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Graduados Junio 2013 Valen

Oct 16, 2015



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    SERVEF - Servei Valenci dOcupaci i Formaci


    El present BUTLLET s una selecci d'algunes de les ofertes que es difonen a travs d'EURES (Europeten Employment Services), dirigides a cobrir vacants que requerixen formaci universitria, i les procedents de centres universitaris europeus publicades en la base de dades d'EURES. Pot consultar aquestes ofertes i moltes ms en EURES, El Portal Europeu de la Mobilitat Professional:

    Informaci orientada a titulats/des en:

    REQUISITS IMPRESCINDIBLES: s imprescindible almenys un nivell mitj de conversa de l'idioma del pas a qu es vulga desplaar i, en tot cas, que permeta exercir les tasques del lloc sollicitat, aix com la nacionalitat d'un pas de l'Espai Econmic europeu.

    Les ofertes vnen distribudes per pasos. Per a sollicitar l'ocupaci, seguisca les instruccions indicades en cada oferta.


    Desarrollador Software C, C++ para MicrocontroladoresRequisitos de la OFERTA: Haber finalizado cualquiera de las siguientes titulaciones universitarias: Ingeniera de automatizacin o electrnica. Buenos conocimientos de programacin en C, C++ para microcontroladores Conocimientos en bancos de datos (SQL, XML) Se valorar positivamente tener conocimientos en RTOS, Eclipse/AVR Studio Nivel de ingls: B2 Trabajar por su propia iniciativa y con mucho sentido de responsabilidad Ser orientado a resultados Ser una persona con buenos dotes comunicativos y capaz de ofrecer buen trato al cliente. Dispuesto a viajar. Quality Engineer with focus on electrical engineering/mechatronicsTAREAS A REALIZAR: PERFIL LABORAL: Responsable de garanta de calidad durante el desarollo y testeo de software para nuestros sistemas de prueba y diagnstico. Garanta de calidad analtica: Planeamiento, ejecucin y anlisis de pruebas manuales de nuestro software de aplicacin y embedded systems. Realizacin de testeos de campo y la organizacin de pruebas beta. Colaboracin en diseo, implementacin, documentacin y mantenimiento de testeos automatizados. Garanta de calidad constructiva: Colaboracin en proyectos utilizando SCRUM o modelo de waterfall. Modelar en UML como base de casos de prueba desarrollo de casos. Apoyo de nuestros desarrolladores en implementacin en requirements-, design- y code-review cualquier titulado universitario/a de: Ingenieria Electronico, Energia, Mecatrnica o Informtica. Alta afinidad por la informtica Experiencia en software de desarrollo y programacin orientada a objeto Capacidad de pensamiento abstracto y modelado Experiencia laboral de testeo, la certificacin ISTQB y conocimiento en MSVisual Studio / .NET Framework se valorar positivamente Conocimiento en arquitectura de software, UML, C# o C++ se valorar positivamente Imprescindible poseer nivel B2 de Ingls y disposicin para iniciarse al alemn.

  • Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo Austriaco) en alemn e ingls:

    BLGICA:5 ENFERMEROS (M/V) (KONTICH)Residencia de ancianos Planificar y asegurar la ejecucin de los cuidados prescritos por el mdico. Manejo de la medicacin. Comunicacin con el equipo multidisciplinario. Perfil: Diploma: Bachelor Profesional Enfermero/aExperiencia: ninguna Contrato indefinitivo a jornada completa Sueldo atractivo + beneficios financieros.

    In house neonatal nursery nurseOur client is a Belgian family in Ronse, attending a twin and looking for private nursery assistance in the very near future. So we have a very interesting and appealing position for a graduated, English speaking nurse who would be interested in a position as . Descripcin completa del puesto: In house neonatal nursery nurse Together with the nanny, you will take care of a newborn twins health, daycare, learning, play, education and social development. You will be responsible for feeding, changing and comforting the newborn babies, taking care of their personal needs. Ensuring babies health Taking care of babies daycare Supervising child care activities Reading stories Bathing and Changing infants Observing babies behaviour Carrying babies on outings and to the park. VHDL designerDescription:The ideal candidate is experienced in the use of VHDL. And experince with ASIC and/or FPGA tools. Ms info: de empleo internacional en el rea de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB, WWW.BIJOB.BE el servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de Bruselas:


    Marie Curie ExperiencedResearchers(Post Doc)Area: Risk Analysis. Number of positions: 1 Location: Denmark Duration: 18 months, full time. Start Date: September 1 st 2013. The project:The main goal of this project is to implement a collaborative effort to promote the sharing of knowledge and competencies in a long-term strategic research partnership around the development, testing and validation of a cost-effective and user-friendly risk management system for SMEs in the construction sector. This new risk management system will improve productivity ased on risk identification, analysis and proactive management. There is abundant evidence both from informal market research and industry surveys to confirm that SMEs are vulnerable and face a daily exposure to a wide variety of business risks while they operate without a risk management system in place. The objectives of the RiMaCon project have been defined to respond to this problem in a flexible way, with a top-down approach, departing from state-of-the art methods and existing products for risk management to arrive at a specific solution for SMEs in construction. We are looking for a specialist in risk analysis, who has knowledge of the new and general tools and techniques of risk management. This person also has an understanding of business affairs and human behaviour; and knows the key business functions in the construction sector, with the risks

