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GLOBE Green Jobs Guide

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 GLOBE Green Jobs Guide

  • 7/28/2019 GLOBE Green Jobs Guide

    2/34Corgt 2010 b te GLOBE Fonaton. No e o t blcaton a be ae or reale or an oter coercal roe tot ere rtten eron o te corgt oler.

    The GLOBE Foundation o Canada is a Vancouver-based,not-or-proft organization dedicated to fnding practical business-oriented solutions to the worlds environmental problems. Formedin 1993, weve helped companies and individuals realize the value oeconomically viable environmental business opportunities throughour conerences and events, research and consulting, projectmanagement, communications and awards program.

    Were a leader in championing green initiatives and leveragingsustainable ventures into mutually rewarding opportunities orenterprise and the environment. From urban sustainability to climatechange, were helping change the world by degrees.

    For more inormation on the GLOBE Foundation, please visitour website at:

    For more inormation,please contact:

    GLOBE FoundationWorld Trade Centre578 999 Canada PlaceVancouver, BCCanada V6C 3E1

    Tel : (604) 695 5001Fax : (604) 695 5019Email : [email protected]

    This report has been unded in part throughthe Canada-British Columbia Labour MarketAgreement.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    3/34Cees fo Sstble Fte / A Reerence Ge to Green Job n BC // 1

    The environment and the economy have too oten beenconsidered as separate entities, but the tide is turningand more and more people realize that or economicdevelopment to be successul, it must be done in anenvironmentally responsible and sustainable way.

    Research shows that the jurisdictions able to nurturea culture o sustainability and create a vision orsustainable economic development are not onlydening themselves as the leaders o tomorrow, butare better able to attract the skilled workorce neededto tackle the challenges o today because they create apositive image o a place to live and conduct business.

    British Columbia is one such place where sustainabilitythinking is helping to integrate social and environmentalconsiderations alongside economic development and isleading to a sustainability inspired, greener economy.

    This guide has been designed as a resource or students,job seekers, career counsellors, and people interestedin learning more about existing and emerging, well-paid work opportunities in British Columbias rapidlyexpanding green economy.

    The guide is based on the GLOBE FoundationsSeptember 2010 report entitled British ColumbiasGreen Economy: Securing the Workorce oTomorrow, with unding generously provided by theCanada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement,an agreement between the Province o BC and theGovernment o Canada.

    For additional inormation and resources on BCs greeneconomy and labour market, please visit:

    //Purposeo this Guide

    This GuidE hAs BEE

    dEsiGNEd As A REsOuRC

    FOR sTudENTs, JO



    mORE ABOuT ExisTiN

    ANd EmERGiNG, wELL

    pAid wORk OppORTuNiTiE

    iN BRiTish COLumBiA

    RApidLy ExpANdiNG GREE

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    Purpose o this Guide // 1

    Greening the Economy // 5

    Key Sectors // 7

    Defning Green Jobs // 9

    BCs Green Workorce // 11

    BCs Green Jobs by Sector // 15

    Summary // 29

    Green Job Resources // 30


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    7/34Cees fo Sstble Fte / A Reerence Ge to Green Job n BC // 5

    The green economy is dened as a ast-growingeconomic development model that ocuses on thecreation o green jobs, the promotion o real, sustainableeconomic growth, and the prevention o environmentalpollution, global warming, resource depletion, andecological degradation.

    Many actors are driving the global shit toward a greenereconomy, most notably the need to deal with the impactso climate change, to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions, to better manage resource shortages, toweather uctuations in commodity prices, and to createnew employment opportunities.

    The green components o the global economy had anestimated market value o nearly US $5.2 trillion in 2008and in 2009, investment in clean energy alone was nearlyUS $140 billionparticularly in the areas o solar energy,wind power, and biouels. This investment is helping todrive down green and clean energy technology pricesand to bring them into the mainstream economy.

    Greening British Columbias economy involvestransitioning to one that is powered by greentechnologies and practices in every dimension osociety and one that generates green jobs, creates moresustainable businesses, and stimulates low-carbon

    investments province-wide. It is important to realizethat the green economy in BC is not separate rom theeconomy as a whole, but rather is a growing trend that isapparent across all industries and all sectors.

    Research suggests that BCs economic uture under a low-carbon regime is particularly promising. Based on a widerange o sources, the green elements o BCs economy aregrowing aster than the provinces economy as a wholeand are expected to continue to do so over the nextdecade. In addition, based on a recent survey o BC-basedgreen companies conducted by the GLOBE Foundation,95 percent eel that there are likely to be moderate to

    signicant opportunities or their industry sector over thenext decade.

    With many o the provinces traditional resource-basedindustries having suered rom severe uctuations incommodity prices and climate-related conditions in recentyearsor example, British Columbias orestry sector isstill reeling rom the devastating eects o the mountainpine beetle epidemicthe provinces public and privatesectors have been seizing opportunities and mitigatingrisks by increasing investments in renewable energy, cleantechnology, and green inrastructure, generating jobs orthousands o BC residents in the process.

    With this investment comes an increased demand ora labour orce with the technical skills and knowledgeneeded to retool key industries in order to adaptto a more carbon and resource constrained world.According to a recent report published by ECO Canada,environmental skills are quickly becoming moreimportant across the workorce and within every industry.The demand or expertise in renewable energy, energyand resource efciency, green building design andconstruction, environmental protection, and carbonmanagement is expected to increase signicantly over thenext decade1.

    The key message here is that the transition to a lower-carbon uture is not something we can either chooseto do or not to do. As a society there is no other option.The good news is that while environmental and energyissues present some o the worlds most pressingchallenges, they also present some o the greatesteconomic and employment opportunities. And BritishColumbia has all that is needed to make the transitionwithout causing undue hardship and dislocation to itscommunities and residents.

    1//Greeningthe Economy

    1. ECO Canada (2010). Prole o Canadian Environmental Employment Labour Market Research Study.



    pROviNCEs ECONOmy As A

    whOLE ANd ARE ExpECTEd

    TO CONTiNuE TO dO sO OvE

    ThE NExT dECAdE.

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    Seven Mile DaM near Trail, BC.

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    Six key sectors are responsible or supplying the bulk othe green products and services in BC to other areas othe economy in order to help lower GHG emissions and toreduce human-related impacts on the environment.

    In 2008, these sectors combined generated $18.4 billion inrevenues or BC companies and contributed roughly $15.3billion to provincial gross domestic product (GDP)$11.1billion direct and $4.2 billion indirectwhich is equal to10.2 percent o the provinces total GDP or that year.

    Most o the activity in the green sectors o BCs economyis concentrated in the south-western regions o theprovincethe areas with the highest populationsand easier access to physical and social inrastructure.However, other regions throughout BC are directlyresponsible or the generation o a large percentage othe wealth rom the exploitation o the provinces naturalresources, including its renewable energy, abundantsupplies o lower-carbon natural gas, and its greenorestry-related products.

    In addition, by developing innovative practices, adoptingnew technologies, and consulting the services oeredby rms that are part o the six key sectors, traditionalprimary resource-based industriesincluding orestry,agriculture/aquaculture, mining, and oil and gasareprogressively greening their operations across theprovince. The same holds true or secondary and service-based sectors, such as in the manuacturing, wholesale,retail, transportation, warehousing, tourism, hospitality,and ood services industries.

