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A Weekly Global Watch Media Publication ( ) April 6th, 2012 The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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April 6th, 2012 The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.
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A Weekly Global Watch Media Publication ( April 6th, 2012

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report Glasnost (Russian: literally: Openness) was a policy which called for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union. Introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the second half of the 1980s, Glasnost is often paired with Perestroika (literally: Restructuring), another reform instituted by Gorbachev at the same time. The word "glasnost" is used in Russian at least since the end of the 18th century. The word was frequently used by Gorbachev to specify the policies he believed might help reduce the corruption at the top of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, and moderate the abuse of administrative power in the Central Committee. This had an influence in ultimately unravelling the communist Soviet Union as the growing wave of freedom across eastern Europe toppled communist governments leading to the eventual break up of the eastern bloc. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union and the independence of the eastern European countries which were under communist rule there has been a general feeling that the residue of the Soviet Union; Russia, no longer has a prominent position in world affairs. Its presence as a permanent member of the UN Security council is seen to be merely based on historical legacy as Russia is no longer seen to be the same power it was during the cold war era. However is communism really dead and has the age old vision of Russian Imperialism withered away or has the bear laid a trap that has lulled the world into a false sense of security? In this edition we address the role of Russia and the end times to see clues which may gives us an idea of what the future holds for this significant nation. "To defeat an enemy you must first demoralize them and destroy their will to resist. The most consummate art is to subdue your enemies without having to fight them on the field ... Destroy by all means the weapons supplies of your opponents." Sun Tsu — "The Art of War" — 500 B.C. “War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. But today we are too weak to strike. Our day will come in 30 - 40 years. But first we must lull the capitalist nations to sleep with the greatest overtures of peace and disarmament known throughout history. And then, when their guard is dropped, we will smash them with our clenched fist." Dimitri Manuilski In a speech to the Lenin School for Political Warfare in Moscow in the 1930s.

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.






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In Daniel 7 the prophet Daniel has a vision of four world powers represented in the vision as animals. The vast majority of all Bible commentaries and teaching material will tell you that the four beasts in Daniel's dream are the same four empires that are mentioned in Nebuchadnezzar's dream of an image in Daniel 2, namely Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. Most of these commentaries were written decades ago, if not centuries ago, long before modern events began to fulfil these prophecies. It would have been impossible to identify these nations as we now can, as recently as one century ago! However we know that the four beasts of Daniels vision in Daniel 7 are modern day powers not ancient empires because at the time of the destruction of the fourth beast (the final world government) at the Second Coming of Christ, the previous three beasts kingdoms have a continuation as seen in Daniel 7:11-12. This verse sets the context for the interpretation rather than trying to interpret these beasts as being ancient empires. “As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time” In a previous edition of the Global Watch Weekly we had focused on the first beast (the lion with eagles wings) as being representative of the Anglo American alliance but what about the second beast in the vision. Which power does this represent and are there any clues it provides for us to identify this end time power. Daniel 7:5 - "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."

The Russian Bear is a national personification for Russia, used in cartoons and articles and dramatic plays at least since the 17th century, and relating alike to Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. It often was and is used by Westerners, to begin with especially in Britain and later also in the US, and not always in a flattering context on occasion used to imply that Russia is “big, brutal and clumsy”. The bear image was, however, on various occasions (especially in the 20th century) also taken up by Russians themselves. Having the teddy bear “Misha” as the mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games, boycotted by numerous countries due to the invasion of Afghanistan. Russia was evidently intended to counter the “big and brutal Russian Bear” image with a small, cuddly and smiling bear. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was some support in the Russian Parliament for having a bear as the new Russian coat of arms with the proposers pointing out that “Russia is anyway identified in the world with the Bear”, though eventually it was the Tsarist coat of arms of the Double-headed eagle that was restored. Later, the bear was taken up as the symbol of the United Russia Party, which dominates the political life in Russia since the early 2000s. Coincidentally, the surname of Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president elected in 2008, is the possessive adjective of медведь: i.e. his surname means “a bear’s”. Equating the bibles reference to the bear as referring to Russia playing a prominent role during the end times is further supported by prophecies contained in the book of Ezekiel.

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One of the landmarks in the history of medieval Russia was through the leadership of the great Czar, Peter the Great, who before his death in AD 1725 had made Russia into the most powerful military nation within Europe. The Czar had shared the sentiments of many of the Russian politicians at that time, that it was vitial within the interests of Moscow, to invade neighbouring states in order to use them as a bulwark of defence against any outside invasion or threat. For years the Russians had repeatedly been attacked from the east by various powerful nomadic tribes, especially the Mongols and the Kazan Tatars. The leadership of Ivan IV had finally crushed Kazan Tatars, in doing so clearing the Volga all the way down to the Caspian Sea. The Volga river became of extreme importance to Russian security as it gave them a better strategical and military position against other enemies to the east. Capture of the Volga river also allowed the Russian to intensify trading with Persia and India. Because the British and Dutch as the two commercial world powers relied heavily on trade with the east, the Russian position was that by increasing their influence in Asia, that they could counter balance the commercial western powers, and act as an intermediate commercial block between the eastern world and the western powers.

