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Grow Your Biz Grow Your Income 30 Day Action Guide Created by Jeannie Spiro The Employee to Solo Entrepreneur Marketing and Mindset Breakthrough Mentor Guiding employee from their corporate chairs and Moms from their Minivans into their Solo Business

Grow Your Biz Grow Your Income Action Guide Giveaway...Grow Your Biz Grow Your Income 30 Day Action Guide Created by Jeannie Spiro The Employee to Solo Entrepreneur Marketing and Mindset

Jun 24, 2020



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Grow Your Biz Grow

Your Income 30 Day

Action Guide

Created by Jeannie Spiro

The Employee to Solo Entrepreneur Marketing and Mindset Breakthrough Mentor

Guiding employee from their corporate chairs and Moms from their Minivans into their Solo Business

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DAY 1. Identify Your “Why”

One of the most important aspects of having a successful business is to have a purpose behind

why you want it. Now I’m going to suggest something that’s counter intuitive but your purpose

needs to be something other than money. Of course money is important and I’d be foolish to

suggest that it’s not part of your plan but at this stage it’s important to identify why you want

to grow a business.

Identify the reasons why you are growing your business beside money. Write them down and

keep them in a place where you can periodically revisit it. You will have moments when you will

doubt whether growing a solo business is a good idea however a great way to stay the course is

to go back and revisit the reasons why you’ve sought this path to begin with.

DAY 2. Create Self-Preservation

One of the most challenging things to do is balance a job while starting and growing a business.

If you add in raising a family it’s an entirely new element. To achieve your business goals you

need to focus on your own self-preservation. You will need to balance your health and wellness

so you avoid the burn-out that can come from doing too much. You’re to need that you have all

of these in your schedule. If you find that you’re skipping any of these areas then you need to

pencil or red ink them into your planner:

1. Sleep: a minimum of 7 hours per night. There’s no way around it you need this. I know

you may be juggling a lot but 7 is minimum 8-9 is ideal.

2. Eat: It’s easy to skip meals in lieu of business, work or family activities. Please make sure

you make time for at least three meals per day and snacks if needed.

3. Exercise: Plan to exercise or at least move for 20 minutes per day and preferably do it


4. Self-Balance: Hair-cuts, massages, acupuncture, long baths, manicures…whatever they

may be at least monthly do something for yourself that includes pampering.

DAY 3. Act As If

Coach and Mentor Kendall Summerhawk says “Who or What Are You Putting Up with that a 6

Figure Coach Would Not Put Up With?”

Apply this to your business right now and ask yourself:

If you were where you aspire to what do you think you would refuse to put up with? You are

likely making excuses for people or yourself right now that are preventing your business

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growth. What would your business look like if you eliminated all the excuses and replaced them

with solutions? It would be easier right?

Write out 5-10 things in your life or business that you are putting up with right now. Now

take action on one thing at least monthly.

DAY 4. What Is Your Money Goal?

Today you want to focus on the money. Choose an achievable money goal that is realistic but

just enough of a stretch that it’s exciting. Most people forget this step but it’s important to have

a figure you’re trying to achieve. You can’t just say you want to reach 6 figures you need to

state a specific number. Now don’t get lost in the “how” in this that will come so just focus first

on how much you want to make in your business by when.

Write out the exact number you are GOING to make this year. For example:

“This year I WILL be making $150,000 in my _________________ business”.

DAY 5. Map Out What You Want Your Business to Look Like

Take time today to think about what type of business you are trying to create. Consider all of

the following:

Vacation time, hours per day you will work, days per week you will work. Determine how much

time you can devote to your marketing, clients and money generating activities.

Not preparing means failing. You need to establish what you are looking to do with your


DAY 6. Focus on Your “Who”

No matter where you are in your business you have to be very focused on your “who”. Who is it

that you serve and what is it that you offer them? Before you begin looking for them you need

to be very certain of this. It will make your business growth that much easier when you know

who you are looking for and EXACTLY how YOU can help them. Don’t overthink this and

compare yourself to others that you may think are better or more developed than you. Identify

how you can uniquely serve someone else that needs what you have to offer. What can you do

for them and help them benefit from what you do. Write this down so you know who you serve

and then you can begin looking for them.

