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Great Expectations Great

Great Expectations Great Rewards

Jan 02, 2016




Great Expectations Great Rewards. What is in your future?. Activity Time: Write it Down:. 1.Your Dream Car?_______ Estimated Cost? ________ 2. Do you like lots of clothes?__ How much do spend per month? 3. Do you dream about traveling?_____ 4. Do you like lots of jewelry?_____ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Great Expectations Great Rewards

Page 2: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

What is in your future?

Page 3: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

1.Your Dream Car?_______ Estimated Cost? ________2. Do you like lots of clothes?__ How much do spend per month?3. Do you dream about traveling?_____4. Do you like lots of jewelry?_____5. Do you have a cell phone?6. Do you like to eat a lot?____7. Would you like a nice home of your own?_____8. Do you plan to have a family some day?_____9. Do you plan to use credit cards?______10. What is your dream career choice?__ Income per month?__

Activity Time: Write it Down:

Page 4: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

It is not Who You Know! It is WHAT You Know!

Page 5: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Global Competition

SOURCE "Global Gamesmanship," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 81, No. 5, May 2003.

Someone is competing with you for your future. Someone is competing with you for your future.

Where do most of your shoes comes from?

What is happening to many of our factories in America?

Page 6: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

What do Business & Industry Need?

• Solid academic preparation• Good communication skills

(verbal and written)• Sound science and math

foundation• Ability to think critically and

make decisions• Computer-literate • Team-oriented employees

Page 7: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

A job is a task that you get paid for, but don’t necessarily enjoy.

A career is a task you enjoy doing, and get paid to do what you enjoy.

Job or Career?

Page 8: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Here are some facts about professional athletes. Nationally, approximately 971,000 high school students play football. 65,000 of those students go on to play college football. Of those 65,000, 875 sign NFL contracts. 300 of those actually make the roster. That’s .03%, and the numbers are even smaller for other professional sports. Also, the majority of professional athletes go to college.

So you want to be a Professional Athlete?

Page 9: Great Expectations        Great Rewards



WHY?• Keep up to date in current job/vocation• Retrain for newly created jobs• Have flexibility to switch careers

Life-span AnalysisHigh school is one of the most critical

periods in your life

Prepare Now! For Life-long Learning

0–140–14 14–1814–18 22–7022–70 70–9070–90

Page 10: Great Expectations        Great Rewards
Page 11: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Your High School Transcript

• It is your scorecard.

• It is how colleges/employers evaluate you.

• It is the official record of:- student efforts/grades- attendance- accomplishments- extra-curricular activities

Page 12: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Tennessee Scholars Have More Options

Work Community

College4 Year


Technology or

Trade School

Why Choose to be a Tennessee Scholar?

Page 13: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

What type of Career are you planning for?

» Six Figure Jobs ($100,000+)

» High Income Jobs ($80,000 - $100,000)

» Upper Middle Income Jobs ($50,000 -$80,000)

» Middle Income Jobs ($30,000 - $50,000)

» Entry Level Jobs ($10,000 - $30,000)

Page 14: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

IMAGINE your job 40 hr per week$15 per hour average

$2,400 per month for a month with 4 weeks

Let’s Do the Math


per year

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040

Federal Income Tax (15%) $360

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820

Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) $264

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Medical/Dental Insurance $115

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705

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Housing $500 (Rent: 1 bed/1 bath)

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205

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Food $300

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905

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Car Payments $300

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605

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Car Insurance $100

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505

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Car Expenses $100

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405

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Telephone $50

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355

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Utilities $100

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355 Utilities 100 $ 255

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Clothing $100

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355 Utilities 100 $ 255Clothing 100 $ 155

Page 26: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355 Utilities 100 $ 255Clothing 100 $ 155Entertainment 50 $ 105

Entertainment $50

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Page 27: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355 Utilities 100 $ 255Clothing 100 $ 155Entertainment 50 $ 105Medical and Personal Items 50 $ 55

Medical and Personal Items$50

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Page 28: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355 Utilities 100 $ 255Clothing 100 $ 155Entertainment 50 $ 105Medical and Personal Items 50 $ 55Savings 25 $ 30

Savings $25

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Federal Income Tax (15%) $360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355 Utilities 100 $ 255Clothing 100 $ 155Entertainment 50 $ 105Medical and Personal Items 50 $ 55Savings 25 $ 30Miscellaneous $30 0

Miscellaneous $30

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What would you change in this budget?Is there anything left out?

