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Grails Queries

Grails queries

Aug 14, 2015



Husain Dalal
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Grails Queries

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//Config.groovylog4j = { debug "org.hibernate.SQL" trace "org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder"}

//DataSource.groovy datasource = { logSql = true}

hibernate { format_sql = true use_sql_comments = true}

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Dynamic Finders

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Single Multiple

findBy findAllBy

findWhere findAllWhere

get getAll

count -

- list & listOrderBy

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findByTodo t = Todo.findByPriorityAndStatus("2", "ACTIVE")

List<Todo> lt = Todo.findAllByName("App")List<Todo> lt = Todo.findAllByPriorityOrStatus("2", "ACTIVE")

List<Todo> lt = Todo.findAllByName("App", [max: 10, offset: 20, sort: "priority", order: "desc"])

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findBy Examples// retrieve an album where the title contains 'Shake'def album = Album.findByTitleLike('%Shake%')

// get an album created in last 10 daysdef today = new Date()def last10Days = Album.findByDateCreatedBetween(today-10,today)

// first album that is not 'Rock'def somethingElse = Album.findByGenreNotEqual('Rock')

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findWhereTodo t = Todo.findWhere([ "priority": "1", status: "ACTIVE"])

List<Todo> t = Todo.findAllWhere([ "priority": "1", status: "ACTIVE"])

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getTodo t = Todo.get() //gets one record. if multiple exists then throws error.Todo t = Todo.get(1)

List<Todo> lt = Todo.getAll(1,3,5)List<Todo> lt = Todo.getAll([1,3,5])

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listList<Todo> t = Todo.list()List<Todo> t = Todo.listOrderByName()

List<Todo> t = Todo.list([max: 10, offset: 20, sort: "priority", order: "desc"])List<Todo> t = Todo.list(max: 10, offset: 20, sort: "priority", order: "desc")

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max - Specifies the maximum number of rows to return

offset - Specifies the number of elements into the ResultSet to start at when returning values (useful for pagination)

sort - Specifies the field to sort on in the returned list

order - Specifies the order of the sort: "asc" or "desc" (default is "asc")

ignoreCase - Sets sorting to ignore case (true by default)

fetch - Specifies eager/lazy fetch strategy as a Map of options

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Where queries

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User.where { loginId =~ myLoginId }.list()

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List<Contract> searchContracts(Map params) {return Contract.where {

if(params.contractId) {id == params.contractId

}if(params.contractName) {

contractName =~ '%'+params.contractName+'%'}if(params.supplierName) {

supplier.supplierName =~ '%'+params.supplierName+'%'

}}.list(max: 50, offset: page, sort: 'id', order: 'desc')


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Operator Criteria Method Description

== eq Equal to

!= ne Not equal to

> gt Greater than

< lt Less than

>= ge Greater than or equal to

<= le Less than or equal to

in inList Contained within the given list

==~ like Like a given string

=~ ilike Case insensitive like

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Detached CriteriaDetachedCriteria<Person> query = Person.where {

(lastName != "Simpson" && firstName != "Fred") ||

(firstName == "Bart" && age in 18..65)}

List<Person> results = query.list(sort:"firstName")

DetachedCriteria<Person> noMiddleName = Person.where { middleName == null}

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Aggregate functions

Method Description

avg The average of all values

sum The sum of all values

max The maximum value

min The minimum value

count The count of all values

property Retrieves a property of the resulting entities

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Method Description

second The second of a date property

minute The minute of a date property

hour The hour of a date property

day The day of the month of a date property

month The month of a date property

year The year of a date property

lower Converts a string property to upper case

upper Converts a string property to lower case

length The length of a string property

trim Trims a string property

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Collections & Subqueriesfinal query = Person.where { age > avg(age)}

def query = Person.where { age > avg(age).of { lastName == "Simpson" } && firstName == "Homer"}

Person.where { age < property(age).of { lastName == "Simpson" }}

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Bulk Update/Deletedef query = Person.where { lastName == 'Simpson'}int total = query.updateAll(lastName:"Bloggs")

def query = Person.where { lastName == 'Simpson'}int total = query.deleteAll()

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Criteria Queries

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Dynamicvoid testFindingTodosWithCriteria() { def params = [ name: '%Second%', status: '4' ] def todos = executeCriteriaQuery( params ) assert todos[0].name == "Our Second Web App"}

List executeCriteriaQuery(def params) {def todos = Todo.createCriteria().list { and { params.each {key, value -> like(key, value) } } }

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HQL Queries

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findTodo.find("From Todo as t

where = :name and t.priority = :priority order by t.priority asc", [priority :"2", name : "Test"])

Todo.findAll("From Todo t where t.priority = :priority",[priority:"1"], [max: 10, offset: 20, sort: "priority", order "desc"])

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find by exampleTodo todo = new Todo() = "Test"todo = Todo.find(todo)

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executeQueryTodo.executeQuery("select from Todo t where t.priority =

:priority ", [priority:"1"])

def users = User.executeQuery( 'from User u where u.username=:login or', [login: ‘hd’])

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Aggregate funcdef newAuthors = Author.executeQuery( "select a from Author a where a.books is empty")

def prolificAuthors = Author.executeQuery( "select a from Author a where size(a.books) > 10")

def grailsAuthors = Author.executeQuery( "select a from Author a join a.books as book " + "where lower(book.title) like '%grails%'")

def author = Author.executeQuery( "select a from Author a where :book in elements(a.books)", [book: book])

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Different return typesList<String> firstNames = Author.executeQuery('select a.firstName from Author a')

List<Object[]> names = Author.executeQuery('select, a.age from Author a')

List<Map> names = Author.executeQuery( 'select new map( as fullName, a.age as age) from Author a where ...')

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Return a POGOList<Address> names = Author.executeQuery( 'select new Address(a.street,, a.state, from Author a where ...')

class Author {Author(String street, String city, String state, String zip) {


Author() {..}}

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filter map optionsmax - Limits the maximum number of records to return (typically for pagination)offset - Specifies the offset position into the results (typically for pagination)readOnly - If true, will return results that are not dirty-checked fetchSize - Specifies the fetch size for the underlying JDBC querytimeout - Specifies the timeout for the underlying JDBC queryflushMode - Overrides the current session flush modecache - If true, will use the query cache

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