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GSBA - IT Orientation Program by Prof. Amit Chandra

Apr 16, 2017



Amit Chandra
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What is Internet

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Internet Introduction

Key Definitions: Internet: The internet is a global network of

interconnected networks, connecting private, public and university networks in one cohesive unit.

Intranet: An intranet is a private enterprise network that uses internet and web technologies for information gathering and distribution within an organization.

Extranet: An extranet is a community of interest created by extending an intranet to selected entities external to an organization.

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How to get connected to the Internet

The basic requirements are a computer, a modem, a Internet Connections, and a contract with an

Internet Service Provider (ISP).

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What is a Network?

A group of two or more devices, that areable to communicate with one another

Computer networks: inter-connection ofcomputers Between two and millions of devices interconnected

The telephone network: interconnection oftelephones and switches

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Types of Networks

There are three types of networks -1. LAN (Local Area Network)

A LAN is a network that cover a relatively small geographical area, such as a home, Lab, office building or school.The devices can be connected with either wired or wireless communication media.2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

A MAN is a network designed for a metropolitan area, typically a city or country. MANs fall between LANs & WANs on the size typically consists of multiple LANs. 3. WAN (Wide Area Network)

A WAN is a network that cover a large geographical area, The INTERNET is the world’s largest WAN. WAN may be publicly accessible, like the internet, or may be privately owned.

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How Internet Works


[email protected]

[email protected]

How’s theweather inSeattle, Mar?

MSN Messenger



Different types ofnetworks topologyBus, Star, Ring & Mesh

Internet consists of many Ethernet Token ring

Different types of operating systems and other software

How do they work together?


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Navigating the Web

The Web is known as a client-serversystem. Your computer is the client;the remote computers that storeelectronic files are the servers. To visitthe website, enter the address or URLof the website in your web browser.Browser requests the web page fromthe web server that hosts therequested site. The server sends thedata over the Internet to yourcomputer. Your web browserinterprets the data, displaying it onyour computer screen.

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The "glue" that holds the Web together is calledhypertext and hyperlinks. This feature allowselectronic files on the Web to be linked so you can jumpeasily between them. On the Web, you navigate throughpages of information--commonly known as browsing orsurfing--based on what interests you at that particularmoment.Web pages are written in a computer language calledHypertext Markup Language or HTML.

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enefits Easy to

install/configure Inexpensive User is able to control

their own resources Independent from a

dedicated server No need for a network


Drawbacks Security problems Performance suffers when

a computer is accessed Difficult to have backup Decentralized logon

passwords No centralized data


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Client/Server Network

Server – designed to address a client’s request Client – any computer connected to the server within a

network Allow authorized user to access any

programs/application resided on the server

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Benefits Centralized security

control Simpler network

administration than peer-to-peer network

Centralized password More scalable Ideal for computers

are apart

Drawbacks Network failure =

clients are helpless Specialized staff are

needed Higher costs

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Why use Computer Networks?

Resource sharing Share data, programs, and equipment Across geographic boundaries Communications Cooperation between dispersed groups Improved Reliability Replication of files and resources allowing

operation to continue despite hardware failures

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Cont ………….

ScalabilitySmall computers have a better

price/performance ratio than a large oneCost efficiency

Add more computers to the network as required

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Brief History of the Internet

1968 - DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) contracts with BBN (Bolt, Beranek & Newman) to create ARPAnet

1970 - First five nodes: UCLA Stanford UC Santa Barbara U of Utah, and BBN

1974 - TCP specification by Vint Cerf

1984 – On January 1, the Internet with its 1000 hosts converts en masse to using TCP/IP for its messaging

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Web site

A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home page. A company or an individual tells you how to get to their Web site by giving you the address of their home page. From the home page, you can get to all the other pages on their site. For example, the Web site for IBM has the home page address of (The home page address actually includes a specific file name like index.html

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Web Browsers

A web browser is the software program you use to access the World Wide Web, the graphical portion of the Internet. The first browser, called NCSA Mosaic, was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in the early 1990s. The easy-to-use point-and-click interface helped popularize the Web. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are the two most popular ones.

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A message containing text, graphics, video and/or audio transmitted electronically from one computer user to another computer user. The mail could be sent between two people using the same computer or between two people on different sides of the world.Advantages of E-MailSpeedBecause e-mail is based around computer networks, it is fast - much faster than standard mail (otherwise known as snail mail). An e-mail message that you send to someone in Finland or Brazil could take only a few seconds to reach them.