Under Peter the Great and his successors, all of the motives for the expansion of Russian power became focused as the nucleus of Russian foreign policy. The Great Northern war with Sweden opened the way for Russian annexation of the Baltic states and the expansion of power eastward, paved the way for Russia becoming not only a major force between the two commercial blocs of east and west, but also infiltrating the geography of these blocs. At his death, Peter the Great left a protocol that would apparently shape the foreign policy of Moscow for hundreds of years to come. This protocol known as the testament or secret will of Peter the Great is presently kept in the Romanoff archives in the Peterhof Palace in St Petersburg

In this section this protocol is to be examined on a historic, present day and future perspective. The 1890 Bohns Standard Library edition recording of the protocol: 1. The Russian nation must be constantly on a war footing to keep the soldier warlike and in good condition. No rest must be allowed, except for the purpose of relieving the States finances, recruiting the army, or bidding the favourable moment for attack. By these means peace is made subservient to war, and war to peace, in the interest of the aggrandizement and increasing prosperity of Russia. 5



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3. No opportunity must be lost of taking part in the affairs and disputes of Europe, especially in those of Germany, which is from its vicinity is one of the most direct interest to us. 8. We must keep steadily extending our frontiers northward along the Baltic, and southward along the shores of the Euxine. 9. We must progress as much as possible in the direction of Constantinople and India. He who can get possession of these places is the real ruler of the world. With this view we must provoke quarrels at one time with Turkey and at another with Persia. We must establish wharf's and cocks in the Euxine, and by degrees make ourselves the masters of that sea as well as the Baltic, which is a doubly important element in the success of our plan. We must hasten the downfall of Persia, push on into the Persian Gulf, and if possible re-establish the ancient commercial intercourse with the Levant through Syria, and force our way into the Indies, which are the storehouses of the world. 13. When Sweden is ours, Persia is vanquished, Poland subjugated, Turkey conquered - when our armies are united and the Euxine and Baltic are in the possession of our ships. We must make use of one to annihilate the other; this done, we have only to destroy the remaining one by finding a pretext for a quarrel, the issue of which we cannot be doubtful, as Russia will then be already in absolute possession of the East, and of the best part of Europe. 14. When these countries are fully conquered, the rest of Europe must fall easily and without a struggle under our yoke. Thus Europe can and must be subjugated. EXAMINING PROTOCOL 1 Peter the Greats foreign policy inevitably dictated a nation whose strength and reasoning resides in its military capability and positioning. The warlike alertness of Russia and the eventual Soviet Union, was brought into sharp focus after the infamous treaty signed between Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. The growing power of Nazi Germany became a threat to Moscow who being isolated on the eastern side of Germany from the west, had to play a delicate game of diplomacy in order to deflect Hitler's attention. However on June 22, 1941 over 150 Nazi division attacked the Soviet Union as Hitler betrayed the treaty and escalated the death of over 8.7 million soviet lives in a four year death struggle. The Germans completely destroyed Russian defences capturing major cities in the process. Eventually it was one of the harshest Russian winters in history that prevented Hitler's army from reaching Moscow, and turned the tide. The invasion of Russia by Hitler paved the way for the historical sentiments that have always defined Moscow's foreign policy. The Soviet Union after world war II accelerated its arms build up and military capability as a reaction to prevent further invasions by foreign enemies. By 1990, fifty years of military build up had convinced Soviet military generals that their Red Army was untouchable. The strategic rocket forces were convinced that with enough extra missiles and decoy warheads, that they could slump the american defences. The navy with its strengthening position in the Mediterranean claimed that its heavily built submarines with sea skimming missiles carrying nuclear warheads, would be able to duck under the american defence canopy. Finally, the air force argued that their new supersonic bomber codenamed Tu-160 Black Jack by NATO, would be able to deliver stand off bombs and air launched cruise missiles that 6



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Today while the western media tries to convince the public that the remnants of the Soviet Red Army, essentially the Russian army, is self destructing due to a financial shortage, the new geographical scenario and the new foreign policy of the post cold war era, the truth is that the Russian army is still the only nation on earth which could destroy the United States in 30 minutes. Whilst it is improbable that the Russian army has the strength and finesse of their communist glory days, of being able to launch a surprise attack against the United States while forcing a rapid invasion of Europe, they still remain capable of wreaking havoc and immense destruction on the planet. The instability that plagued Russian politics since the 1991 coup could always be a springboard to such a scenario. It is this instability that has caused the western media to label the Russian army as a decaying carcass. The political, social and economical turmoil that has plagued the Kremlin for the last 18 years had had a spill over effect on the military which is not surprising given that the military has always been the governments core institution. The key problem for the Kremlin is that with the post cold war era evolving there is no visible enemy to compete with. Rather than a confrontation of world super powers the new world model is one of a plethora of ethnic tribal regional wars which have already been seen in the Balkans, the ex Soviet Central Eastern republics, North and South Korea, Zimbabwe and the Palestinian crisis. The financial collapse of the Russian economy has also been an Achilles heel to the survival of the army. There have been many reports of Russian units not being supplied with fuel, clothing and food. This has led to a significant defection of personnel from the army, leaving in order to find work in society. Short finances has also affected the production of military hardware , leading to malfunctioning and poor operation. Predicting the future of the Russian army is a major component of the biblical end time scenario but the process which leads to this last day event is one of much speculation. Financial and moral shortage will no doubt influence great reform as is already occurring. Stephen Meyer, professor of defence and arms control studies served as an advisor on Soviet security affairs in numerous government agencies. He states. "As a result of recent organizations, this service (Russian Strategic Deterrent Forces) will also control early warning functions and national air defence, including ballistic missile defence represented by the Moscow ABM system. The Russian ground forces, air forces, and navy will continue as independent services, ultimately with much smaller numbers of personnel and equipment. The Russian air forces and navy will walk away with the vast majority of weaponry they controlled under Soviet auspices, but the Russian ground forces will lose control over a considerable stock of conventional land arms." However Meyer himself aware of instability within Moscow also stated, "Meanwhile even the flexing of crippled Russian military power around its periphery should concern American policy makers for there is always the potential for spill over into Europe, the Middle East and Asia." EXAMINING PROTOCOL 3 The importance of Germany to Peter the Great, was well known during the days of imperial Russia. As the seat of the Holy Roman Empire that began with Charlemagne, Germany beared a similar religious identity to Russia which back then was seen as Christian nation. Germany was then a Catholic nation, whilst the Eastern Orthodox church which had split from Catholicism and Rome, based itself in Moscow after its defeat in Constantinople by the the Ottoman Turks. Also Germany had substantial control over France and Central Europe, and thus was a nation of extreme importance to Peter the Great strategically as well as religiously. 7



