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Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5

Jun 02, 2018



Pushp Sharma
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  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs


  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only


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    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% I

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    Revision History

    Prod!t "ersion #o!$ent "ersion Seri%& N$'er Re%son (or Revision

    "1%0 )irst p*+lis'ed


    1% ,- KPIs and E./E KPIs areadded%

    % )or*lae are edited ainly for,%27 and ,3%0%

    -% Soe typi4al KPI 4ases and4oents are added%

    KPI ris analysis prin4iples areadded%

    "1%Syn4'roni6ation it' GSM RNO

    Subject-CS KPI_R1.2 (Chinese)"1%5 Syn4'roni6ation it' GSM RNO

    Subject-CS KPI_R1.5 (Chinese)


    #%te #o!$ent "ersion Pre*%red 'y Revie+ed 'y A**roved 'y

    008011 "1%0 C'en C'*n Z'en& 9ao )ei #ipin&

    008107 "1%1:an& ;ia6'i

    Z'en& 9ao C'enC'*n and )ei#ipin&

    )ei #ipin&

    010108 "1%

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    A'ot T)is #o!$ent


    C)%*ter #es!ri*tion

    1 O(er(ie Introd*4es t'e KPI 4lassifi4ation and appli4ation%

    CS Statisti4al KPIs =ists t'e CS statisti4al KPIs%

    - CS Test KPIs =ists t'e CS test KPIs%

    ! C$ CS KPIs =ists t'e C$ CS KPIs%

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% III

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    T#>=E O) CO$TE$TS

    1 Overvie+...........................................................................................................1

    / CS St%tisti!%& KPIs.........................................................................................../%1 #(aila+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1%1 S.CC9 #(aila+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1% TC9 #(aila+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1%- Cell #(aila+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1%! Cell Utili6ation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #44essi+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-

    %%1 "ando #44ess S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% S.CC9 >lo4in& "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- TC9 >lo4in& "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! S.CC9 .rop "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 S.CC9 #ssi&nent S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3 TC9 #ssi&nent S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7 Call Set*p S*44ess "ate ?CSS"@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8 Call S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2 "adio #44essi+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10 S.CC9 Aean 9oldin& Tie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- Ao+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10%-%1 9ando(er S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    %-% 9ando(er S*44ess "ate ?Intra Cell@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%- 9ando(er S*44ess "ate ?Inter Cell@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%! 9ando(er S*44ess "ate ?Inter >SC@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%5 9ando(er .*e to B*ality%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! "elia+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1-%!%1 Call .rop "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!% Ain*te per .rop%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!%- Call Copletion "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!%! U= "B*al 0!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!%5 .= "B*al 0!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!%3 U= "B*al 0-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!%7 .= "B*al 0-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    %!%8 U= "B*al 37%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!%2 .= "B*al 37%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!%10 )E"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 /-/ KPIs%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%12%5%1 Intersyste 9ando(er S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5% Call .rop "ate .*e to -/ to / 9ando(er )ail*re%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5%- Intersyste "esele4t S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    0 CS Test KPIs.................................................................................................../1-%1 #44essi+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1-%1%1 Call Set*p S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-% Ao+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% I,

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    -%%1 9ando(er S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%- "elia+ility%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1-%-%1 .rop Call "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%-% SBI%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    -%-%- Aean Opinion S4ore ?AOS@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%-%! " B*ality ?0- and 0!@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%! Set*p Tie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%--%!%1 Call Set*p Tie ?/SA to PST$@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%!% Call Set*p Tie ?/SA to /SA@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%!%- S.CC9 Aean 9oldin& Tie ?for CS 4all set*p@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%5 /-/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%--%5%1 Intersyste 9ando(er S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%5% Intersyste 9ando(er Interr*ption Tie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-%5%- Call .rop "ate .*e to -/ to / 9ando(er )ail*re%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    CN CS KPIs...................................................................................................../5!%1 Pa&in& S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5!% =o4ation Update S*44ess "ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% ,

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    1 Overvie+

    T'e &*ide is ostly appli4a+le to ,- ,3%10 ?Ainos@ and ,3%0 ?Ainos@%

    T'is &*ide+oo 4olle4ted t'e Key Perforan4e Indi4ators ?KPI@ for CS and PS 'i4'

    are no 4oonly adopted in presales +iddin& proDe4tsand t'e definitions of different

