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Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Rebricea Localitatea Rebricea, Judeţul Vaslui -Martie 2010- Green News Green News Green News Green News Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Acest material a fost realizat cu finantare din partea Comisiei Europene This material was made with U.E. financial support

Green News Bulletin

Dec 05, 2014



Russu Claudia

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Page 1: Green News Bulletin

Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII Rebricea

Localitatea Rebricea, Judeţul Vaslui -Martie 2010-

Green News Green News Green News Green News


Acest material a fost realizat cu finantare din partea Comisiei Europene This material was made with U.E. financial support

Page 2: Green News Bulletin

Inainte de Comenius Inainte de Comenius Inainte de Comenius Inainte de Comenius Între 2007 şi 2008 şcoala noastră a fost renovată şi toată lumea a fost incantată de noua infaţisare a clădirii.Singurul lucru care stârnea ne-mulţumirea era spatiul neingrijit din jurul scolii: urme de piatra, nisip si ci-ment zacand in ierburile incalcite dadeau senzatia de lucru neterminat. Plantarea unor ronduri de flori in jurul scolii in anul 2009 a fost primul pas in directia schimbarii aspectului exterior al scolii, dar multe alte lucruri mai ramaneau inca de facut. De aceea proiectul Comenius s-a potrivit ca o manusa pentru necesi-tatile elevilor din scoala noastra care deja isi propusesera sa reamenajeze terenul scolar.

“Mind over matter” “Mind over matter” “Mind over matter” “Mind over matter”---- Mintea care depaseste problemele Mintea care depaseste problemele Mintea care depaseste problemele Mintea care depaseste problemele

Ca orice fiinta umana, natura are nevoie de grija pentru a fi sana-toasa. ”Mintea care depaseste problemele” este un proiect de ecologie care face parte din programul Comenius si care isi propune sa ne invete cum sa ne comportam pentru a avea un mediu cat mai curat si sanatos. Impreuna cu alte 3 scoli din Europa,elevii din clasele primare, cu ajutorul celor din clasele gimnaziale ,vor cauta cele mai bune solutii pentru a proteja mediul in care traim, pornind de la reciclarea deseurilor si pana la diminuarea consumului

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Before Comenius Before Comenius Before Comenius Before Comenius Between 2007 and 2008 our school was rebuild and everybody was pleased with the new look of the building. The only thing causing dissatis-faction was the space around the school: traces of sand, stone and con-crete laying around in the overwhelming weeds gave the people a feeling of incompleteness. Planting some flower beds around the school in 2009 was the first step towards changing the appearance of the school, but much was yet to be done. That`s why the Comenius project matched perfectly the needs of our pupils, for we already had in mind the arranging the schoolyard and many more.

“Mind over matter”“Mind over matter”“Mind over matter”“Mind over matter”---- Mintea care depaseste problemele Mintea care depaseste problemele Mintea care depaseste problemele Mintea care depaseste problemele

Like any human being, nature needs to be taken care of in order to be healthy. ”Mind over matter” is an ecological project, part of the Comenius pro-gram, aiming to teach us how to behave if we want to have a healthier, cleaner environment. Together with three other European schools, the pri-mary and secondary school students will look for the best solutions for the protection of the environment, from waste recycling to energy consumption reduction.

Page 4: Green News Bulletin

Cine sunt partenerii nostri in proiectul “Mind over matter”?

Scoala primara Ysgol Gynradd Llandegfan

din Tara Galilor

Tara Galilor

Tara Galilor

Tara Galilor

infiintata in 1970

are 139 de elevi cu varste cuprinse intre 4

si 11 ani.

jocalitatea Llandegfan este situate pe in-

sula Anglesey

a obtinut 5 ani consecutive premiul Scoala

verde de Aur

recicleaza cartuse de cerneala, hartie si

telefoane mobile

Scoala prim

ara Ballyn

ure din Irla

nda de

Irlanda de

Irlanda de

Irlanda de


infiintata in

ca din 1930

⇒ are 1

15 elevi cu

varste cupri

nse intre 4

si 11 ani.

⇒ unii d

intre elevi

trebuie sa

parcurga c


16 kilometr

i zilnic

⇒ are 7

clase, 2 te

renuri de jo

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Scoala pri

mara Pala

io Faliro d

in GreciaGreci




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⇒ are 1

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⇒ situa

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a litoralul

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Manolis K


⇒ cladi

rea a fost

folosita c

ativa ani

ca orfeli-

nat la so

licitarea l





Page 5: Green News Bulletin

Who are our partners in the “Mind over matter” project?

