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UNIVERSITY OF PITEȘTI International student’s guide
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Page 1: Guide for foreign students


International student’s guide

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Page 3: Guide for foreign students

UNIVERSITYOF PITEȘTIwww.upit.roStr. Targul din Vale nr. 1 Pitești – 110040 Argeș county Romania Phone: 004-0348-453.100; Fax: 004-0348-453.123

International student’s guide

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c o n t e n t s

Rector’s speech 5

Presentation of the University 6

8University Organisational Chart

10Educational Offer


16Foreign Students’ Department

22Faculty of Educational Sciences

30Faculty of Sciences

32Faculty of Letters

34Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

36Faculty of Electronics, Communication and Computer Systems

38Faculty of Orthodox Theology

40Faculty of Economic Sciences

42Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences

44Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

46Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

48Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


51About Romania

53Getting Here

56Useful Information


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Page 7: Guide for foreign students

Rector’s Speech


The University of Pitești has been a representative academic medium for forming Romanian and foreign students in its 50 years of activity. Every year hundreds of foreign students come to discover the secrets and achievements of the chosen study areas.Our university is an institution with tradition in teaching, both for teaching Romanian language to foreign students, and for the three cycle degree system for undergraduates (Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) and graduates (Mas-ter’s Degree Programmes and Doctoral Studies). For all these programmes, there are specific teaching materials and elite academic staff. The University of Pitești is a member of European academic organisations (EUA, AUF, BSUN, DRC) and cooperates with more than 80 universities in the Euro-Atlantic Zone. Through bilateral conventions, the students may apply for students’ mobilities, such as ERASMUS, for international Master’s Degree programmes and for the doctoral programmes.Research opportunities are placed at their disposal by the Research Institute, which was founded to create a unitary and coherent framework for all the scientific research and applicative activity. If you want to apply for any of the programmes we provide, we are happy to place ourselves at the disposal of education and science.Our university is your university! Rector Professor Dr. Ionel DIDEA

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Presentation of the University


This year, the University of Piteşti celebrates 50 years of higher education, 50 years since its first professors and students sang “Gaudeamus igitur”. In the 50 years of activity, the University of Piteşti has taken it upon itself to contribute to the development of national knowledge and culture, aiming at creating cultural and scientific values. The University of Piteşti, a flexible and complex institution, called for to meet the cultural, social and economic needs of society, is now part of the European academic community, contributing to the world cultural heritage. The year 1962 was the year in which the University of Piteşti began its noble mission in the educational and professional development of generations of young people.

The state higher education in Piteşti was established in 1962, under the name of the Pedagogical Institute of Pitești, with three faculties: Philology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In 1969, with the develop-ment of the car manufacturing industry in the Argeş county, the Assistant Engineer Institute was also es-tablished, subordinated to the Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest. The two structures merged in 1974 and became the Institute of Higher Education of Pitești which, by the Order of the Ministry of Education no. 4.894/23.03.1991, was established as the University of Piteşti. Nowadays, the University of Piteşti provides a large range of educational opportunities through its 11 faculties, BA programmes, MA programmes and doctoral schools. Every year the institution organises an ample programme of endowments that allows our university to develop an educational system at the same level as any modern university in the world.For the approximately 14,000 students of the University of Piteşti, the programmes are organised by com-petent professors, according to international standards. Scientific research is one of the priorities of the University of Piteşti. It takes place in research centres and laboratories, being materialized in theoretical and

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Presentation of the University


practical results, scientific papers published in specialised journals in our country and abroad, presenta-tions in symposia, conferences, and national and international congresses. Year after year, the University of Piteşti organises numerous scientific manifestations, both national and international. Within the context of internationalisation, the University of Piteşti is a member of numerous educational forums of great aca-demic value. Within these structures, the University of Piteşti is actively involved in making decisions and elaborating new educational policies. In the field of international relations and collaborations, the Univer-sity of Piteşti organises a series of research-development activities in the educational domain, by means of projects financed by the European Commission: Erasmus, Comenius, Gruntvig, Leonardo da Vinci. Besides participating in competitions of projects financed by the European Union, the University of Piteşti has paid special attention to the mutual exchanges of students and academic staff. We should mention here the mu-tual exchanges with universities and professional training institutes in France, England, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Portugal or Germany. The competence and performance education promoted by the University of Piteşti is also supported by the existence of a modern university library, with an extensive supply of books, which assures a solid basis of documentation, development and research in all scientific domains.

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Rector of the University of Pitesti Prof. Ph.D


Associate Prof. Ph.D Benedict OPRESCU Faculty of Sciences

Associate Prof. Ph.D Dinel POPA Faculty of Me-chanical Engineering

and Technology

Associate Prof. Ph.D Ştefan GĂITĂNARU

Faculty of Letters

Associate Prof. Ph.D Nicu BIZON

Faculty of Electronics, Communication and Computer Systems

Lecturer Ph.D. Radu TASCOVICI

Faculty of Orthodox Theology

Lecturer Ph.D. Daniela PÂRVU

Faculty of Economic Sciences Ph.D. Marioara

ABRUDEANU coordinates the

scientific research and information


V I C E - R E C T O R S


coordinates the educational process


University Organisational Chart


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President of the Senat University of Pitesti Associate Prof. Ph.D.


Prof. Ph.D. Corneliu UDREA Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Prof. Ph.D. Eugen CHELARU Faculty of Law and Administra-

tive Sciences

Prof. Ph.D.Liliana MIHĂILESCU Faculty of Physical Education

and Sports

Lecturer Ph.D. Constantin Augustus

BARBULESCU Faculty of Humanities

and Social Sciences

Prof. Ph.D. Liliana EZECHIL Faculty of Educational Sciences

V I C E - R E C T O R S


Associate Prof. Ph.D. Mihai BRĂSLAȘU

coordinates the inter-national relations and cooperation with the


Prof. Ph.D. Marius EnachescuDirector of C.S.U.D.

