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What do the words “go fish” mean to you? Perhaps your hand involuntarily reaches out, attempting to grab a card from the pile in the traditional card game, Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish” we’re looking what else? Maybe you heard about a recent story in which a young woman went fishing for the handsome stranger she met on an airplane. If not, here’s a recap of the somewhat cute, though slightly crazy story...A girl meets a guy on a plane but doesn’t catch his last name or contact info. She then tweets the airline to help her find him. The airline doesn’t really want to help at first, but she’s persistent. Using Twitter and a string of clues, a friend of his finally helps them make a connection. This girl went to some elaborate lengths because she couldn’t stand to think of this man as “the one that got away” for the rest of her life. Once she decided to “fish” for him, she just couldn’t take no for an answer! She was persistent and recruited other people to help in the name of possible true love! That story hits a little closer, but it’s still not quite there. In our story, “go fish” relates to Jesus’ words in Matthew 4:19, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” No one in Jesus’ day had a cell phone, let alone a Twitter account. Social media wasn’t an option in the pursuit of others. Yet, Jesus still challenged his disciples to seek out the lost. These were ordinary men, fishermen by trade. Casting nets out meant pulling in a load of fish, as many as they could catch in a day’s work. But, Jesus’ challenge would require them to cast wider nets, for slightly “bigger fish”. Us. You. You’re the fish. The lost soul whom God wants to bring home. Why would Jesus ask them to reach out to the lost? Jesus cares more for the eternal destination of people than anything, even a possible “true love connection”. He called his followers to seek out, catch and lead unbelievers back to him because people are lost without Christ. Most people love to talk about heaven, but tend to ignore the reality of hell. The lost are condemned. As followers of Christ, it is our job to show them the salvation and freedom found in him. You cannot love someone to hell. You cannot stop fishing simply because it’s messy and sometimes embarrassing. There is simply too much at stake! It is vitally important that you learn to become a fisher of men. The existence of the church today rests on the cornerstone of Christ and the actions of his people, those who have taken up the calling to become fishers. Jesus taught the disciples, they taught the first church, and it continued on from there. Many have gone before you and now it’s your turn. The church is God’s vehicle to reach the world. When done right, the church fishes! When done wrong, the church becomes focused solely on the fish already in the boat. Are you willing to cast your nets and fish for people? Go Fish Week beginning March 24, 2014 THIS WEEK’S STUDY WILL FOCUS ON THE NECESSITY OF BECOMING FISHERS OF MEN. Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. -Henry David Thoreau

Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

Jun 18, 2020



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

What do the words “go fish” mean to you? Perhaps your hand involuntarily reaches out, attempting to grab a card from the pile in the traditional card game, Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”.

Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish” we’re looking what else? Maybe you heard about a recent story in which a young woman went fishing for the handsome stranger she met on an airplane. If not, here’s a recap of the somewhat cute, though slightly crazy story...A girl meets a guy on a plane but doesn’t catch his last name or contact info. She then tweets the airline to help her find him. The airline doesn’t really want to help at first, but she’s persistent. Using Twitter and a string of clues, a friend of his finally helps them make a connection.

This girl went to some elaborate lengths because she couldn’t stand to think of this man as “the one that got away” for the rest of her life. Once she decided to “fish” for him, she just couldn’t take no for an answer! She was persistent and recruited other people to help in the name of possible true love!

That story hits a little closer, but it’s still not quite there. In our story, “go fish” relates to Jesus’ words in Matthew 4:19, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” No one in Jesus’ day had a cell phone, let alone a Twitter account. Social media wasn’t an option in the pursuit of others. Yet, Jesus still challenged his disciples to seek out the lost.

These were ordinary men, fishermen by trade. Casting nets out meant pulling in a load of fish, as many as they could catch in a day’s work. But, Jesus’ challenge would require them to cast wider nets, for slightly “bigger fish”. Us. You. You’re the fish. The lost soul whom God wants to bring home.