Ysgol Gynradd Llandegfan primary school

from Wales Wales Wales Wales

Was founded in 1970

They have 139 pupils, aged from 4 to 11

Llandegfan is situated on the Anghesey

island ⇒

They won five years in a row the Green

School Gold award

They recycle ink cartridges, paper and mo-

bile phones

Ballynure p

rimary sch

ool from No









Founded s

ince 1930

⇒ They

have 115 p

upils , age

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⇒ Some

of the pup

ils travel up

to 16 kilo-

meters eac

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⇒ They

have 7 cla

ssrooms, 2


grounds an

d a pond

Palaio Fal

iro primar

y school fr

om GreeceGreec




Was founde

d in 1970

⇒ They

have 13

2 pupils

⇒ The

school is

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lose to th

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shore, ac

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e famous

Greek com

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nolis Klom


⇒ For a

few year

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e locals




Fast factsFast factsFast factsFast facts

Page 6: Green News Bulletin


Activitati desfasurateActivitati desfasurateActivitati desfasurateActivitati desfasurate

Aventura incepe acum! Aventura incepe acum! Aventura incepe acum! Aventura incepe acum! ---- Septembrie 2009Septembrie 2009Septembrie 2009Septembrie 2009

20 de elevi din scoala au invatat despre modul de viata al pasarilor si animalelor de la Gradina Zo-ologica din Piatra Neamt . Tot cu aceasta ocazie, au vizitat Muzeul de Sti-inte Naturale unde au putut observa efectele poluarii asupra plantelor si arborilor.

Scoala mea, castelul meu ! Scoala mea, castelul meu ! Scoala mea, castelul meu ! Scoala mea, castelul meu ! ---- Octombrie 2009 Octombrie 2009 Octombrie 2009 Octombrie 2009 ––––Ianuarie 2010Ianuarie 2010Ianuarie 2010Ianuarie 2010 Elevii din clasele I-IV au initiat o campanie de curatenie in clase in care au fost implicati si elevii de la clasele V-VIII.Campania s-a materializat intr-un concurs de infrumusetare a salilor de clasa si de pastrare a curateniei.

La drum ! La drum ! La drum ! La drum ! ---- Octombrie 2009 Octombrie 2009 Octombrie 2009 Octombrie 2009

Cei 30 de elevi ai claselor I-IV au participat la o drumetie organizata in apropierea comunei in vede-rea cunoasterii elementelor de biodiversitate.Pe par-cursul drumetiei au cules plante pentru ierbar si au descoperit roci cu urme de fosile, dar principal atrac-tie a excursiei a fost descoperirea unei vizuini de vulpe.

Sa reciclam ! Sa reciclam ! Sa reciclam ! Sa reciclam ! ---- Decembrie 2009 Decembrie 2009 Decembrie 2009 Decembrie 2009

In asteptarea sarbatorilor de iarna, elevii claselor I-IV au confectionat jucarii si obiecte pentru pomul de Craciun din materiale reciclabile.

Page 7: Green News Bulletin


Economiseste, reduce, nu risipi! Economiseste, reduce, nu risipi! Economiseste, reduce, nu risipi! Economiseste, reduce, nu risipi! ---- Februarie 2009Februarie 2009Februarie 2009Februarie 2009 Luna Februarie a fost prima luna in care Patrula de Energie a inceput sa monitorizeze consumul de en-ergie din scoala.sarcina lor este sa aminteasca tuturor ca energia este o resursa ce nu trebuie irosita.

Salvati copacii nostril! Salvati copacii nostril! Salvati copacii nostril! Salvati copacii nostril! ---- Martie 2009 Martie 2009 Martie 2009 Martie 2009

Luna martie este luna economisirii hartiei: toate clasele primare vor reduce pe cat posibil consumul de hartie in clasa. In plus, in cadrul campaniei “Verde azi, verde maine” s-au plantat copaci si flori in curtea scolii.

Protejeaza habitatul! Protejeaza habitatul! Protejeaza habitatul! Protejeaza habitatul! ---- Noiembrie 2009 Noiembrie 2009 Noiembrie 2009 Noiembrie 2009

Cinci casute pentru pasarile au fost construite de catre elevii claselor I-IV si amplasate apoi in curtea scolii.

Stiu sa mananc sanatos? Stiu sa mananc sanatos? Stiu sa mananc sanatos? Stiu sa mananc sanatos? ---- Februarie 2009Februarie 2009Februarie 2009Februarie 2009 Elevi din toate clasele au participat la ateliere de lucru pe tema alimen-tatiei sanatoase, ateliere in timpul carora au preparate diverse sortimente de salate, toate continand numai produse naturale.O parte dintre salatele prepa-rate au constituit elemente ale unei expozitii organizate in holul scolii.