    It is also important to recognize that internal, grassroots eorts are being made within many organizationsin other areas o BCs economy that all outside o thesix key green sectors. Green teams and committees,sustainability managers, and engaged employees are

    working to improve the environmental perormance otheir companies and to promote energy and resourceefciency.

    For these reasons, the numbers o green jobs presented inthis guide are considered to be conservative estimates.

    2//Key Sectors

    ThE Six KEY GrEEn SECTOrS arE:

    1. Clean & Alternative Energy (includingrenewable energy, bioenergy, and uel cells);

    2. Energy Management & Efciency (includingenergy storage, transmission inrastructureand smart grid, energy efcient lighting andheating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC),and public transportation);

    3. Green Building (including green construction,inrastructure development, community design,and real estate);

    4. Environmental Protection (including elementso agriculture and silviculture, remediation,pollution control, and environmental consulting/

    engineering);5. Carbon Finance & Investment (including carbon

    management, oset markets, and venturecapital); and

    6. Green Knowledge & Support (includingresearch and development (R&D), advancededucation and training, law, inormationand communications technology (ICT), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and thepublic sector).

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    Green jobs are essentially occupations that directly workwith policies, inormation, materials, and/or technologiesthat contribute to minimizing environmental impact,and require specialized knowledge, skills, training, orexperience in these areas. 2

    The United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) has dened green jobs as those positions inagriculture, manuacturing, research and development,administration, and the service sector that contributesubstantially to preserving or restoring environmentalquality.3 This includes jobs that directly or indirectly helpto protect ecosystems and biodiversity; reduce the use o

    energy, materials, and water consumption; de-carbonizethe economy; and minimize or avoid waste and pollution.

    When an occupation produces an output or lowers theprice o a product that oers positive environmentalexternalities, this may be considered in whole or inpart as a green job. Two examples would be the netenvironmental impacts when an engineer remediatesan old mining site, or when a solar panel manuacturerincreases the supply o photovoltaic (PV ) panels, therebyreducing their cost to consumers in the market, which in-turn contributes to lessening GHG emissions.

    Most green jobs are not new jobs but rather are basedon existing occupations that become, in a sense,greener as they build environmental skills and tasksinto their everyday duties. As such, in the transition toa lower-carbon, greener economy, the lines betweenenvironmental jobs and occupations in more traditionalsectors are becoming increasingly blurred. While jobdescriptions or strictly environmental careers willcontinue to exist, traditional occupations, such asengineers, architects, property managers, electricians,construction workers, nancial advisors, and inormationand communication technology (ICT) specialists, toname but a ew, will increasingly incorporate aspects o

    sustainability and greener practices.

    It is also important to recognize that a ull denition ogreen jobs must recognize that every job has both greenand brown eects, just as every green project has someimpact on the environment. For example, while a windpark releases near-zero GHG emissions, its developmentwill have an impact on the surrounding eco-systemanimpact which is important to minimize.

    Employment growth in green jobs can be directlylinked to increased investment in eorts to improve theenvironment, reduce pollution, and lower GHG emissionsthrough clean technologies and improved energyefciencyareas that have been receiving particularattention over the last decade and are resulting in agrowing number o green jobs here in BC.

    3//DefningGreen Jobs

    2. Caliornia Community Colleges Centers o Excellence, Economy and Work-orce Development (2009), Green Industries & Jobs in Caliornia.3. UNEP, ILO, IOE and ITUC (2008), Green Jobs: Toward Decent Work in aSustainable, Low Carbon World.

    ENviRONmENTAL skiLLs

    ARE quiCkLy BECOmiNG



    wiThiN EvERy iNdusTRy.

    Training& Support


    Conservation& PollutionMitigation







    Goth of jobs the US cle eeg ecoom, 1998 to 200

    Souce: The Pe Chtble Tusts (2009) the Cle Eeg ecoo

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    13/34Cees fo Sstble Fte / A Reerence Ge to Green Job n BC // 11

    In 2008, the green elements in BCs economy were

    responsible or nearly 166,000 ull-time equivalent (FTE)

    jobs117,000 direct and 49,000 indirectequal to 7.2

    percent o total provincial employment. While the Clean

    and Alternative Energy sector is the largest in terms

    o green GDP generation, other sectors o BCs green

    economy are more labour intensive and are thereore

    responsible or more jobs. As illustrated in Figure 1, the

    Environmental Protection sector was responsible or

    approximately 32,700 direct FTE jobs in 2008, equivalent

    to more than one-quarter (28 percent) o all green jobs

    in the province. The Energy Management and Efciency

    sector was the second largest in terms o employment

    in the provinces green economy, responsible or

    approximately 24,800 direct FTE jobs in 2008due in

    part to elements related to sustainable transportation.

    All occupational sectors contribute to greening the

    provinces economy, although to varying degrees (see

    Figure 2). Trades, transport, equipment operators, and

    related occupations were responsible or more than

    one-quarter (27 percent) o the green occupations in

    BC in 2008equal to more than 31,200 direct FTE jobs.

    Occupations in business, nance, and administration, as

    well as in natural and applied sciences, also ranked high

    in importance, making up approximately 17 percent and

    15 percent o all direct green jobs, respectively.

    As illustrated in Figure 3, green jobs in agriculture

    (which include armers and arm managers, aquaculture

    operators, nursery and greenhouse operators, and

    landscaping and ground maintenance supervisors)

    ranked highest in number or BCs green economy

    equal to 13,000 direct FTE jobs in 2008 and making

    up 11 percent o all direct green jobs in the province.

    Proessional occupations in natural and applied sciences

    (which include scientists and researchers, engineers,

    orestry proessionals, and architects) were secondat 9,600 direct FTE jobs, equivalent to 8 percent o all

    direct green jobs in BC. Other important occupational

    categories include transportation equipment operators,

    technical occupations related to natural and applied

    sciences, construction trades, mechanics, and

    proessional occupations in business and nance.

    It is important to note that not all jobs in these

    occupational categories are counted; only the

    estimated proportion o those dedicated to green

    initiatives. For example, only armers involved in organic

    and sustainable practices and architects involved in

    green building practices are counted.

    4//BCs GreenWorkorce


    16,060 (14%)

    Clean &

    AlternativeEnergy 21,743


    EnergyManageme& Efficienc24,821 (21%


    32,732 (28%)Green Building21,029 (18%)

    Carbon Finance& Investment

    773 (1%)

    Figure1: Dect full-tme equlet jobs

    BCs gee ecoom b secto 2008.

