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Green Seas and Grey Skies DP3-04 Month, Year Version 0.1 by Heather Walz Kenneth Walz A Roman shipwreck off the shores of Crete raises more questions than questions. The Seekers of Emet and the Lightbringers seek the Witch Hunters' assistance defending this mysterious discovery. Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. -- Matthew 7:7-8 Witch Hunter™ and Dark Providence™ are trademarks of Paradigm Concepts, Inc. Adventure content is ©2009 by Paradigm Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.

Green Seas and Grey Skies Adv. for Witch hunter

Sep 26, 2015




Adventure for Witchhunter rpg.
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  • Green Seas and Grey Skies

    DP3-04 Month, Year Version 0.1

    by Heather Walz Kenneth Walz

    A Roman shipwreck off the shores of Crete raises more questions than questions. The Seekers of Emet and the Lightbringers seek

    the Witch Hunters' assistance defending this mysterious discovery.

    Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. -- Matthew 7:7-8

    Witch Hunter and Dark Providence are trademarks of Paradigm Concepts, Inc. Adventure content is 2009 by Paradigm Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Author(s): Heather & KenWalz Editor(s): E

    Background and History

    At the Current Time With the fall of Temple to the Romans, a lot of the Jewish relics where sacked and lost to the advisory, a group of Seekers of Emet has uncovered a letter that states one of the ships that left the area after the sacking of the temple was shipwrecked with all crew lost just North of Kassos, on the island of Makronisi Nisida. There are no reports of recovered shipwrecks on that island. So the Seekers of emet and the lightbringers are funding an expedition to see what if anything can be recovered from the island. The Seekers of Emet do have a writ from the Sultan to do work on the island. The cover story is actually the truth; they are seeking items from Temple sacked by the Romans. Once on the island, the players will have a week on the island before anything 'fun' starts to happen. There is no freshwater supply on this small island, so the players are asked to go to the island of Kassos and set up a purchase of extra food and water. They will run into an ottoman official that will be very nosey to see what a group of Europeans is doing in this area. This gives the players time to set up watches and get a routine going on. Early in the second week an ottoman official comes from the Kassos. He was bribed by some of the local pirates to see how the area is protected, after all if a couple more Europeans die by pirates he will not really care. Over the next couple of days there is a storm that the pirates come in during sunset and raid the encampment making off with several crates of items found to date. The pirate ship will be hit by a couple of lightning bolts during its escape. The pirates also will seek to damage the players boat with grenades. Once the storm breaks with the sunrise the players can limp their ship over to Kassos, and find out with gossip that there are two cities on Crete that the pirate ship could get fixed at either Iraklio, which is in the middle of being besieged by the ottomans, or Chania. Going to Chania first off the official in Kassos will not let any boat leave the harbor till daybreak and then will try to delay the ships departure. So the pirates will have at least a 12-hour head start. Once in Chania, the players can find the ship but it is already being worked on, they will have

    to investigate the island to find the fences that are trying to sell the items already. Once they get the items back, and return to Kassos the players get to decide to give the items to either the Lightbringers or the seekers for holding and examination.


    Adventure Summary

    Scene one: The party is summoned together by the council to help with a dig being funded by the Seekers of Emet and the Lightbringers. They need to all accept the ride to the site and be prepared for anything. This is also where the crusaders inviolate their secret orders, as the captain of the vessel is a crusader. Scene two: This is the long journey to the islands and then a chance to stop and shop at a market town before starting the journey. You can also let them get hints with gossip checks about the fact that there are pirates in the area. Scene three: Arrival at the dig site and introduction to those in charge namely Rabbi Yosef (first steps), and Abigail Cooper. Explanations as to why they need the extra help and how both groups are cooperating for the good of all. Scene four: This is the time for group participation and where the group can decide to talk with whichever character they wish. (Please keep in mind the Jewish contingent will try to stick to kosher as much as possible.) Also this is where watches and working at the dig site is encouraged. Scene five: The visit of an ottoman official while not planned is accepted as the permit says the dig has to submit to inspection. The official is very much a pompous overbearing man. He will ignore questions from women and all polish players, and lots of hostility towards the latter. He is really in the pay of the pirates and is here scouting out security and what has been found so far. In the end he leaves giving everyone a false sense of security. Scene six: The storm sweeps in. The party is called upon to help batten down the hatches of the camp. Store treasures found and such. As the storm starts to roll out the pirates attack. Scene seven: At this point with the digs ship damaged by the storm and the pirates, the party can limp to the nearest port for better repairs and supplies. They are given the opportunity to get gossip for where the pirates homeport is located.