  • attached to them. Specialist Psychiatrist sychiatrist sychiatrists for the Department of Mental Health for the Department of Mental Health for the Department of Mental Health in Haderslev and Augustenborg Haderslev and Augustenborg. Are you our new colleague? Would you like to work w Are you our new colleague? Would you like to work with psychiatric patients in an ith psychiatric patients in an outpatient o outpatient o r inpatient team r inpatient team r inpatient team ---- in a working climate where we emphasize orde in a working climate where we emphasize orde in a working climate where we emphasize orderliness in what ness in what we say and do, professional growth and room for ren we say and do, professional growth and room for renewal and enthusiasm? room for renewal and enthusiasm? ewal and enthusiasm? Our outpatient team handles diagnosing and treatment of patients referred to us from a regular group of general practitioners in the area of admission. Our inpatient section receives patients for diagnosing and start of treatment from the municipality of Haderslev, Aabenraa, Tnder and Snderborg. We have rooms for 115 inpatients 50 in Haderslev and 65 in Augustenborg. At the end of 2014 the departments will relocate to Aabenraa where they will move into a newly build modern facility together with the general Hospital in the Southern Denmark. The department works in interdisciplinary teams with a strong focus on cross-functional collaboration. Toda la info: MEDICAL DOCTORSFor Danish hospitals were looking for medical practitioners specialising in the following areas: Radiology Mamma Radiology Pathology Psychiatry Neurology Toda la informacin en: y

    Senior .NET developer Can you develop innovative solutions?At this company, the focus is on solving the it-challenges of the customers and create solutions that enhance their business. To do this they constantly challenge technologies, each other and the customers way of working. Do you push boundaries, develop code of high quality and have a continual focus on new technologies - and are you able to convert these skills into business solutions? Then this might be a relevant position for you. Toda la informacin:

    Senior Business Intelligence Consultants Are you motivated by challenges and up to date on the newest technologies? Do you want to be a part of one of the fastest growing it-consultancy houses in Denmark? Then this position as Senior BI consultant is relevant for you. Info en: Engineer with several years experience from the cement industryYou need to have several years experience of successful plant operation or maintenance and an ability to use your knowledge Job Basket Job Details 08-03-2013and experience to solve practical problems. This must be backed by good communication and language skills. English is a must and other languages such as Russian, Portuguese or French would be a real advantage. If you enjoy travelling and working in a multicultural environment, then this could be the job for you. Ms ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en

  • Nuevo servicio de Jobs in the Danish Healthcare Services:


    ENFERMEROS RESIDENTES EN CANARIAS INTERESADOS EN TRABAJAR EN FINLANDIA:Posiblemente sepan que se estn llevando a cabo entrevistas de seleccin para trabajar como enfermeros/as en Finlandia en diferentes puntos de la pennsula. Estamos tratando de crear en Canarias una bolsa de candidatos interesados en esta posibilidad para poder invitar a las empresas finlandesas a realizar las entrevistas en Canarias. Interesados/as enviar un e-mail a [email protected] con el ASUNTO:"ENFERMERIA FINLANDIA-CANARIAS".

    Qt Designer (Linux, C++) Ohjelmistosuunnittelijoita We are looking for a skilled Qt Designer for a permanent position. You will work in customer-specific projects in Vaasa, programming with C++ on Linux platform. A successful candidate has: - Suitable education, such as B.Eng or M.Sc. (in Engineering) - Experience in Qt, C++ and Linux - Interest in industrial systems - Good problem solving skills - Capability to work independently, but also good team working skills Beneficial skills: - Experience in scrum based project management We offer: - Friendly, cooperative and skilled colleagues who build excellent customer solutions - Flexible working hours, professional tools and workspaces - A chance to develop the products and processes of the leading industrial and energy companies in Finland Please send your application and CV to [email protected] with title " Qt Designer, Vaasa". For more information, please contact HR Manager Kati Korolainen-Kujala +358 50 482 1429. Wapice Ltd. is a Finnish software company specialized in embedded systems, industrial systems and business solutions. Our primary goal is to fulfill the software needs of our customers who operate in different industrial branches. We have currently over 230 employees and the company is doing constant profitable growth. Our offices are located in Vaasa, Tampere, Hyvink, Seinjoki and Oulu. Read more from , Please send your application and CV to [email protected] Tm shkpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nhdksesi sen. with title " Qt Designer, Vaasa".

    Ms ofertas de trabajo en Finlandia, en especial personal sanitario en:


    MDECIN ANESTHSISTECentre Hospitalier R. Ballanger. Bd. Robert Balanger. Pratique de l'anesthsie-ranimation chirurgicale en chirurgie d'adulte et de l'enfant et en obsttrique, pour centre hospitalier Robert Ballanger situ prs de Paris. Diplme europen requis. Langues requises: franais-trs bon. Group Reccherche : ADETEL Group (600 personnes, 55 M de CA) : le service llectronique Nous dveloppons des prestations d'tudes et produisons des systmes lectroniques et logiciels pour les grands comptes de l'industrie, dans les domaines de laronautique, du ferroviaire, de lautomobile, du mdical et de lnergie. (Seguir enlaces) :Chef de Project electronique Hardware: Ingnieur Junior en Electronique Ingnieur Electronique de Puissance Ingnieur FPGA H/F