    Souce: GLOBE Foudto

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    % OF


    I0 Occupations unique to agriculture, excluding labourers 13,046 11.1%

    C0 Professional occupations in natural & applied sciences 9,620 8.2%

    B5 Clerical occupations 8,591 7.3%

    H7 Transportation equipment operators & related workers, excluding labourers 7,006 6.0%

    C1 Technical occupations related to natural & applied sciences 6,754 5.8%

    H1 Construction trades 5,417 4.6%

    H4 Mechanics 4,702 4.0%

    B0 Professional occupations in business & finance 4,465 3.8%

    A3 Other managers, n.e.c. 4,274 3.6%

    H8 Trades helpers, construction, and transportation labourers & related occupations 4,165 3.6%

    I2 Primary production labourers 3,585 3.1%

    A1 Specialist managers 3,449 2.9%

    H2 Stationary engineers, power station operators & electrical trades & telecommunications occupations 3,442 2.9%

    E0 Lawyers & policy and program officers 3,095 2.6%

    J2 Assemblers in manufactur ing 3,000 2.6%

    B3 Administrat ive & regulatory occupations 2,926 2.5%

    G9 Sales and service occupations, n.e.c. 2,863 2.4%

    J1 Machine operators in manufacturing 2,717 2.3%

    J3 Labourers in processing, manufactur ing & utilities 2,223 1.9%

    H6 Heavy equipment & crane operators, including drillers 1,875 1.6%

    Other Direct FTE Green Jobs in BC 19,941 17.0%

    Total Direct FTE Green Jobs in BC 117,158 100.0%

    Figure 2: Gee lbou foce b occupto

    d umbe of dect FTE jobs 2008

    Souce: GLOBE Foudto

    (bsed o Sttstcs Cd 2006 Cesus).

    Figure 3: Dect FTE gee jobs BCs gee ecoom b

    2-dgt occuptol code 2008

    Souce: GLOBE Foudto

    (bsed o Sttstcs Cd 2006 Cesus)


    B//Business, finance & administrative

    C//Natural & applied sciences & related occupations

    D//Health occupations

    //Occupations in social science, education, government service & religion

    G//Sales & service occupations

    H//Trades, transport & equipment operators & related occupations

    I//Occupations unique to primary industry

    J//Occupations unique to processing, manufacturing & utilities

    A//Management occupations 10,55417.4%







    F//Occupations in art, culture, recreation & sport











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    15/34Cees fo Sstble Fte / A Reerence Ge to Green Job n BC // 13

    British Columbias green labour orce is generally older than

    the provinces labour orce as a whole, with 44 percent

    being between the ages o 45 and 64 at the time o the

    last Census in 2006 (See Figure 4). By comparison, only 35

    percent o BCs total labour orce was between the ages o

    45 and 64.

    British Columbias green labour orce is airly well educated,

    with 62 percent having some level o post-secondary

    education or trades training (see Figure 5). O the

    percentage with post-secondary education, 40 percent

    have obtained a level o Bachelors degree or higher. In

    terms o the post-secondary eld o study, approximately

    one-third (34 percent) o BCs green work orce have an

    educational background in architecture, engineering, or

    related technology. Business, management, and public

    administration are also important with 16 percent o BCs

    green labour market having educational backgrounds in

    these areas.

    An area o growing opportunity or green jobs in BC is tied

    to First Nations communities, especially in the areas o

    environmental protection, land management, conservation,

    sustainable orestry, carbon management, renewableenergy, bioenergy, district energy, and green building.

    Green initiatives are generally well supported by First

    Nations in BC because they are in-line with their cultural

    values. However, in order to realize the ull potential, it will

    be essential to build strategies that address education,

    training, recruitment, and labour market issues or

    aboriginal populations in BC related to the green economy.

    Funding that supports Aboriginal training and education

    in their communities is extremely important, as many

    members have difculties leaving to attend educational

    acilities that are oten long distances rom home.

    It should also be noted that many green trades peopleand environmental proessionals in BC are nding work

    abroad. While some o these positions are permanent, many

    others are only temporary, such as through international

    aid missions and conservation eorts. Following massive

    earthquakes in China in May 2008, or example, green

    workers rom BC with wood-rame construction expertise

    helped rebuild damaged communities or thousands

    o amilies. More recently, in May 2010, BC proessionals

    trained in spill control and pollution management traveled

    to the Gul o Mexico to assist with the clean-up eorts rom

    the BP oshore oil platorm disaster.

    A variety o new employment opportunities in BC arealready emerging as the economy transitions toward

    a greener uture. These include tidal power electrical

    engineers, solar thermal technicians, wood pellet machine

    operators, energy managers, green real estate brokers,

    waste reduction consultants, GHG emissions veriers,

    carbon trading market analysts, and hydrogen uel cell

    researchers, to name a ew. A more detailed description o

    some o the specic jobs rom each o the key sectors is

    provided in the section that ollows.







    15 to19


    20 to 24


    25 to 34


    35 to 44


    45 to 54


    55 to 64









    Apprenticeship ortrades certificateor diploma 14%

    Master'sdegree 6%


    Universitycertificate or

    diploma abovebachelor level 2%

    Bachelorsdegree 16%

    Universitycertificate or

    diploma belowbachelorlevel 5%

    No certificate,diploma ordegree 12%

    High scertif

    or equi26

    College or othernon-university

    certificate ordiploma 18%

    Figure 4: BCs gee lbou foce b ge goup.

    Souce: GLOBE Foudto

    (bsed o Sttstcs Cd 2006 Cesus)

    Figure 5: BCs gee lbou foce b hghest

    educto leel cheed.

    Souce: GLOBE Foudto

    (bsed o Sttstcs Cd 2006 Cesus)

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    Engneerng, ale, an aretng eert tn te greenace ll be gl ogt ater.

    Tere ll be bg oortnte n te anactrng o ntrbne coonent n BCtecncal oton relate to trbnentallaton, ar antenance, an reearc an eeloento n trbne relate tecnologe.

    Toe nal o ae te ablt to acce rate catalan ge tat toar cleantec coane n BC ll o erell.

    Eerence, cltrall-ente Frt Naton relatoneronnel are eental or or bne.

    Toe lle n a aret o area, rangng ro an anblc relaton to energ aeent an/or reneable energtecnolog ntallaton are neee.

    we are ala loong to fn lle tecncan t trongeole ll to el eelo or bne an clentcontact.

    Tere a ean or ore eert n Blng inoratonmoellng (Bim) an energ oelng otare.

    Tere a re ortage o accrete hvACR ntallatonroeonal n Nort Aerca.

    O thd (33 %) o th g comps suyd by th GlOBe Foudto

    Mch 2010 hd job ccs. Ths s wht som o thm hd to sy:

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    5//BCs GreenJobs by Sector

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    Number o Direct Jobs in BC (2008): 21,700

    The Clean and Alternative Energy sector includes jobs thatrelate to the renewable energy, bioenergy, and hydrogen

    uel cell sub-sectors.

    Renewable energy includes power produced romnaturally replenished sources, including hydro, wave andtidal orces, wind, solar, and geothermalall o which are

    ound in abundance in BC. While BC has a well-establishedclean energy background rom hydro dam projects built

    in the 1950s through 1970s, exciting new employmentopportunities are emerging in many communities

    related to wind energy, ocean energy, solar thermal, andbioenergy projects.

    BC Hydros 2008 Clean Power Call resulted in an additional

    27 new projects being awarded to companies who willbe looking to hire skilled workers over the next ew years.These projects, mostly related to small hydro and wind

    energy, are estimated to require investments o $3.89billion and to create 3,800 years o employment.

