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April.May.June 2015 Edition Relationship Family IPHC Women’s Publication 4 What does it mean to you? Time 16 What’s Your Quirk? 9

GPS 2nd Quarter 2015

Jul 22, 2016



IPHC Ministries

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April.May.June2015 Edition



IPHC Women’s Publication

4What does it meanto you?


What’s Your Quirk? 9

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EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 405-792-7132 P.O. Box 12609 Oklahoma City, OK 73157



Healthy Habits

Calibrate Your CompassWhere Mary started

A Place of LoveJustice for all

Family Time

A Place of FellowshipOur Daddy God

A Place of Destiny


6 14



24Moments to make and things to do

Looking ahead to better days

All about the peppersand almonds

2312 day adventure of Egg Week and the

Chocolate Factory with Sonda BolesImage provided by Janice Marshburn

Images courtesy of unless otherwise noted.

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What does the word “relationship” mean to you? Is it defined from your perspective or God’s? Relationship

drives happiness, forgiveness and redemption. It is relationship with Jesus that is the determin-ing factor of Our Redemption Story and it is intricately woven into our lives. We continually become what He has seen all along. “From the beginning I knew you.”

In my prayer time I heard the Lord say, “I am the breath in relationship. I love relationship. You are designed to thrive in relationship. It is why you are here”.

God is a triune God. At the very core of His existence is relationship. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are in relationship with one another working synergistically to create and love and be. They are continually interacting, communicating and being in relationship with one another. Out of this the world was built. For the very purpose of relationship it was created - God with us. If He is relationship, and we are created for relationship, would it not be true that we are created to be in relationship with each other?

Genesis 1:26,27 “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness’...So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Then, in His gener-

ous nature, He gave everything that has the breath of life in it to them. At the very core of our reason for existence is relationship with God. He created Adam and Eve to rule over the world and to walk and talk with Him in the gar-den. So, God given responsibility and relation-ship are at the very center of His intentions. He put in us abilities and gifts to do what gives us true fulfillment and within the very framework of who we are is a desire for relationship. He who IS relationship in His nature desired relationship with us. He is the author of relationship.

We are His people. Let’s reflect His nature and be in relationship with one another in unity, in synergy and in purpose. What is in the heart of God? Relationship. It is who He is. If we want to learn about relationship, we can simply go to Him and He will show us the way to have Relationship and to be Relationship. As we do this, the world will see Him in us. Prov-erbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” When rubbing iron blades together, a blade will become sharper. As it be-comes sharper, it becomes more effective in its purpose. There are people in our lives that we may believe are harmful to us, but in effect, they end up making us better. Through what was meant for our harm or unintentionally harming us, God can turn around and use for our good. Avoidance of relationship stems from different

A Place of Vision


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A Note From Sam

Samantha SnipesDirector

IPHC Women’s [email protected]

Do everything in love. What a powerful concept. Is it possible? We know God does this. He IS Love. Out of it overflows everything He does. Thinking about that, is that how we operate, like Him? Are we operating out of love?1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails…As we grow in relationship with God and one another, let’s remember what love is, who Love is and who is inside us. With Love inside us, we have limit-less supply. Let’s tap into that supply and reveal the true God to the world.

Let’s do this together!

life experiences and challenges. We can, through our own sensitivities to our weaknesses and past hurts, shield our hearts from relationship. In this, we are doing a disservice to ourselves and our purpose, our heart vision, and the people we are to impact. He is our rampart. He gives us the power to guard our hearts for we know it determines our lives. But if we guard it without letting anyone in, what is the course of our lives going to be? When we allow others to be in our lives, to be in relation-ship, we grow and become more effective.

What is a relationship without love? It is just words. And we know how effective we will be if we lack love. It is a resounding noise with no power. God is Love and when we give out of His reservoir, it is limitless. He tells us to do everything in love. We will ultimately be what John 13:34-35 says about being Christians. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one an-other.” In this, we see His example of relationship with us and us with each other - a revelation of God to the world.

Let’s take time today to think about our relation-ships – with God, family, friends, and associations. These are the moments and people that make up a lifetime, an eternity. Let’s do it together!