    KPIs and 4o*nter for*las for ,3%1 and ,3% are des4ri+ed 'ere as ell%

    /enerally KPIs 4an +e 4lassified into fo*r typesF statisti4al KPIs testin& KPIs

    eG*ipent perforan4e KPIs and *ser per4eption KPIs% Only statisti4al KPIs and

    testin& KPIs are ela+orated 'ere% KPI in(ol(es different fa4tors% It is also 4losely related

    to t'e netor radio en(ironent%

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 1

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    / CS St%tisti!%& KPIs

    /.1 Av%i&%'i&ity

    /.1.1 S#CCH Av%i&%'i&ity

    KPI S.CC9 a(aila+ility


    $*+er of a(aila+le S.CC9s 100H?$*+er of a(aila+le S.CC9s J

    n*+er of *na(aila+le S.CC9s@


    ,3%1 C2000301 100H?C2000301 J C2000301-@

    ,3% T'e Sae as t'e a+o(e%


    T'e ratio of t'e a(aila+le S.CC9s to t'e S.CC9s allo4ated in netoris ainly *sed to 4'e4 t'e eG*ipent perforan4e espe4ially toinspe4t t'e a(aila+ility of S.CC9s of t'e 4ells% It is dire4tly related to t'esta+ility of eG*ipent transission and poer s*pply% It refle4ts t'ea(aila+ility ratio of netor eG*ipent and t'e sta+ility of t'e netoroperation%


    C2000301F #(era&e n*+er of a(aila+le S.CC9

    C2000301-F #(era&e n*+er of *na(aila+le S.CC9

    /.1./ TCH Av%i&%'i&ityKPI TC9 a(aila+ility


    $*+er of a(aila+le TC9s 100H?$*+er of a(aila+le TC9s J n*+er

    of *na(aila+le TC9s@


    ,3%1?C20003015 J C2000301-! J C200030155@ 100H

    ?C20003015 J C2000301-! J C200030155 J C20003013J C20003017 J C20003018@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%


    T'e ratio of t'e a(aila+le TC9s to t'e TC9s allo4ated in netor isainly *sed to 4'e4 t'e eG*ipent perforan4e espe4ially to inspe4t

    t'e a(aila+ility of TC9s of t'e 4ells% It is dire4tly related to t'e sta+ility ofeG*ipent transission and poer s*pply%


    C20003015F #(era&e n*+er of a(aila+le radio 4'annel

    C20003013F #(era&e n*+er of *na(aila+le radio 4'annel

    C2000301-!F $*+er of a(aila+le defined TC9)

    C200030155F $*+er of a(aila+le defined TC99

    C20003017F $*+er of *na(aila+le defined TC99

    C20003018F $*+er of *na(aila+le defined TC9)

    /.1.0 Ce&& Av%i&%'i&ity

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed%

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only


    C2000300-8F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C2000300-2F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C20003017!F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 allo4ation fail*re forassi&nent

    /././ S#CCH 4&o!in R%te

    KPI S.CC9 +lo4in& rate


    $*+er of si&nalin& 4'annel 4on&estions 100H$*+er of si&nalin&

    4'annel 4all attepts in4l*din& t'e 4ondition 'en S.CC9s and TC9sare *sed as si&nalin& 4'annels%


    ,3%1?C200030005 J C200030011 J C2000300-2@ 100H

    ?C20003000- J C200030010 J C2000300-8@,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%


    T'is is ainly to e(al*ate t'e 4onsisten4y +eteen t'e preplannednetor and t'e a4t*al netor% It ill +e affe4ted +y t'e folloin&fa4torsF

    1% T'e 4onsisten4y +eteen t'e desired 4apa4ity and a4t*al 4apa4ity oft'e netor and t'e 4onsisten4y +eteen t'e estiated traffi4odel and t'e a4t*al one%

    % S*dden traffi4%

    -% =a4 of S.CC9 4apa4ity%

    !% Internal M eternal interferen4e%

    5% Preplanned red*ndan4y%

    3% OperatorsN spe4ial reG*ireents%

    7% )" and 9" *sed as si&nalin& 4'annel%


    C20003000-F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C200030005F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C200030010F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C200030011F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300-8F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C2000300-2F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    /./.0 TCH 4&o!in R%te

    KPI TC9 +lo4in& rate


    )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F

    $*+er of TC94on&estions ?in4l*din& 9O@ 100H$*+er of TC9 4all

    attepts ?in4l*din& 9O@

    )or*la F

    $*+er of TC94on&estions ?e4l*din& 9O@100H$*+er of TC9 4all

    attepts ?e4l*din& 9O@

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% !

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only



    )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F

    ?C20003000 J C2000300-1 J C2000300!- J C2000300!7J C2000300 J C2000300-- J C2000300!5 J

    C2000300!2@ 100H?C200030012 J C2000300-0 J

    C2000300! J C2000300!3 J C20003001 J C2000300-J C2000300!! J C2000300!8@

    It in4l*des 'ando(ers%

    )or*la F

    ?C20003000 J C2000300-1 J C2000300!- J

    C2000300!7@ 100H?C200030012 J C2000300-0 J

    C2000300! J C2000300!3@

    It e4l*des 'ando(ers%

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%


    T'is is ainly to e(al*ate t'e 4onsisten4y +eteen t'e preplanned

    netor and a4t*al netor and t'e pre4ondition is t'at t'e pre4isetraffi4 odel netor 4apa4ity and red*ndan4y s'o*ld +e pro(ided int'e preplannin& period% It is related to t'e folloin& fa4torsF