Why would Jesus ask them to reach out to the lost? Jesus cares more for the eternal destination of people than anything, even a possible “true love connection”. He called his followers to seek out, catch and lead unbelievers back to him because people are lost without Christ. Most people love to talk about heaven, but tend to ignore the reality of hell. The lost are condemned. As followers of Christ, it is our job to show them the salvation and freedom found in him. You cannot love someone to hell. You cannot stop fishing simply because it’s messy and sometimes embarrassing. There is simply too much at stake!

It is vitally important that you learn to become a fisher of men. The existence of the church today rests on the cornerstone of Christ and the actions of his people, those who have taken up the calling to become fishers. Jesus taught the disciples, they taught the first church, and it continued on from there. Many have gone before you and now it’s your turn.

The church is God’s vehicle to reach the world. When done right, the church fishes! When done wrong, the church becomes focused solely on the fish already in the boat. Are you willing to cast your nets and fish for people?

Go Fish Week beginning March 24, 2014



Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing

that it is not fish they are after.

-Henry David Thoreau

Page 2: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

MONDAY–Fishy Motives Big Point: No matter why you became a Christian, God wants to make you into a fisher of people! What was it that motivated you to become a Christian? When you think back, what was foremost in your mind when you made the decision to follow Christ? Was it your need for salvation? Were you seeking a sense of peace? Perhaps you were motivated by the idea that God could help you get your life in order. Whatever your motivation, you probably didn’t become a Christian so you could tell other people about Jesus, did you? In fact, becoming a salesman for Christianity was just about the last thing on your mind. And yet, of all the changes Jesus promised his followers, making them “fishers of men” was at the top of the list. Regardless of your initial motives for receiving Christ, that’s what he wants for you as well. When we examine the Gospels, one thing is clear about Jesus’ disciples: followers become fishers. It’s what Jesus predicted when he called the first believers. And it’s exactly what happened to them as the rest of the New Testament unfolded. The problem for most of us is that telling people about Jesus doesn’t exactly come naturally. In fact, it can be awkward, unappreciated and uncomfortable. But as we’ll discover, it’s not really optional. God’s design is to use the people He’s reached to reach other people, and that can only happen if we answer the call to go fish. (Today’s intro was taken from Andy Stanley’s Go Fish, Pg. 9-10)

READ and THINK… What does the Bible say? 1. Jesus spoke the following words to his disciples after he had risen from the dead. When he first called them, he told them he would make them fishers of people. These words were spoken over three years later. Jesus was once again reminding the disciples of their mission to spread the Gospel throughout the world. Question: Why do you believe Jesus gave this mission to his disciples instead of just personally traveling and speaking throughout the entire world? Why empower the disciples to do what he could have done himself? Mark 16:15 (New Living Translation) And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Answer: 2. When Peter wrote these words to the early church, he was a transformed man. It had been years since a virtually unknown rabbi had challenged him to drop his

2—Daily Bible Study

Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan March 25 - Luke 7:36-50

Let me be the first to confess:

there are times when I suffer

from evangelism fatigue. I

know I should care, I know I

should reach out to them, I

know I should talk to them

about Jesus - but my

motivation meter is hovering

at low voltage.

-Lee Strobel

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3—Daily Bible Study

nets and come follow him. Now, Peter was challenging believers everywhere to not only follow Jesus, but to be able to explain who Jesus was and why he came. Question: What is it that Peter wants all believers to be ready to do? What does it mean to answer someone with “gentleness and respect”? 1 Peter 3:15 (New International Version) But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. Answer: 3. The following verse is known as the Great Commission. We have featured it over ten times in the past six months of the Living It Out! Yes, it really is that important! It encapsulates Jesus’ mission, as given to his disciples before he ascended to heaven, after the resurrection. Question: Some believe that sharing one’s faith is only really expected of those with the spiritual gift of evangelism. Explain how the following verse proves that sharing your faith is something for all believers. Matthew 28:19 (New Living Translation) Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Answer:

LIVE… What will you do now? Do you believe the statement, “followers become fishers”? Why or why not? Also, why is it so vital for all believers to actively look for opportunities to share their faith? What were your initial motivations for accepting Jesus? Chances are, becoming a fisher of people wasn’t too high on your list. How did you feel when you first found out that as a Christian you would be expected to fish for people?

