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A Weekly Global Watch Media Publication ( ) March 16th, 2012 The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.

Global watch goldman sachs

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A Weekly Global Watch Media Publication ( March 16th, 2012

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report On March 14th, 2012, the New York Times published a letter entitled “Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs” by Greg Smith. Smith, a Goldman Sachs executive had dealt a deeply embarrassing blow to the firm by quitting in an open letter in which he lambasted the working environment as 'toxic and destructive'. Smith has received strong support from many of his friends and colleagues, who have called him a 'legend' and praised him for speaking up against the corporate culture. But Goldman's management claim that the views of Mr Smith, an executive director who has worked at the New York-based investment bank for 12 years, represent a minority opinion at the firm. In a scathing resignation letter published in the New York Times this week, he revealed staff have so little respect for clients, they call them 'muppets' and talk of 'ripping eyeballs out'. 'I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it,' writes Smith, who headed the firm's U.S. equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 'To put the problem in the simplest terms, the interests of the client continue to be sidelined in the way the firm operates and thinks about making money.' Smiths letter has again thrown Goldman Sachs right back into the front view of the media after it was singled out as one of the main culprits behind the global financial meltdown in 2008. Why is it that every time there is focus on corporate banking and all the negativity associated with the culture that Goldman Sachs is right at the centre of the discussion? This edition takes a look at the issues surrounding Goldman Sachs and why control of money and the ability to influence the global economy, is such an important part of the global elite’s agenda. However before we dive into this, we thought it best to first give you some background on international banking from the Illuminati’s perspective.

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.







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'Goldman Sachs was doing it again. Goldman last year was telling the public that everything is going to be just fine, but meanwhile they are advising their top clients to bet on a huge financial collapse. On August 16th 2011, a 54 page report authored by Goldman strategist Alan Brazil was distributed to institutional clients. The general public was not intended to see this report. Fortunately, some folks over at the Wall Street Journal got their hands on a copy and they have filled us in on some of the details.' It turns out that Goldman Sachs secretly believes that an economic collapse is coming, and they have some very interesting ideas about how to make money in the turbulent financial environment that we will soon be entering. In the report, Brazil says that the U.S. debt problem cannot be solved with more debt, that the European sovereign debt crisis is going to get even worse and that there are large numbers of financial institutions in Europe that are on the verge of collapse. If this is what people at the highest levels of the financial world are talking about, perhaps we should all start paying attention. There is a tremendous amount of fear in the global financial community right now. Many believe that the financial world is about to hit the panic button. Things could start falling apart at any time. Most of these big banks will not admit how bad things are

publicly, but privately there is a whole lot of freaking out going on. According to the Wall Street Journal, Brazil believes that “as much as $1 trillion in capital may be needed to shore up European banks; that small businesses in the U.S., a past driver of job production, are still languishing; and that China’s growth may not be sustainable.” Perhaps most startling of all is what the report has to say about the debt problems of the United States and Europe. For example, this following excerpt from the report sounds like it could have come straight from The Economic Collapse Blog…. “Solving a debt problem with more debt has not solved the underlying problem. In the US, Treasury debt growth financed the US consumer but has not had enough of an impact on job growth. Can the US continue to depreciate the world’s base currency?” Remember, this statement was not written by some guy on the Internet. A top Goldman Sachs analyst put it into a report for institutional investors. The report also goes into great detail about the financial crisis in Europe. Brazil writes about how the euro is headed for trouble and about how dozens of financial institutions in Europe could

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potentially be in danger of collapse. But in any environment Goldman Sachs thinks that it can make money. The following is how Business Insider summarized the advice that Brazil gave in the report regarding how to make money off of the impending collapse in Europe…. Buy a six-month put option on the Euro versus the Swiss Franc, thus betting the Euro will drop against the Franc (the Franc being the currency that an official Goldman report recently referred to as the most overvalued in the world). Buy a five-year credit default swap on an index of European corporate debt—the iTraxx 9. This is a bet that some of these companies will default, and your insurance policy, the CDS, will pay off. This is so typical of Goldman Sachs. They will say one thing publicly and then turn around and do the total opposite privately.