    1% T'e 4onsisten4y +eteen t'e desired 4apa4ity and a4t*al 4apa4ity oft'e netor and t'e 4onsisten4y +eteen t'e estiated traffi4odel and t'e a4t*al one%

    % S*dden traffi4%

    -% =a4 of TC9 4apa4ity%

    !% Internal M eternal interferen4e%

    5% Preplanned red*ndan4y%

    If t'e 4lientsN reG*ireents e4eed 'at t'e )or*la 1 4an reali6erespond it' )or*la and indi4ate t'e 9O is e4l*ded 'en +iddin&%.*rin& t'e 'ando(er +eteen presales and aftersales indi4ate 'i4'for*la is *sed for +iddin&%


    C200030012F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C20003000F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C20003001F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) sei6*re attepts for 'ando(er

    C2000300F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) sei6*re fail*re for 'ando(er

    C2000300-0F $*+er of data TC9) sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300-1F $*+er of data TC9) sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300-F $*+er of data TC9) sei6*re attepts for 'ando(er

    C2000300--F $*+er of data TC9) sei6*re fail*re for 'ando(er

    C2000300!F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300!-F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300!!F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 sei6*re attepts for 'ando(er

    C2000300!5F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 sei6*re fail*re for 'ando(er

    C2000300!3F $*+er of data TC99 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300!7F $*+er of data TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300!8F $*+er of data TC99 sei6*re attepts for 'ando(er

    C2000300!2F $*+er of data TC99 sei6*re fail*re for 'ando(er

    /./. S#CCH #ro* R%te

    KPI S.CC9 drop rate

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 5

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only



    )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F

    $*+er of S.CC9 4all drops 100H?"ando a44ess 4all attepts J

    n*+er of (oi4e 4'annel 4all attepts ?'ando(er e4l*ded@ ?si&nalin&@@

    )or*la ?re4oended@F

    $*+er of S.CC9 4all drops 100H$*+er of S.CC9 assi&nents




    )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F

    C20003005- 100H?C20003000- J C200030010 J


    )or*la F

    C20003005- 100HC200030!

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%


    )or*la 1 is t'e old one in t'e pre(io*s /*ide% Its pro+le is t'at t'en*erator does not in4l*de t'e n*+er of 4all drops +*t t'edenoinator in4l*des t'e n*+er of 4all attepts 'en TC9 is *sed assi&nalin&% T'eoreti4ally 4all drop alays o44*rs after s*44essf*l 4'annelassi&nent% T'en t'e denoinator s'o*ld +e t'e n*+er of S.CC9assi&nent s*44esses instead of t'e n*+er of S.CC9 attepts%

    )or*la only in4l*des t'e S.CC9 4all drop rate% T'e 4ondition 'enTC9) and TC99 are *sed as si&nalin& 4'annels is e4l*ded%

    C20003005- is *sed to find o*t t'e freG*en4y of 4all drops res*lted froradio lin fail*res =#P. lin +reas and 'ando(er fail*res in S.CC9s%


    C20003000-F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C200030010F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) sei6*re attepts for


    C2000300-8F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C20003005-F $*+er of S.CC9 drops

    C200030!F $*+er of S.CC9 assi&nents s*44ess

    /./.5 S#CCH Assin$ent S!!ess R%te

    KPI S.CC9 assi&nent s*44ess rate


    )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F

    S.CC9 assi&nent s*44ess rate 100?$*+er of S.CC9 assi&nent

    s*44esses J n*+er of S.CC9 assi&nent fail*res@

    )or*la ?re4oended@F

    ?$*+er of AOC a44ess s*44esses J n*+er of ATC a44esss*44esses@?$*+er of AOC a44ess attepts J n*+er of ATC a44essattepts@


    ,3%1 )or*la 1F

    C200030! 100H?C200030! J C200030!-@

    )or*la F

    ?C20003000 J C200030-3@?C200030001 J C2000301-3@

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 3

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    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    NotesS.CC9 assi&nent s*44ess rate is in(ol(ed it' any fa4tors s*4' as=#P. lin freG*en4y interferen4e a44ess paraeters and eternalinterferen4e%


    C200030001F $*+er of ATC a44ess attepts

    C20003000F $*+er of ATC a44ess s*44ess

    C2000301-3F $*+er of AOC a44ess attepts

    C200030-3F $*+er of AOC a44ess s*44ess

    C200030!F $*+er of S.CC9 assi&nents s*44ess

    C200030!-F $*+er of S.CC9 assi&nents fail*re

    /./.6 TCH Assin$ent S!!ess R%te

    KPI TC9 assi&nent s*44ess rate


    $*+er of TC9 assi&nent s*44esses 100?$*+er of TC9assi&nent s*44esses J n*+er of TC9 assi&nent fail*res@



