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Guia de evoluções ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------- =========================================================== ============= BABY DIGIMON =========================================================== ============= ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------- There are FOUR baby Digimon that you can get from the egg. They are : - Green spotted egg Digivolve to Botamon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Koromon - Blue lined egg Digivolve to Punimon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Tsunomon - Yellow double lined egg Digivolve to Poyomon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Tokomon - Pink spotted egg Digivolve to Yuramon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Tanemon

Guia de evoluções

Apr 10, 2015



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Guia de evoluções

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== BABY DIGIMON ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------

There are FOUR baby Digimon that you can get from the egg. They are :

- Green spotted egg Digivolve to Botamon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Koromon

- Blue lined egg Digivolve to Punimon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Tsunomon

- Yellow double lined egg Digivolve to Poyomon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Tokomon

- Pink spotted egg Digivolve to Yuramon Type : Data Technique : Bubbles Digivolve to : Tanemon

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== IN-TRAINING DIGIMON ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------

There are four Baby Digimon. They can digivolve to FOUR Kind of In-Training Digimon.

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- Koromon Digivolve from: Botamon Type: Data Technique: Bubbles Digivolve to: Agumon, Gabumon

- Tsunomon Digivolve from: Punimon Type: Data Technique: Bubbles Digivolve to: Elecmon, Pinguinmon

- Tokomon Digivolve from: Poyomon Type: Data Technique: Bubbles Digivolve to: Patamon, Biyomon

- Tanemon Digivolve from: Yuramon Type: Data Technique: Bubbles Digivolve to: Palmon, Betamon

*NOTE: For all Rookie Digimon, when a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon will into a Numemon when it has met no other Digivolution condition.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== ROOKIE DIGIMON ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------

You can digivolve an In-Training Digimon to NINE different kind of Rookie form.

When a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon will into a Numemon when it has met no other Digivolution condition.

All Rookie Digimon can digivolve into *Sukamon, *Nanimon, and *Numemon. Those three Champion Digimon are weak and useless ( except Nanimon, it can digivolve to Digitamamon, Digitamamon is a pretty powerful Digimon. its standard stats are better than Metal Greymon, you should try to get this Digitamamon )

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- Agumon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Koromon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Offense must be at the highest stat and also 10 % of max HP Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tokomon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Pepper Breath Digivolve to : Meramon, Monochromon, Tyranomon, Greymon, Centarumon, Birdramon, Sukamon, Nanimon, Numemon

- Gabumon Type: Data Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00 Possible Digimon: Koromon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Defense or Speed must be at the highest stat Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Koromon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Blue Blaster Digivolve to : Monochromon, Drimogemon, Garuramon, Ogremon, Centarumon, Tyranomon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

- Patamon Type: Data Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Tokomon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Offense, Strength, or Brains must be at the Highest stats Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tokomon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Boom Bubble Digivolve to : Drimogomon, Tyrannomon, Leomon, Angemon, Unimon, Ogremon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

- Biyomon Type: Vaccine

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Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Tokomon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Speed must be at the highest stat and also 10 % of max HP Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tokomon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Spiral Twister Digivolve to : Kabuterimon, Unimon, Airdramon, Birdramon Kokatorimon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

- Kunemon Type: Virus Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Koromon, Tokomon, Tsunomon, Tanemon Care Mistakes: Variable Body Weight: Variable Condition: A 50% chance exists to a Digimon to digivolve into this when sleeping at " Kunemon's Bed " Bonus Condition: N/A Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Electric Thread Digivolve to : Bakemon, Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Vegiomon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

- Palmon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00 Possible Digimon: Tanemon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Brains must be at the highest stat and also 10 % of max HP Bonus Condition: Current Digimon - Tanemon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Poison Ivy Digivolve to : Ninjamon, Whamon, Vegiemon, Kuwagamon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

- Betamon Type: Virus Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00 Possible Digimon: Tanemon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g

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Condition: Defense must be at the highest stat and also 10 % of max HP Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tanemon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Electric Shock Digivolve to : Whamon, Seadramon, Coelamon, Shellmon Sukamon, Nanimon, Numemon

- Elecmon Type: Data Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Tsunomon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Offense or Speed must be at the highest stat Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tsunomon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Super Thunder Strike Digivolve to : Leomon, Bakemon, Kokatorimon, Angemon, Nanimon, Numemon, Sukamon

- Penguinmon Type: Data Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Tsunomon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Brains or Defense must be at the highest stat Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Tsunomon Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Super Slap Digivolve to : Whamon, Frigimon, Moyjamon, Garuramon, Shellmon, Nanimon, Sukamon, Numemon

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== CHAMPION DIGIMON ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------

There are TWENTY-NINE Champion that you can get from digivolving your Rookie Digimon.