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Calibrate CompassYOUR

One of my favorite women in Scripture is Mary of Bethany who broke through an impenetrable

first century barrier. She sat at the feet of Jesus. Imagine the shock reverberating through her village when she took her place with men postured to learn. Only disciples of the Rabbi sat at the feet of the Rabbi, and women weren’t included.

Jesus affirmed all women, not just Mary, when he said, “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42). Scripture makes it clear. Women can move into leadership roles in all facets of min-istry. Gender does not limit the significance or breadth of serving Christ.

If you are a woman sensing God’s call to leadership, start where Mary did—at the feet of Jesus.

Sit at the Feet of JesusAs in Mary’s time, sitting at the feet of Jesus

is still the place for serious disciples. It’s at his feet where love for him matures, Christ-like character flourishes, and God makes clear his agenda for our lives. The mighty works we de-sire to do for Jesus will never reach beyond the quality of our relationship with him.

Fulfilling God’s purpose requires a vibrant re-lationship with Jesus, nurtured through private prayer, worship and Bible study, and expressed

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StartedBy Becky Shirey

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Compass in love and obedience to him. No shortcut ex-ists and none is necessary when we commit to cultivating intimacy with him.

Barbara James, co-founder of World Inter-cession Network, gives this advice. “Pray for increased hunger for the knowledge of God.” Through her hunger to know God, he led her to a pivotal moment where she declared, “I don’t want to be a mediocre Christian. Do some-thing extraordinary with my life for your namesake!” The extraordinary work God does through your life flows from passionate pursuit to know him and selfless surrender to his plans.

In John 15, the parable of Abiding in the Vine, describes our connection to Jesus. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NLT).

This parable also presents increasing mea-sures of fruitfulness. The much fruit in John 15:4, 5 isn’t about hard work, or even amaz-ing results. It’s a measure of the abundance of Christ-like character in our lives.

Brenda Marlin, former International Presi-dent of Protestant Women of the Chapel, asks this question before appointing anyone to a leadership position. “Do I want to sit under her

fruit tree?” We don’t eat our fruit. Others do.You might be blessed with many gifts and

unlimited potential for service, but the gifts of the Spirit must be wrapped in the fruit of the Spirit for the gifts to be useful and powerful in the body of Christ.

Surrender your AgendaGod asks leaders to forego any pre-con-

ceived ideas about how God might use them. Our ideas are puny compared to His. He wants to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. According to Henry Blackaby, “The greatest obstacle to spiritual leadership is people pursuing their own agenda rather than seeking God’s will.”

His will for you is an expression of His love for you. Proverbs says it well, “You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purposes will pre-vail. (Proverbs 19:21 NLT) As you surrender your agenda, He will refine your calling. With surrender comes clarity.

When I recognized my ministry calling to leadership and teaching, it was as if all the pieces of my life came together. Ruth Haley Barton, in Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership, affirms my experience, “When God calls it’s a very big deal. The whole of life begins to make sense.”

Perhaps you are still trying to hear what God is saying. If that’s you, practice listening prayer. You listen. You wait for him to speak. He will confirm your ministry through Scripture, other people, and circumstances. Wait to hear from him, and then do what He says. His vision is the one that matters. What He shows you will carry you through difficulties and keep you on course.

Kim Worrell is Executive Assistant to the Rector, and Women’s Ministry Director at the

“I could identify a specific task the Lord was calling me to birth out of [my] sur-rendered relationship with Him.”

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Church of the Holy Spirit in Roanoke, Virginia. She said her call to leadership was specific, not vague or general. “I could identify a specific task the Lord was calling me to birth out of [my] surrendered relationship with Him. It’s critically important to identify the calling since know-ing that [call] is what will sustain you when the going gets rough, the enemy roars, and people wound.”

The key words in Kim’s advice are “surren-dered relationship.” Seek a tender heart toward the plans of God. Great leaders work from God’s agenda, not their own.

