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Briana M. Silva Ms. Lenaghan IB History II September 12, 2011 Depression and Threats to International Peace and Collective Security: Manchuria 1931-3 and Abyssinia 1935-6 o The Impact of the Great Depression o The Great Depression is the single greatest reason for the collapse of international peace. o It led to aggression and the collapse of international co-operation. o The Manchurian crisis exposed both the League of Nations and collective security as hollow concepts. o Important factors: resentment for Germany o Two crises that caused L of N to collapse on itself and labeled as a failure Abyssinia and Manchuria. L of N was nothing more than a show organization. o It brought Hitler to power and undermined the Geneva disarmament talks. o It weakened the UK and France. o This made it possible for Mussolini to engage in aggression in Africa ending hopes for preserving peace. o Great Depression helped Hitler come to power. People lost everything. o Wall Street crash was not the cause of the Depression. No money, extremely angry. Look to someone who promises a better life, and this is how Hitler was able to rise in power.

ibyear2.wikispaces.comGreat... · Web viewGold standard is a monetary system where fixed weight of coin, unit of money, fixed amount of gold coins. To kick start the economy, if you

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Page 1: ibyear2.wikispaces.comGreat... · Web viewGold standard is a monetary system where fixed weight of coin, unit of money, fixed amount of gold coins. To kick start the economy, if you

Briana M. SilvaMs. LenaghanIB History IISeptember 12, 2011Depression and Threats to International Peace and

Collective Security: Manchuria 1931-3 and Abyssinia 1935-6

o The Impact of the Great Depressiono The Great Depression is the single greatest reason for the

collapse of international peace.o It led to aggression and the collapse of international co-

operation. o The Manchurian crisis exposed both the League of Nations

and collective security as hollow concepts.o Important factors: resentment for Germanyo Two crises that caused L of N to collapse on itself and

labeled as a failure Abyssinia and Manchuria. L of N was nothing more than a show organization.

o It brought Hitler to power and undermined the Geneva disarmament talks.

o It weakened the UK and France.o This made it possible for Mussolini to engage in aggression

in Africa ending hopes for preserving peace. o Great Depression helped Hitler come to power. People lost

everything.o Wall Street crash was not the cause of the Depression. No

money, extremely angry. Look to someone who promises a better life, and this is how Hitler was able to rise in power.

o The great depression was a huge factor in Hitler coming to power.

o Countries are concerned with fixing things at home. Mussolini and Hitler did what they wanted unopposed.

o Hitler took stimulants, amphetamines. During the WW2, kamikaze went into American ships.

o WW2 loss of life in civilians.

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o WW2 cemented the USA as a world power, and weakened the UK and France.

o Impact of Depression on International Relationso The causes of the Great Depression are not the focus but

how it influenced international relations.o The Great Depression had an impact on events in Manchuria

and Abyssinia.o It also had an impact on the ability of the world to continue

seeking peace and harmony.o The Great Depressiono It was not caused by the Wall Street crash of 1929 this was a

signal that it had arrived.o The roots can be found in the weakened states of many

nations after WW1, in particular Germany and the UK.o The turmoil in the USSR and Eastern Europe had further

weakened trade and world markets. o The burden of war-debts, government deficits, and the

political and social turmoil caused by WW1 all played a role.o Germany owed money and so did the UK. o Devastationo The Depression devastated the spirit of the world. o It resulted in a terrible struggle to survive by any means.o Nations were no longer willing to co-operate through trade

and exchange.o Survival of the fittest.o US sending money to Germany, this all ended.o Democratic stateso Countries adopted a bomb-shelter mentality. o They cut off contact with their neighbors, raised tariffs and

cared little for affairs outside of their own borders.o This insular attitude was worse in the democratic countries.

Briana M. SilvaMs. LenaghanIB History II

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September 13, 2011o Insular Democracieso Citizens demanded that their governments give

money to domestic problems and ignore the problems of the world.

o No resources and energy should be wasted on international agreements or enforcing them.

o Domestic hardship was to be the focus not armaments to control aggressive foreign states.

o The end of peace due to necessity, people were starving. Forefront of America, people are literally starving, yet billions are spent on fighting expensive wars in the 1930’s and today.

o Wars, disagreements, were at the time seemingly minor. Problems are home were the priority, building armies.

o Aggressive foreign stateso Those who were driven to extremes of hardship saw

war as a solution to their problems. o Japan’s attack on Manchuria was an example of this. o The Japanese argued that without Manchuria they

would starve- it was every nation for himself. o In Japan, Japan was hit hard by the Great depression.

Rather than improving things at home, Japan wanted to boost morale at home and improve revenues and create money, they went to war. The Japanese would invade Manchuria to try and boost morale in the country and take over an area where they would get an ample supply of food and rice. Without the invasion of Manchuria, they would starve, survival of the fittest, needing the food that this land has.

o Japanese were trying to build an empire by invading Manchuria.

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o Hitlero The Great Depression, more than any other reason,

brought Hitler to power.o His primary goal was the destruction of the Versailles

settlement by whatever means. o His solution to economic weakness was to advocate Lebensraum- territorial expanses to seize resources. Lebensraum was to destroy the Versailles settlement.

o Hitler’s aim was the same as the Japanese. Germany was economically weak, he would build a powerful army, and expand German territory to gain the natural resources of other countries.

o Versailles was still fresh in the German minds, and Hitler had a solution to destroy the Versailles settlement, and bring Germany to what it had once been.

o Hitler was able to come to power to desperate people.

o Great Depression- International Peaceo It is important to understand the impact of the

Depression on the efforts to maintain world peace. o It is the single greatest reason for the collapse of the

previous efforts to develop international understanding and co-operation.

o It destroyed the economic welfare of the world.o Countries were desperate to improve things at home,

and believed the best way to do this was to invade small countries, which was AGAINST the League of Nations.

o The Great Depression resulted in the complete collapse of the League of Nations.

o Destroyed Spirit

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o It also destroyed the optimism created by Locarno, Kellogg-Briand (between Briand of France and the U.S. which was agreement where Germany was put back to its post-war status, to co-operate internationally and peace), the League of Nations, and other attempts at international co-operation.

o These progressive idealistic agreements were forgotten or ignored in the selfish, cynical world of the 1930’s.

o Survival of the fittest was becoming the order of the day.

o League Failureo The Depression created the reason for aggression in

the Manchurian crisis.o It also took away the ability and motivation of

nations to work together to preserve the peace.o The League and its founding principle of collective

security was exposed as a hollow idea unable to guarantee a peaceful future.

o Weaknesso The powers that had pledged to uphold collective

security were now even less likely to stand behind it and had no desire to do so.

o The Depression seriously weakened GB and France who had tried to defend Versailles and the precepts of the League.

o Their weakness was exposed by the Manchurian crisis which encouraged Mussolini to attack Abyssinia which gave Hitler an ally in his desire for conquest.

Briana M. Silva

Page 6: ibyear2.wikispaces.comGreat... · Web viewGold standard is a monetary system where fixed weight of coin, unit of money, fixed amount of gold coins. To kick start the economy, if you

Ms. LenaghanIB History IISeptember 16, 2011o Collective Securityo The invasion was a clear challenge to the principle of

collective security and the League.o China was a member and asked for help against

Japan.o The League sent officials to study the problem (this

took a year).o In February 1933, it ordered Japan to leave

Manchuria.o Japan refused and instead left the League.o The main problems with the League of Nations

responding is that it took him a long time to travel.o Manchuriao The Nationalist government of China led by Chiang

Kai-shek was weak, corrupt and busy fighting the Communists.

o Because of the Great Depression, Japan wanted to build an empire to secure supplies of raw materials.

o The army was its own entity, and did what it wanted, despite the instructions of the government.

o China did rule Manchuria, but the Japanese wanted the railways there.

o The Japanese government was controlled by the army.

o China ruled Manchuria, but the Japanese army ran the railway there, and ruled in Korea.

o September 1931: There was some vandalism on the Manchurian railway; Japan claimed the Chinese had sabotaged the railway.

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o They invaded Manchuria and set up ‘independent’ Japanese controlled, State of Manchukuo under the former Emperor of China, Hnery P’ui.

o China appealed to the League. o Such an impact on WW2.o Japan was a full member of the League of Nations,

and so was China. Collective security was supported by the League.

o China asked the League for help.o Manchuriao In December 1931, the League appointed a

commission led by Lord Lytton to investigate.o He did not go to Manchuria until April 1932 and did

not report until October.o In October 1932, Lytton’s report stated that Japan

was the aggressor and should leave.o On Feb. 24, 1933, the Assembly voted that Japan

should leave Manchuria.o League stated that Manchuria self govern while the

issues be fixed. Japan must withdraw its troops, and recognize that China has sovereignty over Manchuria. Japan had special rights in the region, and was entitled. China was responsible for the deterioration between Japan and China. China had to bear a certain amount of responsibility, internal stability in China affected Japan.

o The Japanese delegate stated that Manchuria belonged to Japan, Japan refused to compromise over this and withdrew from the League consequently.

o Japan stayed in Manchuria.o The League could not agree economic sanctions or

an arms sales ban.

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o In 1933, Japan resigned from the League and invaded/ conquered Jehol (next to Manchuria).

o Members of the league could not agree as what to do. How will you force Japan to leave?

o The Japanese continued to expand. They kept Manchuria. They invaded Jehol in 1933, and China in 1937.

o Japan’s economy improved, which then helped the economy of these other countries.

o The League was discredited/ Manchuria showedo It was slow (The Lytton report took almost a year to

prepare) By the time the finding of the reports were made, it hurt the League, it was too late, Japan was already in charge.

o A country could get its own way if it ignored it. League felt they could not really confront Japan. Major opposition at home.

o ‘Collective security’ was useless against big countries- especially during the Great Depression.

o Even the great powers within the League, Japan was on the Council) were happy to ignore it.

o Herbert Hoover would not support economic sanctions against Japan.

o Hoover sent delegates, no part in sanctions. Communism was also a big factor, fear. Japan kept the balance in power and stopped Communism from spreading in the Far East.

o The Washington Naval Conference, the Kellogg Briand Pact were nothing more than a meaningless gesture. Highlight weakness of the League.

o Countries will go to the aid of other countries, unless it is a big country.

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o The League of Nations did nothing to stand up against them.

o Abyssiniao Because of the Great Depression, Italy wanted to

build an empire to secure raw materials. Mussolini was a fascist

Briana M. SilvaMs. LenaghanIB History IISeptember 14, 2011

o Manchuria 1931-3o A wide range of issues caused the Japanese

invasion of Manchuria. o Japan had become the largest industrial power in

Asia.o This growth and development was based on the

success of her exports to the rest of the world.o Economy o Japan has few natural resources and because of

her growth population could not feed herself.o She depended on the export of goods, primarily

to the US, to maintain her prosperity.

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o The collapse of the US markets created enormous hardship in Japan with massive unemployment and starvation in rural areas.

o Japan seek some solution to the starvation and unrest.

o Government o The disastrous economy led to a decline in the

popularity of the liberal democrat government.o It led to demands of action by radical nationalist

groups often made up of army officers.o They demanded the government take action to

protect the population from the failure of the liberal capitalist economic system.

o During times of depression, people for someone to help them, and therefore, radical groups, such as Hitler, rise, and are made of army officers.

o Objective o The specific objective was to take over the

Chinese province of Manchuria. The radicals will build an empire to secure supplies of raw materials. China was an easy target, government was weak and fighting against Communism.

o Manchuria held a vast wealth of natural resources of all kinds.

o Japan had control of the roadways, a monopoly of railroads.

o Did railroads help to win the Second World War? Transport troops, food, supplies, weapons, ammunition, travel quickly.

o Decision

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o The decision to invade was made easy because Japan had made economic investments in the region since the Russo-Japanese War.

o IT had also kept troops in Port Arthur to protect her interests.

o Japan will make its own international law. You cannot just invade another country.

o Expansiono As a result of the civil war in China, Manchuria

had become its own autonomous province under a warlord.

o Japan had been looking to expand into China and had increased her presence there under the Treaty of Versailles.

o It had also increased its territory in concessions forced from a weak Chinese government during WW1.

o Hitler invaded Poland. o Manchuria ruled itself, and as ruled by a war lord

who was constantly fighting with Communist Japan.

o Japan left in 1919, felt it should have had more land.

o Japan, like Germany was looking to gain more land.

o Military Powero China was in a state of turmoil. o It made sense to invade Manchuria and posed

very little risk. o Manchuria is very close to Japan and its colony

Korea. (Japanese since 1910).o China was involved in civil war and offered no


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o Military Mighto Since the Washington Conference of 1922, Japan

had military supremacy in East Asia.o None of the Great Powers had forces or bases in

the region to oppose her.o The Depression had caused cuts in armaments

spending in the West and the UK, France and the US were in no position to intervene.

o Invasiono Japan arranged for someone to vandalize their

own railways. Have the government support the military.

o Japan invaded Manchuria claiming that her property and citizens had been attacked by Chinese troops.

o This was completely fabricated by the radical nationalists to force the civilian government to support military action.

o The Chinese were defeated and in 1932, Japan created the puppet state of Manchukuo.

Page 13: ibyear2.wikispaces.comGreat... · Web viewGold standard is a monetary system where fixed weight of coin, unit of money, fixed amount of gold coins. To kick start the economy, if you

Briana M. SilvaMs. LenaghanIB History IISeptember 20, 2011o Abyssiniao Because of the Great Depression, Italy wanted to

build an empire to secure raw materials. o Mussolini was a fascist, and wanted to revive the

glories of Rome.o France and Britain needed Mussolini’s support

against Hitler. (Stresa Pact 1935).o This directly related to what happened in Manchuria.

Italy wanted to invade Abyssinia, Africa.o Scrambled to get as many colonies as they could. o Abyssinia is where Ethiopia is modern day.o Italy suffered a humiliating defeat in Abyssinia, in

1896, the Abyssinians defeated the Italian army. o France wanted revenge on Germany.o 1896, Italians wanted Abyssinia. o 1933 October withdrew from the League of Nations.

March 1935, Hitler announced that he would re-arm, forgetting the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

o The League could do nothing about it. Hitler will re-arm and rebuild their empire.

o In 1936, Hitler sent German troops into the Rhineland, which was an area where Germany wasn’t allowed to have troops after the Treaty.

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o Mussolini, the fascist, had an idea that he could turn Italy into a Roman Empire, after Julius Caesar.

o Hitler was becoming very obvious to France and great Britain, and was turning into a serious threat. Hitler was not hiding this.

o Hitler was pursuing aggressive foreign policies.o France and Great decided they need support against

Germany, and they wanted Italy’s support, and thus formed the Stresa Pact, and the purpose was to have a strong front to confront Hitler, and realize the danger of Hitler.

o France and GB need the support of Mussolini against Hitler. France and GB are the two main members of the League of Nations.

o Italy fared badly for Ethiopia, as Ethiopia had its own emperor since 1896.

o The border between Abyssininia and Italian Somaliliand was uncertain and disputed- in December 1934 there was a small skirmish at Waal-Wal.

o Mussolini demanded an apology and threatened to invade.

o There was great anger in Britain; Hoare (the foreign minister) made a strong speech supporting sanctions and collective security.

o Wal-Wal is an oasis.o Britain doesn’t want any other nation becoming

powerful or gaining control of more territory and trade routes.

o In February 1935, the League set up a commission, which reported in September. It suggested giving part of Abyssinia to Italy.

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o In October 1935, Mussolini rejected the plan and invaded Abyssinia. He used tanks and flame-throwers and attacked Red Cross hospitals.

o The League banned weapon sales, and put sanctions on rubber and mental (this hurt Abyssinia more than Italy).

o Abyssinia was hurt more than Italy. Mussolini was guilty of committing atrocities, as he used mustard gas, and killed innocent civilians.

o It did NOT close the Suez Canal or ban oil sales, which would have stopped the Italian invasion.

o In December 1935, Hoare-Laval Pact, a secret plan by Britain and France to give Abyssinia to Italy.

o Britain and France asked that sanctions to be lifted- only Abyssinia voted against.

o March 1936: Hitler marched into the Rhineland, everyone forgot about Abyssinia.

o May 1936 Mussolini conquered Abyssinia. o June 1936, Haile Selassie, the emperor of Abyssinia,

went to the League to ask it to reconsider its “terrible precedent’ of giving way to force. He was ignored.

o The League was condoning the use of force, giving in to any big country.

o Why was Abyssinia a failure?o The Fascists continued to expand over Europe. o Mussolini kept Abyssinia. o Hitler began to expand in Europe. o Fascists took power in Spain. o Britain and France abandoned the League as a way

of keeping the peace, started to appease Hitler.o The US continued to trade with Italy, it did not follow


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o The League was a ‘useless fraud.’ Stated by AJP Taylor, a British historian.

o It was slow, the Lytton Report took 8 months,o A country could get its own way if it ignored it. o ‘Collective security’ was useless against big

countries- especially during the Great Depression. o Even the great powers within the League were happy

to ignore it (Japan was on the Council)o Even Britain and France would betray the League.o Nine countries left 1936-1939.o Lasting Consequenceso Italy was forced to approach Germany, and signed

The Berlin Access.o Italy and Germany became Allies.

Briana M. Silva Ms. LenIB History II Preparing for Paper 2 and 3 Cold WarSeptember 21, 2011o Causes of World War I o Case Studieso Spanish Civil War and China Civil War 1927-37 during

the time when Manchuria was invaded)o Limited War

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o WW2o Falklands War in 1982 and the Gulf War 1990-91o Guerilla War and Decolonizationo Algerian War of Indonesia o Indo-Pakistan Waro Paper 3o The Great Depressiono WW2o Cold War

Briana M. SilvaMs. LenIB History IISeptember 22, 2011o The League of Nations had success.

Page 18: ibyear2.wikispaces.comGreat... · Web viewGold standard is a monetary system where fixed weight of coin, unit of money, fixed amount of gold coins. To kick start the economy, if you

o “ Account for the Foundation of the League of Nations and assess its success between 1920 and 1935. Big countries didn’t have to follow the laws set by the League of Nations.”

o Intro.o The successes were Greece, Bulgaria, Locarno

Treaty, the peac conferences were made outside the League of Nations.

o Washington Naval Conference and peace conferences made OUTSIDE THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS.

o The League failed because the United States wasn’t in there.

o No way to enforce was a failure.o Failed during Manchuria.o Wilson’s League of Nations.o Treaty of Rapolloo Versailles and Germanyo Geneva Conferenceo Corfu Crisiso Characteristics of Waro Civil War o Two factions/ parties opposing each other in the

same country.o Insurgency, coup d’etat military uprising. o Limited War o

Page 19: ibyear2.wikispaces.comGreat... · Web viewGold standard is a monetary system where fixed weight of coin, unit of money, fixed amount of gold coins. To kick start the economy, if you

Timed Writing: Account for the Foundation of the League of Nations and assess its success between 192- and 1935.

The League of Nations was the most ambitious and idealistic outcomes of the peace

treaties. The League intended to create collective security and international co-operation to settle

disputes peacefully and to support disarmament. However, the League had little to no success, as

many of the world major powers, including that of the United States and the Soviet Union, were

not members of the League and the countries wanted their own self-interest. The League did in

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fact have a few successes in resolving disputes of small world powers, but the League did not

have success with major countries. The League was intended to create international organization

to prevent the outbreak of war and to solve disputes, however, it was the influence of Woodrow

Wilson and the presence of the United States that brought the League into being. The League

was meant to be a permanent international body, allowing all nations to meet, discuss, and settle

disputes in a peaceful manner. The collective security of the League intended for all the members

to help countries to resist aggression, despite whether or not it was vital to their own self interest.

As the United States had emerged from the First World War stronger than when the war began,

the two leading members of the League, France and Great Britain, were weakened and had

limited ability to enforce the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Another problem with the League

included the number of countries that had dropped out between 1919 and 1939. Much of the

League’s success was made though the various peace conferences outside the League, including

that of the Washington Naval Conference to disarm and the Locarno Treaty of 1925 which had

resolved Franco-German relations. Collective security had served as the backbone of the League

of Nations in regard to maintaining peaceful international relations. The Corfu dispute of 1923,

led by Mussolini, in which the members of the League took no action contributed to the collapse

of the League. The success that the League had involved the settling of disputes and the

prevention of war between nations in the early years of the League, including the Aaland Islands,

the Upper Silesia, and the Greco Bulgarian War of 1925. There were also a number of incidents

in which the League failed to resolve the dispute including that of the Russo-Polish War, the

Ruhr Crisis, and the Corfu incident. The League was successful in resolving disputes involving

small or medium powers who were unwilling to resort to violence. This allowed the League to

negotiate and enforce a settlement to these disputes in which both parties would accept. The

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League was unsuccessful when the disputes involved major wolrd powers that refused to submit

to the League and used violence, rather than peaceful negotiations. Peacekeeping for the League

of Nations succeed in the disputes of small countries. The most successful disarmament

conference after the First World War included that Washington Naval Conference. The

conference addressed the issue of the naval and arms race between the major powers of Japan,

America, and Great Britain. The major issue that the conference tackled was to defuse the

tension between Japan and the USA and their involvement in the Far East and Japan’s aim to

dominate China, while the United States feared the loss of trade. The Washington Conference

served as the most successful, although its disarmament success was temporary and limited. The

size and number of battleships was limited and decreased, as was their aircrafts and carriers. The

US, UK, and Japan agreed to keep a ratio of 5:5:3 as a maximum of fleet size. The conference

succeeded, as it allowed weapons to decrease in production and limited future armament. In

1932, the Geneva Conference promoted the need for a reduction of extensive armaments, as 31

nations attended the conference, two of which, the USSR and the United States were not

members, but attended. However, the Geneva Conference presented problems, as the nations

present could not distinguish between offensive and defensive weaponry to make the nations feel

secure and therefore lead to debates, and a lack of enforcement mechanisms, as well as no

organization to oversee the compliance of the terms of the conference. During the conference,

Germany stated that all of the other countries should disarm to her level according to the Treaty

of Versailles, or that she be allowed to expand. The Locarno Treaty signed in October 1925 was

an important success as Germany accepted its border with France and Belgium as permanent.