Prof. Ph.D. Constantin DRĂGHICI

coordinates the so-cial, cultural-sporting

students activities.

University Organisational Chart


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Educational Offer


University of Pitești


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes and Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral Programmes

Founded in 1962

Str. Targul din Vale nr. 1 Pitești – 110040 Argeș county Romania Phone: 004-0348-453.100; Fax: 004-0348-453.123

Sciences; Letters; Mechanical Engineering and Technology; Electronics, Communication and Computer Systems; Orthodox Theology; Eco-nomic Sciences; Law and Administrative Scienc-es; Physical Education and Sports; Mathematics and Computer Science; Humanities and Social Sciences; Educational Sciences

Engineering Sciences; Exact Sciences; Human Motility Sciences; Humanistic Sciences.

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Educational Offer


Faculty Form/ duration of studies

Faculty of Educational Sciences Full time/ 3 years

Faculty of Sciences Full Time / 3 - 4 years

Faculty of Letters Full time / 3 years

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Full time / 4 years

Faculty of Electronics, Communication and Computer Systems

Full time / 4 years

Faculty of Orthodox Theology Full Time / 3 - 4 years

Faculty of Economic Sciences Full time - Part time / 3 years

Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences

Full time - Part time / 3 - 4 years

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Full time/ 3 years

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Full time/ 3 years

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Full time/ 3 years

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Erasmus mobilities for students coming to University of Pitești

Activity description

The main activities related to organising the mobility of an Erasmus student at the University of Pitești are:- the existence of a valid bilateral agreement between the University of Pitești and the partner higher educa-tion institutions;- the nomination, respectively the acceptance of the Erasmus student by both higher education institutions;- the selected student must have completed at least the first year of study at his/ her home university;- the Erasmus student must be enrolled in a Bachelor’s Degree Programme, Master’s Degree Programme or Doctoral Programme at the university of origin;- the mobility must be part of the students’ exchange proposed by the home university under an Erasmus bilateral agreement;- the study period or placement of an Erasmus student at the University of Pitesti cannot be less than three months and cannot exceed one academic year;- the period of study at the University of Pitesti is considered integral part of the study programme of his/ her home university;- the student receives academic recognition of the study period/ placement completed at the University of Pitesti;- the Erasmus student is exempted from payment of tuition fees at the University of Pitesti;- students with disabilities will be given special attention;- the Erasmus student must fill in an Application Form and a Learning Agreement/Training Agreement;- in the Learning Agreement the student must choose materials that are compatible and recognized by both universities.


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Study and placement

- the person from the University of Pitești who is in charge with this type of mobility will ensure the sup-plying and the approval of the Learning Agreement/Training Agreement by the authorised staff in the university (Agreement Coordinator, Dean, Erasmus Institutional Coordinator);- the completed forms are sent both by fax and mail to the Community Programmes Office, within the University of Pitești, addressed to the Erasmus Institutional Coordinator;- the approval and signing of the Learning Agreement and the Training Agreement; these documents must be drawn up before the student’s arrival in Romania;- after receiving the Application Form and the Learning Agreement/the Training Agreement, the University of Pitești decides on the acceptance of the student and issues the Invitation Letter;- information on accommodation is sent to the student via e-mail, along with location details;- the Erasmus coordinator at the University of Pitești is required to keep direct electronic and telephone contact with the student throughout the mobility;- during the Erasmus period at the University of Pitești, the student is invited to take part in many extracur-ricular activities: social, cultural, sports and tourism;- the arrival of the Erasmus students at the University of Pitești will be communicated to the university of origin;- upon completion of the Erasmus internship, the student receives the transcript stipulating all the attended and promoted courses and the number of credit points in the ECTS system, as well as an Erasmus Certifi-cate;- the students attending their internships in different firms will receive internship completion certificates is-sued by the company and, based on this document, the Community Programmes Office issues an Erasmus Certificate.


Adress: Str. Targul din Vale nr. 1

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Erasmus mobilities for students coming to University of Pitești

Necessary Documents

a) Application form The Erasmus institutional coordinator fills it in and submits it, both printed and electronically, to the Community Programmes Office.

b) Learning Agreement, Training Agreement

The document is signed and endorsed by the Dean of the Faculty and by the Institutional Coordinator to whom the student is assigned. The Learning Agreement stipulates the equivalence between disciplines and ensures the recogni-tion of the obtained credit points. The Training Agreement sets out the schedule of the practical activities, the objec-tives and tasks, as well as the methods of assessment.

c) Invitation letter Upon the acceptance of mobility, the Community Programmes Office at the University of Pitești issues an invitation letter to the student.


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d) Transcript of records At the end of the Erasmus mobility, the faculty issues the transcript of records which mentions all the attended and promoted courses and the ECTS credit points.

e) Erasmus Certificate The Community Programmes Office issues to the student who completed the full Erasmus mobility programme, a completion certificate of the training period, both for study and placement. The certificate confirms the identity of the student and his or her performance during the Erasmus study/ placement mobility programme.

Study and placement


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The Foreign Students Department


The Foreign Students Department was established in 1972 and it is one of the oldest departments in the country, now functioning within the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Piteşti. The department specialises in teaching Romanian as a foreign language to foreign students in the preparatory year.Up to now, students from Albany, Algeria, Irak, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Mon-golia, Brazil, Turkmenistan, Peru, Dominican Republic, Morocco, Mexico, Cote d’Ivoire, China, France, Turkey, Palestine, Angola have studied Romanian in the preparatory year at the University of Pitești.

