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VMUG VMUG Colin Pattinson - BCS Green SG tti @l d t k Date: 11 October 2011

Green it vmug presentation v1

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Colin Pattinson - BCS Green SGtti @l d t [email protected]

Date: 11 October 2011

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Green IT PoliciesGreen IT, Policies, Procedures and Quick wins

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AgendaAgendaWhy?• Why?

• The IT lifecycle

• The numbers

Effi i f IT• Efficiency of IT

• Efficiency by ITy y

• Recycle, reuse, dispose

• The future

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Why do itWhy do it• [In alphabetical order]• [In alphabetical order]1. Compliance with legislation

Carbon reduction commitment– Carbon reduction commitment– Compulsory carbon trading

2. Corporate social responsibility- Consumer (and employee) pressure– People and planet

3. Cost savingg- energy = money- Energy saving = money savingEnergy saving money saving

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P1 => current trends but not new initiativesP1 => current trends but not new initiatives

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UK Government policy developments

–Setting the UK Low Carbon EconomyE i i d ti f 36% b 2020 d 80% b 2050 ( i t 1990– Emission reductions of 36% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 (against 1990 levels)

–Government IT policies impacting Green ITGovernment IT policies impacting Green IT• MTPROG – stimulating/driving UK industry change• Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC)• Carbon measurement – PAS 2050/2060• Off setting and Neutrality PAS 2060• Off-setting and Neutrality – PAS 2060• Disposal (batteries, WEEE...)

– International initiativesD C C C (l h d D 2008)• Data Centre CoC (launched Dec 2008)

• EPEAT/Energy Star (built into Quick Wins)• Eco Labelling – out for consultation• EC EuP (Energy Using Products)EC EuP (Energy Using Products)

– PCs/Laptops – EU Stakeholder Forum Oct – mandate Energy Star(2011)– Printers – voluntary agreement– Standby power devices – max 1w by 2011, 0.5w by 2012

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Carbon Reduction CommitmentCarbon Reduction Commitment

• Cap and trade scheme started April 2010 covering some 20 000 large UK• Cap and trade scheme, started April 2010, covering some 20,000 large UK orgs, responsible for 10% of UK emissions

• Includes those orgs with total energy consumption of 6,000Mw-h or more pa, d i 2008during 2008

• Excludes those already in E

• TR or CCA schemes• TR or CCA schemes

• Aim to change behaviours and infrastructure by incentivising reductions in energy use

• Annual purchase of allowances to match emissions

• Performance League table based on measured reduction

f• Rewards for improvementsSee :

And link for Environment Agency who are administering the scheme


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Why do anything ?Why do anything..?• Climate Change => warming, disasters (fires and floods), loss of g g, ( ),

biodiversity, less to go round more• Population growth, 2000 to 2030 of 2.2billion, of which 2.0billion likely to be

located in cities (W ld U b i ti P t Th 2001 R i i )located in cities (World Urbanization Prospects: The 2001 Revision)

• Rising consumption, 5 billion people consume 20% and 1 billion consume 80% (Ericsson)

• Resource depletion, 2.5 planets for all to have US/EU living standards=> rising energy, food and resource costs and the recession=> “we have to do more with less”

> energy>> resources> emissions

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Reality of Climate ChangeReality of Climate Change

© Crown copyright Met Office

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Model projectionObservations

© Crown copyright Met Office

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Some anecdotesSome anecdotes

•The usage of the Thames Barrier has•The usage of the Thames Barrier has increased from once every two years in the 1980 t f i ti1980s to an average of six times a year over the past five years

•Ocean pH has risen by 30% since 1900

•The world currently burns some 1,000 barrels of oil a second (BBC)barrels of oil a second (BBC)

An Inefficient truth – GAP (Dec 2007)

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Some perspectives on IT...Some perspectives on IT...Globally

– ICT Manufacture use and disposal accounts for 2%+ of global CO2 emissionsICT Manufacture, use and disposal accounts for 2%+ of global CO2 emissions - Equal to the aviation industry

– Man-made CO2 emissions add up to around 49 billion tonnes pa 1 billi t f ICT- 1 billion + tonnes from ICT.

– Data storage capacity growing by ~ 40% annually - In 2010, we passed the zettabyte mark for stored data

– Worldwide data centres + comms predicted to consume ~ 2000bn kW-h by 2020 • In UK

– 10 million office PCs, nearly 50% of adult population use PCs at work , y p p- expected to grow to 70% by 2020

– IT consumes 15% of office power rising to 30% by 2020Expect 45% of Domestic Power to be used for home IT and CE products by 2020- Expect 45% of Domestic Power to be used for home IT and CE products by 2020

- In total ICT power consumption already represents 10% of total UK energy consumption

or 4 Nuclear Power stations!

