pious bodies mysteriously, as no one knows about the fate of these bodies. This is the most heinous act in human history. No nation on Earth in the known history of humanity has ever committed such crimes against humanity. Human history has seen many massacres of living people, but has not seen any victorious Army digging the graves of the ancestors of the defeated nation in order to eliminate even the graves of their dead from the face of earth. Such dubious distinction is only associated with Salafis. They did all this in the name of purification (read elimination) of Islam. Deobandis wholeheartedly support Salafis in this context.

Saudis attempted several times to destroy the Green Dome of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and remove his pious grave from the Grand Mosque of Madina. Deobandis support Salafis in this context.

They destroyed the pious House of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) in Makka, where he lived 28 years with his family (before migrating to Madina), and they built a Public Toilet on it.

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Salafis misinterpret categorical verses (Ayaat-e-Muhkamaat) of Quran to establish their self concocted beliefs. In addition, they insist on literal (textual) translation of allegorical verses (Ayaat-e-Mutashabihaat) of Quran to consolidate their self fabricated notions.

This practice is exactly the opposite of what should be done. Meaning, the categorical verses (Ayaat-e-Muhkamaat) should be understood in their literal meanings and allegorical verses (Ayaat-e-Mutashaabihaat) should be interpreted to get to the factual meanings. Look at the following Quranic verse.

It is in Quran - فوق إ يد للاا نا الاذين يبايعونك إناما يبايعون للاا Certainly, those] أيديهم who are doing ‘the promise of allegiance’ (b’aya) to you, O’ Prophet ( صلى .they are actually doing the promise of allegiance to Allah ,(هللا عليه و آله وسلمAllah’s hand is upon their hand.] (Al-Fath – 10).

Salafis claim that from the above verse Allah's ( عزا وجلا) hands are established, therefore Allah ( عزا وجلا) has hands (La haula wala quwwata illah billah).

Even an average Muslim knows that it is an allegorical (metaphorical - symbolic) expression. It means that the people should take the hand of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى while doing (عزا وجلا ) in all the seriousness as if it is the hand of Allah (هللا عليه و آله وسلمba'ya.

It is in Quran - حكمات هنا أم ال كتاب وأخر هو الاذي أنزل عليك الكتاب منه آيات م

متشابهات ا الاذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتابعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله فأما وما يعلم تأويله إلا للاا اسخون في العلم يقولون ن عند ربناوالرا وما يذاكار إلا أولو اللباب آمناا به كل م [ He is

who has sent down to you (O' Prophet - صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) the Book (Quran). Some verses of it are definite in meaning (Ayaat-e-Muhkamaat). These form the mother of the Book (the basic there in) and the rest are figurative (metaphorical) (Ayaat - e - Mutashaabihaat). But they, in whose minds there is a tendency to deviate from truth, take the metaphorical (verses in their literal / textual sense) craving discord, and craving to give them their own interpretation, although none knows the reality about them except Allah. And those who make it right approach to knowledge could only say 'we believe therein all that is from our Lord'. None can catch their significance except those gifted with insight.] (Aal-e-Imran -

7). Who are the people who are gifted with insight by Allah ( عزا وجلا)? They are Awliya Allah, Imams of Fiqh, and Sahabah.

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But the problem with Salafis is, they regard all Sahabah as bida'atees (innovators). They reject all Imams of Fiqh and Ahadith and claim their following as Shirk. They also reject Prophet's (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) Ahadith that establish Salafi beliefs as un-Islamic. They denounce Awliya Allah and Shuyookh of Ihsan as innovators. After all these rejections, how could they be treated as Muslims? As a matter of fact, Salafis are the new version of Kharijis who were declared as out of Islam by Ijma (consensus of Islamic Ulema) long time ago.

Their insistence on self study and self understanding of Quran has led them to the greatest invention in human history - a Sky Idol God for their worship, who has hands, eyes, face, tongue and a huge human like physical body; who is sitting on a big chair over the skies. They claim that this Idol is self made, only one of its kind, independent, neither beget nor begotten and none is like him. They also claim that this Idol has created this Universe. They prostrate in front of this Idol 5-times a day during their modified Salah.