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    Scene Eight: Crazy Ali the fence at this point on the pirates island can Let them know where a few of the stolen treasures are as well as how many to expect to fight at the pirate base. (Hes lying of course and will run to sound the alarm to the pirates unless the party bribes him and keeps him happy.) Scene nine: The final battle with the pirates where they get back two of the more precious objects gold and silver torah spindles and in the corner if they look is the best copy of the torah found from the fall of the second temple in a clay amphora.

    In the conclusion Scene 1: The call to service

    The invisible world just newly opened to your eyes has been quiet or nearly so recently. For some of you the safe house of your order is a pleasant respite. For others you dont know why but you are drawn to the water and the bigger the body of water the better. On this particular morning you wander down to the dock. It is early spring and instead of the green smell you are used to, you smell exotic spices and the smell of those to long in the sun working. On the dock you see a young man running towards you pell mell. As he nears you see the unmistakable hint of witch hunter.

    Hey you sir/maam are you. ? The captains been watin for you. Hurry now tides turning and she don wanna wait another day to get goin.

    He leads you to what amounts to a ship little bigger than a personal yacht. Her name is the May Queen. The captain is Lucinda McBride. She is an average size woman well muscled from working on a ship. Capt. McBride will talk with you and tells you that once out to sea she will tell you why you are here.

    Once out to sea she summons the party to the wheelhouse.

    Now the council has sent me to fetch you thinking I a good little girl, but I give people choices. They have had a request from the Lightbringers and the seeker of Emet to have help on their dig. It is in the Aegean between Greece and the Ottoman Empire. Now the heads of your respective houses put you up as candidates to help. Apparently they want to give you a little experience and keep those of you new to the struggle against of the adversary out of trouble. So I put this to you do you wish to go if not I will convey my regrets that I could not find you and drop you off at the nearest friendly port.

    NPCs the party can interact with: Capt. Lucinda McBride-stalwart of st Christopher Q: What is it that we are being asked to do? A: There is an archeological dig near Crete being sponsored by the Seekers of Emmet and the Lightbringers. They need a few extra hands. Q: How did you know how to find us? A: I didnt I trusted in God and through his grace we found you.

    First Mate Christopher Jones-Crusaders Inviolate (He will try to get any other crusader aside to give them special orders. player handout one) Q: Do you know anything about the area we are going to? A: Yes, its an island northeast of Crete names Kassos. The area seems to be having some territory issues with the ottomans and Greeks. Trained Knowledge: Current events DC2 the ottomans recently suffered a loss in trying to expand their borders into Europe DC3 the defeat was at the hands of the Polish Hussars. They drove the ottomans out and reclaimed territory taken by the ottomans. Q: Are there any other threats to the area then the Greek/ottoman war? A: Yes! Pirates.

    James the cabin boy-stalwart in training Q: Is the Capt a fair master of the ship? A: Yes, she tries to protect everyone on or off the ship. Q: How long have you been cabin boy? A: Only four years ever since the Capt saved me from them barbree pirates the razed our town. Q: Do you like serving on the ship? A: Yes I do the Capt. lets me spend as much time as I want with the men and the cook. Thats what I want to be when Im grown.

    GM Note: If one of the players uses fortune telling or similar talent to try and find out what is going to happen tell them this. The world tilts as you hear the breaking of large timbers, the snapping of a heavy chain, and the deafening roar of some unknown beast. Before you you see two glowing green eyes.

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    Scene 2: This shopping is Bazaar

    After a week on board the May Queen you see the first bit of land since you passed the Pillars of Hercules. The cabin boy James tells you that this is the island of Crete in the city of Khania. This is where they stop to take on supplies to be delivered to the site. You will also be given a chance to go ashore and go shopping in the bazaar.

    Give them a chance to go ashore get little things like rope fabric soap candles spyglasses nothing big like canvas or supplies for a ship. However shovels and picks are acceptable. This is a bargaining community if you dont bargain with them it is an insult. So if the PCs dont bargain make them pay higher prices. If they at least make the attempt you can go down to half the book price.