The Locarno spirit had allowed international co-operation, intended by the League to flourish.

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Finally, in 1931, when the Japanese had invaded Manchuria during the Great Depression

to stimulate the Japanese economy, the League had failed again. The Japanese had established

the puppet state of Manchukuo. The Chinese pleaded with the League for assistance against the

military supremacy of Japan, yet the League could not confront the major world power without

violence. The League therefore, did nothing to prevent the Japanese expansion, and was


Briana M. SilvaMs. LenIB History IISeptember 27, 2011

o Spanish Civil War o 1936-1939o Timeline of the Events

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o Military coupso Overthrowing of monarchso Corruption of governmento The wealthy hold the powero Stability was when Spain remained neutral in WW1o Major factors o Military influence and instabilityo Economic instabilityo Internal o Short term changeso Internal strifeo Foreign o France and French interventiono Long Terms Causes of the Spanish Civil War o Weakness of government- 1871- why was

government weak?o Factions of different parties that had similar viewso Corruption and rigged electionso Europe is unstable different regions, speaking

different languageso Role of Spanish Army o What was the role of the Spanish army?o “Political power”o Intervened in Politicso The Spanish army had internal instabilityo The army in Spain, for example, had too many

officers and the army was too big, and the army did not work to save the King.

o “Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.”o Too many officers. Outbreak of the First World War,

being an officer related to how much money and influence you had, the greater position you had in the military, in charge.

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o Too many officers bred incompetence o Role of the Church o Powerful- wealthyo The Church supported corrupt regimeso Religion and church influence, means more money.

Religion serves as a way to control people.o Abusive power, ideological, in terms of o Communism for the Catholic Church isn’t good.

Communism refutes the belief in a god.o Communism if it spreads in the country, the church is

out of business.o The Church had much self interesto The Church survived and came out intacto Economic o Rich and the poor, extreme gapo Land ownership, agricultureo Agricultural work was seasonal, and work and non-

work during the year. The rich get richer. Agriculture is tied in to the economy

o Workers, peasants who worked the lands, conditions were so bad for them that they turned to anarchy, in terms of Communism.

o A war against fascism.o Americans and people from Great Britain went to

fight in the Spanish Civil War.o Long Term Causes of the Spanish Civil War o Role of the two main protagonists regions

during the 1920’so Basques, want to be separate. Engage in terrorist

activities. o Catalanso Political opposition

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o 18 different political parties in Spain: Somewhat Similar views, different agendas

o Lefto Center o Righto Could not agreeo The Fall of the Monarchy and the

Establishment of the Second Republico King Alfonso XIII- 1931 Defeat in Moroccoo Depressiono 12 governments between 1918 and 1923o King Alfonso, much chaos, matters came to a head, a

period of real instability. He was not into reform, he was old fashioned, much like Czar Nicholas, no reform to make things better, no change.

o General Primo de Rivera- military coup. Rivera improved industry.

o Authoritarian right wing regimeo Spanish Civil War is a dress rehearsal for the Second

World War.o In 1930, 1931 the Great Depression hit, and threw

the world into turmoil. o The King went into voluntary exile. o The Church and the army didn’t make an effort to

save the king.o ‘Velvet Revolution’ – a time of great change, a soft,

bloodless revolution. o Second Republic without a king. o April 1931, the Second Republic

o Short Term Causes of the Spanish Civil War o Political Polarization, everything goes to chaos.

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o The Left Republic lasted from 1931 to 1933- Manuel Azana

o Workers of all classeso Key Issues: still plagued Spaino Azana attempted to limit church powero Stop state payments to the clergyo Take education away from the control of the Churcho LIMIT CHURCH POWERo The Left Republic tried to address the abuses of the

Church. o Army soldiers, if you retire, reform army, the state

will pay off 50%. Pay off the officers to stop corruption.

o The military academy, the head General Franco, and it had to be shut down. The retirement plan had backfired. The officers left were extreme strong right wing fascist type people.

o The officers left created many radicals and Africanistas, the veterans who had fought in Morocco.

o Azana created radicals in the army and created a monster.

o Economy o The economy was in dire straits, made worse by the

Depression.o Land Redistribution o Many historians blame the failure of this as the main

cause of the civil wars.o State could take over land and give it to the

peasants.o Stalin’s socialist system of land reformo Ideology of Communism- give the land back to the


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o Opposed by right wing radicals and other ring wing groups.

o Similar to Stalin’s socialist system, land reformo The Right Republic lasted from 1933-1936o Francisco Franco o The man most linked to the army’s victory in the

Spanish Civil War.o Factions during the war split into two groups, either

Nationalist or Republicans.o Fascism vs. Communists.o Communists were anarchists. Peasants supported

Communism, upper class and army supported the fascists. The Church supported Franco.

o Franco o He led the Generals’ Rising which started the Civil

War.o He merged the major right-wing parties into the

Falange Espanola Tradicionalista, with himself as leader.

o He got aid from Hitler and Mussolini. Franco asked Hitler for help. Hitler was more than happy to send his troops to test them out.

o Troops, aircraft, and terror tactics like bombing, were given to Franco by Nazis.

o Fascist Dictator o In 1939, he was recognized as the legitimate ruler by

France, GB, and the US- the better bet of two evils. o From 1939 on, he was a right wing dictator, his rule

was law. o After the Nationalist victory, he ruled Spain until his

death in 1975. o He ruled Spain until 1975.

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o After all the help Spain had gotten from Hitler and Mussolini, Spain could not afford to have a role in WW2, and Spain stayed out of the Second World War, neutral.

o Background o Spain consists of many groups with cultural,

linguistic, historic, and economic differences. o There was also a divide: parts of Spain were

economically strong and industrial: others were dominated by small peasant landholders and other by vast estates.

o The feature of the Civil war was foreign intervention. Had Mussolini and Hitler not gotten involved in the Civil War, it would have just been a coup.

o The Spanish Civil War became a war of self interests for the right wing fascists, and became a war of ideology.

o Foreign intervention made the war much longer and became a war that wasn’t just Spanish issues that plagued the country, but because a war of ideology and a war against fascism.

o Stalin and Communism gained popularity amongst certain groups.

o Anarcho- Syndicalism o Workers would control the means of production,

factory workers. o Decentralized worker control of factories, popular in

urban areas.o The rural tradition was closer to anarchism. o Throw in Stalinism, Marxism, Trotskyites, Socialists

and trade unionists. o

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o In 1936, he was appointed Generalissimo of Nationalist Spain and Head of State.

o Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy recognized Franco as the legitimate ruler of Spain.

o Spain tumbled into civil war, because it was similar, or identical to Stalin’s land reform, land is reclaimed and given to people who own it, Communism.

o Land reform was opposed by right wing groups.o The right wing group, the CEDA, is the right wing

coalition, it was a mixture of various right wing groups.

o The purpose of CEDA is to stop state payment of the churches, to defend Church and landlords.

o CEDA ran from November 1933 to February 1936.o Black Yearso Asturian Miners uprising in 1934, seen as an

attempted revolution.o Prieto tried to form a more moderate group,

somewhere between Communism and fascism, and this became the center, which turned into the popular front.

o Popular front- period of 5 years, Spain went left wing, right wing, and somewhere in the middle.

o Popular front only lasted a couple of months, Azana rose to power, time of chaos.

o Azana in charge during the Left Republic. The Popular Front wanted to restore the reforms made under the Left republic.

o Rumors of military coups. Azana moved the officiers all over Spain to stop this from happening.

o Gen. Franco asked the Nazi Party for help, and got troops, airlifted German troops and Africhanistas from Morocco into Spain.

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Briana M. SilvaMs. LenaghanIB History IIOctober 11, 2011

o This encouraged stock speculation- people would buy and sell stocks quickly to make a quick buck.

o Because of all this buying and selling stock value increased, the G.E stock $130 $396 per share.

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o This quick turnover didn’t help they needed long term investments so they could pay bills (stock value was like an illusion)

o Unscrupulous traders would buy and sell shares intentionally to inflate a given Co’s stock value.

o All of this gave a false sense of security/ confidence in the American market.

o Beginning in October 1929, investors confidence dropped, leading to a market collapse.

o All tried to sell at once and bottom fell out of market, panic selling.

o Many bankruptcies as banks called in loans.o Only a tiny minority of people traded on stock

exchange, but they possessed vast wealth, and the crash had a ripple effect on the economy.

o Lack of Diversification o Wealth depended on a few basic industries. o Construction and automobiles.o Newer industries gad, chemicals and plastics could

not pick up the slack. o Main industries, car, automobiles, the economy was

based on. Newer industries were unable to compete. o Technological advancements, leads to

unemployment. o People have less money to buy consumer goods.o Maldistribution of Purchasing Power o For the poor, weakness in consumer demands, and

productivity drops. Never ending cycle.o Mass consumption was already low (poor could afford

to buy little)o Unemployment rose, no government assistance at


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o Since people could not buy, productivity was cut back, and further unemployment.

o So with additional unemployment, purchasing power declined again, reduced productivity yet again.

o Productivity drops, lay a lot of people off.o Herbert Hoover didn’t believe that the government

should assist the poor, and that they should get out of it themselves.

o Unemployment goes up, purchasing power drops, unemployment rises.

o Productivity and Unemployment o In the 1920’s, the US economy was based on the

productivity purchasing power, employment cycle.o For many goods to be produced, purchasing demand

had to be there: this resulted in high employment and a healthy economy.

o Between 1924-27, US productive capacity doubled but it was because of technological innovation.

o Electricity and mechanical advances made for better production, but no new jobs were added to the economy.

o 1920’s goods were being produced at a much higher rate than at the rate they were able to be sold.

o More consumer goods were available, but there weren’t necessarily more people to buy them. Overproduction.

o Credit Structure of the Economy o Farmers in debt, crop prices too low to allow them to

pay off what they owed.o Small banks were in constant trouble.o Large banks were also in trouble as they were

investing recklessly in the market.

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o When the market crashed many banks failed and some called in loans that borrowers could not pay.

o People lost everything. o International Debt Structure o European demand for American goods began to

decline. o Partly because industry and agriculture were

becoming more productive. o Partly because they had financial troubles and could

not afford to buy goods from overseas.o European nations owed US banks money post WW1.o European nations didn’t recover from the First World

War.o Europe global Depression.o Collapse of the economy in Europe. WW1 indirectly

caused the Great Depression and the Great Depression was the main reason for the collapse of peace, rise of Hitler and Mussolini.

o Another major problem was an uneven distribution of wealth, Wall Street protestors in modern day.

o 0.1% at top owned as much as bottom 42% of American families (42% below poverty line)

o Of the 58% above the poverty line, most fell into the middle class category- they were not wealthy; they had jobs because of the industrialization and consumerization of the American market place.

o This middle class depended on their salaries and when productivity declined they lost their jobs.

o And because of low savings, they had to cut back on their purchases.

o This decline in consumption among the middle class ruined the whole country.

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o Agricultural decline, and decline in industry, making too much.

o President Hoover’s Response o He didn’t believe that the government should play an

active role in the economy. Not enough money going to the workers in there salaries, gap between what can be afforded to purchase and what is made.

o He felt that getting involved was socialism and rooted in Communism.

o He persuaded bankers and business to follow his policy of VOLUNTARY NON- COERCIVE COOPERATION where he gave tax breaks in return for private sector economic investment.

o He organized a public relief effort. o In his attempt to revive the economy, he figured out

a plan to try to get money back from Europe. We will put a stop on reparations, not call in a war debt.

o Hoover also organized some private relief agencies for the unemployed.

o He worked out a system with European powers that owed U.S. money as a result of WW1 debts = HOOVER MORATORIUM put a temporary stop to war debt and reparations payments.

o Euro. Countries were to purchase American goods instead to stimulate American economy. Instead of them paying the US and calling in the debt from Europe they will invest in American goods.

o “Laissex faire” let the people be and they will get out of poverty themselves.

o He fought against “socialistic” o Socialized medicine- medical is freeo In early 1931, these measures appeared successful,

but then the TARIFF WARS.

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o Democratic in Congress passed a high tariff (Hawley-Smoot) to protect US industry (hoped to stimulate purchasing of US goods).

o The purchase was to protect local agricultural industry, however, it placed a 40% tax on goods coming in. Other countries said, if you do that, we will do the same.

o This was a fatal error. o Congress did not understand that the world had

become a GLOBAL ECONOMY. o In retaliation, other countries passed high tariffs and

no foreign markets purchased American goods, so US productivity decreased again.

o Also in 1931, the Soviets flooded the world market with cheap wheat, (1/2 US price) in an attempt to get money to pay back Austrian banks (but price was too low and they couldn’t)

o This resulted in the BANKER’S PANIC.o Austrian banks borrowed from German banks and

appealed to the BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT (France vetoed, international bank, Euro bank)

o Austrian banks and loaning German banks therefore were forced into bankruptcy.

o And because German banks had borrowed from Americans, US banks began to go bankrupt, wiping out life savings of thousands of Americans.

o Hoover tried to help the Am. Economy, and essentially made things worse throughout the world.

o The Soviet Union was not affected at all by the Great Depression, already in such poor conditions a Communism economy based on agriculture, didn’t make a difference. Soviet Union flooded the world market with cheap wheat.

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o Not a Great Depression in the US, but in the whole world.

o Americans React to Hoover o Hoover was increasingly unpopular, but he continued

to try and establish a more interventionist way to deal with the economy. He persuaded the Congress to establish the RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION. (RFC)

o Had power to make emergency loans to banks but it was too little too late….

o Hoover Damn improves conditions for industry and agriculture.

o $2.5 billion of Congress to back up the RFC.o Hoover wouldn’t involve himself in any programs of

direct governmental aid to individuals, didn’t want to erode Americans sense of “RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM”- help yourself

o You have to work to get water outo Bonus Army o People were frustrated- isolated protest movements.o Dairy farmers were frustrated with low prices of milk

and refused to sell, and dumped it. o WW1 Veterans, pensions discontinued by Congress,

March on Washington.o Bonus March by the Bonus Armyo They reached Washington by 1931 set up

SHANTYTOWNS, HOOVERVILLES, food scraps= Hoover meals, hitchhiking journeys= HOOVER RIDES

o After one year they were forcibly dispersed by the Army (MacArthur/ Eisenhower).

o Veterans in the 1930’s hitchhiked, and Hoovervilles sprung up all over Washington.

o 1932 Election

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o 1 out of 4 were employed.o National income was 50% of what it had been in

1929.o Republicans nominated Hoover, no hope. Was the

Depression his fault? His responses, he tried to get people to help themselves, economy was in such a terrible state.

o Winner by a landslide Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democratic N.Y. governor

o FDR was popular on the radio, often believed that he was bringing socialist ideas.

o He pledges a New Deal for the American people.o Republicans re-nominated Hoover because they felt

that they had to, yet no one felt he was going to win.o AFRICAN AMERICANS o Impact of Depression o Where did most of African Americans live?o Live in the South. o Minorities, African Americans, Hispanic Americans,

Mexican Americans.o Did life change significantly?o Manual labor, worked as farmers, African Americans

did jobs that no one wanted to do.o Most of the health, relief, jobs went to white people. o Life did not change significantly for African

Americans, farmers suffered, agriculture. Migrate to the cities to see if there’s work there.

o What profession did most African Americans in the South have?

o Two white girls accused black men of rape. o Did segregation and racism still exist?o What was the “Scottsboro Case?”o Biggest example of racism from the 1930’s

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o Mexican Americans o South West and Californiao Often called “Chicanos”o Many Mexican Americans were migrant farm

workers, agricultural migration.o Travel around to plant and grow crops.o Hard, manual labor, usually doing jobs that white

Americans didn’t want to do.o Immigrants, cheap labor.o Reinforced discrimination and marginalized

minorities. o Great Depression o White people demanded jobs that Mexican previously

held.o Repatriation- 500,000 Mexicans went back across the

border and were forced. o FDR relief programs that were not available to

minorities, Chinese, Japanese, and African Americans. Thread of racism throughout much of the country.

o Mexican Americans were rounded up and send home.o Government officials.o Some signs of resistance- Mexican farm workers

formed a Union nut faced much opposition from authority. Severe poverty just like African Americans in the South.

o Local growers and public. They were ineffective.o Many Mexicans migrated to big cities- like L.A. to

look for work. They ended up living in poverty, like African Americans.

o Asian Americans o Japanese Americans- discrimination immigration


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o Educated Japanese Americans could not find jobso Many worked at family owned fruit stands.o 20% of all Japanese Americans at such fruit stands at

the end of the 1930’so For those who found work, they faced discrimination

like Mexican Americans and African Americans.o White people began to take menial jobs that

previously had only been performed by minorities.o Japanese farmers lost jobs to white farmers migrating

from Great Plains.o Chinese Americans o Did not do any bettero Faced same discriminations.o The majority of Chinese Americans worked either in

Chinese restaurants or laundries.o Those who moved outside the community rarely got

more than entry level jobs.o Example- Chinese Americans who worked in stores

worked in stock rooms they never made it one to the shop floors as sales clerks.

o Educated Chinese Americans both men and women found no opportunities for work outside of Chinatowns.

o Women and the Great Depression o The Great Depression strengthened and reinforced

the idea that a woman’s place was in the home.o With no jobs, many believed that any available jobs

should go to men, as men served as the primary breadwinners.

o Strong belief that no woman whose husband had a job was allowed to work.

o Federal Civil Service- 1932-37 Only one member of a family was allowed to work.

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o These beliefs and values did not stop women from working outside the home.

o Both married and single women took jobs in the depression in spite of public condemnation- they needed the money.

o By end of Depression 25% more women were working than men.

o Professional opportunities declined because men started to take jobs that had traditionally been women’s work- teaching and social work.

o Female industrial workers more likely to be laid off than men.

o White women advantages stenographers and other service positions salesclerks.

o Less likely to disappear than heavy industry jobs.o African Americans women experienced massive

unemployment in South especially because of the reduction of domestic positions.

o At the end of the 1930’s 38% of the African American women were employed as compared to 24% of white women.

o This was because African Americans both married and unmarried had to work out of financial necessity.

o Family o Great strain on the family unit middle classes in yjr

1920’s saw a period of prosperity.o They were then plunged into despair in the 1930’s.o Many families changed how they lived.o Taking in relatives and boarders.o Sewing clothes for family members.o Depression eroded the strength of the family unit.o Decline in the divorce rate- no one could afford it.o More common was informal breakup of family

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o Sons would leave king for work.o Desertion of families by men escaping the

humiliation of not being able to support the family.o Marriage and birth rate declined for the first time

since the early 19th century.o Chapter 25: The New Deal o This was the name FDR gave to his new program to

fight the Depression.o It was a revolution in American society- changed

completely the way the government functionso The first phase of the New Deal dealt exclusively with

economic reform unlike Hoover, FDR believed government legislation and involvement was crucial to stimulate the economy

o Step ONE- dealt with the banking crisis BANKING HOLIDAY- banks shut down and subject to government inspection, allowed to open when “healthy”- people’s confidence returned- they redeposited allowing banks to invest in the economy.

o Step TWO- stock market reform Security Exchange Commission established to police the NYSE first chairman was Joseph P. Kennedy practice of buying on margin was regulated.

o Step THREE- to put more $ in circulation, FDR went off the GOLD STANDARD government could print more $ than Fort Knox gold reserves would allow- with more $ in circulation, wages and prices increased.

o Inflation, causing dollar value to lower gave government spending power Keynesian economics.

o FDR fireside chats to safely invest money in banks again, because the government will stimulate.

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o Gold standard is a monetary system where fixed weight of coin, unit of money, fixed amount of gold coins.

o To kick start the economy, if you have gold, those who issue bank notes, give notes for the gold coins. Dollar value.

o Gold reserve was declining at the time, FDR said to the government that no one was allowed to have a private supply of gold, must surrender to the treasury in exchange for paper notes!

o Less gold, price increases. FDR then took the country off the gold standard and this created more manageable economy, as he could control the banks. This created inflation.

o US leaves gold standard, inflation in the economy, as the premise is that the price of the dollar is not related to the price of gold. Costs will go up so that the economy will be stimulated. To print more money, you are done for!

o The price of dollar doesn’t increase with gold, price of goods in market will rise. Production of goods increase. Gives the government control.

o Putting more dollars in, increase wages as well. o FDR’s New Deal R.R.R o Economy Act- balance federal government by cutting

salaries of government employees and reducing pensions to veterans.

o Glass Steagall Act June 1933- created the FDIC which insured deposits of up to $5,000.

o This increased confidence in depositing money and ended several bank failures.

o Shut the banks down, encourgage people to put money back into the economy.


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o The country had budget buts. Cut salaries of government employees.

o The Inauguration was March 4th. Hoover was still in charge. Roosevelt was the president elect.

o February 1933, the banking system was collapsing.o Hoover was trying to get out of interfering with

currency and banking during Roosevelt’s term.o Hoover’s legacy was that of the Great Depression.o March 6, called it a banking holiday, FDR shut down

the banks. o Because Congress was so panicked by the collapse,

and the threat of the banking system, they, the Congress, essentially gave blank chekque powers for his New Deal program, approved extreme.

o He made the public know that he was going to deal with this straight away.

o By shutting the banks down, it created relief and hope amongst people, Congress passed the Emergency Banking Act.

o Before a bank was allowed to re-open, it had to be inspected by the government. The purpose was to protect larger banks from being shut down by smaller banks.

o Roosevelt’s Policy: Three R’s o Reliefo Reformo Recoveryo Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation o FDIC guarantees deposits up to $5,000.o Alphabet agencieso Specific Pieces of Legislation (direct

government intervention in the economy)

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o National industrial recovery Act (NIRA) and National Recovery Admin. (NRA) were established to end animosity between labour and business.

o All was redirected to industrial growth fair labour codes were established, wages, no child labour, shortened work hours, business people challenged the NRA, claiming it was Communist.

o They formed the LIBERTY LEAGUE- all LL’s urging, the Supreme Court, overturned the NIRA and NRA, claiming that the federal government was exceeding its authority (by interfering in state jurisdiction).

o In response to this, business men felt it was Communist and formed the Liberty League.

o Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)- used to promote hydroelectric power, control flooding lower rates.

o Private industry, manufacture fertilizer, federal government, took ownership (nationalization v. privatization)

o Supported by Congress and Presidento Electricity, water, telephone companies, in Great

Britain, it was run by ONE organization. Electric company was nationalized, and was one whole company, supplying it to the whole Britain. Every home in England and Scotland was supplied by British gas. These industries are nationalized, government owned. Coal mines and the like, supplying to all.

o All of the companies supply the basic needs. In England, the argument was Margaret Thatcher, unions controlled, railways were controlled by one company.

o Thatcher said that the companies will have to compete.

o Competition arose.

