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r QiUAJfC4Qa:ez;: ucuc:::w> _ n -" :sswu • MIDWEEK EDITION &A SCREENING THE TOTS 8A ALMOST A CLEAN SWEEP Volunteers cooperate to give pre-schoolers a good start - Ruidoso High golfers show prowess in the Leroy Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY DOSO '50 cents RtiiDOSO, NEW MEXICO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2002 OUR ))TH YEAR, No. 93 Mayor. ousts C ·efMaddox LCMCnot being sold; '-11 , au rumor B< )ard chairman 'local nmtrol issues' are being Tht:' counr\· is rJ.i.sing some questions. BY DIANNE stlllJNGS Lincoln County Medical Center u1 not being sold and no for-profit company is moving in t.o manage the county-owned hospi- tal in Ruidoso. says the chairman of the locaJ governing board. Gary Mitchell said fuesday that no whuge- conflict" exists with Presbytenan Healthcare Services, the finn that has man- aged the :lR--bed hospit..aJ for mor-P than 20 years. The board •s resolVIng local control ·m a very anucable way." he Rlild. with· out offering specifics_ "The local boanJ always is con- cerned about mamtaining thto best health care we can, but no decisionB have been reached one way or thE' other." saJd "Right now, ev£>rything lS rolling right : . DIANNE S T fd.liNOS/Sl AH David MJits. ollhe Juven11e Proballon and Parole off1ce 1n Ru1doso IS flanked by two of h1s office staf1. sec retary Karen Dever. Ie:t. and JPP olhcer Gathenne Cox ,Not p1ctured 1s JPP officer Serg1o Castro Juvenile probation office stays put along at the hospital The govenung board, compo..-.ed pnmarily oflocal resld('ntl<, IR CW!Sl ng LSSues of IOCR I mn tnJ I with J->n..sbyterian officials, who have been very cooperat1ve m helping to resolve them. he said_ At least for the nPxt yt•ur_ thP statR .Juvenil(> Prohatmn probably will remam 111 Ru1dot->o Pxpected Thulr\day to approvt• contlntllng to pay $.')00 ;1 month to kPf'p the "-'('rvlC'l' In the munic- Ipal court huddmg m RwdoHO l_v that t h P oflic-PH . _ to rPmaln ht·n· Hl Ht11doso." RrilP_'> wrot•· \f1llliCipal .\11kt· LuH· t'nlphi!slzt•d t ht· anpor tan("(• of the offiu· pn•--. t•nct· H('cau,._,. thP ,-dlag• the huddmg. 1t can adJU!-11 till' n•nt, hut Lin(· .1nd ('nrrw hnvt•'Ni to hPip. tf nPPderl. Hnh-'v ><Hid Wnt1ng to thP county. "I assurt> you, the hospital in excellent handR." Mitchell said. that the hospital 1s being sold an> untrue that some for-profit IB commg in In an effort U> sent· n.•s1dent.•< of the VIllage who."\e chlldren account for thP maJont_v of tht> cliPnts. VIllage offiCJal.s agn_-I tn Rtep back to the preVlOUH levf'l of rent. The c-ounty cdmmL'\/iiOn i-" Kuidot-1(, \"IIlagt· Managt-r Alan HniPy pmnu--d out that thP JUVP- nile probatiOn offiN' Ht.affwanu•d more RpaN'. hut no one wa." w-.lJ. 1ng to pay the extra $'200 pt>r month "The .,.,IJage feeiR >"t·r.· strong· '-<.·t· PROBATION "--\ 'x·<· HOSPITAL p.•w· <.-\ Kokopelli Fire tax alleviation possible 'Compassionate' proposal would forego nine months of on destroyed horncs IY DWIIIE SWJ.JMCS SUite Taxation and Revenue officials were in town early this week to tour thP area bumed by the Kokopelli Fire last month and dec1de how to handle property tax assessments. Jim Burleson. deputy cabinet secretary, said Thesday that he's confident a propoRal by Lincoln County AssQSSor Rick Silva should sat- isfy state law as well as show compassion for the 29 victirnB who lost homes. The plan revolves around tax assessment statements that will reflect the loss of use of the homes for nine months of the year, but will retain the value ofthe land. The bite for the county isn't that significant, Burleson pointed out during a meeting with state Reps. Dub Williams and Dan Foley, Republicans from Glencoe and Roswell, respec- tively. The loss of $4.8 million in structures equates to about a $20,000 total hit in taxes, he saJd. "We're not lookJng at the county being mmu1< milliom• hecauRe of the diSC'Tf'tinn this mAn has shown,- he saJd of Silva. Williams Raid he appreciated Burlf'BOn corn- ing down to view thE' situation and agreed thf' solution seems appropriate. Foley sa1d when someone loses a house in a fire and then receives a full tax bill, it's is like lx>ing VIctim- ized again. "This is an opportunity not to make this a tedious process," he said. Burleson said, predict they're going tn like what they receive. If they don't, they can assign a tax representative lusually a certified public accountant or an attomey). They could join together and in one appearance in front of the tax protest board, there could be one result for all. "Many of the owners live out of town. For them to travel here for a 30 minutes hearing INSIDE Education _ . 'iA I Optnton . Classllieds __ .llA Real estate _ ...• 2A I Obituaries . Leiters -- .4A Sports . . . . 4A llA 7A .SA The price of getting. your tax money back Ned CantwelV 4A --------------------- . __ & __ ------ makes no fK'nse." The tax board is of twll local rpsi- dents and one state n>pn>f-Wnt.HtiVf' Silva agrPed that tax represt>nlaliVP and one hearing would savp PvPryonp's t1me and money. County Comrn.i&"'ioner fRo Martinez suggest- ed if a mass proteRt is filed, thHt the hf'aring site be designated as thf' Alto Country Club to accommodate the property owners Burleson said hf' received three lettRrs from Williams in two weeks and visited with Foley on the tax issue after the fire_ Silva initially planned to remove the homes from the tax rolls, but waB told by a state taxation official that wasn't allowed. State law dictates that houses on site Jan. 1 are to be placed on the 2002 roll, he was told But Silva proposed a comprnmise and Sec KOKOPELLI. page <;A FRIDAY A Ruidos() man kept a secret ofW\V II for 40 long year.s Village councilors will review Eggleston's decisic)n in a special meeting tonight BY DIANNE SlAWNGS '-IV.' 'l•.H IJ.HIHJI Ten days after saying he was satisfied with the job performance of Ruidoso Pohce Chief Lanny Maddox, newly-elected Mayor Leon Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action - which was not approved by the village council m advance - caught some council members by surpriHe, but not everyone. "'This I an intention to fire MaddoxJ cam(' up during the campaign and hl' dt•niPd it on radio and in Councilor Hob Haid of Eggleston. is a claSRi- fied employPt' by ordinance. V·/p d1d away with p.:llronagP _vpars ago. Lanny has 11--1 y<•ars With tht· village 't'lght a."' chi('f, and I hl'IIeve one yt•ar removt-d from thP head oftht• state poiict' chu"IS asSociation. just can't bPiit>ve I EggJestonJ did thiR unless there's something out therP I'm not a wan> of" Councilor Deborah Marcum-Byars, w1th Maddox Eggl(•ston in March, RAid Hhe n·questrd a spt·nal met·tmg on thP One st-t for 6 p rn today at vd- lng" hftll Ttw finng mu;.;t t-)(• apprnvPd hv thP <'11\HJCll t" t)(• "I'm .... ;utmg to 1-x· lwtu•r 1nfornwd.- Hhe said. !\.1addox fiiPd for an mjunctwn against the t.t·nn mat lOTI m I :2th .) udwwl IhHtrict Court. .Judgt• K>n•·n Par!'ons. haSPd In Carrizozo, from thl· and tl handed tn .Judgt· .),·rr:- H H1tter Jr. based m Alamogordo A -"'P<>kPsman for Ritter's offiN' Haid Theway no date wHs for a heanng Eg_glestnn a short statement Mondny aftRr news of the finng spread. don't ff•t>l I can work v.--1 th the poh("(• <' h IC'f and d1d not fPel haSPd on thP last month that thmgR would tmprove.- hP said nf-'E'd to move on for the lx>nefit of Hu1do.!i{l - Maddox said assistant vlllagP attDrney ('harles Rennick deliven•d thf' letter from Egglt>stnn firing him at aboL 3 p.m. Monday ThP lf'ttRr Rtated that pursuant tn his authority Hs mayor. E-:ggleston wa..'! terrnmating Maddox's Pmployment f'lUhJect to a vow by the munciL Lt. Wolfgang Born waR named a..'! acting chief Egglt>Rt.on told Maddox to vacate the office that day and directed to Village Attorney .John l Tnderwood. attornP_v. Calvin HyPr of Albuqu('rque. RayR ht> hal-l to citR- a reason," Maddox said, adding that he haH rt'CPived man_v calls of sup- port. but still is stunned_ "All I can say is that I've ded1c.awd IR yearn to RuidoRo and have nev£'r ever had a had IettRr in my file. My record is impeccable." He waR given no reason for the firing and has no idea why the mayor took the action, Maddox said. Sec CHIEF page 2A Playoffs look bleak for diamond teams Wtns hard to come hy/ SA

Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

Jul 06, 2020



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Page 1: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

r QiUAJfC4Qa:ez;: ucuc:::w> _ n -" • sm~• :sswu •


&A SCREENING THE TOTS 8A ALMOST A CLEAN SWEEP Volunteers cooperate to give pre-schoolers a good start -

Ruidoso High golfers show prowess in the Leroy Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY

DOSO '50 cents


Mayor. ousts C ·efMaddox LCMCnot being sold; '-11 , au rumor • B< )ard chairman ~~l\'S 'local nmtrol issues' are being ~xamined. Tht:' counr\· is rJ.i.sing some questions.


Lincoln County Medical Center u1 not being sold and no for-profit company is moving in t.o

manage the county-owned hospi­tal in Ruidoso. says the chairman of the locaJ governing board.

Gary Mitchell said fuesday that no whuge- conflict" exists with Presbytenan Healthcare Services, the finn that has man­aged the :lR--bed hospit..aJ for mor-P than 20 years. The board •s resolVIng local control iBRUe~ ·m a very anucable way." he Rlild. with· out offering specifics_

"The local boanJ always is con­cerned about mamtaining thto best health care we can, but no decisionB have been reached one way or thE' other." h~· saJd "Right now, ev£>rything lS rolling right

: . DIANNE S T fd.liNOS/Sl AH

David MJits. supervr~or ollhe Juven11e Proballon and Parole off1ce 1n Ru1doso IS flanked by two of h1s office staf1. sec retary Karen Dever. Ie:t. and JPP olhcer Gathenne Cox ,Not p1ctured 1s JPP officer Serg1o Castro

Juvenile probation office stays put along at the hospital

The govenung board, compo..-.ed pnmarily oflocal resld('ntl<, IR du~­

CW!Sl ng LSSues of IOCR I mn tnJ I with J->n..sbyterian officials, who have been very cooperat1ve m helping to resolve them. he said_

At least for the nPxt yt•ur_ thP statR .Juvenil(> Prohatmn offi~·

probably will remam 111 Ru1dot->o

Pxpected Thulr\day to approvt• contlntllng to pay $.')00 ;1 month to kPf'p the "-'('rvlC'l' In the munic­Ipal court huddmg m RwdoHO

l_v that t h P oflic-PH . _ n~ed to rPmaln ht·n· Hl Ht11doso." RrilP_'> wrot•· \f1llliCipal ,J,td~·· .\11kt· LuH· t'nlphi!slzt•d t ht· anpor tan("(• of the offiu· ~ l~>nd pn•--. t•nct· H('cau,._,. thP ,-dlag• nwn~

the huddmg. 1t can adJU!-11 till' n•nt, hut Lin(· .1nd ('nrrw Stoppt•n~ al~• hnvt•'Ni to hPip. tf nPPderl. Hnh-'v ><Hid

Wnt1ng to thP county.

"I assurt> you, the hospital in excellent handR." Mitchell said. "Rumon~ that the hospital 1s being sold an> untrue Rumon~

that some for-profit IB commg in

In an effort U> sent· n.•s1dent.•< of the VIllage who."\e chlldren account for thP maJont_v of tht> cliPnts. VIllage offiCJal.s agn_-I tn

Rtep back to the preVlOUH levf'l of rent. The c-ounty cdmmL'\/iiOn i-"

Kuidot-1(, \"IIlagt· Managt-r Alan HniPy pmnu--d out that thP JUVP­nile probatiOn offiN' Ht.affwanu•d more RpaN'. hut no one wa." w-.lJ. 1ng to pay the extra $'200 pt>r month

"The .,.,IJage feeiR >"t·r.· strong· '-<.·t· PROBATION 1'-~..:~· "--\

'x·<· HOSPITAL p.•w· <.-\

Kokopelli Fire tax alleviation possible 'Compassionate' proposal would forego nine months of t~xes on destroyed horncs IY DWIIIE SWJ.JMCS

SUite Taxation and Revenue officials were in town early this week to tour thP area bumed by the Kokopelli Fire last month and dec1de how to handle property tax assessments.

Jim Burleson. deputy cabinet secretary, said Thesday that he's confident a propoRal by Lincoln County AssQSSor Rick Silva should sat­isfy state law as well as show compassion for the 29 victirnB who lost homes.

The plan revolves around tax assessment statements that will reflect the loss of use of the homes for nine months of the year, but will retain the value ofthe land.

The bite for the county isn't that significant, Burleson pointed out during a meeting with state Reps. Dub Williams and Dan Foley, Republicans from Glencoe and Roswell, respec­tively. The loss of $4.8 million in structures equates to about a $20,000 total hit in taxes, he

saJd. "We're not lookJng at the county being mmu1<

milliom• hecauRe of the diSC'Tf'tinn this mAn has shown,- he saJd of Silva.

Williams Raid he appreciated Burlf'BOn corn­ing down to view thE' situation and agreed thf' solution seems appropriate. Foley sa1d when someone loses a house in a fire and then receives a full tax bill, it's is like lx>ing VIctim­ized again.

"This is an opportunity not to make this a tedious process," he said.

Burleson said, ~e predict they're going tn like what they receive. If they don't, they can assign a tax representative lusually a certified public accountant or an attomey). They could join together and in one appearance in front of the tax protest board, there could be one result for all.

"Many of the owners live out of town. For them to travel here for a 30 minutes hearing

INSIDE Education _ . 'iA I Optnton . Classllieds _ _ .llA Real estate _

c~ ...• 2A I Obituaries . Leiters - - .4A Sports . . . .

4A llA 7A .SA

The price of getting. your tax money back Ned CantwelV 4A

---~~· ---------------------. __ & __ ------ ~

makes no fK'nse." The tax board is compos~d of twll local rpsi­

dents and one state n>pn>f-Wnt.HtiVf' Silva agrPed that on~· tax represt>nlaliVP and

one hearing would savp PvPryonp's t1me and money.

County Comrn.i&"'ioner fRo Martinez suggest­ed if a mass proteRt is filed, thHt the hf'aring site be designated as thf' Alto Country Club to accommodate the property owners

Burleson said hf' received three lettRrs from Williams in two weeks and visited with Foley on the tax issue after the fire_ Silva initially planned to remove the homes from the tax rolls, but waB told by a state taxation official that wasn't allowed. State law dictates that houses on site Jan. 1 are to be placed on the 2002 roll, he was told

But Silva proposed a comprnmise and

Sec KOKOPELLI. page <;A

FRIDAY A Ruidos() man kept a secret ofW\V II for 40 long year.s

Village councilors will review Eggleston's decisic)n in a special meeting tonight BY DIANNE SlAWNGS ~IIIXNI '-IV.' 'l•.H IJ.HIHJI

Ten days after saying he was satisfied with the job performance of Ruidoso Pohce Chief Lanny Maddox, newly-elected Mayor Leon Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran.


The action - which was not approved by the village council m advance - caught some council members by surpriHe, but not everyone.

"'This I an intention to fire MaddoxJ cam(' up during the campaign and hl' dt•niPd it on radio and in pnnt.~ Councilor Hob St~rchi Haid of Eggleston. ~Lanny is a claSRi-fied employPt' by ordinance.

V·/p d1d away with p.:llronagP _vpars ago. Lanny has 11--1 y<•ars With tht· village 't'lght a."' chi('f, and I hl'IIeve one yt•ar removt-d from thP head oftht• state poiict' chu"IS asSociation.

~~ just can't bPiit>ve I EggJestonJ did thiR unless there's something out therP I'm not a wan> of"

Councilor Deborah Marcum-Byars, ~lected w1th Maddox Eggl(•ston in March, RAid Hhe n·questrd a spt·nal met·tmg on thP '~"UP One wa.~ st-t for 6 p rn today at vd­lng" hftll Ttw finng mu;.;t t-)(• apprnvPd hv thP <'11\HJCll t" t)(• IP~al

"I'm .... ;utmg to 1-x· lwtu•r 1nfornwd.- Hhe said. !\.1addox fiiPd for an mjunctwn against the

t.t·nn mat lOTI m I :2th .) udwwl IhHtrict Court. .Judgt• K>n•·n Par!'ons. haSPd In Carrizozo, rt'C'u~·d ht·r~1·lf from thl· L·a~· and tl wa.<~ handed tn .Judgt· .),·rr:- H H1tter Jr. based m Alamogordo A -"'P<>kPsman for Ritter's offiN' Haid Theway no date wHs ~·t for a heanng • Eg_glestnn •~sul-ci a short statement Mondny aftRr news of the finng spread.