For example, prior to the financial crisis of 2008, Goldman Sachs was putting together mortgage-backed securities that they knew were garbage and marketing them to investors as AAA-rated investments. On top of that, Goldman then often privately bet against those exact same securities. The CEO of Goldman Sachs has even acknowledged that the investment bank engaged in “improper” behavior during 2006 and 2007. So will Goldman Sachs ever get into serious trouble for any of this? No, of course not. Yeah, they will get a slap on the wrist from time to time, but the reality is that the top levels of the federal government are absolutely littered with ex-employees of Goldman Sachs. Goldman is one of the “too big to fail” banks and they are going to

continue to do pretty much whatever they feel like doing. Sadly, the power of the “too big to fail” banks just continues to grow. At this point, the “big six” U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo) now possess assets equivalent to approximately 60 percent of America’s gross national product. Goldman Sachs was the second biggest donor to Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008, so don’t expect Obama to do anything about any of this. We have a financial system that is deeply, deeply corrupt and all of that corruption is a big reason why things are falling apart. Sadly, the 54 page report mentioned above is right – we really are facing a global debt meltdown and we really are heading for an economic collapse. You aren’t going to hear the truth from the mainstream media or from our politicians because “keeping people calm” is much more of a priority to them than telling the truth is. The debt crisis in the United States is unsustainable and the debt crisis in Europe is unsustainable. Right now we are in the calm before the storm, and nobody knows exactly when the storm is going to strike. But let there be no doubt – it is coming. The amazing prosperity that we have enjoyed for the last several decades has largely been a debt-fueled illusion. It was a great party while it lasted, but now it is coming to an end and the aftermath of the coming crash is going to be absolutely horrific. Keep watch and get prepared. We don’t know exactly when the collapse is going to happen, but it is definitely on the way and now even Goldman Sachs is admitting that.

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As of the year 2000, there were seven countries without a Rothschild-owned Central Bank: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Iran Then along came the convenient terror of 9-11 and soon Iraq and Afghanistan had been added to the list, leaving only five countries without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family: Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Iran The interesting upheaval in Libya during 2011, when analysed is of great interest. A seldom mentioned fact by western politicians and media pundits was that the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) during the reign of Gaddafi, was 100% State Owned. The world’s globalist financiers and market manipulators did not like this and so through covert means waged a war of influence to dethrone Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi, bringing an end to Libya as independent nation. Under Gadaffi the Libyan government created its own money, the Libyan Dinar, through the facilities of its own central bank. Few can argue that Libya is a sovereign nation with its own great resources, able to sustain its own economic destiny. One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they had to go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency, a place where they had absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability. Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) may not have appeared in the speeches of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy but this certainly wasat the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations. Now that the smoke is clearing from all the cruise missiles and cluster bombs, you will see the Allied reformers move in to reform Libya’s monetary system, pumping it full of worthless dollars, priming it for a series of chaotic inflationary cycles. Because the CBL was state owned, it meant the financial structure and general operation procedures of the state bank was of course much different than

That of an American or European based central bank. For instance it is not a privately owned, for-profit bank with a undisclosed list of private shareholders like the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are. Libyan constitutional law establishing the CBL stipulates that its central bank maintains monetary stability in Libya and promotes sustained growth of its national economy. Libya also holds more bullion as a proportion of gross domestic product than any country except Lebanon, according to the London-based World Gold Council using January data from the International Monetary Fund. Will this gold remain in Libya once Allied forces have taken control of Tripoli, or will it lost, or exchanged for pallets upon pallets of paper aka US dollars? In the Libyan banking charter, one of the primary mandates will be that it is regulating the quantity, quality and cost of credit to meet the requirements of economic growth and monetary stability. This of course, is the very opposite role which privately owned central banks play elsewhere in the world. Private central banks elsewhere create inflation, periodically inflating bubbles by design and then popping them in order to transfer large sums of wealth out of lower and middle class hands and into the hands of the financial elites. It is becoming easy to diagnose the very root-causes of chaos in the Middle East and the ongoing war-attacks against Libya. Finance, oil, militarization & imperialism, globalization- all of these comprise a running agenda for the New World Order. Egypt and Tunisia have both fallen to interim military dictatorships and have been hooked with billions in cheap loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank. Any country or nation that is running against the grain of this agenda- going against the orthodoxies of the New World Order, will eventually be flagged and brought to heal by way of military hammer. Regular acts of war against these non-globalist nation states are designed to humiliate, degrade and compromise international human rights. It would seem Iran is next on the agenda.