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o Unempoyment- still a major problem.o FDR like Hoover was wary of government handouts-

he wanted people to earn their keep so government agencies were created temporarily- to address the unemployment problem.

o CIVILIAN CONSERVATION COPRS (CCC)- in 1933, set to establish work for young men 918-25) in areas of reforestation, soil conservation, flood control, road construction, also took them out of urban labour markets- but Blacks permitted to enroll.

o Roosevelt’s favorite was the CCC, felt that it made a difference. WHITE ONLY AREA. These things did nothing to break down racil barriers or inequality.

o Other agencies had specific mandates too- National Youth admin. (NYA)- created jobs for young in urban areas.

o Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) aimed at older workers, these and other similar agencies worked well, but unemployment was still at 6 million in 1941 (solution for this would be the industrial boom of WW2).

o New Deal- social reform aspect after 1935, with immediate economic relief and reform addressed, New Deal turned to Social Welfare more legislation.

o National Labour Relations Act (aka Wagner Act)- it legitimized unions and labour tactics such as collective bargaining and collective action (strikes, etc…) it outlawed BLACKLISTS and other anti-union practices.

o Wagner Act 1935 o FDR supported o Social Security Act 1935

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o Feared by opponents as “creeping socialism” this act typifies the WELFARE STATE- unemployment insurance, old age pensions.

o Problem: it took some $ out of circulation (payroll deductions) at a time when purchasing power was already low- also, it only covered the unemployed

o 1936- “Soak the Rich” tax o Social security number is needed to work. Apply for a

Social Security account. o Give people old age pension and unemployment

insurance.o Rich or wealthy called this the “soak the rich” tax. All

it did was force them to pay more money.o John Meynard Keynes economics was applied by

Roosevelt.o Wealthy people criticized him. o Election of 1936- FDR won easily (Republican Alf

Landon- Kansas governor)o This victory gave FDR a mandate to continue his New

Deal policies.o First objective: to recognize the Supreme Court- they

disallowed some New Deal legislation. o FDR wants # of judges changed from 9 to 15 (to

“pack the court”) great opposition, so FDR withdrew this proposal.

o 15 Supreme Court judges of your own people who will vote for you. PACK THE COURT has some great opposition, as it can be ruled as unconstitutional, put your own people in power.

o FDR won convincingly, the Republican nominee was from Kansas. New Deal policies were popular, and continued to work on the New Deal.

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o The Supreme Court felt that the programs of the New Deal were UNCONSTITUTIONAL socialist and Communist.

o But judges retired and FDR got to appoint new ones they approved all New Deal legislation.

o The late 1930’s- new questions aroseo FDR concerned with international issues o In 1939, he proposed no new major domestic reform

measures (1st time in his pres.)o Election of 1949- FDR broke with tradition and ran a

3rd time. o FDR v. Wendell Wilkie- the big issue here was

American support of the Allies (GB) now embroiled in WW2 versus Nazi Germany.

o Both U.S. political parties wanted to support GB but to remain neutral- in fact a CONSENSUS had developed between the Democrats and Republicans.

o Both parties approved of most New Deal legislation and wanted an isolationist foreign policy- FDR won in 1940 and again in 1944.

o The late 1930’s new questions aroseo FDR concerned with international issues o In 1939, he proposed no new major domestic reform

measures (1st time in his presidency)o Election of 1940 FDR broke with tradition and ran a

3rd time.o FDR versus Wendell Wilkie the big issue here was

American support of the Allies (GB) now embroiled in WWII v. Nazi Germany

o Both US political parties wanted to support GB but to remain neutral in fact a CONSENSUS had developed between the Democrats and Republicans.

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o Both parties approved of most New Deal legislation and wanted an isolationist foreign policy FDR won in 1940 and again in 1944.

o Impact of the New Deal o A 3rd revolution in American culture and politics-

more government involvement but within the context of traditional US democracy (not socialist…)

o New Deal helped in stimulating the US economy, but only WWII would solve any lingering problems unemployed found jobs in munitions factories and the military as the US became the arsenal of democracy.

o New Deal saw expansion of US government in:o 1.) Economic- constant government intervention/

deficit spendingo 2.) Social reform- welfare state, after this point the

US government was expected to play a role in any economic crisis.

o So FDR fundamentally reformed (not transformed) American society….

o Government expected to intervene.o “Defense of our Liberty begins in the Factory”o New Deal catered to farmers and laborers, not upper

and middle class. It was also “creeping socialism” a form of capitalism.

o Aircraft and ships.o The Great Depression and Latin America: o Argentina and the Rule of the Concordancia o Early part of the 20th century, Argentina had a great

railway network, beautiful cultural capital, o The Depression occurred during his second term as

President (1928-1930).o Known as the “father of the poor.”

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o Responsible for the adoption of male suffrageo Leader of the Radical Civic Union. All Argentinean

males over the age of 18 the vote. o Radical Civic Union, champion of the poor, yet an

aloof character, did not get involved. Loner and supported government reform.

o The Radicals suffered a terrible blow after the Depression had hit Argentina.

o Society was divided. Wealthy landowners made the most money.

o Confined to about 400 wealthy families, oligarchy, few people control the wealth.

WHY WAS THERE OPPOSITION TO THE NEW DEAL POLICIES OF FDR?Liberty LeaguersOther groups/ persons – Huey LongFrancis Townsend

1.) To finance his first New Deal, Roosevelt had introduced higher taxes for the rich. They felt that he had betrayed his class and he was expelled from his social club for letting down "his people".2.) 11 out of 16 of the Alphabet Laws were decreed unconstitutional in cases heard by the Supreme Court.3.) The most famous opponent of the New Deal was Huey Long, a Senator from Louisiana. He criticised Roosevelt for not doing enough for the poor. His alternative to the New Deal was called "Share Our Wealth".

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4.) Frances Townsend who also opposed the New Deal. Townsend wanted the federal government to give all citizens aged 60 and above $200 a month to be financed by a 2% sales tax. These 2 men allied themselves to Gerald Smith, Huey Long’s successor, and the three of them planned in 1936 to tap the voting strength of the less well off in America.5.) Father Coughlin used radio attacks against FDR. 6.) FDR behaving like a dictator7.) Wealthy were wealthy because they worked hard for it. High taxes on wealthy discouraged people from working hard to achieve wealth and gave money to people who did little.8.) The Supreme Court was dominated by anti-New Deal Republicans.9.) The Supreme Court overturned New Deal laws as unconstitutional.10.) People feared that FDR was attacking the American system of government11.) Business leaders opposition to FDR and the New Deal intensified in 1934 and 1935.12.) The American Liberty League complained that the New Deal interfered too much with business and people’s lives.13.) FDR’s attempt to “pack the court.” After winning the 1936 presidential election, FDR proposed increasing the number of Supreme Court Justices from 9 to 15. This would allow FDR to appoint 6 new pro-New Deal justices to the Supreme Court. 14.) Small businesses were shut down because of the monopolies.15.) Many critics of the New Deal felt that the government was overextending its authority, and was leading America to socialism.

o Yriogoyen’s Second Term

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o Exports dropped by 40% and foreign investments stopped.

o Unemployment was widespread.o The government was severely affected as it

depended on import duties for most of its revenues.

o Further Problems o The government had incurred huge deficits and

tried to cover for it by borrowing.o It was in competition with the landed elite who

needed credit to survive the decline in exports.o Yrigoyen had no support from military or elite.o He was seen as senile and corrupt.o He was incapable of ruling at a time of crisis and

this ruined his party.o General Uriburu o Yrigoyen was overthrown by the military in 1930.o General Uriburu had control of the military which

essentially abolished democracy.o Argentina looked like it would be an uncorrupt

democracy. But the point where it all changed was military coups and dictatorships.

o He later led a coalition called the Concordancia.o Folkans War, off the coast of South America,

islands that belong to GB. It is British territory.o Argentina wanted the Folkans Islands back.

Declare war on Argentina.o GB won convincingly. The war was over in 6 weeks. o Start of military dictatorship, getting rid of

democracy and placing them with people who have their own agenda.

o Concordancia

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o This was made up of conservative aristocrats, the church and the military.

o Using corrupt practices the Concordancia soon won control of the national government.

o Uriburu’s regime was oppressive and worked to eliminate any social opposition.

o It left the opposition dispersed and defenseless.o The people that own all the wealth. Eliminate

opposition. o The Concordancia’s Fight Against the

Depressiono It tried to fix the financial crisis by abandoning free

trade.o It tried to use conservative policies like state

intervention.o Tried to protect the country from the cyclical effect

of the world’s capitalist economy. o The main foreign market was protected by

establishing a currency exchange system.o Import substitution, countries in South America

had a plan to eliminate the reliance of foreign goods.

o This went against non-British imports. o GB was Argentina’s greatest supporter.o US firms started businesses in Argentina as it was

difficult to export due to high tariffs and the discriminatory exchange system.

o Foreign investment played a crucial role in the 1930’s.

o It was 50% of the total capital investment in the Argentine industry.

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o The Roca-Runciman Treaty of 1933 promised Argentinea a fixed portion of the British chilled beef market and eliminated tariffs on wheat.

o Argentina in return reduced tariffs on British goods and promised to spend its British earnings on British goods.

o Improved Economy o The economy did improve after 1934.o Wheat and meat prices rose.o Industrial investment returned to pre-depression

levels and unemployment dropped.o The labor unions were becoming bigger and more

powerful.o General Confederation of Labor (CGT) gained

power and overthrew the Concordancia in 1944. o Brazil Under Vargas o During the Depression Brazil’s exchange rate

plummeted and foreign credit dried up.o It was now impossible to finance the coffee

valorization program.o This later collapsed leaving behind huge amount of

debt.o FDR said there were two people responsible for

inventing the New Deal, Vargas being one of themo Latin America and dictatorship, corrupt elections of

Vargas.o Coffee Support Program, coffee plantations and

wealth was controlled by few aristocrats.o Vargas favored the elite, restricted planting.

Burned excess coffee.o Cotton was a source of export in Argentina.o Depression

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o During the Depression Brazil’s exchange rate plummeted and foreign credit dried up.

o It was not impossible to finance the coffee valorization program.

o This later collapsed leaving behidn huge amount of debt.

o Valorization Program o Vargas worked on this to try and bring the coffee

industry back on its feet.o He used classic valorization methods.o The restriction of plantings, the purchase of

surplus stocks and burning excess coffee.o The coffee industry did not grow in the 1930’s.

o Tried to take control of foreign investors. Brazil was able to be self sufficient and not rely on labor of other goods from other countries.

o Import Substitution Managemento Agriculture o The agricultural sector had more success with the

labor from the coffee plants.o Cotton exports rose until the 1940’s.o The exports could not make up for the huge

amounts of imports occurring.o Import Substitution Methods o Vargas imported this through industrialization to

improve the local economy.o He placed exchange controls, import quotas, tax

incentives and lower duties on imported machinery and materials.

o Long term loans at low interest rates stimulated local industries.

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o Stop relying on imports, relying on other countries to bring in goods. Less likely to import goods.

o Tried to encourage local industries to buildo Not effective means of making money, set up

shop.o Success o Industrial production doubled between 1931 and

1936.o Even when the US was still in a Depression Brazil’s

national income had begun to rise.o The Brazilian economy was no longer dependent

on outside factors.o 2 ½ hours for 3 essays Senior Midterm

The Rise, Rule and fall of Adolf Hitler

As you have a great deal of prior knowledge of this man, I hope this is not too repetitive. In the event you are weary and have questions about your independent knowledge, ASK PLEASE, you will be doing yourself and classmates a very huge service.

o The First Crises of the Weimar Republico The Weimar Republic was born in crisis and defeat, by October 1918, the situation

was desperate It was clear the Germany could not win a war of attrition after the USA

entered the war Government was deeply in debt Allied blockade and poor management of the economy had led to a

desperate food shortage Strikes and criticism of the government had been suppressed with ferocity

but this could not go on indefinitelyo October 1918, Hindenburg and Ludendorff the military leaders of Germany, tried to

smooth the path to an armistice by advising the Kaiser to appoint a civilian government under Prince Max of Baden. Moderate members of the Social democratic Party (SPD) were brought into the government

o Naval chiefs, wanted to undermine the new government so they ordered the fleet at the Kiel to sea to face the British battle fleet. Instead the sailors mutinied and seized the ports.

o Unleashed a wave of protest across the country Army mutinies seemed imminent in various places

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Kurt Eisner declared Bavaria an independent republic Prince Max resigned and was replaced by the leader of the Social Democrats

On the same day the Kaiser abdicated in favor of a republic in order to disassociate the Germany the Allies would deal with during the peace negotiations from the Germany of the war

Republic was proclaimed Provisional government was set up under president Ebert, containing Social

Democrats and Independent Socialists afraid of the extreme left, Ebert Retained the officer corps of the Imperial Army and the Imperial

Civil Service Postponed nationalization of heavy industry, which annoyed the left

o This annoyed the left causing the Independent Socialists to resign from the coalition and the Spartacists demanded the sovietization of Germany

Right wing soldiers formed and army to prevent a Bolshevik revolution, five such groups in Berlin alone (comparable to Blackshirts of Italy) By January the head Spartacists occupied almost every major city

After the elections of January, a constituent assembly met in the Weimar to draw up a constitution for a republican government, became known as the Weimar republic. It was a liberal constitution that used the electoral system based upon proportional representation, but emergency powers were given to the president and Fredrich Ebert became the first president

By April, troops were sent to Munich to put down the Communist Republic established there and by June the government lost credibility by agreeing to the Treaty of Versailles, with article 231 being of particular resentment

The legend of the “November Criminals” (Jews, Communists and Liberals) who had ‘stabbed Germany in the back’ began to grow

In March of 1920 the right wingers tried to seize power and Dr. Wolfgang Kapp was declared Chancellor by the rebels, Berlin workers staged a general strike. Everyone escaped, except Kapp who was imprisoned

Political assassinations were carried out, left-wing leaders dealt with harshly, right wing leaders were treated sympathetically by the police and prison officials

o The Monetary Crisiso By 1919 the government was close to bankruptcy because the cost of the waro War reparations of 132 billion gold marks was laid upon Germany and was to be

paid off at the rate of 2 billion per year plus 26% of Germany’s exports, which was an additional burden

o The French became exasperated when The US stayed out of the League of Nations and signed its own treaty with

Germany US and Britain seemed more intent on recovering wartime debts from

France that in getting reparations from Germany

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The German marks were losing valueo In August 1921, after paying 50 millions that was due, the government requested

breathing space to allow the economy to recover, France refused and in 1922, Germany could not make her payment

o 1923 – French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr to seize goods from mines and factories in lieu of payment

Government ordered passive resistance and there was a general strike To pay workers during the strike, the government printed money The value of the mark collapsed causing hyperinflation where the mark was

4,200,000,000,000 to the dollar. Over 2K printing pressed worked around the clock to produce bills; some notes were overprinted before leaving the printing house. Some people were being paid twice daily so they could spend their morning pay before the foreign exchange rates were announced and prices rose again. Wages were collected in baskets and wheelbarrows, and when the price of coal went up, people burned their pay rather then buy coal

Many lost their entire life savings Some profited off the misery

o Farmers who had food to sello Large industrialists who dealt abroad and were paid in

foreign currency were able to buy smaller bankrupt businesses and came to dominate the economy

o Hitler’s Personal Backgroundo Much can be found on any website, therefore I am filling in the gapso It is thought that the years Hitler lived in Vienna from 1908 to 1914, his ideas may

have been formed, those of racism, authoritarianism and nationalism, and he tried to portray life as those who were fit to survive and those who were not.

At this time, showed traits that would later come out through his domination, hating the bourgeois world and non-German people, and loathing the Jews in particular

o Moved to Munich in 1913 but was called back to Austria in 1914 for military service and was rejected as unfit. He enlisted in the German army and was taken. He was a corporal throughout, and served with distinction while being a courier (average life was about 6 weeks for this position). He was wounded in 1916 and gassed in 1918, and received the Iron Cross Second Class for bravery

o The Munich Nazi Partyo After the war, Hitler became a spy for the army and was sent to Munich to watch a

group called the German Workers Party Quit the army and joined the party and devoted his life to building up the

party, with the name changing in 1920 to Nation Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazi party

At this time, Germany was in a terrible condition People resented the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles Disorder, and attempted coups Economic dislocation affected mostly the middle classes with

unemployment, lack of economic growth due to failure to pay reparations

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o Bavaria became a hot-spot for discontented ex-soldierso Hitler discovered he could speak in a powerful manner and would build membership

through beer halls By 1920 the group acquired a newspaper and 1921 Hitler took over

presidency of the partyo Nazism

o The philosophy was expounded in Mein Kampf Volkisch nationalism was an extreme form of nationalism that justified an

extreme form of racism which exhibited the features of almost universal racist beliefs

In Germany racism had assumed a quasi-scientific status even before the 1st world war, with the white race being superior to all others. Since people intermarried, it has been diluted, and the purist form was blonde haired, blue eyed Aryan who inhabited the forests of Germany during the Dark Ages and formed a master race destined to rule the world. (Ironically, no leading Nazi was both blonde haired and blue-eyed)

Jews were an able people who were morally inferior, which only the Aryan race could resist

o All the above racism was justified by Social Darwinism State was thought to be all important, a familiar theme in German

philosophy National unity must be maintained, particularly the class struggle Strong government is necessary for this, including the “leader

principal” Democracy must be rejected as degenerate

Strength of the state was based upon the character of the race, therefore the health of the race must be protected

Eugenics – only the healthy must beget children Elimination of the physically deformed, mentally ill and morally

corrupt Existing elites were degenerate and a revolution was necessary to replace

them all with the biological elite. The degenerate must be swept by the genuine talent, who would rise to the top by the process of natural selection

State must aim at economic self-sufficiency These central ideas were spread by a well-organized propaganda

department, headed by Josef Gobbles, but Hitler was the ultimate propagandist

Hitler avoided producing detailed policy proposals, he did not like to be pinned down as a conventional politician so as to

Personally remain above the conflict Avoid rifts in the party Avoid alienating potential supporters

o The Years of Peaceo When Hitler emerged from prison it seemed that his chance had passed, Germany

had passed into a period of comparative peace and prosperity

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Monetary crisis had passed because Stretsemann had closed banks for a week and issued a new currency which had value based on land. This was possible by a loan from Britain, France and USA, and the new currency stabilized

Dawes Plan allowed the rescheduling of reparations and the French withdrew from the Ruhr

The economy picked up, there was a boom in coal, iron, steel, electrical goods and the chemical industry

o However Unemployment remained relatively high Textile industry was in difficulties Small farmers were in difficulties Prosperity depended on short-term loans from the USA

o Even though there were signs of peace, this did not mean that the Germans accepted their defeat and consequence

Leaders were on record for saying there was a need for the revision of the treaty of Versailles and preparing for a war with France

Terms of the treaty were sometimes evaded Abolished general staff continued in being Military research was conducted by private industry Military factories were being secretly in the USSR “police” units carried out basic training Nearly ½ the soldiers were NCOs were in preparation of a much

larger army Hitler decided that after failing to come to power in Munich, he needed to

come to power legally, knowing the army would not let him take power by force; therefore he would have to build a mass party that would bring him to power through elections. He refounded his party in 1925 but controversy within the party continued

Leaders in the north disagreed with being a constitutional party A more socialist party was wanted to compete with the left for the

support of the workers, some even favoring an alliance with the USSR against the “Jewish capitalist west”

Party was organized on a regional basis, Germany being divided into districts where propaganda was organized locally.