~I don't ff•t>l I can work v.--1 th the poh("(• <' h IC'f and d1d not fPel haSPd on thP last month that thmgR would tmprove.- hP said nf-'E'd to move on for the lx>nefit of Hu1do.!i{l -

Maddox said assistant vlllagP attDrney ('harles Rennick deliven•d thf' letter from Egglt>stnn firing him at aboL 3 p.m. Monday ThP lf'ttRr Rtated that pursuant tn his authority Hs mayor. E-:ggleston wa..'! terrnmating Maddox's Pmployment f'lUhJect to a vow by the munciL

Lt. Wolfgang Born waR named a..'! acting chief Egglt>Rt.on told Maddox to vacate the office that day and directed que~tions to Village Attorney .John l Tnderwood.

~M_v attornP_v. Calvin HyPr of Albuqu('rque. RayR ht> hal-l to citR- a reason," Maddox said, adding that he haH rt'CPived man_v calls of sup­port. but still is stunned_ "All I can say is that I've ded1c.awd IR yearn to RuidoRo and have nev£'r ever had a had IettRr in my file. My record is impeccable."

He waR given no reason for the firing and has no idea why the mayor took the action, Maddox said.

Sec CHIEF page 2A

Playoffs look bleak for diamond teams Wtns hard to come hy/ SA

Page 2: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

.----------:------------- -----------------~~---------r----~,~--·~~-

{; .~ .


CHIEF: Councilors have v.uiety of comments --~~

"Rumors kept coming despite his deaials on radio and in print," Maddox .said of the :mayor. '"Now we see they were true, so I think there is a real credibilicy issue. •

But Village Attorney Jobn Underwood said state law vests the authority exclusively with the mayor to appoint or dismiss the village clerk and village police ehisf. Ruidoso's clerk is Maddox's wife, Tammie Maddox.

"'There's case law that despite falling under the vii.:. lage pereonnei code, if it's one of those positions, the state law rules," Underwood said.

The mayor can appoint a replacement, also subject to approval of the council, he said.

But at least a few people think EgglestAm needed prior approval by the council, not

IIUiii.ifil UP Capitan School Board

A special meeting of the Capitan Board of Education will be at 6 p.m. April 25 in the Board Room at the Administration Building.

The tentative agenda includes an executive session pursuant to Section 1(}.15-1 (h) {2) Limited Personnel Matters to discuss Employee Growth Plans

Personnel items will include re-em.ployment of certified non­tenured employees (Action) and the high school principal position

Rabies clinics Lincoln County veterinari­

ans will offer rabies clinics on Saturday at locations through­out the county. Clinics in


';_:"!·-~. ' ..•.. -,', __ -.·.;.,

after the fiu:t. They pointed out that laws governing a mayor.. council municipality state a mayor' can suspend an employ­ee until the next meeting, but disc~ requires prior approval of the council. If the person being terminated requests, be must also be given a list in writing of the rellSOWI for termination, the law states.

Maddox WBS hired as a reg­ular village employ..e by then village manager Gary Jackson. He was not apPointed by the m&yOl" at the time, Jeny ShaW.

Councilor L. Ray Nunley, who also was elected in March. said he was advised by EgglestAm of the firing. but his only contact with the police chief since the election was a brief conversation on another issue.

... ve been through a firing once and it's not a pretty situa­~., he said, reflecting on the

Ruidoso are planned from 10 a.m. to noon at the White Mountain Drive Fire Station and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ruidoso tennis court fire sta­tion.

Ruidoso Downs' clinic is set for 1:30 p.m. tn 3:30p.m. at the Ruidoso Downs fire station and the Cap;tan clime is 6:u'!' 9 a.m. to noon at the new fire sta­tion on East Smokey Bear Boulevard. A village represen­tative will be selling annual licenses for pets.

Otber climes planned for the day are from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Lincoln fire station. from 10:30 a..m. to noon at the old Hondo Post Office, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Carrizozo fire station and from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Conma fire station.

removal of a couo.ty manager during IUs years on tha lonOOin Caunty Commissloo.

Councilor Ron And8rson declined to comment. Councilors Frank Cnmmjns and Ron Hardeman did not respond to messages.

Former Mayor Robert Donaldson said, •AJ1 I can tell you is that Lanny Maddox is an outstanding police chief and befwe that, police officer. Any time I had ooncetnS, he was open to my visits and was responsive. I never had any problems with hlln."

v" •· ••



C:holoS.• caf ,ellher C::ltilok•n or -r . ~ I S.&e · tlill:ar a ILVCII ... .,. ..........

r-------------------------------------~ REGISTRA'J'JQN FoRM . . ... , , : ...

. '

Fint Name:----------------------------------------------------------------LanN~e'---------------------------------------------------------Companr-


Zip, ---------------------------------------------------------------1 Phone#:-------------------------------------------------------------------~#, ______________________________________________________ ___


0 Resident

0 Real Estate


0 Local Government 0 Industry/Business

D Appraiser/ Assesso

0 Home Owner Assoc;. D lnsllfllnce

0 Fire Dept./Fire Manhal

0 Emergency Managem~<

0 Commissioner/Councilman

0 Banking/Finance

0 State/Federal Agency

D Archir.cas

0 Builder/Contractor D Othet ------------

Call Tomas for information or Fax, Email, Mail Registratiop. Form

to Rick by 5/1/02. -Tomas E Chavez, Emergency Manger

Rick. Delaco, Urban Forellter Mike Runnels, Planning Director

313 Cree Meado"'s Drive, ~doso, NM 88345 Phone# (505) 257-46~4

, Fax# (505) 258-3017 Email:

,• .

... • ,, ._;

I I l I ••

Page 3: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action



Water shortage could impact develqpment County commission slates session on well proble~, subdivision regulations BY DIIIII"E SIIUINGS JUJID050 NEWS STA,FF Wll!l1ift

WJth IUl -de.d droul!ht. stniams cl,ylt!B up ·<Uid "'""­rdl\-oft'. antlclp<ited &<>til -the;

fqrce. ability of water resources is a key question when rapid

. ·grOWth occurs.

llurd wrote. Specific recommendations

were submitted. by Coy D. Webb, an engineer with Livingston & Associates con­sulting engineers.


. --_ '· ... ..

• R¥1DQSD NBWS • PAG~ :Sa / · ·.- ' . ; .... \1~,..111414


A former Ruidoso village -eouhcll Jbember is calling on village ollicia)s ·to regulate SJJl6king to reduce the

"Numerous studies ha~ found that tobe.coo Smote is a significant air poU'l\1Bnt and that breathing secqnd band smQke, a ()roup A.c«r­cinogen. is a proven so~ and cause of disease. , · 1.

ack, the . time mliy be ~~"""'ten" th. • .

R. Craig Rwwm, coordina­tor of the taslt fbrce, cited plaees in ;Jexas and .Amana tbet have ·bnposed maratori­unn.. At least fiv.. proposed 0\tbdlvlsions will be afl'ecWid In ~hl,. ;n.u.,.; \!Y a mor..wriuin that may be extended through October. Bl>da, 8n!>ther com­munity in · nort'hQJ:q: Hays County, also is PIRDDih';r@ ~ month pause in cons~on. he wrote.

"l'or grOWth ·<Uid develop­Jqent to be sustainable, specific iii1brmation. is necessary on the availability. · After review- . ·


....-effects of second-haild smoke.

"liealth hazards Wld . incrsased health r;i.'ll<s

• .~:-.. &,Rr- 11/U ~ , e- reJDS. on d!>velopwent in ! County. some people say.

. A1; their mesting Thursday, : :COUJ).ty OOIIliD)ssioners first will : :~ .. ~ engineer Bill

·quality, use and retUrn flow of water7 "' Hurd wrote. But with­out speci.ftc information tbet is costly to develop. he

''Rellabl~ of water supply Is and sltould be a critical CCIIICtlnl of the c:ammunily."

county rules for community water systems, Webb wrote-the five-acre mini­mum lot size defining com-

· Midlillt; who has been tracking • the. Oow - or Jack of it- on ; Eagle . Creek and the wide­: spread problems with wells in

He pointed out that a sur­charge might be iMplemented to compensate a community based on the scale of a develop~ ment and its total consumptive

--PbD NMSU warer quality specialist

the area. During a public hearing fur

; ~ to the oounty subdivi­; sion ordiiuuu:e - lbr 9 a.m., ~ssioners ·will review oomments· -from New Mexico State U~versiifs water task

use. Brian Hurd, water policy

specialiat with the university"s school of Agricultural Economics., Said the sustain-

offered soine observatkms.

Defensible fire~ effort seeks help fi:om commission

"Reliabilij;y of water supply is liUid sbould- be a critics! con­cern of the community,"' he wrote. The county planning commission should aecount for the uncertainty in ita plannjng and permitting functions, he ssid.

""When the extent of the water resource i.a Jiniited and Its recharge rate ls unc:ert[Un, the addition of.water users Will erode niliability,• Hurd wrote.


. Organizers of a volUnteer :: prograiil to help neighbors ere­: · ate a defensible space from fire : around their homes are asking :; l.incoJn County commissioners : · to provide some minor assis­: tance. : They would like to use the :- county manager's office as a :: receiving point for applications : and would like County ;. Attorney Alan Morel to help : · draft a "bold harmless" state­: ment to be signed by bcm~ :- owners and volunteers. : 'Ibe c:ommimon will meet :· at8 a.m. Thursday in thecoun­: ty courtbouse In Carrizozo. · ~St.John.whohelped

put together the volunteer .. e&"ort, told commissioners ip., e. 1 letter thet program is p , for two Saturdays In May + two in June. · -rbese will be the Initial

days of cleanup,"' she wrote. -rbe response to the progrmn will determine if there will be ~ additional days.

-J have named this pro­gram.. "Operation: Save Lincoln County: Neighbor helping Neighbor.-

Applleations would be pub- "In such a ssttlng as Lincoln lished in Ioca1 newspapers to County, additional users will be mailed to the oounty man~ negatively impact reliability ager. Ruidoso urban forester felt by current users." Rick Delaco, Don and Maury Several strategies could be SL John would visit each site employed by the oommission, to determine the work needed. he said. They include: ~ On the designated • Developing contingency Saturdays, volunteers would plans for drought and other meet at Eastern New Mexico water shortages, including Universjty parking lot for restricting watering on larJe instnlctions and crew assign- turf areas. menta. Texas-New Mexico • Adopting an ordinance Power will supply ,a boom truck requiring developers to com­where large or. tall trees need pensate the Community for topping first. increased risk to water reliabil-

Sandwic;:lle~:t. . "b~verages, ity. gloves. rakes and first-aid kits • Implementing growth wiD be donated by local mer- policies that mitigate impacts chants. Several local bear to water resources, including carvers will help in disposa1 of requiring larger lot size, trees suitable for carving. Fire appropriate landscaping wood can be donated to needy design, strict zoning regula-

r, · r,: ·r;-" ! · l. 1 ) -tiona and low water use buil~~a. • -lng codes. ....

St.. Jobn celled the Kokopelli • Identifying and protedin!J,l Fire last month a wake-up call watershed recharge zdn~ to prevent anther catastrophic essential to renewing ground~ fire. The project is perfect for water supplies. "Controlling or exercise buft's. she said. restricting development in

The four days proposed are those critical areas would have May 11 and 18; and June 8 and the benefit of maximizing 15. groundwater recharge while

For more infonnation. call reducing the rate of growth and (505) 257-4575. de:mand for additional water,"

munity water system need is a conservative and rsalistic requirement..

Because It may be years before accurate data is avail~ able on the· current supply, aquifer location, production ~pacity, total storage and water qwility,. he said no fur. ther <bange in the ordiiuuu:e could be justified now.

"'However, we do recom­mend .the coDservatism of the ordinance be made. more con­sistent in· that type three sub­divisions with lot sizes of two­acres or less be required to have a community water sys­tem," he wrote.

Proposed changes in the subdivision rules to be reviewed Thursday include:

• Reducing the amount of water a developer must prove for each pe.rcel from a half of an acre foot per year to a quarter. a drop from 162,926 gallons to 81,463 gellons.

• That a detailed w,ater demand analysis is required in all subdivision with six or more lots.

• A community water Sys­tem will be required in any 'IYPe One subdivision contain­ing any lot less than two acres in size and in any 'JYpe Two subdivision containing more parcels, any one of is less than two atres in

A type one subdivision teins 600 lots of more anct.'a type three renges from 26 to 499 lots, all lots under 10 acres in size .Type three covers two lots to 24 lots, none as large as 10 acres; four is 35 or more lots, each 10 acres or more in size; and five is two to 24 Jots, each 10 acres or more in size.

Sheriff's office needs many more radio dispatchers ;

• •

''Staflllw thedls­plifl:hwllh onlya8in­&le....-n Is no lan&w­pr11dent''

'lmnSiewut county manager



The Lincoln County Sheriff's office and the county dispatch may need more staff and higher wages to remain effective.

County commissionen are sched­uled to discuss the situation during the regular monthly meeting Thursday In Carrizozo.

Couoty Manager 'Ibm Stewart wrote in a memorandum that the sheriff is authorized for 13 deputies. but iB functioning with nine.

"Despite the sherift'"a best eftbrts, he has been unable to hire anyone qualified for the remaining four posi­tions, .. _Stewart wrote. ..Starting


salary for d~uties is $10.64 per hour and growa to a maximum of$15.05."

He compared those figures to a range of$11.96 to $17.791n Ruidoso, about the same in Chaves County and $12.14 to $16.971n Alamogordo.

Stewart also rioted that the work­load on the dispatchers is increas-Ing.

"Stalling the dispatch with only a single person is no longPr a prudent manner of maint.ain;ng emergency dispatch services." he advised. "The currently authorized five full-time dispatchers and two part time is insufficient to ensure proper 24-hour a day coverage seven days a week."

Stewart said at least nine dis-

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pat.chers are needed. But maybe the money for those

two positions could come from the villages of Capitan and Carrizozo, he ssid. lie sent lettsrs to both viii­mayors pointing out the free services that have been provided to them over a number ofyeBrs and request­ed that they each consider paying for one position of $31,251 per year in their next annual budget.

Dispatchers in this county earn a starting selary of$8.65 per hour end a maximum of$11.99, compared to a range of $9.63 to $14.46 In Ruidoso, $8.97 to $14.67 In Cbaves County and $9.80 to $14.22 In Alamogordo, Stewart pointed out.

·-~RUIDOSO NEWS . -. - Kl!ml GtuiEN -• • •

U)4 Nrlc A'ffnue,'P.O. Box US Ruidoso, N.M. 88355 ¥Telephone (505) 257-4001 Y Pax (SOS) 157-7053

1.. .{" '," 'o .... ' t".' ' ' 'J:·-... l·'

• < ,. -1,

BRAD L. 1'lmProw PUBUSHER, En 3 · . wa StJrillMcw BD~ illn: 18


. - --- ~- . -~---·.


DlanDe StiiUnp ...... · ... , ......... , .. County reporter, Bn. 22 Sao4t~ ............... Education, Vamciklos reporter, Ext. 15 TOddi'Oqua .............................. Sports ediror,ExL 5


Bill Cbance asked the council to sch~ule so_me time fur a presentatiun at the couneil's May 30 meet­Ing on behalf of the newly­former 'lbbacoo Prevention Y<!Uth Coalition, doing busi­ness as HARDCORE •

"We ask the goVerning . body to s~ule approgri­ate public hearlnga to con­sider establishing an ordi­nance regulating smoking to reduce the effeCts of second hand smoke in ·pUblic places and laces of employment in the incorporated areas of Ruidoso," he wrote in a let­ter dated April11.

Include lung -· ·h...,.t disease, respiratory infec-tion and more. Tile smoking of tobacco is a form of air pollutipn., a positive daJiger to health and a material annoyance, inconvenience. nuisance, discomfort and a health hasard to t;ljose wbc are present in confined spaces.'"

He sent copies of ordi­nances adopted by Doila Ana County, the city of Aspen and the city of BoWd,er in Colorado, along with practical questions and answers~ materi~ cover­ing the im~act on touriJnn.

From top news to classfieds, if it's about Ruidoso, it's available on the Web at


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BEVERIX PAYNE CAlAWAY Republican Candidate for lincoln County Treasurer

Paid fDt b,- frl..,do 10 elect Rob 1lurpo Gcwemor and a.-Jv f'clyfte Calcrwcry Uncoln Caantr t....ourer. l'lllorlfca ~•lquH ,.,_,..,... & Dlono Dllllnljllley.

