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β-Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation Jurgen Kooren

-Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

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β-Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

Jurgen Kooren

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β-Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

β-Globine gen-regulatie en nucleaire organisatie


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

op gezag van de rector magnificus

Prof.dr. S.W.J. Lamberts

en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op

woensdag 19 december 2007 om 13.45 uur


Jurgen Alexander Kooren

geboren te Rotterdam

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Promotor: Prof.dr. F.G. Grosveld

Overige leden: D.N. Meijer Prof.dr. J.N.J. Philipsen Dr. M.M. von Lindern

Copromotor: Dr. W.L. de Laat

Cover: M.C. Escher’s “Order and Chaos” © 2007 The M.C. Escher Company B.V. - Baarn – Holland. All rights reserved.

Dit proefschrift is tot stand gekomen binnen de vakgroep Celbiologie aan de faculteit der Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen van het Erasmus MC te Rotterdam. De vakgroep maakt deel uit van het Medisch Genetisch Centrum Zuid-West Nederland.

Een bijdrage in de drukkosten van dit proefschrift is verkregen van de J.E. Jurriaanse Stichting.

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“Verwondering is het zout der aarde.”

M.C. Escher

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List of abbreviations 8

Chapter 1 Introduction 12

Transcriptional regulation on the chromatin template 12

Cis-regulatory elements and gene expression 22

Transcriptional regulation of the β-globin locus 34

Studying nuclear organisation using 4C technology 58

Scope of this thesis 65

Chapter 2 An evaluation of 3C-based methods capturing DNA interactions 68

Chapter 3 β-Globin Active Chromatin Hub formation in differentiating erythroid cells and in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice


Chapter 4 CTCF mediates long-range chromatin looping and local histone modification in the β-globin locus


Chapter 5 The nuclear organisation of peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions


Chapter 6 Discussion 134

References 142

Summary 156

Samenvatting 158

Curriculum vitae 162

List of publications 163

Nawoord 164


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List of abbreviations

3C Chromosome Conformation Capture4C Chromosome Conformation Capture on ChipACH Active Chromatin Hubbp Base pairsCH Chromatin HubChIP Chromatin immuno-precipitationCTCF CCCTC-binding factorDNA Deoxyribonucleic acidDNAseI Deoxyribonuclease IEKLF Erythroid Krϋppel-like factorES-EP Embryonic stem cell derived erythroid progenitorFISH Fluorescent in situ hybridizationHAT Histone acetyltransferaseHDAC Histone deacetylaseHP1 Heterochromatin protein 1HS Hypersensitive siteHSC Hematopoietic stem cellICR Imprinting control regionLCR Locus Control RegionMEL Mouse erythroleukemiamRNA messenger RNANF-E2 Nuclear factor erythroid derived 2OR Olfactory receptorPCR Polymerase chain reactionPEV Position effect variegationPIC Pre-initiation complexRNA Ribonucleic acidRNAPII RNA polymerase IITBP TATA binding protein

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The emergence of multicellular life, about one billion years ago, represents one of the key events

in the evolution of life on earth. This process initiated a chain of events that eventually led to the

biological diversity as we know it today. Given this complexity of life, it is fascinating to realise that

the development of every multicellular organism begins with a single cell, e.g. a fertilised oocyte.

Throughout development, this single cell divides mitotically to give rise to numerous different cell

types, eventually constituting the adult organism. This cellular diversity is remarkable given the

fact that every cell harbours the same genetic information that, in cases of higher eukaryotes, is

stored in billions of base pairs of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The morphological and functional

diversity among cells is the result of the precise regulation of this genetic information at different

stages of cellular differentiation. Activation and repression of genes is precisely regulated since

abnormal gene expression can lead to defects at the cellular level, which may eventually result in

diseases such as cancer. Therefore, different levels of control must exist to safeguard the proper

spatiotemporal expression of genes throughout the process of cellular differentiation and this

thesis will mainly describe studies concerned with the process of transcriptional regulation.

Regulatory sequences encoded in the primary DNA sequence provide the first level of

transcriptional control. These cis regulatory elements such as promoters and enhancers are able

to bind a diverse set of proteins called transcription factors that can lead to either activation

or repression of the genes they control. A second level of control originates from the fact that

eukaryotic DNA is packaged into chromatin. Besides serving the compaction of the genome,

modifications of this chromatin template can lead to local alterations in its structure thereby

facilitating or suppressing transcriptional output. Finally, the three-dimensional topology of the

chromatinized DNA template in the spatially confined environment of the nucleus provides

another level of regulation. Although less well understood, there is growing evidence that higher

order chromatin structure and nuclear organisation provide another level of transcriptional

control throughout development and cell differentiation.

Transcriptional regulation on the chromatin template

All hereditary information required for the development and functioning of an organism is stored

on long DNA molecules, the chromosomes, that locate inside a eukaryotic nucleus. A DNA

molecule consists of two polynucleotide chains composed of different combinations of four types

of nucleotide subunits. The entire functional unit controlling a discrete hereditary characteristic

(usually corresponding to a single protein or RNA) is called a gene.In higher eukaryotes like

humans, the entire genome with a length of up to two meters needs to be compacted in order

to fit into a nucleus with a diameter as small as 3-10 μm. This compaction results in the formation

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Introduction 13

of condensed chromatin fibers that are inherently restrictive to processes (like transcription)

requiring access to the DNA sequence.

Packaging of the genome into chromatin

The fundamental packaging unit of chromatin is the nucleosome. Nucleosomes consist of a core

histone octamer (2 copies of each core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4) around which the

DNA double helix is wrapped in 1.7 left-handed superhelical turns spanning 147 bp (Luger et

al., 1997). Each nucleosome consists of two functionally different domains. The core globular

domain mediates histone-histone and histone-DNA interactions. In addition to this, each of the

core histones have a long N-terminal amino acid ‘tail’, which protrudes from the DNA-histone

core. Covalent modifications of these histone tails have a crucial role in regulating chromatin

structure by recruiting specific proteins to a marked stretch of chromatin. Furthermore, these

modifications affect the charge of the histone proteins resulting in changed functional properties

of the chromatin template. Patterns of different modifications are thought to form a specific

‘histone code’ that is associated with structural changes that occur in chromatin at replication

and transcription.

Each nucleosome core particle is separated from the next by a region of linker DNA, which

can vary in length from a few nucleotide pairs up to about 80. Nucleosomes together with this

linker DNA give rise to the 10-nm fiber (‘beads on a string’) conformation, which represents

the first level of chromosomal DNA packing. In addition to core histones, metazoan chromatin

also contains linker histones (such as histone H1), which are not related in sequence to the core

histones, but also contain a globular domain flanked by NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal tail

domains (Parseghian and Hamkalo, 2001). Binding of linker histone H1 results in condensation

of the nucleosomal array and the second level of chromosomal packing; the more compact

30 nm fiber (Allan et al., 1986) (Figure 1.1). Despite intense efforts, the actual structure of the

30 nm fiber remains unresolved and current biophysical and biochemical studies have led to

two principal concepts of fiber architecture underlying the 30 nm fiber: the one-start solenoid

model and the zigzag two-start helical model (reviewed in (Tremethick, 2007)). It should be

noted however that the 30 nm fiber so far has only been visualized in vitro and is not seen as an

underlying structure in sections of whole nuclei in most higher eukaryotes cell types (Horowitz-

Scherer and Woodcock, 2006).

Further compaction of eukaryotic chromatin into higher order fibers is probably the result

of self-association of these 30 nm fibers into a series of chromatin loops and/or coils. It is not

surprising that the molecular basis of additional higher order chromatin structure is even less

well defined, although several models of large scale chromatin folding exist. The ‘giant loop’ and

‘radial array’ models were proposed for interphase chromosomes and are based on the statistical

analysis of the mean separation between two chromosomal sites as a function of genomic distance

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(Munkel et al., 1999; Sachs et al., 1995). Both models propose that the 30 nm fiber is arranged

as DNA loops with variable sizes which extend outwards from a central protein matrix and form

a rosette-like conformation. Alternatively, the ‘folded chromonema’ model is based on light and

electron microscopy and predicts that the 30 nm fiber is progressively folded, eventually resulting

in a compacted chromonema fiber of 100-300 nm width (Belmont et al., 1989; Li et al., 1998a;

Tumbar et al., 1999). The folding of this fiber is postulated to be organized either by nuclear

scaffolding proteins or by non-specific interfiber interactions, possibly regulated by different

histone variants or tail modifications (Hansen, 2002). However, given the intrinsic artificiality of

the experimental setups to study higher order chromatin folding models it is uncertain whether

one of these model systems are representative of normal interphase chromatin.

Heterochromatin vs. euchromatin

The interior of the eukaryotic nucleus is clearly non-homogenous and already in 1928 areas of

differential compaction were distinguished by studying several species of moss (Heitz, 1928).

Subsequent cytological staining and light microscopic studies confirmed this subdivision in two

types of chromatin as a general hallmark of eukaryotic interphase nuclei. These observations

resulted in the introduction of the terms heterochromatin and euchromatin to describe chromatin

fractions showing differences in their degree of condensation. Heterochromatin is the term used

for highly condensed, inaccessible chromatin, which is highly ordered in nucleosomal arrays and

appears darkly stained throughout the cell cycle. Other regions that appear less densely stained and

decondense as the cell progresses from metaphase to interphase are named euchromatin. Because

of its higher accessibility, euchromatin is generally more easily transcribed and shows a more

disorganised nucleosome array (reviewed in (Dillon and Festenstein, 2002)). An overview of

other distinctive features between euchromatin and heterochromatin are presented in Table 1.

Figure 1.1DNA is packaged into chromatin.The basic building block of chromatin is DNA wrapped around nucleosomes, which together with linker DNA give rise to a 10-nm ‘beads on a string’ conformation. The second level of chromosomal packaging is the result of subsequent condensation of this nucleosomal array and the formation of a 30-nm fiber. Further compaction and loop formation results in additional higher-order structure and mitotic chromosome condensation leads to the final level of hierarchy of chromosome packaging.

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Introduction 15


Mammalian euchromatic regions are typically composed of unique, non-repetitive sequences

with a high to variable gene density. A distinctive property of euchromatin is its relatively high GC-

content (65%) as a result of the presence of unmethylated CpG islands. By contrast, bulk DNA

is comparatively GC-poor (40%) and heavily methylated at CpG (Bird et al., 1985; Bird, 1986).

CpG islands are associated with approximately 50% of all mammalian gene promoters and often

contain multiple binding sites for transcription factors (Somma et al., 1991). Additionally, CpG

islands almost completely lack linker histone H1 (which is involved in chromatin condensation)

and are often identified as initiation sites for replication (Delgado et al., 1998). The presence of

DNAseI hypersensitive sites as a result of its decondensation status is another typical feature

of euchromatin. Specific histone modifications associated with euchromatic regions are the

hyperacetylated lysines of histone H3 and H4 and the methylation of the lysine 4 residue of

histone H3 (H3K4me) (Richards and Elgin, 2002). Taken together, euchromatin is comprised

of gene-rich chromosomal regions and forms a relatively open and decondensed chromatin

compartment thereby facilitating processes associated with gene activity.

Feature Euchromatin Constitutive heterochromatin

Staining/packaging during interphase Decondensed Condensed

DNA sequence Predominantly uniquePredominantly repetitive (satellites; derivatives of viruses, transposons, etc.)

Replication timing Early/throughout S phase Late S phase

Chromatin structureDisorganised nucleosomal array, relative accessible to nucleases, presence of HS sites

Regular nucleosomal array, less accessible to nucleases,loss of HS sites

Presence of genes High/variable density Low densityGC-rich GC-poor

Activity state

Euchromatic genes Genes inducible Genes silenced (variegated)

Heterochromatic genes Genes silenced (variegated) Genes inducible

Characteristic modifications

Histone H3 and H4 hyperacetylationHistone H3K4me present

Cytosine hypomethylation

Histone hypoacetylation

Histone H3K9me present

Cytosine hypermethylation

Table 1. Distinction between Euchromatic and Heterochromatic domains (based on (Dillon and Festenstein, 2002; Richards and Elgin, 2002)).

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Heterochromatin can be divided in two different populations: constitutive heterochromatin and

facultative heterochromatin. Constitutive heterochromatin is mainly found at pericentromeric

regions and is located at condensed regions that remain permanently silenced throughout the

cell cycle. This type of heterochromatin is generally composed of long stretches of satellite

repeats which can vary significantly in length and composition between species. For example,

human pericentromeric heterochromatin is mainly composed of a 171-bp α-satellite repeat,

whereas in mouse the pancentromeric 234-bp γ-repeats is the most predominant repetitive

element present in constitutive heterochromatin. Besides these characteristics present in

the primary DNA sequence, the assembly of constitutive heterochromatin involves complex

patterns of histone modifications (such as H3K9me, H3K27me and H4K20me), the recruitment

of chromodomain proteins such as heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and the binding of currently

unknown RNA components (Jenuwein and Allis, 2001; Maison and Almouzni, 2004; Maison et

al., 2002).

Facultative heterochromatin can be defined as developmentally regulated heterochromatin

capable of undergoing a transition between the heterochromatic and euchromatic states. This

transition occurs throughout development and differentiation when silencing of a particular

subset of genes is needed for proper cell-type specific transcriptional regulation. A prominent

example of this type of heterochromatin is the inactivation of either the paternal of maternal X

chromosome in female mammals. This inactivated X chromosome remains silent through mitotic

cell divisions and can be distinguished from its active counterpart by changes in its chromatin status

such as differential histone modifications and DNA methylation (Heard and Disteche, 2006). The

occurrence of position effect variegation (PEV) in which genes normally active in a euchromatic

domain will typically be silenced when placed adjacent to or within a heterochromatic domain

is another example of facultative heterochromatin. This silencing shows a variegating phenotype

that is thought to reflect the stochastic nature of heterochromatin assembly at the euchromatin/

heterochromatin boundary. Currently there are three well-characterized biochemical markers

indicative of heterochromatin: DNA methylation at cytosine residues, hypoacetylation of histone

lysine residues and methylation of histone H3 at lysine 9.

The most common form of DNA modification in eukaryotes and an important epigenetic

mark that contributes to the stability of pericentromeric heterochromatin is DNA methylation

(Okano et al., 1999; Xu et al., 1999). The post-synthetic addition of methyl groups to the

5’ position of cytosine alters the structure of the major groove of DNA to which DNA binding

proteins bind, thereby preventing transcriptional initiation of for example genes on the inactive

X chromosome, imprinted genes and parasitic DNA (Jones and Takai, 2001).

The discovery that many transcription factors are associated with either histone

acetyltransferase (HAT) or histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity suggests that histone acetylation

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Introduction 17

is important for regulating gene expression. Indeed, hypoacetylation of histone lysine residues is

associated with both the formation of heterochromatin and subsequent gene silencing, probably

by having a direct effect on the stability and higher-order packaging of nucleosomes (Strahl and

Allis, 2000; Tse et al., 1998). Acetylation is however not generally associated with activation as

examplified by the acetylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4ac), which is associated with gene

repression. Another covalent modification linked to heterochromatin is the methylation of histone

H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me). Initial experiments on D. melanogaster polytene chromosomes showed

that the majority of H3K9me is present in pericentromeric regions and repetitive sequences

(Jacobs et al., 2001). Methylated histones recruit proteins that either directly or indirectly

modify chromatin and methylation of H3K9 results in high-affinity binding of HP1 (Bannister

et al., 2001; Lachner et al., 2001). Besides attracting HDACs and other proteins implicated

in heterochromatin formation, HP1 has the ability to multimerize through its chromoshadow

domain and may thereby promote higher-order structures (Brasher et al., 2000; Cowieson

et al., 2000; Yamada et al., 2005). The observation that that the methyltransferase Su(var)3-9

co-immunoprecipitates with HP1 led to a model in which the interaction between the two

proteins and methylated H3K9 is involved in the propagation and stabilisation of the epigenetic

code present in heterochromatin (Hall et al., 2002; Schotta et al., 2002). This ability to propagate

is one of the key features of heterochromatin and influences gene expression of nearby genes in a

sequence independent manner. Although this spreading generally causes epigenetic repression of

nearby sequences, there are several reports in which formation of heterochromatin is required

for activation of gene expression (Lu et al., 2000; Weiler and Wakimoto, 1995; Yasuhara and

Wakimoto, 2006). Furthermore, a subset of transcribed genes can be found associated with

histone modifications (H3K9me) and proteins (HP1) which typically characterise heterochromatin

and possibly influence transcriptional elongation of linked genes (Greil et al., 2003; Piacentini et

al., 2003; Vakoc et al., 2005b). These examples indicate that the organisation of the genome is

complex and a division between transcriptionally silent heterochromatin and active euchromatin

is, although generally correct, an oversimplification.

Modifications of the chromatin template

In general, gene expression is determined by the general accessibility of the DNA template to

the many different components of the transcription machinery. Therefore, detailed knowledge

about processes influencing the compaction and accessibility of the chromatin template is

crucial for understanding how gene expression is regulated. The chromatin template carries

numerous modifications of either histones or DNA. Currently, there are two not mutually

exclusive proposals for the mechanistic function of these modifications. In the first view, histone

modifications directly alter the chromatin packaging (either by changing the electrostatic charge

or internucleosomal contacts) resulting in a more open or closed DNA polymer. This effect

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directly influences the binding of DNA-binding proteins such as transcription factors. The other

view is that attached chemical moieties to nucleosome surfaces or the DNA template promotes

the association of chromatin-binding proteins. This binding of effector protein complexes to this

so-called ‘histone code’ influences transcriptional output. Clearly, as the deposition of histone

marks occurs at specific sites in the genome, binding of sequence-specific trans-acting factors is

first required to attract the histone modifying enzymes.

Covalent histone modifications

Both the amino- and carboxy-terminal tails of histones can be covalently modified in several ways

and certain modifications seem to correlate with either positive or negative transcriptional states

(see Table 2).

DNA modification Site of modification Transcriptional role

Methylated cytosine (meC) CpG (but not CpG islands) Repression

Histone post translational modification Site of modification Transcriptional role

Acetylated lysine (KAc)

H3(9,14,18,56), H4(5,8,13,16), H2A, H2B, H3(4)

Activation Repression

Phosphorylated serine/threonine (S/Tph) H3(3,10,28), H2A, H2B Activation

Methylated arginine (Rme) H3(17,23) Activation

Methylated lysine (Kme)

H3(4,36,79) H3(9,27), H4(20)

Activation Repression

Ubiquitylated lysine (Kub) H2B(123*/120#) H2A(119#)

Activation Repression

Sumoylated lysine H2B(6/7), H2A(126) Repression

Isomerized proline (Pisom) H3(30-38) Activation/ Repression

Table 2. DNA modifications and post translational histone tail modifications (* yeast; S. cerevisae / # mammals, based on (Berger, 2007)).

One of the best studied examples of histone tail modification is the addition or removal of acetyl

groups. Enzymes called histone acetyl transferases (HATs) function by transferring an acetyl group

from acetyl-CoA to the amino group of certain lysine residues (Sterner and Berger, 2000). This

neutralises the positive charged lysine residues thereby decreasing the affinity of the nucleosome

for the DNA wrapped around it. The resulting hyperacetylation of histones correlates with

increased transcription (Peterson, 2002). On the other hand, the opposing histone deacetylases

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Introduction 19

(HDACs) are often part of protein complexes associated with general repression of gene

transcription (Narlikar et al., 2002).

The methylation of lysine at position 4 and 9 of the amino terminus of histone H3 (H3K4

and H3K9) has recently been allocated a central role in the framework of histone modifications

(Lachner and Jenuwein, 2002). As indicated before, H3K9 methylation is mediated by the histone

methyl transferase (HMTase) Suv39 and provides a high-affinity binding site for heterochromatin

protein 1 (HP1). Suv39/HP1-mediated repression is mainly associated with constitutive

heterochromatin, but might also be involved in gene repression at euchromatic targets (Nielsen

et al., 2001). One possible mechanism for this silencing is the direct recruitment by H3K9

methylated sites of factors involved in DNA methylation (Tamaru and Selker, 2001). Conversely,

methylation of H3K4 by specific HMTs like SET-7 and SET-9 appears to render chromatin

permissive for transcription. H3K4me3 specifically localised to the 5’ ends of ORFs and several

complexes associated with transcriptional initiation and elongation (e.g. NURF, Chd1 and NuA3)

bind to methylated H3K4 (Berger, 2007).

There is not always a strict division between active and repressive modification states.

Complexes like Sin3/Hdac1 and JMJD2A, show binding to H3K4 methylated residues but are

associated with transcriptional repression and not gene activation (Huang et al., 2006; Shi et al.,

2006). Adding even more to the complexity is the fact that each lysine residue can be mono-,

di- and tri-methylated resulting in a different chromatin state and associated protein complexes

(Bannister et al., 2002; Iizuka and Smith, 2003). Clearly, the consequences of each modification

are often context dependent. Altogether, this leads to the conclusion that regulation by histone

modifications is dynamic and the presence of a specific modification does not necessarily indicate

a unique regulatory status, making the interpretation of individual modifications more complex

than previously thought (Guenther et al., 2007).

ATP dependent chromatin remodelling

Several basal transcription factors, like the TATA binding protein (TBP), can not bind to their

target DNA sequence if this site is occluded by a nucleosome. Therefore, specialised classes

of chromatin remodelling enzymes exist that are capable of facilitating activator binding by

repositioning nucleosomes and adjusting nucleosome spacing. These transcriptional co-activators,

which are present in every eukaryotic organism and show a high degree of conservation between

species, all belong to the SNF2 family of DNA-dependent ATPases. They all have a helicase-like

ATPase domain that use ATP hydrolysis to alter histone-DNA contacts (Cote et al., 1994; Kwon

et al., 1994).

Based on the presence of other functional domains, ATP dependent remodellers are grouped

into three different subclasses. The SWI/SNF family is characterized by the presence of a bromo

domain which binds acetylated histones (Hassan et al., 2002). The family comprises yeast Snf2 and

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Sth2, Drosophila melanogaster brahma (BRM) and mammalian BRM and brahma-like 1 (BRG1).

By contrast, members of the ISWI family have a SANT domain which is thought to be involved

in the binding of specifically modified histones (Boyer et al., 2004). This family consists of two

ISWI homologues in yeast (Isw1 and Isw2) and mammals (SNF2H and SNF2L). Finally, members

of the chromodomain and helicase-like domain (CHD) family are characterized by the presence

of two amino-terminal chromodomains, which specifically interact with methylated histone tail

(Bannister et al., 2001; Flanagan et al., 2005; Lachner et al., 2001; Sims et al., 2005). The presence

of specific histone binding domains raises the possibility that different classes of remodelling

enzymes are targeted to regions of specifically modified chromatin, implying functional interplay

between ATP dependent remodellers and covalent modifiers. Question remains how these

remodellers and modifiers that bind DNA in a sequence-independent manner are targeted to

specific loci? In many cases, mammalian differentiation pathways require the combined activity

of tissue-specific factors that regulate gene expression and remodelling enzymes (Bultman et al.,

2005; Chi et al., 2002; Gresh et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2004). These sequence-

specific transcription factors are able to bind specific DNA regulatory sequences, thereby

targeting histone modifying complexes and remodelling complexes to specific loci. Given the

different spatio-temporal expression patterns of these sequence specific transcription factors,

this generates a mechanistic framework for the execution of different transcription programs

at different times and in different cell types. Indeed, many transcriptional regulators such as C/

EBPβ (Kowenz-Leutz and Leutz, 1999), MLL (Rozenblatt-Rosen et al., 1998), EKLF (Armstrong

et al., 1998; Zhang and Bieker, 1998), NF-E2 (Cheng et al., 1997; Forsberg et al., 1999) and

PPARγ (Erickson et al., 2001; Pedersen et al., 2001; Takahashi et al., 2002) can target SWI/SNF

enzyme subunits or interact with HATs and HDACs. However, a number of transcription factors,

like e.g. GATA-1 in erythroid cells (Rodriguez et al., 2005), have the ability to interact with

both activating and repressing complexes, adding another level of complexity. So, the distinction

between activation and repression is again not strict and depends on the sequence context and

developmental stage.

RNA polymerase II transcription

Eukaryotic protein encoding genes are transcribed into an intermediate messenger RNA

(mRNA) by an enzymatic holocomplex containing RNA polymerase II (RNAPII). The initiation

of transcription by recruitment of RNAPII and general transcription factors to the promoter

of a gene is a highly regulated process. In eukaryotes, this regulation occurs in the context

of chromatin, which generally causes repression, necessitating another level of regulation.

Consequently, RNAPII transcription also entails recruitment of chromatin remodelling

complexes, such as ATP dependent remodellers and histone modifying enzymes. Transcription

can be seen as a progression of ordered events where transcription factor interactions and

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Introduction 21

posttranslational modifications are spatially and temporally coordinated to ensure proper

transcriptional progression. The process can be divided into a number of distinct steps consisting

of pre-initiation complex assembly, initiation, promoter clearance, elongation and termination.

In order to start transcription, a pre-initiation complex (PIC) needs to be assembled on a special

DNA recognition sequence called a promoter. Pre-initiation complex assembly proceeds in a

stepwise manner where TBP and its associated factors (TFIID) first recognize the core promoter

TATA element (Muller and Tora, 2004). Subsequent binding of TFIIA stabilizes TFIID association

on the promoter by counteracting inhibitory factors. In vivo promoter cross-linking studies in

yeast indicate that stable binding of TBP to the TATA-box of an activated gene also requires the

function of other general transcription factors like TFIIB and Mediator (Kuras and Struhl, 1999;

Li et al., 1999). An early checkpoint for correct promoter complex assembly is the recognition

of the TFIID/A/B complex at the TATA box by an RNAPII/TFIIF complex. Subsequent binding of

TFIIE leads to the establishment of a proper RNAPII configuration prepared for open complex

formation and promoter melting catalysed by TFIIH (Svejstrup, 2004). This indicates that the

pathway to assembly of productive pre-initiation complexes should be viewed as a series of

rapidly established equilibria between DNA-association and –dissociation of general transcription

factors. Only if a complete pre-initiation complex is assembled at the promoter of a gene, the

process of transcription is initiated and proceeds to the next step of promoter clearance. The

phosphorylation of the C-terminal repeat domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNAPII by a

kinase component of TFIIH triggers promoter clearance and thereby defines the initiation-to-

elongation transition. It results in the phosphorylation of the serine 5 residue of the repeated

heptameric Y-S-P-T-S-P-S sequence present in the CTD. Association of RNAPII with the Mediator

complex enhances this TFIIH-mediated CTD phosphorylation up to several hundred-fold (Cosma

et al., 2001; Kim et al., 1994; Naar et al., 2002). Additional CTD phosphorylation of the serine 2

residue to overcome an early elongation delay is targeted by Cdk9/P-TEFb (Svejstrup, 2004). Both

CTD phosphorylation events are thought to disrupt interactions between RNAPII and associated

protein complexes like Mediator and other general transcription factors. Simultaneously, new

interactions are established with RNA maturation factors such as capping enzymes (Cho et al.,

1997; Yue et al., 1997) and other mRNA processing factors (Proudfoot et al., 2002). Furthermore,

CTD phosphorylation is also important for interactions between RNAPII and protein complexes

related to transcriptional elongation, such as Set1/2 and Elongator (Gerber and Shilatifard,

2003; Hampsey and Reinberg, 2003; Otero et al., 1999). Although many details are still unclear,

the phosphorylation mediated disruption of links to the initiation machinery and loading of

elongation-specific factors leads to promoter clearance and, ultimately, transcript elongation.

Efficient elongation results in the production of nascent RNA (nRNA) and requires that the CTD

is kept phosphorylated during the entire length of the run by counteracting the activity of the

CTD phosphatase Fcp1 which is responsible for removing CTD phosphates (Kobor et al., 1999;

Lin et al., 2002). The identification of a large number of RNAPII associated factors that are

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important for the ability to establish efficient transcript elongation underscores the complicated

nature of this process (reviewed in (Svejstrup, 2002)). Transcriptional termination by RNAPII

differs fundamentally from transcript initiation in that it does not occur at the same position every

time, but rather in a zone situated downstream from fairly loosely defined terminator elements

on the DNA template. After termination of transcription, the nascent RNA (nRNA) matures into

mRNA after removal of intron sequences and covalent modifications of the 5’ and 3’ end. The

5’ end is capped by the addition of a methylated G nucleotide important for initiation of protein

synthesis and the 3’ end is modified by the addition of a poly-A tail important for the export of

mRNA from the nucleus and its stability in the cytoplasm (reviewed in (Proudfoot et al., 2002)).

Cis-regulatory elements and gene expression

As mentioned before, a fundamental process for the survival of every organism is the

controlled expression of protein coding genes throughout development and differentiation.

Therefore, eukaryotic genomes contain several elements that regulate proper spatio-temporal

expression of genes. These so called cis-regulatory elements are relatively small DNA fragments

(200-300 bp) that can bind both general and sequence specific factors and can be detected as

DNAseI hypersensitive sites. Collectively they coordinate the interplay between the genetic

information encoded in the primary DNA sequence and the RNA polymerase II machinery.

Both in vitro and in vivo studies have identified several distinct cis-regulatory elements, including

promoters, enhancers, silencers, Locus Control Regions (LCRs) and insulators.


A promoter element can be defined as a stretch of DNA found directly upstream of the

transcription start site of genes that directs the initiation of transcription. Promoters recruit,

position and stabilise the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery to facilitate proper

transcriptional initiation of linked genes. RNA polymerase II by itself is incapable of promoter

recognition and therefore requires additional factors commonly known as GTFs (general

transcription factors) to initiate transcription. One of the key factors capable of binding to the

core promoter is the multisubunit TFIID complex that contains TBP (TATA-box binding protein)

as well as over ten TAFs (TBP-associated factors). Binding of TFIID comprises the first step in

promoter initiation complex (PIC) assembly and hallmarks the start of transcription initiation

(reviewed in (Orphanides et al., 1996)). Early observations identified core promoter regions

that are typically located between -35 to +35 nucleotides relative to the transcriptional start

site. These elements are important for focused transcriptional initiation at a single nucleotide or

within a narrow region of several nucleotides. These core promoter regions contain sequence

motifs such as the TATA box, the TFIIB recognition element (BRE), the initiator element (Inr)

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and downstream core promoter element (DPE) that are sufficient to drive RNA polymerase II

transcription from nucleosome free DNA templates in vitro (Albright and Tjian, 2000; Juven-

Gershon et al., 2006). All of these elements were originally identified in DNA viruses and highly

expressed cellular genes which often contain TATA-boxes and show focused transcriptional

initiation. However, this initial modular picture of core promoter structure probably needs to be

redefined as subsequent studies of other cellular genes reveal that there are no true universal

core promoter elements present in higher eukaryotes (Smale, 2001). For example, recent

studies suggest that TATA-box elements are only present in approximately 10-15% of human

core promoters (Bajic et al., 2004; Gershenzon and Ioshikhes, 2005; Kim et al., 2005). In fact,

many mammalian core promoters even lack all of the above-mentioned core motifs and show

transcriptional initiation at multiple weak start sites that are dispersed over a broad region of

50-150 bp (Sandelin et al., 2007). This so-called dispersed initiation occurs typically in GC-rich

stretches of DNA located in CpG islands, that are often associated with housekeeping genes

(Juven-Gershon et al., 2006; Smale, 2001). So, the exact mechanisms of transcriptional initiation

at the promoters of eukaryotic genes are not yet clarified and it is likely that many undiscovered

core promoter motifs will be identified in the future.

Enhancers and silencers

Transcriptional control of many mammalian genes not only relies on promoters but also on the

presence of cis-regulatory elements collectively known as enhancers. Enhancers are capable of

enhancing the basal transcription levels of a linked promoter and were originally identified in

transient transfection assay as sequences capable of transcriptional activation of a linked promoter

over large distances in an orientation independent manner (Banerji et al., 1981; Moreau et al.,

1981). They show a modular organisation and resemble promoters without a transcriptional

start site, containing a collection of protein binding sites capable of binding different classes of

transcription factors. By binding both general transcription factors and developmental or cell

type specific factors they provide additional specificity to the gene they activate. One of the

first enhancers to be characterised was a tandem SV40 repeat of two identical 72 bp elements

located 200 bp upstream of the start point of a transcription unit (Moreau et al., 1981). In yeast,

enhancer-like elements called upstream activator sequences (UAS) are found that can function in

either orientation at variable distances up to about 1 kbp upstream of the promoter (Guarente,

1988). In higher eukaryotes however, enhancers can be located up to several hundreds of kilobases

upstream or downstream of the promoter. In order to upregulate transcription over large

distances, these enhancers need to communicate with their linked promoters and several models

of long-range enhancer action have been proposed (more detailed discussion in next section).

Silencers are another type of regulatory elements involved in negatively controlling the

transcriptional activity of genes (reviewed in (Ogbourne and Antalis, 1998)). Like enhancers they

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Figure 1.2Proposed models for long-range enhancer-promoter communication.Enhancer action over distance is exemplified by communication between the LCR and the globin gene promoter in the β-globin locus. Globin genes are depicted as triangles with actively transcribed gene in black and non-transcribed genes in grey. DNAse I HSs are indicated as black ovals, LCR-bound trans-acting factors as grey ovals and promoter bound factors (e.g. general transcription machinery) are depicted as white ovals. White boxes surrounding the locus represent olfactory receptor (OR) genes. A. The looping model states that DNA-bound protein-protein interactions result in direct contacts between an enhancer (LCR) and the promoter of a gene. Contacts are established by random collision and are essential for transcription. As a consequence of LCR-interactions the intervening chromatin template is looped out. Note that the looping model, unlike other models, does not depend on the presence of intervening chromatin template for transcription, rather transcription depends on random collision between LCR-bound complexes and promoter-bound complexes.B. The tracking model proposes that factors nucleate at the enhancer (LCR) and subsequently track along the intervening chromatin fiber towards the promoter of the gene (grey arrows indicate the movement of nucleated complexes along the chromatin template). Once a tracking complex reaches the promoter of a potentiated gene, transcription initiates.C. The facilitated tracking model unites looping and tracking. This model states that complexes nucleate at the enhancer and form an LCR-protein complex, which tracks along the intervening chromatin template towards a potentially active gene (grey arrows indicate movement). Upon direct contact between the LCR-bound protein complex and the promoter, transcription initiates.D. According to the linking model, LCR-promoter communication is established by the transmission of a nucleoprotein structure along the intervening chromatin template. This complex gradually polymerises and transcription initiates when it reaches the promoter of a potentiated gene (grey arrow).





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contain multiple binding sites for regulatory proteins and act on a promoter in an orientation

and position independent manner. The first silencing elements were identified in the mating type

loci of yeast (Brand et al., 1985) (reviewed in (Dillon and Festenstein, 2002)) and subsequently

in many more loci, including one in the human β-globin locus silencing the ε globin gene (Cao

et al., 1989) and one in the chicken lysozyme gene (Baniahmad et al., 1987). Although the exact

mechanism of silencing needs to be resolved it is evident that proper spatiotemporal regulation

of gene expression depends on accurate cooperation between enhancer and silencer elements.

Mechanisms of long-range enhancer-promoter communication

The basic principle of gene activation by promoter-proximal DNA-binding proteins is primarily

based on the concept of recruitment (Ptashne and Gann, 1997). According to this view, various

protein factors participating in transcription initiation (GTFs, HATs and chromatin remodelers)

are recruited in an ordered manner to activated promoters via protein-protein interactions

with the enhancer-bound activator (Cosma, 2002). The recruitment of these proteins to the

enhancer eventually results in an increased local concentration of the transcription machinery

near the promoter. However, this view is mainly based on studies of enhancer elements

in bacteria and eukaryotic promoters and upstream activating sequences (UASs) in yeast. A

distinctive feature of these organisms is that most enhancers work on relatively short distances

of less than a kilobase from their linked promoters (Guarente, 1988). In higher eukaryotes,

enhancers need to communicate over considerable larger distances, often tens of kilobases up

to one megabase away from their linked promoter (Kleinjan and van Heyningen, 2005; Lettice

et al., 2003). However, recruitment does not work if an enhancer and promoter are separated

in space, because in this case recruitment of proteins to the enhancer does not necessarily

increase their concentration at the promoter. Therefore, other facilitating mechanisms are

required for long-range communication between metazoan enhancer and promoter elements

and several models have been proposed to explain enhancer action over distance (Figure 1.2). It

is important to realise that most models are not mutually exclusive and combinations of different

models have been proposed to explain experimental data generated at different loci and in

different organisms.

The looping model

According to the DNA looping model, interaction of an enhancer bound activator protein with

a protein at the promoter is accompanied by bringing them in close spatial proximity while the

intervening DNA loops out (Ptashne, 1986). This mechanism results in an increase in the local

concentration of the transcription machinery near the promoter via protein recruitment mediated

by an activator bound to a distally located enhancer. In prokaryotes, DNA looping is a common way

of communication among distantly positioned DNA sequences. Lac and gal repressors can make

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stable DNA loops (reviewed in (Matthews and Nichols, 1998)) and the interaction of the AraC

activator with RNA polymerase is accompanied by formation of a DNA loop (Lee and Schleif, 1989).

Furthermore, bacterial σ54-dependent enhancers activate their linked σ54-dependent promoters

via a DNA looping mechanism that also shares several key properties with eukaryotic enhancers

such as orientation independent transcriptional activation over a large distance (Buck et al., 2000).

Higher eukaryotes have more complex gene clusters with regulatory elements functioning over

much greater distance and for a long time direct evidence for eukaryotic chromatin looping

between enhancers and promoters was absent. However, a number of observations in eukaryotic

systems could only be explained in a satisfactory manner by the looping model. Transvection

is a naturally occurring phenomenon in Drosophila, where an enhancer on one chromosome

activates a promoter in trans on the other, paired, homologous allele (Bickel and Pirrotta, 1990).

This process, together with other in vitro experiments that show that an enhancer on one

molecule can activate a promoter in trans on another DNA molecule (Dunaway and Droge,

1989; Mahmoudi et al., 2002; Mueller-Storm et al., 1989), demonstrates that a cis configuration

of a promoter and enhancer is not an absolute prerequisite for interaction, as is only predicted

by the looping model. Another observation most easily explained by the looping model is related

to gene competition. Transfection assays using plasmids containing different number of genes

and enhancers showed that multiple genes can compete for a single enhancer (de Villiers et

al., 1983; Wasylyk et al., 1983). This observation was confirmed in the β-globin locus where

two developmentally regulated chicken β-globin genes compete for a shared enhancer located

between the genes (Choi and Engel, 1988). Subsequent transgenic experiments, in which the

order of fetal γ-globin and adult β-globin relative to their shared upstream regulatory element

(LCR) was changed, indicated that correct developmental expression depends on both gene

order and relative distance to an enhancer element (Hanscombe et al., 1991). The authors

proposed that the β-globin genes compete for contacting the LCR for their activation, with

proximal genes having a competitive advantage over more distal genes. Indeed, as predicted by

the looping model, the competitive advantage of an enhancer proximal gene is lost when genes

are more closely spaced at further distance from the enhancer (Dillon et al., 1997; Hanscombe

et al., 1991). Furthermore, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies analysing ongoing

transcription of the γ- and β-globin gene in a single cell show that either the one, or the other,

but not both globin genes were active at a given time (Wijgerde et al., 1995). Subsequent studies

confirmed these results (Gribnau et al., 1998; Trimborn et al., 1999), indicating the presence

of alternate transcription caused by a stochastic ‘flip-flop’ mechanism of LCR action. Although

above mentioned experiments are most easily explained by direct interactions of an enhancer

with the promoter, none of them showed directly that two distal elements linked in cis come

in close spatial proximity. Strong evidence in favour of the looping model was obtained for the

mouse β-globin locus using two different biochemical approaches, the recovery of associated

protein (RNA TRAP) assay (Carter et al., 2002) and the chromosome conformation capture (3C)

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technology (Tolhuis et al., 2002). Both studies show that the endogenous mouse β-globin LCR is

in close spatial proximity to the active β-globin gene promoter located 50 kbp away on the linear

template while the intervening DNA loops out. Additional transgenic experiments analysing the

human β-globin locus using 3C also showed proximity between the LCR and the active β-globin

promoter (Palstra et al., 2003). 3C technology has subsequently been applied to many other

gene loci and cell types and these studies show that a distantly encoded enhancer is located

close to an active promoter. For example, it was shown that a lineage-restricted chromatin

loop is formed between the Th2 LCR and its cognate genes encoding interleukin IL-4, IL-5 and

IL-13 in CD4+ T-cells and natural killer cells. Moreover, both the transcription factors GATA-3

and STAT6 were shown to be required for these interactions (Spilianakis and Flavell, 2004). In

B-cells, actively transcribed Igκ alleles exhibit mutual interactions over 22 kbp between three

enhancers and Vκ gene promoters (Liu and Garrard, 2005). In addition to enhancer-promoter

loops, parent-specific loop formation was observed between the differentially methylated regions

of the imprinted insulin-like growth factor 2 and H19 locus (Murrell et al., 2004). Binding of the

transcription factor CTCF to the H19 imprinting control region (ICR) prevented loop formation

between the enhancers and the Igf2 gene on the maternal allele (Kurukuti et al., 2006).