Ask God to Stretch YouLeadership is people centered and the

person God will start with is you. Part of the stretching process is allowing God to ask you tough questions. Be willing to let Him point out every place in your life he targets for healing. Be bravely introspective. Unhealed wounds and insecurities will spill out as people “bump” into your leadership. Lead out of surrender to the Lord, not out of wounds.

Build and broaden helpful relation-ships. God will bring people into your path pertinent to your assignment. Cultivate rela-tionships with women leaders in your church or community. A rich, diversity in your relation-ships will enlarge your capacity to reach people. Seek mentors, both far and near. If you have trouble finding a hands-on, close-up mentor, commit to preparing yourself to be that person for others.

Make leadership and ministry development a long-term commitment. Read helpful books, subscribe to online leadership blogs, attend seminars, further your education.

Brenda Pace, a gifted leader, tells a story about a riveting moment in her leadership. The situation came at a time of frenetic activity as a leader. Her husband confronted her out of con-cern about whether she trusted God or trusted in her activity? He asked her, “Brenda, is this a hobby or a ministry?” Brenda states, “That question became a gauge I would use (and still

do) as a leader.” Leadership is not a pastime, but a

long-term process of development. It isn’t gauged by how much you are doing, but if you’re making a difference in people’s lives. It’s also not about your leadership title, but about doing what God has asked you to do.

Long-term benefits come from long-term investments. Commit to a lifestyle of leadership and ministry development. Brenda did. She is now pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry in Women in Leadership.

The impact of Jesus inviting Mary to sit at His feet is lost on today’s culture, but Mary’s story is profound. Jesus gave Mary access and permis-sion contrary to the social and religious prac-tices of her day.

Is it any wonder that Mary, out of profound love and gratefulness to Jesus, would give Him her most valuable possession?

“A dinner was prepared in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those who ate with him. “Then Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance” (John 12:2-3 NLT).

Mary demonstrated the kind of devotion all believers should have, but every leader must have. He is worth the best we have, the time it takes, and all the energy he supplies.

BECKY SHIREY is a speaker and writer who serves as a leader with the Protestant Women

of the Chapel, an evangelical outreach to

women in the U.S. mili-tary. She is married to Lou Shirey, who serves as Director of Clergy Develop-ment/World Intercession Network for

the IPHC.

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What’s the quirkiest thing about you?

Proverbs 17:22 says “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine”! When God was passing out personalities, He gave me a double dosage of giggles. So often I am caught in situations, which aren’t appropriate for laughter, that you can say “my tickle box was turned over”......singing in church, leading a women’s conference, weddings, funerals, some-one getting hurt. I am very aware that this is not right, Lord! Singing on stage or standing on the front row of a room of 800 ladies as WM Director, my body begins shaking uncontrollably from something that caught my eye in the audience. Often a chain reaction will start with the person that is beside me. What do you do in these situations? I have learned to lift my hands, look straight up towards Heaven, and worship God as never before! - Jeana Altman, South Carolina WM Director

I am drawn to sweets of any kind! It’s my weakness and I love all sweets. I have never had one I didn’t like. But my true weakness is any-thing chocolate!- Claudette DenhamMississippi Conference

I am addicted to funny pet videos! I just love it when people share them on social media. This is quite ironic because I’m highly allergic to cats! - Michelle DrakeWM Board Member

I collect maps from every state and coun-try I go to. I have two file cabinet drawers full of maps! They drive my husband cra-zy but any time some-one needs a map they know who to call!- Irvina ParkerGirls’ Ministries Director

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Humans can go longer without food than sleep.

Provided there is water, the aver-age human could survive a month to two months without food depending on their body fat and other factors. However, how many of us eat a meal, push back from the table so full we think we could not eat another bite the remainder of the day, only to find that we are ready to eat a few hours later? There are two things we need to do: find healthy food and use moderation in the consumption of food.

When you can eat something delicious and boost your health at the same time, it’s a very good thing. We know that fiber-packed food can keep us fuller longer, and vitamin C-rich food amps up our immunity. But, did you know there are other certain foods that have impressive advantages of which you might not be aware?