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AI>VmmSDIG 011.\DtlliES

_, •



Page 4: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action


' •

~ 'I .,

-- .. _ .... - .. __ •.. "" ......... -, ..


RUIDOSO NEWS Brad L. '&eptow, publisher

Wes Schweogels, editor

A MediaNews Group Newspaper. Published every Wednesday and Friday a[ 104 Park Averiue, Ruidoso, New M~cn



'Affordable housing' may be next door· R_uidoso's effort runs into a lake of red ink

B ack to Square One, or to the drawing board, or whatever... Thus stands

an effort to develop "affordable, housing in Ruidoso, the after.. math of much time and energy

· put into a 150·writ project on village-owned land near Grindstone Reservoir.

The Utah-based developer, Dan Stanger, told village council members last week that the Grindstone numbers don't work; that if the prqject is 00 survive, the villsge must either donate the land, lind a less expensive, flatter site. or switch all the units to 100 percent market rent.

This came after an earlier report that it would be necee­sary to decrease the nUmber of

reduced-rent Units. We salute Stanger fur · an

upfront acknowledgment of the problem. We salute the newly reconstituted village council fur taking a longer look at the options as it prepares for a pub­lic rezoning hearing on the vil­lage-<>wned trsct in June.

Perhaps there .are no decent optiona; perhaps the abswer, linally, is that "afli>rdsble 'hous­ing" fur Ruidoso workera is where it has been fur some ;years now-in~ less expensive communities, like Ruidoso Downa aod Capitan.

Maybe · that's not so bad, either. since all of southern Lincoln County seems to be developing as a aingle economy, fur better or worse.

A small thinker, at $10,000 per month



RUIDOSO ~WS ....,......., r.· -.. •• .., .( -- ., P" '<· 1 . ·:<\''--'\s • '·' -·· ··.

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Worst fire hazard of all: the Flume Ridge wall ..

'lb the editor: In your recent articles conosrnlngthe

need to make the village defimsible . against fire, it seems that most of the

"burden of prevention (aod blame) is being placed upon property owners. I think that there is more to be said.

First, homeowners will certainly baveto work to make the UpperCau,yoo aafer, but their samilicea wDl bs useless uriless something is done about the worst hazard at aD, the steep wall of Flume Ridge which lbrms the south face of the c&nyoo.

It is .so .de~ wooded that'it 'Is a1tt1llllt jjx,jltl/lrli!IJI>''fll CliiDb, aod it is on the Wi:ni!WIU'Illlids' pfl\lain ~- If' a 6re wers props)led down that ridge by a southwesterly wind, it ~d e8siJy leap Main Road aud the river to take out aD of the structures on both sides of the canyoo.

My map of the Lincoln Natioual Forest suggests that most of the ridge is Forest Servics land bat whoever owns it wDl have to thin it well' to make the Upper Canyon safa.

Secxmd, the authorities seem llxated on ODly the suppl,y side of the 6re equa­tioo - the fuel available. WildJire has a "demand sids,".too- the -Je who start fires. Ruidoso managed for a cen­tuey not to burn down, largely because we were &ee of the tbols and araonists who plague us nirw. •

Back th-, there WliB a culture of reBJ10Dsibllity that prevented fires, bat now, there seems to be no responsibility at aD aod no en'lbreemant. Our serial araonists still run :tree. aud the tools wbo start 6re by "aa:iiieDt" go unpmlisbed

One wondels Why there is DOt a $10,000 or even $50,000 reward om.t-ed through erm-tapplml fur lDibrmation leading to a conviction. ·'lhoae sums are· pocket change CODlpered to the cost of

contro~ a wildfire. I thinli it Is time for a little of the

rough talk to be diverted from the homi>­owner to the authorities in c:barge Of

, daogerous public laods and those responsible fur investigatiog aud pun­lsblogtha aourceofthe llrea. Based upon the pitiful results thus far, our pubHc aafet;y authorities ars still nickel-and­dlmehig the multi-million dollar crimes being mmmitted egalnst Ruidoeo res!· deots. ·

• •· - • oz~u~•.VU

·nnplowog'nae~~-'lb the editor:

This letter responds to Dianoe Stellinll'i. article entitled, "FFre Out, Dispute Still Smolders" in the April 9, 2002 edition. a am) the owner oft!¥> labd in the afbrementioosd article.

'lbe p of thiODlng .,_mtion and l'<!mOYing deed aud dioeased - .. tD improve tbe health ofthe lbrest.Asecond goal Is to l'sdw:e 6re ~ by .....,.,.w of the woocl,y debris aild daed tmes.Athird -Is the lmp.ovement of habitat fbr natiVe' animal species. 'Ihese benelits are drsmalicaiJ,y evident in the- lbteotinMe!ocalerowberesound ~ 11111nagement has besn practiced fur llllltiY geDeralions.

'lbe coo- I mga&sd fur m,y pro­ject agreeli tD fbUow tbe stsndards of the N.M. Fmeslry Dmaion. These "best pmo­tices" rssult fivm tbe - aud experi· ence of the · Foresby Division. uther states, aod the u.s. lrorest Service.

'l'be AJto UokM Ardiited:ural Ccnfml Com- <ACe> bad aWroved m,y lot prqject and Mr. Fischer, .. ~. was present at the nooe6ng . when this appxoval was l!l'll!ltlliL Notwithstanding


. the ACC Mr. Fischer led . · the;ance to thinning aDd cleaning of · · DIY. lot. As the owner or the prop;..ty aod . following N.M. Forestry Division best . pnid.ices, m,y coo-. aud I bad the . right to proceed -· ..

'lbe Ruidoeo New& lead article in the ' · Apin 9 editioo, eotitled "Addn!ssiDg a ' Clear aud - na-.· TepOrts Oil: pt-t;y owners wbo fail to take ~ · moo- steps to reduce 6re cia-.. Rl•ldoeo's urban forester, Rid< DeJaco, •

the Jot m·

• Marvin Mulligan ~

Alto •

-'lb the editor:

I nollced Leo Mmtinez was in tbe · · DeWS last week. Tbis is re1ies111ng, a . politician that was key i!l cliacclwring aod • lmplementiogthe-vementofGavDao Can,yon Road that actnaJJy saved us · _ . money aodtime. I believe the1eclmique... . · put the prqject WD11 under budget aod .. ahead otacbednle ·

I Jived through the eHm!uttoD of GaWail, Hull, aod Medvm as viable · routes of transportation and the montlislyaars of dela,ys because of · d>anges made by thess then in ~ .. <oaiJol of_the villaga1llld COUIII;)< Sci I ali> alwa,lra pleased 'when I seeinncvafillliaod .• -when it.......,. m opendins', our m00ey. Wa,ym go, Leo. Good luck..,·. -tUn fill' Coogrees ·- .

Mike Shimanek Ruidoso •



Page 5: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

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W!!'?NESOAV, AP!UL 17, 2Qj)2 • I . '

Rumoso NI!W15 = PAGE 5A -AN EVENING OF THE ARlS. Holloman ordnance team. safely

bur.D.s old dynamite· in Downs· · liY IWIDY S8CGilT Jl,l.IDOSO NEWS STAFf WRITER

An ordnance team ~ Holloman Air Force Base burned oft' '20 sticks of dyna­mite ftom the building site of a cond.ominium acrosa &om the_ lilain the racetrack at 8:46 p.m. April 11 after the contractor dug it up with a backhoe, said ASsistant Fire Chief of Ruidoso Downs Jim B~. ,

Badger said tl)e, 6re depart­ment waS called out at 4:30 p.m. to lOok at ''an old· militarY ammo box that contained 20

sticks of, dynamite, alreao:ly • . oweet;ng eud starting to crys­t.alliZe, which makes it very yolatile."

' The ordnance team from Holl.oman arrived at 7:41 p.m. and the Ruidoso Downs Fire Department etood by with two engines and a tanker, while police kept people away from the scene, Badger said. By 9:15 p.m., .-the dynamite was cJis... posed of eud everybocly was· cleared from the"""""-

"We bad hose lines oft' the truck so we_could-~ a 6re. in """" it did get -d

a,nd start another fire in town. If 'it exploded, it would've caused Q. ·:fire," he said. ··

Badger said he wasn't sure · how the dynamite got there. He said the case was military. but the military did not claim it. addiug that an· amusement park previously on the site may hJive used it to blow up_ rocks.

Eight firefighters from . Ruidoso Downs were involved and Steve Olson with the Rio­Hondo American Red Cross came with drinks eud orutcko for all the personnel on the eeene.

Special pens to tteatlivestock more gently SMDYSiiDGmJBTAFF

U. ......,Uons for the lllrllf! exhibits of Art In Public Places brought everyone out of the· woodwork Friday (IV!lnlng, as artists from all over the county mingled and enjoyed the Evening of the Arts organized by the Ruldoso Arts Commission at the Ruidoso Senior Center, Ruidoso Village Hall, and. shown above, the Ruidoso Public Library.

LAS CRUCES- A national- , ly !mown expert in designing humane· fllci)ities for handling aniuiaJS will .help develop a new Jiveetock filcility at the U.S. Department · of Agriculture's 193,00o-acre Jornada Experimental Range near Las _Cruces.

HOSPITAL: 'Strong crnillenges' seen

--JA to man,.. it are false. Th,6 relatioDSbip is good with Presbyterian ••

County Commission Chairman Rex Wilson said the board is raitdng some pretl;y strong challen~ to ·Presbyterian about local oon-. tro1 issuee, and "there may be 8JOIIle decisions coming out Of !hat."

!"Pritsbyterian . has goJ;Le through a lot of changes as an organizations: he said. -riley nm some big hospitals r:::} ~~'Hi!.'l~ li:i$ chanjed. You don't nm tbem· all the and miiybe they're teyiogto.

'"l"tn aware of the c:halleoges there, but becauee I have tremendous respect for th:if;l: board (members and) th8ir · ebility; they !mow the numbers and the issues we face in the future. I look to f<bem fbr leed­ersbip."

Wolson Said boepital boerd -members have been ~g regularly with some of Presbyterian's upper level management people for some time.

"There are some significant questions to address," he aaid "We bave a reallY unique poei­tive situation at thet boepltal mid . .,... must be cm;eful i" guardh:g that, but we also must be Oexible about change.""

PROBAl'IQN: Cooperative agreement --JA Monday.

-rr the county can maintain tha level of participation of t500 per month, the ••• offices

that it was important to keep the offices here," Briley said '"It\! just that the county ~ the ""'t. Wheli. heard about the move to Carrizozo, we said If It's all about the $200, we'll

figure out some-ean remain where they are,•. he ...-. "We undel-­Btand that. new county epaoe here In Ruidoeo DUlY be

••- ourcle111s _....._. thing." In a Jetter to

Stewart, David Mills, supervisor of •ned."

available in a ;year or so, but until then the dPP ::an rerDain where they are.•

Commjflfrioners have noceived money ftom eeveral eeun:es to hulld an annex to the existing eubstatlon on Kan ... o City Road next to the Ruidoeo Public Library.

The health department would move Into the larger bnOcling. opening up space fur otberneeded~includ­lngtheJPP.

"We've agreed ftom day one

. · - .. ~ . ' .· '

David Mills juvenile proba-supervisOr tionlparole in the

12th Judicial District, wrote of

his st{lft"s gratitude lbr the c:ommission"a decision to delay for a while the move to avail­eble free epaee at the eounty courthouse in Carrizozo.

'We truly feel that our cliente and the county are bet­ter served with our oftice beU,g located here In Ruidoeo and that it would be most ivmeficiaJ

· tbr all entities involved for us to remain in Ruidoso," Mills wrote.

· Ral.oso' High $chOC»I. . . . . -· . . . - ' . '

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-,•. '- .-.. .. '·'

'Distinguished' awards deflned

Four Ruidoeo lfigh School seniors selected as ~ed Warriors 'Were chor;oen by high school otalf members on the ba.sis of acad­emic perfonnance as well as -community service, extracur­ricular participation &nd atti­tude, said Ron Wall. activities director ·for the school.

Aseistant Principal Art Howard, teacher Galen Fanington and Wall were on the selection committee and decided to -recognize more than just one student for the Distluguished Warrior Award, since money was available for .the award plaques.

The fbur students honored were Joshua Romero, Erin Raterman, Eva Rehfield and 'lbo,y Clawson.

In prepara'tion for the new work, Thniple Grandin, an assistimt professor at Colorado State University, will presetit a free, two-hour public lectUre on low-stress animal handling eud design of livestock fp­ties April 18 from 9 to 11 a.m.

The' eveiit will be held at the new headquarters building for the U.S. Department of

. Agriculture's Jornada Experimental Range on the . New ~exico State University ·campus. The presentation is spOJ¥10red by NMSU's Department. of Animal and Range Science and the Jornada Experimental Range.

Following the talk, there will be a private tour foi­Grandln at the Jornada's exlstr­ing liveetoc:k handling facili­ties, located 17 miles northeast ofLas Cruces on U.S. HJghway 70.- Jomada officials will

KOKOPELLl: 'Different from Cerro Grande __ .. Burleson said the state· agrees with his proposed approach.

In comparing the local situ­ation in Alto Village~ Deer Park, Ranches of Ruidoso and Little Creek subdivisions to the fire in Los Alamos two years ago when 240 homes were lost. Burleson said one glaring dif. ference was apparent.

"In that catastroplric 6re, the Federal Emergency Management Agency rushed in and made them whole," he Said. "That's the first dissimi­larity. FEMA is not involved here and the sentbnent is dif­ferent locally. We respect local decisions.

'"If the tax proteet boerd overturns or ratifies a hybrid solution, we will endorse it."

Silva said from his conver­sations, -.rbe victims say they


don't mind paying the taxee, but for three months.

"' hope we'll be able to pro­rate the aeeeasment.a for three months of home use and keep this on a local level and not go to court."

·Burleson said he visited each burned site with steven Jerge, deputy director of the property tax division of the department.

•&me people just have scorched ground and If Rick thinks it won't take much to make that whole (and doesn't decrease the assessment), they still bave the rigbt to protest, • BMleson said.

"But I think the 6re actual­ly improved about a balf dozen sites, which already were greening up. Those who try to take advantage will be frowned upon by the state and the assessor•s office."

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Atltlu:wiasd I:lealtn­oriA:c.. A~<P~v- 5ee."""' r.r -~

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.. (

explain their goals for the new facility .and deVelop a corurtruc­tion~te-

"We_ want to make eure_ we are handling our animals with the least stress possible .. tQ ensure the best qualitY research possib~" said Ed Fredrickson, a .Jornada Range research animal scientist and adjunct NMSU . taculty 'IPem­her. A completion date for the new pens has not been set, but Fredrickson would like to eee

May 11,


construction on the .new-facility begin by late 2003. ·

Grandin has designed a number of sys_tems that use behavioral principles to ·handle livestock.

The im.proved squeeze chutes and restraint Systems that she invented prevent ani­mals from being hurt and also keep them calm:, by nearly eliminating upsetting sights and sounds, jostling-and espe­cially pain.

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great r-eou!U l'or your room. With a !itt!., !uc:k, you"li go-t great furnl......,,too,


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• I .

Page 6: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action


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PAGE6A CALL Us: SANDY Suoom; EDUCATION WRITER • 257-4001 • SSUGGI.'[email protected] ~NilSOAY, APRIL p, 2002

BRIEFS 1\ltor b'ainlng

A basic reading tutor train­ing worksbop wiD be Thursday and· Friday at the Lincoln County Work Center in the Siena Mall For information or to tegister, call 630-8181.

ACT exam coming The next ACT Assessment

will be administered nation­wide on June 8. College-bound high school students must reg~ ister for the college admissions and placement eXam ·with a May 3 postmark. An exb'a fee is charged fur late registrations.

The- fee is $24. Students can register by get­

ting information from their bigh school counselors or by registering online at 'fl:le Web Bite also has helpful information. sam­ole tests and the oppo.-· .... lity to order test prep materials.

Udall schoJarship Felicia Frizzell, a 1999

Ruidoso High School graduate and current jwlior at Stanford University received a Morris K Udall Scholarship for 2002.

Capitan blood drive There will be a blood drive at

the Capitan High School Gym from 1-6 p.m. on Fri~ This is a twice-a·year event, and the blood is for the United Blood

Drive. No appointment is need~ ed but fur those 17 years of age, written parental consent is required. For more informa­tion, contact the school nurse, Leecha Herrera Lamay at 354-. 2238.

RHS Student Council The Ruidoso High School

Student Council wiD bave elec- · tions for the 2002·2003 school year onApril25.

Excbange students The SHARE! High School

Exchange prognun announced a new .,.._am tbat wiD bring 15 teeris from V:aetoam to the United States as foreign vxcbimge students. The stu· dents, ages 15·18, speak .EngJ;sh, are covered by medical Insurance and bave spanding money for their personal expenses. They will attend the high school closest to their American host family's home.

AD of the -dents, eight girls and seven boys, are hoping to arrive in early August for enrollment in their new American high school.