    Many orest-based communities in BC are turning tobioenergy to heat their homes and buildings and power

    some o their industrial operations. Research or secondand new third generation cellulose-based biouels is also

    helping to give BC a reputation as the Silicon Valley o thebioenergy world and creating employment opportunities.

    In addition, uel cells are expected to be the astestgrowing clean energy sector globally over the next

    decade with a cumulative employment orecast to exceedthat o any other clean technology sector, including wind

    and solar. British Columbias uel cell cluster occupies aleadership position with 16 percent o the total globalmarket share, and is comprised o 40 companies that

    employ approximately 2,000 people at present. As olate 2009, BC Transit has been operating 20 hydrogen

    uel cell buses in Whistlerthe worlds largest uel celldemonstration eet.

    Featured Jobs in the Clean & Alternative EnergySector

    Bogy Pt eg

    A Bioenergy Plant Engineer designs, constructs, andmaintains bioenergy generation acilities. British

    Columbias vast orests-based assets have or yearsbeen a staple to communities throughout the province.As communities throughout BC look to diversiy their

    economic opportunities, bioenergy production plantsthat specialize in gasication, co-generation, landll gas

    (methane) capture, or cellulosic ethanol, biodiesel, andwood pellet production require experienced engineers

    who can ensure that these plants are designed to unctioneectively and are efciently maintained.

    Minimum Educational Requirement:

    Bachelor o EngineeringAnnual Salary Range: $80,000 - $140,000

    Hydoctc Pt efccy Opto

    The Hydroelectric Plant Efciency Operator is responsibleor maintaining and monitoring plant equipment

    or efcient and sae operations. There are currentlyseven large hydro dams in BC and many smaller ones

    that generate nearly 50 percent o the provinces totalelectricity supply. In addition, with more than 35 small-

    and micro-hydro projects either in operation or underdevelopment in BC, Plant Efciency Operators areresponsible or ensuring that water ows through turbines

    are optimized or power generation throughout the year.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Diploma oEngineering Technology, Bachelor o Engineering

    Annual Salary Range: $60,000 - $90,000

    Hydog Fu C Tchc

    British Columbia is a hub or uel cell research anddevelopment and a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technicians job is

    to manuacture, test, and install hydrogen uel cells. TheCanadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, along with

    a number o private rms, is working hard to grow BCs

    world-class uel cell cluster in the Lower Mainland, withtechnologies designed or powering vehicles, orklits,

    laptops, and even communities through stationarypower applications.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Diploma o

    Engineering TechnologyAnnual Salary Range: $50,000 - $90,000

    CLEan & aLTErnaTivE EnErGy

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    // Proessional occupations in natural and applied

    sciences(approx. 12% o jobs in this sector)

    These generally high-paying occupationsinclude chemists, geologists, biologists, orestryproessionals, and engineers rom all disciplines whoorm the back bone o jobs in this sector.

    // Stationary engineers, power station operatorsand electrical trades(approx. 9.5% o jobs in this sector)

    Industrial and power system electricians andoperators involved in the design and maintenance o

    renewable energy power stations play a critical rolein the delivery o reliable, low-emission electricitythroughout the province.

    // Technical occupations related to natural andapplied sciences(approx. 9.5% o jobs in this sector)

    Technicians o all types (chemical, mineral,geological, biological, orestry, engineering) that areresponsible or ensuring proper testing, installation,and maintenance o energy systems and relatedtechnologies.

    // Machine operators in manuacturing(approx.6% o jobs in this sector)

    Machine operators play an important role orchemical processing and mill operations, particularlin the bioenergy subsector.

    // Other managers(approx. 5% o jobs in this sector)

    Managers in this category are responsible oroverseeing clean energy-related equipmentmanuacturing and the maintenance o powerutilities.

    // Labourers in processing, manuacturingand utilities(approx. 5% o jobs in this sector)

    Mineral, chemical, metal, wood, pulp, and processinglabourers are important or the construction andcontinued operation o clean energy systems andmanuacturing o related technologies.

    TOp OCCupaTiOnS in ThE CLEan &

    aLTErnaTivE EnErGY SECTOr

    (BY 2-diGiT nOC-S COdE)CLEan & aLTErnaTivE EnErGY SECTOr JOB


    // Hydrologist

    // Structural Engineer

    // Wind Turbine Mechanical Engineer

    // Wind Turbine Technician

    // Wind Tower Sheet Metal Worker

    // Landfll Gas Collection System Operator

    // Solar PV Component Manuacturing Manager

    // Solar Hot Water Manuacturing Technician

    // Geothermal Electrical Engineer

    // Wood Pellet Machine Operator

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    Number o Direct Jobs in BC (2008): 24,800

    The Energy Management and Efciency sectorincludes jobs that relate to energy management;

    energy inrastructure (including emerging smart gridtechnologies); energy storage and batteries; energy saving

    lighting and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning(HVAC); power electronics; engines and power savingautomotive equipment; and transportation (including

    elements o public transportation). The sector includessome o the largest and astest-growing job opportunities

    surrounding the development and application o greentechnologies and practices that can help organizations

    become more energy efcient and lower their GHGemissionsespecially in the areas o transportation, largeindustry, and the built environment.

    Jobs developing energy storage systems are becomingincreasingly important as the world changes toelectricity options surrounding intermittent renewable

    energy sources. While the manuacturing o the batterytechnologies designed in BC happens mostly overseas,considerable work in prototype development and testing

    continues here in the province in the realm o batterychemistry and materials, chargers and converters, as

    well as in system controls. In addition, jobs in energydistribution will be key as BC Hydro plans to modernize

    and upgrade its electricity grid and metering system,creating work in the eld o power managementincluding jobs replacing all o the public utilitys 1.8 million

    customer meters with smarter digital ones.

    In terms o energy-saving heating, two areas o growinginterest in BC are geothermal exchange and district

    energy. Large potential or employment exists ascompanies involved in contracting or heating andcooling become involved in operations that include

    geothermal applications. District heating systems,common in Europe, will require individuals with expertise

    in installing these systems in order to reduce energyconsumption, oten using organic waste to heat and

    power homes and buildings.

    In addition, BC is home to a number o world-class

    companies whose innovative clean technologies haveplaced natural gas vehicles at the oreront in terms o

    horsepower, efciency, uel cost savings, GHG reductions,and air quality improvements. Public transit is also an

    important element in a greener economy and the job otransit vehicle operators is critical to lowering the GHGemissions rom private vehicle use.