A recent study of the imprinted Dlx5-Dlx6 locus shows that DNA looping can also play a role

in gene silencing. It was shown that the methyl DNA-binding protein MeCP2 was required for

the formation of a silent chromatin-loop. In the absence of MeCP2 the loop disappeared, new

gene contacts were made with distant activating sequences and expression of Dlx5 and Dlx6 was

upregulated (Horike et al., 2005). All these examples show that long-range DNA contacts are

established by chromatin looping and are important for proper regulation of gene expression by

remote control elements.

The tracking model

In the tracking model an enhancer functions as a landing platform for the assembly of

a nucleoprotein complex which travels along the chromatin fiber and accumulates in

the vicinity of the promoter (Herendeen et al., 1992). The best studied example of a

transcriptional enhancer operating by the tracking mechanism is the enhancer activating

the late genes of bacteriophage T4 (reviewed in (Kolesky et al., 2002)). There is however

no conclusive evidence for enhancer action by a tracking mechanism in eukaryotes and no

known example of an activator that has to leave the enhancer to activate transcription exists.

A tracking mechanism is consistent with the enhancer-blocking properties of boundary or

insulator elements by suggesting that the tracking protein complex is blocked by an insulator

bound protein. On the other hand, tracking can not explain how an enhancer on one chromosome

could activate transcription from an allelic promoter on another paired chromosome as in

transvection (Dunaway and Droge, 1989; Mahmoudi et al., 2002; Mueller-Storm et al., 1989) as

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well as the observation of alternate transcription caused by a stochastic ‘flip-flop’ mechanism of

LCR action (Gribnau et al., 1998; Trimborn et al., 1999; Wijgerde et al., 1995). The detection of

RNA polymerase II-dependent intergenic transcripts originating from enhancers (Gribnau et al.,

1998; Kong et al., 1997; Tuan et al., 1992) has led to the proposal that RNA polymerase II might

be the tracking protein. Experimental results are however not conclusive as one study showed

that introducing a transcriptional terminator between the promoter and enhancer does not

influence enhancer action (Muller et al., 1990), whereas a more recent study reports reduced

enhancer function (Ling et al., 2004).

A ‘facilitated tracking’ mechanism for enhancer function was suggested that incorporates

elements from both the looping and tracking model (Blackwood and Kadonaga, 1998). In this

model, an enhancer bound complex containing DNA-binding factors and co-activators ‘tracks’

along the intervening chromatin fiber via small steps (and perhaps scanning) until it encounters

the cognate promoter at which a stable looped structure is formed. Experimental evidence

has been obtained from a study analysing the mechanism of action of the HNF-4α enhancer. A

ChIP approach was used to analyse the distribution of the enhancer binding proteins C/EBPα

and HNF-3β along different DNA regions in vivo. It was shown that these proteins could be

cross-linked to the spacer DNA separating the enhancer and the promoter as well as to the

enhancer itself. The cross-linking to the 6.5 kbp spacer DNA is only detected after activation of

the enhancer, but before actual transcription of the gene (Hatzis and Talianidis, 2002). However,

the enhancer-promoter communication is extremely slow (transcription starts 80 hours after

induction of the enhancer) and therefore it seem likely that other mechanisms of communication

are to be used at larger loci or when fast transcriptional activation is required. Again, it is hard

to envision how this mechanism can explain activation of a linked promoter in trans or the

observation of alternate transcription by a ‘flip-flop’ mechanism.

The linking model

In the linking model, enhancers act as landing platforms for DNA binding proteins that facilitate

polymerisation of the proteins in the direction of the promoter thereby coating the chromatin

fiber (Bulger and Groudine, 1999; Dorsett, 1999). If the distance between an enhancer and a

promoter is large, it has been proposed that a wave of small protein-stabilized chromatin loops

is initiated at the enhancer and moves towards the promoter. The model was proposed to

explain the properties of the Drosophila CHIP protein. CHIP can not bind to DNA directly, but

can interact with numerous transcription factors and facilitate their action over a distance in vivo

(Morcillo et al., 1997; Torigoi et al., 2000). It was suggested that CHIP is recruited by an activator

protein bound at an enhancer and works as a protein ‘bridge’ between the activator bound

at the enhancer and other proteins having multiple weak binding sites between the enhancer

and promoter (Dorsett, 1999; Gause et al., 2001). This model makes it difficult to explain the

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results of the experiments suggesting a ‘flip-flop’ mechanism of enhancer action. In particular, it

is difficult to see how the enhancer-proximal promoter can be activated after activation of the

distal promoter.

Locus Control Regions

The presence of an enhancer as part of a transgenic construct is usually not sufficient to ensure

high levels of expression in transfected cells or mice. Expression of the transgene is often low

compared with endogenous levels and spatiotemporal regulation is frequently disturbed. These

divergent expression patterns are probably caused by the inability of transgenic constructs to

overcome the restrictive effects of the chromatin structure at the site of integration. This effect

is caused by random integration into the host genome and classical enhancers are not able to

shield a transgenic construct from this so-called position effect.

Early transgenic experiments in mice also showed that despite the fact that proximal

regulatory elements of the human adult β-globin gene were sufficient for proper spatiotemporal

expression, transgenic expression levels were influenced by position effects (Behringer et al.,

1987; Kollias et al., 1987; Kollias et al., 1986). Analysis of a β-thalassemia patient resulted in the

identification of a deleted region upstream of the globin genes that contained multiple erythroid

specific DNaseI HSs (Forrester et al., 1986; Tuan et al., 1985). These data suggested that the

deleted DNA segment contained an indispensable cis-acting regulatory element required for

proper β-globin expression in vivo. Indeed, linkage of this region to a β-globin gene resulted in

tissue-specific, position-independent and copy-number dependent expression of this transgenic

construct in mice (Grosveld et al., 1987) and the identification of the β-globin Locus Control

Region (LCR). Based on sequence homology between the human and mouse loci the mouse

β-globin LCR was subsequently identified (Moon and Ley, 1990). Originally, LCRs are functionally

defined as dominant regulatory elements that can confer position-independent, copy-number

dependent and tissue specific activation of a transgene (Grosveld et al., 1987). They are

structurally composed of varying numbers of tissue specific DNAseI HSs each harbouring

multiple binding sites for transcription factors and typically include enhancer and insulator

elements (Bonifer, 2000; Dillon and Sabbattini, 2000; Li et al., 2002a). After the discovery of

the β-globin LCR many combinations of cis-regulatory DNA elements have been characterized

in various vertebrate species that meet the functional definition of an LCR (reviewed in (Li et

al., 2002a)). The most prominent property of all LCRs is their strong transcriptional enhancer

activity. The absence of an LCR in transgenic mice results in severely reduced transcription of

the human β-globin gene to <1% of the endogenous murine β-globin mRNA levels (Kollias et

al., 1986; Magram et al., 1985; Townes et al., 1985) and targeted deletion of the LCR from its

endogenous position strongly reduces the expression of the murine β-globin genes (Epner et al.,

1998). Another property of the LCR is that it can overcome heterochromatin-mediated position

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effect variegation (PEV) (Festenstein et al., 1996). Transgenic mice carrying a human CD2 or

β-globin minigene linked with a complete LCR show normal levels of expression irrespective

of their chromosomal integration site. Partial deletion of the LCR resulted in variegated

expression and moreover these transgenic constructs were DNAseI insensitive in the non-

transcribed portion of analysed cells (Festenstein et al., 1996; Milot et al., 1996). This shows

that both the human CD2 and β-globin LCR are essential for establishing an open chromatin

configuration, thereby suppressing PEV. Indicative of open, transcriptionally active chromatin

domains is the presence of activating histone marks. Indeed, LCR elements from the human

growth hormone (hGH) locus, T-cell receptor γ locus and the murine immunoglobulin heavy

chain locus all appear to induce a regional increase in histone acetylation (reviewed in (Li et

al., 2002a)). Moreover, studies on the mouse T-cell receptor α/δ indicate also a possible role

of the T-cell receptor LCR in tissue-specific DNA demethylation preventing chromatin closure

and gene silencing (Santoso et al., 2000). These results indicate that an LCR functions in the

establishment and/or maintenance of an open chromatin domain allowing RNA polymerase II

transcription in even highly restrictive chromatin environments. However, targeted deletion of

the murine LCR shows that the β-globin locus is still DNAseI sensitive and histone marks reflect

an open chromatin conformation indicating that in the endogenous mouse β-globin locus the

LCR is dispensable for initiating or maintaining an open chromatin conformation (Bender et al.,

2000a; Epner et al., 1998; Schubeler et al., 2001). This diversity and complexity regarding LCR

function and mode of action highlights the importance to study in vivo transcriptional regulation in

the context of whole loci, so that essential regulatory elements are not excluded or overlooked.


Regulatory elements like enhancers are present genome wide and control target genes in cis

over considerable distances. This flexibility in enhancer function gives these sequences the

possibility to be highly promiscuous. Therefore, mechanisms must exist to ensure that genes are

not activated in the wrong place or at the wrong time by enhancers from a neighbouring gene

(Eissenberg and Elgin, 1991). Furthermore, a major fraction of vertebrate genomes is composed

of repetitive, silenced DNA that exist as large regions of condensed chromatin (Ghirlando et

al., 2004; Gilbert et al., 2004)). Chromatin condensation processes are self-propagating and

can spread into neighbouring gene loci, potentially affecting their expression (Grewal and

Moazed, 2003). Genes must therefore employ mechanisms to avoid influences of their genomic

neighbourhood for achieving accurate temporal, spatial and responsive modes of expression.

Insulator or boundary elements restrict expression patterns and avoid unwanted activation from

cis regulatory elements, thereby demarcating domains of autonomous regulated gene expression.

They have been experimentally identified based on two defining characteristics. Insulators

interfere with interactions between enhancers and promoters and inhibit enhancer-activated

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transcription when interposed between the affected enhancer and the promoter. Besides this

so-called enhancer blocking activity, insulators also counteract chromosomal position effects

by preventing the spreading of nearby heterochromatin, thereby acting as a boundary element

(Figure 1.3).

The first characterised insulator element was discovered in Drosophila and was found

to contain DNAseI HSs located near boundaries of the heat-shock gene locus hsp70. These

elements were called specialised chromatin structure (scs/scs’) and they delimited the region

that becomes transcriptionally active in response to heat shock (Kellum and Schedl, 1991).

Moreover, it was shown that scs and scs’ function as positional enhancer blockers indicating

that both insulator activities can be mediated by one kind of DNA element (Kellum and Schedl,

1992). Other Drosophila insulators include those found in the gypsy transposon and the Fab-7

and Fab-8 elements of the bithorax complex (Corces and Geyer, 1991; Hagstrom et al., 1996).

Several DNA binding proteins have been identified that bind to these elements. The protein

suppressor of hairy wing Su(Hw) is essential to enhancer-blocking properties of gypsy (Geyer

and Corces, 1992) and zest-white-5 (Zw5) and BEAF-32 have been shown to bind to scs and

scs’ respectively (Gaszner et al., 1999; Hart et al., 1997). Insulator elements have been described

in many organisms but surprisingly no significant similarity is evident among any of the insulator

proteins found in Drosophila, yeast and vertebrates (Bell et al., 2001). The first vertebrate

insulator described was the HS4 element of the chicken β-globin locus which showed enhancer

blocking activity when placed between a reporter gene containing the β-globin promoter and

an LCR (Chung et al., 1993). The minimal core required for insulation contains binding sites for




Enhancer blocker



Boundary element

heterochromatin heterochromatin



Figure 1.3Insulators can function as position dependent enhancer-blockers or boundary elements.Insulators have been experimentally identified based on two defining characteristics: enhancer blocking activity and boundary function. Note that the relative position of an insulator is essential for its proper functioning.A. Enhancer-blocker: an enhancer (E, grey box) can activate transcription (arrow) from a promoter (P, white rectangle) of a cis-linked gene (dark-grey rectangle). This enhancer activity is blocked when an insulator element (I, black oval) is positioned in between the enhancer and promoter.B. Boundary element: spreading of nearby heterochromatin (grey arrows) into the locus prevents the transcriptional activation by an enhancer of a cis-linked gene. Insertion of two insulator elements flanking the locus prevents the spread of condensed chromatin, thereby precluding transcriptional inhibition.

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the transcription factor CTCF and these sites are both necessary and sufficient for positional

enhancer blocking activity (Bell et al., 1999; Bell et al., 2001). In addition, cHS4 can protect a

transgene from position effects in Drosophila and early-erythroid chicken cell lines (Chung et

al., 1993; Pikaart et al., 1998). The CTCF site appears unnecessary to protect against position

effects, indicating that the enhancer blocking activity (mediated by CTCF) and boundary function

of cHS4 are separable (Recillas-Targa et al., 2002). Additional experiments identified the proteins

upstream transcription factor 1 and 2 (USF1/USF2) as likely candidates underlying boundary

activity of cHS4. These proteins interact with footprint IV of cHS4, recruit PCAF and CBP/p300

to acetylate lysine 9 and 14 of histone H3, and SET7/9 to methylate lysine 4 of histone H3,

thereby probably preventing the assembly of heterochromatin (West et al., 2004).

One key question that remains to be answered is what exactly underlies the molecular

basis of insulator activity? Models explaining the enhancer blocking activity of insulators

have been hampered by the lack of understanding how enhancers activate transcription in

higher eukaryotes. The transcriptional model assumes that insulators have a direct effect on

transcription and different mechanisms have been proposed. If it is assumed that a signal is

propagated along the chromatin fiber from the enhancer to the promoter (tracking model)

then insulators might block the propagation of the enhancer signal along the DNA (Dorsett,

1993). This signal could be, for example, a nucleosome modifying helicase complex or RNA

polymerase II itself launched from the enhancer (Gaszner and Felsenfeld, 2006). However,

this model can not explain the neutralisation of enhancer blocking activity when two tandem

copies of a Su(Hw) insulator were introduced between an enhancer and a promoter (Cai and

Shen, 2001; Muravyova et al., 2001). Alternatively, insulators could act as a promoter decoy,

confusing the enhancer-bound transcription factor into interacting with the insulator instead of

the transcription complex at the gene promoter (Geyer, 1997). Supporting this model is the fact

that a promoter element has been detected within the scs and scs’ insulator sequence (Glover

et al., 1995) and enhancer blocking function strongly depends on enhancer and promoter

strength in Drosophila (Cai and Shen, 2001). However, the decoy model fails to explain how an

enhancer blocked on one side by an insulator can still activate a promoter on the other side.

The structural model envisions insulators as sequences that organize the chromatin fiber within

the nuclear space by creating transcriptionally independent domains via tethering to other

elements or fixed structures in the nucleus. Consequently, enhancer blocking would result

from the formation of different chromatin loops, in which the enhancer and promoter are

separated. An assumption of this model is that the frequency of intra-loop enhancer-promoter

interactions is higher than that of inter-loop interactions as a result of steric interference at

the base of the loop. Evidence that the gypsy insulator establishes chromatin domains comes

from observations that Su(Hw) and Mod(mdg)4 associate with approximately 500 sites in the

Drosophila genome, but coalesce into 25 large structures named insulator bodies (Gerasimova et

al., 2000). Furthermore, in vivo chromatin loop formation between opposite ends of the hsp70

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locus is mediated via interaction between the insulator proteins BEAF-32 and Zw5 bound to

scs/scs’ insulator sequences (Blanton et al., 2003). Even interactions between two heterologous

insulator sequences may occur in the genome, as indicated by the pairing of the GAGA factor and

the gypsy insulator, resulting in bypassing of insulator activity (Melnikova et al., 2004). Chromatin

loop formation might also explain the enhancer blocking activity of vertebrate insulator proteins.

The ubiquitously expressed zinc-finger protein CTCF can form homodimers to generate clusters

of loop domains either directly or via tethering the chromatin fiber to physical nuclear structures

such as nucleolar surfaces or the nuclear matrix (Dunn et al., 2003; Yusufzai and Felsenfeld, 2004;

Yusufzai et al., 2004).

Other studies have led to the development of several models explaining insulator boundary

function. All models link boundary activity to the localized disruption of the polymerization-like

reaction cycle underlying heterochromatin spreading. In these models barriers function as chain

terminators by either modifying the nucleosomal substrate or by formation of looped structures

via anchoring of the chromatin fiber (Gaszner and Felsenfeld, 2006).

One mechanism involves the creation of a nucleosomal gap, thereby disrupting the spread of

chromatin-mediated silencing (Bi and Broach, 2001; Bi et al., 2004). Other forms of nucleosome

modification in yeast involve the targeted recruitment of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and

ATP-dependent nucleosome-remodelling complexes (Oki et al., 2004). Additionally, the cHS4

vertebrate insulator recruits histone acetyltransferase and methyltransferase activity leading to

local histone modifications that probably terminate the spread of heterochromatin formation

(West et al., 2004). Although histone modifications appear to be necessary for boundary activity

at the cHS4 insulator, they are clearly not sufficient to block heterochromatin encroachment.

The same study shows that other protein binding sites in cHS4 are also required for boundary

activity despite the fact that no histone modifications are seen at these sites (West et al., 2004).

Finally, the tethering of barrier elements to fixed structures like the nuclear pore complex or

anchoring via homotypic protein-protein interactions may create a steric hindrance preventing

the propagation of heterochromatin (Ishii et al., 2002; Ishii and Laemmli, 2003).

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Transcriptional regulation of the β-globin locus


Erythrocytes residing in the circulating blood are of vital importance for the survival of

vertebrates, taking up oxygen in the lungs or gills and delivering it to internal organs and tissues.

The formation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis) starts from a multipotent hematopoietic stem

cell (HSC) residing in the adult bone marrow. HSCs are capable of self-renewal, by producing

daughter cells that retain stem cell characteristics, thereby expanding the HSC compartment. In

addition, HSCs are pluripotent and can undergo multilineage differentiation under the influence

of hematopoietic growth factors to give rise to every type of mature blood cell (Figure 1.4).

The erythroid differentiation program is controlled by the expression of a combinatorial set of

general and cell lineage specific transcription factors and is characterised by a series of distinct

cell intermediates that progressively gain erythroid features and gradually lose proliferative

capacities (Perry and Soreq, 2002). In the embryonic stage, the formation of red blood cells is

initiated in the yolk sac in a process defined as primitive erythropoiesis. Definitive erythropoiesis

starts in the liver during the fetal stage of development and finally resides in the adult bone



















Common lineageprogenitor


Figure 1.4Schematic presentation of multi-lineage hematopoietic differentiation.The hematopoietic stem cell is pluripotent and gives rise to all blood cells. Throughout differentiation, cells loose their proliferative capacities and become more restricted to one of the blood cell lineages. HSC= hematopoietic stem cell; HPC= hematopoietic progenitor cell; CMP= common myeloid progenitor; CLP= common lymphoid progenitor; MEP= myeloid and erythroid progenitor; GMP= granulocyte and monocyte progenitor.

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marrow. The first stage of definitive erythroid differentiation following the HSC involves the

formation of CFU-S (colony forming unit – spleen) which are still pluripotent but have lost their

long-term repopulation capacity. The next progenitor is CFU-GEMM (colony forming unit –

granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage and megakaryocyte) which can differentiate in vitro to

all erythroid-myeloid specific cell types but has already lost its lymphoid potential (Johnson and

Metcalf, 1977). The first erythroid lineage restricted progenitor is the BFU-E (burst forming unit

– erythroid) followed by the formation of the CFU-E (colony forming unit – erythroid). This

CFU-E stage is the last intermediate which has still considerable proliferative capacity and is

characterised by its ability to form small colonies in semisolid medium (Wong et al., 1986). Next,

the first morphologically recognizable differentiated member of the erythroid lineage, the pro-

erythroblast, is formed. Around this stage, cells become positive for the TER-119 antigen which

is used as a cell surface marker for the identification of cells late in the erythroid lineage (Kina et

al., 2000). The completion of the erythroid differentiation program from the pro-erythroblastic

stage takes place within 48 to 72 hours and results in the formation of reticulocytes. It is

characterised by a number of rapid cell divisions followed by a decreased size of the nucleus and

finally gives rise to fully matured, enucleated erythrocytes. The average lifespan of an erythrocyte

is approximately 60 days in mice and up to 120 days in humans, which implies that red blood

cells have to be replenished continuously from a pool of HSCs. Terminal erythroid differentiation

is accompanied by strong chromatin condensation and the expression of a limited number of

genes. Most notably, the α- and β-globin genes are highly expressed throughout differentiation

and this results in the accumulation of high amounts of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. Hemoglobin

is synthesized as a heterotetrameric protein, consisting of two α-like and two β-like globin chains,

which can individually bind one heme group that binds oxygen and carbon dioxide in a reversible

manner. The specific α- and β-globin chains synthesized differ between species and depend on

the developmental stage of the differentiating red blood cell (see next section). Hemoglobin and

its mRNA are the most abundant molecules in blood and this contributed to the fact that globin

genes and associated diseases were among the first to be studied by biochemical and molecular

biological methods. The erythroid compartment is well-characterised and accessible, making it an

ideal model system to study developmental gene regulation and tissue specific transcription. As a

result, the globin genes have played a major role in the identification and functional mechanisms

of cis-regulatory DNA elements involved in proper transcriptional regulation.

Genomic organisation of the human and mouse β-globin locus

The human and the mouse β-globin locus are highly conserved and contain a number of β-globin

like genes with some well-characterised cis regulatory elements like enhancers, promoters

and a locus control region (LCR) (Figure 1.5). The genes are aligned in the order of their

developmental expression and all encode for a β-globin like protein, which together with two

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α-globin like proteins and four heme groups form a functional hemoglobin molecule. All globin

genes are derived from one ancestral gene which duplicated about 450 million years ago and

gave rise to separate α- and β-globin genes. Both α- and β-globin genes duplicated several

times, evolved independently and ended up on different chromosomes in birds and mammals

(Gillemans et al., 2003; Hardison, 1998). The mouse β-globin locus resides on chromosome 7

and contains four functional genes starting 5’ with εγ followed by βh1, βmaj and βmin at the 3’ side

of the locus. During primitive erythropoiesis, yolk-sac derived erythroid cells express primarily

εγ and βh1, while the expression of βmaj and βmin is low. The generation of definitive erythroid

cells commences in the fetal liver around E11 and is characterised by high level transcription of

the two adult (βmaj/βmin) β-globin genes and inactive embryonic (εγ/βh1) genes (Wawrzyniak and

Popp, 1987; Whitelaw et al., 1990). Upstream of the genes lies a cluster of erythroid specific

DNAseI hypersensitive sites collectively known as the locus control region (LCR), a dominant

regulatory element that confers position-independent and copy number dependent expression

to linked transgenes (Grosveld et al., 1987). Additional erythroid specific cis regulatory DNA

elements can be found both upstream of the LCR and downstream of the genes. 3’HS1 is located

68 kb downstream of the εγ cap site (Tuan et al., 1985) and two other hypersensitive sites are

located 85/84 kb (5’ HS-84/-85) and 62/60 kb (5’ HS-60/-62) upstream of the εγ cap site (Bulger

et al., 2003; Farrell et al., 2000). The entire mouse β-globin locus is embedded in a cluster of

olfactory receptor (OR) genes that are not expressed in erythroid cells (Bulger et al., 2000).

The genomic organisation of the human β-globin locus is very similar to the mouse β-globin gene

cluster and both the genes and cis-regulatory DNA elements show high levels of conservation

human β-globin locus

8 72 1 1 2 3

ε Gγ δ β

-110/-107 54 3 2 1 3’HS1

OROR β-globin genes

3456 Αγ 10 kb

mouse β-globin locus

56 4 32 1 1 2 3 4

εy βh1 βmaj βmin

-62.5/-60.7-85 6 5 4 3 2 1 3’HS1

OROR LCR β-globin genes10 kb


Figure 1.5 The mouse and human β-globin locus.Schematic presentation of both the mouse and human β-globin locus. Boxes above the horizontal line represent genes transcribing from left to right; boxes below represent genes transcribed in the opposite direction. The β-globin genes, aligned in the order of their developmental expression, are indicated by black boxes. The β-globin LCR is underlined and hypersensitive sites are indicated by black arrows. Additional erythroid specific DNAseI HSs located upstream of the LCR and downstream of the β-globin genes are also indicated by black arrows. Olfactory receptor genes (OR, grey boxes) flank and partially overlap both loci.

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between the species (Bulger et al., 1999; Hardison et al., 1997) (Figure 1.5). The human locus is

located on chromosome 11 and comprises five functional β-globin genes 5’-ε-Gγ-Aγ-δ-β-3’. The

ε gene is expressed early in development when erythropoiesis is located in the blood islands of the

yolk-sac. When the site of red blood cell formation switches to the fetal liver after approximately

10 weeks of development, ε expression is silenced with a concomitant increased expression of

both γ genes. A second switch from γ to δ and β globin expression takes place around birth

when the bone marrow becomes the main site of erythropoiesis. In addition to the LCR and

the erythroid specific 3’ HS1 hypersensitive site, a homologue of the mouse 5’ HS-60/-62 cis

regulatory element can be found 110/107 kb upstream of the ε gene. However, the cis regulatory

element corresponding to the 5’ HS-84/-85 seems to be absent in the human β-globin locus

(Bulger et al., 2003).

The β-globin genes are relatively small genes of about 1500 bp encompassing three coding

regions (exons) and two intervening sequences (introns) whose transcription results in the

production of a protein of 146 amino acids. Like the gene structures, promoter sequences

are very well conserved between the different globin genes. They can be detected as DNAseI

hypersensitive sites in erythroid cells and are located within 200 bp upstream of their corresponding

transcriptional start site. All β-globin promoters contain recognition sequences for both general

and erythroid specific transcription factors thereby providing a mechanism for tissue specific

promoter activation and gene regulation. For example, all globin promoters contain TATA,

CCAAT and CAC box sequences, although minor variations exist. The functional significance

of these sequences is illustrated by several naturally occurring mutations in for example the

proximal CACC of the β-globin promoter resulting in β thalassemia (Kulozik et al., 1991) and

in abolished γ gene silencing as a result of mutations in the γ-globin CCAAT box region (Collins

et al., 1985). Like the promoters, β-globin enhancers are also detected as erythroid specific

DNAseI hypersensitive sites (Groudine et al., 1983) and are located in close proximity or even

within the β-globin genes (Behringer et al., 1987; Bodine and Ley, 1987; Kollias et al., 1987).

Their importance is illustrated by the deletion of the 3’ β-globin enhancer sequences which

results in decreased transcription of the β-globin gene (Liu et al., 1997).

The β-globin Locus Control Region

Analysis of a Dutch γδβ thalassemia patient indicated the presence of an important distally located

regulatory element upstream of the globin genes now known as the β-globin Locus Control

Region (LCR). This patient carried a 100 kb deletion on one chromosome which resulted in the

deletion of the ε and γ genes, but did not affect the β-globin gene and its proximal cis regulatory

DNA elements. The unaffected chromosome showed normal globin expression and therefore

it was concluded that a deletion far from the β-globin gene resulted in the suppression of its

activity rather than a defect in trans-acting factors (Kioussis et al., 1983). Subsequent analysis of

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this deleted region showed the presence of multiple erythroid specific DNAseI HSs (Forrester et

al., 1986; Tuan et al., 1985) and linkage of this region to a β-globin gene resulted in tissue-specific,

position independent and copy-number dependent expression in transgenic mice (Grosveld et

al., 1987). Hence, the human LCR was identified and based on sequence homology the mouse

LCR was discovered some years later (Moon and Ley, 1990).

The human LCR consists of five erythroid specific DNAseI hypersensitive sites located

between 6-25 kb upstream of the ε gene. These HSs are 200-300 bp in size and contain binding

sites for several transcription factors including GATA-1, NF-E2, EKLF and Sp1 and binding of

these factors to their recognition sites is required for LCR hypersensitivity (Goodwin et al.,

2001). Formation of the HSs precedes β-globin transcription (Blom van Assendelft et al.,

1989), but the LCR needs to be linked to an active promoter to stay hypersensitive (Guy et

al., 1996; Reitman et al., 1993; Tewari et al., 1996). Deletion of any individual HS from the

β-globin LCR abolishes position independent expression of transgenes, suggesting that in a

functional LCR all hypersensitive sites act together as a holocomplex (Ellis et al., 1996). Single

cell β-globin mRNA analysis support the notion of an LCR holocomplex by demonstrating that

both human (Gribnau et al., 1998; Wijgerde et al., 1995) and mouse (Trimborn et al., 1999)

β-globin genes are alternately transcribed, i.e. only one gene is transcribed at any given moment.

A fully functional LCR requires the presence of all HSs, but studying them individually shows

that the contributions of single hypersensitive sites are not equivalent. Linking of the human

5’ HS1 directly to a transgene does not result in expression (Fraser et al., 1990; Fraser et al.,

1993), although this site does contribute to LCR function in the context of the complete locus

(Milot et al., 1996). The main enhancer activity of the β-globin LCR resides in 5’ HS2 (Tuan et

al., 1989). This element behaves as a classical enhancer in transient transfection assays and its

activity is mediated by the presence of a tandem NF-E2 binding site (Ney et al., 1990a; Ney et al.,

1990b; Talbot and Grosveld, 1991). 5’ HS2 contributes equally to overall expression throughout

development (Fraser et al., 1993) and multi-copy integration of 5’HS2 linked transgenes is

sufficient to drive position-independent and copy-number dependent expression (Ellis et al.,

1993). 5’ HS3 is the only element capable of controlling transcription as a single copy integration

in transgenic studies, which suggests a chromatin opening or remodelling function (Ellis et al.,

1996). Indeed, the activity of this HS largely depends on the transcription factor EKLF (Gillemans

et al., 1998), which has been shown to interact with the acetyltransferases CBP/p300 (Zhang

and Bieker, 1998) and is associated with the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complex (Zhang

et al., 2001). HS3 is the most active site during the embryonic period and the only site capable

of conferring high-level expression of γ- and β-globin during fetal erythropoiesis (Fraser et al.,

1993). A core deletion of this element resulted in reduced expression of embryonic/fetal genes

during primitive erythropoiesis while definitive erythrocytes showed loss of position independent

β-globin expression (Navas et al., 1998). The highest activity of 5’ HS4 is observed during the

adult stage of development (Fraser et al., 1993), but this element is unable to drive expression of

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a linked transgene as a single copy (Ellis et al., 1996). Finally, 5’ HS5 was originally identified as a

constitutive HS with insulator activity (Li and Stamatoyannopoulos, 1994; Li et al., 2002b; Tuan et

al., 1985) and contains binding sites for the enhancer-blocking transcription factor CTCF (Farrell

et al., 2002). The results mentioned above are mainly based on transgenic experiments and

indicate that the human LCR is composed of multiple HSs with separable functions. However,

the complex nature of these experiments makes interpretation of results sometimes difficult

because they are inevitably influenced by experimental variables like transgene copy-number

and position effects. This might explain why targeted deletion of endogenous hypersensitive

sites in the mouse β-globin locus shows discrepancies with data obtained for the human locus. In

line with the human LCR, mice containing a targeted deletion of the entire LCR show a severe

reduction of β-globin gene expression (Epner et al., 1998), but individual properties of murine

LCR hypersensitive sites are less well defined and seem to be more redundant. Targeted deletion

of 5’ HS1 and 5’ HS4 results in a 10% decrease of adult β-globin expression (Bender et al., 2001),

whereas deletion of 5’ HS3 results in a small reduction of the embryonic εγ and βh1 genes, but

a 30% reduction of adult genes (Hug et al., 1996). Likewise, targeted deletion of 5’ HS2 results

in approximately 70% residual adult gene expression, although the expression of embryonic

genes is not influenced by this deletion (Fiering et al., 1995). Deletion of the 5’ HS5 and 5’ HS6,

the latter not present in the human locus, has minimal effects on expression of the globin genes

(Bender et al., 1998). Importantly, none of the hypersensitive site deletions affected the formation

of the remaining sites, implicating that there is no dominant or initiating site whose formation

must precede the formation of other HSs (Bender et al., 2000b). None of the individual HSs is

necessary for proper developmental β-globin gene expression and a mechanistic framework

emerges of an LCR holocomplex in which each site independently contributes to LCR function

and has an additive effect on transcription (Bender et al., 2001; Fraser et al., 1993).

A domain of erythroid specific DNAseI sensitivity extends from approximately 10 kb upstream

of the 5’ HS-60/-62 to a few kb downstream of 3’HS1 in the endogenous mouse β-globin locus

(Bulger et al., 2003). In erythroid cells, the human locus is also more sensitive to DNAseI than

‘bulk’ DNA (Weintraub and Groudine, 1976), which implies that both the endogenous mouse

and human β-globin locus create a relatively open chromatin domain. The exact role of the

LCR in the establishment or maintenance of this active chromatin environment is unclear and

contradictory data exist between the human and mouse β-globin locus.

A naturally occurring 35 kb deletion in a Hispanic thalassemia patient results in the removal

of 5’HS2-5 of the LCR, but leaves the distally located HSs (5’ HS-107/-110 and 3’HS1) and all the

β-globin genes intact. This deletion of almost the complete LCR results in complete abrogation

of β-globin gene transcription, the locus becomes DNAseI resistant and the remaining HSs are

not formed (Driscoll et al., 1989; Forrester et al., 1990). This data supports the notion that the

LCR is required for chromatin opening of the endogenous human β-globin locus. However,

deleting the human endogenous LCR by targeted recombination in an erythroid background

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did completely abolish β-globin gene transcription, but did not influence general DNAseI

sensitivity and histone acetylation levels throughout the human β-globin locus, whereas the locus

on a chromosome from a Hispanic thalassemia patient remained DNaseI-insensitive and hypo-

acetylated. The authors interpreted this as the LCR being necessary to open, but not to maintain

an open chromatin formation in the human locus (Reik et al., 1998; Schubeler et al., 2000). These

conclusions are in apparent contradiction with the targeted deletion of the LCR in the endogenous

mouse locus (Epner et al., 1998). While none of the β-globin genes express beyond basal levels in

these mice, they appear to have similar chromatin properties as their wildtype counterparts that

express 25-100 fold more efficiently. The β-globin locus in these mice is still DNAseI sensitive

and the remaining HSs were present, even after germline passage of the deletion. This suggests

that elements elsewhere in the mouse β-globin locus are sufficient to establish and maintain an

open chromatin conformation (Bender et al., 2000a). Recent data from erythroid progenitor

cells show that there are intrinsic differences in chromatin modifications between the human and

the mouse β-globin locus, which might give an explanation for observed functional differences.

Both loci are subject to different epigenetic control mechanisms in hematopoietic progenitor

cells and this difference is maintained when the human locus is introduced in transgenic mice,

suggesting that the primary DNA sequence rather than the organism determines the difference

in this epigenetic code (Bottardi et al., 2003).

Erythroid transcription factors

Evidently, an LCR is a cis-regulatory element important for the proper transcriptional regulation

of linked genes. In order to execute its function, the β-globin LCR contains several binding

sites for general and erythroid specific transcription factors (TFs). Transcription factors can

be defined as proteins that recognize and bind specific sequences and regulate transcription

through interactions with other factors. They are usually comprised of a DNA-binding domain

and one or more regulatory domains and based on these functional domains they are classified

into families. The DNA-binding domain physically interacts with the DNA template and typically

contains structural motifs like e.g. helix-loop-helix, helix-turn-helix, zinc-fingers and leucine

zippers (Pabo and Sauer, 1992). Transcription factors contain additional regulatory domains

that either activate or repress gene transcription by interacting with other proteins or protein

complexes (Buratowski, 1995). For instance, they can bind to proteins of the basal transcription

machinery, thereby recruiting this complex to transcription initiation sites. Alternatively they

can associate with proteins complexes involved in histone tail modifications or chromatin

remodelling. In addition to DNA binding and activation or repression, most transcription factors

have sites that are subject to post-translational modifications, which can influence protein

stability, protein-protein interactions, subcellular localisation and DNA binding efficiency.

Proper spatio-temporal regulation of the β-globin locus requires the presence of the appropriate

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transcription factors, the correct fine-tuning of posttranslational modification and an orchestrated

cooperation between multiple general- and erythroid specific transcription factors functioning in

different complexes (Lemon and Tjian, 2000). Several hematopoietic transcription factors that

regulate β-globin gene expression have been identified of which NF-E2, GATA-1 and ELKF are

best studied and will be discussed in more detail.


NF-E2 was initially found to bind AP-1 sites in the promoter of the human porphobilinogen

deaminase (PBGD) gene (Mignotte et al., 1989). Subsequent studies showed the presence of a

tandem AP-1 site in 5’HS2 of the β-globin LCR which enhanced expression of reporter constructs

in transfected cells (Ney et al., 1990b) and transgenic mice (Caterina et al., 1994; Talbot et al.,

1990). Important insights regarding NF-E2 function have come from studies using the mouse

erythroleukemia (MEL) cell line from which NF-E2 was initially purified (Andrews et al., 1993a).

The transcription factor is a heterodimer composed of two basic leucine zipper proteins; a

conserved hematopoietic specific subunit of 45 kD (p45 NF-E2) that contains a transactivation

domain and a smaller, more widely expressed subunit of 18 kD (p18 NF-E2 or MafK) (Andrews

et al., 1993a; Andrews et al., 1993b; Ney et al., 1993). Inactivation of the p45 NF-E2 gene by

proviral integration in MEL cells shows that this transcription factor is important for β-globin

gene expression. In the absence of p45 NF-E2, β-globin gene expression is drastically reduced,

but expression levels could be restored upon reintroduction of p45 NF-E2 (Lu et al., 1994).

Multiple regions of exogenous p45 NF-E2 are required to restore β-globin gene expression,

including two discrete proline rich regions in the transactivation domain indicating that protein-

protein interactions are important for p45 NF-E2 function (Bean and Ney, 1997). Indeed, the

activation domain of p45 NF-E2 interacts with basal transcription apparatus component TATA-

binding protein-associated factor TAFII130 in erythroid cells and absence of this domain interferes

with β-globin gene expression (Amrolia et al., 1997). Other studies demonstrated interaction

between p45 NF-E2 and CREB binding protein CBP/p300 which results in increased nucleosomal

HAT activity and acetylation of p45 NF-E2 (Chen et al., 2001; Cheng et al., 1997) and recent data

suggests that p45 NF-E2 is involved in binding the H3K4 methyltransferase complex MLL2 to the

β-globin LCR (Demers et al., 2007).

Tandem NF-E2 binding sites found within HS2 of both the human and mouse LCR are

required for high levels of transcription in both MEL cells and transgenic mice (Caterina et al.,

1994; Ney et al., 1990a; Ney et al., 1990b; Talbot and Grosveld, 1991) and NF-E2 directly binds

to HS2 of the β-globin LCR (Forsberg et al., 2000). p45 NF-E2 itself interacts only very weakly

with the NF-E2 consensus site as a monomer or homodimer and binding is mediated by the

small-Maf (p18 NF-E2) subunit which interacts with the TGCTGA(C/G)TCA(T/C) consensus

sequence, sometimes referred to as a Maf recognition element or MARE (Andrews et al., 1993b;

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Igarashi et al., 1994; Motohashi et al., 1997). In addition to binding p45 NF-E2, Maf proteins can

bind to MAREs as homodimers, or as heterodimers with non-erythroid transcription factors e.g.

Fos/Jun (Kataoka et al., 1995; Kataoka et al., 1994), NF-E2 related factors (Nrf-1/Nrf-2/Nrf-3)

(Caterina et al., 1994; Kobayashi et al., 1999; Moi et al., 1994) and Bach1 and Bach2 (Oyake et al.,

1996). It was proposed that competition between different transcription factors for interaction

with specific Maf subunits may be involved in erythroid cell differentiation (Kataoka et al., 1995).

