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God’s Appointed Feast—Rosh Chodesh New Moon, Head of the Month SHABBAT SHALOM! TODAY IS THE 30 TH DAY OF SIVAN (JUNE 28) ROSH CHODESH- TAMMUZ
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Page 1: God's Appointed Times-Rosh Chodesh-Tammuz

God’s Appointed Feast—Rosh Chodesh New Moon, Head of the Month




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Rosh Chodesh- Head of the Month-A Time of Spiritual Renewal

He uses the sun and moon to establish days, months, years, and also His appointed observances, (Moedim) Genesis 1:14

His calendar is the new moon, which starts each Biblical month

Numbers 10:10

Isaiah 66:23/Ezekiel 46

Colossians 2:16

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The Biblical admonition to observe the new moon as a special marker in the Biblical  calendar is not a pronouncement about worshiping the moon itself. YHWH prohibits worshiping any celestial body: “And beware, lest you lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which Yahweh your Elohim has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven”  (Deut. 4:19). At the same time He commands us to watch for and observe the new moon each month so that we honor and follow His unique calendar and the setting of His special holy days.

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Rosh ChodeshDays the prophets heard from YHWH

Day designated for waiting on God in order to:

Hear to Discern His Purposes Receive Prophetic Revelation

Ezekiel 26:1Haggai 1:1Days of Assembly when God would deal

with Israel through His Prophets

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Prophetic days Foreshadow future events

(Colossians 2:16-17)God’s appointed time of His

choosing to give prophetic revelation to his people of His purposes for Him.

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Rosh Chodesh isA celebration testifying of YHWH’s corporate people being established as His luminary in the worldExodus 19 and 1 Peter 2:4-5

A time to come apart from the world and reflect on ordained purpose of reflecting His presence and revitalizing their spiritual lives in Him

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As the Bride keeps this feast of appointment with YHWH we come into alignment with Him

No TradeNo WorkWait on Him in His Presence

We reflect His light in ever increasing degrees of magnitude

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One Long Shofar Blast to AssembleAfter the Blessing, greetings of

peaceShalom Alechem! (peace be with you)Alechem Shalom! ( Upon You, Peace)

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Traditionally followed by a festive meal with suggested scripture readings

Deuteronomy 4:7-9Psalm 104Psalm 81

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YHWH keeps His appointments with those who choose to meet with Him at His designated times and He enters His assembly at these times on these holy days of the Sabbaths and the New Moons to fulfill the spiritual reality of these feasts in the lives of you , His People.

Ezekiel 46:1-6

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TammuzThe 4th MonthAssociated with Tribe of ReubenReuben means, “See, a son” or

“Behold, a son”The month God wants to awaken the

mantle of “Sonship” in our livesAlso connected with Vision---See/beholdThe month of the “FIRSTBORN”

Hebrew Culture firstborn receives double portion of the inheritance

Gen 35:22 Jacob receives this portion

The Month of “COVENANT ALIGNMENT”—know and be sure of those God has called us to align with by covenant

Also, must stay in proper alignment with the Father.

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A “BRIDGE” month where we cross over from one season to another

All the preparation for sowing are complete and we cross over and see a new season. A time for each of us to cross over after seeing the prophetic promises sown into our lives, as seeds of faithA time to look at the prophetic words and promises God has given to us so we can enter into the reality of them

“FILMSTRIP” month—carefully observe the progressive pattern of prophetic revelation, a time God has allowed to review your position, and MAKE ADJUSTMENTS for proper covenant alignment

Moses sent out the spies to explore the Promised Land in order to bring back a report of what they had seen (Numbers 13 )

How we view our situation and circumstances will determine whether we enter or go around another cycle (grasshoppers or a Victorious People)

A month of Vision, therefore Guard your eyes (Deuteronomy 30:15-20)

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Hebrew letter Chet-sages believe the letter Chet was used to create the moon.

Chet-reveals a picture of light radiating from your eyes

Allow God to increase your spiritual insight and perceptions

(Isaiah 60)

A month to establish pattern of “TRUE WORHSIP” in your life (John 4:23-24)This month you “RECEIVE” through “WORSHIP”Guard against Idolatry structures or patterns in our

lives- golden calf was built during this month that defiled the pure heart of worship toward God.

don’t come into agreement with any “evil report” as the Israelites did, be like Joshua and Caleb and SEE the promises in the land you are entering

A month to become totally “VULNERABLE” to the Lord allowing him to REMOVE ANY HARDNESS (SHELL) so nothing can stunt your growth through this very prophetic journey. Embrace who HE has called you to beRECEIVE the full measure of your inheritance as a

son/daughter of the Kingdom.

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God’s Appointed Feast—Rosh Chodesh New Moon, Head of the Month