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In 2009 a report had emerged how The New York headquarters of Goldman Sachs, had instructed a Wall Street law firm to tell a blogger to stop criticising the bank. The bank has instructed Wall Street law firm Chadbourne & Parke to pursue blogger Mike Morgan, warning him in a cease-and-desist letter that he would face legal action if he did not close down his website. Florida-based Mr Morgan began a blog entitled “Facts about Goldman Sachs” – the web address for which is In that time Mr Morgan, a registered investment adviser, had added a number of posts to the site, including one entitled “Does Goldman Sachs run the world?”. However, many of the posts relate to other Wall Street firms and issues. According to Chadbourne & Parke’s letter, dated April 8, the bank was rattled because the site “violated several of Goldman Sachs’ intellectual property rights” and also “implied a relationship” with the bank itself. Unsurprisingly for a man who has conjoined the bank’s name with the Number of the Beast – although he jokingly points out that 666 was also the S&P500′s bear-market bottom – Mr Morgan’s website survives tll this very day.

He claimed he has followed all legal requirements to own and operate the website – and that the header of the site clearly states that the content has not been approved by the bank. On a special section of his blog entitled “Goldman Sachs vs Mike Morgan” he predicted that the fight could probably end up in court. “It’s just another example of how a bully like Goldman Sachs tries to throw their weight around,” he writes. Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Mr Morgan explained how he went through a similar battle with US homebuilder Lennar a few years ago after he set up a website to collect information on what he alleged was shoddy workmanship in its homes. The pair eventually settled out of court. “Since I went through this with Lennar, I’ve had advice from some of the best intellectual property lawyers, and I know exactly what I can and can’t do. We’re not going to back down from this,” he promises. Mr Morgan adds that if Goldman manages to shut down his site, he has a number of other domain names registered. 11



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"The governments don't rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world," claimed a shockingly outspoken trader, Alessio Rastani, on the BBC towards the end of 2011 "The savings of millions of people are going to vanish," he said, warning viewers they should "get prepared" because "economic crisis is like a cancer, if you just wait and wait thinking this will go away, just like a cancer it's going to grow and it's going to be too late."

What was interesting about the media response to this was that, rather than focus on the substance of what the trader was saying, it instead went on a wild goose chase trying to decide whether or not he was a hoaxer belonging to a group called the "Yes Men". But on one point at least Rastani was absolutely right: Goldman Sachs – aka the Vampire Squid – really have the world squeezed tighter and tighter right now within its blood-sucking tentacles. Consider the three biggest new EU appointments: The new president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, Italy’s new prime minister, Mario Monti, and the new Greek prime minister Lucas Papademos all reportedly have the US investment bank as a common denominator.