  • Technicien lectronique H/F

    SAP Skills (Project Manager, Consultant, Architecte) Sopra Group Toulouse Employing +13000 engineers with operations in the major countries (France, Spain, UK, Italy, Germany, Benelux, Switzerland), Sopra Group ranks as one of the Top 3 IT Company on the French market. In Toulouse, Major aerospace pole in Europe, Sopra is leading the Market with wide and strong positions in large accounts : Airbus, Safran, Thales, Astrium, France Tlcom In 2012 we plan to hire 200 people in Toulouse among them we are looking for SAP Consultants. Skills (Project Manager, Developper, Architecte) Sopra Group Toulouse Employing +13000 engineers with operations in the major countries (France, Spain, UK, Italy, Germany, Benelux, Switzerland), Sopra Group ranks as one of the Top 3 IT Company on the French market. In Toulouse, Major aerospace pole in Europe, Sopra is leading the Market with wide and strong positions in large accounts : Airbus, Safran, Thales, Astrium, France Tlcom In 2012 we plan to hire 200 people in Toulouse among them we are looking for SAP Consultants. de empleo de mdicos, enfermero/as y fisioterapeutas: Interesados/as, consulten las webs de las empresas colaboradoras:


    Seleccin Emploi



  • ingenieur/in - MaschinenbauDie Heide-Park Soltau GmbH ist ein Tochterunternehmen der englischen Merlin Entertainments Group, die sich zu einem fhrenden Anbieter qualitativ hochwertiger Familienunterhaltung entwickelt hat. Als zweitgrter Betreiber von Freizeitattraktionen beschftigt die Merlin Entertainments Group ca. 20.000 Mitarbeiter in weltweit ber 90 Attraktionen, verteilt auf 21 Lnder sowie 4 Kontinente. Unser Ziel ist es, unseren weltweit ber 50 Millionen Besuchern einzigartige und unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu bescheren. Wir bieten ein breites Angebot bekannter Marken, vom LEGOLAND Resort ber Madame Tussauds bis hin zu dem EDF Energy London Eye.Als Norddeutschlands grter Erlebnispark begei

    Technician (m/f) Installation and Erection Wind Power EMEA Offshore Energy Sector, Hamburg . With our innovations for energy supply, healthcare, urban infrastructures and industrial productivity, we provide answers to urgent questions of our time. Thats why were always looking for curious, open-minded people, people who dare to ask tough questions. Like every Siemens employee worldwide. People like you? For our location Hamburg we are looking for a Technician (m/f) Installation and Erection Wind Power EMEA Offshore. (m/f) CommissioningEMEA Offshore Energy Sector, Hamburg . With our innovations for energy supply, healthcare, urban infrastructures and industrial productivity, we provide answers to urgent questions of our time. Thats why were always looking for curious, open-minded people, people who dare to ask tough questions. Like every Siemens employee worldwide. People like you? For our location Hamburg we are looking for a Technician (m/f) Installation and Erection Wind Power EMEA Offshore. engineersKAYTEN GmbH is an experienced partner for engineering and development services in the German automotive field with core competences in electronic and information technologies. We support well established companies with high qualified, motivated engineers, specialists and managers, who already have experiences in different areas of the automotive field. Our range of services goes from development,consulting, testing and management of systems and applications up to the complete and successful project handling and software development. Actually we are searching qualified engineersfor the following fields: Electrical engineering, communication technologyDevelopment of control unitsTrying and testingProject management


    El Incoming Team del ZAV (departamento de seleccin internacional del Servicio Pblico de Empleo Alemn), que forma parte de la Red EURES, est recibiendo una cantidad creciente de ofertas de empleo en el sector sanitario, en concreto de medicina y enfermera. Junto a las ofertas de empleo que vienen publicando en SEPE, est previsto programar en los prximos meses varios procesos de seleccin especficos del sector sanitario en diversas localidades espaolas.

    Los profesionales de la medicina y de la enfermera necesitan normalmente un nivel mnimo de alemn de B1/B2 (dentro del Marco de Referencia Europeo de las Lenguas) para poder ejercer su profesin. Hasta ahora, la mayor parte de las ofertas de empleo venan con este requisito incorporado, pero cada da son ms los empleadores que estn dispuestos a ofrecer apoyo a los/as candidatos/as para la realizacin de cursos encaminados a obtener el nivel requerido, por lo que pueden registrarse a estas ofertas sin cumplir este requisito.

    Si le interesa participar en los procesos de seleccin que se van a ir convocando, por favor, regstrese en:

    seleccionando la familia profesional Sanidad e indicando que quieren participar en la convocatoria: Puestos de Sanidad en Europa. Tendrn la posibilidad de elegir si estn participando para puestos de Medicina en Alemania o Enfermera en Alemania.

  • Es muy importante que indique la convocatoria y el puesto, ya que utilizamos esta aplicacin para varios pases y distintos perfiles, y slo precisando claramente el puesto seleccionado se asegura el recibir informacin puntual sobre los procesos convocados.

    Es muy importante que al registrarse indique toda la informacin acadmica y profesional que considere pertinente, as como los idiomas que habla y si ha participado en experiencias en otros pases, ya sea durante sus estudios (ej.: Beca Erasmus) como durante su vida profesional. Si detecta alguna anomala o fallo tcnico en el proceso de registro, por favor comunquelo al consejero/a Eures de su provincia.

    Ms ofertas de empleo en Alemania en:



    HADOOP SYSTEM ARCHITECT. Primary functions to design and configure major components of the Hadoop distributed computing platform. The System Architect, will work with team to investigate, prototype, propose and develop next generation technology options for distributed computing. We are looking for candidates who have a broad set of technology skills across many areas and who can demonstrate an ability to apply Hadoop solutions to big data problems.

