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g:Profiler—a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists (2011 update) Ju ¨ ri Reimand 1,2, *, Tambet Arak 1 and Jaak Vilo 1,3, * 1 University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science, 2 Xen LTD and 3 Quretec LTD, Tartu, Estonia Received February 27, 2011; Revised April 17, 2011; Accepted April 29, 2011 ABSTRACT Functional interpretation of candidate gene lists is an essential task in modern biomedical research. Here, we present the 2011 update of g:Profiler (, a popular collection of web tools for functional analysis. g:GOSt and g:Cocoa combine comprehensive methods for inter- preting gene lists, ordered lists and list collections in the context of biomedical ontologies, pathways, transcription factor and microRNA regulatory motifs and protein–protein interactions. Additional tools, namely the biomolecule ID mapping service (g:Convert), gene expression similarity searcher (g:Sorter) and gene homology searcher (g:Orth) provide numerous ways for further analysis and in- terpretation. In this update, we have implemented several features of interest to the community: (i) functional analysis of single nucleotide poly- morphisms and other DNA polymorphisms is sup- ported by chromosomal queries; (ii) network analysis identifies enriched protein–protein inter- action modules in gene lists; (iii) functional analysis covers human disease genes; and (iv) improved statistics and filtering provide more concise results. g:Profiler is a regularly updated resource that is available for a wide range of species, including mammals, plants, fungi and insects. INTRODUCTION High-throughput technologies continue to transform bio- logical and medical research. A decade after finalizing the human genome sequence (1), orchestrated efforts focus on exploring human variation and history (2,3), exhaustive identification of functional DNA elements (4), deciphering complex disease traits (5) and cancer (6), among others. Modern researchers routinely apply high-throughput tools like next-generation sequencing to unravel secrets of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics and explain life, disease and death at the molecular level. As biotechnologies become exponentially more efficient and cost-effective, promising perspectives of personalized genomics and medicine emerge. A common denominator of current high-throughput techniques is the abundance of data resulting from any single experiment. Thousands or millions of reads from genome or proteome-wide assays often highlight many hundreds of genes and proteins that are particularly informative of the experiment. Meaningful biological in- terpretation of these results is a crucial step. Functional profiling combines computational and statistical methods to link collections of biomolecules (genes, transcripts, proteins) with known, statistically significant functional features. Functional profiling is an active area of research and numerous bioinformatics tools allow researchers to inter- pret their gene lists [e.g. (7–13), see Huang et al. (14) for a review]. Here, we are proud to present an update note of g:Profiler (15), a web server for functional interpretation and integration of gene lists in the context of versatile biological evidence. We combine rapid algorithms and rich visualization for interpreting gene lists, ranked lists and gene list collections. Our automated interpretative analysis takes advantage of systematized knowledge about gene and protein function, including Gene Ontology (GO) (16), Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) (17) and biological pathway databases KEGG (18) and Reactome (19). We also cover experimental data like protein–protein interactions from BioGrid (20) and target sites of microRNAs [MicroCosm database (21)] and transcription factors [Transfac (22)]. Even more infor- mation can be retrieved from a large collection of micro- arrays from ArrayExpress (23) via gene coexpression searches, and from dozens of related organisms via gene homology searches. Frequent data updates from multispecies databases of Ensembl (24,25) and GOA (26) *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 416 978 6888; Fax:+1 416 978 8287; Email: [email protected] Correspondence may also be addressed to Jaak Vilo. Tel: +372 737 5483; Fax: +372 737 5468; Email: [email protected] Present address: Ju¨ri Reimand, Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto, 160 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E1. Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 1–9 doi:10.1093/nar/gkr378 ß The Author(s) 2011. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( by-nc/3.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access published June 6, 2011 at Tartu University Library on June 20, 2011 Downloaded from

g:Profiler—a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists … · 2020-03-09 · g:Profiler—a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists (2011 update) Ju¨ri

