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GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon, Sai Zhang, Werner Dietl, and others

GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Dec 16, 2015



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Page 1: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

GUI ThreadingExplained and Verified

Michael Ernst

U. of Washington, Seattle, USAIMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain

joint work with Colin Gordon, Sai Zhang, Werner Dietl, and others

Page 2: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,


Hello from method1void method1() { mylabel.setText("Hello from method1");}

void method2() { mylabel.setText("Hello from method2");}

// Corrected method2void method2() { Display.syncExec(new Runnable { void run() { mylabel.setText("Hello from method2()"); } });}

Making the same change to method1 is unnecessary and dangerous (new concurrency errors)

Invalid UI updates

Page 3: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,


GUI threading errors are common

• One of the top 3 SWT exceptions• Tens of thousands of search results• >2700 Eclipse bug reports• Possibly long-lived• One >10 years old in Eclipse!


Page 4: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Accept user inputUpdate the displayLong-running computations

A single-threaded GUI program

Single-threaded program

Problem: unresponsive UI

Page 5: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Accept user inputUpdate the display

A multi-threaded GUI program

GUI threadLong-running computationsBackground worker thread

Must not access the UI

Simultaneous access to UI from 2 threads: Race condition• Data corruption (lost & partial updates)• Crashes

Page 6: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

GUI thread discipline

Only the UI thread may access UI objects• Most GUI methods must run only on the UI thread• E.g. JLabel.setText()

Other threads should use:syncExec(new Runnable{ run(){ … } })

Advantages:• Simple specification• Responsive UI• Atomic updates without explicit synchronization

Problem: It’s easy to make mistakes

Page 7: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Programmer must remember calling context

For each method:• Can I access the UI in the body of this method?• When is it safe to call this method?• UI libraries may not document this behavior well

public void updateView() { setupTitle(this.title);}

Idea:Automated program analysisto find and prevent UI threading errors

Page 8: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Two analyses to detect GUI threading errors

• Heuristic analysis• Requires no programmer effort• Finds many bugs in practice• GUI Error Detector:

• Type system• Sound; gives a guarantee• Requires modest programmer effort• Yields machine-checked documentation• GUI Effect Checker:


Colin Gordon

Sai Zhang

Page 9: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Where may a method be called?

• Only called from UI thread@UIEffect

• Safe to be called from any thread@SafeEffect

“Effect” because this is an effect system• A type system approximates values (e.g., Integer)• An effect system approximates side effects or behavior

(Java’s checked exceptions are also an effect system.)





Relationship between them:

Page 10: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,


Annotated codeclass JLabel { …

@UIEffect public void setText(String s);


class Client { …

@SafeEffect public void updateView() {

myJlabel.setText("New Title"); // ERROR


@UIEffect public void refreshView() {

myJlabel.setText("New Title"); // OK



Page 11: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Polymorphic effects

Runnable:• Sometimes used for the UI thread• Sometimes used for background threads

Should it be annotated as @UIEffect or @SafeEffect?

Solution: polymorphismAnalogy: List<String> vs. List<Integer>Similarly, Runnable<@UIEffect> vs. Runnable<@SafeEffect>

(Actual syntax: @PolyUI Runnable)

Preserves backward compatibility with the JDK

interface Runnable { @??Effect public void run();}

Page 12: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,


Using the GUI Effect Checker• Run javac with GUI Effect Checker plug-in

javac --processor GuiEffectChecker• IDEs are also supported

• Examine error reports• Add annotations to clarify program• Repeat until you can’t fix more errors

One-time process! Low incremental cost.

*.javadeveloperjavac +

GUI Effect Checker



error reports

UI-correct program

Page 13: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Case studiesProgram Defects

foundFalse positive


EclipseRunner 1 0 10HudsonEclipse 3 2 4S3dropbox 2 0 21SudokuSolver 2 0 8Eclipse Color Theme 0 0 3LogViewer 0 1 17JVMMonitor 0 9 7Subclipse 1 13 8

Modest annotation burden:• 7 annotations / 1000 LOC• 4300 LOC / hour

Few false positives• Usually code smells• Would be avoided

if starting with GUI Effect Checker

Page 14: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Type qualifiers

• In Java 8: annotations on types

@Untainted String query;List<@NonNull String> strings;myGraph = (@Immutable Graph) tmpGraph;class UnmodifiableList<T> implements @Readonly List<@Readonly T> {}

• Backward-compatible: compile with any Java compilerList</*@NonNull*/ String> strings;

Page 15: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

Benefits of type qualifiers

• Find bugs in programs• Guarantee the absence of errors

• Improve documentation• Improve code structure & maintainability

• Aid compilers, optimizers, and analysis tools• Reduce number of assertions and run-time checks

• Possible negatives:• Must write the types (or use type inference)• False positives are possible (can be suppressed)

Page 16: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

What bugs can you detect & prevent?

• Null dereferences • Mutation and side-effects• Concurrency: locking• Security: encryption,

tainting• Aliasing• Equality tests • Strings: localization,

regular expression syntax,signature representation,format string syntax

• Enumeractions• Typestate (e.g., open/closed files)

Users can write their own checkers

• @NonNull• @Immutable• @GuardedBy• @Encrypted@OsTrusted, @Untainted…

• @Linear• @Interned• @Localized@Regex@FullyQualified@Format

• @Fenum• @State

The annotation you write:The property you care about:

Page 17: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,

What a checker guarantees

• The program satisfies the type property. There are:• no bugs (of particular varieties)• no wrong annotations

• Caveat 1: only for code that is checked• Native methods• Reflection• Code compiled without the pluggable type checker• Suppressed warnings

• Indicates what code a human should analyze• Checking part of a program is still useful

• Caveat 2: The checker itself might contain an error

Page 18: GUI Threading Explained and Verified Michael Ernst U. of Washington, Seattle, USA IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain joint work with Colin Gordon,


Pluggable type-checkingfor bug detection and verification• GUI Effect Checker:• Polymorphic effect system for UI threading• Simple & effective• Finds bugs• Modest annotation burden

• Additional checkers exist for dozens of other bugs• Distributed with the Checker Framework

• Try it today!