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This apparent sentiment of Russia for Germany has continued to this very day. For this reason after the defeat of Germany during the second world war, Moscow was quick to seize their share of the German republic and consolidate their military strength in Eastern Germany as a buffer against a western attack, or as a springboard for a sneak invasion of western Europe. Since the reunification of Germany the importance of Germany remains strong within Moscow despite the changing of the old communist guard for a more democratically minded government. Germany remains the largest exporter of aid to the Kremlin. EXAMINING PROTOCOL 8 With the granting of independence to the Baltic States after the fall of the iron curtain, it may be that Moscow is either unable through self will or other factors to carry out with Peter the Greats question to conquer the Baltic states such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It could very well be that with the cold war now over that the Kremlin's focus is fixated increasingly on the Middle East rather than the Baltic region. For this reason the Black sea continues to be critical for Russian security. The dispute between the Ukraine and Russia over who should control the Black Fleet was of paramount importance to Moscow when one studies the tradition and history of Russian sovereignty over the Black sea. The Straits of Bosphorous and the Dardanelles, which form the only sea passage linking the Black Sea with the Mediterranean, were the channels through which Russia was attacked in 1854 and 1914. The Montreux convention of 1935 in which an agreement was made between Turkey and Russia ensured that no enemy fleet more powerful than the Black Sea Fleet could manoeuvre in that region.The prophecies of Ezekiel in the Bible which describes an invasion of the Middle East from the north by Russia would geographically demand a build up Russian sea power within the Black sea prior to the invasion.

EXAMINING PROTOCOL 9 Protocol 9 was probably one of the most significant aspects of Peter the Greats testament as it directly encompasses the three fold aim of spreading Russian domination into the Middle East, Asia and Northern Europe. When the cold war was at its height, and the presence of Europe as bait to both the Soviet Union and the United States, the Kremlin's domination of the Baltics and Eastern Europe was very much a significant fulfilment of Peter the Great's vision for world domination. However the collapse of communism saw the most rapid unravelling of Moscow's sphere of territorial influence. 8


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However two other key factors remain for the fulfilment of this vision. Constantinople (modern day Istanbul in Turkey) lies directly south of Moscow and the Black Sea whilst Persia (modern day Iran) has always been of strategic interest, since the Russian invasion of Afghanistan during the 1980s was supposed to have been a precursor to greater Russia undermining of the islamic revolution in Iran. Moscow had seen the rise of islamic fundamentalism led by the Ayatollah Khomeini as a dangerous revolution with the potential to spill over into the central Asian Soviet Republics with high populations of Muslims. By having a presence in Afghanistan Moscow had hoped that this would provide leverage to counter the spread of islamic fundamentalism into Moscow's territory. However the disastrous military campaign in Afghanistan led to the eventual withdrawal of Moscow forces from Afghanistan. Russia's involvement with the east indies has also been shaped by historical traditions. The early Marxists saw India as an important supplier of raw materials for British capitalism, and thus foresaw involvement with India as the establishment of the first step of a subtle economic campaign against the western democracies. However during the cold war era the focus of Moscow was more westward than eastward although 1968 witnessed the beginning of a permanent presence in the Indian ocean and the support of Moscow for India during the 1971 Indo-Pakistan war enabled a cementing of Moscow's relationship with the Indian government. Since 1968 there has been a steady flow of Moscow's naval units from the Pacific into the Indian ocean but its volume still remains low considering the strategical importance of the Indian ocean to Moscow.

The Russian special relationship towards countries like India was a sign by Moscow that they were unwilling to let Red China led by the Mao Tse Tung dominate events in Asia. The sensitive relationship between Beijing and Moscow over the definition of communism coupled with historical border disputes, had always according to many military experts had the potential of triggering a border war. Against a threat by China, deterrence by threat to use nuclear weapons would be of limited effectiveness as China has always voiced that it is the only nation on earth with enough manpower to sustain millions of casualties in order to gain a significant military advantage against an enemy. That prominent cities on both sides of the Russian and Chinese border are within target of each others nuclear weapons may have been the bluff that was needed to neutralize any though of conflict. The collapse of communism in Russia and the Russian transition into a free market economy may have irreversibly dampened relations between Beijing and Moscow. 9


