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Glycaemic index power point.v2

Nov 29, 2014




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Page 1: Glycaemic index power point.v2
Page 2: Glycaemic index power point.v2

Very simply, the Glycemic Index is a scientific ranking of how the foods we eat affect our blood sugar levels in the 2 or 3 hours after eating.

Goes from 0-100

Measures how quickly glucose is absorbed from food into our blood.

High GI means absorbed very quickly.

Low GI means absorbed slowly.

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High GI (70-100) Carbohydrates which break down quickly during digestion, releasing blood sugarrapidly into the bloodstream – causing marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Medium GI (56-69) Carbohydrates which break down moderately during digestion, releasing blood sugar moderately into the bloodstream.

Low GI (0-55) Carbohydrates which break down slowly during digestion, releasing blood sugargradually into the bloodstream – keeping blood sugar levels steady … and so provide you with the best health benefits!

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Just because a food is low GI, doesn’t necessarily make it a good food!

Some foods may have a low GI, but may be high in saturated fats, include additives, flavourings, colourings, or preservatives, or simply provide little in the way of nutrients by offering “empty” calories!

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1. Which end of the index would simple and complex carbohydrates be at?2. Can you think of any foods that are either high or low in GI value?3. Which do you think it would be better to eat more of? Why?

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Glucose is essential for us to make energy and survive.

When we get glucose in our blood, it is transported to cells and used to make energy.

When glucose levels rise, insulin is released to convert and store excess glucose, usually as fat.

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Yes! We need to use energy through out the day. If it is released slowly, we use it as it is produced. This typically means that these is no excess to be stored.

If there is too much, we store it is fat. Later, because all the glucose has been removed, we actually have less glucose available and need to eat again. We feel hungry, eat hi GI again and the cycle continues. These are called fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

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Be careful! GI is not the only way to measure the

nutritional value of food. Even if it releases energy slowly, it

may not have much nutrients. Also, some high GI foods are necessary because of the nutrients they contain.

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The only way to get the right amount of nutrients, maintain a healthy weight and prevent diet related and hypokinetic diseases is to