References : (Berkeley National Labs + Global Action Plan + IPCC + Energy Saving trust + Carbon Trust)

– or 4 Nuclear Power stations!

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Some comparisonsSome comparisons• A computer left on 24/7 will cost about £37 a year• A computer left on 24/7 will cost about £37 a year, whereas by switching off at night and weekends, the charge can be reduced to about £10 a yearthe charge can be reduced to about £10 a year -and save an equivalent amount of energy to make some 34 900 cups of coffeesome 34,900 cups of coffee

• Lighting an office overnight uses enough energy to heat water for 1,000 cups of tea

Carbon Trust

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Order of magnitudes?Order of magnitudes?• A typical window left open overnight in winter will• A typical window left open overnight in winter will waste enough energy to drive a small car for more than 35 miles

• A PC monitor switched off overnight saves enough energy to microwave six dinners

• Turning off all non essential equipment in an office for one night will save enough energy to run a

ll f 100 ilsmall car for 100 miles

• Monitors account for almost two-thirds of a computer's energy use

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PrintingPrintingThe average British office worker prints 22 pages• The average British office worker prints 22 pages every working day

–behavioural research suggests that 44% of this is easily avoidable

• Over 21% of prints are disposed of before the end of the dayof the day.

• Takes 10 pints of water to make A4 sheet from i i lvirgin pulp

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ServersServersA medium sized server has roughly the same• A medium-sized server has roughly the same annual carbon footprint as an SUV vehicle doing 15 miles per gallon15 miles per gallon.

• The power required for a rack of high density server blades can be 10-15 times greater than a traditional server.

–And we “need” to cool it with air con units consuming perhaps half as much power againconsuming perhaps half as much power again

An Inefficient truth – GAP (Dec 2007)

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The IT system life cycleThe IT system life cycle

Environmental impacts during:• Environmental impacts during:



di l–disposal

-Embedded carbon; hazchem content; ; ;

• Identifying choices which enhance sustainability

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Managing the lifecycleConsumptionPower

Managing the lifecycle


‐Power ‐Consumables‐Support/repair NGOPower


TransportSupport/repair NGOs

CharitiesSilver surfersRecycle

OperatingIT deviceProduction DisposalRe‐use

PackagingSilver surfersRecycle

IT device

WasteComponents Reclaim

HeatRoHSReg Ai C diti i Equipment

WEEEregsReg Air Conditioning Equipment 


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Manufacture/distributionManufacture/distribution• Sourcing of materials

– beware location/ transport costs

• Building products

– build to re-use/ re-cycle/ upgrade – a longer life

• Energy efficient processes

• Move from commodity to service revenue streams, can optimise use of assets

• Marketing• Marketing

– eco-labelling, green washing, credibility

• Delivering• Delivering

– transport, packaging, installation

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S h t ?So what...?• The manufacturing process for computers is very resource• The manufacturing process for computers is very resource intensive.

manufacture of one PC requires 1 7 tonnes of rawmanufacture of one PC requires 1.7 tonnes of raw materials and water, consumes over ten times the computer’s weight in fossil fuels.p g

c25% of PC fossil fuel consumption has already happened before the computer is even switched on for the first time.before the computer is even switched on for the first time.

GAP – Inefficient Truth

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But : EC Lifecycle for desktop PCBut : EC Lifecycle for desktop PC

Review of research by the European Commission

PC Processor 767 kg CO2e

Materials - 117

Manufacturing - 21

Distribution - 28

Use - 596

Disposal - 5

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EC Lifecycle for LaptopEC Lifecycle for Laptop

L t t t l 353 k CO2 50% f PCLaptop total 353 kg CO2e – 50% of PC

Materials - 71

Manufacturing - 9

Distribution - 10

Use - 258

Disposal -2

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ProcurementProcurement• Don’t sweat the asset (compare footprints for• Don t sweat the asset (compare footprints for build/use/disposal of IT assets)

• Adopt latest and most stretching standards (EPEAT, EnergyAdopt latest and most stretching standards (EPEAT, Energy star 5, Quick Wins..)

