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Page 1 Govt. College Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) 2016-17 Submitted to National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) for partial fulfilment of requirements of Assessment & Accreditation of the Institution (Cycle-3)

Govt. College Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh

Mar 06, 2023



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Govt. College Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh

Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) 2016-17

Submitted to

National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC)

for partial fulfilment of requirements of Assessment & Accreditation of the Institution (Cycle-3)

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The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC (For Affiliated/Constituent Colleges)

Part – A

Data of the Institution

1. Name of the Institution Govt. College Bilaspur

Name of the Head of the Institution : Prof. Brij Bala Sankhyan

Designation: Principal / Chairperson

Does the institution function from

own campus: Yes

Phone no./Alternate phone no.: 01978-222417

Mobile No.: 9418163512

Registered e-mail: [email protected]

Alternate e-mail : [email protected]

Address: Govt. College Bilaspur

City/Town: Bilaspur

State/UT : Himachal Pradesh

Pin Code : 174001

2. Institutional status:

Affiliated / Constituent: Affiliated

Type of Institution: Co-education/Men/

Women: Co-education

Location : Rural/Semi-urban/Urban: Urban

Financial Status: Grants-in aid/ UGC 2f

and 12 (B)/ Self financing (please specify) : UGC 2f and 12 (B)/ Self-financing

Name of the Affiliating University: HP University Shimla

Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator : Dr. Suresh Kumar Soni

Phone no. : 01978-222417

Alternate Phone No. 01978-221178

Mobile: 9418089775

IQAC e-mail address: [email protected]

Alternate Email address: [email protected]

3. Website address:

Web-link of the AQAR: (Previous Academic Year):

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4. Whether Academic Calendar prepared during the year?

Yes/No....., if yes, whether it is uploaded in the

Institutional website: Yes


5. Accreditation Details:

Cycle Grade CGPA Year of

Accreditation Validity Period

1st B

++ 81.50 2004 from:2004 to: 2009


B 2.43 2013 from:2013 to: 2018

6. Date of Establishment of IQAC: DD/MM/YYYY: 01/01/2004

7. Internal Quality Assurance System

7.1 Quality initiatives by IQAC during the year for promoting quality culture


Minimizing environmental degradation

Development Programmes for Staff, Faculty and Students

Fulfilling social responsibilities

Participation from stakeholders

Participated in NIRF

Academic and Administrative Audit was done regularly.

UGC CBCS is implemented.

8. Provide the list of funds by Central/ State Government-




Scheme Funding


Year of award with



Govt. College Bilaspur Infrastructure Grant

to colleges


(90%) +

State (10%)

2016-17 10000000

9. Whether composition of IQAC as per latest NAAC guidelines:

Yes/No: Yes

*upload latest notification of formation of IQAC:

10. No. of IQAC meetings held during the year: 03

The minutes of IQAC meeting and compliance to the decisions

have been uploaded on the institutional website……. Yes/No: Yes (Report uploaded)

11. Whether IQAC received funding from any of the funding agency

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to support its activities during the year? Yes

If yes, mention the amount: 10699665 + 4967958 = 15667623 Year: 2017-18

12. Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year (maximum five bullets)

Narrated under point No. 7.1

13. Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the Academic year towards

Quality Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the Academic year

Plan of Action Achievements/Outcomes

Digitalization E-file System to promote paperless office.

Digital fees payment.

Minimizing environmental


Optimization of existing infrastructure

Tree Plantation

Development Programmes for

Staff, Faculty and Students

Orientation/Refresher programmes for faculty.

Provision of Academic leave for teaching Staff.

Counselling sessions for students are available.

Participation in workshops, conferences, seminars and poster

presentation by Faculty and Technical Staff.

Fulfilling social


Remedial classes for weak students.

Free coaching to the students for competitive examinations.

Scholarships to the students both meritorious and under


Reservation roaster is followed for making admissions.

Blood donation camp.

Books and prizes are distributed during annual prize

distribution function.

Participation from


Interaction meetings with all the stake holders such as

Government Representatives, University Authorities, PTA

members etc. are organised regularly.

Alumni meetings to discuss and enhance wholesome

education and development.

Principal interaction with students.

14. Whether the AQAR was placed before statutory body? Yes /No: Yes

Name of the Statutory body: NAAC Date of meeting(s): 10-04-2013

15. Whether NAAC/or any other accredited body(s) visited IQAC or interacted with it to

assess the functioning?

Yes/No: Yes Date: 2013

16. Whether institutional data submitted to AISHE: Yes/No: Yes

Year: 2016-17 Date of Submission: March 2017

17. Does the Institution have Management Information System? Yes

If yes, give a brief description and a list of modules currently operational.

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Personnel Management Information System (PMIS) maintains records of employees

and the service books are online.

Drawl and disbursement is online and salaries etc. are credited through digital mode to individual bank account.

GPF & CPF of the staff is maintained through digital mode.

Student database is maintained through software.

Regarding scholarship of the students, online applications are received and scholarship is credited through online digital system.

End Term Examination is managed through online system.

Internal assessment and term awards are submitted online and database is maintained digitally.

Library provides INFLIBNET and internet access to the students. Passwords are provided to the students / faculty to access INFLIBNET and record is maintained in the library.



1.1 Curriculum Planning and Implementation

1.1.1 Institution has the mechanism for well planned curriculum delivery and documentation. Explain in 500 words The institution has the mechanism for well planned curriculum delivery and documentation. Planning and

implementation of the curriculum is done most effectively by introducing students and stakeholders first to the

larger mission and the wider vision that defines the particular purpose which the college stands for and seeks to

promote. The college website, the college prospectuses open with a prominent display of the vision of the college.