The party acted as a welfare society that gave food and money to those in need during hard times

By 1928, Hitler aligned his party with the National Party, giving Hitler the resources of Hugenberg’s chain of newspapers and big business contacts

o Despite the propaganda, in 1928, the Nazis received only 2.6% of the total vote, but the party was ready for when a crisis would create a new interest in the party

o The 2nd Crisis of the Republico 1928 – agricultural crisis developedo 1929 – reparations were reduced to 200 million marks and they would end in 1986,

too late to help though

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o Wall Street Crash of 1929 would cause the US to stop loan payments and call in loans already made

Undermined currency causing a run of the banks, making many collapseo Unemployment rose to 6 million in 1932, polarizing the voters and causing them to

go to the parties on the extremeso By 1930, the National Socialist Deputies had 18.3% of the voteso Chancellor Bruning took emergency powers and ruled by decree

Reduced social services, unemployment benefits and the salaries and pensions of government workers

High tariffs to protect German farmers Bought shares in the factory hit by the slump Stopped making reparation payments

o 1st election of 1932, the Nazis had 37.4% of the vote, though Hitler lost against Hindenburg in the presidential elections, there was a clear alternative for a leader

o By 1932, November, the Nazi vote fell by 2 million votes, perhaps because there was an improvement in the economy

o The Nazis come to powero The drop in Nazi power made people believe that Hitler could be controlled and

Hindenburg still would not appoint Hitler Chancellor. Instead Schleicher was appointed but he could not get the support he needed, and there was a conspiracy to get Hitler into government that included Von Papen and Von Schleicher

Believed they could control Hitler better inside the govt. rather then out Felt the Nazi votes would give them a majority to replace the Weimar

Republic with a monarchy. At 1st it was tried to persuade Hitler to enter govt. as Hindenburg’s

Vice Chancellor but he would not agree, then Hindenburg’s son, Oscar persuaded his father to form a government with two other Nazis, and he agreed

January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor with only 3 Nazis in the cabinet

o Hitler as Chancelloro Once in power, Hitler began taking steps necessary to establish absolute

dictatorship, and announced Parliamentary elections for 5 March 1933o Hitler’s confidants were placed in charge of Prussia and as Minister of the Interior so

as to secure a high vote for the Nazis. Senior police officers were replaced by Nazis as well as auxiliary, who would attack rival party meetings. Police took action against their opponents and the media was used for Nazi propaganda

o 27 February the Reichstag building was burned down by a Dutch Communist, Hitler claimed it was part of a planned Communist uprising, using the incident to

Create a climate of fear to persuade people to accept the removal of their civil rights

Frighten voters to support a self-styled ‘strong leader’ Justify outlawing the communist party

o The Nazi party still only received 44% of the votes despite their propaganda and terror, therefore Hitler declared the Communist’s seats null and void

o The Reichstag met in 1933 and the members were intimidated by the SA and SS, and Communists that had not already been arrested were not allowed to enter

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He made a deal with the Catholic Center Party that gave him the 2/3 majority that was needed to pass the Enabling Act, giving Hitler the power to govern by decree for 4 years without reference to the Constitution and only the Social Democrats voted against it.

o Establishment of the 3rd Reicho There were still forces that could limit Hitler’s doctoral powers

President Hindenburg was widely respected and no one could dismiss him The SA was expecting some kind of social revolution and expected rewards

to their service to Nazism The army was contemptuous of Hitler and resentful of the SA appraising

Hitlero Hitler initiated the policy of (forcible coordination) and took steps that allowed him

to eliminate or control all areas of German life All political parties except Nazis were banned Separate parliaments lost their powers to Nazi officials, for the first time

Germany was no longer a federal state The SA and SS took over town halls, police station and newspaper offices Civil services were purged of enemies of the Nazis, especially Jews Trade unions were abolished and replaced by German worker’s Front, which

all workers had to belong. Union leaders were arrested and strikes were forbidden

Schools and colleges were forced to indoctrinate Nazi ideas, with teachers being closely watched for disloyalty to the regime. The Hitler Youth and League of German Maidens supplemented regular education

Media was supervised and dominated by Gobbles’ propaganda Economy was placed under some control

o Industries were told what to produceo Food prices and rents were controlledo Public works schemes were introducedo Barter was sometimes substituted for money trade

All opposition was crushed by the Gestapo who routinely used torture. Concentration camps were set up for political prisoners. They did not actively spy on ordinary citizens, citizens spied on each other and reported to the Gestapo

Nazi organizations were created to oversee existing organizations, often with conflicting policies, with Hitler as the referee; this principle was the policy of “divide and rule,” a measure that was popular with many Germans

Promised action and seemed to make good on these promises Purges of Jews and other opponents created jobs for Germans Wealthy Germans felt safer from the threat of Communism

Many of Hitler’s followers were not satisfied and the SA became a problem to Hitler once he was in power

Leader of the SA, Rohm, wanted to merge with the Reichsswehr (German Army) and wanted to be made general. The army would not agree and Hitler had to choose between them

Hitler was afraid of Rohm’s ambitions

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The SA represented the more socialist wing of the Nazi Party, people wanted a social revolution and Hitler wanted to forget about this, concentrating more on nationalistic Party dogma

Storm troopers were expecting reward for their service to Nazism SA had reputation for being thugs and were an embarrassment to

the government for they took out of power anyone who was seen as a threat

President Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934 and Hitler immediately combined the office of president and chancellor. The German army then swore allegiance the Fuhrer.

September 1934, Hitler claimed the German form of life settled for the next 1K years, and officers in the army took oath to Hitler personally. That same year, Hitler held a plebiscite where 90% of the people agreed with his policies and actions, allowing Hitler to turn his attention to foreign policy

o Why was Hitler able to gain power?o Weimar Republic began with disadvantages that it could never entirely shake off

People associated it with defeat and humiliation of the Versailles Treaty Was supposed to be temporary to placate the allies until the monarchy

could be restored safely There was no tradition of democracy in Germany, leading to

Lack of respect for democratic governments Inexperience of governing among the leadership of the political

parties No tradition of civilian leadership in Germany, the Kaiser’s government had

been packed with army officers, who were prestigious in the eyes of the public. The civilian leadership was mostly middle class with Jews, therefore had little respect, Germany respected uniforms

Parliamentary system of voting led to minority governments and coalition governments which were unable to carry out their programs, the average life of a government being 8 months

Leaders of political parties had little experience of government prior to 1919o Weimar Republic appeared weak

Began a series of risings that were quelled with only difficulty, in being put down the leaders allied themselves with established centers of authority and against the revolution, alienating much of its support

Left-wingers were dealt with harshly and right-wingers were generally treated leniently

Several political assassinations Disorder died down from 1924-1929 and re-emerged during early 1930s as

unemployment grew. Private armies expanded and street fighting was rife, political parties were regularly broken up by rival groups, police seeming powerless to prevent disorder

o The Republic was plagued by economic problems 1919 the govt. was close to bankruptcy because of war Hyperinflation, and middleclass had lost their savings Textile and small farms were hurt most by reparations

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Recovery was based on loans of the USA and with the crash of 1929 the US called in their short term loans, causing a run on German banks, foreign trade disappearing, economic depression, and unemployment

Measures taken by Chancellor Bruning improved nothing and were unpopular

People sought drastic solutions and their votes polarized to political extremes. The connection between the failure of the economy and the rise of the Nazis can be seen in the following:

March 1924 – 32 seats – economy still unstable b/c hyperinflation Dec 1924 – 14 seats – economy recovering after Dawes Plan 1930 – 107 seats – unemployment rising July 1932 – 230 seats – massive unemployment November 1932 – 198 – some improvement in the economy March 1933 – 288 seats – use of media, police, SA and SS

o Nazis began to appeal to people at this time because Traditional politicians were failing and Nazis promised strong, competent

govt., with full employment and stable economy Promised to rid Germany of Communists, Jews and Freemasons, (all which

were seen as the problems of government) Would overthrow the hated Treaty of Versailles and restore German to

honor and power Fear of Communist revolution made people trust Hitler to prevent this Lower middle class feared loss of status

o Though firm convictions on many aspects, reformulated party policy to appeal to new segments of the population

o Built a nation-wide organization during the years of 1925-1929 to allow them to take advantage of the crisis at the end of the 1920s and discontented Germans went to the Nazi party

o Propaganda machine led by Joseph Gobbleso Hitler was a skillful politician and demagogue, articulating the resentment and

prejudices of his audienceso Provisions of Weimar constitution allowed the president to govern by decree,

therefore causing the idea that strong government was achieved by suspending normal constitutional government, therefore giving Hitler the machinery needed to become a dictator

o Conservatives disliked the intellectual and artistic freedom of the Weimar Republico Opposition failed to unite against Hitler, thinking he would not be able to govern for

longo The Third Reich

o Policy of Gliechschaltung, or forced coordination, was immediately implemented by the Nazi government and was intended to constitute a revolution, changing the character of the German state

o All political parties were outlawedo State parliaments were deprived of their powers and most functions taken over by

Special Commissioners, making Germany a unitary stateo Civil service purged of Nazi opponents

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o Trade unions were abolished, funds confiscated and leaders arrested, replaced by German Labor Front, mandatory membership of all workers

o Educational system was co-opted as propaganda of the party, teachers usually being of the conservative party who readily conformed to Nazism

Schools/universities – agencies of propaganda Teachers closely supervised, membership to Nazi Teachers

Association was compulsory, with a teachers job to propagandize rather than educate

Curriculum adjusted, textbooks rewritten, with biology incorporated Nazi racial theories

Religious education was phased out Nazis were anti-intellectual, therefore

Educational standards plummeted Research suffered, “Jewish Physics” of Albert Einstein were banned Compulsory youth organization

o Indoctrinate Party ideologyo Prepare young people for later roles as soldiers and

mothers Mass media controlled by Ministry of Propaganda

Books, newspapers, films were censored Writers, artists and scholars were attacked for failing to express

opinions in conformity of Nazi teachings Culture was to be employed and an instrument of ideology

Works by Jews were destroyed by ritual book burnings “Aryan art” was encouraged

Churches “tamed” 1933 Hitler concluded a Concordat with Pope Pius XI which

compromised the Roman Catholic Church by affording recognition of his regime, with Hitler promising that the church would not be interfered with. Hitler then dissolved the Catholic Youth League which was in competition with the Hitler Youth.

Reich church was established and organized for all Protestants Populism maintained with symbols that stressed classless “folk community”

Hitler would speak to workers emphasizing his humble working background

A million Germans gained advancement through appointment to the Party administration

Justice system was incorporated into totalitarian state Judiciary autonomy was abolished Judges could be retired if they did not adhere to the interests of the

National Socialists Draconian punishments became the norm Courts bypassed

o People not found guilty would be rearrested on releaseo Undesirables were rounded up and interned without any

trialso Prisoners would not be released upon sentence completion

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3rd Reich became increasingly chaotic Hitler followed “divide and rule” policy

o Created 2 position with overlapping dutieso Blurring likes of command

Worked on relations of personal loyalty rather than bureaucratic hierarchy

Hitler’s personal style of rule was undisciplinedo Lazyo Rarely bothered to put orders in writing, many in form of

casual remarkso Inclined to brush matters aside that were considered trivial

Hitler was distrustful of traditional centers of power and influence, such as cabinet ministers, civil servants and judges. Traditional government was compromised

Charismatic leader careful of public image, afraid that loss of popularity would lead to domestic crisis, therefore did not make decisions until he knew what would be the most popular outcome

Would let supporters of rival positions fight it out, then side with the winner, and would tolerate fighting of subordinates, feeling fighting was healthy

o The Racist Stateo 1939 Hitler secretly authorized the killing of congenitally ill and insane throughout

Germany to free resources for the war effort. Most were denied medication or killed over a period of months, deaths being recorded as ‘natural’

o 1941 – Count Galen, Bishop of Munster, publicly denounced the euthanasia program and it was halted

o The Origins of Anti-Semitismo Has a long history in Europe, dating from the Roman Empire, with no constant

reason Medieval – religious b/c it was felt rejection of Christ caused his crucifixion,

therefore murdered God. This declined with the coming of the Age of Reason

Age of Reason – since they were against any religion b/c it took a universal truth from one book, they detested Christianity, an offshoot of Judaism

IN 1920s and 1930s, religious anti-Semitism survived, and the Germans found the Jews to be inferior, customary to Christian religious preaching

Urban people engaged in trade in Western Europe and North America and the Jews took advantage of the capitalist opportunity, therefore became very wealthy. Already being associated with money lending, they were now seen as having $ be supreme

Austria and Germany incorporated it into their general theories even though Jews were culturally productive

Hitler was not satisfied with religious Anti-Semitism; therefore he had to portray them as racially inferior who must be “eradicated.”

1917 – many Bolsheviks of the revolution were Jews and when Germany faced collapse in 1918, revolts broke out across the country, many leaders being Jews, therefore were portrayed as “World Jewish conspiracy

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Hitler personally saw them as “Robber Nomads” who were corrupting other people while seeking world domination

1922 – declared that if he gained power, “the annihilation of the Jews will be my first and foremost task”

o Anti-Semitism in the Third Reicho When he became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 the Anti-Semitic nature of the

Nazis became the basis of government policy, systematically discriminating against them

o Began in the Career Civil Service Act which excluded anyone who had a Jewish grandparent. Similar acts followed in hospitals, universities, officers from the armed forces, arts, media, and sports, all being popular since it removed competition

o Nuremburg Laws 1935 did not allow Jews Reich citizenship, Blood Protection Act prevented marriage and sexual relations between Germans and Jews

Discrimination was temporarily lifted when the 1936 Olympics were held in Berlin

o 1938 – a 17 yr old Jew assassinated an embassy secretary in Paris and Gobbles launched a pogrom known as Kristallnacht with spontaneous attacks being launched by the party, more than 30K Jews imprisoned and hundreds killed, every synagogue burned

o More laws followed Surrender all gold and silver in their possession Students excluded from universities Lost property rights and were put into community houses and could not be

out after 8pm winter, 9 pm summer Radios confiscated Encouraged to emigrate but could not take wealth with them

o 1940 Jews were to wear the yellow star and mass deportations began, many seized for slave labor

Consideration was given to move all Jews to Madagascaro 1941 – groups of SS men were to begin removing Jews from all occupied territories

and 1942, the Wannsee Conference the “Final Solution” was discussed and planned Rations for Jews were decreased and they were denied public transport The first gassings began where vehicle exhausts were specially fitted to

closed vans Later gas chambers and ovens were built at extermination camps for

systematic extermination When the camps were threatened in 1944 with the advance of the Red

Army into Poland, Death Marches led by the SS drove the surviving inmates ahead of the liberators, most perished

o Conditions which made the Holocaust Possibleo Background of religious anti-Semitism

Gave Hitler’s racial anti-Semitism fervor Gave conceptual framework for the demonization of the Jews Hitler did not persecute single-handedly, also with Germans and other

Eastern European countrieso Anti-Communism helped, seeing as many Communist leaders had been Jews

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o Anti-Capitalism with the Jews being scapegoats for the German leaders of big-business

o Hitler introduced persecution gradually and unobtrusively Awarded state pensions to those who dismissed Jewish Civil Servants Suspended actions during the Olympics Aware of the public disquiet after Krishtallnacht, proceeded slowly Final Solution was carried out in semi-secrecy, Hitler never signed paper

making him solely/fully responsibleo Non-Jewish Victims of Genocide

o ½ million Catholics, Polish intelligentsia, Communists, homosexualso Non-Aryans Europeans were treated by the Nazis the way Europeans had

traditionally treated non-Europeans outside Europeo Economic Policies

o Initial aims were Secure the support of the population Revive industrial and military power of Germany Prepare for war by

Achieving economic self-sufficiency Rearmament

Hitler was uninterested in economic details but appointed men who were able to control the economy

Party program included radical measures Communalization of department stores Land reform Abolition of interest on mortgages Cessation of payment on foreign debts

To stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment Taxes were reduced Farmers guaranteed prices for their produce Grants made to industry to install new machinery Public works enterprises were initiated

o Autobahns were builto Slums were cleared

Women were encouraged to give up their jobs and become housewives or domestic servants to free space for men, soon there was a limit placed on the number of places of higher education for women

1934, the economy began preparing for total war Manipulated the currency markets to Germany’s advantage Negotiated barter deals with other countries

Hitler was displeased with the progress and came up with a Four Year Plan to make the economy self-sufficient

Imports reduced to a minimum and factories began making synthetic replacement products inside Germany

Controls placed on wages, prices and dividends Economic crisis created a shortage of labor that had to be solved in either

Giving up on rearmament

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Fighting short wars of conquest that would allow Germany to obtain resources

From 1942 Hitler was forced into a war of attrition Changing of jobs was discouraged Male workers were retained for armaments industry Attempts were made by the Gestapo to enforce military discipline in

the workplace Economic considerations were always subject to ideology

The anti-Jewish boycott was criticized by Economics Minister Schacht and was ignored

1st Polish Jews gassed were trained metal workers from armament factories, at a time when Germany desperately needed these workers

o Assessment of Hitler’s Domestic Policy (1933-1941)o Two opposing views

Hitler’s domestic policy was successful, had he avoided war, he would have brought order to Germany, it was the war that undermined this

1939 – full employment restored Wages rose 50% between 1933 and 1937 – with the fixed rents and

decline in cost of living, standard of living rose for most Germans Support of workers purchased with

o Holiday with payo Rent controlo Strength through Joy which allowed for leisure time and

reduced tickets to theater etc Farmers benefited with fixed produce prices and land could no

longer be seized through debt Businessmen felt safe from Communist revolution, were not

troubled by strikes Hitler’s successes were superficial and doomed to failure

Full employment was only achieved througho Rearmamento Creation of party bureaucracyo Purges of sections of the populationo Removal of women in the workforce

Autarchy was not possibly without military expansiono Hitler as a War Leader – Initially he was successful

o Blitzkrieg method proved successful initiallyo The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact had effectively modified the Schlieffen Plan to achieve

the defeat of Franceo Dominated the continent more than any other historical figure

Treaty of Versailles overthrown France defeated Pre-1918 boundaries exceeded All ethnic German areas included within the Reich Germany dominated Europe from Scandinavia and the Balkans

o After 1941 his leadership was full of errors

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Perhaps never took war against Britain seriously, preparing to make a deal and did not commit the army to invade Britain

Blitzkrieg invasion of Russia was his chief mistake because he pursued a war on 2 fronts. He was assured of victory that he did not prepare for winter coming; therefore he had to fight a war of attrition. He underestimated the power of the Slavs, believing in the master of the Aryan race

After Stalingrad went on the defensive Hitler Did not allow a retreat and lost forces Placed hope in the dissolution of the Grand Alliance

Declared war on the USA after Japan ensuring defeat in the war of attrition Thought a racially mixed state was a degenerate power “permanently on the brink of revolution” Thought US would be preoccupied with the Pacific, which the

Japanese would wino Hitler was unprepared for the war of attrition he waged

Faced 2 of the greatest industrial powers in history, where the German economy could not out produce the USA and USSR

Nazis refused to allow women in industry, preferring slave labor Depended on the plunder of newly acquired territory

Failed to co-opt people who he conquered to his advantage Kept changing his mind when invading the USSR In the end, he lost touch with reality, ordering the movement of armies that

no longer existedo The Reich popularity and opposition

o The popularity for the Third Reich Promise of a strong government made the Nazis well received and their

policies popular Hitler provided spectacles for the people; military parades, torchlight

processions, firework displays Eliminated unemployment, by 1939, ceased to exist because of

Public works Party bureaucracy which provided many jobs Purges of Jews, Communists and Socialists created jobs Rearmament Conscription was reintroduced in 1935 Women were returned to the kitchen

Kept loyalty of the workers Wealthy industries were pleased Farmers were pleased Army was pleased Popularity of Anti-Semitism Early foreign policy promised the removal of humiliation of Versailles

o Opposition to the Reicho Initial Opposition

Hitler relied on several organizations to impose control while the SS and Gestapo were setting up

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Any group who was thought to oppose would be subjected to ruthless oppression

Leaders were arrested Extra-legal action was often taken against “trouble-makers” Concentration camps were open to hold/intimidate opposition Churches were brought under state control

Pope compromised the church when signed a concordat with Hitlero Opposition during the war

o Hitler cultivated the support of the population, never asking them to undergo the hardships of Britain

o Resistance working under the Abwehr gave the allies important information about Hitler’s war plans gave people warning of the Gestapo seeking them covered resistance actions helped Jews escape Germany

o several attempts were made to kill Hitlero after the Abwher were discovers helping 15 Jews escape into Switzerland, they were

dissolved and taken over by the SSo During 1942-1943, the incident of the White Rose (look this up) made people aware

of what was happening, as a result they were repressed and handed a death sentence

o Reasons for the Weakness of the opposition to Hitler and the Naziso Once Hitler took the reins of power, there was no legitimate authority which could

dismiss and replace himo Hitler was popular because of the deals he was willing to strike, therefore people

were willing to spy on each othero Hitler’s speed against the opposition was ruthlesso Britain refused to act on information and warnings about Hitler, therefore allowing

another World Waro Because of the policy of unconditional surrender, the opposition made it difficult to

recruit followers and supporto The last years of the war and the advancement of the Red Army paralyzed Germans

with fear because Belief in racial superiority Felt guilt because of excess of German soldiers in the east

o Uniqueness of Hitler movement and the Nazi Movemento Nazis imposed their will on the Germans as foreign conquerorso Another Alan Bullok says Hitler’s ideas were all take from German tradition

Nationalism Racism Social Darwinism Glorification of war Expansion and wish to dominate Europe Admiration of the leader Anti-Semitism

o Hitler and Nazism could be regarded as Logical development of earlier German racist nationalism

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Reaction to instability and chaos at the time and the need for order and national unity

Creation of a bourgeoisie as a defense to Bolshevism A result of the stresses of the move from a pre-capitalist to a capitalist form

of society

o Hitler worship was promoted, total veneration of total Nazis ideology.

o Themes of militarism, hatred of Jewso Reich Party Congress, 1934o WW1 After the German suffering, start of

Germany’s rebirth. Things in Germany have been cloudy.

o Hitler flew to Nuremburg to have a military display.o German propaganda, everything is done with

meaning. o When you act, Germany acts.o No one will live in Germany, without working for

our country. o Rise of Fascism and Nazism o German reparationso Redrawn national borderso Exploitation of fearso Use of terror and intimidationo Promotion of extreme nationalismo In Germany, disapproval of government by both

liberals and conservativeso Weak governmentso Rising taxes in Italyo Decline of tradeo Worldwide depressiono Unemploymento Inflation o Powerless League of Nationso Many small political parties and factions

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o WW1o Weimar Republic- this was the general term used

to describe the government of Germany from 1919 to 1933. Weinmar so called because the aseembly that adopted its constitution, met at Weinmar from Feb. 6 to Aug. 11, 1919.

o Anschlyuss: This is the term describing he annexation of Austria by Germany.

o Maginot and Siegfried Lines: Between the world wars another type of permanment fortification was built in Europe. A modern version of the extended wall, it consisted of as eries of self contained forts. The best known of these was the French Maginot Line that stretched frommSwtizerland in the Belgian border. Facing it, in Germany, was a series of fortified pillboxes called the Siegfield Line. When WW2 came….none of these lines was fully effective in stopping an attack. Later in the war the Germans built a series of strong defenses to fend off the Allied attack across the English Channel. They too, were overcome in the D-Day landing.

o The Phony War- Great Britain and France declared war on Germany on Sept. 3 1929.two days after the invasion of plan. But the two countries stood by while Poland collapsed. France moved troops to the Maginot Line, a belt of steel and concrete fortresses it had built after WW1 along its border with Germany, Briutain sent a small force into northern france. Germany stationed torpps on the Siegreid Line, a strip of denfeses Hitler built in the 1930;s opposite the Maginot line. The two sides avoided fighting in later 1939 and early 1940. Journalists called the period the Phony War.