    ?C20003008 J C2000300-3 J C200030122 J

    C20003010@ 100H?C20003008 J C2000300-3 J

    C200030122 J C20003010 J C20003002 J C2000300-7J C20003000 J C20003011@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    NotesT'is KPI is dire4tly related to radio en(ironent 4arrier pro+lesassi&nent et'ods and appli4ation of data ser(i4e% T'is for*la doesnot in4l*de t'e 4ondition 'en TC9 is *sed as t'e si&nalin& 4'annel%


    C20003008F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003002F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) assi&nent fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300-3F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C2000300-7F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent fail*re

    C200030122F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003000F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 assi&nent fail*re

    C20003010F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003011F $*+er of data TC99 assi&nent fail*re

    /./.7 C%&& Set* S!!ess R%te 8CSSR9

    KPI Call set*p s*44ess rate ?CSS"@


    )or*la 1F

    ?1S.CC9 +lo4in& rate@ ?S.CC9 assi&nent s*44ess rate@ ?1

    S.CC9 drop rate@ ?1TC9 +lo4in& rate ?e4l*din& 9O@@ TC9

    assi&nent s*44ess rate

    T'e definition of t'is CSS" is relati(ely stri4t +e4a*se too any fa4torsare in4l*ded s*4' as =#C and SAS% T'e definition is not rational frot'e (ie of (oi4e 4alls so t'at t'e CSS" *sed in AOTO e4l*des t'eSAS fa4tor% 9ando(er is e4l*ded%

    )or*la ?re4oended@F

    ??AOC s*44esses J ATC s*44esses@?AOC attepts J ATC attepts@@

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 7

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    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    ?1S.CC9 drop rate@ ?1TC9 +lo4in& rate ?e4l*din& 9O@@

    TC9 assi&nent s*44ess rate

    #44ordin& to 4oon *nderstandin& CSS" is ostly applied to inspe4tt'e esta+lis'ent of (oi4e 4alls and SAS% It is proper to e4l*de =#C*pdate% 9ando(er is e4l*ded%

    )or*la -F

    ?1S.CC9 +lo4in& rate@ ?1TC9 +lo4in& rate ?e4l*din& 9O@@

    T'e CSS" is ainly eas*red in t'e (ie of 4on&estion% It is siilar to9*t4'isonNs definition of CSS"% 9ando(er is e4l*ded%



    )or*la 1F

    ?1?C200030005 J C200030011 J C2000300-2@ 100H

    ?C20003000- J C200030010 J C2000300-8@@

    ?C200030! 100H?C200030! J C200030!-@@ ?1

    C20003005- 100H?C20003000- J C200030010 J

    C2000300-8@@ ?1?C20003000 J C2000300-1 J

    C2000300!- J C2000300!7@ 100H?C200030012 J

    C2000300-0 J C2000300! J C2000300!3@@

    ??C20003008 J C2000300-3 J C200030122 J

    C20003010@ 100H?C20003008 J C2000300-3 J

    C200030122 J C20003010 J C20003002 J C2000300-7J C20003000 J C20003011@@

    )or*la F

    ?C20003000 J C200030-3@?C200030001 J C2000301-3@

    ?1C20003005- 100HC200030!@ ?1

    ?C20003000 J C2000300-1 J C2000300!- JC2000300!7@ 100H?C200030012 J C2000300-0 J

    C2000300! J C2000300!3@@ ??C20003008 J

    C2000300-3J C200030122 J C20003010@ 100H

    ?C20003008 J C2000300-3 J C200030122 J C20003010J C20003002 J C2000300-7 J C20003000 JC20003011@@

    )or*la -F

    ?1?C200030005 J C200030011 J C2000300-2@ 100H

    ?C20003000- J C200030010 J C2000300-8@@ ?1

    ?C20003000 J C2000300-1 J C2000300!- J

    C2000300!7@ 100H?C200030012 J C2000300-0 JC2000300! J C2000300!3@@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%


    .ifferent (endors 'a(e different definitions for CSS"% T'e a+o(e statedfor*la is re&arded too stri4t% Soe ay define it to +e TC9 assi&nents*44ess rate or 4all 4opletion rate%

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    C200030005F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C200030010F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C200030011F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C200030012F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C20003000F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C20003008F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003002F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) assi&nent fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300-0F $*+er of data TC9) sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300-1F $*+er of data TC9) sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300-3F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C2000300-7F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent fail*re

    C2000300-8F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C2000300-2F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300!F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300!-F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300!3F $*+er of data TC99 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300!7F $*+er of data TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C20003005-F $*+er of S.CC9 drops

    C2000301-3F $*+er of AOC a44ess attepts

    C200030122F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003000F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 assi&nent fail*re

    C20003010F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003011F $*+er of data TC99 assi&nent fail*re