PRAY… God, what do you want me to know and do? Pray about the lost people in your life. Who might you invite to church this week? Pray for them by name and ask God to give you opportunities to connect with them. Thank God for “catching you” and ask Him to help you become a better fisher of people.

Page 4: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

TUESDAY – We Were All Fish Once Big Point: Someone shared their faith with you. Now return the favor.

So why all this talk of fishing? Perhaps it is because the great walleye run on

the mighty Maumee River is about to begin. Or more likely, because God, through his word, is once again giving us a Christian life lesson rich in symbolism and practical examples.

In the first chapter of the book of Mark, Jesus tells Simon and Andrew that he will make them fishers of men. Why would Jesus say such an odd thing? Because Simon and Andrew were fishermen! He was meeting them where they were. He was using an example they would understand. Jesus was also providing a model for us to follow when we tell others about him. Don’t try to impress people with some lofty theological principles. Instead, talk to them in their own language. Make the Gospel understandable to others. Relate to them.

In telling these two men to follow him, Jesus was leading by example. He never asks us to do something that he didn’t do while he lived in this world. He was “fishing” for these two men and telling them to follow him just as he commands us to.

While having the liberty to swim anywhere in a vast, limitless ocean seems like freedom at its finest for a fish, the sea also presents unpredictable food supplies, violent storms and deadly predators. We were once lost in a dangerous sea ourselves until a fisherman led us to a beautiful harbor with an unlimited food supply, along with other fish to ward off loneliness and be our family, resources to protect us from sin and temptation and a harbormaster who will one day welcome us into a paradise we cannot even imagine. Shouldn’t we return the favor to other “lost fish” in this world? Who do you want to lead to God’s safe harbor?

READ and THINK… What does the Bible say? 1. In this week’s message, Andy Stanley points out in this verse that Jesus was very clear that he was going to transform the men he called. He didn’t say he was going to make them influential, rich, happy or even more spiritual. He said he would make them fishers of men. Question: What can we take away from the fact that Jesus did not offer to give these men qualities that the world considers signs of success? Matthew 4:19 (New King James Version) Then he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Answer: 2. In this passage from Luke, Simon (Peter) obeyed Jesus when he told him to put his nets in the water where he had just been fishing and came up empty. This time, however, the nets were so full of fish that they were tearing and it took two boats to hold them all.

4—Daily Bible Study

Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan March 25 - Luke 7:36-50

Witnessing is that deep-

seated conviction that the

greatest favor I can do for

others is to introduce them

to Jesus Christ.

-Paul Little

Page 5: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

5—Daily Bible Study

Question: Why would Simon (Peter) fall on his face before Jesus over this catch? Luke 5:8-9 (New Living Translation) 8 When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me – I’m too much of a sinner to be around you.” 9 For he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him. Answer: 3. In this verse, Peter and John had just finished testifying boldly in front of the Jewish high council after Jesus had died and rose to life again. This was the same body of men who had earlier condemned Jesus to death. Question: What does this verse say about the transforming power that occurs in a person’s life when they choose to follow Jesus? Acts 4:13 (New Living Translation) The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus. Answer:

LIVE… What will you do now? What is preventing you from telling someone that Jesus can save them from hell and offer them eternity in paradise when they die? Is it fear of rejection or being made fun of? Fear of not finding the right words? Fear of lack of knowledge? Read Acts 4:13 again. Why wouldn’t the Holy Spirit have the same effect on you as he did on Peter and John? Someone reached out to you once and dared to tell you how you could have eternal life. Who in your realm of influence, your family or your neighborhood do you think could benefit from hearing the story of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

PRAY… God, what do you want me to know and do? Thank God that one of His disciples told you about Him. And thank God for saving you from eternal punishment. Then ask Him to show you who He wants you to tell about Him. Ask Him to empower you with the same spirit of boldness that He gave to Peter and John and to provide you with an opportunity to change someone’s direction in life forever.

