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GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017

GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

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Page 1: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide


Page 2: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

As we approach the coming year as a family, it is our intention to live more deeply into the gospel by developing a rhythm of prayer with fasting. Prayer with fasting involves abstaining from food (or something of great value) for specific spiritual purposes:

To hunger and thirst for righteousness

To abide in the Trinitarian God

To consume God’s Word

To pursue holiness

To seek/pursue God

To make requests of God

To long for the return of Christ We desire to enter the new year as one church family, one body, that is praying and fasting together in unity. Therefore, we are purposefully taking a multi-faceted approach so that every believer can engage in this communal rhythm together. Please take the time to evaluate your health and dialogue with those close to you before choosing one of the options. Choosing one option over another does not make you any more spiritual. Rather, the object is to allow deprivation and discomfort to drive your hunger for God as the one who satisfies and sustains you.

Page 3: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

GRASSROOTS Multi-Faceted Approach Option 1: Water Fast :: Abstaining from all forms of food (drinking only water) in order to devote substantial time towards prayer. Option 2: Juice Fast :: Drinking only water and/or juiced fruits and vegetables in order to devote substantial time towards prayer. Option 3: Meal Fast :: Abstaining from one meal per day in order to devote substantial time towards prayer (usually during mealtime). Option 4: Experiential Fast :: Abstaining from something you enjoy, value, or love in order to devote substantial time towards prayer. Some examples might be:

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.

Streaming Media: cable, sports, movies, Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, etc.

Hobbies/Obsessions: texting, tinkering with your car, arts and crafts, etc.

Sexual Intimacy with Your Spouse: yes, this is actually biblical; however, it must be by mutual consent (see 1 Cor. 7:5).

Page 4: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If you choose options 1-3, you MUST spend time physically preparing your body for 21 days of fasting. You will need to understand your own metabolism, overall health, and physical limitations. In addition, you should strongly consider talking with your physician before beginning the fast (Prov. 15:22). Finally, make sure you have meticulously combed through the Physical Preparation and Mental Preparation sections of this guide. These sections will help you set realistic expectations while enabling you to more effectively plan for the fast. Prior to January 1, 2017, it’s essential that you spend time in the Word of God working through the scriptures and questions in the Spiritual Preparation section of this guide in order to better understand the purposes and pitfalls of prayer with fasting. This will help prepare your mind and spirit (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12).

Page 5: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Finally, MAKE A PLAN (Prov. 16:9). Think through the obstacles that might make it difficult to faithfully complete 21 days of prayer with fasting. For example, company meals, family get togethers, lunch appointments, double dates, planned events, etc. Plan when you will create the various broths or juices, when your “meals” would be, how much water you will drink (as mentioned in the next section, ½ your body weight in ounces), how much time you plan to spend in prayer, when you will set aside time to pray, where you will pray, what scriptures you might read, memorize, or study, who you will accountable to, how often you will journal, how much time you will spend journaling, where you will journal, etc. As you make plans, recognize that the Lord will direct your steps. So, hold onto those plans faithfully but loosely. After you feel comfortable with the plan you’ve made, share the plan and potential obstacles with one other person (spouse, believer, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc.).

Page 6: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Physical Preparation 1 to 2 weeks before fasting:

Reduce your intake of all habitual and addictive substances (caffeine, tobacco, etc.). This will reduce any potential withdrawal symptoms you may experience during the fasting process.

Eliminate a few things each day (refined sugar products the first couple of days, meat over the next couple of days, dairy, etc.).

Reduce your intake of chocolate and other foods that contain refined sugar or are high in fat like sodas, chocolate, candy, baked goods, etc.

Begin eating smaller portions so that your digestive system doesn't have to work as hard. This will help your body to adjust to a lower caloric intake.

Reduce your intake of meats and dairy products. These can clog up your system and are difficult for your body to digest.

Eat increased portions of cooked or raw fruits and vegetables. This will significantly improve the health of your digestive system.