    C200030-3F $*+er of AOC a44ess s*44ess

    C200030!F $*+er of S.CC9 assi&nents s*44ess

    C200030!-F $*+er of S.CC9 assi&nents fail*re

    /./.: C%&& S!!ess R%te

    KPI Call s*44ess rate


    It is s*&&ested to 4o*nt it in t'e 4ore netor%

    If it is 4o*nted in t'e radio netor it is s*&&ested t'at CS" is t'e saeas CSS"%




    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes#s t'e 4ore netor en&ineers to ae response to t'is KPI% If t'e 4orenetor en&ineers do not ae response t'e radio en&ineers respondto it as CSS"%

    /./.; R%dio A!!essi'i&ity

    KPI "adio a44essi+ility


    S.CC9 sei6*re s*44ess rate TC9 allo4ation s*44ess rate

    ?Indi4ator defined +y C'ina Ao+ile@

    KPI ,3%1 ??C20003000- J C200030010 J C2000300-8@

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 2

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only


    ?C200030005 J C200030011 J C2000300-2@@

    ?C20003000- J C200030010 J C2000300-8@

    ?C20003008 J C2000300-3 J C200030122 JC20003010@?C200030012 J C2000300-0 J C2000300!

    J C2000300!3@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    NotesT'e a+o(e TC9 allo4ation s*44ess rate in4l*des TC9 sei6*re allo4ationand assi&nent defined +y ZTE%


    C20003000-F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C200030005F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C200030010F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C200030011F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C200030012F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C20003008F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C2000300-0F $*+er of data TC9) sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300-3F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C2000300-8F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re attepts forassi&nent

    C2000300-2F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 sei6*re fail*re for assi&nent

    C2000300!F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C2000300!3F $*+er of data TC99 sei6*re attepts for assi&nent

    C200030122F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003010F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 assi&nent s*44ess

    /./.1< S#CCH Me%n Ho&din Ti$e

    KPI S.CC9 ean 'oldin& tie


    S.CC9 +*sy tie$*+er of S.CC9 'oldin& s*44esses


    ,3%1 C2000301!?C20003000! J C200030003C200030007@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    NotesS.CC9 ean 'oldin& tieF t'e S.CC9 sei6*re reasons 4annot +edistin&*is'ed 4*rrently%



    C20003000!F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re s*44ess for assi&nent

    C200030003F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re attepts for 'ando(er

    C200030007F $*+er of S.CC9 sei6*re fail*re for 'ando(erC2000301!F S.CC9 +*sy tie

    /.0 Mo'i&ity

    /.0.1 H%ndover S!!ess R%te

    KPI 9ando(er s*44ess rate

    KPI )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 10

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only


    $*+er of 'ando(er s*44esses in +*sy 'o*rs 100H$*+er of

    'ando(er reG*ests in +*sy 'o*rs

    )or*la F$*+er of in4oin& s*44esses in +*sy 'o*rs 100H$*+er of

    in4oin& reG*ests in +*sy 'o*rs



    )or*la 1F

    ?C200030028 J C20003010 J C20003010 J C20003002!

    J C200030023@ 100H?C200030027 J C200030022 J

    C200030100 J C200030101 J C20003013 J C200030112J C20003002- J C200030025@

    )or*la F

    ?C200030028 J C20003010@?C200030027 J C200030022J C200030100 J C200030101 J C20003013@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes T'is KPI (al*e differs a lot in different types of netor%


    C20003002-F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell o*t&oin& 'ando(er

    C20003002!F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell o*t&oin& 'ando(ers*44ess

    C200030025F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled o*t&oin& 'ando(er

    C200030023F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled o*t&oin& 'ando(er s*44ess

    C200030027F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell in4oin& 'ando(er

    C200030028F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell in4oin& 'ando(ers*44ess

    C200030022F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er

    C200030100F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er d*e tofor4ed release

    C200030101F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er d*e toG*e*e

    C20003010F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er s*44ess

    C200030112F $*+er of Intra4ell 'ando(er

    C20003010F $*+er of Intra4ell 'ando(er s*44ess

    C20003013F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er d*e tofor4ed 'ando(er

    /.0./ H%ndover S!!ess R%te 8Intr% Ce&&9KPI 9ando(er s*44ess rate ?Intra Cell@


    $*+er of 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of 'ando(er reG*ests


    ,3%1 C20003010C200030112

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one


    C200030112F $*+er of Intra4ell 'ando(er

    C20003010F $*+er of Intra4ell 'ando(er s*44ess

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 11

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    /.0.0 H%ndover S!!ess R%te 8Inter Ce&&9

    KPI 9ando(er s*44ess rate ?Inter Cell@


    )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F

    $*+er of inter 4ell 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of inter 4ell'ando(er reG*ests

    )or*la F

    $*+er of inter 4ell in4oin& 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of

    inter 4ell in4oin& 'ando(er reG*ests



    )or*la 1F

    ?C20003002! J C200030028@?C20003002- J C200030027@

    )or*la F


    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one


    C20003002-F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell o*t&oin& 'ando(er