Jun 22, 2020



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Page 1: g:Profiler—a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists … · 2020-03-09 · g:Profiler—a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists (2011 update) Ju¨ri

g:Profiler—a web server for functionalinterpretation of gene lists (2011 update)Juri Reimand1,2,*, Tambet Arak1 and Jaak Vilo1,3,*

1University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science, 2Xen LTD and 3Quretec LTD, Tartu, Estonia

Received February 27, 2011; Revised April 17, 2011; Accepted April 29, 2011


Functional interpretation of candidate gene lists isan essential task in modern biomedical research.Here, we present the 2011 update of g:Profiler(, a popular collectionof web tools for functional analysis. g:GOSt andg:Cocoa combine comprehensive methods for inter-preting gene lists, ordered lists and list collectionsin the context of biomedical ontologies, pathways,transcription factor and microRNA regulatorymotifs and protein–protein interactions. Additionaltools, namely the biomolecule ID mapping service(g:Convert), gene expression similarity searcher(g:Sorter) and gene homology searcher (g:Orth)provide numerous ways for further analysis and in-terpretation. In this update, we have implementedseveral features of interest to the community:(i) functional analysis of single nucleotide poly-morphisms and other DNA polymorphisms is sup-ported by chromosomal queries; (ii) networkanalysis identifies enriched protein–protein inter-action modules in gene lists; (iii) functionalanalysis covers human disease genes; and (iv)improved statistics and filtering provide moreconcise results. g:Profiler is a regularly updatedresource that is available for a wide range ofspecies, including mammals, plants, fungi andinsects.


High-throughput technologies continue to transform bio-logical and medical research. A decade after finalizing thehuman genome sequence (1), orchestrated efforts focus onexploring human variation and history (2,3), exhaustiveidentification of functional DNA elements (4), decipheringcomplex disease traits (5) and cancer (6), among others.

Modern researchers routinely apply high-throughput toolslike next-generation sequencing to unravel secrets ofgenomics, transcriptomics and proteomics and explainlife, disease and death at the molecular level. Asbiotechnologies become exponentially more efficient andcost-effective, promising perspectives of personalizedgenomics and medicine emerge.A common denominator of current high-throughput

techniques is the abundance of data resulting from anysingle experiment. Thousands or millions of reads fromgenome or proteome-wide assays often highlight manyhundreds of genes and proteins that are particularlyinformative of the experiment. Meaningful biological in-terpretation of these results is a crucial step. Functionalprofiling combines computational and statistical methodsto link collections of biomolecules (genes, transcripts,proteins) with known, statistically significant functionalfeatures.Functional profiling is an active area of research and

numerous bioinformatics tools allow researchers to inter-pret their gene lists [e.g. (7–13), see Huang et al. (14) for areview]. Here, we are proud to present an update note ofg:Profiler (15), a web server for functional interpretationand integration of gene lists in the context of versatilebiological evidence. We combine rapid algorithms andrich visualization for interpreting gene lists, ranked listsand gene list collections. Our automated interpretativeanalysis takes advantage of systematized knowledgeabout gene and protein function, including GeneOntology (GO) (16), Human Phenotype Ontology(HPO) (17) and biological pathway databases KEGG(18) and Reactome (19). We also cover experimentaldata like protein–protein interactions from BioGrid (20)and target sites of microRNAs [MicroCosm database (21)]and transcription factors [Transfac (22)]. Even more infor-mation can be retrieved from a large collection of micro-arrays from ArrayExpress (23) via gene coexpressionsearches, and from dozens of related organisms via genehomology searches. Frequent data updates frommultispecies databases of Ensembl (24,25) and GOA (26)

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 416 978 6888; Fax: +1 416 978 8287; Email: [email protected] may also be addressed to Jaak Vilo. Tel: +372 737 5483; Fax: +372 737 5468; Email: [email protected] address:Juri Reimand, Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto, 160 College Street, Toronto, Ontario,Canada M5S 3E1.

Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 1–9doi:10.1093/nar/gkr378

� The Author(s) 2011. Published by Oxford University Press.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access published June 6, 2011 at T

artu University Library on June 20, 2011


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guarantee stable and consistent gene annotations.g:Profiler is available for 85 organisms, includingcommon model organisms, mammals, plants, insects andfungi.

g:Profiler WEB SERVER

The g:Profiler web server comprises a collection of fiveclosely integrated tools that perform functional profiling(g:GOSt, g:Cocoa), biomolecule integration tasks(g:Convert) and genomic data mining (g:Sorter, g:Orth).Each tool is briefly described below. A summary ofexisting and novel g:Profiler features can be found inTable 1.

g:GOSt—gene group functional profiling

g:GOSt, the core of the g:Profiler, performs statisticalenrichment analysis to provide interpretation to user-provided gene lists (Figure 1A). We study multiplesources of functional evidence, including Gene Ontologyterms, biological pathways and regulatory motifs for tran-scription factors. In the 2011 update of g:Profiler, weadded support for microRNA motifs, human disease an-notations and protein–protein interactions (see below).Analysis of gene lists and significance estimation is

carried out in our rapid C++ library. g:Profiler uses thewidely applied hypergeometric distribution for signifi-cance estimation, and combines it with our custommultiple testing correction procedure g:SCS describedearlier. This method is designed to eliminate false positiveswhile considering the unevenly distributed structure offunctional annotations, as confirmed in our simulations(15). The standard alternatives false discovery rate(FDR) and Bonferroni correction are also available.The main input of the tool is a mixed list of genes or

proteins, and the user may choose to treat the list asunordered or ordered. The user may also insert a GOor pathway ID to for annotated genes or specify

chromosomal coordinates for genes in a region (seebelow). In case of an unordered gene list, a single enrich-ment analysis identifies all over-represented functionalterms. The ordered option is useful when the genes areplaced in some biologically meaningful order, forinstance according to the differential expression in agiven microarray experiment. g:Profiler then performs in-cremental enrichment analysis with increasingly largernumbers of genes from the top of the list (15). This opti-mization procedure identifies specific functional terms thatassociate to most dramatic changes in gene expression, aswell as broader terms that characterize the gene set as awhole.

The main output of g:GOSt is a tabular graphical rep-resentation of detected functional enrichments in rows,input genes in columns and gene annotations in tablecells. The visualization includes a broad spectrum of in-formation for further consideration, including enrichmentP-values, gene-to-term mappings, colour-coded evidencecodes, hierarchy of enriched functional terms and peakenrichments in ordered gene lists. As a new feature, wevisualize protein–protein interaction modules that areenriched in input gene lists (see below). Direct links withother g:Profiler tools, simple programmable interfaces andalternative output formats (textual, spreadsheet) allowsmooth creation of analysis pipelines.

g:Cocoa—compact comparison of annotations(new in 2011)

In the 2011 g:Profiler update, we have added a new tool tothe web server. g:Cocoa stands for ‘COmpactCOmparison of gene Annotations’ and performs com-parative analysis of multiple gene lists (Figure 1B). Theinput of g:Cocoa is presented in a multiline format thatresembles FASTA, allowing users to construct and namemultiqueries easily. Its output is a tabular graphic similarto g:GOSt, except that each column stands for a gene listrather than a single gene, and cell colours highlight

Table 1. Summary of g:Profiler features in 2007 and novel additions in 2011

Feature g:Profiler 2007 Added in g:Profiler 2011

Supported species 31 speciesEnsembl

85 speciesEnsembl and Ensembl genomes, mammals, fungi,

insects, plants, etc.