Page 7: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Up your liquid intake to keep your system hydrated and prepare it for being only on liquids for an extended time. Drink fruit and vegetables juices made exclusively from fresh, raw fruits or vegetables.

Drink at least ½ your body weight in water (ounces). For example, if you weigh 160lbs, drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.

1 to 2 days before fasting: This is when you really want to make sure that your body is prepared. Have you been faithful to preparing your body over the last two weeks?

Resist the urge to have that “last big feast” before the fast.

Some health professionals suggest eating only raw foods for two days before starting a fast.

For an extended fast, we recommend water and fruit and vegetable juices. The natural sugars in juices provide energy, and the taste and strength are motivational to continue your fast. Try to drink fresh juices, if possible. Off-the-shelf juice products are acceptable, as long as they are 100% juice with no sugar or other additives.

Page 8: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

If you are beginning a juice fast, there are certain juices you may wish to avoid and certain ones that are especially beneficial. Because of their acid content, most nutritionists do not advise orange or tomato juice (these are better tolerated if mixed with equal portions of water). The best juices are fresh carrot, grape, celery, apple, cabbage, or beet. They also recommend “green drinks” made from green leafy vegetables because they are excellent “de-toxifiers.” Fruit juices are “cleansers” and are best taken in the morning. Since vegetable juices are “restorers” and “builders,” they are best taken in the afternoon. You may want to devote a portion of your fast to using the following combination of ingredients:

One gallon of tap or filtered water

1-1/2 cup lemon juice

3/4-cup pure maple syrup

1/4-teaspoon cayenne pepper The lemon juice adds flavor and vitamin C, the maple syrup provides energy, and the cayenne pepper – an herb – acts to open small blood vessels which helps the body as it cleanses itself of stored toxins.

Page 9: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

You also may want to try a mixture of 100% pure white grape juice and peach juice. The juice is available in frozen cans. Most knowledgeable nutritionists recommend:

Watermelon – just put it in the blender without adding water

Fresh apple juice

Green juice: blend celery, romaine lettuce, and carrots in equal proportions. (Vegetable juices supply the electrolytes necessary for proper heart function)

Some nutritionists recommend warm broth, especially if you live in a colder climate. You may find their recipes helpful: Recipe 1: Boil sliced potatoes, carrots, and celery in water. Do not add salt. After about a half-hour, drain off the water and drink. Recipe 2: Gently boil three carrots, two stalks of celery, one turnip, two beets, a half head of cabbage, a quarter of a bunch of parsley, a quarter of an onion, and a half clove of garlic. Drain off the broth and drink up to two or three times daily.

Page 10: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

We suggest that you avoid drinking anything containing protein or fat, such as milk or soy-based drinks as these will restart the digestion cycle and you’ll feel hunger pangs. Also, for health reasons, stay away from caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or cola. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it has a more powerful effect on your nervous system when you abstain from food. This works both against the physical and spiritual aspects of the fast. Another key factor in maintaining optimum health during a fast is to limit your physical activity. Exercise only moderately, and rest as much as your schedule will permit (this especially applies to extended fasts). Short naps are helpful as well. Walking a mile or two each day at a moderate pace is acceptable for a person in good health who is engaged in a juice fast. NO ONE on a water fast should exercise without the supervision of a fasting specialist.

Page 11: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Mental Preparation You may find the following daily schedule helpful during your fast. We recommend you print it and keep it handy. 5:00AM–8:00AM: Fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed or blended, diluted in 50 percent distilled water if the fruit is acid. Orange, apple, pear, grapefruit, papaya, grape, peach or other fruits are good. 10:30AM–Noon: Green vegetable juice made from lettuce, celery, and carrots in three equal parts. 2:30PM–4:00PM: Herb tea with a drop of honey. Make sure that it is NOT black tea or tea with a stimulant. 6:00PM–8:30PM: Broth from boiled potatoes, celery, and carrots (no salt). Although fasting can be an indescribable blessing, it’s not easy for everyone. In this time of discipline, self-sacrifice and reflection, do not be surprised if you experience mental and physical discomforts.