The enrollment in the preparatory year

Foreigners from both EU and non-EU countries may initiate attendance to courses at the University of Piteşti under the same conditions as the Romanian citizens, in accordance with Law no. 316/12.07.2006 and the Order of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth no. 308/12.02.2007. They must have permission from the University of Piteşti to be registered. For pre-enrollment, the application forms (photocopies) must be sent by mail to the University of Piteşti. The official documents will be handed at the arrival in Romania. Previous to that, in order to obtain the visa, foreign students must submit the documents to the Romanian Embassy in their countries.Foreigners from both EU and non-EU countries can apply to study at the University of Piteşti without entrance examination, only by submitting the registration file. The documents required for the enrollment at the University of Piteşti must be translated into Romanian and legalised; diplomas should be recognised by the National Center for Academic Recognition and

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Location: University of Piteşti, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Street Gh. Doaga, No.11, Piteşti, Argeş.


Measurement. (


June 14, 2013 submission of the application letter, for students attending a full academic year;July 15, 2013 the acceptance letter shall be sent by the University of Pitesti to students with approved ap-plication letters.

Pre-enrollment – necessary documents:

1. Application form (in duplicate); 2. Legalised copy of the Baccalaureate Diploma and University Diploma equivalent – for foreign citizens who apply for master and doctoral studies;3. Academic transcript translated into Romanian, English, or French; 4. Legalised copy of the Birth Certificate; 5. Copy of the passport;6. Medical certificate.

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Admission to the University of Piteşti is based on the selection of application files. Usually, international students learn Romanian during the preparatory year.These documents have to be accompanied by legalised translations into an international language (by case), certified for authentication by the Embassy of Romania in the issuing country, or with the Apostille of Hague (for EU citizens). Before coming to Romania, the non-EU citizens should obtain a valid visa for studying in Romania from the Romanian embassies in their own countries. The quantum of tuition fees for foreign citizens from non-EU countries is provided by the Government Decision no. 22/29.08.2009. These fees are minimal and the final rates will be decided by the university. The fees should be paid in advance for a 9 (nine) months period, for full time courses. Tuition fee for EU citizens is identical with that of the Romanian students (2,500lei/university year).


Foreign citizens may also be granted scholarships by Romania, unilaterally or based on bilateral agree-ments, through the competent authorities in their countries or on the basis of scholarships and grants offered by other states or by international organisations. There are student hostels situated in the university campus. Candidates will submit the Registration documents from the Application file, in original, the Letter of Acceptance and the passport with a valid visa for “study”.

The Foreign Students Department

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Location: University of Piteşti, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Street Gh. Doaga, No.11, Piteşti, Argeş.


Preparatory-year fees (Fees established according to Law no.1/2010)

Domain Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programmes(euro/month)

Doctoral programmes(euro/month)

Technology, Agronomy, Science, Mathematics, Sports

270 290

Architecture 350 -

Social Sudies, Psychology, Economy 220 240

Medicine 320 340

Music and Arts 420 440

Musical Interpretation, Theatre 750 790

Film 950 970

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Foreign students department


The course of the Romanian language for the preparatory year addresses the foreign students who want to study in Romania: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Doctoral Studies.

The aim of the course:• the development of reading, writing and conversation skills in Romanian.• foreign students must achieve a medium level which allows them to attend the university courses.• the achievement of basic Romanian specialized language - Mathematics, Physics, Economy, Chemistry, Biology, Management and Marketing, Technical Drawing, European Culture and Civilization for one the following modules: Philology, Medicine, Technique, Economy or Law.• the development of the communication skills in a certain field (discussions, argumentation, negotiation of information)

The evaluation The evaluation at the end of the semester: written and oral examination will assess the skills of the Ro-manian language; written and oral examination at discipline specialty according to the teacher’s require-ments.The Foreign students department involves the students in extra curricular activities like conferences, travelling, visit to museums and other places of interest.• The courses and the seminars take place in A 201, A202, A 207 and A 208 classrooms. Students can also access the Internet.

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Location: University of Piteşti, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Street Gh. Doaga, No.11, Piteşti, Argeş.


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Faculty of Educational Sciences



1st Semester


Discipline Hours/WeekPC Evaluation

formName Code C S L P

Obligatory disciplines (O)

1 Romanian language -practical course

3610.F.1.O.7.01 - 25 - - 30 E

TOTAL obligatory disciplines(O) 0 25 0 0 30

TOTAL hours per week 25

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Domain: Philology – preparatory yearSpeciality: Romanian language as a foreign languageEducational form: 1st year of study

Philological domain 2nd Semester (2)

No.Discipline Hours/Week

PC Evalua-tion formName Code C S L P

Obligatory disciplines (O)

1 Romanian language -practical course

3610.F.2.O.7.01 - 10 - - 15 E

2 Romanian Culture and Civilization

3610.S.2.O.7.02 - 5 - - 5 C

3 Universal literature/ Euro-pean culture and civilization

3610.S.2.O.7.03 - 5 - - 5 C

4 Business English vocabulary,law vocabulary -English/French language -practical course

3610.S.2.O.7.04 - 5 - - 5 C

TOTAL obligatory disciplines(O) 0 25 0 0 30TOTAL hours per week 25

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Faculty of Educational Sciences


Technical domain 2nd Semester (2)

No.Discipline Hours/Week

PC Evaluation formName Code C S L P

Obligatory disciplines (O)

1 Romanian language -practical course

3610.F.2.O.7.01 - 10 - - 10 E

2 Mathematics 3610.S.2.O.7.02 - 9 - - 10 C

3 Physics 3610.S.2.O.7.03 - 4 - - 5 C

4 Tehnical drawing 3610.S.2.O.7.04 - 2 - - 5 C

TOTAL obligatory disciplines(O) 0 25 0 0 30

TOTAL hours per week 25

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Domain: Philology – preparatory yearSpeciality: Romanian language as a foreign languageEducational form: 1st year of study