    C20003002!F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell o*t&oin& 'ando(ers*44ess

    C200030027F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell in4oin& 'ando(er

    C200030028F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell in4oin& 'ando(ers*44ess

    /.0. H%ndover S!!ess R%te 8Inter 4SC9

    KPI 9ando(er s*44ess rate ?Inter >SC@


    )or*la 1F?defa*lt@

    $*+er of inter >SC 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of inter >SC

    'ando(er reG*ests

    )or*la F

    $*+er of inter >SC in4oin& 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of

    inter >SC in4oin& 'ando(er reG*ests



    )or*la 1F

    ?C200030023 J C20003010@?C200030025 J C200030022

    J C200030100 J C200030101 J C20003013@

    )or*la F

    C20003010?C200030022 J C200030100 J C200030101 JC20003013@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one


    C200030025F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled o*t&oin& 'ando(er

    C200030023F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled o*t&oin& 'ando(er s*44ess

    C200030022F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er

    C200030100F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er d*e to

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 1

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    for4ed release

    C200030101F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er d*e toG*e*e

    C20003010F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er s*44ess

    C20003013F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er d*e tofor4ed 'ando(er

    /.0.5 H%ndover #e to =%&ity

    KPI 9ando(er d*e to G*ality


    )or*la 1 ?9ando(er .*e to .= B*ality@F

    9ando(er reG*ests d*e to .= G*ality 100H$*+er of 'ando(er


    )or*la ?9ando(er .*e to U= B*ality@F9ando(er reG*ests d*e to U= G*ality 100H$*+er of 'ando(er




    )or*la 1 ?9ando(er .*e to .= B*ality@F

    ?C200030085 J C2000307@?C20003002- J C200030025J C200030112@

    )or*la ?9ando(er .*e to U= B*ality@F

    ?C20003008! J C2000303@? C20003002- J C200030025J C200030112@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes If .= or U= is not 4onsidered add t'e n*erators it'o*t 4'an&in& t'edenoinator


    C20003008!F $*+er of TC9) 'ando(er attepts d*e to U= G*ality

    C200030085F $*+er of TC9) 'ando(er attepts d*e to .= G*ality

    C20003002-F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell o*t&oin& 'ando(er

    C200030025F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled o*t&oin& 'ando(er

    C200030112F $*+er of Intra4ell 'ando(er

    C2000303F $*+er of TC99 'ando(er attepts d*e to U= G*ality

    C2000307F $*+er of TC99 'ando(er attepts d*e to .= G*ality

    /. Re&i%'i&ity

    /..1 C%&& #ro* R%te

    KPI Call drop rate


    $*+er of TC9 4all drops 100H$*+er of TC9 sei6*res ?in4l*din&



    ,3%1 ?C20003005! J C200030055@ 100H?C200030017 J

    C200030-5 J C20003008 J C2000300-3 J C200030122J C20003010 J C200030028 JC20003010 J


    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 1-

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    It in4l*des 4all drop d*e to 'ando(er%

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%


    ,oi4e 4'annel 4all drop rate falls into to typesF one is it' 'ando(er

    in4l*ded t'e ot'er is it' 'ando(er e4l*ded% If 'ando(er is notin4l*ded t'e indi4ator (al*e ill +e a+o*t 0%H 'i&'er t'an t'e one it''ando(er in4l*ded% T'is dis4repan4y is not *ni(ersally defined yet for it4an +e lar&er in d*al+and netor% T'is KPI (al*e differs a lot in (ariedtypes of netor% T'e dis4repan4y 4an rea4' 0%-H%



    C200030017F $*+er of si&nalin& TC9) assi&nent s*44ess forassi&nent

    C20003008F $*+er of (oi4e TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C2000300-3F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003005!F $*+er of TC9) drops

    C200030055F $*+er of TC99 drops

    C200030028F $*+er of >SC4ontrolled inter4ell in4oin& 'ando(er


    C20003010F $*+er of ASC4ontrolled in4oin& 'ando(er s*44ess

    C20003010F $*+er of Intra4ell 'ando(er s*44ess

    C200030122F $*+er of (oi4e TC99 assi&nent s*44ess

    C20003010F $*+er of data TC9) assi&nent s*44ess

    C200030-5F $*+er of si&nalin& TC99 assi&nent s*44ess

    /../ Minte *er #ro*

    KPI Ain*te per drop

    KPI#e(inition Traffi4$*+er of TC9 4all drops



    ,3%1??C20003012 J C20003017@-300@ 30?C20003005! J


    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    NotesT'is KPI in different netors (aries to a lar&e etent% /enerally if t'e4all drop ?it' 'ando(er in4l*ded@ rate is 'i&'er t'an 0%5H it is diffi4*ltto rea4' t'e reG*ired (al*e for t'is KPI%