The mission of the college is to fulfill what it has envisaged by providing quality education with the implementation

of CBCS in 2013 which will enable students to become educated, responsible citizens and realize their status in the

society. In the year 2016-17 RUSA (CBCS) of UGC has been adopted by the institution as per the direction of

Higher Authorities of the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh and guidelines of the UGC. The time table of the college is

framed in such a way that the courses can be completed within the prescribed period of time and appropriate

weight-age is given to the each course. The time table of the college also provides the tutorial classes for the

efficient delivery of the curriculum. The extra classes for the weak students and remedial classes for the SC/ST and

minority students are organized in the college. Inter disciplinary approach is adopted so as to enable students to

have access to excellent curricular and co-curricular opportunities for enhancing academic acumen, employability

and entrepreneurial skills. Ample choices are offered to students by integrating CBCS and discipline specific,

interdisciplinary electives in curricula to meet students’ interests and aspirations. Workshops and seminars such as

RUSA Orientation workshops and admission guidance workshops are organized from time to time for the teachers

and faculty members. The inputs for curriculum planning were taken in the college and conveyed to the higher

authorities. The curriculum is implemented in letter and spirit. The college has ensured that UGC guidelines for the

curriculum implementation are followed up to the maximum. Teachers receive procedural and practical support

from the college and university in implementing the curriculum. An established and furnished library of the

institution assures the availability of the books related to new syllabi to the students. Project reports, assignments

and house examinations help in the continuous and comprehensive evaluation of the students. The documentary

record of these activities is kept by the teachers and college. Some of the faculty members of the teaching staff of

the college are HP University paper setters for UG Courses under CBCS.

1.1.2 Certificate / Diploma Courses introduced during the Academic year

Name of




Name of




Date of introduction

and duration

focus on employability/


Skill development

Nil -- -- -- --

1.2 Academic Flexibility: The institution offers comprehensive academic flexibility under UGC CBCS.

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There are number of courses such as Core Compulsory Courses, Elective Courses – Discipline Specific

Courses, Discipline Specific Elective, Generic Elective, Ability Enhancement Courses and Skill

Enhancement Courses offered to the students with adequate choices along with AECC and SEC, which

enhance communicative ability as well as specific skills enabling the students to get widespread

employment opportunities. Practicals, tutorials and field works etc. are also enabling the students to gain

practical knowledge.

1.2.1 New programmes/courses introduced during the Academic year

Programme with


Date of Introduction Course with Code Date of Introduction

-- -- -- --

1.2.2 Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system implemented at

the affiliated Colleges (if applicable) during the Academic year.

Name of Programmes

adopting CBCS

UG PG Date of implementation of

CBCS / Elective Course System


All the UG Courses and Self

Financing Courses

Yes No June 2013 Yes No

All the UG Courses and Self

Financing Courses

Yes No June 2016 Yes No

Already adopted (mention the year): 2013, UGC (CBCS) ADOPTED IN 2016-17

1.2.3 Students enrolled in Certificate/ Diploma Courses introduced during the year

Certificate Diploma Courses

No of Students N/A --

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the year

Value added courses Date of introduction Number of students enrolled

BBA July 2010 141

BCA July 2006 139

BTTM July 2012 31

B. Sc. Biotechnology July 2010 66

PGDCA July 2006 28

1.3.2 Field Projects / Internships under taken during the year

Project/Programme Title No. of students enrolled for Field Projects / Internships

B. Com 136

BCA 36

BBA 43


M. Com 28

1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Whether structured feedback received from all the stakeholders.

1) Students 2) Teachers 3) Employers 4) Alumni 5) Parents

Yes Yes Yes



1.4.2 How the feedback obtained is being analyzed and utilized for overall development of the institution?

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Effective feedback practices can greatly improve student learning and teaching qualities. College always

looks for the aspiration of students and various steps are taken for involvement of everyone in functioning

of college. Feedbacks are regularly obtained from various ways and it is tried to involve every aspect

where they evaluate the functioning of the college in various parameters, academics and in general. The

suggestions are considered and incorporated. Feedback is obtained from PTA and OSA. Staff meetings

and department meetings are held with principal. Important issues are taken regarding the better future

and functioning of the college.


2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile

2.1. 1 Demand Ratio during the year

Name of the


Number of seats available Number of applications


Students Enrolled

BA 880 547 531

B.Sc. 580 535 518

B.Com 140 138 138

BCA 50 120 50

BBA 50 98 50

BTTM 40 33 15

B.Sc. Biotechnology 30 29 25

MA Economics 30 37 30

MA English 30 17 14

M.Com 30 70 30

PGDCA 40 55 28

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1. Student - Full time teacher ratio (current year data)

Year Number of students

enrolled in the

institution (UG)

Number of students

enrolled in the

institution (PG)

Number of full

time teachers

available in the


teaching only

UG courses

Number of full

time teachers

available in the


teaching only

PG courses





both UG

and PG


2016-17 3160 193 61 0 61

2.3 Teaching - Learning Process

2.3.1 Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems

(LMS), E-learning resources etc. (current year data)

Number of

teachers on roll

Number of teachers

using ICT (LMS, e-


ICT tools and



Number of ICT



Number of




and techniques


61 61 Computer,

Projectors &


Nil 02 Power Point

Presentations, e-

mails, google,




jstore, e-books

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2.3.2 Students mentoring system available in the institution? Give details.

Mentoring is about flow of knowledge between people. Mentoring most effectively occurs at institutional

and the individual level. The Principal, faculty and administrative staff are always at their best for

mentoring students. Programmes are arranged such as workshops, guest lectures, and career counselling

for properly mentoring the students. Various committees are formed for student grievances. The focus is

on forming teacher student community to create an conductive environment for favourable behaviour.

Number of students enrolled in the institution Number of fulltime teachers Mentor: Mentee Ratio

3353 61 01:55

2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

2.4.1 Number of full time teachers appointed during the year

No. of sanctioned


No. of filled


Vacant positions Positions filled

during the current


No. of faculty with

Ph. D

Govt. HEIS Govt. HEIS Govt. HEIS Govt. HEIS Govt. HEIS

52 15 46 15 06 -- 04 -- 13 ---

2.4.2 Honours and recognitions received by teachers

(received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government,

recognised bodies during the year )

Year of


Name of full time teachers

receiving awards from state level,

national level, international level

Designation Name of the award, fellowship, received

from Government or recognized bodies

2016 Dr. Suresh Kumar Soni Associate


Evaluator & Examiner of Ph. D. Thesis of a

student at University of Nagpur. He has conducted

Viva of the said student

2016 Dr. Surinder Singh Associate


Ph. D.

