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ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual conference in t"liami, March 20-23. The conference provides us opportunities to form new professional relationships and see oio fri-ends. The conference theme "weaving the future," encourages us to add new threads to our careers and to strengthen those which we already POSSCSS. COUI{ISSION X OPEN UEBTINGS If you are at the annual conference you are urged to attend the Commissi-on open meetinss. These meetings will be held on Sunday, March 20,2-5pm in the Hyatt, Marigold room, and on Tuesday, March 22,4-5:3Opm in the Hyatt, Gardenia C room. Encourage others who may wish to become involved with the work of the Commission to attend. You will also meet other individuals interested in international student i-ssues and concerns. Anand (Nandi) Chand, Dean of Students at Knox Co11€9€, will succeed Neal Cheek as chair of the Commission at the Sunday meeting. Dr. Dyal Chand's term extends to 1990. Come to either or both Commissj-on meetings and brlng to Nandi and your fel1ow s-uudent affairs professionals and students your areas of interest within j-nternational di-mensions of student development. COIIUISSTON CARNIVAI The Commission Carnival will be held on Monday, March 2I,5- 7pm, (hotel and room number will be in the convention program). This event provides the opportunity to become familiar with the work of al1 commissions at one time and in one p1ace. Besides information on work of the commissions and the opportunity to join them, the carnival atmosphere is a 1ot of fun.

GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual

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Page 1: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual






We hope you are planning to attend the annual conference int"liami, March 20-23. The conference provides us opportunities toform new professional relationships and see oio fri-ends. Theconference theme "weaving the future," encourages us to add newthreads to our careers and to strengthen those which we alreadyPOSSCSS.


If you are at the annual conference you are urged to attendthe Commissi-on open meetinss.

These meetings will be held on Sunday, March 20,2-5pm inthe Hyatt, Marigold room, and on Tuesday, March 22,4-5:3Opm inthe Hyatt, Gardenia C room. Encourage others who may wish tobecome involved with the work of the Commission to attend. Youwill also meet other individuals interested in internationalstudent i-ssues and concerns.

Anand (Nandi) Chand, Dean of Students at Knox Co11€9€, willsucceed Neal Cheek as chair of the Commission at the Sundaymeeting. Dr. Dyal Chand's term extends to 1990. Come to eitheror both Commissj-on meetings and brlng to Nandi and your fel1ows-uudent affairs professionals and students your areas of interestwithin j-nternational di-mensions of student development.


The Commission Carnival will be held on Monday, March 2I,5-7pm, (hotel and room number will be in the convention program).This event provides the opportunity to become familiar with thework of al1 commissions at one time and in one p1ace. Besidesinformation on work of the commissions and the opportunity tojoin them, the carnival atmosphere is a 1ot of fun.

Page 2: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual


Six members of the directorate of Commission X have termswhich expire in 1988. Membership on the directorate is one ofthe best ways to become involved with the commission and ACPA.Criteria for membership are:

-directcrate members must be members of ACPA;they must also be members of Commission X;

-they serve a term of three years; andthey participate in the directorate meetings at the annual

conference through the three years.

If you are interested in serving on the directorate and willnot be at the Miami conference, send a brief professional resumeto : Anand Dyal Chand

Dean of StudentsKnox CollegeGalesburs I1 61402

If you plan to come to either commission meeting in Miami bringyour resume and give it to Nandi, indicating your willingness toserve in this interestinq ro1e.


Research grants, which were publicized in the most recentnewsletter, are stil 1 available. These grants are to assistindividuals conducting research in international dimensions ofstudent development. They are available to student affairsprofessionals, including graduate students, who are enrolled inyour institutions.

Grants are made, up to $200, to fund postage, telephone,copying, computer time or other expenses for research related tothe goals of Commission X. A brief report or summary of researchfindings may be published in Grapevine. Such research may alsoserve as the basis for a program proposal for a future ACPAconference or other professional presentations.

Applj-cations for research grants should be submitted byMarch 31, 1988 to Anand Dyal Chand, Dean of Students, KnoxCo1lege, Galesburg, fI 6L402. The Application should include ashort description of the research and a budget to support thereguest. We look forward to receiving your reguests by March 31.

Page 3: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual


Seven progrrams to be presented in Miami are sponsored or co-sponsored by Cornmission X. They are:

-fnternational Exchange as an Extracurricular Activity:Preparing Leaders for the 21st Century. Presentor:Joanne Risacher, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.

-Development of an International Relocation AdjustmentScale: An Exploratory Study. Presentors: Roy E. Warmanand Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky, Iowa State University, Ames,Iowa.