    License Administrator/Auditor with Spanish

    Communicate with our Spanish-speaking customers on a daily basis and support them in performing the license audit process in their computer systems, giving advice on technical and contractual questions that customers may have.Follow up with customers to ensure that license audits are completed.Evaluate the results of the license audit that the customer has submitted and compare the results to the licensed software product agreements.Liaise with our sales department regarding the findings of the license audits so that it can take any action required.Enter data; remind sales people and customers about follow-up activities, and evaluate audit results and provide technical support by telephone.Excellent oral and written communication skills in Spanish and English.Portuguese would be an advantage but not essential.Excellent customer focus.Strong interpersonal skills and teamwork.Assertiveness.Reasonable knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook)[email protected]

    Validation Engineer

    9-12 month contract for a Validation Engineer based in Cork. Primary activities/responsibilities: Conduct validation activities in compliance with US and EU regulations. Develop and execute validation documentation as required (e.g. IQ, OQ, PQ plans, protocols. Provide Technical expertise over a range of projects within the IPT, such as the introduction of new equipment and improvement to current manufacturing processes etc. Responsible for the preparation, review and approval of relevant technical documentation, risk assessments, CAPA s etc. Co-ordination, implementation and active participation in the site validation program for processes, equipment, software, methods, utilities/facilities, cleaning and sterilization. Ensure highest Quality & Compliance standards. [email protected]

    Python Developer

  • We currently require Engineers to join an expanding software team in our Dublin based office. You will be building a software platform that runs on Linux and uses third-party components to deliver a robust and highly-available platform. The platform fully automates the design, deployment and management of end-customer product rollouts. Your role will be to design, develop and deliver new functionality for the platform. The project is run as an agile SCRUM process. [email protected]

    ASP/JAVA/Dot Net/ Programmer

    Suitably qualified programmer with experience in ASPX, Java, Dot Net required. Experience in writing server based Net Web services, XML, DCom and Com is required. Ability to work in a team environment is important. Minimum of 1 years experience. Very good spoken English skills required. [email protected]


    OFERTA DE PRCTICAS EN OFICINA COMERCIAL EN SALERNOEmpresa multinacional lder en el sector caucho y plstico con sede en Salerno (Italia) est buscando un trabajador (h/m) de lengua materna espaol para un perodo de prcticas de 6 meses en la oficina comercial con el extranjero. Requisitos: Lengua exigida italiano (Nivel B2). Excelente conocimiento de Office y uso del ordenador. Edad max 29 aos. Requisitos preferentes: Licenciado en Economa o Comunicacin y Marketing o similares. Experiencia en sector comercial. El perodo de prcticas desempeado en la sede en Italia (Salerno) est destinado a formar al trabajador para una eventual siguiente contratacin -en caso de resultado positivo del perodo de prcticas- en la sede de la sociedad en Espaa (Zaragoza).

    Software Developer

    The i3 research unit is highly interdisciplinary with researchers and students with different backgrounds from engineering and computer science to psychology and sociology. More information about the i3 unit is available at: The successful candidate will work on the Mobile Territorial Lab project ( and will develop applications to push forward the research on new models for personal data management: from data protection to data exploitation in order to understand users' approaches, attitudes and feelings. The candidate is expected to perform: Software requirements analysis in collaboration with interaction designers Software architecture specification Develop web-based applications for users to negotiate their privacy constraints Develop Android apps for case studies. Job requirements: B.Sc. in Computer Science Experience with server-side programming in Java; Experience with HTML5 front-side programming; Experience in developing apps for the Android platform Experience in privacy protection and personal data management technologies Experience of working in team Proficiency in English. Type of contract: collaboration contract Duration: about 1 year (until April 2014) Start date: Spring 2013 To apply online, please send your detailed CV (in pdf format). Please, include in you cv your authorization for the handling of your personal information as per the Italian Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003. Applications must be sent to [email protected] Emails should have the following reference code: MTL_i32013 Application deadline: May 26, 2013 For further information, please contact the Human Resources Services at [email protected] .

    Otras ofertas de la Fundacin Bruno Kessler ( ) en Italia: (investigacin rea social, postdocs, stages, etc:


    THERMAL-VACUUM TEST SHIFT LEADERA EADS Astriums subsidiary, specialist and European leader in environmental testing is a service and engineering company in Toulouse providing a complete set of environment simulation test facilities in the domains of Space, Aeronautics and Defence. It offers mechanical, acoustic, thermal and radio electric testing to European industrialists, allowing validation of systems and equipment prior to operational implementation. We are looking for a "thermal-vacuum test shift leader" for a limited period of time contract of two years at Noordwijk the Netherlands. Toda la info:


    Ofertas de empleo EURES Noruega:


    Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en ingls):


    SOFTWARE DEVELOPER AUTOMOTIVEHigher education: information technology, Experience in automotive sector, konledges:Embedded C/C++, embedded Linux, driver development, Knowledge of English both spoken and written, Strong problem-solving abilities, Willingness to travel abroad, Full life cycle software engineering skills Knowledge of Spice, Lauterbach, UART, DMA, SPI, CAN, MOST will be an asset. Toda la info: SOFTWARE SENIOR ENGINEER Higher education: information technology, telecommunications, electronics or related Low level C, embedded Linux, driver development Knowledge of English both spoken and written Strong problem-solving abilities Willingness to travel Full life cycle software engineering skills.