Medical domain 2nd Semester (2)

No.Discipline Hours/Week

PC Evaluation formName Code C S L P

Obligatory disciplines (O)

1 Romanian language -practical course

3610.F.2.O.7.01 - 10 - - 15 E

2 Biology 3610.S.2.O.7.02 - 6 - - 6 C

3 Chemistry 3610.S.2.O.7.03 - 5 - - 5 C

4 Physics 3610.S.2.O.7.04 - 4 - - 4 C

TOTAL obligatory disciplines(O) 0 25 0 0 30

TOTAL hours per week 25

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Faculty of Educational Sciences


Economic domain 2nd Semester (2)

No.Discipline Hours/Weeks

PC Evaluation formName Code C S L P

Obligatory disciplines (O)

1 Romanian language -practical course

3610.F.2.O.7.01 - 10 - - 15 E

2 Mathematics 3610.S.2.O.7.02 - 6 - - 6 C

3 Management and marketing

3610.S.2.O.7.03 - 5 - - 5 C

4 Business English vocabulary

3610.S.2.O.7.04 - 4 - - 4 C

TOTAL obligatory disciplines(O) 0 25 0 0 30

TOTAL hours per week 25

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Domain: Philology – preparatory yearSpeciality: Romanian language as a foreign languageEducational form: 1st year of study

Law Domain 2nd Semester (2)

No.Discipline Hours/Weeks

PC Evaluation formName Code C S L P

Obligatory disciplines (O)

1 Romanian language -practical course

3610.F.2.O.7.01 - 10 - - 15 E

2 Law elements 3610.S.2.O.7.02 - 6 - - 6 C

3 Romanian/European culture and civilization

3610.S.2.O.7.03 - 5 - - 5 C

4 Specialized law vocabulary

3610.S.2.O.7.04 - 4 - - 4 C

TOTAL obligatory disciplines(O) 0 25 0 0 30

TOTAL hours per week 25

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Faculty of Educational Sciences


The Faculty of Educational Sciences was founded in 2005, following the reorganization of the University College. The Faculty of Educational Sciences is the continuation of the 3rd year Pedagogic Institute, found-ed in 1962 and of the University College of Institutors, founded in 1999, in Pitesti, having the Psycho-Social Pedagogy field. The Faculty of the Educational Sciences currently administers two Bachelor’s degree pro-grammes, four Master’s degree programmes, and has subsidiaries in Campulung, Ramnicu-Valcea, Alex-andria and Slatina, with a total number of 1,161 students. The Faculty of Educational Sciences manages the activity of Foreign Students Department (preparatory year).

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Str. Gh. Doaga, nr. 11, Piteşti – Argeş;Piteşti :0348 45 33 50;

DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme /(A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s Degree Programmes

Educational Sciences

Full time / 3 years

Primary and Pre-school pedagogy - A

Educational management

Primary and Pre-school pedagogy (Alexandria) - A

Foreign language teaching

Primary and Pre-school pedagogy (Câmpulung) - A

Preschool education

Primary and Pre-school pedagogy (Rm. Vâlcea) - A Mentoring for teaching

career professionalizationPrimary and Pre-school pedagogy (Slatina) - A

Administrative Sciences

Full time / 3 years

Managerial Assistance and Secretary- A

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Faculty of Sciences


The Faculty of Sciences was founded in 1990, with four specialities (Biology, Chemistry –Physics, Math-ematics and Philology. In the first decade of its activity, the faculty gains a wide recognition and a well-deserved reputation, as reflected in the dynamism of its evolution since 1999. Currently, the Faculty of Sciences manages nine Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, with a total number of 1,068 students.

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Str.Târgul din Vale, nr.1, Piteşti – ArgeşTel: 0348453260


DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme /(A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s Degree Programmes

ChemistryFull time /

3 years

Chemistry - A Interdisciplinary applications in sciences

Biology Biology - A Medical biologyEnvironmental

ScienceEcology and şi Environmental

Protection - ANature conservation and


Full time / 4 years

Horticulture - AApplications of

biotechnologies in horti-culture and environmental

sciences Environmental

EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering - AP Plant protection

Applied Engineering


Physics Engineering - A Materials and nuclear technologies

Health General Medical Assistance - AP Technologies for sustainable development

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Faculty of Letters


The Faculty of Letters will give you the opportunity to be part of a flexible system, which is adapted to your needs and may open both research and the training perspectives for you.We focus on humanities disciplines such as language, literature and civilization. These will shape and enrich your knowledge, making you able to cope with the new socio-cultural context.

The Faculty of Letters has two subdomains: Language and Literature and Applied Modern Languages and offers a varied selection of undergraduate and postgraduate training programmes that meet international standards in the fundamental field of Humanities.Currently the faculty manages four bachelor’s degree programmes and six master’s degree programmes, with a total of 652 students.

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Str. Gh. Doja, nr. 41, Piteşti – Argeş;Tel/Fax: 0348 45 33 00


DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme /(A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral programmes

Language and Literature

Full time / 3 years

French Language and Literature – English Language and Literature - A

French literary studies Humanities

Romanian Language and Literature– Modern Language and Literature

(French , English) - A

Modern languages and international communi-cation (French-English-

Romanian)Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature - A

Current structure of the Romanian language

Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature –

(Rm. Vâlcea) - A

Modern and contempo-rary Romanian language

Applied Modern


Applied Modern Languages - A Translation – English language

Translation – French language

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Founded in 1969, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology currently has 1,343 students and offers four bachelor’s degree programmes, nine master’s degree programmes and three doctoral pro-grammes in the fundamental domain of Engineering Sciences.Our faculty have proved their competence by training several generations of specialists in the production and transmission of scientific knowledge and by contributing to the enrichment of knowledge assets. We are continuously interested in developing the performance of our teaching and research staff.