-A Mode1 for Future Student Development Programing: Anfnternational Third World Program That Works! Presentors:K. Richard Pyle and Kathy Strawser, University of Texas,Austin, Texas and Anand K. Dyal -Chand, Knox Co1 1e9€ rGalesburg, I1 Iinois.

-Faculty Development in the West Bank. Presentors: EmilSpees, Khawla Shaheen and Edith Spees, Southern IllinoisUniversity, Carbondale, fl1inois.

-Student Attitudes and Actions Regarding Academic Integrityat Different Types of Universities. Neal Cheek, Universityof North Carolina, ChapeI Hi11, North Carolina; EricIovacchini, University of North Carolina, Asheville' NorthCaro lina; and David Mclntire, Appa lachian StateUniversity, Boone, North Carolina.

- ( Co-sponsored program with Commission XI ) DevelopingStudents and Staff in a Multicultural Community.Presentors: J.B. Tu1loch, Diane Horton, Jennifer Winbish'and Mike Khirallah, Brookhaven Co11€9€, Farmers Branch,Texas.

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fn view of the fact that I have been editing the Grapevinefor almost five years and considering that a variety of interestsare pulling me in divergent directions, I have decided that it istime to pass on this creative opportunity. I want to thank thoseof you with whom I have been involved in this effort, especiallythe members of the Commission X Directorate. This wi-11, therefore,be either the last or next to the last newsletter I edit. In viewof this transition to a new editorr lou should in the meantimesend your contributions to the incoming commission chair, AnandDyal-Chand, Dean of Students, Knox Co11€9€r Galesburg, I1 6I402.

John HoganEditor

Statsnent of l{on-Dissi.nination: The Arerican College PersonnelAssociation does not discrimirnte on the basis of race, color,national ori-gin, religion, sex, d9e, af f ectional,/sexualpreference, or disability in any of its policies, proc€dures orpractj.oes. This non-discrirnination policy covers nenbership ardacc€ss to association progGIIE and activities includi.:rg but notlimited to National Conventions, placement services'publj-cations, educational senzices and employrnent.

Page 5: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual





Anand Dyal Chand, vice chair of the commission, will become chairin l,larch at t,he Miami annual conference. If you are interested inbecoming vice chair of the commission, please compile a brief sunmaryof your professional history and your involvement in ACPA andCommission X. A new vice chair will then be elected from among allnominees. Do not hesitate t,o nominate yourselfr oE ask another memberof the commission to nominate you. The responsibilities of the vicechair include being commission program chair for the 1989 and 1990annual conferences, attending these conferences, acting in place ofthe chair if such is needed, and serving as commission chair for1990-1992. Serving in these capacities is an excellent way to becomeinvolved in the leadership, not only of the commission, but of ACPA.

Send your nominations for vice chair, by February 1, 1988, toNeal Cheek, CB*7450 Carrington HalI, The University of North Carolinaat Chapel HiIl, Chapel HiIl, North Carolina, 27599-7460.News L287


Research grant requests are now being accepted. These grants areassist individuals conducting research in international dimensionsstudent development.

Grants up to $I50 will be made to fund postage, telephone, copying,computer time or other expenses for research related to internationalissues. A report or summary of research findings will then be publishedin Grapevine. Be creative in your research ideas. Your research mayalso serve as the basis for a program proposal for a future ACPAconference.

Submit applications for grants by February 15, 1988 to Neal Cheek,CB+?460 Carrington HaI1, The University of North Carolina at ChapeI HiII,North Carolina, 27599-7460. The application should include a briefdescription of the research planned and a budget to support the request.We look forward to receiving your requests by February 15.


Page 6: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual


During the past year Commission X has carried out its internalevaluation. The evaluation instrument was developed by Emil Spees,Diane Cooper and Catherine Dugan, members of the commission directorate.The report of this evaluation committee was prepared by Ms. Dugan andtwo colleagues at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Barbara Welshoferand Ben Wreh

Three hundred questionnaires were sent to the membership of thecommission, the Executive Council of ACPA and the chairs of the othercommissions. Ninety-four completed questionnaires were recei-ved, foxa 318 rate of response. Responses were analyzed in two categori-es:39 respondents were summarized as "executive members" (E's) and includedmembers of ACPA executive council, chairs of commissions and thedirectorate members of Commission X; the other 55 responses were fromthe remaining 299 members of the commission and vrere summarized as"non-executive members" (non E' s) .