A first step in the switch from the repressed state to the activated state of the β-globin locus in

MEL cells possibly involves the heme-induced displacement of the MafK dimerisation partner

Bach1 (Sun et al., 2004). Upon erythroid differentiation an exchange of MafK-binding partners,

from Bach1 to p45 NF-E2, is associated with the formation of a MafK/p45 NF-E2 heterodimer

activator complex which results in β-globin gene expression (Brand et al., 2004). One study

suggested that sequestration of both NF-E2 subunits in different nuclear compartments in non-

induced MEL cells may be a rate-limiting step in NF-E2 complex formation, thereby inhibiting high

level β-globin gene expression. Upon induction of erythroid differentiation, the β-globin gene

loci relocate away from heterochromatin compartments and this relocation correlates with both

transcriptional activation of the β-globin genes and relocation of MafK away from heterochromatin

to euchromatic compartments in which p45 NF-E2 resides (Francastel et al., 2001). Studying

differentiation associated recruitment in MEL cells by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)

showed that activation of βmajor globin gene transcription is associated with the recruitment of

p45 NF-E2 to both the LCR and the active gene promoter (Sawado et al., 2001). However, the

functional significance of NF-E2 binding to these regulatory sites is not understood completely.

Several studies have linked p45 NF-E2 with the establishment of specific histone modifications

associated with activation at the β-globin promoter (Im et al., 2003; Kiekhaefer et al., 2002).

Moreover, RNA polymerase II recruitment to the βmajor promoter in MEL cells requires the

presence of p45 NF-E2, while association with the LCR is p45 NF-E2 independent (Johnson et

al., 2001; Johnson et al., 2002). In vitro, p45 NF-E2 is able to facilitate RNA polymerase loading

from the LCR to the β-globin gene (Vieira et al., 2004). These observations have led to the idea

that p45 NF-E2 is required for the transfer of RNA polymerase II from the LCR to the promoter

of the β-globin gene. Despite the importance of p45 NF-E2 for proper β-globin gene expression

in MEL cells, mice lacking p45 NF-E2 show only a mild erythroid phenotype (Shivdasani and

Orkin, 1995). The most remarkable aspect of mice with a targeted deletion of p45 NF-E2 is

not seen in developing erythrocytes but is related to megakaryocyte differentiation. These

mice are characterised by a profound loss of circulating blood platelets, which results in >90%

neonatal lethality due to internal bleedings (Shivdasani and Orkin, 1995; Shivdasani et al., 1995).

The discrepancy between findings in MEL cells and p45 NF-E2 knockout mice may reflect the

possibility that NF-E2 function during development is provided by other redundant factors that are

either absent or incompetent in MEL cells. Obvious candidates to functionally replace p45 NF-E2

in these mice are other members known to associate with Maf subunits. The factors Bach1 and

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Bach2 lack a canonical transactivation domain and act as repressors in reporter assays (Yoshida et

al., 1999), but factors of the AP-1 complex (Fos/Jun) and NF-E2 related factors (Nrf-1/Nrf-2/Nrf-3)

are all potential candidates to functionally compensate for the loss of p45 NF-E2. The early

embryonic lethality of Nrf-1 deficient mice prevents studying the combined deficiency of p45

NF-E2 and Nrf-1 (Chan et al., 1998). However, the combined absence of p45 NF-E2 and c-jun,

p45 NF-E2 and Nrf-2 or p45 NF-E2 and Nrf-3, in double homozygote mice does not result in

erythroid maturation defects beyond those seen with loss of p45 NF-E2 alone (Derjuga et al.,

2004; Kuroha et al., 1998; Martin et al., 1998; Shivdasani and Orkin, 1995). Based on these

results it was concluded that c-jun, Nrf-2 and Nrf-3 do not complement for p45 NF-E2 function

in vivo. It should be mentioned however, that any functional compensation in vivo, if present at all,

is incomplete given the consistent presence of erythroid abnormalities in p45 NF-E2 knockout

mice. In this respect it should be mentioned that complete deletion of HS2 from the endogenous

mouse β-globin locus, which harbours the most prominent NF-E2 binding sites, caused a drop in

β-globin gene expression similar to that seen in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice (Fiering et al., 1995).


GATA-1 is the founder member of the GATA family of transcription factors, all binding to the

DNA consensus sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G) (Ko and Engel, 1993; Martin and Orkin, 1990;

Whyatt et al., 1993; Yamamoto et al., 1990). Initially identified as a protein that binds the β-globin

3’ enhancer (Evans et al., 1988; Wall et al., 1988), GATA-1 was subsequently cloned from MEL

cells (Tsai et al., 1989). GATA-1 is expressed in primitive and definitive erythroid cells (Fujiwara

et al., 1996; Leonard et al., 1993), megakaryocytes (Martin et al., 1990; Romeo et al., 1990),

eosinophils (Zon et al., 1993), mast cells (Martin et al., 1990), Sertoli cells (Ito et al., 1993)

and dendritic cells (Gutierrez et al., 2007). It is an essential transcription factor for normal

erythropoiesis as GATA-1 deficient ES-cells are able to contribute to all tissues in chimeric mice,

with the exception of mature red blood cells (Pevny et al., 1991). GATA-1 knockout embryos

die from severe anemia between E10.5 and E11.5 of development (Fujiwara et al., 1996) and

production of erythroid precursors is arrested at the proerythroblastic stage due to apoptotic

cell death (Pevny et al., 1995; Weiss et al., 1994; Weiss and Orkin, 1995). GATA-1 knockdown

mice, in which the level of GATA-1 is 5% of the physiological level, lack primitive erythropoiesis

and die from anemia between E11.5 and E12.5 (Takahashi et al., 1997), whereas knockdown

mice that expresses about 20% of wild-type GATA-1 levels show a somewhat milder phenotype

(McDevitt et al., 1997). The majority of these mice die between E13.5 and E14.5 with signs of

defective primitive and definitive erythroid differentiation, although some of these anemic mice

survive to adulthood. This shows that there is a direct relationship between GATA-1 expression

levels and severity of the phenotype. Although a very low amount of GATA-1 in erythroid cells

can be sufficient to prevent apoptosis, it is insufficient to promote proper erythroid differentiation

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Chapter 144

(Pan et al., 2005). GATA-1 binding sites are found in the globin gene promoters and in the core

of HSs in the β-globin LCR. GATA-1 functions as either an activator or a repressor of gene

expression, depending on the context of the binding sequence and its interaction with other

proteins. For example, GATA-1 can activate ε-globin gene expression (Li et al., 1998b), but

it can also function as a repressor when bound to the ε-globin gene in the presence of the

ubiquitous transcription factor YY1 (Raich et al., 1995). In agreement with the role of GATA-1

as a transcriptional activator of globin expression, the recruitment of RNA polymerase II to

the LCR and the βmajor promoter is GATA-1 dependent (Johnson et al., 2002). Furthermore,

GATA-1 is associated with the establishment of specific histone modifications associated with

activation in the β-globin locus (Im et al., 2003; Kiekhaefer et al., 2002). GATA-1 controls a

large number of genes and a recent study confirmed that GATA-1 can form different protein

complexes with distinct transcriptional activity (Rodriguez et al., 2005). GATA-1 can interact

via FOG-1 with the repressive MeCP1-complex, which results in the formation of a complex

with histone deacetylase activity that binds to repressed early hematopoietic genes and genes

of the eosinophilic lineage. The same study showed that GATA-1 can also interact with the

essential hematopoietic transcription factor Gfi-1b and bind to repressed proliferative genes,

while an activating complex of GATA-1 with TAL-1 and Ldb-1 was found at the enhancer of the

active erythroid EKLF gene (Rodriguez et al., 2005). Furthermore, GATA-1 can homodimerise

(Crossley et al., 1995) and has been shown to interact with many other transcription factors

like EKLF/Sp1 (Merika and Orkin, 1995), FOG-1 (Tsang et al., 1997), PU.1 (Rekhtman et al.,

1999), Rb (Whyatt et al., 1997) and CBP/p300 (Blobel et al., 1998). In conclusion, GATA-1 is

important for the transcriptional regulation of multiple target genes and is essential for normal

erythropoiesis. In the β-globin locus it can act either as a repressor or activator dependent

on the protein complexes with which it associates and is thereby able to control globin gene

expression at different developmental time points.


The erythroid Krüppel-like transcription factor EKLF was initially discovered in a cDNA

substraction assay between lymphoid and erythroid transcripts (Miller and Bieker, 1993).

EKLF expression was subsequently found in the bone marrow and spleen of the mouse

and further studies confirmed that this factor is indeed an erythroid-specific member of the

SP/XKLF family of transcription factors (Nuez et al., 1995; Perkins et al., 1995; Southwood

et al., 1996). Interestingly, the promoter of the EKLF gene contains a functional binding site

for GATA-1, suggesting that the expression of EKLF is dependent on and downstream of

GATA-1 (Crossley et al., 1994). Many promoters, including those of the β-globin genes, contain

CACC boxes and are bound by SP1 and other Krüppel related proteins (Raich and Romeo,

1993). EKLF binds specifically to the CCACACCCT motif, which is found in the promoter of

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Introduction 45

the βmajor gene and 5’HS3 of the LCR (Feng et al., 1994; Gillemans et al., 1998). 5’ HS3 has been

implicated in chromatin opening of the β-globin locus (Ellis et al., 1996) and EKLF has been

shown to play a direct role in LCR function via this site by means of its association with CBP/p300

(Zhang and Bieker, 1998) and the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complex (Zhang et al., 2001).

In vitro, EKLF interacts with the chromatin remodelling complex E-RC1 (Armstrong et al., 1998)

and EKLF is required for the recruitment of E-RC1 subunits near the transcription initiation site

of the β-globin promoter, suggesting that the complex uses EKLF for specific targeting (Lee et

al., 1999). The importance of EKLF binding is illustrated by the strongly reduced expression of

β-globin in β-thalassemia patients which carry mutations in the EKLF binding site in the β-globin

promoter (Faustino et al., 1996; Feng et al., 1994; Orkin et al., 1984). Mice deficient for EKLF die

from anemia around day E14, although the primitive blood cells function sufficiently for normal

survival during embryonic development up to approximately day E12 (Nuez et al., 1995; Perkins

et al., 1995). This led to the conclusion that EKLF is essential for the final steps of definitive

erythropoiesis and may facilitate the completion of the fetal to adult switch in humans. Indeed,

EKLF seems to play an important role in γ- to β-globin gene competition. This is illustrated

by transgenic mice that contain the human β-globin locus and have a reduced level of EKLF,

which results in reduced β-globin expression with a concomitant increase in γ-globin expression

(Perkins et al., 1996; Wijgerde et al., 1996), while overexpression of EKLF results in an earlier

switch from γ- to β-globin gene expression (Tewari et al., 1998). However, an EKLF-dependent

reporter gene has been used to demonstrate that this factor also acts as a transcriptional activator

in embryonic erythropoiesis (Tewari et al., 1998) and although the expression of the embryonic

εγ and βh1 are not influenced by the absence of EKLF, primitive erythroid cells deficient for EKLF

already have other defects. Most likely, this is a result of disregulated EKLF-dependent genes

involved in hemoglobin metabolism and membrane stability (Drissen et al., 2005), indicating

that EKLF regulates other essential genes in erythropoiesis in addition to the β-globin genes.

β-globin LCR mode of action

The most prominent property of the β-globin LCR is its strong transcriptional-enhancing activity.

In order to upregulate transcription over distances up to 50 kb, the LCR needs to communicate

with linked promoters of the β-globin genes. But what is the exact mechanism underlying this LCR

mediated long-range gene activation in the β-globin locus? How does an LCR communicate with

the β-globin genes and which factors or processes are involved in this communication? Evidently,

understanding the in vivo function of the LCR is intimately associated with our knowledge of

the process of β-globin gene activation. Therefore, a good point of departure for answering

fundamental questions about the LCR mode of action are studies investigating the developmental

regulation of β-globin gene expression.

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Developmental regulation and gene switching

The developmental expression pattern of the globin genes has been studied extensively and

is characterised by the switching of expression of one globin gene to another. This switch in

globin gene expression coincides with changes in morphology of the erythroid cell, the site

of erythropoiesis and hemoglobin composition (Stamatoyannopoulos and Grosveld, 2001).

Expression of the embryonic genes occurs in primitive cells derived from the yolk sac. In contrast,

the fetal and adult genes are expressed in definitive cells that originate from stem cells from the

AGM region of the developing embryo (Ling and Dzierzak, 2002). In humans, developmental

switching occurs twice, from embryonic (ε) to fetal (γ) and from fetal (γ) to adult (δ/β) globin

gene expression. In mice, there is only one developmental switch from embryonic (εγ/βh1)

to adult (βmaj/βmin) gene expression (Figure 1.6). Hence, the order of the mouse and human

β-globin genes on the linear chromatin template coincides with the order of their developmental

expression (Figure 1.5). Several studies have led to the proposal of a dual molecular mechanism

underlying β-globin gene switching: autonomous gene control and gene competition for direct

interaction with the LCR (Hanscombe et al., 1991; Peterson and Stamatoyannopoulos, 1993).

The concept of autonomous gene regulation is largely based on studies of the human β-globin

genes in transgenic mice. Integration of human transgenes with only proximal cis-regulatory DNA

elements resulted in very low levels of globin expression, but this expression was tissue-specific

and showed correct developmental timing, albeit in a position dependent manner (Behringer

et al., 1987; Chada et al., 1986; Kollias et al., 1986; Magram et al., 1985). Transgenes of the

human ε and γ genes that included their proximal regulatory elements together with an LCR,

show normal expression in early developmental stages and proper silencing in the adult stage

of development (Dillon and Grosveld, 1991; Raich et al., 1990). These silencing elements reside

in their promoter region. Moreover, deletions and mutations of a 5’ ε silencer element lead to

improper developmental timing of the ε-globin gene (Raich et al., 1992; Shih et al., 1993) and

point mutations in the promoters of the γ-genes give rise to non-deletion hereditary persistence

of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), which is characterised by continued expression of the fetal γ-genes

in adult life (Stamatoyannopoulos and Grosveld, 2001). These observations indicate that elements

responsible for developmental-stage specific expression of the human ε- and γ-globin genes

lie within their proximal cis-regulatory DNA elements and accurate silencing of these genes is

independent of the LCR.

Unlike the embryonic genes, transgenic studies with the adult β-globin gene directly linked

to the LCR show high expression at all developmental stages (Enver et al., 1990; Grosveld et

al., 1987). Correct developmental timing can be restored by introducing a human γ- or α-globin

gene in-between the LCR and the β-globin gene, but not when the β-gene was the globin gene

closest to the LCR (Hanscombe et al., 1991). Transgenic mice in which the endogenous γ-globin

promoter is replaced with the β-spectrin promoter lack developmental switching, indicating that

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Introduction 47

the γ-globin promoter is necessary and sufficient for the suppression of the β-globin gene at early

developmental stages (Sabatino et al., 1998). So, the adult β-globin gene can be expressed at

early developmental stages, but the presence of a competing γ-gene more proximal to the LCR

prevents its activation. This led to the idea that β-globin developmental gene expression is regulated

through competition of the genes for LCR function based on gene order or relative distance.

Indeed, this competition model was confirmed in the context of the complete globin locus. The

importance of proximity to the LCR was demonstrated by introducing a ‘marked’ β-globin gene

(βm) that resulted in a competitive advantage of this marked gene over the endogenous β-globin

gene when it was located more proximal to the LCR. Upon increasing the distance between

the LCR and the proximal βm gene, and thereby decreasing the distance between βm and the

endogenous β-globin gene, the competitive advantage of the more proximal gene diminished

(Dillon et al., 1997). Additionally, inverting the gene order of the locus activated the now more

proximal β-globin gene at early stages of development, whereas expression of the more distally

located γ- or ε-gene was abolished (Hanscombe et al., 1991; Tanimoto et al., 1999). All these

experiments suggest that competition of the genes for LCR function is based on gene order and

relative distances. The competition mechanism was further supported by FISH studies analysing

pre-mRNA transcripts of both the γ- and β-globin gene in a single cell. This showed that either the

one, or the other, but not both globin genes were active at a given time, indicating that switching

between globin genes is continuously dynamic and both genes can be alternately transcribed

until the γ-genes are autonomously silenced (Gribnau et al., 1998; Wijgerde et al., 1995). A

similar mechanism was found for the mouse β-globin locus (Trimborn et al., 1999), indicating the

presence of alternate transcription caused by a stochastic ‘flip-flop’ mechanism of LCR action.





in s




0 3 6 9 12 15

age DPC (months)


in s







9 11 13 15 17 adult

age DPC (days)

Yolk sac

Fetal liverSpleen Bone marrow










βmaj + βmin


Figure 1.6Developmental regulation of globin synthesis.Top panel shows the expression levels and site of expression of the individual human globin genes during development. The ζ- and α-globin genes are located in the α-globin locus. The α-like and β-like globin proteins expressed at the same stage of development can form different types of hemoglobin molecules. Bottom panel shows the expression levels of the individual mouse β-globin genes and human β-globin transgenes when expressed in mice.

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Regulation by trans-acting factors plays a crucial role in autonomous gene silencing and hemoglobin

gene switching and they can favour activation or silencing of β-globin genes regardless of gene

order (Peterson and Stamatoyannopoulos, 1993). For example, a transgenic human β-globin

locus expressed the γ-genes at much higher levels than expected, suggesting that in these mice

the trans-acting environment in embryonic erythroid cells favours LCR-γ interactions, possibly

as a result of multiple changes in DNA sequences and transcription factor balance (Strouboulis

et al., 1992). A protein complex called direct repeat erythroid definitive (DRED) binds the

ε-promoter in vitro and is required for the autonomous silencing of the ε gene (Tanimoto et

al., 2000). The core of this complex consists of two nuclear orphan receptors (TR2 and TR4)

that can bind to direct repeat sites in the ε- and γ-promoters and it was suggested to act as a

repressor of embryonic and fetal transcription in definitive erythroid cells (Tanabe et al., 2002).

In addition, the erythroid Krüppel-like transcription factor (EKLF) plays a key role in β- and

γ-globin gene competition during hemoglobin gene switching. Mice with reduced levels of EKLF

display a reduced number of transcriptionally active β-genes, with a reciprocal increase in the

number of transcriptionally active γ-genes, although the timing of γ-globin silencing remains the

same. Total absence of EKLF results in a further increase in the number of transcriptionally active

γ-genes, while β-gene transcription is abolished (Wijgerde et al., 1996). Additional studies on

EKLF showed that this factor is required for initiating or stabilising contacts between the LCR

and the actively transcribed βmajor gene in definitive erythroid cells (Drissen et al., 2004). Like

EKLF, the erythroid transcription factor GATA-1 and its cofactor FOG-1 are also required for the

physical interaction between the β-globin locus LCR and the active βmajor promoter (Vakoc et al.,

2005a). Together, this work highlights the importance of trans-interacting factors and indicates

that changing the trans-acting environment is fundamental for proper developmental regulation

and gene switching in the β-globin locus. The adult β-globin genes have the potential to be active

at all stages of development, but are transcriptionally inactive due to the presence of the more

proximal embryonic and fetal genes. By changing the trans-acting factors the embryonic genes

are silenced and the competitive advantage shifts to the adult genes that become activated.

Altogether, the β-globin locus is characterised by competition among the different β-globin

genes for LCR function. The transcriptional outcome of this competition is mainly determined

by gene order, relative distance to the LCR and the presence of different trans-acting factors that

are able to silence or activate individual β-globin genes.

Communication between the LCR and the β-globin genes

Several mechanisms have been proposed that may explain the communication between the

β-globin genes and the LCR. However, certain aspects of β-globin developmental transcriptional

regulation can only be explained satisfactory by the DNA looping model. According to this model,

interaction of an enhancer bound activator with a protein at the promoter is accompanied by

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Introduction 49

bringing them in close spatial proximity, while the intervening DNA loops out (Ptashne, 1986).

This mechanism eventually results in an increase in the local concentration of the transcription

machinery near the promoter via protein recruitment mediated by an activator bound to a distal

enhancer. The model assumes that the chromatin fiber is flexible which enables dispersed DNA

fragments to interact with each other via random collision. The frequency of collision between

two sites is inversely correlated with genomic site separation and depends on the flexibility of

the chromatin fiber.

All other models explaining promoter-gene communication, e.g. tracking, facilitated tracking

and linking, assume that enhancers somehow emit a signal that travels along the intervening

chromatin fiber towards the promoter of a gene that gets activated (Figure 1.2). Unlike these

models, the looping model does not depend on the presence of intervening chromatin for

transcription. A key observation in support of the DNA looping model in the β-globin locus is

the presence of gene competition among the different β-globin genes for LCR function, with

proximal genes having a competitive advantage over more distal genes (Hanscombe et al., 1991).

This competitive advantage of an enhancer-proximal gene is lost when genes are more closely

spaced at further distance from the β-globin LCR (Dillon et al., 1997), which is only predicted by

the looping model, but not by any other model of long-range enhancer-promoter communication.

Another aspect of β-globin gene regulation in strong agreement with a looping mechanism is the

alternating transcription caused by a stochastic ‘flip-flop’ mechanism of LCR action (Gribnau et

al., 1998; Trimborn et al., 1999; Wijgerde et al., 1995).

This suggests that the LCR can alternate between the fetal and adult genes for their activation

and, most importantly, that the process of β-globin gene transcription is intermittent. This implies

that the multiple regulatory sites of the β-globin LCR cluster to form a holocomplex that can

only contact one β-globin gene at any given time. All these experiments support the idea that

regulatory DNA elements in the LCR of the β-globin locus physically contact downstream genes

via a looping mechanism to regulate their expression. However, none of them directly showed

in vivo that two distal elements linked in cis are in close spatial proximity to each other, with the

intervening DNA looping out. The recent development of two unrelated technologies made

it possible to study the spatial conformation of the β-globin locus in unprecedented detail and

confirmed that in erythroid cells the LCR is in close proximity to the promoter of active β-globin


Looping in the β-globin locus: the Active Chromatin Hub

In 2002, two different biochemical techniques were developed that demonstrated that

the β-globin LCR is in close spatial proximity to the actively transcribed gene: RNA TRAP

(Carter et al., 2002) and Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) technology (Dekker et al.,


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Chapter 150

RNA TRAP (RNA Tagging and Recovery of Associated Proteins) involves the targeting of

horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled probes against nascent RNA transcripts to the site of active

transcription. After addition of biotin-tyramide, the localised peroxidase becomes a highly reactive

radical intermediate that covalently deposits biotin on nearby chromatin. After fragmentation of

the chromatin, the biotin labelled chromatin is enriched and using PCR, DNA elements are

identified that were originally in close proximity to the site of active transcription. After application

of this technique to the actively transcribed mouse β-globin, gene, it was shown that a peak of

biotin deposition was observed at 5’HS2 of the LCR (Carter et al., 2002). This implies that the

LCR is indeed in close spatial proximity to the actively transcribed β-globin gene as predicted by

the DNA looping model for enhancer-promoter communication. However, RNA TRAP can only

be directed to actively transcribed genes, meaning that results only represent spatial proximity

between elements in the transcribed section of a population of cells. Therefore it is impossible

to determine if interactions identified by RNA TRAP are present in non-transcribed loci as well.

Moreover, the dependence on nascent transcripts may hamper the analysis of interactions with

genes that are less efficiently transcribed and precludes analysis between non-genic elements.

Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) is a powerful technique which enables the mapping of

in vivo interactions between chromosomal regions irrespective of their transcriptional status and

without the necessity to modify the locus of interest. Originally developed to study the spatial

Quantification ofligation productsin qPCR

Digestion of cross-linkedchromatin

Fixation of nuclear spatial conformation


Ligation of cross-linkedDNA fragments












Figure 1.73C technology.Schematic diagram showing the principles of the Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) technology. The initial step in 3C involves the fixation of whole cells using formaldehyde (1). This step forms cross-links between DNA fragments that are close together in nuclear space. Next, the cross-linked chromatin is digested with an excess of restriction enzymes (2). This separates cross-linked from non-cross-linked DNA fragments. After dilution, cross-linked DNA fragments are ligated (3/4). Note that intramolecular ligation is favoured as a consequence of the heavy dilution. The chromatin crosslinks are subsequently reversed (5) and ligation events between selected pairs of restriction fragments are quantified by qPCR, using primers specific for the given fragments (6).

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Introduction 51

conformation of chromosomes in yeast (Dekker et al., 2002), this technique was adapted to

study the spatial conformation of a 200 kb region encompassing the entire mouse β-globin locus

(Tolhuis et al., 2002). An outline of the 3C procedure is given in Figure 1.7. In short, 3C uses

formaldehyde on whole cells to trap interactions between chromatin segments by cross-linking

proteins to proteins and proteins to DNA. Next, the cross-linked chromatin is digested using a

restriction enzyme, followed by ligation under heavily diluted conditions, thereby favouring intra-

molecular ligation events between DNA fragments that were originally in close spatial proximity.

Finally, quantitative PCR across ligation sites with primers diagnostic for DNA fragments of

interest gives a measure for proximity frequencies between selected fragments (Dekker et al.,

2002; Splinter et al., 2004). Using 3C on the endogenous β-globin locus in expressing fetal liver

cells, it was found that the actively transcribed adult β-globin genes contacted the HSs of the

LCR, while the intervening DNA harbouring the non-expressed embryonic genes looped out.

Importantly, no such interactions were found in non-expressing brain tissue, where the β-globin

locus adapted a more or less linear conformation (Tolhuis et al., 2002). Thus, two independent

techniques provided direct evidence that regulatory elements in the β-globin LCR loop towards

their downstream target genes in cells where the β-globin genes are actively transcribed.

The spatial clustering with the active β-globin genes is not confined to cis-regulatory DNA

elements residing in the LCR only. In addition, 3C technology also revealed erythroid specific long-

range interactions with two other sets of hypersensitive sites upstream (HS-85 and HS-62/60)

and downstream (3’HS1) of the β-globin locus. The spatial clustering of these cis regulatory

elements together with the LCR and the active genes in the β-globin locus of mature erythroid

cells is called an Active Chromatin Hub (ACH). Importantly, the transcriptionally silent olfactory

receptor (OR) genes located between the upstream HSs and the LCR, like the inactive embryonic

genes, do not participate in this clustering, but loop out (Tolhuis et al., 2002) (Figure 1.8).

As mentioned before, erythroid differentiation is characterised by a strong increase in β-globin

gene transcription. In erythroid progenitor cells, the transcription levels of the β-globin genes are

already comparable to those seen for most housekeeping genes. During later stages of erythroid

differentiation, this relatively high basal level of expression increases to extremely high levels

of transcription. These high transcription rates are dependent on the presence of the LCR as

illustrated by the deletion of the LCR from its endogenous locus in the mouse which results in

only 1-4% of β-globin gene expression when compared to wild-type littermates (Epner et al.,

1998; Schubeler et al., 2001). When 3C was applied to erythroid progenitor cells that express the

β-globin genes at basal levels, a pre-structure called the Chromatin Hub (CH) was found (Palstra

et al., 2003). This β-globin CH consists of interactions between the outer hypersensitive sites

and the 5’ side of the LCR, while the β-globin genes and HS1-3 of the LCR loop out. Interestingly,

upon induction of erythroid differentiation, the locus changes its conformation and adopts an

ACH spatial conformation in which contacts between the entire LCR and the active genes are

established (Figure 1.8). These experiments suggest that ACH formation coincides with, and is

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required for, an increase in β-globin gene expression level going from LCR independent, basal

levels, to extremely high levels that are dependent on the LCR (Palstra et al., 2003). Moreover,

3C studies on the β-globin locus at the embryonic stage of development demonstrated that the

β-globin genes switch their interaction with the ACH in relation to their transcriptional status. In

primitive cells, the active embryonic genes, and not the inactive adult genes, spatially clustered

with the LCR and the outer hypersensitive sites and this appeared to be conserved between the

mouse and the human β-globin locus (Palstra et al., 2003).

Functional significance and formation of long-range DNA interactions

The experiments mentioned above clearly demonstrate that distant cis-regulatory elements

in the β-globin locus physically interact to control gene activity, as predicted by the looping

model (Tolhuis et al., 2002). Presumably, ACH formation results in a high local concentration of

DNA-binding sites for cognate transcription factors and their interacting partners (e.g. HATs and

chromatin remodelling complexes), which consequently accumulate at the site. Since efficiency

of transcription is proportional to the concentration of transcription factors involved (Droge and

Muller-Hill, 2001), DNA contacts formed in the context of the β-globin ACH may therefore be


5’HS -60/-62

HS 1-6




3’ HS 15’

primitivered cell

de�nitivered cell


5’HS -60/-62




βmin3’ HS 1



Erythroid progenitor(CH)

Erythroid cell(ACH)


5’HS -85 5’HS -85

Figure 1.8Clustering of cis-regulatory elements of the β-globin locus result in an erythroid specific spatial conformation: the Active Chromatin Hub (ACH).2D-presentation of 3-dimensional interactions that occur between regulatory DNA elements (grey ovals) of the β-globin locus in erythroid progenitor cells (left) and definitive erythroid cells (right). β-globin genes are depicted as rectangles (inactive: black; active: light or dark grey), Olfactory receptor genes (grey squares) are inactive in erythroid cells. In erythroid progenitor cells, that express the β-globin genes at basal levels, a substructure called the Chromatin Hub (CH) is present. This substructure is formed through interactions between the outer hypersensitive sites (HS-85, HS-62/60 and 3’HS1) and the 5’ side of the LCR, while the β-globin genes and HS1-3 of the LCR loop out. Upon induction of erythroid differentiation, the β-globin gene that gets activated and the rest of the LCR stably interact with this substructure to form a functional Active Chromatin Hub (ACH). The core of the ACH is erythroid specific and developmentally stable; a developmental switch occurs in globin genes entering this nuclear compartment, as depicted by the arrows.

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Introduction 53

necessary to drive efficient β-globin gene expression. Analogous to the microscopically visible

nucleolus, where nucleolar organising regions from different chromosomes (rDNA) physically

interact to form a nuclear entity dedicated to the transcription of the ribosomal genes by RNA

polymerase I, the β-globin ACH could represent an example of a structural entity dedicated to

efficient RNA polymerase II gene transcription (de Laat and Grosveld, 2003).

But how exactly are contacts established between two sites separated by several kilobases

on the linear chromatin template? To explain how a loop can be established between an enhancer

and a promoter a number of different models have been proposed. Both the tracking and the

linking model assume that enhancers function as a landing platform for a signal that subsequently

propagates along the intervening DNA from the enhancer to a promoter. This signal can either

be an enhancer bound nucleoprotein complex scanning the DNA (tracking) or a growing chains

of proteins that nucleates at the enhancer (linking). Alternatively, the presence of intergenic

transcription in the β-globin locus has led to the suggestion that transcription underlies the

establishment of lang-range interactions between regulatory elements (Ling et al., 2004; Tuan

et al., 1992; Zhao and Dean, 2004). In this model, the LCR associates with an elongating RNA

polymerase II complex to the promoter of a gene. However, models that propose a role for

the intervening chromatin fiber in establishing LCR-promoter contacts are difficult to reconcile

with phenomena like competition of multiple genes for a single regulator (de Villiers et al., 1983;

Hanscombe et al., 1991; Wasylyk et al., 1983) and alternating transcription of the β-globin genes

by a stochastic ‘flip-flop’ mechanism (Gribnau et al., 1998; Trimborn et al., 1999; Wijgerde et al.,

1995). Moreover, tracking and linking can not explain how an enhancer on one chromosome could

activate transcription from an allelic promoter on another paired chromosome in a process called

transvection (Dunaway and Droge, 1989; Mahmoudi et al., 2002; Mueller-Storm et al., 1989).

These examples imply that interaction between an enhancer and promoter can take place in the

absence of intervening DNA. The random collision model assumes that the chromatin fiber shows

some degree of flexibility and as a consequence dispersed DNA fragments can randomly collide.

These collisions occur in a stochastic manner of which the frequency depends on genomic site

separation and the relative affinities between proteins bound to the DNA fragments. However,

theoretical calculations and experimental measurements of site-specific recombination suggest

that random diffusion alone is not enough to establish contacts between two sites separated

by several kilobases on a chromatin fiber (Ringrose et al., 1999; Rippe, 2001). Nevertheless,

many nuclear processes like e.g. V(D)J recombination and transcription have been shown to

involve DNA looping over vast distances (Sayegh et al., 2005; Skok et al., 2007; Spilianakis

and Flavell, 2004). Histone modifications such as acetylation might enhance random diffusion

by altering chromatin flexibility (reviewed in (Li et al., 2006)). However, recombination events

require short lived, single interactions while transcription of e.g. the β-globin genes, requires

longer contact times in the range from 45 to 80 minutes for the β-globin-LCR interaction in

definitive erythrocytes (Wijgerde et al., 1995). Therefore, stabilisation of interactions might be

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an important determinant of successful loop formation and maintenance. Transcription factors

that bind to their cognate sites in the β-globin locus and subsequently (homo-) multimerise could

possibly function as stabilising factors. Indeed, structural analysis in cells lacking the erythroid

specific transcription factors EKLF or GATA-1 have shown that these factors play a pivotal role

in the establishment and/or maintenance of LCR-promoter contacts. Using 3C technology, it

was shown that EKLF is indispensable for ACH formation. In the absence of this factor, a CH

pre-structure similar to that observed in erythroid precursor cells was found. Progression to, or

stabilisation of, a fully functional ACH, which entails the participation of the actively transcribed

gene and the HSs 3’ of the LCR, requires the presence of EKLF (Drissen et al., 2004). Likewise,

it was shown that the transcription factor GATA-1 and its cofactor FOG-1 are required for

the physical interaction between the β-globin LCR and the βmajor globin promoter (Vakoc et al.,

2005a). Both EKLF and GATA-1 are known to bind DNA directly, but it is unlikely that these

factors are directly responsible for bringing distant DNA elements together. Indeed, EKLF and

GATA-1 are already bound to their cognate binding sites in the β-globin locus at a stage of

erythroid differentiation that precedes ACH formation (Kooren et al., 2007). Both EKLF and

GATA-1 are known to interact with large protein complexes like CBP/p300 and Mediator. These

complexes are able to interact simultaneously with factors bound at enhancers and promoters

and could thereby stabilise promoter-LCR contacts (Chan and La Thangue, 2001; Kuras et al.,

2003). Besides EKLF and GATA-1, p45 NF-E2 is another lineage restricted transcription factor

associated with β-globin gene regulation. The role of this transcription factor in ACH formation

will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 3 of this thesis. In short, it was shown that in the

absence p45 NF-E2 long-range contacts in the β-globin locus were formed normally and hence

we conclude that p45 NF-E2 is dispensable for β-globin ACH formation (Kooren et al., 2007).

In addition to transcription factors, the role of individual hypersensitive sites in the spatial

conformation of the β-globin locus was investigated. When the β-globin promoter or HS3 of

the LCR is deleted from a transgenic construct containing the entire human β-globin locus and

the complete LCR, the ACH is maintained. However, deletion of both HS3 and the β-globin

promoter resulted in a strong destabilisation of the ACH with a concomitant strong reduction

of β-globin gene expression, demonstrating that multiple interactions between the LCR and

the β-globin promoter are required to stabilise the spatial conformation of the locus in vivo

(Patrinos et al., 2004). Interestingly, removal of only the core-regions of HS3 already results in

the disruption of long-range interactions within the human β-globin locus without the need of to

additionally remove the β-globin promoter (Fang et al., 2007). So, the ACH is a complex entity

containing multiple protein complexes and binding sites for transcription factors. The removal of

one of these transcription factors may cause ACH destabilisation and the adoption of a structure

that can be formed independent of this factor. The data are in strong agreement with the idea

that the LCR functions as a holocomplex in which cooperativeness of a minimum amount of cis

regulatory elements is required for stabilising the spatial conformation of the β-globin locus.

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Introduction 55

CTCF and long-range DNA interactions

Besides the presence of LCR-gene contacts in the context of the β-globin ACH, the function

of the outer hypersensitive sites HS-85, HS-62/-60 and 3’HS1 participating in this structural

organisation is unclear (Tolhuis et al., 2002). Together with 5’HS5 of the LCR, these distal HSs

are already spatially clustered in a pre-structure called the CH in erythroid progenitor cells prior

to high level β-globin gene expression (Palstra et al., 2003). Importantly, no such long-range

DNA interactions were detected in non-erythroid cells. This tissue-specificity suggests a role for

the clustering of these outer HSs in developing red blood cells, perhaps facilitating interactions

between the LCR and the β-globin genes during later stages of erythroid differentiation.

Interestingly, all these interacting sites are known to bind the ubiquitous zinc finger transcription

factor CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor) and both 5’HS5 and 3’HS1 have been shown in reporter

assays to function as CTCF-dependent enhancer-blocker when placed between an enhancer

and a promoter (Bulger et al., 2003; Farrell et al., 2002). In the chicken β-globin locus, CTCF

dependent insulator sites were also found at both sides of the locus, namely 5’HS4 of the LCR and

3’HS1 downstream of the β-globin genes. Both sites coincide with erythroid specific transitions in

DNAseI chromatin sensitivity (Saitoh et al., 2000), which led to the suggestion that CTCF might

partition the genome in physically distinct domains of gene expression. Studies in Drosophila using

another insulator called the suppressor of Hairy-wing Su(Hw) showed that these elements were

located at the base of a chromatin loop. Insertion of an additional insulator in the centre of the

loop results in the formation of two smaller loops and mutations of insulator-binding proteins

lead to the disruption of the loop (Byrd and Corces, 2003). Based on these observations, a

similar role for the mammalian insulator CTCF in higher order chromatin structure organisation

may be anticipated.

CTCF is a ubiquitously expressed 11 zinc finger protein and is the prototype transcription

factor harbouring insulator activity in vertebrates. For example, CTCF acts as an enhancer

blocker if bound to the 5’HS4 LCR element in the chicken β-globin locus (Prioleau et al., 1999;

Recillas-Targa et al., 1999) and in vitro experiments suggested that CTCF functions as a barrier

against repressive telomeric heterochromatin (Defossez and Gilson, 2002). Moreover, CTCF

binding sites have been found at the imprinting centre that determines choice of X-inactivation

(Chao et al., 2002), CTCF mediates the enhancer blocking activity of the c-myc insulator element

(Gombert et al., 2003) and CTCF binding sites have been found at boundaries of domains that

escape X-inactivation (Filippova et al., 2005).

Important insights regarding CTCF function have come from studies in both the human

and mouse Igf2/H19 locus, which showed that this factor regulates the imprinting of both genes

in a methylation-sensitive manner. Both genes are located approximately 80 kb apart and are

reciprocally imprinted such that Igf2 is expressed from the paternal allele and H19 from the

maternal allele. Transcription of both genes is controlled by a set of shared enhancers downstream

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Chapter 156

of H19 and an imprinting control region (ICR) containing binding sites for CTCF located

upstream of H19. On the maternally inherited chromosome, CTCF binds to the unmethylated

ICR and thereby prevents the Igf2 promoter to gain access to the downstream enhancers. On

the paternally inherited allele, the ICR is methylated which prevents the binding of CTCF and the

promoter of the Igf2 gene is able to interact with the downstream enhancers (Bell and Felsenfeld,

2000; Hark et al., 2000). Mutations in the binding site for CTCF in the H19 ICR prevented

binding of this protein and resulted in loss of imprinting of the maternal Igf2 gene, indicating that

CTCF plays a pivotal role in organising epigenetically controlled expression domains (Pant et al.,

2003; Schoenherr et al., 2003). Moreover, two other differentially methylated regions (DMRs)

are located upstream of Igf2 promoter 1 (DMR1) and within exon 6 of Igf2 (DMR2), which are

a methylation-sensitive silencer (Constancia et al., 2000; Eden et al., 2001) and a methylation-

dependent activator respectively (Murrell et al., 2001). Interestingly, the unmethylated maternal

H19 ICR is required to protect DMR1 and DMR2 from methylation and DMR1 is required

to protect DMR2 from methylation. Since this coordination is not due to linear spreading of

methylation it was suggested that long-range interactions between these regulatory elements

underlie these epigenetic modifications (Lopes et al., 2003). By applying 3C technology to study

the spatial conformation of the locus, it was demonstrated that the H19 ICR indeed is in close

spatial proximity to the two DMRs at the Igf2 locus. On the maternal allele, the H19 ICR interacts

with DMR1 which renders the Igf2 gene inactive, whereas on the paternal allele the H19 ICR

interacts with DMR2 which results in the activation of Igf2 (Murrell et al., 2004). Subsequent

studies showed that these long-range interactions are dependent on CTCF. Binding of CTCF

to the maternal DMR1 in vivo requires intact CTCF binding sites in the H19 ICR and using 3C

it was shown that the interaction between the ICR and DMR1 depends on binding of CTCF to

the maternal H19 ICR (Kurukuti et al., 2006). Furthermore, the chromatin loop between the

CTCF-bound ICR and DMR1 are maintained during mitosis whereas enhancer-promoter loops

are absent, providing a possible role of CTCF in epigenetic memory during cell division (Burke et

al., 2005). In addition it was shown that the H19 ICR functions by disrupting promoter-enhancer

interactions that are associated with transcriptional activation. Instead, the H19 ICR promotes

alternative long-range interactions between itself and the blocked enhancer or promoter (Yoon

et al., 2007). These results led to the proposal of a chromatin-loop model in which the imprinting

of Igf2 is explained by a CTCF dependent partitioning of the paternal and maternal Igf2 alleles

into active or repressed chromatin loop domains. Moreover, insertion of the ICR element into

heterologous positions in the mouse genome shows that this insulator promotes alternative

long-range interactions between itself and blocked enhancers and promoters (Yoon et al., 2007).