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CONCLUSION It must be said that the differences between Moscow's foreign policy approach now and that of Peter the Great is to a large extent influenced by the fact that the Middle East became dominant oil producers during the twentieth century, During the eighteenth century, Peter the Greats plans for conquest were then based on religion and commerce. The communists of the twentieth century approached conquest from the perspective of marxist social ideology. However the present leadership of Russia may now see conquest as resting on who controls oil. The Russian invasion of Georgia in August 2008 was significant because of Georgia's positioning. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline runs from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey; note Russia to the north and Iran to the south. The pipeline, in which British Petroleum is the lead partner, can carry up to one million barrels of oil per day. It is of considerable strategic significance, as it is the only means by which countries in the region like Azerbaijan can get their oil into the international market without relying on Russia Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are central to the EU's plans to reduce its energy reliance on Russia which supplies a quarter of Europe's needs. Both the Azeri and Turkmen leaders said they wanted to improve relations and diversify their export routes, a natural move, analysts said. The vast majority of Turkmenistan's gas currently travels north to Europe through Russia's network of pipes. Because the BTC pipeline gives the USSR's former breakaway republics a way to deliver their petroleum to the world market without relying on Russia, Russia "steadfastly opposed" its construction, recognizing that "the new conduit stands to severely weaken Russia's grip on regional energy exports." For these reasons, it is of enormous strategic benefit to Russia if it could reassert its dominance over Georgia, or merely have an opportunity to demonstrate to Turkmenistan and Azerbaijain that any means of getting their petroleum products to market independent of Russia may be unreliable. These issues are a key subtext to Russia's conflict with Georgia and Georgia's desire to join NATO, and otherwise seek protection from the West. Most analysts would agree that one of the reasons for the American war against Iraq was about oil pipelines and that it is oil which will be the key issue for Russian in coming years. Many years of communist rule has left its imprint in that a free market economy will possibly take another hundred years before the Russian economy can ever reach a level of stability let alone become a major world economic power. Observing that it is impossible for ordinary Russian citizens to survive this long on high inflation and super unemployment, and seeing the European Union spread its economic territory up to the very border of Russia by engulfing the Baltic states, to then see its presence in the oil pipeline strategy diminished by oil routes being rediverted away from Russia could be a final pill too bitter to swallow. Russian leaders will probably acknowledge that whilst Europe has the money, and Asia the manpower, that it is the Middle East that has the energy. Energy is the trump card, and without energy Europe and Asia cannot survive. Therefore the possibility of an economic nightmare forcing Russia to see the Middle East as their only means of survival makes a desperate invasion all the more probable. "Russia has for ages mediated on the conquest of Asia, and India and China. Great Britain and the United States stand face to face with the this Russian power; and these two sides will come into one final, awful struggle. We judge that the tide of Russian conquest will flow on to the frontiers of China. The ascendance of Russia in the East and the revival of the Roman Empire in the West necessitates the meeting of these two opposing powers...We believe from the place assigned to Russia in the Word of God that her legions will sweep over the plains and mountains of Asia, and become more the dominant power over all the east until she falls forever on the mountains of Judah." 10


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The biblical account in Ezekiel 38 tells of a future invasion of Israel by a vast coalition of nations that surround the small nation during the end times. As we read the headlines in the newspapers of today, and witness the conflict in the Middle East, it's not hard to imagine that this invasion prophesied over 2600 years ago, could be fulfilled in our lifetime. Ezekiel 36-37 predicts a gathering of the Jews to the nation of Israel, which will be followed by this massive invasion. For nineteen centuries the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, and until May 14, 1948 there was no nation of Israel to invade. One of the most controversial aspects of Ezekiel 38 is the identification of the nations involved. If we follow the plan of the illuminati outlined in Morals and Dogma then we know the war of Ezekiel 38 is essentially an Islamic Jihad against Israel. However historical and traditional interpretations of scripture have placed great significance on Russia and Turkey as being the two European countries that will lead the Islamic nations against Israel. Clearly in understanding the illuminati agenda for ushering the New World Order there is absolutely no evidence anywhere regarding plans to incite Moscow to send their armies to the Middle East…or is there. Furthermore, to the observers it would be more understandable seeing Turkey being involved in this major conflict, but Russia? Note that Albert Pikes vision for World War III did not specifically name individual countries involved in the war. Rather the war would be a clash of ideologies, Islam against Zionism. At the very least we do know that it will be a clash of East Vs West.

Two principles of hermeneutics have a direct bearing upon the study of Ezekiel 38. First is the importance of literalism. It is a bit ironic that this should need to be asserted in argument against many bible prophecy experts but, as it will be shown, the need is real. Terms must be interpreted in their primary, ordinary, usual meaning. The temptation to apply them to something far removed from the author, without explicit exegetical warrant, must be carefully resisted. This leads to the second principle to be emphasized: historical interpretation. This simply means that the passage must be considered within the frame of reference of the author and recipients of the writing. To carry it beyond requires, again, explicit warrant. Ezekiel 38:1-7 gives ten names as participants in the invasion of Israel that will follow the re-gathering of the Jews to their homeland. First mentioned, is the land of Magog. The most common identity for Magog is in Central Asia. The Jewish historian Josephus said,

"Magog founded the Magogians, called Scythians by the Greeks. Scythians were a nomadic tribe who inhabited the ancient territory from Central Asia a c r o s s t h e southern part of ancient Russia."

Today this area is inhabited by the former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and possibly northern parts of Afghanistan. All of these nations that make up the land of Magog have one thing in common - Islam. Militant Islam has been on the rise in these countries since the fall of the Soviet Union, when Islam no longer had to be practiced secretly. Radical Islamic groups such as the Islamic Renaissance Party, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islam are working to reunite central Asian nations and ultimately the entire Muslim world. It is from this part of the world that a leader will arise to bring together a great coalition of nations to invade Israel.