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DAY 7. Niches to Riches

This is by far one of the biggest mistakes people make, not having a particular specialty or

niche. Many coaches, consultants and service professionals are so eager to accept any business

that comes their way that they don’t look at how they can make more money in what they are

specialized in. There’s an easy way to determine your niche and here’s what you want to do.

Let’s say you’re a Health Coach and you handle weight loss. What do you specifically do with

people to help them lose weight? How is your approach, expertise or system different than

everyone else? Do you work with a particular subset of people who are trying to lose weight?

For example: Women Entrepreneurs who have online businesses. Think about how you alone

can help someone with what you do. Creating a niche will lead to more money as you will

become known as an expert.

DAY 8. Who Are You? They really want to know…

You need to create expert status whether you believe you are right now or not. Why? Because

it goes with your niche and remember how we just said that niches lead to riches? Here’s

where you need to identify who you are, what your experience is, and what your background is,

what certifications you have. You want to pay particular attention to what makes you unique.

You’ll also want to include some personal information about you. People feel more connected

when they feel they know you. Now write it out to create a Bio. You’re going to use this in all of

your marketing materials.

Education Experience Personal Information Abilities/Skills

DAY 9. What Does Your Perfect Client/Customer Want that You Offer?

Identify what you offer that someone needs. These are your services that someone will pay

anything for that you offer. Here’s where you want to think about what you provide that they

need. Take a look at a problem your client/customer has and determine how you solve it for


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DAY 10. Decide On Your Money Model

Today you want to look at how you CAN make money. Look at your current business model and

identify the services and products you offer. Are they making money for you? What do you

need to make money from them?

DAY 11. Identify Where You’re Not Organized

You are going to waste time and money when you are not organized. Identify any areas in your

home, work, car, email etc. that are not organized. Make a list of all of them and tackle one at a

time until you feel you are working more like a well-oiled machine.

DAY 12. Website or BlogSite for Your Tribe to Land On

All businesses whether they are online or store front need to have a website for people to land

on. If you don’t have a website make sure you have one. It’s quite simple to install one using (this is the one you can customize to make unique). I like Wordpress

because it allows you to have a blog which is a great visibility tool and money generator if you

wish). If you don’t have one yet then you will also need to secure a domain name and also have

your site hosted. Take a look at: or

DAY 13. Research a List Gathering System

To grow a list of your ideal clients you need to have a way to connect with them. It’s not

enough to use social media or have a website alone. You also want to have a centralized way of

connecting. Today you should select one list gathering system. Here are some to choose from:,,

I use * and like that it allows for auto responders and customization.

Choose one or research others but set one up so you have a place to gather your prospects.

DAY 14. Set Up Your List Gathering System

Now that you’ve decided on your list gathering system you want to get it set up. Take today to

set it up. Keep in mind that you have to obey the CAN-SPAM Act and that you cannot just add

any contact you’ve ever met without their permission. I recommend that you have your

gathering system set up so that you can avoid complaints and that you have a confirmed opt-in


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DAY 15. From FREE to Fee…Give a Taste Away

When your ideal client comes to your site you want to have a way of collecting their

information so that you can further the connection. The best way to do this is by offering them

a free gift when they come to your site. There are a variety of ways to offer something of value.

Here is an example of mine:

Today you want to do your research and find examples of free offers that you would like to

model. It’s a research only day. Look for those that resonate with you. The stronger your free

offer the better chance you’ll have of having a lead join your list. You want one of the best ways

to connect with your clients and prospects is to create a newsletter/ezine.

DAY 15. Create your FREE Offer and Connect It

Today you want to create your free offer and connect it to your ezine service. Follow the

instructions on their website or use their contact information if you have difficulty.

DAY 16. Make Money with Your Ezine

Today you want to make sure that your ezine includes an area to indicate your free strategy

session, sample or coupon. You also want to make sure that it includes an area that you can

promote your programs, products or services.