    Npcs you could possibly meet: Fatima the cloth merchant typical fare silks satins brocades and the like even a few fancy buttons and lace. Anything you might find on a dress shirt or pants.

    Stefano the pottery merchant (he is a Greek spy trying to get intel on the movement of ottoman forces) if you dont use intimidate on him he will become an ally to use later. He also has actual pots some of them very old.

    Fazid the spice merchant

    Malik the Turkish rug salesman (empathy check will reveal worry)

    If you wish to gather gossip in the area as it is a mixture or Greek and Turkish. Is a Pc actually has the language decrease the difficulty by one. DC3 pirates are getting bolder in the waters around Crete DC4 young girls are going missing feared sold into ottoman harems

    True faith check dc tier+2: You notice another ship in harbor The blessed Sea you notice that the entire ship is crewed by witch hunters also. If asked they are in town getting supplies to go pirate hunting. And to see where the will of god takes them.

    Scene 3:

    As you look over the starboard side of the May Queen, you see what appears to be a beach in the middle of nowhere. The tallest tree is the scrub closer to the center of the island. In the scrub you see canvas tents, and people milling about. Most of them seem to be working by digging or sifting the sands. A long table is set up with people hovering around it. As you resign yourself to taking a rowboat ashore you realize that the tide is high enough to dock at the make shift pier. The May Queen docks at the rickety pier, and you see two people standing at the end waiting either you or the supplies you dont know which.

    Those of you who have played first steps recognize Rabbi Yosef and he you. GMs if they helped the rabbi in first steps this meeting is friendly otherwise it is strained but not unfriendly as the rabbi doesnt hold grudge against non-Jewish witch hunters. To everyone else he is friendly and eager to meet the new arrivals.)

    Hello my friends and welcome. I am Rabbi Yosef and this young lady beside me is Abigail Cooper. We are the representatives and head of this dig. We are grateful the council has decided to send us more help we need more hands. The Lightbringers and the seekers of Emet thank you. Now if you will forgive us we need to get the ship unloaded so that the digging can continue. The young woman Abigail whistles, and heads pop up. They start heading towards you and you realize that they also have the feel of witch hunters. The young woman speaks then a harsh sound almost painful as if it hurts her to speak. Now lets help the sailors unload and we will answer the questions I see dancing in your eyes.

    This is where you have the option to help or to loaf about on the sand. Some of the boxes of supplies are light and only take a dc1 to lift and carry them to shore. And yes you can assist, as some of the boxes are large and awkward. They will direct you to a spot near the camp to place the boxes in the care of Running Waters a Native American in charge of supplies and messages. She is a dreamwalker and has a twin brother named Eagles Song. After the unloading is complete they will invite you to a

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    community fire to have a cup of tea or other beverage not alcoholic.

    Now my dears, the Rabbi begins, what can, we tell you that you do not know.

    What are we doing here? We are here to dig up a site that has historical value to both the Seekers of Emet and the Light bringers. It is the site of a wrecked roman vessel that was carrying treasures from the second temple. We found records talking about a possible shipwreck location and have been digging here for the last two months.

    What have you found so far? It is a roman shipwreck, we found some dreidel and coins from the time of the sacking of second temple. We are open minded in our expectations of finding something of importance.

    Why are the two orders cooperating? We try to help all the orders but not all wish to share and we two are agreed that as long as it is not a religious artifact it should be stored and shared with the world.

    Why are all the workers here witch hunters? Two reasons. First it is easier to use the power god gave us if those who fear us are not here, and two I am afraid Abigail could not take being around people like those who tested her during her stay at the Vatican.

    The larger island to our south is Kasos, the main city is called Kassos, the sailors from there have been legendary fisherman and sailors for thousands of years. They have a small harbor and dock space, and a small market if we need any extra supplies or a night in a real bed.

    If they talk with Abigail directly she will answer but they will get the hint quickly that it does pain her to talk. She does know pantomime and does a kind of crochet with her fingers if the witch hunters wish to tell her stories, she will listen.

    Scene 4: A little bit of elbow grease never hurt anyone?

