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j Policy for I mplementation of Bi om etric Ba sed Attendance Monitoring System ( BBAMS ) at Labour Burea u, Chandigarh/ Sh imla.! With a view to improve efflciency in monitoring the attendance, leave records and over all working environment , Bio metric Based Attendance Monitoringl System ( BBAMS) has been introduced in Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla. Adequate number of ma chines wi ll be installed to avoid long queues and inconvenience during Gffice opening time. The BAMS machines will be installed at the Reception Counter of for marking the attendance by Offlcers and members of Staff. . Al l the offlcials / officers of Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla would be able to mark their attendance in any of the machines installed at Reception Counter in the morning at the time of entering office as well as in the evening at departure time. In case, if any of the machine is not functioning, the officials I officers may mark their attendance in any other machine installed. Th e rules th at will be followed for operation of the system are as follows: l. The Biometric Based Attendance Monitoring System (BBAMS) will be ma intained by Administration -I Section of so far as the matter of attendance and related policy has been dealt for. Shri A.S. Tanda, EDP Manager, Labour Bureau, Chandigarh and Shri H.s. Raghav, Director, Labour Bureau, Shimla shall be the Nodal Officer for implementing BBAMS. 2. The term 'official' used in these rules would include all the officers and other staff of Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla & outsourced Staff. 3. All officials will be required to mark their arrival and departure time in Biometric Based Attendance Monitoring System machine without any exception. 4. In case, BBAMS is out of order / not working, all officials wi ll be required to mark their arrival and departure time in the attendance registers maintained in their respective Sections for that/those day/days. The attendance reports will be send to Admin-I Section. Whenever, the BBAMS system is functional, manual attendance report will not be applicab l e.

Guidelines and rules for Biometric Attendance System

Feb 08, 2017



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Page 1: Guidelines and rules for Biometric Attendance System


Policy for I mplementation of Biometric Based Attendance Monitoring System ( BBAMS) at Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla.!

With a view to improve efflciency in monitoring the attendance, leave records and over all working environment , Biometric Based Attendance Monitoringl System ( BBAMS) has been introduced in Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla. Adequate number of machines wi ll be installed to avoid long queues and inconvenience during Gffice opening time. The BAMS machines will be installed at the Reception Counter of for marking the attendance by Offlcers and members of Staff . . Al l the offlcials / officers of Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla would be able to mark their attendance in any of the machines installed at Reception Counter in the morning at the time of entering office as well as in the evening at departure time. In case, if any of the machine is not functioning, the officials I officers may mark their attendance in any other machine installed.

The rules that will be followed for operation of the system are as follows:

l. The Biometric Based Attendance Monitoring System (BBAMS) will be ma intained by Administration -I Section of so far as the matter of attendance and related policy has been dealt for. Shri A.S. Tanda, EDP Manager, Labour Bureau, Chandigarh and Shri H.s. Raghav, Director, Labour Bureau, Shimla shall be the Nodal Officer for implementing


2. The term 'official' used in these rules would include all the officers and other staff of

Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla & outsourced Staff.

3. All officials will be required to mark their arrival and departure time in Biometric Based Attendance Monitoring System machine without any exception.

4. In case, BBAMS is out of order / not working, all officials wi ll be required to mark their arrival and departure time in the attendance registers maintained in their respective Sections for that/those day/days. The attendance reports will be send to Admin-I Section. Whenever, the BBAMS system is functional, manual attendance report will not be


Page 2: Guidelines and rules for Biometric Attendance System

5. The office timings are from 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM with 30 minutes of lunch break from 01:00 PM to 01:30 PM and these are to be scrupulously observed. Each official has to put in at least 40 Hrs. of work time for the 5 day week.

6. In the morning, the time recorded between 9:00 and 9: 15 would not be counted towards

the shortfall as this is given for marking attendance in Biometric System. Thereafter, late

coming upto 15 minutes may be relaxed for not more than 2 days in a week keeping in

view the transport problem or any other unforeseen eventuality subject to the condition

that the duration of late coming is compensated by sitting late in the evening, preferably

the same day or any other day of the same week so that at least 40 Hrs. of work time for the 5 day week is maintained.

7. Similarly, early departure up to 30 minutes can be relaxed for not more than 2 days in a

week subject to the condition that the duration of early departure is compensated by

sitting extra time on any day of the same week so that at least 40 Hrs. of work time for the 5 day week is maintained.