Activitati desfasurateActivitati desfasurateActivitati desfasurateActivitati desfasurate

Page 8: Green News Bulletin


Rolled out activitiesRolled out activitiesRolled out activitiesRolled out activities

Adventure starts now! Adventure starts now! Adventure starts now! Adventure starts now! ---- September 2009September 2009September 2009September 2009

20 pupils from all grades had the opportunity to learn about the way of life of the birds and animals from the Piatra Neamt Zoo . The same occasion, they visited the Natural Sci-ences Museum where they could observe the effects of the pollution on trees and plants..

My school is my castle ! My school is my castle ! My school is my castle ! My school is my castle ! ---- October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 ––––January 2010January 2010January 2010January 2010 The primary school pupils initiated a cleaning campaign where they involved the secondary school pupils as well. The campaign consisted in a contest of keeping the classrooms clean and embellishing them.

On the road ! On the road ! On the road ! On the road ! ---- October 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2009

30 pupils form the primary school went on a short trip around of the village to get familiar with the biodiversity elements. They picked different plants for their herbarium and discovered small rocks with fossils traces, but the main attraction of the journey was the discovery of a fox lair.

Let`s recycle ! Let`s recycle ! Let`s recycle ! Let`s recycle ! ---- December 2009 December 2009 December 2009 December 2009

While waiting for the winter holidays, our pupils set down and created with their own hands toys and different ornaments for the Christmas tree, using only recyclable materials.

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Save, reduce, don`t waste! Save, reduce, don`t waste! Save, reduce, don`t waste! Save, reduce, don`t waste! ---- February 2010February 2010February 2010February 2010 February was the first month when the Energy Patrol started monitoring the energy consumption in our school. Their job is to remind all of us that the en-ergy a resource which needs to be spent wisely.

Save or trees! Save or trees! Save or trees! Save or trees! ---- March 2009 March 2009 March 2009 March 2009

March is the month dedicated to saving paper: all primary school teachers and pupils will reduce as much as possible the usage of paper in the classroom. In addition, through the “Green today-green tomor-row” campaign ,trees and flowers were planted in the school garden.

Let`s protect the habitat! Let`s protect the habitat! Let`s protect the habitat! Let`s protect the habitat! ---- November 2009 November 2009 November 2009 November 2009

Five small bird houses have been built by the pri-mary school pupils, with the help of their parents. Later on, the small houses have been placed in the trees from the schoolyard.

Do I know how to eat healthy? Do I know how to eat healthy? Do I know how to eat healthy? Do I know how to eat healthy? ---- February 2009February 2009February 2009February 2009 Pupils form all the grades attended workshops dedicated to healthy ali-mentation. During these workshops, they prepared different salad recipes ,all of them made of natural products only. Some of the dishes became part of a food exhibition organized in the school hall.

Rolled out activitiesRolled out activitiesRolled out activitiesRolled out activities

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Ce urmeazaCe urmeazaCe urmeazaCe urmeaza Daca sunteti curiosi sa aflati ce alte proiecte va mai pregateste proiectul “Mind over matter’,puteti gasi mai jos cateva dintre activitatile care se vor desfasura in urma-toarele luni:

Saptamana curateniei generale in scoala si in imprejurimi-


Sa ne construim propria gradina salbatica!-Aprilie

Luna colectarii deseurilor-Mai

Saptamana economisirii apei-Mai Ziua mersului

pe jos Mai

Ziua mondiala a conservarii biodiversitatii


Page 11: Green News Bulletin


What`s nextWhat`s nextWhat`s nextWhat`s next If you wonder what other things “Mind over matter’ is preparing , you can find below some of the activities that will take place during the months to come

General cleaning week -April

Let`s build our own savage garden!


Waste collecting month -May

Water saving week -May Walking day


International day of biodiversity preservation


Page 12: Green News Bulletin

Parinti Parinti Parinti Parinti Mariana Agheorghiesei Geanina Druhus Maricica Molan Ionela Doroftei Sergiu Amarandei Geanina Gavriluta Ioan Dorosinca Daniela Iovu Mihaela Elisei Mihaela Albu

Comitetul ECOComitetul ECOComitetul ECOComitetul ECO

Activitatile proiectului nostru nu s-ar fi putut desfasura fara ajutorul membrilor comitetului ECO. Comitetul a fost infiintat in Octombrie 2009 si este format dintr-un grup de voluntary( parinti si elevi )dornici sa sprijine initiativele programului Comenius. Multumim pe aceasta cale comitetului ECO pentru sprijinul acordat pana acum si asteptam cu nerabdare sa lucram impreuna si in viitor!