For more information on hosting or to preview the stu· dent's H.pplications, please call Yvette Coflinan at the SHARE! Southwest regional office at (972) 727-7866 or (800) 941-3738.


Capitan Elem~f<I!S . ,__ Wednesday, April ·11 ~~ lilltE,.-n~f!ll.late san\IIJs- ·· ,..

Breakfast: Ham bar, muffin, juice or fruit

Lunch: Soft; tacos, tamale, beef and bean burrito, pinto beans, tossed salad, fruit

Thundey, April 18 -Breek!Bst: Breek!Bst burritos, cereal, juice or fruit

Lunch: Grilled ham and cheese sandwich, chlck burger, chicken salad sandwich, potato wedges, lettuce, tomato, pickle, pudding

Friday, April 19 Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, cereal, juice or fruit

Lunch: Chicksn f'liitas, chopped steak, corn dog, Spanish rice, tossed salad, fruit

Mondey, April 22 Breakfast: Sausage, French toast, fruit or juice

Lunch: Hemburger, sloppy Joe on bun. chicken salad on bun, seasoned fiies, lettuce, tomato, pickle, fruit

'fuesdey, April 23 Breakfast: '!bast, jelly, c:ereal, juice or fruit

Lunch; Beef and bean burri-· to, soft; tsco, taco salad, pinto beana, tossed salad, fruit and cookie

Wednesdey, April 17 .::_ Rreald'ast: Cinnamon toast with peanut butter cup

Lunch: Reef taco, pinto beana, Spanish rice, taco fix­ings, mixed fruit; beef burrito

Thursday, April 18 -· Brealdilst: French toast sticks

Lunch: Chicken f!liitas, corn, tossed salad, Orange Smiles; pizza

Fridey, April 19 Breakfast: Breakfast burrito

Lunch: Hamburger, French fries, hamburger fixings, applesauce; April Birthdey Parcy with hirtbdey cake; chef ea1ad

Mondey, April 211 Breakfast: Breakfast: ap;ke's Choice B:reakfbst

Lunch: Spil<e's Choice Lunch; peam1t butter andjeD.y

Tuesday, April 23 Breakfast: Scrambled -with ham and toast

Lunch: Turkey and Dressing Supreme, mixed veg~ etsbles, strawbeny shortcake, dleed pears; tuna sandwich

Buidoso Middk: School and High School •

· Uccupailonal Umraplst Charlene McKinney tests Zlar Apadaca~ legs willie his mother, VlciOrla Baca. looks on. UIIDY IUDBintiTAFF


S~ening tots to assure a better future N'olmi.teers teain with the schools to evaluate children preparing for kindergarten

BY SillilY SUGGIIT Rl@OSO NE\!!!_STIJ'P ~ -~-- ---------

C hildren from birth to age 5 bave been getting their developmental screenings through the netional

Child Find program, Region IX Education Cooperative and the school districts of Capitan, . Carrizozo. Cloudcroft;, Carone and Hondb -with Ruidoso and Tularoaa scheduled fur May 3 and April12, respec>-

1· ~iuil~."~'thl> m......umcy- give ' the cblldreo checkups fur vision. dental

health, hearing, motor skiDs, speech and language development. They· alao .give information to parents an their children's nutrition and cheek for generalclaasrciom readiness for those going into kinder­garten-

Victoria Baca bas been hringing her aon. Ziar Apadeca. to the screenings in Hondo every year.

"I IJI<e eoming to find out where my son's at,"' Baca ·said. "'He's been in lfead Start two years and he's gradnatiDg to kindergerteD- They show me if he sees weD ... where he is developmentally, how much he's learned at Head Start - and he gets his lmmullizatiohs."

Baca bad been conearaed about Ziar's walk. but· occupational therapist

Clisrlane McKinney assured her that he'll time they're in kinde~. we can pre­be fine-as long as he can do what the other pare them so they can function in a cJass.. children can do. . room or educational setting," Freed said.

Donna Sisneros, special education "'For example, when they start kinder--clirector for the Houdo VelJey School. gerten, if they're baving a language delay, . District, said she sees some of the BIUile it's going to impact their' learning,. so we parents every year from the birth of their want to prepare them and get them to children. The screening "answers a lot of work through those language barriers ao parents' questions," she said. "If they're when they do start kindergarten, they're considering BAAing. a doctor but they're not prepared. • sure,. they'll ask one of the therapists. It Volunteers from the Ruidoso Noon eatebas proJ:>~ems earl3[ and~ PI'!' .. 'U<>Il!iare onJ;ojw4otpgiveyjojoD>tooolaby ents that tbi:iJga are ~weD, or Cii&:lies taking pic;tures of children's eyes With a (problems) at an .earn:r stage before they · c::amero. and sending them to the ophthal· beco~~ DlDr!' ~ous. . . mology school at Vanderbilt University iD

Likis Vuicuich, who ·coordinetes the 'limneasee where they can be checked fur birth·through-age-tbree pro~ for the six m~ common vision disorders -Region IX. bas been helping with the myopia astigmatism hyperopi"' ari­sc:reenings of the younger children for 18 som~pia. media ~ty and strabm. years, and she's seen the program grow, becoming more comprehensive as local . professionals volunteer their time. Vuieuich is full of pralaa fur the Child Find program.

"l'he parents bave better infurmation about the schools and · eerric:es at the schools," she said. ""Ies a less stresSful transition for families because going through the Child Find prucese helps them become aware of what to expect in the public schools."

Dahn Freed. coordinator of the pre­gram, said the speech and language screen· ings let parents and the schools know if a cblld' is developing on target.

· H there are develop· mental dalaya, some-­thing""" he done about them befure school starfS,andcbllclrenoan be entered into. pro-. gnubs 1xr help theln.

'"l'he point or doing tllill'is ifycm find some­he<IY neeiis a little help in developing in an are:a. we see what we cal! do ta gat them


mus. •A little girl last year bad crooaed eyea

and bad swger,y to correct It," said Lions volunteer Bill Allen. -she eame back this year tb see hbw much Improvement there was.. She's imJCb, much better."

Rand,y Baro""' D.D.S., of Carrizozo. bas been doiJig dental check:.Ups fur three yean as partofthescreenings. along with Dr. Dale Goad. They see many of the cbll­dreo later OJL

"Dr. Goad and I bave more of a public hsaith care practice," Barone said. "We see indigent and Medicaid ond private ~ patients. We like to do any cy-pe of mterceptive treatment. We're able to intereept when tba problems are a· lot smaller.•

Jooeph 'l'aTJl, DD.S., wiD do the dental screenings in Ruidoso.

All tba sereeningB are - imd every­one is welcome, Freed said.

The Ruidoso screening is from u a.m. tb 2 p.m., Friday, Ma;y 3 at Nob Hill Early Cbildhocid Center. • · Parents ""' asked tb bring birth """"

tilicates, inimuuization records and social secoricy numbera of.cblldreo registering fur kind~. and' inm:umiZation records fur th'l. younger .ehfldreo. For mote inll>rmBtion, oontaet .Ftee4 at 257· 2368. ·o' "

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Page 7: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action


ThJs ye..,•s "hl!ad enchlla- • -~"' who pla!)ned the t;WeD.t, is Matt Bryant. Sam Swearingen

').'he spring version of the. · Ia &tary ~'"'sident thla. year. :Ruidoso &tary. Club's fi>nd-

warn.n. Tnlcl<. 'Thams tbet signed ,..,·at the

J;'iestll Grand. k:lckoft' A11ril 9 includ~ ·- Altrusa,- Ca1»itan P,.blic Library, ere.. MeedowB Ladies. Association, Eternel LH"ers, The Gomez family, baid Core,. KRUJIRWMWIKIDX. tbe Lo!Jez family, OjJtimist Club, PMS liQsJ;rice, RHS toot­bell te!lin, ·the &mero liunlly, :Ruidoso Bllptlat · Churcb, :Ruidoso Christian Sc:hool, Ruidoso Municipel Scbool l,listrict, Ruidozo Noon Uons Club, Ruidoso Velley Chamber of Commerce, Ruidoso Velley Greeters. Trail SQaDs, Walk With Me and Wei~

... raising enchilada djnner is scheduled fur trom 4 .,.m. to 8 1>-m. 'Th.esdsy in~ cafeteria llt :Ruidoso Higi,. Sc:hool

. Members are selling meal tickets at $5 each. or tickets · may be 1'urcbased llt tbe dbor. &~ alao serve "" cooks

.. ·(or aenchilada rollers"), wai;f.ers : 'and janitors during and after · tbe dinner .

A J)rimary ·furid-nmoer fur Rotary charitable activities, the · dinoer typically aU,.acts some 500 .1'80Ple during tbe evening; IIOIIlOtimes antire fam­ilies are on hand.

Relay for Life team captains _plan meeting

The first team captains meeting fur Relay for Lillo's te.aQ1 event to fight cancer Will be at 5:30 !>'= Thursday, Al)ril 25 in i!>e j)Ublic meeting room of :Ruidoso Higi,. Scbcol.

'Tham JNIC)<ets..,d fund-reis­ing idll88 will be discllased. . These m~ offer a cbence to ask questions, learn new id .... and ll!>t iDsJ>jred, Relay for Lillo will be JulY 12 and 18 at Ruidoso High School·

For JDBt4>riels, or mori. intin-­mation, cell Cyodoo,at 336-7010 or Carole at 257-6310.

_Capitan man· arrested on.'W3r.rant: .after chase .. Police arrested Kelly D.

'1\'app, 35, of Capitan, on an outstanding felony warrant trom'Thxas. •

A police officer c:hased Trapp as he climbed a retaining wall between · WaJweens and McDonald's. The officer jUJnped out of his vehicle, wbic:h continued to reD and hit the welL The officer continued -the chase on foot across Sutton Drive, Where he apprehended Trapp and spreyed bilft pepper spray.

Trapp was treated by Emergancy Medlcel Services and trllnsported to tbe Ruidoso Police Department. Eleven grams of a white Substance :that tested positive for cocaine were found on his person.

Trapp WllS cited fur treflick­ing of a controlled su.bstance with tbe intent. to dist;ributs,

. and with resisting, evading or obstructing an officer.

. .

" DisOrderly conduct Ruidoso pollee arrested

Dmrell L. Wbeeler, 51, of Mescalero about 9 a.m.. April 11, charging him with disorder­lY conduct after observing him drink elcohol trom " 24-ounce beer. At 5:44 p.m. ~t day, he

. was again at the same location, was cJuuoged with public intox­ication, and ordered by Municipel Judge Michael Line

· arrested for prcb<!tion viola­tion, in whose court he had been on the previous charge. He was trllnsporled to Lincoln County Detention Center, .aecordiDg to police reports.

Five arrested A party at the Super 8 ·

Motel,. 100 Cliff Drive, about 1 a.m. Al)ril 14 resulted in the arrests of five ~: Gei>rieUe Wanoslda, 271 ofMescalero and Jesus E. MitcheU, 23, of Magdalene, cJuuoged with -session of drug parephernslia,, and Jerome Martine, 19, of Magdalena, Joanne Hornedeagle, 19, of Meeealero

- and Frm1k Michael Gonza.l~ 20, of Mescelero, ell cJuuoged

with being minors in posse&­sion of alcohoi and pqssession of drug parephernalla.· ·

Aggravated DWI Police arrested Levla Otis

Hosetos&vit, 38, of Mescalero, at mlie ~ker 26Q on U. S .. Highway 70, ch~g him with aggravated DWI, open contlliaer llnd iruspended dri­ver"& license after stopping him. for driving 58 mph in a 45-mph zone.

Saws reported mJssing Police report that an orange

Husqvarna ebainsaw with a 20-incb bar, and an orange, 14-inch-blade concrete saw were reported missing between 4 p.m. March SO and noon. ~h 7 frcm the yllrd of Mountain 1bp Construction Inc., lo.7 CJose Drive.

GQif ~:a.~~ II···_ .. "" ••

A golf ~· wos reported stolen from the front gate of a

. residence In tbe 400 block of llull Road between 10:80 1>-m. Aprill2 and 7:30 a.m. Al)rill3. .The cart is a white 1997 Yamaha.

Bicycle stolen An orange Mongoose, 20-

inc:h free-style bicycle velued llt $150. was reported stolen &om in front of Welgreens, 138 Sudderth Drive, where its owner parJted it while he used tbe restroomAprillO. Wben be returned 10 minutes later, the bike was gone, the report states.

Downs arrests Ruidoso Downs police

·Brrested Margo Nunez, 48, of Roswell. on a municipal war· rant April 15 llt mile merker 309 on lligbway 70.

Ramon Sanchez, 41, of Ruidoso Ddwns. was arrested April 13 in tbe 300 block of Allison• In Ruidoso Downs, ~ with driving on a revoked license.

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grandchildren LindseY ReiijOO, Tr.acey Renfro~ Erik Krause

Visitation for M$1-la Renfro, and Jessika Krause. 64, of Cllpitan will be .. from 6 The famil,y invites friends to p • .., .. to 8 p.m. today, Al'ril 17, .. teke port In a developing biog­at LaGrone Funeral Chapel in r&phy l.if'e story at www. ·

.Ruidoso.' Graveside Fi,u:(eral arrangeolents are

serv:Wes will under tbe direction of LaGrone be ..t 2 p.m .• ~ Cbepel cfRuidoso, 341 'lbursdlly; 1}1 Sudclertb Dr., Ruidoso; phooe the Ca)!.itan (505) 257-7303. Ce.m.e-tery with the Rev. Ed Vinson

W. C. Vanlapdiogbam oflicillting. . Graveside services fur w.c.

M r s . '"Babe" .Va"landingham, 80, ·of Renfro died Ruidoso will be llt 1 p.m. M o n d a y , Monday, Al)ril · 22, at the'

Al)rill5, 2002, in Capitan. Enochs Ccmete.y in Enochs, Sbe WllB born Dec. 23, 1937, 'Thxas. ·

in Roswell. She was an avid Mr. Vanlandingham died bowler and golfei-. Friday, April 12, 2002, in

Sbe moved to C..pitan In Ruidoso, 1971 trom CellfuJ:nla and was lie was bom May 21; 1921,

·. co-owner of the Smokey a..., in Mrmgum, Ok!ll. lie was .tbe Motel and Restaurant until former golf Pl."' at golf COlU'Ses retirement in 1992. Sbe mar- in Littlefield. Levelland, and ried Norman Renfro on Jan. 9, Morton, 'Thxas, and ll member 1960. in RosweU. Sbe was a of tbe PGA. lie was a eelf-

. member oftbe Baptlat Cburc:h. employed busineBS man and Survivors Include ber bus- moved to Ruidoso In 1984 from

ban_d, Norman. of Capitan; Levelland. He served in the BOna, Gary Renfro of Cllpitan Army during World w ... n and

· and Mikel · Krause of was a member of the Baptist AlbUquerque; a daughter, · ChUrch. Becky Renfro of Albuquerque; Survivors include sons Don her mother and stepfather, .of Cloudcroft and Dick of Evelyn and Paul Woodruff of l!Qbbs: a dllughter, Vicki Roswell; a brother, Dennis Vanlandingham, of Lubbock, Stewart and his wife, Mary, of 'Thxas; a sister. Sybil Beeker, of Ruidoso; a sister. She~zy Pearce, Ariz.; and gr&I1dchil­Stevena of Ft. Worth, 'Thxas; clren Jeff, Chad llnd Amandll


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Rumdso NHWS • PAGE 7A ~

Van18n.dingham. \ · 'Ibe family suggeels memO­

rials \to the Humane Society of Lincoln County. ·

·Arrangements are under the direction of LaGrone FuJ~erill Chapel of Ruidoso.

Marlon R. Fleck Funeral services ror· Marion

~-Fleck, J6, of Ruidoso, will be at 1 p.m. today, April 17, at . LaGrone F'Qnerel Cbepel, with the Rev. John Penn officiating.

Mrs. Fleck died Sunday, April 14. 2002, in Ruidoso.

She was bo;rn Dec~ 18, 1925, in Philadelphia, PenD.

. She ~a.,. a retired school teac:her, having taught third and fourth grades in Del.Qware and Maryland. She married Ed Fleck in 1970 in · Wllmington, DeL

She moved to Ruidoso in 1990 from Delaware. She-was a member of the Epis~opal Church of t;Jte Holy Mount and a member oftl.)e R~doso Valley GTeeters.

Survivors include her hus­band, E~, of Ruidoso; sons Robert Munyan of Newark, Del, aenry Munyan of Devon. Pa., and Ric:hllrd Munyan of Elkton, Md.; and six grandchil­dren.

The .family suggests memo­rials to the Alzheimer's


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Page 8: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action


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CALL Us: SPORTS EDITOR TODD FUQUA • 257-4001 • [email protected]

LE Y GOO-CH INVITE Ruidoso .boys. clean sweep, take· second IY-FUQIIA .

It wae their tournament, on their home turl". And they almoet pulled a clean sweep.

The Ruidoeo boys and girls golf teams pu't together two solid days of golf during this year's Leroy Gooch Invitational against some of the best high school competition the state has to offer Monday mid Tuesday.