8. Where an officer/official is required to go for an official meeting in another office directly

from home or proceed in the late afternoon from where (s) he/she is not likely to return

to office, an intimation to this effect will be furnished in advance to Adm.! Section through

e-mail at ID [email protected]

9. In exceptional cases like consultation with doctors in CGHS dispensary/hospitals/attending

social obligation, etc., late coming in the morning/early departure in the afternoon up to

two hours (maximum) will be allowed subject to the condition that prior

intimation/approval of the immediate superior officer has been obtained and the duration

of late coming /early departure is compensated by devoting such extra hours ·of work so

as to ensure that the 40 hour work schedule for the entire week is maintained.

10. While taking advantage of the above flexibil ity, if 40 Hrs of work time for the 5 day week

is not maintained, disciplinary action may be initiated against the erring official as deemed

fit under the rules .


Page 3: Guidelines and rules for Biometric Attendance System

l1.Arrival in the office after 09:30 AM or departure from before 05:00 PM will be reckoned as half day Casual Leave subject to other rules mentioned herein. This will be applicable till Casual Leaves are available in the account of official. If casual leave of official is exhausted, official may apply for any other kind of leave applicable otherwise disciplinary action shall be initiated against erring officials as deemed fit under the rules.

12. Any official availing half day Casual Leave in the forenoon will make arrival entry in the BBAM5 up to 01 :30 PM and the official availing half day Casual Leave in the afternoon will make departure entry in the BBAMS at 01:00 PM or after.

13. Attendance reports would be available on internet on daily basis on the office website and concerned officials shall get their attendance regularized in the following manner:

i. Monthly CL/RH statement in respect of officers /staff working under a unit joffice shall be sent latest by osth of following month to Adm.! section.

il. It must be ensured by the official concerned that duly recommended leave applications of nature such as EL / Commuted Leave jHPL etc. should be sent to concerned Establishment sections through e-Ieave management system of e-office promptly. The establishment sections shall ensure that all such leaves for a month are duly sanctioned by osth of the following month with copy of sanction order endorsed to Adm.! Section.

iii. In case of commuted leave on medical grounds or Earned Leave overlapping two consecutive months, period of absence shall be kept under suspense and marked '5' and shall be regularized immediately after joining of official as elaborated at para 12 (ii) above. During this period, pay and allowances of official would be released. However, in case leave is not regularized after his joining of office, pay and allowances of such official would not be processed further till such regularization. Responsibility for the same would lie on concerned official j controll!ing officer j

concerned establishment section as the case may be .

iv. For officials going on official tour, they shall send a monthly statement in this regard to Adm.! Section along with monthly CL / RH statement for making necessary

Page 4: Guidelines and rules for Biometric Attendance System

entries in the system by osth of the following month through e-mail at ID [email protected]

v. In case, any official is to visit local offices for official purposes and situation is such that such official would not be able to mark attendance in the system either in the morning or evening, prior intimation regarding it would be sent to Adm.I section through e-mail as mentioned at para 7 above. Further, a consolidated monthly statement in this regard would be sent by osth of following month for making necessary entry in the system in the following format:


S1. Name of Officer/ Venue Date/ Purpose of Signature l No OffiCial Time meeting of

approving I authority


I __J

vi. Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla would register all its employees on Biometric System. Any official who is left out for some reason should contact Shri A.S. Tanda EDP Manager or Shri H.S. Raghav, Director, Labour Bureau, Shimla for re~~istering in the system as the pay of officials is linked to it. Similarly, officials joining Labour Bureau, Chandigarh thereafter on transfer etc. should get themselves registered for Biometric system with Shri A.S. Tanda, EDP Manager immediately. Adm.! Section will advice the new officials to get themselves registered in BBAMS wherever their joining reports are accepted & they are taken on the strength of the Labour Bureau, Chandigarh/Shimla Office.

14. List of officials whose pay and allowances are to be processed and whose's can not be processed keeping in view of the attendance/regularization of leave wold be available on internet by lsth of every month for needful action in this regard by concerned

DDOs/bili preparing authorities.

15. All Over Time Allowances would be sanctioned by th~ concerned officials based on

times ,of attendance and departure marked in the Biometric Based Attendance

Monitoring System (BBAMS) only. If offiCials are called for duty on holidavs or required

Page 5: Guidelines and rules for Biometric Attendance System

for official exigencies beyond office hours outside office with senior officers or at the

residence of senior officers, they will submit a confirmation in this regard to claim

OTA/applicable leave as per rule on this accoullt.

16. In case of Staff car drivers deployed with senior officers, counting of their office hours will continue as per the existing practice in accordance with their duty requirements. However, they will be required to mark attendance in BBAMS on first arr;va! in the building and departure from the building.

17. Concerned DDO at Chandigarh & Shimla Offices would prepare pay bills strictly in accordance with these rules.

18. Disciplinary/legal action shall be taken against any official found to be tampering with the attendance monitoring system.


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