• Seek–Consolidation of Functions–Device consolidationDevice consolidation–Device sharing

Services not assets => dematerialise!–Services not assets => dematerialise!• Make the case to invest for Green

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EPEAT?EPEAT?• Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)• Standard rating (ANSI/IEEE) – Gold, Silver, Bronze• Covers

– Toxic reductionsToxic reductions– Recycled content– Energy efficiency (Energy Star rating)

D rabilit– Durability– Lifecycle extension– End-of-life management– Corporate responsibility– Packaging

• Provides an environmental benefits calculator for quantifying benefitsq y g• 615 products registered • Procurements have saved enough power for 1.2million US homes


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Understanding the numbersUnderstanding the numbers

• Measurements and quoted “efficiency returns”• Measurements and quoted efficiency returns

• Don’t accept the plated numbers

–See BCS Green IT SG fact sheet on measuring

• Not much independent data

–No single agreed measurement standards

• Many “carbon calculator” spreadsheets• Many carbon calculator spreadsheets

–Check the assumptions

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PUE and DCiEPUE and DCiE• Measures of data centre efficiency• Measures of data centre efficiency

• Power Usage Effectiveness =

Total Facility power useTotal Facility power use

Power delivered to computing equipment

• Data Centre Infrastructure Efficiency =Data Centre Infrastructure Efficiency

Power delivered to computing equipment

Total Facility power useTotal Facility power use

• PUE values below 1.2 seen as “good”

• Many current PUE ~ 2 0Many current PUE 2.0

• Relative measures of performance

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Green data centres – reality or myth? The Facebook illustration

• 500m users– “Although it will include some of the world's most energy-efficient computers,

the sheer scale … will almost certainly use more electricity than many developing countries”

• New data centre being built in Portland– Energy efficient systems– Uses local climate to minimise a/c needUses local climate to minimise a/c need

• ButIts chosen energy supplier uses coal for 67% of its generation;

12% f bl< 12% from renewables• However,

– “Earlier this year Greenpeace admitted that many of its own web hosting i l h d i d d i il b l doperations are also housed in data centres powered primarily by coal and

nuclear power”– See also

computing.pdf (1MB pdf, in colour!)


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Efficient ITEfficient ITQuick wins• Quick wins

• Practical actions

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Quick WinsQuick Wins..• The UK Government aims to be amongst the EU leaders in sustainable


• As part of this commitment Defra have, since 2003, developed and published green government procurement specifications known aspublished green government procurement specifications known as “Quick Wins”.

• These Quick Wins specifications aim to set a pre-defined level of ese Qu c s spec cat o s a to set a p e de ed e e oenvironmental performance for a range of “high priority” products purchased by central Government departments.

I f ti C i ti T h l (ICT) d t f ll i t thi• Information Communication Technology (ICT) products fall into this “high priority” classification as they account for a large amount of spend and result in a range of environmental impacts which have the potential

See : http://online ogcbuyingsolutions gov uk

to be reduced.

See :

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Putting its own house in order..Putting its own house in order..

• UK public sector is largest spender on ICT c £14b• UK public sector is largest spender on ICT – c £14b

• Challenge of Sustainability targets for UK Government Estate and Operations (SOGE)Estate and Operations (SOGE)12.5% carbon reduction by 2011, and carbon neutrality by 2012

Highly critical Sus Dev Commission report in 2007 on depts progressHighly critical Sus Dev Commission report in 2007 on depts progress

• Environmental Audit CommitteeI i f D t t l SOGE t f 2007 EAC t t dIn review of Departmental SOGE returns for 2007, EAC stated

“the increased use of IT would appear to be the biggest single factor in the upward trend in emissions from civil departments”

( )

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UK Departments’ response..UK Departments response..

Appointed a lead CIO=> Set up a cross-department Green Development Unit to form and take forward a UK

Government Green ICT strategy as part of the Government ICT Strategy=> Get procurement right

– Procurement criteria – “IT Quick Wins” – part of Government Buying Standards=> Focus on energy and operational efficiency measures

• Operational Efficiency Programme • Public Value Programme• Climate Change PlanICT enables Efficiency => Energy => Emission savingsy gy g

• The full ICT strategy can be found at and at

• A revised version of the Open source, Open standards, Reuse policy has also p , p , p ybeen published and can be found at

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HMG Strategy : gyList of Practical Actions

PCs & Laptops• PCs & Laptops– Remove active screensavers

Switch monitors to standby– Switch monitors to standbyShut down PCs after office hours

– Enable active power management on desktops p g p

- (standby / hibernate after a defined period of inactivity)

• Ensure re-use of equipment that is no longer required but is stillq p g qserviceable

• Specify low-power consumption CPUs and high-efficiency PowerS l U it (80% i b tt )Supply Units (80% conversion or better)

• Apply Thin Client technology

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HMG Strategy : List of Practical Actions

• Other office ICT Equipment• Other office ICT Equipment– Apply timer switches to non-networked technology and

printersprinters– Set default green printing including duplex and grey

scale• Optimise power-saving sleep mode on printers• Printer consolidationPrinter consolidation• Device consolidation