Mario Draghi, the new head of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt since November 1, is one of the most important financial decision-makers of the world. Draghi knows all about finances. He was vice-president of Goldman Sachs in London from 2002 to 2005. There he had a colleague at least as well-known and important: Mario Monti. Since the middle of November 2011, Monti has been the head of the Italian transitional government. Before that, he was vice-president of the European Central Bank and international advisor of Goldman Sachs. Stephen Foley from The Independent described the situation in Italy: The ascension of Mario Monti to the Italian prime ministership is remarkable for more reasons than it is possible to count. By replacing the scandal-surfing Silvio Berlusconi, Italy has dislodged the undislodgeable. By imposing rule by unelected technocrats, it has suspended the normal rules of democracy, and maybe democracy itself. And by putting a senior adviser at Goldman Sachs in charge of a Western nation, it has taken to new heights the political power of an investment bank that you might have thought was prohibitively politically toxic. The third in the alliance is Greece’s new Prime Minister Lucas Papademos. From 1994 to 2002, he was chairperson of the Greek Central Bank and in that function participated actively in the balance-forgery of the country concealed by Goldman Sachs for which they now pay dearly. Goldman Sachs has even more to offer Europe than these three. In Germany, there is Otmar Issing who is also an international advisor of Goldman Sachs. Up to 2006 he sat on the board of directors of the European Central Bank. Before that, he was on the board of directors of the German Central Bank. Besides his activity for Goldman Sachs, he has been an advisor of the German government. To his retirement in the middle of November 2011, the Portuguese Antonio Borges was European director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Before that, he worked as director of Goldman Sachs in London. The late Belgian EU commissioner for competition Karel van Miert also worked for Goldman Sachs as a consultant. Then there is Ire Peter Sutherland, ex-president of Goldman Sachs International, former EU commissioner and one of the tightrope walkers of the Irish bailout umbrella. 12



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Here is the take on it from a blogger at Liberal Conspiracy. Some serious questions must now be asked about democracy in the Eurozone. What Draghi, Monti and Papademos also have in common is that they are classically trained orthodox economists who have spent a good part of their lives working for the European bureaucracies and banks that have bought about this disaster. By leading the world's economies into chaos, Goldman Sachs is creating a situation where they can replace key government leaders with their own people. It's a cheap con: scare your victim then move in to offer “protection.”

That’s the technique that’s now being used on a global scale to oust world leaders and effectively take over world government. Goldman Sachs is a global bank that specializes in mergers and acquisitions, asset management and prime brokerage. It provides financial advice to corporations and governments around the world. Its executives can be found in all key levels of government - Mark Carney, head of the Bank of Canada, Stephen Friedman, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank and Henry Paulson, former Treasury Secretary (USA) and Otmar Issing, a one-time board member of the Bundesbank and ex-chief economist of the European Central Bank. Goldman Sachs are the world's foremost experts on taking over large institutions and running them. Their people - current and former Goldman Sachs executives - have been quietly advising world leaders on economic policy for years. No one is in a better position to take over and manage the world, for their own profit. Goldman Sach's plan is simple: run the economy into the ground and step in to save the day. The situation in Europe is not the first occasion Goldman Sachs has deliberately run economies into the ground. In what may have been a trial run of the Goldman Sachs Project, the Russian Financial Crisis of 1998 demonstrated the effectiveness of the technique. Mark Carney, working for Goldman Sachs at the time, was advising the Russian government on economic policy. These policies ended in a severe economic collapse, which just happened to profit Goldman Sachs tens of millions of dollars. In spite of their involvement in a 1.25 billion dollar bail-out of the Russian government, Goldman Sachs appears to have been betting against success. Mark Carney went on from there to head up the Bank of Canada, and then on to the Financial Stability Board – the new global watchdog on the world's biggest banks - placing him in an ideal position to repeat the process on a larger scale. 13


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The last book of the Bible, Revelation, contains a prophecy about the fall of “Babylon the Great” in the latter days. There is debate as to who the identity of this commercial power is with some believing it demands a literal rebuilding of Babylon in Iraq, whilst others believe that it is representative of Rome.

However there is a third group who believe that the end times Babylon is actually the United States of America and what follows is an interesting interpretation of Revelation 18 in the context of today’s global financial climate. Babylon the Great is identified in Revelation 18:3 as an alliance of the “kings of the earth” with the “merchants of the earth.” The “kings of the earth” are governmental / political leaders in the global public sector and the “merchants of the earth” are business / financial leaders of the global private sector. It is easy to identify this alliance in the modern world. This biblical prophecy also foretells that this global world system will collapse at some point in the latter days. Adherents of the America/Babylon theory examine the possibility that we are seeing this prophesied collapse unfold before our very eyes. Accordingly they believe that Babylon the Great, as prophesied in the Bible, is the globalist financial / political system known as western capitalism. The “merchants of the earth” is a phrase which, though penned almost 2,000 years ago, aptly describes the global, multinational corporations now dominating world trade. Revelation 18 prophesied these latter-day “merchants” would have a global customer base (i.e. “merchants of the earth”). Revelation 18 they believe, predicts that multinational corporations, in league with the world’s political leaders, would come to dominate a global political / economic system in the latter days of our age. They believe that this prophecy has been literally fulfilled in our time.