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You will spend your most time with Champion Digimon. They are powerful, hardy and easy to be raised.

All Rookie Digimon can digivolve into *Sukamon, *Nanimon, and *Numemon. Those three Champion Digimon are weak and useless ( except Nanimon, it can digivolve to Digitamamon, Digitamamon is a pretty powerful Digimon. its standard stats are better than Metal Greymon, you should try to get this Digitamamon ).

When your Digimon have been Digivolved to Sukamon, you can reDigivolve by take that Sukamon to " Sukamon King " in the " Trash Mountain "

- Greymon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Agumon Care Mistakes: 0 to 1 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed 100, and Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 % Digivolving Items: Grey Claws Finishing Technique: Mega Flame Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Skull Greymon, Vademon

- Tyranomon Type: Data Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00 Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon Care Mistakes: 4 to 5 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100 Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less Digivolving Items: White Fang Finishing Technique: Blaze Blast Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Megadramon, Vademon

- Angemon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Patamon, Elecmon Care Mistakes: 0 Body Weight: 20g Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Patamon Digivolving Items: White Wings

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Finishing Technique: Fist of Fate Digivolve to : Devimon, Andromon, Phonixmon, Vademon

- Devimon Type: Virus Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Angemon Care Mistakes: Variable Body Weight: Variable Condition: An Angemon has 50 % chance to Digigivolve to a Devimon when its discipline gauge is below 50 % and it loses a battle Bonus Condition: N/A Digivolving Items: Black Wings Finishing Technique: Death Claw Digivolve to : Skull Greymon, Mega Dramon, Vademon

- Meramon Type: Data Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Agumon Care Mistakes: 5+ Body Weight: 20g Condition: Offense 100 Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+ Digivolving Items: Fireball Finishing Technique: Fireball Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Andromon, Vademon

- AirDramon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Biyomon Care Mistakes: 0 to 1 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100, Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 % Special Condition: A 30 % chance exists to a SeaDramon or Birdamon can Digivolve to AirDramon when they Sleeps with discipline gauge at 100 %, happiness at 100 % and tiredness is at zero Digivolving Items: Rainbowhorn Finishing Technique: Spinning Needle Digivolve to : Mega Dramon, Phoenixmon, Vademon

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- SeaDramon Type: Data Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00 Possible Digimon: Betamon Care Mistakes: 3+ Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000 Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less Digivolving Items: Water Bottle Finishing Technique: Ice Blast Digivolve to : Mega Dramon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

- Kabuterimon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00 Possible Digimon: Biyomon, Kunemon Care Mistakes: 0 to 1 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed 100 Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon Digivolving Items: Horn Helmet Finishing Technique: Electro Shocker Digivolve to : Metal Mamemon, Hercules Kabuterimmon, Vademon

- Garurumon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Gabumon, Penguinmon Care Mistakes: 0 to 1 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Mp 1000, Speed 100 Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 90 % Digivolving Items: Blue Crystal Finishing Technique: Howling Blaster Digivolve to : Skull Greymon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

- Frigimon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00 Possible Digimon: Penguinmon Care Mistakes: 4 to 5 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Mp 1000, Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 % Digivolving Items: Ice Crystal

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Finishing Technique: SubZero Ice Punch Digivolve to : Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon

- Birdramon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Agumon, Biyomon Care Mistakes: 3+ Body Weight: 20g Condition: Speed 100 Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon Digivolving Items: Flaming Wings Finishing Technique: Meteor Wing Digivolve to : Phoenixmon, Vademon