After reading the above, it will be easier for Ahle Sunnah youth to understand Salafi psychology, their blasphemous beliefs and widespread un-Islamic practices in their societies throughout the world. Therefore, it is a good idea to observe the following guidelines in dealing with Salafi/Deobandi Da'wa.

(1) Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'a can not accept explanations or interpretations of Quranic verses and Ahadith provided by Salafi Scholars because their basic beliefs are contrary to Islam.

How can we follow Salafi outrageous beliefs about Allah ( عزا وجلا) and Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and Sahabah ( رضئ الله تعالی عنہم ?(اجمعين

(2) Using of Quranic verses meant for Pagans (Mushrikeen-e-Makka) on Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), Sahabah ( عنہم یرضئ هللا تعال

,and Awliya Allah was practiced by Ibn Taymiyyah (1263–1328) (اجمعينthe founder of Salafism, which was followed by his students and intellectual heirs. Therefore, interpretations of Quranic verses and Ahadith by Salafi Scholars is ' not Islam ' therefore cannot be accepted by Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'a.

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(3) We cannot accept a ruling on an Islamic issue by a Christian, or a Hindu or a Salafi, because they all teach Idol worship. Hindus believe in many Gods, Christians believe in three Gods, and Salafis believe in one Idol God who has physical body and limbs and who is sitting on a big chair over the skies. Rather we will explain them Islamic facts that are logically acceptable to them

(4) It is important to bear in mind that Ahle Sunnah will live in peace and harmony and will maintain friendly cordial relations with all people of the world, including Salafis, Shias, Christians, Hindus and other Groups. We will greet everyone with a broad smile on our faces and wish good for every human being on this planet because Islam teaches us peace and guides us to work for human prosperity. We believe in changing peoples' hearts by good counseling. We do not believe in hatred or violence towards anyone in the world. Therefore, a person who talks of extremism, violence in any manner whatsoever is not from Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'a.

(5) Faith is related to one's heart. Therefore, when the issue of Islamic faith comes, we will adhere to original Islamic teachings and will not allow ourselves to be misled by the new Salafi Sectarian Da'wa (in the name of Islam) because it actually takes us away from Islam.

It is in Hadith - reported by Abu Naim (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) in his book titled 'Huliya'. Abu Umana Bahili ( رضئ هللا تعالی said ‘Before (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) narrates that Prophet (عنہQiyamah, they (the misguided sects and their sub groups) will spread and attack bitterly like the small and large insects and whosoever witnesses this period must seek refuge in Allah ( عزا وجلا) (Huliya).

The above Hadith clearly states that, among the misguided groups like Salafis and others, some will be very large and some will be small and they will attack the Iman (Aqeedah) of Muslims from all over the world. It is very difficult to sustain their (Da'wa). We seek Allah's ( عزا وجلا) refuge from their misleading Da'wa.

It is in Hadith - Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri ( رضئ هللا تعالی said, "A time will (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) Allah's Apostle :(عنہcome that the best property of a Muslim will be sheep which he will take on the top of mountains and the places of rainfall (valleys) so as to flee with his religion (Islamic Faith) from afflictions." (Bukhari - Book #2, Hadith #18).

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The above Hadith signifies our time when it is extremely difficult for Muslims to protect their Sahih Iman from the Da'wa campaigns of misguided Salafi Groups on the one hand and immorality of our modern era on the other.

(6) There are three types of people in Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'a in the world, as described below.

(i) Those who avoid sharing religious gatherings with Salafis, Deobandis and their likeminded groups.

They avoid listening to Salafi/Deobandi speeches on TVs, and in Jum'a Sermons and on Internet, because they say that Salafi/Deobandi Da'wa leads innocent Muslims away from Islam.

They also avoid going to mosques which are dominated by Salafi groups. Because Salafis prostrate to a Sky God during their Salah. It is difficult for Ahle Sunnah to share Salah with them.