The Apostle John lived in a low-tech era when he wrote this prophecy. John also penned prophetic words in Revelation 9 about global world wars at the end of our age in which he described visions of jet fighters, helicopters and tanks with difficulty given the low-tech language of his time: flying “locusts” with “breastplates of iron” and incredibly loud noises coming from their wings as well as armored “horses” with “breastplates” which issue “fire” out of their mouths (verses7-10, 17-19). America/Babylon supporters believe we must be consistent and realize that John was also describing the latter-day global economy and high-tech world of modern finance in Revelation 17-18 in the low-tech language of his day. The world has been traumatized by wildly-gyrating markets in equities, currencies and commodities, a global credit crisis, collapses in the housing and auto markets, unprecedented “Depression-era” bailout plans, etc. Most accounts attribute the origins of this global crisis in financial markets to the collapse of the sub-prime lending market in the USA and the resultant devaluations of all structured “investments” based on the US mortgage market. Since Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae debt and mortgage-backed securities were owned by many nations, the problem quickly became a global one. Indeed, it is getting worse. Entire nations are pleading with the IMF for financial rescues. The US Fed and Treasury are trying to bail out/rescue the US banking system, huge insurance companies (like AIG), provide short-term credit to commercial borrowers and even California for a

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time considered asking for billions from Uncle Sam to bail it out of its budgetary misery. One wonders how long global equity markets must plunge before there is a coordinated, global stock market shut-down. Media reports focused overwhelmingly on two leaders trying to manage / manipulate world markets in a way to keep the entire debt-based system of global finance from going irreversibly over a cliff. Those persons were Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Ben Bernanke, and US Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson.

Jointly, they quick-talked the US Congress into granting Secretary Paulson a $750,000,000,000 bailout fund, and warned that if Congress didn’t approve the bailout bill, it would result in a global credit crisis and collapsing stock markets around the world. Congress did what Bernanke and Paulson demanded and what happened? A global credit crisis and collapsing world stock markets occurred anyway! As some observers have noted, this hasty action “bailed out” not the American nation or its taxpayers, but rather the Wall Street tycoons whose reckless financial innovations caused the problem! To put this in Revelation 18’s context, Babylon the Great’s “merchants” convinced a complicit White House and Congress (Babylon the Great’s “kings”) to rescue the “merchants of the earth” from the consequences of their own actions while sticking innocent taxpayers with the bill. Bernanke and Paulson are the dominant American faces of “Babylon the Great,” the financial system foretold in Revelation 17-18. Secretary Paulson (dubbed “King Henry” on a previous Newsweek magazine cover due to the king-like powers granted to him by the US Congress) epitomizes the “kings of the earth” (the political side of the world economic

system) and Federal Reserve Chairman, Bernanke, epitomizes the “merchants of the earth” (the Federal Reserve Board is actually a private bank whose shares are owned by a select group of global banks). Revelation 18:3 accurately foretold “all nations” would belong to this end-time, global economic system, and that the political leaders would be so “in bed” with the economic/financial leaders that it uses the term “fornication” to describe their relationship. Indeed, it is hard to identify where the public sector leaves off and the private sector begins! Secretary Paulson, now representing the political side of the alliance, was formerly the CEO of Goldman Sachs, one of the primary beneficiaries of Paulson’s and Bernanke’s actions in world markets. The Treasury official designated to manage the $750 billion bailout fund was also a former executive of Goldman Sachs. The private and public sectors are all but merged, just as Revelation 18 prophesied. It has been reliably reported that Bernanke’s and Paulson’s interventions staved off a global collapse of world financial markets in September, 2008 (remember this date for later!). However, their actions / interventions have been unprecedented and increasingly desperate. Will these efforts succeed in saving the modern global economic system known in the Bible as “Babylon the Great” or have they merely delayed a pending collapse? Revelation 17-18 prophesy that “Babylon the Great’s” system will collapse during the latter days. Given the severe paroxysms now occurring in the global financial markets, are we now witnessing the prophesied collapse of Babylon the Great? Certainly, the current global system could rescue itself and continue on for a longer period of time, but it is also possible that we may see the fulfillment of one of the climatic prophecies of the book of Revelation. The global financial/economic system is named after Babylon the Great in the Bible because its financial institutions began in ancient Babylon. The beating heart of the modern financial system is the