A Place of Healing




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Dr. Brenda GrastyAsst. DirectorIPHC Women’s Ministries

Perhaps you don’t enjoy spicy food and sadly, you have a nut allergy. Never fear, because all women love chocolate, right? Did you know that eating dark chocolate can help you avoid both junk food cravings and the metabolic effects of stress? I know … I had you with the words Dark Chocolate, right? However, the key is to eat the chocolate in modera-tion, of course!

For example...

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Giving Care, Giving Love….Isn’t it interesting how the word “care” has a dual meaning? A care

can be something that troubles the mind that is a source of worry, or apprehension or stress.

“To care” is to show concern, even love. A caring person is a loving person. Caregiving doesn’t mean we transfer our troubles to some-one else. It means we are helping another per-son, usually someone we love. And who isn’t caring for someone these days? It could be an aging parent, a struggling child, a wounded veteran, or a chronically ill spouse.

There are times when caregiving becomes a care, though. The caregiver can feel stressed out and overburdened, powerless or inad-equate, even though they are striving to do all they possibly can.

Have you ever seen the television commer-cial that shows a weary, red-eyed, sneezing father standing in his child’s bedroom door

telling him that he is going to have to take the day off? I’ve thought of this scenario several times when I look around our church family and I see a husband dealing with his wife who is in early stages of dementia and another that has not one, but three special needs children. How do we help? We are Christ’s hands extended.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (I Cor-inthians 13:13) Let’s show our love by reaching out to those that need us. They will know us by our love!

A Place of Hope

Patsy DeeseSecretaryIPHC Women’s Ministries

“To care” is to show concern, even love. A caring person is a loving person.

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1.4 million children ages 8 to 18 provide care for an adult relative; 72% are car-

ing for a parent or grandparent; and 64% live in the same household as their care recipient. Fortunately, most are not the sole caregiver. (National Alliance for Caregiving and the United Hospital Fund, Young Caregivers in the U.S.,


20 hours per week is the average number of hours family caregivers spend caring for their loved ones, while 13% of family care-

givers are providing 40 hours of care per week or more. (Caregiving in the United States: National Alliance for Caregiving in collaboration with

AARP, November 2009)

51% of care recipients live in their own home, 29% live with their fam-ily caregiver, and 4% live in nursing

homes and assisted living. (Caregiving in the United States: National Alliance for Care-giving in collaboration with AARP, November


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“….. one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for

all.” Most of us grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance each morning of our school day. We continue to take our stand as we attend sporting events by placing our hand over our hearts and offering up the recitation. I have been that mother who tears up before my son’s high school basketball games and the teacher who listens to first graders uniquely recite such robust vocabulary.

I wonder, have we taken the time to ponder how this “justice for all” is seen through the scriptures and our IPHC denomination? “We Prayerfully Value Justice” is one of the Seven Core Values of our denomination.

The Word of God must be the authority that determines our view of justices. True justice can only be achieved with the Word of God as our guide. God holds our treatment of one another in such a high regard that in the Ten Commandments, three relate to God and the other seven to one another.

It is our prayer that justice be enhanced

through the IPHC Women’s Ministries. Our vision, our focus, and our purpose must be all encompassing of God’s love, which extends justice to all.

Every event we plan, organize and imple-ment must focus on the love of God and we must strive to reach out to women of all ages, cultures, socio-economic statuses and nation-alities.

Romans 13:8, “Let no debt remain outstand-ing except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” When we wake up each morning our prayer should be, “Lord, help me to see others as you see them. Let my eyes be your lens of love.”

Oh, wouldn’t our day look so much different if we did that?

As we view others through this lens of love, life’s diverse situations will not alter our percep-tions, and as we embody God’s divine justice, we will carry out the divine mandate of being a “Place of Hope” and “A People of Promise.”

A Place of Love

Michelle DrakeBoard Member

IPHC Women’s Ministries

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The goal of the IPHC is to be dis-tinct – a separate people who advocate for justice among all people (Exodus 33:16; Isaiah 58:6). We must be a people who de-clare the freedom Christ alone brings to all who suffer bondage, both physical and spiritual (2 Corinthians 3:17).