All these examples indicate that CTCF binding to the H19 ICR in the imprinted Igf2/H19 locus is

required for long-range interactions between regulatory elements and hence, CTCF is a factor

involved in the organisation of higher order chromatin structure.

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Introduction 57

The presence of multiple CTCF binding sites surrounding the murine β-globin locus and the

participation of these sites in the CH and ACH in erythroid cells prompted us to investigate the

role of CTCF in higher order chromatin structure of the mouse β-globin locus (see Chapter

4). The fact that it binds to both sides of the locus has led to the idea that CTCF may serve as

an enhancer blocker that prevents inappropriate activation of surrounding olfactory receptor

gene by the β-globin LCR in erythroid cells (Farrell et al., 2002) or may prevent spreading of

heterochromatin into the β-globin locus by demarcating the boundaries. Using a conditional

knockout mouse model, which depleted most CTCF protein, and targeted disruption of the

CTCF binding site residing within 3’HS1 it was shown that CTCF is indeed required for long-

range interactions between cognate CTCF binding sites in the β-globin locus (Splinter et al.,

2006). Surprisingly, disruption of CTCF-binding to the β-globin locus had no measurable effect

on the expression of the β-globin genes, nor did it result in inappropriate activation of the

olfactory receptor genes surrounding the β-globin locus. Removal of CTCF resulted in a loss

of histone acetylation and gain of histone methylation, but only locally at the CTCF binding

site and not elsewhere in the locus (Splinter et al., 2006). Expression of the β-globin genes

was not influenced either in mouse models that carried combinations of deletions of the outer

CTCF binding hypersensitive sites (Bender et al., 2006). These data show that CTCF is required

for higher order chromatin structure in the β-globin locus, but CTCF mediated loops do not

play an important role in β-globin gene expression. Although CTCF-dependent loops are tissue

specific and evolutionary conserved between mouse and man, this data does not support a role

for CTCF as a boundary element demarcating the borders of an erythroid specific expression

domain. Perhaps, β-globin gene expression benefits from CTCF mediated loops to an extent

that is sufficient for evolutionary selection, but too limited to be detected. Alternatively, CTCF is

a structural factor that binds to many loci for the sole purpose of folding their chromatin. If this is

the case, it is likely that evolutionary selection against sites forming chromatin loops within a gene

locus explains why CTCF binding sites are often found outside gene loci such as the β-globin

locus, without necessarily having a positive or negative influence on gene expression (Dillon

and Sabbattini, 2000). In fact, a recent report analysing genome wide CTCF binding sites in the

human genome indeed confirms that the majority of CTCF binding occurs outside gene loci at

sites remotely located from gene promoters of known genes (Kim et al., 2007).

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Chapter 158

Studying nuclear organisation using 4C technology

Long range DNA interactions are established both in cis and in trans

The development of 3C technology has given researchers the opportunity to investigate

the spatial configuration of many gene loci in unprecedented detail and has boosted

our understanding of the functional significance of DNA folding. Using this method the

importance of chromatin folding at the level of individual gene loci has firmly been established.

However, interactions between gene loci separated by tens of megabases also exist and even

interactions between regions that reside on different chromosomes have been reported.

A classical example of interactions between chromosomal regions that are located on different

chromosomes is transvection. This naturally occurring phenomenon in Drosophila involves a

process in which an enhancer on one chromosome can activate a promoter in trans on the

other, paired, homologous chromosome (Bickel and Pirrotta, 1990). Such pairing of homologs

is not observed in mammals and a topical research question is whether functionally relevant

interactions take place between gene loci located far apart on the same chromosome or even

present on different chromosomes.

At the level of complete chromosomes it was shown by 2D and 3D FISH that a subset

of mouse chromosomes form distinct types of spatial clusters in different tissues. Moreover, a

correlation was found between tissue specific spatial proximity and tissue specific translocation

prevalence, suggesting that distant interchromosomal loci involved in recurrent translocations

are frequently in close spatial proximity in nuclei of relevant cell types (Parada et al., 2004).

At the level of single gene loci it was shown by RNA FISH and DNA immuno-FISH that a

number of selected loci co-localise with the active β-globin locus in erythroid cells, despite the

fact that these regions were up to 40 Mb apart with respect to the underlying chromosome

template. This co-localisation occurred when loci were actively transcribed and took place at

so-called transcription factories. Moreover, two of the four genes that showed co-localisation

with the β-globin gene were other erythroid specific genes. 3C technology was used to confirm

this co-localisation (Osborne et al., 2004). In another study, the nuclear position of the co-

ordinately regulated α- and β-globin genes was measured using 3D FISH. In this study it was

reported that the human α- and β-globin genes are frequently in close proximity when active

in erythroid cells, perhaps suggesting that interchromosomal association is important for their

co-regulation (Brown et al., 2006). However, proximity was defined as being within 1 μm and

the percentage of truly overlapping signals was not significantly different from those measured

between random loci. Moreover, this interaction does not occur between the mouse α- and

β-globin genes, demonstrating that the globin genes regulate their expression irrespective of

their relative nuclear separation (Brown et al., 2006).

An example of both intrachromosomal and interchromosomal associations that occur within

one locus can be found in the T helper type 2 (Th2) cytokine locus on mouse chromosome 11.

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Introduction 59

This locus contains the cytokine genes IL4, IL5 and IL13, which are expressed in Th2 cells under

the control of an LCR that is located in between the genes. Using 3C technology it was shown

that a ‘pre-poised’ structure was present in various cell types, formed by contacts between the

promoters of the different interleukin genes. Only in cells of the T lineage, the interleukin gene

promoters also interact with the Th2 LCR to give rise to a ‘poised’ conformation, which suggests

a phenomenon in which the locus is poised for rapid expression of lineage-specific cytokines after

stimulation (Spilianakis and Flavell, 2004). In addition to these intrachromosomal interactions,

the same authors used a 3C approach to detect interchromosomal interactions between

multiple regulatory regions of the Th2 cytokine locus on chromosome 11 and the promoter

region of the IFN-γ gene on chromosome 10 in naïve T-cells. Expression of the interleukin genes

on chromosome 11 specifies commitment towards the T h2 lineage, while IFN-γ expression

induces Th1 differentiation. After differentiation of these naïve T-cells into effector Th1 or Th2

cells these interchromosomal interactions are greatly reduced in favour of the establishment of

different intrachromosomal interactions. 2D FISH experiments confirmed these observations

by showing single allele interchromosomal co-localisation in almost 40% of naïve T-cells.

Moreover, deletion of the LCR in the Th2 cytokine locus not only affected expression of the

linked cytokine genes, but also had a negative influence on IFN-γ activation after stimulation,

suggesting a regulatory role for this interchromosomal association (Spilianakis et al., 2005).

This is not the only example of a trans interaction identified by 3C technology. Another study, using

an adapted 3C method, proposed that CTCF mediates interchromosomal interactions between

the H19 ICR located on chromosome 7 and the Wsb1/Nf1 gene on chromosome 11 (Ling et al.,

2006). It should be noted however that this interchromosomal interaction was one of the only

three interactions seen in total after a nested PCR approach, which questions the validity of these

results (see also Chapter 2). In contrast, another study showed that the H19 ICR had many, but

completely different, trans interactions in addition to its abundant cis interactions (Zhao et al., 2006).

Additional evidence for interchromosomal interactions comes from studies that address the

role of the H enhancer element in the olfactory receptor system. This H element resides on

chromosome 14 upstream of an olfactory receptor (OR) gene cluster and was shown to be

required for the expression of OR transgenes (Serizawa et al., 2003). Like the gene competition

studies in the β-globin locus, insertion of the H element more proximal to the OR gene cluster

results in a competitive advantage of the nearest gene. This suggests that genes within the cluster

compete for interaction with the distal H element, which ensures the stochastic activation of a

single gene of this cluster per cell (Serizawa et al., 2004). A modified version of 3C technology

using sequencing of ligation products was used to identify DNA fragments that interact with the

H enhancer element in sensory neurons (Lomvardas et al., 2006). Apart from interactions with

the nearest OR gene cluster located 75 kb from the H element, also sequences from other OR

gene clusters residing on other chromosomes were found. Subsequent RNA and DNA FISH

experiments showed that these contacts are related to OR gene expression since co-localisation

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Chapter 160

with the H-element was only found when the given allele was actively expressed. Based on

these observations it was suggested that OR genes on different chromosomes compete for

an interaction with one active H enhancer and this mechanism may underlie the stochastic

activation of only one OR allele in each olfactory neuron (Lomvardas et al., 2006). However,

recent experiments in mice carrying a targeted deletion of the H-element only showed abolished

expression of genes located within a nearby OR gene cluster and no demonstrable effect was

seen on the expression of all other OR genes analysed (Fuss et al., 2007). Obviously, these results

question the relevance of the above mentioned interchromosomal interactions and the role of

the H-element as an essential trans-acting enhancer element for genome wide regulation of all


Studies concerning gene positioning and nuclear organisation have predominantly been carried

out using FISH technology, although recently 3C technology has also been used and adapted in

order to identify or confirm a (limited) number of trans interactions. A clear disadvantage of

FISH studies is that they are biased towards the loci selected for that study and allow analysis of

only a limited number of loci simultaneously. Results obtained by this technique therefore often

are non-general and rather anecdotal. Moreover, the criteria for truly overlapping FISH-signals

often differ greatly between different studies, which make the results obtained by this technique

difficult to interpret. 3C technology has been developed to identify interacting elements between

selected parts of the genome and requires the design of individual primers for all restriction

fragments analysed. This means 3C is also a biased method, since it requires prior knowledge of

the loci that need to be analysed and the identification of unpredicted, novel interacting regions

outside the analysed locus is therefore difficult. Moreover, the mere detection of a given ligation

product does not necessarily reveal a genuine interaction between the analysed sites and a lack

of proper controls and quantification often undermines the reliability of a 3C analysis (Dekker,

2006) (see Chapter 2). Sites separated over large genomic distances, including interchromosomal

interactions, often do not form enough ligation products for accurate quantification by 3C, even

if microscopy studies suggest these sites come together in a significant proportion of cells.

Therefore 3C is well suited to study the spatial conformation of loci up to several hundreds

of kilobases in size, but not to discover or verify interactions over larger genomic distances.

Recently, a number of new strategies have been developed that allow the screening of the entire

genome in an unbiased manner for DNA segments that physically interact with a DNA fragment

of choice (Dostie et al., 2006; Simonis et al., 2006; Wurtele and Chartrand, 2006; Zhao et al.,

2006). All these methods are based on 3C technology. One of these novel methods developed is

referred to as Chromosome Conformation Capture on Chip (4C) and will be discussed in more

detail in the next section.

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Introduction 61

4C: 3C goes genome-wide

4C technology combines 3C technology with either micro-array analysis (Simonis et al., 2006)

or sequencing (Ling et al., 2006; Wurtele and Chartrand, 2006; Zhao et al., 2006) to allow for

the unbiased identification of DNA elements that interact with a target sequence in the nuclear

space. An outline of the 4C procedure, developed recently in our lab, is given in Figure 1.9

(Simonis et al., 2006). Just like 3C, 4C involves PCR amplification of DNA fragments cross-linked

and ligated to a DNA restriction fragment of choice (the ‘bait’). First, the standard 3C procedure

is followed, using a six-cutter as a restriction enzyme which yields a regular 3C template that

contains de-cross-linked ligation products. Next, a four-cutter restriction enzyme is used to

reduce the size of the captured fragments followed by re-ligation of trimmed ligation products

under conditions that favour the formation of self-ligated circles. Finally, all the DNA fragments

captured by the bait sequence in the population of cells are simultaneously and linearly amplified

via inverse PCR, using two bait-specific primers that amplify from the circularised ligation

products (Simonis et al., 2006). This amplified material, representing the genomic environment

of the bait fragment, is labelled and subsequently hybridised to a tailored micro-array containing

unique probes located directly adjacent to each recognition site of the used six-cutter. Our

original probe design represented seven complete mouse chromosomes to be spotted on a

single array, whereas more recent designs cover the entire mouse or human genome on a single

HindIII digestion ofcross-linked DNA


Ligation of cross-linkedfragments


Digestion withDpnII (D)


Inverse PCR with primerson the fragmentof interest

PCR product representsthe genomic environmentof the fragment of interest

Characterisation ofPCR product on a microarray







Ligation site










Figure 1.94C technology.Schematic diagram showing the principles of Chromosome Conformation Capture on Chip (4C). The initial steps of 4C involve the standard 3C procedure, using a six-cutter (HindIII) as a restriction enzyme yielding a regular 3C template containing de-cross-linked ligation products (1-4). In 4C, the captured fragments are subsequently reduced in size by using a frequently cutting secondary restriction enzyme (DpnII)(5), followed by re-ligation of trimmed ligation products to form small, self-ligated DNA circles (6). Next, all the DNA fragments captured by the bait sequence in the population of cells are simultaneously and linearly amplified via inverse PCR, using two bait-specific primers that amplify from the circularised ligation products (7). This amplified material, representing the genomic environment of the bait fragment (8), is labelled and subsequently hybridised to a tailored micro-array containing unique probes located directly adjacent to each recognition site of the used six-cutter (9).

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Chapter 162

Nimblegen microarray (400.000 probes), enabling the identification of interactions at a resolution

of approximately 7 kb. 4C technology analyses interactions with many thousands of genomic

sites simultaneously and does not rely on the detection of a single ligation product but on the

identification of clusters of neighbouring restriction fragments, each showing interactions with the

bait sequence. The design of the array is such that each probe analyses one independent ligation

event. Since only two fragments can be captured per cell, the clustering of interacting DNA

fragments strongly indicates that this genomic region contacts the bait sequence in multiple cells.

Thus, 4C technology is the first method that allows for an unbiased genome-wide

screen for DNA fragments that interact with a locus of choice. As such, it is expected to

contribute importantly to a more comprehensive understanding of nuclear architecture.

In the next section, the application of 4C on both the β-globin locus and HoxB1 gene cluster

will be discussed in more detail as two examples of how this novel unbiased, high throughput

technology can be used to study long-range DNA interactions at higher organisational levels.

Studying nuclear architecture using 4C

A recent 4C study performed in our lab focussed on the murine β-globin locus and provided

for the first time a comprehensive overview of all long-range DNA interactions of different

selected active and inactive gene loci (Simonis et al., 2006). Using a bait sequence containing

HS2 of the mouse β-globin locus, interacting DNA regions were defined in both transcriptionally

active erythroid cells and transcriptionally inactive brain tissue. Using tailored micro-arrays able

to analyse possible interactions across 7 complete mouse chromosomes, it was demonstrated in

different tissues that both the active and inactive β-globin locus are engaged in many long-range

intrachromosomal interactions over tens of megabases. Multiple regions of approximately 200

kb were identified to interact with the β-globin locus, so interactions were not confined to single

genes or promoters, but rather to larger chromosomal regions. Strikingly, the active β-globin

locus in erythroid cells contacted a completely different set of loci than the inactive locus in brain

cells. When active, the β-globin locus predominantly contacted other transcriptionally active

regions located mostly towards the telomere of the acrocentric mouse chromosome, whereas

the inactive β-globin locus preferentially interacted with regions that were not transcribed,

which located mostly towards the centromere of chromosome 7. The same study applied

4C to the housekeeping gene Rad23a, which is present in an active, gene-dense region and is

expressed ubiquitously. This gene was, like β-globin, found to contact many regions in cis, but

also many interchromosomal interactions were identified. Moreover, these interactions were

essentially the same between erythroid cells and brain tissue and were mainly established with

other transcriptionally active, gene dense regions. Subsequent analysis by cryo-FISH confirmed

multiple long-range interactions (Branco and Pombo, 2006), and showed that individual

interactions were present in a significant but limited percentage of cells, suggesting that the

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Introduction 63

collection of different long-range interactions identified mostly reflected cell-to-cell differences

in chromatin architecture. Based on these results it was concluded that the difference in genomic

environment observed for the β-globin locus between erythroid and brain cells was directly

related to the difference in transcriptional status of the locus in the two tissues (Simonis et al.,

2006). Altogether, the data strongly suggests that active and inactive genomic regions each have

their own preferred set of long-range DNA interactions and the characteristics of both intra- and

interchromosomal interactions is mainly determined by the transcriptional status of the locus.

Another recent study used a sequencing based 4C method to characterise the spatial

genomic environment of the HoxB1 gene cluster during the induction of its expression in mouse

embryonic stem (ES) cells (Wurtele and Chartrand, 2006). In concordance with the 4C analysis of

the β-globin locus, this study also found that sequences located close on the linear chromosome

template from the 4C bait region were largely overrepresented, irrespective of the expression

status of the HoxB1 gene. Moreover, the spatial genomic environment of the HoxB1 gene

changes during induction of expression. The proportion of distal intrachromosomal interactions

were significantly lower after HoxB1 induction and this diminution is translated into a higher

proportion of inter-chromosomal interactions (Wurtele and Chartrand, 2006). These results are

in agreement with the reported relocalisation of the HoxB1 gene outside of its chromosome

territory during ES cell differentiation and mouse embryonic development (Chambeyron and

Bickmore, 2004; Chambeyron et al., 2005). This study indicates that the genomic environment

of the HoxB1 gene is dynamic and a change in the number of intra- and interchromosomal

interactions is concomitant with a change in the transcriptional status of the gene. No matter

how informative, it needs to be emphasised that in this study only a limited number of all

captured interactions were sequenced. Moreover, the characteristics of the reported intra- and

interchromosomal associations are not addressed in detail, which makes the exact relevance of

these interactions difficult to interpret.

Application of the 4C method is not restricted to analyse only the nuclear environment

of genes or their linked regulatory elements. Being an unbiased method, it provides a unique

possibility to study the nuclear environment of other genomic elements. Indeed, the genome

is comprised of many non-genic sequences that will likely shape and influence the spatial

organisation of the genome at a higher organisational level. Chapter 5 of this thesis describes

a 4C approach to study the nuclear organisation of both peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric

regions on acrocentric mouse chromosomes. Our analysis focussed on unique sequences near

the ends of three chromosomes with distinct transcriptional activities. In line with other 4C

studies, the results show that there is a strong correlation between the transcriptional status

of a chromosomal region and their interacting loci, providing additional evidence that active

and inactive chromatin domains separate in the nucleus. Furthermore we show that, next to

the transcriptional status, the proximity to defined repetitive sequences strongly influences the

positioning of a locus in the interphase nucleus. This data together with other 4C studies provides

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Chapter 164

evidence for self-organising principles underlying chromatin folding, where the preferred nuclear

environment of a locus is not only determined by its own functional properties, but also by the

properties of neighbouring DNA segments and, by extrapolation, of the entire chromosome.

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Introduction 65

Scope of this thesis

Proper spatiotemporal expression of genes is essential for the function and survival of every

eukaryotic cell and therefore requires meticulous regulation. Often gene expression is controlled

by regulatory DNA elements positioned away from the gene on the linear chromosome template.

This thesis describes experiments in which this process of transcriptional regulation is addressed

in more detail. The next chapters will mainly focus on the role of different transcription factors

in the erythroid specific spatial conformation of the mouse β-globin locus and will discuss novel

technologies that provide insight into DNA interactions inside the living cell nucleus.

Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) technology has become a standard research tool

for studying the relationship between nuclear organisation and transcriptional regulation in vivo.

Based on 3C technology, a number of new 4C methods have recently been developed. Both 3C

and 4C based methods have important limitations and preconditions that need to be recognised

and addressed properly by each researcher who wants to apply these methods. Chapter 2 of

this thesis will therefore discuss and evaluate potentials and pitfalls of currently used 3C-based


Expression of the β-globin genes proceeds from basal to exceptionally high levels during

erythroid differentiation in vivo. This high transcription rate at later stages of erythroid

differentiation is dependent on the β-globin Locus Control Region (LCR) and coincides with the

formation of a three-dimensional structure of the locus known as the Active Chromatin Hub

(ACH). Chapter 3 describes experiments in which recently established I/11 cells are used as

an erythroid model system to study the molecular events that accompany and underlie ACH

formation. Moreover, the role of the erythroid transcription factor p45 NF-E2 in β-globin ACH

formation is addressed in more detail.

In Chapter 4 the role of the prototype vertebrate insulator protein CTCF in the spatial

conformation of the mouse β-globin locus is described in more detail. CTCF-binding sites

flank both the human and mouse β-globin locus and in erythroid cells these sites were found

to participate in spatial interactions that are involved in ACH formation. A conditional CTCF

knock-out mouse and a cell line containing a targeted disruption of a CTCF-binding site were

used to investigate the involvement of CTCF in loop formation in the mouse β-globin.

Furthermore, novel 4C technology was applied on unique chromosomal end

sequences and Chapter 5 describes experiments in which the nuclear organisation of both

peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric chromosomal regions is examined. These experiments

attempt to define and describe important parameters influencing the positioning of a locus in the

nucleus. Finally, an overall discussion of this thesis is presented in Chapter 6 that describes the

general implications of this work and future directions.

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Page 67: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

2An evaluation of 3C-based methods

capturing DNA interactions

Based on: Nature Methods 4, 895-901 (2007)

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Chapter 268


The shape of the genome is thought to play an important role in the coordination of transcription

and other DNA-metabolic processes. Chromosome conformation capture (3C) technology is

a recently developed biochemical technique that allows analysing the folding of chromatin in

vivo at a resolution beyond that provided by current microscopy techniques. It has been used

for example to demonstrate that regulatory DNA elements communicate with distant target

genes via direct physical interactions that loop out the intervening chromatin fiber. Here, we

will discuss the intricacies of 3C technology and new 3C-based methods including 4C, 5C and

ChIP-loop assay.

3C technology

3C technology was originally developed to study the conformation of a complete chromosome

in yeast (Dekker et al., 2002) and was subsequently adapted to investigate the intricate

folding of complex gene loci in mammalian cells (Tolhuis et al., 2002). 3C technology has now

become a standard research tool for studying the relationship between nuclear organisation

and transcription in vivo. Detailed 3C technology protocols that should help researchers setting

up the technology in their own laboratory have been published previously (Miele et al., 2006;

Splinter et al., 2004). In short, the 3C procedure involves the following experimental steps:

1. Cells are fixed with formaldehyde, which forms cross-links between DNA segments that

are close together in the nuclear space. 2. Cross-linked chromatin is digested with an excess

of restriction enzyme, separating cross-linked from non-cross-linked DNA fragments. 3. DNA

ends are ligated under conditions that favour junctions between cross-linked DNA fragments.

4. Cross-links are reversed. 5. Ligation events between selected pairs of restriction fragments

are quantified by PCR, using primers specific for the given fragments (Figure 2.1).

3C technology is particularly suited to study the conformation of genomic regions that are

roughly between five to several hundreds of kilobases in size. For example, it has been used

extensively to demonstrate that transcriptional regulatory DNA elements communicate with

distant target genes via direct physical interactions that loop out the intervening chromatin fiber

(Liu and Garrard, 2005; Murrell et al., 2004; Palstra et al., 2003; Spilianakis and Flavell, 2004;

Tolhuis et al., 2002). To our knowledge, the smallest region studied so far by 3C technology

spans 6,7 kb (O’Sullivan et al., 2004), while the largest region analysed spans ~600 kb (Skok

et al., 2007). The technique enables the identification of physical interactions between distant

DNA segments and of chromatin loops that are formed as a consequence of these interactions.

Since physically linked DNA segments are engaged in random collisions due to flexibility of the

chromatin fiber, with a frequency that is inversely proportional to their genomic site separation,

the mere detection of a given ligation product does not necessarily reveal a specific interaction

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 69

large scalesequencing

microarray analysis

large scalesequencing

microarray analysis

T7 T3

T7 T3

Cross-linking anddigestion ofchromatin


of DNA bound by a

specific protein

Ligation of cross-linked



Quantificationof ligationproducts

5C 4C 3C ChIP-loop

5‘ 3‘

5‘ 3‘











Figure 2.1Schematic representation of 3C based methods.In all 3C-based methods the conformation of the chromatin is captured by formaldehyde treatment followed by DNA digestion with a restriction enzyme. Cross-linked fragments are ligated to each other and ligation frequencies are measured. In the ChIP-loop assay, immunoprecipition enriches the sample for fragments bound by a specific protein and restriction fragments are ligated to each other on the beads. In ChIP-loop and 3C, ligation frequencies are measured by quantitative PCR. This requires a specific PCR reaction for each ligation combination. In 5C, oligonucleotides are annealed and ligated in a multiplex setting. The specific oligonucleotides contain either a 5’ T7 primer extension or a 3’ T3 primer extension, such that multiple ligation events can be amplified in one PCR reaction and analysed by large-scale sequencing or microarray analysis. In 4C, ligation junctions are first trimmed by digestion with an enzyme that cuts more frequently than the first enzyme used. The shortened products are circularized, such that all fragments ligated to a fragment of choice can be amplified in one PCR reaction. If a frequent cutting enzyme is used in the first digestion the second digestion can be omitted (see Figure 2.5). The 4C PCR product is analysed by large-scale sequencing or microarray analysis.

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Chapter 270

between the analysed sites. This requires the demonstration that two DNA sites interact more

frequently with each other than with neighbouring DNA sequences. Thus, 3C technology is

a quantitative assay and a meaningful analysis critically relies on an accurate comparison of

interaction frequencies between multiple DNA segments. Indeed, the smaller the region studied,

the more difficult it becomes to discriminate between specific DNA interactions that potentially

have functional relevance and random collisions that occur non-specifically due to the flexibility

of the chromatin fiber. 3C and 3C-based technologies provide information about the frequency,

but not the functionality, of DNA interactions. Thus, a specific interaction may be identified

(i.e. two DNA sites looping towards each other) but additional, often genetic, experiments are

required to address whether such interaction is functionally meaningful or just the consequence

of general chromosome folding properties. For example, many of the long-range intra- and

interchromosomal interactions between genic and non-genic regions that can be identified by

4C technology (Simonis et al., 2006) are expected to be non-functional but to reflect the general

folding patterns of chromosomes (de Laat, 2007).

During most of the cell cycle a single mammalian cell provides maximally two events for

3C analysis, as it contains only two copies of a given restriction fragment, each end of which

can be ligated to maximally one other restriction site during the 3C procedure. This implies

that a meaningful (i.e. quantitative) 3C PCR analysis must be performed on a DNA template

that represents many genome equivalents. It also implies that DNA interactions can only be

quantified accurately if they occur in a significant proportion of the cells. Sites separated over

large genomic distances (i.e. hundreds of kilobases or more) often form not enough ligation

products for accurate quantification, even if microscopy studies suggest that they come together

in a significant proportion of cells. To study such long-range interactions, we recommend using

high-throughput 4C technology. 4C technology puts individual interactions in the context of many

thousands of other interactions along the chromosome and relies on the identification of clusters

of neighbouring restriction fragments each showing interactions with the site of interest. 4C

technology also allows identifying inter-chromosomal interactions and there is mounting evidence

in mammalian cells that such trans-interactions are more abundant than previously anticipated.

For example, a housekeeping gene, Rad23a, was found to contact many other genes on unrelated

chromosomes (Simonis et al., 2006). Again, many of these interactions may not be functionally

relevant but just the consequence of the general folding patterns of the genome. Unfortunately,

it is difficult to identify interactions between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes by

3C-based methods, as these usually cannot be separated from intra-chromosomal interactions.

Below, a more detailed outline of the experimental steps involved in all 3C-based technologies

will be presented in order to allow a better appreciation of the potentials and limitations of these


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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 71

Step 1: formaldehyde cross-linking

The method uses formaldehyde to crosslink protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions

via their amino and imino groups. Advantage of this cross-linking agent is that it works over

a relatively short distance (2 Å) and that cross-links can be reversed at higher temperatures

(Jackson, 1999; Orlando et al., 1997; Solomon and Varshavsky, 1985). Although cross-linking

is sometimes performed on isolated nuclei, it is preferentially done on living cells, since this

better guarantees taking a faithful snapshot of the chromatin conformation in vivo. Routinely, cells

are cross-linked at room temperature for ten minutes, using a formaldehyde concentration of

1-2%, but optimal fixation conditions depend on the frequency and stability of the interactions

analysed and need to be redefined for every new 3C experiment. It is important to keep in mind

that more stringent fixation conditions will lower the subsequent restriction enzyme digestion

efficiency (Splinter et al., 2004).

Many 3C experiments demonstrate preferential interactions between transcription

regulatory DNA elements. These sites are known to carry transcription factors and often contain

less histone proteins, hence their hypersensitivity to nuclease digestion. A concern often raised is

that the 3C assay may be biased due to better cross-link ability of these sites. Evidence that the

contrary may be true comes from recently developed FAIRE (Formaldehyde-Assisted Isolation of

Regulatory Elements) (Giresi et al., 2007; Hogan et al., 2006). FAIRE involves phenol-chloroform

extraction of formaldehyde cross-linked and sonicated chromatin and isolates regulatory DNA

sequences based on the fact that they tend to end up in the aqueous phase more than other

genomic regions. This indicates that the bias is against these regulatory DNA elements for being

cross-linked to proteins by formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde is also used under similar experimental conditions in chromatin

immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments as the cross-linking agent that captures protein-DNA

interactions in vivo. It is conceivable that formaldehyde often produces complex aggregates

containing more than two DNA fragments. In support of this, it was found that a single restriction

fragment frequently captures two or more other restriction fragments together in a 4C

experiment (Zhao et al., 2006). This notion would imply that both ChIP and 3C-like technologies

also pick up indirect interactions.

Step 2: Restriction enzyme digestion

After cross-linking, nuclei are isolated and digested with a restriction enzyme of choice. The choice

of restriction enzyme will mainly depend on the locus to be analysed. The restriction enzyme

should dissect the locus such that it allows for the separate analysis of the relevant regulatory

elements (gene bodies, promoters, enhancers, insulators, etc.). Analysing the topology of small

loci (<10-20 kb) requires the use of frequently cutting restriction enzymes such as DpnII or NlaIII

(4-base cutters). When analysing larger loci, 6-base cutters can also be used. Not all enzymes

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Chapter 272

digest cross-linked DNA equally well and we prefer to use EcoRI, BglII or HindIII (Splinter et

al., 2004). When we digest overnight with a large excess of one of these restriction enzymes,

we do not observe significant preferential digestion of e.g. open over closed chromatin. This

may be different with different enzymes and conditions and we recommend for each new 3C

experiment to exclude a bias in the assay due to preferential digestion of one site over the other.

Digestion efficiency drops with increased cross-linking stringency. We recommend that at least

ey βh1 βmaj βmin

0 +50-50 +100-100

-62.5/-60.7 65 4 3 2 1 3’HS1-85

LCR Globin genes

Position (kb)

1 kbp



HS4/5 3‘HS1HS2 HS1 βmajBglII #1BglII #2BglII #3

r r


2 1568

f f frrr f



4 7r f 2 f 8 r 6 r 5 r 1 fH+B



βmaj vs.

HS2 HS2 HS1 3‘HS1

4 r

no internalDpnII

no internalDpnII

and HindIII

no internalDpnII

and HindIII

3 f 3 f 3 f 2 f 2 f 2 f2 r+ 6 r+ + + + + + +



Figure 2.23C measurements and the use of frequently cutting restriction enzymes.A. Schematic presentation of the mouse β-globin locus. Analysed BglII (B) and HindIII (H) restriction fragments are shown. Primers used are plotted as arrows below the restriction fragments. B. Additional digestion with the frequently cutting restriction enzyme DpnII (D) reduces the number of junctions formed between unrelated fragments not processed by this restriction enzyme (fragment 3, 4 and 7). This shows that formaldehyde forms cross-linked aggregates containing more than two DNA fragments. Most likely, DpnII separates DNA fragments not directly cross-linked to each other. Interestingly, additional digestion with DpnII has no effect on junctions that analyse specific interactions between βmajor and HS2, or βmajor and HS1, suggesting that a more frequently cutting restriction enzyme reduces background while leaving specific, functionally relevant interactions more intact. Data shown are representative for experiments performed on three 3C different templates obtained from E14.5 liver cells.

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 73

60-70% of the DNA, but preferably 80% or more, is digested before continuing with the ligation


The efficiency of ligation between two physically linked but functionally unrelated fragments

not only depends on their genomic site separation but also on the number of restriction enzyme

recognition sites located in between them. This is illustrated by the following experiment that

analyses interactions in the β-globin locus in fetal liver cells that express the β-globin genes

(Figure 2.2). When a cross-linked chromatin sample is first digested by BglII and subsequently

split in two parts whereby one is receiving additional BglII and the other the more frequently

cutting restriction enzyme DpnII, ligation products between such unrelated BglII fragments are

lost only upon additional DpnII treatment (Figure 2.2B). Since DpnII treatment leaves the analysed

BglII fragments intact, the observed drop in their ligation frequency strongly indicates that they

were not cross-linked directly to each other but via other DNA sequences. Thus, formaldehyde

can form chromatin aggregates that contain more than two restriction fragments: in these

aggregates, multiple restriction ends will compete for ligation to each other during the next step

of the 3C procedure. Interestingly, additional DpnII digestion had no effect on certain specific,

functionally relevant, interactions between hypersensitive site 2 (HS2) or HS1 of the β-globin

locus control region (LCR) and the active βmajor gene, no matter which side of the corresponding

fragments were analysed (Figure 2.2B). These data strongly suggest that a more frequently cutting

restriction enzyme trims the cross-linked chromatin, thereby reducing background interactions

while leaving the specific, functionally relevant interactions more intact.

Step 3: Ligation

A critical selective step in the procedure is the ligation step carried out under conditions that

favour intra-molecular ligation events between cross-linked DNA fragments. This step creates

the actual 3C library that is enriched for ligated junctions between DNA fragments that originally

were close together in the nuclear space. A single cell can only provide maximally two junctions

per restriction site for analysis. An accurate quantitative comparison of ligation events by means

of PCR requires that sufficient copies of each junction are included in the PCR reaction. It is

therefore relevant to know how frequent a given restriction end is ligated to a selected other

restriction site. We have carefully quantified the abundance of the most recurrent ligation

products (Figure 2.3). Independent of the restriction site analysed, two junctions are always

over-represented. The first most abundant junction is with the neighbouring DNA sequence.

This junction is the result of incomplete restriction enzyme digestion and can constitute up to

20-30% of all the junctions; this number drops when less stringent fixation conditions are used.

The second most abundant junction is with the other end of the same restriction fragment, as a

consequence of restriction fragment circularisation. This product can be formed independent of

the cross-linking step and can account for up to 5-10% of all the junctions formed. Interestingly,

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Chapter 274

ey βh1 βmaj βmin

0 +50-50 +100-100

-62.5/-60.7 65 4 3 2 1 3’HS1-85

LCR Globin genes

Position (kb)

























2.20.2 0.5


0.7 0.1 0.3



1 kbp



ct a







ct a







ct a











HS2HS4/5 βmaj

1r B 0f

HS4/5 HS2 βmaj


2f 1r 0f 2r 0r1f


BA vs. vs. vs. C

0f 2f1r 0f 1r A C 0r 1f 2r






Figure 2.3Relative abundance of frequently formed 3C ligation products.A. Schematic presentation of the mouse β-globin locus. Analysed HindIII (H) restriction fragments are shown below and the positions of HS5, 4 and 2 and the βmajor promoter are indicated. 3C primers used are plotted as arrows below the restriction fragments. B. Plots show the percentage of junctions that are formed with a given end of a fixed fragment (A, B or C) as a consequence of non-digested DNA, ligation-mediated self-circularisation (analysed in combination with primer ‘0’) or ligation to an end of a neighbouring restriction fragment (with primer ‘1’ or ‘2’). Also shown is the relative abundance of junctions formed between the fixed fragment ends B and A, and B and C. These junctions analyse interactions between HS2 and HS4/5, and HS2 and the βmajor promoter, respectively, which are thought to contact each other frequently in the tissue analysed (E14.5 liver). Data were based on 3C-qPCR analysis, comparing the abundance of each junction between a 3C template obtained from fetal liver and a control template containing all analysed junctions and several internal fragments in equimolar amounts. In order to generate this control template, specific junctions were PCR amplified from a 3C template and subsequently gel purified. The percentages plotted are representative for experiments performed on three different 3C templates, each obtained from fetal liver cells cross-linked for 10 minutes in 2% formaldehyde at room temperature. Note that the relative abundance of these junctions may be different when other fixation conditions are used, but junctions present as a consequence of incomplete DNA digestion and formed via self-circularisation are expected to always be the most abundant products. The data show that even frequent interactions are captured in less than 1% of the cells and that most ligation products are formed in less than 1 in 500 cells.

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 75

this percentage goes up when less stringent cross-linking conditions are used (data not shown),

suggesting that under such conditions less restriction fragments are cross-linked together. The

formation of other junctions is much less efficient. For example, ligation to ends of directly

neighbouring restriction fragments (which will always be close together in the nuclear space and

therefore should also ligate relatively efficiently) already only occurs 0.2-0.5% of the time. This

percentage quickly drops down to <0.1% with increasing genomic site separation, unless two

sites are engaged in a specific interaction. However, even sites thought to frequently interact

with each other, such as sites in the β-globin locus control region and the active β-globin genes

30-50 kb away, only account for 0.2-0.5% of the junctions formed between them. It should be

clear that in order to accurately quantify such rare events that often occur in less than 1/1000

cells, many genome equivalents need to be included in a PCR reaction. A schematic overview

of the relative abundance of frequently formed ligation products at the mouse β-globin locus is

presented in Figure 2.4.


After reversal of the cross-links, ligation frequencies of restriction fragments are analysed by

PCR, using primers specific for the restriction fragments of interest. We routinely use 50-200 ng

of 3C template, or ~8x104 – 3x105 genome equivalents, per PCR reaction. A meaningful 3C

analysis critically relies on the accurate quantification of the different ligation products and

measurements therefore need to be taken when each DNA amplification reaction is in the

linear range. In standard 3C experiments, a PCR protocol, which uses a standard number of

PCR cycles and a standard amount of DNA template, is applied to the analysis of all different

ligation products. Amounts are then estimated by measuring the intensity of ethidium bromide-

stained PCR products separated by gel electrophoresis. Disadvantage of this semi-quantitative

method is that it is prone to provide inaccurate data, as measurements will not always be taken

when the DNA amplification reaction is in the linear range. To overcome this limitation and thus

provide more accurate quantitative measurements, a real-time PCR approach using TaqMan®

probes, called 3C-qPCR, was developed for the 3C analysis of ligation products (Splinter et al.,

2006; Wurtele and Chartrand, 2006). The TaqMan® probe works together with a constant PCR

primer, which both hybridise to the restriction fragment of interest. In combination with test

primers hybridising to other restriction fragments, they can analyse junctions of choice formed

with this constant fragment. The TaqMan® probe is designed such that it hybridises in between

the restriction site of interest and the constant PCR primer, with probe and primer hybridising

to opposite strands (Splinter et al., 2006). This configuration ensures that the fluorescent signal

provided by the probe is strictly specific to the amplification of the ligation product selected for

analysis. A detailed protocol for this approach was published recently (Hagege et al., 2007).