Biological evidenceconsidered

Gene ontologyPathways databases (KEGG, Reactome)Transcription factor motifs (Transfac)Gene expression similarity search (GEO)

microRNA target sites (MicroCosm)Disease genes (HPO)Protein–protein interactions (BioGrid)Gene expression similarity search (ArrayExpress)

Input for enrichmentanalysis

Gene setsOrdered gene listsFunctional groups

Chromosomal regionsMultiple gene lists or regions

Methods Hypergeometric testMultiple testing (g:SCS, FDR, Bonferroni)

Customized background setEnrichment of interaction network modules

Tools g:GOSt—gene group functional profilingg:Convert—gene ID converterg:Sorter—expression similarity searchg:Orth—orthology search

g:Cocoa—compact comparison of gene annotations

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significant enrichments. The compact output of g:Cocoaallows a condensed and minimal comparison of functionalenrichments in dozens of gene lists.

In addition to enrichment analysis, g:Cocoa performstwo further tasks for gene list comparison. First, one mayuse the tool to identify most meaningful gene lists in amultilist query. In that case, g:Cocoa evaluates the totalstatistical significance across all functional categories andorders the results accordingly. Second, one may use thetool to evaluate the functional similarity between genelists. In that case, g:Cocoa compares the first list and allothers, and orders the lists according to similarity. Totalsignificance is quantified with log-sums of P-values, andthe Euclidean distance over functional enrichments is usedfor similarity estimation. Such analyses have useful appli-cations, for instance in comparing the performance ofseveral bioinformatics algorithms in retrieving biologicallymeaningful results (27).

g:Convert—gene ID converter

g:Convert is a gene identifier conversion tool (Figure 1C).It uses information from Ensembl databases (24,25) tohandle hundreds of types of IDs for genes, proteins, tran-scripts, microarray probesets for many species, experimen-tal platforms and biological databases. The mostimportant feature of g:Convert is flexibility—it accepts amixed list of genes (identifiers, names, accessions) and rec-ognizes their types automatically. Besides providing afront-end service for scientists through tabulated, textualand spreadsheet outputs, g:Convert is a unified interfacefor all g:Profiler tools and several others.g:Convert accepts a gene list as input, and provides a

table with converted identifiers, gene names and short de-scriptions as output. Our ID mapping strategy describesall biomolecules as triplets of Ensembl genes, transcriptsand proteins, and stores these in a bidirectional hashtable-based index for fast performance. As a new feature in

Figure 1. g:Profiler tools (A–E) and data streams (arrows) for constructing analysis pipelines. (A) g:GOSt—functional profiling of gene lists, withsources of input shown on the left [also see (F)]. Output: genes are shown horizontally and annotations vertically, colours denote classes of functionalevidence. (B) g:Cocoa—functional profiling of multiple gene lists. Output: gene lists are shown horizontally and annotations vertically, colours(intensity of red) denote strength of enrichment. (C) g:Convert—ID mapping service for kinds of molecules and databases. (D) g:Sorter—gene-basedexpression similarity search from microarrays. (E) g:Orth—mapping homologous genes of related species. (F) Identification of enriched protein–protein interaction modules in gene lists. A fragment of g:GOSt output includes a module of interacting query genes (core, red) and non-query genesinteracting with the core module (neighbourhood, black).

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2011, g:Convert and other g:Profiler tools unambiguouslysupport several classes of numeric identifiers, notablyEntrezGene accessions and Affymetrix Exon Arrayprobesets.The relevance of g:Convert to the community is

illustrated by the fact that �30% of all web queries tog:Profiler involve g:Convert.

g:Sorter—expression similarity search

g:Sorter is a search tool for gene expression profiles(Figure 1D). It allows users to find similar gene expressionprofiles to their gene of interest in a large collection ofpublic microarray datasets from ArrayExpress (23).g:Sorter is conceptually similar to our Multi ExperimentMatrix (MEM) software that performs globalcoexpression search on large microarray collections (28).g:Sorter supports several commonly used distancemeasures and directions for expression similarity assess-ment on collections of microarrays from a single experi-ment. For instance, one may use positive Pearsoncorrelation to find coexpressed genes or anticorrelationto discover genes with reverse regulatory modulation.g:Sorter analysis has been applied successfully in anumber of occasions, for instance in uncovering the regu-latory network of lysosomal biogenesis (29).The main input of g:Sorter is a gene or a protein of

interest (the query gene) and a microarray dataset IDfrom a large collection. g:Sorter links the query gene tomicroarray probesets and performs similarity searches. Itsoutput features one or more gene lists that correspond tothe identified coexpression or antiexpression patterns. Inthe 2011 g:Profiler update, we have added a convenientkeyword-based search for finding relevant microarraydatasets. Our search database now contains >4000 micro-array experiments for 16 species.