    Featured Jobs in the Energy Management &Efciency Sector

    Smt Gd eg

    The Smart Grid Engineer addresses complex problems inthe electric power delivery inrastructure related to grid

    modernization. The engineer helps dene, plan, and installrmware, and execute test procedures and test criteria insystem integration testing along with characterizing and

    improving network perormance. Other responsibilitiesinclude analyzing the impact o meter applications on a

    utilitys inrastructure, including integration o applicationswith other smart grid technologies.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelors Degreein Electrical/Power Systems Engineering

    Annual Salary Range: $70,000 - $100,000+

    Hybd/ectc vhc Tchc

    As hybrid and electric vehicles enter the mainstream,

    the role o this specialized mechanic will increase inimportance. Responsibilities include the repair o hybridand electric vehicles, power-trains and controls, as well as

    diagnosing complex electrical circuitry and perormanceproblems. At present, most hybrid/electric vehicle

    technicians are trained by the automobile manuacturerand work on a specic vehicle make due to issues

    surrounding warranty.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Certicate o

    Apprenticeship as Automotive Service Technician orequivalent

    Annual Salary Range: $40,000 - $60,000

    Commc egy Mg

    The Commercial Energy Manager, oten in cooperationwith one o BCs public utilities, provides advice to

    businesses on how to reduce energy consumptionand increase efciencies, and helps the organization

    implement an energy management program. The energymanagers job is not just about implementing energy

    efcient technologiesits also about people. An

    energy managers goal is to create a culture within anorganization in which being energy efcient becomes a

    regular business practice.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Certied EnergyManager, Proessional Engineer, or Masters in Business

    AdministrationAnnual Salary Range: $60,000 - $90,000

    EnErGy ManaGEMEnT & EFFiCiEnCy

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    // Transportation equipment operators and

    related workers(approx. 23% o jobs in this sector)

    Bus drivers and train/rail system operators providean essential service transporting passengers and/orreight using more efcient, lower-emission modeso transportation.

    // Mechanics(approx. 13% o jobs in this sector)

    Rerigeration and air conditioning mechanics,electrical mechanics, vehicle mechanics, andother small engine and equipment mechanics

    are responsible or the proper operation andmaintenance o efcient electrical machinery,equipment, and vehicles.

    // Assemblers in manuacturing(approx. 6% o jobs in this sector)

    Assemblers, inspectors, and testers o electronics,electrical appliances, electrical motors, andtransormers produce the electrical technologiesthat serve as low-emission alternatives to ossil uel-powered equipment.

    // Proessional occupations in natural andapplied sciences

    (approx.6% o jobs in this sector)

    Mechanical, electrical, and industrial engineers,inormation systems analysts, and sotwareengineers/designers are essential or developingthe technologies which are improving energymanagement, efciency, and storage capabilities.

    // Technical occupations related to natural andapplied sciences(approx. 4% o jobs in this sector)

    Engineering technologists and technicians, electronicservice and control technicians, industrial designers

    computer network technicians, and systems testingtechnicians are involved in developing, testing,installing, and servicing power-related technologies.

    // Specialist managers(approx. 3.5% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes engineering managers, computer andinormation system managers, and energy managerswho ensure that energy is used efciently incorporate, commercial, and industrial settings.

    TOp OCCupaTiOnS in ThE EnErGY


    (BY 2-diGiT nOC-S COdE):



    // Bus System Operator

    // Lighting Mechanic

    // Natural Gas Engine Mechanic

    // Power Electronics Assembler/Tester

    // Smart Meter Manuacturer

    // HVAC Engineer

    // Control Systems Sotware Engineer

    // Battery Testing Technician

    // Transmission Field Technician

    // Energy Storage Research Technician

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    Number o Direct Jobs in BC (2008): 21,000

    Jobs in the Green Building sector come rom a variety oindustries and include everything rom architecture andengineering, to community design and urban planning,

    to green inrastructure development, to construction andgreen building material supply, to property managementand real estate.

    New low-energy and resource efcient design practices,more stringent building standards, and advancedconstruction materials, oten employing pine-beetlekilled woodsuch as cross-laminated timber, concreteproducts, wooden window rames, and wood-based breor insulationare shaping BCs built environment andcreating new jobs.

    Green building requires a total systems approach

    supportive o the built environment in order to improveenergy efciency, reduce GHGs and other emissions, andto provide sae living and working environments. In recentyears, an Integrated Design Process (IDP) has developedwhere architects, engineers, community planners,contractors, and other stakeholders work together duringthe planning phase to create synergies and to identiycreative solutions. This revolutionary approach has hadvery positive results in energy and cost savings. In addition,rating systems such as LEED, Built Green, and BOMA BEStare raising the standards within the Green Building sector.

    While the construction industry in BC was hit hard by

    the economic slowdown in 2009, the green constructionindustry continues to see growth in the number ocontractors and industry proessionals making the shitto educate themselves and their sta on new sustainablebuilding practices. Moreover, BCs evolving green buildingcode is providing an opportunity or the provincesconstruction sub-sector to develop a oundation oknowledge in emerging green building trends andtechniques.

    The demand or sustainable property developers andmanagers, as well as green real estate specialists, is alsoexpected to grow substantially in coming years as BC

    builds and markets new eco-conscious developments.New design eatures and technologies will require propertymanagers to have experience in maintaining high-perormance buildings. From a real estate perspective,a ew companies are already oering green credentialsor their realtors who specialize in energy and resource-efcient homes.

    Featured Jobs in the Green Building& Community Design Sector

    G Budg achtctArchitects specializing in green buildings design, plan, and

    supervise the construction o energy and resource efcientbuildings and homes. They are responsible or the saety,useulness, and aesthetics o their buildings and mustdesign structures that satisy their clients needs whileconorming to building codes/by-laws and regulations othe areas in which the structures will be built. Architectswork with engineers, urban planners, contractors, andlandscape architects and may work or large architecturalrms, or may be sel-employed.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Master oArchitectureAnnual Salary Range: $60,000 - $120,000+

    G Hom rotoThe Green Home Renovator is involved in transormingexisting houses and residential units into more efcientplaces to live and work by increasing natural light,installing renewable energy technologies and systems(including geo-exchange and solar thermal, or example)and increasing heat and energy efciency by addinginsulation and improving the building envelope.Renovators are oten sel-employed but work in concertwith energy auditors, trades proessionals, and otherconstruction labourers to complete green buildingprojects or clients.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Certicate oApprenticeship in Residential Building Construction(or equivalent)Annual Salary Range: $40,000 - $80,000+

    Sustb Commuty PAn urban planner specializing in sustainable communitydesign is responsible or optimizing the eectiveness oland use and inrastructure, typically analyzing land usecompatibility as well as economic, environmental andsocial trends. In developing their plan or a community(whether commercial, residential, agricultural, natural, or

    recreational), an urban planner must also consider a widearray o issues such as surrounding vegetation, wateruse, air pollution, waste management, transportationpatterns, legislation, and zoning codes. Urban plannersare usually hired by developers, private property owners,private planning rms, and/or local/regional governmentsto assist in the large-scale planning o communal andcommercial developments.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor oPlanning, Engineering, or equivalentAnnual Salary Range: $55,000 - $80,000+

    GrEEn BUiLDinG & COMMUniTy DESiGn

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    // Construction trades

    (approx. 21% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes trained trades proessionals involved inplumbing, steam/pipe/gas ftting, carpentry, roofng,and insulating to improve the energy efciency ohomes and industrial/commercial buildings andinstall renewable energy and/or green technologies.

    // Trades helpers, construction labourers andrelated occupations(approx. 8% o jobs in this sector)

    Construction trades helpers and labourers play acritical role in support o other trades proessionals

    and require specialized training to help meet greenbuilding standards on the construction site.