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HMG Strategy : List of Practical Actions

• Data CentresData Centres– Server Optimisation

- Storage virtualisation & capacity management- Convert existing physical servers to “virtual servers”- Turn off servers outside their service level agreement,

Create “virtual servers” instead of procuring physical new servers- Create virtual servers instead of procuring physical new servers.- Implement a multi-tiered storage solution

• Reduce cooling in the data centreg• Remove unused capacity (servers and data disks)• Specify power conversion-efficient Power Supply Units• Ensure re-use of equipment• Data centre audit

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Efficient IT to efficiency by ITEfficient IT to efficiency by IT

• Efforts to address the power take of IT• Efforts to address the power take of IT

–Power management



- See “is the cloud really green”, coming soon..

• Need to use IT to make a difference elsewhere• Need to use IT to make a difference elsewhere

–The other 90%

- Or 85%, or 70%, or 55% …

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Why Print?Why Print?• Meetings• Meetings

– laptop, OneNote, handling many windows

– projectors to share material get better switchingprojectors to share material, get better switching

• Document prep / Reading

– different presentation modesdifferent presentation modes

– add notes, set up tasks on screen

• Team workingTeam working

– Sharepoint sites

• Personal quotas?Personal quotas?

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Why so many face to face meetings...?Why so many face to face meetings...?

• Equipment

– Speakerphones, line connections which work

– Data points, WIFI

• Portable IP v/conferencing devices

– HSBC has installed desktop video conferencing units & reduced air travel by 25%;

Alt ti• Alternatives

– Webinars

T l f– Teleconferences

– Sharepoint / Web discussion groups

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Why still come to the office ?Why still come to the office...?

• Common responses:Common responses:– “My manager expects me to be in the office”– Meetings are organised without taking on board flexible working g g g g

patterns– Do not trust home access services, Broadband, 3G etc

H i– Home space issues• Benefits

Save commuting time– Save commuting time– Save office space• Change the culture you now have the choice!Change the culture, you now have the choice!

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End of life equipmentEnd of life equipmentReuse recycle disposal•Reuse, recycle, disposal

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Recycling and Disposaly g p

• Re-use a source of significant cost savings (up to 90% cheaper to refurbish than to make a new purchase)

Raw andprocessed materials



Wastedisposal (landfill)

Manufacture Re-use

a new purchase)

• Disposal of working equipment after refresh exercise can generate

( )


Schools, charities or sale revenue

• Separate components before crushing, can be worth a lot e.g.

Upgrades andrefills Cost saving

and revenue generation


or sale

£1,800/tonne for RAM

• Waste disposal suppliers should be ISO 14001 accredited

Materials separation


to ensure compliance with relevant legislationRevenue

generation opportunity

40Source: SCC; EU; Defra; Eric Williams et al (UN University, Tokyo); NAO; team analysis

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FRONTLINE/World Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground | PBS


g p g |

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FRONTLINE/World Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground | PBS


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What to doWhat to do….• As an individual

– Switch it off– Think before travelling– Ask do I need to print?

• As an organisation– Efficiencies=> less energy => less carbon– Efficiencies=> less energy => less carbon– Exploit ICT for carbon efficiency– Encourage employee engagement– Appoint 'green IT champions‘– Manage assets and estates for energy efficiencyThi i f th l t• This is for the longer term...

• Set policies for the future through the Green Lens ...

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And what your BCS/CITP is doing...

• Green Specialist Group• Green Specialist Group

–1300+ members and growing




- Foundation Certificate- Foundation Certificate

- Intermediate Certificate

- Professional Graduate Diploma

- A Green IT book


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And moreAnd more...Data Centre SGData Centre SG

–2,000 members

–Leading players for Code of Conduct

–Data centre modelling tool

–Data Centre Foundation Certificate • To join a Specialist Group check -To join a Specialist Group check


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ConclusionsConclusions• The future of green IT• The future of green IT

• Green IT as a career path

–Answer the questions

–Make a difference

–Lead the debate

• Within the organisation• Within the organisation

–Green IT specialist

• Consultancy

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Some more web sitesSome more web sites...• Quick wins• The Defra Sustainable Development website: •• The OGC Buying Solutions website:

htt // li b i l ti k/b / t i bl l ti / i k i•• Gov strategy•• General green stuffGeneral green stuff• Carbon Trust, • Energy Star, a sub-set of• Computing, • Energy Saving Trust,• NetRegs,• Intellect,

BCS Green IT Specialist Group• BCS Green IT Specialist Group••