- Whamon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Palmon, Betamon, Penguinmon Care Mistakes: 2 to 3 Body Weight: 40g Condition: Hp 1000, Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 % Digivolving Items: North Star Finishing Technique: Blasting Spout Digivolve to : Mamemon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

- Vegiemon Type: Virus Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00 Possible Digimon: Kunemon, Palmon Care Mistakes: 5+ Body Weight: 10g Condition: Mp 1000 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 % Digivolving Items: Organic Fertilizer Finishing Technique: Sweet Breath Digivolve to : Piximon, Vademon

- Unimon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Patamon, Biyomon Care Mistakes: 2 to 3 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 1000, Speed 100

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Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+ Digivolving Items: Unihorn Finishing Technique: Aerial Attack Digivolve to : Phoenixmon, Giromon, Vademon

- Centarumon Type: Data Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon Care Mistakes: 2 to 3 Body Weight: 30g Condition: Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 60 % Digivolving Items: Iron Hoof Finishing Technique: Solar Ray Digivolve to : Andromon, Giromon, Vademon

- Ogremon Type: Virus Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00 Possible Digimon: Gabummon, Patamon Care Mistakes: 5+ Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 1000, Offense 100 Bonus Condition: Battles- 15+ Digivolving Items: Spike Club Finishing Technique: Pummel Whack Digivolve to : Andromon, Giromon, Vademon

- Bakemon Type: Virus Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Elecmon, Tanemon Care Mistakes: 3+ Body Weight: 20g Condition: Mp 1000 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 % Digivolving Items: Torn Tatter Finishing Technique: Dark Claw Digivolve to : Skull Greymon, Giromon, Vademon

- Shellmon Type: Data Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00 Possible Digimon: Betamon, Penguinmon Care Mistakes: 5+

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Body Weight: 40g Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100 Bonus Condition: Corrent Digimon- Betamon Digivolving Items: Red Shell Finishing Technique: Hydro Pressure Digivolve to : Hercules Kabuterimon, Mega Seadramon, Vademon

- Drimogemon Type: Data Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Gabumon, Betamon Care Mistakes: 3+ Body Weight: 40g Condition: Offense 100 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 75 % Digivolving Items: Steel Drill Finishing Technique: Drill Spin Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, vademon

- Monochromon Type: Data Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon Care Mistakes: 2 to 3 Body Weight: 40g Condition: Hp 1000, Defense 100, Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Any Rookie Digimon can Digivolve to Monochremon when its discipline gauge at 100 % and a Defense 500+ Digivolving Items: Mono Stone Finishing Technique: Volcanic Strike Digivolve to : Metal Greymon, Metal Mamemon, Vademon

- Kokaterimon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00 Possible Digimon: Elecmon, Biyomon Care Mistakes: 3+ Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 1000 Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Biyomon Digivolving Items: Rooster Finishing Technique: Frozen Fire Shot Digivolve to : Piximon, Phoenixmon, Vademon

- Leomon

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Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Patamon, Elecmon Care Mistakes: 0 to 1 Body Weight: 20g Condition: Offense 100, Speed 100, Brains 100 Bonus Condition: Battles- 10+ Digivolving Items: Flaming Mane Finishing Technique: Fist of the Beast King Digivolve to : Mamemon, Andromon,Saber Leomon ( ???? ), Vademon

- Kuwagamon Type: Virus Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Kunemon, Palmon Care Mistakes: 5+ Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100 Bonus Condition: Current Digimon- Kunemon Digivolving Items: Scissor Jaw Finishing Technique: Scissor Claw Digivolve to : Piximon, Hercules Kabuterimon, Vademon

- Moyjamon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00 Possible Digimon: Penguinmon Care Mistakes: 5+ Body Weight: 20g Condition: Hp 1000, Mp 1000 Bonus Condition: Battles- 5 or less Digivolving Items: Hari Grower Finishing Technique: Bone Boomerang Digivolve to : Mamemon, Skull Greymon, Vademon

- Coelamon Type: Data Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00 Possible Digimon: Palmon, Betamon Care Mistakes: 3+ Body Weight: 30g Condition: Defense 100 Bonus Condition: A Whamon or Shellmon has 30 % to Digivolve to Coelamon when 360 hours have passed since Digivolve from Champion form Digivolving Items: Hard Scale