In terms of curricula, our programmes combine the concepts of mechanical engineering with economics, taking into account the modular flexibility of the specializations within the same profile. Tangible facili-ties ensure the proper environment for scientific and professional training and research. Thus, the Faculty gives you the opportunity to further pursue your academic training through master’s degree and doctoral programmes.


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Str.Târgul din Vale, nr.1, Piteşti – Argeş; Tel/Fax: 0348 45 31 50

DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme / (A- accredited, AT – temporarily authorised

Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral programmes


Full time / 4 years

Automotive- A Automotive engineering for a sustainablemobility (English)

Engineering Sciences

Quality Management in the automotiveindustry (MCIA)

Road traffic and vehicle accidentassessment (TREAC)

Computer-aided engineering for the automotive industry (IAA)

Car design concept and management (CMPA)

Advanced mechanical systems with applications in the automotive industry


EngineeringMachine Building

Technology- AMaterials science and technology (STM)

–I.N.P. Tolouse diploma (French) Engineering

and management

Industrial Economic Engineering - A

Product management engineering and manufacturing (IMFP)

Rehabilitation and assistive technology equipments


Transports and Traffic Engineering- AP

Logistics management (ML)


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Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Computers Systems


The Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Computers Systems (FECC) was founded in 1999 as the Faculty of Electronics and Electro-mechanics. In 2005 it acquires its current name.

The Faculty has 4 bachelor’s degree programmes, 7 master’s degree programs and a doctoral school in the field of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications, with a number of 841 students.

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Str.Târgul din Vale, nr.1, Piteşti – Argeş; Tel/Fax: 0348 45 32 00


DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme / (A- accredited, AT – temporarily authorised

Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral programmes

Electronic Engineering

and Telecom-munications

Full time / 4 years

Applied Electronics - A Electronic engineering and intelligent systems

Engineering Sciences

Telecommunication Networks and software - AP

Electronic systems in the industrial process

managementElectronic systems of

parallel and distributed processing

Electronic systems fortelemeasuring and

telecontrolElectronics for autono-

mous electricity sources Computer

Systems and Information Technology

Computer Systems- A Modelling, simulation andelectronic systems design

Electrical Engineering

Electromechanics - A Energy conversion systems

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Faculty of Orthodox Theology


The Faculty of Orthodox Theology was founded in 1991/1992 with 2 specialisations: Romanian Language and Literature - Theology and Social Assistance - Theology. It was affiliated as a part of the Faculty of Sci-ence.

The Theology-Letters specialisation was introduced (English-French Language and Literature) in the next year, 1992/1993, followed by the Pastoral-Theology specialisation in 1993/1994.

On the 6th of January 1994, the Senate of the University of Pitești approved the formation of a new Faculty which included all the theological specializations, called the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Holy Martyr Filofteea. Currently, the Faculty manages six bachelor’s degree programmes and six master’s degree pro-grammes and it has approximately 689 students.

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Str. Gh. Doja, nr. 41, Piteşti – Argeş; Tel/Fax: 0348 45 33 10


Domain Faculty form/ duration of studies

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes/ A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s degree programmes


Full time / 3 years

Pastoral Orthodox Theology - A

Systematic and practical theology

Ecumenism Apologetics and

spiritualityMission and service

through sign languageOrthodox Theology Teaching - ASocial Assistance Theology - A

Sacred Art - A Music Music Pedagogy - AP Contemporary music


AssistanceSocial Assistance - A Health and social services


Domain Faculty form/ duration of studies

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes/ A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s degree programmes

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Faculty of Economic Sciences


Public higher education with economics profile in Pitești was founded in 1996 with the specialisations: Accounting and Management, Information Systems and Company Management, incorporated in the Faculty of Science of our University.

In 1998, the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences was founded by GD, comprising 4 specialisa-tions. Other specialisations were added in later years.

The Faculty of Economic Sciences has been functioning since September 2007 and it manages eight bachelor’s degree programmes and seven master’s degree programmes, currently with nearly 2,086 students.

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B-dul Republicii, nr. 71, Piteşti – Argeş; Tel/Fax: 0348 45 33 70


Domain Faculty form/ duration of studies

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes/ A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s degree programmes

Business Administration

Full time / 3 years Business Administration - ABusiness administration in

trade, tourism and hospitality services

Full time / 3 years

Part time / 3 years

Economy, Trade, Tourism and Services - A/- A

Finances Finances and Banking – A/- A European banking systemsEconomy and European

financesAccountancy Accountancy and Administration

Informatics –A/ - AAccountancy management

and administration informatics

Management accountingand audit accounting

Management Management – A/- A Business developmentmanagement in the

context of globalizationMarketing

Full time / 3 years

Marketing - A

Strategic human resources management

Economics Food and Environmental Economics- AP

Economics and International


Economics and International Business- AP

Domain Faculty form/ duration of studies

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes/ A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s degree programmes

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Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences


Public higher education in the legal and administrative field was established in Pitești at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Administrative Sciences. Subsequently, pursuant to Government Decision no. 916/11.08.2005, the Faculty of Law and Administration Sciences separates itself and assumes the mission to train specialists with a wide range of legal and administrative skills, able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and specialize in master’s degree programmes.

The Faculty of Law and Administration Sciences promotes a modern education, according to the European standards and adapted to the Romanian realities, supporting exchange programmes between universities.

Currently, it manages bachelor’s degree programmes and master’s degree programmes in the fields of Law and Public Administration, with about 1,184 students.