    // Sales and service occupations(approx. 7% o jobs in this sector)

    Caretakers and building superintendants areincreasingly involved in the maintenance andmanagement o higher-perormance buildings,which are only efcient i managed properlyevenwith the latest technologies installed.

    // Other managers(approx.5.5% o jobs in this sector)

    Construction managers, residential home buildersand renovators, and real estate managers arethe occupations included in this category and areincreasingly involved in projects and developmentsrequiring specialized green knowledge.

    // Proessional occupations in natural and appliedsciences(approx. 5% o jobs in this sector)

    Architects and landscape architects, civil/mechanical/electrical engineers, and urban andland-use planners that specialize in green buildingand sustainable community design are included inthis occupational category.

    // Technical occupations related to natural andapplied sciences(approx. 4.5% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes architectural and engineering technologistsand technicians, industrial designers, dratingtechnicians, landscape/horticulture specialists, andinspectors involved in the design and development ogreen building projects.

    TOp OCCupaTiOnS in ThE

    GrEEn BuiLdinG SECTOr

    (BY 2-diGiT nOC-S COdE):

    GrEEn BuiLdinG & COMMuniTY dESiGn


    // Pipeftter (geo-exchange and district energy)

    // Carpenter

    // Insulation Installer

    // High-Perormance Building Manager

    // Green Real Estate Broker

    // Indoor/Outdoor Landscape Architect

    // Civil/Green Inrastructure Engineer

    // Green Roo Technician

    // Air Sealing Technician

    // Health and Saety Inspector

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    Number o Direct Jobs in BC (2008): 32,700

    British Columbia has a robust and diverse EnvironmentalProtection sector with experienced and trainedproessionals involved in providing a wide range o goods

    and services to measure, prevent, limit, minimize, orcorrect environmental damage to water, air, and soil, aswell as problems with waste.

    This export-oriented sector consists o two distinct butinterdependent areas: a predominantly high-technologycomponent comprised mainly o small rms producingenvironmental goods in growing and evolving industryniche markets; and an environmental consulting,engineering, and related services component. In addition,some o the most important occupations considered parto this sector are those related to sustainable agriculture,horticulture, silviculture, and arm managementjobs

    which are essential to ensuring long-term ood security, toreducing GHG emissions through carbon sequestration,and to the overall health o BC residents.

    Research by the GLOBE Foundation suggests that thereis a very high demand or experienced and skilledenvironmental consultants at the present time and thatdemand is expected to increase over the next decadewith the transition to a greener economy. Much o thework by consulting and environmental engineeringcompanies in the province is geared toward the provincesresource-based industries, including the orestry, mining,and oil and gas sectors, but increasingly includes

    emerging areas such as renewable energy projectdevelopment, GHG emission verication, and osetproject development.

    Waste managementincluding individuals whospecialize in reducing, reusing, and recycling waste romthe residential, industrial, commercial, institutional, andconstruction sectorsis a critical component to thissector. British Columbia has the third highest number owastewater rms in Canadamany tied to industrywith wastewater management systems accounting or 15percent o the provinces green product exports in 2009and generating jobs or hundreds o BC residents.

    In addition, with close to 9,000 contaminated sitesidentied in BC, trained environmental proessionals areimportant or the remediation o these properties. As neweco-density strategies are developed across the province,the clean-up and re-development o browneld sites willbe essential.

    Featured Jobs in the Environmental ProtectionSector

    Ogc HotcutustAn organic horticulturalist specializes in the science

    o plant cultivation and physiology, with expertisein production and breeding that minimizes thesynthetic materials used in production. However,organic horticulture is not just about producing oodwithout chemicalsit is a whole philosophy involvingsustainable growing practices and dedicated care o theenvironment. Horticulturalists can nd work in industry,government, or educational institutions, as well as inprivate collections and may work to upgrade crop yield,quality, nutritional value, and/or a plants resistance todiseases, insects, and environmental stresses.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor o

    Science in Biology, Botany, Genetics, or PhysiologyAnnual Salary Range: $30,000 - $50,000+

    Wst rducto CosuttThe Waste Reduction Consultant specializes in strategydevelopment to help reduce, reuse, and recycle wasteand streamline operations. The importance o this greencareer specialization is growing as businesses look to cutcosts and minimize the waste associated with all areaso product development and service delivery, as well asthroughout their entire supply chains. Other jobs includecollecting and analyzing inormation on waste streams,developing recommendations, and implementing waste

    reduction plans.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor oEngineering, Environmental Science, or ResourceManagementAnnual Salary Range: $45,000 - $70,000

    Wt Suppy egA Water Supply Engineer designs industrial and municipalwater supply inrastructure systems and ensures theireective installation and maintenance. Responsibilitiesmay also include managing water reservoirs or treatmentplants as well as applying conservation techniques to

    help ensure adequate supplies o water are available yearround to area residents, businesses, industry/agriculture,and municipalities/regional districts.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor o CivilEngineeringAnnual Salary Range: $70,000 - $100,000+

    EnvirOnMEnTaL PrOTECTiOn

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    // Occupations unique to agriculture, excluding

    labourers(approx. 39% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes armers and arm managers involved insustainable and organic arming practices in BC,as well as nursery and greenhouse operators,landscaping and grounds maintenance contractors,and sustainable aquaculture operators.

    // Proessional occupations in business and fnance(approx. 7% o jobs in this sector)

    This occupational category includes BC-basedproessional environmental consultants who oer

    business services to all other sectors and industriesthroughout the province and abroad.

    // Proessional occupations in natural andapplied sciences(approx.6% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes geologists and geochemists, biologists andrelated scientists, orestry proessionals, agriculturalspecialists, and engineers o all types involved in theprotection o air, land, an water resources in BC.

    // Primary production labourer(approx.5% o jobs in this sector)

    Sustainable agriculture and aquacultureharvesters and labourers, as well as silvicultureworkers involved in the ecological restoration oorestry lands.

    // Technical occupations related to natural andapplied sciences(approx. 4% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes geological, biological, orestry, andengineering technologists and technicians,industrial instrument technicians, land survey andmapping technicians, and environmental health andoccupational health and saety inspectors.

    TOp OCCupaTiOnS in ThE EnvirOnMEnTa


    (BY 2-diGiT nOC-S COdE):

    EnvirOnMEnTaL prOTECTiOn


    // Ecological Restoration Planner

    // Land-based Aquaculture Manager

    // Forestry Conservation Consultant

    // Environmental Consultant/Engineer

    // Sustainable Seaood Harvester

    // Carbon Capture & Storage Geologist

    // Air Quality Control Engineer

    // Spill Response Specialist

    // Remediation Technologist

    // GHG Emissions Verifer

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    Number o Direct Jobs in BC (2008): 750

    The Carbon Finance and Investment sector still representsa relatively small number o green jobs in BC. This is duein part to lingering uncertainties about the evolving

    carbon market and the eventual nature o national orregional cap-and-trade regimes, both in Canada and theUnited States.