    The next morning as the sun peaks over the horizon the group is woken by one of the other people in the tent with them Hurry breakfast is ready and Jeffery wants to speak with you. As you reach the main fire you see a makeshift plank table with dishes on it. And a youngish man with brown hair and blue eyes approaches you. Hello, I am Jeff the site supervisor. Get some breakfast and we will then give you the general tour. Then to work. So eat hearty lunch is a long time away. He walks over and grabs a tin plate and cup joining the line on one side of the table. You hear the clucking of chickens and see a goat tethered near one of the tents on the far side of the table. As you approach you see that breakfast is a simple affair. Oatmeal, bread, roasted fish with water, coffee and tea to drink. Those who look bleary eyed wander in and begin to eat. One of the other members of the dig a young woman explains that these were the night guards and that most of the banging will wait till they have had at least a few hours of sleep. As you near the end of your meal Jeff approaches again. Beatrice if you will take their things we will give them the tour and get back to our tasks. He smiles at her and instead of sounding like an order it sounds like a request. Now to give you the hapenny tour. This of course is the main gathering area for most of the camp. We do all of the cooking cleaning and laundry here so if this is what you want to help with this is where you will be. He starts walking of to the north clearly expecting you to follow him. As you walk different people come up to him with little problems he quickly fixes the problem and sends the person on their way. As he goes over the small dune you see a tent with the sides rolled up and the supplies you off loaded last night being organized by a Native American woman. This is our storage area which is run by the mistress of organization herself Running Waters. He motions to her. The young woman grins and walks over to your group. Her walk is smooth and quiet as if she is still moving through the forest not wanting to be heard. No Jeff dont give these people the wrong idea I can write legibly and can use my brain thats all. Shes always down playing her contribution, he adds. You get the feeling that he is infatuated with

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    her. So now that we have seen this tent lets go next door. Behind the open tent is a large 30 by 30 tent that has its sides down but you hear sawing and hammering inside. As you go inside you see men and women making crates and packing up what look to be pottery shards and brass helmets. They look up as you enter. This is where we keep the relics and artifacts we find. Though there is none of the former yet. The artifacts get brought from the site to Running Waters for cataloging and then here to be packed for shipping. One last stop and then I will answer any questions you have. You realize as he starts walking again that the sound of work is just around the bend. As you get closer the noise level increases. The beach unfolds in front of you and a large pit with workers using shovels and picks to break up rocks along the shore are working hard. Others have large hand sifters and are sifting the dirt looking for pottery shards and spearheads. The pit is only about waist height all the way across twelve feet. It looks like even rabbi Yosef is getting in on the act. This as you can guess is where the real work of the dig takes place. Everyone at one time or another helps out even if it is just going through the dirt pile to find left over bits of pottery.

    GM note if any of the players at this point use awakening let them see a patch of glowing ground to the left of the pit about the size of a jar. If pointed out, it is a amphora that has been sealed and has scribed on the outside in latin Torah

    So if you have any questions let me know and then we will talk about work assignments. One other thing. To help our Jewish brothers and sisters all of the food here is kosher. If you decide to help with the main camp I am sure the Jewish chefs will teach you how to cook kosher. So what would you like to help with for the next week or so?

    Q: Why are we digging here? A: During the fall of the second temple the Romans had the help of a demon and after looting decided to take their loot home. There was a big storm and one of the ships crashed here we think. Q: Why are the Lightbringers and Seekers working together?

    A: This way the seekers get the temple artifacts and the lightbringers get the roman artifacts.

    This is where the witch hunters get the chance to help out on the dig. Options are They can stand watch on day shifts. Help find artifacts by digging. Help Running waters with inventory including the artifacts. Doing domestic chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry etc.

    GM NOTES: Give the players a chance to Roleplay with the different NPCs in the group before making them make the rolls. NPCs to role play with Rabbi Yosef Jovial, but always on guard, has seen what happens when cracks appear in the seal, tells stories from older days of Soloman (Torah Stories) at night around the campfire, like to whittle dradles

    Abigail Cooper Wary but accepting, doesnt talk much, ordeal ruined her voice, if can get to talk about her past she will tell you she was apprenticed for the Opera as a soprano. Was attacked one night and that awakened her powers, likes to finger crochet has taken up prayer as secondary casting due to in part to others.

    Running Waters Ms. Running Waters, Native American, Dream Walker, will perform Dream-Crafting at the end of this scene. Twin Sister to Eagles Song, sweet and king, Is attracted to Jeffery.

    Jeffery Lightbringer, photographic memory, great organizer, account, one of his clients tried to sacrifice him for more wealth to a demon. He fought back and that is how he awakened. He will die in the pirate attack to a cannon ball hitting his tent.