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o Nazi Party- In the autumn of 1919, Hitler began to attend meetings of a small nationalist group called the German Workers’ Party. He joined the party and changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

o Allies totaled 50 nations.o Fuhrer- means Leadero Hitler’s extreme racism gave rise to a cruel system

of Anti-Semitism. o The Nuremberg Laws of September 1935, which

deprived Jews of most civil rights, were supplemented by other measures designed to rid Germany of Jews.

o These measures were to culminate in a policy of deliverate extermination during World War II, taking the lives of approximately 6 million European Jews.

o More iommediately however, a concerted state rograms of ending unemployment with public works prohects and a restoration of business confidence produced remarkable economic recovery in Germany.

o Joseph Goebbels’ efficient propaganda ministry controlled the media to assure that Hitler would be viewed as a genius and Nazi Germany as the best of all possible worlds. Given this combination of coercion, achievement, and thought control, it is perhaps not surprising that there was little resistance, aside from limited opposition from some elements in the church and the army.

o Munich Beer Hall Putsch o The unsuccessful coup, or putsch launched by

Adolf Hitler in a Munich beer hall on the night of November 8, 1923, was designed to bring the

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Bavarian government and ultimately, the national government of Germany under the control of the National Socialist Nazi Party.

o Munich, the capital of Bavaria was the cradle of the Nazi movement, but was also betset by other right-wing elements that challenged Hitler for leadership.

o The Munich Putsch was thus aimed at consolidating Hitler’s own political position as well as overthrowing the alleged government of Jews and Marxists in Berlin that he viewed as destroying Germany.

o On Febraury 27, 1933 soon after Adolf Hitler became chancellor the Reichstag building in Berlin was destroyed by fire.

o Alleging that the fire was part of a Communist plot, the government immediately suspended civil rights and suppressed the opposition.

o In the elections of March 5, 1933, Hitler’s National Socialists fell short of the absolute majority they sought.

o Nevertheless, on March 23, 1933, the new Reichstag by more than the requisite two thirds majority.

o Munich Conference (1938) o The Munich Conference (1938) was attended by

Neville Chamberlain, Douard Daladier, France, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini.

o Britain and France acceded to Hitler’s demand for immediate German occupation of the predominantly German speaking Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia.

o The conference created an international commission to draw boundaries and to provide for

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plebiscites in some parts of the Sudetenland to give residents a choice of Czech or German nationality.

o The plebiscites were never held, however.o Chamberlain stated that the agreement had

secured, “peace for our time, or Peace with honor” but Winston Churchill insisted that the surrender to the Nazi government was a “total and unmitigated defeat.” The Munich Conference became the primary symbol of the West’s

o Hitlero Tojo o Mussolinio In 1940, Japan signed the tripartite pact with Italy

and Germany.o After Pearl Harbor, Germany Italy and Japan form

the Axis Powers. Britain, the US, and later Russia formed the ‘big three Allies.”

o Unlike some dictatorships, Hitler desired mass participation. The Nuremburg rallies may refer to any of the massive Nazi Party rallies held in 1923, 1927, and 1929, and annaually from 1933 through 1938 in Nuremburg in Bavaria. The rallies were primarily propgaganda events, carefully staffed to reinforce Partyy enthusiasm.

o Neinrich Himmler- 1900 to 19455- was one of the most powerful leaders of Nazis Germany. As head of the German police, including the Gestapo, Himmler ordered the deaths of millions of people.

o Joseph Goebbels: was the official propagandist of Nazi Germany. As minister of popular enlightenment and propaganda, he tried to persuade both the German and the

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outside world to believe what the Nazis wanted them to believe.

o Poland Collapsed And Was Dismembered o October 1939o In May 1939, German foreign minister, Joachim von

Ribbentrip, Soviet leader Josef Stalin, and Soviet foreign minister Molotov celebrate the signing of the German Soviet non aggression pact.

o During the 1930’s and 1940’s the government of the Soviet Union sent millions of men and women to forced labor camps and prisons in Siberia.

o Poor working conditions and the region’s extreme climate made life harsh for those exiled.

o France collaborated with the Germans, and Hitler used to execute British soldiers.

o NAZI SOVIET PACT- Stalin and Hitler, Communism and fascism

o Hitler’s plan was to destroy France and Great Britain

o Soviet forces 480,000.o Finnish resistance was AMAZING. Soviet Army

struggled, Stalin humiliated because he purged all his generals.

o Finland did fall.o The Phony War because nothing really happenedo France had fortified the Maginot Line. Belgium and

Holland.o Germany wouldn’t be able to invade France.o Soviets are on the side of Hitler.o 6 months nothing really happened. o March 1940, Hitler was fuming. Hitler decided to

attack Denmark and Norway.o Neville Chamberlain’s downfall.

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o French troops gather at the entrance to the Maginot Line Fortress during a quiet period in the early 1940. From Sept. 1 1939 until May 10th 1940 there was no major action along the Western Front.

o The Low Countries- Luxemburg, Holland, Belgiumo Low Countries – great deal of damns and dykeso No way Hitler’s going through there.o Blitzkreigo Bomb the enemies, tanks, Ardnes Forrest is where

Hitler went through.o 1940 took 6 weeks for the whole of o Dunkerque is a French seaport and industrial

center and the site of a dramatic Allied evacuation during World War II.

o Dunkerque lies in northern France, where the English Channel meets the North Sea.

o In late May of 1940, Germany won control of Belgium from the Allies.

o On May 26, thousands of British and French troops, and some Belgian troops began retreating from Belgium to Dunkerque.

o Germany attacked the city and it was badly damaged.

o But from May until June 4, more than 800 vessels evacuated about 338,000 Allied troops from Dunkerque to England.

o The vessels included cruisers, destroyers, gunboats, minesweepers fishing boats motor boats and yachts

o The evacuation ranks as one of the best-planned military movements in history. It has been called the Miracle of Dunkerque.

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o In the south, a pro-German government was established at Vichy.

o French unconditionally surrendered to Hitler, on condition that France would not be split amongst the powers.

o Deep seeded hatred for Germany.o Shame on the French people!o Ashamed of what happened.o Collaborated with the Germans.o Denmark, Norway, Holland royalty to ENGLAND.o Stalin annexed the Baltic states and Moldavia into

the USSR.o June 1940 Italy declared war on the Allies and

invaded France.o June 1940 in the south a pro-German government

was established at Vichy.o Winston Churchill pledged that Britain would “…if

necessary alone.”o Britain’s RAF won the air battle, and the invasion

was postponed.o First battle fought in the airo Dunkirk was evacuated, the governments of

Poland, Norway, Denmark, France, Holland, Belgium relocated to London.

o Churchill refused to surrender, France had fallen and unconditionally surrendered.

o Great Britain still fighting.o Scotland and England prepared for a German

invasion.o Dig ditches, arm themselves with whatever they

could, farmers armed themselves with pitckforks, forming the “Home Guard” or the “Dad’s Army.”

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o Life a living hell for Germans, refused to help them. Steal let down bike tires, stealing weapons, organizing resistance, throwing paint at them.

o “V” for Victory sign.o Channel Islands, islands off the coast of France.o Hitler for two weeks, Operation Sea Lion, Britain

was utterly defenseless.o Hitler didn’t invade England. Britain’s navy, unsure

how to do it, cliffs and beaches, rocky on the coast of London. Where do you land? Where do you go?

o Plans were hindered by what to do. Hitler thought that Britain would surrender.

o Churchill said we will never surrender.o Operation Sea Lion was low on Hitler’s priority list,

he figured that before he needed to invade, you need manpower and weapons.

o Vast amount of troops on this side.o Hitler wanted the Soviet Union.o Luftwaffe was the German fighters, was to destroy

GB’s air force so that they will surrender. o Hitler decided to bomb all of the airfields in

England.o Destroy the RAF, 900 planes, we have other 2,000

planes, unopposed.o The French and Dutch and Belgians when the

aircrafts were on the ground, line up. o Used tarping camouflage to make Hitler not

destroy.o 99 RAF planes, and the Germans had numerical

superiority. o In trying to invent a death ray, radar was invented.o Germany knew of radar but didn’t use it.

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o England, the RAF used radar, knew when they were coming and how many there were.

o Maneuverable, carry a lot of fuel, fast, small fighter planes.

o Hitler decided to break the morale of the British people, by bombing the most famous cities, including that of London.

o Industrial cities were taken to the grounds. o Killing innocent civilians. o People hid in the subway, air raid sirens, sleeping

on the tracks.o People hid in cellars.o The Queen and her sister joined the Auxiliary


January 25, 2012o Italy in June 1940o Spread the war to the Balkans Mediterranean and

Africao Italy decided it would join in the Big Dance, the War.

1940 it sent war to Balkans to invade Greece.o Sent forces to Greece from Libya to Egypto Italian army was not incompetent, the Italian army

was not as organized a fighting force, such as that of the German army.

o When Italy attacked Greece and Libya, Great Britain has colonies in Africa, and sent soldiers to Greece, and held back Italian army.

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o Hitler was not able to conquer Russia because Italy was struggling in Africa to defeat. Mussolini assumed Greeks would crumble.

o Italy struggled to defeat Allies, and Hitler was aggravated because he had to bail out Italy. Hitler sent troops to help him out.

o Delayed for 6 weeks the invasion of Russia. o Hitler didn’t think Britain would go to war, and that

they would surrender quickly. Miscalculated.o Huge mistake to leave Britain by itself. o Churchill, Roosevelt had warned Stalin that Hitler

was going to invade. Stalin refused to acknowledge the war. Mass gathering of troops at your border. “Proved disastrous” Operation Barbarossa was a surprise to no one but Stalin.

o Cut main Russian towns off from the port on the Black Sea.

o “Russian winter”o The Siege of Leningrad by German forces during

World War II lasted from September 1941 to January 1944

o Stalin had purged his army and ignored all signs and warning that Hitler was going to invade. Hitler was delayed 6 weeks because of Italy’s actions ending troops to bail them out.

o Three pronged attack, control Leningrad, and Moscow, the Ukraine.

o The Russian troops were in a disarray and Germany made hug advantages.

o Got to Leningrad, 80 kilometers, got within 100 miles of Moscow. Moved very quickly, then in October, heavy rains.

o Key Dates:

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o The Soviets were not prepared at all.o A new German offensive was launched to capture the

oil-rich Caucasus region. o Germans were stuck, stopped, and freezing. The

Russians had managed to get themselves organized again.

o Stalin gave control of the army back to military leaders. Plan strategy.

o Stalin ordered everything to go towards the war effort. The Russian industry made only tanks, airplanes, weapons.

o Because of the German cruelty, the Slavs were a sub standard person.

o Mother Russia fight against the hated Germans, Hitler’s tactic of killing everyone regardless. Created a sense of patriotism.

o Reinstituted the Russian Orthodox Church to give people spiritual hope, people take comfort in prayer.

o Caucasus is very rich in sources. Hitler had taken control of the armed forces.

o Russians launched a counter-offensive to take over the south first.

o The war’s largest tank engagement occurred at the battle of Kursk.

o The Germans surrendered at Stalingrad in February 1943.

o Hitler’s big attack to take over failed. February 1943 Germans surrendered due to lack of supplies.

o 1943 the Russians beat back the Germans.o This was the first time that Blitzkrieg had worked. o Sweden claimed neutrality, yet they really supported

the Nazis, allowing them use of iron ore and railroads.

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o The success Hitler had and the unorganized communist regime, how were the Soviets able to defeat the Germans?

The Germans and their failures- August 1944 had taken Poland and Romania, gotten to Berlin in 1945. Race to see who could reach Berlin first.

Taking control of the army, and didn’t listen to his generals.

The Germans overstretched themselves, got carried away with success, couldn’t carry over their tanks.

Technological advances installed radios in their tanks and aircrafts helping them to communicate. Russia’s radio resources helped in the Battle of Britain.

Stalin withdrew from being in charge of the military, allowing military commanders to conduct the war and he didn’t interfere.

Stalin didn’t promote his friends. Patriotism. Great Britain did not surrender. Because of Hitler’s atrocities, that united

Russia, with the great purges were huge. Whole country united against evil German empire.

Stalin urged them to attack. Launch a massive land attack in Europe wasn’t possible.

Attempt to control North Africa. The Suez Canal The Allies decided to concentrate on North

Africa. If you control the Mediterranean, you trade.

o Tuesday 31st January - Day 1Here are two final exam Paper 3 topics to plan an essay for. I strongly recommend that

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you split the work up and share information.1) Why did the United States go to war with Spain in 1898?

The United States’ interest in the Caribbean area, Cuba in particular,

the growing “jingoism” of the times, the influence of Cuban nationalists in

the U.S., the impact of the yellow press, the De Lome’s Letter, the

sinking of the U.S.S. battleship, the Maine, and President McKinley’s

war message and the Teller Amendment all contributed to the causation

of the Spanish American War.

In the year 1898, the United States of America had entered into a war

with Spain. The Spanish American War has been referred to as “the

splendid little war,” by Secretary of State John Hay, as it only lasted four

months. Although only 460 Americans were killed in battle or died of

wounds, thousands of American soldiers had died due to disease.

The war with Spain transformed America’s relationship with the rest

of the world and left the proud nation with a far-flung overseas empire.

There were many factors which contributed to the causation of this war.

The main factor that had caused the United States to go to war with

Spain was due to the concern of the U.S. for the welfare and

independence of the Cubans, largely influenced by American citizen’

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outrage towards Spaniards, coupled with the embellishment of the

media to push President McKinley to declare war. As Cuban rebels

attempted to weaken the Spanish resistance, American intervention

seemed inevitable. In a desperate attempt to obtain American

intervention, Cubans destroyed their sugar mills.

Since 1868, Cuban independence was unobtainable without the

assistance of the Americans, due to the fact that Cuba was controlled by

the sovereignty of Spain. Spanish misrule soon led the Cuban

nationalists to rebellions and destruction of the sugar plantation

economy. These influential Cuban nationalists were a strong causation

to the war. A Spanish commander, General Valeriano Weyler, confined

the Cuban civilians to concentration camps. As victims died by the

thousands, including American citizens, Americans were astonished and

outraged by the Cuban and Spanish atrocities, as well as Spain’s

savage methods. Although Americans sympathized with the Cubans

during their ten year struggle, the United States, however, at this time,

did not intervene.

Due to the significant impact of the media coverage, the public

opinion of Americans citizens was shock, causing President McKinley to

become further pressured to declare war. The American public

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supported the war, as the media helped to incite these inflamed reasons

for their support.

Another reason for the increase for the support of the war included

the number of Cuban emigrants that came to America in areas such as

Florida, New York, Philadelphia, and Trenton, New Jersey. These areas

heavily increased the support of the Cuban Revolutionary Party, helping

to publicize the Cuban leader, Jose Marti, who was killed, allowing for

the support of Cuba Libre. How did the Cuban cause get support?

Some other underlying causes of this conflict included, imperialism,

Social Darwinism, and the idealism of obtaining world power and

acquiring territories. An underlying cause in the causation of the war

included Social Darwinism, a theory that had budded from expansion,

stating that it was the responsibility and duty of America to “elevate

uncivilized people.” Many Americans argued that the nations of the

world were in a struggle for survival, as well as economic interests.

Thus, civilized, powerful nations were asked to provide resources for the

weak, spreading Christianity to the so called less developed races.

The criticism of President McKinley found in the published de Lome

letter, the accusations surrounding the sinking of the Maine, and the

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significant impact of the yellow press, as well as the growing feelings of

jingoism or patriotism against the Spanish were all crucial causes to the

outbreak of the Spanish American War. In 1898, outrage swept the

nation, as a Spanish diplomat’s letter, the de Lome letter, was leaked to

the pres, published, and printed by Hearst. WHO IS HEARST? This

Spanish minister, Dupuy de Lome, had intended for this letter to be a

private conversation him and that of a friend. In this letter, there

contained a highly critical view of President McKinley, causing a

sensational feeling of insult towards U.S. national honor. Shortly after

the de Lone letter had been publicized, on February 15, 1898, the U.S.

battleship, the Maine, exploded while in Havana Harbor, killing 260

American sailors aboard. The swarm of the yellow press not had its

opportunity to truly, “furnish the war.” Slogans such as “Remember the

Maine! To hell with Spain!” were used and heard quite frequently by

many Americans. The inflated headlines accused Spain of deliberately

attacking the ship. This had led many historians, such as INSERT

NAMES HERE, that perhaps, a motive to enter the war was indeed self-

interest, rather than altruism, that revenge on the alleged attackers,

Spain was soon produced. Through the overwhelming power of the

sensational yellow press, war fever in the United States was heavily felt.

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This type of writing, “yellow journalism,” was asserted by two editors,

Joseph Pulitzer of New York’s World, and William Randolph Hearst’s

Journal. As these newspapers were distributed in mass circulation to the

American people, embellished stories were printed, creating false

accounts of the atrocities occurring in Spain as way hysteria swept the

nation. As the shameless reports formed elaborate stories of Spain,

anger and moral outrage was soon created, allowing American to push

for intervention and assist the Cubans in their suffering.

Many historians, including James A. Fields, Jr., Walter LaFeber,

Charles and Mary Beard, have disagreed as to whether or not the

intentions for American influence into this war were altruistic, or

aggressive, pertaining to only self-interest. Some historians have

claimed that the United States had engaged in war to protect their

business interests, such as their commerce and trade within the foreign

market. Others suggested that the war causation was due to American

influence of expansion and domination, yet others, believed it to be

domestic, political, and social reasons.

It is a truthful statement that the United States was willing to help

Cuba gain their independence from Spain. However, the question still

remains, that a cause of this conflict was greatly influenced by the

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intention of gaining control and possession of Cuba for the financial

benefit of the United States. This is evident from the Teller Amendment,

as the U.S. gained independence for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the



Finally, in March 1898, President McKinley, desperately hoping

to avoid war, asked Spain to negotiate and agree to an armistice.

Spain agreed to put an end to the concentration camps, as well as

the fighting, however, they refused to agree with the rebels and put a

peaceful end to the hostilities in Cuba. As a result, on April 25,

President McKinley was not capable of rejecting the views of the

gung ho, “jingoes,” as he had asked Congress to declare war on

Spain, later to approve $50 million to prepare the U.S. army for such

a war.

McKinley’s war message, as well as the Teller Amendment,

asked for the engagement of war. As stated in President McKinley’s

war message, an end to the “barbarities, bloodshed, starvation, and

terrible miseries” was desperately called for. On behalf of the Cuban

rebels, McKinley stated that the lives of United States citizens needed

to be protected in Cuba and that “constant peace” could not be

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obtained if the disorders in Cuba did not cease to exist. As those,

such as Theodore Roosevelt, clamored for war, as with that of the

public opinion, Congress and McKinley saw no other option, than to



As the Spanish American War ended with the signing of the

Treeaty of Paris, we, as historians, can only wonder what events in

history woulf have occurred if the widespread American outrage, as

well as the propaganda of the newspapers had not pushed for the

Spanish American War. As stated in the book, The War Lovers,

“Americans remembered 1898 as something done for Cubans;

Cubans remembered 1898 as something done for them.”

The Spanish American War served to put the U.S. on the map

as an imperial power. Yellow Journalism during this time created

competition and sensational feelings, generating from the public

opinion during an unstable time in the nation. Yellow journalism often

did not include evidence of factual information, but rather it supported

the idea of mass production and the need to fulfill the writing

demands of the substantially increasing newspaper market. This

sensational technique of writing and reporting changed American

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newspapers forever and took scandalous reports to new levels. The

newspaper of Joseph Pulitzer contained a front page exaggeration of

the American battleship Maine explosion, as it covered The World,

and as a result, took the nation by storm.

As the civil war in Cuba progressed, Cuba, a Spanish colony,

demanded their independence against Spain, rebelling against the

Spanish empire. This created optimal opportunities for both

publishers, Pulitzer, and William Randolph Hearst. As a result of

twisting and warping the details of the tragic devastation of the Maine,

feelings of outrage and disgust toward Spain began to build and


Frictions between Cuban rebels and the Spanish rulers of Cuba

during the late 19th century were caused by Cuba wanting its

independence from Spain. Cubans had been resisting Spanish rule

since 1868 and were unsuccessful. Within the published de Lome

letter, President McKinley had been called, “a bidder for the

admiration of the crowd.” Spain felt that the U.S. was a country being

run by a man who was weak and easily swayed and manipulated.