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Federal Income Tax (15%) 360 $2040 Social Security/Medicare (10.8%) 220 $1820 Medical/Dental Insurance 115 $1705Housing 500 $1205Food 300 $ 905Car Payments 300 $ 605Car Insurance 100 $ 505Car expenses 100 $ 405Telephone 50 $ 355 Utilities 100 $ 255Clothing 100 $ 155Entertainment 50 $ 105Medical and Personal Items 50 $ 55Savings 25 $ 30Miscellaneous $30 0

Starting Income $2400

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$5.85 Per hr beginning July 24, 2007 $6.85 Per hr beginning July 24, 2008

$7.85 Per hr beginning July 24, 2009

Page 32: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Minimum Wage vs. Skilled Job


x 40 hrs/wk


x 52 wks/yr

$14,248.00 year


x 40 hrs/wk


x 52 wks/yr

$14,248.00 year

Unskilled Labor

Unskilled Labor


x 40 hrs/wk


x 52 wks/yr

$31,200.00 year


x 40 hrs/wk


x 52 wks/yr

$31,200.00 year



You choose!

Page 33: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Education PaysEducation PaysMedian Salary by Degree Median Salary by Degree


$ 0

$ 1 0 , 0 0 0

$ 2 0 , 0 0 0

$ 3 0 , 0 0 0

$ 4 0 , 0 0 0

$ 5 0 , 0 0 0

$ 6 0 , 0 0 0

$ 7 0 , 0 0 0

$ 8 0 , 0 0 0

H ig h S c h o o lG r a d u a t e

A s s o c ia t e sD e g r e e

B a c h e lo r ' sD e g r e e

M a s t e r ' sD e g r e e

P r o f e s s io n a lD e g r e e

A n n u a l S a la r y

Page 34: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Highest Growth Occupations Highest Growth Occupations

Bachelors Degree

• Public Relations Manager• Advertising Manager• Computer Software

Engineer• Network Administrator• Network Systems Analyst• Database Administrator• Medical Services Manager

Associates Degree

• Computer Support Specialist

• Medical Records Technician• Health Information

Technician• Physical Therapy Assistant• Occupational Therapy

Assistant• Veterinary Technologists• Nurse

Page 35: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

              $35.76/hr               $21.93/hr                    $36.99/hr    $43.88/hr       

$24.99/hr $38.83/hr                   $58.58/hr       $38.43/hr    

$22.52/hr                   $18.88/hr   $21.36/hr $30.00/hr +

Average Wages for Critical Skills Jobs in Tennessee

Health CareHealth Care

Page 36: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Ready for College =Ready for WorkEmployers are saying that the same courses that are needed to prepare you for college are the same ones they are requiring for new employees entering the workforce.

The next four years are the best chance you have to determine your future.

No matter what your past performance was, you have a brand new opportunity to become a better student and succeed in life!

Make becoming a TN Scholar part of preparing for your Career Pathway!

Page 37: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Reasons to Be a Tennessee Scholars

Money College graduates will make $1.2 million more in total salary over their lifetime than non-college graduates.”

Rewards and recognition Business give rewards and incentives for staying on track. Tennessee Scholars get special recognition at graduation.

Job Preferential hiring many companies in 24 states have “Are you a State Scholar/” on their job application.

Scholarships and college success Tennessee Scholars have designated scholarships and the courses are designed to help you be more successful in college.

Page 38: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Post Secondary Institutions offering Scholarships to Tennessee Scholars

Volunteer State Community CollegeEDUCATE AND GROW SUMNER COUNTY

Bryan College in DaytonTechnology Center in Athens Dyersburg State Community College in DyersburgTN Technology Center in McNairy CoWalters State Community CollegeTN Technology Center of HarrimanEast State Community College BristolCleveland State in Cleveland TN Technology Center in ShelbyvilleOthers soon to be added

Page 39: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG)

Students who are Pell-eligible U.S. Citizens enrolled full-time and have participated in a rigorous high school course of study, like the Scholars Course of Study, may qualify for:

– Up to $750 for first year college students

– Up to $1,300 for second year college students

Check “State Scholar Graduate” on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form to apply

More info at

Page 40: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

How Do You Become A Scholar?

• Make sure your maintain a “C” average

• Collect all the rewards for being a Tennessee Scholar

• Sign Up with Your Guidance Counselor• Make sure you meet the requirements for

attendance, discipline and community service

Page 41: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

The only person you compete against to be a Tennessee Scholars is yourself. If you don’t make it is your choice!


Page 42: Great Expectations        Great Rewards

It’s YOUR choice...