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1 Number of days from the date of semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results

during the year

Programme Name Programme


Semester/ year Last date of the last

semester-end/ year-

end examination

Date of declaration of

results of semester-end/

year- end examination

Master of Arts


MA English Semester 07-07-2017 19-10-2017

Master Arts




Semester 03-07-2017 11-10-2017

Master of


M.Com. Semester 13-07-2017 03-11-2017

Post Graduate

Diploma in



PGDCA Semester 12-2016 18-05-2017

Bachelor of


B.Sc. Semester 22-05-2017 15-06-2017

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Bachelor of


B. Com. Semester 16-05-2017 15-06-2017

Bachelor of Arts BA Semester 25-05-2017 15-06-2017

Bachelor of

Science Biotech



Semester Data not available Data not available

Bachelor of



BBA Semester 05-05-2017 03-07-2017

Bachelor of



BCA Semester 05-2017 03-07-2017

Bachelor of



BTM Semester 06-2017 10-2017

2.5.2 Reforms initiated on Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) system at the institutional level.

House exam / MTT’s are conducted prior to end term examinations. The house exam committee is

constituted in the college for the smooth conduct of internal examination.

Students are given assignments / questions to solve and to be familiar with the examination pattern.

Class tests, group discussions, seminars, quiz are conducted.

The results / poor performances of students in MTT’s are informed to parents by post.

There is a complete transparency in internal assessment. At the beginning of semester, faculty members

inform the students about the various components in the internal assessment. The internal assessment is

prepared as per the university guidelines and is displayed on the notice board.

Student feedback system has been developed.

2.5.3 Academic calendar prepared and adhered for conduct of Examination and other related matters.

Academic calendar is prepared and adhered to as per the direction/notification of Himachal Pradesh

University Shimla and Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. The Calendar is provided to the students and faculty

members. Prospectus of the institution containing all such information is provided to the students and

teachers before the commencement of Academic session.

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs offered by the

institution are stated and displayed in website of the institution (to provide the weblink)

2.6.2 Pass percentage of students Programme Code Programme Name Number of students

appeared in the final year


Number of students

passed in final





BA BA 223 217 97

B.Sc. B.Sc. 339 328 97

B.Com B.Com 112 112 100

BCA BCA 36 36 100

BBA BBA 43 43 100

BTTM BTTM 21 21 100

B.Sc. Biotechnology B.Sc. Biotechnology 23 23 100

MA Economics MA Economics 27 27 100

MA English MA English 22 21 95

M.Com M.Com 25 25 100

PGDCA PGDCA 28 28 100

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

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2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design the

questionnaire) (results and details be provided as weblink) Questionnaire and survey analysis is uploaded in college website –


3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.1 Research funds sanctioned and received from various agencies, industry and other organisations

Nature of the Project Duration

Name of the



Total grant


Amount received during the

Academic year

Major projects Nil Nil Nil Nil

Minor Projects Nil Nil Nil Nil

Interdisciplinary Projects Nil Nil Nil Nil

Industry sponsored Projects Nil Nil Nil Nil

Projects sponsored by the

University/ College Nil Nil Nil Nil

Students Research Projects

(other than compulsory by

the College)

Nil Nil Nil Nil

International Projects Nil Nil Nil Nil

Any other(Specify) Nil Nil Nil Nil

Total Nil Nil Nil Nil

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1 Workshops/Seminars Conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia

Innovative practices during the year

Title of Workshop/Seminar Name of the Dept. Date(s)

Nil Nil Nil

3.2.2 Awards for Innovation won by Institution/Teachers/Research scholars/Students during the year

Title of the


Name of the Awardee Awarding


Date of Award Category

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

3.2.3 No. Of Incubation centre created, start-ups incubated on campus during the year

Incubation Centre Name Sponsored by

Nil Nil Nil

Name of the Start-up Nature of Start-up Date of commencement

Nil Nil Nil

3.3 Research Publications and Awards

3.3.1 Incentive to the teachers who receive recognition/awards

State National International

Nil Nil Nil

3.3.2 Ph. Ds awarded during the year (applicable for PG College, Research Center)

Name of the Department No. Of Ph. Ds Awarded

Nil Nil

3.3.3 Research Publications in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year

Department No. Of Publication Average Impact Factor, if any


Pol Science 01 --

Maths 01

Economics 01

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Physics 01

3.3.4 Books and Chapters in edited Volumes / Books published, and papers in National/International

Conference Proceedings per Teacher during the year

Department No. Of publication

Political Science 01

Economics 01

Mathematics 01

Commerce 01

3.3.5 Bibliometrics of the publications during the last Academic year based on average citation index in

Scopus/ Web of Science or Pub Med/ Indian Citation Index

Title of the paper Name of the


Title of the journal Year of





affiliation as

mentioned in

the publication





g self


Gandhian Concept of Trusteeship: A Way to Human Development

Dr S K Soni NAM Today: An International Journal of Non-Alignment Movement

2016 -- GC Bilaspur --

Bhartiy Danveer sanskriti

men Kahloori Sanskar Dr. R K Sukla Himprath 2016 -- GC Bilaspur --

Comparison of solar

Drying and sun drying of

Punica granatumlinn




r Gupta

ISSN:2277-7881 Volume 5, Issue 10(1), Octuber 2016

2016 -- GC Bilaspur --

Agriculture for inclusive

economic growth: issues

and policy option

Prof R R


Himalyan Journal of Contemporary research Vol. V, No. 1 Jan-June, 2016

2016 -- GC Bilaspur --

3.3.6 h-index of the Institutional Publications during the year. (based on Scopus/ Web of science) Title of

the paper

Name of the author Title of the


Year of


h-index Number of citations

excluding self citations


affiliation as

mentioned in

the publication

-- -- -- -- -- -- --

3.3.7 Faculty participation in Seminars/Conferences and Symposia during the year : No. Of Faculty International level National level State level Local level