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The reasons God gives us for the enemies' invasion of Israel are further proof that the attack will be an Islamic invasion. The first reason God gives for the invasion in Ezekiel 38 is a desire by the coalition to cover the Jewish land and wipe them off the face of the earth. Urged on by a hatred of the Jewish people they will seek to destroy them and the nation of Israel. This is the stated goal today of almost every Islamic nation in the Middle East. The only nations not currently in a declared state of war with Israel are Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan, yet they would certainly be glad to see Israel eliminated if presented with a willing leader and an opportunity to rid the Middle East of Islam's archenemy. God tells us that they also come to "seize plunder…and to capture great spoil". Many verses in the Quran advocated plundering for the benefit of Islam and there are several instances of this war tactic throughout the history of Muhammad's life. In fact, it is a common theme in his teachings. This invasion of Israel and attack on the Jewish people will indeed be a Jihad, but it will also be the final Jihad. Using the principle of hermeneutics, many bible prophecy experts will agree that this Islamic Jihad will also include Iran (Persia), Turkey (Togarmah), Libya (Put), Sudan and possibly Ethiopia (Cush). It is clear the common denominator with all these countries is that they are Islamic countries with a specific emphasis on sharia law. However it is also clear that many of the greatest bible scholars also believe that Ezekiel makes reference to a large confederacy that will arise out of the uttermost parts of the north. Given that the geographical frame of reference from a biblical and historical perspective is Israel, the consideration of the link between Russia and Rosh and Magog becomes of paramount importance. The Jewish historian Josephus said, “Magog founded the Magogians, called Scythians by the Greeks.” The most common identity for Magog is in Central Asia. The Scythians were a nomadic tribe who inhabited the ancient territory from Central Asia across the southern part of ancient Russia.” Today, this region encompasses part of the Ukraine, the Southern tip of Russia and the Islamic southern republics of the former Soviet Union with a population of approximately 60 million Muslims. The

Islamic connection of the Ezekiel 38 invasion force is inescapable. It is this connection and Russia’s desire to resume “super power” status in the region that may be the “hook” that draws Russia into the conflict. An interesting observation is that Syria and Egypt are not involved in this war despite being immediately north and south of Israel. Some commentators have tried to read Syria and Egypt into the Ezekiel 38 war in various ways but Ezekiel 28:12 proves that Ezekiel already knew Syria and Egypt as “Syria and Egypt. If they are omitted then they are clearly not part of this war and cannot be interpreted as coming under the ancient names and descendants of some of the other participants. Some have suggested the reason Syria is not involved in this war is because of prophecies pertaining to the destruction of Damascus and so some believe a conflict between Israel and Syria may precede Ezekiel 38. However one reason that Syria and Egypt are not mentioned is because they will be involved in the actual Battle of Armageddon described in Daniel 11:40 when as the New World Order starts to fall apart they will mount an attack on Israel which at that time will be under the control of the Antichrist and his illuminati political management. The term King of the North and King of the South has within the historical context of Daniel 11 has always only ever applied to the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Dynasties which are represented by Syria and Egypt. This war is a separate war that will set in motion a series of military campaigns that will culminate with a final conflict between the armies of the Revived Roman Empire and the Kings of the Sun Rise leading to the second coming of Christ. However the question is why would Russia join in an Islamic invasion as referenced in Ezekiel 38? Many bible experts interpret Ezekiel 38 as if it’s a natural and seamless requirement that Russia would join in an and lead an Islamic invasion, however historically there has been nothing about Russia whether under the imperialism of the Tsars or the Soviet Union under a communist regime which would find favour with an Islamic jihad. Whilst the Islamic nations have historically aligned with the Soviet Union during the Cold War this was simply geopolitical tactical manoeuvres since communism

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was seen as a lesser evil than Zionism. In fact communism was also a target for the illuminati and so it was practical that having a common enemy is what would bring the Islamic world and Russia together as a force to counter balance Israel and its Western Zionist supporters. With the demise of communism and the end of the Cold War era it would seem that Russian ideology has returned back to its original roots based on the Slav eastern orthodoxy. However whether communism or Christian orthodoxy, Islam still sees both as a belief system of the infidels which could not be accommodated under Islamic law and many Bible experts do not consider the following. If an Islamic country is participating in a war to destroy Israel and recapture the Holy Land under Islamic rule and ensure the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is under Islamic control, how would it bode if an atheistic or orthodox ‘Christian military power (depending on how one would define the primary religious of Moscow) is also residing in Israel. Would not Islam see this as a significant threat to their long interests in securing the protection of their jihad struggle. The consequences of the Russian military in the Middle East would also not bode well for the Gulf states who rely on American presence for security and wealth through their economic relationships. Questions would arise as to the motive of Russia in the Middle East who could easily through strength of their military blackmail the surrounding Islamic nations into making concessions.

History has shown of the deep rooted distrust and unpredictability in the relationship between Moscow and the Arab states. Soviet style Marxism-Leninsm had no place in the Baathist regime of Iraq or Syria or Gadaffis Islamic “Third International Theory”.