Different primer pairs will have different amplification efficiencies and in order to account for

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Chapter 276

this, these efficiencies need to be assessed. This is done on a control template containing all

ligation products in equimolar amounts (Dekker, 2006; Dekker et al., 2002; Palstra et al., 2003;

Splinter et al., 2004; Tolhuis et al., 2002), mixed with the same amount of genomic DNA as

is present in the 3C PCR reaction. To be able to compare results obtained with different 3C

templates, one needs to account for possible differences in quality and quantity between these

templates. This is done by analysing interaction frequencies between segments in a control locus

that is expected to adopt a similar conformation in the different cell-types of interest, as has been

described previously (Dekker, 2006; Splinter et al., 2004; Tolhuis et al., 2002).

The ChIP-loop assay

It is often found by 3C technology that a single DNA site interacts with multiple other sites in

the population of cells analysed. In many cases, this is likely to reflect cell-to-cell differences

in chromatin conformation and it is very well possible that in different subpopulations of cells

distinct proteins bind to such a given site and mediate the different DNA interactions. The

chromatin immunoprecipitation-combined loop (ChIP-loop) assay was developed to investigate

this (Cai et al., 2006; Horike et al., 2005; Kumar et al., 2007). The method involves formaldehyde

cross-linking of cells, restriction enzyme digestion and urea gradient purification of cross-linked

chromatin, immunoprecipitation using an antibody against the protein of interest, ligation of

precipitated DNA fragments (still coupled to the beads) and PCR analysis of the junctions

(Figure 2.1).

In our opinion, a number of technical aspects complicate the analysis of results obtained

by ChIP-loop. First, it is not clear why current protocols ligate the fragments when they are

bound and concentrated to the beads. Concentrating the DNA on the beads prior to ligation is

expected to facilitate the formation of junctions between bead-associated, but not necessarily

formaldehyde-crosslinked, DNA fragments, hence also producing results that reflect loops

formed on the beads rather than in nuclear space. Unless it is demonstrated that such undesired

events do not take place, we would argue it is better to carry out the precipitation after the

ligation step, which needs to be performed under conditions as described in the 3C procedure.

Second, accurate quantification of ligation products is already very challenging in standard 3C

and will even be more difficult in ChIP-loop assays, because it must take into account the relative

enrichment of each site on the beads. For example, we would argue that ChIP-loop assays should

only be directed to the analysis of fragments that are both enriched by ChIP. Indeed, we tend

to question the relevance of analysing, via ChIP-loop, interactions between DNA segments

that are not bound by the protein of interest, or between DNA segments of which only one

is enriched by the antibody. After all, if a sequence had been co-precipitated because it was

cross-linked to a target sequence of the protein of interest, it should also be found enriched in

the ChIP assay. It may be possible to obtain unique information, not obtainable from ChIP or

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 77

3C only, when studying loops formed between sites that are both precipitated via the protein-

antibody interaction. However, like in 3C, the mere detection of a ligation product will not

tell whether they randomly collide or interact specifically. Interaction frequencies need to be

quantified accurately and compared to other interactions between sequences enriched in the

same experiment. To decide whether the ChIP captured a specific DNA-DNA interaction, one

must then also take into account the genomic site separation between each pair of segments and

the relative enrichment of each site on the beads. This seems to make the interpretation of ChIP-

loop results very difficult. ChIP-loop assays can be useful though to identify proteins participating

in interactions between sites far apart on the chromosome (i.e. hundreds of kilobases or more)

or sites located on different chromosomes, as in this case the interpretation of results will not be

complicated by frequent random collisions.

5C technology

Large-scale mapping of for example several hundreds of chromatin interactions using standard

3C is time consuming and difficult. The introduction of the 3C-Carbon Copy (5C) method

generates the possibility of such large-scale locus-wide analysis (Dostie and Dekker, 2007; Dostie

et al., 2006). The method uses a multiplex ligation-mediated amplification (LMA) step to detect

and amplify selected ligation junctions, thereby generating a quantitative carbon copy of a part of

the initial 3C library, which is subsequently analysed via microarray detection or high throughput

sequencing (Figure 2.1). LMA involves using a combination of test and fixed 5C primers that

hybridise to the sense and antisense strand, respectively, of the restriction fragment ends analysed.

Fixed and test primers will be directly juxtaposed when a ligation junction is formed between

the corresponding restriction sites, allowing subsequent primer-primer ligation. Universal

tails protruding from the test and fixed primers, such as T7 and complementary T3 promoter

sequences, subsequently enable massive parallel quantitative amplification of all ligation products

formed between selected the fragments. 5C technology has the opportunity of analysing a locus

from a single or multiple fixed points. It can generate a complex matrix of interaction frequencies

for a given genomic region, which can be used to reconstruct the intricate topology of this region.

The size of the genomic region that can be studied is limited by the number of 5C primers that

can be used simultaneously. Scanning hundreds of megabases of the genome will require using

tens of thousands of 5C primers. 5C technology is therefore not very suitable to scan the entire

genome for DNA interactions (Dostie and Dekker, 2007).

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Chapter 278

4C technology

3C and 5C technology have been developed to identify interacting elements between selected

parts of the genome and both techniques require the design of primers for all restriction fragments

analysed. Recently, new strategies have been developed that allow screening the entire genome

in an unbiased manner for DNA segments that physically interact with a DNA fragment of choice

(Lomvardas et al., 2006; Simonis et al., 2006; Wurtele and Chartrand, 2006; Zhao et al., 2006).

They are all based on 3C technology and very similar in principle and we therefore collectively

refer to these techniques as ‘4C technology’.

An outline of 4C technology is provided in (Figure 2.1). Just like 3C, 4C technology depends

on the selective ligation of cross-linked DNA fragments to a restriction fragment of choice (the

‘bait’). In 4C technology, all the DNA fragments captured by the bait in the population of cells


<30% <0.5%

<0.5% <0.1%




1 Kb

10 Kb

10 Mb

Local Interactions

Enhancer-gene Interactions



Long-range Interactions measured by 4C


20-30 % Non-digested


Directly neighbouringrestriction fragments


Long-range interactions

5-10 %

0.1-0.5 %

0.2-0.5 %

0.01-0.001 %

Ligation events (% alleles)

Figure 2.4Ligation events measured at the β-globin locus.Schematic presentation of the relative abundance of frequently formed ligation products at the mouse β-globin locus. Typical values for ligation events (in % alleles) are indicated for A. Local interactions with directly neighbouring restriction fragments; data measured using 3C-qPCR. Arrows below the restriction fragments indicate the location and direction of 3C primers (‘bait’ primer indicated in black) B. Enhancer-gene interactions over 30-100 Kb; data measured using 3C-qPCR C. Long-range interactions in cis and in trans (>1Mb); data measured by 4C D. Table summarizing the relative abundance of different ligation products formed at the mouse β-globin locus (in % alleles).

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 79

are simultaneously amplified via inverse PCR, using two bait-specific primers that amplify from

circularized ligation products. Essentially two strategies can be pursued to obtain these DNA

circles (Figure 2.5). One strategy relies on the formation of circles during the standard 3C

ligation step, i.e. while the DNA is still cross-linked (Lomvardas et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2006).

Here, circle formation requires both ends of the bait fragment to be ligated to both ends of a

captured restriction fragment. If multiple restriction fragments are cross-linked together (see

above), circles may still be formed but they can contain more than one captured fragment and

will therefore be larger (Figure 2.5). After de-crosslinking, captured DNA fragments are directly

amplified by inverse PCR, using bait-specific primers facing outwards. Restriction enzymes

recognizing four or six basepairs can be used in this set up. Four-cutters are preferred in this

method though (Zhao et al., 2006), since they produce smaller restriction fragments (average

size 256 bp, versus ~4 kb for six-cutters) and linear PCR amplification of the captured DNA

fragments requires that the average product size is small.

The second strategy relies on the formation of DNA circles after the chromatin has been de-

cross-linked (Figure 2.5). Here, the standard 3C procedure is followed, using a six-cutter as the

restriction enzyme, which yields a 3C template that contains de-cross-linked ligation products.

These junctions are then further processed to reduce the size of the captured fragments, which

is done by a second round of digestion, this time with a four-cutter restriction enzyme. The

trimmed ligation junctions are subsequently re-ligated under conditions that favor the formation

of self-ligated circles and inverse PCR primers hybridizing to the bait are used to linearly amplify

(the small outer ends of) captured DNA fragments (Simonis et al., 2006; Wurtele and Chartrand,


Since the two strategies have not been worked out in similar detail yet, it is currently difficult

to compare them. Theoretically, each strategy will have its own advantages and disadvantages.

A clear advantage of the first approach is that it requires less processing steps. Additionally,

the use of four-cutters will provide a higher resolution (256 bp versus 4 kb for a four-cutter

versus six-cutter, respectively). This should better allow defining the site of interaction, which is

expected to be particularly useful for identifying cis-regulatory DNA elements that locate away

from a gene of interest (see below). A potential issue of concern exists if formaldehyde cross-links

multiple DNA fragments together (see above). As a consequence of this, circles formed between

cross-linked DNA fragments may contain more than two captured fragments, which will often

be too large to be amplified in a linear fashion. This, in turn, may affect the reproducibility of the

approach. It is also not clear how efficient circle formation is between DNA fragments that reside

in cross-linked chromatin aggregates. Analysis of fragments captured by this approach so far has

been limited to the sequencing of relatively small numbers of clones, 114 (Zhao et al., 2006) and

320 (Lomvardas et al., 2006), respectively. Although these studies identified interesting DNA

fragments, it is not clear whether such small number of clones provides a fair representation of

the complex library of ligation junctions.

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Chapter 280

Figure 2.5Outline of the two basic 4C strategies.4C is based on 3C, but here all fragments ligated to a “bait” fragment (black) are amplified in one inverse PCR on circularized ligation products, using primers that amplify from the “bait”. There are two 4C strategies. Strategy A entails the use of a 4-cutter enzyme, resulting in a resolution of 256 bp, and relies on the circular ligation of DNA fragments while they are still cross-linked. In strategy B, the cross-linked material is digested with a 6-cutter enzyme resulting in a resolution of 4 kb. The ligation junctions are trimmed and circularized after de-cross-linking. In both strategies PCR products can be analysed by either large-scale sequencing or microarray analysis, in which strategy A requires (many) tilling arrays and strategy B one custom designed array, for a whole genome analysis.

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 81

The advantage of the second approach, which uses six-cutters and relies on the formation

of circles after the DNA has been de-cross-linked, is that it depends on the ligation of only

one end of the bait to one end of a cross-linked DNA fragment, which will be more efficient

than forming a circle between cross-linked DNA fragments. Circle formation takes place

when the DNA is naked, which will also be more efficient than when the DNA is cross-linked.

Products to be amplified will generally be smaller, as the circles will not contain more than

one captured fragment, and therefore easier to amplify in a linear fashion. Since the strategy

selectively amplifies the ligated outer ends of the restriction fragments created by the six-cutter,

the complexity of the genomic library to be analysed is strongly reduced. One can take advantage

of this by designing tailored microarrays containing only probes located directly adjacent (within

100 bp) to each recognition site of a given six-cutter (e.g. HindIII) in the genome to analyse the

captured DNA fragments (Simonis et al., 2006). This design allows for a large representation

of the genome to be spotted on a single array. Original designs represented seven complete

mouse chromosomes, while current designs cover the complete human or mouse genome on

a single Nimblegen microarray (400.000 probes), enabling the identification of interactions at a

resolution of ~7 kb (unpublished data).

Tailored microarrays were used to simultaneously analyse hundred thousands of fragments

captured by the second approach. Replicate experiments performed on biologically independent

samples demonstrated this strategy to be highly reproducible. Independent of the bait chosen

for analysis (we have now analysed interactions with more than 15 different baits), it is always

found that sequences physically close on the linear chromosome template are largely over-

represented (Figure 2.6A). In fact, restriction fragments within 5 to 10 Mb from the bait are

always captured so efficiently that they saturate every corresponding probe present on the array,

precluding a quantitative analysis of local signal intensities. Further away from the bait and on

other chromosomes, clusters of 20-50 neighbouring restriction fragments can be identified that

all show increased hybridisation signals (Figure 2.6B). Since each probe analyses an independent

ligation event and only two fragments can be captured per cell, such clustering of interacting

DNA fragments strongly indicates that this genomic region contacts the bait in multiple cells.

Importantly, high-resolution cryo-FISH confirmed independently for more than 20 of these

regions that they truly represent interacting regions in cis and in trans (Simonis et al., 2006).

These experiments also showed that 4C technology identifies interacting regions in trans even if

they are together in only 4% of the cells (cryo-FISH background in trans: 0-2%) and in cis even

if they are together in only 6% of the cells (cryo-FISH background in cis: 2-4%). Compared to

local signals surrounding the target sequence, the amount and intensity of non-specific signals

found on unrelated chromosomes are minimal, showing that the background (caused e.g. by

random ligation) of this technology is very low (Simonis et al., 2006).

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Potential pitfalls of 4C technology

Number of cells

Whichever strategy is followed, several critical steps need to be considered. First, analysis must

be performed on a relatively large population of cells. Even frequent interactions between

fragments close on the linear chromosome template are captured often in less than 1/500

cells and we think that the trans and long-range cis-interactions that we identify are captured

in only 1/10.000 or even 1/100.000 cells. We routinely process 10 million cells and perform 16

inverse PCR reactions on 200ng template, which we subsequently pool and label for microarray

hybridisation. Hence, we analyse an equivalent of approximately one million ligation events on a

single microarray.


The advantage of 4C (and 5C) over 3C is that only 2 primers are required to amplify all products,

circumventing the problem of differences in primer pair efficiencies. All PCR based methods

suffer from the fact that different amplicons amplify with a different efficiency. By performing the

same PCR on a control template containing all ligation products in equimolar amounts one can

correct for these differences in 3C and 5C, but not in 4C. It is absolutely critical to optimise the

4C-PCR step, as this step will select the DNA fragments for analysis, which need to correctly

represent the fragments captured by the bait. Typically, 80% of the DNA fragments are smaller

than 600 bp when samples are processed first with a six cutter and then with a four-cutter, but

one also wants larger fragments to be amplified in a linear fashion. Different polymerases will

perform this task with different levels of success (data not shown). One can use 3C primers and

real-time PCR to test if the abundance of different sized products is similar before and after the

inverse PCR step in 4C. We have used this strategy to define conditions that allow fragments of

at least 1.2 kb to be amplified at very similar efficiencies. An important test to check if the PCR

is set up correctly is to perform reactions on independently processed samples. When separated

by gel electrophoresis, they all should give a similar smear of PCR products and a number of

more prominent bands that are reproducible between the samples (Figure 2.6C). One should

also check if the theoretically most abundant products that originate from the non-digested

template and from the self-ligated circle are prominently present, which also confirms that the

inverse PCR works (Figure 2.6C).

High-throughput analysis

While sequencing of even hundreds of clones may reveal potentially interesting DNA fragments,

we strongly recommend high-throughput analysis of captured DNA fragments, using either

microarrays or large-scale sequencing, to exclude that analysis is focused on a misrepresentation

of the actual library of captured fragments. Indeed, whatever the bait chosen for analysis

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 83

and whatever the 4C strategy used, the great majority of captured fragments will always be

located close to the bait on the linear chromosome template (Simonis et al., 2006; Wurtele and

Chartrand, 2006).

Figure 2.6Results obtained by 4C technology are highly reproducible.Example of 4C data analyzing murine Rad23a. A. Raw data on the cis chromosome of two independent experiments on biological replicates. The arrow indicates the position of the 4C primers. B. Raw data of two independent experiments showing reproducible clustering of high signals. Arrowheads indicate irreproducible, isolated high signals, representing random ligation events. C. Two 4C PCR products of biological replicates analysed with gel electrophoresis. The appearance is highly reproducible. I- indicates the self-circularized fragment. II -indicates the non-digested product (see text for explanation).




Chromosomal Position (Mb)



57 60 63

Chromosomal Position (Mb)

sample A

sample B

sample A

sample B

doublepositive areas

805 bp

339 bp












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Analyzing 4C data

The capture of a single restriction fragment away from the bait in cis or on another chromosome

does not necessarily reveal a specific interaction. High-throughput microarray analysis shows

that probes with high signals are found across the chromosome and to a lesser extent also on

other chromosomes. Many of these captures are random though, as they are not reproducible

between independent duplicate experiments. Thus, highly specific long-range intra- and

interchromosomal interactions with single restriction fragments may exist, but it is very difficult

to discriminate them from random captures. The presence of genomic clusters of restriction

fragments that show increased hybridisation signals in biologically replicate experiments reveal

interacting regions, as explained above (Figure 2.6B). These regions can be identified by the

application of a sliding window approach that provides a measure for the relative abundance of

ligated fragments per genomic area (Simonis et al., 2006).

Verification of 4C data

3C technology may be used as a first verification of data obtained by 4C technology. However,

they are not independent technologies and long-range interactions identified by 4C technology

should therefore always be verified by completely independent methods such as FISH. Preferably

this is done by high-resolution FISH studies, such as 3D-FISH or cryo-FISH (Branco and Pombo,

2006) that use fixation conditions, which preserve the nuclear ultra-structure well. It needs to

be demonstrated that two regions identified to interact by 4C technology indeed come together

more frequently in the population of cells than two randomly chosen loci.

Concluding remarks and perspectives

The development of 3C technology has contributed enormously to our understanding of the

intricate folding of gene loci and revealed for example that transcriptional regulatory DNA

elements loop towards their target genes to regulate the expression. Based on 3C technology,

a number of new approaches have recently been developed. The ChIP-loop assay may direct

structure analysis to specific protein-bound DNA sequences, but correct interpretation is

currently still complicated, as it requires a quantitative comparison between ChIP-loop, ChIP and

3C data. 5C technology is expected to provide unprecedented insight into the conformational

fine-structure of selected regions in the genome. Like 4C, it may help screening a genomic

region for DNA elements that interact with a DNA segment of choice, being either a gene

(promoter), an insulator sequence, an enhancer, an origin of replication, etc. 4C technology is

expected to contribute importantly to a comprehensive understanding of nuclear architecture

(de Laat, 2007), picking up interactions not previously anticipated and putting the relative

frequency of interactions in perspective. Current 4C microarray studies allow identifying

long-range interactions in cis, over tens of megabases and in trans, between chromosomes.

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Evaluation of 3C-based methods 85

The large over-representation of fragments closer to the bait precludes a quantitative analysis

of local interactions, but it is to be expected that 4C can be modified to also identify loops

formed in smaller genomic regions. In the near future more novel 3C-based methods may be

expected. Their potential should be evaluated not so much on the possibly exciting nature of

the interactions identified but on independent evidence, obtained for example by FISH, that is

provided to demonstrate that interactions are real.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Frank Grosveld and the members of our lab for discussion. This work was supported by grants

from the Dutch Scientific Organisation (NWO) (016-006-026) and (912-04-082) to W.d.L.

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3β-Globin Active Chromatin Hub formation

in differentiating erythroid cells and in

p45 NF-E2 knockout mice

Based on: Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 16544-16552 (2007)

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Chapter 388


Expression of the β-globin genes proceeds from basal to exceptionally high levels during

erythroid differentiation in vivo. High expression is dependent on the locus control region (LCR)

and coincides with more frequent LCR-gene contacts. These contacts are established in the

context of an Active Chromatin Hub (ACH), a spatial chromatin configuration in which the LCR,

together with other regulatory sequences, loops towards the active β-globin-like genes. Here,

we used recently established I/11 cells as a model system that faithfully recapitulates the in vivo

erythroid differentiation program to study the molecular events that accompany and underlie

ACH formation. Upon I/11 cell induction, histone modifications change, the ACH is formed and

the β-globin-like genes are transcribed at rates similar to those observed in vivo. The establishment

of frequent LCR-gene contacts coincides with a more efficient loading of polymerase onto the

β-globin promoter. Binding of the transcription factors GATA-1 and EKLF to the locus, while

previously shown to be required, is not sufficient for ACH formation. Moreover, we use knockout

mice to show that the erythroid transcription factor p45 NF-E2, which has been implicated in

β-globin gene regulation, is dispensable for β-globin ACH formation.


The mammalian β-globin gene loci serve as a model system for studying developmental gene

regulation. The murine β-globin locus contains four β-like globin genes that are arranged

on the DNA in the order of their developmental expression. Expression of the β-like globin

genes is restricted to the erythroid lineage. In erythroid progenitor cells, they are expressed at

basal transcription levels, comparable to that of most other genes. However, at later stages of

erythroid maturation they are expressed at exceptionally high levels. This high transcription rate

is dependent on the β-globin locus control region (LCR) (Epner et al., 1998), a cis-regulatory

DNA element located upstream of the β-like globin genes that contains six erythroid-specific

DNaseI hypersensitive sites (HSs) (Figure 3.1A).

Recently developed 3C technology provides insight into the spatial conformation of

the β-globin locus. This technique involves quantitative PCR analysis of formaldehyde cross-

links made between selected DNA fragments as a measure of their interaction frequency. 3C

technology revealed that high expression of the β-globin genes at later stages of differentiation

coincides with the formation of an Active Chromatin Hub (ACH), a spatial configuration of the

locus in which the LCR, together with additional HSs upstream and downstream of the locus,

loops towards the active β-like globin genes (Tolhuis et al., 2002). At early stages of erythroid

differentiation a smaller chromatin hub (CH), is present. It is composed of contacts between

the outer HSs of the locus and part of the LCR, but does not contain the genes (Palstra et al.,

2003). The β-globin genes switch interaction with the ACH in relation to their transcriptional

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NF-E2 and β-globin ACH formation 89

activity during development. The embryonic genes contact the LCR in embryonic blood, while

the adult genes do so in fetal liver and adult bone marrow (Palstra et al., 2003). Based on

these observations, ACH formation was proposed to be crucial for the high expression rates

of the β-globin genes: spatial clustering of cis-regulatory DNA elements ensures a high local

concentration of transcription factors, required for efficient gene transcription (de Laat and

Grosveld, 2003). While this is likely true for LCR-gene contacts, the functional significance of

the outer HSs participating in the hub is still unclear. Deletion of these sites, or depletion of the

transcription factor CTCF, which abrogates interactions with the outer HSs, has no measurable

effect on β-globin gene expression (Bender et al., 2006; Splinter et al., 2006). Little is known

about the molecular events that are involved in the establishment of contacts between the LCR

and the genes as the locus proceeds from a CH to an ACH during erythroid differentiation.

Mice containing a targeted deletion of the β-globin LCR have provided insight into LCR-

independent modifications of the locus (Epner et al., 1998). While none of the β-globin genes

express beyond basal levels in these mice, they appear to have similar chromatin properties

as their wildtype counterparts that express 25-100 fold more efficiently. Thus, the promoters

are hypersensitive, contain highly acetylated histones and bind both basal transcription factors,

such as TATA binding protein (TBP), and tissue-specific transcription factors, such as NF-E2 and

GATA-1, albeit at slightly reduced efficiency (Bender et al., 2000; Sawado et al., 2003; Schubeler

et al., 2000; Vakoc et al., 2005). RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) binding to the βmajor promoter was

reduced only twofold in the absence of the LCR, while a more dramatic reduction (5-fold) in

binding was observed at the third exon of βmajor, leading to the conclusion that the LCR primarily

acts by enhancing the transition from initiation to elongation (Sawado et al., 2003).

GATA-1, EKLF and NF-E2 are the best characterized tissue-specific transcription factors

involved in β-globin gene transcription. All three factors bind to elements in the β-globin LCR

and to promoters of the β-globin genes (Forsberg et al., 2000; Im et al., 2005; Johnson et al.,

2002; Kang et al., 2002). GATA-1 is essential for the development of the erythroid lineage in

mice (Pevny et al., 1991) and restoration of GATA-1 activity in a GATA-1 null cell line leads to

β-globin gene activation (Weiss et al., 1997). EKLF is essential for adult β-globin gene expression

in mice (Nuez et al., 1995; Perkins et al., 1995). EKLF and GATA-1 both function in β-globin

ACH formation; frequent contacts between the LCR and the genes are lacking in their absence

(Drissen et al., 2004; Vakoc et al., 2005). The role of NF-E2 in β-globin gene regulation is less

well understood. NF-E2 is composed of a ubiquitously expressed subunit, MafK (or p18 NF-E2),

and an erythroid-specific transactivator subunit, p45 NF-E2 (Andrews et al., 1993). NF-E2 binds

most prominently to HS2 in the LCR but also to an element just downstream of the adult β-

globin gene promoter (Forsberg et al., 2000; Kang et al., 2002). Based on studies using a mouse

erythroleukemia (MEL) cell line lacking the p45 subunit, NF-E2 is thought to be essential for β-

globin gene transcription and to mediate the hyperacetylation of histones and the deposition of

RNAP II at the β-globin gene promoters (Johnson et al., 2001; Kotkow and Orkin, 1995; Lu et al.,

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1994; Vieira et al., 2004). However, mice lacking the erythroid-specific subunit p45 show normal

erythropoiesis and express the β-globin genes at slightly reduced levels compared to wildtype

(Shivdasani and Orkin, 1995). The current view is that p45 NF-E2 is crucial in certain cultured

erythroid cell systems, but has redundant factors in vivo. However, mice lacking both p45 NF-E2

and the related factors Nrf-2, or Nrf-3, did not show an erythroid phenotype beyond that seen

with loss of p45 NF-E2 alone (Derjuga et al., 2004; Kuroha et al., 1998; Martin et al., 1998). It is

unknown whether NF-E2 functions in β-globin ACH formation.

Here we analysed the role of erythroid-specific transcription factors and characterize the

molecular events that accompany activation of high β-globin gene expression rates at the late

stages of erythroid differentiation. Careful analyses of recently established I/11 erythroid cells

Figure 3.1Characterization of murine primary erythroid progenitor cells.A. Schematic presentation of the mouse β-globin locus. MORs (mouse olfactory receptor genes) are indicated by boxes; embryonic (εy, βh1) and adult (βmajor and βminor) β-globin genes are indicated by triangles. DNaseI HSs are indicated by arrows. B. Relative β-globin mRNA levels (as determined by quantitative RT-PCR) in non-induced, proliferative primary erythroid progenitor cells (I-) and induced, differentiated primary erythroid cells (I+) and E14.5 liver cells (set to 1). C. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) using an antibody against RNAP II. Plotted are relative enrichments measured for sites in the β-globin locus in non-induced (I-) and induced (I+) primary erythroid progenitor cells and E14.5 liver cells. Highest value set to 1. D. Quantitative 3C analysis on non-induced (I-) and induced (I+) primary erythroid cells. Shown are relative cross-linking frequencies with HS2. Highest value set to 1. In panel B, C and D the standard error of the mean (SEM) is indicated.

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NF-E2 and β-globin ACH formation 91

show that they provide a good model system for these studies, where upon maturation, β-globin

gene expression increases to reach the high transcription levels observed in vivo. Increased

transcription coincides with stabilized LCR-gene contacts and a more efficient loading of RNAP

II onto the β-globin gene promoters. GATA-1 and EKLF bind their target sites in the β-globin

locus prior to ACH formation, showing that although required, the mere binding of these factors

is not sufficient for the establishment of frequent LCR-gene contacts. Similarly, NF-E2 already

binds to the locus in erythroid progenitor cells prior to ACH formation. We used p45 knockout

mice to investigate the role of NF-E2 in β-globin gene regulation and demonstrate that while

β-globin gene expression is slightly reduced in the absence of this factor, the β-globin ACH is

formed normally. Thus, unlike GATA-1 and EKLF, NF-E2 is dispensable for long-range LCR-gene

contacts in the β-globin locus.


I/11 cells as a model system to study LCR mediated β-globin gene expression

Primary erythroid cells directly isolated from mouse fetal liver can both be expanded in vitro and

induced to undergo synchronous differentiation to fully mature, enucleated erythrocytes (Dolznig

et al., 2005). We found that they expressed the adult βmajor gene at basal levels when brought

into culture under conditions that enriched for progenitor cells (Figure 3.1B). Differentiation

of these cells in vitro resulted in an increase in steady-state β-globin messenger RNA levels to

amounts similar to that observed in vivo (Figure 3.1B). Differentiation was accompanied by an

increase in RNAP II-binding to the promoter and third exon of the βmajor gene (Figure 3.1C) and

an increase in interaction frequency between the LCR (HS2) and the βmajor gene (Figure 3.1D),

as determined by an improved 3C strategy that uses Taqman probes for a more quantitative

analysis of interaction frequencies (Hagege et al., 2007; Splinter et al., 2006). However, primary

progenitor cells often differentiate spontaneously, which precludes the collection of large

homogeneous cell populations required for large-scale chromatin immuno-precipitation (ChIP)

and chromosome conformation capture (3C) (Dekker et al., 2002) experiments. We therefore

compared I/11 erythroid progenitors (Dolznig et al., 2001) to these primary erythroid cells with

respect to β-globin gene expression characteristics during erythroid differentiation.

I/11 cells are erythroid progenitor cells established from fetal livers of p53 -/- mice. The

cells can be expanded indefinitely in vitro and upon exposure to physiologically relevant stimuli

such as erythropoietin, they undergo terminal differentiation into enucleated erythrocytes in a

synchronized manner (Dolznig et al., 2001; von Lindern et al., 2001). Detailed analysis of β-globin

gene expression showed that differentiation of I/11 cells was accompanied by an approximately

20-fold increase in stead-state levels of βmajor transcripts, reaching levels comparable to those

observed in vivo (Figure 3.2A). Also, RNAP II-binding to the promoter and third exon of the

βmajor gene increased and reached levels observed in vivo (Figure 3.2B). Finally, more frequent

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LCR-gene contacts were observed upon differentiation of I/11 cells (Figure 3.2C) (Palstra et

al., 2003), in a manner similar to that seen in primary erythroid cells (Figure 3.1D). Therefore,

we conclude that I/11 cells faithfully recapitulate the later stages of erythroid differentiation not

only morphologically (Dolznig et al., 2001) but also with respect to the transcriptional profile

of the β-globin genes. Moreover, we note that non-induced proliferating I/11 progenitor cells

express the β-globin genes at levels comparable to the basal β-globin gene expression levels

observed in transgenic mice lacking the LCR (Epner et al., 1998). Non-induced cells also lack the

Figure 3.2I/11 cells as a model system to study LCR-mediated β-globin gene expression.A. Relative β-globin mRNA levels (as determined by quantitative RT-PCR) in non-induced, proliferative (I-) and induced, differentiated (I+) I/11 cells and E14.5 liver (set to 1). B. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) using an antibody against RNAP II. Plotted are relative enrichments measured for sites in the β-globin locus in non-induced (I-) and induced (I+) I/11 cells and E14.5 liver cells. Highest value set to 1. C. Quantitative 3C analysis on non-induced (I-) and induced (I+) I/11 cells. Shown are relative cross-linking frequencies with HS2. Highest value set to 1. D. Relative β-globin primary transcript levels (as determined by quantitative RT-PCR) in I/11 cells at different time-points (hours) after induction of differentiation and in E14.5 liver cells (set to 1). E. Quantitative 3C analysis on I/11 cells at different time-points (hours) after induction of differentiation. Shown is the relative cross-linking frequency between HS2 and βmajor. Highest value set to 1. In all panels the standard error of the mean (SEM) is indicated.

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frequent β-globin LCR-gene contacts observed in induced I/11 cells, suggesting that proliferating

I/11 progenitor cells represent a stage of erythroid differentiation where transcription of the

β-globin-like genes is mostly LCR-independent. Indeed, when I/11 cells were analysed at different

time intervals after induction of differentiation, increased expression rates of βmajor, as measured

by the amount of nascent transcripts (Figure 3.2D), coincided well with increased HS2/βmajor

interaction frequencies (Figure 3.2E), supporting the idea that the LCR regulates transcription by

contacting the gene. We therefore conclude that I/11 cells are a good model system to study the

molecular mechanisms behind LCR-mediated activation of high β-globin gene expression levels.

Histone modifications accompanying ACH formation

Next, ChIP experiments were performed on I/11 cells to investigate if ACH formation and

transcriptional enhancement is accompanied by changes in histone modifications at the regulatory

sites of the β-globin locus. Acetylation of histone H3 (AcH3) is a mark for active chromatin.

The murine β-globin locus is characterized by high levels of erythroid-specific AcH3 at the cis-

regulatory sites present in the LCR and at the promoters of the active genes (Forsberg et al.,

2000; Schubeler et al., 2001). We found that in non-induced I/11 cells, histones at the HSs of the

LCR and the promoter of the active βmajor gene, but not at the inactive βh1 gene, were already

hyper-acetylated. In differentiated I/11 cells, H3 acetylation levels increased maximally 3.5-fold

at sites within the LCR and less than 2-fold at the βmajor promoter (Figure 3.3A). The observation

Figure 3.3Differentiation of I/11 cells is accompanied by an increased ratio of positive versus negative chromatin modifications at the LCR and βmajor promoter.A,B,C. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) using an antibody against acetylated histone H3 (AcH3) (A), di-methylated lysine-9 and -27 of histone H3 (2MeH3K9/K27) (B) and C-terminus of histone H3 (H3) (C). Plotted are relative enrichments measured for sites in the β-globin locus in non-induced (I-) and induced (I+) I/11 cells. In all panels the standard error of the mean (SEM) is indicated.

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that histone H3 at the βmajor promoter is already hyper-acetylated prior to ACH formation is in

agreement with the fact that promoter hyper-acetylation occurs also in the absence of the LCR

(Schubeler et al., 2000).

The data show that a strong increase in βmajor transcription activity that takes place upon

erythroid differentiation is accompanied with a small increase in levels of H3 acetylation at the

promoter and we therefore investigated if local abundance of a repressive histone modification

also changes upon I/11 differentiation. Using an antibody that recognizes both di-methylated

lysine-9 and -27 of histone H3 (2MeH3K9/K27), we found that non-induced I/11 cells already

contained low levels of 2MeH3K9/K27 at the HSs of the LCR that did not change substantially

when cells underwent differentiation (Figure 3.3B). Levels at the βmajor promoter were also

low prior to induction, but dropped even further (2-fold) upon cellular differentiation, while

2MeH3K9/K27 levels at the inactive βh1 promoter were high throughout differentiation. Using an

antibody against the C-terminal part of histone H3, we found high amounts of H3 at the inactive

βh1 promoter and low amounts of H3 at the regulatory sites of the LCR and the βmajor promoter

(Figure 3.3C), in agreement with their low nucleosome density and hypersensitivity for nuclease

digestion. Histone H3 abundance at the sites remained largely the same during differentiation,

showing that our ChIP results obtained with antibodies against acetylated and methylated H3

truly reflect differentiation-dependent changes in histone H3 modifications. We conclude that the

transition from basal to highly activated β-globin gene expression during erythroid differentiation

is accompanied by an increased ratio of positive versus negative chromatin modifications at the

βmajor promoter and the HSs of the LCR.

GATA-1 and EKLF are required, but not sufficient, for ACH formation

Erythroid-specific β-globin gene expression is in part regulated through the action of lineage-

restricted transcription factors such as GATA-1 and EKLF that bind to specific motifs found

at regulatory sequences throughout the locus. Recent insight into the regulatory role of these

transcription factors has come from EKLF knockout mice and GATA-1-null cells containing

inducible versions of the corresponding proteins. For both transcription factors it was shown

that induction of their activity resulted in more frequent contacts between the LCR and the βmajor

gene and increased βmajor expression (Drissen et al., 2004; Vakoc et al., 2005). Without EKLF,

the β-globin locus adopted a spatial configuration reminiscent of the CH present in erythroid

progenitor cells (Drissen et al., 2004). Thus EKLF and GATA-1 appear to be required for the

conformation of the β-globin locus to proceed from a CH, containing only the outer HSs of the

locus and part of the LCR, to an ACH containing also the entire LCR and the actively transcribed

gene. The experimental systems used for these studies precluded investigating if binding of EKLF

and/or GATA-1 to the β-globin locus is also sufficient for ACH formation. We therefore analysed

if EKLF and GATA-1 are bound to the β-globin locus in non-induced I/11 progenitor cells that do

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NF-E2 and β-globin ACH formation 95

not show ACH formation. ChIP experiments on non-induced I/11 cells revealed strong binding of

GATA-1 to its target sites in the β-gobin locus (Figure 3.4A). EKLF was also significantly enriched

at the HSs of the LCR and the βmajor promoter in these cells, albeit not as pronounced, which

may be a consequence of the quality of the antibody (Figure 3.4B). These data demonstrate

that binding per se of GATA-1 and EKLF to the locus, while required, is not sufficient for ACH

formation. We found that at later stages of differentiation, when the β-globin ACH has formed,

EKLF-binding to the locus was stronger, as was binding of GATA-1 to most of its β-globin target

sites (Figure 3.4A and 3.4B).

Binding of p45 NF-E2 is not sufficient for ACH formation

We then analysed the binding characteristics of NF-E2 to the β-globin locus. First, we focused

on the erythroid-specific transactivator subunit p45 NF-E2. Previously, in non-induced MEL

cells this protein was shown to be absent from the βmajor promoter and to bind weakly to HS2

(Brand et al., 2004; Sawado et al., 2001). However, we found that p45 NF-E2 strongly bound to

HS2 and the βmajor promoter in non-induced I/11 cells (Figure 3.4C). The same was true for its

heterodimerization partner MafK (Figure 3.4D). Recruitment of p45 NF-E2 to the βmajor promoter

in progenitor cells lacking frequent LCR-gene contacts seems in agreement with the observation

in mice lacking the LCR that NF-E2 binding to the promoter is LCR-independent (Sawado et

al., 2003). Upon differentiation of I/11 cells, binding of both p45 NF-E2 and MafK to HS2 and

the βmajor promoter increased (up to 2.5-fold) (Figure 3.4C and 3.4D), as was also observed for

GATA-1 and EKLF. The small subunit of NF-E2, MafK, which contains a DNA binding domain, can

not only form a complex with the transactivator protein p45 NF-E2 but also with the repressive

factor Bach1, and the exchange of binding partners from Bach1 to p45 NF-E2 was reported to be

Figure 3.4GATA-1, EKLF and p45 NF-E2 are already bound to their cognate binding sites prior to ACH formation. A,B,C,D,E. Chromatin immuno- precipitation (ChIP) using an antibody against GATA-1 (A), EKLF (B), p45 NF-E2 (C), MafK (D) and Bach1 (E). Plotted are relative enrichments measured for sites in the β-globin locus in non-induced (I-) and induced (I+) I/11 cells. In all panels the standard error of the mean (SEM) is indicated. Note that the scale on the Y-axis differs between the panels.

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a key step in the activation of β-globin gene transcription during MEL cell differentiation (Brand

et al., 2004). Bach1 indeed associated with HS2, but not significantly with the βmajor promoter,

in non-induced I/11 cells and its binding to HS2 was lost upon I/11 differentiation (Figure 3.4E).

Thus, Bach1 dissociates from HS2 while p45 NF-E2 binding to this site and the βmajor promoter

increases as cells progress through the later stages of erythroid differentiation. However, the

exchange of MafK binding partners that accompanies the induction of high levels of β-globin

gene expression during I/11 cell differentiation is not as absolute as observed during MEL cell

differentiation, since we find that p45 NF-E2 is already abundantly present at HS2 and the βmajor

gene promoter before induction of differentiation. Based on this result we conclude that, like

GATA-1 and EKLF, NF-E2 binding to its target sites in the β-globin locus is not sufficient for ACH

formation and the induction of high levels of β-globin gene expression.

p45 NF-E2 is dispensable for β-globin ACH formation

To further investigate the role of p45 NF-E2 in β-globin ACH formation and gene activation we

used mice deficient for this transcription factor (Shivdasani et al., 1995). We first performed

ChIP experiments to confirm that p45 NF-E2 was absent from the β-globin locus in E14.5 livers

from NF-E2 knockout embryos. No recruitment of the protein to HS2 or the βmajor promoter

was found with an antibody recognizing the C-terminus of p45 NF-E2. The same result was

obtained using an antibody against the N-terminal part of p45 NF-E2, showing that also no

truncated versions of the protein associated with the β-globin locus (Figure 3.5A). We then

analysed β-globin gene expression in these mice. Previously this was analysed by measuring

steady-state messenger RNA and protein levels (Shivdasani and Orkin, 1995). We used intron-

specific primers in a real-time quantitative PCR assay and found that in the absence of p45 NF-

E2, the rate of βmajor transcription was reduced to approximately 65% of wild type levels (Figure

3.5B). In agreement, ChIP analyses showed that RNAP II binding to the gene was also reduced

to 60-70% in the absence of p45 NF-E2. This reduction was found both at the promoter and

the third exon of the βmajor gene, but not at HS2 of the LCR (Figure 3.5C). Thus, depletion of p45

NF-E2 in mice has a mild but significant effect on β-globin gene expression, in agreement with

the presence of a mild erythroid defect in these mice (Shivdasani and Orkin, 1995).