Page 6: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

WEDNESDAY – New Fish Versus Old Fish Big Point: God wrote your story to connect with someone else’s. A common misconception among Christians is that their testimony is not good enough. New fish (New Christians) feel they are too inexperienced and may say the wrong thing. Old fish think their story is tired or boring because it doesn’t contain a dramatic conversion story. You may think that your story is boring or no one cares to hear it, but people love stories! God made us to connect with others through our stories. Even Jesus taught us through stories. All the experiences, all the hurt, the hard times, all the lessons learned and talents you have will connect with someone on a deep level. But who? Since we cannot know the answer to that question, we just have to keep telling our story until we find the person, or people, to whom it relates. God will supernaturally bring you together with those people. However, you cannot connect unless you reach out. No one can share Christ like you can. Whether you’re an old fish or a new fish, your life experiences give you a unique opportunity to relate to people. You have influence over people in your life that others never will. Don’t get caught up in the enormity of the situation, just focus on the one. Who is the one person you influence who doesn’t know Jesus?

READ and THINK… What does the Bible say? 1. The following verse happens after a lengthy conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. Even though she had made many mistakes in her past, she became a powerful messenger for Jesus right after their first meeting.

Question: Why should we not be afraid of our past when it comes to talking about Jesus? John 4:28-30 (New Living Translation) 28 The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, 29 “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” 30 So the people came streaming from the village to see him.

Answer: 2. Isaiah knew he was unworthy to be God’s messenger. He admitted that he was a man with unclean lips, but he still jumped at the chance and God used him in a huge way!

6—Daily Bible Study

Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan March 26 - Luke 8:1-25

That is what it means to be

saved. You declare that you

belong to another system of

things. People point to you

and say, "Oh, yes, that is a

Christian family; they belong

to the Lord!" That is the

salvation which the Lord

desires for you, that by your

public testimony you declare

before God, "My world has

gone; I am entering into


-Watchman Nee

Page 7: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

7—Daily Bible Study

Question: Why do we need to trust that God can use us as His messenger, no matter how we view ourselves? Isaiah 6:8 (New Living Translation) And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

Answer: 3. Many don’t share their faith because they are afraid they won’t have the perfect words to say…especially newer Christians. Jesus promised that God will give us the right words at the right time, so that we can powerfully defend our faith. We aren’t doing this alone! Question: What can we do to prepare our hearts for God’s words and wisdom? Luke 21:15 (New Living Translation) …for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reply or refute you! Answer:

LIVE… What will you do now? God has put you in the perfect spot to reach out to someone. Who is it? Is it someone at work, at home, on the field, in the grocery store? What opportunity has God given you, specifically, to reach out to someone? How can you make the most of this opportunity? Who will you invite to church this week?

PRAY… God, what do you want me to know and do? Praise God for giving you an amazing, unique story of your own. Ask Him to give you courage to share your story with others. Thank Him for putting you in a perfect spot to reach others. Ask Him to show you opportunities to reach out to those people and share the awesome ways that Jesus has changed your life.