Elevi Elevi Elevi Elevi Clasa a III-a Ana Agheorghiesei Madalina Molan Crina Stroi Alexandru Niţa Catalin Amarandei Clasa a IV-a Mihai-Sebastian Gavriluta Paula Dorosinca Vasile Onu Alexandra Maria Nechifor

Page 13: Green News Bulletin

Parents Parents Parents Parents Mariana Agheorghiesei Geanina Druhus Maricica Molan Ionela Doroftei Sergiu Amarandei Geanina Gavriluta Ioan Dorosinca Daniela Iovu Mihaela Elisei Mihaela Albu

The ECO CommitteeThe ECO CommitteeThe ECO CommitteeThe ECO Committee

None of the activities we have done so far, could have been accom-plished without the help of our ECO Committee. The Committee was founded in November 2009 and it contains a number of volunteers (parents and pupils) interested in supporting the ini-tiatives of the Comenius project. We would like to take this opportunity and thank the Committee for all their support .We are looking forward to continuing working together!

Pupils Pupils Pupils Pupils 3rd grade Ana Agheorghiesei Madalina Molan Crina Stroi Alexandru Niţa Catalin Amarandei 4th grade Mihai-Sebastian Gavriluta Paula Dorosinca Vasile Onu Alexandra Maria Nechifor

Page 14: Green News Bulletin

14 2 aprilie este Ziua Internationala a Pasarilor.Asadar nu 2 aprilie este Ziua Internationala a Pasarilor.Asadar nu 2 aprilie este Ziua Internationala a Pasarilor.Asadar nu 2 aprilie este Ziua Internationala a Pasarilor.Asadar nu ui-tati...tati...tati...tati...

The Birds RightsThe Birds RightsThe Birds RightsThe Birds Rights ♦ The right to live ♦ The right to have food ♦ The right to live in a healthy environment ♦ The right to express them selves in their language ♦ The right to a shelter ♦ The right to settle down ♦ The right to have a family ♦ The right to get together in flocks ♦ The right to protection ♦ The right to fly ♦ The right to live freely ♦ The right to migrate( no passport and no visas) ♦ The right to get help

Carta drepturilor pasarilorCarta drepturilor pasarilorCarta drepturilor pasarilorCarta drepturilor pasarilor ♦ Dreptul la viata ♦ Dreptul la hrana ♦ Dreptul la un mediu de viata sanatos ♦ Dreptul la adapost ♦ Dreptul de a-si intemeia o familie ♦ Dreptul de a se inmulti ♦ Dreptul de a se intruni in stoluri ♦ Dreptul la protective ♦ Dreptul de a zbura ♦ Dreptul de a trai liber ♦ Dreptul de a migra (fara pasaport si fara viza) ♦ Dreptul de a primi ajutor

Stiati ca?

Page 15: Green News Bulletin


Nu rupe niciodatǎ flori sau plante din mediul natural. Ajutǎ ca voluntar la colectarea de deşeuri şi ocrotirea mediului înconjurǎtor. Mergi în excursii sau picnicuri în aer liber , adunǎ toate resturile şi du-le în locuri special amenajate. Ocroteşte şi ajutǎ pǎsǎrile construidu-le cǎsuţe şi hrǎnindu-le pe perioada de iarnǎ. Nu lǎsa televizorul , calculatorul sau telefonul în aşteptare şi scoate încǎrcǎtorul din prizǎ dupǎ folosire. Stinge lumina atunci când ieşi. Nu rupe inutil foi din caiete. Foloseşte ambele feţe ale colii de hârtie pentru a imprima ceva. Mǎnâncǎ cât mai multe fructe şi legume proaspete. Planteazǎ un pom , o floare în fiecare primǎvarǎ.

The Young Ecologist`s codeThe Young Ecologist`s codeThe Young Ecologist`s codeThe Young Ecologist`s code

Never pluck any flowers or plants from the natural environment. Volunteer to help collecting waste and protect the environment. When going to pick nicks or in a trip, make sure that the trash is where it belongs. Protect the birds by building bird houses and feeding them during winter. Don’t leave the TV, the PC or the phone in stand by and remove the recharger from the socket after you used it. Turn off the light when you get out. Don't tear off spreadsheets from your notebook unless you really need them. When printing, use print on both sides option. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Make sure to plant a tree or a flower each spring.

Codul micului ecologist

Page 16: Green News Bulletin



1.Inainte de Comenius 2.Cine sunt partenerii noştri în proiectul,,Mind over Matter” ? 3.Activităţi desfăşurate 4.Ce urmează ? 5. Comitetul ECO. 6.Ştiaţi că? 7.Codul micului ecologist.

Colectivul de redactieColectivul de redactieColectivul de redactieColectivul de redactie

Aurelia Murariu Mariana Morariu Claudia Russu

Table of content

1.Before Comenius 2.Who are our partners in the ‘’ Mind over Matter”? 3.Rolled out activities. 4.What ‘s next? 5.The ECO Committee. 6.Do you know? 7. The Young Ecologist’s code.

Pilula ecologicaPilula ecologicaPilula ecologicaPilula ecologica