    However, BC has the nancial institutions in place to putinto eect a vibrant carbon trading regime and with theprovinces carbon tax, its mandated carbon neutral publicsector, and more than 175 o its municipalities striving tobecome carbon neutral by 2012, the career opportunitiesin this sector are expected to grow rapidly over the nextdecade. Jobs in carbon managementwhich reers to anorganizations or municipalitys eort to measure and trackits carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, to reduce its carbon

    ootprint by changing its operations or implementingenergy efciency measures and/or clean technologies,and to oset the balance o its emissionsare increasing,as are the opportunities or carbon oset projectdevelopers and aggregators.

    In addition, investment rms in BC are becomingincreasingly involved in unding clean technologycompanies as well as green inrastructure and renewableenergy projects (or example, waste hydrogen recoverysystems, geoexchange heating systems, biomassgasication plants, and water treatment plants), creatingwork or venture capitalists, investors, and portolio

    managers alike.

    It should be noted that many o the business proessionalsin this sector have a background in energy and/orexperience in engineering or a related technology sincean understanding o energy and its related processes isoten important or success in this area.

    Featured Jobs in the Carbon Finance &Investment Sector

    C Tchoogy vtu Cpt istmtayst

    A Venture Capital Investment Analyst specializing inclean technology identies and evaluates investmentopportunities and provides guidance regardinginvestment decisions with respect to early stage andemerging environmental and renewable energytechnologies. At present in BC, there are approximatelyhal a dozen venture capital rms that specialize in cleantechnology investments and unding.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor oCommerce, Business Administration, or FinanceAnnual Salary Range: $70,000 - $100,000+

    Cbo emssos Tdg SpcstA Carbon Emissions Trading Specialist is an accountantwho specializes in using a market-based approach topromote emission reductions within industries andthe global marketplace. While cap-and-trade or GHGemissions is still at least a couple o years away in NorthAmerica, oset/credit trading on voluntary marketssuch as the Chicago Climate Exchange exists, as doesinternational trading o emissions credits in regulatedmarkets such as the European UnionEmission TradingSystem (EU-ETS).

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor o

    Commerce, Business Administration, or FinanceAnnual Salary Range: $70,000 - $110,000+

    Cbo Cdt Potoo MgThe Carbon Credit Portolio Manager is a nancial advisorwho buys and sells carbon credits or businesses orindividuals on the open market in order to either retirethem as an oset or to re-sell them at a higher price. InBC, the Pacic Carbon Trust is the Crown corporationestablished to buy carbon credits on behal o theprovinces public sector. However, many small rmsare involved in managing carbon credits or largerorganizations and individuals and the portolio managers

    responsibility is to source high-quality, veried osetsand ensure that due diligence is perormed on thesetransactions.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor oCommerce, Business Administration, or FinanceAnnual Salary Range: $90,000 - $130,000+

    CarBOn FinanCE & invESTMEnT

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    TOp OCCupaTiOnS in ThE CarBOn FinanC

    & invESTMEnT SECTOr

    (BY 2-diGiT nOC-S COdE):

    CarBOn FinanCE & invESTMEnT SECTO


    // Ecological Economist

    // Carbon Trading Market Rate Analyst

    // Emissions Reduction Project Manager

    // Energy Trading Specialist// Carbon Oset Project Aggregator

    // Carbon Oset Project Developer

    // Proessional occupations in business

    and inance(approx. 48% o jobs in this sector)

    Financial auditors and accountants involvedin tracking carbon and other GHG emissions,inancial analysts, securities agents, and brokersinvolved in carbon oset markets and emissionstrading, and venture capital and/or other inanceproessionals specializing in renewable energyand green/clean technology investments.

    // Other managers(approx. 7% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes inancial brokerage, banking, andinvestment managers and other businessservices managers related to carbon inance andinvestment.

    // Specialist managers(approx.6% o jobs in this sector)

    Financial managers who specialize in areasrelated to energy, carbon, or clean technology.

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    Number o Direct Jobs in BC (2008): 16,000

    The Green Knowledge and Support sector includes jobsin education and training, research and development(R&D), inormation and communication technology (ICT),

    law and accounting, public administration, and a varietyo other jobs with supporting organizations, associations,and advocacy groups. Occupations in this sector areextremely diverse with experts and proessionals comingrom many backgrounds, including business managementand nance, natural and applied sciences, political andsocial sciences, education, law, and accounting.

    The development, coordination, and delivery o greeneducation and training programs are largely handledby the proessors, instructors, and trades trainingproessionals at BCs post-secondary universities,colleges, technical institutes, and tertiary sector

    educators, as well as through relevant unions, sectorcouncils, associations, and supporting organizations inthe province. The provinces well-established advancedresearch acilities, oten integrated with various post-secondary institutions throughout BC, employ hundredso researchers and experts involved in developing thelatest in green technologies and helping to establish BCas Canadas largest clean technology cluster (comparedwith national GDP).

    In the ICT sub-sector, skilled engineers and techniciansare developing smarter, sotware-based technologiesthat are enhancing energy efciency, increasing reliability,

    redesigning systems o operation, and reducing costsacross all other industries and sectors.

    Lawyers are developing niche expertise in transactionsrelated to the environmentincluding remediationand pollution controlas well as in providing the legaldocumentation surrounding the nancing or greencompanies and projects, such as wind arms and otherrenewable energy developments. Accountants will becomeincreasingly responsible or carbon management initiatives,including emission credit tracking and energy audits.

    Finally, committed individuals within provincial and

    municipal governments in BC and a wide array omembers in supporting non-prot organizations,committees, and associations are helping to acceleratethe transition to a greener economy in BC through theirprogressive initiatives and eorts.

    Featured Jobs in the Green Knowledge &Support Sector

    Bou rschWith initiatives such as the BC Bioenergy Strategy and

    the Ethanol BC Program driving some o the work, theBiouel Researchers job is to improve the productiono biouel rom plant and animal materials and waste,including wood, grasses, and other non-edible plants. Theresearcher works in a laboratory setting and is responsibleor the proper use and maintenance o all lab equipment.The researcher may be sel-employed or work at anynumber o public institutions or private acilities across BC.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor oScience in Forestry, Biochemistry, or MicrobiologyAnnual Salary Range: $40,000 - $70,000

    eomt lwyThe Environmental Lawyer specializes in protectingthe natural environment through the use o treaties,conventions, statutes, and regulations. Environmentallawyers act as both advisors and legal advocates in theprotection o the environment and its natural resources.As advisors, they counsel clients on their legal rights andobligations with regard to the environment. As legaladvocates, they represent clients in environmental trialsand deend client interests.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor o Lawsand the Law Society o BCs Admission Program

    (or equivalent)Annual Salary Range: $110,000 - $150,000+

    Cmt Chg Pocy aystThe Climate Change Policy Analyst provides specializedtechnical advisory services or the development andadvancement o public policy strategies aiming tomitigate the environmental impacts o air pollutionand GHG emissions. Job duties may include research,preparing internal and external communications pieces,government lobbying, and other supporting roles.The policy analyst may work or the public, private, orNGO sectors.

    Minimum Educational Requirement: Bachelor o Arts inPolitical Science or Economics (or equivalent)Annual Salary Range: $45,000 - $80,000


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    // Proessional occupations in natural and applied

    sciences(approx. 16% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes proessionals rom all natural and appliedscience disciplines who are involved in education,training, research, or other supportive positions that helping to green the economy.