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DAY 17. Get Social

Today you will identify where your target market hangs out online. Now is the time to create

accounts (if you don’t have them already) on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Simply go to, and and create accounts.

DAY 18. Create Social Profiles

This is an important action step because you need to develop your online Bio. Take time on

each of your accounts to create a bio that links your account back to your website and drives

your prospect to your free offer.

DAY 19. Get a Gravatar

One way to build your online presence is to comment on blogs. This will drive potential

customers to your website if you have a Gravatar set up. A gravatar is an image that follows you

from site to site which appears next to your name when you comment or post on a blog. They

help you identify your posts on blogs and forums on the web. Today you should create your

gravatar at: just click the link, follow the instructions and set up your

gravatar profile.

DAY 20. An Offline Action Plan

To grow your business you will need to also work your offline methods as well. There are a

variety of ways to grow your business including networking and speaking. Today you want to

create a list of all the associations and groups that you can go to in order to network and or

offer a presentation about what you do.

DAY 21. Schedule Your Networking or Speaking Events

Today you want to identify where you will network monthly and who you will contact to set up

a speaking engagement. These are great for visibility and list building. Make sure you have at

least one event set up monthly.

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The first time you do this it will be the toughest but after that it will become a part of your

business growth routine. Make a habit to attend at least one networking event per month. If at

all possible continue with the same association for a period of time to develop connections,

referrals and relationships.

DAY 22. Business Card Business Builder

Today you want to create your business card. It’s essential to have your name, company name,

email and website on your card. Having your logo and or photo makes your card more

memorable. Don’t forget to use the valuable space on the back of your card this is a great way

to list your free offer so you can have people opt in to your ezine subscription.

DAY 23. Create Programs and Packages

Today you will want to look at your current offers. What are you currently offering? Are they

selling? Have at least two or three program, service or benefit packages for people to choose


DAY 24. Schedule a Q & A Open Call

In the next month offer a 30 to 60 minute session where your prospects can call in to ask any of

their burning questions. Promote this in your ezine and social media. Use a teleconference

service such as and then record the call using * This is a great way to develop trust with your prospects and offer

value. Design the call so that at the end you offer an opportunity for individuals to schedule a

complimentary strategy session to have personalized support.

DAY 25. Make a Commitment to Offer a Private Consulting, Coaching or Service


Today you want to design a program for someone as if they only had one day to spend with you

and you could tell them all they needed to know to get immediate results. Decide what you

would offer, what type of results they would get and then determine a fee for this service.

Commit to offering this to your subscriber list within the next month. Private coaching and

consulting days are a great revenue booster.

DAY 26. Create a Process to Ask for the Money

Each month you want to make an offer of your programs and services. It’s good to rotate them

so you’ll want to map out a 6 month calendar of the programs and services you will offer.

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DAY 27. Create a High End Program

Today you want to put together a program that if money was no object what would you offer?

Create what your dream program or service would be. Then come up with a fee for this

program. Commit to offering this program within the next 3-6 months once you’ve ironed out

all the wrinkles and determine exactly what your target would like to have in this high end


DAY 28. Increase Your Fees

If you’re new in business you are likely charging too little for your services and programs. Do

some research today to determine where you fall in comparison to your competition. Now if

you’re an expert in a unique area you may be in field all of your own. This alone means your

fees can be higher. Take a look at what you’re charging and give yourself a justifiable raise.

DAY 29. Commit to Appearing on Social Media Daily to Build Your List

To continue to grow your business and income it’s essential you have some sort of presence on

social media daily. This doesn’t mean you need to be there for hours at a time it means you

need to interact, engage and provide value daily. If you can’t appear there all the time then you

want to use a tool like to help you schedule your social media


DAY 30. Identify What Your Signature System Is

This is one of the best ways to create passive additional income. If you haven’t developed a

system for what you do then now is the time to look at what you do and how you can deliver it

in a self-study version.