The Warrior boys, p~ at Alto Lakes and The Links, won the 1A-3A division, besting Sandia Prep handily with a two-day score of637. Fin;sb;ng thinl overall was the Ruidoso junior varsity squad, which came in at 669.

Additionally. Ruidoso senior Colton English came away with the 1A-3A individ·. ual medalist title, while Leeanne Heneon tied fur-with Socbrro's Elllisll Hillary Pineda on the girls side.

For the Lad;y Warriors, a ·

Robert Goft; who shot an amazing 69 on the day and lioished with a one­under par score of142.

Closely trall­ing Clovis was Rosweli in sec-. and place overall at684.

-rhere"s a lit­tle hit· of disap­pointment; the


Ruidoso top golfer Leeanne Henson watches her tee shot at hole three on the Cree Meadows golf course Monday during the llrst day of tho leroy Gooch InvitationaL Henson shot a two-day score of 174 to tie with Socorro~ Hillary'Pineda lor medalist honors.

kids were confi­dent they could win. They. thought they would play a bit better than they did," said Ruidoso boys coach Eric Eggleston. '"l'hinga were prett;y rough out there, though. Clovis

DaJTOW and unforgiving Cree Meadows course on both days caused the Ruidoso Varsity team to ehoot a 771 and !inleh eccond behind Socorro.

While the boys came out ~

champions, ·they weren't the beet team in tha tournament. That honor went to Clovis. ·

The WHdeate scorched the 4A-6Aiield with a two-de,y total of 626 and weie paced by

ehoot.o a 313, and that's prett;y good fur toclay."

What eeemed to hurt tha Warriors the most Was their apparent laCk of conditioning. Egglceton had been working to get bie playen read3 fur a two­

. day tournament such • tha Leroy Gooch _. partilliJ)ariy because that's exactly how tha state tourney will play out. ·

While Ruidoso shot an impressive 310 tha - day to take the lead among an schools, their mental weariness started to show on the back nine at the Links.

"All our numbers on the back nine were way up there,"' Egglceton said. "We were three

Sec GOLP, page 9A

Ruidoso nine down, but not .out, ye~ J

; •··· ..


Ruhlasa cato11er Austin Beier gets one ol his three hits Saturday against Portales in the second game of a double-header at White Mountain Recreation Area. Beier and three other teammates each had three hils in the game, but the onslaught wasn't enough to prevent a two-game sweep by the Rams.


OK, before anybocly sterte ehoveling dirt on the Ruidoso baseball team's grave, keep in mind they still have seven games lell; in tho District 4-3A season - and tbenis still an outside chance they can get a second-place !inleh and a trip to tha ....,Ponal playoffS.

That said, Jet's move on to tha Warriors' Saturday double­header against Porteles, a don­hie-header which Ruidoeo -despite some .......Uent hitting In tha eecand game. .

'"l'he boys played good and we bit the ball," said Ruidoso coach Mike Morris. "Our pitch­ing faltered some and we-made some mrors we couldn~ aflbJ.'d to. Now wejnst have to bring it back together mid . play goad ball·the rest of the season.•

Tho Warriors ·fell to 5-10

• ovcrall and 2-7 in district after falling 6-0 and 19-13 to Portales, and· now need some help to get into the playoffS.

Ruidoso is now mired in fourth place, but they 8till have crucial games agaimit clistriclr leading New Mexico M:i1itary lnstituto· and Lovington. In fact, the Warriors have yet to

. make up a game against the WUdcats whicli was called hecauae of derlm...,_ That .wae a game Ruidoso was leadirig when play was stopped.

So it's not out oftlui realm or pOflSihility that Ruidoso can make It outofdlstrlct, lt'sjnst a much steeper climb now.

"'We probably need some help now to get back in it, but it can bappec." Morris said.

That cllmh started Tuesday with a twin-hill at Santa Teresa. ltesults from those games wiB be in Fridajl's edi­tion oftha Ruiclaso'Newa.

long day at the dlaoroad The Warriors started · tha

fii1If; game, 'With ace Chad Swmineron the mound, ·a play­er who has heea their gO-to guy aU year. Swanner netualJ,y :Pitclled quite well, giv!Dg up cmJ,y tilre!' unOanled nms on

Sec BASI!BAU., ·page 9A

..... Wl!DNBSDAY, APRIL 17, 2002 .

side. line

: ;

• •

-:;;:;;;:;.;~::; \

Prep Staodinp . ·······•····•·•·•········•···· . .

......nBiand!nllt . Dllb!Ol...U . . Dlltrlcl -II • NMMI ........ .8-0 J0.2

E n ..... .&-;i 04 ..••.• .5 . 9-9

Ru ..,. ....... 2·. 5-10 Santa Teresa ••. .2-8 Z.15

~7-.. .•••• .8-0 1~ ...... 4-2 4-7 .

• • • • 1-6 fi-.13 . .... 1-7 2-12-1.

lhluldav,llprl! 11 Santa 1eresa 13. Ruidoso 7 ~

. RuidOso 21, Santa Teresa 6

fti!IBv. Apdl12 Soc0rro_15, Rukloso 13

Preps on. Thp . ·····························~ . ~Apdl19

Ruidoso at Artesia lovltatlonal. 3. · o.m. . ca~,.~ Mesealero. cantzow at· Slade Memorial Relays in Tularosa

"nuAprt•2D . Ruidoso vs. NMMI (2), 11 am.

-~ Rukloso at Lovington (2). 11 a.m.

On Deck > .•.........•....•••.•..........

T -d 'VT..: • C. , • _, • • • di • .LaJ y vvarnors race sttuauon m .. su-.ct IY 1lJH RJQUA JlliiDOSO NHWS SPOilS EDROR

There comes a time in most teams' seasons when they reach the point where they know they ba.., no chance fur post;.seaoon ~and every- &om tben on is simpl,y a matter of pride.

The Ruidoso softhall team is -at thet point.

Almost. The Lad;y Warriors did win

their- District 4-3A- of the year '- week, splil;ting a double-header With · Santa

and is 8till

to beat them at least """" to limle a two-way tie fur second

"'t's not out oftha plctme lbr that to happen. but this is a hqie we dug for our'selves. •· .

. .

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.. '

Page 9: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

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Wllh a aolid ceat or htlrl<!ta on the· mound,' It .......n8d Ruidoso wPUid prevail and salvage at le$st a split on the clay. . "I lust don't kncM what to ..y,

'IIIey PlaYed well, -Just bad ~finiSh first'·"":.;::~.:~~==~ ·Warriors ?fRR_twq " '· ...... ,"This course IS ~ oar- O!;lm,es -i-.o·· p(j:Uhles

After loading the bases, starter Jamie · llrban was lifted in the third inning lOr .:Reese Parkinson, who put- out the fire befbre being reliev<>d l!imselfthe .....-y- -bad ....... &0 wrung-

that's ....... .. .or~~blgher,Wtb'~il~i: ~w; "1\dtbmV~,;,;.IH!f-~da l::r""..... I! !t'J:.c=U .· lm_'!$!11>11- · . · are!I4•0Jt:almo••\1'~9le," --lA ~-·· inoing J,y Wee Adqza. . ;· · ·. . . Mll!ieMm!/1

. "We just need to fiDisb well, said Ruidoso _senior ~­~md, .,.ro work on that. l'f·we Gibson-· "We COl!l4 ~-- tli'ke "'"" Set ourselves In, !""PB and oft' lQ strpi<es every ~··'we tbous, welll be tb,erQ. . , p~·Wl> jiJIIIi bave 'to~ 01l1; ~ish while upset all®t • · · ·· · ~· ·

. his ~~iii- .,;_ 'J.Ue.oda,l\ did 1'\jj;Bh ,berl> 'I'll. ""'l ~ • .~ . his ·individual medsllst ~ ' ,-~•a!!: - m DIJ1w Jlll>:l"' and

. · . bou .his -~tbe;llrstdi;I;Y'ofpJl!y,wbile was also excited a t . teaJIU'nl.te Leeanne·- Sen$)n

team's _......,_ ••• fur etete. · . I · ~-~~ . "'- field . ~.n;;-..t;;;;"""that we can WBS •H~ w•e •. .

-••···-~n · tthe. peti The fact that tha LadY ......- """ agiU11B oom • m • 6 I bed' · cond tion - 3A," ,.:.._ n i.. aid. "B t vvarnors'} Sy se at . m . .QUK -~~~~~ 8 • u this :tournament is mt some-

tberl>"<< still roqm fur unprove- tblq .. to bp · satl'l'!ed .wJtb. but - ~ be res.dy fur etete, gir)s Coach :tes Carter~ thBt I'm -~ . closer • and tha fiDisb Could l!ivii hie team the team's gattiDg closer. nfide · .;: ··· d

One tblq that~ mede ~ . nee . ~ey .. ""·" to ~sgl~ Jui~ was. his JV 11J1I>!OW Into a state title con· team's finlsb In tbUd. He took ten,.._ . · · · it as a good sign that tha "lt'IJ more of ll mental game Warriors wiD be a team to reck- . now: !hey have to put it togetb• On ·with fbr ma.u.y years ·to er and keep their com~" oome. Carter said. •A lot of tlie oame

"They played well ror two girls bare will be at state, ~md di\YB In a row," EmiJeston. said. it mede ·UB feel good to be sit­"'Hopf;!:t'UUy, we won't $kip a ting where we are. But we also beat and be in the hunt for know we have to work to evay tourruu:nent we play in- a improve ~use we're not No. · taw ye8rs."' 1 yet."' Girls -•- d. Both -ms get a cl!ance to

. ......, secon prove tbey've improved "t tbe For tbe Lad,y Warriors, tbe Las Cnwes ~tationel. April

biggest challenge was just to 22-23· at lhe'Dona Ana .course . st&,y on the course. • in Las Cruces.


SOF IBAI J.: Ruidoso girls in a tight spot in District 43A --lA . to have DiDe mOre of her on the Amanda Gonzales into a pop-up team." to first bsse, two a'WM'-

. Socono got on the bo!u-d first But that tblrd out just witb fbur l'UD8 in the first wouldn't oome. On one walk, jqnlng. an on a triple,by Felice two tieldingetiUJ11 and just One . Alvarado witb tha 6ases loadecL bsse bit, Sooonv scored four Alvolrado. scored. berself wben runs with two outs to retake tbe the throw meant to put ber out,, .lead.

:1S: sailed wide. Ruidoso still bed a shot in ~: .. ~ ~ ,Jfferriors thebottomoff:Seinning,

.,...t-iii>lllOre-nDII!IIn the l;pnda' ·CeJ!D"'Wlr:''IQlli-Etln­-a innlilg, but 'tliW' Spun' Nuttlli!J'Oi.bBiiaWitli....uiB, but -down and beld them acore- Sooouo re1iewer Danlelle Garza JeS, tbro1J81> the uen two strackout two to end the game. inniilga, giviag her team a "''m at a losa. for words. I cbanoe to estch up. · don't !mow what to sa:y," Page

Ruidooo's cxnnebeck begei1 in said ofhis team's frustrations in the third irJDhw1 when VIcki late Innings of games they had Celusnink CODDeCted ror a bard been leading. -we~e tried - shot into centerfield wbicll nwneroua difrenmt things -!he fielde>- missed. The ball being aggressive on the bssepa­l'Q)led all !he way to the fimce, tbs, aggressive defensiv.ely -and Celnsniak cruised all 1he we're jQiot oot doing the rigbt Vnq BIVUild fbr an insld&fhe.. t:Nngs,.., p&rk bome nm. 'There are several bright

Sparked. by Celusniak's spots fur the Lad,y Warrion!. h..mcs, the LadY Warriors 'l'bewamishitdngwell-tbey sciored five I'UDS in 1he next two bed u ~st Sooonv - and innings to tie 1he game at ~Mill Dusti Fianldin bas beeu a ter­in :the :fbiuth. inning 'Ibe two rvr at the plate. She went 9-for­tpnns tradecl"a number ofnms 20 in her team•s last three m the . :6fth inning, but then games and currently bas a .550 Rlddoeo scored another fuur in batting average. 1he abttb te take a 13-U teed.· "We bed to acljust ber bat-

: The LadY Warriors bed beld ting sl;yle quite a bit liom last Sooi>z ... to DO I'UJlllin tha sbd:b, year,• Page said "She's 0 tell clespite allowlilgtwo rwmera ou girl, and wants to power the ·base, and tbey were readY to ball. abUt down 1he Wilting team "She has the natural abilit;y apin In, 1he seventh to """""' to hit 1he ball fi1r. I bave to tiJe Win. remilid ber to be smooth at bat. ~ struck 01l1; loedoft' bit- Wilen abe's smooth, sho's a...,.

fer Zealida 'lb!:res and induced some.• _.,.,· ...

Need A C:or~ Click Onto ...

Not that it mattered, Portales maiulged ~ehfts-aqd. np walks.· aeven runs while_·teaving _on

Ruidoso High baseball cooich .. tlidbrtu!'iatel,y, bit ~ hit· tiva batters, base through the first five '.Priinl!&. whlle bed scored 12 runs 0.. six hits, five walks

and Portales (9-!1, 5-5 in dlStri.ctl bed an the. Warriors 'vent up ll,.-7'-~ and three hit batsmen to take a 19-lllead ace. of their own in S$th ~- · _the. Rams run for run. / The Warriors scored two more runs in

. :pu> ~ .Ietlr.¥ru~er .io!lowed only fuur · · BPt then the sbdhinnlng came, and the the sevenlh, including a run-scoring" triple lWldoso bite:· ani;t no :ruli$ In tbe game, roof fell in. ·. . . J,y Austin Beier, but that ·,lust W&l!ll't becleviUJig !he Wilrriore with' his curve "I didn't expeCt some of these 1M"' to go enough. · · :' · ball. RUidoso did hit t1,te ball; but they hit too nuu1~dnnings •(pitching), • Morris said. . "We were ou the -abort oida on the ).t into a t.ousJ>. defeD.... . "But I i-eally tbougbt we could hold them, m0\1Jld, but that's not a real """""","

"We practiced on that (hitting !he and we didn't" Morris said. "Wben We bed 1hsm down, we curve)," a frustrate~ MorriS intoned "I just After allowing five runs OXi two hits and • should have been able to keep 1hem there. don't knoW what to aey. They ployed. well, three walks, Adaza came out and Willie We've got-~ learn to put it aWM<". we just had.,some bad thingS- go wropg· -- Lundquist ca,me in with no outs. &ier"s triple was· one of the three hits that's beseblill." . Lundquist i:mn!>ptly bit tbe only two bat- he bad In 1he secoud game, and the

If the W&niors couldn't get anythii.g ters he faced 1>\ifure being lifted for &udol RujdOso catchei- was one. of fuur Warriors going in the first game, they mede up for it Bishop. to get three base knooks. Lundquist, Serna in the aecond. B(Oring nine runs i,n the first - . 'Ibe bleeding continued unabated and and Josh AdamS joined the party as three inl]inge to -take a~ lead.' before the :inning' was through,' the ~ Ruidoso got 17-hita in all


-lor Tony Clawson prepares lo lhrow !he javelin Friday during ille ·· · · Warrior lnvlle al Ruidoso High School. Clawson~ dlslante on lhe lhrow was



Coach Ronny Maskew bad predicted some tOugh competition at Friday's Ruidoso ~tatiPDal. track and field meet, and he got it. The Ruidoso High School track was overflowing with people Friday evening as teams from ~t schools met.

At the end of the night Alamogordo bad captured the top spot emong the girls teams with 122 points, Carlsbad had secoud wilh 73 poiniB, and 1he Lad,y Warriors took sbdh with 37 pointe.

Among 1he boys teems Carlsbad took first with 131 poiniB, Alamogordo second with 101. and Ruidoso had seventli with So points. •

Coach Maakew said that he was satisfied with his team's results .•

"We did about what I thought we could do,"' he said. He also said that previous U:tiuries kept some athletes from cc;»inpeti:Dg in events that would have garnered some points for the Warriors.

Ruidoso's; track and field athletes will next have a chance to qualifY for state this Friday in Aitesia. Maskew said that the com­petition would be toUgh there as well-as many Of the teams will be from 4A and 5A Sl'hools. He is hopeful, though, that i!Uwies won't be a problem this time. "We think everyone will be back in their ev~ts." he said.

Kayci Brunell, Jose Linares and Nathaniel Hedin- all main­stays on the Warrior relay teams - were atill absent from those events. They might see relay S.ction in Artesia.

Athie- qualifying for state on Friday were: Tomara Grant, girls discus, 110'02": Rachel Loya, girls discus, 103'09"; Megban GablddOII; -glrls-!ii>Je 'l>ault; '1'04"1 and<PJillhlY'~ jump,-20'10". · ·· · · .. ·' ·:· :~ · •

The etete ~is scheduled for May 9-11 in Albuquerque.