Page 8: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

THURSDAY – Pray, Connect, Invite Big Point: Evangelism doesn’t have to be nerve wracking or complicated! There are three key aspects involved in becoming a fisher of men. Each of these steps is an integral part of not only catching the lost, but also leading them to the one who can change everything. Pray- Pray that God will open your eyes to the lost people in your life. Pray for lost people! Pray for boldness, wisdom and discernment. Andy Stanley talks about his inability to wake up in time to watch a meteor shower. If you don’t know it’s coming, you just sleep through it and never think twice about it! Don’t sleep through evangelism. Pray that God would make you aware of the unbelief around you! Connect – Do not pretend to love others, really love them. Find common ground! Seek out lost people and develop honest, authentic friendships. There is a danger here…if you are not a strong believer, it is easy to be influenced to sin when relating to non-Christians. This step might be best accomplished with a fishing buddy—another strong Christian with whom you can team up. Invite – CedarCreek Church makes it very easy to invite people. If you are not comfortable sharing your faith, it really isn’t cheating to invite someone to church and let the pastors lay out the gospel message! CedarCreek promises to never embarrass new people or put them on the spot. In fact, much of what happens at the church is done with lost people in mind. Our goal is that the weekend services remain a safe place for your friends to investigate Christianity.

READ and THINK… What does the Bible say? 1. At the beginning of his letter to the Colossians, Paul exhorts the duty of prayer and asks the church to pray that he may have the ability and opportunity to share the message of Christ, even while in prison. Question: Why do you think Paul emphasizes, or even begs for, the blessing of prayer from a young church? What does that say about young Christians and fishing? Colossians 4:3 (New Living Translation) Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. Answer:

8—Daily Bible Study

Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan March 27 - Luke 8:26-56

I am convinced, by the way, that

friendships provide the most fertile

soil for evangelism. When the

reality of Christ is introduced into

a relationship of love and trust that

has already been established, the

effect is powerful. And it seems that

invariably, when someone becomes

a true follower of Christ, that

person's first impulse is to want to

find a friend and introduce that

friend to Christ.

-John MacArthur

Page 9: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

9—Daily Bible Study

2. In 1 Corinthians 8:13, Paul had discussed that while not all choices, like eating sacrificial meat, are sinful for you, it is better not to cause your brother or sister to sin. This is helpful in relating to, yet not tempting or discouraging, the lost. Question: In what way is Paul’s approach to connecting with the lost people one that is more likely to lead them toward salvation? 1 Corinthians 9:22 (New Living Translation) When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. Answer:

3. We talked about this story at length on Wednesday… but here we want to show that the Samaritan woman did not have all the answers. She simply invited people to come hear about Jesus for themselves! She invited them to experience Jesus as she did herself! Question: How does the boldness of the Samaritan woman demonstrate who Christ is, even in light of her sins? John 4:39-40a (New Living Translation) 39 Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever did!” 40 When they came out to see him, they begged him to stay in their village. Answer:

LIVE… What will you do now? God has called each of us to become fishers of men. Try to follow the three steps laid out in the introduction this week. Whether you are an old hat or a newborn believer, the lost are in desperate need of Christ and you are capable of taking these steps. Write down the name of someone you need to invite. Name____________ Pray: If you haven’t been, start praying now and don’t stop. Connect: Get to know this person. If you already do, then incorporate that knowledge as you take the next step. Invite: From a question to an invite card, make the ask.

PRAY… God, what do you want me to know and do? Praise God for rescuing you when you were lost. Ask Him to help you find and rescue the lost. Ask for the courage to invite the lost back home.

Page 10: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

10—Daily Bible Study

FRIDAY—Writing Your Thank You Letter Big Point: Showing gratitude to the one who invited you into a

relationship with Christ.

Around the ‘Creek we have this awesome thing called the Big Push. This is where us ‘Creekers get pumped up and invite as many people as we can to church. We leave invite cards everywhere and hand them out to friends and family members every chance we get. We gear up with loads of advertising and we format our services in a way that will be clear about the wonderful Gospel of Christ. We pull out all of the stops in order to reach the lost. This is your chance to invite that person who has been on your heart! Our lives can get so hectic at times and we tend to forget what it was like when we first came to know Christ. Stop and think about this for a moment. Was there someone who invested in your life to the point that it was changed for eternity? Who was that special person who took the time to explain the Good News of Christ to you? While we should always show our gratitude to God for sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins, it is also great to take a moment and say thank you to the one who led you to Christ. What better way than to write them a thank you letter! Use the space provided to show your gratitude and let them know how your life has changed because of them. Dear ____________,

READ, THINK and LIVE. Read and apply the Bible. 1. Peter and Andrew were in their boats fishing when Jesus called them. Fishing was not a hobby, it was how they made a living. He challenged the disciples to drop everything and follow him.