Next, we asked whether p45 NF-E2 is required for β-globin ACH formation. Locus-wide

3C technology was applied to samples obtained from E14.5 livers and revealed that interactions

of the βmajor gene with regulatory DNA elements elsewhere in the locus were not affected by

the loss of p45 NF-E2. Thus, the β-globin ACH, containing the outer HSs (HS-85, HS-62/-60 and

3’HS1), the LCR and the active βmajor gene, was formed normally in p45 knockout mice (Figure

3.5D). We noticed that βmajor interaction frequencies with HS2 and HS1, both target sites of NF-

E2 (Forsberg et al., 2000; Sawado et al., 2001) increased compared to wildtype. Subsequently,

we investigate if p45 NF-E2 depletion influenced the binding of its complexing partner MafK to

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Figure 3.5p45 NF-E2 is dispensable for β-globin ACH formation.A. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) using antibodies against either the N-terminal or C-terminal part of p45 NF-E2. Plotted are relative enrichments measured for sites in the β-globin locus in E14.5 liver of p45 NF-E2 knockout embryos (p45 -/-) and wild-type (WT) littermates. B. Relative β-globin primary transcript levels (as determined by quantitative RT-PCR) in E14.5 liver of p45 NF-E2 knockout (p45 -/-) embryos and wild-type (WT) littermates (set to 1). C. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) using an antibody against RNAP II. Plotted are relative enrichments measured for sites in the β-globin locus in E14.5 liver of p45 NF-E2 knockout mice (p45 -/-) and wild-type (WT) littermates. Highest value set to 1. D. Quantitative 3C analysis on E14.5 liver of p45 NF-E2 knockout embryos (p45 -/-) and wild-type (WT) littermates. Shown are cross-linking frequencies between a βmajor restriction fragment and several other fragments across the β-globin locus. Data were normalized against cross-linking frequencies measured for two XPB restriction fragments and highest value was set to 1. Size and position of restriction fragments analyzed are indicated by grey vertical shades; black shading represents the fixed fragment βmajor. Highest value set to 1. E,F,G. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) using an antibody against MafK (E), Bach1 (F) and Nrf-2 (G). Plotted are relative enrichments measured for sites in the β-globin locus in E14.5 liver of p45 NF-E2 knockout embryos (p45 -/-) and wild-type (WT) littermates. In all panels the standard error of the mean (SEM) is indicated.

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the locus. We found that binding of MafK to the βmajor promoter was almost completely abolished

in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice. In contrast, MafK-binding to HS2 was still considerable, albeit 2-

fold reduced (Figure 3.5E). This raised the possibility that MafK associated with other proteins

at HS2. Indeed, binding of Bach1 increased two-fold and some Bach1 was also found associated

with the βmajor promoter in the absence of p45 NF-E2 (Figure 3.5F). A more dramatic increase

in recruitment however was observed when we analysed Nrf-2-binding. Binding of this factor to

HS2 increased 6-fold in p45 knockout mice compared to wildtype (Figure 3.5G). No increase in

binding efficiency of Nrf-2 was observed at the βmajor gene promoter in p45 knockout liver cells,

consistent with the almost complete absence of MafK at this site. Thus, other MafK dimerization

partners, most prominently Nrf-2, appear to physically replace p45 NF-E2 at HS2, while these

complexes are almost completely absent at the βmajor promoter in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice.

Collectively, these data show that the transcription factor p45 NF-E2, unlike GATA-1 and EKLF,

is not required for the formation of the β-globin ACH.


We explored the use of I/11 cells as a model system to study differentiation-dependent β-globin

gene activation. I/11 cells are erythroid progenitor cells that upon induction by physiologically

relevant stimuli faithfully recapitulate the terminal erythroid differentiation program to mature

into enucleated erythrocytes (Dolznig et al., 2001; von Lindern et al., 2001). We show by several

criteria that differentiated I/11 cells do express the β-like globin genes at the very high levels

observed in vivo, while expression prior to induction is ~20-fold lower and comparable to that

observed in mice lacking the LCR. This suggests that upon differentiation of I/11 cells, β-globin

gene expression proceeds from an LCR-independent to an LCR-dependent mode. In agreement

with this idea is the observation that I/11 cell induction coincides with the establishment of frequent

LCR-gene contacts. We show that ACH formation and the induction of high β-globin transcription

rates is accompanied by an increased ratio of positive (AcH3) versus negative (2MeH3K9/K27)

histone modifications at the cis-regulatory sites of the β-globin locus. Importantly, we also show

increased recruitment of RNAP II to the promoter of the active βmajor gene. Previously, ChIP

experiments have shown that deletion of the LCR caused only a twofold reduction of RNAP II

at the βmajor promoter and a more dramatic reduction (5-fold) at the third exon of βmajor, leading

to the conclusion that the LCR primarily acts by enhancing the transition from initiation to

elongation (Sawado et al., 2003). However, we would argue that this is difficult to conclude

from ChIP experiments, since this assay cannot provide a measure for transcription re-initiation.

ChIP involves the fixation of cells, which usually takes 5-10 minutes. RNAP II reloading onto the

βmajor promoter occurs multiple times during this timeframe, but ChIP fails to appreciate this

frequency. The fact that we find increased RNAP II recruitment to the promoter once LCR-gene

contacts are established reopens the possibility that the LCR also functions to efficiently recruit

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NF-E2 and β-globin ACH formation 99

RNAP II to the active β-globin genes. NF-E2, GATA-1 and EKLF are the three lineage-restricted

transcription factors most prominently associated with β-globin gene regulation. Previous work

has demonstrated that the latter two factors are required for the stabilization of long-range DNA

contacts between the β-globin LCR and the active adult β-globin-like genes (Drissen et al., 2004;

Vakoc et al., 2005). Here, we demonstrate that GATA-1 and EKLF already bind to cognate sites

in the β-globin locus at a stage of erythroid differentiation that precedes ACH formation. This

shows that binding per se of these factors to the locus is not sufficient for ACH formation. We

find that the efficiency of their recruitment is higher in differentiated cells that do form an ACH,

which raises the possibility that binding levels are important for GATA-1 and EKLF to mediate

ACH formation. An alternative and not mutually exclusive possibility would be that at later stages

of erythroid differentiation the proteins contain different modifications and/or are recruited as

parts of different protein complexes in order to mediate β-globin ACH formation (Rodriguez

et al., 2005). The role of NF-E2 in the spatial conformation of the β-globin locus has not been

investigated before. The factor was reported to be absent from HS2 and the βmajor gene in non-

induced MEL cells (Brand et al., 2004), but was found present at the human β-globin locus in

primary multipotent haematopoietic progenitor cells (Bottardi et al., 2006). We also find that

p45 NF-E2 is already (abundantly) present at the LCR and the βmajor promoter in I/11 progenitor

cells that do not show frequent LCR-gene contacts and still express the βmajor gene at basal levels.

Thus, binding of p45 NF-E2 per se is not sufficient to confer high expression to the β-like globin

genes. We show that in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice long-range contacts in the β-globin locus

are formed normally and hence we conclude that p45 NF-E2 is dispensable for β-globin ACH


p45 NF-E2 is a member of the cap ‘n collar (CNC) subfamily of basic-leucine zipper (BZIP)

transcription factors, to which also Nrf-1, Nrf-2, Nrf-3, Bach1 and Bach2 belong. They can form

heterodimers with the small Maf proteins that contain a basic DNA-binding domain but lack a

transactivation domain (Motohashi et al., 2002). The Bach factors lack a canonical transactivation

domain and act as repressors in reporter assays (Yoshida et al., 1999), but the Nrf factors are all

potential candidates to functionally compensate for the loss of p45 NF-E2. However, Nrf-1, -2

and -3 knockout mice each show normal β-globin gene expression (Chan et al., 1998; Derjuga et

al., 2004; Farmer et al., 1997; Kuroha et al., 1998; Martin et al., 1998). Moreover, while the early

embryonic lethality of Nrf-1 null mice compromises the combination of p45 NF-E2 and Nrf-1

deficiencies, mice lacking both p45 NF-E2 and Nrf-2, or p45 NF-E2 and Nrf-3, did not show

an erythroid phenotype beyond that seen with loss of p45 NF-E2 alone (Derjuga et al., 2004;

Kuroha et al., 1998; Martin et al., 1998). Based on this it was suggested that Nrf-2 and Nrf-3 do

not complement p45 NF-E2 function. Here we demonstrate however that Nrf-2 binding to HS2

strongly increases when p45 is absent. This was not the case at the βmajor promoter, where MafK

binding was also lost in the absence of p45 NF-E2. This shows that different heterodimers have

different affinities for DNA target sites. Whether the physical replacement of p45 NF-E2 by Nrf-2

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at HS2 also has functional consequences for β-globin gene regulation remains an open question.

In this respect it should be mentioned that deletion of HS2 from the endogenous mouse β-globin

locus, which removed the most prominent p45 NF-E2-binding sites in the locus, caused a drop in

β-globin gene expression similar to that seen in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice (Fiering et al., 1995).

This may suggest that the absence of a dramatic effect on β-globin gene expression is not the

consequence of related factors compensating functionally for the loss of p45 NF-E2. However,

compound knockout mice or knockdown cells lacking all NF-E2 related factors may need to be

studied to unambiguously address this issue.

Experimental procedures

Culturing I/11 cells and primary fetal liver cells

In order to generate primary fetal liver cells, livers were isolated from B6 E12.5 embryos, resuspended by

repeated pipetting and applied through a 40 µm cell strainer (BD Falcon). Next, primary E12.5 liver cells

were cultured as described previously for I/11 cells (Dolznig et al., 2001; von Lindern et al., 2001). In short,

cells were cultured in serum free stem cell medium (StemPro-34 SFM, Gibco BRL) containing 0.5 U/ml

erythropoietin (a kind gift from Ortho Biotech), 100 ng/ml SCF and 1µM dexamethasone. Proliferating

cells were expanded and kept at a density between 1.5 x 106 and 4 x 106 cells/ml. To induce differentiation,

proliferating cells were washed twice with Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution and seeded at 2-3 x 106 cells/ml

in differentiation medium, containing 5 U/ml erythropoietin and 1 mg/ml transferrin (Sigma-Aldrich). While

differentiating, cells were kept at densities of 2-6 x 106 cells/ml. Differentiation status was monitored by

measuring cellular size distribution using an electronic cell counter (CASY-1, Schärfe-System). Differentiated

cells were harvested when size distribution ranged between 6-7 µm, which typically took 24-32 hours for

primary fetal liver cells and 40-48 hours for I/11 cells.

Analysis of gene expression

Total RNA was isolated from approximately 1 x 106 cells using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) according to the

manufacturers instructions. 1.5 µg of RNA was treated for 1 hour with DNAseI (Invitrogen) to remove

genomic DNA contamination. cDNA synthesis was performed using Superscript II RNase H-Reverse

transcriptase (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturers instructions using either 500 ng oligo (dT)12-18 or

200 ng random hexamers as primers. Quantification of transcripts was performed on Opticon II real-time

PCR machines (MJ Research) using Platinum Taq DNA polymerase (Invitrogen) and SYBR Green (Sigma-

Aldrich). The following PCR program was used: 2 min 94 oC, 45 cycles of 30 sec 94 oC, 30 sec 55 oC,

30 sec 60 oC and 15 sec 75 oC (during which measurements were taken), followed by 10 minutes chain

extension. Expression levels were normalized to levels measured for control genes (hypoxanthine guanine

phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT), ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1 (Rnh1) and 18S).

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)

ChIP analysis was performed as described in the Upstate protocol (, except that

cells were cross-linked using 2% formaldehyde for 5 minutes at room temperature. Real-time quantification

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NF-E2 and β-globin ACH formation 101

of precipitated DNA sequences (with typical fragment sizes between 300 to 600 bps) was performed on

Opticon II PCR machines (MJ Research) using Platinum Taq DNA polymerase (Invitrogen) and SYBR Green

(Sigma-Aldrich) using the following cycling conditions: 2 min 94 oC, 45 cycles of 30 sec 94 oC, 1 min 55 oC,

15 sec 72 oC and 15 sec 75 oC (during which measurements were taken). Enrichment was calculated relative

to a control gene and all values were normalized to input measurements. The following antibodies were

used: anti-RNAP II (N-20; sc-899), anti-GATA-1 (N-6; sc-265), anti-p45 NF-E2 C-term. (C-19; sc-291),

anti-p45 NF-E2 N-term. (H-230; sc-22827), anti-MafK (C-16; sc-477) and anti-Nrf-2 (H-300; sc-13032), all

obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, anti-acetyl histone H3 (#06-599) obtained from Upstate, anti-di-

methyl Histone H3 K9/K27 (ab7312) and anti-histone H3 (ab1791) obtained from Abcam. Anti-EKLF (5-V)

was kindly provided by J. Philipsen, anti-Bach1 antiserum (A1-5) was kindly provided by K. Igarashi (Sun

et al., 2004). Data were normalized to input and enrichment was measured over control gene (Necdin or

Amylase, giving identical results).

3C analysis

3C analysis using HindIII as restriction enzyme was essentially performed as described (Splinter et al., 2004).

Real-time quantification of ligation products was performed on Opticon II PCR machines (MJ Research)

using Platinum Taq (Invitrogen) and double-dye oligonucleotides (5’FAM and 3’TAMRA) as probes. The

following PCR program was used: 2 min 94 oC, 45 cycles of 15 sec 94 oC and 90 sec 60 oC. Data were

normalized to interaction frequencies measured in the XPB locus to account for differences in quality and

quantity of DNA templates.


We thank dr. R. Shivdasani for providing p45 NF-E2 knockout mice, dr. K. Igarashi for providing the anti-

Bach1 antiserum, dr. J. Philipsen for providing the EKLF antibody and critical reading of the manuscript

and M. Vendeloo for assistance with experiments. This work was financially supported by grants from the

Dutch Scientific Organisation (NWO) to F.G. (912-03-009) and to W.L. (912-04-082). The authors declare

no competing financial interests.

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4CTCF mediates long-range chromatin

looping and local histone modification in

the β-globin locus

Based on: Genes & Development 20, 2349-2354 (2006)

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Chapter 4104


CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor) binds sites around the mouse β-globin locus that spatially cluster

in the erythroid cell nucleus. We show that both conditional deletion of CTCF and targeted

disruption of a DNA-binding site destabilize these long-range interactions and cause local loss

of histone acetylation and gain of histone methylation, apparently without affecting transcription

at the locus. Our data demonstrate that CTCF is directly involved in chromatin architecture

and regulates local balance between active and repressive chromatin marks. We postulate that

throughout the genome, relative position and stability of CTCF-mediated loops determine

their effect on enhancer-promoter interactions, with gene insulation as one possible outcome.


Chromatin insulators are DNA sequences that confer autonomous expression on genes

by protecting them against inadvertent signals coming from neighboring chromatin. CTCF

(CCCTC-binding factor) is the prototype vertebrate protein exhibiting insulator activity

(West et al., 2002) that can act as an enhancer-blocker or as a barrier against repressive forces

from nearby heterochromatin in vitro (Defossez and Gilson, 2002; Recillas-Targa et al., 2002).

In vivo, CTCF binds to the imprinting control region of the H19/insulin-like growth factor (Igf2)

locus, where it acts as a methylation-sensitive enhancer-blocker (Bell and Felsenfeld, 2000;

Hark et al., 2000). Moreover, CTCF-binding sites have been found and its insulator activity has

been anticipated at the imprinting center that determines choice of X inactivation (Chao et al.,

2002), at boundaries of domains that escape X inactivation (Filippova et al., 2005) and at sites

flanking CTG/CAG repeats at the DM1 locus (Filippova et al., 2001). CTCF was first defined as

an insulator protein when it was found to be required for the enhancer-blocking activity of a

hypersensitive site 5’ of the chicken β-globin locus (5’HS4) (Bell et al., 1999). A similar CTCF-

dependent insulator site was subsequently found at the 3’ end of the locus and both sites coincide

with erythroid-specific transitions in DNase I sensitivity of chromatin (Saitoh et al., 2000). Such

observations suggested that CTCF partitions the genome in physically distinct domains of gene

expression. The molecular mechanism underlying CTCF’s insulating activity is still unknown.

CTCF-binding sites also flank the human and mouse β-globin locus (Figure 4.1A), which

contains a number of developmentally regulated, erythroid-specific β-globin genes and an

upstream locus control region (LCR) required for high β-globin expression levels. In mice,

three CTCF-binding sites have been identified upstream (HS-85, HS-62 and HS5) and one

downstream (3’HS1) of the locus (Bulger et al., 2003; Farrell et al., 2002). Previously, we have

applied chromosome conformation capture (3C) technology (Dekker et al., 2002) to study

long-range DNA interactions between these and other sites in the β-globin locus. In erythroid

cells, the CTCF-binding sites (including HS-85; see below) were found to participate in spatial

Chapter 4

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CTCF mediates chromatin looping 105

interactions between the LCR and the active β-globin genes, and collectively form an Active

Chromatin Hub (ACH) (Tolhuis et al., 2002). No such long-range DNA interactions were

detected in non-erythroid cells. However, in established I/11 erythroid progenitor cells that do

not yet show activated β-globin gene expression, contacts between the LCR and the genes are

absent, but long-range DNA interactions already exist between the hypersensitive sites that

contain CTCF-binding sites (Palstra et al., 2003). Here, we investigated the involvement of CTCF

in the formation of these loops.

Results and Discussion

β-globin locus conformation in erythroid cells with reduced levels of CTCF protein

To investigate the role of CTCF in the formation of chromatin loops, we analysed β-globin

DNA contacts in cells lacking the CTCF protein. Analysis was focused on embryonic day 12.5

(E12.5) erythroid progenitor cells because they can be expanded ex vivo (Dolznig et al., 2001)

and lack stable LCR-gene contacts, and therefore best reveal the interactions between outer

hypersensitive sites. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments revealed that CTCF

was bound in vivo to cognate sites in the β-globin locus in these cells (Figure 4.1F), while the

protein was absent from HS5 and 3’HS1 in brain cells not showing these loops (data not shown).

Since CTCF-null mice die early during embryogenesis, a conditional knockout mouse model

was generated by inserting two lox sites upstream of and downstream from the first and last

coding exon of CTCF, respectively. To delete CTCF, fetal liver cells were isolated from lox/lox

E12.5 embryos, cultured under conditions that select erythroid progenitors, and infected with

a replication-deficient lentivirus expressing Cre recombinase (Figure 4.1B). Heterozygous

(lox/wt) cells from littermate embryos underwent the same treatment and served as controls.

Cre recombination resulted in nearly 100% deletion of targeted CTCF alleles, with a reduction

in mRNA and protein levels to 2-3% and 10-25%, respectively, in lox/lox as compared with

wild-type (Figure 4.1C/D/E). CTCF binding to cognate sites in the β-globin locus was reduced

but not completely abolished in lox/lox cells, as demonstrated by ChIP (Figure 4.1F). To

investigate β-globin locus conformation in these cells by 3C technology, we used a novel Taqman

probe-based quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) strategy to accurately quantify 3C ligation efficiencies

(Figure 4.1G). We found that the structure of the β-globin locus in wild-type and lox/wt E12.5

progenitor cells was essentially the same as previously observed in I/11 progenitor cells (data not

shown), with long-range interactions between the CTCF-binding sites HS-85, HS-62/60, HS4/5

and 3’HS1 (Figure 4.1H). In lox/lox cells containing lower levels of CTCF protein, however,

clearly reduced DNA-DNA interaction frequencies were observed specifically between the sites

that normally bind CTCF (Figure 4.1H and 4.1I). This is true for all combinations of binding sites,

except for the interaction between 3’HS1 and HS-62 (but see below). The results demonstrated

that CTCF is required for long-range DNA-DNA interactions between cognate binding sites in

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Chapter 4106

Figure 4.1 Deleting CTCF in primary erythroid progenitors reduces the frequency of interactions between cognate binding sites in the β-globin locus. A. Schematic presentation of the mouse β-globin locus. DNase I hypersensitive sites (arrows) and CTCF-binding sites (black arrows and asterisk) are indicated. B. Strategy to delete CTCF. Plots show a similar cellular size distribution for homozygous and heterozygous conditional knock-out cells. C. Southern blot analysis showing complete deletion of CTCF conditional knock-out alleles. D. CTCF mRNA levels (as determined by Q-RT-PCR) in untreated wild-type (level set to 1) and Cre-recombined lox/wt and lox/lox cells. Standard deviation is indicated. E. Western blot analysis of CTCF protein and GATA-1 protein (control, stripped and re-hybridized blot). F. CTCF ChIP analysis. Lox/lox (grey) vs. control cells (black). G. Q-PCR analysis of ligation frequencies obtained by 3C. The approach entails a primer-probe combination that is specific for a particular restriction fragment (dark grey), with the probe hybridizing to the opposite strand as compared to the PCR primer. A second PCR primer hybridizes to the fragment (light grey) of which one wants to quantify its interaction. The primers/probe configuration guarantees that the probe only signals upon extension of the second primer across the ligated junction (# 1), which is important given the great variety of junctions (e.g. #2-7) formed with each fragment. f (fluorescent group) and q (quencher). H. 3C analysis demonstrating reduced interaction frequencies between 3’HS1, HS4/5 and HS-85 in lox/lox cells (grey), as compared with control cells (black). I. 3C analysis, demonstrating reduced interaction frequencies between the other CTCF-binding sites in the β-globin locus in lox/lox cells (grey) vs. control cells (black).


E12.5 fetal liver cells




2 days +4 days


























0 +50-50

-62/-60 654321 3'HS1


Position (kb)



ey βh1 βmaj βmin






s -


ng fr




2 -






A-62/-60 654321 3'HS1-85

123456 1 2 3 4

LCR MOR3’B1-4MOR5’B1-6 globin genes

10 kb

eyβh1 βmaj βmin










P en












5 10 15



5 10 15


* * * *f q

2 5

3 6

4 7



f q

f q




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CTCF mediates chromatin looping 107

the β-globin locus. Gene expression analysis revealed the same low levels of expression for all

β-globin genes in wild-type versus lox/lox progenitor cells (data not shown). Moreover, we did

not find activation of any of the mouse olfactory genes immediately surrounding the β-globin

locus (MOR5B1-3 and MOR3B1-4) (data not shown). Hence, the reduction of CTCF protein

to low levels had no appreciable effect on gene expression at or around the β-globin locus in

erythroid cells, representing a differentiation stage prior to LCR-mediated gene activation.

Long-range interactions of 3’HS1 containing nucleotide changes that disrupt CTCF binding

The structural changes in the β-globin locus that we observed in cells with deleted CTCF may be

a direct consequence of reduced protein binding to the locus, or could be caused by secondary

pathways that fail to act on the locus in the absence of sufficient CTCF. To investigate this, we

disrupted CTCF-binding locally by changing four conserved nucleotides in the core CTCF-binding

site of the endogenous 3’HS1. Bandshift assays confirmed that these alterations completely

abolished CTCF binding in vitro (data not shown). Targeting was performed in embryonic

stem (ES) cells that were established from a cross between the two inbred strains 129 and

C57BL/6 (B6) and was directed to the B6 allele. Two additional, non-conserved nucleotides

were changed 70 base pairs (bp) downstream from the core CTCF-binding site to allow allele-

specific analysis of CTCF binding to 3’HS1 by ChIP. Moreover, an extra HindIII restriction site was

introduced ~850 bp downstream from the CTCF-binding site, which enabled us to exclusively

analyse DNA interactions of the targeted 3’HS1 by 3C. An independent control ES line was

generated containing the extra HindIII site with the normal 3’HS1. In each cell line, the neomycin

selection cassette was removed by transient expression of Cre recombinase, leaving behind a

single lox site immediately downstream of the newly introduced HindIII site.

Definitive erythroid progenitors were generated from the ES cells in vitro (Carotta et al., 2004)

to analyse the consequences of the targeted nucleotide changes in erythroid cells. We established

two such ES-EP cell lines, ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) (or Δ) and the control line ES-EP(c) (or c) (Figure 4.2A).

We validated the cells as a model system for erythroid differentiation (Carotta et al., 2004) and

analysed CTCF-binding to mutated and wild-type 3’HS1 in vivo. In the control line ES-EP(c),

CTCF bound strongly and equally well to 3’HS1 on both alleles. In ES-EP(Δ3’HS1), however,

binding to 3’HS1 on the non-targeted 129 allele was the same as in ES-EP(c), but binding to

the mutated 3’HS1 on the targeted B6 allele was completely abolished (Figure 4.2B). Thus,

the change of 4 nucleotides in the core CTCF-binding site also prevented binding of CTCF

to 3’HS1 in vivo. Next we analysed whether disruption of CTCF-binding at 3’HS1 affected its

long-range DNA interactions in the β-globin locus. The extra HindIII restriction site introduced

downstream from 3’HS1 was used to focus 3C analysis exclusively on the targeted B6 allele.

In undifferentiated ES-EP(c), the wild-type β-globin B6 allele formed a chromatin hub typically

observed in normal erythroid progenitor cells, with 3’HS1 interacting with HS4/5, HS-62 and

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Chapter 4108

HS-85 (Figure 4.2C). In undifferentiated ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) however, the mutated 3’HS1 showed a

dramatic drop in interaction frequencies with all these DNA elements, to levels similar to those

observed in nonexpressing fetal brain cells (Figure 4. 2C). Thus, disruption of CTCF-binding to

3’HS1 severely destabilized the large chromatin loop containing the LCR and the globin genes

in erythroid progenitor cells. The fact that the interaction with HS-62 was lost upon targeted

disruption of CTCF-binding to 3’HS1, but not in our conditional CTCF knock-out experiments,

suggests that this interaction is more resistant than others to the reduction of levels of CTCF


Figure 4.2Targeted nucleotide changes in 3’HS1 disrupt CTCF-binding and reduce frequency of long-range 3’HS1 interactions. A. Erythroid progenitor cell lines derived in vitro from ES cells. ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) harbors four targeted nucleotide changes in the core CTCF-binding site of 3’HS1 on the B6 allele (grey). ES-EP(c) contains wild-type 3’HS1 on the B6 allele (black). The nontargeted, intact 129 allele is in white. For ChIP, each 3’HS1 CTCF-binding site can be analysed with a unique primer pair (#1-4). An extra HindIII site targeted downstream from 3’HS1 allows exclusive 3C analysis of B6 allele (with 3C-primer ‘b’). B. ChIP on undifferentiated ES-EP cell lines, with antibody against CTCF. Left: 3’HS1 alleles in the two ES-EP lines (Δ and c). Right: positive (HS-85) and negative (βmajor) controls. C. 3C analysis with primer ‘b’ (see above). Note that interaction frequencies with mutated 3’HS1 (grey) are reduced compared with wild-type 3’HS1 (black). Black dashed line: 3’HS1 interactions in fetal brain, analysed with primer ‘a’ and plotted for comparison.







0 +50 +80-50

-62/-60 6543 21 3'HS1


Position (kb)



eyβh1 βmaj βmin


P en




129 B6

129 B6




β -85




cH H

∆3’HS1Hb a3 4


3’HS1a1 2129




ES-EP( )


3’HS1Hb a3 2


3’HS1a1 2129





Page 109: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

CTCF mediates chromatin looping 109

Expression of β-globin and surrounding olfactory receptor genes in the absence of CTCF-mediated

chromatin loops

Since the large, CTCF-dependent loops are formed only in human or mouse cells that are committed

to, or highly express, the β-globin genes (Palstra et al., 2003), we investigated the relationship

between these loops and transcriptional regulation in detail. First, we analysed whether CTCF at

3’HS1 serves as an enhancer blocker that prevents the inappropriate activation of downstream

mouse olfactory receptor genes (MORs) by the β-globin LCR in erythroid cells, as suggested

previously (Farrell et al., 2002). For this, we compared mRNA levels of the MOR3’B1-4 genes

between differentiated ES-EP(c) and ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) cells when the LCR is fully active. We found

no inappropriate activation of any of the downstream MORs, or of MOR5’B3, in the differentiated

ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) cells (data not shown), and we concluded that insulator activity of CTCF at 3’HS1

is not required for blocking LCR-mediated activation of downstream MOR genes in ES-EP cells.

Noteworthy, it was previously found that deletion of the complete HS5 from the endogenous

locus also had no effect on expression of the surrounding MOR genes (Bulger et al., 2003).

We envision that the transcription factor environment in erythroid cells does not support

the activation of olfactory receptor genes. Next, we analysed whether the CTCF-dependent

loops influence β-globin gene expression. Upon erythroid differentiation, the LCR forms stable

Figure 4.3Targeted nucleotide changes in 3’HS1 do not affect β-globin gene expression. A. Ongoing βmajor transcription as measured by Q-RT-PCR, using 129- and B6-specific primers against intron 2 of the βmajor gene. X-axis: hours after induction of differentiation. Error bars represent standard error of mean. B. Locus-wide, B6-specific analysis of interaction frequencies with HS4/5 after differentiation. Note that primer ‘a’ was used near 3’HS1, which on the B6 allele analyses a small (0.5 kb) fragment downstream from (i.e. not containing) 3’HS1, whereas on the 129 allele this primer would analyse an ~8kb fragment encompassing 3’HS1. The dramatic drop in interaction frequencies shows that analysis is restricted to the B6 allele.






0 +50 +100-50

-62/-60 654 3 21 3'HS1


Position (kb)





eyβh1 βmaj βmin


differentiation (hrs)

0 1 2 4 8 12 16 36 50 0 1 2 4 8 12 16 24 36 50

ES-EP(c) ES-EP ( 3’HS1)

B6 (c3’HS1)129

B6 (∆3’HS1)




. tra



B6 c3’HS1B6 ∆3’HS1

Page 110: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

Chapter 4110

contacts with the active β-globin genes and strongly up-regulates their transcription rate (Carter

et al., 2002; Tolhuis et al., 2002). We reasoned that a shared presence on one chromatin loop

anchored by CTCF in progenitor cells would decrease the spatial distance between the LCR and

genes, which may facilitate their productive interaction later during differentiation. If true, the

absence of such a pre-existing loop could possibly result in a delay of full β-globin gene activation.

To test this, we compared the kinetics of LCR-mediated gene activation between the individual

alleles of differentiating ES-EP(c) and ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) cells. Two sets of βmajor intron primers were

designed that allowed independent analysis of ongoing transcription from the B6 allele and 129

allele. ES-EP(c) and ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) cells were induced to undergo synchronous differentiation,

and RNA was collected at various time intervals. As expected, βmajor transcription rates increased

strongly upon differentiation. However, at each given stage of differentiation, we detected the

same gene activity between the 129 allele and B6 allele, both in ES-EP(c) and ES-EP(Δ3’HS1)

cells (Figure 4.3A). Thus, the CTCF-dependent chromatin loop with 3’HS1 that topologically

defines the β-globin locus in erythroid cells does not detectably influence the expression kinetics

or levels of the β-globin and nearby MOR genes. This was also true for the embryonic β-globin

genes εy and βh1, which were off in both cell lines before and after differentiation (data not


Establishment of LCR-gene contacts in the absence of a pre-existing loop with 3’HS1

The unaltered β-globin gene expression patterns from the targeted allele in ES-EP(Δ3’HS1)

cells suggested that in the absence of a pre-existing chromatin loop, LCR-gene contacts can

still be established normally upon erythroid differentiation. To test this, we searched for 129/B6

polymorphisms near restriction sites in the LCR that would allow allele-specific 3C analysis. This

resulted in the design of a Taqman probe for a HindIII fragment encompassing HS4 and HS5 that

signals exclusively from the B6 allele. Although HS4 and HS5 are not prime candidates in the

LCR to directly contact the genes, this relatively large HindIII fragment was previously shown

to be representative of the complete LCR, since it displayed a prominent peak of interaction

with the βmajor gene upon erythroid differentiation (Tolhuis et al., 2002). In both differentiated

ES-EP(c) and ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) cell lines, we found identical locus-wide interaction frequencies for

HS4/5 between the B6 alleles containing either wild-type or mutated 3’HS1, and both showed

a strong peak of interaction with the βmajor gene (Figure 4.3B). This demonstrated that a pre-

existing loop between upstream sites and 3’HS1 is dispensable for the establishment of stable

LCR-gene contacts later during erythroid differentiation. Such a conclusion is in agreement

with transgenic experiments showing full β-globin expression from constructs lacking 3’HS1

(Strouboulis et al., 1992).

Page 111: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

CTCF mediates chromatin looping 111

Histone modifications in the absence of CTCF binding

3’HS1 was previously shown to be present in, and close to, the 3’ border of an open chromatin

domain spanning ~145 kb around the β-globin locus in erythroid cells (Bulger et al., 2003). Within

this domain, a large (~15 kb) region of highly repetitive DNA is present ~3 kb upstream of 3’HS1,

that cannot be analysed for nuclease sensitivity, but likely is packed into compact chromatin. To

further investigate this, we analysed histone modifications at and directly around 3’HS1 in ES-EP

cells. Using an antibody that recognizes both dimethyl H3K9 and dimethyl H3K27, we found that

these repressive marks were abundantly present on both sides of 3’HS1, but not inside 3’HS1

(Figure 4.4A). Conversely, acetylation of histone H3, a mark for open chromatin, was clearly

enriched at 3’HS1 but not, or much less, at sites surrounding the hypersensitive site (Figure

4.4C). These data argued against the existence of a large open chromatin domain extending

across 3’HS1 and suggested that 3’HS1 forms an isolated entity of open chromatin. To address

whether CTCF plays a role in the establishment of this pattern, we performed ChIP on ES-EP(c)

and ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) cells and used allele-specific primer pairs to compare modifications at 3’HS1

on targeted versus nontargeted alleles. In the control cell line, we found identical levels of di-

meH3K9/K27 at 3’HS1 on the two alleles. In ES-EP(Δ3’HS1), however, loss of CTCF binding was

Figure 4.4Histone modifications in the absence of CTCF binding. A. ChIP enrichment for di-meH3K9/K27 in undifferentiated control ES-EP(c) cells on the 129 allele (white), B6 allele (black), or on both alleles (grey). Note that values in A-C were normalized to input and therefore grey bars also represent enrichment per allele. B,C. ChIP enrichment for di-meH3K9/K27 (B) and acetylated histone H3 (C) in undifferentiated ES-EP(Δ3’HS1) cells. Black bars: B6 allele, white bars: 129 allele. Note increased methylation (B) and decreased acetylation (C) only at mutated 3’HS1 on B6-allele D. ChIP enrichment for di-meH3K9/K27 at the β-globin locus in control (black) and conditional CTCF knockout (lox/lox) (grey) E12.5 erythroid progenitors cells. Note that reduced levels of CTCF cause an increase in di-meH3K9/K27 specifically at the CTCF-binding sites HS-85, HS-62, HS5 and 3’HS1.

B βmaj


3'HS1 ORrep.


e K





Position (kb)


-62-85 5 3 2 βh1 βmaj 3'HS1

(c3’HS1) (∆3'HS1)

3'HS1 ORrep.


e K



Position (kb)







e K





Position (kb)


3 C

hIP 24


βmaj 3'HS1 ORrep.

129-alleleB6-alleleboth alleles

Page 112: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

Chapter 4112

accompanied by an increase of di-meH3K9/K27 and concomitant decrease of AcH3 at 3’HS1

(Figure 4.4B and 4.4C). We found no indication for spreading of the methyl mark into the locus,

either locally (compare levels of enrichment in Figure 4.4A and Figure 4.4B) or at the βmajor gene,

which locates more inside the locus (Figure 4.4B, analysed by allele-specific primers). In fact,

AcH3 levels at βmajor were also similar for the targeted and non-targeted allele in ES-EP(Δ3’HS1)

cells, two observations that were fully in agreement with our finding that βmajor gene expression

was not affected by disrupted CTCF binding to 3’HS1 (Figure 4.3A).

We considered the possibility that the spreading of di-meH3K9/K27 into the locus requires

the disruption of CTCF binding to more sites than just 3’HS1. To investigate this, we compared

di-meH3K9/K27 levels in E12.5 wild-type versus lox/lox conditional CTCF knock-out progenitor

cells, the latter containing reduced amounts of CTCF (Figure 4.1C/D/E). We found that loss of

CTCF binding to 3’HS1, HS5, HS-62 and HS-85 coincided with locally increased amounts of

di-meH3K9/K27, while modification levels elsewhere in the locus appeared unaffected (Figure

4.4D). Since CTCF-binding to β-globin sites was reduced but not absent in lox/lox cells, this

leaves open the possibility that residual CTCF amounts prevent spreading of di-meH3K9/K27

into the locus. We concluded that CTCF regulates the balance between active and repressive

chromatin modifications at its binding sites, and we propose that CTCF-mediated acetylation of

histones prevents their methylation. Mechanistically, CTCF may directly attract histone acetyl-

transferases (HATs), although current evidence for this interaction is lacking. Alternatively,

CTCF-mediated chromatin looping brings binding sites into spatial proximity with HATs bound

elsewhere to the DNA (de Laat and Grosveld, 2003). The observation that CTCF binding

was required for histone acetylation is interesting because these two events were previously

claimed to be uncoupled (Recillas-Targa et al., 2002). Our data do not support the generality of

boundaries demarcating expression domains, but fit better with the concept that genes maintain

autonomous expression profiles mostly through their unique ability to productively interact with

positive regulatory elements (de Laat and Grosveld, 2003; Dillon and Sabbattini, 2000).

CTCF organizes higher-order chromatin structure

We have presented two independent lines of evidence that together firmly establish that

CTCF functions in the formation of chromatin loops; removal of most CTCF protein,

as well as targeted disruption of a CTCF-binding site, resulted in destabilization of long-

range contacts between cognate binding sites in the β-globin locus. CTCF is critical

for the looped conformation present in erythroid progenitor cells, but is dispensable

for LCR-gene contacts established later during differentiation. We, and others, have

shown previously that the latter contacts depend on the transcription factors EKLF and

GATA-1 (Drissen et al., 2004; Vakoc et al., 2005). Together, these studies begin to delineate the

factors that act sequentially to form a functional β-globin ACH in differentiated erythroid cells

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CTCF mediates chromatin looping 113

where β-globin genes are fully expressed. Based on the observations that CTCF-dependent

chromatin loops are tissue-specific and evolutionary conserved between mouse and man, it

seemed reasonable to expect that these loops would play a role in gene expression. Such function

may exist but is beyond our current detection limits. An alternative view is that evolutionary

selection against sites forming chromatin loops within a gene locus positions them outside

the β-globin locus, without necessarily being selected to act, positively or negatively, on gene

expression (Dillon and Sabbattini, 2000).

We hypothesize that CTCF also organizes higher-order chromatin structure at other gene

loci, and we predict that such chromatin loops facilitate communication between genes and

regulatory elements but can also lead to the exclusion of interactions between elements. In

terms of transcriptional regulation, the final outcome of such chromatin loops will depend on

the position of CTCF-binding sites relative to other regulatory elements and the genes, the

concentration of the trans-acting factors involved, and the affinities of the (long-range) interactions.

In Drosophila, a limited 3C analysis previously provided indications for a loop between the scs

and scs’ enhancer blocking elements (Blanton et al., 2003). Moreover, insulator proteins like

suppressor of Hairy-wing (Su[Hw]) and Modifier of mdg4 2.2 (Mod[mdg4]2.2) have been found

to coalesce into large foci, called insulator bodies. These bodies preferentially localize at the

nuclear periphery and are hypothesized to bring together distant insulator sites, with intervening

chromatin fibers looped out to form isolated expression domains (Gerasimova et al., 2000).

Our observations made on the CTCF protein provide high-resolution insight into the nature

of such loops in mammals. It will be interesting to see if CTCF forms chromatin loops through

multimerization of CTCF molecules bound to distinct DNA elements (Yusufzai et al., 2004), or

whether this loop formation also involves other factors. Similarly, future experiments should

provide insight into whether CTCF-dependent chromatin looping occurs at a defined physical

structure in the nucleus (Dunn et al., 2003; Yusufzai and Felsenfeld, 2004; Yusufzai et al., 2004)

or whether the base of such loops has a more fluid nature.

Experimental procedures

Generation of conditional CTCF knock-out mice and CTCF antibody

Targeting constructs and strategy for the generation of conditional CTCF knock-out mice as well as the

polyclonal antibody generated against CTCF will be described in detail as part of a study that addresses the

role of CTCF in T cell development (H. Heath, manuscript in preparation).