We must not just deal with the effects of injustice and ignore the underlying causes. We dare not negate the factors embedded in laws, economic structures, and popular culture (lost without God), that reinforces injustice. We can-not be successful and significant until we get below the surface and deal with the roots of the problems.

Let us be called Christians! (Acts 11:26)

Source: IPHC Seven Core Values

Loving Him!Michelle

Recommended Reading

The Unburdened Heart by Suzanne Eller (Finding the Freedom of For-giveness)

Preparing Him for the Other Woman by Sheri Rose Shepherd (A mother’s guide to rais-ing her son to love a wife and lead a family)

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Put dinner on the books! Schedule it! Put it in your phone calendar. Aim for 5 meals per week. Breakfast can also be counted as a meal together!

Recruit your kids as sous chefs! Kids can help plan, shop, chop and cook!

Turn off electronics! Eat in a room without a TV. Gather cell phones and turn ringers off.


Protect Family Dinnertime!Only about half of families in the U.S. report eating din-ner together regularly-an act linked to better sleep and higher self-esteem in kids. How to cut out the distrac-tions and enjoy the meal.

KidTrackingPhone Apps

Promote fun chit-chat!Talk about the best and worst part of the day, about politics and Christian topics. Set some ground rules….no arguing. Everyone gets a turn!

MobicipA safe internet for family and business

MamaBear ($15 for threemonths of premium) Get alerts when kids arrive at or leave a place. Parents can moni-tor kids’ social media feeds.

Life360 ($5/month for premium)FOR ON THE GO FAMILIES: You can see on the map where everyone is (members can opt out) and send group messages.

By Michelle Drake

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Prayer is one of the greatest spiritual tools given to us by God, and through prayer God wants to connect with us.

He is an intimate and loving God who seeks for us fervently every day. He is always looking for an opportunity to be a part of our lives and a part of our day. Although God reaches for us, He calls us to reach back for Him. Prayer is so much more than “talking to God” or asking Him to supply our needs. What is behind our pleas? Are we merely desperate or do we pray with trust in Him to be our Helper? The following acrostic using the word P.R.A.Y.E.R. has really helped me in my prayer life. For each letter in this acrostic, we see what qualifies God to be the One to whom we turn in prayer.

Present … Trusting in God — as our Helper who

works for our good.“He will not let your foot slip - He who watch-

es over you will not slumber;” (Psalm 121:3)“And we know that in all things God works for

the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)


… Communing with God — as our Savior and Friend who reconciled us to Himself.

“Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!” (Psalm 66:20)

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have

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A Place of Prayer

Lydia TreviñoBoard Member

IPHC Women’s Ministries



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called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. (John 15:13-15)

“For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life!” (Romans 5:10)

Aligning … Cooperating with God

— as our Standard who is holy and all-wise.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Yearning … Seeking after God — as

Our Sufficiency who satisfies as nothing or no one else.

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:1-2)


… Worshiping God — as Our Lord God of whom there is none greater worthy of our praise.

“I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together. I sought the LORD and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.” (Psalm 34:1-4)

“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.” (Psalm 57:11)

Revering … Honoring God — as Our Sovereignty

to whom we submit even when we don’t under-stand.

“By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; He puts the deep into storehouses. Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people

of the world revere Him. For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm. The LORD foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” (Psalm 33:6-11)

“and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (Psalm 50:15)

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To Him belongs eternal praise.” (Psalm 111:10)

Let us never think of prayer as just attending a prayer meet-ing, or it being just another pro-grammed event or activity, or see it only as a Christian discipline. True connecting prayer is about entering the throne room of the living God and seeking perfect and complete oneness with our heavenly Father. It is about com-ing into His presence to PRES-ENT to Him in trust, to RELATE to Him intimately, and to come

before Him with our lives ALIGNED through cooperation with Him. It is seeking Him with a YEARNING heart, EXALTING His Holy Name, and honoring Him with REVERENCE. To Him belongs eternal praise!


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A Place of Fellowship


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The following story is shared by Missionary Bonnie Clowers who lovingly reminds us of the real-ity of John 16:33; the peace and joy given by our Heavenly Father in spite of personal pain. She reminds us that the tragedies of the life of a child can become a means of ministry to the broken and bruised around the world.