    MOBILE DEVICES SOFTWARE ENGINEER Good qualification in a Computer Science / Information Technology related discipline Knowledge of one of the following: Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, J2ME, BREW Good C++ / Java programming skills Full life cycle software engineering skills Strong problem-solving abilities Good spoken and written English Willingness to travels abroad. Info: MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPERHigher education: information technology, telecommunications, electronics or related Knowledge of C++ / C# .Net (3.x, 4.x) development environment Preferable knowledge of Windows Phone 7.x and 8, Windows Mobile, WinCE Preferable knowledge of DirectX Knowledge of other Microsoft environments: Silverlight, ASP, ActiveX, COM/ATL will be an asset Willingness to travels abroad up to 6 months.


    PROFESOR/A DE SISTEMAS DE INNOVACIN CULINARIA (BASQUE CULINARY CENTER)Se responsabilizar del diseo y desarrollo de las asignaturas y materias de cocina de innovacin, as como del desarrollo de proyectos de innovacin culinaria. Se requiere ttulo de Formacin Profesional de Grado Superior o Universitario y dominio de tcnicas culinarias modernas. Necesarios conocimientos tcnico-cientficos aplicados a la cocina. IMPRESCINDIBLE dominio de ingls y experiencia profesional, preferiblemente internacional, de al menos 10 aos en departamentos de I+D de restaurantes y/o de la industria alimentaria. Negociables condiciones de apoyo a alojamiento y desplazamiento. Interesados enviar CV en espaol indicando la referencia: Profesor/a Innovacin Culinaria EURES.

  • Y COACH DE PROYECTOS UNIVERSITARIOS BASQUE CULINARY CENTERSe responsabilizar de disear, apoyar, tutorizar, supervisar y evaluar los proyectos que desarrollan los estudiantes del Basque Culinary Center. Se requiere titulacin universitaria, formacin en Coaching, experiencia en formacin y dinamizacin de equipos, dominio de motodologias de gestin de proyectos, mtodo cientifico, design thinking y orientacin al emprendimiento. IMPRESCINDIBLE dominio de ingls y experiencia en el sector alimentario o sector servicios de al menos 10 aos. Negociables condiciones de apoyo a alojamiento y desplazamiento. Interesados enviar CV en espaol indicando la referencia: Profesor y Coach EURES. ENGINEER (EMBEDDED SOFTWARE)the lear corporation is a fortune 500 company with world-class products designed, engineered and manufactured by a diverse team of talented employees. as a leading supplier of automotive seating and electrical power management systems, lear serves its costumers with global capabilities while maintiaining individual commitment. with headquarters in southfield, michigan, lear maintains 207 locations in 35 different countries around the globe and employs approximately 98.000 employees. job description: within the group of electronic development in our facilities located in valls (tarragona, spain) and participating in international projects, our electronic engineers are responsible for the specification and design of software for microcontrollers and systems, programming in real time on high-level language. all this in a highly competitive and dynamic environment. job requirements: -bachelor`s degree in electronics, telecommunications or it -high level of english -experience designing electronic products is a plus. german language is a plus. lear corporation offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. learn more at send your cv to [email protected] PROFESOR/A DE SISTEMAS DE PRODUCCION Y ELABORACIN CULINARIA (BASQUE CULINARY CENTER)Se responsabilizar, junto con el resto de profesores del rea de cocina del desarrollo e imparticin de las asignaturas relacionadas con dicha rea. Se requiere ttulo de Formacin Profesional de Grado Superior o Universitario y dominio de tcnicas culinarias bsicas, ABC de la cocina y visin global. IMPRESCINDIBLE dominio de ingls y experiencia profesional, preferiblemente internacional, de al menos 10 aos. Negociables condiciones de apoyo a alojamiento y desplazamiento. Interesados enviar CV en espaol indicando la referencia: Profesor/a produccin y elaboracin culinaria EURES. PARA ATENCIN AL CLIENTEBuscamos bilinges franceses para atencin al Cliente, eres una persona activa y responsable y te gustara trabajar en un entorno tecnolgicamente puntero y altamente cualificado. Podemos ofrecerte desarrollo profesional, aprendizaje continuo, oportunidades de promocin,un empleo estable, un ambiente de trabajo accesible, cercano y distendido y mucho msLas funciones a realizar sern: Realizar el proceso de atencin (va telefnica o por e-mail) al cliente relacionado con incidencias de tipo tcnico, precios recursos, aplicaciones, contratacin, formas de pago. Contribuir a la solucin de dudas a los clientes sobre los productos de Arsys. Gestin administrativa de los trmites relacionados con la facturacin del cliente (emisin o rectificacin manual de facturas, cambio de datos en fichas de clientes, etc). SOFTWARE ENGINEERS & C specializes in web-based technologies providing solutions in the field of wireless sensors and the development of Software for the control of remote systems. FP7 project Scanergy, a scalable & modularsystem for energy trading between prosumers ( ) to develop a scalable and modular system for energy trading between prosumers using smart meters. The software and ICT modules will implement innovative simulation and prediction models, both online and offline, as well as optimization and learning algorithms that will leverage a more effective and rational usage of energy resources available in a city. The project is in collaboration with the COMO lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium. To work within R&D department in a team of software engineers, dedicated to convert latest research results into innovative products in order to keep S&Cs product pipeline full. We look for a creative software engineer interested in utilizing latest technologies in a range of applications, who participates in all phases of the life cycle of the software product, creating innovative solutions within R&D projects.