June 4, 2.002. Qt. ·-

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straw PoU volts ro the

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In-Lincoln .sc, Otero


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6 "' '"'"'=t·. h" -··. . • ' . • ' v . .... ' mon s: $20.00

1· year: $34.00

6 IDontbs: $27.00

1 year:· $43.00·. - -.

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Page 11: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

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TYPE Q..!;;l!!!!!D:..£~-=

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1560 SQ.' fL. 3 bedroon'l. 2 bath, tumJShed. 12X30

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1.2,3 a 4 Bedrooms for RenL For Info call 9.1 o-45Q2. . 3 Bb12BA on Cree Mead­ow Golf Course. Super Deck. $1200/mo. + uUiil· Jes. Refa~s required. call JOE at 420-3Q07 aBDiiaa, FP, easy Ac­cess, $650imo + depostt. Quiet desirable area. 257-4701 aBDiiBA, FP1 WID COn­l1eetlon, ~IQJ1C88. 0811 257-7885 for appointment. I;APITAN - All new, rarge, 3Bdi2Ba. Family room w!FP, No Inside pets, pre-1M non smoking. 1 >" lease. $676/mo. 354-5509

~HA::!eNGiiQ~!'N~:= yard lot pets One acre lot near Racetrack. 1 year lease $800.00tmo. soma utiU!teS • 378-0032

FOR RENT Furnished 3 & 4 Bdroom

hOmes In Ruidoso, nightly, weekly, lOng­

term. Unfurnished Apt on River

In Ruidoso. 2 Bdl'l 112 Ba. FP. $800imo.


GROUP 830-3100

LARGE 1BDI1BA Apt. ~tety remedied., WID conhecUon- central heat & wood bumlng FP. Private Deck. Glreat Loca.­tlon. Call 251-7885 for a.,.. polntment


102 N. CedBr 4 Bdi2Ba furnished

$975/mo S900I Sec. Dep. 1 year rease.

VERY PRIVATE 2 Bdrm. Adobe on 75 acros near Cspltan. 1·2 Horses O.K., $SSOimo, Non-smo~ onlv. Contac1 Usa ® 60f3 or [email protected].


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BRING YOUR Tooth-brush. Furnished, 2Bd/2Ba WID/, 1 level. Nice Deck,

~l1yiW~n1h'raB8) 762-o273 Toll Free

CREIDASPEN RUN 2Bd/2Ba, Great Vlew1 1 Level, large roo~ms patlo, FP, AC, all lances. Cree members • Fur­nished or un mlshed Terms nexible. (505) 257-9280


NOB HILL "New2 Br Unha Parlc-Rke Setting Free microwave

w11 yr. tease 257-2511

APT FOR RenL 1 BD In Capitan. $330/mo. No pets. 354-2090 or 354-2711


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Qerrlzozo, NM.

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FORTRESS MINI SIOrage at the Castle, HWY 70. All sl.z:es. Including {2) 20X60 in Prestige P:a.blnet ShOw­room. 257-0313 or 257-7822.

Summer Tlme SpecfaJ 1 at two rncnlhs

112 ~11o& Call about our lowar rates Affordable Storage

257-9417 253 Carrizo Canyon

CounlrY Club Is accepting appllcallona for the follow-­Ing positiOns: cooks-all shifts, pantry, dishwash­ers, c;art staff, cocktail servers anct experienced servers. Servers need NM alcohol certification. Appli­catlans are being accepted Monday througti Friday In lhe Business Office. Please call 50501336-4231 for directions. ~ excellent benem package and col­lege tuitiOn assistance is available

APPLICAnONS ARE be­Ing accepted for house­keeping_. References re- · quest"'" Aoolv In ""'""" SUPER B M01'EL No ap­pllcaUons on file.


AUIDOSO Now takl~~pllcaUOna


MANAGEMENT STAFF Great Company. Great

Work EmlironmenL Cornpetive Pay &

Benefits. Email Resume to

[email protected] or Fax


BRAND NEW Downtown Nightclub Is seeking QE~n­dkfates for the following pos;lllons: Bartender, Waif:. staff, Security, Short-order Cook and DISc Jockey. Servers must have Current NM Alcohol Certfficallon. Please call 430-0917 for appflcaUon.


Coo~e. Smokey


E'kECunVE BUS DRIV­ER: A disabled Ruidoso area uecudve looking for driver/aide to drive and care fOr luMurlous motor home bus. Part-lima avail· able possblllty for full· time. Ideal candidate would have excellent re­cord, be well organl.z:ed, flexible, and meticulous about equipment. over­nlaht travel reqolred. lnter­ealJng travel and varied duties. Full-time benefits rnclude aalary, health, life Insurance, retirement, pos­sibly hOusing_ Send letter/reeuma to Bus_ Appli­cant, PO Box 220, Nogal, NM88341

111 1\CIIt/\lt

NM LAND BARGAIN soe Acres $79,00o ...





Due- to our aggn::ssi~ expansion, Family Dollar Ston:5, lnc., a suca:ssfu..l disc:ounr retailer, is cur­rendy hiring:

Retail Srore Managcn ASsistant Managers

These posldons an= located in many of our new &. ~tis ·~I.CS in Ruidoso ill" sunOuiulln!f areaa. Management posi­tions require 1trong cxp!:lic:na: in grucery, dnlg lton!' or variecy­store manageme-nt. We have immediate: posi­tions available and pro­vide training for rhose who_qualify.

We offer an cxccUcm salary and an ouatand­ing bcncRu package including medic:al, den­tal, 401K, paid vacation, and much more!

Flax or Send Re:5umes To: Family Dollar Stores Attn: Bobby Bills 840 s. El Pasco Las Cruces, NM 88001 [email protected]

• lb-1¥11 §71 rSIU !'L1tl EOEJM/F/DN

HAIRSTYLIST/ NAIL Tech wanted at Sharon's Hair Styles at 413 Mechem or .. can 257-9278

HELP WANTED - Full or Par1-time. Beautiful Work Environment. Must be ex­oetienced In Salas. Fax Resume to 480-429--5849. HOUSEKEEPER NEED­ED. Smokey Bear Motel, Capitan. ADDrv In Person or Call 354-2253. HOUSEKEEPING $9.00/HR for Spring Cleaning.!.. References re­quired. t"lease call 257-fBBB. • IMMEDIATE OPENIAGS. 1)811-tlme HausakeeperiJ)art-11me Of­flee job. A· Christian e'nvl­ronmenL Bonito Park Csmp. Contact Sharon Yocom. 338-4404 IMMEDIATE scHpOl Bua DriVer Poaltlona.· Training available. Great hours; perfec::t tor retirees or ata~t·home Moms. Starting $9.60/hr. Bonuses avaJiatile. CaJI 378-541 0. lANDSCAPINoiMAINTI= NANCE FULL--TIME post~ lion. Immediate opening. Appllcatiol:l& avail&ble at Hubbard t'oundatlon

1 103

Sierra Blanca Dr, Ru doao. 258-2347

~~"c;~:as r:tfrti~E pose:=~ avanable. Must have relia­ble transportation and auto Insurance. BenefHs include, heatth Insurance, paid holi­days & bonuses. Apply at 238 SUdderth. LOGI CABIN Res1aturant ·fl&ad& Bu88ar and Host­GSIS. ApplY In Person at · 101'4 MeCh•m·

i-1.1 IIHh<> '-1 \\-., ,:-.;- ~IIIII


Page 12: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

., -··-


ON CALL Handyman naedad for Property Man­agamen Company. Please caLL A+ REAL TV SERV­ICES for Interview. 258-4574 ...


..........,._ PRoDUCTION


Part-time position noW aVBllable.

Tues-Thurs., 20-25 hrs. a week, some

weekend work when Rlqllired.



QuarkXprcss a MUST,

Photo.taop a PLUS. Apply (n person: RumosoNEws 104 PARK AvE. aumoso,NM

'i.Y. TI\IES

'"""" I Pl .... • fur dlnner,aay -

DOWN ·­·-­-

•til ''"'I"" --RUIDO$b


oa~~v IJ'!od<l DaJIV Pay ·

QQn~~~ ~w'.J:.kU,~ -~~~ -··57-781e

448 SUctderth Drive l,n eatew~ Center

Pennan~ Posltioa witb well­

established locally oWn.ed business. -

All shifts avaDable.-Beneftts avaiiablt!. HealthJRetiiCmcnt

·savings Plan. Perf' n.Jses.


U8l 2812 ·Sudderth Drive

TWO LABORERS needed fOr outside work. For appU­·caUon and lntervrew Jila$88 call 336-4377-

· iHE RUIDOSO Newa Is. now hlrtng far a l?!lri-Uma Route .. • ~W,.r,· R~k:IOSO Afeli. H®rs are Tueati'tly, U!:OO - 2:SO.·.PM, Wedn&S- · day and Friday 4:00 AM -Noan. (TueBd.~'s Hours are Flexible) Start Right Away, we. ·will train you. ~ply In · ,pel'son at 104 PiUk Ava., Ruidoso, NM or call (505) 258-4001 for delalls. Ask fOr Gina.

No. 0331



' • • <I •• , • 't' " .,., '."·,'"'111.1 ' '


4V..ft1he =:.a ....... _ ·::r:.:J-7F • LGel ...... .....,,.

'ltiBD_ .. _ 12 Durua•c 11•-..•~rxn~ •atiacanlw -.. - .................... .. ...... _

H&RBLOCK 1404 Sudderth

Ruidoso, NM 88345 (505) 257-422$

. ·.,.., ·~·: .. :' ~ . '.

·=---­...... .. -.............. .. •o r'rll U~rC -• tM7.1rabn --

Q"""""­-­,_., IO!D'II­

Impludw 51-(00) .. -

,..,_ •=..."-ao .lAO .. __ ........... -a._-:&cL

r,1 1 < f'f!.'!' [ ,


Please refer 10 Notk:e of Va· cancy#27Qon ~ur ............

Stale National Bank Is an Equal OoDonunllv, Ameri­can wllfi.Qiaabllfffea Act.

Affrlmalfve AcUon ~y~ er and advocates the In·

elusion or all people



' S!"ary $5,75 bomly Applh:ations acc;:eiJted until

posi~ is fille4. Complele job (lcscription

and applications _al the VollagcofRui<k>so,lll

c;.,. MelldowS lh lbliilo;o, NM Qlll45. Phone

258-4343 or l-877,'1004343.

Fax 258-5848. EEOE


. ~ $6.67 hourly AppllcatiODS m until

positioo is cd. . Complete job dcs<:rlptloo .

and applk:adons aJ lhc Village orRuiclosO, 313

Cree Meadow> Dr. Ruidoso, NM 88345. Pbooc

2S8-4343or 1-877-70()..4343.

Fax 258-5848. EEOE . RUIDOSO NEWS


• 111'•, .. ·.~'

THE Difference ··$~~t~-..... -. ,.;'"" ,. .... '' :Jill'"...,.... • Stores, lACe

313 Ruidoso. NM 88345.

PhoQC 258-4343 or 1-877·'100-\343.

Fu 2$8-!1848. EOOE

+ LlFEGU..tltDS . . ~ $6.14 hourly

Applicatioas acccptt;d until • QUod. CGmplele job dcscriptioo

and appUcalions at the VillqcofRuidos>,313

Cree Meadows ll<, Ruidoso, NM 88345. Phone

258-4343 or 1-877-7110-43.3.

Pax 2511-5848. BEOB

lalH'J' DullobllbQF ncairdll..._,.flue"

at. N...,q ~ 8hMIJo Ia a.m.. N- Ma:klll.

. _,tl.ln'"lflll,.... o>u.- tt ''"'"'·

Join the best retamng team, 'recognized by Eortune Magazine as one of the most admired companies In the world. As a member of the Wal-Mart taam, you will' receive competiUve wage,s and qualify for a compre­hensive benelira package Including me!Chandlse dls­counra, 401(1<), stOck purchase plan; health benefits and career advancement opportunities. Please be ready for Immediate lnlelview.

Please apply In layaway.


T 0

:c .. ·.~ , . "


S!"ary SS.JS hourly · Applications accepted "UDtil

- position is fiUed. Complete job description · and applications ar lbe V~Jage or Ruidoso.

313 Cree Meadows Dr. Rui<k>so,NM 88345. Phone 258-4343 OT

1-817-70()..4343. Pax 258~5848. HIIDE



. LABORERS .. , __ $5.75 hourly :

App~"""""' unlil: . positiOn is filled. • CGmplelc job description : and applications at the • .Vdlagc (II" Ruidoso.

313 Cree Meadows Dr. . RuidosD, NM 88345.

Pboao258-4l43 or 1-877·'1004343.

Fax 2S8-S848.££0E

+ ~~


···- $6.67 boorly ~-omlil . posilioo is filled. • ~ jobdcs<:rlptl ...

11011 opplio:alionullbe Village or RuidosO.

313CrcoMcadowsDr • RuidosD, NM 8834S • Pbooc 258-4343 or

1-877-7IJ0..4343, Fax 2SIJ.S848. EEOB


,·· ···:-'·'

Page 13: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

,., _.y,;· ...

· P.honc .258-4343 or 1-871!7(1(),4343.

Fax 258-5848. BEOE

NCn1CE OF PUBLIC -n. v~ ot Rt.ddoso Downo.- Moxlca, ........ ed to fi1fonn a8 Interested puUes thai a pubUc hoar­in:O wtH bo held:

. ~.~j:f/3, 21;,.} ; ·~ I

6:00p.m. _, --AcklreM: 122 Dovwns Drtvo

Ruidoso Downs. NM PURPosE: The pu~ of 110s - he- will be to rec:etve pubDo lnput on

community develop­rrwnt needs and s~ tiona tor 2003 CDBO Prof-..... .

Stale artd nallona! 00.. - jectlves of the CDBG PfO.

=~- ........ made avehble for ac-­

IMUes that address at Jaastoneof1hef~:

-' t''

·' ~

"' J ••.

. 14 A.~e~ d• RuM ldoSO • DPW'ri&, ~avo · - eXICb . te'ndra_:una untp.:Dub)lca ~t

dla 2S;da . r11f ?002,_ a I~ 5:00P.11l. dlit lQ.:1ardE!, en ftl ayuntamletuo0·t~Jtuado 1'!:n 1'22 ~whs riV8, Rum-

~ ~=~\:u::' 1~-~nia· r.ubiiQB Sara para· dls:c;Utlr a i>""'"""" ®~><>:do oo­aqm)l<f -en Ia. Cdm'-1nm;l~ 8CI del con,lunto de Qon~ en Nuevo MexiCO (CD ) Y' para -.vlsar a tos Olud$-: danos ds las metes. dttl brog~mil. Ia e~ata de ac­livld&d:tJ$ eleglbl(ta y otta lnformacl6n pertlrtentcr. Tamblan es para obMn$1' las opinions Cia tos--qlud• danos sabre· el desarrollo de Ia comunidad y naceal­dades de habltacilon~ ~­tlcularmente las neoeSfda­das de ·gente con ln'gres­soa bajas y madaiMos. Eete an6 el estado tendta q)proxhnademente . $15,000,000.00 que . sera a.slgnada estatalmanle ba­sado al'l un proceso ~am­palencia. Los obJectoa eslatales y_ naclonales de prograrna d4it , ODBG requleren ~ue las acuJvldacls de proy~to ee<:OUMPJon con por Ia m, .. "9'!~ (.1110 de Joe s!guentes n;;qulilmlnetoa: eeneflckr ........ ,.11!11 ... ""lin "': 808 b$jq$ .. -y. mode os. · &yaqa en''hl -~/ilhd o E!14n!ilnac:torl ·. W banfqa c:teiifaOr:tutllldoll- y lnatu­bt'Gj, )' f;ltJ • <Q.~I'tljJIIr C® otrQ tM~ del

· deerioltQ_~· IJI:oOmunldad de orlgaiJ teclente que po&@O un8-•etnenaza rib-· ~te.a Ia salucl'y bleristar de Ia comunidad Y cuando otros recursos 00 est6n dlsponlbl&a para ~~r. con esas neceS~­Las cat~rles de fondos OObllcas elaglbles 1nc1uven lnfraatruotura ·para Ia Co­munidad; Rehabllllacl6n de Casa; Oosembolso de capHol - Se ...... ,.,,_ llciO; PlanlficackX1, Emer­gencia, y Colonlas. Toctos los gru,... lnlenosados as­IAn fnvltados a aslstlr y en­tregar sue- Ideas para proyectos y datos que apoya a su testimonio. ~­Cori un mlntmo de ~ """' do no1lclflcad6n .... n avanzac~o. ~· auxill&ry estar6 propoi'clonada y aSI estar on cu~lmlnento con at Acto de Amerlcanos lncapacltados. Tamblen con sufidento notfficacl6n, un tradudor estar6 ~r­clonado.para 10!1 resldOnte qt,te nb'118blan lrigk:Js.

resfdento que no pue­atendar Ia junta po­erndar ous comentar• ., .

. ~

CDBG Grant Program Ab­quasiS

.John Watora.. Vdlage Admlnlstralor

Aldoa de Ruidoso Downs

Vdlaae ol Rukloso Downs 122 Downs Drive P01lc»c34S Ruidoso Down9. Nt.i: 88346

.. _.,, ..