The impact of this fired up an otherwise idle President McKinley and

helped stir public emotion in favor of the Cuban rebels and against

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the Spanish, as it seen as one of the principal triggers of the war. The

insults blown to McKinley from that of a foreigner created intense

popular anger. De Lome promptly resigned. From a societal

perspective, sensationalist reporting

2) Assess the impact of the Monroe Doctrine on the United States' involvement in Latin America between 1890-1914.

o "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

o Later, the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would exercise "international police power" to get Latin American nations to honor their financial commitments. 

o Americans began to be concerned when British, German, and Italian gunboats blockaded Venezuela’s ports in 1902 because the Venezuelan government defaulted on its debts to foreign bondholders. European intervention in Latin America would undermine America's dominance in the region.

o As part of his annual address to Congress in 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt stated that in keeping with the Monroe Doctrine the United States was justified in exercising "international police power" to put an end to chronic unrest or wrongdoing in the Western Hemisphere. This came to be called the Roosevelt Corollary. Ironically, the Monroe Doctrine's purpose had been to prevent intervention in the internal affairs of Latin American countries. The Roosevelt Corollary sought to justify such intervention whenever the American government thought it was necessary.

o It wasn't long before the corollary was put into action. The Dominican Republic could not pay its debts and to protect American interests the United States took over the customs houses and established a customs receivership.

o The Monroe Doctrine, put forth in 1823 by President James Monroe, called for an end to European intervention in the American continents (both north and south). This applied only to independent governments in the Americas however, not to areas that were colonies at that time.

o  o In what came to be known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe

Doctrine, Roosevelt asserted that European nations should not intervene in

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countries to the south of the US, however under certain conditions, United States intervention might be justified.

o A developing crisis in the Dominican Republic, where the government stopped payments on its debts of more than $32 million to various nations, caused President Theodore Roosevelt to reformulate the Monroe Doctrine. First advanced in May 1904 and later expanded in his annual message to Congress in December, Roosevelt stated what would become known as his corollary (logical extension of) the Monroe Doctrine.

o This change in policy was deemed necessary because of a desire to avoid having European powers come to the Western Hemisphere for the purpose of collecting debts. It was feared that those nations might come as earnest creditors, but remain as occupying powers. This prospect was especially unwelcome at this time when the United States was pushing full steam ahead with the construction of the canal in Panama. Defensive interests demanded that the Caribbean be kept as an “American lake.”

o Roosevelt felt that the United States had a “moral mandate” to enforce proper behavior among the nations of Latin America, stating:


o Public response in the United States was generally favorable, reflecting widely held support for imperialistic attitudes and actions. Some opposition, however, was voiced by Congressional Democrats who were motivated by both principle and politics. Most European responses were quietly supportive, especially from creditor interests who were pleased to have help in collecting their debts, but the British were unrestrained in applauding Roosevelt. Nonetheless, many Europeans harbored feelings that the Americans were becoming increasingly presumptuous and should be watched carefully.

o There was little immediate reaction to the revised doctrine in Latin America. As the years passed and the U.S. routinely intervened in the Caribbean and Central America, attitudes changed sharply and the giant of the north was viewed with increased distrust — and outright hatred in many instances.

o Roosevelt’s successors actually enforced the corollary with greater frequency than its author. Even Woodrow Wilson, a Democratic and arch critic of Republican foreign policy, first resorted to armed intervention in tumultuous Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 1915 and 1916. In later years, Wilson and other administrations took strong-armed action in Cuba, Nicaragua and Mexico as well as making return visits to Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

o Official unease was evident in some government circles by the late 1920s when the Clark Memorandum was drafted, calling in effect for a repudiation of the corollary. U.S. relations with Latin American improved during the Hoover administration, but it was left to Franklin Roosevelt, the cousin of the corollary’s instigator, to implement a “Good Neighbor Policy" with the Latin nations in the 1930s.

o President Theodore Roosevelt's assertive approach to Latin America and the Caribbean has often been characterized as the "Big Stick," and his policy came to be known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

3) Discuss whether or not the United States foreign policy from 1890-1914 was principally guided by economic motives.

1. Establish foreign colonies overseas under Imperialism2. Open China for trade

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3. Stay out of Europe's affairs4. Establish good relations with Latin America in order to build the Panama Canal

The Boxer Rebellion, the Spanish/American war, and the Philippine excursion to rid this country of Muslim fanatics, all took place in this time frame. Economically, these countries were affected by war,

United States foreign policy from 1890-1914 was principally guided by economic motives. This is seen in such actions as the annexation of Hawaii, freeing Cuba from Spanish rule, and the Open Door Policy in China. These three actions, while coming across as military or religious, all began from economic aim. The Hawaiian Islands caught the interest of the United States in the late 1800’s. There was a high demand for Hawaiian sugar. American missionaries that had flocked to the islands in the early 1800’s became sugar planters and politicians. Chinese and Japanese workers labored on the numerous sugar plantations that had sprouted on the islands. High tariffs proved hard on sugar plantation owners

America looked beyond its borders for new markets because after the closing of the frontier, a fear of possible resource depletion swept through the nation. America's desire to colonize foreign nations was driven by economic intentions especially in Hawaii and Samoa, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.The United States' involvement in trade with China

American trade with Asia flourished causing missionaries to travel through Hawaii and William Hooper of Boston to establish sugar plantations there, with many Asian immigrants working them. Americans' presences in Hawaii halved the Hawaiian population through disease and destroyed their religion and culture. In 1898, a disputed annexation of Hawaii was confirmed to restore a dwindling situate in the sugar trade.


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ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo French North Africa controlled by the Vichy

government. Allied with the Germans. Libya belonged to Italy.

o Rommel was the ‘Desert Fox’ advance was checked at the decisive battle.

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o El Alamein was a decisive World War II battle in Egypt between the British Eighth Army (200,000 men) under Gen. Bernard Montgomery and about 96,000 German and Italian troops led by General Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox, from Oct. 23 to Nov. 4, 1942. Rommel’s advance had been halted at El Alamein 112 km west of Alexandria Egypt. On Oct. 23, 1942 after a devastating artillery barrage the British manged to break through the Italian held center. Romel was forced to retreat to Tunisia with a loss of 30,000 Axis prisoners. El Alamein was a turning point in the war. It saved the Suez Canal for the Allies and facilitated their landings in North Africa.

o Churchill felt vital to secure north Africa for allies to control shipping lanes.

o Mount their own offensive. Operation Torch occupy. o All Allied force pulled off a surprise invasion of

Morocco and Algeria. Allied commanders launched an offensive from Egypt, but Eisenhower, General Patent said to launch an attack.

o If things didn’t go well, fight on the side of the British. Troops were stationed in England.

o The French surrendered.o French Vichy forces signed an armistice in North

Africa.o When Hitler invaded France initially, the French

commanders destroyed ships. Vichy France signed an armistice.

o By June 1943 the Allied troops invaded Sicily. Stooped Egypt in the Suez Canal from going to Hitler. It gave the US a navy and soldiers, good practice in a large scale sea borne offensive.

o The next Ally target was Italy.

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o The United States was keen to attack France first, ignore Italy. Attack southern France and launch an attack from Great Britian.

o Churchill wanted to attack Italy.o General Patton commanded the U.S. forces that

captured Messina.o The mafia helped the Allies. o March to Italy and destroy Stalin.o Sicily fell within 6 weeks.o When Sicily fell, the Allies attacked the mainland, it

spelt the end of Italy. o The opposition went to the king, Marshal Badoglio,

we have been dragged into this war unwillingly. The police arrested Mussolini.

o Italian partisans were fighting and killed Mussolini and his mistress.

o Americans sustained savage losses on the Italian mainland, notably at Anzio.

o Italians were secretly negotiating an armistice with the Allies.

o General Patton commanded the US forces that captured Messina.

o 1944 Americans sustained savage losses on the Italian mainland, notably at Anzio.

o Fighting was like WW1, trench warfare, stale mate in italy. The terrain in Italy is mountainy and hilly, ltos of villages.

o The goal was to liberate Rome.o Eisenhowever felt that to boost morale if the major

city of the Axis Powers fell. o Italy changed sides. o Anzio is a seaside resort about 30 miles south of

Rome. In World War II, American and British troops

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seriously damaged most of the old town when they landed at Anzio beach on january 22, 1944, as part of their successful effort to break through to Rome.

o Destroyed the Benedict monastry. o 1944 the Allies breached the Gustav Line. The

Germans held the Gustav Line. o US forces liberated Rome. o General Eisenhower commanded “Operation

Overlord.”o Invasion of Italy, fascism ended. Germany stood

alone in terms of the war in Europe. Germany fought on its own.

o Fighting in Italy kept troops away from the Russian front, made massive inroads moving towards Germany. Russians could advance.

o Northern Italy wasn’t liberated until April 1945 which was later on.

o The Normandy Invasion- biggest kept secret of the war. D-Day June 6, 1944.

o Fed incorrect information to the Germans. o Attack the beaches of Normandy. o Hitler thought the invasion was there at the Straits of

Dover. o Channel of Normandy. o Would make sense for the Allies to attack the port of

Calais. o Omaha Beach o The Allied invasion of France’s Normandy region

during WWII began on June 6, 1944 (D-Day)o The operation, which landed about 1 million troops

by July 1, was under the supreme command of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Germans unaware of the exact invasion point, had 50 infantry and 10 panzer

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tank divisions dispersed in France and the Low Countries under the command of Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt.

o For the two months preceding D-Day, British based aircraft had systematically bombed rail lines, bridges, and airfields on French soil. Throughout the preceding night paratroops were dropped inland to disrupt enemy communications. Naval guns pounded shore installations, and in the early daylight at low tide about 5,000 Allied ships

o February 7, 2012o Why did Germany lose WW2?o What were Germany’s weaknesses/ failures?o D Day attacked, just a matter of time before

Germany crumpled.o Not fighting a war on two fronts.o Nazi Soviet Path- moving into Germany, no intentions

for Stalin.o By September the Soviets were knocking on the

door. France essentially was liberated by the end of 1934. The last victory that Germany had was the battle of the Bugle. It was Hitler’s last throw of the dice. Hitler believed he was going to lose.

o Germany had pockets of success the Sieyfriend Line and the Ardennes Forrest by Belgium.

o The Battle of the Bulge- or the Battle of the Ardennes, fought from December 16, 1944 to January 1945, was Germany’s last major attempt to turn back the Allied invasion of Europe in WWII. German forces under generals Gerd von Rundstedt and Hasso von Manteuffel drove a wedge the Bulge into Allied lines through the Ardennes on the Franco Belgian frontier. They were halted chiefly by the US 1st and 3rd armies, the latter under General George

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Patton, and forced to retreat. Snowstorms contributed to the heavy casualties on both sides.

o Germany collapsed under the pressure of a two front war.

o Hitler committed suicide in Berlin.o The Cold War- Soviet Union Communist country and

allied with democracy.o Alliance didn’t work well, but they did destroy

fascism and Hitler.o Nearing the end, what to do with Germany and

captured land? Russians got far into Germany. Who will control Berlin?

o General Alfred Jodl of Germany signs unconditional surrender at Reims, in France on May 7th, 1945.

o Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allies at Reims.

o New countries were made including West and East Germany until the fall of the Berlin Wall.

o Hitler made some fatal decisions. o Hitler’s decision to invade Soviet Union. Set up a war

on two fronts that he wanted to avoid. o WWII was a fatal mistake. Hitler made the mistake to

invade Great Britain. Great Britain enabled the war going in the Atlantic, in Africa. Set up the launch pad for the Western offensive.

o Declaring war on the USA. o Hitler declaring war on the US was unnecessary on

December 11, 1941. o Underestimating the role of the US. o Japan declared war on the Great Britain. o Hitler did not have the same unity with his allies. One

did not make the decision without the other one.

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o Bail him out. Mussolini cost Hitler Russia to help him out in Greece.

o The Axis Powers were not unified, but the Allies were. o Eisenhower wanted to attack southern France, yet

the Allies came to a consensus. o Hitler’s personal insistence on running the war

himself.o Fatal mistakes attacking the Soviet Union. Hitler

would not listen to his generals, insisted that the attack would come at Calais.

o Serious miscalculation concentrating on rockets. V1 and V2. Weapon of revenge.

o Vergeltungswaffen weapons of revenge o Attacking London known as the 2nd Blitz. Only killed

approximately 1,500 people. Balistic mistile. Shoot them and detect them.

o Really should have been building your blitz.o Secret weapon that would win the war. o Radar did make a difference in the war. Win the

Battle of Britain, stopped Hitler from invading Britain. Fatal mistake that changed the war.

o Race to build atomic bombso Ineffective war machine o Japan and Germany did not effectively utilize civilians

and they allowed no interference from civilians.o Axis Powers o ALLIED STRENGTHS o Herohito, WWII. Japan was totally military.

Organization was a strength of the Allies. Able to utilize.

o USSR wartime economy and US wartime economy. o Effectively turned their economies into effective

fighting force.

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o Improving quality and quantity of military technology and power.

o Ensuring proper military back up services.o Excellent strategic decisions-concentrate and

attacking Germany. Strategic bombing. o Allies will to win. o FDR’s Good Neighbor Policyo Latin America and Western Hemisphere o Improving relations with Latin American countries. o Undoing the Dollar Diplomacy policies of Roosevelt

and Taft. o February 13, 2012o Foreign Policy Tensionso American Foreign Policy 1920-1940 o Right after the First World War o Interventionism -> Disarmamento Collective securityo “Wilsonianism”o Business interests o Isolationism o Nativists o Anti-War movemento American Isolationismo Isolationists like Senator Lodge, refused to allow the

US to sign the Versailles Treaty,=.o Security treaty with France also rejected by the

Senate.o July 1921 -> Congress passed a resolution declaring

WWI officially over.o Washington Disarmament Conference o (1921-1922)

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o Long standing Anglo-Japanese alliance (1902) obligated Britain to aid Japan in the event of a Japanese war with the United States.

o Goals -> naval disarmament and the political situation in the Far East.

o Five Power Treaty (1922)o A battleship ratio was achieved through this ratio:o 5 US, 5 Britain, 3 Japan, 1.67 France, 1.67 Italyo Japan got a guarantee that the US and Britain would

stop fortifying their Far East territories (including the Philippines).

o Loophole-> no restrictions on small warships.o European Debts to the USo Only country to keep repaying their debts Finlando Hyper Inflation in Germany: (1923)o Dawes Plan (1924)o The international financial system under the Dawes

Plan and Young Plan 1924-30o $2.6 Billion in War Debt Paymentso Young Plan (1930)o For three generations, you’ll have to slave away!o $26,350,000,000 to be paid over a period of 58.5

years.o By 1931, Hoover declared a debt moratorium.o Hoover said you don’t have to pay, not only applied

to Germany but to all the countries in Europe.o Locarno Pact (1925)o Guaranteed the common boundaries of Belgium,

France, and Germany as specified in the Treaty of Versailles of 1919.

o Germany signed treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia, agreeing to change the eastern borders of Germany by arbitration only.

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o Clark Memorandum (1928)o Clark pledged that the US would not intervene in

Latin American affairs in order to protect US property rights.

o This was a complete rebuke of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

o Keep countries from interfering in Latin America.o Monroe Doctrine goes back to the 1820’s.o Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)o 15 nations dedicated to outlawing aggression and

war as tools of foreign policy. o 62 nations signed outside the League of Nations. o Anti war pact no conditions, no enforcement.o Problems -> no means of actual enforcement and

gave Americans a false sense of security. o Japanese Attack Manchuria (1931) o League of Nations condemned the action.o Japan leaves the League.o Hoover wanted no part in an American military action

in the Far East.o Open Door policy, China was split into spheres of

influence. Not set in stone. Generally agreed the spheres of influence between the US, Germany, GB, Japan.

o The spheres of influence trade with others without high tariffs.

o Hoover is very isolationist. o Hoover had massive problems. o Hoover-Stimson Doctrine (1932)o US would not recognize any territorial acquisitions

that were achieved by force.o Japan was infuriated because the US had conquered

new territories a few decades earlier.

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o Japan bombed Shanghai in 1932 -> massive casualties.

o League of Nations condemned it. o US response. Stimson Doctrine was stronger than the

League’s response, the US did not recognize Manchuria. Achieved by force, does not recognize these territorial acquisitions.

o No means to enforce it. Refuse to recognize it. o Created further friction between Japan and the

United States.o Japan bombed Shanghai. o FDR’s Good Neighbor Policyo Important to have all nations in the Western

Hemisphere united in the lieu of foreign aggressions. o Hoover pursued friendly relations with the countries

in Latin America. He ended the conventions as policies of Taft and Wilson. Pulled troops out of Nicaragua in 1933. Negotiated treaty with Haiti.

o FDR the good neighbor respects himself and the rights of others.

o Policy of non-intervention and co-operation.o Sole focus is to have the economy of the United

States recover. Worst financial crisis.o Let’s be on good terms Latin American neighbors for

the sake of trade! Respects himself and the rights of others.

o Good Neighbor Policy- Cubao Purpose of Good Enighbor was to undo the

intervention policies.o Two Pan American conferences, first one was in

Monte Video in Uruguay in 1933. Wilson agreed to take part and the purpose was cooperation amongst all the countries in the Western Hemisphere.

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o At the two conferences both economically and militarily. FDR promised the countries in Latin America and South America would not intervene militarily. Undo the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

o Argentina 1936 FDR said any disputes will be submitted for arbitration.

o Come to some peaceful solution. o Pan-American Conference o Argentina- 1936o FDR Attended submit disputes to arbitration. o Any and all disputes would be submited to

arbitration. o Someone mutual decide on some kind of solutiono Twofold purpose of these conference: FDR figured

that in order to stimulate the economy, back on track.

o Economic cooperation. o Rise of fascism, rise of Hitler and Mussolin, FDR was

afraid to not cooperate with Latin America for fear these countries would be attacked, security of the United States.

o Cuba- Guantanamo Bayo Platt Amendment- Cuba could not make any foreign

policy decisiono FDR undid thiso FDR kept the military baseo Mexico- Cardenas took over US airfields interventiono American could not afford trips here, intervention.o FDR sort this outo FDR advocated the dispute be settled by

negotiations. Talk it out! No fighting.o Jump across to Europe

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o FDR Recognizes the Soviet Union (late 1933)o FDR felt that recognizing Moscow might bolster the

US against Japan.o Maybe trade with the USSR would help the US

economy during the Depression.o Economic Diplomacyo Helping U.S. economy was the Chief Motivation for

foreign policies during FDR’s time.o London Economic Conference- set up by the League

of Nations and FDR supported it but when proposals were made to stabilize currencies, FDR withdrew support.

o When he figured it would negatively effect the US currency, he withdrew support.

o 1933 recognized the Soviet Union as a legit government, which had not yet happened before with the Republican presidents.

o FDR Recognizes the Soviet Union (late 1933)o FDR felt that recognizing Moscow might bolster the

US against Japan.o The Economy was FDR primary focus.o Maybe trade with the USSR would help the US

economy during the Depression. Problems in the Far East with Japan.

o Nye Committee Hearings (1934-1936)o The Nye Committee I investigated the charge that

WW1 was needless and the US entered so munitions owners could make big profits “merchants of death.”

o During the 1930’s, it was widely recognized that fighting in the war was pointless.

o Revisionist theories the war was pointless. The US should not have gotten involved at all. Wilson did not do enough.

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o Wilson let US citizens die to bring in war for profit.o People thought he was controlled by bankers to

make big profits.o The Committee did charge that bankers wanted war

to protect their loans & arms manufacturers to make money.

o Claimed that Wilson had provoked Germany by sailing in to warring nations’ waters. Essentially trading with Great Britain.

o The result of this was that several neutrality acts were passed. Resulted in Congress passing several Neutrality Acts. 1936, FDR did an “I Hate War” speech, that stated that the US will keep out of wars.

o The 1930’s sentiment was to not get involved in war. o US isolationisto Ludlow Amendment (1938)o A proposed amendment to the Constitution that

called for a national referendum on any declaration of war by Congress.

o Introduced several times by Congressman Ludlow. o Never actually passed.o Neutrality Acts: 1935, 1936, 1937o When the President proclaimed the existence of a

foreign war, certain restrictions would automatically go into effect:

o Prohibited sales of arms to belligerent nations.o Prohibited loans and credits to belligerent nations.o Forbade American to travel on vessels of nations at

war [in contrast to WWI].o Non-military goods must be purchased on a “cash

and carry” basis -> pay when goods are picked up.o Banned involvement in the Spanish Civil War. o This limited the options of the President in a Crisis.

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o America in the 1930’s declined to build up its forces! o FDR reluctantly signed these. In Europe, rise of

fascism, Japanese invasion of China.o 1936- loans and credito 1937- travel vessels at war and to ban any

involvement in the Spanish Civil War.o FDR “cash and carry” store- wholesale.o Cash and carry- Great Britain controls the sea, still

most powerful navy, if the US stopped the selling of arms, it could only help Britain, NOT GERMANY.

o FDR recognized the threat of Hitler. It was essentially a help Britain cause.

o Cash and carry was allegedly neutral but it truly favored Britain.

o US neutralityo Panay Incident (1937) o December 12, 1937o Japan bombed USS Panay gunboat and three

Standard Oil tankers on the Yangtze River.o The river was an international waterway. o Japan was testing US resolve.o Japan apologized, paid US on indemnity, and

promised no further attacks.o Most Americans were satisfied with the apology.o Results -> Japanese interpreted US tone as a liscence

for further aggression against US interest.o CHINESE CIVIL WARo Gorilla tactics essays

Be sure to read the handout and as you do consider the following essay questions:

Why did the CCP win the Chinese Civil War? How significant was the role of foreign intervention in the Chinese Civil War? To what extent was the communist victory in China due to the use of guerrilla warfare? In what ways was the Chinese Civil War a revolutionary war?

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Mao and Guerrilla TacticsRead through **this text**, in which Mao Zedong explains his theories on military strategy.In Chapter 2, he lists 18 points of strategy. Taking the title of each point, and using a grid similar to the one below, explain how each of his points contrasts with conventional war-fighting.

Mao’s strategy Conventional strategy

US involvement in the Chinese Civil WarPlease **read this text**, in which Mao Zedong explains his perspective on the US relationship with China. As a research activity, find out about the historical events mentioned in this relationship. List each important event under one of the categories, ‘Friendship’ or ‘Aggression’ (which we see in Mao’s essay). On balance, is Mao’s perspective on China’s history fair, or is it a simple act of propaganda?You can use the a table similar to the one above with the headings 'Friendship' or 'Aggression'. Note that on some occasions the same event might belong in both columns. In those cases, add notes to explain the difference.

o A powder kego Chairman Mao’s musingso Chairman Mao had a really good plan.o China -> communismo Panay Incident (1937) o Japan and China Southeast Asiao The Greater East Asia co-prosperity sphereo Japan invadedo Set up control of all trade. FDR proposed that

democracies act together to ‘quarantine’ o The aggressior public opinion was totally against this.o Isolationist China 1937- Full scale war between Japan

and China.o Philippines- cost US moneyo Tydings- McDuffie Act -1934o Gradual removal of troops- independence by 1946o 1939 Neutrality Act o In response to Germany’s invasion of Poland.