BONUS DAY 31. Repeat What Works

Identify any and all ways you are currently making money in your business. Any streams or

products that are making money for you and continue to offer them until they no longer do.

*Please note that I am an affiliate of this service which means that I may receive a commission

as a thank you for the referral.

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The Next 30 Days and Beyond…

Your Daily Marketing

Marketing your business requires continuous effort. Many people assume it’s not part of their

business if they are in fact not marketers. I beg to differ and want you to realize that you must

take some sort of daily action to grow your business. It can be minor or grand but you need to

challenge yourself, your comfort level and continue to do it. The small seeds you plant will

continue to grow and before long your will have more clients and customers appearing to work

with you.

Your Mindset

It’s often not the lack of know how that stops progress it’s the fears and doubts and not

knowing how to move past them. Many of my clients are new to the role of entrepreneur and

they have spent more time as an employee then solo entrepreneur. Where I often see doubts

arise are in whether or not one can make it financially as a solo entrepreneur. Additionally it’s

common to not see oneself standing on their two feet. Then of course it’s their responsibilities

and family and how they see themselves in a different role. This is all mindset and if not dealt

with can limit your ability to move forward. I wholeheartedly agree that it is a shift and can be

uncomfortable. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset will be the secret to your success. If

you don’t have it yet then I encourage you to look at what’s holding you back.

Often I find that keeps people trapped is a combination of not knowing the steps to execute to

rapidly grow their business as well as a fear of trying to make it happen. Identify where you’re

stuck, ok? It will help you proceed much faster.

It is my true pleasure to work with individuals in Private Full Day Intensives where we map out

exactly what steps you need to take to grow and market your business. From customized days

to specific intensives. These VIP Days are an excellent way to transition into the next stage of

your business. To learn more go to:

Well it’s my pleasure to offer you this guide and I would like to encourage you to market your

business so that you too can create one that’s in your dreams.

It is my mission to help each and every person who is secretly hoping to take their business on

the side (so they can leave their corporate chair), help moms grow their business and start up

solo business owners become a financial and happy success. I’d love to hear from you and how

you did with this guide and what kinds of results you’ve gotten since implementing some of

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these steps. So please feel free to connect with me on Facebook at: and let me know ok?

Wishing You Success!

Your Employee to Solo Entrepreneur Marketing and Mindset Breakthrough Mentor

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About Jeannie

Jeannie Spiro is The Employee to Solo Entrepreneur Marketing and Mindset Breakthrough

Mentor. She teaches professional employees and those who have left the corporate grind how

to grow their solo business, using online and offline strategies to attract their ideal clients,

develop an entrepreneurial mindset, create multiple streams of income, and have the life of

their dreams all while balancing it around their existing job and or busy life. She is she is a

sought after speaker who teaches professional women eager to leave their job for their side

solo business, Moms becoming entrepreneurs and past employees who are start up solo

entrepreneurs how to become an unstoppable solo entrepreneur by effectively using small

pockets of time and proven marketing strategies to grow and market their business quickly and


As an Employed Mom Solo Entrepreneur Jeannie understands the obstacles and learning curve

employees and busy moms have while trying to create their solo business. She learned to

successfully start her business while attending school, working full time and raising a family at

the same time. She began the process of re-inventing her career when after 20 years in

corporate sales, marketing and public speaking she decided to add Health, Life and Career

coaching to her repertoire however after starting her coaching practice she soon discovered

that her true passion and calling was helping other women professionals re-invent themselves

and start their own solo business. She now takes her corporate and real world experience and

teaches women (and guys too!) how to become an “Unstoppable and Successful Solo


Jeannie offers private one to one coaching, group programs, intensive retreats and is currently

finishing her signature coaching system on how to become an expert marketer and develop the

mindset of an entrepreneur even if you’ve never done it before. To learn more about her and

her programs and services email [email protected]

For FREE tips on how to market create and expand your own solo business, even if you're still

on the job or working from your minivan visit While you’re there

grab Jeannie’s 5-part eCourse and Marketing Checklist all part of her Business Builder Kit!