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Glories of Persia Culture - Part 28

Oct 10, 2015



Shing Ming Tang

impression of Iran in 29 Days璀璨伊朗文明之旅 29天 Part 28
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Glories of Persia Culture - impression of Iran in 29 Days 29 Part 28 : Allan, 2552-4411 : Mehrad Kajooeyan, Arg-e -Jadid Travel Corp

06/01()+02() 28+29 TEHRAN->DUBAI ( 16 hr ) ->TAIPEI EK972 11:40/13:10 :02h + EK366 04:05/16:40: 08h35m : Mahan Air


16 : 19416 194311194719501954(National Iranian Oil Company ,NIOC) 1953Musaddeq1963( peasant-and lord agricultural system)1958 )1950~701002200 Seyyed Ruhollah Mosavi Hkomeini1964114 1973Shah Mohammad Reza PahlaviPrincess Ashraf, Princess Shahnaz, the Shah, Princess Farahnaz and Crown Prince Reza, Queen Farah and Princess Shams1973 : 1978~79Qum1979116Cyrus the GreatShah Ayatollah Khomeini( )

( )1980922Saddam Hussein19888202003 (Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani 197821 (196414 )(Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini )1979191979126211 (Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini )41Majlesvali-ye faqihAyatollah ( Sign of God ) Office of the Supreme Leader Council of Guardian () 1979114Shah66( 13)19804()4441981120( Ronald Reagan )802001Axis of Evil ( ) ()Saddam Hussein1980922501986111987198871019893001989Sayid Ali Khamenei.Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani1989~1997 -(Hojjatolislam Mohammed Khatami) ( Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) 199084002001001991199319951997-(Mohammed Khatami)19971999(Ayatollah Khamenei) 200022/320016 (Guardian Council) 20028200368 20033200312Bam26,000200422/3 (Revolutionary Guards)2004112005220056Mahmoud Ahmadinejad1979(anti-Holocaust )20062(Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty)30 (Ahwaz-Bangestan, Marun, Gachsaran, Agha Jari, and Bibi Hakimeh ) Ayatollah Seyed Ali KhmeneiHassan Rohani, , ( )""chador ( )

()Islamophobia in US ( Phobia )30%50%71%( Bernard Lewis)88%() ( Arab terrorism )1980( Islamic terrorism )( militant Islam ) ( Islamic fundamentalism )19791152444198030 : 1972952011 9Operation Boulder" FBI19754 : 197135%51%197310123.01110.6511973197519731061973101419221967619731016197310(OPEC)1973313201971141000,80250 901991 FBI19931995168Tmothy McVeighSaddam Hussein( Hamas, Hezbollah , Islamic Jihad )1996" Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act " 2001911 ( islamophobia)02050920138

29 Mashhad1518Timurid DynastySafavid Dynasty1840Afsharid DynastyNader Shah17271739 Shrine of Imam Ali al-Ridha8179 817 (765818) 20 () ( )400( )Kish

271213000Darius23138Harireh1991107119791982 198919931530