Lentivirus production and infection

Cre-lentivirus was produced by transient transfection of 293T cells according to standard protocols

(Zufferey et al., 1997). 293T cells were transfected with a 3:1:4 mixture of psPAX-2, pMD2G-VSVG (kind

gifts of D. Trono, University of Geneva) and a transfer vector construct that is essentially as pRRLsin.sPPT.

Page 114: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

Chapter 4114

CMV.GFP.Wpre (Follenzi et al., 2002) but with CMV-Cre instead of CMV-GFP, using poly(ethylenimine)

(PEI). After 24 hours medium was refreshed and virus-containing medium was harvested 48 and 72 hours

after transfection. After filtration through a 0.45µm cellulose acetate filter, the virus stock was concentrated

1000 times by centrifugation at 19.4K rpm for 2 hours at 100C in a SW28 rotor. Virus stocks were stored

at –800C. Virus activity/functionality was tested by serial dilutions on primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts

(MEFs) containing loxP sites, which were scored for recombination after 4 days of infection by Southern

blotting. Fetal livers were isolated from E12.5 embryos, resuspended in FCS with 10% DMSO by repeated

pipetting and stored in liquid nitrogen until genotyping of embryos was completed. Per experiment, cells

from three fetal livers of the same genotype were pooled and cultured as described (Dolznig et al., 2001).

After 2 days of culturing, cells were infected by adding Cre-lentivirus to medium and centrifugation of cell

culture plates for 55 minutes at 2.5K rpm (370C). Cre-mediated recombination efficiency was analysed by

standard Southern en western blotting techniques (antibody used to detect GATA-1: #N6, Santa-Cruz).

CTCF RNA levels were analysed by quantitive RT-PCR (see below).

Analysis of gene expression

Total RNA was isolated from cultured fetal liver cells or 0.5-1 x 106 of ES-EPs at the indicated time points

using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturers instructions. 1 μg of RNA was treated

for 1 hour at room temperature with amplification grade DNAseI (Invitrogen) to remove genomic DNA

contamination. An aliquot was used as a no RT control. cDNA synthesis was performed using Superscript

II RNase H- Reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturers instructions using 200ng

random hexamers as primers. Quantification of primary transcripts was performed on Opticon II real-time

PCR machines (MJ research) using Platinum Taq (Invitrogen) and SYBR Green (Sigma), using the following

PCR program: 2 min 940C, 45 cycles of 30 sec 940C, 1 min 620C, 15 sec 720C and 15 sec 750C (during which

measurements are taken), followed by 10 minutes chain extension and a melting curve. Expression was

normalized against HPRT expression levels. Primer sequences are available upon request.

3C Analysis

3C analysis was performed essentially as described (Splinter et al., 2004) using HindIII as the restriction

enzyme. Quantitative real-time PCR (Opticon I, MJ Research) was performed with Platinum Taq DNA

Polymerase (Invitrogen) and double-dye oligonucleotides (5’FAM + 3’TAMRA) as probes, using the

following cycling conditions: 940C for 2 min and 44 cycles of 15 s at 940C and 90 s at 600C. Probe and

primer sequences are available upon request.

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)

ChIP was performed as described in the Upstate protocol (, except that cells were

cross-linked at 2% formaldehyde for 5 minutes at room temperature. Quantitative real-time PCR (Opticon

I, MJ Research) was performed using SYBR Green (Sigma) and Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen),

under the following cycling conditions: 940C for 2 min, 44 cycles of 30 s at 940C, 60 s at 550C, 15 s at 720C

and 15 s at 750C (during which measurements are taken). Enrichment was calculated relative to Necdin and

values were normalized to input measurements. Primer sequences are available upon request. Antibodies

used: Anti-acetyl-Histone H3 (#06-599, Upstate); anti-di-methyl Histone H3 K9/K27 (ab7312, Abcam).

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CTCF mediates chromatin looping 115

Targeting nucleotide changes to 3’HS1 in ES cells

The 3’HS1 targeting constructs were based on a 5.6 kb BamHI-EcoRV isolated from BAC RP23-370E12

(BACPAC Resources). Site-directed mutagenesis was performed on an internal 683 bp NdeI-NdeI fragment

(coordinates: 67033-67716), using QuikChange® Multi Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene).

Oligonucleotide used to change CTCF-binding site: CGGAAATCAGCGGAACACTTCTGATA

TCTACTGGTATGCAACAGG. Oligonucleotide used to change 2 nucleotides 70 bp downstream of the core


into the BamHI-EcoRV targeting vector, the complete NdeI fragment was sequenced to confirm that only

targeted nucleotides were changed. A TK-NEO cassette flanked by head-to-tail oriented loxP sites and

containing a HindIII site immediately upstream one of the loxP sites was inserted as an XbaI-SpeI fragment

into the AvrII site at position 68251. For selection against random integration events, diphtheria toxin

(DTA) (Yu et al., 2000) was cloned outside the region of homology. ES cells for targeting were isolated from

129xB6 F1 blastocysts and transfected with the SalI linearized targeting construct by electroporation. Clones

scored positive for homologous recombination at 3’HS1 by Southern blot hybridization were transiently

transfected with a CMV-Cre construct containing a PGK-puromycin selection cassette, followed the next

day by a 40 hours selection on medium containing 2 µg/ml of puromycin. Surviving clones were analysed

by Southern blotting for successful Cre-mediated deletion of the neomycin selection cassette and by PCR

analysis for the absence of Cre. Positive clones were selected for in vitro differentiation into ES-EP cells.

In vitro differentiation of ES cells into ES-EPs and characterization of ES-EPs

Differentiation of ES cells into ES-EPs, expansion of ES-EPs and in vitro differentiation of ES-EPs into

eryhrocytes was performed as described (Carotta et al., 2004) (Epo was a kind gift from Ortho-Biotech),

except that embryoid bodies were formed in 4000-6000 hanging drop cultures (~200 ES cells/drop) that

were pooled and disrupted after 6 days of culturing to generate ES-EPs. After 2 to 3 weeks of cultivation a

homogeneous erythroid progenitor population was obtained.


We thank A. de Wit, T. van Dijk and M. von Lindern for help with experiments. This work was supported

by a grant from the division of Earth and Life Sciences (ALW) of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific

Research (NWO), through the ESF EuroDYNA programme to N.G., EU grants LSHG-CT-2004-503433

(Epigenetic) and LSHM-CT-2003-504468 (Cells into Organs) and NWO grant 912.03.009 to F.G. and

NWO grants 016-006-026 and 912-04-082 to W.d.L.

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5The nuclear organisation of peri-

centromeric and peri-telomeric regions

Work in progress

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Chapter 5118


Unravelling the fundamental principles and mechanisms that underlie genomic organisation

is one of the major challenges in modern cell biology. Here we use recently developed 4C

technology to study the nuclear organisation of both peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric

chromosomal regions in murine B-lymphocytes. Analysis was focused on unique sequences

near the ends of three chromosomes (1, 11 and 18), with each of these regions having distinct

transcriptional activities. We show that there is a strong correlation between the transcriptional

status of peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions and their interacting loci in the interphase

nucleus, providing additional evidence that active and inactive chromatin domains are separated

in the nucleus. Moreover, interchromosomal interactions with peri-centromeric regions were

strongly biased towards other peri-centromeric regions. Interestingly, peri-telomeric regions

also showed a preference to interact in trans with other peri-telomeric regions. We argue that

4C data provide evidence for self-organising principles underlying chromatin folding, where the

preferred nuclear environment of a genomic locus is determined not only by its own functional

properties but also by the properties of neighbouring DNA segments and, by extrapolation, of

the entire chromosome. Our data show that both the transcriptional status of a genomic region

and its proximity to defined repetitive sequences on the linear chromosome template strongly

influence the positioning of a locus in the nucleus.


The eukaryotic nucleus is characterized by the existence of distinct structural and functional

units that show high levels of organisation. The folding and packaging of the genetic material into

chromosomes is a typical example of this structural organisation. Identifying the mechanisms and

rules that determine how chromosomes are spatially organised and how this three-dimensional

organisation influences transcriptional regulation is currently one of the major challenges in cell


Genomic organisation in the cells nucleus is non-random and two general types of interphase

organisation have been described. One is the polarized Rabl configuration seen in e.g. flies and

plants in which centromeres and telomeres reside at opposite poles of the nucleus as a consequence

of anaphase chromosome segregation (Dong and Jiang, 1998; Hochstrasser et al., 1986). In

mammalian cells, this polarized configuration degrades after telophase and a second type of domain

organisation arises in which individual chromosomes occupy relatively defined locations in the

nuclear space known as chromosome territories (Cremer and Cremer, 2001). There are conflicting

ideas about which properties determine the localisation of chromosome territories in mammalian

cells. Several types of radial distribution have been reported, either based on chromosome

gene density (Boyle et al., 2001; Croft et al., 1999) or chromosome size (Sun et al., 2000), but

Page 119: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

Nuclear organisation of chromosomal ends 119

results differ between cell types and developmental stage (Bolzer et al., 2005; Parada et al.,

2004). The recent finding that human lymphocytes show extensive intermingling of chromosome

territories adds another level of complexity (Branco and Pombo, 2006). Thus, there are no

simple parameters dictating chromosomal territorial arrangement and consequently the precise

physiological relevance of chromosome and gene positioning for transcriptional regulation is still

largely unclear. It is known however, that transcription can occur throughout the entire nucleus

as nascent RNAs can be seen deep within chromosome territories (Abranches et al., 1998;

Verschure et al., 1999) and sites of transcriptional activity are distributed throughout the entire

nucleus (Cmarko et al., 1999; Jackson et al., 1993; Kimura et al., 2002; Wansink et al., 1993). In

agreement, condensed chromatin domains are physically accessible for large macromolecules

indicating that transcriptional silencing is not due to physical inaccessibility of gene loci for

transcription factors (Verschure et al., 2003). However, some gene clusters and individual genes

migrate upon change in their transcriptional status during differentiation and development. In

general, this relocalisation is measured using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) technology

against large nuclear landmarks such as chromosome territories, the nuclear periphery and

centromeres. For example, the nuclear periphery is assumed to be an inactive compartment and

repositioning of activated genes towards the nuclear interior has been documented for many

loci in different cell types (Hewitt et al., 2004; Kosak et al., 2002; Williams et al., 2006; Zink et

al., 2004), although some genes were detected at the nuclear periphery irrespective of their

transcriptional status (Hewitt et al., 2004).

Interesting observations were made in several species and cell types, where a correlation

was found between gene silencing and intranuclear positioning towards centromeres. In

Drosophila, the introduction of a heterochromatic block into the brown locus strongly reduced

expression of the gene and results in more frequent association of the locus with centromeric

heterochromatin (Csink and Henikoff, 1996; Dernburg et al., 1996). Evidence that this silencing

is a more widespread phenomenon and also applies for normal, unmodified genes came from

studies in B- and T-lymphocytes where the transcriptionally inactive status of lymphoid genes

correlates with their intranuclear proximity to centromeric heterochromatin (Brown et al.,

1999; Brown et al., 1997). Subsequent reports established the important role of centromeric

heterochromatin in gene silencing. For example, the silencing of IL4 and INFγ during thymocyte

development correlates with their proximity to centromeric heterochromatin (Grogan et al.,

2001); the process of allelic exclusion of immunoglobulin heavy and light-chain genes appears to

be regulated by location of excluded alleles in pericentromeric heterochromatic compartments

(Skok et al., 2001); lineage choice in double positive thymocytes is predicted by the spatial

repositioning of CD4 and CD8 coreceptor alleles to centromeric domains (Merkenschlager et

al., 2004) and in erythroid cells a functional enhancer was shown to antagonize the silencing of

a linked transgene by preventing its localization to centromeric heterochromatin (Francastel et

al., 1999). These observations indicate that nuclear positioning of genes relative to centromeric

Page 120: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

Chapter 5120

heterochromatin might regulate the proper execution of gene expression programmes. However,

centromeric repositioning is not a prerequisite for the repression of every gene. This is illustrated

by the subnuclear localization of the silenced human α- and β-globin loci in cycling lymphocytes,

where α-globin was not associated with centromeres, whereas the β-globin locus together with

other inactive genes was located near peri-centric heterochromatin (Brown et al., 2001).

3.0 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.0 4.25 4.50

Chromosomal Position (Mb)




peri-centromeric regions

peri-telomeric regions

Chromosomal Position (Mb)

Chromosome 1

Chromosome 11

Chromosome 18

Chromosome 1

Chromosome 11

Chromosome 18

1 11 18

20 Mb


Figure 5.1 Overview of selected centromeric and telomeric regions for 4C analysis.Schematic overview of the peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions of chromosome 1, 11 and 18. Total chromosomal size is 197 Mb for chromosome 1, 122 Mb for chromosome 11 and 91 Mb for chromosome 18. Depicted are the first sequenced 1.5 Mb from the centromeric region and the last sequenced 1.5 Mb from the telomeric region of chromosome 1, 11 and 18. Annotated genes are indicated by gray rectangles. The position of every first possible unique primer set (bait sequence) used for 4C analysis is indicated by . Chromosomal positions were based on NCBI build m36.

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Nuclear organisation of chromosomal ends 121

Centromeric heterochromatin consists of repetitive DNA satellite sequences which have the

tendency to cluster in interphase nuclei forming so-called chromocenters (Jin et al., 2000; Martou

and De Boni, 2000; Weierich et al., 2003). This clustering occurs in every cell type but becomes

more prominent during later stages of cellular differentiation (Alcobia et al., 2003; Beil et al.,

2002). Another type of repetitive satellite sequences known as telomeres are located at the ends

of the chromosomal arms. Whether positioning near heterochromatic telomeric domains also

influences transcription in mammalian cells is still unclear (Baur et al., 2001; Quina and Parreira,

2005; Tham and Zakian, 2002). It is also not known whether mammalian telomeres, like their

yeast counterparts (Funabiki et al., 1993; Maillet et al., 1996), cluster in the interphase nucleus,

although some evidence exist that they do occasionally get together (Scherthan et al., 1996;

Weierich et al., 2003).

Studies concerning gene positioning and nuclear organisation have mainly been carried out

using FISH technology, which enables simultaneous visualization of selected parts of the genome.

For a better understanding of both centromeric and telomeric nuclear organisation we used 4C

technology, which enables to systematically screen the entire genome in an unbiased manner for

DNA loci that contact a given locus in the nuclear space (Simonis et al., 2006). We focused our

analysis on three peri-centromeric and three peri-telomeric regions in murine B-lymphocytes. We

show that the nuclear environment of the selected regions is dependent on their transcriptional

status. Transcriptionally active regions predominantly contacted other active regions both in cis

and in trans, while inactive regions preferentially interacted with regions lacking active genes.

Additionally, interchromosomal interactions of peri-centromeric regions were strongly biased

towards other peri-centromeric regions. Interestingly, peri-telomeric regions also showed a

preference to interact in trans with other peri-telomeric regions. Thus, transcriptional activity

and proximity to defined repetitive sequences on the linear chromosome template both strongly

influence the preferred nuclear environment of a locus.


Selection of centromeric and telomeric regions for 4C analysis

To study the nuclear environment of centromeres and telomeres we applied 4C technology to

the centromeric and telomeric chromosomal regions of chromosome 1, 11 and 18. Not only

do these three chromosomes differ in size (ranging from 91 Mb for chromosome 18 to over

197 Mb for chromosome 1), they also show considerable differences in gene density at their

chromosomal ends (Figure 5.1). For all selected chromosomes, we designed the first possible

unique 4C primer set from the centromeric and telomeric sequence ends. Using this criterion,

all 4C primers used were designed within 0.5 Mb from the annotated chromosomal ends, with

the closest primerset being 142 kb and the most distal primerset being 408 kb away from the

annotated sequence ends (Figure 5.1). Gene positioning and nuclear organisation have been

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Chapter 5122

studied extensively in both B- and T-lymphocytes (Brown et al., 1999; Brown et al., 1997; Grogan

et al., 2001; Merkenschlager et al., 2004; Skok et al., 2001). Therefore, we used a homogeneous

population of primary B-lymphocytes for our 4C analysis to study the nuclear environment of

peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions.

4C technology involves the selective amplification of cross-linked DNA fragments ligated to

a restriction fragment of choice. All DNA fragments captured by this so-called ‘bait’-sequence in

a pool of cells are amplified via inverse PCR using two 4C primers that amplify the circularized

ligation products. This material is subsequently labelled and hybridised to tailored microarrays

containing 400.000 individual probes that each analyse a different DNA interaction across the

entire mouse genome. We previously showed that clusters of positive hybridisation signals on the

chromosome template reveal interacting regions. In order to identify these interacting regions, a

running mean algorithm with a window size of approximately 60 kb was applied to the measured

dataset. We then used the running mean distribution of a randomly shuffled dataset to set a

threshold value, allowing a false discovery rate of 5%. Importantly, only genomic clusters that

meet this threshold value in two independent replicate experiments are defined as interacting

with the 4C bait sequence (Simonis et al., 2006).

Chromosomal ends interact with distinct regions of different transcriptional activity

First we analysed the distribution of intra-chromosomal long-range interactions of the centromeric

and telomeric region of chromosome 1. Replicate experiments from both the centromere and

telomere showed highly reproducible interaction patterns in cis (Figure 5.2A). Interactions were

detected along the entire length of chromosome 1 and, as seen before, the strongest signals

can be found within a 2-4 Mb region around the chromosomal position of the centromeric

and telomeric bait sequences (Simonis et al., 2006). We identified 32 regions interacting with

the peri-centromeric region and 45 regions that interacted with the peri-telomeric region of

chromosome 1 (Figure 5.2A).

At first glance, the two ends of the chromosome appeared to contact a mutually exclusive

set of chromosomal regions. This becomes even more evident if we zoom in on selected 20

Mb chromosomal regions (Figure 5.2B). A comparison with the distribution of genes along

chromosome 1 suggests that the peri-telomeric region preferentially interacts with genic regions

while the peri-centromeric region predominantly contacts non-genic regions (Figure 5.2B).

To analyse whether these interactions were dictated by the transcriptional status of genomic

regions, gene expression was analysed in CD19+ B-lymphocytes using Affymetrix expression

arrays. Interacting regions identified by 4C were subsequently characterized with respect to

gene density and activity. This revealed that the peri-centromeric region primarily contacts

gene-poor, transcriptionally inactive regions whereas the peri-telomeric region interacts with

gene-rich, transcriptionally active regions (Figure 5.2B). Thus, the great majority (87%) of

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Nuclear organisation of chromosomal ends 123

0 40 80 120 160 200

4C ru







g m

ean Centromere

exp. #1

Centromere exp. #1

Centromere exp. #2

Centromere exp. #2

Telomereexp. #1

Telomereexp. #1

Centromere double positive

Telomere exp. #2

Telomere exp. #2

Telomere double positive

104 108 112 116 120 124





37 41 45 49 53 57



Chromosomal Position (Mb)

Chromosomal Position (Mb)













Chromosome 1 cis interactions



Figure 5.2 Centromeric and telomeric long-range intrachromosomal interactions for chromosome 1. A. Overview of interactions in cis from both the peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions of chromosome 1. Shown are processed 4C data for two independent experimental samples (exp. #1 and exp. #2) analysing intrachromosomal interacting regions for both the centromeric and telomeric region of chromosome 1. Chromosomal position of used 4C primer sets is indicated by . Chromosomal regions that meet the threshold value (indicated by a dashed line) in both duplicates were termed double positive and are indicated by black boxes. B. Detailed overview of two randomly selected 20 Mb regions of chromosome 1 shown in A. Compared are duplicate processed 4C data sets for both the centromeric and telomeric regions of chromosome 1, the location of genes (middle, genes) and micro-array expression analysis in CD19-positive B-lymphocytes (log scale, middle, expression) plotted along a 20 Mb chromosomal axis. Data shows that the peri-centromeric region of chromosome 1 preferentially interacts with transcriptionally inactive regions while the peri-telomeric region of chromosome 1 associates with areas containing actively transcribed genes. Chromosomal positions were based on NCBI build m36.

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Chapter 5124

centromere 1 interacting loci did not show any detectable gene activity, whereas almost all

interacting loci of telomere 1 (96%) contained one or more actively transcribed genes (Figure


Subsequent analysis of other chromosomes shows that the difference in transcriptional activity

between centromere- and telomere-associated regions is not a general phenomenon. Telomere

18 contacts primarily regions without any gene activity (89%), whereas centromere 18 is mainly

associated with transcriptionally active loci (80%). The sub-centromeric and sub-telomeric

regions of chromosome 11 and telomere 11 mainly interact with transcriptionally active loci (90%

and 87%, respectively) (Figure 5.3A). In some of these cases though, the number of identified

cis-interacting regions is relatively low (for example, with our standard stringent conditions we

identify only 10 and 8 interacting regions for centromere 18 and telomere 11, respectively).

However, even when we lower the threshold by removing the saturated probes within the first

5 Mb around the bait sequence, which results in an increase of identified interacting regions to

15 and 19, respectively, the nature of the interacting regions remains the same (data not shown).

Thus, as both peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions can interact with transcriptionally

active and inactive regions, the data indicate that centromeric or telomeric localization per se is

not predictive for the transcriptional status of associated regions in cis.

We recently demonstrated that the active β-globin locus in fetal liver interacts with

transcribed loci whereas the inactive β-globin locus in fetal brain contacts other silent loci. In

contrast, the housekeeping gene Rad23a, which is constitutively expressed, is contacting other

actively transcribed loci in both tissues (Simonis et al., 2006). We reasoned that the transcriptional

status of peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions may also influence the nature of their

nuclear environments. Indeed, the transcriptionally active peri-centromeric and -telomeric bait

sequences (centromere 11 and 18, telomere 1 and 11) interacted primarily with transcriptionally

active loci (Figure 5.3B). On the other hand, the peri-centromeric region of chromosome 1

and the peri-telomeric region of chromosome 18 are transcriptionally silent and preferentially

interacted with regions without gene activity (Figure 5.3A and 5.3B).

In addition to interactions with regions on the same chromosome we identified associated regions

in trans for all analysed sub-centromeric and sub-telomeric regions (Figure 5.4A). Similar to what

we had observed for intrachromosomal contacts, interchromosomal contacts were made with

regions having the same transcriptional status. Only for chromosome 18 this corrrelation was

somewhat less obvious (see Discussion). Thus, our data provide additional evidence that active

and inactive chromatin domains separate in the interphase nucleus (Simonis et al., 2006).

Peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions preferentially interact with correspondingly positioned regions on other chromosomes

We subsequently looked at the distribution of interchromosomal associations with the selected

centromeric and telomeric regions. Centromeric regions interact with 34 other regions in

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Nuclear organisation of chromosomal ends 125

3.0 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.0 4.25 4.50

Chromosomal Position (Mb)




Expression profiles peri-centromeric regions

Expression profiles peri-telomeric regions

Chromosomal Position (Mb)

Chromosome 1

Chromosome 11

Chromosome 18

Chromosome 1

Chromosome 11

Chromosome 18













Active genes

Only inactive genes

No genes



chromosome 1 chromosome 18



chromosome 11







2% 2%











Gene not analysed

Gene not expressed

Gene expressed

cis interactions cis interactions cis interactions



(n=20) (n=10)

(n=8) (n=18)

Figure 5.3 Characterization of cis-interacting regions and expression profiles of selected centromeric and telomeric regions.A. Identification and transcriptional characterization of cis-interacting regions for all analysed peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions. Indicated are the total number of intramolecular interactions detected for each individual chromosomal end (n=x) together with the characterization of the identified regions in terms of gene content and gene activity. B. Overview of the expression profile of the selected peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions. Data shown are based on micro-array expression analysis in CD19-positive B-lymphocytes (log scale), indicating expressed genes (value > log 1.698), non-expressed genes (value < log 1.698) and genes not present on the expression array. Chromosomal positions were based on NCBI build m36.

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Chapter 5126

total, which are divided over 16 different chromosomes (Figure 5.4B), providing additional

evidence for a random distribution of chromosome territories in cell populations. However,

the peri-centromeric regions showed a clear preference to interact with regions located at

similar positions on other chromosomes. Thus, 7 out of the 34 trans-interactions identified are

positioned within 1.5 Mb of another centromere. Interestingly, also the sub-telomeric regions

showed a strong preference to interact with other sub-telomeric regions in trans: 10 out of 40

trans-interactions with the three peri-telomeric regions are positioned within 1.5 Mb of another

telomeric end.

These results demonstrate that both peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions have

the tendency to associate with regions correspondingly positioned on other chromosomes.

Clearly, this must be the consequence of clustering of the repetitive DNA sequences capping the

chromosomes. Centromeric clustering is well established, but our data indicate that telomeric

clustering also occurs and may be more common in mammalian cells than previously anticipated.

Based on this data we conclude that both the transcriptional status of a genomic region and its

proximity to repetitive sequences on the linear chromosome template influence the positioning

of a locus in the nucleus.

Discussion and future experiments

We used 4C technology to study the nuclear organisation of three peri-centromeric and

peri-telomeric regions in murine B-lymphocytes. Using 4C primer sets designed as close to both

the centromeric and telomeric chromosomal ends as possible we were able to systematically

screen the entire genome in an unbiased manner for DNA loci that contacted the selected peri-

centromeric and peri-telomeric regions in nuclear space. We show that the nuclear environment

of peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions is dependent on the transcriptional status of the

selected regions as transcriptionally active regions predominantly contacted other active regions

both in cis and in trans, while inactive regions preferentially interacted with regions lacking

active genes. Together with data previously obtained in other tissues for the β-globin locus and

the Rad23a gene (Simonis et al., 2006), these results indicate that there is a strong correlation

between the transcriptional status of a region and the transcriptional status of its interacting loci

in the interphase nucleus. As a consequence, active and inactive chromatin domains separate

in the nucleus. Importantly, these principles not only determine the interaction patterns of

individual loci but eventually underlie the folding and long-range DNA interactions of whole


Data obtained so far by 4C analysis are in strong agreement with the concept of self-

organisation as a model of how genomes are organised (Misteli, 2001; Misteli, 2007). This

model states ‘that the sum of all functional properties of a chromosome (e.g. the frequency

and linear distribution of its active and inactive regions) determines its positioning’ (Misteli,

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Nuclear organisation of chromosomal ends 127

Active genes

Only inactive genes

No genes



chromosome 1 chromosome 18



chromosome 11






trans interactions trans interactions trans interactions














1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 X

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 X

Chromosome 1

Chromosome 11

Trans-interactions from Centromeres

Chromosome 18

Chromosome 1

Chromosome 11

Chromosome 18

Trans-interactions from Telomeres

(n=11) (n=10) (n=13)

(n=15) (n=2) (n=23)

Figure 5.4 Characterisation and distribution of trans-interacting regions of selected centromeric and telomeric regions.A. Identification and transcriptional characterization of trans-interacting regions for all analysed peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions. Indicated are the total number of intermolecular interactions detected for each individual chromosomal end (n=x) together with the characterization of the identified regions in terms of gene content and gene activity.B. Distribution of identified interchromosomal interactions for the centromeric chromosomal ends of chromosome 1, 11 and 18. Interacting regions are drawn to scale and are on average 200-300 kb. Total number of trans-interactions is 34 (Cen 1=11, Cen 11=10, Cen 18=13) and 7 regions are positioned within 1.5 Mb of the corresponding centromere (Cen 1=0, Cen 11=3, Cen 18=4). C. Distribution of identified interchromosomal interactions for the telomeric chromosomal ends of chromosome 1, 11 and 18. Interacting regions are drawn to scale and are on average 200-300 kb, except telomere 18 that interacts with regions on average 1.6 Mb in size. Total number of trans-interactions is 40 (Tel 1=15, Tel 11=2, Tel 18=23) and 10 regions are positioned within 1.5 Mb of the corresponding centromere (Tel 1=4, Tel 11=0, Tel=6).Note that in B and C adjacent, non-overlapping interactions may appear as one region due to the scale of the figure.

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Chapter 5128

2007). 4C data show that transcriptionally active regions (e.g. centromere and telomere 11)

associate with other active regions, whereas gene-poor and transcriptionally inactive regions

(e.g. centromere 1) preferentially interact with transcriptionally silent loci. This demonstrates

that each chromosomal region, active or inactive, has its own preferred nuclear environment.

This automatically implies that the nuclear positioning of a locus also depends on the properties

of neighbouring segments and, by extrapolation, of the entire chromosome, as predicted by

models of self-organisation. Gene-dense regions that are highly transcribed, such as the peri-

centromeric region of chromosome 11 and the region around Rad23a, and gene-poor regions

that are completely inactive, such as the β-globin locus in non-expressing tissue and the sub-

centromeric region of chromosome 1 most clearly show an interaction pattern strictly biased

towards regions of corresponding activity. Not surprisingly, regions that can not so easily be

classified as active or inactive do not show such well defined nuclear environments. This is

illustrated by the peri-centromeric region of chromosome 18, which is situated at the 5’ end of a

gene that is expressed just above threshold levels in a relatively gene-poor, transcriptionally silent

chromosomal region. In cis, we find it to interact with transcriptionally active regions (80%),

while in trans this region interacts predominantly with loci without gene activity (62%).

Chromatin movement is limited during most stages of the cell cycle, as illustrated by the

relatively stable positioning of gene loci and chromosomes during most of G1, S and G2 (Abney

et al., 1997; Chubb et al., 2002; Gerlich and Ellenberg, 2003). Early in G1 however, chromatin

is more mobile (Thomson et al., 2004). It is therefore tempting to speculate that the nuclear

environment of a chromosomal region (and consequently an entire chromosome) will mainly

be determined in a short timeframe following mitosis when regions decondense and are not yet

physically constrained to interact with other DNA segments. Most likely, random collision will

establish contacts between sites that will be stabilised depending on relative affinities. Contacts

formed will affect the freedom of movement of other chromosomal segments on the same

chromatin fiber. This process eventually results in the nuclear positioning of loci and overall

chromosomal conformation based on the order of established contacts and relative affinities

between sites. The stochastic nature of this process inevitably leads to cell-to-cell differences in

chromatin architecture, which is probably reflected by the many intramolecular and intermolecular

interactions that we identify by 4C technology for each peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric

region analysed. Consequently, it is impossible to predict the exact nuclear position of a given

locus in a given cell.

Some chromatin properties may be dominant over others in determining chromatin folding

and repetitive DNA sequences presumably play an important role in genomic organisation. A

typical example of interacting repetitive sequences is the nucleolus, which is formed as a result

of interchromosomal clustering of ribosomal gene arrays. Similarly, centromeres, which consist

of repetitive DNA satellite sequences, also show a tendency to cluster in interphase nuclei of

different cell types (Jin et al., 2000; Martou and De Boni, 2000; Weierich et al., 2003). Here we

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Nuclear organisation of chromosomal ends 129

showed preferential associations between peri-centromeric, but also between peri-telomeric

regions, indicating interactions between repetitive chromosomal end sequences. Moreover, a

4C probe analysing the telomeric region of chromosome 18 was designed within a repetitive,

gene-poor region and showed preferential association with relatively large-sized regions in trans

(Figure 5.4B). These regions often spanned large chromosomal gaps devoid of unique probe

sequences, indicating the repetitive nature of these regions. We therefore think these results

probably reflect another example of clustering of repetitive sequences and we argue that the

spatial separation between repetitive and non-repetitive sequences is an important parameter

determining interphase nuclear organisation. Future experiments are needed to confirm these

interactions and to determine which type of repetitive sequences are present in these associated

regions. Spatial repositioning of many genes relative to centromeric heterochromatin correlates

with gene silencing and chromocenters may play a role in stable gene repression (Brown et

al., 1999; Brown et al., 1997; Grogan et al., 2001; Merkenschlager et al., 2004; Skok et al.,

2001). As 4C data consistently show that active and inactive regions tend to separate in the

nucleus, it is also possible that centromeric repositioning is not a prerequisite for stable gene

silencing, but rather a consequence of this phase separation. Our analysis shows that both active

and inactive peri-centromeric regions can form clusters with other peri-centromeric regions. It

would be interesting to see how the active peri-centromeric clusters are positioned relative to

the actual chromocenters, which can be visualized with DNA satellite repeat probes, as their

presence within chromocenters would challenge the idea that these are nuclear areas exclusively

repressing gene activity. It is also possible that silenced genes reposition to certain clusters of

centromeres that are surrounded by transcriptionally inactive peri-centromeric regions. Indeed,

the 4C data suggest that certain centromeres, and telomeres, have a preference to interact with a

certain subset of other centromeres or telomeres. FISH studies using chromosome specific peri-

centromeric probes should reveal whether this is the case and also whether such an organisation

is conserved between different cell types.

Taken together, we demonstrate that there is a strong correlation between the transcriptional

status of an analysed region and that of its interacting regions in the interphase nuclei, indicating

that active and inactive chromatin domains separate in the interphase nucleus. Moreover, we

show that linear chromosome proximity to repetitive DNA regions is an important parameter

determining nuclear positioning. The results presented here are in strong agreement with the

concept of self-organisation underlying genome organisation. The sum of all chromosomal

functional properties results in preferential, yet probabilistic, associations that determine the

folding and positioning of chromosomal regions. Using 4C technology we are now capable of

measuring the interactions of genomic regions and chromosomes. Careful mapping of these

associations should reveal patterns of positioning and eventually lead to the identification of

mechanisms and rules that underlie nuclear organisation.

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Chapter 5130

Experimental procedures

Isolation of murine B-lymphocytes

B-lymphocytes were isolated from spleens of 8-10 weeks old female B6 mice, resuspended by repeated

pipetting and applied through a 40 μm cell strainer (BD Falcon) using ice-cold MACS-buffer (PBS pH 7.2,

0.5% BSA and 2 mM EDTA). Next, single-cell suspensions from individual spleens were magnetically

labelled with CD19 mouse microbeads (order nr. 130-052-201, Miltenyi Biotec) according to the

manufacturers instructions followed by isolation of CD19+ B-lymphocytes using an autoMACS (Miltenyi

Biotec) magnetic cell separator. Typically, approximately 30 x 106 CD19+ B-lymphocytes were isolated

from one spleen with a purity of 90-95%, as judged by FACS analysis using a CD19 FITC-conjugated

antibody (order nr. 130-091-328, Miltenyi Biotec). Finally, all murine B-lymphocytes were pooled and

treated for expression analysis or 4C analysis.

Expression analysis

Total RNA was isolated from approximately 1 x 106 CD19+ B-lymphocytes using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen)

according to the manufacturers instructions. Two independent microarrays were performed according to

Affymetrix protocol (mouse 430_2 arrays) and for each probe set the measurements of two microarrays

were averaged. Additionally, when multiple probe sets represented the same annotated gene according

to National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI) build m36 they were averaged. Genes with an average

Affymetrix expression value >50 were called expressed. The 4C probe set analysing the pericentromeric

region of chromosome 1 is situated within the X Kell blood group precursor related family member 4

(Xkr4) gene (ENSMUSG00000051591) which is not present on the Affymetrix expression array. Therefore,

1.5 μg of RNA was treated for 1 hour with DNAseI (Invitrogen) to remove genomic DNA contamination.

cDNA synthesis was performed using Superscript IIRNase H-Reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) according

to the manufacturers instructions using 500 ng oligo (dT)12-18 as primers. Quantification of transcripts

was performed on Opticon II realtime PCR machines (MJ Research) using Platinum Taq DNA polymerase

(Invitrogen) and SYBR Green (Sigma-Aldrich). The following PCR program was used: 2 min 94 oC, 45 cycles

of 30 sec 94 oC, 30 sec 55 oC, 30 sec 60 oC and 15 sec 75 oC (during which measurements were taken),

followed by 10 minutes chain extension. Expression levels of Xkr4 were compared to levels measured for the

following control genes present on the Affymetrix expression array: hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl

transferase (HPRT), erythroid kruppel-like factor (EKLF) and Dan-domain family member 5 (Dand5).

4C sample preparation

Preparation of experimental 4C samples from CD19-positive B-lymphocytes was essentially performed

as described before (Simonis et al., 2006). For all samples, DpnII was used as a secondary, frequently

cutting restriction enzyme. The resulting circular ligation products were linearized by restriction of the

bait sequence between the primary and secondary restriction enzyme recognition site, using the following

tertiary restriction enzymes: PstI (for centromere 1, telomere 1 and telomere 18), BspMI (for centromere

1), SspI (for centromere 18) and SphI (for telomere 11). Digested products were purified using a QIAquick

nucleotide removal (250) column (Qiagen). PCR reactions were performed as described before (Simonis et

al., 2006) using the following first possible unique 4C primer sets from the centromeric and telomeric sequence



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Nuclear organisation of chromosomal ends 131





3’. Purified 4C template was labelled and hybridized to arrays according to standard chromatin

immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-chip protocols (Nimblegen Systems).

4C arrays and data analysis

4C array design and data analysis were essentially performed as described before (Simonis et al., 2006),

except the arrays we used for this study (Nimblegen Systems) covered all 21 mouse chromosomes

completely. Each array was hybridized with two independently processed experimental samples labelled

with alternate dye orientations. The ratio of sample-to-genomic DNA 4C signal was calculated for each

individual probe. For the analysis of cis-interactions, a running mean algorithm was performed separately

for each experimental sample with a window size of 29 probes (on average 60 kb) and compared with a

running mean performed across randomised data. Consequently, all measurements were judged relative

to the amplitude and background noise of that specific array. The threshold level was determined using

a top-down approach to establish the minimal value for which the false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05.

Next, duplicate experiments were compared and windows that met the threshold in both duplicates

were considered positive. When comparing randomised data, no windows were above threshold in both

duplicates. Positive windows directly adjacent on the chromosome template were joined (no gaps allowed),

creating positive areas. In defining interacting regions in trans, we took a similar approach. However, here

we applied a running median algorithm, using a window size of 29 probes on 4C-sample/genomic DNA

signal ratios. The threshold was set at a FDR of 0. Thus, a region was called interacting when, in both

duplicates, the median signal was higher than any signal found in the respective randomized data sets.


We thank R. Hendriks and P.F. van Loo for help with experiments.

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Chapter 6134


Regulated expression of protein coding genes throughout development is of fundamental

importance for the survival of an organism. In order to control this process, the eukaryotic genome

has evolved several regulatory DNA elements that ensure proper spatio-temporal transcription

of genes. It is important to understand how these cis-regulatory elements communicate over

large distances to control gene expression. Using the β-globin locus as a model system, it was

shown previously that in erythroid cells regulatory DNA elements of the LCR physically contact

downstream genes via a looping mechanism to regulate their expression (Tolhuis et al., 2002). In

addition to spatial clustering of the active genes and regulatory elements in the LCR, 3C technology

also revealed erythroid specific long-range DNA interactions with distal hypersensitive regions

while the intervening chromatin containing the inactive β-globin genes loops out. This spatial

configuration of transcriptional regulatory elements in the β-globin locus of erythroid cells is

referred to as the Active Chromatin Hub (ACH) (Tolhuis et al., 2002). In erythroid progenitor cells

that express β-globin genes at basal levels, a pre-structure consisting of interactions between the

outer hypersensitive sites and the 5’ side of the LCR is present and result in a spatial conformation

called the Chromatin Hub (CH) (Palstra et al., 2003). Upon induction of erythroid differentiation,

a fully functional ACH is formed when these sites cluster with the rest of the LCR and the actively

transcribed gene. It is thought that during erythroid differentiation these cis regulatory DNA

elements create a nuclear compartment dedicated to RNA polymerase II transcription of the

β-globin genes (Palstra et al., 2003). Presumably, the spatial clustering of regulatory elements in an

ACH results in a high local concentration of DNA-binding sites for cognate transcription factors and

their interacting partners, which consequently accumulate at the site. Efficiency of transcription

is proportional to the concentration of transcription factors involved (Droge and Muller-Hill,

2001) and local accumulation of trans-acting factors may indeed be obtained by spatial clustering

of cognate binding sites. Therefore contacts formed in the context of the ACH may be essential

for the high transcription rate of the β-globin genes. Although experimental data concerning

higher order chromatin structure of a locus is limited, there are a number of observations and

models that may explain how ACH long-range interactions are established and maintained.