Question: In what ways did this invitation from Jesus affect the disciples’ everyday

lives? In what ways were they changed?

Mark 1:17 (New Living Translation)

Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to

fish for people!”


Think on This...When we become true fishers of men, we invite people into a

relationship with Jesus Christ. From whom may you receive a thank you letter? Or better yet, who will you bump into in heaven and will say to you, “Thank you. I am here because of Jesus of course, but also because you cared enough to go fish”?

Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan March 28 - Luke 9:1-27

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11—Daily Bible Study

Weekend Updates!

Saturday’s Daily Bible Reading Plan: Luke 9:28-62. THE BIG PUSH - Over the next four weekends we will be pulling out all the

stops to make the weekend experience an unforgettable one. Our series is called, "Hard Time Believing" and the first message installment is for those who might be having a “Hard Time Believing ...the Bible as the Word of God." Please make plans to join us at any of our four locations or check out our iCampus at

Fabulous Women’s Conference—May 15-16, 2014: We believe that we are FABULOUS when we become the women that God created us to be! Join us at for complete conference information. Early Bird discount rate expires on March 31!

Celebrate Recovery: Find freedom from your hurts, habits and hang ups. Celebrate Recovery happens TONIGHT (Friday) at all campuses at 6pm. For more information, set your web browser to:

Questions for Discussion— Try these in a group, with friends or at the dinner table.

1. What are the agendas of most people who become Christians? 2. Read Luke 5:1-11. Why do you think the disciples first wanted to follow Jesus? 3. According to Jesus, what is his agenda for his followers? (Read Mark 1:17 to help with your answer.) 4. What obstacles keep you from being a fisher of men? 5. Talk about the person who was most influential in your becoming a Christian. 6. Who are you praying for and inviting to church this week? (As a group, pray for these people by name.)

March 2014 Memory Verse:

Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.” John 11:25 (New Living Translation)

Page 12: Go Fish - Living It Out · Go Fish. It’s the worst when you only need one card to make that final match and you hear “go fish”. Well, that’s not the definition of “go fish”

12—Daily Bible Study

Weekend Recap: The Bible tells us that Jesus can be our Forever Friend if we ask him.

This is the best news ever and many people have never heard it. It’s our job to tell everyone!

Scripture: Read Jonah 1-4 as a family. Question: Where does our salvation come from? Family Activity: If you haven’t already, ask Jesus into your heart to be your Forever Friend. Then, as a family, discuss who you want to share the good news of Jesus with. Pray for those people that you identified. Sometime this week make it a point to tell those on your prayer list the good news, that Jesus wants to be their Forever Friend. Memory Verse: John 11:25 (Cup hands around your mouth as if shouting) Jesus told her, (Use your index

finger to point to yourself) “I am the resurrection (sign “life” – make “L’s” with

both hands and move them up your torso) and the life. (Point to your temple)

Anyone who believes in me will live, (sign “dead” – make both hands flat, one

with the palm up and the other with the palm down, then make a flipping motion)

even after dying.”

*Have your child memorize this verse and recite it to the room teacher for a prize.

Have some feedback? Email questions or comments to [email protected]


Go Fish

by Andy Stanley

CedarCreek Church

29129 Lime City Road

Perrysburg, Oh 43551

Phone: 419.661.8661

Fax: 419.661.8665

This week’s

Living It Out:

Daily Bible Study

written by:

Becky Miller

Luke Shortridge

Kelda Strausburg

David Vernier

Jackie Williams

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Jonah 2: 8-9

8 Those who worship false gods turn

their backs on all God’s mercies. 9 But

I will offer sacrifices to you with songs

of praise, and I will fulfill all my vows.

For my salvation comes from the Lord