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o FDR persuades Congress in special session to allow the US to aid European democracies in a limited way

The US could sell weapons to the European democracies on a “cash-and-carry” basis. The British Navy still controls the seas. If the US, decided to end, it could sell weapons. GB controls the Atlantic Crossings, US will only do business with GB.

European democracy means sell weapons to GB. Benefit economically. Technically ‘neutral’

FDR was authorized to proclaim danger zones which US ships and citizens could not enter.

o Results of the 1939 Neutrality Act:o Aggressors could not send ships to buy US minitions. o The US economy improved as European demands for

war goods helped bring the country out of the 1937- 38 recession.

o America becomes the “Arsenal of Democracy.”o Couldn’t directly support the Allies, ways to get

around it without out right declaring war on Hitler.o Selective Service Act- 1940 21 and 35 years old had

to register for military service. o Prepare troops for military service if US is attacked.

Not to get involved in war.o Isolationsits completely argued this Selective Service

Act, shifted towards supporting interventionism.o Destroyers for bases- without declaring war on

Germany.o Cleverly arranged a trade, give you older warships,

and what you can do for us, build British Islands in the Carribean, trade.

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o Isolationists are appeased its not building destroyers, its sending old destroyers to GB.

o Election of 1940 o FDR was the first to serve three terms. Harry Truman

took his place.o 3rd term.o Fireside chats over the radio.o Wendell Willke attack, breaking tradition set by

George Washington, agreed with FDR being prepared for war and helping GB.

o Roosevelt did win by a smaller margain than he did in 1936, but the two major factors of him winning:

By 1940, the economy was strongly recovering because of the cash and carry and the War. The economy was making a strong recovery.

Voters figured FDR was a seasoned politician, at the event of the outbreak of war, than someone relatively new to politics.

o Japan was in charge of the Far East, Hitler in Europe, three power struggle.

o FDR didn’t have a choice.o Arsenal of Democracyo “We must be the great arsenal of democracy.” o Hitler built the first ballistic missile, to fire at a

specific target. o Einstein was responsible for the atomic bomb.o America was the arsenal, and will supply weapons to

the Allies. Germany’s conquest of Europe was a direct threat of security.

o The survival of GB was essential to security. Im gonna supply Britain with weapons!

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o Four Freedomso “America First” Committeeo Slogan was to avoid war at all costs.o Their most famous member was Charles Lindbergh.o First to fly non-stop across the Atlantic. Famous

aviator, pilot. o “Lend-Lease” Act (1941)o Great Britain $31 billiono Soviet Union $11 billion o France $3 billiono China $1.5 billiono Other European $500 milliono South America $400 million o The Amount totaled: $48, 601,365,000o Lending GB money to purchase arms. Defending the

Four basic Freedoms. When FDR proposed this lend lease, it was like lending a neighbor a garden hose to put out the fire.

o Isolationists vigorously campaigned against this.o Blatantly helped Britain, shoot on site.o “Arsenal of Democracy”o 1960 fireside chat- “We Must Be The Arsenal Of

Democracy”o Four Freedom Speech- o “Lend Lease” replaced ‘cash and carry’o ‘Atlantic Charter’ –US actively aiding U.S.o FDR foresaw that the US would enter into the war-a

arranged for a secret meeting with Churchillo A.C. Churchill and FDR agreed on peace terms after

the war- free trade, self-determination for all peopleo No territorial expansiono Shoot on sight- July 1941 further support for Great


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o FDR expanded support for GB and advocated shoot on sight policy, in which the United States could protect its ships from submarine attacks

o The US no official declaration of war, German submarine attacked US ship

o Naval war- against Germanyo Only a matter of time before the United States gets

involved. Disputes with Japan.o In 1940 Japan allied itself with the Axis Powers,

Germany and Italy.o The US responded by stopping the export of steel

and iron to Japano Japan claimed it was an unfriendly acto Japan invades China Axis o US response to thato When Japan invaded Indochina US stopped all

exports including oilo The US stopped oil. The US was the primary source of

all oil that Japan used.o FDR stopped oil. Need oil to fuel navy and air force.o Japan’s reaction was to invade the Dutch East Indieso US still committed to the Open Door Policyo US insisted pull out your troops in Chinao Chinese ambassador needs oil! Negotiate with US

agreemento All attempts of negotiation broke down, General

TOJO, US soldiers called Japanese soldiers. o Pearl Harbor –December 7, 1941 o 7:55 a.m.o Pearl Harbor Anchorageo The Japanese Ambassador o War’s Impact on Societyo Treatment of Minorities:

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o African-Americanso Womeno Japanese Americans o Minoritieso Executive Orders: 9066o 20,000 American born Japanese fought for the U.S.

during WWIIo Unconstitutional o Second generation- 8th Amendment cruel and

unusual punishmento TOK- Class I.D. o Password: bluedevilso EE- put finished essays up ASAPo December 1937, capitol Japanese soldiers butchered

raped and tortured 300,000 civilianso Raped estimated 20,00 to 80,000 womeno Rape of Nankingo Thousands of slaughtered bodies, dogs gnawing at

flesho Japanese officer brought his sword on the neck of a

young boy- take head home souveniro Japanese soldiers were committing violence- not

isolated instance- throughout Nanking- massacred people and held killing contests to desensitize soldiers

o Beheadings on posts so people would understand what would happen if they resisted Japan

o In 1937, the Japanese provoked war with China, called the Marco Polo Bridge Incidence

o Escalated to a full scale war, invaded Shang Hio War would take place for only three months, matter

of months to conquer Chinese

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o Japanese would make an example of the city, frustrated

o Animosity- Sino Japanese War and numerous attempts by Japanese carve up China-spheres of influence.

o Homefront in the U.S. o Industrial Production o US government organized special wartime agencies

to mobilize agencies to mobilize economic and military resources.

o War Production Board (WPB) manage war industries.o Office of War Mobilization (OWM) set production

priorities and controlled raw materials.o Social impact of the war- the government decided to

organize- warcraft, aircraft, raw materials, arm, feed, and cloth the sailors.

o Cost- plus systemo The Depression was over- US business booming!o War-related industrial output in 1944 was twice that

of all the Axis Powers combined.o Allied powers mobilize their economies more

efficiently than Germany, Hitler’s absolute refusal to not listen to close circle of Nazi leaders

o The cost of production plus a small percentage o Far exceeded any profito Wages, Prices, and Rationingo Office of Price Administration (OPA)o Regulated every aspect of civilian lifeo Frozen prices, wages and rents and rationing- meat,

sugar, gasoline, and auto tireso Great good to defeat the evil Hitlero Unions

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o Unions and large corporation agreed to strikes during the war

o Meant corporation could treat the workers in any way that they wanted to

o Workers became unhappy with wage freezerso Corporations made large profits.o Strikes o John L. Lewis called a strike of the coal unionso Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act of 1943.o Allowed the government to take over war-related

businesses when threatened by a strike. o 1944 Roosevelt used this law to operate the nation’s

railroads.o Financing the War o Government paid for the war two ways:o Increasing the income tax and selling war bonds.o Most Americans were required to pay income tax for

the first time. o 1944 tax was withheld form paychecks for the first

time. o The shortage of consumer goods made it easier for

Americans to save.o The War’s Impact of Society o African Americans- units did fight, a huge migration

to cities in the North and the West. People left the South for jobs. Whether soldiers, or civilians, AA’s faced segregation and discrimination. Race riots in NY, Detroit. NAACP increased, fighting for your country, but not the same civil rights as everyone else. Civil rights encouraged AA’s “V for Victory” equality at home. Defeat fascism at home.

o C O R E- Congress of Racial Equality- militant African American organization.

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o Smith v. Allwright- 1944. Unconstitutional to deny membership in political parties to African Americans.

o Mexican Americans worked in defense industries, California specially, 300,000 Mexican Americans fought in the war. 1942 to enter the US in the harvest season without immigration.

o Mexican Americans o Most worked in defense industries. o Over 300,000 served in the military.o A 1942 agreement allowed farmworkers known as

braceros to enter the US without going through immigratiob procedures.

o Increase in Mexican immigrants in LA led to the so called zoot suit riots in 1943.

o White and Mexican Americans battled on the streets. o Native Americans o Japanese Americanso Japanese Americans o Suffered from their association with the enemy. o 20,000 served in the military.o Japanese Americans on the west coast were

suspected of being spies and saboteurs. o In 1942 over 100,000 were placed in internment

camps.o Korematsu v. US (1944)- the Supreme Court upheld

this decision. o In 1988 the government offered financial

compensation to those still alive who had been interned.

o Women o 200,000 served in the military in noncombat roles.o An acute labor shortage caused women to take jobs

vacated by men in the services.

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o 5 million women entered the workforce, most in industrial jobs in shipyards and defense plants.

o Rosie the Riveter!!o Their pay was well below that of male factory

workers.o Hitler did not allow women to work in industries,

where women everywhere else. o Propaganda o Posters, songs, news bulletins.o Purpose was to maintain morale and encourage them

to sacrifice and conserve resources.o The Office of War Information controlled news about

troop movements and battles.o Tokyo Rose- propaganda someone Japanese

broadcast propaganda- two separate wars: War in Europe and War in the Pacific.

o Singapore Surrenders (February, 1942)o Hitler and Nazi Germany win war in Europe- focus on

what was going on in Pacifico Japan’s world goals were to occupy the entire Pacific

areas- two huge powers, the United States, Europe, Japan, controlling all Pacific.

o After Singapore fell, the British had to surrdender.o US surrenders at Corregidor, the Philippines (March,

1942)o Bataan Death March: April 1942o 76,000 prisoners (12,000 Americans) marched 60

miles in the blazing heat to POW camps in the Philippines.

o Japan did not treat POW well, did not adhere to Geneva Conferences, starved, tortured, beaten.

o POW camps in Japanese were like that of the Holocaust.

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o Singapore Surrenders (February, 1942)o U.S. Surrenders at Corregidor the Philippines (March,

1942)o The US plan was to attack Japanese territory.o Island hopping was the tactic, and was backed up by

the Pacific Fleeto Battle of the Coral Seao Battle of Midwayo Majority of trips were concentrated in Europe, the US

fought most of the war in the Pacific with the help of Australia.

o Lt. Colonel Jimmy Doolittle: First US Raids on Tokyo 1942

o Attack the Japanese mainland, by bombing Tokyo. o Aircraft carrier, enough fuel to bomb Tokyo and fly

over China, bail out, and abandon your aircraft. o Battle of the Coral Sea May 7-8, 1942- Japan was not

defeated, but it stopped Japanese from making gainso The first major setback for Japan, stopped them form

capturing Papua New Guinea. o Battle of Midway Island June 4-6, 1942o Humiliating defeat for Japan.o Japanese Kamikaze Planes: The Scourge of the South

Pacifico Kamikaze pilots- suicide bombers, if you surrendered

it was a crime punishable by death.o Fly their planes, loaded with explosives, into

American ships and bases.o 2,000 suicide millionso Japanese killed themselves, rather than surrender.o 1944, a mixture of the island hopping, slowly started

off. General MacArthur “Returns” to the Philippines! o US Marines on Mt. Surbachi, Iwo Jima February 1945

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o Many civilian casualties. The war in Europe is nearly over.

o Potsdam Conference July, 1945o FDR dead, Churchill out of office as Prime Minister

during conference.o Stalin only original.o The United States has the A-bomb.o Allies agree Germany is to be divided into occupation

zones.o Poland moved around to suit the Soviets.o The Grand Alliance, the Big Three, o WWII and the Americaso The role of the US in the Second World Waro Canada and WWIIo Military roleo The Cold War o 1945 war in Europe is over, war with japan still going

ono Stalin did not formally declare war on Japano What came out o Potsdamn Confernece, Stalin

agreed to declare war. o Harry Truman was the Vice President, and became

President. o Should Harry Truman have used the atomic bomb?o Truamn wanted from Japan complete and

unconditional surrender, meaning that the Allies get to dictate the terms.

o Poland was moved around and became a Soviet salletite state, Berlin was moved.

o Japan said NO to surrendering unconditionally.o The Manhattan Project: o Los Alamos, New Mexico o Project to build a super bomb, one of Hitler’s goals.

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o Einstein and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, $2 billion was invested in creating the bomb.

o It was a military run operation, that was by scientists.o What and how are you going to use this?o Took off on the tiny island Tinian Island, 1945 o “Little Boy” Hiroshima o “Fat Man” Nagasakio Enola Gay Crew- Col. Paul Tibbets and the A-Bombo Didn’t realize how powerful it really was.o Controversy followed him around, when I die, no

tombstone.o FDR and Churchill just bombed Germany.o Dresden was destroyed, Hamburg, bombing raids,

night after night.o Radiation poisoning o Why didn’t Japan surrender after the first bomb?o The population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were

Catholic and wanted to end the war.o Anti-war and not in support of the waroo Meeting Hate With Humanity: o Life During the Holocaust o Oppressive of conditionso 6 million Jewso Full rights of citizenship, military, government jobs,

small minority in Germany during 1920’s, active in the country

o Jews enjoyed more rights in Germany than other Europe countries

o Sense of identity was more than that of religion, Germans first, Jewish second.

o Secularized and assimilatedo Roots hundreds of years

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o Anti Semitism is an old idea, centuries agoo 1933 chancellor of Germanyo Anti semisticsm part of German lawso Nurenburg Lawso Jews could not marry non Jews, Jewish kids expelled,

couldn’t ride bikes, no public transportationo Becomes a part of state policy, hatred against Jewish

people.o Jewish men lured German women, infiltrated aspects

of societyo “Jews Out” game o Cones menacing Jewso Atrtbiute these characteristics to real Jewish peopleo Children are the future of Nazi Germany, carry on

these ideals into the futureo Kids targeted for messageso Night of the Broken Glasso 91 Jewish men dead, early forms of concentration

campso 1,400 synagoues burnedo 50% of Jews left the countryo United States and United Kingdom, but many went to

countries that would soon be dominated by Nazis in WWII

o Expensive to immigrate, not having the means.o Half of the population stayedo 1939 WWII began- invasion of Poland September 1o Intertanling allianceso Austria is a German speaking countryo Fulfil German unificationo 10% 3.3. million Jews in Polando Jewish ghettoso No coming in or out of ghettos

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o Attacks of Jewish people by mere civilianso Curfews o Small places, large populationo Rapid disease, lack of access to food, starvation, no

preotection from weathero 6 main killing centers: Aushwitchzo 1 out of every 4 victim was a childo Warsaw ghetto uprisingo Catholic religious figures who hid kids were sent to

concentration campso May 1945 end of WWIIo Displaced Persons Camps- DP camps, people could

goo THE COLD WAR (1945-1989) o Vietnam is not includedo NATOo North Atlantic Treaty Organizationo WWII ends Germany, Japan, and Austria

occupied. UN created. o USSR dominates eastern Europe.o Marshall Plan.o Churchill describes “iron curtain.”o Creation of Israelo Civil war in China (ends 1949)o Independence movements (India- 1947)o NATO createdo Non-aligned movement.o Berlin airlift.o Korean War.o McCarthyism. o Stalin dies. (1953)

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o Warsaw Pact created. o Apartheid in South Africa.o French defeated in Dien Bien Fu (supported by

US)o Spuknik signals ‘space race’ (1957). Hungary

invaded (1956) European Coal & Steel Agreement (1957). NASA created (1958)

o Castro in Cuba (1959)o Grand alliance of Stalin, Churchill, and FDR-

Postdamn Conference, 1945, Germany was going to lose, Hitler knew it.

o “Two great powers that come out of WWII: the United States and Soviet Russia” – Hitler

o Allies know they are winning, what to do with Germany and the countries in Eastern Europe that Germany took over.

o What was the cold War?o Rivlary that developed between the USSR and

the United Stateso 1945 end of WWII to 1991, whichw as the

dismantling of the former USSRo Communism collapsed. It is called the Cold War, no

actual fighting.o The Cold War is the term sued to describe the

intense rivalry that developed after World War II between groups of Communist and non-Communist nations.

o On one side were the union of Soviet Scialist Republics (USS) and its Communist allies, often referred to as the Eastern bloc.

o On the other side were the United States and its democratic allies, usually referred to as the Western

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bloc. The struggle was called the Cold War because it did not actually lead to fighting or a “a hot war” that is on a wide scale.

o The Cold War was characterized by mutual distrust, suspicion, and misunderstandings by the two “Super-powers” (US and the Soviet Union) and their allies.

o At times, these conditions increased the likelihood of a third world war.

o The United States accused the Soviet Union of seeking to expland Communism throughout the world. The Soviets, meanwhile, charged the United States with practicing imperialism and with attempting to stop revolutionary activity in other countries.

o Karl Marx- communist revolution would occur in an industrialized country, Britain, Germany, and the United States, the workers will become so annoyed, communist revolutions, workers take over, and control the means of production. Proliteria are the workers, who take over.

o Each bloc’s vision of the world, also contributed to East-West tension. The United States wanted a world of independent nations based on democratic principles. The Soviet Union, however, attempted to tightly control areas it considered vital to its national interest, including much of Eastern Europe.

o Backed by the Soviet Red Army, local communists in Poland, Czech., and elsewhere destroyed rival political parties and even assassinated democratic leaders.

o BY 1946, Stalin had installed pro-Soviet “puppet” communist governments throughout Europe.

o Kill anyone who stood in their way!

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o Stalin pointed out that the US was not consulting him about peace terms for Italy or Japan, which were defeated and occupied by American and British troops. He would determine the fate of Eastern Eruope.

o GB losses financially.o India was about to become independent and could

not afford all of its colonies. o GB was concerned with reviving the economy.o GB take an active role in Europe, but was not



STOP GERMANY INVADING RUSSIAo Race to get to Berlin o Stalin had two goals in Eastern Europe, spread

communism into the area.o Russia had not declared on Japan o Installed Communist governments by o Execute people who wanted democratic leaders.o When did the Cold War Begin?o Yalta Conferenceo Historians do not agree on exactly when the Cold

War began. Some think that it began when the US first used nuclear weapons. But most agree that the Yalta Conference, a meeting of Allied leaders in February 1945, marked the high point of wartime good will between the United States and the Soviet Union.

o Most historians also agree that relations between the two countries deteriorated noticeably within the first year after the conference.

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o The alliance breaks up: With Germany nearly defeated, the leaders of the Big Three nations met at the Yalta Conference to plan for the peace that would follow the war. These leaders were FDR of the US Winston Churchill of GB and Premier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union.

o At Yalta, the leaders agreed to set up occupation zones (areas controlled by the Allies) for post-war Germany and made plans to form the United Nations. In addition, Stalin promised that the USSR would go to war against Japan within three months after Germany surrendered.

o The Allied leaders, also developed the Declaration on Liberated Europe, in which they pledged to hold democratic elections in countries freed from the control of Germany and its allies.

o The Potsdamn Conference: o Roosevelt died in April 1945 and was succeeded as

President Harry S. Truman. Germany surrendered in May 1945. The main Allied leaders met for the final time at Potsdam, near Berlin, in July 1945. Just before the meeting, Churchill’s Conservative Party was defeated in an election.

o Iron Curtain descended on Eastern Europeo Churchill’s Conservative Party was defeated in an

election. Celement R. Attlee succeeded Churchill during the Potsdam Conference.

o At Potsdam, the Allies agreed that the German people should be allowed to rebuild their lives “on a democratic and peaceful basis.”

o However, serious disagreements arose. Great Britain and the United States charged that the USSR was “communizing” the countries of Eastern Europe. Even before WWII ended, the USSR had taken over

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the Baltic states of: Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania; parts of Poland, Finland, and Romania; and eastern Czech. Soviet troops occupied a third Germany and all of Bulgaria Hungary Poland and Romania.

o The western nations reluctantly agreed to a soviet backed transfer of 40,000 square miles of German territory to Polish control.

o The Iron Curtain descends. o The Soviet Union cut off nearly all contacts between

the West and the occupied territories of Eastern Europe.

o The iron curtain is a phrase applied after WWII to the economic, social, and military barriers created against the West by the USSR and the Communist countries of Eastern Europe.

o The phrase first received wide usage when Churchill said (March 5, 1946) in a speech at Westminster College, in Fulton, Missouri.

o A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by the Allied victories….From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic.

o Allies met the Russians WWII. Berlin is in EAST GERMANY. Berlin was split into spheres of influence, Untied States, France had some of it.

o Albania became aligned with Mao’s Chinese Communists.

o Big Brother had a moustache, Orwell no mistake.o Authoritarian regime, police state, Communism was

an object failure, marks Leninism. o Tito of Yugoslavia and Khruahevo In 1946, the USSR organized Communist

governments in Bulgaria and Romania. In 1947, Communists took control of Hungary and Poland.

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o Communists seized full power in Czech early in 1948. These countries became Soviet satellites (nations controlled by the USSR)

o Albania already had turned to Communism. o Enver Hoxha, who led the Communist National

Liveration Army in an Albanian civil war during WWII, established a Communist government, in 1944.

o Yugoslavia also joined the Communist bloc.o The Communist Party of Yugoslovia had helped drive

out the Germans near the end of the war.o Communists led by Tito, then took over the

government. o However, in June 1948, the USSR harshly criticized

Tito, the Communist leader of Yugoslovia. Tito then declared his country’s independence from Soviet control.

o IN 1955, Nikita S. Khrushchev, the Soviet Communist Party chief, apologized to Titao and resumed trade with Yugoslavia.

o Stalin wanted Tito removed and cut off all ties with Yugoslavia. Tito followed the policy of de-Stalinization, we’re gonna undo you!

o Purging, getting rid of people who oppose themo Two great blocs came into being. o The United States led the Western bloc.o By the early 1950’s this group included: Britain,

Canada, France, West Germany, Japan, the Philippines, and many other countries of Western Europe and Latin America.

o Thee fractions: Western bloc and allied with GN and US, Eastern bloc, or non-aligned nation

o Eastern bloc were third world countries.