Attended Seminars/


0 05 0 --

Presented papers 0 04 0 --

Resource Persons 0 0 04 --

3.4 Extension Activities

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3.4.1 Number of extension and outreach programmes conducted in collaboration with industry,

community and Non- Government Organisations through NSS/NCC/Red cross/Youth Red Cross (YRC)

etc., during the year Title of the Activities Organising unit/ agency/

collaborating agency

Number of teachers co-

ordinated such activities Number of students participated in such activities

Screening Test for TGT’s HPSSSB Hamirpur 45 900

Screening Test of Patwari HPSSSB Hamirpur 60 1200

HAS Pre.Examination HPPSC Shimla 50 1000

Social Awareness Rally NSS Units G.C.Bilaspur 4 150

Blood Donation Camp NSS Units G.C.Bilaspur 3 150

3.4.2 Awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government and other recognized

bodies during the year

Name of the Activity Award/recognition Awarding bodies No. Of Students


Nil Nil Nil Nil

3.4.3 Students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government

Organisations and programmes such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. During the

year Name of the scheme Organising unit/

agency/ collaborating


Name of the activity Number of teachers

coordinated such


Number of



d in such


HIV/AIDS awareness


NCC Army and Naval

wing,GC Bilaspur

AIDS awareness rally 04 80

HIV/AIDS awareness


Red ribbon club,GC


HIV/AIDS awareness


05 130

Swachhata Abhiyan NSS units G.C.Bilaspur Cleanliness drive 5 200

Afforestation Campaign NSS units G.C.Bilaspur Fresh Plantation 02 85

3.5 Collaborations

3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange during the year

Nature of Activity Participant Source of financial support Duration

Nil Nil Nil Nil

3.5.2 Linkages with institutions/industries for internship, on-the-job training, project work, sharing of

research facilities etc. During the year

Nature of linkage Title of the


Name of the partnering institution/

industry /research lab with contact






Job Training, BTA


1. Bharat Booking Holidays,Manali,


2. HPTDC Marketing office Manali,


3. Hotel Tourist inn,Rewalser, 01905

240 252

1 month






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4. Hotel Sagar View, Bilaspur, 01978-


1month 01

Research Report, BTA


1. Heritage Village in Himachal, A case

study of Nagger village in district


2. Carrying Capacity of Hotels in

Bilaspur Town.

3. Community Based Tourism A case

Study of of Rewalsar in District


4. Cuisines of Himachal Pradesh.

5. Role of HPTDC in Himachal

Tourism A Case Study of Hotels in


Job Training,BBA


Job Training,BBA


1. HPPCL Shimla

2. Rioso Spa and Resorts Kullu

3. Rosin and Turpentine Factory


4. New Tech. Techno Services Nalagarh

5. Auregia Research Ltd. Baddi

6. TBSS Solan

7. Ambuja Cement Ltd. Darlaghat

8. Himalyan Pipe Industries Solan

9. Life Cell Internal Chandigarh

10. Glenmark Pharma Ltd. Nalagarh.

45 days











3.5.3 MoUs signed with institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries,

corporate houses etc. During the year

Organisation Date of MoU


Purpose and


Number of students/teachers

participated under MoUs

-- -- -- --


4.1 Physical Facilities

4.1.1 Budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year

Budget allocated for infrastructure


Budget utilized for infrastructure development

4441761.00 4441761.00

4.1.2 Details of augmentation in infrastructure facilities during the year

Facilities Existing Newly added

Campus area 13.6 Acre --

Class rooms 30 --

Laboratories 11 --

Seminar Halls 01 01

Classrooms with LCD facilities 03 02

Classrooms with Wi-Fi/ LAN 30 --

Seminar halls with ICT facilities 01 --

Video Centre Nil --

No. Of important equipments purchased (≥ 1-0 lakh) during the

current year.

Nil 04

Value of the equipment purchased during the year (Rs. In Lakhs) Nil 4781540

Others Nil --

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 Library is automated {Integrated Library Management System -ILMS}

Name of the ILMS Nature of automation (fully or Version Year of

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software partially) automation

SOUL Partially 2.0 2010

4.2.1 Library Services:

Existing Newly added Total

No. Value No. Value No. Value

Text Books 27836 In Croes 1245 132760 29081 In Crores

Reference Books 4028 In Crores 90 81409 4118 In Crores









Journals 08 31037 Nil 13089 08 44126

e-Journals INFLIB NET,








Digital Database -- -- -- -- -- --

CD & Video -- -- -- --- -- --

Library automation SOUL


30000 -- -- 01 30000

Weeding (Hard & Soft) Hard Only -- -- -- Hard Only --

Others (Magazine) 27 43822 27 21803 27 65625

4.3 IT Infrastructure

4.3.1 Technology Upgradation (overall) Total




Internet Browsing




Office Departments Available band

width (MGBPS)







Existing 111 04 111 04 04 07 20 4 MBPS N



Added 02 01 02 01 01 01 01 Nil N



Total 113 05 113 05 05 08 21 4 MBPS N



4.3.2 Bandwidth available of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)


4.3.3 Facility for e-content

Name of the e-content development facility Provide the link of the videos and media centre and

recording facility

Nil Nil

4.3.4 E-content developed by teachers such as: e-PG-Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG-Pathshala CEC (Under

Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government initiatives &

institutional (Learning Management System (LMS) etc

Name of the


Name of the module Platform on which

module is developed

Date of launching e –


Nil Nil Nil Nil

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4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, excluding

salary component, during the year

Assigned budget on

academic facilities

Expenditure incurred

on maintenance of

academic facilities

Assigned budget on

physical facilities

Expenditure incurred on

maintenance of physical facilities

97,52,879.00 97,52,879.00 34,11,384.00 34,11,384.00

4.4.2 Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities –

laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. (information to be available in institutional

Website, provide link)

Government agencies provide/sanction funds for maintenance of campus infrastructure (physical and

academic support facilities). The College Advisory Committee and Project Monitoring Unit decide about

the construction, renovation and purchases (instruments/computers/equipments) which are required for the

college infrastructure. A detailed project report is prepared by authorized agency such as HPPWD etc. and

the same is forwarded for the approval of the Higher Authorities (Secretary Education to the Government of

Himachal Pradesh). The purchases are made from the Government Agencies / rate contracts / Quotations.