In February 1981, Brezhnev in a speech to the 26th party Congress stated that the Soviet leaders had finally realised the constraint on their ambitions for the Middle East. After more than 25 years of active political, economic and military involvement in the Arab world, the Soviet Union could only name one Arab state as a communist vassal. In “The Soviet Union in The Middle East” it states: “One of the reasons why the USSR was unable to maintain and reinforce its early advantage was inherent in the very policies is pursued so successfully in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Its efforts to encourage nationalist and Islamic tendencies were aimed at strengthening the forces in the area which at the time were fighting British and French colonial presence and perceived American imperialism. As long as the struggle for political and economic independence from the West continued, nationalis and Islam constituted weapons aimed at Western influence….However once independence was more or less achieved, and once local states, mainly through economic advances, no longer suffered from a consistently unequal relationship with the Western powers, the forces of nationalism and Islam became as potent weapons against Soviet interests in the 1970s as they had been against the West ten to twenty years earlier.” Furthermore it is highly unlikely that it has escaped Russia’s attention that if it also controlled the Persian Gulf oil, it would control nearly two-thirds of the world's readily available oil. It would have a near monopoly on the global supply of oil, and would have the West by its economic throat. Continuing the intrigue of the past several years, it would fit Russian strategy to form an alliance with the Muslim Arab nations, ostensibly to attack Israel, but in reality to position the Russian army as a Trojan House within the much weaker Arab armies to quickly destroy them "from within." Russia would believe that once these armies are destroyed, it would be free to take over the Persian Gulf oil fields. Therefore why would the Arabs be willing to form such a dangerous alliance with Russia? Again, if we look back at Morals and Dogma, Pike clearly stated that the war would be between Islam and Zionism. There is absolutely no reference to any other ideology that would be collaborating with the Islamic alliance yet the bible suggests that Russia (a non Islamic State) would be involved in the war leading a significant army of invaders from the Central Republic States. There are several reasons which could possibly influence the an event

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Where a potentially volatile and poisonous relationship between Moscow and the Islamic World would extend to them becoming allies in an actual World War. THE COMPATIBILITY OF RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY WITH ISLAM Whilst this is the lesser of the two arguments for a military partnership, it still commands respect in understanding the subtle nuances. Russian orthodoxy is more compatible with Islam than Western Christianity. Islam and Orthodoxy can work together because Orthodox Christianity is more ethically demanding and less individualistic than Western Christianity. Eastern Orthodox Christianity can develop a common interest with Islam in exorcizing the demons of nihilism from a neopagan West that has lost its capacity for spiritual reform. Metropolitan Krill, Head of External Relations for the Eastern Orthodox Church has on occasion seen Islam as a traditionalist ally in the struggle against secularism and individualism of the West. However the threat to the Orthodox Church is the rapid spread of Islam. In 2005 a report appeared in The Times of London that religious leaders of Russia’s Muslims has alarmed Russian Orthodox Church leaders and ultra-nationalists by asserting that the country now has 23 million indigenous Muslims, at least 3 million more than previously thought.

Ravil Gaynutdin, chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia in 2005, said that the number of ethnic Muslims in Russia was 23 million and was growing fast. “They are indigenous residents of our country, not migrants or immigrants, and have been living here from time immemorial,” he told a meeting of the European Union of Muslims. “The number of people professing Islam in Russia is constantly growing.” Russia is also home to an estimated 3 million to 4 million Muslim migrants from former Soviet states — roughly 2 million Azeris, a million Kazakhs and several hundred thousands Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz. Russians are also converting to Islam, according to Sheikh Farid Asadullin, of the Moscow Council of Muftis. “Ethnic Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians, mostly young and intelligent, see in Islam an answer to their questions,” Islam was strictly controlled in the Soviet Union, which had only 500 mosques, but has enjoyed a renaissance since 1991, helped by funds from the Middle East. Russia alone now has some 5,000 mosques. The rise in the Muslim population has raised fears among Russian Orthodox Church leaders and ultra-nationalists that Russia could one day become a Muslim-majority nation. The Church claims to have 80 million followers, but religious experts say the number is closer to 40 million and on the wane.

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RELEASING THE YOKE OF COMMUNISM HAS RELEASED THE MIGHT OF ISLAM Islam was to a large extent controlled in the Soviet Union but has had a renaissance since its downfall in 1991, helped by oil money from the Middle East. This re-Islamization of Central Asia should worry the Russians. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a border security project, partly to avoid being demographically overwhelmed by Muslims. But Russia, too, has a large and growing Muslim population, and a non-Muslim population in marked decline. It is not impossible, if current trends continue, that Russia could either disintegrate completely or be majority Muslim within this century. Russia’s non-Muslim population is declining, but numbers are rising in Muslim regions. Will the country called Russia still exist in the future? And if so, will it be the Russia of Pushkin or of Abdullah? Paul Goble, an expert on minorities in the former Soviet Union has affirmed the trend of the exponential growth in Islam since the demise of the Soviet Union: Russia had about 300 mosques in 1991 and now there are at least 8,000, about half of which were built with money from abroad, especially from Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. There were no Islamic religious schools in 1991 and today there are between 50 and 60, teaching as many as 50,000 students. The number of Russians going on the hajj each year, has jumped from 40 in 1991 to 13,500 in 2005. He quotes a Russian commentator predicting that within the next several decades there will be a mosque on Red Square…..By 2015, Muslims will make up a majority of Russia's conscript army, and by 2020 a fifth of the population."