    For the watch this is over several days Dc1 weather is clear and no sign of pirates. Dc 2 ships appear on the horizon and just as quickly disappear. Dc3 or higher they notice that on particular style of ship seem to appear on the horizon more than once.

    Artifacts: Let each player roll at least once to get a grand total. The DC is for the table total.

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    Dc1 they find little stuff roman coins and sandal buckles as well as spearheads Dc2 they find pottery shards that have Hebrew writing on them and small scraps of papyrus Dc3 they find menorah and candelabra with markings of the Hebrew church DC 4: The golem See boxed text below DC 5 two Silver scroll spindles that are untarnished DC 6 amphora still sealed and marked. (Rabbi Yosef is actually giddy about this find and starts dancing with a few of the other Jewish workers.) This is the same as the one that they had a chance to find during the walk through, if found there, ignore this result.

    GM NOTE: The golem should be found no matter how bad the players botch the roll, but let them find it.

    You can hardly believe your eyes as you gaze upon a very human like form crafted from clay that will once standing be over 6 feet tall. Inscribed in gold on its forehead is the word Emet in Hebrew. The entire creature is wrapped in silver chains that have runes scribed into each link.

    Sorcerous Tradition DC2 will let them know it is the chains keeping the golem inactive.

    Myth and lore Dc3 will give you the information that the golems from the second temple were pretty powerful and if this one was wrapped in chains then something was obviously wrong with it.

    Abigail looks over the chains and golem and confers with Yosef. They come to the understanding that the chains will remain in place and the whole golem crated up and taken to a temple in London for examination.

    Inventory Nothing much here just making sure you dont write down that you have 10 rolls of bath clothes when you only have 2 this is a dc1 research to get it correct.

    Chores: As long as you dont mind helping others this is just a role-play experience not a roll.

    Scene 5: His Royal Pompousness the Exchequer of Araby

    On the sixth day you are on the island, you hear in the early morning hours the blast of a horn from out to sea. Getting up and sticking your head out you see the most preposterous looking vessel. It is gilded and bedecked with numerous decorations, and instead of being powered by wind you see oars sticking out the side. From the top of the tallest deck you see a flag flying. From over the side of the boat is lowered what looks to be nothing more then a jeweled floating palanquin. Followed by large muscular men and a rotund heavily dressed and turbaned man. The rabbi comes hurrying forward and you see nothing of your other host.

    To any women in the group the Rabbi will tell them to make themselves scarce for a while and he will send a runner when Sheik Rafiq el Barak ben Selim the exchequer of the ottoman empire leaves, as he does not like women to be independent or of any worth.

    The floating barge lands and first off of it are the heavily muscled men wearing harem style white pants with a blue sash, and curved slippers. At their waists are long curved blades and daggers. The menace they exude tell not only of their prowess but the pain they are willing to inflict to protect their charge. Strangely enough the next man off the boat is a scrawny man, with a scuttling gait almost as if he fears getting hit or not being fed. This man is carrying not a weapon but a sheaf of papers and scrolls. He wears a loincloth and short vest but nothing else. The largest enforcer steps up. In Persian he says, Presenting his esteemed graciousness, beloved cousin of the emperor, one smiled upon by Allah, and keeper of the royal taxes, levies, and treasures Sheik Rafiq el Barak ben Selim. May his countenance be benevolent upon you. At this point a very fat man waddles up with sweat beginning to form on his brow. Ah Rabbi I see that this time you have decided to meet me at the dock instead of making me wait like last time with that servant girl of yours.

    Empathy roll TN 1: He is referring to the lightbringer representative Abigail.

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    TN 2: Rabbi Yosef will slightly wince at the comment and keep a good face.

    Rabbi Josef bows to the man and speaks Your graciousness we are honored by your presence to what do we owe the honor of your visit? To bring you out early on your inspection tour of your cousins lands almost makes me think you dont trust us. The rabbi is clearly a little flustered and is babbling and waiting upon this man as if he were a king. We must check the treasures found rabbi to make sure you are not stealing any Persian treasures or taxes from my cousin the emperor. Everything must be accounted for and how much it is worth so the taxes and levies can be put in place before you take them. This is delivered in so pompous a tone that even Rabbi Yosef has difficulty containing his temper. He motion to the fat man to come into his tent and says that refreshments will be served shortly and a list of a treasures found will be provided Shortly there after the small wiry man appears with a book that looks like the one your group has been writing your finds down in and touring the dig site writing stick in hand.