    C20003005!F $*+er of TC9) drops

    C200030055F $*+er of TC99 drops

    C20003017F TC99 +*sy tie

    C20003012F TC9) +*sy tie

    /..0 C%&& Co$*&etion R%te

    KPI Call 4opletion rate


    CSS" ?1 Call drop rate@

    $oteF "efer to Se4tion %%7 Call Set*p S*44ess "ate ?CSS"@ for t'eindi4ator definition of CSS"%



    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes T'is for*la is a 4*stoi6ed KPI%

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    'en referrin& to t'is KPI% >*t it is 4lose to 4*stoersN per4eption%

    /.. 2L R>=%& =%&

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    )or*la ?S.JTC9@F

    ?C20003007! J C200030075 J C200030073 J C200030077J C200030078@?C20003007! J C200030075 JC200030073 J C200030077 J C200030078 J C200030072J C200030080 J C200030081@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one


    C20003007!F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL 0

    C200030075F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL 1

    C200030073F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL

    C200030077F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL -

    C200030078F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL !

    C200030072F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL 5

    C200030080F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL 3C200030081F $*+er of saples it' .= "BL 7

    C2011015F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 0 on TC9

    C2011013F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 1 on TC9

    C2011017F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L on TC9

    C2011018F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L - on TC9

    C2011012F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L ! on TC9

    C201101-0F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 5 on TC9

    C201101-1F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 3 on TC9

    C201101-F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 7 on TC9

    /..6 2L R>=%&

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    C200030071F $*+er of saples it' U= "BL 5

    C20003007F $*+er of saples it' U= "BL 3

    C20003007-F $*+er of saples it' U= "BL 7

    C20110117F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 0 on TC9C20110118F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 1 on TC9

    C20110112F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L on TC9

    C2011010F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L - on TC9

    C2011011F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L ! on TC9

    C201101F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 5 on TC9

    C201101-F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 3 on TC9

    C201101!F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 7 on TC9

    /..7 #L R>=%&

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    /..: 2L R>=%& 6-7

    KPI U= "B*al 37



    U= "B*al 37 100U= "B*al 07



    )or*la 1 ?TC9 re4oended@F


    )or*la ?S.JTC9@F

    ?C20003007JC20003007-@ ?C200030033JC200030037JC200030038JC200030032JC200030070JC200030071JC20003007JC20003007-@

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one



    C200030033F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 0

    C200030037F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 1

    C200030038F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L

    C200030032F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L -

    C200030070F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L !

    C200030071F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 5

    C20003007F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 3

    C20003007-F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 7

    C20110117F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 0 on TC9

    C20110118F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 1 on TC9C20110112F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L on TC9

    C2011010F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L - on TC9

    C2011011F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L ! on TC9

    C201101F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 5 on TC9

    C201101-F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 3 on TC9

    C201101!F $*+er of saples it' U= "B L 7 on TC9

    /..; #L R>=%& 6-7

    KPI .= "B*al 37



    .= "B*al 37 100.= "B*al 07



    )or*la 1 ?TC9 re4oended@F


    )or*la ?S.JTC9@F

    ?C200030080JC200030081@ ?C20003007!JC200030075JC200030073JC200030077JC2


    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 18

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one



    C20003007!F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 0

    C200030075F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 1C200030073F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L

    C200030077F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L -

    C200030078F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L !

    C200030072F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 5

    C200030080F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 3

    C200030081F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 7

    C2011015F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 0 on TC9

    C2011013F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 1 on TC9

    C2011017F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L on TC9

    C2011018F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L - on TC9

    C2011012F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L ! on TC9C201101-0F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 5 on TC9

    C201101-1F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 3 on TC9

    C201101-F $*+er of saples it' .= "B L 7 on TC9

    /..1< FER

    KPI )E"





    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one

    /.5 /G-0G KPIs

    /.5.1 Intersyste$ H%ndover S!!ess R%te

    KPI Intersyste 'ando(er s*44ess rate


    )or*la 1 ?defa*lt@F$*+er of intersyste 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of