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banking industry, which creates money “out of thin air” and then loans it into existence, charging interest to those who borrow the very money which previously didn’t exist. Via the modern fractional reserve banking system, banks serve as “money multipliers.” The ancient Babylonian banking/financial system was prophesied to become so “Great” at the end of this age that it would dominate “all nations” (Rev. 18:3). This has also literally come to pass in our modern world. Many media articles have noted the lavish, self-indulgent lifestyles of the CEOs and top executives of global multinational corporations and the politicians who wallow in the “campaign contributions” given to them by the agents of the global corporations. Revelation 18:3 & 9 prophesy that the “merchants” of the earth will be “waxed rich though the abundance of [the system’s] delicacies” and that the “kings” of the earth “lived deliciously” off this system. Many articles have documented a serious “wealth disparity” as greedy Wall Street CEOs sucked mega-millions for themselves out of the very companies they destroyed with reckless financial practices. They even shamelessly gave themselves “golden parachutes” worth more millions from failed companies even as stockholders and investors lost almost everything. Recent media stories focused on the grilling given by Congress to the CEO of Lehman Brothers whose executives gave themselves millions in “bonuses” as their company went bankrupt. AIG, an insurance company receiving approximately $85 billion in a bail-out, lavished a half-million on insiders at a posh resort even as they pleaded poverty to the government. Many nations have been “stuck” with unmarketable and devalued securities which they bought from Wall Street’s “merchants.” In foreign nations and even on “Main Street” in the USA, palpable fury is growing toward the self-indulgent leadership of Babylon the Great’s corporate and political system. Revelation 18:12-14 prophesy that Babylon the Great’s global trading system involves the merchandising of all manner of goods and services. It mentions finished goods, commodities, precious metals and “chariots and slaves and the souls of men.” Consider these low-tech words in a high-tech

application. “Chariots” would mean cars, trucks, SUVs, etc. “Slaves and souls of men” can mean the prostitution trade, but it has a much more salient application in our high-tech era. Consider the term “slaves” as applied to the millions of modern “debt-slaves” in Babylon the Great’s debt system. Interestingly, Revelation 18:23 foretold that Babylon the Great’s insiders would “deceive” all nations via “sorceries.” The Greek word translated “sorceries” is “pharmakeia,” from which we derive the word “pharmaceuticals” or “pharmacy.” The Greek word literally means “enchantment with drugs” (Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, see “sorcerer,” p. 916, subhead 8). This prophecy can mean actual drug addiction among the Wall Street Whiz Kids who invented these “deceitful” investment options, but there is another high-tech possibility. It is well-known that Big Pharma is one of the largest industry groups on Wall Street and one of the largest givers of campaign contributions to the “kings of the earth” (the elected officials of the USA) who then “return the favor” by passing laws benefiting Big Pharma (the Medicare Part D program, denying Medicare the right to buy drugs in bulk at discount prices, denying the right of the public to discharge outstanding medical bills in bankruptcy procedures, etc.). Big Pharma is, according to some articles one of the largest (if not the largest) purchaser of advertising time on American TV. Big Pharma is one of the largest industry groups in the modern capitalistic system of Babylon the Great, but Big Oil, Big Auto, Big Defense Contractors, Big Etc. all benefit copiously from a complicit Congress which dispenses official favors to the industry groups which give huge campaign contributions to members of Congress. All of this according to America/Babylon supporters affirms the accuracy of Revelation 18’s prophecy that the political and corporate leaders at the end of our age will be “in bed” with each other to mutually enrich themselves.

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