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B-dul Republicii, nr. 71, Piteşti – Argeş; Tel/Fax: 0348 45 34 00


Domain Faculty form/ duration of studies

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes/ A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s degree programmes

Administrative Sciences

Full time / 3 years Public Administration - A

Public administration in the context of European integra-


LawFull time / 4 years

Part time / 4 yearsLaw – A/- A

Legal assistance for companies

Legal community and inter-national institutions

Law and language- legal terminology and translations

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Faculty of Physical Education And Sports


Higher education in the field of Physical Education and Sports has existed at the University of Pitești for over 40 years. Throughout this period, remarkable results have been achieved in the initial and continuous training of specialists.

During this period there have been significant advances in a number of specific directions, such as: hu-man resources, training of teaching staff, institutional development for bachelor’s and master’s degree pro-grammes as well as for doctoral programmes; improving teaching methodology and technology for specific learning; development and modernization of teaching materials; performing scientific research rooted in the realities of modern society.The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports manages two bachelor’s degree programmes, three master’s degree programmes and doctoral schools accredited by ARACIS. The Faculty currently has 571 students.

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Str. Gh. Doja, nr. 41, Piteşti – Argeş; Tel/Fax: 0348 45 33 20


DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme / (A- accredited, AT – temporarily authorised

Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral programmes

Physical Education and


Full time / 3 years

Physical and Sports Education - A Curricular and extracurricularmotile activities


Sports and Motric Performance- AP Performance in sports

Kinesiotherapy and SpecialMotility - A

Sports,tourism and free time activities

Kinesiotherapy for peoplewith disabilities

DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme / (A- accredited, AT – temporarily authorised

Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral programmes

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Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science


The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics was founded in 2002 and offers accredited academic pro-grammes in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science, for all the three academic levels: bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes and doctoral programmes.

Today this faculty prepares 329 students.Its teaching and research missions are:- training performance specialists able to ensure the development of Information Technology Society in Romania in the context of the European Community competition;- preparing both highly qualified specialists in the fields of computer science and mathematics and math-ematics and computer science teaching staff to meet European standards.

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Str.Târgul din Vale, nr.1, Piteşti – Argeş; Tel/Fax: 0348 45 32 40


DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme / (A- accredited, AT – temporarily authorised

Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral programmes

Mathematics Full time / 3 years

Mathematics - A Applied mathematics Exact Sciences

Teaching mathematicsComputer

ScienceComputer Science - A Modeling, design and

management of software systems

Advanced processing methodologies (English)

Computer Science (Rm. Vâlcea) - AP

DomainFaculty form / Duration of


Bachelor’s degree programme / (A- accredited, AT – temporarily authorised

Master’s Degree Programmes

Doctoral programmes

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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Faculty of Humanistic Social Sciences was founded in 2002, and has almost 624 students. It manages six bachelor’s degree programmes and four master’s degree programmes, adapted to the current labour market.

Because of its interdisciplinary structure, the faculty encourages co-operation between specific bachelor’s fields. As such, the graduates of this faculty enter the labour market with the ability to solve complex prob-lems through organisation and cooperation.

As a response to personal and professional development needs expressed by students, the faculty has cre-ated and operates a Counseling and Guidance Center, which is a component of the Applied Research Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Training (accredited by CNCS), a center that brings together specialists from all the bachelor’s programmes within the faculty.

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Str.Târgul din Vale, nr.1, Piteşti – Argeş;Tel/Fax: 0348 45 32 90


Domain Faculty form/ duration of studies

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes/ A- accredited, AT – temporarily


Master’s degree programmes


Full time / 3 years

History - A The history of Romania and Romanians in the

European context (14-20 centuries)

Philosophy Philosophy - A Ethics of public policiesPsychology Psychology - A

Administrative Sciences

Local Police - AP

Communication Sciences

Journalism - A Organisational communication

International Relations and

European Studies

International Relations and European Studies- AP

Psychology Occupational Therapy - AP Clinical psychology- evaluation and


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The Research Institute, University of Pitesti (ICUPit) is set up to create a unified, harmonious collaboration within the framework of university for scientific and applied research taking place in each specific fields of the research center. Thus, it will ensure effective management of human resources, material resources and logistics research for the University of Pitesti to grow and develop itself nationally and internationally.

RIUPit Research Institute will promote interdisciplinary scientific co-operation in the academic commu-nity.

RIUPit main activity of the Research Institute is the organisation and development of the highest scientific research, technological development and technology transfer, moving towards priority fields of scientific research. The University of Pitesti is enabled with national strategies (developed through the national gov-ernmental policies), aiming at topical issues nationally and internationally, with the purpose of linking them to national research strategy (Romanian research field), which is subject to the European Research Field (ERF).

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About Romania


Romania lies in the central South-Eastern part of the European continent. With a surface of approximately 238,000 km2 and a population of 21,5 million inhabitants, it is one of the medium-sized countries of Europe and the 7th country in the EU. Romania’s neighbours are Moldavia, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and the Black Sea Coast.

Romania, a semi-presidential republic, with a bicameral Parliament, joined the European Union in 2007.

The geographical position and the historical evolution of this territory imposed it as an archetype of mix-tures between relatively different cultures: Western-European, East-European and Balkan. This historical reality has been materialized into a special type of general behaviour that manifests itself through the peo-ple’s tolerance, hospitality and communication easiness.

The peculiarities of the physical space come from the relatively circular disposition and from the roughly equal proportion of each major form of relief: mountains, hills and plains that cover each 1/3 of the surface. Besides, we can add the presence of the navigable Danube, which ensures the direct link with the Northern Sea through the Rhine-Danube canal. The Danube Delta is one of the natural reserves under international protection due to its unique flora and fauna, which are among the richest in Europe.

Romania is 2 hours ahead of GMT. The average annual temperatures vary between 22-24 Celsius degrees during summer and between -3 and -5 Celsius degrees in winter. While the average annual temperatures are about 11 Celsius degrees in the southern part of Romania, in north there are about 8 Celsius degrees, the variations being caused by the distribution of the relief in latitude and altitude.