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CostDepending on how you have obtained your Internet access, email is either free or very cheap, much cheaper than the 45 cents it takes to send a standard letter within Australia.

FlexibilityWith the new MIME e-mail system being used today, youaren’t limited to text in your e-mail messages. You can Include pictures, sound files, movies, data files from your favorite spreadsheet program, etc.

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Domain Names

Every computer that hosts data on the Internet has a unique numerical address. For example, the numerical address for the White House is But since few people want to remember long strings of numbers, the Domain Name System (DNS) was invented. DNS, a critical part of the Internet's technical infrastructure, correlates a numerical address to a word. To access the White House website, you could type its number into the address box of your web browser. But most people prefer to use" In this case, the domain name is

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The Structure of a Domain Name

A domain name has two or more parts separated by dots and consists of some form of an organization's name and a three letter or more suffix. For example, the domain name for IBM is ""; The domain name suffix is known as a generic top-level domain. Top-level domain describes organization

.COM -Commercial sites .EDU -U.S. Colleges .NET -Network providers .ORG -Non-profit, miscellaneous groups .GOV -U.S. government .MIL -U.S. military .INT -International organisations

Country Codes .IE - Ireland .IN - India

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Web Addresses

World Wide Web is a network ofelectronic files stored on millionsof computers all around the world.Hypertext links these resourcestogether. Uniform ResourceLocators or URLs are theaddresses used to locate the files.Every URL is unique and identifiesone specific file.example: home page of Delhi University.

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Information Transfer

o Packeto Grouping of data for transmission on a networko Large messages are split into a series of packets for

transmissiono Protocol

o A rule governing how communication should be conductedo Internet Protocol

o Set of rules used to pass packetso Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

o A layered approach to networkingo Each layer handles a different portion of the communication


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Internet Protocol (IP)

The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet. When you send or receive data (for example, an e-mail note or a Web page), the message gets divided into little chunks called packets. Each of these packets contains both the sender's Internet address and the receiver's address. Any packet is sent first to a gateway computer that understands a small part of the Internet. The gateway computer reads the destination address and forwards the packet to an adjacent gateway that in turn reads the destination address and so forth across the Internet until one gateway recognizes the packet as belonging to a computer within its immediate neighborhood or domain. That gateway then forwards the packet directly to the computer whose address is specified.

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The Internet protocol Architecture

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Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Breaks the higher level stream into IP

datagrams Verifies that all packets arrive at their

destination Resends anything that gets lost TCP packets might take different routes Reassembles the data in correct order at


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When you are looking for specific information on a specific host computer, each host is identified by a host number( called an IP address). To transmit a message, a source host (sender) need to know only the official IP address of the destination host, regardless of location.

The ex. Of IP address is

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A gateway is a network point that acts as an entrance to another network. On the Internet, a node or stopping point can be either a gateway node or a host (end-point) node. Both the computers of Internet users and the computers that serve pages to users are host nodes. The computers that control traffic within your company's network or at your local Internet service provider (ISP) are gateway nodes. In the network for an enterprise, a computer server acting as a gateway node is often also acting as a proxy server and a firewall server. A gateway is often associated with both a router, which knows where to direct a given packet of data that arrives at the gateway, and a switch, which furnishes the actual path in and out of the gateway for a given packet

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Search Engines

To search the Internet you use what are called Internet search engines.

These are easily accessed via your Internet browser (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator/Communicator).

Within the search engine you enter a word or phrase and it will retrieve documents from the Internet based on the information you typed in.

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Web portal

Commonly referred to as simply a portal, a Web site or service that offers a broad array of resources and services, such as e-mail, forums, search engines, and on-line shopping malls. The first Web portals were online services, such as AOL, that provided access to the Web, but by now most of the traditional search engines have transformed themselves into Web portals to attract and keep a larger audience.

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Portal is a term, generally synonymous with gateway, for a World Wide Web site that is or proposes to be a major starting site for users when they get connected to the Web or that users tend to visit as an anchor site. There are general portals and specialized or niche portals. Some major general portals include Yahoo, Excite, Netscape, Lycos, CNET, Microsoft Network, and America Online's

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Stability & Reliability of the Web

No one single agency or company owns the internet. Each company on the internet owns its own network. The links between these company and the internet are owned by telephone companies and ISPs.

