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Page 1: GS&F Design Portfolio


Page 2: GS&F Design Portfolio

cl i en t LLL Ranch

over v i ew SpeciaLty BeeF pRovideR

pro j ec t diRect MaiL

ob j ec ti ve intRoduce new BRand

audience conScientiouS conSuMeRS

tone LocaL, natuRaLDIRECT MAIL

Page 3: GS&F Design Portfolio

DIRECT MAILpro j ec t diRect MaiL

ob j ec ti ve update oF conStRuction tiMeLineS

cl i en t the GoveRnoRS cLuB

over v i ew GoLF coMMunity & couRSe

audience cLuB MeMBeRS & ReSidentS

tone LiGht, inFoRMative

Page 4: GS&F Design Portfolio

SpECIAL EvEnTcl i en t McneiLLy centeR FoR chiLdRen

over v i ew nonpRoFit chiLdcaRe FoR Low-incoMe FaMiLieS

pro j ec t BeneFit invitation

ob j ec ti ve attRact attendeeS to event

audience aFFLuent up-and-coMeRS

tone upScaLe, deRBy theMe

Page 5: GS&F Design Portfolio

SpECIAL EvEnTcl i en t the Minnie peaRL canceR Foundation

over v i ew SeRviceS FoR canceR patientS & FaMiLieS

pro j ec t BeneFit invitation MateRiaL

ob j ec ti ve attRact event attendeeS

audience naShviLLe BuSineSS LeadeRS

tone Fun, RetRo

Page 6: GS&F Design Portfolio

SpECIAL EvEnTcl i en t tn aSSociation oF ReaLtoRS

over v i ew advocacy & education FoR ReaLtoRS

pro j ec t taBLetop diSpLay

ob j ec ti ve ReGiSteR MeMBeRS in cLaSSeS

audience tenneSSee ReaLtoRS

tone invitinG, pRoFeSSionaL

Page 7: GS&F Design Portfolio

pACKAGInGcl i en t choice Food oF aMeRica

over v i ew Food ManuFactuReR

pro j ec t RetaiL packaGinG

ob j ec ti ve ReFReSh exiStinG BRand

audience GRoceRy StoRe ShoppeRS

tone FReSh, LiveLy

Page 8: GS&F Design Portfolio

IDEnTITY pACKAGEcl i en t BattLeGRound hoSpitaL FoR aniMaLS

over v i ew veteRinaRy caRe

pro j ec t StationeRy

ob j ec ti ve BRanded coRReSpondence SySteM

audience pet owneRS

tone tRuStwoRthy, caRinG

Page 9: GS&F Design Portfolio

IDEnTITY pACKAGEcl i en t the Minnie peaRL canceR Foundation

over v i ew SeRviceS FoR canceR patientS & FaMiLieS

pro j ec t StationeRy

ob j ec ti ve BRanded coRReSpondence SySteM

audience canceR patientS, FaMiLieS, donoRS

tone caRinG, SoothinG

Page 10: GS&F Design Portfolio

IDEnTITY pACKAGEcl i en t Sweet SLeep

over v i ew GLoBaL outReach FoR oRphanS

pro j ec t StationeRy

ob j ec ti ve BRanded coRReSpondence SySteM

audience inteReSted individuaLS & oRGanizationS

tone coMpaSSionate, hopeFuL

Page 11: GS&F Design Portfolio

IDEnTITY pACKAGEcl i en t tenneSSee titanS

over v i ew pRoFeSSionaL FootBaLL FRanchiSe

pro j ec t StationeRy

ob j ec ti ve BRanded coRReSpondence SySteM

audience nFL, Media

tone noStaLGic

Page 12: GS&F Design Portfolio

CuSToM pubLIShInGcl i en t aeSthetic SuRGeRy & LaSeR centeR

over v i ew coSMetic, outpatient SuRGeRy

pro j ec t newSLetteR

ob j ec ti ve poSition aS induStRy LeadeR

audience cuRRent/pRoSpective cLientS

tone FRiendLy, invitinG

Page 13: GS&F Design Portfolio

CuSToM pubLIShInGcl i en t aMeRican wateR heateRS

over v i ew ReSidentiaL wateR heateRS

pro j ec t newSLetteR

ob j ec ti ve incReaSe pRoGRaM paRticipation

audience whoLeSaLeRS, diStRiButoRS

tone noStaLGic, aLL-aMeRican

Page 14: GS&F Design Portfolio

CuSToM pubLIShInGcl i en t Lp coRpoRation

over v i ew coMMeRciaL & ReSidentiaL BuiLdinG pRoductS

pro j ec t MaGazine

ob j ec ti ve ShowcaSe enGineeRed wood pRoductS

audience BuiLdeRS, LuMBeR deaLeRS/diStRiButoRS

tone knowLedGeaBLe, SophiSticated

Page 15: GS&F Design Portfolio

CuSToM pubLIShInGcl i en t ohL

over v i ew thiRd-paRty LoGiSticS

pro j ec t coRpoRate newSLetteR

ob j ec ti ve connect 6,000 woRLdwide eMpLoyeeS

audience aLL ohL eMpLoyeeS

tone upBeat, inFoRMative

Page 16: GS&F Design Portfolio

CuSToM pubLIShInGaudience tFca MeMBeRS

tone authoRitative, pRoFeSSionaL

cl i en t tn FueL & convenience StoRe aSSociation

over v i ew tn petRoLeuM induStRy advocate

p ro j ec t QuaRteRLy MaGazine coveR

ob j ec ti ve coMMunicate aSSociation activitieS

Page 17: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t MiddLe tn counciL oF BoyS ScoutS oF aMeRica