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o The Soviet Union led Eastern bloc included: Albania, Bulgaria, Czech, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

o China joined the Eastern bloc following the Communist take-over of its government, in 1949.

o The non-aligned or neutral nations, those in neither bloc, were India, Indonesia, Cambodia, and most of the African states.

o Mao didn’t want to follow Leninism, his version of Communist was CLEAR TO MARXISM. Peasants own means of production.

o Nasser is a dictator.o The Non-Aligned Movement- was originally a cold war

confederation of countries that resisted joining the Western or Soviet bloc.

o Conceived at the Bandung COnferernce in Indonesia which brought together 29 Asian and African nations, in 1955, the movement held its first meeting in 1961 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, at the invitation of President Tito of Yugoslavia.

o Consisting of most of the countries identified by the term Third World, it espoused a “third force” in the bi-polar politices of the postwar period.

o Member states in many cases, also sought to paly one superpower against the other in the US Soviet competition for strategic advantage among the newly emerging states of the post-colonial world. In the post- cold war world, the movement called for greater Third World representation on the Security Council of the United Nations and a restructuring of the world economy to benefit developing nations.

o In addition to Tito, leaders of the movement have included Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Sukarno of Indonesia, and Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt.

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o Containment- the Truman Doctrine o BY 1947, however, Britain could no longer afford to

defend Greece. Stalin was also menacing Turkey in the Dardanelles.

o In the fall of 1946, Greek Communists revolted against the Greek government.

o Great Britain had been giving military and economic aid to Greece.

o But the British told the United States they could no longer give enough help to the Greeks.

o The British also warned that they could not help Turkey resist Communsit pressure.

o In March 1947, President Truman declared that the Unite dStates would help any gree nation resiost Communsit aggression attack.

o Congress granted his request for $400 million for aid to Greece and Turkey.

o With this aid, both Greece and Turkey successfully resisted Communism.

o Marshall Plan 1947 o The foreign ministers of the United States, Great

Britain, France, and the Soviet Union tried to draw up a German peace treaty.

o But the ministers could not agree on ways to end the occupation or on how to unfiy Germany.

o The failure of the conference convinced US Secretary of State George C. Marshall that the USSR would not help Europe recover from World War II.

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o In June 1947, Marshall proposed giving US economic aid to all European nations that would cooperate in plans for their own recovery.

o This proposal grew into the European Recovery Programs, or Marshall Plan, which began in 1948.

o The US believed that a strong, stable Western Europe would block the spread of Communism.

o Soviet Union would not let Czech have aid.o Post war hunger and poverty made western Europe

lands fertile ground for communist ideas.o USSR would not let Czech and Poland accept US aid.o Defeated Germany became another focus of the Cold

War. The Soviet Union dismantled factories and other resources in its occupied zone, using them to rebuild USSR.

o In West Germany, the democratic nation let the people write a constitution and regain self-government.

o In East Germany, the Soviet Union installed a communist government tied to Moscow.

o BERLIN IS IN EAST GERMANYo The United States wanted GB to lead Europe, but was

economically incapable of doing so. o Wants to become one united Germany. o Democracy be reinstated. NO FASCISTS. NO

FUHRERS. Constitution, democratic election and self-determination.

o Soviet Union established puppet government in East Germany, and that’s how Germany split in two.

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o Divided Berlin -1948-90o In June 1948, the Western Allies announced plans to

unify their German occupation zones and establish West German Federal; Republic (West Germany)

o West Germany was formally established in Sept. 1949.

o It had independence in some of its internal affairs and it joined the Marshall Plan.

o A city that is completely split.o Leave East Germany and Communism, flee to Berlin.o Communists paid for wall.o The Berlin Wallo Kennedy and Khrushchev met in Vienna, Austria in

June 1961. Khruschev demanded a free Berlin and an end of the military occupation.

o The two leaders failed to reach agreement and Khrush. Again threatened to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany.

o In July 1961, the USSR canceled cuts in its armed forces and increased military spending.

o Growing numbers of East Germans were fleeing to West Germany.

o On August 13, 1961, the East German Communists began to build a wall of cement and barved wire between East and West Berlin. To confirm the right of the Western powers to remain in West Berlin, the US sent troops to the city by highway.

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o US tanks enforced Western rights to enter East Berlin without showing papers to Communist border guards.

o Some East Germans escaped to West Berlin after the wall was built, but many were killed in the attempts.

o Wall people ino “All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of

Berlin.”o Berlin Blockade and Airlift o The Berlin blockade and Airlift was the Soviet answer

to the West’s plans for West Germany. o In June 1948, Soviet troops blocked all railroad,

highway, and water traffic through East Germany to West Berlin.

o The city lay 110 miles inside the Soviet occupation zone.

o The Soviet leaders through their blockade would force the West to leave Berlin.

o Instead of pulling out of West Berlin, the Americans, British, and French set up the Berlin airlift.

o For 11 months, from June 1948 until May 1949. West Berlin was supplied with food and fuel entirely by airplanes.

o The USSR lifted the blockade in May 1949. The Allies ended the airlift in September.

o Military Alliances (NATO & the Warsaw Pact) o Military strength became more and more important

in the late 1940’s.

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o During the Berlin blockade, the United States pledged continuing military to aid to Western Europe. The United States, Canada, and 10 Western

o Warsaw Pacto In 1955, the Soviet Union responded by forming its

own military alliance the Warsaw Pact.o It included the USSR and seven nearby countries,

referred to as “satellite states;) o Unlike NATO, however, the Warsaw Pact was a

weapon used by the Soviets to keep o Capital bomb- German Democratic republic- west

Berlin- East Germanyo Albania is also an Iron Curtaino Yugoslavia is Communist- ruler si Tito in vain of

Stalin- authoritarian rulero Hungary German Democr. Poland, Soviet Uniono US and Candada are North American members of

NATOo Switzerland remained neutralo The nuclear arms race began on August 29, 1949,

when the Soviet Union tested an atomic bomb. Until then, the United States had been the only nation that knew how to make the atomic bomb.

o Each side in the Cold War armed itself to withstand an attack by the other.

o At first the US which had the atomic bomb, held an advantage But Stalin’s top scientists were under orders to develop an atomic bomb. When they succeeded, in 1949 the arms race was on

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o 1961 Americans resume underground nuclear testingo May 1960- Soviets shoot down American U-2 spy

plane.o Feb. 1960- France detonates its first atomic bomb.

May 1962 France conducts underground nuclear tests

o October 1962- After Soviets send nuclear missiles to Cuba. Kennedy readies ICBMs and demands that missiles be removed. Khrushchev finally complies.

o Communist Expansion in Asiao Communist expansion in Asia. During the 1940’s

Communist strength increased in the Far East. The USSR had occupied Manchuria just before the end of World War II.

o After they left in 1946, the Chinese Communists took over most of northern Manchuria. The USSR also set up a North Korean “people’s republic.” In China, Mao Zedong’s Communist troops fought

o The nuclear arms race began on Aug. 29, 1949, when the Soviet Union tested an atomic bomb.

o Until then, the United States had been the only nation that knew how to make the atomic bomb.

o Each side in the Cold War armed itself to withstand an attack by the other.

o When FDR died, Truman realized when he was told about the atomic bomb, this would be the first time when the weapons could not be in the hands of the military. If you use this weapon, it is the end. Only thing certain if weapon used, neither side will win.

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o Nuclear weapons became defensive weapons. o Amid the destruction of the war, a new power

structure emerged that would shape events in the post-war world.

o At first the US which had the atomic bomb, held an advantage.

o But, Stalin’s top scientists were under orders to develop an atomic bomb.

o When they succeeded, in 1949 the arms race was on.o Communist Expansion in Asia o Communist expansion in Asia. During the 1940’s

Communist strength increased in the Far East. o The USSR had occupied Manchuria just before the

end of WWII. After they left in 1946, the Chinese Communists took over most of northern Manchuria.

o The USSR also set up a North Korean “people’s republic.” In China, Mao Zedong’s Communism troops fought the Nationalist armies of Chaing-Kai Shek.

o The United states gave military aid to Chiang. o Late in 1949, Chiang and his government fled to the

island of Taiwan, near the mainland of China. o The Conquest of China, but Mao’s forces, put China

into the Communist bloc. o 1927 to 1937 Communist, restarted again. o 1946 to 1949- Communist Chairman Mao forces-

Communist fought against nationalist- US gave aid to nationalists- Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan.

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o Mao was distrustful of Stalin- saw the purges and wanted to educate the people, the Chinese peasants.

o Chairman Mao was not a fan of Stalin’s communism, so he joined in with Russia.

o China had zero contact with America. o 1970’s Table Tennis- Richard Nixono After Japan is defeated, Chiang-Kai Shek also called

Jiang Jie shi Nationalists forces resumes the civil war against Mao Zedong’s Communists. Mao Zedong led the Chinese Communist movement in the 1930’s and 40’s and became ruler of China in 1949. Mao strayed from the Soviet Marxist model, attemptinf to build a socialist society based on peasant farming rather than a centralized, bureaucratic, industrialized economy.

o In 1950, MacArthur is appointed Commander of UN forces during the Korean war.

o After Japan is defeated Gen. Douglas MacArthur leads the occupation of Japan.

o Chaing-Kai Shek shown above with his Soong mei-ling worked for the unification of war torn China in the 1920’s and fought the invading Japanese in the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945).

o After the war, Chiang battled against Chinese Communists, under Mao Zedong. But was driven to the island of Formosa Taiwan, where he reestablished the Nationalists government and served as Taiwan’s leader until his death, in 1975.

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o In 1958, the Chinese Communists again fired on Taiwan’s offshore islands.

o Dullies warned that any attack on these islands would be considered aggression against Nationalist China, a US ally.

o But occasional firing continued during the 1960’s.o In the 1980’s, Chiang’s son became Taiwan’s

President.o At the end of WWII, Soviets troops occupied North

Korea and US troops occupied South Korea. The North Koreans had a strong army.

o Containment- Greece and Turkey- Soviets wanted to install communist leaders in Greece and Turkey, occupied by the British. Could not afford to sen aid, so that US instead sent aid.

o The Korean War at the very start, Soviets were in North Korea, right by Russia.

o The Vietnam War was a policy of containment- the ideological containment

o The Korean War is a limited war- the fightingo Reagan rather than balance the status quo, Truman

Eisenhower Nixon Kennedy had set policies of containment.

o Reagan Communism is not working, has not been one election in 30 years. Economy is horrendous, utopia is wrong, people are unhappy, resistance everywhere. It is an evil empire.

o 1950- June 30, MacArthur was named commander of UN forces.

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o UN forces and the Naktong River halted their advance.

o But the Pusan Perimeter was broken with a final offensive.

o MacArthur’s daring landing at Inchon was his boldest move.

o Chinese forces moved into North Korea November 1 1950 to protect Communism.

o Communism fighting against the United States.o The UN “meatgrinder” offensive halted Chinese

advance.o April 11 1951- President Harry S. Truman dismissed

MacArthur.o Kim Jung Ill- brainwashed robotso Clenaghan23 Skypeo Three most important – phases:

1.) goals of the United states were to repel the North Korean attack to 38th parallel

o Stalemate- next two years 2.) United Nations will back the United

States- force of predominantly US- failure of the United Nations as it became the instrument of the United States

General MacArthur’s plan to cross 38th parallel- drive up to Chinese border and threaten, and this cost MacArthur his job

MacArthur underestimated the Chinese forces, as he figured that there were only

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40,000 peasants. 200,000 trained Chinese soldiers.

They had practice in guerilla warfare. Prolonged the war for two and a half years

o June 15 1951 A stalemate developed as battle lines stabilized.

o Thanks to General MacArthur, went on for two years of skirmishes because he insisted on marching up to China.

o 1953- new President Eisenhowero Negotiations dragged on for two years while fighting

continued. o 1951-53 prisoners of war were given the choice of

repatriation or defectiono Casualties of the Korean War- bloodiest events in

history- no winnero Killed or wounded 950,000 Chinese 600,000 North

Korea. It was a draw. All sides lost out.o 185,000 South Koreanso 125,000 U.S.o Massive Retaliation and Peaceful Co-Existenceo In January 1954, the new US Secretary of State, John

Foster Dulles, had outlined a new American military policy.

o The United States, he warned, would meet Communist aggression by “massive retaliation” with nuclear weapons.

o The United states, Dulles said, would strike back “at places and with means of our own choosing.”

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o The spirit of Geneva: In Europe, a thaw in the Cold War became apparent, in 1955. The Western Allies and the USSR signed a peace treaty with Austria in May. Soviet troops left that country and Austria became an independent, neutral nation. That same month, Nikita S. Khrushchev, the Soviet Communist Party chief, apologized to Tito and resumed trade with Yugoslavia.

o Eisenhowever and Khruschev met in Geneva, in July. Both leaders agreed that a nuclear war would be a disaster for both sides. Political observers began to write of a “big thaw” in East-West relations and called it the “spirit of Geneva.”

o After the Geneva Conference, the USSR announced a cut of 640,000 men in its armed forces. The Soviet Union said it, also had reduced the armies of its satellites.

o Dulles still distrusted the Soviet Union in spite of its softer line.

o In January 1956, he told the American people that the United States had been on the brink of war several times. If you are scared to go to the brink, you are lost.” Dulles warned. The use of “brinkmanship” had become part of the US policy.

o 1954 Soviet cut its armies, in satellite countries.o Massive Retaliation and Peaceful Co-existenceo In January 1954, the new US Secretary of State, John

Foster Dulles had outlined a new American military policy

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o The United States, he warned, would meet Communist aggression by “massive retaliation” with nuclear weapons.

o The United States, Dulles said, would strike back “at places and with means of our own choosing”

o The spirit of Geneva: In Europe, a thaw in the Cold War became apparent, in 1955. The Western Allies and the USSR signed a peace treaty with Austria, in May.

o Soviet troops left that country, and Austria became an independent, neutral nation.

o That same month, Nikita S. Khrushchev, the Soviet Communist Party chief, apologized to Tito and resumed trade with Yugoslavia.

o Eisenhower and Khrushchev met in Geneva, in July. Bothe leaders agreed that a nuclear war would be a disaster for both sides. Political observers to write of a “big thaw” in East-West relations and called it the “spirit of Geneva.” After the Geneva conference, the USSR announced a cut of 640,000 men in its armed forces.

o The Soviet Union said it, also, had reduced the armies of its satellites.

o Dulles still distrusted the Soviet Union in spite of its softer line. In January 1956, he told the American people that the United States had been on the brink of war several times.

o “If you are scared to go to the brink- you are lost.”

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o Dulles warned. The use of “brinkmanship” had become part of US policy.

o Destalinization/ Hungarian Revolto In February 1956, Khrushchev called for

peaceful co-existence (competition without war between the East and West. He, also began a campaign of ‘de-Stalinization’ (removal of Stalinist influences) in the USSR and it its satellites.

o Unrest in Eastern Europe. The New Soviet policy encouraged the peoples of Eastern Europe to expect more freedom from Soviet rule. In Poland, riots and strikes broke out, in June 1956, and spread to other cities. The rioters demanded a more liberal government nd an end to Soviet rule. A few months later, the USSR allowed Wladyslaw Gomulka, a Polish Communist leader, to rejoin the Polish Communist Party. The USSR had jailed Gomulka in 1951 for trying to set up an independent Communist government in Poland.

o Khrushchev and other Soviet leaders flew to Warsaw

o The Sue Canal Crisiso During the period that the USSR was putting down

unrest in its Eastern Europe satellites, trouble was stirring in the Middle East. The United States feared Communist expansion in that area.

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o Both the USSR and the West sought Egypt’s support by offering aid for its development plans.

o Each side offered to help build the Aswan High Dam. After Egypt courted Communist aid for the dam and bought Communist arms, the United States and GB canceled offers to help with the project.

o President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt struck back by seizing the Suez Canal from international control. He said Egypt would use profits from operating the canal to build the dam without pressure from any nation. But he did accept Soviet aid.

o In Octover 1956, while the USSr was involved with the Hungarian revolt, Israel invaded Egypt. Britain and France immediately joined in the attack.

o They wanted to return the Suez Canal to international control. The United States and the USSR supported a United Nations resolution demanding an immediate truce.

o In addition, the USSR threatened to send troops to help Egypt.

o The UN arranged a truce after a few days of fighting. But the USSR by backing Egypt against Israel had won friends among the Arab nations of the Middle East.

o Signed pact with Austria, not part of the Soviet bloc, not one of the Soviet states

o Nuclear war means destruction for both sideso France hated Nasser, inciting rebellion in French


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o Israel invade Egypt. o Did not tell the United Stateso New Challenges for Peaceful co-existenceo Krushchev’s power in the Soviet Union reached its

peak in the late 1950’s.o Sometimes the USSR followed a hard policy, mainly

in response to China’s challenge to Soviet leadership of the Communist bloc. At other times, the USSR stressed peaceful coexistence, giving special attention to economic aid and to scientific progress.

o But the Soviet Union continued to encourage “wars of liberation.” As a result, the United States came to regard “peaceful coexistence” as the Communist effort to conquer countries without a major war.

o Space Race Begins (MISSILE GAP)o Second Red Scareo Senator McCarthy went on a Communist witch-hunto Space race, another feature of the Cold Waro In June 1957, the USSR successfully tested an

interncontinental ballistic millsile (ICBM)o On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik

1, the first articifical satellite. o In January 1958, the United States launched its first

earth satellite. o Soviet rocket power was more advanced, but the two

powers had clearly established a nuclear “balance of terror.”

o A brief thaw in the Cold War followed.

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o The USSR stopped testing nuclear weapons in March 1958, and the United States halted its tests in October.

o These new ICBM’s were designed to carry nuclear weapons, too!!!

o Once launched they had enough destructive power to destroy entire cities, and the residual damage from radiation could spread hundreds of miles from the original target.

o Because of their immesnse destructive power, nuclear weapons were regarded as a detrrent against another general war, continued improvements in the range and accuracy of ballistic missiles and the construction of underwater and underground launching systems were considered defensive measures that contributed to the deterrent value of a nation’s nuclear arsenal.

o The high cost of constructing such sustems had limited their deployment largely to the indistrual powers, particularly the United States and the Soviet Union. However, the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons has made their control a worldwide concern.

o Ideological war, very little fighting in specific pockets. o Arms Race and Space Race, expensiveo The Eisenhower Doctrineo The Ei. Doctrine was approved by Congress in March

1957 because the United States feared Communist penetration in the Middle East.

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o This policy permitted the President to “use armed force to assist any nation in the Middle East requesting assistance against armed aggression from any country controlled by international Communism.”

o In July 1958, a revolution ended the rule of the pro-Westerm government of Iraq.

o Nearby Lebanon feared a Communist revolution and asked the United States for aid.

o Eisenhower quickly sent about 6,000 sailros and marines to help Lebanon.

o Great Britain sent paratroopers to protect Jordan against Iraqi pressure.

o In spite of Soviet protets, the American and british forces stated in the Middle East for about three months.

o During the late 1950s, Europe remained the most improtant Cold War battleground. The USSR tried repeatedly to damage the reputation of the west in Germany.

o In Novemeber 1958, the the USSR demanded peace treaties for east and west Germany.

o Such treaties would have ended the miltiary occupation and western troops would have had to leave.

o Another temporary thaw in the Cold War began in the spring of 1959.

o The foreign minsiters of the United States, Great Britain, France, and the USSR met in May.

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o In July, VP Richard M. Nixon visited the USSR and met with Khrushchev.

o Two motnhs later, Krush. Visited the USo He conferred with Eisenhower at Camp David, in

Maryland. o Krush. Was so friendly that observers spoke of the

spirit of Camp D, recalling the spirit of Genevao The U-2 incident abruptly ended the thaw.o An American U-2 spy plane was shot down in the

USSR in may 1960o The Soviet Union captured the pilot, Francis Gary

Powers, who confessed he was a spy.o Eisenhowever accepted personalm responsibility for

the flight.o He admitted that U-2 planes had been flying over the

USSR taking photographs for four years.o When the summit conference began on May 15,

Khrushchev demanded that Eisenhower apologize for the U-@ incident. Eisenhower refused, and Khrushc went to NYC for the meeting of the UN General Assembly.

o He again criticized the United States for the u-2 flights.

o The Soviet leaders showed his anger o IB FINAL EXAM- Paper 2 o 1.) Assess the Significance of Naval Warfare in

Determining the outcome of one 20th century war o 2.) Do not produce a list of battles

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o Clearly demonstrate how naval influence the outcome.

o First World Waro Strongest navy going into the war- successfully

blockade Germany, German U boat, sunk US ships, and brought America into the war.

o Britain and Germanyo Ran out of supplieso Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare,

significantly changed the outcome of the war, the US into the war.

o The Second World Waro D-Day o Naval aircrafto Protecting overseas territoryo Define limited and total waro Limited waro Korean o Vietnamo Falkanso Limited war- limited goals or aims, to regain

sovereignty, limited use of weapons, limited man power and mobilization, limited economy, no rationing

o Peace treatieso To what extent was Germany to blame for

WWI?o Germany’s ruleo Failure of Schlieffen Plan

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o Why did Central powers lose World War I?o Why did collective security fail to keep the peace?o It did keep the peace, there was no fightingo Collective securityo Manchuriao Abyssiniao Great Depression- economyo Locarnoo Washington Naval Conferennceo