    // Lawyers, policy and program ofcers(approx.11% o jobs in this sector)

    Lawyers involved in both environmental law andtransactions related to investment and fnancingor environment-related and clean energy projects.

    Economists, public policy researchers, analysts, andprogram ofcers unique to government and involved environment-related work are also in this category.

    // Technical occupations related to natural and applsciences(approx. 8% o jobs in this sector)

    Includes all technical occupations related to natural applied sciences who are involved in research and/orother supporting environment-related roles, includininspectors and conservation and fshery ofcers.

    // Proessional occupations in business and fnance

    (approx. 7% o jobs in this sector)Includes proessional environmental consultantswho oer business services to all other sectors andindustries throughout the province and abroad.

    // Occupations in protective services(approx.6% o jobs in this sector)

    By-law enorcement and other regulatory ofcers,specifcally involved in environment-related workincluding land, water, and air, are included in thisoccupational category.

    // Teachers and proessors

    (approx. 5% o jobs in this sector)Includes instructors and proessors at the post-secondary level speciically involved in greeneducation and trades training or environment-related occupations, including green building,renewable energy, and other green/clean technolobased training.

    TOp OCCupaTiOnS in ThE GrEEn

    KnOwLEdGE & SuppOrT SECTOr

    (BY 2-diGiT nOC-S COdE):

    GrEEn KnOwLEdGE & SuppOrT


    // Smart ICT Systems Engineer

    // Wave Energy Research Lab Technician

    // Conservation Policy Analyst

    // Conservation Ofcer

    // Air Quality Enorcement Ofcer

    // Proessor o Ecological Economics

    // Proessor o Sustainable Urban Planning

    // Electrical Trades Instructor

    // Wind Turbine Technician Training Specialist

    // Environmental Consultant

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    British Columbia has a diverse history and an economythat has been traditionally based on the provincesabundant natural resources. In recent years however,global economic crises, uctuating commodity markets,and severe climate-related events have destabilizedBCs economy and have sparked a transition to a new,greener economyone that is being driven by clean andrenewable energy technologies and more sustainable,environmentally-sensitive industry and business practices.

    This transition is being powered by a new generationo knowledge-based workers who must be equippedwith the skills and experience to develop the productsand services demanded in a more carbon- and resource-constrained world. The growing demand within thepublic and private sectors or experienced engineers,skilled technicians, consultants, environment-relatedproessionals, and other qualied green workers is ar rombeing satised in the near-term.

    New career opportunities in renewable energy systemsdesign and installation, energy efciency, green building,resource and carbon management, environmentalconsulting, and investment are expected to continue togrow over the next decadejobs that are relatively high-paid and well-respected.

    This guide is designed to serve as an introduction to someo the existing and emerging employment opportunitiesin BC and highlights green jobs within the six key sectorsthat supply the bulk o the green products and services toall industries and sectors throughout the province.

    It should be noted that the range o opportunities towork in the green economy continues to expand andthe ultimate size and scope o the green job market isstill unknown. I current trends continue, the number odirect green jobs in BC by 2020 could grow to morethan 200,000a nearly 75 percent increase over the2008 estimate.

    With continued innovation, education, and training/retraining, BCs work orce can build on its existingknowledge base to incorporate the emerging skills thatwill open up doors to exciting employment opportunitiesin all industries, both new and old.


    TO FiNd OuT mORE ON



    OppORTuNiTiEs, visiT

  • 7/28/2019 GLOBE Green Jobs Guide


    National Resources:

    Canadas Job Bank - Service Canada

    Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

    Labour Market Inormation (Service Canada)

    National Research Council

    Working in Canada

    Provincial Resources:

    BC Work Futures

    Career Planning and Labour Market Inormation

    Industry Training and Apprenticeships in BC

    Industry Training Authority

    Whats Key Opportunities, Careers, Education


    Green Job Websites:

    Industry Training Organizations:

    Automotive Training Standards Organization

    Construction Industry Training Organization

    Horticulture Education BC

    Propel Tourism, Hospitality, Foodservices Training

    Residential Construction Industry Training Organization

    Resource Training Organization

    Transportation Career Development Association

    Sector Councils:

    Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council o Canada

    BioTalent Canada

    Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council

    Canadian Apprenticeships Forum

    Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Council

    Canadian Council o Technicians and Technologists

    Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council

    Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council

    Canadian Trucking Human Resources Council

    Construction Sector Council

    Council or Automotive Human Resources

    Electricity Sector Council

    Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) Canada

    Forest Products Sector Council

    Human Resource Council or the Voluntary/Non-Prot Sector

    Inormation and Communications Technology Council

    Installation, Maintenance and Repair Sector Council

    Mining Industry Human Resource Council

    Motor Carrier Passenger Council o Canada

    National Seaood Sector Council

    Wood Manuacturing Council

    Associations & Supporting Organizations:

    Association o BC Forest Proessionals

    Association o Canadian Community Colleges

    Association o Proessional Engineers and Geoscientists o BC

    Association or Technology Proessionals in BC

    BC Biodiesel Association

    BC Bioenergy Network

    Business Council o BC

    BC Chamber o Commerce

    BC Community Forest Association

    BC Construction Association

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    BC Environment Industry Association

    BC Ground Water Association

    BC Innovation Council

    BC Sustainable Energy Association

    BC Technology Industry Association

    BC Water and Waste Association

    Building Owners and Managers Association o BC

    Canada Green Building Council

    Canadian Bioenergy Association

    Canadian Energy Efciency Alliance

    Canadian GeoExchange Coalition

    Canadian Geothermal Energy Association

    Canadian Home Builders Association o BC

    Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association

    Canadian Hydropower Association

    Canadian Solar Industries Association

    Canadian Renewable Fuels Association

    Canadian Wind Energy Association

    Cascadia Region Green Building Council

    Clean Energy BC (ormerly IPPBC)

    Community Energy Association

    Council o Forest Industries

    Economic Development Association o BC

    Engineers Canada

    Forest Products Association o Canada

    Forest Stewardship Council o Canada

    Fraser Basin Council

    Genome Canada

    GeoExchange BC

    Kootenay Association or Science and Technology

    Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council

    LieSciences BC

    Light House Sustainable Building Centre

    Mining Association o BC

    National Browneld Association

    North Columbia Environmental Society

    Northern Bioenergy Partnership

    Ocean Renewable Energy Group

    Okanagan Environment Industry Alliance

    Okanagan Science and Technology Council

    Peace Energy Cooperative

    Recycling Council o BC


    Thermal Environmental Comort Association

    Union or British Columbia Municipalities

    Urban Development Institute Pacic Region

    Vancouver Economic Development Commission

    Vancouver Renewable Energy Cooperative

    Victoria Advanced Technology Council (VIATec)

    Water Supply Association o BC

    Wood Pellet Association o Canada


    Aboriginal EnviroCareers

    Asia-Pacic Gateway Skills Table

    Building Environmental Aboriginal Human Resources


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    For more inormation,please contact:

    GLOBE FoundationWorld Trade Centre578 999 Canada PlaceVancouver, BC

    Canada V6C 3E1Tel : (604) 695 5001Fax : (604) 695 5019Email : [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://