The Organization that coordinates internet function is the internet society. Its works with ISPs by providing information to prospective users.

Its stability is as good as that of the internet, which as fairly good so far.

Reliability depends primarily on the quality of service providers equipment.

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Unique Benefits of the internet

Marketing and selling product and servicesThe highest sale volume in e-commerce is B2B, and growing. The next highest sales is government agencies, followed by colleges and university. In term revenue, B2C ranks can reach anyone, anywhere without paying extra for distance or duration.

Doing business fastE-selling is conducted in minutes rather than hours or days, compared to waiting on the phone to place an order or filling out of form mailing.

Gathering opinions and trying out new ideasInternet is an ideal place for trying out new ideas at low cost. Interactive surveys provided quick feedback. Option can be gathered from just about anywhere.

Promoting a Paper-free environmentIn addition to cutting down on the paper used for catalogs and promotional materials, company memos, employee handbooks, and reports can be placed on the company’s intranet & retrieved or circulated electronically anytime by authorized personnel.

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Providing a superior customer services and support resourceMost web sites generate customer feedback in the way of comments, suggestions and complaints. The challenges for online merchant is to have adequate staff to address this feedback in a timely fashion.A common support resource is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list. A FAQ eliminates having staff answer the same question over and over again. If a new question comes up, the answer is added to the list.

Efficiency and unequaled cost effectivenessFor many products and services , the web is the only cost-effective sale method available. A commercial web site can also provides address, directions, online order tracking, and the like, reducing phone calls, phone interruption, and staff time.

Supporting managerial function, spreading ideas, ease of technical supportThe internet sends business information through a company network and across networks around the globe. Email is a convenient tool for manager to reach employees, bosses, customer, and suppliers quickly.

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Utility and Role of Internet

There are many advantages to using the Internet such as:

Email.Email is now an essential communication tools inbusiness. It is also excellent for keeping in touch withfamily and friends. The advantages to email is that it is free

( no charge per use) when compared to telephone, fax and postal services.

Information Retrieval.There is a huge amount of information available on theinternet for just about every subject known to man,ranging from government law and services, trade fairs andconferences, market information, new ideas and technicalsupport. Go to a search engine and search for any subjecttopic. You will find a heck of material.

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Many services are now provided on the Internet such as online banking, job seeking and applications, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line or cost more.

Buy or sell produtsThe internet is a very effective way to buy and sell productsall over the world. I think you all must have heard It is a very popular site for selling andbuying products.

Communities.Communities of all types have sprung up on the Internet.Its a great way to meet up with people of similar interestand discuss common issues. An example is like chatrooms, Electronic Bulletin Boards.

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Use the Internet to Help Market Your Business

The Internet is an excellent tool to aid in your marketing efforts. The average North American consumer spends an average of 14 hours online each week (Jupiter Research), many often spending more time online than watching television. Your business' website needs to obtain, retain, and provide information and services to your future, current, and past clients/customers in order to succeed in the growing online world. on order to bring people to your website you need a site that is properly and effectively designed and optimized so that users first find your website and then stay on your website to either gain information, purchase a product/service, or develop a business-consumer relationship with you. Search Engine Optimization is an effective marketing application for any business or website.Once you have a customer base, you can use the Internet to help retain it and maintain it. You should provide new information or specials on your website, send out an email newsletter to inform and market to your client base, or provide customer support through Internet channels (website, email, faq, help center etc.).

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Introduction to E-commerce=> E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web.

=> It is a general concept covering any form of business transaction or information exchange executed using information and communication technology, between companies and their customer, or between companies.

=> E-commerce includes electronic trading of goods, services and electronic material.

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Advantages Lower Cost

Doing e-business on the internet is cost effective, it reduces logistical problems and puts a small business to wide.

EconomyE-commerce is economical because there is no rental of physical store space, insurance, infrastructure investment.

Higher MarginsBy using e-commerce your margin is going up bcoz in minimum money and time the work being done.

Better Customer Service E-commerce means better and quicker customer services that’s makes customer happier.

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• Quick comparison shoppingQuick comparison shopping E-commerce helps consumers to comparison shop, that makes the best price of E-commerce helps consumers to comparison shop, that makes the best price of the product.the product.