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Finishing Technique: Ice Fist Digivolve to : Mega Seadramon, Vademon

- Ninjamon Type: Data Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00 Possible Digimon: Palmon Care Mistakes: 0 to 1 Body Weight: 10g Condition: Mp 1000, Offense 100, Speed 100 Bonus Condition: A Vegiomon has 30 % to Digivolve to Ninjamon after fighting 50+ battles and its discipline gauge is at 100 % Digivolving Items: Koga's Laws Finishing Technique: Koga Star Digivolve to : Mamemon, Metal Mamemon, Piximon, Vademon

- Nanimon Type: Virus Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00 Possible Digimon: All Rookie Digimon Care Mistakes: Variable Body Weight: Variable Condition: Digivolves when you scold your Digimon ( happiness and discipline gauge must be zero ) Bonus Condition: N/A Digivolving Items: Sunglasess Finishing Technique: Poop Digivolve to : Digitamamon, Vademon

- Sukamon Type: Virus Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: All Digimon Care Mistakes: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more Body Weight: variable Condition: " Field Poops " reaches 16 or more Bonus Condition: N/A Digivolving Items: N/a Finishing Technique: Party Time Digivolve to : Etemon, Vademon

- Numemon Type: Virus Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00 Possible Digimon: All rookie Digimon

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Care Mistakes: Variable Body Weight: Varable Condition: When a Digivolution time ends, a Digimon will into a Numemon when it has met no other Digivolution condition Bonus Condition: N/A Digivolving Items: N/A Finishing Technique: Poop Digivolve to : Monzaemon, Vademon

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== ULTIMATE DIGIMON ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------

There are EIGHT-TEEN Ultimate Digimon. The following list will tell you 100 % on how to get 12 Ultimate, with the 6 others, I'm not 100 % sure.

Vademon is the only Ultimate Digimon that is accesable with the 29 Champion Digimon.

There are THREE SECRETS Digimon that is not on the Digimon list. They are Metal Etemon, Giga Dramon, and Saber Leomon. I also marked them with ( ???? ) on my list. I can only tell you the items. I got these Digimon by using GAMESHARK. Refer to my gameshark list if you wish to get them.

- Vademon Type: Virus Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: All Champion Digimon Care Mistakes: variable Body Weight: variable Condition: All Champion Digimon can Digivolves to Vademon after 360 hours elapse as a Champion Digimon Bonus Condition: N/A Digivolving Items: Beam GUN Finishing Technique: Abduction Beam THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Digitamamon Type: Data

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Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Nanimon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 10g Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 3000, Offense 100, Defense 400 Speed 400, Brains 300 Bonus Condition: Battles- 100+ Digivolving Items: Mysty Egg Finishing Technique: Nightmare Syndrome THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Monzaemon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Numemon Care Mistakes: 0 Body Weight: 40g Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 3000, Offense 300, Defense 300, Speed 300, Brains 300 Bonus Condition: Battles- 50+ Digivolving Items: x Bandage Finishing Technique: Lovely Attack THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Etemon Type: virus Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Sukamon Care Mistakes: No Limits Body Weight: 15g Condition: Hp 2000, Mp 1000, Offense 400, Defense 200 Speed 400, Brains 300 Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+ Digivolving Items: Gold Banana Finishing Technique: Love Serenade DIGVOLVE TO: Metal Etemon ( ???? ) THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Metal Greymon Type: Virus Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00 Possible Digimon: Greymon, Monochromon, Tyranomon, Drimogemon Care Mistakes: 10 or less Body Weight: 65g Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 3000, Offense 500, Defense 500 Speed 300, Brains 300

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Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+ Digivolving Items: Metal Parts Finishing Technique: Giga Scissor Claw THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Skull Greymon Type: Virus Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Greymon, Devimon, Moyjamon, Bakemon, Garuramon Care Mistakes: 10+ Body Weight: 30g Condition: Hp 4000, Mp 6000, Offense 400, Defense 400 Speed 200, Brains 500 Bonus Condition: Battles- 40+ Digivolving Items: Fatal Bone Finishing Technique: Dark Shot THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Mamemon Type: Data Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, Whamon, Moyjamon Care Mistakes: 15+ Body Weight: 5g Condition: Offense 400, Defense 300, Speed 300, Brains 400 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 95 % Digivolving Items: Silver Ball Finishing Technique: Smiley Bomb THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- MetalMamemon Type: Data Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Monochromon, Ninjamon, Kabuterimon, Frigimon Care Mistakes: 15 or less Body Weight: 10g Condition: Offense 500, Defense 400, Speed 400, Brains 400 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 95 % Digivolving Items: Metal Armor Finishing Technique: Energy Bomb THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Andromon Type: Vaccine