ACH formation and maintenance

Formation of the ACH most likely depends on the affinity between cis regulatory elements in the

β-globin locus and the transcription factors that bind them. It has been proposed that transcription

factors bind their cognate binding sites via a mass-action mechanism (Grosveld, 1999). In such a

system, a transcription factor occasionally binds its cognate binding site when this is (temporarily)

available. Next, the factor dissociates or, within a small window of opportunity, a second binding

site becomes available (either directly on the first factor associated or indirectly via the action

of the first bound factor) that can be bound by another transcription factor. This process would

Page 135: -Globin Gene Regulation and Nuclear Organisation

Discussion 135

repeat itself and induces a chain reaction that eventually results in the formation of individual

transcription factor complexes. The significance of the β-globin LCR in this mechanism is that it

contains a large number of these transcription factor binding sites. A stable interaction between

regulatory sites eventually leading to higher order chromatin structure (such as an ACH) can only

be established if both sites are in close spatial proximity and if affinity exists between transcription

factors bound at these sites. This suggests that influencing the trans-acting environment will

influence ACH formation and maintenance. Indeed, using 3C technology it was previously shown

that EKLF and GATA-1 play a pivotal role in the establishment and/or maintenance of the β-globin

ACH (Drissen et al., 2004; Vakoc et al., 2005). Data on erythroid progenitor cells in Chapter 3

of this thesis demonstrates that these factors already bind to cognate sites in the β-globin locus

at a stage of erythroid differentiation that precedes ACH formation (Kooren et al., 2007). This

indicates that either the concentration of EKLF and GATA-1 is important to mediate ACH

formation or they first need to be modified in order to execute their structural role. Alternatively,

they mediate the recruitment of other proteins important for ACH formation during later stages

of erythroid differentiation. In favour of the latter, EKLF and GATA-1 bind DNA directly but

are not known to homo-multimerise and therefore it is unlikely that these factors are directly

responsible for bringing distant DNA elements together. They do interact however with large

protein complexes such as CBP/p300 and Mediator which are known to interact simultaneously

with factors bound at enhancers and promoters and could in this way stabilise promoter-LCR

contact (Chan and La Thangue, 2001; Kuras et al., 2003). Therefore, promoter-LCR contacts

in the context of the β-globin ACH must be thought of as a multi-component entity containing

many different proteins and DNA elements and multiple interactions between the LCR and the

β-globin promoter are required to stabilise the spatial conformation of the locus. This is illustrated

by the deletion of both HS3 and the β-globin promoter which results in a strong destabilisation

of the ACH, while the ACH is maintained when each of these sites are deleted individually

(Patrinos et al., 2004). Evidently, some of the protein components are crucial, like e.g. EKLF or

GATA-1 and removal of these factors destabilises the structure in such a way that promoter-

LCR contacts can not be firmly established or maintained. Not all transcription factors that bind

specifically to regulatory elements residing in the β-globin locus are required for establishing

interactions between these cis-regulatory DNA elements. This is illustrated by the role of the

erythroid transcription factor p45 NF-E2 in ACH formation described in Chapter 3 of this thesis.

Despite the fact that this factor binds to elements in both the β-globin LCR and the promoters

of the genes (Forsberg et al., 2000; Johnson et al., 2002; Kang et al., 2002) and is essential for

β-globin gene transcription in MEL cells (Johnson et al., 2001; Kotkow and Orkin, 1995; Lu et

al., 1994), we show that p45 NF-E2 is not required for ACH formation (Kooren et al., 2007).

We find that redundant factors bind to the β-globin locus and physically replace p45 NF-E2 in

its absence, which might explain both the unaffected structural organisation of the locus and

the mild erythroid phenotype in mice lacking this transcription factor. Whether this physical

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Chapter 6136

replacement has any functional consequences remains unclear and additional experiments using

e.g. cells lacking all p45 NF-E2 related factors need to be undertaken to address this question

properly. If functional redundancy does exist, this is however not complete as these knock-

out mice display levels of β-globin gene expression down to 60-70% of wildtype (Kooren et

al., 2007), similar to levels found after complete deletion of HS2 from the endogenous mouse

β-globin locus (Fiering et al., 1995).

In addition to individual regulatory elements and their bound transcription factors it has been

suggested that gene loci and even whole chromosomes are structurally organised by the process

of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription. The presence of transcribing RNAP II at enhancers

and promoters was suggested to produce loops by targeting these sites to the same ‘transcription

factory ’(Chakalova et al., 2005; Cook, 2002; Cook, 2003; Marenduzzo et al., 2007). Long-range

DNA interactions of transcribed genes in these transcription factories could be established by

a molecular crowding mechanism of bound RNAP II (Marenduzzo et al., 2006). Alternatively,

regulatory elements like the β-globin LCR could relocate to preformed transcription factories

and reel in the chromatin fiber until an activated promoter is encountered, thereby generating

chromatin loops (Chakalova et al., 2005; Muller et al., 2007; West and Fraser, 2005). The prediction

that emanates from this model is that inhibition of transcription influences DNA folding and

eliminates looping (Faro-Trindade and Cook, 2006; Marenduzzo et al., 2007). However, a recent

study performed in our group combines 3C and 4C technology with high-resolution cryo-FISH

shows that upon inhibition of transcription by α-amanitin there is no large-scale change in both

intra- and interchromosomal long-range DNA interactions of the β-globin locus and the Rad23a

locus (Palstra et. al., submitted). Furthermore, it was found that after transcriptional inhibition the

erythroid transcription factors EKLF, GATA-1 and p45 NF-E2 remain bound to their cognate binding

sites in the β-globin locus. This demonstrates that in the absence of ongoing RNAP II transcription

long-range DNA interactions, including the β-globin ACH, are maintained and therefore argues

strongly against models that suggest that the genome is organised around clusters of active RNAP II.

Altogether, these data supports the notion that a minimum amount of transcription factor

bound cis regulatory elements is required to establish and maintain the β-globin ACH. This is

in agreement with the idea that the LCR functions as a holocomplex in which cooperativeness

between hypersensitive sites is required for stabilising LCR-gene contacts and for the overall

spatial conformation of the β-globin locus.

CTCF and the β-globin ACH

Apart from LCR-gene interactions, the mouse β-globin ACH is comprised of interactions

between multiple CTCF binding sites around the locus that spatially cluster in the erythroid cell

nucleus. All these interacting sites have been shown to bind the insulator protein CTCF and both

5’HS5 of the LCR and 3’HS1 downstream of the β-globin genes function as a CTCF dependent

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Discussion 137

enhancer-blocker (Bulger et al., 2003; Farrell et al., 2002). Chapter 4 of this thesis describes

experiments in which the role of CTCF in long-range chromatin looping in the mouse β-globin

locus is investigated. Using a conditional CTCF knockout approach and targeted disruption of

the CTCF binding site in 3’HS1, it was shown that CTCF is required for long-range interactions

between cognate CTCF binding sites (Splinter et al., 2006). According to the structural model

of insulator function, the chromatin fibre is organised by the establishment of transcriptionally

independent loop domains via clustering of insulator sequences. Indeed it was shown that the

insulator protein CTCF organises higher order chromatin structure in the context of the β-globin

ACH (Splinter et al., 2006). Moreover, this clustering of regulatory elements in CTCF-dependent

chromatin loops is evolutionary conserved and can only be found in erythroid cells, implying a

functional role in β-globin gene expression. The functional significance of these CTCF mediated

loops is however not clear, as disruption of CTCF binding to 3’HS1 had no measurable effect

on β-globin transcription (Splinter et al., 2006) and mouse models carrying a combination of

deletions of the outer CTCF binding sites showed no aberrant β-globin gene expression (Bender

et al., 2006).

The observation that CTCF binds to both sides of the mouse locus has led to the idea

that these sequences might act as a barrier element flanking the locus protecting it from the

encroachment of heterochromatin or, vice versa, preventing inappropriate activation of

surrounding mouse olfactory receptor genes by the β-globin LCR (Burgess-Beusse et al., 2002;

Farrell et al., 2002). This idea has mainly emanated from studies on the well-characterised

chicken β-globin locus, where the flanking HSs mark an abrupt change in chromatin structure

(Chung et al., 1993; Litt et al., 2001). Disruption of the mouse 3’HS1 CTCF binding site did

however not result in inappropriate expression of olfactory receptor genes nor did it give rise to

heterochromatinization into the β-globin locus. In fact, removal of CTCF resulted only locally in

a loss of histone acetylation and a gain of histone methylation, demonstrating that 3’HS1 bound

CTCF does not to insulate the murine β-globin locus. This lack of CTCF dependent barrier activity

is not completely unexpected however, as boundary activity of the chicken 5’HS4 element is not

dependent on CTCF but rather on the binding of another group of proteins collectively known

as USF proteins (Bell and Felsenfeld, 1999; Bell et al., 1999; West et al., 2004).

Altogether, the functional relevance of CTCF mediated loops in the β-globin locus still

remains unclear. If looped domains facilitate enhancer-promoter interactions, as predicted by

the structural model of insulator function, it is to be expected that β-globin gene expression

would benefit from these CTCF mediated loops, but no such effect is measured using current

detection methods. To test whether positioning of a gene on a CTCF mediated loop together

with its enhancer elements positively influences its expression we have initiated ES cell targeting

experiments that introduced a ‘marked’ β-globin gene in the mouse β-globin locus just upstream

of a wildtype 3’HS1. More than the endogenous β-globin genes that locate much further away

from 3’HS1, this juxtaposed marked β-globin gene is expected to benefit from LCR-3’HS1

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Chapter 6138

interactions. We also prepared a targeting construct that allows the insertion of this βmarked gene

upstream of a mutated 3’HS1 element that lacks CTCF binding and consequently shows no

interactions between 3’HS1 and other sites participating in the ACH. Comparing the relative

expression levels of this βmarked gene between both situations should reveal whether CTCF

mediated loops can indeed facilitate enhancer-mediated gene expression, as predicted from the

structural model of enhancer function.

An alternative explanation for the lack of changes in β-globin expression after abrogation

of the loop between 3’HS1 and the LCR is the presence of additional CTCF binding sites

downstream of 3’HS1, capable of generating an alternative loop with an increased size. In this

scenario, the β-globin genes still benefit fully from the presence of a chromatin loop between

the LCR and a downstream CTCF site. Indeed, preliminary experiments using an adapted 4C

protocol suggest the presence of additional downstream regulatory elements in the mouse β-

globin locus and subsequent 3C analysis does not rule out interactions between these unidentified

elements and the LCR (M. Simonis, personal communication). Whether these sites truly

represent CTCF binding sites capable of participating in higher order chromatin conformation in

the mouse β-globin locus needs to be investigated in more detail. In conclusion, CTCF clearly has

a specialised function as an enhancer blocker for example in imprinted gene loci such as the Igf2/

H19 locus, where it regulates the imprinting of both genes by partitioning alleles into an active

or repressed chromatin loop domain (Bell and Felsenfeld, 2000; Hark et al., 2000; Kurukuti et

al., 2006; Murrell et al., 2004). The functional relevance of CTCF binding to other sites in the

genome, for example to sites flanking gene loci, remains to be investigated.

In addition to CTCF, a number of other proteins have been suggested to play role in the

spatial organisation of chromatin. Among them is SATB1 (special AT-rich sequence binding

protein 1), a protein expressed at high levels in thymocytes and found to be involved in the

organisation of chromatin into distinct loops. SATB1 shows a ‘cage-like’ nuclear distribution

surrounding heterochromatin and is, like CTCF, thought to direct chromatin folding by tethering

specialised DNA sequences called matrix attachment regions (MARs) to the nuclear matrix (Cai

et al., 2003; de Belle et al., 1998). Indeed, studies on SATB1 in the Th2 locus using a combination

of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and 3C technology demonstrated that SATB1 is

important for the formation of an active chromatin structure in this locus. In this structure,

the transcriptionally active locus is folded into numerous small loops, all anchored to SATB1 at

their base. This SATB1 mediated loop formation was shown to be important for transcriptional

regulation of the interleukin genes, because SATB1 knockdown cells lacked these small loops

and did no express these genes properly (Cai et al., 2006). Another study showed that SATB1

is necessary for an observed loop structure in the major histocompatibility (MCH) class I locus.

Moreover, this spatial conformation requires a direct interaction between SATB1 and a protein

constituent of the PML nuclear body. Silencing of either SATB1 or this PML protein dynamically

alters chromatin architecture and affects the expression profile of a subset of MHC class I genes

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Discussion 139

(Kumar et al., 2007). These studies indicate that, like CTCF, SATB1 is a protein that governs

transcription by orchestrating dynamic chromatin loop architecture. It has been suggested it

may also mediate looping in the β-globin locus by bringing distal regulatory elements of the LCR

in close proximity to the β-globin promoters (Ostermeier et al., 2003). SATB1 indeed binds

to HS2 of the human LCR in K562 cells, but binding to the promoter regions of the β-globin

genes in these cells is confined to the embryonic ε-promoter only (Wen et al., 2005), despite

the presence of MARs capable of binding SATB1 in both the γ- and β-globin gene promoters

(Cunningham et al., 1994; Jackson et al., 1995). Whether SATB1 is indeed a structural protein

involved in the transcriptional regulation of all β-globin genes needs to be addressed in future

experiments, in which e.g. 3C technology is combined with a model system that more faithfully

recapitulates in vivo erythroid differentiation, such as the I/11 cell system.

Nuclear architecture uncovered by 4C

The recent development of 4C technology is expected to contribute importantly to a better

understanding of nuclear architecture. This unbiased, high-throughput method provides

researchers the opportunity to gain new insights into DNA folding by identifying interactions

between any locus of interest and the entire genome. Although 4C has been introduced recently,

the technology already contributed to a better understanding of nuclear organisation by applying

it to a number of genomic regions. Chapter 5 of this thesis describes experiments in which

the nuclear organisation of a number of peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions has been

studied in more detail. In line with 4C data previously obtained for the β-globin locus and the

Rad23a gene (Simonis et al., 2006), it was shown that there is a strong correlation between

the transcriptional status of a genomic region and that of its interacting loci in the interphase

nucleus. This differential preferred nuclear environment is not completely unexpected though,

as classical cytological staining and light microscopy studies already revealed decades ago that

inactive, condensed heterochromatin locates differently compared to active, less condensed

euchromatin. Moreover, recent DNA FISH experiments visualised that gene-poor and gene-rich

regions were distributed in an alternate fashion on the linear template of a 4.3 Mbp genomic

region on mouse chromosome 14 (Shopland et al., 2006). If we combine these results with our

recently obtained 4C data, a picture emerges in which active and inactive chromatin domains

each have their own preferred nuclear environment and separate in the interphase nucleus. As

each genomic region has its own preferred nuclear environment, it implies that it is impossible

to predict the long-range DNA interactions of a given locus without knowing the properties

of neighbouring segments and, by extrapolation, of the whole chromosome. This notion is in

agreement with the concept of self-organising principles underlying chromosomal organisation.

In such a self-organising system, a macromolecular complex determines its own structure based

on the functional and dynamic interactions of its different components (Misteli, 2001a). By

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Chapter 6140

modification of their subunits, self-organising structures can easily be changed, thereby ensuring

structural stability without loss of flexibility. A role for self-organisation was suggested in the

biogenesis of multiple cellular component e.g. the nucleolus, in which nucleolar proteins are

continuously exchanged between the nucleolus and the nucleoplasm, generating an overall stable

structure from dynamic components (Lewis and Tollervey, 2000; Misteli, 2001b). Additionally,

self-organisation is thought to be structurally involved in the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton

(Mitchison, 1992) and the Golgi complex (Misteli, 2001a). The spatial positioning of genomic

regions and chromosomes as measured by 4C can similarly be explained by self-organising

properties. The central idea is ‘that the sum of all functional properties of a chromosome (i.e.,

the frequency and linear distribution of its active and inactive regions) determines its positioning’

(Misteli, 2007). Indeed, chromosomal folding patterns determined by 4C indicate that both active

and inactive chromatin separate in the interphase nucleus. Similarities in structural, biochemical

and/or biophysical properties may exist between loci with comparable transcriptional activity,

resulting in increased affinities between these chromosomal regions. This process eventually

results in the nuclear positioning of loci and overall chromosomal conformation based on the

order of established contacts between regions with high mutual affinity.

The transcriptional status of a chromosomal region is probably not the only parameter dictating

chromosome folding and positioning. For example, repetitive DNA elements are abundantly

present in the genome and examples exist of repetitive sequences coming together in the nuclear

space. Two well known examples are the clustering of ribosomal gene arrays in nucleoli and the

clustering of centromeric satellite sequence in structures known as chromocentres. 4C analysis

of peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric regions presented in Chapter 5 has revealed additional

direct evidence for the presence of clusters of repetitive sequences. These experiments revealed

preferential associations between peri-centromeric, but also between peri-telomeric regions,

indicating the existence of interactions between repetitive chromosomal end sequences. It is

therefore reasonable to expect that the spatial separation between repetitive and non-repetitive

regions is another important parameter determining interphase nuclear organisation. Of course,

many repetitive sequences are transcriptionally inactive and gene-rich regions are often non-

repetitive, so there is no strict separation possible between inactive versus active and repetitive

versus non-repetitive DNA regions. Altogether, 4C analysis has revealed that the relative

positioning of active and inactive regions as well as the distribution of repetitive DNA elements

on the linear chromosomal template importantly determine the relative positioning and spatial

conformation of chromosomes.

The ongoing development of 4C technology is expected to boost progress in our understanding

of chromosomal folding patterns determining nuclear architecture and numerous exciting new

research questions can be addressed by using this method. An important question is how DNA

topology changes during the process of cellular differentiation and how these architectural

changes relate with changes in gene expression. For example, one could use mouse ES cells,

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Discussion 141

differentiate them into erythroid progenitor (ES-EP) cells (Carotta et al., 2004) followed by

maturation into mature red blood cells. Applying 4C on cells from these different developmental

stages combined with expression analysis of multiple genes (e.g. constitutively expressed, early

developmental and tissue-specific genes) should reveal a possible relation between chromosomal

architecture and gene expression throughout differentiation. Another possible application of 4C

technology is to adapt the method to such an extent that it will allow for the identification

of transcription regulatory elements at a more local scale. Typically, DNA regulatory elements

such as enhancers and silencers locate within 1 Mb from their target sequence. The current 4C

method does not identify these nearby interacting elements due to the intrinsic limited dynamic

range of microarrays. This results in complete saturation of hybridisation signals surrounding

2-5 Mb of the 4C bait sequence, which prevents quantitative analysis of nearby probes. A possible

adaptation resolving this problem might be to decrease the number of PCR cycles needed to

generate a 4C library, followed by hybridisation to regular microarrays. A promising alternative

is the use of high throughput sequencing methods. Sequencing overcomes the limitations of the

dynamic range and thereby allows for the identification of interactions on a more local scale.

Moreover, it combines accurate quantification with the possibility of analysing the interactions of

multiple 4C bait sequences in one run. Although currently still expensive and time-consuming, it

is likely that technological improvements will make large scale sequencing the method of choice

for analysing 4C data in the near future.

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All genetic information required for the development and functioning of an organism is stored

in billions of base pairs of deoxyribonucleic acid (or DNA). In eukaryotes, DNA is organised in

large units called chromosomes that are located inside the cells nucleus. On these chromosomes

reside functional units called genes, which encode for discrete hereditary characteristics, in most

cases proteins. Multicellular organisms are composed of numerous different cell types, such as

blood, skin, muscle and brain cells. This cellular diversity is extraordinary given the fact that all of

these individual cell types harbour the same genetic material. The functional and morphological

diversity among cells is dictated by the precise regulation of genes throughout development

and different stages of cellular differentiation. Incorrect spatiotemporal activation and repression

of genes can lead to cellular defects, which may eventually result in diseases such as cancer.

Therefore, different mechanisms of control exist that regulate the transcription of genes in time

and space, and understanding this transcriptional regulation in more detail is one of the key

objectives in the field of molecular biology.

Different cis-regulatory DNA elements like promoters, enhancers and insulators are involved

in the regulated expression of protein coding genes throughout development. An important

question is how these distal cis-regulatory DNA elements communicate over distance to activate

tissue- and developmental stage-specific gene expression.

In this thesis, the mouse β-globin locus is used as a model system to study transcriptional

regulation in the context of the living nucleus. The genes of this locus all encode for the β-globin

like protein that together with α-globin and heme forms a functional hemoglobin molecule,

which is capable of binding oxygen and carbon dioxide in a reversible manner in red blood cells

(erythrocytes). Besides the β-globin genes, the locus contains a number of well-characterised

cis-regulatory DNA elements like enhancers, promoters and a locus control region (LCR).

Previously, the structural organisation of the β-globin locus in its native context was studied by

applying Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) technology. These experiments showed that

the locus adopts a red blood cell specific organisation in which cis regulatory elements of the

LCR and the active β-globin genes spatially cluster. In addition to LCR-gene interactions these

studies revealed erythroid specific long-range interactions with other sets of hypersensitive sites

residing upstream and downstream of the β-globin locus. Collectively this spatial conformation

of the β-globin locus was named the Active Chromatin Hub (ACH). However, little is known

about the molecular events that accompany and underlie ACH formation in the β-globin locus

during erythroid differentiation.

Chapter 3 of this thesis describes experiments in which recently established I/11 erythroid

progenitor cells are used as a model system to study the molecular events involved in the

establishment of contacts between the LCR and the β-globin genes. The results show that

upon induction of I/11 cells, the β-globin like genes are transcribed at rates similar to those

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observed in vivo and differentiation is accompanied by an increased ratio of positive versus

negative chromatin modifications at the βmajor promoter and the HSs of the LCR. In addition, the

data show that binding of the erythroid-specific transcription factors GATA-1 and EKLF to the

locus, while previously shown to be required, is not sufficient for ACH formation. Moreover, it

was demonstrated that in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice long-range contacts in the β-globin locus

are formed normally, indicating that the erythroid-specific transcription factor p45 NF-E2 is

dispensable for ACH formation.

The role of the vertebrate insulator protein CTCF in long-range interactions in the β-globin

locus is addressed in Chapter 4. CTCF binding sites flank the β-globin locus and have previously

been shown to participate in erythroid specific spatial interactions in the context of the ACH.

After conditional deletion of CTCF and targeted disruption of the 3’HS1 CTCF-binding site, long-

range interactions in the β-globin locus were destabilised. However, β-globin gene transcription

was not measurably affected by the loss of these interactions and disruption of CTCF binding only

caused local loss of histone acetylation and gain of histone methylation. This data demonstrates

that CTCF is directly involved in long-range chromatin looping in the β-globin locus and regulates

the local balance between active and repressive chromatin marks.

3C technology enables researchers to study the structural organisation of individual loci

at high resolution. Recently, a number of 3C based strategies have been developed that allow

screening of the entire genome in an unbiased manner for DNA segments that physically interact

with a DNA fragment of choice. Application of these new methods is expected to provide

exciting new insights into the conformational structure of selected chromosomal regions in the

genome. However, 3C and 4C based methods also have important limitations and preconditions

that need to be recognised and addressed properly. Chapter 2 of this thesis therefore describes

and evaluates the most commonly used 3C-based methods and addresses potentials and pitfalls

of these technologies.

In Chapter 5 recently developed 4C technology was applied to study the nuclear organisation

of both peri-centromeric and peri-telomeric chromosomal regions. The data show that there is a

strong correlation between the transcriptional status of the selected peri-centromeric and peri-

telomeric regions and their interacting loci in the interphase nucleus. Moreover, interchromosomal

interactions with peri-centromeric regions were biased towards other peri-centromeric regions

and also peri-telomeric regions showed a preference to interact in trans with other peri-telomeric

regions. The results demonstrate that both the transcriptional status of a genomic region and its

proximity to defined repetitive sequences on the linear chromosome template strongly influence

the positioning of a locus in the nucleus.

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Alle erfelijke informatie die nodig is voor de ontwikkeling en het functioneren van een

organisme ligt opgeslagen in het DNA, dat bij de mens bestaat uit ongeveer 3 miljard eenheden

desoxyribonucleïnezuur. Bij veel meercellige organismen is dit DNA georganiseerd in grotere

eenheden die chromosomen worden genoemd en zich bevinden in de kern van een cel. Deze

chromosomen zijn opgebouwd uit aparte functionele eenheden die genen worden genoemd.

Een gen bevat de informatie voor een specifieke erfelijke eigenschap; in de meeste gevallen een

eiwit. Meercellige organismen, zoals de mens, zijn opgebouwd uit zeer veel verschillende soorten

cellen. Zo bevinden zich in het lichaam bijvoorbeeld huidcellen, bloedcellen, spiercellen en

hersenencellen, die allemaal hun eigen specifieke functie hebben. Deze diversiteit is opmerkelijk,

omdat deze verschillende celtypen allemaal hetzelfde genetische materiaal bevatten. Het verschil

in celtypen wordt echter niet bepaald door de genomische samenstelling van een cel, maar door

de manier waarop deze genetische informatie wordt gebruikt. Iedere cel is namelijk in staat om

heel nauwkeurig genen aan en uit te zetten en de functionele en uiterlijke verschillen tussen

cellen zijn dan ook het gevolg van een precieze regulatie van genen tijdens de ontwikkeling van

een cel. Deze nauwkeurige regulatie is zeer belangrijk; incorrecte activatie of onderdrukking van

genen kan leiden tot allerlei celdefecten, die bijvoorbeeld kunnen resulteren in het ontstaan van

kanker. De cel bezit veel verschillende mechanismen die zorgdragen voor correcte genregulatie

en het begrijpen van deze zogenaamde transcriptionele regulatiesystemen is daarom een zeer

belangrijk onderdeel van de moleculaire biologie.

Het DNA bevat verschillende regulerende elementen (bijvoorbeeld promoters, enhancers

en insulators) die bij de transcriptie van genen betrokken zijn. Deze zogenaamde cis-regulerende

elementen zijn echter vaak ver van elkaar verwijderd. Een belangrijke vraag is dan ook hoe deze

elementen met elkaar communiceren over aanzienlijke afstanden en hoe deze communicatie

uiteindelijk leidt tot een nauwkeurige regulatie van genactiviteit.

In dit proefschrift wordt gebruik gemaakt van het β-globine locus van de muis als een

modelsysteem om genregulatie te onderzoeken in levende cellen. De genen die zich in dit locus

bevinden bevatten allemaal de informatie voor de productie van het eiwit β-globine. β-Globine

vormt samen met het eiwit α-globine en haem een functioneel eiwitcomplex genaamd

hemoglobine, dat zorgt voor de binding van zuurstof en koolstofdioxide in rode bloedcellen

(of erythrocyten). Naast de β-globine genen bevat het locus een aantal goed gekarakteriseerde

cis-regulerende elementen zoals enhancers, promoters en een Locus Control Region (of LCR).

Voorafgaand aan dit onderzoek is de ruimtelijke organisatie van het β-globine locus in rode

bloedcellen onderzocht met behulp van een techniek genaamd Chromosome Conformation

Capture (ook wel 3C genoemd). Deze experimenten hebben aangetoond dat het β-globine

locus een rode bloedcel-specifieke organisatie heeft waarbij cis-regulerende elementen van de

LCR en de actieve β-globine genen ruimtelijk bij elkaar komen. Naast deze interacties tussen

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LCR en gen zijn in rode bloedcellen ook andere interacties aanwezig met een aantal nabijgelegen

elementen. Gezamenlijk wordt deze ruimtelijke organisatie van het β-globine locus een Active

Chromatin Hub (of ACH) genoemd. Er is echter nog maar weinig bekend omtrent de moleculaire

mechanismen die ten grondslag liggen aan de vorming van een ACH gedurende de ontwikkeling

van erythrocyten.

Hoofdstuk 3 van dit proefschrift beschrijft experimenten waarbij onderzoek is gedaan met

zogenaamde I/11 cellen. Deze erythroide voorlopercellen zijn gebruikt als modelsysteem om

de moleculaire mechanismen te onderzoeken die betrokken zijn bij de totstandkoming van

interacties tussen de LCR en de β-globine genen. Activatie van I/11 cellen leidt tot β-globine

expressieniveaus die vergelijkbaar zijn met de situatie in vivo. Daarnaast gaat deze erythroide

differentiatie gepaard met meer positieve versus negatieve chromatine-modificaties op de

promoter van het βmajor gen en de LCR. Eerder onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat binding van

de rode bloedcel-specifieke transcriptiefactoren GATA-1 en EKLF aan het locus noodzakelijk

is voor ACH formatie. De experimenten in dit proefschrift laten echter zien dat uitsluitend

binding van deze factoren aan het β-globine locus niet voldoende is voor de vorming van een

ACH. Tenslotte is in Hoofdstuk 3 gebruik gemaakt van een muismodel waarbij de erythroide

transcriptiefactor p45 NF-E2 is verwijderd. De resultaten laten zien dat in afwezigheid van p45

NF-E2 de contacten in het β-globine locus normaal gevormd kunnen worden, wat aangeeft dat

p45 NF-E2 niet noodzakelijk is voor ACH formatie.

Onderzoek naar de rol van het insulator-eiwit CTCF bij interacties in het β-globine locus

staat beschreven in Hoofdstuk 4 van dit proefschrift. Bindingsplaatsen voor CTCF flankeren het

β-globine locus en in het verleden is aangetoond dat deze elementen deel uitmaken van de ACH.

Dit gedeelte van het proefschrift laat zien dat door het eiwit CTCF uit cellen te verwijderen en

een CTCF bindingsplaats dusdanig te veranderen dat het eiwit niet meer in staat is te binden, de

interacties in het β-globine locus gedestabiliseerd worden. Echter, β-globine genexpressie wordt

hierdoor niet meetbaar beïnvloed en het verlies van deze interacties resulteert uitsluitend in

locaal verlies van histon-acetylatie en toename van histon-methylatie. De data laat zien dat CTCF

direct betrokken is bij looping in het β-globine locus en dat het de locale balans tussen actieve en

repressieve chromatine modificaties reguleert.

3C technologie stelt onderzoekers in staat om de ruimtelijke organisatie van een locus te

onderzoeken met een hoge resolutie. Recentelijk zijn een aantal nieuwe, op 3C gebaseerde

methoden ontwikkeld. De verwachting is dat toepassing hiervan zal leiden tot belangrijke

nieuwe inzichten in de ruimtelijke organisatie van de geselecteerde chromosomale regio’s. De

op 3C en 4C gebaseerde methoden hebben echter ook belangrijke beperkingen en er moet

worden voldaan aan bepaalde randvoorwaarden om deze technieken op een verantwoorde

wijze toe te passen. Hoofdstuk 2 van dit proefschrift beschrijft en evalueert de momenteel

meest gebruikte, op 3C gebaseerde methoden en behandelt de mogelijkheden en valkuilen van

deze technologieën.

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Tenslotte wordt in Hoofdstuk 5 de recent ontwikkelde 4C techniek toegepast om de nucleaire

organisatie van zowel peri-centromerische en peri-telomerische chromosoomregio’s te

onderzoeken. De resultaten laten zien dat er een sterke correlatie is tussen de transcriptionele

status van de geselecteerde peri-centromerische en peri-telomerische regio’s en de gebieden

waarmee ze een interactie aangaan in de kern. Daarnaast hebben de peri-centromerische gebieden

een voorkeur om te interacteren met peri-centromerische regio’s op andere chromosomen en

laten de geselecteerde peri-telomerische regio’s vooral interacties zien met peri-telomerische

gebieden op andere chromosomen. Dit toont aan dat zowel de transcriptionele status van een

regio op het genoom alsmede de nabijheid van repetitieve elementen een belangrijke invloed

hebben op de positie van een locus in de kern.

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Curriculum vitae

Naam: Jurgen Alexander Kooren

Geboren: 24 februari 1979 te Rotterdam

1997-1997 VWO, Farel College, Ridderkerk.

1998-2001 HLO Biochemie, Hogeschool Brabant, Etten-Leur. Afstudeeronderzoek: Lead Discovery Unit, NV Organon, Oss. ”Expression and characterisation of recombinant human glucocorticoid receptor for the detection of ligand-specific conformational changes.” (dr. G. Zaman)

2001-2003 Doctoraalfase Biologie, Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden.

Afstudeeronderzoek: Instituut voor Evolutionaire en Ecologische Wetenschappen, sectie Plantenecologie, Universiteit Leiden. ”Analysis of dispersal patterns of T. jacobaeae by applying AFLP.” (Prof.dr. E. vd Meijden)

2002-2003 Master Science Based Business, Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden. Afstudeeronderzoek: Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Human Health Europe, Haarlem. ”Compliance and persistency in asthma treatments.”

2003-2007 Promotieonderzoek, vakgroep Celbiologie, Erasmus MC Rotterdam. ”β-Globin gene regulation and nuclear organisation.” (Prof.dr. F. Grosveld en dr. W. de Laat)

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List of publications

Simonis M*, Kooren J* and de Laat W. ‘An evaluation of 3C-based methods capturing DNA interactions’. Nature Methods 2007 Nov; 4(11): 895-901.

Kooren J, Palstra RJ, Klous P, Splinter E, Grosveld F and de Laat W. ‘β-globin Active Chromatin Hub formation in differentiating erythroid cells and in p45 NF-E2 knockout mice’. Journal Biol Chem. 2007 Jun; 282(22): 16544-16552.

Splinter E*, Heath H*, Kooren J, Palstra RJ, Klous P, Grosveld F, Galjart N, de Laat W.‘CTCF mediates long-range chromatin looping and local histone modification in the β-globin locus’.Genes and Development 2006 Sep; 20(17): 2349-54.

* These authors contributed equally

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Het boekje dat voor u ligt is het resultaat van 4 jaar onderzoek en enkele maanden intensief

schrijfwerk. Uiteraard hebben veel mensen deel uitgemaakt van dit avontuur en ik wil hierbij dan

ook iedereen bedanken die in welke vorm dan ook een steentje heeft bijgedragen. Toch wil ik

nog een aantal mensen in het bijzonder bedanken voor hun steun en vertrouwen in de afgelopen


Frank, bedankt dat ik 4 jaar geleden de kans heb gekregen om deel uit te maken van jouw

club. Het wetenschappelijke klimaat dat jij hebt gecreëerd en de daaruit voortvloeiende sfeer

binnen de afdeling hebben er mede toe bijgedragen dat ik me de afgelopen jaren zeer op mijn

plaats heb gevoeld. Trouwens, mocht je in de toekomst nog een schietschijf op doel nodig hebben

om de eer van Celbiologie te verdedigen, je weet me te vinden.

Wouter, dank je wel dat ik de afgelopen 4 jaar je ‘bonus-AIO’ mocht zijn. Ondanks het

feit dat onze groep de afgelopen jaren sterk is gegroeid heb je altijd tijd vrij kunnen maken om

urgente zaken te bespreken. Je bezit de belangrijke eigenschap om hoofdzaken van bijzaken te

onderscheiden (onmisbaar tijdens een promotietraject) en het is duidelijk dat ik zonder jouw

hulp dit resultaat nooit had kunnen bereiken. Bedankt!

Vervolgens wil ik natuurlijk al mijn labgenoten van 702 bedanken. Ik denk dat ons lab laat

zien dat goed wetenschap bedrijven uitstekend samen kan gaan met gezelligheid en collegialiteit.

Door de jaren heen is de groep beetje bij beetje groter geworden, zonder dat dit een negatieve

invloed heeft gehad op de manier waarop we met elkaar omgaan. Mocht er binnenkort nog een

spelletjesavond worden georganiseerd (‘wil er nog iemand bouwen?’), of gewoon iets gedronken

worden in de kroeg (‘bittergarnituurtje?’), je kunt me altijd bellen.

Robert-Jan, halverwege mijn tijd in Rotterdam ben je als AIO overgegaan naar het onzekere

bestaan van een post-doc. Je bent iemand die wetenschap bedrijft omdat je er gewoon veel

plezier aan beleeft en ik hoop dat het wetenschappelijke klimaat in Nederland ruimte laat voor

mensen zoals jij. Ik hoefde maar met mijn mok te zwaaien en je begreep wat de bedoeling

was (koffie-start) en onze wetenschappelijke discussies bij de koffieautomaat of gewoon slap

ouwehoeren over van alles en nog wat (met als dieptepunt een nachtje doorzakken in een

kelder in Lunteren) zal ik zeker gaan missen. Ik vond het een voorrecht om met je te mogen

samenwerken en ik ben je dankbaar dat je mijn paranimf wilt zijn.

Erik, ook jij maakte al deel uit van het oorspronkelijke 3C-groepje toen ik in Rotterdam

begon. Als ervaren analist was jij het eerste aanspreekpunt voor iedereen met vragen en jouw

ervaring en advies waren voor mij onontbeerlijk (‘voeg 1 μl CIP bij het digest’). Gelukkig ben

je na een aantal jaren ook tot de conclusie gekomen dat je meer in je mars hebt en je bent nu

begonnen aan het avontuur van een promotietraject (heb je trouwens je veiligheidscursus al

gedaan?). Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat je over een aantal jaar ook je boekje zult afleveren en ik vind

het erg fijn dat je mijn paranimf wilt zijn.

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Daan, jij bent de volgende die het promotietraject zal gaan afronden en gezien je behaalde

resultaten zal dat geen problemen opleveren. Mocht je nog een keer de behoefte hebben om te

gaan squashen, mijn racket ligt klaar (wanneer ga je trouwens leren koffie drinken?).

Marieke, wij hebben het afgelopen jaar onze computerwerkplek gedeeld in een bijzonder

kantoor/callcenter. Bedankt voor je geduld en goede tips met betrekking tot de 4C analyse en

veel succes in het laatste jaar van jouw AIO-tijd. Petra, wees zuinig op mijn bench en zet de radio

maar lekker voluit op de nieuwe CD van Racoon (wanneer komt die eigenlijk uit?). Marika, dank

je wel dat je het ruim anderhalf jaar heb uitgehouden met mij als je directe stagebegeleider. Ik

hoop dat ik je iets heb kunnen meegeven van het bijzondere gevoel van onderzoek doen en ik

wens je veel succes in je toekomstige carrière, ongeacht of deze nu in of buiten het lab ligt.

Emilie, although we’ve only worked together for about one year I would like to thank you for

your kindness en great interest in my personal situation during the last couple of months of my

PhD. Hopefully, your efforts for our 4C project will result in a good publication and I wish you all

the best with your scientific and personal life in France. Sanja, we started our PhD in Rotterdam

at about the same time and I’ve enjoyed working together. Thank you for the excellent Serbian

cookies you brought along after your holidays and ‘mazzeltof’ in your future life in Israel. Athina,

thank you for sharing the 702 office with me and I wish you all the best in finishing your PhD.

Tevens wil ik graag de leden van mijn kleine commissie bedanken voor het lezen en verbeteren

van mijn proefschrift; Dies, Sjaak en Niels, dank je wel. In het bijzonder gaat mijn dank uit naar

Marieke, die niet alleen de moeite heeft genomen om mijn proefschrift door te lezen maar mij

vooral in het begin van mijn promotietraject veel heeft geholpen bij het werken met erythroide

cellen. Dank je wel voor je tijd, geduld en enthousiasme om me waar mogelijk te helpen. Marieke,

Jasperine en Melle, dank je wel voor al jullie administratieve hulp en algemene ondersteuning

in de afgelopen jaren. Ook wil ik Jopie en alle andere mensen van de spoelkeuken hartelijk

bedanken. De mannen van de computerafdeling wil ik bedanken voor hun deskundige hulp en

bereidheid om wanneer dan ook te helpen. Tom, bedankt dat je me hebt willen helpen bij het

maken van de lay-out van dit proefschrift.

Verder wil ik graag nog een aantal mensen uit mijn persoonlijke omgeving extra bedanken. Henk,

Erik, Les, Peet en Christiaan, dank jullie wel voor de interesse die jullie in mijn werk hebben

getoond en voor jullie goede gezelschap. Onze vriendentripjes naar PSV (met als hoogtepunt

natuurlijk ons bezoek aan Milaan en Liverpool) hebben mij altijd veel plezier gegeven en hebben

samen met onze wekelijkse squash-sessies voor de broodnodige afleiding gezorgd.

Ook wil ik hierbij mijn broer Pascal, overige familie en schoonfamilie graag bedanken voor hun

steun in de afgelopen jaren. In het bijzonder gaat mijn dank uit naar mijn beide ouders. Pa en

ma, jullie hebben altijd achter mij gestaan en me onvoorwaardelijk gesteund bij al mijn keuzes.

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Jullie hebben me de mogelijkheid gegeven om alles uit dit leven te halen wat erin zit en ik zal dit

nooit vergeten.

Tot slot de meest belangrijke persoon in mijn leven. Irma, ik kan je nooit genoeg bedanken voor

alle begrip, ondersteuning en liefde die je me altijd geeft. Ik hou van je.

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