“God turns our hardships to blessings and tragedy to ministry. I always knew that my Mom loved me but there were others that scarred my young heart and life. The violence and abuse that we suffered as a family set me on a path that caused me to seek a place where I was valued and loved. God used this to draw me close to Him. I found my God to be a Father to the abandoned.

In the Caribbean, abandonment is at crisis levels. People of all ages are seeking that parental, unconditional love, value and accep-tance. The beauty is that my God, my Abba Father, My Daddy revealed Himself to me. It is so easy to share about the amazing love that God lavished on me. We have seen God heal many over the years.

In our People to People school in Jamaica, God graced us with one of these precious seek-

ers. Behind the smiles of children we often find opportunities to see God heal and save. In the atmosphere of laughter and playing, God brings healing to little ones’ broken hearts. With her piercing brown eyes she asked, “Do you have a dad?” I was taken back by the seriousness of her question. I said, “Yes, I have a Dad (refer-ring to my Heavenly Father) but he lives in heaven with Jesus.” She responded with a big gulp, “Mine does too and I miss him ev-ery day.” Through the laughter of that day, God orchestrated a place where she felt safe enough to share her heart’s burden. The beauty of this story is that God sees the secret hurts behind the smiles.

That day, she invited God to be her Daddy. God revealed Himself to her as the Fa-ther of the fatherless. He filled a void and deep longing within her soul.”

Thank you Bonnie for willingly impacting a nation with who you are and what has hap-pened in your life!

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Janice MarshburnBoard Member

IPHC Women’s Ministries

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (NLT)

Halley Reagan, an intern from Macon GA, Bonnie Clowers (right), and students from the Pinreth Early Child-hood Education Center. The Center is sponsored through People to People.

Photo courtesy of Bonnie Clowers

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Take a look at What’s

Happening in Women’s Ministries around the


NHM: WM Columbia Missions Trip NHM ladies and our hostesses - Ladies from Iglesia Camino Verdad y Vida

NHM: Sandra Smith and Dee Ann Decker - Nail Polish Time - at the church in Cienaga, Colombia.

New Horizons Conference:Denise Brown (left) and First Lady of the Colombia Conference, Monica Castro (right), recognize the pastors’ wives of the four churches in the Los Almendos, Colombia

South Carolina Conference:Life Springs Worship Center

Women’s Conference Retreat- Myrtle Beach

SC:Women’s Conference Retreat

Myrtle Beach

SC: Life Springs Worship CenterWM Day 2015

What’s Happening?

Photos Courtesy of Ketsie Merizalde

Photos Courtesy of Wanda Elliot

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Janice Marshburn, North Carolina Conference Women’s Director, awarded local WM Director Sonda Boles a pitcher in recognition of all the years she has POURED her life into ministry and into the lives of others. Sonda is from Kin-ston First in the North Carolina Conference.

Kinston First WM is the highest contributor in the NC Conference. Their contributions to the Feast of Ingathering Offering has exceeded $250,000.00 in the last 26 years. They raise their funds through mak-ing and selling Easter eggs. They take advantage of the Matching Funds opportunity for Emmanuel College. They start what they call EGG WEEK two weeks before Easter. They will work from early morning to late in the evening. They have Circles (same as CGroups) and Sonda is not only the local di-rector but the Circle 3 Director who does the egg project.

Thank you, Sonda!

Photos Courtesy of Janice Marshburn

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Irvina ParkerDirectorIPHC Girls’ Ministries

As I embrace the new position in which I find myself after my mother’s death in January, Power Chicks ’15 is a bright

spot on the horizon. I am holding tight to Psalm 30:5b which declares that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”(KJV).

Please indulge me for a moment while I consider the events that brought me to this day. While many love to quote the attributes of the Proverbs 31 woman to describe their mothers, there is a Psalm that better describes what I saw in her lifespan of 89 wonderful, blessed years–Psalm 27:4-5. “One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock” (KJV).

My mother was born into the PH Church as

the daughter of charter members of the PH Church in Princeton, West Virginia. She died as a charter member of the last PH church that she and my father planted in Wytheville, Virginia. (Because of a move, she attended a PH Church in another town.) They were in their 70s when they planted and built this last church and build-ing.