    intersyste 'ando(er reG*ests

    )or*la ?fro / to -/@F

    $*+er of /to-/ 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of /to-/

    'ando(er reG*ests

    )or*la ?fro -/ to /@F

    $*+er of -/to/ 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of -/to/

    'ando(er reG*ests

    KPI ,3%1 )or*la 1F

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 12

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only


    ?C201020118 J C20102011@? C201020117 JC20102010@

    )or*la ?fro / to -/@F


    )or*la ?fro -/ to /@F


    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one


    C201020117F $*+er of 'ando(er fro / to -/

    C201020118F $*+er of 'ando(er s*44ess fro / to -/

    C20102010F $*+er of 'ando(er fro -/ to /

    C20102011F $*+er of 'ando(er s*44ess fro -/ to /

    /.5./ C%&& #ro* R%te #e to 0Gto/G H%ndover F%i&re

    KPI Call drop rate d*e to -/ to / 'ando(er fail*res


    T'e 'ando(er type is not distin&*is'ed 4*rrently so its statisti4 4annot+e ade%



    ,3% T'e sae as t'e a+o(e%

    Notes $one

    /.5.0 Intersyste$ Rese&e!t S!!ess R%te

    KPI Intersyste 'ando(er s*44ess rate


    $*+er of resele4t ""C s*44esses 100H$*+er of resele4t ""C

    attepts ?defined +y -/ OAC indi4ator@


    Aae statisti4s at -/ side% T'e detailed for*la is pro(ided at -/ side%


    >e4a*se t'e resele4tion is t'e independent a4tion of t'e UE /SAnetor is only a+le to e(al*ate on t'e +asis of t'e n*+er of resele4t""C attepts and s*44esses at -/ side instead of ain& statisti4s on

    t'e s*44ess rate t'ro*&' OAC%It s'o*ld +e noted t'at t'e -/ en&ineers ae response if t'is KPIappears in t'e +iddin&%

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% 0

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    0 CS Test KPIs

    0.1 A!!essi'i&ity

    0.1.1 C%&& Set* S!!ess R%te

    KPI Call set*p s*44ess rate


    $*+er of 4all 4onne4tions 100H$*+er of 4all attepts


    )or .T and CBT t'e 4all attept is deterined +y t'e si*ltaneo*s

    appearan4e of 4'annel reG*est and CA ser(i4e reG*est%

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    on =ayer - si&nalin& de4odin&%

    Notes $one

    0.0./ S=I



    TEAS test (al*e




    T'is KPI is for inspe4tin& t'e so*nd distortion de&ree res*lted froin4apa+le lin transission% T'e for*la &ained Eri4ssonNs patent% Ittaes into 4onsideration any fa4tors in4l*din& >E" )E" 'ando(erfreG*en4y 'ando(er 4onditions .T a4ti(ated ?or not@ and t'een4oder in *se to finally &et t'e spee4' G*ality indi4ator ?SBI@% T'ereare different SBI top liits for different types of en4oders% )or 'alfrateen4oder t'e SBI top liit is 12 for f*llrate en4oder 1 for en'an4edf*llrate en4oder -0% SBI ran&es fro 18 to -0% SBI (al*e ill in4rease'en E)" or #A" is applied%

    0.0.0 Me%n O*inion S!ore 8MOS9

    KPI Aean opinion s4ore ?AOS@


    It is related to testin& eG*ipent%




    T'e 4oonly *sed AOS assessent et'od 4onsists of s*+De4ti(eand o+De4ti(e s4orin& parts%

    In t'e s*+De4ti(e part en&ineers s*+De4ti(ely 4opare t'e ori&inal (oi4eaterial and t'e deteriorated (oi4e aterial a44ordin& to ITUTProposal P%800 and P%8-0 and &i(e t'eir AOS s4ores respe4ti(ely t'ena(era&e t'e s4ores fro different en&ineers%

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    0.0. R> =%&ity 8

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    0.5.1 Intersyste$ H%ndover S!!ess R%te

    KPI Intersyste 'ando(er s*44ess rate



    $*+er of /to-/ 'ando(er s*44esses 100H$*+er of /to-/

    'ando(er reG*ests



    Notes $one

    0.5./ Intersyste$ H%ndover Interr*tion Ti$e

    KPI Intersyste 'ando(er interr*ption tie ?fro / to -/@


    )or 'ando(er fro / to -/ d*ration fro AS re4ei(in& Ho C$d toAS sendin& Ho Co$*&ete



    Notes $one

    0.5.0 C%&& #ro* R%te #e to 0G to /G H%ndover F%i&re

    KPI Call drop rate d*e to -/ to / 'ando(er fail*re


    $*+er of /to-/ 'ando(er 4all drops 100H$*+er of /to-/

    'ando(er attepts



    Notes $one

    ZTE Confidential Proprietary 01! ZTE CO"PO"#TIO$% #ll ri&'ts reser(ed% !

  • 8/10/2019 Gsm Rno Subject-cs Kpis_r1.5


    CS KPIs Internal Use Only

    CN CS KPIs

    .1 P%in S!!ess R%te

    KPI Pa&in& s*44ess rate


    $*+er of pa&in& responses 100H$*+er of pa&in& reG*ests


    See ASC 4o*nter indi4ators%

    Notes>SC 4an indire4tly pro(ide t'is KPI +*t its statisti4al point differs frot'at of ASC% T'e differen4e lies in 4all loss at Interfa4e #%

    ./ Lo!%tion 2*d%te S!!ess R%te

    KPI =o4ation *pdate s*44ess rate


    $*+er of lo4ation *pdate s*44esses 100H$*+er of lo4ation

    *pdate reG*ests


    See ASC 4o*nter indi4ators%

    Notes>SC 4an indire4tly pro(ide t'is KPI +*t t'e (al*e is different% Itsstatisti4al point differs fro t'at of ASC%