New. & Used Furniture · & M.auresses ·


./'·"'"·I'···' I-~

References . Avatl~bl!!l ASk· for Yogi ~57·0&01 .,..

450·571::11 .

'87 CUSTOM Dodg_til 'Ram Y!l!l_t_ IS2500. '89 Pantlac tiOUO SE, $1000. As Is. 257-5383 I,, I<HJH W!H ( l

1888' JEBP CherOICee Graoel Wagoneer, 4 Wheel Drive, Leather lntorlor., Excenent cOndition. Very Law Mileage. $6200 OBO. Davtlme pbone 257-5500. P.M 336-7862

1990 ToYoTA PICkup. 4 WD. X-Cab. AJC. Cruise. 4 cyl. 146,700 mi. Very good condition. 648-4228 zoot FonD F350, Crew Cab, $ whoel DriveL ~LT, Standard .TransmJSBIOn, Front & Aear Heavy Duty Bumpers, !,g Size Tires, . Loaded & Black. $29,000. 915-889-3748 or 915 559-8709 ,,. Tfiii(K•,fOfi',.\Lt

'81 GMC 1600 Sierra 112 ton.. LWB, AT/AC. law mlleoQe, excellent condl­uon S3800 585-8239

to.'.' r.•l•TOII/11•"11

11173 CLASS .. A" Motor Homtt 23 ft. sell-contalnod sleeps 6, Blue/While. E!asy to Drive $3990. Sell or Trade 257--2996 1 \ H( ( fH .1\fl(o'lAl

••• 111< l_ ( •,

h>lo H tAl, 10\.\ltiHI'>AT'>

1r 1M& Larson In­board/out board. excelient Ski & Fishing Boat. See a1 911 Keys Dr. or call 257-2080

MOe 2T (4) 17, 24


All Hondo Valley Public Schools SpeCial EducatiOn files dated prior to 1995 wiU be destroyed on May 22,2002. If parents -or for­mer students would like to access to speclflo files. contact Donna Sisneros. Spec!aJ Education Oir~ !P!t. _ ':lOndo Valley Public I:KlnOOIS'-PO Bok OS. Hon­~L NM uBS:16 or call (505) ao;,-4411

Tha Planning Uld Zoning CttmmlasiOn or the VllkiQe 01 Auld- will h<>ld " .....,_ u!M ,.....Ina on . May 7, -2()02 ai Vlllige H-'1, 319 CrH MeadowS DriVe. The meeuoa. will begin at 2:00 P;M. T1H1 ""rPOO<I .of tho m<l<!tl.., w"' b8 to consider c-a. w. fiVOH10 . Q Var­,..,.. 1$<1"""1 lot U.o .lo~ I\)Wirilllf6-·-:

· t.o1o 2u;, a~o<k o; lloi­_Pl,._8d R.Uid04<>,. Wncoln Pounll(, '!OW M.,.Job, . · .

. · .. Bi/<ordsr<ll tflil. PtANNIN<!i . . &:;!QNING. (!Qii>IMI!lSIQl.l. ·.

=~~'~~~ .. ·· '< " :: ''':.-

•• ·~·-,- • i '•Cl't' ··; .


~EGA!'- N011Cii

llb1l"..#'o'/l'f;'(t,~~J!?O ma.rLFTH JUPIBiALhls-

NO: OV-6o-022

FLEiir . ~RTGAGE COfiP FKA. f;: - ET RE!AL ESTAte PUNDI Gl co-.p· · P'lalntlff -


NOTICE IS HERESY ·GiveN that the unclersltl~ Speqlal Mas­ter1 o_r hTsJtier CIBSI.D!I~e. wll on April 2:8, 2092. at to:oo •·rn:1J=tont En~ trance ta VHt VIlla~ of Ruldoao, Munlc;lpal Bldg •• looated at 313 Cree M.eadowa Dr.; ~ul­doso. NM sell and convey to the highest bidder for cash a111he right, Utle and Interest of the above named defendants In and to the following desc:rtbed real estate located In said County and State:

The address of the real p"""'ny Is 21 1 WHITE MOUNTAIN MEADOWS DRIVE, RUIDOSO. NM 88345. Said sale will be m- rursuant to the De­cree o Foraclasure en- -tared Auguat 25, 2000, In tho above entitled and numbered cause, which was a sUit 10 fareclose a note lind mortgage help by tho above plalntlft and wherein plaintiff was ad­~ 10 have., nan ·~..e:re-~i ar-sn.~w.·f)luti'fnter- · est from ~mbu 1. 2000 to the date at sate at tho "'-te or e. 7000% per annum, or $15.27 per d~ • tho COsts of sale, Including the Special Master's fee, pubDcatiOn costa, and plalntlff'B costs expended far truces, Insurance or koeplng the property In good repair. Plalntffl has the right to bid at such sale and submit Its bid verbally or In wrlllng. The PlalnUQ may ~ty an or ~ part ol its JUdt:iment to tfiei pur­chase prfca tn lieu of cash.

At the dale ond time stated abovo, the Special Master may POSt­pone the salo to sticfl a later date and time as the Special master may speci­fy.

NOTICE IS FUR-THER GIVEN that the roal property and Improve­ments concerned with herein wiD be sold subjacl to~ and all patent reser­vatJons, easements, all re­corded and unrecorded liens not fontclosad herein, and all recorded and unre­corded special assess­menta and taxes that may be due.

NOTICE IS FUR-THER GIVEN that the ptJr­chaser at such sale shilll take Utle to the above-de­scribed roa.1 p'9J)9rty aub­=·ta rights of ieckimp-

Dated: March 20,2002

lsi LEE ORIFFIN SPecial Master c/o Shapiro & Meinhold, LL.P. 13275 Sbuthers Rd., SUite 201 Colorado Springe, CO 80921

1m1~~ i404D fT (4) 17


The Planning and Zanlng Commission of the Village of Ruidoso WID hOld a reg­ular meetlnQ on May 7, 2002 at Vlllilge Hall, 313 Cree Meadows Dr1\le. The meotlng will begin at 2:00 P.M. The purpose Of the meeting wm be to consider case 11 PV02-009 a Var­Iance ~ueat for the fol­lOWing d&Sctlbed property: ·

LOts, Bfock_2:t.a'!l Addition ,to CRJe Meaaows HeJghts Sd. . . . Rolclo.,.,, Uncoln County, NE:iW Mfdl:lco. . ~ · .. ~~Wil\'lia'~WJt.'m' ISI'timv<ioa . ·· ·PIBnn'(aO Deif:Jal1ntet11

. - 1-{.1 11)()--..() "'-• ,,..._

' - :!~"? JOO 1 • ..... :· ' ', ..... •.· ·-· ,• . '· ·' ,. . . ,.

• . --.. • ·t:'

.:_·: .\''.·. •' , ... ;·,· ':'.,·' .. ·,· .... ·'( - -. _;,.- '~ .-·~·

. ''": • '.~- :: ·•. ;·i .. '·, . ' • ,. . 'ii,.:. ' . ·.·> ••

-~-- . :'!.''· . . ·.... -· '. ':o· .• • •. ,,·-~~.·.:.·.·.· .·~,--- f·.' ...... -.· .. · .. , . ~-· _; ~_,_., ..• _.:~ ..... i~•.' .... :

. -·; .. ; ..

-··= ' . •• ::.

_ ... . ·;_, ,, .

PursJ.I~ to ttl$.. Prt~ e:reQt~l!:•aw or \hilt

·~~::~ro~~~r ... Un~n CQU~ Clt!Wk Of ,_ t11e State 01 Now Mex;r bY Virtue of. the autho veeted Jn me,~cto b)t laouo .the follow! p~·. maUoh: . ·

. T.tmt the Prifl1ary election be; and the same Is I'IE!Jretw oal~d to be, held throua'htOUI the State of N~;~JW MBldCO In the County of Uncoln and Pr9Cir!c:::ts• the~ on the 4th day . June, ~002; ·

That the primary Election shall be applica­ble~ the fallowing poilU~ pa.rties, to wft: the Demo­cratic PBF!Y, the.Green I!BrtY, (;and the Repubncan Party· and

' Tha1 the Primary elee1ion shall ba for the purpose of f:JenniWng the Democra~lc Party, afid the Republican PartY, and the .Ropubllcan Party: to nomi­nate candidates for the fat­lowing offices:

Fi!idtuwl Dfllces


II..UW. Mokntght Prootof' Unooln County CJH1t

i4iM4 1T (4} 17



The Uncolrr County En­hanced 911 Committee will hold a &pedal meeting on Wednesday, may B. 2002. The meeting will be­gin at 9:30a.m. ln the CommissJoner's meeung

. room 'Df the County Court­house In CarrizozO, New Mexico.

Purpose o1 the meeting ts to continue with the nam­Ing of roads in the county wfth no name or lhasa wlth dupllcata names for E-911 Rural Addressing purpos­es.

A. Rename roadS with duplicate names

1. Fawn Ridge Subdivision - runama Buck; Broken Bow; Squaw; Papoose and Tomahawk.

2.ML Vuo Subdi-vision - rename Lookout Ad.

3. Holiday Hills Subdivision - rename """''kSqulrrel and UUie Cree Rd.

4. Sun Valley SUbdMslon - rename: Deer Park Rd: Aspen ar1d

Taos. 5. White Oaks Valley Subdivision - re­name Pat Garrott

8. Fox Run Sub­division - rename Taos

7. Sun Valley SubdivisiOn - rename Deer park Ad; Asp:e:n and Taos

._ B. UtUe Creek · Estates SubdiviSion - re­name: Aspen Ad and Ce­dar Ret

• 9. White Angel Mesa Subdivision - re­name:M.eSaDt.

-, '•

Copies eft the agenda for the meeiJna wUrbe.avana-. bte tlt the -olfft:IO or the County Manager 24 hours prior to said -meeting. Auxllllll)lialdeb'IU'e>8vl4112i'!" bte.u~-~ple~ ~'=no . "'W.t~ MeW · lng_.~rna_ -~.n~•SiUV ~~ta,•. · ... ·· ..

. -. ..

. '•

'· •' ' '

~mmc~~e ·. .~ ' •, . , . . . ,\ '' " '·

P~"&!tMACI!UIQIE'*'-" ION'I"ftlWIIl"r -. .- .

Quai Ia ElecciQn prlmarla sea epllcabiG a ' los slpulent:es . .-rtfdas.po-­IIUcos, a sab~r: el Partido· Damocrata y el Partido Republlcano: y

.Qui!!! Ia Elecclon prlmarla selleve a. cabo con el proposbo d& penni­IIi' que el. Pardfdo Dema­cr.ata y el Pardfdo Republl­cana nimlnan a los stgu­len~s cargo:

cargos FetJ•ntle•

C.l'flO En LOIIl t;ontMdo..


lsiTammle J. · Maddox, Clerk'

NQ42 1T (4)17


·Bowers Tract No. 1

Lot mentlonad and exact maps are avallable tpr viewing at the Planning Department I'll Village Hail between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. RuidOso, NM

Above rererenced aroa Is


_ be consldored for · C-2 MAB1'1:-fAt MQK:IIiJOHT PROC- • .COmmunity Buslnas8. . =~-~~ cc:MDiBaia-~ orde.~;.Qt lhe-tnUOG •~a w1 UNCOLH • • Planning & ZDr11ng Com-lf4043·1T(4) 17 mission

VIllage of Ruidoso, N.M. LEGAL NOnCE


Sealed blda wUI b8 re­ceived bY the VIllage of -Ruidoso at Office of the Purchasing Aaent, 421 Wlng!leld Dr.,l=luldoso, New Mexico 88345 far the Prolect listed below no tat­er than 2:00P.M., May 2, 2002, at which time the

r.ubllc opening and read­ng of bfds rocelved will begin. The tabulation of blcfs will be oonsldarud by the Village of Ruidoso at Hs next regular meeting following the opening bids, or at a later meeting! as the Interest at the Vi lege or Ruidoso requires. For complete copies ot the Plans. S~clflcatlans and COntract Documents to be used In connection with the subtnlsslan of bids, the prospectiVe bidders are In­vited to contaat the OWN­ER or the ENGINEER list­ed below. A $25.00 depos­It will be required for each set of plans, contracl documents, s~tlpna, and bidding fOrms. Bidders attention Is directed to the fact that •subcontractorB Fair Practices Act.• will be In effect for this project.





The proJect will consist of a BO'XBO' metal building and concrete work. The proj@ct Is located on Gavi­lan Canyon Road adjacent to the existing solid waste facllny.


. '

/s/Tlm Vega Planning Departmanl

Case I ZAQ2-005

Moaa 2T (4) 17, 18


REG10N IX Education Co­operative CouncD meeting - Tuesday Aoril 23,2002', 9:00 am - REO IX Confer­ence Room. The meeting Is open to the publiC. Agenda ttems lnd~ ttK:hnOtogy, reading aca­demies, em~loyment rac­ommendaUons for 200212003 school yolO'. In accordance with the Amer­ICans With Disabilities Act. community · members are requestecf to contact San­dy Gladden, 257-2368, H public accommodations are needed.

IS/ Sandy Gladden Execulhie Director i4038 2T (4)



on the 1st of June 2002, the undersigned will offer to sell or ckiar Utle to satis­fy storage charges of $3000.00 against a 1980 MG VlniGWD.I2AGSf1578

Sale commences at: 8:00A.M. June 1, 2002 Arto Garage (Hwy 48)


ALTO, NM 88912

Miris 4.T (4) a.1o.17,24

Le:ruu. NOnce




• . '· .. ·, ~-l~lntiH, v.

. ·" ., .. bii>. ··g

. •·

t· '

~ "'-'~~· i ·.

. ' .!

Page 14: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action




dO.Htt ADAMI, .JR. ~nd PAlJU.Niii .J. ADAMS,


SAllAS E. -CA~VAn F. and MARIA -p~ dE CANA-VATI, .





CROWN POINT COR~ RATION, a Texaa corpo. .. lion.
















-'. ~-- - :

ANTONIO LOPI!Z Me,._ DEZ . and UNKNOWN .ous-=: ••










Defondante •.


NonCE IS GIVEN that on April 30, 2002, at 10:00 A.M., at the front entrance to the

VIllage of Ruidoso Munlel· pal Complex located al 313 Cree Meadows Drive In Ruidoso,· New Mmdco, the unde~ned SpedaJ Master will sill ana co~ to the highest bidders tor oash. au !'ighl, IItle and ln­teJest of the following named Defendants In car· taln · pr9pert1es of the Crown POint Owners· Aa­soclatlon, Inc., a New Mexico corporation, locat­ad at 220 Crown Drive In RukXHJo, New Mexfco.

The sale will be held purauanl to the fOllowing judgment Dens:

' '

a.J Marlo Ac:Oetd lllnd ·a. .. Gonzalez~. husband and wife, jointly and severally

Week 14. Building 9, ·untt 5

Maintenance tees --­


=Costsc-==c:"c:""-='ttomey fees -' 323A1


b) John•. Jr. and Pauline J. AUm•1• husband and Wife, and Crown Point Corpom­tfon, a T•xa. corpora­lion, jOb1tJy and severally

Week 45, Building 4. Unft 4

Maintenance fees --­$2,760.19

Costs and auomey fees -323.41 $3,073.60

c) Michael J. Alglere and unknOwn -.pou:M, If any, jointly and sav~rally

Week 39, Building 9, Unit • Ma:Intei'Nlnee fees --­$1,802.20

Costs and a1lomey lees -. 323A1


' .


e) S.bla e. C.oinr.ll P. and M•rfii·F. do "Canava· tl, l11,1abaod and wife~ Joint-­ly ~ severa:lly

:-aek 52; BuDding· 4. Yl11l

Maintenance tees --"-­~1,630.88

Coats' and anomey fees -3~.41


f) lng. Joae Ckt .Jeaue Ca­elll .. and Ma1111lll'fta Gonzalez cte Ca•lllea, husband ~ Wife,. jOintly ·and sev&rally ·

Week 33, Bulldll'lg 2, Unit . '

·Maintenance fees --­$2,0$2.95

Costs and ~fees-323.41


al Elton K. CMny, 111 and Ma.y Stephanie Chllny, hustJand and ~. and Crown Point Corpora­tion, • Teua co~ra-­tlon, jointly and severillly

Weeks 26 and 44, .Building 2, Unit3 •

Maintenance feu --­$2,31&.:,5

COsts and allomey fees -646.82


h) Mantle R. Clark and Karen S.. Clark. husband and wHe, and Crown Point Corpol'ldlon, • Texaa cOIIionltlon,Jolntly and severallY

Week 24. Building 8, UnH 4

Maintenance fees --­$1,355.15

Costa and auomey fees -323A1


I) John ·Earl Cox and un­known ~. If any, and Crown Point .corpo­ration, • Texu ccap_r;tra­tlon. jOintly and saverillfy

Week 1-9, Building B. Unit 1

Matntenai1ca f8eS --­$3,()43,48 Costs and allo~y fees -323.41


n cha- e..,..,.­An-ollovlo.husbond and" wffa, end Crowri

Poln1 "'"""'"""'"-· • Teua corPOration. JDintly and ,several1y

Week 17, Building 2, Unit 2

Malntenance fees --­$3.540.51

Costs and attomev fees -323.41


Phillip e. Dowel and .. Dowel, husb'and

wile, jointly and sever­ally

Week 45, Building 9, Unit 1

Maintenance fees ---04,880.<4

Cost& and~ fees­S29.41


I ROV R. ~a..,.._ and dauana Elmore, husband and Wife, jOintly and aav-­


Week t7: 8u1Jding· 2, unu 4

r:'.GAS?l?' fees-,~-Costa~-«nd atloft'J8V· teas --A1 ... ,


·:., ....... . ,,~:;_. : ' ~ .·.~·- '•-· ' .~--

:· ·: ··--<\,t.;·,·,·; ·.;--~'-. ~-'·' - -'

' .. ,•,_ _ .. -.. ... '

'·':· .~.