g:Orth—orthology search

g:Orth is a tool for mapping homologous genes acrossrelated organisms (Figure 1E). The input of the tool is alist of genes of an organism. Given a selected targetorganism, g:Orth retrieves the genes of the target thatare similar in sequence to the initial genes. g:Orthhandles one-to-one and more complex orthologymappings using data from Ensembl and EnsemblGenomes. The orthology search in g:Orth has several ap-plications in functional analysis. For instance, researchersof model organisms may retrieve human homologs ofgenes of interest, to study their hypotheses in the contextof human health (30).


Enriched protein–protein interaction modules in gene lists

g:Profiler now allows interpretation of gene lists inthe context of protein–protein interaction networks(Figure 1F). We take advantage of a novel statisticalstrategy for identifying significant modules of interactions(subnetworks) in gene lists. Our strategy comprises a set of‘core’ genes and a set of ‘neighbourhood’ genes. The core

set includes all genes in the original input list thatare connected by an interaction. The latter set includesall immediate interaction partners of the core set thatdo not belong to the original input. We use thehypergeometric test to decide if the input list contains sig-nificantly more interacting genes than expected, incontrast to the surrounding network neighbourhood.Intuitively, this strategy captures interaction modules(cores) in which a significant number of genes is presentin the input gene list. g:Profiler also includes an extensionof the above strategy for ordered gene lists. In this case,multiple cores and neighbourhoods are considered simi-larly to our incremental enrichment analysis, and the corewith the lowest P-value is reported as the final result.

g:Profiler performs subnetwork enrichment analysis onsingle gene lists (g:GOSt) as well as multiple gene lists(g:Cocoa). We currently cover >300 000 protein–proteininteractions from the Biogrid database (20), for sevenspecies including human, mouse, fly and yeast. Weprovide a visual representation of the enriched subnet-work and its neighbourhood, and show related genes astext for further processing. Such analysis has several usefulapplications. For instance, we have studied yeast proteinmodules and physical complexes that are dysregulated intranscription factor knockout mutants (31). An exampleof such analysis is shown below (Case Study 2,Supplementary Figure S1).

Enrichment analysis of disease genes in human andmodel organisms

The g:Profiler 2011 update provides means to interpretgene lists in the context of human disease. We haveimported gene annotations from the HPO, a standardizedvocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered inhuman disease (17). HPO contains information fromseveral important sources, notably including the OnlineMendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) (32). Below wepresent an example analysis that takes advantage of thesedata for interpreting evolution in contemporary humans.

Due to ethical constraints, a significant portion ofresearch on human disease is conducted in model organ-isms like mouse and rat. As HPO only describes humangenes at the time, we have extended these annotations tomodel organisms using sequence homology informationfrom Ensembl. Sequence similarity alone is not sufficientfor reliable inference of translational disease models.However, we believe that the detailed resources of HPO,combined with stronger sources of evidence such ascurated pathways, provide useful pointers for interpretinggene lists of many versatile organisms where detailedknowledge of disease and function is still lacking.

Functional analysis of single nucleotide polymorphismsand chromosomal regions

The 2011 update of g:Profiler allows direct functionalanalysis of single nucleotides and chromosomal regions.Users may submit entire collections of chromosomal co-ordinates or ranges, and g:Profiler automatically retrievesgene lists that are located in corresponding regions.Depending on the tool, the genes will be subjected to

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functional profiling (g:GOSt), orthology search (g:Orth)or gene ID mapping (g:Convert). Furthermore, g:Cocoaprovides a special format to insert and study multiple col-lections of chromosomal regions.