They say that they cannot perform Salah in a Hindu temple or Christian church where Idols are kept. Similarly, when we know that Idol worship is being done in the name of Salah in a Salafi mosque, it will be difficult for Ahle Sunnah to share it with Salafis.

They say, saving one's Iman is Fardh, and performing Salah in a mosque is Sunnah. Therefore, it is a good idea to save one's Iman and pray at home rather than be in the company of Salafis/Deobandis in their mosque and lose your Iman. They also say that when we do not find an Ahle Sunnah mosque in close vicinity of our residential area, it is a good idea to perform Salah in a small Ahle Sunnah congregation at a common place. Let us gradually develop a mosque of Ahle Sunnah in the area.

They also say that when you have no choice except to use Salafi mosque for Salah, it is a good idea to perform Salah along with Ahle Sunnah Group in a smaller congregation. If this is not possible, then perform alone.

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Salafis, themselves do not want Ahle Sunnah to come to their mosques. There is a Fatwa issued by the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fatawa, Government of Saudi Arabia, comprising of Government appointed Salafi Scholars, namely; (1) Abdulaziz Ibn Baaz, (2) Abdur Razzag Afeefi, (3) Abdullah Ibn Ghudayyaan, (4) Abdullah Ibn Qu'ood, as follows:

"You (Salafis) should not pray with the Sufiyyah (Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'a) in their masjid, and you must beware of their companionship and mixing with them in case you are afflicted with what they have been afflicted with. So perform your prayers in a masjid where they uphold the Sunnah (meaning believe in Sky Idol God) and are steadfast upon it (meaning, agree with the disrespect of Prophet - صلى هللا عليه و Sahabah and Awliya Allah, which is carried out by ,آله وسلمSalafis)".

Reference - Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. Volume 2, Page 301, Question 9 of Fatwa No. 6250 .

In such a scenario, where is the question of mixing up between Salafis/Deobandis and Ahle Sunnah wal Jama'a?

Some Ahle Sunnah say that if it is unavoidable and we have to perform Salah in a Salafi mosque, behind Salafi Imam during Juma, then it is a good idea to avoid listening to their Khutba and after the Fardh Congregation Salah, perform your Sunnah individually and come out from the mosque quickly. If Salafis in that mosque insist you to sit for an Ijtema, tell them politely but firmly that you do not believe in Salafi teachings. If they invite you for a debate, prepare and educate yourself first before accepting their invitation.

All Ahle Sunnah parents should make sure that their kids are not forced to attend Salafi /Tabhlighee Ijtemas in their schools and colleges. run by them. For this purpose, they should represent the school/college management and ensure that their children are not forced to listen to Wrongful Da'wa in the name of Islam.

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All Ahle Sunnah parents should make sure that they reply to their kids questions about Islam immediately. If they do not know the answer, they should find it.

They say that the whole idea is to avoid listening to Salafi/Deobandi wrongful Da'wa. It does not mean that they hate Salafis or Deobandis. Everyone has the choice to adhere to faith and we are not supposed to hate others for their choice of faith. It is their individual choice and they will be responsible for it on the Day of Judgment.

When you ask them about Hajj and Umra when Ahle Sunnah have to visit Makka and Madina and compulsorily perform Salah behind a Salafi Imam; they say that in this situation, we can perform Salah along with Salafis in Grand mosques of Makka and Madina because Islamic heartland is in their occupation and we have no control over it. Since it is unavoidable, we hope Allah ( عزا وجلا) will pardon us for these unavoidable circumstances.

Does it not mean that they are dividing Muslims in the world by avoiding Salafi mosques?

They say : No we are not dividing people. It is the Salafis who have divided Muslims. Now there are hundreds of Salafi Groups in the world each one accusing the other as Kafir. They have issued Fatawas against Ahle Sunnah and against their own groups.

It is important to note that we do not hate Salafis or anyone in the world. We are all human beings and we wish good for everyone on this planet. Our only worry is our Sahih Iman and salvation in Hereafter. We do not want to do anything which takes away our Iman and makes us vulnerable on the Day of Judgment.