  • Ms ofertas EURES para Espaa Pueden consultarse en:

    Ofertas de trabajo en Espaa en:


    Software designers, test automation-00092595

    Do you want to create something great? We need passionate and talented Software Developers to join our team at Lindholmen, Gteborg. We offer work with leading technologies in an organization where every voice is heard and recognized. Join us to drive our technology leadership toward the Networked Society. At our development unit we build the worlds leading microwave solution for transmitting data over the air. What we can offer you: We strive to be a great place to work; we build strong small teams with tasks spanning our products full life cycle; from early phases, implementation and test to trouble-shooting and application support Work with very talented and driven individuals who are experts in creating the next generation packet enabled microwave transmission We have long experience in agile methodologies where our teams are empowered to take features from idea to implementation and where we continuously improve our tools and ways of working We love our Lindholmen office, located at the waterfront overlooking the harbor of Gteborg right in the IT hub that surrounds Campus Lindholmen Excellent career opportunities with a global perspective Ericsson is the worlds fifth largest software company and was started by Lars Magnus Ericsson in 1876. Today we are some 100.000 people in over 180 countries and we build and run mobile networks deep in the Amazon as well as in megacities. The increased broadband coverage that we provide has a positive impact on a countrys GDP and on peoples lives. Ericsson is the number one supplier of network equipment for mobile communication. When you make a call or browse the internet on your phone, tablet or laptop, you will most likely use one of our solutions. 40% of the worlds mobile traffic runs through networks built by Ericsson. Qualifications What wed like to see in a successful candidate: Bachelor degree in software engineering (equivalent or higher education Passion for and skills in software development and test Experience in Java and/or object oriented programming is a merit. Excellent communication skills Strong command of the English language Application: For this position Ericsson is working with Adecco. Please submit your application at the latest by June 20th 2013. If you have specific questions or trouble registering your application you are welcomt to contact Malin Arnljung at [email protected] Test & test automation-00092593

    Do you want to create something great? We need passionate and talented Software Developers to join our team at Lindholmen, Gteborg. We offer work with leading technologies in an organization where every voice is heard and recognized. Join us to drive our technology leadership toward the Networked Society. At our development unit we build the worlds leading microwave solution for transmitting data over the air. What we can offer you: We strive to be a great place to work; we build strong small teams with tasks spanning our products full life cycle; from early phases, implementation and test to trouble-shooting and application support Work with very talented and driven individuals who are experts in creating the next generation packet enabled microwave transmission We have long experience in agile methodologies where our teams are empowered to take features from idea to implementation and where we continuously improve our tools and ways of working We love our Lindholmen office, located at the waterfront overlooking the harbor of Gteborg right in the IT hub that surrounds Campus Lindholmen Excellent career opportunities with a global perspective Ericsson is the worlds fifth largest software company and was started by Lars Magnus Ericsson in 1876. Today we are some 100.000 people in over 180 countries and we build and run mobile networks deep in the Amazon as well as in megacities. The increased broadband coverage that we provide has a positive impact on a countrys GDP and on peoples lives. Ericsson is the number one supplier of network equipment for mobile communication. When you make a call or browse the internet on your phone, tablet or laptop, you will most likely use one of our solutions. 40% of the worlds mobile traffic runs through networks built by Ericsson. Qualifications What wed like to see in a successful candidate: Bachelor degree in software engineering (equivalent or higher education Passion for and skills in software development and test Experience in Java and/or object oriented programming is a merit. Excellent communication skills Strong command of the English language Application: For this position Ericsson is working with Adecco. Please submit your application at the latest by June 20th 2013. If you have specific questions or

  • trouble registering your application you are welcomt to contact Malin Arnljung at [email protected] Software developers-00092592

    Do you want to create something great? We need passionate and talented Software Developers to join our team at Lindholmen, Gteborg. We offer work with leading technologies in an organization where every voice is heard and recognized. Join us to drive our technology leadership toward the Networked Society. At our development unit we build the worlds leading microwave solution for transmitting data over the air. What we can offer you: We strive to be a great place to work; we build strong small teams with tasks spanning our products full life cycle; from early phases, implementation and test to trouble-shooting and application support Work with very talented and driven individuals who are experts in creating the next generation packet enabled microwave transmission We have long experience in agile methodologies where our teams are empowered to take features from idea to implementation and where we continuously improve our tools and ways of working We love our Lindholmen office, located at the waterfront overlooking the harbor of Gteborg right in the IT hub that surrounds Campus Lindholmen Excellent career opportunities with a global perspective Ericsson is the worlds fifth largest software company and was started by Lars Magnus Ericsson in 1876. Today we are some 100.000 people in over 180 countries and we build and run mobile networks deep in the Amazon as well as in megacities. The increased broadband coverage that we provide has a positive impact on a countrys GDP and on peoples lives. Ericsson is the number one supplier of network equipment for mobile communication. When you make a call or browse the internet on your phone, tablet or laptop, you will most likely use one of our solutions. 40% of the worlds mobile traffic runs through networks built by Ericsson. Qualifications What wed like to see in a successful candidate: Bachelor degree in software engineering (equivalent or higher education Passion for and skill in software development Excellent communication skills Strong command of the English language Experience in the following areas is a merit: C and C++ IP technology Linux Java Embedded programming Real-time programming Application: For this position Ericsson is working with Adecco. Please submit your application at the latest by June 20th 2013. If you have specific questions or trouble registering your application, you are welcome to contact Malin Arnljung at [email protected]