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About Romania


The Romanians have an old and rich history. The ancient name of this territory was Dacia. It was inhabited by the Getic and Dacian populations. After the wars against Rome, between 101-102 and 105-106, Dacia became a Roman province providing the basis for the creation of both the Romanian people and language.

During the Middle Ages, the Romanians lived in three provinces, namely Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania.

These got united during the 19th and 20th centuries, forming the modern Romania.The population is made up to a large extent of Romanians, who represent 90% of the total number of inhab-itants, to which Hungarians (around 7%), Gypsies, Germans, Ukrainians, Turks, Tartars, etc. can be added.

Of the total number of population, 55% live in towns and cities and the rest of 45% live in rural areas.

The capital of the country is Bucharest, founded in 1459, which has now a population of over 2 million inhabitants.

The official language of the state is Romanian, belonging to the Romance family of languages; within the local public administration, where the percentage of inhabitants belonging to another ethnic populations is over 20%, their language can also be used.The national currency is the Leu.Source:

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Getting Here


You can travel to Romania by plane, train or car. The easiest way is to travel by plane. The closest airports to Pitesti are the two busiest international air-ports in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, which is about 100 km away from Pitești:

• HENRI COANDĂ INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT is located 16 km away from Bucharest City Centre, being linked to all Europe’s major hubs. Current-ly, the airport has one terminal divided into three halls (sometimes referred to as distinct terminals) (International Departures Hall, International Arrivals Hall and the Domestic Flights Hall - at the ground level of the Arrivals Hall). Then, you can take a taxi to the North Railway Station and from there you can travel to Pitești by train. In Pitești you can travel by taxi to the campus of the University of Pitești. The distances are accessible and the fares are not high. If you arrive between 8.00 a.m. and 4 p.m. you can go directly to the Foreign Students’ Office. Outside working hours you can call the contact person men-tioned in the “Addresses’’ section.

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Getting Here


Public transport in the city – The public transport is provided by city circuits, with an accessible schedule.

The transport to the shopping centers situated outside the town is provided by the respectivecompanies.

Public transport outside the city – Trains represent the most convenient choice when you have to travel from one city to another. Taxis are an alternative, being a safe and comfortable system. Take only officially registered taxis from taxi stations. Do not accept offers of transportation from unauthorised people.

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C – Muntenia Training InstituteD – Classrooms and SurgeryCR – Razboieni HostelCU – Academica RestaurantI – Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesI – University Central LibraryS – Faculty of SciencesS – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer ScienceT – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and TechnologyT – Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Systems.

R - Rector’s OfficeR- Academica RestaurantA – Faculty of Educational SciencesA – Research InstituteB – Faculty of TheologyB – Faculty of LettersB – Faculty of Physical Education and SportB – Sports ComplexB – Hostels 1, 2 and SurgeryB – CanteenC – Faculty of Economic SciencesC – Faculty of Law and Administrative SciencesC – Business Incubator and Technological Transfer

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Useful Information



If you decide to apply for one or more of our educational programmes, you need to be informed about the student hostel and cafeteria.

Student Hostel – The student hostel offers accommodation for about 1000 students. Besides the student hostel, there are a number of accommodation options to suit different lifestyles and budgets.

Student Cafeteria – The student cafeteria can provide three meals a day for 200 people. It serves a wide selection of items that appeal to every taste, regardless of culture, gastronomic or culinary preferences. If it fails to do so, you can go to any restaurant in town.

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESIf you need linen cleaning services, you can call the Student hostel laundry or any other laundry in town.Prices are reasonable and services are of very good quality.

INTERNETAll the university buildings provide wireless connections.

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MEDICAL SERVICESFor any medical emergency you may CALL 112. Medical services are provided by the County Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, the Infectious Diseases Hospital and private clinics for all branches of medicine.MEDICAL INSURANCE

The students from the EU countries, who benefit from Erasmus mobility grants or non EU students, have the insurance conditions stipulated in the application study documents. They can also provide additional dental care, cosmetic surgery, etc. Any detail about their health (allergies, intolerances, phobias, etc.) is of major importance in a possible emergency intervention.

PHARMACIES – You may find pharmacies with a large variety of pharmaceutical and beauty products all over the town. They are open from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm Monday to Saturday. In hypermarkets, pharmacies are also open on Sundays.

Useful information


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Useful information


SPORTS & LEISUREThe University of Pitești offers various sports facilities. You can spend your free time practising a lot of sports, from tennis, handball, football and volleyball to swimming and modern dances. The University of Pitești also offers special facilities at the Olympic Swimming Pool.

The skating rinks, the football and the tennis courts, Nicolae Dobrin Stadium, Polyvalent Hall, the Weight-lifting Center and Bascov Nautical Complex, The Argeș Sports Museum are also worth mentioning.

As an alternative to all these, there are places which entice you to spend your free time in the open air. These include parks and gardens (Trivale Forest, Expo Park, Strand Park, and Youth Park), a zoo, fitness parks and fountains all over the town (including the musical fountain right in front of the Town Hall), two outdoor swimming pools, carting track, and other public places and equipped beaches.

A number of leisure activities can be performed at the Student’s House, where you can choose from various sports such as training gym, dance, karate, judo, etc. You can also participate in shows organized by students from the Student’s House Clubs. You can spend your leisure time in a pleasant way going to the theatre, the cinema, the museum, enjoying programmes offered by Pitești Cultural Center, concerts organized by the House of Culture and the City Municipality.

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Useful information



There are banks all over the town that can exchange any currency. Beware!Do not exchange your money in the street! The best places to exchange your money are banks. If you have national currency cards, you can easily access the ATM anywhere in the town or on campus.