It is this latter reasoning which more than anything provides the clue as to why Russia will decide to join the Holy War against Israel in fulfilment of Ezekiel 38 and as part of the illuminati agenda. Since the common denominator for the war is “Islamic Jihad” against the West, it is clear that the millions of Muslims living in the Central Republics will represent a significant factor in influencing Moscow’s foreign policy regarding the Middle East. Vladimir Putin said of Russia’s relationship with Islam, “Russia has always been the most faithful, reliable and consistent defender of the interests of the Islamic world. Russia has always been the best and most reliable partner and ally. By destroying Russia, these people (terrorists) destroy one of the main pillars of the Islamic world in the struggle for rights (of Islamic states) in the international arena, the struggle for their legitimate rights,” Putin was quoted by Itar —Tass as saying, drawing applause from Chechen parliamentarians. “Those who are trying to defend these false (extremist) ideals, those who are used as cannon fodder, who plant a mine for ten dollars or shoot with automatic weapons either do not know or have forgotten this,” the president said. “Those who organize such activity certainly do this deliberately, understanding what goals they want to achieve,” Putin went on to say. The leaders of the main Islamic states understand this, he added. “For this reason their representatives were present at the general voting in the referendum on the Constitution of the Chechen Republic, they were at the presidential elections; both the Organization of Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States, our colleagues and friends were present at the elections to the parliament.” Putin said that “member countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference have unanimously passed a decision that Russia will begin working as an observer on a permanent basis”. “And we shall continue our activity within the framework of this organization. Quite recently a delegation of Russia’s Muslims has been to Mecca to discuss the problems of Muslim world development with their brothers. I repeat: Russia will pursue this policy,” the president added.

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The conquest of Russia by any foreign power has always been difficult. With the exception of Genghis Khan, no power has ever been able to subdue it. It's just too big. Napoleon and Hitler both met their comeuppance trying.

Though part of the problem is its size, topography is also very much on Russia's side. On its western frontier, the vast open flatlands of Ukraine, providing no cover to any eastward advancing incursion, and the extensive marsh-lands plus heavy forestation of Belarus tend to act as a buffer to aggression from the west. In the south, nature provides a fortress. Sandwiched between the black and Caspian seas is the Caucasus, a narrow corridor leading up into Russia. this passage is guarded by the vast Caucasus Mountains. if one wishes to invade Russia further east, the endless plains, deserts and mountains of Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan must first be conquered. The Caucasus is crucial to Russia's defenses, and not just because of its location. it is key to Russia's fuel supplies also. in 1940 the French general Gamelen wrote, “Dependence on oil supplies from the Caucasus is the fundamental weakness of Russian economy. The Armed forces were totally dependent on this source also for their motorized agriculture. more than 90 percent of oil extraction and 80 percent of refinement was located in the Caucasus (primarily Baku). therefore, interruption of oil supplies on any large scale would have far-reaching consequences and could even result in the collapse of all the military, industrial and agricultural systems of Russia.”

Hitler was obsessed with the area, especially Azerbaijan's capital, Baku. He was convinced Germany needed the oil in the Caucasus and the farmland in the Ukraine to be se l f -su f f i c ien t and invulnerable. indeed, if Hitler had controlled these two areas, Germany could have

produced all its own fuel and food.

Hitler, however, failed. While the Nazis made their way to Baku, the German 6th army was defeated at Stalingrad. His panzers never made it through the Caucasus mountains. Some historians believe that, had Hitler made it to Baku, the war would have ended very differently. Today, 19 percent of proven world gas reserves are within nations bordering the Caspian Sea, not including Russia. this area is expected to become a major area of oil and gas extraction, with oil production levels predicted to reach 4 billion barrels a day. Azerbaijan today has one of the largest known undeveloped offshore reserves in the world.

The Caucasus is the crossroads of Europe, Asia and the middle east. Not only is there much fossil fuel in the Caucasus and in the Caspian Sea, but the area is also key to transporting oil and gas. This small area is receiving more and more of the world's attention. the little nation of Georgia occupies a crucial strategic location on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains and the eastern shore of the black Sea. Ukraine, on the northern shore of the black Sea, is also key to controlling the Caucasus. in addition to housing Russia's black Sea fleet and its continental ballistic missiles, Ukraine is a buffer state in defending Russia's south. The allegiance of both Georgia and Ukraine is, in a way, crucial to the hegemonic plans for expansion of both the EU and Russia. Europe is desperate for a fuel supply that comes with no strings attached. It

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is especially desperate for gas. unlike oil, which often travels in containers, the only real way to move gas is through pipelines. Europe gets some gas from the North Sea. Some it imports from North Africa. that is not enough. Europe needs to get most of its gas from the east. currently it comes from Russia, but Russia has no qualms about pulling the plug on the West when the urge arises. Europe, fed up with this situation, is turning to new suppliers. though Iran and other Middle eastern nations such as Egypt have offered to fill the need, these sources may be just as unreliable as Russia, if not more so. Europe's only hope for gas, aside from the volatile, unpredictable middle east, comes from the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea and central Asia. at the moment, all this gas travels to Europe via Russia. However, Europe has a number of projects underway to build pipelines directly from Europe to the Caucasus. Armenia has no diplomatic relations with turkey, and is under a trade embargo from both Turkey and Azerbaijan, so no pipelines can travel through Armenia in the foreseeable future. All of these pipelines would have to travel through

Georgia. It is the only possible route to get oil from the Caspian region to Europe without direct Russian or Iranian involvement. With Russia now controlling Georgia, however, the bulk of Europe's gas must come from Russian-controlled territory or Iran. This is what is at stake in this little nation. Control of Georgia means control of the Caucasus. it means that Europe is forced to choose between Russia and the middle east for its gas. Both Russia and Germany are on the rise and each is trying to increase its power in the world. Germany is conquering the Balkans, and Russia now has control of Georgia. As these powers compete against each other, watch for a new Molotov-ribbentrop pact to emerge. It may be that dealings are already underway to conclude such an agreement. The Caucasus is Russia's Balkans. In Europe, control of the Balkans was imperative for the eastward expansion of the German dominated European union. For similar strategic reasons, just as Germany ruthlessly went after the Balkans, watch for Russia to ruthlessly consolidate its imperialist goals in the Caucasus.