Results of'the Survey:

Meeting the Goals of the Commission -

Of the 39 Ers who responded to the survey, 38t felt that thecommission was meeting its goals; 50t of the responses rated the com-mission 4 or 5 on a 5-point Likert scale in developing "greater inter-national consciousness among members of the student development pro-fession. " Fift,y-five members of the commission (non-E's) responded tothe survey. Of these responses, 40t thought that the commission wasmeeting its goals which were of importance to them. Combining the totalresponses, 34t indicated that the commission was performing at an above-average level in "stimulating and developing relationships among membersof the student development profession". Conversely, 38t rated thecommission belo$r average in "developing greater international conscious-ness among student development professionals". A majority did not knowif (49t) or did not believe that (29t) the commission is providingIeadership in applying student development theory to internationalstudents.

The survey examined the importance of stated goals to respondents.E's felt less strongly the non-Ers (27t vs. 44t) that the commissionshould provide leadership in applying development theory to internationalstudents. They were also less concerned than members that the commissionassist college campuses in developing an international awareness(242 vs. 43t) or that the commission act as a clearing house and stimulusfor international research (at vs. 42*1.

Page 7: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual

Commission Newsletter

A major vehicle for communication of information and commissionactivities is the newsletter. Various topics of a professional anddevelopmental nature are covered in each issue. Of the respondents,two-thirds read most or all of the articles in each issue. Forty-threepercent of this number found the topics interesting to them.

General Comments

Regarding "providing a professional network at annual conferences",51? of the Ers who responded felt that the commission is above average,while 69? of the other respondents shared this opinion. Only 26* of Ersbelieved that the commission's performance in "professional mentoring"is above average, while 458 of non-Ers felt the same. Likewise, 63t ofnon-Ers rated the commission above average in "encouraging ACPA conven-tion attendanc€", while 50t of the Ers feel the commissionrs performancein this area is above average. None of the participants in the surveyfelt that Commission x should cease any of the activities in which it iscurrently



An important open-ended response vtas "other actj,vities in which youbelieve Commission X should be involved". Ers suggested the following:sponsoring research, reviewing publications, identifying and publicizingregional/state activj-ties, more interaction with other commissions,involvement with AAHE, liaison with professional associations in othercountries, exchange programs (i.e. student and professional travel abroadpackages), and increased involvement with community/junior colleges.Other respondents suggested activiti-es such as: networking with like-minded groups, task forces, etc. in AACD, organizational reviews andevaluations of US international student offices, planning and conductinginternational seminars overseas, and increased publicity.


Overall, both Ers and non-E's evaluated Commission X positively.White both groups reveal a lack of clarity as to whether the commissionis meeting its goals, among those who were aware of progress towardmeeting goals, the majority felt that these were being met. Commissionmembers felt more strongly than E respondents that the commission would beworking towards developing a greater consciousness about internationalstudent development both withj-n the US and the international studentservices field. Members, too, felt that the commission should develop itsresearch clearinghouse capabilities.

Both groups agreed that the commission provided professional develop-ment opportunilies. Each also felt that Commission X is an integral partof ACpA and AACD. There was less overall agreemen! that the corunissionprovided professional relationships with other organizations concernedwith international students and student affairs.

Page 8: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual


The Commission may want to examine publicity.about its goals andprogress toward achieving these in light of the relatively high percentof respondents who did not know these goals. The commission also shouldbetter-publicize its achievements and assistance to other organizationsas there was an expressed unawareness of such activities. fncreasedIinkages to other organizations with international concerns should beestablished. Additional research should be sponsored and completedconcerning the applications for and implications of student developmenttheory for international students and student services.


will Barratt, Commission X member from Terre Haute, Indiana, isspending the year in Budapest persuing a variety of research projectsincluding collecting cross cultural data on student and adult development.If you are interested in his work and experiences, WiIl would enjoyhearing from you. His address is:

BudapestHalme u.Fsz. IH 1115Hungary


Please send your written contributions to me at the below addressfor inclusion in our pre-convention edition.

John HoganCoordinator of Counseling ServicesProvidence CollegeProvidence, Rhode Island 02918


Page 9: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual




Coordinatinq Presenter1. Name Title


n.i r.'rvr uJ Q{-: {-a ?.i^ULY

Office phone ( )

Program Participants:2. llame Title

Institutionq{- l.aa{.