5.1 Student Support

5.1.1 Scholarships and Financial Support

Name /Title of the


Number of

students Amount in Rupees

Financial support

from institution

PTA 10 10000.00

Financial support from other sources

a) National Dr. Ambedkar Post

Matric Economically

backward classes

29 1,56,842.00

Post Matric scholarships

scheme for SC students

18 1,01,032.00

Post Matric scholarships

scheme for ST students


Post Matric scholarships

scheme for OBC


2 7,172.00

b) International -- -- --

c) State Kalpana Chawla


74 11,10,000.00

IRDP Scholarship 200 2,40,000.00

Indira Gandhi Utkrisht


01 10000.00

5.1.2 Number of capability enhancement and development schemes such as Soft skill development, Remedial

coaching, Language lab, Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

Name of the capability

enhancement scheme

Date of


Number of students


Agencies involved

-- -- -- --

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5.1.3 Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the

institution during the year Year Name of the


Number of benefited

students by Guidance

for Competitive


Number of benefited

students by Career

Counselling activities

Number of students

who have passed in the

competitive exam

Number of

students placed





-- 42 -- 20

5.1.4 Institutional mechanism for transparency, timely redressal of student grievances, Prevention of sexual

harassment and ragging cases during the year

Total grievances received No. of grievances redressed Average number of days for grievance


-- -- No complaint was received during the session

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 Details of campus placement during the year

On campus Off Campus Name of



Number of

Students Participated

Number of



Name of



Number of Students


Number of Students


-- -- -- Bristlecone India

Ltd. Bangluru

01 01

-- -- -- HP Forest Deptt. 02 02

-- -- -- Reliance Jio 01 01

-- -- -- Dashmesh Hospital 01 01

5.2.2 Student progression to higher education in percentage during the year: 2016-17

Year Number of students

enrolling into higher



graduated from




Name of institution joined Name of


admitted to

2016 17 B.Sc.


Department of



G.N.D.U. Amritsar


Chandigarh Uni.

D.A.V. Uni. Jalandhar

M.Sc. Microbiology

M.Sc. Biochemistry

M.Sc. Human


M.Sc. Biotech

2016 8 BCA BCA/PGDCA Thapar University

H.P. University

Chandigarh University

Gyan Jyoti College of Management & IT


2016 20 BBA Department of



Rayat Bahara university

Central university kangra

Chandigarh university Chandigarh

Himachal Pradesh Technical university





2016 13 BTA Department of Tourism Studies

H.P. University

Chandigarh University



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5.2.3Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations during the year (eg:

NET/SET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOFEL/Civil Services/State Government Services)

Items No. of students selected /

qualifying Registration number / roll number for the exam

NET 01 26006151

SET -- --

SLET -- --

GATE -- --

GMAT -- --

CAT -- --

GRE -- --

TOFEL -- --

Civil Services -- --

State Government Services -- --

Any Other 01 600815 (employee code Centum Company)

5.2.4 Sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level during the year

Activity Level Participants

Our college hosted HPU Women Kabaddi Championship Inter-College 240

Our college hosted the coaching camp of HPU Kabaddi Men team



Our college hosted the coaching camp of HPU Handball men team

Inter-Varsity 16

Hosted coaching camp of HPU Handball women team Inter-Varsity


Classical Vocal Intra-College 10

Group song Indian Intra-College 20

Gazal Intra-College 11

Western Group Song Intra-College 18

Western Solo Intra-College 09

Tabla Intra-College 04

Sitar Intra-College 04

Dance - Himachal Lok Nritya Intra-College 32

5.3 Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at

national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) Year Name of the

award/ medal



Sports Cultural Student ID


Name of the student

2016-17 Captained Indian Junior Team and won Gold Medal

International International Handball Federation (IHF) Trophy Phase-I held at Dhaka, Bangladesh in Oct. 2016


10032 Menika

2016-17 Vice-captained Indian Junior Team and won Gold Medal

International International Handball Federation (IHF) Trophy Phase-I held at Dhaka,