over v i ew youth deveLopMent oRGanization

pro j ec t annuaL RepoRt

ob j ec ti ve SuMMaRize oRGanization accoMpLiShMentS

audience donoRS, potentiaL donoRS

tone natuRaL, adventuRe

Page 18: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t MiddLe tn counciL oF BoyS ScoutS oF aMeRica

over v i ew youth deveLopMent oRGanization

pro j ec t coLLectoR tRadinG caRdS

ob j ec ti ve RecRuitMent/BeneFit ShowcaSe

audience ScoutS, potentiaL ScoutS

tone adventuRe, Fun

Page 19: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t cRouch enGineeRinG

over v i ew civiL & RaiLRoad enGineeRinG

pro j ec t SaLeS kit

ob j ec ti ve ShowcaSe capaBiLitieS

audience RaiLRoadS, pRivate induStRieS, GoveRnMent aGencieS

tone authoRitative, technicaL

Page 20: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t the GoveRnoRS cLuB

over v i ew GoLF coMMunity & couRSe

pro j ec t pReSS kit

ob j ec ti ve update oF conStRuction tiMeLineS

audience LocaL Media

tone coRpoRate, SophiSticated

Page 21: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t aMeRican Red cRoSS, naShviLLe aRea chapteR

over v i ew eMeRGency ReSponSe oRGanization

pro j ec t annuaL RepoRt

ob j ec ti ve hiGhLiGht activitieS & FinanceS

audience donoRS, potentiaL donoRS

tone heaRtFeLt

Page 22: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t Sweet SLeep

over v i ew GLoBaL outReach FoR oRphanS

pro j ec t BRochuRe

ob j ec ti ve pRoMote oRGanizationaL pRoGRaMS

audience inteReSted individuaLS & oRGanizationS

tone inFoRMative, coMpaSSionate

Page 23: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t Sweet SLeep

over v i ew GLoBaL outReach FoR oRphanS

pro j ec t pocket FoLdeR

ob j ec ti ve enGaGe SuppoRteRS

audience Media, donoRS

tone coMpaSSionate, enGaGinG

Page 24: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t enGineeRed GLaSS pRoductS

over v i ew innovative GLaSS pRoductS

pro j ec t caSe Study

ob j ec ti ve deMonStRate pRoduct BeneFitS

audience aRchitectS, BuiLdeRS

tone waRM, pRoBLeM SoLvinG

Page 25: GS&F Design Portfolio

CoLLATERALcl i en t tn aSSociation oF ReaLtoRS

over v i ew advocacy & education FoR ReaLtoRS

pro j ec t education BRochuRe

ob j ec ti ve ReGiSteR MeMBeRS in cLaSSeS

audience tenneSSee ReaLtoRS

tone invitinG, pRoFeSSionaL

Page 26: GS&F Design Portfolio

ADvERTISInGcl i en t MaRyLand FaRMS wine & SpiRitS

over v i ew upScaLe wine & LiQuoR StoRe

pro j ec t pRint caMpaiGn

ob j ec ti ve eStaBLiSh StoRe aS expeRtS

audience wine connoiSSeuRS

tone SophiSticated

Page 27: GS&F Design Portfolio

ADvERTISInGcl i en t tenneSSean

over v i ew ReGionaL daiLy newSpapeR

pro j ec t outdooR caMpaiGn

ob j ec ti ve pRoMote new weBSite

audience MiddLe tn ReSidentS & viSitoRS

tone Fun, thouGht pRovokinG

Page 28: GS&F Design Portfolio

ADvERTISInGcl i en t tenneSSean

over v i ew ReGionaL daiLy newSpapeR

pro j ec t tRanSit caMpaiGn

ob j ec ti ve pRoMote new weBSite

audience MiddLe tn ReSidentS & viSitoRS

tone Fun, thouGht pRovokinG

Page 29: GS&F Design Portfolio

ADvERTISInGcl i en t tenneSSean

over v i ew ReGionaL daiLy newSpapeR

pro j ec t pRint caMpaiGn

ob j ec ti ve pRoMote new weBSite

audience MiddLe tn ReSidentS & viSitoRS

tone Fun, thouGht pRovokinG

Page 30: GS&F Design Portfolio


Page 31: GS&F Design Portfolio


Page 32: GS&F Design Portfolio


Page 33: GS&F Design Portfolio

a r e y o u a T e n n e s s e a n ?


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Page 35: GS&F Design Portfolio

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