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Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Meramon, Centarumon, Ogremon, Leomon, Angemon Care Mistakes: 5 or less Body Weight: 40g Condition: Hp 2000, Mp 4000, Offense 200, Defense 400, Speed 200, Brains 400 Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+ Digivolving Items: Cyber Parts Finishing Technique: Spiral Sword THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Giromon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 11:00 - 2:00 Possible Digimon: Centarumon, Ogremon, Bakemon, Unimon Care Mistakes: 15+ Body Weight: 5g Condition: Offense 400, Speed 300, Brains 300 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- 95 %, Battles- 100+ Digivolving Items: Chainsaw Finishing Technique: Deadly Bomb THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Mega Dramon Type: Virus Active Hours: 16:00 - 7:00 Possible Digimon: Tyranomon, Devimon, AirDramon, Seadramon Care Mistakes: 10 or less Body Weight: 55g Condition: Hp 3000, Mp 5000, Offense 500, Defense 300 Speed 400, Brains 400 Bonus Condition: Battles- 30+ Digivolving Items: Mega Hand Finishing Technique: Rocket Attack DIGIVOLVE TO: Giga Dramon ( ???? ) THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Piximon Type: Data Active Hours: 1:00 - 16:00 Possible Digimon: Kokatorimon, Vegiemon, Ninjamon, Kuwagamon Care Mistakes: 15+ Body Weight: 5g Condition: Offense 300, Defense 300, Speed 400, Brains 400 Bonus Condition: Discipline gauge- 95 % Digivolving Items: Small Spear

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Finishing Technique: Bit Bomb THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Mega Seadramon Type: Data Active Hours: 7:00 - 22:00 Possible Digimon: Seadramon, Coelamon, Whamon, Shellmon, Garurumon Care Mistakes: 5 or less Body Weight: 30g Condition: HP 4000, MP 2000, Offense 400, Defense 400, Speed 300, Brains 300 Bonus Condition: ???? Digivolving Items: Coral Charm Finishing Technique: Ice Storm THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Hercules Kabuterimon Type: Data Active Hours: 19:00 - 10:00 Possible Digimon: Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Shellmon Care Mistakes: ???? Body Weight: ???? Condition: HP 3500, MP 2500, Offense 250, Defense 250, Brains 200, Speed 200 Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- minimum Digivolving Items: Beetle Pearl Finishing Technique: Giga Blaster THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Phoenixmon Type: Vaccine Active Hours: 4:00 - 19:00 Possible Digimon: Birdramon, Airdramon, Kokatorimon, Angemon, Unimon Care Mistakes: ???? Body Weight: 30g Condition: 5000 HP, 3000 MP, 300 OFF, 300 DEF, 300 SPEED, 300 BRAIN Bonus Condition: Happiness gauge- minimum Digivolving Items: Red Ruby Finishing Technique: Crimson Flare THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Metal Etemon ( ???? ) Type: Virus Active Hours: ???? Possible Digimon: Etemon ( Ultimate Digimon )

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Care Mistakes: ???? Body Weight: ???? Condition: ???? Bonus Condition: ???? Digivolving Items: Metal Banana ( Refer to my Gameshark list ) Finishing Technique: Dark Network THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON

- Giga Dramon ( ???? ) Type: Virus Active Hours: ???? Possible Digimon: Mega Dramon ( Ultimate Digimon ) Care Mistakes: ???? Body Weight: ???? Condition: ???? Bonus Condition: ???? Digivolving Items: Giga Hand ( Refer to my Gameshark list ) Finishing Technique: Genocide Attack THIS IS AN ULTIMATE DIGIMON