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Bangladesh in Oct. 2016

2016-17 Participation International Partille Cup


held at


Sweeden in July




2016-17 Participation International Partille Cup


held at


Sweeden in July




2016-17 Silver Medal National All India Inter-Varsity Kabaddi Championship


Nidhi Sharma

2016-17 Silver Medal National All India Inter-Varsity Kabaddi Championship

1160180045 Sushma

2016-17 Bronze Medal National All India Inter-Varsity Handball Championship



2016-17 Bronze Medal National All India Inter-Varsity Handball Championship




2016-17 Bronze Medal National All India Inter-Varsity Handball Championship




2016-17 Bronze Medal National All India Inter-Varsity Handball Championship



Shivani Gautam

2016-17 1st Prize State Level -- Folk Dance


in Non-youth

festival held

at Mandi HP

1160180223 1160180227 280001 1114RRKY410010 PGDCA 1160180330 1160180373 1114RRKY210051 1114RRKY250010 1114RRKY410024

Ranjana Sheetal Jyoti Ankita Pallvi Saloni Rubeena Anjana Shivani Versha

2016-17 Participation National


-- Folk Dance


in Non-youth

festival held

at Rohtak

1160180223 1160180227 280001 1114RRKY410010 PGDCA

Ranjana Sheetal Jyoti Ankita Pallvi Saloni

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Page 19

1160180330 1160180373 1114RRKY210051 1114RRKY250010 1114RRKY410024

Rubeena Anjana Shivani Versha

2016-17 Participation State Level -- Debate in

HPU youth

festival held

at GC Nahan

1072 16CO001

Shivani Aadrsh

2016-17 Participation State Level -- Elocution in

HPU youth

festival held

at GC Nahan

17HT017 Sujata

2016-17 Participation State Level -- Cartooning

in HPU youth

festival held

at GC Nahan

16HU187 Alisha Rana

2016-17 Participation State Level -- On-spot

painting in

HPU youth

festival held

at GC Nahan

3606 Dikshit Nadda

2016-17 Second Prize State Level -- Mime in HPU


festival held

at GC


3646 16PS143 Eco1062 BSc I 16CO001 16HU758

Mannat Nisheet Kartik Swati Adarsh Nisha

2016-17 Participation State Level -- Skit in HPU


festival held

at GC


BA I BA V Eco1062 3646 16CO001 BA I

Ananya Shivangi Kartik Mannat Adarsh Pankaj

2016-17 Participation State Level -- Play in HPU


festival held

at GC


Eco1009 16HU768 BA V BA V ECO1627 BA I 16PS143 MA I

Gaurav Komal Shivangi Ankit Abhinav Pankaj Nisheet Vijay

5.3.2 Activity of Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative

bodies/committees of the institution

CSCA works in tandem with the college authorities. Participation of the students through CSCA is

encouraged. Different activities and events such as Swachhta Drive, Voter Awareness Camps, NSS, NCC,

Rovers and Rangers, Eco Club activities, Prize Distribution Function etc. are organised effectively by

associating with the CSCA. Regular meetings are held with CSCA members and in the year 2016-17 four

meetings were held to discuss various issues. The decisions taken are effectively implemented.

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5.3 Alumni Engagement

5.3.1 Whether the institution has registered Alumni Association? Yes/No, if yes give details

Yes, Old Students Association (OSA) is functioning in the college. This organization is actively involved in

conducting various activities in the institution such as: Blood Donation Camp, Health Checkup Camps, Legal

Awareness Camp, Infrastructural Development works etc. The Alumni Association also sponsors scholarships

to the meritorious and poor students.

5.3.2 No. of registered enrolled Alumni:


5.3.3 Alumni contribution during the year (in Rupees) :


5.3.4 Meetings/activities organized by Alumni Association :



1.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership


Government college Bilaspur is a premier institute of the state giving quality education to the students

in social sciences, basic sciences, and commerce at the undergraduate and post graduate level. The

college also offers professional courses like BCA, BBA, BTTM, B. Sc. in Biotechnology & PGDCA.

To cater the professional needs of the present day society, the college has also started Bachelor Courses

in Vocational Studies in order to increase the scopes of jobs for the student in near future. The Vision

the institution is all round development of students by providing career oriented and need based

degrees, diploma and certificate courses. Being a government college our mission is to provide high

quality higher education at low cost. The college is a perfect model of education by reaching out to

every section of the society in general, and it offers special opportunities to the disadvantaged and

underprivileged sections of the society, by following reservation roster in admission and by providing

scholarships to the BPL and girls students as well as to the reserve category students.


The academic and other student oriented programmes of the college eventually aims at ensuring

leadership qualities among the students. The college also seeks to inculcate qualities of competence,

confidence and excellence among students through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like

Sports, Cultural Activities, NCC, NSS, Rovers and Rangers. The college further aims to mould the

students hailing mostly from the marginalized and weaker sections of the society into better individuals

and to guide them to contribute constructively towards the society.

6.1.1 Mention two practices of decentralization and participative management during the last year

For decentralization and participative management, different college committees having a convener are framed

every year. All the recommendations are made by the conveners in consultation with the members of the

committee. There are a number of committees which meet at regular intervals to discharge the varied works

related to academic, sports, cultural, administration, financial, infrastructure. The committees of the year 2016-

17 were duly notified in the Handbook of Information i.e. College Prospectus. In case of urgency and specific

work, special committees are also constituted. Apart from this there are well notified committees such as Anti

Ragging Committee, Women Harassment Committee, Grievance-redressal, Swachhta, Anti Drug Awareness,

Discipline Committees etc. Participation of the students is ensured in all the Committees for transparent and

effective governance.

6.1.2 Does the institution have a Management Information System (MIS)? Yes/No/Partial:

Partial and details about this matter is given in point No. 17 of Part A

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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following (with in 100 words


Curriculum Development: Being an affiliated college the institution has limited role in curriculum

development however senior faculty are the members of Board of Studies of the affiliating university-


Teaching and Learning: Admissions are done on merit basis. Teaching and learning caters to the

diverse need of the present day society. Regular classes, class tests, house examination, tutorials etc.

are the integral part of teaching and learning process.

Examination and Evaluation: House examination, class test and end term examination along

continuous comprehensive assessment is ensured.

Research and Development: In the institution there is no systematic system for research and

development however the individual efforts by the teachers are made in the area of research and


Library, ICT and Physical Infrastructure / Instrumentation: Library is well equipped and digitalized,

INFLIBNET facilities along with e-resources are available. Teachers are also making use of ICT

methods appropriately. Physical infrastructure is adequate to cater to the requirements of students and


Human Resource Management: Human resource available in the institution is adequate and their

energies are properly utilized according to their capacity and aptitude. Work is assigned accordingly in

the interest of students and the institution.

Industry Interaction / Collaboration: Collaboration with the industries is also done, however, the focus

in the matter remains more on the Self-finance and Vocational Courses.

Admission of Students: Admission is provided in variety of courses including Self-finance courses.

The basis of admission in different courses is merit - both academic and entrance tests. Reservation

roster is followed strictly as per HP Government and the affiliating university norms.