The church was such an integral part of my mother’s life that it was impossible to separate the two. She recalled with fondness how she knew at an early age that she was called to be a preacher’s wife. Daddy put her to the test when he closed out a revival the night before their wedding and started a new one the night after their wedding. They continued that pace for the next five decades as they fulfilled 50 years of ministry in the IPHC.

Mama grew up learning in and from the church. Her family valued education so off to Emmanuel College and then Holmes College of

A Place of Destiny

[email protected] Facebook- Irvina Parker

Facebook/Twitter- Girls’ Ministries & Power ChicksFind GM on Pinterest

Photos Courtesy of Irvina Parker

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about them on the Power Chicks section of our website.

Early Bird Regis-tration Deadline

Registration is now open for Power Chicks ’15. Reg-istration forms are available as part of the packet and can be downloaded here. Once you have gathered the information you need to complete the registra-tion process, you can do one of two things: complete the hard copy form and mail it and your payment to our office, or click here to register and pay online. When you do your registration online, it saves our office a lot of time. However, if you don’t feel comfortable with that procedure, we will gladly process the registration form for you when we receive it in the office. The early bird registration deadline has been changed to May 18 so get the word out there for us.

Baby HopeEach January, many of you promote Baby

Hope along with Sanctity of Human Life Day. The Royal Home is the direct beneficiary of Baby Hope funds throughout the year. It was my privilege to join the March for Life in Wash-ington, DC, on January 22 of this year. Click here and watch the short video clip on that page of “50 for Life” which Girls’ Ministries

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the Bible she went where she earned her bach-elor’s degree. She excelled in journalism and Christian education. (Part of the heritage she left us includes dozens of well-journaled scrap-books about their lives and ministry.)

Mama’s education equipped her to carry out her calling as a pastor’s wife with grace and strength. She had to cling to the part of Psalms 27 that promised to hide her in his arms in times of trouble. As church planters and pas-tors, troubles came in all shapes and sizes, yet she never wavered in her calling. God was her Rock and her salvation. She built her life (both before, during, and after daddy) upon that rock and my sisters and I have done our best to do the same.

Mama served as the conference Women’s Ministries director in the East Tennessee Con-ference and was serving when it merged into the Appalachian Conference. She knew the value of both Women’s and Girls’ Ministries and she supported me fully in my position as Girls’ Ministries director. She was my strongest and most faithful intercessor and I will miss that sup-port immensely.

Mama was also my biggest Power Chicks fan and had attended both the 2007 and 2011 events. I was looking forward to her getting to be part of Power Chicks ’15, but God had other plans. She was already praying for this upcom-ing event.

So though my tears still come when I think of my mother and all we’ve lost, I am claiming Power Chicks to be a time of pure JOY as girls and leaders gather “to behold the beauty of the Lord” and to set their own goals for building their lives upon the Rock.

Power Chicks Speakers ConfirmedBy now, you should have seen the various

announcements about our two main speakers for Power Chicks ’15. I am so excited that both Katlyn Moncrief-Bryan (first two pictures above) and Amy Lambert-Frowine (photo on far right above) have accepted our invitation to be part of this exciting event. Click here to read more

Katlyn Moncrief-Bryan

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helped sponsor, and then click on the March for Life update under “Latest News” to read about the event.

Not long ago, I received a phone call from John Wheeler, director of Royal Home Minis-tries, with some exciting news. It seems that the girls and congregation at Mount Olive PHC took Baby Hope to a brand new level! On January 25, Pastor Doug Bartlett preached a message

about the Sanctity of Human Life and promoted the ministry of the Royal Home. Baskets with empty baby bottles were placed at each en-trance of church with the challenge to fill them and return them. The Boys and Girls’ Ministries had a contest and for two weeks the change accumulated. When the bottles were returned (photo above) it was to the tune of $5,500! Way to make a difference!


Irvina Parker, Girls’ Ministries Director, at March For Life

Mount Olive PHC raised $5,500 for Baby Hope Club