City State zLp

Office phone ( )

3 " ltrame TitleInstitutionq.|- raat

City State o4naLy

Office phone ( )

4. Name TitleInstitutionQ{- raa{.

l- i .l- rrv4 u_l' State 7inuLv

Office phone ( )

(Ad.d.itional participants may be listed on attached sheet')

- fflflllfftfffffffl llfffffffflfflflfff

Page 10: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual

III. PROGRAM FORIUAT: (check all that apply)Lecture PanelDiscussionStandard lencrth(75 ninutes)



S imul at i-on / Demons tr ati onExtended Length (2 hours, 30 minutes)

Graduate StudentsIvlid llanagerAent

Facultytlew/entry 1eve1 professionalsChief Student Affai-rs OfficersStudent Development SpecialistsSpecial Groups (specify)Conrnission, Conmittee, Division or Task Force (specify)

V. AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPTIEIIT: (1ist specific equipnent needed)

Slide projector Film projebtorl'l i nah: r{-Overhead pro"rector

Blackboard Other


1. Four copies of the completed proposal form.2. Four copies of a (500) word description of the

progran which explicitly deals with as many of the proposalcriteria as possible.

3. Four copies of a (I00) word abstract.

As Coordinating Presenter, I that I am a menber of ACPA.I have communicated with all participants and they have agreed topresent this prograxx, if accepted. AIl participants recognize thatthey must regrister for the ACPA Conference.


Return to: Dr. Anand K. Dyal ChandDean of StudentsKnox CollegeGalesburg, IL 6140L-4999


tf $$$$$f tf $f f t|tf tAf $$f #$tf

Page 11: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual



MAY 22, 1gg9


Energetic business meetings, Carnival contacts, and qualiLy prograos atthe Washington, D.C. Convention have developed ne\r personal linkages forComnission X. Chair Anand (Nandi) Dyal-Chand, Menbership Chair Gar Kellun andyour Board rnet with old and new members to discuss the following issues.

Five Year Plan - International Linkages

The first as-yet-unpublished outline of this ACPA Ehrust inEo internaElonalissues has been spearheaded by Cynthia Johnson. Bea Wohrley, Western IllinoisU., and Anand Dyal-Chand have edited drafts and represent,ed us in shaping thisdocument. Discussion centered on the need for sensitive interaction withother international organizaLions and diverse cultures. We are cognizanL ofthe need to grord beyond the ugly Anerican irnage and to learn as much from eachconEacE as lre offer. In that spirit, Ehis newsletter will conEinue to publishinfonoation about international organLzations and opportunities. We will callon menbers wiEh various expertise to help research, plan and edit for thiswholiscic approach to inE,ernational understanding.

Call for Nominations

Because'of other comniEments, Bea Wohrley, Chair ElecE, is unable tofu1fill that position for Comrnission X. Her resignaEion hras accepted wiEhregret. Therefore we are sending out the Call for NorninaEions for a ChairElect to succeed Nandi, who reEires as Chair in Spring, 1990. Chairmanship isa Ewo-year term,

Please send nominations to EdiEh Speesl R!. 1, Box 195, Carbondale, IL6290L. At present, Gar Kellum, Vice President of Student Development and Deanof Students aE Carroll College, Waukesha WI, ls the one nominee for that,posltion. Be sure to think about all c.he qualified members and have an activeelecLion. Balloring will take place by rnai1.

CALL FOR PROGRA},IS AT CONVEMIONThene: Creating an EEhical Clinate on Canpus.April t-4, 1990, St. Louls, MO.

Your Call for Programs for ACPA has been mailed already. As usual wewant high quality prograns for Conmission X and for joinE sponsorship wiEhother comnissions. DontE be shy: choose an issue or approach and subrnit Ehepaperwork !

Page 12: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual

Let us brag: Our programs this year were of high qualiuy, diverse, andwell aEtended. One by Emll Spees, SIU-C, rras on Ethics (we antlcipaLeErends!). ThaE group brainstormed abouE the Ethics of Use/Abuse ofInternational Students and is planning further research on Ehe subject. Ifyou have views on Ehis subjeet, conEact Emil Spees, Ed. Ad./Iltgher Educat,ion,SIU-C, Carbondale, IL 6290i. The results will be presented in St. Louis(given selection by the Program Cornrnisslon!). See the Feb'89 Grapevine for asuomary of Ehis yearts programs.

SEND Program submissions Eo Gar Ke11r:m, Carroll College, this yearrsProgram Chair. Write ACPA if you lost your progran guidellnes.

Programs DUE AUGUST 1, 1989.

Keeping in Touch...

As the new (and now reappointed) Grapevine Editor, I learned soue hardf acts of 1if e aL t,he convenLion.