Such an analysis has numerous useful applications. Onemay explore sequence variations like single nucleotidepolymorphisms (SNP), copy number variations (CNVs)and chromosomal rearrangements that are responsible

for human variation and history, complex disease traitsand cancer, among others. These data are rapidlyaccumulated by genome sequencing efforts (2,3),genome-wide association studies (5) and cancer genomicsprojects (6). Below we present a case study to investigatethe functional significance of genomic regions that haveundergone positive selection in contemporary humans(Case Study 1, Figure 2).

Regions by chromosome



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P−value (−log 10)





Evidence class

a GO biological process

a GO cell component

a GO molecular function

a KEGG pathway

a HPO human disease genes

a MicroCosm microRNA targets

a Transfac regulatory motifs

Figure 2. Functional analysis of positively selected regions in modern human genome versus Neanderthal genome. Input genomic loci were groupedby chromosome and analysed with g:Cocoa. R was used for visualization. Enriched annotations are shown vertically and chromosomes horizontally.Coloured cells indicate statistically significant enrichments of corresponding functions (P < 0.05, red tones represent greater significance). Annotationaxis labels are grouped and coloured according to data source. To avoid redundant annotations, only most significant function of any hierarchicallyrelated group is shown.

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Custom statistical background for enrichment detection

In this g:Profiler update, we have improved our statisticalmethods and added a feature for customizing gene back-ground in g:GOSt and g:Cocoa. Enrichment analysisinvolves a background set that determines the expectedproportions of function-associated and non-associatedgenes in the input list. The default background usuallycorresponds to all known genes of a genome. However,such an approach may give misleading results when theuser is initially focusing on a narrower set of genes.Relevant examples include microarrays with tissue-specificgenes, or studies involving specific genes like transcriptionfactors. While a default analysis of such genes would in-evitably recover annotations like liver development ortranscriptional regulation, customized background set ofinitial genes would help reduce global biases and uncovermore specific annotations. An example illustratingcustomized backgrounds is shown below (Case Study 3,Figure 3).g:Profiler users may submit their backgrounds as mixed

lists of gene IDs. Besides user-defined backgrounds, a fewpredefined backgrounds are available for precise analysisof most popular microarray platforms. Analysis with acustom background automatically discards unrelatedgenes and annotations to provide unbiased statistics.

Filtering of GO electronic annotations

Since the 2011 update of g:Profiler, we support filtering ofGO annotations according to the quality of supportingevidence. A significant proportion of GO annotationsresult from automated analysis and are assigned the IEAevidence code (Inferred from Electronic Annotation). Thisconcerns �36% of all functional annotations in currentg:Profiler, and this proportion is even more dramatic in

human data (77% of 2.7 million annotations). While IEAannotations are valuable in mapping gene functions,manual curation of experimental and computationaldata is generally of higher confidence. Therefore, it issometimes advisable to exclude electronically inferred an-notations from enrichment analysis and focus on strongerevidence. Excluding IEA annotations may also helpreduce bias towards abundant and ubiquitous housekeep-ing genes like the ribosomes.

The IEA filter is enabled in g:GOSt and g:Cocoa via asingle checkbox, and corresponding enrichment analysesaccount for altered structure of GO annotations.

g:Profiler for 85 species

The 2011 version of g:Profiler contains data for 85 speciesand this number is increasing with nearly every datareload. Besides mammalian and other species fromEnsembl (24), we have expanded our repertoire to repre-sentatives of metazoa, plants and fungi from the EnsemblGenomes initiative (25). To our knowledge, g:Profiler isthe only functional profiling software that supports such abroad collection of species. The current version ofg:Profiler includes information for 50 million gene tofunction annotations, and provides functional profilingtools to different research communities, e.g. those of agri-cultural and plant genomics (33,34).