Page 12: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Physical Effect: Hunger Pangs. These are greatest usually during the first three days of the fast. Your body is adjusting from using the food in your digestive tract (which remains about three days) to consuming stored fats. Suggested Relief: Psyllium Bulk can help eliminate hunger pangs while cleansing the body. Several capsules can be taken throughout the day with plenty of water. Silymarin tablets may also be helpful, for they are believed to protect and enhance the cleansing of the liver. Physical Effect: Coldness, bad breath and heightened body odor, changes in elimination (constipation or diarrhea), light-headedness, changes in sleeping and dreaming patterns, aches and pains. A white-coated tongue at the beginning of a fast may be a part of the body's pattern of throwing off toxins. Suggested Relief: After the first two weeks of an extended fast, many of these symptoms subside. Continuing aches in a certain area of the body usually means elimination of fatty tissue is going on in that area, which is not harmful.

Page 13: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

YOU SHOULD STOP FASTING IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING SEVERE PAIN OR SWELLING. Physical Effect: Headaches or stomachaches may be a result of salt, sugar, or caffeine withdrawal. Suggested Relief: Eliminating those items from your diet prior to fasting is the best way to avoid these pains. Physical Effect: Lower back pain may indicate that you are dehydrating. Suggested Relief: Drink more fluids. Physical Effect: Dizziness may be caused by a sudden change in position, such as rising suddenly from a chair. Suggested Relief: Stop for a second or two, then recover. Move slowly. A word of caution: these conditions may be symptoms of other problems requiring medical attention. Physical Effect: Minor fasting discomfort.

Page 14: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Suggested Relief: Take one teaspoon of psyllium seed powder morning and evening. Mixed in lukewarm water, it becomes like Jell-O. This powder will hasten the elimination of toxins from your colon and help to prevent headaches and dizziness for most healthy people. Alfalfa tablets can help control bad breath and cleanse the system. Two tablets at a time can be taken several times a day. During your fast, you may have your struggles, discomforts, spiritual victories, and failures. In the morning, you may feel like you are on top of the world, but by evening you may be wrestling with the flesh-sorely tempted to raid the refrigerator or find yourself counting how many more days are left in your fast. This is especially true if you are new at fasting. To counteract temptations like these, frequently sip water or juice throughout the day, and be intentional about taking extra time with the Lord. Perhaps you could step outside for fresh air and a moderate walk (a mile or two). As you walk, enjoy a conversation with the Lord.

Page 15: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Spiritual Preparation Moses fasted 80 days/nights (Ex. 24:18; 34:28) Elijah fasted 40 days/nights (1 Kings 19:7-8) Jesus fasted 40 days/nights (Mt 4:1-2) Jesus expects disciples to fast (Mt 6:16-18) The early believers fasted (Acts 13:2-3) What can you learn from the scriptures mentioned above? What reason did Christ give for his disciples to fast in Matthew 9:14-15; Mark 2:18-20; Luke 5:33-35? What instructions does Jesus give us about fasting in Matthew 6:16-18?

Page 16: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Record what you learn about prayer with fasting from the following verses: Old Testament 2 Samuel 1:11-12 2 Samuel 12:13-23 2 Chronicles 20:1-19 Ezra 8:21-23 Nehemiah 1:3-11 Nehemiah 8:14-9:3

Page 17: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Psalm 109 Isaiah 58:1-11 Jeremiah 36:1-10 Daniel 9:1-27 Joel 2:12-18 Jonah 3:5-10

Page 18: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

New Testament Matthew 17:14-21 Luke 2:36-38 Acts 13:2-3 Acts 14:21-23 What are some dangers of fasting according to Zechariah 7:1-13 and Luke 18:9-14?