• Productivity gainsProductivity gainsAppling the web throughout an organization means improved productivity Appling the web throughout an organization means improved productivity that is called as productivity gains. that is called as productivity gains.

• TeamworkTeamwork on E-commerce helps people work together.Email is one ex. Is how on E-commerce helps people work together.Email is one ex. Is how people colabrate to exchange information and work solution.people colabrate to exchange information and work solution.

• Information sharing,Convenience & ControlInformation sharing,Convenience & ControlElectronic marketplaces improve information sharing between merchants Electronic marketplaces improve information sharing between merchants and customer and promote quick, just in time deiveries.and customer and promote quick, just in time deiveries.

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SecuritySecurity continues to be a problem for online businesses. For millions of potential cyber customers ,the fear of credit card theft is a real one. Consumer have to be feel confident about the integrity of the process before they commit to the purchase.

System and data integrityThere is always a problem with E-commerce, bcoz a number of viruses on net that causes unnecessary delays, file backups, storage problems.

System ScalabilityIf a company expects 2 million customer and 6 million customer show up, website performance is bound to experience degradation, slowdown, and eventually loss of customers. To keep this problem from happing, a website must be scalable, or upgradeable on a regular basis.

Fulfillment problemTales of shipping delay, merchandise mix-ups, and website crashing under pressure continue to be a problem. Customer confidence in e-commerce ability to deliver during heavy shopping seasons continues to be a headache,

Customer search is not efficient or cost effectiveIn E-commerce the sellers and buyers share information and trades without intermediaries. How a closer look indicates that new types of intermediaries are essential to e-commerce. They include that guarantee of product quality, mediators for bargaining. All these intermediaries add to transaction costs.

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Strategy in E-Commerce

The road-map for a successful e-commerce business need identifying the critical success factor and developing a realistic strategy for the business. They are-

1. A sound strategy that has the full support of top management.

2. A clear goal of long term customer relationships.3. Making full use of the internet and related

technologies.4. A scalable and integrated business process and


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Integrating E-Commerce

E-commerce is to integrate the entire transaction life cycle, from the time the consumer purchases the product on the website to the time the product actually received.

Business to Consumer (internet)The focus of e-commerce application is on the consumer’s use of a merchant’s website. Customer anywhere can browse and order goods or services online anytime.

Business to Business (internet & extranet) The real power of e-commerce lies not in the direct sale of product to customer, but in the

integration of relationship among merchants and suppliers. B2B e-commerce is industrial marketing: among the processes it handles the fulfillment and procurement. As soon as an online purchase is entered and payment is approved through a credit card clearance procedure, customer received a message “Thanks you for your order and the amount of $xxx charged from yr credit card. The moment the message is displayed on customer screen , an electronic order is sent to the vender to fill the order & ship it to directly to customer.An EXTRANET is shared internet deploying e-commerce within the larger community of an organization, including its venders, contractors, suppliers and key customers.

Business within Business (intranet)Intranet play a role as a corporate and product information center and is strictly restricted a “within company” type of information exchange. This networked environment is restricted to internal employees and customers, with firewalls to keep out non-employees. Emails replace paper for communication of message, order acknowledgment and approvals, and forms of correspondence within the firm.

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Scope of E-Commerce

• Marketing, sales and sales promotion• Pre-sales, subcontracts, supply• Financing and insurance• Commercial transactions: ordering,

delivery, payment• Product service and maintenance

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E- Commerce In Action

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How e-Commerce Works

The consumer first moves through the internet to the merchant’s website. At the web site, the consumer is briefly given an introduction to the product or services the merchant offers. It is at this point that the consumer makes the decision to visit the web store by clicking on a link or button located on the web page (e.g., Buy Now, Shop Online, or an image of a shopping cart button are common entry points into a web store). After choosing to visit the web store, the consumer is typically connected to an online transaction server located somewhere else on the internet which runs software commonly referred to as a shopping cart application. The shopping cart application has been setup by the merchant to display all products and services offered, as well as calculate pricing, taxes,shipping charges, etc.

From there, the consumer decides that he wants to purchase something, so he enters all pertinent credit card information and a sales order is produced. Depending on the ecommerce implementation, the sales order can now take two totally different paths for confirming to the consumer that the order is officially placed.