Advanced methods for automated analysis

In addition to improved experience of interactive analysis,2011 g:Profiler update includes developments in the areaof automated analysis and application programmableinterfaces. All g:Profiler tools include text-based,tabulated and spreadsheet (Excel) output formats.Minimal output format with no HTML headers allows

Enrichment p−value (−log 10)



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All yeast genes

0 2 4 6 8 10











All yeast TFs

0 2 4 6 8

Process class

Cell cycle


Figure 3. Comparison of standard, global background gene list (left plot) and customized list (right plot) in functional enrichment analysis of ninecore cell cycle transcription factors in yeast. Top 10 enriched categories are shown vertically and log-scale P-values horizontally. R was used forvisualization. The global analysis reveals general functional enrichments of transcriptional regulation (black bars), while focused analysis with thecustom background of all yeast TFs shows specific cell cycle-related terms (grey bars).

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creation of software that interacts with g:Profiler. As anexample of g:Profiler integration with programming lan-guages, we have now implemented a simple package forGNU R that accesses the g:Profiler web server to mediatefunctionality of g:GOSt, g:Cocoa and g:Convert. The Rpackage is available for download on our web site. Wehave also created an web service that is compatible withENFIN Encore workflows (35). Since the 2011 update, wemaintain archived versions of g:Profiler software and datato provide comparability to earlier studies.


Functional analysis of positively selected regions inthe human genome

To demonstrate the new features of g:Profiler, we presenta case study with genomic regions that have undergonesignificant evolution during early human history. Weretrieved 212 loci of positive selection from the recentanalysis of the Neanderthal genome (3), grouped theseinto chromosome-specific lists and studied the functionalenrichments of localized genes with the g:Cocoa chromo-somal multiquery feature. These results were retrievedthrough the g:Profiler R interface, filtered for non-redundant terms and visualized using a custom script.

The results of this case study include several interestingfunctional features that may provide insights into theevolution of modern humans (Figure 2). For instance,GO functions like ‘defense response to bacterium’(chr. 6, P=10�8) and ‘viral reproduction’ (chr. 18, P=10�7) as well as KEGG pathway for ‘systemic lupuserythematosus’ (P=10�12) may indicate accumulateddisease resistance. A number of enriched HPO diseasegene annotations such as ‘malaligned carpal bone’ (chr.20, P=10�3) as well as the GO process ‘appendage mor-phogenesis’ (chr. 2, P=10�6) may associate to the devel-opment of modern human hands. In addition, this analysisprovides pointers to the evolution of gene regulationat multiple levels of organization, including epigenetic(GO cell component nucleosome, chr. 1, P=10�15), tran-scriptional (six enrichments of transcription factor bindingsites, P< 10�3) and post-transcriptional regulation(four enrichments of microRNA target sites, P< 0.02).In summary, these results provide interesting hypothesesfor further study and show the usefulness of new g:Profilerfeatures.

Identification of protein complexes in regulatorperturbation data

We also provide an example of gene list interpretationin the context of protein–protein interactions. We previ-ously studied differentially expressed genes in yeast tran-scription factor perturbations (�TF) and identifiedaffected protein–protein interaction modules (31), usingthe method described above. Here, we investigated a col-lection of high-confidence protein complexes from a re-cent analysis (36) to interpret our �TF data, using theg:Profiler R interface and a custom script for filteringand visualization. In particular, we identified protein

complexes that were fully listed in g:Profiler analysis of�TF data.This case study highlights the presence of multiple

important protein complexes among our enrichedmodules (Supplementary Figure S1). For instance, theglobal TFIIA complex is required for all transcriptionby RNA polymerase II and is therefore important in allprocesses involving transcription. In our data, all subunitsof TFIIA are affected in multiple perturbation strains,including �gal11, a subunit of the mediator complexthat interacts with RNA Polymerase II. TFIIA is alsodysregulated in the induced deletions of Rap1 and Gcr1.The latter are essential transcription factors withnumerous global roles. In summary, the modulesidentified by our methods frequently overlap with actualprotein complexes and may provide useful pointers forbiologically meaningful gene list interpretation.