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Country: RomaniaCounty: Argeș CountyGovernment: Mayor Tudor Pendiuc (Social Democratic Party)Area: 40.7 km (15.7 m2)Population (2002): 168,458Density: 4,136 inhaitants/km (10,712.2/ m2)Website:

Welcome to Argeș - the place where the most beautiful legend of the enduring monastery of the craftsman Manole was worded, the place where the Romanian people and feudal states were founded, where some of the most famous Wallachian lords settled their courts, from where historians and scholars took their wings. Argeș ranks the second in the country in terms of forested area in the north of the county where the highest mountain range in Romania lies (the Făgăraș massif), separated by the Rucăr-Bran corridor.

Economy of Argeș: the county with the highest growth even during the economic crisis, ranks the fourth place with 9,207 euros/per inhabitant, estimated after Bucharest, Ilfov and Timiș.

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Historical Argeș: Golești Museum Complex, Liviu Rebreanu Memorial House, Perticari – Davilla family mansion, Bălăceanu-Stolnici family mansion, Poienari and Oratia citadels, Jidava Roman camp, Glavacioc feudal assembly, Negru-Vodă feudal assembly.

Spiritual Argeș: Royal Church and Monasteryof Argeș, Stone Ravens Monastery, Nămăiești Monastery, Robaia Monastery, Brădet Hermitage, the wooden church in Jupânești.Argeș-nature and relaxation: Piatra Craiului National Park, Dâmbovicioara Keys, Dâmbovicioara Cave, Bâlea Lac Ice Hotel, Brusturet Keys, Vâlsan Keys, Învârtita Lake – the only lake in the country formed on gypsum strata, Bădești and Brădet Balneary and Climatic Resorts, Mateiaș Mausoleum.

Entertainment in Argeș: Bâlea Lake mountain complex with ski and snowdoarding slopes, dozens of clubs and cosy terraces in the City of Tulips, leisure opportunities and outdoor activities, a dynamic and lively district.

Pitești – Tradition and Modernity: Attested by documents on the 20th of May 1388, in a title deed on behalf of the prince Mircea the Old, the merchant town of Pitești developed trades, handcrafts and agriculture.The history of every nation is marked by true family dynasties that changed its decisive course. Early modern era is connected to Tudor Vladimirescu’s name and Pitești due to its strategic position in Pitești-Câmpulung-Muscel-Târgoviște triangle was considered a presumptive center of revolutionary resistance.

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Country : RomaniaCounty : Argeş CountyGovernment :Mayor Tudor Pendiuc (Social Democratic Party)Area :40.7 km (15.7 sq mi)Population (2002) :168,458Density: 4,136/km (10,712.2/sq mi)Website :

Wellcome to Argeş, the place where it was conceived the most beautiful legend of the building without death - that of Master Manole, the place where the Romanian people and the Romanian feudal state were founded, where the most famous Wallachian rulers resided and from where people of history and culture rose their wings. Argeş ranks the second in the country in terms of forest area in the north of the county where the highest mountains in Romania (Făgăraş group) are, separated by Rucăr-Bran corridor.

Economic Argeş: the county with the highest growth and productivity, even during the economic crisis, ranks the fourth place with 9,207 euros / inhabitant estimated after Bucureşti, Ilfov şi Timiş.

Golești (Dinicu, Alexander, Nicholas) and Brătianu (John, Vintilă, Dinu, George) names and facts dedi-cated to public services are bound together in the history of this region. Important cultural vestiges were traced nearby St George’s Church built up in 1656 – as the first multi-storey arched-brick architectural composition, and near Trivale Hermitage – built by Varlaam, the Metropolitan scholar.

When the regnant prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza visited Pitești on the 19th of June 1859, the townspeople presented him a four-colour chart of the city. At that time, in Pitești there were 1,400 houses, 7,000 inhab-itants, a Romanian teacher training college, two private schools providing tuition in German and Greek, a boarding school for girls who studied French and German. At the same time, the city had 10 Orthodox churches, an Armenian one, a synagogue and a 30-bed hospital.

During the interwar period, the writers Vlad Mușatescu and Ion Săliște were born in Pitești. It is here where Liviu Rebreanu, the writer, Ion Pillat, the poet, Mihail Sorbul, the playwright, George Vâlsan, the geogra-pher, Dumitru Udrescu, the folklorist carried out their lifelong activities.

Pitești embodies the Tulip Symphony, a floriculture exhibition and symbolic festival of the city which gath-ers each year officials and public servants from all over the country as well as diplomats and foreign service officers of other countries.

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Pitești – a cultural cityPitești Philharmonic Orchestra, the district Museum and the first digital planetarium in Romania for vir-tual astronomy education, Argeș County Library, the Cultural Centre, Brătianu Cultural Centre, Pitești House of Culture, Pitești School of Arts and Crafts, Alexandru Davilla Theatre, Pitești Military Circle, Art Gallery, County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture in Argeș, Student’s House, Palace of Children and Students, Ars Nova Chamber Choir, Dorul Folk Dance Group.

Pitești - city of sports performancesThe Olympic Swimming Pool, Nicolae Dobrin Stadium, Swimming, skating, tennis and football complex, Polyvalent Hall, Weighlifting Complex and Nautical Complex at Bascov, the karting track, Argeș Sports Museum.Sports performance is achieved through Municipal Sports Club (MSC), FC Argeș footbal teams, Pitești and FC international Pitești basketball teams (BCMUS Pitești and BCA Pitești), women volleyball team.

Pitești – city of natureParks and gardens (Trivale Forest, Expo Park, Ștrand Park, Tineretului Park), the Zoo, fitness parks and the fountains in all city district (including the Musical Fountain in the City Hall Square) the two outdoor swimming pools.

Pitești – city of eventsThe Tulip Symphony, Golden Tulip International Festival, Zavaidoc Old Fiddle Music National Festival, the Autumn Fair, Gheorghe Iliescu-Călinești International Sculpture Festival.

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