    If one of the male players at the table is polish the sheik will look at them and sniff loudly before pointedly ignoring the person.

    If you offer to help him he is grateful and does not sneer at women helping him. In fact he likes running waters and compliments her on her record keeping skills.

    From the tent you can hear the Rabbi making small talk and the sheik asking why the Rabbi keeps so many useless women about. As they are only temptations and should be kept behind locked doors and covered head to foot when not behind those doors. These women in this camp are displaying themselves like nothing but cheap houris. The rabbi calms him down and orders more tea. The inspection takes most of the day and everything seems to be in order. The sheik renews the dig permits for another month and reminds the rabbi that there are pirates in these waters and if attacked the emperor would take no action as the group is out here on its own.

    Gm note if the players really want to interact with the sheik let them. He will of course ignore women and all polish players. He will tell Persian folktales and bits of court gossip. He is very pompous and aggravating. If asked questions directly he will be very vague and non-committal. However make it fun and frustrating.

    The sheik leaves and as the sun begins to set in orange and yellow glory on the horizon you see the building of a massive summer storm.

    Scene 6: Walking against the wind . Hey what was that?

    The winds that evening start picking up and the whole camp starts to tie down canvas tarps and anchor down the sides wit boxes full of rocks from the shoreline. The tents are hooked together and the ends are covered with sand to stop the flapping of the sides. Just as the first drops of rain fall wet and heavy from the sky BOOM! the first crack of thunder splits the air as the sky lights up with lightening. Your group realizes that there really isnt anything to do at this point but hunker down and ride out the storm. Hoping that it wont do much damage to the ship just off the coast. Hours pass and the storm seems to be lessening you hear another loud booming noise. This one however is coming from off just off shore and that whistling sound sounds like a cannonball about to hit. As it hits the tents you hear the screams of the wounded and Abigail and the rabbi trying to rally the forces. Emerging from your tent you see a black ship firing at you from off shore flying the skull and cross bones. On shore you see men in loose fitting clothing swarming the camp.

    There are # of PCs mobs of four at TL2/3 for each player there is also two sergeants dressed in better clothing carrying broad swords. If a player wishes to look around they will see the rabbi and Abigail fighting off TL5 minions with skills and two lieutenants.

    After the players finish their fight read the following.

    Suddenly up in the air is an arrow; its tip alight and arcing through the gloom of the ending storm

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    of night. This seems to signal the pirates you are facing to flee. They leave as they came this time seeming to be the ebbing of the tide back out to sea. With one final wild swipe at your group those facing you join their compatriots. After the noise of battles the groans and screams of the dying and injured seem both deafening and muted. A hard gusty breeze seems to almost blow you down. The storm that had been going out to sea picks up steam once more. The wind whips your hair and clothes with its force. As the pirates all get on board and start to pull away from the island a dazzlingly bright light splits the even sky. Twin lightning bolts hit the pirate vessel and the sonic boom from the blasts almost knocks you off your feet as the island itself shakes as if in fury at this attack. When your eyes clear you see that the main mast of the vessel is gone while the other mast is not only damaged but also burning. Still they manage to limp away from you and the shore.

    If they have any prisoners, Rabbi Yosef will make sure that they are guarded and restrained until local authorities can come and get them.

    Scene 7: Row Row Row Your Boat

    As the battle ends and you see to the dead and wounded you realize that you have forgotten to check on the ship that bought you here the May Queen. Though just barely floating with shattered masts and torn sails you begin to understand that the trip to the nearest port for repair is not going to be pleasant.

    Let the party heal up and start to help others.

    Rabbi Yosef has his arm in a sling and Abigail has her head bandaged and is unconscious. My friends the villainous thieves took off with most of our treasures and damaged the only vessel we have. Can you get the ship to Kossas to repair it and go after to thieves? You are our only hope. I will wait here and help with the clean up and the wounded. Please be careful and dont forget about us.

    DC3 construct to find the materials to either repair the mast to a point to use sail power, or to make oars to row with.

    DC 4 Charm to convince Rabbi Yosef that you need more people to help you sail the vessel to port Dc2 Reason to remember which of those at the dig are sailors from the crew that brought you here as the Capt. is among to severely injured.