Application of background gene lists for improvingspecificity

The usefulness of custom background gene lists is shownin the following example. We studied the functional en-richments of nine core cell cycle transcription factors(TFs) in yeast (Mcm1, Mbp1, Swi4, Swi6, Fkh1, Fkh2,Ace2, Swi5, Ndd1), using the standard background(all yeast genes, �6000), as well as a user-defined back-ground list (yeast transcription factors, �300). The formerapproach is reasonable when genes of interest are sampledfrom the genome-wide collection of genes, while the latterapproach is more meaningful when focusing a priori on anarrow, predefined gene group such as transcriptionfactors.The comparison of top 10 results from the two queries

highlights the differences of the two approaches (Figure 3,custom R graphic). The first, global analysis of the 9 TFsresults in general functional annotations such as ‘positiveregulation of transcription’ (P=10�11) that would beexpected from any such group of TFs. Annotations ofthis specificity are most informative given that the focusis the whole genome. When the analysis is restricted to theTF set beforehand, a customized background set allowsone to bypass the a priori knowledge of general TFfunction and retrieve more specific annotations. In ourexample, the second analysis results in specific annotationslike ‘interphase of mitotic cell cycle’ (P=10�8). Insummary, utilizing a biologically meaningful custom back-ground can improve specificity in enrichment analysis.


With the ongoing development and maintenance ofg:Profiler, we aim to provide a comprehensive functionalprofiling service that combines powerful visualization,sophisticated algorithms and up-to-date genomic andfunctional data. For this update, we implemented severalimprovements to address the needs of new andexperienced g:Profiler users alike. Improved filtering andstatistics produce results of greater confidence and morecustomization power. Multilist enrichment analysis ing:Cocoa delivers results and visualization in a condensed

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overview. Our special focus in this g:Profiler update relatesto developments in biomedical and clinical research thatare likely to lead to personalized genomics and medicine inthe future. First, we include disease gene annotations inour enrichment tests to enable and promote discovery ofassociations to human health. Second, we incorporate al-gorithms for interpreting gene lists in the context of mo-lecular interaction networks, as the concepts of biologicalsystems and networks have become ever more importantin the past decade. Last but not least, we provide directmeans to study the functional enrichments of user-definedDNA regions and even single nucleotides through corres-ponding genes. Functional analysis of these data is likelyto become increasingly important, as genome and tran-scriptome sequencing, genome-wide association studiesand other biotechnologies reveal more DNA-basedevidence to reason about human variation, history,complex disease traits and cancer.Since the publication of g:Profiler in 2007, the tool has

found extensive use in a number of projects in stem cellresearch (37–39), cancer genomics (40,41), machinelearning and yeast genomics (42,43), microRNA regula-tory networks (44), among others. g:Profiler is related to awhole family of bioinformatics tools that apply its func-tional profiling and biomolecule mapping methods forvarious tasks, like global coexpression analysis in largemicroarray collections [MEM (28)], module identificationand interpretation in biological networks [GraphWeb(45)], transcriptome analysis in pathways [KEGGanim(46)] and optimal gene expression clustering with function-al profiling [VisHiC (47)].Future developments of g:Profiler will further elaborate

on new and emerging sources of biomedical evidence.Functional interpretation of gene lists will greatly benefitfrom the comprehensive regulatory maps from ENCODEand modENCODE. Another important area of develop-ment involves deeper integration with network-basedsources of evidence. Novel methods need to exploremassive amounts of data from the next-generationsequencing of tumour catalogues, human variationstudies and personalized genomics.


Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.


The authors would like to thank Priit Adler, Raivo Kolde,Meelis Kull and Magali Michaut for valuable discussionand/or software contributions, and the anonymous re-viewers for beneficial suggestions. University of TartuHPC centre has provided computing resources.


EU FP6 COBRED; ENFIN; ETF7437 MEM; EITSA;ERDF through EXCS funding projects; M.CurieBiostar, U.Agur and A.Lind fellowships to (J.R.).

Funding for open access charge: University of Tartu,Center of Excellence in Computer Science (EXCS).

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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