Page 19: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

While fasting, keep a journal. Record how you are feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Take the time to reflect upon what the Holy Spirit is speaking, how the scripture is teaching, reproving, correcting, or training you, what God is exposing and transforming in you, how God is answering prayer, etc. Finishing Well All the experts agree that “breaking the fast” is the critical phase of fasting. While your body is in the resting mode, your stomach shrinks and your intestines become idle, so solid food must be re-introduced very slowly to avoid kidney failure or digestive distress. In fact, after an extended fast, you should make a careful transition at least 3 days before returning to eating meats or fats or normal foods. Furthermore, if you end your fast gradually, the beneficial physical and spiritual effects will linger for days. But if you rush into solid foods, you may lose much of your deep sense of peace and experience physical problems such as diarrhea, sickness, fainting, and frankly even death in some cases due to shock.

Page 20: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Dr. Paul Bragg and his daughter Patricia have conducted fasting clinics for many years. Their book, The Miracle of Fasting, gives a specific daily food plan for breaking a 7-day fast that could be adapted and stretched out over several more days for longer fasts. Breaking a Seven-Day Fast 5 o'clock as you end your 7th day of the fast

Peal four or five medium-sized tomatoes

Cut them up, bring them to a boil and then turn off the heat. When they are cool enough to eat, have as many as you desire.

Morning of the 8th day

Salad of grated carrots and grated cabbage, with half an orange squeezed over it.

Bowl of steamed greens and pealed tomatoes (spinach, Swiss chard, or mustard greens). Bring the greens to a boil, then turn off the heat.

You may eat two slices of 100 percent whole-wheat bread, which has been toasted until it is thoroughly dry – this is called “Melba toast.” After it has been cooled, the toast should be so dry that it would powder if you squeezed it in the palm of your hand.

Page 21: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

During the day, you may have all the distilled water you wish to drink.

For dinner, you may have a salad of grated carrots, chopped celery and cabbage, with orange juice for dressing. This will be followed by two cooked vegetables, one such as spinach, kale, shard, or mustard greens, and one such as string beans, carrots, steamed celery, okra, or squash. You may have two pieces of whole-grain “Melba toast.” These meals are not to contain oils of any kind.

Morning of the 9th day

You may have a dish of any kind of fresh fruit, such as banana, pineapple, orange, sliced grapefruit, or sliced apples. You may sprinkle this with two tablespoons of raw wheat germ, and sweeten it with honey, but not over one tablespoon.

At noon you may have a salad of grated carrots, cabbage, and celery, with one cooked vegetable and one slice of “Melba toast.”

At dinner you may have a salad dish of lettuce, watercress, parsley, and tomatoes, and two cooked vegetables.

Page 22: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Most experts agree that breaking a fast with vegetables, either steamed or raw, is best. Your stomach is smaller now, so eat lightly. Stop before you feel full. Stay away from starches like pastas, potatoes, rice, or bread (except for “Melba toast”) for at least a week. Also, avoid meats, dairy products, and any fats or oils for a week or more. Introduce them very slowly and in small amounts. In terms of resuming any sort of exercise routine, the advice is the same. Start out slowly, allowing time for your body to re-adjust to its usual regime.

Page 23: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Scriptural Prayer Below are some scriptural principles regarding prayer that you could reference as you approach the 21 Days of Prayer with Fasting.

Pray with humility rather than self-exultation (Lk 18:10-14)

Pray with faith/belief (without doubt) (Mt 21:21-22; Mk 11:22-24)

Pray with persistence: ask, seek, and knock (Lk 11:5-10; Rom 12:12)

Pray continually with thanksgiving to God (Php 4:6-7; Col 4:2; 1 Th 5:16-18)

Pray in Jesus' name, abiding/obeying Him (Jn 14:12-17; 15:7-17; 16:23-27)

Pray effectively, according to the pattern Jesus taught (Mt 6:7-13; Lk 11:2-4)

Pray according to the revealed will of God (1 Jn 5:14-15)

Pray for justice with perseverance and don't lose heart (Lk 18:1-8)

Pray for those who persecute and mistreat you (Mt 5:44-45; Lk 6:27-28)

Pray at all times in the Spirit for all the saints (Eph 6:18; Jd 1:20-21)

Pray, request, intercede, and give thanks on behalf of all people (1 Tim 2:1-4)

Page 24: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Week 1: January 1-7 (READ Acts) This week we will focus on praying for unreached people groups. “My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.” (Romans 15:20)

Choose 1 video per day and spend time in prayer for that people group.

Pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on each unreached people group bringing the conviction of sin, repentance, and belief.

Pray for clear biblical dreams, visions, and revelations of Jesus drawing people to Him.

Pray for powerful signs, wonders, healings, deliverance, and miracles that glorify Jesus.

Pray for the church to live into their sentness among unreached people groups and that God would send more workers into His harvest fields (Luke 10:2).

Pray for disciple making movements to form from within each unreached people group.

Pray that new apprentices will be biblically taught and grow in Jesus.

Pray for the Baber family (Laos) and the Grady family (Indonesia) – GR supported international missionaries.

Page 25: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Prayer Journal Week 1 How are you feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? What did you learn this week? How has this week of prayer devoted to unreached people groups impacted you? How has the Holy Spirit spoken to your spirit, through the scripture, or through another person?

Page 26: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Week 2: January 8-14 (READ 1 Thessalonians) This week will be devoted toward prayer for our local context (our country and city). Day 1: Pray for our President, Vice President,

President-Elect, and Vice President-Elect.

Day 2: Pray for the House of Representatives.

Day 3: Pray for the Senate.

Day 4: Pray for the Colorado state government (governor, house, senate, etc.)

Day 5: Pray for our local government (Mayor, City Council, etc.)

Day 6: Pray for the church in our country to boldly proclaim and embody the gospel.

Day 7: Pray for the COS church to love our city well and boldly proclaim/embody the gospel.

o Pray for the COS church relationship with the Mayor and city government

o Pray for initiatives like o Pray for Springs Rescue Mission o Pray for Mary’s Home o Pray for Process Skate Ministry o Pray for human trafficking initiatives:

Restore Innocence The Exodus Road

Page 27: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Prayer Journal Week 2 How are you feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? What did you learn this week? How has this week of prayer devoted to your local context impacted you? How has the Holy Spirit spoken to your spirit, through the scripture, or through another person?

Page 28: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Week 3: January 15-21 (READ Colossians) This week we will be devoted to praying for Christ-centered, personal renewal. Day 1: Spend this day asking God, “Create in me a

clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Ps. 51:10). Ask God to expose any ungodly motives, thoughts, attitudes, words, actions, etc.

Day 2: Spend this day confessing and forsaking anything God has exposed in you. “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” (Pr. 28:13).

Day 3: Spend this day reorienting your heart around the Triune God such that you’d pursue godliness, living a blameless, holy life. “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” (1 Tim. 4:8)

Day 4: Spend this day asking God to identify, expose, and transform the obstacles inhibiting interdependent life within the redeemed community. “And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.” (Eph. 1:23)

Day 5: Spend this day asking God to enable you to more fully understand, develop, and use your Trinitarian Gift Mix for the benefit of the body.

Page 29: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

“Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different results, but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the benefit of all.” (1 Cor. 12:4-7)

Day 6: Spend this day asking God to enable you to increasingly discern where He is at work so that you can participate with Him on mission. “Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.” (John 17:18)

Day 7: Spend this day reorienting your life around the pursuit of God. Give thanks for the last 21 days and the days ahead living in a deeper communion with God in Christ by the Spirit. “Constantly pray, in everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not extinguish the Spirit.” (1 Thess. 5:17-19)

Page 30: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Prayer Journal Week 3 How are you feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? What did you learn this week? How has this week of prayer devoted to personal renewal impacted you? How has the Holy Spirit spoken to your spirit, through the scripture, or through another person?

Page 31: GRASSROOTS 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Guide 2017 · Before entering into this season of prayer with fasting, you should spend adequate time preparing your body, mind, and spirit. If

Final Thoughts Record a summary of your final thoughts from the last 21 days. Afterwards, share this with your Gospel Community and Fight Club.