    Sailing to nearest port Dc1 navigation to head in the right direction Dc0 if you have a map and compass

    Finding the shipwright in port to repair the vessel Dc2Notice with a successful gossip check of one

    Getting passage on ship bound for Pirate Island 5lb if not a sailor 2lb if willing to serve as crew on the short voyage

    Gossip or Charm DC 1: Other spots to repair a ship around here, the best would be over on Crete either Khanti or in Heraklion DC 2: I would not go near Heraklion right now, the Ottoman Empire is laying siege to it.

    Scene 8: Ive got low low prices just call me crazy

    As you near the port you recognize the place where you took on supplies. This is a bustling port full of trade and wares.

    DC2 Gossip to find out that the pirate ship has already been unloaded and is under repair.

    As you wander about town asking questions about fencing stolen goods, everyone seems to be sending you to the same man Ali al Queeq the antiquities dealer. As he has some shady associates and not all of his merchandise is strictly legal. He does however have some pretty powerful friends in the government who give him permits to sell anything but the country it self. Ali is a thin man with oily think black hair, with a fez perched on top. A loose fitting tan shirt with various stains with a gold and red vest on top of that. He carried no visible weapons, but doesnt seem threatened by that fact. His loose trousers are the everyday fashion and his sandals just cover his feet. When you go into his shop a little bell tinkles over head and Ali looks up smiling.

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    Well Hello my friends what can I do for you today. Perhaps a vase rumored to have been in the palace of the last Egyptian Queen or a statue of the goddess Isis said to bring the blood flowing to any man veins. Eh eh. He says in a jovial voice, just short of annoying.

    If you question him bout the pirates directly he will hotly deny that they sell him any merchandise. If the party is smart they will question him indirectly about roman and Jewish artifacts. He will readily talk about using his contacts in the field to try and find some for the party.

    From out side the shop you hear screaming and the smashing of heavy objects with resulting concussive waves through the ground at your feet. Alis eyes start to dart back to the door and then to the back room.

    Ali is terrified. If you offer to see what is happening and keep him safe he will be grateful unless you have beat him up. Then he will encourage the party to go get themselves killed.

    Outside as you get to the end of the block you see not only the stream of running people, but a large stone man holding a donkey over his head getting ready to throw it into the crowd. They are panic stricken and running not paying any attention to the party or to the creature other than trying o get away.

    A Kabbalist has fewer penalties than other witch hunters when acting against the golem. Two to be precise. The rest of the witch hunters recognize it as one of the relics they found and need to make a Dc2 reason heck to remember what rabbi yosef said about it. This is also a myth and lore check of 4

    The party at this point has two options they can beat it to death or they can try to deactivate it. To deactivate it is only possible with a kabbalist

    Scene 9: The end

    As you defeat the golem Ali comes out of his store as all is quiet. He sees your group and thanks you. Please take all of these cursed items from my shop who knows what curses they will bring down on my head. Next time I tell them to go find a gin in

    stead. The rest of the market is empty of everyone but your group. So you trudge back to the dock to look for a ride back to the dig. As you do six women come blazing up the street daggers drawn and ready to fight they bear the mark of witch hunters at their brow. When they see you bedraggled and bloody they put away their weapons. See Fanny I told you wed be too late to this party. So Ladies and Gents can we offer to take you somewhere?

    If you asked they say they had just docked from the last trip out fighting pirates when the Ships mage, a Kabblahist had a vision of a golem rampaging through town and they came to see if they could lend a hand.

    Once back on the island Rabbi Yosef thanks you for the return of the treasures and understands about the golem. The crew of The Blessed Sea offers assistance to the camp And Rabbi Yosef says that you are no longer needed. Could you please escort these priceless treasures to London for safe storage with the seekers and Lightbringers. He and a few others will wait for the May Queen to return and then they too will be headed back.

    Conclusion The Blessed Sea seems almost peaceful after the events of the last few weeks. The only surprise you have had is that Running Waters is going to accompany the treasures you have recovered back to London. Again it seems the adversary is heating up the game of life. Just over the horizon you are sure that he will strike again.

    The End

    Up to 5 SP may be awarded. 2 for Playing the event 1 for Role playing 1 for participating at the dig site doing any job 1 for stopping the golem.