6.2.2 : Implementation of e-governance in areas of operations:

Planning and Development: Partially

Administration: Partially

Finance and Accounts: Fully

Student Admission and Support: Partially

Examination: Completely

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee

of professional bodies during the year : 2016-17

Year Name of teacher Name of conference/

workshop attended for

which financial support


Name of the


body for which

membership fee

is provided

Amount of


2016 Prof. Smt. B. B. Sankhyan Training Programme on

"Capacity building programme

on OPFA"

HIPA TA/DA as per


2016 Prof. Sh. Satish Chandel Training Programme capacity

building Programme for RUSA

HIPA TA/DA as per

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Page 22

Coordinator and other officers entitlement

2016 Prof. Sh. Vinod Kumar 1. Training Programme capacity

building Programme for RUSA

Coordinator and other officers

HIPA TA/DA as per


2016 Dr. Poonam Kumari Dhiman State Council Of Educational

Research and Training H.P. solan

SCERT TA/DA as per


2015-16 Prof. Sh. Jai Chand NCC Officers training Academy Ministry of Defence,


TA/DA as per


2016 Prof. Sh. Jai Chand National intergration Camp NCC Ministry of Defence,


TA/DA as per


2016 Prof. Sh.Ashish Ranjan NSS Training ETI/IDC Chandigarh TA/DA as per


6.3.2 Number of professional development / administrative training programmes organized by the College for

teaching and non teaching staff during the year

Year Title of the professional development

programme organised for teaching


Title of the


training programme

organised for non-

teaching staff



No. of






No. of





2016 National Seminar Vision -2030,Stratgies for

Industries and Academia

27-28 Nov.


60 NIL

6.3.3 No. of teachers attending professional development programmes, viz., Orientation Programme, Refresher

Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programmes during the year

Title of the professional development


Number of teachers who


Date and Duration (from 01 July 2017 to 30 June 2018)

HRDC-HPU SHIMLA(RC) Prof Sh. Vinod Kumar 23/09/2016 to 08/10/2016

HRDC-HPU SHIMLA(RC) Dr.Surjeet Kumar Chandel 23/09/2016 to 08/10/2016

HRDC-HPU SHIMLA(RC) Prof Sh. Sanjeev Kumar 23/05/2016 to 11/06/2016

UGC-HRDC BHU(OC) Prof Sh. Avneesh Kumar May-June2016

HRDC-HPU SHIMLA(OP) Dr. Poonam Kumari Dhiman 07/11/2016 to 03/12/2016

6.3.4 Faculty and Staff recruitment (no. for permanent/fulltime recruitment):

Teaching Non-teaching

Permanent Fulltime Permanent Fulltime/temporary


46 15 04 16 15 08

6.3.5 Welfare schemes for

Teaching Study Leave

Academic Leave

All welfare schemes as per HP Government norms

Non teaching Leave for Training and Capacity Enhancement

All welfare schemes as per HP Government norms

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Students Scholarships sponsored by State/Centre Govt., PTA and OSA. Concessional bus

pass scheme by HRTC, educational tours, industrial training, State Govt. financial

aid for skill development programmes, exemption of tuition fees for bonafide girl

students., sanitary napkin scheme for girl students, hostel facility for girls and

boys, IGNOU, NCC, NSS, sports hostels and coaching facility by centre and state

govts., Gymnasium, Rangers and Rovers, Career Counselling Cell, remedial

courses. Reservation Roster is followed.

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly

To manage the financial works, the institutional has designed internal and external management /control

system. Annual budget is provided to the college by the Directorate of Higher Education in the start of

financial year. Norms have been set up to make expenditure by the department concerned. For the monitoring

of the same, the superintendent supervises the expenditures and the expenditure so incurred is duly audited by

local audit agency of HP Government, HPAG Shimla and authorized Chartered Accountant (CA). The College

also ensures transparency regarding financial management and resource mobilization through the Bursar and

the Head of the Institution. The financial details and documents are properly scrutinized and maintained.

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from management, non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropies

during the year(not covered in Criterion III)

Name of the non government funding agencies/


Funds/ Grants

received in Rs.



10,60,176.00 38,86,182.00 21,600.00 49,67,958.00 To maintain and sustain

Self-finance Courses and

financial support to the

college in general

6.4.2 Total corpus fund generated - Rs. 49,67,958.00

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

Audit Type External Internal

Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority

Academic Yes HPU through results,

Directorate of Higher Education

YES Principal, Coordinators of Self

–finance courses and IQAC


Yes Directorate of Higher

Education, Local & AG office

YES Principal, Coordinators of Self

–finance courses, Bursar, CA &


6.5.2 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association (at least three)

Parent Teacher Association of the college is functional and helps in the development of the

college. Feedback given by the PTA is considered positively for the betterment of the college.

Regular meeting are conducted. Parents interact with the teachers and the Principal.

PTA also helps in appointing part time teachers, non- teaching staff and security personnels as per

requirement of our college.

PTA is providing scholarships for meritorious students.

This body is also providing funds for the College developmental works in the interest of students.

Parents usually express their satisfaction on the smooth functioning of the college and appreciate

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the efforts of the administration and the faculty.

6.5.3 Development programmes for support staff (at least three)

Computer training

Guest lecturers are organised for Personality Development

Skill Development Training.

6.5.4 Post Accreditation initiative(s) (mention at least three):

Library is equipped with more e-journals and INFLIBNET access is given to adequate number of

students. Computers are provided to the students to access material on internet and through


The institution has made efforts for harnessing green energy.

Internet access points and surveillance cameras are installed.


a. Submission of Data for AISHE portal : (Yes /No) Yes

b. Participation in NIRF : (Yes /No) No

c. ISO Certification : (Yes /No) No

d. NBA or any other quality audit : (Yes /No) No

6.5.6 Number of Quality Initiatives undertaken during the year

Year Name of quality initiative by IQAC

Date of conducting





Number of


-- -- -- -- --

A detailed planning was done well before the start of the session. All measures are taken for

effective implementation of the academic calendar. Well defined time table with follow up of work

is planned. Implementation of plans is ensured by taking into confidence all the stakeholders

particularly the staff and students.

Concerted efforts are made for the execution of various co-curricular and extracurricular activities

throughout the year.

Students interaction meetings are arranged to sensitize the students against drug menace, ragging

and gender sensitization.


7.1 - Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.1 Gender Equity (Number of gender equity promotion programmes organized by the institution

during the year)

Title of the programme Period (from-to) Participants

Female Male Poster making competition on “Women


04th Aug., 2016 10 05

Declamation contest on “Women Empowerment

and Female Foeticide”.