1. The malling lisL senE frorn MCD headquart,ers ls chronlcally late andunreflect,ive of our mernbership and lnEerest group. When YOU pay annualmenbership dues, PLEASE check Comn. X as one inEerest group. Folks who didnot, have Eheir mernbership ntrmber -at Conventlon may not have been added uo thelist. Please write, calL or send carrier plgeon E,o me concerning your own andeolleaguesf addresses. We want to keep up! We xnay not, get an updated rualllnglist until Fa1I. Sald lisr rnay be delayed Ewo months for E,he newslet,ter,causing furEher delays in rnaillng this missive. Thank you for your help.Reuember, we want int,erested ACPA members on your canpus to know what we aredoing.

2. ACPA Guidepost devotes extensive space to commission policy andprojects in the auuuner issue. Tinely news reports, discussion of lssues ofinportance to all menbers, and opportunities available to all nembers areespeeially welcome. ltle need to address the Internatlonal Linkages, campusresponses to ihEernational issues, and creaEive programming. You need Eowrite rne by nid June so I can neet our July 4ch deadline for the Guidepost,.

3. Commission ne\rs (not of generaL rnembership interest) should be nailedEo me on a triannual basis. We w111 have a Fall Grapevine, maEerial due0ctober 15' 1989. Then, as needed, we w111 produce pre-convenEion news in theSpring and post-convention issues in Ehe Sr:mner.

4. The MCD menbership 1lst, for ACPA's Commission X does NOT come inalphabetical order for t,he mailing 1abels. Therefore I may mlss changing youraddress at first. We are generaEing our own alphabeEical lisr (blessings onconputers) and are commitEed to keeping in Eouch. Thank you for youroat ience.


Anand Dyal-Chand had just announced his acceptance of the Vice Presldencyof Student Affairs at Ferrun College, Ferrun, VA. 24088-9001, sEarting July 1,1989. His trip Eo India from June 4-27, 1989, is srill ln place.

Sarah Baker, AssistanE Dean aL Dennison, was responslble for providing abanner for the Cornmisslon X Eable at the Carnival. She and oE,hers areaEEending Lo Ehe public relations aspect of Ehis commission, wlEh businessmeeting discussions and volunteer work focusing on new naEerials. We needmore descriptive material and eye-eatchers to publicize lhe commissionrs work.

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Thanks to Sarah, this is signifieantly improving. If you have ideas, pleasecontribute them!

Diana Zhang-Dan, now studying for her doctorate at Ehe College ParkCampus, UniversiEy of l,Iaryland, from Ehe Peoples Republic of China, has beencorresponding with Ernil Spees, SIU-C, about researeh on Chinese sludentsr(mainland) adjust,ment in Ehe U.S. Continuing nenbers will reca11 that Shih-yuKuo, Ph.D. from SIU-C and now Research Associate at the Acadenica Sinica inTaiwan, Republic of China, has had similar research interests. Spees and Kuohave developed questionnaires which are being reviewed by several commissionmembers. If you are interested in this projeet, write Eni1. Personsinterested in Diana's project should write her aE l2LI2 Foxhill Lane, Bowie,MD, 207L5. We foresee a long-t,erm comparative research project developing.

Suzy Gruber, UniversiLy of California, Irvine, shared an article whichwill be subinit,ted to the Guidepost "Where have all the Activists Gone? ToCampus Village...". The gist of the article describes EheInEernational/ Intercultural Living-Learning Cluster involving internationaland Aroerican students in diverse social, cultural and inEellectual acLiviEies.This proposal ls a rnodel for oEher campuses in channeling latent activism.


We salute SIETAR International on their Fifteenth Congress in Boston May25'29. Since we always get. inquirLes, be aware that this InternationalSociety for Intercultural Education, Training and Research providesint.erdisciplinary linking for professionals from di.verse cultures, excellenttraining programs and publications. Write SIETAR InternaEional, 1505 22ndStreel, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 USA. Note their Summer Progran July23-28 at Georgetown Universlty feat.urlng Training for InEerculEuralTransitions, Research, Sinulations and Role Plays, and the Ethics of CrossCultural Training plus nore.

IRTAC - The International Round Table for the Advancement of CounselingmeeEs in Helsinki/Espoo, Finland July 1-5,1990. The thene is Youth in the1990's - Challenges and Opportunit,ies for Counseling and Education.

"International Dateline", published six times a year by InternationalPrograms and Services, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 910 SouchForest St, Carbondale, TL 629OL, i.s an example of a well rounded canpus liakfor international studenEs" Rememberr you can share your campus links wiEhThe Grapevine!

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Page 14: GRA - ACPA X Newsletter 88-89.… · ISSION GRA ACP INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT DEVELOPI{ENT Mar.1988 ACPA CONFERENCE IN MIA},II We hope you are planning to attend the annual



Edith C. Spees, EditorE. Spees & AssoclatesRt. 1, Box 195Carbondale, 11. 6290I

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