.. -~

Week- 41, BUilding· e. 'unit 1

Mafntemillnce fees ~­$1,802.20

t..a:=~PB .. ~ --~ and cdton:.ey' reea ~ ...,,41 . ' ' .

Coste and atiorney fee$ - $3.38$.$8 """.4' . . \

w) · Marlet. 4 Quinn -.nd LW~known :IIPO'Iee. 11 any,

n~-Pwlnltt'E.- .. II,rnldr•·amt Jofnliy·ancf$e.ver~Jy ·u ~wn aJ»91,1 ... 1 arw,_ W8ek 36·, BuDding 9,. Unit'

. PeSJW .I. Wll"n- 1111CI 3 .. 111(11 .• ~.._~1 any jo · Uy and- sevarally

w.atc 12, s~.~~rc~na· 4, unit·, ~2r tees·-~­,.


Malnlonance foes _..c_ $1,149.33

coats.-_....., .... -$23..41 .

CQ$f8 and attorney fees - $2,125.81 · 323A1 ·


0) The Iii~ of Defe~ .... . Ch.,.._- Aoctenion and hie uqknOIIIm ~ ... devl- and­and ~ KlaJ'Ifti and unknown· •lllOU-. II any, Jointly and severally

IC) dacl~ .RolnQ .and Au­._. B..B<tmo. husband @Rd wife, iuK:i ·crown Point COrporation ·- • Texa•· Gorpcindlon, lol~ and save~:&~ly

Week 19, Building .. e, Unit ·2 - .

Matnlananoe ~flee --­Week 17, Bulldii')Q 8, unn· $2,236.15 2 .

Malptenance foes -­$3,053.32 .

CosiS and anomey lees .:_ 323A1 '

$2,559.58 Coste and auomey tees -923.41 .


PI Droke A. Krllllln and sally S. Knlfftn, hUsband and wife. ~ a.

":=. :U~="Wif~ --Poln1-= ·ration, a Texaa lion. )oln11y and savonilly

Week 24, Building 8, Unit • Maintenance fees --­$1.530.68 .

COSts and aHomey fees -. 323A1


Mmnm~ feaa----­$1,530.66

Yl John H. ~- -.nc1 Gw.n L Sh Q!!::; !:land and wife, and _ Point ~. ' •

Texn --- 101nur and severally

Week 17, Building 2, Unit 9

Maintenance fees ---­$3,915.18

Costs and auorney toea -323.4~


~--SliVa ond die SUva, wHit and

husband, anti a.... Willi• and unknoWn =-H any, jointly end

Week 40, Building 2, Unit 1

r::'~ ,__ ----co.\t and attorney fOM .... :.: 329.41


Week 21. '"Ektlldlrig S. · Unit Costs and attomey fee!l - 7 323A1


r) IDtrJo Acoata ~ • married man deMng: In his sola and sepdrate -­tato

Week se. Builcllng a. Unit • Maintenance fees ----$1,802.20 •

CaBts and auomey lees -323.41


:1~-... -o/111 .... -.. ~~ni:f.~ v. •••.._ huaband and Wllo, j01n11y- ewetdy weefc 18,-. ·IJulkllnO 4; .Unit 3 '

---·---$<,l!82.27_ . .,...... and~~---. -323 •. 4_1 ' . ·- .

$4~.6$ .. ·'. '•

.... ' . 0 • ,.,. ''·· ··" .; ~· ,,. ~.·

' . ·• <\ I\ .

.•. i: •. .'-- ·.1

.._........., ... _ __;__


Coa'la and attorney fea8 -323.41

bb)-' 0.0.-- c. •• .,. w..... liiJd anltnOwn­........ , anyl' jc)intly- .ncr - ·. Wttek 14,. BuUng 8, Onit 7

Malnlenance - -­IS,IMSAII

COld and _..y--323A-1 ' •

·' . ' 'o,', . .. _ ····.·- .• ..

QbA 4t(.\)ilt1f;l4 Ill» llEGAL t!CmCE , .



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LQt _!!.__~-~IGH 8ri-es SUDUIVI;HVI'II.. Rulcloeo. L.Jnooln County, N4lw Me»­co.: as ehowri ..... 1he plol therebf filed tn ~ officii~ of the - ...... and ,.,.. Offtdo AeQorder of Lincoln

Counlv, New -· ... =: :1"1, 1978,_1n Tube No.

.,, . ' .. ," " . ' . " .· (t ' .•..

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PETERBACA Attorney at Law

P.o·.eox215 .. 08rr(zozo. NM 88301

" ''"· .








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Page 15: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

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Page 16: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

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.. 28 • Rumpso NEWS


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Continuing information • about what an animal lover can do to discourag«;: the use of mares to prOduce Premarin. ·

The pracdce results In thousandS of their discarded foals being sold at auction to slaughterhouses in Cana­da. '


.... ).! •· . _/ u

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'WEDNESDAY, Al'l!IL 17, 2002 t II I :

'yan!. ' ' .Sheila was chained and·

left dying of starvation. Her ~Y was covered in ticks.

A veteriliarian examin­iD.B her said' sbe bad never seen so ~Y pamsites on a living animlilll!ld wasn't sun: at first. if' Sheila would make-iL

But lhe'dog survived and was adopted by Cbris~ imd Cllrisdne Baton of Lakc':'J!'v, N.Y~ who saw the BllllnlUIS rescue on the television show.

•csbella now ~nds her day!i lazi!'ll around, pa· • !t<>ll!D8 d1i yard ana wait­ing for her next ·spin in the car .. " ·aceotding to the maga­zine. '

•• .

• . . . .

·•c ••

.. ,.

.. -· _, .. ,,

Page 17: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action



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Judith L. Christopher

w-k of April 17 • April 23

ARIES: 1M- 2a • Apr a9) Youttl be able to see better

daysnowl~~~to take som~c,- bu ean. You•u-be osy later. Sm.-t a n - . of life to bve l!ll.ftll~

TAURUSs (Apr 20 • Ma, ZO) Don't let anydne push your buttons! Yo in I now! Let with a si:l:d

GEIMIII: ·CMc. 2a • .1un 20 way :r~n:re~~~;~ around want it! study eV.orY ·W: tbatcan

· little bettq

·- ' . -~- ' :~- ',

' ,_,, .. , . -


LEO: (.lui 23 • Aug 22) When everyone arounds you· wants something dif. ferent then w~t ,y'tit1 want, you have-~~-~ ypu~elf, am I in the· rfght 1\hu~e"! Is It time for a <f!~?

• VIRGO: (Aug 23 - Sap 22) You JDaY find yourself mak~ lng a hard decision! You have to d:mof~nf$tu In the long ;\riJl be: better for everyo · · "~on! It

will be O~B!J?<G«:ll

UBRA: ~ (Sept 23 - Oct 22) Now that things-are ln a better light, you'll see just wbat neecls to.lfp.,!@ne Orstl Makfi:!!.-t;'t.f!'k8'e>ne day at a ttllil!:' Oif f'iii so hard. on yo~K!

SCORPIO: (Oct 23- ....... 21) 'You're getting a second cha~ce, this_~ be the last chan · · · ~ ~~hap-pen! Thin .~t- you

· can do, no ~v\:an'tl You Ca~btiJ'lD~

. L . :_I',

SAGIITARIUS: (Nov 22 - Dec 2a) Hold on to your hat! WJJ,at ever you want tol!!'~n can happen nowT~tion

~~:=-~~~!not ml~~!f\nJ£iJ,i{UIJJJ~

CAPRIC0-1 {Dec 22 • Jan a9)

)S You could start feellng bet­ter once you. .«to w~~n know need~\!l You're on y ' r~ ~ you're the t ~~ can d~i~Hte~.rn.tOO

-AQUARIUS: t.lan 20 - Fell aa) A day trip could do you good,_a fe-hours alo even better " · onceyou _·'··- _"~, kes youhapp ~&., sbare 1t&~@ll£fi;2DWJ$

PISCESa M (Feb 19 - - 20) You're about' to Ond out just where Jo be! heart. not placet before it's


.. ... . '

Page 18: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

·-··"'" -------.-··· .. --- ·- -~- . ·-·---~~-·---------·~"·-~--·· ...... ,.,~""' ' • J ' • • _,

I ,.



. ~OCAL NIEWSJ WIEAlrHllE!Rl ~~!Rllr§.

·~-- . ' ·~ .· .

::}: ·: :*} t:."-, ' ·-· . "

.: ., .

Page 19: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

r ' '

Mrs. Freshley's Danish

cheese, bearclaw or apple 5 ct.



"~'1 J • • . • .r. •

Comet Rice

long grain or Wonder long grain

28 oz.

Mrs. Cubbison's Croutons


Post Cereal · F

6 oz. 1 B oz. Golden Crisp, 14.5 oz.

Honeycomb or 20 oz. Raisin Bran


Hormel Real Bacon

bHs or pieces 2~3 oz.

Whiskas Cat Food

dry 3.31b.

Purina GrrraVy Dog Food

17.6 lb.

Blue Bonnet Spread

48 oz.

• i I

• ' • '

Page 20: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

. Frito-La~ Dips ..

'canned · 9oz.

=ritos®. or Chee-tos® · assorted

reg. $2.29 ·


~~q;.~h~~~~ ... ,i\

-- --~ Hortenisa

Bath Tissue

. -

, assorted · 31iler

hurfine ~Soda assorted

4 ct. case of 6 packs

""' a.r.e Ut11 . -·

(;.-::.,..~. ·-) I ( ... .. l " ~ . . '

' . . .

~ ,I



Chips nacho cheese or

restaurant style tortilla

Kid's Kitchen

select varieties 7.5 oz.

16 oz.

i Del Monte . ~ Prunes

pitted 24 oz.

Hortenisa Paper Towels


4 roll FOR ".. ... .... ---- ..

' I I


Page 21: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

Split Fryer Breast previously frozen

family pack

r; ··l· ' " . I ..

'. '

Top Round Roast preferred trim

boneless beef London Broil


Top Round Steak preferred trim boneless beef


Cube Steak tenderized beef




, I


ao.81-0Z. POWDER OR 100 OZ.

Center Cut Pork Chops

preferred trim boneless


Boneless Beef for Stir Fry


Ground Round fresh


. '


Ice Cream HALF GAL. SQR.

--·· -·--··-··-~~~-

Page 22: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

lKTMENT Longhorn· ·

.......... cheese market cut red rind


jennie-0 Turkey Hams


LB. Lloyd's

Barbeque. all varieties cooked

20 oz.

Old El Paso Taco Beef or Chicken

seasoned 20oz.

Week Featured Item Bowl

Oscar Mayer · Bologna or

(.;otto Salami sliced meat

12 oz.

all varieties 6 oz.

Louis Rich Chicken Breast

Strips cooked 6 oz.


Meat franks ..................... 1202.79¢ ~ON'S REGUlAR OR THICK ~ 79 Sliced Bacon .................... 12 oz. 1 PEYTQN'S VACUUM PACKED • ~ J19 Cborizo ............................ s oz.

PEYTON'S . · ~ 119 Breakfast Sausage ............. llB.

PEYTON'S . ~ 179 Chopped Ham ................. 10 oz. '

PEYTON'S ~269 Cooked Ham ................... 10 oz.


2 & 0 10" Plate $2.99 PAINTED

ll~~~~~~~~~~[j~~j " $4.99 $2.99 •HANDPAINTED •DISHWASHER AND MICROWAVE SAFE

Bowl $11.99 $9.99 5 $11.99 $9.99

6 $16.1n! $14.99

7 $16.99 $14.99

Always on Sale O·o· .... .J<·J·''···.

. . 9;1!:.~?1 ·. : ·a~ .. ,··.··. ~ .· " . ... ' •• OFF ~':~ /

••• • • • . .. "~ .. 9 ••••• Ci. ...

~=:Ov~ai:.:.P~Ia:::He::..r -----1----J...:$~1:::9.9=:9--JI··. SERVING .,!.7;112:!-"..!P~Ia~te~----+----4~~-1(·. JOWL· < : 17 oz. Beverage Glasa $2.99 · · ' · · · $]499 ' s.mmcd~b•:t._._._~._._~~u~.9~9~~~~~~~·~····:··~~·~·~~· .. ~-~·· .. :~.·-·~·· .. ~,:· .. ~····~c ... ~ou··:.:~~N~~~···.~"~·~~~· - -----------------



' I

I I • '

' ' '


I .1 I I I

. I

Page 23: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

...,. ..... o Breakfast Burritos

chorizo or sausage


Plastic Cups 20 oz.

4 oz.


Tai Pan select varieties

14.2 oz.

Shurfine Apple Juice

12 oz .

Ice Cube Trays

3 pk.

. " "'

Shurfine Fries potato curls. or crunchy seasoned

32 oz.

Healthy Choice Dinners

select varieties 9.5-11.5 oz.

Healthy Choice Entrees

glazed chicken or beef pepper steak

7.5-8 oz.


Healthy Choice Pasta Entree spaghetti or lasagna

9-10 oz.

Plastic· •

·.,,Pitcher · • · 1 tiaiiM. ·. • j ·. ·~·- ,,

---~- .. ----



Page 24: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action


Plains Dips · jalapeno, french onion or green chili

16 oz.


Playtex Tampons select varieties

20 ct.

. .

Kraft Longhorn Cheese

halfmoon mild cheddar or colby 14 oz.

Tropicana Orange Juice . ·

select varieties Pure Premium 96 oz.

Shurfine Biscuits homestyle or buttermilk

7.5 oz.

Shurfine English Muffins

12 oz.

Shurfine Cinnamon Rolls

Jumbos 16.9 oz.

ThermaSilk Hair Care

select varieties hairspray, mousse, conditioner or shampoo

7-13 oz. ~ . ~

. ..


-- -- --------~~---~--------------------------

Page 25: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

Lemons or Limes

Carrots cello pack

1 lb.



D'Anjou Pears


Texas lOIS Yellow Onions


Mexican Papaya·

Cantaloupe or Honeydew


Brussel Sprouts


·.·- ·""

,t··n}. -~·: ~ ~~..._..,: (;





Hothouse Tomatoes

Red ripe

Tropical Coconuts

Sib .. bag Grapefruit

or 41b. beg Oranges

Thompson Grapes seedless

Bell Peppers large green


Page 26: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action


• • . .


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Page 27: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

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Skippy Dog Food

' .

General Mills Salty Snacks

.3 .. ~! ~ Pkgs. For

49 .... ...


as.• -- ··-··· . . "- ~

Page 28: Gooch tournameiJEST AVAILABLE COPY… · Eggleston fired tht• 18--year department veteran. Eggleston The action

J 1 i ' j


. a a .: ; .t cs

fre,sJ,l T.o.nll"ilar


.......... ' . •'.:"\.- .· . ·~·

' 'i"- •

. . . Nature's .finest


Hass CaJifomia Ripe

Avocados Northwest -

_Bose Pears

$ $ for · for

. Pepsi &· 7-Up 6 Pack 24 oz. Btl. 3 ·BoHle·

24 Pack 12 Oz. Cans

$ 99·.

. -- ' ~ . " ' " .

tJ <'--a

J i\ " ' . . ~ '. ' . ' •I ,,

,' ',_\ " ...... . ' - .

f' •

Washington • Red llalki~Maa _ Gold Delicious • r.:l'!!:l•rau sn11111

3 Lb .. Bag

' '

. BUdWeiser·& Bud Light 30 Pack

12 Oz •. cans , __ ,g_. __ -g_ . ' ~- -.


A 1.• tal· t ·a· -- -- ·• W -1-- · ·· · ··_ , Bll -Bean~s 1 scr~am qua 1na •• a. er . . · asan• .· a e.r · · HOt:Sau~~. 1a oz. Pko 6 Pack 16.9 Oz. BoHies 24 12 ·az. B_oHies Billy Bean's Original.

Bread N' ··Butter Jalapeno • . - -- 1~6 OZ~· Pkl .

~ . .,


.-.. ..; ._., o4 j 1 a ·,J :.. .

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