    Staff NurseResponsible to: (In ascending order) Senior Sister/Depute Manager/Care Home Manager/Director Experience: Must have a valid NMC pin number or applied for NMC registration for ONP nurses Purpose of position: To provide high quality nursing care and to assist in identifying and addressing the health and social care of a wide variety of service users. NurseJob description: All applicants must be registered with the NMC ( Duties will include that all treatments are carried out as prescribed and in line with good nursing practise to administer medicines and controlled drugs in accordance with set procedures. Supervise the work of other care staff, type and receive reports including residents nursing care plan. Also to ensure the accurate documentation of matters pertaining to residents care. Applicant will have to provide an enhanced disclosure. Discloser expenses will be met by the applicant. nurse and health visitors (NHS)Come and join our team! We're looking for highly motivated Staff Nurses and Health Visitors who can contribute to ontinuing our high standards of patient care. Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is looking to attract highly talented health professionals across our acute, community and specialist services. We are one of the first Trusts nationally to be fully integrated with community services. If you want to work for an organisation that is family friendly, committed to providing staff with learning and development opportunities, visit our open day to find out whether we have the perfect job for you.

    Senior Software Engineer - (Full-time / Permanent) Website: Job Duties: Responsible for delivery and implementation of major components for complex solutions which are fit for purpose. Will provide the technical lead to other software engineers. Will have an awareness of overall client business requirements and impact on Kainos and client commercials.

  • SPECIALIZED NURSESHealthcare professionals es una empresa privada puntera de reclutamiento en el sector de la salud, con oficinas en Londres. Ofrecemos un servicio gratuito a todos los enfermeros espaoles que buscan trabajo en el Reino Unido, y hacemos todo lo necesario para realizar su sueo de trabajar en el Reino Unido.

    Surgical ward staff nurse

    Ortophaedic Scrub Nurse

    Scrub Nurse

    Surgical Ward Nurse

    PROFESSIONALS FOR HEALTHCARE SECTOR IN THE UNITED KINGDOMGlobal Resources Ldt. Is looking for Spanish professionals within the Healthcare sector willing to work for healthcare providers and hospitals across the UK. Many positions are currently available, such as: Qualified nurses, senior care assistants, home managers, Support workers, cleaners and domestics. You can get more details by checking up some of the job vacancies published in EURES portal. In order to find them you need to put the reference number into the 'Key Words' search field, not in the 'national ref number' search field.

    Registered nurseVictoria Nursing Homes offer a friendly and supportive environment to meet the needs of older people. This includes palliative care, post-operative recuperation and dementia nursing care. About the role Youll be in a nursing home evironment and its essential you have the skills to work as part of a team - using a person-centred approach to assess, plan, implement and evaluate the care delivered. Level of qualification: You need a minimum of twelve months post-qualification experience. You must also be registered or in the process of registering with the NMC in the UK (The Nursing and Midwifery Council). Internursing will provide assistance with the UK Nursing Council registration. To work comfortably and successfully in this role, its important to be able to communicate well with residents and staff. You, therefore, need B2 (upper-intermediate) English as a minimum level. Ideally you will have C1 level (advanced) for example with an IELTS level 7 certificate. HCL NURSING: Enfermeros/as para Reino UnidoHCL Nursing is currently recruiting for Qualified EU Nurses with at least 6 months postgraduate clinical experience to work regular Ad-Hoc shifts on general, medical and surgical wards across the UK. The candidates will be working in various hospitals of a particular area in the UK (Essex, Manchester, Midlands, Leeds Liverpool, Oxford, Birmingham and others) depending on shifts available.

    Account Manager - Internal Sales Spanish and English on behalf of Yes Sales

    Sales Consultant - Account Manager - Business Development Manager Location Commutable from: Watford, Edgeware, Potters Barr, East Barnet, Brent Cross, Hatfield, Enfield, Harrow, Hemel Hempstead Salary: 25-30k basic plus excellent bonuses ote 45,000 Sector Business to business sales Company Our client is a growing privately owned company selling a technical product on an international basis. They sell their product to a diverse market including the London Olympics, oil rigs, fire service and security companies. Due to an increase in year on year sales they are looking to increase their internal sales teams to maximise their global sales. I am actively seeking 3 internal account managers for their Uk and spanish speaking markets. The role We now require an experienced Business Development Manager two with fluent Spanish and one English to join a growing Sales team. The objective of the role is to target potential customers across multinational territories; the successful candidate will need to have excellent English and Spanish communication skills, both written and oral, (for the Spanish role) We are looking for an individual who has a strong outbound telesales background and can recommend a portfolio of products based upon specific customer needs and be able to proactively seek new potential customers as well as grow revenue from our existing customer base through ongoing account management. The successful candidate will be required to spend approximately two nights per month travelling within Europe. Your responsibilities will include: - The majority of the role will be office based and will involve telephone calls to understand the customers 'requirements and in turn introduce the product range and complete follow up communication. - Maintaining the customer database ensuring all key contacts are up to date,so that potential business can be adequately pipelined. - Working to targets and KPI's. - A complete understanding of the product portfolio in order to highlight the specific features and benefits to influence or close any potential business transactions. - Understand and take a proactive approach to competitors' pricing strategy to ensure products remain competitive. - Encouraging customers to take samples of the product order to evaluate quality. Required qualities: - Fluent Spanish and English, both written and oral. - Demonstrate at least three years experience of both new business development and retention. - The candidate should possess an excellent telephone manner, great conversational and need finding skills

  • as well as a persuasive personality. - A selfmotivated,resilient and persistent approach. - The ability to achieve and maintain high daily call volumes to potential customers (2/3 hours per day on average). - Computer literate. Interested? Here are your three options: 1. This is the job for me! When can I start? - Call now and lets talk through your experience. Ask for Natalie Chapman on 0116 2545433 between 8am - 4.30pm 2. I think Im right for this position, but Im not sure I have enough to be get an interview - Click apply now so I can read your resume and let you know 3. Im interested but need to know more about what this job can offer me - email [email protected] with your resume and questions and I will reply with more detail. Precision are committed to keeping our candidates informed and offer a guaranteed response within 7 days when applying through the application system.