Other than Islamic faith, Ahle Sunnah will keep cordial relations with Salafis and their likeminded groups in all issues of human concerns in the world.

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(ii) Ahle Sunnah who advocate open mix up with Salafis and their likeminded groups and insist that performing Salah in Salafi dominated mosques behind Salafi Imams is permissible.

This Ahle Sunnah group argues that Prophet Mohammad's .advent is for all peoples of the World (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)Therefore, we should not differentiate between people. There are only two kinds of people in the world; those who have accepted the message of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى هللا and those who have rejected it. Those who have (عليه و آله وسلمrejected, should be treated as 'people under invitation'.

Also, it is literally not possible to ensure performing Salah behind Ahle Sunna Imams all the time as Salafis have taken over majority of Ahle Sunnah mosques in the world. They say that it is permissible to perform Salah behind Salafi Imams as many pious Muslims performed Salah behind Khariji Imams during early Umayyed rule.

They say that we should invite people belonging to all sects and spread love among human beings. This has been the practice of Awliya Allah. People from all walks of life, from different religions have been visiting Awliya Allah. They also encourage celebrating happiness on Eids and Chrismas and other occasions jointly and create an atmosphere of amity in the world.

(iii) Those who do not care about Sectarian issues.

This Ahle Sunnah group do not mind eating Fateha Food and carry on with other Ahle Sunnah Islamic practices but also fondly listen to Salafi Da'wa of Dr. Zakir Naik, Taqi Uthmani, Tariq Jameel and other Salafi / Deobandi Scholars.

They happily listen to the Khutbas given by Salafi Imams on Fridays, perform Salah behind them and advocate open mix up and family-type relations with Salafis and often regard Salafis as more pious than Sunnis. While marrying their sons and daughters, they never bother about the Sahih Iman of the other family. Whoever talks about Salafis and Sunnis,

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they get angry on them and say that this kind of people are spreading hatred among Muslims in the name of religion. They say that spreading division among Muslims in this time of trouble in the world will damage Muslims' interests in the world. They say, all sects should unite at all costs. They believe everyone who proclaims Shahada is essentially a Muslims. They claim sectarian divisions are the handiwork of Mullahs and selfish scholars. They say the differences of opinions among various sects in Muslims are secondary in nature and therefore should not be emphasized in order to maintain Unity among all Muslims of the world.

Analysis of above Ahle Sunnah groups

The first Group

The first group of Ahle Sunnah are indeed walking on the safe path. They give emphasis to Sahih Iman over all issues and play safe. Though they may be misunderstood by others, but their priorities in life are clear cut and safe as far as our salvation in Hereafter is concerned. They understand the difference between Sahih Iman and cordial relations between human beings and try to maintain a dignified balance in both these issues.

The second group

This Group could be vulnerable. Ahle Sunnah scholars who know more about the fine tuning of Sahih Iman and who are very well read in all subjects of Islamic studies can walk on this difficult path. A person who has all the confidence and who can debate with Salafis/Deobandis on all issues of Islamic faith and lead them to the right path of Islam, can only survive in this groups. This is the reason Awliya Allah never objected to people from other faiths attending their gatherings. Because they know that they can guide all people to the straight path of Islam.

For general Ahle Sunnah youth, this path is full of risks. Therefore, it is a good idea to avoid the company of Salafis until you are well versed in all Islamic subjects.

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The third group

This Group is in danger zone. Though they call themselves ahle Sunnah, but deep down their hearts, they have already started appreciating Salafi/Deobandi thought and are already converted into Salafism/Deobandism, though they themselves do not realize it. To them well being in this world is top priority. They are not concerned about the well being in Hereafter. It is very difficult for a person to come back to Sahih Iman if he has gone this far. We have seen very few people coming back to Ahle Sunnah fold from this group. They gradually turn into hard core salafis / Deobandis. Their following generations join various Salafi / Deobandi groups and their homes become battle fields of religious debates.