Sep., 2016 22 --

7.1.2 Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability/Alternate Energy initiatives such as:

Percentage of power requirement of the College met by the renewable energy sources

Poster making competition on 04th

Aug, 2016 on “Global Warming” organised by Deptt. of Zoology.

Swachhta Abhiyan on 08/08/2016 by NCC cadets in college campus.

International Youth Day celebrated on 12/08/2016 in which students displayed a drama on

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“ Nashe se Rahoge Dur to Jindagi Jioge Bharpoor”.

Plantation drive organised on 20th

Aug, 2016 on the occasion of “Sadbhawna Divas”.

“Afforestation Drive” w.e.f. 12/08/2016 to 22/08/2016.

Two day Seminar on “Biodiversity & Sustainable Development: Scope & Importance” w.e.f. 06th


May, 2017.

Science Function on 08/04/2017 in which 80 students participated.

Proposal for setting up of “Solar Power Plant” of capacity 25 kW for the college.

7.1.3 Differently abled (Divyangjan) friendliness

Items Facilities Yes/No No. of Beneficiaries

Physical facilities Yes --

Provision for lift No --

Ramp/ Rails Yes --

Braille Software/facilities No --

Rest Rooms Yes --

Scribes for examination Yes --

Special skill development for differently abled students No --

Any other similar facility No --

7.1.4 Inclusion and Situatedness

Enlist most important initiatives taken to address locational advantages and disadvantages during the year Year Number of

initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages

Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community

Date and duration of the initiative

Name of the initiative

Issues addressed

Number of participating students and staff

-- -- -- -- -- -- --

7.1.5 Human Values and Professional Ethics

Code of conduct (handbooks) for various stakeholders

Title Date of Publication Follow up (maximum 100 words each)

Central Civil Services (Conduct

Rules) Central Civil Services

(Conduct Rules)

1964 These two sets of rules are considered most important as

they relate to employee code of conduct and discipline.

Out of these two, the CCS (CCA Rules are consulted in

Government offices in connection with discipline cases.

These rules are applied for regular/permanent Govt.

employees of the State. Contract employees of the state are

not covered under these rules. Contract policies for the

contract employees have been made by the Govt. vide

their Notification No. PER (AP)-C-B (2)-2/2015 dated 18-

02-2018 under these term and condition the contract

employees have been entitled for 10 Medical Leaves, 12

Casual leaves, 5 Special Leaves and 180 days maternity

leave in case of women contract employee of the State.

Central Civil Services (Leave Rules) 1972 The Regular Govt. Servant in case of women is also

entitled for 180 days maternity leave under amendment in

sub rule (1) of Rule 43 of Central Civil services (leave)

rules 1972 for the figure “135”, the figure “180” shall be

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Page 26

substituted vide Notification No. Fin ©-A (3)-1/2008-

Loose dated 21-12-2017.

Central Civil Services (Fundamental


1972 The State Govt. has made first amendment in Fundamental

rules 56 after the second proviso to clause (e) vide Govt.

Notification No. Fin ©-A (3)-2/2013-L dated 21-02-2018.

All these above rules are very important for the Govt.

Employees to make a discipline and punctuality, sincerity

and faithfulness toward the State or Nation.

7.1.6 Activities conducted for promotion of universal Values and Ethics

Activity Duration (from 2016 to 2017) Number of


International Yoga Day 21-06-2017 1000

Leadership Development Camp 11-12-2016 to 18-12-2016 35

7.1.7 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly (at least five)

Data not available

7.2 Best Practices

Describe at least two institutional best practices

Upload details of two best practices successfully implemented by the

institution as per NAAC format in your institution website, provide the link

1. Students mentoring was done comprehensively through tutorials, induction and interaction


2. Students were motivated for Swacchta and it was taken as a motivating event by all the


7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness

Provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority and

thrust. Provide the weblink of the institution.

To meet the present day requirement of skill based education the college has started two new

Bachelor Courses in Vocational Studies i.e. Retail Management and Hospitality & Tourism. The

courses provide skill based training to the local youth to compete with the ever growing

competitive world. Retail management and Hospitality & Tourism are important part of business

industry that plays tremendous role in the growth of economy.

Efforts have been made to tap green energy.

Rain water harvesting is being done and the harvested water is being used for maintaining

greenery in the campus.

Legal literacy awareness programmes are regularly conducted. The college performs quite well in

cultural, sports and NCC activities.

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8. Future Plans of action for next academic year (500 words)

Name: Dr. Suresh Kumar Soni Name: Prof. Brij Bala Sankhyan

_______________________________ _______________________________

Signature of the Coordinator, IQAC Signature of the Chairperson, IQAC


Motivate the teachers to increase their participation in research-oriented activities

and organize students’ seminars, quiz contests, excursions / educational tours;

Renovate the existing infrastructure for better management of academic and office

related works.

Construction of new block for self-financing courses and B. Voc. Courses in the old


Strengthen students’ support activities, particularly the grievance redressal and

career counseling cell, and undertake more outreach programmes.

Orienting teachers for the best use of ICT for teaching and learning,

To setup industry-institution linkages especially for the students of B. Voc. and self

finance Courses in order to make them employable in the industries and private


Motivating the teachers, students and all other stake holders for ensuring effective

implementation of swachtta/ cleanliness of the campus.

Efforts will be made towards gender sensitization and protection of women rights.

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CAS - Career Advancement Scheme

CAT - Common Admission Test

CBCS - Choice Based Credit System

CE - Centre for Excellence

COP - Career Oriented Programme

CPE - College with Potential for Excellence

CSCA - College Student Central Association

DPE - Department with Potential for Excellence

GATE - Graduate Aptitude Test

HEIS - Higher Education Institute Society

NET - National Eligibility Test

OSA - Old Student Association

PEI - Physical Education Institution

PTA - Parent Teacher Association

RUSA - Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan

SAP - Special Assistance Programme

SF - Self Financing

SLET - State Level Eligibility Test

TEI - Teacher Education Institution

UGC - University Grants Commission