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    A maximum of 4 hero points can be awarded for this adventure. Adventure Codes:

    Circle ___ for helping to unload the ship Circle ___ for using your skills around camp Circle ____ for fixing the ship to get to Kassos Circle ____ for deactivating the golem Circle___ for being friendly to Abigail Cooper Gain non-magical yarn belt Circle ___ for being friendly to Rabbi Yosef Gain non-magical wooden dreidle. Circle ___ for being friendly to Ali the Fence

  • Appendix A Combat sheet for Encounter 6 (Tier 1)

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Vicious Pirate Fear Rating 2 Initiative Base 7d Melee Pool: Cutlass 9d cutlass dm3 Ranged Pool: 7d pistol Dm3 Defense Pool: 3d plus number of players Health Toughness: 5 Regeneration 2: (Vulnerability fire) Impose Emotion 3: (Prey exclusion: Ladies of honor) i.e. nuns actual ladies no urchins or prostitutes True Faith: 0 Damnation: 8 Hero Points: 0

    Healthy Light Mod Heavy Dying 0000000000 0000000 00000 00000 00

    Healthy Light Mod Heavy Dying 0000000000 0000000 00000 00000 00

    Pirates (Mortal) Attack Dice/2 Minions, TR 2 Skills Hand-to-Hand 2 Weapon: Cutlass DM +2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

  • Appendix B Combat sheet for Encounter 6 (Tier 2)

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Vicious Pirate Fear Rating 3 Initiative Base 9d Melee Pool: Cutlass 9d DM3 Ranged 8d Pistol DM3 Defense Pool: 5d plus num. player Toughness 5 Powers Regeneration 3: (Vulnerability -fire) Impose Emotion 3: (Prey exclusion-ladies of honor) True Faith: 0 Damnation: 9 Hero Points: 0

    Healthy Light Mod Heavy Dying 0000000000 0000000 00000 00000 00

    Healthy Light Mod Heavy Dying 0000000000 0000000 00000 00000 00

    Pirates (Mortal) Attack Dice/3 Minions, TR 3 Skills Hand-to-Hand 3 Weapon: Cutlass DM +2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

  • Appendix C Combat sheet for Encounter 8 (Tier 1)

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Lesser Golem

    Fear Rating 2 Initiative Base 5d Melee Pool: Fist Base 11d(Dm 3) Ranged: 7d- thrown object 5d(Dm3) Extras 3d Defense Pool: 3d Basic Talents: Attack focus Fist, Awakened, Pugilist

    Greater Talents: Attack Specialist- Fist, Fearless, Great fist, Heave, Iron fisted, Slam, Sweep, Tough

    Heroic Talents: Brutal Charge, Incredible Strength, Shattering Attack

    Powers( Prices): Iron body 2( Focus bound-kill all non Jews) Durability 3 (Obvious appearance) Rampage 2 (Weak spot forehead) True Faith3 Damnation 6

    GM NOTE: If the players are having a hard time getting past the Iron body, remind them of reckless attack option, they give up the bonus die for being the 2nd or more attacker, but if any get past the defense, they get to add two success to the total.

    Durable Healthy Light Mod Heavy Dying 0000000000000000 00000000000 000000000 000000000 000000 0000

  • Appendix D Combat sheet for Encounter 8 (Tier 2)

    Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init: Init:

    Greater Golem

    Fear Rating 3 Initiative Pool 2d Melee Pool: base 11d fist 13d+2 Dm5 Ranged Pool: Base 9d Thrown object 8d Dm3 Defenses: 5d Basic Talents: Attack focus- fist, Awakened, Pugilist

    Greater Talents: Attack Specialist- Fist, Fearless, Great Fist, Heave, Iron Fisted, Slam, Sweep, Tough

    Heroic Talents: Brutal charge, Hulking Body, Giant Body, Incredible Strength, Shattering Attack, Veteran Warrior

    Powers (Prices): Iron body 3(Focus bound- Destroy all who threaten violence), Invulnerability 2(Ultimate Master), Durability 2(Obvious appearance), Monstrous form 2(Obvious to touch)

    Grapple 5(13) Endurance 4(10)

    True faith 3 Damnation 7

    GM NOTE: If the players are having a hard time

    getting past the Iron body, remind them of reckless attack option, they give up the bonus die for being

    the 2nd or more attacker, but if any get past the

    defense, they get to add two success to the total.

    Durable Healthy Light Mod Heavy Dying 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 000000000 00000