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It is clear that the present leadership of Russia are even more fixated on oil and developments within the Middle East than previous administrations. Previous foreign policies of the Kremlin were largely dictated by a strategy which involved expansion of Russian influence both westward into Europe and eastward into the indies. However the world dynamic is changing. Since the fall of the iron curtain Moscow has seen the European Union surely but steadily expands its presence into central and eastern Europe, swallowing up countries which were originally part of the Moscow’s yoke under the Soviet Union.

The Russian invasion of Georgia in August 2008 was thus of paramount significant because of Georgia's strategic positioning as a bridge between the east and west in regards to the flow and distribution of oil. There are three key oil pipelines that run through Georgia. The biggest, designed to bypass Russia, is the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (BTC), which transports about a million barrels of oil a day from the Caspian Sea through Georgia to the Mediterranean ports in Turkey. From there, the oil is sent to Europe and other destinations around the world. The pipeline is of considerable strategic significance, as it is the only means by which countries in the region like Azerbaijan can get their oil into the international market without relying on Russia. The United States and Europe helped build the BTC pipeline as a way to decrease Europe's dependency on Russian oil and gas. Building it through Georgia, a new, Western-friendly democracy, was supposed to be a safe bet. Stephen Flanagan, senior vice president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, who served in both the Clinton and George H.W. Bush administrations says,

“I think that if Russia isn't somehow engaged, a Russia that really does feel marginalized and isolated in many ways is even more threatening to our interests. Because I think they still have a lot of capacity to make mischief to do damage to our interests around the world." Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are central to the EU's plans to reduce its energy reliance on Russia which supplies a quarter of Europe's needs. Both the Azeri and Turkmen leaders said they wanted to improve relations and diversify their export routes, a natural move. The vast majority of Turkmenistan's gas currently travels north to Europe through Russia's network of pipes. Because the BTC pipeline gives the USSR's former breakaway republics a way to deliver their petroleum to the world market without relying on Russia, Russia "steadfastly opposed" its construction, recognizing that "the new conduit stands to severely weaken Russia's grip on regional energy exports." For these reasons, it is of enormous strategic benefit to Russia if it could reassert its dominance over Georgia, or merely have an opportunity to demonstrate to Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan that any means of getting their petroleum products to market independent of Russia may be unreliable. These issues are a key subtext to Russia's conflict with Georgia and Georgia's desire to join NATO. Many years of communist rule has left its imprint in that a free market economy will possibly take another hundred years before the Russian economy can ever reach a level of stability let alone become a major world economic power. Observing that it is impossible for ordinary Russian citizens to survive this long on high inflation and super unemployment, and seeing the European Union spread its economic territory up to the very border of Russia by engulfing the Baltic states, to then see its presence in the oil pipeline strategy diminished by oil routes being rediverted away from Russia could be a final pill too bitter to swallow. Russian leaders will probably acknowledge that whilst Europe has the money, and Asia the manpower, that it is the Middle East that has the energy. Energy is the trump card, and without energy Europe and Asia cannot survive. If Russia could align with Islam in securing the control of energy then its position would be secured against the moves by the West to isolate Moscow.

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In 2009 the former U.N. General Assembly President Miguel D’Escoto D’Escoto, stated in an interview with the Times that the way out of the global financial crisis “should be lined with all manner of new global institutions, authorities and advisory boards,” including the Global Stimulus Fund, the Global Public Goods Authority, the Global Tax Authority, the Global Financial Products Safety Commission, the Global Financial Regulatory Authority, the Global Competition Authority, the Global Council of Financial and Economic Advisers, the Global Economic Coordination Council, and the World Monetary Board.

D’Escoto was the former foreign minister of Communist Sandinista Nicaragua and Catholic Priest of the Maryknoll Order who advocates Marxist-oriented liberation theology and won the Lenin Peace Prize from the old Soviet Union. D’Escoto also claims a Master’s of Science from Columbia University’s School of Journalism. The problem is that the Times, in its story, “At U.N., a Sandinista’s Plan for Recovery,” didn’t mention until the 13th paragraph that the official U.N. list of “experts” behind the plan included an American economist, Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning professor from Columbia University who supported and contributed to Obama’s presidential campaign and advises Congressional Democrats on economic policy. Stiglitz, an advocate of

nationalizing U.S. banks, was also a member of the Socialist International Commission on Global Financial Issues and his name appears on a separate list of 15 “special advisers” to D’Escoto obtained from the U.N. by Inner City Press.

Another one of the “experts” the Times neglected to mention was Robert Johnson, former managing director at Soros Fund Management and board member of the Institute for America’s Future. Johnson’s involvement in the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis demonstrates how this “collaboration” is occurring at the global level and involves representatives of socialist and communist governments at the U.N.

Other “experts” on the D’Escoto panel came from Russia and China, with one of his “special representatives,” Oswaldo Martinez, identified only as being from Communist Cuba, with no biography attached. Another D’Escoto “special representative,” socialist and Jesuit Priest Francois Houtart, was the author of “Socialism for the 21st Century.”

Clearly the last several years has shown a public resurgence of socialist and communist principles at the United Nations level which is also at the hear of Obama’s socialist strategy. The spirit of communism is clearly alive and well. 19