    Freelance Spanish Interpreter

    We are currently recruiting for FREELANCE INTERPRETERS in ALL languages WITH A FOCUS ON SPANISH, POLISH, FARSI, DARI, PASHTU, CZECH, PORTUGUESE, LINGALA, LITHUANIA, LATVIAN, RUSSIAN, ROMANIAN, VIETNAMESE, THAI, KONCA, CROATIAN, MANDARIN, CANTONESE, SOMALI, BRAVA, SWAHILI, GUJARATI, BENAGLI, KURDISH, ALBANIAN, AMHARIC, FRENCH, HINDI and ARABIC. in PORSTMOUTH area. Interpreters are not required to hold any formal qualifications or experience as full training will be provided. Applicants who do not hold a current valid enhanced CRB will be required to apply (at their own expense), although this can be facilitated by us if required. Please, email CV to [email protected] for enquiries, please call Sharon: 0161 928 2533

    Teacher of MFL - French, German &/or Spanish

    Are you a talented and flexible teacher of Modern Foreign Languages? If so then please do not miss the fantastic opportunities Supply Desk have to offer. We are currently looking to recruit MFL teacher of French, German &/or Spanish for long -term & Permanent positions in and around King`s Lynn. If you are a teacher with a passion for educating, are innovative and committed to raising standards then you could be just what we are looking for. It is essential that you hold a valid and recognised teaching qualification and ideally you will have some recent experience of teaching in the UK. We must be able to contact your past school to obtain a reference. To take advantage of the diverse and flexible opportunities available please forward your CV to [email protected] or call Jessica Harris on 01733 843910 Supply Desk has rapidly expanded to become part of the UK`s leading education supplier. Our aim is to serve the education community to the highest of standards. Supply Desk is an equal opportunities employer and actively encourages applications from all sectors of the community. [email protected]

    Spanish Teacher

    Spanish Teacher wanted, Term Time only. Working 8.30am to 3.30pm in a school in the local area. Needs to possess excellent behaviour management skills and outstanding subject knowledge. Applications are welcome from experienced and newly qualified teachers. Successful applicants are required to provide an enhanced disclosure. Disclosure expense to be met by candidate.This is one of many positions being advertised by TES Ltd.

    Spanish/Italian/ MFL Teacher (KS5), Milton Keynes

    Spanish/Italian/ MFL Teacher (KS5), Milton Keynes Spanish Italian MFL Secondary Teacher KS5 QTS CRB 22,000 to 32,000 Negotiable to Teachers Main Pay Scale Exciting Spanish/Italian/ MFL teaching opportunity in lively School. Were looking for a Spanish/Italian/ MFL Teacher, able to teach Spanish/Italian/ MFL across Key Stage5. Bring the ability to enthuse and motivate students to excel in Spanish/Italian/ MFL. Show us how your love of Spanish/Italian/ MFL and teaching, transitions into the Spanish/Italian/ MFL achievements of your Classes. Teaching Spanish/Italian/ MFL in a Prep School or experience of Middle School French / MFL are all of interest. However, a motivated NQT with the correct Spanish/Italian/ MFL background could also fit the bill. Basically if you are a Teacher and love teaching Spanish/Italian/ MFL, we want to talk with you ! As for any teaching post you must have QTS, be TA (GTC) Registered, CRB checked or willing to undergo one and able to provide two references. To register your interest in this great opportunity with A+ Teachers, call Martin now! A+ Teachers. Run by Teachers, for Teachers. Find out why this makes the difference. [email protected]

    Spanish Teaching Job

    Spanish Teacher sought for remainder of Summer Term - Potentially SeptemberSpanish to KS4Potential to run into new

  • academic yearStrong classroom management essentialAn East Lancashire Secondary School seek a Spanish Teacher to deliver their specialism to KS4. The position is to start after the May half term and is to run through until Summer, however there is potential for the position running into September.For further information please contact Carl on [Admin: Removed]or email on [Admin: Removed]ng Personnel is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All candidates applying to jobs through Teaching Personnel must undertake or have undertaken an Enhanced Disclosure via the DBS Full assistance provided (AGY) Contact: APPLY ONLINE at


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    Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: Servicio Pblico de Empleo Suizo (web en ingls, ofertas en diferentes idiomas):


    Si tienes entre 18 y 30 aos (ambos inclusive) y:A) Participas en un proceso de seleccin EURES (entrevista para una oferta de trabajo

    difundida u organizada a travs de EURES.B) eres seleccionado/a para trabajar en otro pas europeo

    y se trata de tu primer empleo en otro pas europeo

    Podemos ayudarte con los gastos de desplazamiento y de integracin en ese pas.

    Toda la informacin, formularios, etc. en:

    Webs de referencia para graduados:

    EPSO: Oficina Europea de Seleccin de

    Personal Selection Procedutre for temporary Staff:

  • temporary_en.htm The European graduate career LIVE Find your scholarship and grants to study in Europe Oportunidades de empleo en org. internacionales Portal europeo de las ingeneras Web de la Iniciativa Youth on the Move de la Comisin Europea.

    La web de referencia para el empleo y prcticas de graduados en Reino Unido

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