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Means people who first lived in Australia. They are famous for Aboriginal dot painting. Taya



Anzac- Anzac stands for Australia and New Zealand army corps, which was the force that fought in the first world war .  By Alex Gardner  Australia is an island and a country. It is also very hot and it isWhere the aborigines live. It is in the southern hemisphere.Ross

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Brush tailed possum


An area of forest desert or scrubland outside the main cities. This world is not used in another countryLukeThe brush tailed possum has a long fluffy tail which looks like a hair brush. They live in forests, rocky areas with scattered eucalyptus trees and suburban habitats. They eat shoots, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds insects and young birds.Lucy

A Billabong is the Australian name for a river. Emma

Bush tucker

Bush walking-

Any type of plant or animal from Australia that is eaten as food By Connor

Hiking in the bush. Sandy

Boomerang A tool used to chop fruit of trees nowadays they are mostly sold to tourists as decorationsAlastair

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CCrocodile: A crocodile is a reptile crocodiles have a extra sea

through eyelid to to protect their eyes under the water and eat fishReilly

CYCLONE- A very strong, fierce storm with big winds.  By Josh Dung Crowley



: Is the capital of Australia and its in the south.Josh

Rainforests have long thick trees that grow. In the rainforest there is amazing Animals like chameleons, snakes and much much more!molly

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Didgeridoo: A instrument that is used in aboriginal music and is still used today! It is a long hollow bamboo tube you blow raspberry’s into it to make a buzzing noise.Jack

Dream time - According to Aboriginal beliefs the time when spirits created people, animals and land features. Emma Perkins.

Drought When areas of land has little or no rain and the plants there dry up and dies Australia suffers from drought sometimes Callum




The dessert is an extremely hot and dry place that has short bursts of rain once in a while. Sean manning.

Dingoes are wild dogs that live in Australia they are actually the relatives of pet dogs that travelled with the first people who reach AustraliaConnor

Darwin is a city in the Northern territory of Australia. George

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Emu- A flightless Australian bird with two legs and lays eggsDillan Edwards

Echidna: The Echidna is a spiky animal much like a hedgehog. The Echidna uses its spines for defence against predators Saskia

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 FANG- spiders fang is a long pointed sharp

tooth .By Sean

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Great barrier reef:

The great barrier reef is the biggest reef in the world and you can see the great barrier reef from out of space By Taya

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Humid- damp on moist place.Josh

Harbour A place where ships can shelter . Sydney is a harbour in Australia . By sandy.

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JOEY- Joey’s are baby kangaroo’s that hide in there mum’s pouch in there tummy. By Georgianna Thorn.

Jumbuck An archaic (old fashioned) Australian word for a sheep (used in the song walzing Matilda. Mr Winter

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Kookaburra Kookaburra’s live in woodlands and open forest’s they eat insects such as invertebrates. Josie

Kangaroo: A kangaroo is an animal you often find in Australia and it is a marsupial.Jordan

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Monotremes A monotreme is a mammal that lays eggs and has extra bones in their shoulder girdle. The monotremes are the only mammal that don’t experence REM sleep.

MAMMALS mammals are some animals and people. They are a class of vertebrates {they have a back bone} they have warm blood, hairy bodies; a four chambered heart and have four limbs. By Georgianna Thorn

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Native A plant or animal that was born in, or belongs to, a particular place. Also the native Australian were aboriginesEmma

Numbat : A Numbat is a small marsupial, it looks a bit like a small anteater ,It has a very long tongue.Rhiannon

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How many people or types of animals that live in a place/country/continent. E.g the population of Australia is 20,100,000 people.Jack

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Rabbit :

By Casey-leigh

Rabbits was introduced when Europeans first settled into Australia this was a problem because the rabbits spread and ate most of the vegetables so some of the plants and vegetables came extinct.

red kangaroo-  The red kangaroo has powerful back legs.Sean.m

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Sydney Sydney is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea.

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House has about 1000 rooms, including five theatres, five rehearsal studios, two main halls, four restaurants, six bars and numerous souvenir shops.

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Harbour Bridge is the tallest steel arch bridge, measuring 134 metres (440 ft) from top to water level.

Sir joseph banks:

Slit drum-


Sir Joseph Banks sailed to Australia on the £10,000 to the expedition when the king only gave £4,000 sir joseph banks job was to claim a island for Europe.   By caseyHollowed log with a slit cut in it. Scarlett

Surf means waves breaking on a beach. Alex

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TTiddalik: Is a big red frog from an aboriginal story.


Thorny devil:

Tasmanian Devil-

The Thorny devil is an Australian reptile. when predators come near it, it can cry blood so predators think it is infected or dead.Emma

The Tasmania devil looks evil but really he can be quite friendly Molly

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ULURU the aboriginal name for Ayr’s rock and it’s a large rock formation in central Australia.Georgianna Thorn.

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Vegemite: A type of dark, salty spread

made from concentrated yeast extract. It is very popular in AustraliaBy Elijah


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Witchetty grubs: A small, white, slug like creatureBy Reilly



Wombats are marsupials and they are champion diggers. They like habitats were the soil is easy to dig wombats are animals that have soft, cuddly and brown fur.Josie

An Australian marsupial similar to but smaller than the kangaroo.Morgan

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